HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 05/29/2014 - Parks and Recreation CommitteePARKS AND RECREATON COMMITTEE Thursday, May 29, 2014 City Council Chambers - 12:00 noon In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Bob Petersen, Alderman Jeff Schaefer and Alderman Geoff Blake. City Staff in Attendance: City Administrator Derik Morefield, Deputy City Administrator Bill Hobson, Recreation Superintendant Cindy Witt and Athletic Program Coordinator Pattie Lunkenheimer. Also in Attendance: Chad Pieper, HR Green; Adam Nowoj, FGM Architects and Louise Kowalczyk, FGM Architects. The meeting was called to order at 12:02 pm. Public Input No one participated in Public Input. Discussion - Recreation Center Deputy City Administrator Hobson reviewed with the committee what Parks and Recreation staff and FGM Architects have accomplished with the concept plan and refining the budget for the recreation center. Mr. Hobson mentioned that we are still waiting to hear about the PARC Grant. Adam Nowoj reviewed the plans for the 18,500 recreation center with the future gym and expansion of the aquatic center. Mr. Nowoj mentioned how FGM Architects and Parks and Recreation staff looked at the needs and came up with a floor plan and site plan. City staff, FGM Architects and HR Green staff went on a field trip to see four other recreation centers. The site tours were at Wooddale Park District, Barrington Park District, Foglia YMCA in Lake Zurich and Arlington Heights Park District. Louise Kowalczyk reviewed the different schemes and options of the recreation center. Some of the goals of the facility were to make the building look timeless, good visibility, WOW factor, functional, comfortable and inviting. The final site plan will face the Municipal Center with the fitness center prominent, the parking parallel to the existing parking lot, future gym to the north and the multipurpose room to open to the patio. The gym location is on an angle because it cannot cross the lot line into Knox Park due to the OSLAD Grant. No indoor recreation can be built in Knox Park. The future gym would have 2 full size courts with a 3 lane walking track. The recreation center lobby has an angular lobby to add character to the building. Discussion was held to maybe move the control desk to the front of the building by the front door. Ms. Kowalczyk also mentioned some other priorities: fitness to be prominent, open lobby space, open corridor, fitness & dance rooms to share storage space, multipurpose room to be divided into three 700 square foot spaces with a warming kitchen and storage room, easy access to locker room/bathrooms and connection to future gym. There can also be future expansion to the multipurpose room, fitness room and fitness center. City Administrator Morefield mentioned that when touring the other facilities staff was able to see how some facilities had wasted space while others had compact but usable space. Dance/fitness area had hallway cubbies with benches. Alderman Petersen inquired as to what the hours would be for the fitness center. Mr. Hobson said the hours haven't been discussed yet but would probably be 5:00 am - 11:00 pm. Discussion was held as to have full or half lockers with room on top. Alderman Blake inquired as to how many jobs this would create. Mr. Hobson said the City would hire on an additional recreation programmer, fitness center manager and part time help for the front desk. Superintendant of Recreation Witt would oversee the building. Alderman Blake inquired as to where they would sign up for programs. Mr. Hobson said they could sign up at the control desk or kiosk located in the lobby. Alderman Peterson inquired about babysitting. It was decided it would be offered during the peak times at the fitness center/fitness classes. Alderman Blake mentioned that most dance classes are held in the evening and wondered if the dance room could be used during the day. Mr. Hobson said the dance room could be used for fitness classes, tumbling, etc. Staff will have creative and efficient scheduling. Alderman Schaefer asked if you could separate the square footage of the circulation, lounge and walls so you have a better idea of how big the lounge is. Ms. Kowalczyk said it could be broken out. Alderman Schaefer inquired if the roof pitch to middle is going to be problematic. Ms. Kowalczyk assured that drains would be in place to prevent problems. In reviewing the outside brick work, it was stated that the stone would tie in with the Municipal Center but will still be something different. Ms. Kowalczyk said the brick/stone would be something compatible with the Municipal Center. Mr. Hobson said the stone they selected would have the McHenry feel. Alderman Peterson has a fear that fitness will go away and we will not have that revenue coming in. Mr. Hobson stated that we will be leasing the fitness equipment so we will have the most current equipment and that if we do not have a large volume of members we can easily reduce the amount of equipment we are leasing. That space could also be used for programming if needed. Mr. Morefield mentioned that other districts have added equipment based on demand. Alderman Schaefer inquired if there will be racquet ball courts. Mr. Hobson said that racquet ball courts are not in the plans. Based on the budget, ideally we will open the doors and not be in debt. We are shooting for a family feel. We didn't want to start out too small with the fitness center. Mr. Pieper said the site plan had some challenges due to the restrictions of the OSLAD Grant. The recreation center cannot go over the lot line. Only outdoor recreation can be built over the lot line into Knox Park. Focus for the drainage swales are at the bottom of the hills. The parking lot will mirror the existing lot but will sit up higher. Alderman Schaefer asked if the two parking lots will connect. Mr. Pieper stated that you would need to go back to the access road to enter into the other parking lot. There will be a sidewalk running through to connect the two parking lots. A drop off space will be in front of the building. The plans show 50 parking spaces and 2 handicap parking spaces. They are still working on the landscape plans. We are hoping that the community would donate trees for this project. Mr. Hobson said he would buy the first tree. Mr. Pieper also mentioned the Grant for Bike Paths for $350,000. The bike path will run through Knox Park to Green Street depending on the route to tie in Knox Park and the Municipal Center. Alderman Peterson asked if the future parking lots would remain untouched. Maybe it could be used as an athletic field. Mr. Pieper said it depended on the grading. Mr. Hobson said maybe the gymnasium site can be graded out. Mr. Nowoj reviewed the budget. The fees are based on square footage (estimates). In the future we will start to itemize. We are currently carrying a 5% contingency for design and a 5% contingency for construction. The fitness equipment is based on buying the equipment. Alderman Schaefer inquired if the current furniture would stay at the Municipal Center, Mr. Hobson said it would and we would buy new for the recreation center but would bring over the computer equipment. Alderman Peterson suggested that we have electronic sign on the property. Alderman Schaefer wanted to know the grant timeframe. Mr. Pieper said they don't give a deadline, but since this is an election year it should be quicker. $2.5 million is the maximum we could receive. Mr. Hobson asked for their opinions on the direction of the recreation center so far. Alderman Peterson said the more he sees it the more he likes it. Alderman Blake said it is going in the right direction. Alderman Schaefer said looking at the limitations we have we are doing the best we can with what we have. He is concerned with the fitness aspect revenue generation with the competition. Alderman Blake tends to believe that the fitness center will be able to compete with other facilities. Alderman Schaefer likes having everything together. Mr. Morefield said we will have built in cliental. People will attend the fitness center while the children are in classes. Alderman Schaefer is worried about not building a gym right away. Alderman Blake said that we are being responsible with the money that we have. Mr. Hobson said that the gymnasium costs another $5 million. Alderman Peterson asked when the committee should meet again. Mr. Hobson said when we reach the 95% Design Development phase it would go before the city council which will be in July. Adjournment Motion by Schaeffer, seconded by Blake to adjourn the meeting. Aye: Peterson, Schaefer, Blake. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 1:46 pm. Re^spectfully submitted. Alderman RdUert J. Peterson, Chairman