HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/24/1991 - City CouncilSPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1991 A Recessed Special Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Busse on Monday, October 28, 1991 at 8:05 P.M. in the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Donahue, Locke, Lieder, Serritella, Patterson, Smith. Adams arrived at 10:15 P.M. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: Assistant to City Clerk Marth, Attorney Narusis, City Administrator Peterson, Park Director Merkel, Director of Building and Zoning Halik and Director of Public Works Batt. Absent: City Clerk Gilpin, Chief of Police Joyce. The Mayor announced that this Special Meeting was a continuation of the Public Hearing from September 30, 1991 for the purpose of considering the Petition for Annexation and Annexation Agreement of Capitol Bank & Trust, as Trustee under Trust #1496, the beneficiaries of which are Joseph Albert and Cragin Service Corporation, each with an undivided 50% interest in said Trust. The subject property consists of approximately 126.84 acres, is located on the east side of Crystal Lake Road, south of Marietta Street and west of the Chicago & North Western railroad tracks and is known as Albert's Park Ridge Estates. Mark Albert, representing Hawthorne Estates, Inc, the Developer of Albert's Park Ridge Subdivision, was in attendance along with his Attorney, Kenneth Glick, Land Planner Frank Salathe of Jen Land Design and Jim Condon of Smith Engineering. Since the audience public comments' portion of the Public Hearing was heard on September 30, 1991, a motion was made by Locke, seconded by Lieder, to allow the two residents who signed in this evening to again address the Council. Voting Aye: Bolger, Donahue, Lieder, Locke, Smith, Patterson, Serritella. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Adams. Motion carried. Ronna Crowley of 5215 Abbey Drive read a letter from her husband who was unable to be at the meeting to address the Council. He objected to the addition of more homes with children being added to the overcrowded schools and felt that the City should raise its Developer Donation fees to cover the cost of another school should this development proceed, and not raise City taxes to provide new schools and roads on this and other new developments. Marcy Fischbach of 4813 W. Crystal Lake Road addressed the Council stating that she represented the Kelter Street Association and felt that although the Council had addressed the school issue, it did not resolve the issue and also felt Developer Donation fees should be raised. She said she had heard that the Corps of Engineers had refused Ken Fiske's delineation of the wetlands on this development and wanted to know if this changed the planned development and how. Mayor Busse said that the boundaries of wetlands are not always clearly defined because the maps are not that accurate. Condon said he was not aware of any discrepancy with the Army Corps since the permit application has not been submitted to them yet. He believed that the Corps could not have possibly evaluated it since the final engineering has not been done. Mayor Busse moved on to the revised Annexation Agreement. Paragraphs 1 through 5: these were not changed. Paragraph , Preliminary Plat of Subdivision: now shows the revised a o6tober its, 199t Busse also re erenced the Memorandum dated October 18, 1991 from Jen Land Design (attached to the minutes herein) which addressed the revisions made to the Preliminary Plat. Paragraph 7, School, Park, Library Contributions and Fire Protection District: e paymen o Developer Donations was iscusse again relative to the riming of the payments on the one-half of the required contributions on those lots that are unbuilt in any particular phase at the 18th month an,! 36th month from the date of Final Plat approval for October 28, 1991 Page 2 that phase. The consensus was that these fees would be paid in accordance with the fee schedule ordinance in effect on the 18th month and on the 36th month based on a 3-bedroom home. If it turns out to be a 4-bedroom home, the difference would be paid to the City. Paragraph 8, Retained Personnel Fees: Unchanged. Paragraph 9, Annexation Fees: A fixed fee of $168,920.00 was esta6Tis�ie� ase on 1300 per acre plus E500 per unit. Should any phase be changed as to number of units, a supplement amount would be paid to the City. Para rah 10, Roads: Language to be changed to correspond with wording as sentence of paragraph should read "As part of the subdivision improvements the Owners will install a deceleration lane and a left turn lane at the intersection of Crystal Lake Road and Dartmoor Drive, or such other improvements in accordance with County of McHenry road standards.a underlined portion being added.) Paragraph 11, Bike Path: No change except that it is understood that the i6'Ke pat W1II— ee completed in each phase before the first occupancy permit is issued for that phase and be totally completed running from Crystal Lake Road to the Chicago 8 Northwestern tracks before an occupancy permit is issued for Phase 3. Park Director Merkel indicated that he had a meeting with NIPC the next day and believed that for better alignment with other bike paths, they may want the path to run along the North side instead of the South side of Dartmoor. Merkel will let the Petitioner and Council know. Peterson also stated that the construction standards for bike paths will be brought before the Council for approval and insertion into the Subdivision Control Ordinance before the construction of the bike path is started. The Petitioner agreed to construct the path according to these standards without knowing what they would be. Pagraph 12, Sewer and Water: No change except that it is undersrao a e Developer —wiM obtain all necessary easements, licensing agreements and permits to construct the sewer and water lines. Paragraph 13, Develop�ent in Phases: This paragraph to read "The Owners a perm e o su ivi�lhe property in not more than 4 phases, in 1, 2, 3, 4 order, as shown on the Preliminary Plat of Subdivision." (Underlined portion added.) Paragraph 14, Recapture for Sewer: Recapture fees shall be limited only o oversiiing and 0 al costs. 1s With WINED Recapture ee figure o shall e deleted In this is the wrong amount. No figure is to be mentioned, fee plus interest is due. Paragraph 16, Other Recapture Ordinances: No change. Paragraph 17, Underground Utilities: No change. Paragraph 18, Ordinance Changes: No change. Alderman Lieder left the meeting at 9:10 p.m. gyration: The �t that only that the Paragraph 19, Model Construction and Sales Office: No change in Subparagrapn A. Subparagraph B: The words "parkway trees" are to be eliminated. Lengthy discussion took place on the "landscaping of common areas" noted in this subparagraph. Questions were raised as to who maintains them, what landscape easement restrictions would be placed of record, who would enforce the maintenance or these easements and the rights and responsibility of the City ,i,r homeowner regarding these easements. Since these easements were included at the rear 10 feet of the lot dimensions which back up to Crysiai LaKe Road, other questions arose on the placement of fences. Motion by Smith, seconded by Dunah;fe, to approve the landscaping of common areas as presented with NO obliation or dedication of easement to the City for these landscapes areas, October 28, 1991 Page 3 Voting Aye: Bolger, Donahue, Serritella, Smith Voting Nay: Locke, Patterson. Absent: Lieder, Adams. Motion carried. Paragraph 20, Temporary Certificates of Occupancy After discussion it was a ermi� 1o�e e e is paragraph en ire y. Paragraph 21, Dedication Because of concerns over access to Outlot A parKian not beiiij—constructed until Phase 2 is begun, Phase 1 and 2 were reversed with Phase 1 to now include Oakton Court so that that portion of Dartmoor Drive to Loyola Drive will be constructed in the newly configured Phase 1, along with Loyola Drive and Loyola Court to Outlot A. (Phase 2 will now exclude Oakton Court and that portion of Dartmoor to Loyola.) Discussion took place on the amount of title insurance the Developer would obtain on the donation of the 49 acres to the City. An agreement was reached that the Developer would obtain $50,000 title insurance. Alderman Lieder returned to the meeting at 10:03 p.m. Mayor Busse called for recess at 10:10 p.m. Alderman Adams arrived at 10:15 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:20 p.m. with everyone still in attendance except Alderman Bolger, who left at 10:20 p.m. Paragraph 22, Reservation of Lots 210 and 211 Last line on page 11 "Paragr— a�6" should rem" Paragraph 6". First line on page 12, change "(Phase IV)." to "(Phase III)." Also the 8th line down on page 12, delete the words "with the consent of Owners." The sentence will now read "Said appraiser shall be selected by the City." 23. Erection of a Stop Light at Dartmoor and Crystal Lake Paragraph 24. Venue No change. Paragraph 25. Term of Agreement No change. Paragraph 26. Covenant Running With Land No change. Paragraph 27. Exculpatory No change. Railroad Crossing The remaining item of the railroad crossing was discusses length. Motion by Lieder, seconded by Patterson, that the Developer be assessed a 50% share of the costs for a railroad crossing at Dartmoor; that the money be deposited in an interest bearing account for a period of 20 years from the date of the Annexation Agreement; upon the expiration of 20 years, if a railroad crossing is not installed, the deposit together with the interest earned shall be paid back to the Developer or his designee. Voting Aye: Donahue, Lieder, Locke, Smith Adams, Patterson, Serritella. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Bolger. Motion carried. It was decided that the City would be the applicant for obtaining any permit needed for the crossing, if one is installed. The revised Annexation Agreement will be presented at the November 13, 1991 meeting for approval. October 28, 1991 Page 4 Motion by Smith, seconded by Adams to adjourn. Voting Aye: Donahue, Lieder, Locke, Smith Adams, Patterson, Serritella. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Bolger. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m. sistant to City ClerK yor