HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 09/30/1991 - City CouncilVEL1AL MLLI1NG
A Special Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by
Mayor Busse on Monday, September 30, 1991 at 8:00 P.M. in City Hall. At
roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Donahue, Locke,
Lieder, Smith, Adams. Patterson arrived at 8:26 P.M. Absent:
Serritella. City Staff in attendance were: City Clerk Gilpin, Attorney
Narusis, City Administrator Peterson, Park Director Merkel, Director of
Building and Zoning Halik.
Petitioner Mark Albert, representing Albert's Park Ridge Subdivision,
was in attendance along with his Attorney, Kenneth Glick, Land Planner
Frank Salathe of Jen Land Design and Jim Congdon of Smith Engineering.
Mayor Busse presented an overview of the petition for annexation from
the Capital Bank S Trust as Trustee under Trust Agreement #1496.
Beneficiaries of the Trust are Joseph Albert and Cragin Service
Corporation, each the owner of an undivided 50% interest in the Trust.
The property to be annexed contains 126.84 acres of land located on
the east side of Crystal Lake Road, south of Marietta Street and west of
the Chicago/Northwestern railroad tracks. The property is presently
vacant and unimproved, Petitioners are requesting an RS-2 Zoning
Classification and plan a subdivision of 211 lots. Average lot size
would be 12,135 square feet, a gross density of 1.66 units per acre, and
49.26 acres of open space, which would include wetlands, detention areas
and park areas, with 16.29 acres suitable for active park land.
Since this was a Public Hearing, five people in the audience wished
to address the Council on the annexation. The first to speak was Chris
Lawson of 1213 Capri, McHenry Shores. She expressed concern about
annexing any more property to the City because of additional traffic on
Crystal Lake Road, the overcrowded schools, and the lack of employment
for local people in the job market. She felt there were many unfinished
subdivisions in the City which had hones available and they should be
filled before any new developments are started.
The second person to speak was Marcy Fischback of 4813 W. Crystal
Lake Road, an adjacent property owner. She was concerned about the
effect of additional students on the school system, lot sizes, soil
management, swales, water run-off, and the traffic on Crystal Lake Road.
She felt the road should be widened with additional lanes to help carry
the traffic.
The next to speak was Lucy Fick, President of McHenry Elementary
School District #15. Her concern was the 211 hones that would be
generating children for a school system that was already overcrowded and
in debt. She asked that the City incorporate into the annexation
agreement, a donation of land for a new school and annexation fees for
the school district in addition to the regular developer donation fees.
The last to speak was Jerry Benes of 200 Nindridge. His concern was
the donation of land for bike paths and trails and for the traffic on
Dartmoor and Crystal Lake Roads. He was also concerned about the 5% tax
cap, whether it would allow the City to provide the infrastructure needed
for this and future annexations.
The Mayor felt that all of the questions raised by these citizens
would be answered during the Council's review of the annexation
Regarding a question on developer donation fees and contributions
toward the school, it was estimated that the Albert's Park Ridge
subdivision would generate approximately $425,000 for District #15, and
approximately $229,000 for School District #156.
Mrs. Fick said in the School District's estimation, an annexation of
this size would bring in approximately enough children to fill 1/4 of a
new school. They estimate that a new school building, including land,
would cost $6,000,000,000. She stated that if given land for a new
school, they would build another school on this property even though it
was within 2 1/Z blocks of Riverwood School. It could possibly become a
middle school building, she said.
September 30, 1991 Page 2
In answer to a question about water capacity to handle this new
subdivision, City Administrator Peterson reported that the Public Works
Committee proposed, and the Council approved in July of this year, an
Engineering Services Contract with Baxter & Woodman to locate additional
wells in the City to produce an additional 750 gallons per minute.
Baxter & Woodman are now in the process of doing test well locations, and
their findings will be brought to the Council for future construction of
two wells. Plans are to put the wells in first and hold off on the water
treatment facilities until it is determined that additional water supply
is needed. The staff is working with Baxter & Woodman to make sure that
water and sewer facilities will be available for new developments. At
the present time there is in excess of $2 million on hand to do these
In answer to another question, Condon of Smith Engineering reported
that development of this property will not impact on water drainage from
properties on the west side of Crystal Lake Road. Regarding Dartmoor, it
would be developed as a secondary street -residential with a 76 foot
right-of-way, which would include the parkway, bike path, sidewalk, and
pavement. The actual street pavement would be 42 feet wide. Aldermen
Lieder and Patterson also expressed concern about the impact on the
school system from this subdivision. The annexation agreement was then
reviewed paragraph by paragraph.
Page 3 Paragraph 6: Delete February 5, 1991 date and insert current
revised plat a es. ditional language will be added to this paragraph
based upon the City Attorney and the petitioner's attorney referencing
the preliminary plat by Exhibit number.
Page 4 P_ara2ra_ph 7: It was pointed out that developer donations can
be use y a sth c o 1s for other uses besides land acquisition. Attorney
Narusis explained such language has already been incorporated into our
existing ordinances. Concerning the cash donations from this property to
the schools, Mrs. Fick responded that the schools would like to have a
donation of land in addition to the developer donation fees. It was
pointed out that the school could use the money from the developer
donations to buy additional land. The Mayor noted that up until this
point, there has been no discussion or input from the schools as to a
request for a school site until just the last few days. The agreement as
proposed calls for cash contributions only.
Concerning donation of park land, the petitioners were donating 16.29
acres for a park site, and 32.97 acres for open space, wetlands, and
retention areas. The current ordinance requires that the petitioner
donate just 11 acres for park land.
Concerning a question of potential liability and environmental
problems on the property, Attorney Glick said his client would agree to
hold the City harmless with regard to existing conditions that might be
in violation of the USEPA or IEPA Rules and Regulations. On a question
of whether or not to specifically define the 16 acres of park land for
any municipal use or just for park use, the vote was as follows: Six
Aldermen voted to designate the 16 acres for use of any general municipal
purpose. Two Aldermen voted to designate 15 acres for park land and 1
acre for other general municipal purposes. The Aldermen felt they should
have the flexibility to use the land for whatever City purpose arises in
the future. It is fully intended to develop the 16 acres as park land,
but that could change in the future.
Page 5, Paragraph 9: Annexation fees would be $500 per acre, plus
$500 per unit or a total payment for annexation fees of $168,920.00,
payable within 90 days after approval of the annexation agreement by the
City Council, but at no time later than April 15, 1992.
Mayor Busse called for a recess at 9:40 P.M. The meeting reconvened
at 9:55 P.M. with everyone still in attendance.
Page 5, ragraph 10: Crystal Lake Road should be designated as a
Coun y roa Paan not a City road. The last sentence was to indicate that
access to Crystal Lake Road from any lot abutting it is prohibited,
except for lots 210 and 211. All other lots will have restricted access
to Dartmoor Drive.
September 30, 1991 Page 3
Discussion was held on the railroad crossing at Dartmoor. It was the
petitioner's understanding that a formula would be determined as to its
share of the costs of said crossing. The amount determined would be
placed in an escrow account which would bear interest to be held for a
period of 10 years. If at the end of the 10-year period the railroad
crossing was not put in, the funds together with the interest, would be
paid back to the petitioner. The question was raised as to obtaining the
necessary permits from the appropriate authorities for the railroad
crossing. It was the petitioner's feeling that a private developer would
have no chance at all of obtaining such a consent from the authorities,
and that it should be the City's obligation to obtain such a permit.
Mayor Busse said it should be determined who pays for the crossing, who
applies for the permit, who petitions the ICC, and who would install the
crossing. Alderman Lieder suggested the petitioner should get an
estimate of the cost for the railroad crossing, obtain a figure from our
City Attorney for anticipated legal fees, and those two numbers should be
inserted in the annexation agreement as a cost estimate. He felt the
City should make the application and start the process for a railroad
crossing, and have our City Attorney do the work through retained
personnel monies. A specific dollar amount should be put into the
annexation agreement at a 50/50 cost sharing.
Attorney Glick felt that the percentage suggested was out of line
because it is not going to help their subdivision to have Dartmoor Drive
going through into property zoned industrial and possibly having
industrial traffic coming through their subdivision. He felt the cost
sharing percentage should be substantially less based on who would be
using that extension of Dartmoor.
Page 5, Pa�ragra�phh 11: Insert language to the effect that the bike
path wiTi a nbs TTedon the south side of Dartmoor Drive through the
subdivision. Specifications on a Class 1 bike path will be sent to
Attorney Glick for his information. An additional sentence in Paragraph
11 should indicate that sidewalks and the bike path will be installed
before the first occupancy permit is issued on any phase of development
as Dartmoor is constructed."
Page 6, Paragraph 13: Insert that the property will be developed in
four phases. MarK Albert said the first phase would be along Crystal
Lake Road, and they would cane back with a phasing plan to show how and
when access would be made to the park area.
Page 6, Paragraph 14: The language will be changed to meet the
stanaa� agreemen that the City has on recapture agreements, which is
that the costs and the territory to be effected will be determined by the
City Engineer.
Page 7, Paragraph 16: Delete "prior to development".
Pagge�� �9, Paragraph 19b: Should indicate that all requirements of the
subdivis�n control ordinance must be met.
Kenneth Glick wanted to clear up the language on the sign -off and
will confer with Attorney Narusis as to a hold harmless agreement to be
signed by the owner on temporary occupancies.
Pa a 9, Paragraph 21: The Council requested language that would
dedicate a par an immediately to the City with appropriate easements
to access that park property if it is not done in the first phase of
development. The petitioners said they would return with a phasing plan
which would define the standards for the parking lot and when the park
access would be in place. Also in Paragraph 21, the parking areas should
be for 12 automobiles instead of 10.
Page 9, Paragraph 22: Last sentence on the page, instead of "water
tower language should indicate that it should be for municipal
purposes. Also clarify language that only lots 210 and 211 can access
onto Dartmoor Drive.
Paae 10, Para raph 22: Delete all references to construction of a
water tower an inser anguage to indicate it will be used for municipal
September 30, 1991 Page 4
Page 10, Paragraph 23: Concerning the cost sharing percentage that
the petitioner should pay for installation of a stop light at Dartmoor
and Crystal Lake Road, it was suggested that an estimate of the cost for
installation of that light be obtained by the petitioner and a percentage
determined as to the petitioner's share. The petitioner's money could be
put into an interest bearing escrow account and if the traffic signal is
not installed within 10 years, the money would be returned to the
petitioner. Alderman Lieder suggested a 25% cost sharing. The 25% share
would be payable within 90 days after the execution of the annexation
agreement. It was determined that the petitioner should get the
estimated cost of the traffic signal installation and then submit it to
Baxter 8 Woodman for approval.
A question arose on the need for fencing along the railroad tracks.
The petitioners did not believe that a six-foot chain link fence along
the railroad right-of-way was justified by ordinance or by practicality.
They felt some justification for a fence abutting lot 211 could be made
if lot 211 is improved with a single family residence. However, the
balance of the chain link fence north of Dartmoor along the open space,
wetland, detention area, they felt was not justified. The Mayor said he
had no strong feelings about construction of the fence. Alderman Lieder
felt that if a house was built on Lot 211, it would be up to the property
owners to construct a fence and if, at a later time, it was determined
that a fence was needed along the park land, that the City should install
Concerning a landscaping plan, the petitioner said they would prepare
a landscape plan and present it at the next meeting on this annexation
Mayor Busse announced this Public Hearing would be recessed until
Monday, October 28 at 8:00 P.M. to review the annexation agreement as
Motion by Smith, seconded by Adams, to recess the meeting until
Monday, October 28 at 8 P.M. in the Municipal Center Council Chambers.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Donahue, Lieder, Locke,
Smith, Adams, Patterson, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
The meeting recessed at 11:59 P.M.