HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 08/29/1984 - City CouncilSPECIAL MEETING
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1984 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Stanek called to order a Special Meeting of the City Council
Council on Wednesday, August 29, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. in City Hall. At Meeting
roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Busse, Datz, Attendance
McClatchey, Nolan, Smith, Snell, Serritella. Absent: None. City
staff in attendance were Clerk Gilpin and Attorney Narusis.
A Special Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. for the
purpose of discussing bids on the Well Pump and Well House for Well
No. 7. The 8:00 P.M. meeting was called for the purpose of dis-
cussing a proposed agreement between Great American Salvage Corpo-
ration and the City of McHenry for co-sponsorship and feasibility
study on a landfill site for the disposal of municipal solid waste,
sewage sludge and septic sludge.
Mayor Stanek explained that four bids had been received on
the Well Pumps for Well No. 7 and representatives of the four
companies were asked to be in attendance at this meeting. Also a
representative of Baxter & Woodman was asked to be in attendance,
but none of the people were in the audience at the time of this
meeting. The council therefore decided to defer any action on
awarding a Well Pump bid until the next meeting when these
representatives could be in attendance.
Motion by Serritella, seconded by Busse, to award the bid
for the Well House to Seagren/Shales, Inc. in the low bid amount of
$98,000.00 as recommended by Baxter & Woodman in their letter of
August 16, 1984.
Voting Aye: Bolger•, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan, Smith,
Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Mayor Stanek declared a recess at 7:42 P.M. The meeting
reconvened at 8:04 P.M. At roll call the following Aldermen were
present: Bolger, Nolan, Datz, Busse, McClatchey, Smith, Snell,
Serritella. Also in attendance were representatives of Great
American Salvage Corporation (GAS); G. Robert Price, President of
GAS; Dharam V. Punwani, Associate Director of Chemical Processing
Research for the Institute of of Gas Technology (IGT); Edward J.
Hammer, President of E.J. Hammer & Associates; Donald F. Stazy, a
staff geologist and consultant; George Rowland, an engineer and
Robert Grable, an Attorney for GAS, Inc. Also in attendance were a
large number of citizens from Edgebrook Subdivision, St. Pauls
Avenue, McHenry County Defenders and other interested persons.
Mr. Price explained that the Lanfilgas Project was
presented to the Council at a Special Meeting on August 8, 1984. He
summarized the project which was presented at that time so that the
persons in attendance would have background on the proposed test
site project. He explained that GAS, Inc. had approached the City
to conduct a research project which would involve scaling up a
process from the bench level to the pilot level. This project would
be known as a Lanfilgas Project.
GAS, Inc. was proposing to the City that it would work with
them in terms of being a co-sponsor on this research. While this
research was going on, GAS Inc. would also like to undertake a
feasibility study to determine if they could identify a site which
would serve for a commercial facility assuming that the research
indicates that a commercial facility should be established. This
would be done at no risk and no cost to the City, according to Price.
If proven that the process is successful and should go
onto the commercial stage, Price said they were talking about
property that would be within a certain radius of the City of
McHenry, probably somewhere within 50 to 60 miles He also
detailed revenues that would be available to the City if a
commercial facility was established.
Coun. Mtg
Special &
Water Dept.
& Sludge
Bid Award
Water Dept
Wednesday, September 29, 1984
page 2
Sludge A lengthy question and answer period took place between the
Management Aldermen and representatives of GAS and IGT. It was decided to
review the co-sponsorship and feasibility study agreement page by
page with Attorney Narusis.
Motion by Snell, seconded by Nolan, that the City of
McHenry enter into a co-sponsorship and feasibility study agreement
with GAS, Inc. as amended.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, Nolan, Smith, Snell.
Voting Nay: McClatchey, Serritella.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Members of the audience expressed displeasure with the
possibility of locating the demonstration test site at Knox Park.
Bolger requested that GAS, Inc. withdraw any thought of using Knox
Park for a demonstration site. Mr. Price agreed to do so.
Sludge Motion by Smith, seconded by Serritella, to eliminate Knox
Management Park or any other Park area in the City of McHenry for consideration
as a demonstration site for the lanfilgas process.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Nolan, Smith, Snell, Serritella,
Voting Nay: Datz.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Motion by Smith, seconded by McClatchey, to adjourn.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, Nolan, McClatchey, Smith,
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M.
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