HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 08/24/1992 - City CouncilSPECIAL MEETING
Monday, August 24, 1992
A Special Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by
Mayor Busse on Monday, August 24, 1992 at 7:35 p.m. in the Municipal
Center Council Chambers. At roll call the following Aldermen were
present: Bolger, Donahue, Lieder, Locke, Smith, Serritella, Patterson.
Absent: Adams. City Staff in attendance: Assistant to City Clerk
Marth, City Administrator Peterson, City Attorney Narusis, Director of
Building and Zoning Labaito. Absent: City Clerk Gilpin, Director of
Public Works Batt, Park Director Merkel and Police Chief Joyce. Also in
attendance was Erika Ryl, Court Reporter.
The Mayor announced that this meeting was a continuation of the
Public Hearing deliberations on the Knox -Busch Annexation Petition, which
was recessed June 3, 1992 to July 20, 1992 and again to this date.
Attorney Thomas Rupp who represented the Petitioners was present along
with Ted Johnson of Thompson Dyke & Assoc., LTD, Planning Consultants.
The petition before the City Council concerned the annexation and
zoning of sixty-nine acres of land located on the northeast and northwest
corners of Bull Valley Road and South Green Street. The Mayor reported
that at the June 3 hearing, reports from the Plan Commission and Zoning
Board of Appeals were presented with no favorable recommendation being
given by either.
The Mayor asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak on the
Annexation Petition before the Council. There was no response.
The Petitioners' Concept Plan has been amended several times as
Single Fam. (RS-2)
Open Space
Single Fam. (RS-2)
Cluster Condominium (RM-1)
Office/Commercial (C-3)
Office (0-1)
Existing Road R-O-W
Bull Valley R-O-W Corridor
Open Space (2.5 Ac. Park
& 14 Ac. Wetlands)
Single Fam. (RS-2)
Cluster Condo. (RM-1)
Office/Commercial (C-3)
Office (0-1)
Open Space (park)
Bull Valley Corridor
.25 FAR
.50 FAR
This second revised concept plan increased the single family and
office areas and decreased the multi -family and commercial areas.
August 24, 1992
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On August 4, 1992, the City received correspondence from Michael P.
Magnuson, Assistant McHenry County Highway Department Engineer regarding
the Busch -Knox Concept Plan as it relates to the dedication of
right-of-way for the proposed Bull Valley Road corridor. In that letter,
Mr. Magnuson made the following comments:
1. Only two points of access would be allowed to the new roadway;
one located approximately 475 feet west of Green St. and one
located approximately 550-600 feet west of the east property
line (east of Green St).
2. It was their understanding that all of the property between the
proposed north right-of-way line and the south right-of-way line
of the existing Bull Valley Road would be dedicated. The
proposed .8 acre "single family residential (RS-2)" portion
falls within that proposed dedication and it was the County's
intention to use that area as detention/wetland mitigation.
3. It is also the County's understanding that once the right-of-way
is obtained and dedicated over to the County, the County Highway
Department would assume maintenance jurisdiction over the
right-of-way of the proposed roadway. The existing Bull Valley
Road and associated connector roadways would be the
responsibility of the City of McHenry and Nunda Township where
4. The City still needs to acquire right-of-way through other
properties and the County still has to complete engineering and
obtain funding. The County cannot therefore, commit to a
construction date. Access will not be allowed until after it is
constructed. Both right -turn lanes and left -turn lanes will be
required at both access locations and will be developer's
responsibility for cost and construction.
5. The County believes that in order to mitigate any intrusions
into the wetland area, the remaining high quality wetlands would
have to be placed under public/government control, such as a
park district or the City. They would hope that this was the
intention of both the developer and the City.
During further lenghty discussion and review of this latest concept
plan, the following comments were made by the City Council:
- For clarification purposes, any "curb cuts" or "access points"
referred to in a proposed Annexation Agreement would mean the
same for definition purposes.
- Alderman Smith said that it looked like if Valley Road (in Green
Valley Subdivision) is not extended southerly, two single family
lots would be land -locked and the access road off the proposed
Bull Valley Road would dead end. Ted Johnson said they would
then reduce the number of single family lots and cul-de-sac the
access road, but he believed the extension of Valley Road would
occur. Smith said he would like to see something meaningful and
not dependent on whether a road was built. Johnson stated that
two concept plans could be made - one that would show
development if the extension was not put in and a second plan
with that road extended. Smith also commented on the fact that
one of those single family land -locked lots was located in the
eastern portion of the wetland mitigation area and he preferred
that an adjustment be made so that if residential units had to
be eliminated, it would be multi -family and not single family
- Alderman Patterson expressed his concerns over what the height
of the office buildings would be and that line -of -sight would be
obstructed from the new Municipal Center if these buildings were
multiple -storied. He asked if staff had studied the question.
Peterson said that certainly height would be one aspect of the
plan. The office/commercial areas shown encompass something
over 302,000 square feet and in mass, compared to the Municipal
Center's 41,000 square feet, would be approximately seven
2-story buildings. Peterson said that if the Council felt
height was a concern, height restrictions could be put into the
Annexation Agreement. Peterson also said that there is a trade
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off in permitting higher buildings. Consideration should be
given to the fact that the higher the building, the more open
space you would have. Patterson said that buildings taller than
the Municipal would detract from the Center and asked that
modifications be made to the plan which would not allow more
than single story buildings on certain elevations. Busse
reminded the Alderman that the Council could have architectural
review for the non-residential properties.
- Alderman Bolger again expressed his concerns over the proposed
office/commercial area still shown on the northeast corner of
Green and Bull Valley. He felt that was not a place for
commercial development because of the possible danger in the
traffic flow at that corner and hoped that some change could be
made. Busse also expressed the same concern and pointed out
that the Council could restrict the commercial uses to those
that are ancillary to office use thus limiting traffic coming
off Green St. into the office complex. Peterson said these
concerns had been pointed out to the Petitioners with some
thought of moving the commercial area to the west side of the
street (shown as a 2.2 acre park and lake), with the proposed
lake being kept in private ownership rather then in public
ownership. Then the northeast corner could be open space.
- Patterson said he did not want to see office/commercial on the
northwest corner, but wanted the park/lake area to remain.
Smith also felt it was a bad trade-off. Smith said we should
not trade off something that all the Aldermen felt was a good
idea - the park/lake on the northwest corner of Green and Bull
Valley Road. It was the east side that was the problem, not the
west side. Lieder also wanted the northwest corner to stay as
- Lieder mentioned that with the development of more commercial
areas on Route 31 - Bull Valley Road and the increase of
traffic, he thought it would make more sense to have the
office/commercial in closer proximity to that traffic area and
move the multi -family back where the office/commercial is shown
(west of Green St.). Busse felt that would pose a problem with
only one access point which would then be in the residential
section with people driving through to get to the
office/commercial. He believed that a frontage road would have
to be constructed along the north end or along Bull Valley Road
either way. Lieder said that visually, looking at it from the
Municipal Center, it would be more attractive to look at a well
developed multi -family area as opposed to the backs of
commercial buildings. This would also make the residential
closer to the proposed park area on Green Street allowing the
residents to take advantage of it. Ted Johnson said that
office/commercial must have direct access where residential does
- Serritella said she felt there was a problem in not being able
to get another access road from Bull Valley Road, west of
Green. In mixing different zoning uses as is suggested, without
direct access to each, she believed residents would not want to
pull off onto a frontage road and then through the office area
to get to their homes. She questioned whether something
couldn't be done to get another access road.
- Donahue, referring to the property east of Green, commented that
she wanted to see the current concept plan retained as she was
happy with the cluster -condominiums now shown fronting on Bull
Valley Road, transcending to the single family homes to the
- Referring back to the office/commercial proposed for the
northeast corner of Green Street, Smith felt that because of the
retention/detention lake located there, much of the 1.8 acre
parcel would be taken up with landscaping and the lake, which
would somewhat restrict the number and size of the commercial
use. He believed that the City should decide on what side of
Green Street the bigger of the two lakes would be located.
Narusis asked if it was the intention of the owners to construct
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two bodies of water. Johnson answered that currently, the
Annexation Agreement does call for a permanent pond/lake on the
northwest park parcel if engineeringly feasible. The concept
plan showing two are conceptual only. Busse reminded the
Aldermen of the recent discussions on the issue of the
retention/detention pond east of Target, which had now become a
regional detention facility. He said this same kind of thing
ought to be addressed up front before the annexation for reasons
that the RM-1, 0-1 and C-3 properties on the west side of Green
Street and conversely on the east side, could all collect to one
point which would be those ponds. The bigger issue is who would
maintain them and will they be under private ownership with some
restrictions on the development.
Bolger said he was still not satisfied that the northeast corner
issue of office/commercial use had been resolved. Bolger said
he could not support an agreement if that is not removed. He
said the best part of that area was given for the road
right-of-way with the rest of it going right into the wetland.
He said he represents the people of McHenry Shores who don't
want commercial on that corner and leaving it commercial would
create too many problems. For clarification, Busse asked Bolger
if what he was saying was that any use of a commercial nature be
omitted and the area be strictly office use all the way to the
corner. Bolger said that was right. Busse asked if others
agreed with Bolger. Patterson agreed stating that he would like
to see the southern portion of the corner remain open space with
at least a 150 foot setback from the proposed road. Donahue
said she could support the office use in this area because
Petitioners agreed to define in the Annexation Agreement the
five or six intended ancillary office/commercial uses for this
parcel. Serritella said she agreed with Patterson that there
should be a rather large set -back so that there would be more
green space at that corner. Lieder was afraid that limiting the
northeast corner to five or six uses would result in buildings
of a different nature being built then those being built in the
northern portion, resulting in a strip mall, which he was sure
the people of McHenry Shores would not appreciate. Lieder said
if the Council approves of the architectual design and limits
the uses, be believed that the concerns of the Council would be
addressed. Locke agreed with Aldermen Patterson and Bolger.
Alderman Smith asked for some clarification on what was meant by
"no commercial." Busse stated that there were two positions
being taken: Alderman Bolger's position is that there be no
commercial on the east side of Green Street, only office; the
second position being taken is that the property on the east
side be zoned with an office use, however allow five or six (to
be determined) office -type commercial uses with it being
developed as an Office Park. Smith then said he agreed with
Bolger - no commercial - as long as they could use the parcel
for office purposes. Serritella said she could support
office/commercial zoning with very limited commercial uses.
Peterson read from the Zoning Ordinance the permitted uses in
0-1 and 0-2, which showed that there were some retail uses in
the 0-2 zoning classification. Busse then asked the Council for
some direction for the Petitioners to follow on the land use
Motion by Smith, seconded by Patterson, that the portions shown in
orange (on the site plan), as they are situated, be "O-1" as stated in
the Zoning Ordinance with no commercial uses.
Voting Aye: Locke, Serritella, Patterson, Smith.
Voting Nay: Lieder, Donahue, Bolger.
Absent: Adams.
Motion carried.
Busse stated that this motion was directional only and that at the
time of finalizing the annexation agreement, a vote of six would be
required on a similar motion.
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Mayor Busse called for a recess at 9:25 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 9:37 p.m. with everyone still in attendance.
Rupp acknowledged the Council's stated concerns and additional
discussion followed on variations of the site plan with the possibility
of an "0-2" zoning proposed for the northern half of the parcel east of
Green Street, but with very restricted "0-2" uses, and open spaces on
both southermost sides of Green Street with the configuration to be
determined based on line -of -sight and engineering.
Rupp said he would have another site plan prepared for the next
meeting with a typical commercial layout shown with open space set -backs
labeled for further discussion. It was also suggested that he make a
list of their acceptable 110-2" uses that can also be used for further
discussion and what they propose for the "C-3" 1.9 acre office/commercial
parcel on the west side of Green Street.
Motion by Smith, seconded by Patterson, to recess the Knox -Busch
hearing to Monday, September 28, 1992 at 7:30 p.m.
Voting Aye: Lieder,
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: Adams.
Motion carried.
Locke, Donahue, Bolger, Serritella, Patterson,
The Mayor asked for approval of the August 12, 1992 City Council
Minutes in order to provide a certified copy to Phil Grossman who had a
scheduled closing before the next Council Meeting on the Target purchase
of property south of McCullom Lake Road.
Motion by Locke, seconded by Patterson, to approve the August 12,
1992 City Council Minutes as presented.
Voting Aye: Lieder, Locke, Donahue, Bolger, Serritella, Patterson,
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: Adams.
Motion carried.
Motion by Smith, seconded by Patterson, to adjourn the meeting.
Voting Aye: Lieder, Locke, Donahue, Bolger, Serritella, Patterson,
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: Adams.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
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