HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 04/02/1984 - City CouncilRDG[;2,AR MEETING
MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1984 7:30 P.M.
The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was
called to order by Mayor Stanek on Monday, April 2, 1984 at 7:30
P.M. in City Hall. At roll call the following aldermen were pre-
sent: Bolger, Nolan, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Smith, Snell,
Serritella. Absent: None. City staff in attendance were Supt.
Halvensleben,Attorney Narusis, Clerk Gilpin, Chief Pasenelli,
Park Director Merkel.
Motion by Nolan, seconded by Serritella, to accept the
minutes of the March 19, 1984 Regular Meeting as presented.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Nolan, Busse, Datz, McClatchey,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
A Public Meeting to discuss community development hous-
ing needs for 1984 was raised by Mayor Stanek. He mentioned that
discussion on community development housing needs was necessary
as a part of -the grant application being made to the Illinois
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a new water
tower to be constructed in the southern part of the City.
Following discussion between the Mayor and Aldermen, Mayor Stanek
declared that he would submit a letter to DCCA outlining the
facts which have been discussed at this meeting.
Notion by Nolan, seconded by Datz, to concur with the
Zoning Board of Appeals recommendation and pass an ordinance
approving an amendment of the special use as requested by Bertram
L. Miner and Lloyd Berhoff for property commonly known as Royal
Terrace Nursing Home (formerly Carestoel Nursing Hare)
contingents upon two specifications. 1. That the Petitioners
will be required to provide a minimum of 120 parking spaces and
2. That the berm located at the corner of Oakwood and Royal
Drives should not be disturbed.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Motion by Smith, seconded by Bolger, to publish the
above ordinance in pamphlet Form.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Notion by Smith, seconded by Snell, to defer action
on the sign variation request of Oxford Realty Group until the
next meeting.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Notion by Bolger, seconded by Nolan, to pass the
following resolutions:
1. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of
$27,078.00 or so much thereof as may be
necessary, from any money now or hereafter
alloted to the City under the provisions of
the Motor Fuel Tax Law (F.A.U. Fund), to pay
for1.2 intermittent sidewalk construction &
parkway restoration etc.
Council Mtg.
Grants &
Water Dept.
Sign Permits
Monday, April 2, 1984
Page 2.
2. That the City of McHenry does hereby request
the sum of $82,022.00 of its F.A.U. Ironies
be designated and transferred for use in the
McHenry F.A.U. sidewalk project.
3. That it is the intent of the City of McHenry
to approve the use of enough of its Federal
Aid Urban Funds to pay 75.18% of the actual
cost of said sidewalk construction along Elm
Street, and that said City authorize the
Illinois Department of Transportation to make
whatever final adjustment is necessary to
accomplish this intent, either through a
supplemental transfer of Federal -Aid Urban
Funds to the Federal -Aid Primary Fund or an
appropriate credit to the City of McHenry's
unobligated FAU balance: if the final cost
proves to be less than $45,000.00.
4. That there is hereby appropriated the sum
of $27,078.00 for the improvement of said
sidewalk project from the municipality's
of Motor Fuel Tax Funds. Voting Aye:
Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Notion by Bolger, seconded by Snell, to pass a resolu-
Resolutions tion recognizing Brake Parts Company for its contribution to the
Economic Development of the City of McHenry.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent.: None.
Motion carried.
Resolutions Notion by Nolan, seconded by Datz, to pass a resolution
Grants authorizing the City to apply for a grant under the terms and
conditions of the State of Illinois (:cm mity Developmrent Assist -
Water Dept. ance Program for construction of a new water tower in the City of
Improvements McHenry.
Voting_ Aye: Bolger, Busse,, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Water Dept. Notion by Bolger, Seconded by Nolan, to authorize the
Authorizations drilling of a water test hole on the Malibu Playground area which
is the projected site of Well No. 8 with the drilling to be done
by Joseph H. Huemann & Sons at an estimated cost of $3,465.00.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse,, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Serritella.
Voting Nay: Snell.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Sale of City Notion by Nolan, seconded by Datz, to pass
Property Ordinances authorizing the City to advertise for bids on the
Royal Terrace (Carestoel) Lot and for the two lots in Orchard
Heights Subdivision and to authorize approval of the real estate
sale contract as submitted by Attorney Narusis.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Monday, April 2, 1984 Page 3
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Notion by Datz, seconded by Bolger, to pass an ordi- Subd. Control
nance amending the Subdivision Control Ordinance to incorporate Ordinance
the preliminary and final plat checklists as recommended by
Baxter & Woodman and AttorneY Narusis.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Notion by Smith, seconded by McClatchey, to extend the
agreement with Illinois Bell Telephone Co. for 90 days while Agreements
negotiations are taking place between the Illinois Municipal
League and Illinois Bell Telephone Co. for franchise fees.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith„ Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Smith, to pass an ordi- Grants
nance authorizing and approving execution of a Consultants C & NW
Services Agreement and Capital Grant Agreement in connection with Transportation
the couaater parking lot grant project and to authorize the Mayor
and Clerk to sign the agreement as presented.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: none.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Notion by Busse, seconded by Bolger, to authorize and Public Works
approve the purchase of a medium sized skid loader fran Freund Purchases
InQlement Co. and a trailer from Adams Brothers with payment to
be made from the Revenue Sharing Fund after May 1, 1984.
Voting Aye: Datz, Busse, Nolan, Bolger.
Voting Nay: Serritella, Snell, Smith, Mcclatchey.
There being a tie vote Mayor Stanek declared an Aye vote and
declared the motion carried.
Motion by Busse, seconded by Nolan, to increase the
Liquor License Fees for 1984-85 as proposed by the Finance
Notion by Bolger, seconded by Snell, to table the above Liquor Cont.
motion until the next meeting.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan, Licenses
Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: Smith.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Notion by Datz, seconded by McClatchey, to contract Insurance &
with Blue Cross/Blue Shield for the City's Health Insurance Employees
Policy effective as soon as possible.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Voting Nay: Smith, Serritella.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Mayor Stanek called for a recess at 9:28 P.M. The
meeting reconvened at 9:40 P.M. with everyone still in attend-
Notion by Datz, seconded by Nolan, to authorize the Parks-Auth,etc.
drafting of specifications for blacktopping two parking lots in Pub. Property
Petersen Park and to advertise for bids on the blacktopping job. Purchases &
Voting Aye: Bolger,, Busse, Datz, Mc-Clatchey, Nolan, Repairs
Monday, April 2, 1984
Page 4
Voting Nay: None.
Absent.: None.
Motion carried.
Snell, Serritella.
Pub. Property Notion by Smith, seconded by Serritella, to authorize
Purchases & the Supt. of Public Works to take whatever action necessary to
Repairs see that a new steering wheel is installed on the fire truck in
the Pearl Street Park Playground.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse,, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Notion by McClatchey, seconded by Smith, to authorize
Pol. Dept. and approve the installation of a burglar alarm on the alarm
Misc. board in the Police Department for the Fashion Shoppe and the
installation of an additional fire alarm circuit on the Police
board for the Northern Illinois Medical Center new Hospital
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, Mc-Clatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Proclama- Mayor Stanek proclaimed April "Spruce Up for Spring"
tions month and urged all residents and businesses to cleanup and
improve outdoor areas in their vicinity.
Notion by Serritella, seconded by Snell, to authorize
and approve the following tag days for 1984: Helping Paws - June
16th; McHenry Girls Pigtail League - May 26th; Hornets Junior
Tag days Football League of McHenry - August 25th; McHenry County Tumble-
weeds - November loth; and Phi Alpha Chapter Beta Sigma Sorority
August 18th.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Purchases Park ;Director Merkel reported that two price quotations
Park Dept. had been received for a chest/freezer for the Petersen Park Con-
cession Stand. Lee & Ray submitted prices of $556.00 for a 23.2
cubic foot freezer and $666.00 for a 26 cubic foot freezer. Carey
Appliance submitted a price of $495.100 for a 20.8 cubic foot
freezer and $575.00 for a 26 cubic foot freezer.
Motion by Snell, seconded by Busse, to authorize and
Purchases approve the purchase of a 26 cubic foot freezer fran Carey
Park Dept. Appliance at a cost of $575.00.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Ordinances Motion by Snell, seconded by Smith, to amend Section
21.36 of the Municipal Code by changing the minimum deposit there
Streets in described for cutting of the road%ays from $50.00 to $250.00.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Coun. Mtgs. Notion by Nolan, seconded loy Bolger, to go into execu-
Executive tive session at 10:38 P.M. for the u o
1� rpose of discussing pending
Session litigations and possible acquisition.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Monday, April 2, 1984 Page 5
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Nolan, to go back into
open session at 11:10 P.M.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Notion by Bolger, seconded by Datz, to authorize
Attorney Narusis to contact the Max Wildman Law Firm and retain
its services to represent the City of McHenry in the Tutera
lawsuit against the City of McHenry.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClatchey, Nolan,
Smith,, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Motion by Smith, seconded by McClatchey, to adjourn.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Busse, Datz, McClat:chey, Nolan,
Smith, Snell, Serritella.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M.