HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 07/23/2019 - Economic Development Commission ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING NOTICE DATE: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 TIME: 4:00 p.m. PLACE: McHenry Municipal Center (City Council Chambers - Main Entrance) 333 South Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 AGENDA The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Welcome and Introductions 5. Approval of Meeting Minutes dated June 25, 2019 6. Public Input - (five minutes total) 7. Committee Reports: a. Business Recognition Committee (Mrachek, Wolf) b. Outreach and Engagement (Bremer, Tenuto, Martin) c. Relationship Building (Schaefer, Pfeifer) d. Development Committee (Jessup, Bionda) 8. Strategic Economic Development Plan a. Open Discussion on Objectives / Deliverables b. Dependencies c. Dates and Communication 9. Partner Committee Reports a. Riverwalk Foundation b. Chamber of Commerce c. Downtown Business Association d. Special Events Committee e. Landmark Commission f. Planning & Zoning Commission 10. Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting Date is Tuesday, September 24, 2019 11. Adjourn City of McHenry Economic Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes June 25, 2019 Chairman Jessup called the June 25, 2019 special meeting of the City of McHenry Economic Development Commission to order at 4:00 p.m. In attendance were the following: Bionda, Bremer, Jessup, Mrachek, and Tenuto. Absent: Pfeifer, Sterwerf, Schaefer and Jett. Also in attendance were: Director of Economic Development Martin and Economic Development Coordinator Wolf. Commissioner Jessup welcomed new and prior members to the Commission and asked them to introduce themselves. Public Comment: Mr. Greg Denny, Business Development Director for Deigan & Associates, Environmental Consultants located in Lake Bluff, Illinois, requested the Economic Development Commission consider allowing his company to make a formal presentation to them regarding how they can help coordinate and/or be a resource for future development projects in the City. Approval of Minutes Motion by Mrachek, seconded by Bionda, to approve the March 26, 2019 Regular Meeting minutes of the Economic Development Commission, as presented: Voting Aye: Jessup, Mrachek, Bionda. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: Bremer, Tenuto. Abstaining: None. Absent: Pfeifer, Schaefer, Sterwerf, and Jett. Motion carried 3-0. Review of Draft Economic Development Plan Commissioner Jessup explained the draft Economic Development Plan prepared by Director Martin as a result of the SWOT Analysis initiatives and asked for comment. Commissioner Tenuto liked the way the plan was broken down and noted that pride and passion of the residents in McHenry is an asset and unique in the County. Commissioner Bremer is looking forward to partnering with the Commission and liked the direction noted in the draft plan. Commissioner Jessup then identified the strategic initiatives noted in the SWOT Analysis as action items to guide the Commission’s actions in the future. Putting subcommittees together and including other representatives from the community is a key goal of the Commission in order to be more effective. The process of defining committee structure was discussed. Building relationships with key influencers in the County is something all Commissioners and future sub-committee members can do to help build the City’s economy. EDC Business cards identifying the ED department, Mayor Jett and the Commission members were distributed to all present. Commissioner Jessup spoke on the marketing initiative and how we can get the marketing videos that were made last year out to key influencers, developers, tourists, etc. as a way to introduce McHenry Economic Development Commission June 25, 2019 Page 2 and everything it has to offer! Director Martin suggested Commission members might look up an initiative done by the St. Charles, Missouri EDC called the Monday Morning Minute. Discussion ensued regarding social media and stories to be shared as a marketing tool and how the Commission can help City staff get the word out! The four committees identified in the SWOT Analysis and the proposed action steps identified were discussed. Prior Commission meeting notes were asked to be distributed for discussion. Implementing a Social Media Policy was discussed as well as the possibility of simply not responding at all to anything Commission members might be tagged in negative ways on their personal social media accounts. Commissioner Bremer shared the policy that is followed by the School Board in regard to social media posts. When asked for input, Director Martin stated it is important to relay a unified message and Commissioners responding separately to social media posts as representatives of the Commission may not lead to a unified message. It was agreed by all present that discussion on the social media process would fall under the direction of the Outreach and Engagement Committee. In the interim, it was agreed and directed that while a policy decision is being formalized by the Outreach and Engagement Committee, members of that Committee only, along with Staff, will control any posts and marketing mechanisms that go out publicly from the EDC and the remainder of the Commission members will not respond to any social media posts created and posted from the EDC or to responses from the public to those posts. Commissioner Tenuto asked for clarification to be given of the role of Commission members in regard to their representation of the Economic Development Commission, perhaps in the form of bylaws. Commissioner Bremer made an effort to clarify how and when Commission Members might represent the EDC as Commission members versus as a resident, parent, or business owner in the community and suggested clarifying any discussions as being made in each person’s own personal opinion. Formation of Committees: Business Recognition; Outreach and Engagement; Relationship Building; and Development Committees: The following members volunteered or were suggested to represent on committees: Business Recognition Committee (Length of Years in City and/or Significant Civic or Community Contributions to the City) Mrachek, Wolf Outreach and Engagement Committee (Business Attraction, Retention, Branding, Marketing, Video Distribution) Bremer, Tenuto, Martin Relationship Building Committee (Other City Committees/Associations, Businesses and Chamber Members, Tours) Schaefer and Pfeifer Economic Development Commission June 25, 2019 Page 3 Development Committee (Recruiting a Full, Engaged Commission Membership) Jessup and Bionda Chairman Jessup and Vice-Chairman Mrachek agreed to reach out to Commissioners Pfeifer and Sterwerf, Alderman Schaefer, and Mayor Jett regarding the discussion on full committee representation by the members. They will also contact previous Chair Baehne regarding a suggested form that is used for recruiting committee members for the MCC board. Business Recognition The following businesses are known to have businesses anniversaries in 2019. Future follow-up will be under the direction of the Business Recognition Committee. Mr. Don’s – 50 yrs Chas Herdrich – 86 years Rietesel Boat – 80 years Joule Technologies – 20 years Tony’s Family Tailor – 30 years Business Surveys All members agreed future discussion and continuance of business surveys and questionnaires should be included and under direction of the Outreach and Engagement Committee. Assignment of Committees: Agreement was met on including discussion and coverage of representation on other City Committees and/or Associations under the direction of the Relationship Building Committee. For information purposes, the following members were identified as currently being active participants on other City Committees/Associations: Riverwalk Foundation - Mayor Jett Chamber of Commerce - Commissioner Mrachek Downtown Business Association – Commissioner Bremer Special Events Committee - Economic Development Coordinator Wolf Landmark Commission – Open (City Administrator Morefield?) Planning & Zoning Commission – Economic Development Director Martin Discussion and Approval of 2019-2020 Meeting Schedule Chairman Jessup presented the previously approved meeting schedule for discussion. All members present agreed to continue meeting with the schedule as presented noting tours or special meetings could be scheduled on an as-needed basis preferably during the “off” months. Staff Report The next Economic Development Commission regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday July 23, 2019. Economic Development Commission June 25, 2019 Page 4 Commissioner Mrachek asked if the summary of the City Council SWOT analysis meeting could be shared with the Economic Development Commission when it is finished to ensure our initiatives are united and aligned. Motion to Adjourn by Bremer; Seconded by Mrachek All members in favor. Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, _______________________________ Rob Jessup, Chairman Economic Development Commission 2019 CITY OF MCHENRY STRATEGIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2 Update to City of McHenry Economic Development Plan dated 2009 As a component of our ongoing efforts to promote economic development, job growth, higher wages and increased wealth within our region, the City of McHenry has updated its 2009 Economic Development Plan and is presenting this City of McHenry Strategic Economic Development Plan. These recommendations and strategic initiatives presented in this Plan are ones that the City’s Economic Development Commission developed and that the City can take in the near term to provide a foundation for long-term economic growth and stability. We will continue to revise and update the Plan to maximize the City’s economic condition. CITY OF MCHENRY STRATEGIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN 3 The purpose of the Economic Development Commission is as follows: “The Economic Development Commission shall endeavor to attract, retain and assist in the expansion of business and industry for the City. The commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council on matters related to the business community when the City Council calls on the Commission to do so. The commission shall have such additional powers and duties as may be assigned to it from time to time by the Mayor and City Council. The primary functions of the Economic Development Commission can generally be divided into three categories: business communication, business attraction, and business retention and expansion.” The group reviewed the purpose and identified key points: • Communication • Business retention includes, (needs to have an emphasis on), recognition. • Expansion and attraction • Reporting • Working more closely with the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce • Marketing – example, “I shop Crystal Lake” • Advisory (as-needed) • New business Through the strategic planning process the Commission felt a need to rewrite the purpose of what they do and clarify who they serve. By utilizing the information from the strategic planning process the following mission statement was derived: “The Economic Development Commission shall endeavor to attract, retain and assist businesses in expansion for the growth of the City, its residents and businesses and institutions, through Commission Development, Building Relationships and Marketing.” CITY OF MCHENRY STRATEGIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN 4 SWOT ANALYSIS The top priorities were selected from each aspect of the SWOT synthesis in order to begin to identify strategic initiatives targeting sustaining strengths, eliminating weaknesses, optimizing opportunities, and awareness of threats. STRENGTHS 1. Community pride/passion 2. Strong support from ED department 3. Representation from multiple types of businesses 4. Entrepreneurs, residents, community and thought leaders 5. Chamber wants a partnership (Schools and other taxing bodies want to be in partnership) (Commissioners are not elected- appointed) WEAKNESSES 1. Lack of meeting attendance of retail representatives 2. Not reaching into community 3. Not acknowledging businesses 4. Out of date ED plan OPPORTUNITIES 1. Marketing and social media programs 2. Excitement throughout the city INCubator EDU - new programing 3. Identification of influencers – build relationships (i.e. NW Medicine) 4. Define Downtown area clearly – include all districts THREATS 1. Transportation 2. Funding 3. Competition 4. Taxes CITY OF MCHENRY STRATEGIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN 5 BACKGROUND On February 25, 2019, the Economic Development Commission met to determine their strategic direction and set goals for the future. They convened at Jessup Manufacturing in McHenry. Attendees included Commission Chair – Bobbi Baehne, Rob Jessup, Jeff Schaeffer, Nick Blonda, Mike Mrachek, Doug Martin, and Dorothy Wolf. The session was facilitated by Marcy Piekos, Executive Director of LGMC. This document will serve as a summary of the proceedings from the session. CITY OF MCHENRY STRATEGIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN 6 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Strategic initiatives are developed through the planning process including both staff and members of the Economic Development Commission. These initiatives and their subsequent action items guide the City of McHenry’s efforts to achieve the most impact with the least resources. Their continuous evaluation allows the City to maintain both short-term and long-term views while being able to react to changes in the environment. The direction the Commission wanted to take was identified through conversation by two groups. It was clear both group’s visions of immediate issues to address were in alignment. Their initiatives are offered below: Initiative/Goal Group 1 Group 2 1). Commission development • Process for development • Create diversity among members Commission development • Update ED plan • Define committee structure 2). Update ED plan • Marketing • Identify and build relationships with key influencers Marketing • Explore and develop a program “I shop McHenry” 3). Create stronger relationships with community Organizations (Chamber, ED organizations, etc.) • Include representation of EDC members at other organizations and vice versa Building Relationships • Identify key influencers (potential new members) • Develop chamber connections • Explore other EDCs The strategic initiatives are: • Commission Development • Building Relationships • Marketing CITY OF MCHENRY STRATEGIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN 7 These strategic initiatives will guide the City’s economic development efforts and the three primary goals of economic development, outlined in its mission statement, and the Commission’s primary functions: • Business Attraction • Business Retention • Business Expansion Business attraction, retention and expansion can be achieved. Below is the action plan for the three strategic initiatives and the Committees responsible for carrying out these initiatives. We cannot forget this is an ongoing process and all Committees must not work within a vacuum in order to be successful. Also included are target dates when goals should be met or at least revisited. CITY OF MCHENRY STRATEGIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN 8 Number Action Steps Champion/Responsible Person Target Date Status Update 1.1 Create a development plan • Identify Commission development needs (needs assessment) • Continue to create action steps to accomplish Goal 1.1 Development Committee-recruiting a fully engaged Commission 1.2. Define committee structure • Determine what committees will best serve the Commission • Create purpose and objectives for each committee • Identify Commission members who will serve as the committee chairs Business Recognition, Outreach and Engagement and Relationship Building- build a strong commission with members who can attend on a regular basis and contribute at the meetings and on a Committee(s) 1.3 Update ED plan Doug and Dorothy- with direction from the Commission CITY OF MCHENRY STRATEGIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN 9 Number Action Steps Champion/Responsible Person Target Date Status Update 2.1 Identify key influencers • Organizations • Individuals Business Recognition, Outreach and Engagement and Relationship Building- retention, anniversaries 2.2. Explore other EDCs • Develop a plan to meet with county EDCs Business Recognition, Outreach and Engagement and Relationship Building- ways to attract, retain, branding Number Action Steps Champion/Responsible Person Target Date Status Update 3.1 Sales Team for the City Of McHenry • Pursue different ideas and techniques to sell City Of McHenry • Utilize social media to enhance efforts in selling City Business Recognition, Outreach and Engagement and Relationship Building- tours to businesses and working closer with chamber 3.2 Marketing Team • Develop marketing program for the City Outreach and Engagement -branding, utilizing social media, getting video out via multiple channels Each of these action items is assigned to one or more of four committees: business recognition, outreach and engagement, relationship building and development. Each Committee will be chaired by a Commission member with others on the Committee. It is encouraged to have members of the public on each Committee. CITY OF MCHENRY STRATEGIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN 10 By following the action items this will provide the Commission with specific goals and target dates to complete tasks and fulfill their purpose and meet the expectations of the City Council and the residents and businesses of the City of McHenry. Friends of MCC Foundation Board Member Questionnaire You are not obligated to answer every question. 1. What town do you live in? _________________________ 2. If employed, what town do you work in? ______________________________________ 3. Job Title (if applicable) _____________________________________________________ 4. Company/Organization Name:_______________________________________________ 5. You age? _____19-34 _____35-50 _____51-65 _____Over 65 6. Gender? _____Female _____Male 7. Please indicate any AREAS OF EXPERTISE: a. _____ Accounting / Finance b. _____ Administration / Management c. _____ Banking d. _____ Building / Contracting e. _____ Business Owner f. _____ Education g. _____ Financial Management h. _____ Fundraising i. _____ Government j. _____ Healthcare k. _____ Hospitality l. _____ Human Resources m. _____ Insurance n. _____ Law o. _____ Manufacturing p. _____ Marketing q. _____ Non-Profit r. _____ Philanthropy s. _____ Real Estate t. _____ Social Service u. _____ Strategic Planning v. _____ Technology w. _____ Transportation x. _____ Other ____________________________________ 8. COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIPS and CONNECTIONS, name specifically if possible (i.e. Rotary, Chambers, United Way, etc.): • Do you serve on any other boards? • What other organizations are you affiliated with? • Do you participate in any other philanthropic activities? • Do you volunteer for other organizations / activities? 9. Do you have any unique certifications or talents? 10. Available for Active Participation: a. _____ Attend Community Events / Annual Dinners b. _____ Board Member Mentoring c. _____ Campus Tours d. _____ Committee Participation e. _____ Conferences / Information Gathering f. _____ FMCCF Event Sponsorship g. _____ FMCCF Event Support h. _____ Note Writing / Communications i. _____ Scholarship Review j. _____ Solicitation Visits k. _____ Speaking / Presentations l. _____ Other ______________________________________ 11. Do you have a personal connection with the Foundation or College or a story you would share with others? 12. Anything we missed? Other types of contacts / resources / ideas – financial and other that you would like to share that would enhance our Board’s effectiveness and be of benefit to FMCCF and our mission? NAME:___________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. Friends of MCC Foundation Board Member Questionnaire You are not obligated to answer every question. 1. What town do you live in? _________________________ __________________________ 2. If employed, what town do you work in? ______________________________________ 3. Job Title (if applicable) _____________________________________________________ 4. Company/Organization Name: _______________________________________________ 5. Your age _____19–34 _____35–50 _____51–65 _____Over 65 6. Gender _____Female _____Male 7. Please indicate any AREAS OF EXPERTISE (Check all that apply): _____ Accounting/Finance _____ Administration/Management _____ Banking _____ Building/Contracting _____ Business Owner _____ Education _____ Financial Management _____ Fundraising _____ Government _____ Healthcare _____ Hospitality _____ Human Resources _____ Insurance _____ Law _____ Manufacturing _____ Marketing _____ Non-Profit _____ Philanthropy _____ Real Estate _____ Social Service _____ Strategic Planning _____ Technology _____ Transportation _____ Other ______________________ 8. COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIPS and CONNECTIONS, name specifically if possible (i.e. Rotary, Chambers, United Way, etc.): • Do you serve on any other boards? • What other organizations are you affiliated with? • Do you participate in any other philanthropic activities? • Do you volunteer for other organizations / activities? 9. Do you have any unique certifications or talents? 10. Available for Active Participation (Check all that apply): _____ Attend Community Events/Annual Dinners _____ Board Member Mentoring _____ Campus Tours _____ Committee Participation _____ Conferences / Information Gathering _____ FMCCF Event Sponsorship _____ FMCCF Event Support _____ Note Writing / Communications _____ Scholarship Review _____ Solicitation Visits _____ Speaking / Presentations _____ Other______________________ 11. Do you have a personal connection with the Foundation or College or a story you would share with others? 12. Anything we missed? Other types of contacts/resources/ideas—financial and other that you would like to share that would enhance our Board’s effectiveness and be of benefit to FMCCF and our mission?