HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 03/07/2002 - Committee of the WholeCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING
MARCH 7, 2001
A Committee of the Whole Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order
by Mayor Althoff at 7:33 P.M. on Thursday, March 7, 2002 in the Council Chambers of the
Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Glab, Low,
Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator
Lobaito, City Attorney McArdle, Director of Community Development Napolitano, City
Planner Martin and City Clerk Jones. Absent: Director of Public Works Marcinko, Acting
Chief of Police Donahue, and Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel.
Mayor Althoff advised the purpose of this meeting is a preliminary review of the
proposed annexation and expansion of Meyer Material Gravel Pit located on the west side
of the City. She stated concerns expressed by residents has prompted the Committee to
permit members of the audience the opportunity to address the Committee during this
In attendance were Attorney Thomas Zanck of Militello, Zanck & Coen, representing
applicant, Meyer Material Company; Allen Miller, applicant; and Donald Palmer of Smith
Engineering Consultants.
Attorney Zanck provided an overview of the proposed 157-acre expansion of the
existing Meyer Material Gravel Pit operation. He stated the subject property would be
divided into three separate cells on the north side of Route 120, which would be mined
concurrently with similar sized cells on the south side of Route 120. The Applicant is
requesting the property be zoned RS-1 residential with an agricultural -mining overlay. He
noted the Applicant is also requesting a conditional use permit to allow gravel mining for
five to seven years, perhaps longer, depending upon market demands. No gravel truck
traffic would be entering or exiting from the property. A small access would be required to
accommodate service vehicles. Attorney Zanck noted the Applicant's reclamation of the
property, following completion of the mining operation, would restore the property to thirty-
nine single-family lots surrounding a 68-acre lake having a depth of 25 feet.
Applicant Allen Miller of Meyer Material Company addressed Council stating Meyer
Material Company has been a leader in the sand and gravel industry for more than forty
years. He explained the subject property is under contract to purchase, contingent upon
zoning approval. Mr. Miller stated the aggregate will be exposed at the site and
transported via underground conveyor through an 80-inch diameter pipe to gravel pit on
the south side of Route 120. Mr. Miller stated the aggregate will then be crushed and
washed and all other operations will be performed. Following the mining process the 80-
inch pipe tunnel would be abandoned and filled in as stipulated in the permit with Illinois
Department of Transportation ("IDOT").
Mayor Althoff requested a copy of the IDOT permit for boring under Route 120. Mr.
4iller stated the permit will not be issued until Meyer Material Company receives zoning
,)proval and provides IDOT with a copy of the Annexation Agreement. He noted the plans
for the tunnel have been submitted to IDOT and have received preliminary approval.
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Mr. Miller noted a large backhoe and a front-end loader would be the only two
pieces of equipment to run consistently on the property. He noted the proximity of the
property is approximately 3,500 feet west of the Martin Woods Subdivision and advised of
Petitioner's intention to install a permanent berm and fencing along the perimeter of the
subject property.
Mr. Miller stated in deference to concerns regarding noise affecting the Martin
Woods Subdivision residents, tests have been conducted regarding utilization of the
backhoe and front end loader. Test results indicate the increase in decibels from 50 to 52.
Mr. Miller noted the normal noise level is 50 decibels.
Mayor Althoff addressed Council noting the Zoning Board of Appeals recommended
approval of a Conditional Use Permit to permit a mining operation on the subject property
subject to two conditions:
• No additional expansion shall be permitted of the mining operation to the north, east
or west of the commercial sand and gravel business; and
• Site reclamation shall be completed in substantial conformance to the City of
McHenry Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Miller advised Meyer Material is willing to comply with both conditions stipulated
by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Responding to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Mr. Miller stated the hours of
operation for crushing and washing are currently 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. It was noted the
Annexation Agreement could adjust the hours of operation.
In response to Alderman Glab's inquiry Mr. Miller stated reclamation would be
ongoing throughout the mining process and completed approximately one year following
cessation of mining activities. Alderman Glab stated a time limit for reclamation should be
made a part of the Annexation Agreement if Council proceeds with a Public Hearing for
In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Mr. Miller stated the topsoil is
stripped off and stock piled. The layer of clay and silt is also stockpiled then the gravel is
excavated out and the clay and topsoil is replaced gradually at a six to one slope. What
would remain would be a hard based lake. Mr. Miller noted during the process of stripping
the overburden, additional equipment would be required on the site for approximately three
months out of the year consisting of another backhoe and three off -road haul trucks.
Mr. Miller introduced Donald Palmer, of Smith Engineering Consultants. Mr. Miller
noted Smith Engineering Consultants was hired by Meyer Material to assist in formulation
of the mining operation plan.
Mr. Palmer explained there is a shallow groundwater aquifer in the vicinity of the
project. He stated published material was reviewed regarding groundwater resources in
McHenry County. The excavation would tap into a broad shallow aquifer, which extends
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4,000 to 5,000 acres across McHenry County. Operational experience and field
observation has demonstrated excavated lakes at mining facilities affect groundwater
levels minimally. In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Mr. Palmer advised the
water level will remain approximately the same, but may vary seasonally to a minimal
Mr. Palmer stated, in his professional opinion, there will be little or no impact on
shallow wells surrounding the property. The planned operation is not a dewatering process
Meyer Material is not raising or lowering the groundwater but is effectively creating an
excavated lake. Responding to Mayor Althoff inquiry, Mr. Palmer defined a shallow well
as a well, which taps into the upper most aquifer with a depth of approximately thirty to fifty
feet. Mr. Palmer noted published materials are available indicating where the aquifers
exist. He stated excavation at the site would take place approximately forty-five feet below
the water. Alderman Glab requested Staff obtain a copy of any published information
pertaining to the aquifer to share with the Council.
Responding to Alderman Low's inquiry, Mr. Miller confirmed no gravel trucks would
be entering or exiting from the north side of the property. He noted the service entrance
would be used primarily by employees and mechanics who repair machinery.
In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Mr. Miller stated the clay layer
underneath the layer of gravel runs approximately 180 to 190 feet deep prior to reaching
another aquifer. Mr. Miller advised no washing would take place at the site, only mining
and stockpiling. All cleaning, washing and crushing would be done at the existing pit south
of Route 120.
Responding to Alderman Bolger's inquiry regarding the variance to permit mining
until 2018, Mr. Miller stated the possibility exists operations may be completed by 2012 as
required by the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Miller noted operations north and south of Route
120 would cease concurrently, in no case later than May 4, 2018.
In response to Alderman Bolger's inquiry, Mr. Miller stated Meyer Material closed
the Belvidere pit approximately four years ago; the Belvidere pit has been reclaimed. He
noted the Belvidere pit was mined on a royalty basis. Upon expiration of the lease the
property was reclaimed and returned to the owner. Mr. Miller stated a gravel pit in
Dundee, which closed in 1986, was reclaimed and turned into a wildlife refuge. A gravel pit
in Carpentersville, 'which closed in 1997, is currently under development as a subdivision
containing over 100 homes. Mr. Miller provided numerous photographs of previous
reclamations .
Alderman Glab noted the Comprehensive Plan appears to indicate a portion of the
area along Route 120 is zoned Commercial. Director of Community Development
Napolitano stated there is some property along the frontage of the north side of Route 120,
ast of the designated parcel, zoned commercial and industrial.
Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry Director Napolitano stated, in accordance
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With previous agreements and current practices, the City of McHenry currently receives
$3.75 per ton of materials mined from the site.
Mr. Miller noted the Applicant has agreed to the installation of a left hand turn lane
westbound on Route 120. Additionally, Meyer Material will abide by the City's Tree
Preservation Ordinance regarding any trees located on the site as indicated by the tree
survey submitted to the City.
Mayor Althoff opened the floor to questions/comments from the audience. Mayor
Althoff stated all questions may not be answerable this evening, however, questions would
be addressed and answers ultimately obtained.
Suzanne Cannon, of 5917 Tomlinson Drive, inquired of Mr. Miller:
If landscape plans have been developed for the berm around the gravel pit and if so
would Meyer Material be willing to share those plans with residents?
o Mr. Miller advised there was no landscape plan at this time.
Is there a purchaser, or developer, who would conduct the reclamation of the gravel
o Mr. Miller stated Meyer Material is not a developer, but preliminary studies
have been performed and Meyer Material may consider developing the
property following reclamation.
City Administrator Lobaito noted some preliminary discussions have taken
place. The Applicant inquired whether the City desired a development plan
for the property. City Administrator Lobaito stated Staff requested Applicant
consider not submitting a development plan at this time
• Is Mr. Palmer of Smith Engineering Consultants a qualified hydrologist? Mrs.
Cannon expressed concerns about Mr. Palmer's opinions regarding the mining
operation's impact on the aquifer. She inquired if Mr. Palmer's opinions were based
on the findings of a hydrologist employed by Smith Engineering?
Mayor Althoff noted Mrs. Cannon's concerns assuring her the question would be
addressed at the Public Hearing should the process move forward.
dianne r. turnball, of 170 Ash Avenue. Woodstock announced she has been asked
to represent McHenry County Citizens Concerned for an Organized and Responsible
Environment (McCORE) and present their concerns and comments to Council. Ms.
turnball presented Council with binders summarized as follows:
• Air pollution in the vicinity of the gravel pit, representing previous studies which
indicate current operations of the gravel pit south of Route 120 may not meet
Environmental Protection Agency Standards for particulate matter. Ms. turnball
suggested Council require Meyer Material obtain an independent study on air
quality at the existing pit site to determine compliance including the cumulative
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impact of the proposed project.
• Noise pollution - Citing State law based upon 9 octave bands, Ms. turnball
expressed McCORE's concerns regarding the increases volume in the area and
noise pollution resulting from the project. Ms. turn ball noted State law calls for the
sound to be measured at the border of the property in question. McCORE
requested Council require Meyer Material to perform an independent study, at the
existing gravel pit, to determine compliance with State standards and potential
impact from the equipment to be installed at the proposed site.
• Water and wells in the vicinity - McCORE requested a hydrogeologist perform an
impartial study for water quality and water quantity at the proposed site.
• Tree preservation — Ms. turnball noted a number of trees are located on the site,
including a mature stand of oak trees. She requested Council adhere to the 1999
Comprehensive Plan regarding the environmental corridor.
• Five foot berm is of insufficient height to inhibit sand and dust blowing off the site
and polluting the vicinity.
• Operation standards — Ms. turnball noted the operation standards required as part
of the 1988 annexation ordinance for the excavation on the south side of Route 120,
were not in compliance. Ms. turn ball indicated there is evidence regular inspections
have not been performed at Meyer's pit on the south side of Route 120 as required
by the ordinance. McCORE requested immediate inspection of the south side
gravel pit to determine compliance with all the standards of the annexation
agreements and zoning ordinances. McCORE also requested a copy of any
information or report following inspections.
• Reclamation Plan - Ms. turn ball noted it appears Meyer Material Company has not
followed the Reclamation Plan filed with the Annexation Agreement for the pit on the
south side of Route 120, which indicates a ten phases process of reclamation.
McCORE requested the City evaluate the accuracy of information regarding land,
which has been mined and not reclaimed in compliance with existing standards for
land reclamation. McCORE requested a copy of any information resulting from a
reclamation study and/or inspection.
Barbara Schurr, 7318 West Route 120, stated her family owns the property east of
the proposed site. She expressed concerns regarding safety issues during the mining
operations. Mr. Miller stated by ordinance Meyer Material Company is required to install a
6-foot woven wire fence. Responding to Mrs. Schurr's inquiry regarding public access to
the lake for recreation purposes following reclamation, Mr. Miller responded the lake will
not have public access.
Clarice Currier, 2904 Cherryhill Court, inquired about the tree survey and what
percentage of the trees were large trees. Mayor Althoff agreed to provide Mrs. Currier with
a copy of the tree survey containing the information requested.
Bill Clayton, 2711 Tomlinson Drive, noted water has no containment, and voiced his
concern regarding contaminants filtering through to the aquifer.
Jerry Luciano, a resident of the east side Wonder Lake, expressed concerns on
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behalf of residents of Wonder Lake regarding contamination of the aquifer and inquired if
Meyer Material Company had intentions to expand further following this excavation or
would mining be limited to this parcel only. Mayor Althoff stated Mr. Miller had agreed to
the condition recommended by the Zoning Board of Appeals that mining be limited to this
parcel of property and not expanded further.
Dr. Ken Reiser, 6102 Whiteoak Drive, stated his understanding McHenry County
requires wells be insured against damage from contamination from a gravel pit. He
inquired if the City of McHenry has a similar service or plan to provide a similar service
should the wells in Martin Woods be damaged. Mayor Althoff opined she does not believe
such a service currently exist in the City of McHenry but will research the matter. She
informed Dr. Reiser Staff is currently performing a detailed analysis between the County
requirements and the City's requirements regarding mining operations. Mr. Zanck
interjected stating he contacted the County and spoke by telephone to the head of
McHenry County Planning Department. He was unable to discover any violation on record
indicating contamination by a gravel pit, of any type, in any of the monitored County wells.
Additionally, there is no record of any notification in reduction of volume in a private well or
cessation of the ability to draw water from a private well.
Responding to a Martin Woods resident's inquiry regarding how many gravel pits
had been started in established neighborhoods, Mayor Althoff stated the information was
not readily available but assured the question would be answered upon compilation of
Bruce Gay, a resident of Wonder Lake, stated he has observed test holes on the
east side on Wonder Lake Road and inquired about the results. Responding to Mr. Gay's
inquiry Mr. Miller stated the test holes were on the Howe property. Mr. Miller stated Meyer
Material Company performed no tests in that vicinity and he has no knowledge of the
Paul Juske, 2907 Cherryhill Court, opined his conversations with McHenry County
have indicated wells in Algonquin have been affected by mining and industrial operations.
Gravel mining has resulted in limiting well capacity or cessation of the ability to draw water.
Mayor Althoff assured Mr. Juske Staff would research the issue.
Mayor Althoff inquired if it was Council's desire to continue discussions regarding
the annexation or direct Staff to research questions, provide Council with information and
schedule another meeting.
Alderman Bolger opined there were many issues addressed at the meeting and it
would be difficult to formulate an objective opinion based upon the information currently
available. He expressed his appreciation to the audience for their sincere concerns and
composure, assuring those in attendance of the Council's attention. He suggested Staff
research the concerns expressed tonight and attempt to obtain answers to questions
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It was the consensus of Council to direct Staff to continue to work with the Petitioner
in order to determine issues of compliance on behalf of applicant, and to acquire the
requested information and research the availability of the requested studies from other
sources. Information is to be provided to Council for further consideration.
Mayor Althoff requested anyone wishing notification regarding future discussions
regarding the Meyer Material Company annexation provide their name and address on the
sign -in sheet.
Mr. Zanck noted regarding any issues concerning bonding, Meyer Material
Company has $300,000 in bonds with the City of McHenry and $1,072,000 with the State
of Illinois; for a total of $1,372,000 in bonds on the property.
Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Bolger, to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 P.M.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
City Clerk