HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 02/01/2016 - Public Works CommitteePUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE
February 1, 2016
McHenry Municipal Center
In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Wimmer
and Alderman Glab. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Alderman Santi, City Administrator
Morefield, Director of Public Works Schmitt, Streets Superintendent Schweda, and City Clerk
Also in attendance: Judy Walsh Smith, 2904 Kama Avenue, McHenry, Illinois
Charles Smith, 2904 Kama Avenue, McHenry, Illinois
1. Call to Order: Chairman Alderman Schaefer called the meeting to order at 5:59 pm.
2. Public Input: None
3. Motion to approve the December 7, 2015 Public Works Committee Meeting Report
Chairman Alderman Schaefer requested the December 7, 2015 Public Works Committee
Meeting Report be approved.
Motion by Glab, second by Wimmer, approving the December 7, 2015 Public Works Committee
Meeting Report.
Voting Aye: Wimmer, Glab, Schaefer
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
4. Consideration of an Honorary Street Sign application submitted by the family of
Rose Ann Guerin Walsh and anticipated motion
Director of Public Worlcs Schmitt informed the Committee that several Honorary Street Sign
applications have been approved since the inception of the program in 2005. A maximum of
three designation signs per calendar year may be awarded. No designations have been awarded
to date in 2016.
To be considered, the proposed honoree is required to meet the following criterion:
1. Historical/cultural influence of the applicant on the City;
2. Proof of significant lineage to the City;
3. Clear geographical relationship of street to the area of interest of the applicant;
4. Known to be of good moral character; and
5. Clearly defined community or public contribution made by the honoree.
Director Schmitt informed the Committee that the daughter of Rose Ann Guerin Walsh, Judy
Walsh Smith, submitted an application for an Honorary Street Sign at the intersection of John
Street and Center Street. Upon initial review of the application, Staff was of the opinion that
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February 1, 2016
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Criteria No. 1 and Criteria No. 2 was not met; or alternatively, that insufficient evidence had
been provided on the original application.
Mrs. Smith addressed the Committee. She informed the Committee that her mother, Rose Ann
Guerin Walsh was the first vising nurse in McHenry, Illinois and would often plow her way
through the snow to reach the homes of patients. Mrs. Walsh would work at night at the hospital
with the doors unlocked so everyone had access. She lived at the Center Street address for 47
years. Mrs. Smith explained that her mother, Rose, was always charitable and assisting people in
the community however she was able. Mrs. Smith stated that her mother never wanted to be
recognized or awarded for her efforts.
Chairman Alderman Schaefer inquired whether either of the hospitals had recognized the efforts
of Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Smith stated that she is unaware of any recognition.
Alderman Glab inquired as to why Staff denied the original application. Director Schmitt
informed the Committee that Staff thought that Criteria No. 1 and Criteria No. 2 had not been
net, however, following further discussion Staff has determined otherwise. Alderman Glab
suggested the criterion might need to be revised.
Motion by Glab, second by Wimmer, approving the Honorary Street Sign application submitted
by the family of Rose Ann Guerin Walsh.
Voting Aye:
Motion carried.
Wimmer, Glab, Schaefer
5. Motion to
2016 Street Program List and direct Staff to forward the list
to the full
for action
Director of Public Works Schmitt informed the Committee that the City of McHenry has
approximately 125 centerline miles of roadway under their jurisdictional responsibility. In order
to establish the priority list of street improvements, Staff visits each street to verify the current
condition of the pavement to rank the streets for improvement. Street ranking is based on a 10-
point system, with the ranking of #1 being equivalent to a gravel road and a ranking of #10 the
equivalent of a newly paved road. Staff is seeking direction from the Public Works Committee
for a recommendation to full Council regarding the 2016 Street Program.
Director Schmitt introduced Street Superintendent Schweda to outline the ranking for the 2016
Street Program.
Superintendent Schweda informed the Committee that Staff prepared a Master Street Plan,
ranking each of the streets accordingly, then took into consideration the $1,000,000 allocated for
the 2016 Street Program. Superintendent Schweda explained that Staff broke down the streets
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February 1, 2016
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then by ranking and area. The necessity of grouping the street repair in the same vicinity is that
the equipment required for the renovation/repairs of streets is cumbersome and difficult to move,
therefore, if streets can be grouped together in an area there is a cost savings.
Alderman Wimmer opined that he likes Option No. 4 on the list, which has the largest number of
streets for repair for the least amount of money, but understands that Ashley is in dire need of
Alderman Glab opined that the street program needs to be escalated and the City is falling behind
on repairs by spending only $1,000,000 per year on street repairs. He stated he would like to see
more money going toward the Street Program. City Administrator Morefield stated that more
money could be recommended to Council by the Committee. City Administrator Morefield noted
that MFT funds are declining but more money could be made available.
Director Schmitt informed the Committee that Staff has been working with representatives of
surrounding municipalities on a Strategic Plan to bid project together, which is a cost saving
Alderman Glab stated that he likes Staffs plan with the roads grouped together, but believes
more could be accomplished with an additional $500,000 per year committed to the Streets
Program. City Administrator Morefield informed the Committee that the money is available but
$500,000 per year would not be sustainable over an extended period of time. Alderman Glab
opined that he would like to come up with some ideas, rather than wait until roads are in
deplorable shape. He suggested that it be stressed to Council that additional money is needed for
the Street Program.
Chairman Alderman Schaefer inquired about the cost of the total reconstruction of Ashley Drive
($745,000) and whether a second opinion regarding the cost might be valuable. He opined that
he likes the grouping of the roads together for repair.
Director Schmitt informed the Committee that no soil borings have been performed. All the
rankings and the prices presented are based on visual inspection, however, Director Schmitt
opined that he believes the base of Ashley Drive has failed. Alderman Glab suggested that Staff
tear open a patch of Ashley Drive and attempt to make a determination regarding the failure.
Director Schmitt informed the Committee that it is common practice for a visual inspection to be
conducted initially, then the roads are ranked, as has been performed here. Engineering comes at
the second phase. Director Schmitt stated that the Street Program needs to move forward.
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February 1, 2016
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Motion by Wimmer, second by Glab, approving the 2016 Street Program List, Option No. 1, as
presented by Staff.
• Ashley Drive;
• Essex Court;
• Barnwood Trail; and
• Whiting Court;
and directing Staff to present Option No. 1 to full Council for consideration, together with a
request that an additional $500,000 be allocated to the 2016 Street Program
Voting Ave:
Motion carried.
6. New Business
Alderman Glab suggested that a discussion regarding drainage throughout the City of McHenry
take place. He suggested that Staff provide the Committee with a list of drainage problems
throughout the City. Alderman Glab opined that Council needs to know what needs to be done so
that the problems can be addressed when and if funds become available.
Director Schmitt informed the Committee that some of the issues regarding problem areas for
drainage have been outlined by Staff in the CIP. Chairman Alderman Schaefer concurred with
Director Schmitt that problem areas have been indicated in the CIP and the Strategic Plan.
Alderman Glab opined that the problems with drainage should be addressed annually at the
Committee level.
6. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss. Motion by Glab, second by Wimmer to
adjourn the meeting at 6:50 pm.
Voting Aye: Wimmer, Glab, Schaefer
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Reviewed and Approved: