HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 06/25/2019 - Economic Development CommissionCity of McHenry Economic Development Commission Special Meeting Minutes June 25, 2019 Chairman Jessup called the June 25, 2019 special meeting of the City of McHenry Economic Development Commission to order at 4:00 p.m. In attendance were the following: Bionda, Bremer, Jessup, Mrachek, and Tenuto. Absent: Pfeifer, Sterwerf, Schaefer and Jett. Also in attendance were: Director of Economic Development Martin and Economic Development Coordinator Wolf. Commissioner Jessup welcomed new and prior members to the Commission and asked them to introduce themselves. Public Comment: Mr. Greg Denny, Business Development Director for Deigan & Associates, Environmental Consultants located in Lake Bluff, Illinois, requested the Economic Development Commission consider allowing his company to make a formal presentation to them regarding how they can help coordinate and/or be a resource for future development projects in the City. Approval of Minutes Motion by Mrachek, seconded by Bionda, to approve the March 26, 2019 Regular Meeting minutes of the Economic Development Commission, as presented: Voting Aye: Jessup, Mrachek, Bionda. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: Bremer, Tenuto. Abstaining: None. Absent: Pfeifer, Schaefer, Sterwerf, and Jett. Motion carried 3-0. Review of Draft Economic Development Plan Commissioner Jessup explained the draft Economic Development Plan prepared by Director Martin as a result of the SWOT Analysis initiatives and asked for comment. Commissioner Tenuto liked the way the plan was broken down and noted that pride and passion of the residents in McHenry is an asset and unique in the County. Commissioner Bremer is looking forward to partnering with the Commission and liked the direction noted in the draft plan. Commissioner Jessup then identified the strategic initiatives noted in the SWOT Analysis as action items to guide the Commission’s actions in the future. Putting subcommittees together and including other representatives from the community is a key goal of the Commission in order to be more effective. The process of defining committee structure was discussed. Building relationships with key influencers in the County is something all Commissioners and future sub-committee members can do to help build the City’s economy. EDC Business cards identifying the ED department, Mayor Jett and the Commission members were distributed to all present. Commissioner Jessup spoke on the marketing initiative and how we can get the marketing videos that were made last year out to key influencers, developers, tourists, etc. as a way to introduce McHenry Economic Development Commission June 25, 2019 Page 2 and everything it has to offer! Director Martin suggested Commission members might look up an initiative done by the St. Charles, Missouri EDC called the Monday Morning Minute. Discussion ensued regarding social media and stories to be shared as a marketing tool and how the Commission can help City staff get the word out! The four committees identified in the SWOT Analysis and the proposed action steps identified were discussed. Prior Commission meeting notes were asked to be distributed for discussion. Implementing a Social Media Policy was discussed as well as the possibility of simply not responding at all to anything Commission members might be tagged in negative ways on their personal social media accounts. Commissioner Bremer shared the policy that is followed by the School Board in regard to social media posts. When asked for input, Director Martin stated it is important to relay a unified message and Commissioners responding separately to social media posts as representatives of the Commission may not lead to a unified message. It was agreed by all present that discussion on the social media process would fall under the direction of the Outreach and Engagement Committee. In the interim, it was agreed and directed that while a policy decision is being formalized by the Outreach and Engagement Committee, members of that Committee only, along with Staff, will control any posts and marketing mechanisms that go out publicly from the EDC and the remainder of the Commission members will not respond to any social media posts created and posted from the EDC or to responses from the public to those posts. Commissioner Tenuto asked for clarification to be given of the role of Commission members in regard to their representation of the Economic Development Commission, perhaps in the form of bylaws. Commissioner Bremer made an effort to clarify how and when Commission Members might represent the EDC as Commission members versus as a resident, parent, or business owner in the community and suggested clarifying any discussions as being made in each person’s own personal opinion. Formation of Committees: Business Recognition; Outreach and Engagement; Relationship Building; and Development Committees: The following members volunteered or were suggested to represent on committees: Business Recognition Committee (Length of Years in City and/or Significant Civic or Community Contributions to the City) Mrachek, Wolf Outreach and Engagement Committee (Business Attraction, Retention, Branding, Marketing, Video Distribution) Bremer, Tenuto, Martin Relationship Building Committee (Other City Committees/Associations, Businesses and Chamber Members, Tours) Schaefer and Pfeifer Economic Development Commission June 25, 2019 Page 3 Development Committee (Recruiting a Full, Engaged Commission Membership) Jessup and Bionda Chairman Jessup and Vice-Chairman Mrachek agreed to reach out to Commissioners Pfeifer and Sterwerf, Alderman Schaefer, and Mayor Jett regarding the discussion on full committee representation by the members. They will also contact previous Chair Baehne regarding a suggested form that is used for recruiting committee members for the MCC board. Business Recognition The following businesses are known to have businesses anniversaries in 2019. Future follow-up will be under the direction of the Business Recognition Committee. Mr. Don’s – 50 yrs Chas Herdrich – 86 years Rietesel Boat – 80 years Joule Technologies – 20 years Tony’s Family Tailor – 30 years Business Surveys All members agreed future discussion and continuance of business surveys and questionnaires should be included and under direction of the Outreach and Engagement Committee. Assignment of Committees: Agreement was met on including discussion and coverage of representation on other City Committees and/or Associations under the direction of the Relationship Building Committee. For information purposes, the following members were identified as currently being active participants on other City Committees/Associations: Riverwalk Foundation - Mayor Jett Chamber of Commerce - Commissioner Mrachek Downtown Business Association – Commissioner Bremer Special Events Committee - Economic Development Coordinator Wolf Landmark Commission – Open (City Administrator Morefield?) Planning & Zoning Commission – Economic Development Director Martin Discussion and Approval of 2019-2020 Meeting Schedule Chairman Jessup presented the previously approved meeting schedule for discussion. All members present agreed to continue meeting with the schedule as presented noting tours or special meetings could be scheduled on an as-needed basis preferably during the “off” months. Staff Report The next Economic Development Commission regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday July 23, 2019. Economic Development Commission June 25, 2019 Page 4 Commissioner Mrachek asked if the summary of the City Council SWOT analysis meeting could be shared with the Economic Development Commission when it is finished to ensure our initiatives are united and aligned. Motion to Adjourn by Bremer; Seconded by Mrachek All members in favor. Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, _______________________________ Rob Jessup, Chairman Economic Development Commission