HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/28/2018 - Economic Development CommissionCity of McHenry Economic Development Commission Minutes November 28, 2018 Chairwoman Baehne called the regularly scheduled November 28, 2018 meeting of the City of McHenry, Economic Development Commission to order at 4:13 p.m. In attendance were the following: Baehne, Jessup, Jett, Mrachek and Schaefer. Absent: Arnold, Bionda, Grubich, and Sterwerf. Also in attendance were: Director of Economic Development Martin, Economic Development Coordinator Wolf and Economic Development Assistant Conaway. Chairwoman Baehne called the Meeting to order at 4:13 p.m. Public Comment: There was nobody in attendance who wished to address the Commission. Approval of Minutes Motion by Mrachek, seconded by Jessup, to approve the September 25, 2018 Regular Meeting minutes of the Economic Development Commission , as presented: Voting Aye: Baehne, Jessup, Mrachek, Schaefer, and Jett. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Arnold, Bionda, Grubich, and Sterwerf. Motion carried 5-0. Committee Updates: Tours; Video and Business Recognition Tours Chairwoman Baehne stated the tour of Superior Felt had been cancelled. Director Martin stated Medela has been contacted and would schedule after January 1, 2019. Commissioner Jessup stated he would call Brake Parts to schedule a tour. Director Martin stated he and Economic Development Coordinator Wolf would be meeting next week with Corporate Disk. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated visiting the businesses is vital to retention. Alderman Schaefer inquired if the commission was only meeting with manufacturing businesses. Director Martin stated they are meeting with all primary employers but typically touring only manufacturing businesses. Video Economic Development Coordinator Wolf and Chairwoman Baehne concurred that the marketing video is a great tool and opined that sharing the video with the Economic Development’s contact base and potential businesses, in a “press kit” fashion, would be ideal. Commissioner Mrachek inquired if it would be wise to have the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce partner with the City to defer costs in the future. Director Martin stated that the McHenry Area Chamber, District 15 and Visit McHenry County all contributed to the video by offering footage. Discussion ensued. Economic Development Commission November 28, 2018 Page 2 Business Recognition Chairwoman Baehne stated that she and Commissioner Arnold had designed three award programs and outlined each of the awards and their criteria for the commission. Discussion ensued regarding the criteria and nomination, selection and presentation process. Chairwoman Baehne further stated that Crystal Lake is utilizing the “I Shop Crystal Lake” program and opined this is a good model for McHenry to use for business recognition. Mayor Jett stated he would contact the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce regarding the “McHenry Business Spotlight” FaceBook page and opined it would be good for the commission to use for weekly business recognition. Discussion ensued. New Business and Items for General Discussion by Staff and Members of the Commission 1. Cell Phone Analysis/Retail Trade Area (Director of Economic Development Martin) Director Martin stated as a follow up to Alderman Schaefer’s question regarding how data was collected for the Retail Trade Area analysis, that it is primarily gathered from geo-fencing of cell phone data. Director Martin stated that tapestry segmentation is also utilized which is when they use psychological profiles to make conclusions. Discussion ensued. 2. Basic Economic Development Course Summary (Economic Development Coordinator Wolf) Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated that she attended the Basic Economic Development Course which was an intensive series of classes for people with less than ten years of economic development background. She gave an overview of the course and suggested the Commission take the time to review the documents that she presented so they could implement some of the strategies to streamline the Economic Development incentive programs and policies and set Economic Development Commission goals. She stated that the job of the Economic Development is to bring wealth to the community through jobs, increasing the tax base, and business attrac tion, retention and expansion and stated the importance of economic development being a regional effort . She further stated that the City of McHenry is already implementing many of the strategies suggested during the course. She emphasized business retention and the importance of small business. Discussion and Approval of 2019 Meeting Schedule Chairwoman Baehne stated approval of the 2019 Meeting Schedule would be postponed until the next meeting and directed the commissioners to review the meeting schedule. She stated that she, Co-Chairman Jessup, Director Martin and Economic Development Coordinator Wolf would meet with Mayor Jett and City Administrator Morefield as well to discuss the status of the commission and the meeting schedule prior to the next meeting on December 19, 2018. Old Business/Committee Reports: Riverwalk Foundation Mayor Jett stated the Riverwalk Foundation is working on upgrades to the Miller Point Bridge which would be brought to the City Council in the spring. He stated the dredging of Boone Creek would move forward and that the City would be responsible for the area from Green Street to IL Route 120. Economic Development Commission November 28, 2018 Page 3 Chamber of Commerce Commissioner Mrachek stated the Chamber would hold its annual formal dinner dance in January where many large contributors would be recognized. Downtown Business Association Mayor Jett thanked Kim Loewe for her efforts and for the success of the Christmas Walk event. Special Events Committee Mayor Jett stated the committee met to discuss the Shamrocks the Fox event. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce will have a city-wide inclusive community events calendar beginning in 2019. Landmark Commission Mayor Jett stated that City Administrator Morefield would be staff liaison to the Landmark Commission. He stated applications for vacant positions would be available soon and a new Chairman would be appointed. Mayor Jett stated demolition applications were approved for 1209 Green Street and 3519 W. Elm Street. Planning & Zoning Commission Director Martin stated that applications were approved at the November 14, 2018 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting for a conditional use permit for Sam Shah at 522 S. IL Rte 31 for a whiskey/cigar bar and that the New and Future Land Use Maps, Mixed Use and Agriculture Zoning Districts and a Consistency Policy for the City were also approved. Staff Report The next Economic Development Commission regularly scheduled meeting is Wednesday, December, 19, 2018. Adjourn Chairwoman Baehne called the meeting to adjourn. All members in favor. Meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, _______________________________ Bobbi Baehne, Chairwoman Economic Development Commission