HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 08/28/2018 - Economic Development Commission (2)City of McHenry Economic Development Commission Minutes August 28, 2018 Chairwoman Baehne called the regularly scheduled August 28, 2018 meeting of the City of McHenry Economic Development Commission to order at 4:00 p.m. In attendance were the following: Baehne, Bionda, Grubich, Schaefer, and Sterwerf. Absent: Arnold, Jessup, and Mrachek. Also in attendance were: Mayor Wayne Jett, Director of Economic Development Martin, Economic Development Coordinator Wolf and Economic Development Assistant Conaway. Public Comments: There was nobody in attendance who wished to address the Commission. Approval of Minutes Motion by Sterwerf, seconded by Grubich to approve the July 24, 2018 Regular Meeting minutes of the Economic Development Commission as presented: Voting Aye: Baehne, Bionda, Grubich, Jett, and Sterwerf. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: Schaefer. Absent: Arnold, Jessup, and Mrachek. Motion carried 5-0. Business Cards (Economic Development Coordinator Dorothy Wolf) Economic Development Coordinator Wolf presented the commission with business cards. She stated the cards include all the commissioner’s names as well as Economic Development Director Martin and Economic Development Coordinator Wolf and reminded the commission to use them to identify themselves to businesses when speaking to them about the prospects of coming to McHenry. Review List of Businesses (Director of Economic Development Douglas Martin and Economic Development Coordinator Dorothy Wolf) Economic Development Director Martin stated that we recently began compiling a list of all businesses, geographically, within the City of McHenry. He encouraged the commissioners to go through the list and inform the Economic Development staff if there are any corrections or additions. He opined this would be a useful tool for communicating with local business through email and also for the City to keep track of the local businesses. He stated it is difficult to find contacts especially for the large businesses and asked if any of the commissioners had contact information to please let Economic Development staff know. Chairwoman Baehne inquired if we are beginning the outreach program. Economic Development Director Martin stated that he would skip ahead to Item number 10.3 – CORE Illinois Program to address this question. Economic Development Commission August 28, 2018 Page 2 CORE Illinois – Creating Opportunities for Retention & Expansion Introduction (Director of Economic Development Douglas Martin) Economic Development Director Martin stated that he and Economic Development Coordinator Wolf had met with the State of Illinois in regards to the CORE Illinois which is a business retention and attraction program to assist communities in outreach. He stated CORE Illinois would be generating a report for the City of McHenry which includes trending data (employee count, growth/expansion, financial) on local businesses that would be used to start a conversation with the businesses. Economic Development Director Martin stated that one of his goals as Director was to visit primary employers and introduce them to the Economic Development Department. He stated CORE Illinois has given us a sample report, survey questionnaire and letter that can be utilized to begin communication. Economic Development Director Martin inquired if there were any commissioners that would be interested in attending these visits with him. The commissioners were in agreement. He stated all levels of businesses would be contacted and that the plan was to meet with one or two businesses per month. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf restated that this has been an Economic Development goal but there wasn’t time to incorporate this until now. Chairwoman Baehne inquired if the meetings would be scheduled. Economic Development Director Martin stated the manufacturing/business park would need to be scheduled but that some of the smaller businesses could be spontaneous. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated the need to prioritize the meetings dependent upon businesses status, which would be in the report. She opined data would allow us to open conversation so we can help keep the businesses here in McHenry whether growing or not. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated that her visits with Green Street businesses were beneficial, she has seen an increase in interest from th em. Chairwoman Baehne inquired about the appointment process and stated it would be helpful for Economic Development Coordinator Wolf to email the commissioners when appointments are set so they can try to attend. She inquired if the commissioners should let the Economic Development Department know if they had stopped into a business and left a business card. Director of Economic Development Martin repsponded affirmatively. Review Update to Economic Development Plan and 2020 Census (Director of Economic Development Douglas Martin and Economic Development Coordinator Dorothy Wolf Economic Development Director Martin stated that Economic Development Coordinator Wolf has been working on updating the Economic Development Plan which was originally started by Joe Napolitano, completed by himself and in 2009 was adopted by the City Council. He stated the information is antiquated but this is the current plan that is on the books. He asked the commission to please take the time to review and make any suggestions. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated that she confirmed with Economic Development Director Martin that this plan is what we follow. She stated we will keep old census data and then include the new data when that becomes available in 2020/21. She asked the commission to review the plan and let the Economic Development Department know of any updates or suggestions. Commissioner Sterwerf stated the housing information reflects a difficult economic time and suggested keeping Economic Development Commission August 28, 2018 Page 3 the old data and including the new data to show the progress the City has made . He opined that stating how Economic Development is addressing the gaps would be helpful. Alderman Schaefer inquired if Economic Development Coordinator Wolf had the sub area plans. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated that she did and added that there was a lot of data in the plan and asked that the commissioners focus on everything except the census data and to please review within the next week or so. Manufacturing Trade and Industry Expo Update (October 2, 2018 East Campus 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) Economic Development Director Martin stated that the MTI Expo is October 2, 2018, McHenry East Campus High School. He stated that we currently have approximately forty businesses attending. He asked the commission to promote the event especially with the junior high school parents/students. Commissioner Grubich asked how to promote this with District 15. Economic Development Director Martin stated he will send the flyer to District 15 and then they send it through email to the parents. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated the commissioners could share parent to parent, via social media and face to face. Commissioner Sterwerf opined that having a scavenger hunt type event, with prizes for the students, would help them become more engaged. Discussion ensued. Economic Development Director Martin stated that Mayor Jett donates memorabilia from the Chicago Bears and the Chicago Blackhawks for the event. Commissioner Sterwerf opined it is important to engage the younger students. Economic Development Director Martin stated he will discuss with Carl Vallianatos from District 156 the possibilities. The commissioners agreed this might be a good way to engage the students. Committee Updates: Tours; Video and Business Recognition Tours No report from Commissioner Jessup. Chairwoman Baehne stated the McHenry County College tour is scheduled for September 11, 2018. She stated the meeting would be posted next week. Chairwoman Baehne stated the commission will tour the entire college including the science center and that there would be an introduction to the manufacturing course as it pertains to the City’s work force. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf asked for clarification of the committee members. Chairwoman Baehne stated the Tours Committee was Commissioner Jessup. Economic Development Director Martin stated Commissioner Joern was on the Tours Committee but is no longer part on the commission so there is a vacancy. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated the Business Recognition Committee is Chairwoman Baehne and Commissioner Arnold. Economic Development Director Martin, Economic Development Coordinator Wolf are the Video Committee. This was confirmed. Economic Development Commission August 28, 2018 Page 4 Video Commissioner Bionda stated that during the last meeting we had a discussion regarding video vendors. He stated we have chosen McDaniels Marketing and we have a final contract. Commissioner Bionda stated McDaniels Marketing will do one three minute video and a one minute short video for social media. Discussion ensured regarding length and content of the video. Commissioner Bionda opined that McDaniels Marketing is a good choice. Chairwoman Baehne inquired if the raw footage would be the City’s property. Commissioner Bionda stated he would confirm that and added McDaniels Marketing will be using some of our footage to defray costs. Business Recognition Chairwoman Baehne stated that she and Commissioner Arnold would bring a complete outline with the criteria for three awards for review at the September meeting. She stated the program would start in January. Economic Development Director Martin presented the awards for the commission to view. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated that the Economic Development Department presents glass awards for businesses that have been within the City for 50 years or more and certificates for lesser. Discussion ensued. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf inquired in any of the commissioners would like to attend the ceremonies for Little Chef, Gary Lang and/or Pioneer Center. Old Business/Committee Reports: Riverwalk Foundation Mayor Jett stated that the Parks & Recreation Department Committee had a meeting regarding the design and further stated there has been a donation that is looking for approval from the City Council to finish the area behind DC Cobbs and the Theater. He stated that there is a brewery looking at Miller Point but that the project is stalled due to the brewery inquiring if the Riverwalk Foundation can help with the creek area improvements. Alderman Schaefer inquired if Walsh Park was set. Mayor Jett responded affirmatively as art park. Chamber of Commerce Chairwoman Baehne stated the next event is the Mchenry Downtown Uncorked Wine Walk coming up September 15, 2018. Downtown Business Association Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated she met with Kim Loewe, President of the Downtown Business Association and Ms. Loewe stated she will continue as the president. Mayor Jett stated he is working on an events committee. Downtown SuperGroup Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated the Downtown SuperGroup is dissolved and will be replaced by a Special Events/ADHOC Committee. Mayor Jett stated the Economic Development Commission August 28, 2018 Page 5 committee will include the Chamber of Commerce, the Downtown Business Association and several departments within the City of McHenry. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated that the function of the Downtown SuperGroup was for communication between the groups, since all events need city assistance. Commissioner Grubich inquired about the events involved. Economic Development Coordinator Wolf stated it would be citywide events. Landmark Commission Economic Development Director Martin stated that the chairman has resigned and we are waiting for more information. Planning & Zoning Commission Director of Economic Development Martin stated the September 19, 2018 Planning & Zoning Meeting would have a proposed skill nursing facility at Ridgeview and Bull Valley Roads and The Chapel, 1809 S Route 31, who is partnering with Pioneer Center to become a PADS location. Commissioner Sterwerf stated he heard Pioneer Center was expanding. Economic Development Director Martin stated they have two options right now. Staff Report The next Economic Development Commission meeting is the McHenry County College Tour on September 11, 2018 and the next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, September 25, 2018. Motion by Grubich, seconded by Bionda to adjourn the meeting at 4:49 p.m. All members in favor. Respectfully submitted, _______________________________ Bobbi Baehne, Chairwoman Economic Development Commission