HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 05/16/2016 - Parks and Recreation CommitteePARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT Monday, May 16, 2016, 5030 PM McHenry City Council Chambers 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 In Attendance at Roll Call: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Robert Peterson and Alderman Jeffrey Schaefer. Absent: Alderman Victor Santi. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Hobson and Deputy City Clerk Marci Geraghty. Public in Attendance: Mr. Jeff Varda. 1. Call to Order: Chairman Peterson called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. 2. Public Input: Mr. Jeff Varda addressed the committee regarding his desire for the city to hold its Recreation Department golf programs at Boone Creek Golf Club. Chairman Peterson thanked Mr. Varda for his comments. Mr. Varda left the meeting at 6:05 PM. 3. Motion to approve the February 15, 2016 Parks &Recreation Committee Meeting Report. Alderman Schaefer made a motion, seconded by Chairman Peterson to approve the minutes as presented. Aye: Schaefer, Peterson Nay: None. Not Voting: None Abstaining: None Absent: Santi Motion carried. 4. McHenry Recreation Center Update. Administrator Hobson provided the committee with an update on memberships for the McHenry Recreation Center. As of May 15th, over 1,180 memberships have been sold. Revenues for year one are projected to be $382,000 from just memberships, of which most were purchased for the $29/month introductory price. First year expenses are projected to be $400,000, which include cleaning and electric. He also reported member comments about the facility have been positive. Many comments include requests for more classes and class times. Alderman Peterson asked if members use. the daycare facility. Administrator Hobson answered yes, it is extremely popular. At times, it has been so busy, extra staff has been brought in to help out and sometimes parents have been turned away because the room was filled to capacity. Alderman Santi joined the meeting at 6:15 PM. Administrator Hobson provided the committee with a breakdown on the current membership: 32% are male, 68% female, 73% residents, 27% non-residents. By age group: 58 members 12-17; 62 members 18-24; 93 members 25-34; 209 members 45-54; and 269 members 62 years and over. Alderman Santi asked now many members use Lite personal trainer option and Administrator Hobson answered he was not sure at this time adding personal trainers also teach classes. Alderman Schaefer offered positive comments on the three-month summer membership program for $99 with no initiation fee. Alderman Peterson suggested the Christmas holiday would be a good time to offer another promotion. Administrator Hobson told the committee the question he is most frequently asked about the Recreation Center is when the city will build a gymnasium, indoor pool, or outdoor aquatics center adding any expansion would require funding support from the community. He asked the committee if they would consider posing the question to the community as a referendum. Alderman Petersen asked if the city would be asking the community to pay for a bond and Administrator Hobson answered yes. The committee discussed bringing forward one proposal to add a gymnasium with a walking track and natatorium (aquatics center). All agreed expansion of the Recreation Center would be beneficial for the community. Administrator Hobson asked the Committee if they want to move forward with expanding the Recreation Center or wait for year -one results. Alderman Santi asked how much the public would be asked to fund to add a gymnasium and aquatics center. Administrator Hobson estimated both components would cost approximately $15M to complete based on estimated year 2018 prices. Alderman Schaefer recommended bringing both options before the community at the same time. Alderman Santsuggested holding an open house first. Administrator Hobson informed the committee the Parks and Recreation Community Needs Assessment should be updated and the process would include conducting an open house. The assessment will gauge the community's interest in expanding the center and determine if the community would support a referendum bond. He also suggested conducting a survey through Rectrac. Alderman Santi said the city needs to get. feedback from the total population adding he would like to see the addition of a gymnasium with a walking track. Alderman Schaefer asked if the needs assessment can be done in-house and Administrator Hobson answered it would be conducted by an impartial agency. He also suggested updating the Feasibility Study. Alderman Petersen said he agrees the addition of a gymnasium and aquatics center should be posed to the community at the same time. The committee directed staff to determine the cost of updating the Community Needs Assessment and to provide a timetable if a referendum were to be placed on a ballot. They also suggested staff perform surveys to determine the community's interest in expanding the Recreation Center for discussion at the next meeting. 5. Future Meeting Topics. Administrator Hobson updated the Committee on the city's efforts to open a boat launch at Miller Riverfront Park. 6. Adj ournment. Alderman Schaefer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Santi to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 PM. Aye: Nay: Not Voting: Abstaining: Absent: Motion carried. Schaefer, Santi, Peterson None. None None Reviewed and Approved: None Date: c� � — UI 6, 2016 Alderman 3�eb�rt Peterson, Chairman