HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 08/15/2016 - Parks and Recreation CommitteePARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT Monday, August 15, 20169 5:30 PM McHenry City Council Chambers 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 In Attendance at Roll Call: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Robert Peterson and Alderman Jeffrey Schaefer. Absent: Alderman Victor Santi. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Recreation Supervisor Cindy Witt, Recreation Center Manager Matt LaPorte, and Deputy City Clerk Marci Geraghty. 1. Call to Order: Chairman Peterson called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. 2. Public Input: None. 3. Motion to approve the May 16, 2016 Parks &Recreation Committee Meeting Report. Alderman Schaefer made a motion, seconded by Chairman Peterson to approve the minutes as presented. Aye: Nay: Not Voting: Abstaining: Absent: Motion carried. Schaefer, Peterson None. None None S anti 4. Master Plan &Community Needs Assessment Discussion Administrator Hobson reported the five-year Park &Open Space Master Plan expired in 2012. The Master Plan has proven to be a valuable tool to the city and is also vital in the grant submission process. The last Community Needs Assessment (CNA) was performed in 2006, which is the pre -cursor to the Master Plan. Although there have not been many changes to the city's parks system since 2012, the McHenry Recreation Center is a significant addition to the city's parks and recreation operations. Administrator Hobson suggested reevaluating and updating the CNA and also, a decision should be made to renew or completely redo the Master Plan. This project is not included in the CIP however staff is of the opinion it is essential to develop a plan to carry the parks department into the future. Recreation Center Manager La Porte contacted seven companies to gauge the scope of completing an update to the Master Plan and CNA. Some companies only perform research while four would perform the entire Master Plan process, which includes a CNA. In summary, the estimated cost for a statistically valid community survey is $15-20,000; full needs assessment is $30-40,000; and master plan is $65-75,000. A full community needs assessment is included in the cost of a master plan and would take approximately 14 months to complete. 5. Administrator Hobson is of the opinion the city will not have to begin the process from scratch as much of the information in the current plan is still viable. For instance, the service area and plan for many of our parks remains the same; much of this information can be carried -over, which should reduce the overall cost of the project. Staff is seeking input from the Committee if they should pursue an REP to begin the process of updating the Master Plan. It would necessitate a budget amendment and be paid through the parks developer donation fund; not the recreation center fund. Chairman Peterson asked if this fund is only for development and Administrator Hobson answered it is for development and acquisition. For example, renovations to Ft. McHenry were paid through this fund. Alderman Schaefer asked if dollars from this fund are earmarked for development of the boat launch and the answer is yes; approximately $200,000. Currently, there remains approximately $880,000 in the fund. Manager LaPorte stated while looking into Illinois Parks &Recreation accreditation standards, the city should have an updated Master Plan. Administrator Hobson noted when applying for grants, an updated Master Plan is always taken into consideration and having an outdate plan would score against the city. Alderman Schaefer asked for the cost to develop the current Master Plan. Administrator Hobson answered approximately $40-50,000. He will provide the exact amount to the committee. At 5:45 PM, Alderman Santi joined the meeting. Alderman Peterson asked how long the life is for a Master Plan. Administrator Hobson answered usually five -years however there are many parts of the current master plan that are still valid. As an example, the city's bike plan was performed several years ago and has not changed. A discussion ensued on the affect population has when determining the lifetime of a Master Plan. It was also noted by the community that it would be beneficial to receive feedback about community support for a gymnasium or aquatic center. Alderman Peterson asked if the city would have to pose a referendum question for expansion of a gymnasium or aquatic center, or both. Administrator Hobson answered yes; there is not enough money in the recreation center fund to support the expansion. The community would have to agree to pay for any expansion. It was the consensus of the committee to direct staff to move forward with developing an RFP to conduct a community survey for review at the next committee meeting in November. Updates &Future Meeting Topics. Program Brochure. The new Parks &Recreation program brochure is out. The project was managed by Cindy Witt and the brochure was professionally designed by Eric O'Halleran. Bike Path. Bids for the new section of bike path that will circumnavigate the Recreation Center came in less than the originally anticipated amount of $400,000. Maneval Construction was awarded the bid at $220,000 with an 80/20 match. The project will begin in early September. Miller Riverfront Park Boat Launch. The boat launch agreement has been executed by all parties involved. The city attorney sent the agreement to the Army Corps of Engineers to determine the next step. In September, staff will present a PSA with HR Green to manage the project. The city will not pay for the ramp until the city has received the permit from the Army Corps. This project is included in the CIP. The city is still awaiting word from the state for the previously approved grant. Alderman Peterson asked if the plan includes updating the parking lot and providing washroom facilities. Administrator Hobson answered it would cost approximately $250,000 to improve the lot therefore, it will most likely remain gravel and portable toilets will be provided. The current lot was constructed in accordance with parking lot standards and will support boats and trailers. Annual fees and fines will have to be determined for use of the ramp. Also, the method of charging the fees by issuing an annual sticker or tag on trailers will have to be determined. Tennis Court/Ice Rink. Renovation of the tennis court at Petersen Park has successfully been completed. There are now two tennis courts and a basketball court was added. The Althoff basketball courts were also resurfaced. It was discovered that installation of liner and ice rink on the courts causes the new paint to peel -off. Staff is investigating a new location for the rink and is of the opinion the best location is Fox Ridge Park or Knox Park in the softball outfield. Another option would be to flip the lights at Althoff Park and install the rink in the grass. Aquatic Center/Beach. The aquatic center had a successful season. Weather played a big part in its success along with the addition of night -swim lessons and dedicated lap lanes. Staff is currently dealing with two issues of concern at the pool. The heater will most likely have to be replaced. The pool vacuum failed this past week, which forced the city to close the pool. A vacuum was loaned to the city by District 156 and the pool was reopened the next day. Funds dedicated in the CIP in the amount of $10,000 for a new water feature at the aquatic center will have to be used to offset the cost to repair mechanical issues at the pool. Five inflatable circles were added at Petersen Park beach are a popular element. Additional elements can be added to this feature in the future. Milfoil control will be performed in McCullom Lake this spring. Recreation Center. Manager LaPorte provided an update on Recreation Center memberships. To date, 1376 memberships have been purchased. Staff is targeting 1500 by year-end. On a monthly basis, the center receives approximately 500 drop -in users a month, which is additional revenue. Corporate agreements with McHenry County, McHenry School Districts, and Medela have been purchased. Corporate memberships provide revenue and possible sponsorship opportunities. In addition, community room rentals have increased. Page 3 McBark Dog Park. The department recently completed the installation of a water line and fountain along with an additional shade structure. Purchase of Property. Staff received an offer from the McHenry County Treasurers Office to purchase two small parcels of land. One parcel is located off of Oak Drive and is contiguous to Althoff Park near the tree line. This parcel will require no maintenance. The other is a smaller parcel located on the trailhead, south side of Orleans near the bike path. This parcel will require mowing. To date, the county has not suggested a purchase price. More information will be provided to the committee when it is available. 6. Adjournment. Alderman Schaefer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Santi to adjourn the meeting at 5:40 PM. Aye: Nay: Not Voting: Abstaining: Absent: Motion carried. Schaefer, Santi, Peterson None. None None None Date: i ` ® I 2016