HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 08/31/2017 - Planning and Zoning CommissionPLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE DATE: Thursday August 31, 2017 TIME: 7:30 p.m. PLACE: McHenry Municipal Center (City Council Chambers - South Court Entrance) 333 South Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Public Input - (five minutes total on non -agenda items only) 5. Z-913 Public Hearing — Zoning Map Amendment from RS-4 and C-4 to RM-2; Variances; and Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision on the Subject Property consisting of the following PIN numbers: 09-26-405-016; 09-26-405-017; 09-26-405-018; 09-26405-024; and 09- 26-405-025 which include the following addresses: 3512 W Pearl Street; 3516 W Pearl Street; 3518 W Pearl Street and 1404 N Richmond Road Applicant: Full Circle Communities, Inc., 310 S Peoria #500 Chicago, IL 60607 for property owner Jonco Properties LLC c/o John Colomer, 312 Shepherd Hill Lane, McHenry, IL 60050 Requested Actions: 1, Zoning Map Amendment from RS-4, High -Density Single -Family Residential and C-4 Downtown Commercial to RM-2 High -Density Multi -Family Residential; 2. Variance from the Minimum Required Front Yard in the RM-2 zoning district; 3. Variance from the off-street parking and loading requirements; 4. Preliminary and Final Subdivision plat approval. 5. Any other variances required to develop the Subject Property in substantial accordance with the site; landscape plans and building elevations submitted for this petition. Location of Subiect Property: The subject property includes 3512 W Pearl Street; 3516 W Pearl Street; 3518 W Pearl Street and 1404 N Richmond Road (Illinois Route 31) and is generally located at the northeast corner of Pearl Street and Richmond Road (Illinois Route 31), including the current City right-of-way located immediately north of the Subject Property. 6. Adjourn The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors ojMcHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. [PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT; VARIANCES FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PEARL STREET AND RICHMOND ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 31) Applicant Full Circle Communities, Inc. 310 S Peoria #500 Chicago, IL 60607 Requested Actions • Zoning Map Amendment from RS-4, High -Density Single -Family Residential and C-4 Downtown Commercial to RM-2 High -Density Multi -Family Residential • Variance from the minimum required front yard building setback requirement • Variance from the off-street parking and loading requirements • Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plat Approval • Any other variances required to develop the Subject Property in substantial conformance with the site and landscape plans and building elevations submitted as part of the zoning petition Site Information Location and Size of Property Northeast corner of Route 31 (Richmond Road) and Pearl Street (1.42 acres) Comprehensive Plan Designation Medium -Density Residential Core Downtown Sub -Area Plan Redevelop as Residential Existing Zoning and Land Use RS 4Ri9h-Density Single Family Residential (western half), C-4 Downtown Commercial (eastern half); Parking Lot and Vacant Adjacent Land Use and Zoning North: RS 4, High -Density Single -Family Residential, single-family residential South: C-4, Downtown Commercial, bank drive-thru and office building East: RS-4, single-family residential West: RS-4, St. Mary's Church Background Many different types of land uses have been proposed on the subject property in the past. In 2005 Advance Auto Parts proposed an approximately 6,900 square -foot freestanding building, and in 2006 a strip mall consisting of 14,000 square feet, anchored by Cardinal Fitness, was [PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT; VARIANCES FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PEARL STREET AND RICHMOND ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 31) proposed. Advance Auto Parts received a negative recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and did not proceed to the City Council. The proposed strip mall received a positive recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission but was not approved by the City Council. A Thornton's gas station was proposed on the subject property; however the application was withdrawn prior to going to City Council for consideration. The Veterans Assistance Clinic, ultimately constructed south of the Municipal Center, was also proposed atthis location however the petition was also withdrawn. The subject property has been difficult to find an appropriate land use for a couple reasons including: • It's in an infill property in the midst of an established neighborhood; • Richmond Road, once a two-lane road -now widened to five lane cross-section; • The property is surrounded by multiple land uses including commercial and residential; • Traffic and circulation at Pearl and Richmond is heavy and problematic at times and any use should not spillover and adversely impact adjacent uses -such as create cut -through traffic through the existing established residential neighborhood; • Residential is certainly appropriate however single-family residential atthis location is not the highest and best use; • Commercial is also appropriate however the intensity of a commercial use must not adversely impact the surrounding neighborhood to an extent where it becomes more of a nuisance land use than one of convenience and benefit to the residents; • The property is close to downtown; shopping; located on the Pace Suburban Bus Route; Veterans Memorial Park and ideally any use should allow these amenities to be benefits. The ideal use should be one that istransitional in nature and one that incorporates some features of the surrounding neighborhood but one that includes more modern conveniences; takes advantage of the location, on the periphery of downtown; access to transit; within walking distance to parks; shopping and restaurants. Description of Request Attached is a request presented by Full Circle Communities: http://www.fccommunities.org/ in collaboration with Over the Rainbow http://www,otrassn.org/ and TLS Veterans http://www,tisveterans.org/ on the Project. They are proposing to build 25 apartment units, one and two bedrooms, of accessible housing coupled with supportive services targeted to residents with physical and sensory impairments including many Veterans. `a [PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT, VARIANCES FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PEARL STREET AND RICHMOND ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 31) Full Circle first presented to the Community Development Committee on February 8, 2016 (meeting minutes attached) and since then had several meetings with City Staff and has received full funding for the proposed 25-unit project. The initial project consisted of 47 dwelling units however Full Circle was unsuccessful in obtaining funding for this building; therefore the project was scaled down to 25 units using the same partners and having the same objectives as the initial proposal, simply less units due to the funding being sought. Full Circle would like to continue to apply for funding and construct a second building in the future, however at this time this is only conceptual in nature. The Core -Downtown Sub -Area Plan identifies a lack of affordable rental housing as a threat to the long term success of the City. In the plan's future land use map it goes on to designate the land at Richmond and Pearl to be redeveloped as attached residential, fulfilling the goal to "bring people back to the downtown'. Additionally, the City's Comprehensive Plan highlights the objective to "approve high -density multi -family zoning in the downtown center of the City where sufficient services already exist," with the goal to "promote responsible growth while providing a high quality of life to the residents." Furthermore, Objective 5.1.b of the City's Economic Development Plan is to "promote affordable housing" in the effort to make McHenry a "great place to live, work, and play." The applicant is proposing to construct a 25 dwelling building of rental housing targeted to veterans and people with physical and sensory impairments. All units will be accessible and built specifically for people who cannot live without these types of interior daily living accommodations. The applicant has projects similar to this in other locations, their most recent in Richmond, Illinois. Staff, Mayor Jett and Alderman Schaefer have worked extensively with Full Circle to address potential concerns of neighbors from past projects. Below is an invitation to an open house Full Circle held at St. Mary's Church to introduce the project informally and answer questions and gauge initial neighborhood feedback. Full Circle also did a presentation at the McHenry VFW on August 7 which was arranged by the property owner, developer and VFW. Full Circle chose to hold the open house at St. Mars Church because they felt it was better to be closer to the site and within the immediate neighborhood. Initial concerns expressed included: height of the building which is less than 34 feet; forty feet is permitted in the RM-2 zoning district and typically 35 feet is permitted in single- family districts. Other concerns included building architecture and proximity to residential and reduction in property values. Attached to the staff report is an analysis provided by Full Circle which 3 [PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT; VARIANCES FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PEARL STREET AND RICHMOND ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 31) summarizes an analysis completed and the relationship between their projects and surrounding property values. rW FULLCIRCLE onin uoiiies VG'rGRANS we If PEARL STREET COMMONS RICMORD ROAD AND PEARL STREET llnrl Srrcet ,4 Frurldr Qpwlid9 housi,y and s.n n mrpefip µ-rio,u ,rllh o dCm6diry red rrtaana, des¢ to the ,entries I dmnno,on .Vellenry. the DnyNrt law rrtrnh're nnanr land, add to �der ere, rexl ronmbute As de de�dnrr.,,r�nk,rkinne�i ADm lmedni. OPEN HOUSE August 0, 2017 5:00.7:00pm St. Mary Catholic Church — Mary Hall Full circle, ttith cooperation from TIS and OTR, is holding an open house ¢rent for the Pead Street Commons development located at the writer of Pearl Street and Richmond Road. lbe event gill be held in Mary Hall at St. Mary Catholic Church. Tlembers of the development team ttillbe available to talk about tM1e project and anstrer questions. t1'elook forward tc becoming part of the wonderful McHenry community! "the.ebeeha'vlatkeanAertMwilheemrcefu,hi•Lin kinimenut ..r:1ftai1 The proposed building would be constructed on the eastern half of the property. Currently the site consists of numerous parcels and a 25' wide public alley/right-of-way lies directlyto the north of the site. The applicant is proposing to rezone the entire site to RM-2 High -Density Multi -Family Residential, obtain a front yard building setback variance from 30 feet to 15 feet; a variance from the off-street parking and loading requirements from 51 required to 33 spaces provided. Finally, the applicant is seeking preliminary and final subdivision plat approval. Due to the funding obtained and the potential for a second building in the future, Full Circle decided to pursue the subdivision of the site into two lots. The petitioner is proposing to utilize the existing City right-of-way to the north of the property. They are not proposing to access their site from this right-of-way (solely for emergency access) but would be able to provide additional landscaping and buffer to the residential. If vacated by 4 [PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT; VARIANCES FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PEARL STREET AND RICHMOND ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 31) the City Council, Full Circle would provide a perpetual access easement to the residences which currently utilize the alley (one on Richmond and one on Broad); pave a driveway along this alley and maintain it. They do not need to vacate the alley as part of their project however staff believes it would be a benefit to the City, residents and Full Circle if it's vacated. The vacation of the alley would be considered by the City Council, Staff Analysis Zoning Map Amendment The subject property poses a unique challenge due to its proximity to downtown, location along a major roadway and the fact it lies in the middle of an older established residential neighborhood. The ultimate land use on the subject property needs to dictate the land use pattern traveling north on Richmond Road to Washington Street. It is in close proximity to many different land uses, including single-family homes, apartments, a church, a bank drive-thru and office building. The City's Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Medium -Density Residential (4 to 9 units per acre), and the Core Downtown Sub -Area Plan, adopted by the City Council on August 31, 2009, states the subject property should be redeveloped as residential. The Sub -Area Plan talks about the property being located in an area of transition due to the fact the planning area which encompasses the subject property does not have a clearly -defined land use pattern. A variety of land uses currently exist. The traffic on both Route 31 and Pearl Street is not conducive to allowing additional single-family residential dwellings. Also, Route 31 has been expanded to a five -lane cross section from Illinois Route 120 on the south to Washington Street, When past projects have been proposed on the subject property, citizen concerns were expressed about negatively impacting the character of the surrounding neighborhood, traffic congestion, safety of Montini school children and other miscellaneous impacts including noise and smell. Staff supports the rezoning to RM-2 because it's consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The City's Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Medium -Density Residential (4 to 9 units per acre), and the Core Downtown Sub -Area Plan, adopted by the City Council on August 31, 2009, states the subject property should be redeveloped as residential. The Sub -Area Plan, however, talks about the property being located in an area of transition due to the fact the planning area which encompasses the subject property does not have a clearly -defined land use pattern. A variety of land uses currently exist. During the Thorntons project proposal staff stated that the subject property is an appropriate site for a commercial user. The subject property poses a unique challenge due to its proximityto [PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT; VARIANCES FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PEARL STREET AND RICHMOND ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 31) downtown, location along a major roadway and the fact it lies in the middle of an older established residential neighborhood. It is in close proximity to many different land uses, including single-family homes, apartments, a church, a bank drive-thru and office building. Staff believed the proposed VA Clinic with off-street parking was an acceptable use for the site and is compatible with the surrounding area. The Full Circle project is an ideal transitional use. It is low impact in terms of traffic; within walking distance to downtown; provides housing to those who for the most part are unable to work and is in directly proximity to public transportation. Variances Front yard building setback variance from 30 feet to 15 feet; a variance from the off-street parking and loading requirements from 51 required to 33 spaces. Staff supports both variances. Full Circle, through the development of past projects, has data supportingthe fact that a standard parking ratio for apartments is not needed. All of these units will be accessible units. Most of the residents will not drive. Parking will be needed for support services and guests however having a 1:1 ratio of parking forthis type of use is more practical than a typical apartment parking ratio, which is: 2 spaces for one -bedroom units and 2.33 spaces for 2-bedroom units. The building setback variance is from 30 feet to 15 feet. In the RM-2 zoning district, the front yard building setback required is 30 feet and the corner side yard is 15 feet; however due to the subdivision of the property, the front yard by zoning definition for the proposed building is on Pearl Street. Staff believes having the building closer to the road on Pearl Street makes more sense for a couple of reasons: it provides a more defined streetscape and it's farther from the residential to the north. Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plat Approval The applicant is proposing to subdivide the site into two lots. Proposed Lot 2 is the location of the 25-unit building and proposed Lot 1 would be developed in the future. The primary purpose of the proposed subdivision is for financing purposes. It should be noted that if a building is proposed on Lot 1 in the future the applicant would be required to come back to Planning and Zoning and City Council because the front yard would be on Pearl Street -currently depicted as 15' but should be changed to 30', and the corner side yard would be off of Richmond Road and be 15'. As previously stated staff is supporting the vacation of the alley with the conditions that it be paved as a driveway for the two users, only utilized by Full Circle for emergency access, and maintained in perpetuity by Full Circle. If the vacation is not approved by City Council Full Circle is still required to maintain a 15' landscape buffer to the north and east. 0 [PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT; VARIANCES FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PEARL STREET AND RICHMOND ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 31) The proposed plat incorporates easements for servicing all three proposed lots with water, sewer, gas and electric, as well as to accommodate cross access and drainage. There will be no additional direct access to Richmond Road, with the exception of emergency only access to the subject property and will be stipulated on the approved plat. Perceptual access easements for benefitting property owners currently utilizing the alley, as well as maintenance of alley, shall be reflected on the final plat. The preliminary and final plats are being combined due to the relative simplicity of the request. In accordance with the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance "The subdivider may submit a final plat simultaneously with the submission of a preliminary plat" if the proposed subdivision meets all of the following requirements: A. The proposed subdivision contains three or fewer lots; and B. The proposed subdivision does not require or create any new public rights -of -way or easements for access; and C. The proposed subdivision requires no extensions of public utilities and no new public facilities; and D. The proposed subdivision does not include anyterritory that is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area, or contain any proposed lots that may be unbuildable because of the nature of the soils located thereon. An initial review of the plats, traffic study and engineering has been completed by the Cit�/s engineer and the project would proceed to City Council once all engineering comments have been addressed. Staff Recommendation Prior to Public Hearing Approval of a zoning map amendment from RS-4 and C 4 to RM-2 for the Subject Property; Staff finds all requirements in Table 33 of the Zoning Ordinance have been satisfied; Approval of Variances for off-street parking and loading from 51 spaces to 33 spaces and a front yard building setback variance from 30 feet to 15 feet with the following conditions: • Site is developed in substantial conformance with site and landscape plans and building elevations as submitted; • Full Circle work with Pace Suburban Bus in locating a bus transit shelter in the proximity of Richmond Road and Pearl Street and incorporated modifications to site plan, at a minimum -including a canopy and outdoor seating area on the west side (front of the building for residents waiting for a Pace Paratransit bus); A conceptual layout shall be provided to staff prior to City Council consideration; 7 [PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT; VARIANCES FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PEARL STREET AND RICHMOND ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 31) • If bus shelter and/or canopy/seating area cannot be accommodated Full Circle shall submit justification/documentation substantiating why this requirement cannot be met. Staff finds that all requirements in Table 32 of the zoning ordinance have been met. Approval of the preliminary and final plats of subdivision with the following conditions: • All recommendations by City engineer to develop property are finalized prior to City Council consideration; • If alley is vacated by City Council -Full Circle shall provide a 24' paved driveway to residents currently utilizing alley, as well as a perpetual access easement and agree to maintain the alley in perpetuity (this shall be included on the final plat and recorded against both properties so any future owner would be aware of these conditions); • If alley is vacated by City Council it shall only be utilized by Full Circle (subject property) for emergency access only and this shall also be included on the final plat; • Final plat shall reflect front yard setback of 30 feet for Lot 1. • Full Circle shall prepare a plat of vacation to be considered by the City Council and be responsible for publication of public hearing notice; Attachments • Location Map • Community Development Committee Meeting Minutes dated February 8, 2016 • Full Circle Communities Property Value Impacts of Milwaukee Avenue Apartments • Application Packet August 31, 2017 [PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT; VARIANCES FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PEARL STREET AND RICHMOND ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 31) COMIIIUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT February 8, 2016 McHenry Municipal Center In Altendnnce: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Aldernnut Peterson and Aldemtan Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Community Development Polerecky, Director of Economic Development Martin and City Clerk Jones. Also in attendance: Aldemtan Glab Ilelen Glab Charles "Chip" Eldridge III (Banner Apartments) Lindsey Haines (Full Circle Communities, Properly Manager) Eric Huffman (Over the Rainbow) John Colonter, 312 Shepherd Hill, MelIeary, IL I. Call to Order: Chairman Aldemtan Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Chairman Alderman Condon welcomed Mr. Ross Polerecky, newly appointed Director of Community Development. Mr. Polerecky stated that he is excited abort his new role as Director of Community Development and looks forward to working with the Council and Staff moving forward. 2. PublicIutut: None. 3. Motion to ammrove the November 30. 2015 Special Community Development Committee Mcetina Renm•t Chairman Alderman Condon requested the November 30, 2015 Special Community Development Committee Meeting Repori be approved. Motion by Peterson, second by Sand, approving the November 30, 2015 Special Community Development Committee Meeting Report. Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. A. Presentation of ConeepUml Development Prnnnsal for Pearl Street Apartments Director of Community Development Marlin informed the Committee that many different types of land uses bave been proposed on the subject properly, which is located on the northeast comer of Richmond Road and Pearl Street. In addition to commercial entities, proposals for multi- 10 [PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT; VARIANCES FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PEARL STREET AND RICHMOND ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 31) Community Development Committee Meeting Report February 8, 2016 Page 2 family developments have been considered, but have not come to fruiliar, primarily due to cost/funding requirements for the property. Director of Community Dcvelopmenl Marlin presented a proposed development by Full Circle Communities, in partnership with Over the Rainbow and Transitional Living Services (TLS Veterans) for a three-story affordable apartment complex including a total of 47 dwelling units (12 two -bedroom and 35 one -bedroom), which would be dedicated to individuals with mobility and sensory impairments and some of the units would be specifically targeted to veterans. The applicant is applying for federal tax credit equity as its primary financing source. Director Martin reiterated to the Committee that both Banner Apartnrcnts and TIS have previously applied to do a project in the City of McHenry. Banner Apartment initially presented a conceptual development plan for the southeast comer of Illinois route 120 and Crystal Lake Road (formerly the site of Portable Tool), project was considered at the November 21, 2006 Community Development Committee treating and is similar to the current proposal in that the proposed (rousing would be going to be affordable with a percentage reserved for people with special needs. Major concerns expressed at the lime by members of the Committee regarding the redevelopment included: (1) appearance of the fapade on the first Boor; (2) providing additional landscaping and open space; (3) the high density and height and mass of the building along Crystal Lake Road; and (4) configuration of the proposed building on the site. The project did not move forward following the initial presentation to the Community Development Committee, Subsequently, Banner Apartments presented another project to the Community Devclopmcnt Committee on April 30, 2013, which consisted of a 7.75 acre site with frontage along Bull Valley Road and Ridgeview Drive. The project consisted of two 24dwelling unit buildings and no 22-unit building. The buildings were three stories and consisted of a total of 70 dwelling The project, similar to the project currently proposer) was relying at tax credit equity from the Illinois Department of Horsing Anthorily (IDHA) as its primary source of financing. The project, while well received by the Committee, did not proceed because Banner Apartment was not awarded the necessary tax credit financing from the IDHA. Director Martin reiterated Thal T1S also applied to do a project at the southeast comer of Ridge Road and Illinois Route 120, Irowover, TLS was constrained by regulatory/finding challenges due to utilizing well and septic, as opposed to City water and sewer, and the project did not proceed. This project was exclusively dedicated as housing for veterans. In 2013, Council approved a Use Variance to allow construction of three eight -unit apartment buildings and a Variance to allow multiple principle buildings on one zoning lot. Some concerns pertaining to t to project expressed during the approval process involved proximity to public transportation and that the project was so far from any stropping. Director Marlin introduced Ms. Lindsey Haines, Project Manager of Full Circle Communities (Full Circle). Ms. Raines informed the Comm�iltce that Fnll Cirole Communities is please to 11 [PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT; VARIANCES FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PEARL STREET AND RICHMOND ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 31) Community Development Committee Meeting Report February 8, 2016 Page 3 present the proposed project, The Pearl Street Apartments (Pearl Street). The proposed project would curate 47 units of universally designed service -rich housing at the comer of Pearl Street and Richmond Road. All [fie units would include design features enabling tenants with mobility impairments to live independently and also for seniors to age in place. As. Haines introduced Mr. Eric Huffman, Executive Director of OTR. Ms. Haines stated (flat Pull Circle is a non-profit owner, developer and manager. Full Circle's mission is one of expanded access to quality, affordable (rousing through preservation and development, lhoughllhl design and the provision of significant, targeted supportive services to residents and the surrounding community. Full Circle utilizes 75% of all project economics to fund resident services on site. Pull Circle currently owns over 700 units in Illinois and Florida. Full Circle currently manages Towerview Apartments in the McHenry and is slated to begin construction on a senior project called Creckview in Riclmrond, Illinois in March 2016. As. Haines informed the Committee that nearly 24,000 persons with disabilities currently live in McHenry County, over 2,000 live in the City of McHenry, according to Census figures. Pearl Strect would be designed with the needs and challenges of this population by incorporating smart design and on -site case management. Units would have kitchens designed for wheelchair access and roll in showers. Full Circle's main service provider partner is Over the Rainbow Association (OTR), a non-profit dedicated to (rousing and services for persons with disabilities. Ms. Haines slated that OTR is also experiences locally, operating the Northern Point Apartments in Harvard. Ms. Haines infomred the Conunittee that the Pearl Street project intends to target units to local veterans; working with 79S veterans, a service provider partner on the Creekview project. Ms. Haines outlined lbc Pearl Street Project infomting the Committee flint the building would be four stories of masonry and fiber cement panels, incorporating on -site community areas and recreation space. The project would be Enterprise Green Communities and Energy Star Certified. canpleted in winter/spring 2018. Services on -site include: • Casc managcnncnl; • Coordination ofunedicalcare; • 'therapist visits; • 'transportation coordination; and • Resident activities. Ms. Haines stated that Onc project would bring accessible housing to the commurdly and provide the residents easy access to trvrsil, shopping and recreation. It would also revitalize vacant land, add to the downtown consumer base, generate property lax revenue and create jobs in the community. Director Martin informed the Conunillce that obtaining tux credit financing for this type of project is extremely difficult and the process is lengthy and wmpelitive. He stated that the City of McHenry'a Comprehensive Plan designates Ilte site as mcdiunrdensity residential (4 to 9 12 [PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT; VARIANCES FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PEARL STREET AND RICHMOND ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 31) Conununily Development Conunilfec Meeting Report Pebmary S, 2016 Yage 4 wets per acre) and the Core Downtown Sub -Area Plan, adopted by the Council on August 31, 200% states the subject property should be redeveloped as residential. The proposed apartment and use is located in close proximity to downtown shopping and restaurants; public transportation; assembly uses; mid, public gathering places (i.e., Veterans Memorial Park). The project world provide affordable housing for persons who need it and many residents would not drive, therefore, there would not be a large amount of traffic generated to and from the site. Director Martin informed the Committee that the subject property includes 1.42 acres. While the gross density is high, the project is not a typical apartment development. The project is more institutional in nature in that residents are provided on -going services. Director Martin stated that in order to proceed with their funding application to the IDHA the developer needs a consensus and recommendation from the Committee. Director Marlin stated that the recommendation does not denote final approval of the site plan, building elevation or roving, which would require application to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and ultimate approval by lire fill Council. The applicant is simply, at this time, seeking comments pertaining to the land use at the location and general comments, questions and/or concerns from the Committee regarding the Preliminary Site Plat and building elevation. Aldcmman Smmti opined that the comer of Richmond Road and Pearl Street is a challenging location. He stated that he likes the project, as presented for this particular area. Alderman Peterson inquired about screening for residents in the surrounding vicinity. Ms. Haines responded that the developer is willing to provide whatever screening the Council requires. RCSp0lnding to Gllmmlan AI(ICn1lflI1 CO» tlott'S Inglllry re$ardlllg W»e[ner U11< IS a privately funded enterprise, Mr. Hnffmmt informed the Connnittee that OTR is a not -for -profit Chairman Alderman Condon stated that her primary concern is for traffic congestion. Site opined that the facility would provide a wonderful service to the community and she supports the project. Motion by Smmti, second by Peterson, agreeing to the proposed land use, density and general concephlal proposal in concept, to move the project forwnnl, with time recommendation that the project be reviewed by full Council and the »onnal protocol of the Planning and Zoning Couunission and a Public Hearing.. Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. Mr. John Colorer, the property owner, Thanked Ms. Haines for her [borough presentation. }Ie stated Thal everyone is excited about the project and that he believes the project will be good for the community and the people in the community of Mclteary, 13 [PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT; VARIANCES FROM THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL ON THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PEARL STREET AND RICHMOND ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 31) Commm�ity Development Committee Meeting Report February 8, 2016 ?age 5 Responding to au inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding the review of a project. Director of Comnnnity Development Polerecky informed the Committee that usually a project comes before the Community Development Committee, then goes before the Planning and Zoning Commnission for a recommendation to go to Public Hearing and then the project would collie before Council. Director Martin stated that the protocol is not carved in stone and the project could go before Council prior to submission to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Public Hearing, Director Martin said the protocol is done both ways, neither is incorrect. A discussion ensued regarding the collect protocol and procedure. Chairman Aldarnnan Condon stated that she would like to see a specific protocol in the future regarding what is required to go before the Planning and Zoning Commission and what may or may now have to go before the Planning and Zoning Commission, and in what sequence, in order to avoid any confusion in the finture. Director Martin, Ms. Haines, Mr. Huffinmt, Mr. Eldridge and Mr. Colomer departed the meeting. 14 ; ) { \\§ 0 {/0 0. § } \/ E ®�% ƒ){ jƒk { ) 0. # I f bD !a\ Za3 0 _ _y _VIA041m « ƒ( ƒ( !! | /} \ ~ §r f �2[ n N � ! !K � «;§& � � \ k q } / a vkf \ / . | E ) ! $ pace Connecting Communities SHELTER STYLE OPTIONS STYLE 1 Note: electrical connection via solar power or hardwiring, to be determined based on site conditions. STYLE 2 STYLE 3 STYLE 4 STYLE 5 (for narrower spaces) STYLE 6 (for narrower spaces) REAL TIME SIGN OPTION at Pace's discretion, based on ridership activity at the proposed location) CHK Connectpoint 32"Si6n To Be Integrated In To Shelter Wall with Internal Wiring pace Connecting Communities Narrative Description of Proposal — Pearl Street Commons Full Circle Communities hereby requests consideration and approval of a subdivision, property rezoning, and variances for minimum parking and minimum front yard for the development of Pearl Street Commons, located at 3512 Pearl Street, Background: Full Circle Communities (FCC) proposes the development of Pearl Street Commons (PSC) located at 3512 Pearl Street on the northeast corner of Richmond Road and Pearl Street in downtown McHenry. The approximately $7MM project will convert the existing vacant lot into a high -quality affordable rental community targeted to veterans and persons with a disability. PSC will consist of 25 units made up of 22 one bedroom units and 3 two bedroom units, designed to be highly accessible including roll -in showers, accessible kitchens, grab bars, and wider turn -radii (see attached images). In addition to the units, the building will feature on -site property management, community and service space, library and computer room, resident storage space, laundry room, patio, and 33 off-street parking spaces. The building will achieve "green" certifications through Enterprise Green Communities and Energy Star. As a non-profit, FCC commits 75% of developer fee and ongoing cash flow to provide services to our residents to help enrich their lives and remain stably housed. Full Circle is partnering with TLS Veterans and Over the Rainbow Association, local service providers for veterans and persons with a disability respectively, to make tenant referrals and provide services at no extra cost to the residents. Full Circle will provide long-term professional property management and will maintain on -site property management and maintenance staff. In 2016, FCC originally presented to the Community Development Committee to do a 47-unit development with the same target population. The initial applications for state funding were unsuccessful. A subsequent round of funding was released in early 2017 and FCC received an award, however the building could contain no more than 25 units. The 25- unit Pearl Street Commons is what is being presented to PU for consideration and approval of rezoning and variances. As shown on the plans, FCC hopes to complete a Phase II development of an additional 20-25 units sometime in the future to get back up to the original scope and provide more housing for veterans and persons with a disability. There is no timeline set for Phase II and Full Circle has not yet applied for funding. While Phase II is still very conceptual, it is important to show on the plans to demonstrate FCC's intention. Additionally, FCC is in discussion with the city on the potential vacation of the public alley on the north side of the site. The potential alley vacation is also shown on the plans. i o t e proposa an si a cons ram s, a nee oapp y- of r—su dtuGsion�rezonmg,-an aananeesto the minimum front yard and parking minimum is necessary. The following briefly describes the requests. Subdivision: Full Circle seeks to subdivide the subject property in order to accommodate the development of Pearl Street Commons and the future Phase II on separate lots. Subdivision is necessary due to requirements set by the funding sources. Zoning: Current zoning for the property is RS-4 High -Density Single Family Residential and C-4 Downtown Commercial. FCC seeks a rezoning to RM-2 High -Density Multifamily Residential in order to develop 25 units of quality, accessible multifamily housing for veterans and persons with a disability. McHenry is home to over 1,300 veterans and over 2,000 persons with a disability. Additionally, 57% of renters are housing cost burdened, meaning they pay more than 30% of their income towards housing costs. Accessible rental housing is rare in McHenry, where most buildings have front steps and no elevator. Affordable, accessible housing will allow veterans and persons with a disability on a fixed income to live independently and thrive in the community. Variance — Front Yard Minimum: FCC is requesting a variance to the minimum front yard under the RM-2 zoning because the proposed project does not meet the minimum requirement. Under the RM-2 zoning the minimum front yard requirement is 30 feet. The variance would allow the project to have a front yard setback of 15 feet. Fifteen feet is in line with the neighboring residential and commercial uses which have front yards of 15 feet or lower. PSC is part of the Core -Downtown Sub -Area which is characterized by higher density and minimal yard setbacks. Granting a variance to do a 15 foot front yard would be consistent with adjacent uses and the development character of downtown McHenry. Variance — Parking Minimum: FCC also requests a variance to the parking minimum because the proposed project does not meet the minimum requirement. Under the ordinance, the minimum parking requirement is 2.0 spots per 1-bedroom units and 2.33 spots per 2+ bedroom units. For PSC this would mean 51 off-street parking spaces, a ratio of 2.04:1. The PSC project includes 25 dwelling units and 33 off-street parking spaces, which comes to 1.32 spots per dwelling unit. FCC believes that due to characteristics of the resident population, excellent access to public transportation, and parking usage at comparable properties, the request meets the criteria for granting the variance. The city includes transit - oriented development as a Comprehensive Plan policy and recognizes that it provides benefits to the community such as reduced traffic congestion and air pollution. One of the tenets of transit -oriented development is lowered parking ratio requirements. Even with lowered parking ratio requirements, the typical utilization rates are many times much lower than 100% at any given time. In a survey of other FCC properties (senior and disabled) that have parking ratios below 0.5:1 we found typical utilization rates around 50-70% (see attached chart). Additionally, the disability and income status of the tenant population is shown to have limited car use and ownership. According to research from the University of California — Berkeley, low income individuals and families are less likely to have access to a car. In the U.S., the percentage of low income residents without access to an automobile is over 20% compared to just 4% for non -low income residents. Research from the U.S. Department of Transportation states that persons with a disability are 1.35 times less likely to drive or have access to a car than nondisabled individuals. These populations typically rely more on public transportation options because of their accessibility and affordability. In the case of the PSC project in downtown, the site has direct access to Pace bus routes 806 and 807, Metra train, and the MCRide Dial -a -Ride service. We are excited about the opportunity to pursue this project in a community that is dedicated to local community planning and revitalization. We believe our requests for subdivision, rezoning, parking variance, and front yard variance are reasonable and meet the criteria for approval. Thank you for taking the time to review and consider our application Parking Utilization Study Project Address Units Spaces Ratio Typical Parking Utilization Rate Pearl Street 3512 Pearl 25 units 33 parking 1.32:1 Commons Street, McHenry, spaces IL Milwaukee 3064 N. 32 units 14 parking 0.44:1 70% Avenue Milwaukee Ave. spaces Apartments Chicago, IL Goodlette Arms 950 Goodlette 250 units 120 parking 0.48:1 50% Apartments Frank Rd. Naples, spaces FL Universal Design Features Kitchen and 6a[hroom design Attess161e pull down ca6lne[ system FORM A PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION Planning and Zoning Commission City of McHenry File Number Z-913 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Tel: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 1. Name of Applicant Full Circle Communities. Inc. Tel 847-849-5302 Address 310 S. Peoria St.. Ste. 500 Fax N!A City State IL,_ Zip 60607 2. Name of Property Owner John Colomer Tel 815-482-2376 (If other than Applicant) Address 312 Shepherd Hill Lane Fax N/A City McHenry State IL Zip 60050 3. Name of Engineer Ryan Solum— Manhard Consulting Tel 847-325-7084 (If represented) Address 900 Woodlands Pkwy Fax N/A City Vernon Hills State IL Zip 60061 4. Name of Attorney Andy Massmann — Ap I�eeate & Thorne -Thomsen Tel 312-491-4433 (If represented) Address 440 S. LaSalle St., Ste. 1900, Chicago, IL 60605 Fax 312-491-4411 5. Common Address or Location of Property 3512 Pearl Street 6. Requested Actions) (check all that apply) X Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) Conditional Use Permit X Zoning Variance Other Zoning Variance —Minor _ Zoning Text Amendment Use Variance *Definition of Minor Variance: A variance granted to the fee owner, contract purchaser or option holder of asingle-family detached or attached dwelling, or single-family detached or attached building lot for that dwelling or lot. FORMA Page 1 of 3 7. Current Use of Property The westem half of the subject property is currently undeveloped and grass covered The eastern half consists of an asphalt paved parking lot formerly used by the bank. 8. Current Zuluug Classification of Property, Lrcluding Variances or Conditional Uses RS 4• PINS 09-26-405-016. 09-26405-024. 09-26-405-025 (western half of property) C 4• PINS 09 26 405 017. 09-26-405-018 (eastern half of property) 9. Current Zoning Classification and Land Use of Adjoining Properties North: RS 4 single family homes South: East: RS 4 single familyhomes West: RS-4 church and school; RM-2 single family homes 10. Required Attachments (check all items submitted) Please refer to the Public Hearing Requirements Checklist to determine the requhed attachments. X 1. Application Fee (amount) $ 950 X 2. Narrative Description of Request X 3, FORM A — Public Hearing Application X 4, FORM B — Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) Application 5. FORM C — Conditional Use Application X 6, FORM D — Zoning Variance Application FORM E — Use Variance Application _7 Proof of Owners9pand/or Writes Consentrf om Property wner in he—Fon�of an --- Affidavit X 9. Plat of Survey with Legal Description X 10. List of Owners of all Adjoining Properties X 11. Public Hearing Notice X 12. Sign (Provided by the City, to be posted by the Applicant) X 13. Site Plan X 14. Landscape Plan X 15. Architectural Rendering of Building Elevations 16. Performance Standards Certification X 17. Traffic Analysis 18. School Impact Analysis FORMA Page 2 of 3 11. Disclosure of Interest The party signing the application shall be considered the Applicant. The Applicant must be the owner or trustee of record, trust beneficiary, lessee, contract purchaser, or option holder of the subject property or his or her agent or nominee. Applicant is Not Owner If the Applicant is not the owner of record of the subject property, the application shall disclose the legal capacity of the Applicant and the full name, address, and telephone number of the owner(s). In addition, an affidavit of the owners(s) shall be filed with the application stating that the Applicant has the authority from the owners(s) to make the application. **See Purchase Agreement** Applicant or Owner is Coporation or Partnership If the Applicant, owner, contract purchaser, option holder, or any beneficiary of a land trust is a corporation or partnership, the application shall disclose the name and address of the corporation's officers, directors, and registered agents, or the partnership's general partners and those shareholders or limited partners owning in excess of five percent of the outstanding stock or interest in the corporation or interest shared by the limited partners. **See List of Officers & Directors** Applicant or Owner is a land Trust If the Applicant or owner is a land trust or other trust or trustee thereof, the full name, address, telephone number, and extent of interest of each beneficiary shall be disclosed in the application. **N/A** 12. Certification I hereby certify that I am aware of all code requirements of the City of Mcllenry that relate to this property and that the proposed use or development described in this application shall comply with all such codes. I hereby request that a public hearing to consider this application be held before the Planning and Zoning Conuniasion, and thereafter that a recommendation be forwarded to the City Council for the adoption of an ordinance(s) granting the requested action(s), including any modifications to this application or conditions of approval recommended by the Zoning Board of Appeals or City Council, Print Name and Designation of Applicants) FORMA Page 3 of 3 FORM B File Number Z-913 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) Planning and Zoning Commission City of McHenry 333 South Green Stree[ � McHenry, IL 60050 � Tel: (815) 363-2170 a Fax: (815) 363-2173 Table 33 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance provides that in recommending approval of a Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning), the Planning and Zoning Commission shall transmit to the City Council written findings that all of the conditions listed below apply to the requested action. Please respond to each of these conditions as it relates to your request, 1. Compatible with Use or Zoning of Environs The proposed use(s) or the uses permitted under the proposed zoning classification are compatible with existing uses or existing zoning of property in the environs. Pearl Street Commons, RM-2, is compatible with adjacent uses and zoning as it is located adjacent to RS- 4, C4, and RM-2 zoning with existing uses of single family homes, a bank, a church- and a school. It is located within the Core -Downtown Sub -Area which prioritizes mixed uses and higher density. 2. Supported by Trend of Development The trend of development in the general area since the original zoning of the affected property was established supports the proposed use(s) or zoning classification. Pearl Street Commons, RM-2, is consistent with the local trend to make the Core -Downtown Sub -Area an area of higher density, mixed uses. The prroiect redevelops a vacant lot into higher density residential. The city has invested time, effort, and resources into redeveloping the area and created partnerships with the private sector to leverage their resources. The proposed uses) or zoning classification is in harmony with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan of the City as viewed in light of any changed conditions since the adoption of the Plan. Pearl Street Commons, RM-2, is consistent with the Plan and helps the Citv accomplish the goals of providing high -density multifamily housing in the downtown, near commercial, and in proximity to transit, connecting residents to services, jobs, and retail in a mixed use environment. The development is also infill housing that would replace a vacant and underutilized site in an existing neighborhood. The Core -Downtown Sub -Area Future Land -Use Man also designates the nroiect site as a site for residential redevelopment. 4. Furthers Public Interest The proposed uses) or zoning classification promotes the public interest and not solely the interest of the applicant. Pearl Street Commons, RM-2, promotes the public interest because it provides accessible housing and increases housing affordability for veterans and persons with a disability. There is limited availability of existing accessible, and elevator -served housing in the area. Accessible housing at a reasonable price FORM B Page 1 of 2 helps tenants remain independent and age in place FORM B Page 2 of 2 FORM D File Number Z-913 ZONING VARIANCE Planning and Zoning Commission City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Tel: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 Table 32 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance provides that irr recommending approval or conditional approval of a variance, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall transmit to the City Council written findings that all of the conditions listed below apply to the requested action. Please respond to each of these conditions as it relates to request I. Special Circumstances Not Found Elsewhere Special circumstances exist that are particular to the property for which the variance is sought and that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zoning district; and these circumstances are not of so general or recurrent a nature as to make it reasonably practical to provide a general regulation to cover them. The subject property is unique for sites zoned RM-2 because it is located in downtown McHenry which is characterized by higher density, minimal setbacks, and greater public transportation opportunities This is unlike the maiority of lots zoned RM-2 which are located in less dense more car -reliant areas of McHenry, 2. Circumstances Relate to Property Only Since a variance will affect the character of its surroundings long after a property changes hands, the special circumstances referenced herein relate only to the physical character of the land or building(s) for which a variance is sought, such as dimensions, topography, or soil conditions; and they do not concenr any business or aetiyity the -present -_ ospec v ownc- - yes --on 01seeks-to- cally-on if _ personal, business or financial circumstances of such owner or tenant or any other party with interest in the property. The requested variances to minimum parking and minimum front yard are specific to and necessary for the development located at the northeast corner of Richmond Road and Pearl Street They are necessary only for the successful completion of Pearl Street Commons and not related to another personal business or financial circumstance of the owner or applicant. Additionally, the variances are specific to the Pearl Street Commons project which Full Circle will own for a minimum of 30 years per the requirements of our funding sources 3. Not Resulting from Applicant Action The special circumstances that are the basis for a variance have not resulted from any act of the applicant or of any other party with interest in the property. The request for variances to the minimum parking and minimum front yard do not result from applicant downtown development trends. FORM D Page 1 of 3 density residential in compatible areas, such as downtown McHemy, 9. Minimum Variance Required The variance requested is the minimum required to provide the applicant with reasonable use and enjoyment of the property. The variances for minimum parkin¢ and front yard are the necessary minimum in order to develop quality, in order to minimize the number of requested variances. FORM D Page 3 of 3 Form F File Number Z-913 PLAT AM Y ELOPMENT APPLICATION City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Tel: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 1. Name of Applicant Full Circle Communities. Inc. Tel 847-849-5302 Address 310 S. Peoria St.. Ste. 500 Fax N/A 2. Name of Property Owner John Colomer Tel 815482-2376 (If other than Applicant) Address 312 Shepherd Hill Lane, McHeriM IL 60050 Fax N/A 3. Name of Engineer Ryan Solum—Manhard Consulting Tel 847-325-7084 (If represented) Address 900 Woodlands PbU, Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Fax N/A 4. Name of Attorney Andv Massmann—Applegate & Thorne -Thomsen Te1312-491-4433 (If represented) Address 440 S. LaSalle St.. Ste. 1900, Chicago, IL 60605 Fax 312-491-4411 5. Common Address or Location of Property 3512 Pearl Street 6. Requested Action X Fival Plat Development Provide a brief description of the Requested Action. For example, indicate the number of lots and the type of subdivision (single-family, towhhome, commercial, industrial, etc.) or include a description of the development project: The site will be zoned RM-2 and will be split into two lots for multifamily development One lot will accommodate Pearl Street Conunons. a 25-unit residential development targeted to veterans and persons with a disability. A potential Phase H multifamily development will occuMv the second lot FORM F Page 1 of 3 7. Current Use of Property The western half of the subject property is currently undeveloped and grass covered. The eastern half consists of an asphalt paved parking lot, formerly used by the bank. 8. Current Zoning Classification of Property, Including Variances or Conditional Uses RS-4: PINS 09-26-405-016; 09-26-405-024; 09-26-405-025 (western half of property) C-4: PINs 09-26-405-017; 09-26-405-018 (eastern half of property) 9. Current Zoning Classification and Land Use of Adjoining Properties North: RS-4 single family homes South: East: RS-4 sinele family homes West: RS-4 church and school; RM-2 sin leg family homes 10. Required Attachments -Please refer to the attached checklist. 1 I. Disclosure of Interest The party signing the application shall be considered the Applicant. The Applicant must be the owner or trustee of record, trust beneficiary, lessee, contract purchaser, or option holder of the subject property or his or her agent or nominee. Applicant is Not Owner If the Applicant is not the owner of record of the subject property, the application shall disclose the legal capacity of the Applicant and the full name, address, and telephone number of the owner(s). In addition, an affidavit of the owners(s) shall be filed with the application stating that the Applicant has the authority from the owners(s) to make the application. **See Purchase Agreement** — — Anp icant or Owner is Corporation or arhrers p -- If the Applicant, owner, contract purchaser, option holder, or any beneficiary of a land tmst is a corporation or partnership, the application shall disclose the name and address of the corporation's officers, directors, and registered agents, or the partnership's general partners and those shareholders or limited partners owning in excess of five percent of the outstanding stock or interest in the corporation or interest shared by the limited partners. **See List of Officers & Directors** Applicant or Owner is a land Trust L the Applicant or owner is a land trust or other trust or trustee thereof, the full name, address, telephone number, and extent of interest of each beneficiary shall be disclosed in the apphcation. **N/A** FORM F Page 2 of 3 12. Certification I hereby certify that I am aware of all code requirements of the City of McHenry that relate to this property and that the proposed use or development described in this application shall comply with all such codes. I hereby request that the City process this application in accordance with the codes and ordinances of the City. Signature of Ag lio CantL) Print Name and Designation of Applicant(s) FORM F Page 3 of 3 1■1 Ing __-__■___■___-___�■�.■�_ __ 1 I111 ■I■ �1� 1 ■ � � 1. ■�11■I�I11■I111■ ■I■ICI 1i11■ 1.■l 11 _���d■I■I�II� - SITE PLAN FULL CIRCLE Acomrnunities a PE"ARL ST. b PEARL STREET COMMONS RICHMOND & PEARL STREETS MCHENRY, ILLINOIS 0 25' S0' 75' 125' CORDOGAN CLARK &ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS MAN LOCATION MAP A4)1 ]tl SCAM EXISTING ZONING () C-4)MWT0'WM VERVA AYLY RESDENRAL PROPOSED ZONING (RV-2) M.W BEN9W MULTI FAV.LY WE MNTIAL SURVEYOR'S NOTES A.n� M06�.e.�05 FINAL PLAT OF PEARL STREET SUBDIVISION BEANG A S Mffl9Q W THAT PART OF THE SWTHEASr WMJER W 6ECTION26. TOVMSHP {5 NORTH, RANCE6, EAST OF 111E THIRD PRINgPAL MMR M, IN VCHENRY =NTY, I QS. / 4®T$ I P9, k zt �PON T� SOON . Q ®T IS \°+µ Zl9jl8 t 2) �As \ \ 231• \ \ N 22159'330 \ 2500— \ \ LOT 1 eo 531. \ dtl. slo m. . fnTz.T ulasl 5 89.1p. ��.N is , d so 2 J !_ \ . o m Ams) / / m n3TF1FFT / l� //a / / l PIT T�•� PINS 09-26-405-016 M-26-405-012 M-26-405-016 M-26-405-024 *T 09-25-405-025 1Y ,4 Al .64� ws GRAPHIC SCALE `®T? 1 b- W)` BASIS OF BEARINGS I� NX C`fF WN AIR°: VO BY mrso (ate) �Nvc -Tar ,NCR NO .. FULL CYKIE GOVWNR J INC ]10 S PEORU l- WW /500 Ill- ) FULL CYKIE GOVWNR J INC ]10 S PEORU l- WW /500 Ill- ) PROPERTY AREA LOi I 31.510 Ff (0.723 ACRES) n,013n to 6M AMES) TOTAL AREA 60,521 50. FT. (1.369 ACRES) SUBMITTED BY/R6'TURN TO.• MLL CkRWE COVVUN'01ES, 1NC 31D S. PE R STREET /500 CH LL 6060] N O 2 N Q N O �• w ¢ O N Q a QJ W U Z a 2 LL ..I W a OWNER'S THIS IS TO ALSO COMAY WT DR AS DINNER OF TIN PROMOTE M� AS ME GAAR SCHOOL INSENSATE SO 15 DAM IRS All. m_ —CANOE OMER'S NAVE AND ADORE55 6 TRADED SAM AND TIM MEDIA NE 714S DAY IN INVESTOR AM WT 74EY DO SORT AND VOLINAER TM d PRINTED PLANE ANY WYE INANELY RUDE AND IYTIZ STATE a ) > SS aTINTY 6 PASCAL A AND TYXI TRE ONANTY AND STAFF AFORESAID, DO HINSIN DOWN WT ANN 7W DAY BY AYOzTYCOON Aff oa RE BITYLAINT AS A TIME AND VOLUMARY ACT FOX BiE USES AND MOVIES INNER SET STATE OF LEADS ) ss wDAOY OF OOENan nvSONE maw MADC OF TIN SC ON WYENRY. OTmN MEN WORD FOR 7HE OMPAIMON Or 7HE REWIRED BY DOr OFF SNO ON SEAM OF DISNOS )SS COAT. 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At a EAST Of TIE IKS IS ALSO TO DOOLARIz WT RE EROSION AS � ON NE ANNENED FLAT LESS MEMN IAIE,a S DTw 5N D(ORDERS L07 STATITIES Aw A ANE DASNAS vD;E4AASr FOAM; OF O,AY0WXE n � OTHERWISE TM «oPUA4<E .IIH LEWIS WT "X DANSNADW)L FLOOOPIAOL THS MAE DOES WT NECESSARY SWIT All- AREAS SLWCr TO MCOE* N � ODIFIAN)" m ALL FEATURES WINCE SMA- MOOD ftXZXv AREAS THIS DOES �r O J J FOR REVIMV ONLY uavSE EmNES SA DNam n we raEaE��RA4 P (I MAN P� AWSTRAWN Tel 1N 3EWRES APOL OO. wo _ NO HOItMµ _ Neu E . 3648 SN ET � OF NEW STANDARDS HR AA WoNDARY S�nSCY. a �NMLLs.M1 �` LOCATION SAP A T2 B ALC EXISTING ZONING (S)RGH SISIEL NROAFAYLY RESOwnAL C4)OONINTOTNCOVV PROPOSER ZONING (RM-2) HM. DENSITY MOLD FAMLY RESDENPAL P�CRANTOR'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION T)a VMAT vPMWy OF AND , AM OTZ Ax (EXCEPT iuPART �To Da RECITE OF DiE TM T Pu1m rF xv wS x rOmiA4 IN �COUM, ulr»a " A Tw.T�STsis LA A EAST R°Wa 6Y � OTT O� ORrsT& � Au'as T+S —DAY OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF PEARL STREET SUBDIVISION SUBOINSOY OF THAT PART 0. THE SOU,HEA T WARTER OF wSECnW36, TO'ANSRP 45 HORm, RANCE6, EAST OF THE WRO MN'OPAL YERt RY CWNTY, RUNGS. PIN'S 09-26-405-017 09-26-405-0a 09-2fi-405- 24 09-2fi-405-024 09-26-40.5-025 �s4 _ 5j4R 46 °'� \y\ I 5 22'59'33'M� _ ¢®)•Q YE( .,� ILT1 \� ADO \P V ^ v Pe o LOT 2 SOr a GRAPHIC SCALH BASIS OF BEARINCS ,oT Taws) �T%MAXT ,� MI IM vnallor M LYRGLE GFNMOx,DES. ING 310 S. PEOSTREET pit cHrAW, RL bO6oz -11 � PROPERTY AREA LOT I = 3T.510 SO, FT. (0.]23 AMES) LOT z = 29,013 so FT (0.666 AGES) TOTAL AREA =60.523 SO- FT. (1.389 ACRES) � PROPERTY AREA LOT I = 3T.510 SO, FT. (0.]23 AMES) LOT z = 29,013 so FT (0.666 AGES) TOTAL AREA =60.523 SO- FT. (1.389 ACRES) ABBREVIATIONS M Ew ¢®? e RIL_�Q6F,6A(1rT / v__ y �� /OF rz)`vgT�¢p��' f4, 10, \ _'o ` \ \,T°- a/ANYADD HEum DEPARTMENT GA,F a.,�,) A.a STATE a A.m:as , ) tt « a UcTawY, BE TOR Or 110i"M CIE Rf1ERFl:CE BFlItlW/FN: P'cs PD NN0120) AT YCHwflv, W.ONG CREW STREET, MOOT NOWAY AT NO STREET. AT ELN STREET STATE HGHWAY 120 UL (CE,STAR THE SET VERTICALLY 1Y THE hGm FACE W THE POST Of I PART a EFFT hroRmFasr Ix)aEAS RS LIRE 0." GREEN E EAST 0 ME EAST STREET, 65 fEEr Y1EST 6 THE RT R OF CORNER OF THE BU LEVEE TNG THE ECRU TOO R"PAKE LEAMET NEsiEM'0 WHLL TO G Ew STREET S RUT, A- z MET BELOW THE I 0. GREEN NO THIS HOLE 1H15 LONG cAN 9E REACF O BY 0O..4G AEWT 0.5 MiE EAST ED uA:4 STREET S&NG Ahi) GASSING OF THE 4 'CHE AN0 RN R TLW xoflm YFSTFax RA0.WAv AND sTATRN T ualxflY , OOC-PYV[f NGm—A\T1TGmEAST—ALU4c GEw STREET. ELEVAnOY ]6053 DATUM NAVDW GEOD 12R 9Gh BF}ICIN.IN 1: BOLT ON FIRE HYORAVT LOCATED OF h04m F442 F OF APPROX VATELY 40 ETS NGm OF PEARL SIRE AND 5( EEROO EAST OF THE CwTERU4E HE GLIDE flCHNOVO (US RWTE 31)AT THE hOflmUST PEARL S CORNER OF PEARL STREET. LLEVAnON= 7UI DATUM=NAAOM-GE00 123 SITE BFRGWA z lW 'OR1 HYDRANT IN 04 VIVA Y 25 TI OF EEEr: Naxm ES cwF 245 FEETf NEST G THE TIM OF PEARL STREET ANDSTREET Cw1ERlA4E OF GREW SDtEEi. ElEVADOV=167.25 DATUM=NAVDW-GE00 128 SURVEYOR'S NOTES MET AND A�WAJL FlXCES OF. W ° S�WT a ' �4 "i� n A� 2 D IN CAL m" OR OTaI AST6 IENT6 Of la .1 TIRUT ra N ER Ib,�,3,a �I, 1,H e 4 h PLANT SCHEDULE Q uxu.nu � wmuws wr ,�Q CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN FULL CIRCLE .� communities a PEARL ST. PEARL STREET COMMONS RICHMOND &PEARL STREETS MCHENRY, ILLINOIS 0 25' S0' 75' 125' CORDOGAN CLARK &ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS XF Ke n in, U n dg ren,04Hi%-A,Aboe4ajic.h 9575 Wes( Higgins Road. Suite 400 1 Rosemont, Illinois 60018 p: 847-518-9990 1 r: 847-518-9987 MEMORANDUM TO: Jordan Battle Full Circle Communities, Inc. FROM: AndrewN. Bowen Consultant Luay R. Aboona, PE Principal DATE: August I I, 2017 SUBJECT: Site Access Evaluation Proposed Affordable Housing Development McHenry, Illinois This memorandum sumunarizes the results and findings of a site access evaluation conducted by Kenig, Lindgren, O'Hara, Aboona, Imo. (KLOA, Inc.) for the proposed affordable housing development in McHenry, Illinois. The site, which is currently vacant, is located in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Richmond Road with Pearl Street. Upon full buildout, the housing development will provide a total of 50 living units in two buildings, to be developed in two phases. Access to the development is proposed via an access rive of Pearl-ree . Figure 1 shows the location of the site in relation to the area roadway system. Figure 2 shows an aerial view of the site area. The purpose of this traffic planning evaluation was as follows: Determine the existing conditions in the vicinity of the site 2. Determine the amount of traffic the housing development will generate Evaluate the adequacy of the Pearl Street site access as it relates to the adjacent roadway, geometric characteristics, and impact on the intersection of Pearl Street with Richmnnd Drive KLOA, Inc.'I'ranspoAation and Parking Planning Consultants F McCullom i Lake SITE !� ��ha'ftll•'CA McHenry i Moraine Hills Creekside Park Stale Park Site Location 2 Figure 1 Existing Conditions Existing transportation conditions in the vicinity of the site were documented based on afield visit conducted by KLOA, Inc. in order to obtain a database for projecting future conditions. The following provides a description of the geographical location of the site, physical characteristics of the area roadway system including lane usage and traffic control devices and existing peak hour traffic volumes. Site Location The site is located in the nor4heast quadrant ofthe intersection of Richmond Road (IL 31) and Pear Street and contains an unused parking lot, with two frill access drives onto Pearl Street. Land uses in the vicinity of the site are primarily residential, with single family homes bordering the site to the north and east. Commercial developments are located south of the site, and St. Mary Church is located across from the site on Richmond Road, Existing Roadway System Characteristics Pear! Street is an east -west collector roadway that in the vicinity of the site provides one lane in either direction. Pearl Street terminates at its signalized intersection with Richmond Road where it widens to provide an exclusive left -turn lane and an exclusive right run lane. Pearl Street is under the jurisdiction of the City of McHenry, carries an annual average daily traffic (AADT) volume of 5,100 vehicles (IDOT AADT 2013) and has a posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour. Richmond Road (IL 31) is a north -south arterial roadway that in the vicinity of the site provides wo lanes in each direction. At its signalized intersection with Pearl Street, Richmond Road provides an exclusive through lane and a shared through/right-turn lane on the northbound approach and an exclusive left turn lane and two exclusive through lanes on the southbound approach. Richmond Road has a posted speed limit of 35 mph, with a reduced school speed limit zone of 20 mph north of Pearl Street. Richmond Road is under the jurisdiction of Illinois carries an AADT volume of 17,000 vehicles (IDOT AADT 2016). Existing Traffic Volumes In order to determine current traffic conditions in the vicinity of the site, KLOA, Inc. conducted peak period traf£c counts using Miovision Scout Video Collection Units on Tuesday, July 25, 2017 during the weekday morning (7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M.) and weekday evening (4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.) peak periods. The results of the traffic counts showed that the weekday morning peak hour of traffic occurs from 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. and the evening peak hour of traffic occurs from 4:45 P.M. to 5:45 P.M. Figure 3 Illustrates the existing peak hour traffic volumes. Copies of the traffic count summary sheets are included in the Appendix. SCALE •vvi - � �v� � �r��� i iv ��� �-r �.i-.i.�� i vie Pearl Street L!/ /'7� Apartments Existing Traffic Volumes � o �� McHenry, Illinois Job No:17-174 Figure: 3 5 Traffic Obseivation Traffic flow on Pearl Street at its intersection with Richmond Road was observed during the morning and evening peak hours to determine the length oftraffic queue at the traffic signal. Based on these observations it was determined that the queues did not extend to the proposed location of the access drive except once during the PM peak hour. Gap Study A gap study was performed on Pearl Street during morning and evening peak hours in order to determine the availability of gaps or interruptions in the Pearl Street traffic stream. The gap study was conducted on Tuesday, July 23, 2017 during the same period as the traffic counts. The study examined gaps in the eastbound direction along Pearl Street, which would allow vehicles to turn left in from Pearl Street onto the development and right out from the development onto Pearl Street as well as in both directions that would allow vehicles to turn left out from the development onto the Pearl Street. The results of the gap study, showing the total number of potential movements based on gaps available, for the peak hours are summarized in Table 1. Table I SUMMARY OF PEARL STREET PEAK HOUR GAP STUDY Left Turn from Pearl Street 855 994 Left Turn from Access Drive 451 4 H Right Turn from Access Drive 480 521 Proposed Development Plan As proposed, the plans call for developing the site with two 25-unit buildings for a total of 50 apartment units. Access will be provided via a full movement access drive off Pearl Street to be located approximately 150 feet east of the stop bar on Pearl Street at Richmond Road. This access drive will provide one inbound lane and one outbound lane with outbound movements under stop - sign control. A copy of the site plan depicting the proposed development and access is included in the Appendix. Development Traffic Generation The number of peak hour vehicle trips estimated to be generated by the proposed development of 50 apartment units is based on vehicle trip generation rates contained in Trip Generation, 9°i Edition, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). Given the type of residential development proposed that will target veterans and persons with disabilities, it is anticipated that the residents will have limited vehicle use and ownership. Based on parking utilization at similar residential developments, the site -generated traffic can be expected to be reduced by 30 percent. Table 2 shows the site -generated traffic volumes for the proposed development. Table 2 ESTIMATED SITE -GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES 220 Apartments 6 22 28 28 16 44 (50 Units) 30% 2 6 8 7 S 12 Reduction — — — — — Total 4 16 20 21 11 32 Total Projected Traffic Conditions The existing traffic volumes (Figure 3) were increased by a regional growth factor to account for the increase in existing traffic related to regional growth in the area (i.e., not attributable to any particular planned development). Based on ADT projections provided by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) in a letter dated August 3, 2017 an increase of approximately 1.6 percent per year for Pearl Street and an increase of approximately 2.9 percent for six years (buildout year plus five years) was applied to project Year 2023 conditions. As such, Pearl Street volumes were increased by 9.6 percent and Richmond Road Volumes by 17.4 percent. A copy of the CMAP 2040 projections letter is included in the Appendix. The development generated traffic was added to the existing traffic volumes accounting for background growth and the traffic projected to be generated by other nearby developments, to determine the Year 2023 total projected traffic volumes, show in Figure 4. Traffic Analyses Roadway and adjacent or nearby intersection analyses were performed for the weekday morning and weekday evening peak hour periods for the future projected (Year 2023) conditions. The traffic analyses were performed using the methodologies outlined in the Transportation Research Board's HighnT, Capacty, Manual (HCDII), 2010 and analyzed using SIMTraffic/Synchro 9 software. The ability of an intersection to accommodate traffic flow is expressed in terms of level of service, which is assigned a letter from A to F based on the average control delay experienced by vehicles passing through the intersection. The Highway Capacity Manual definitions for levels of service and the corresponding control delay for unsignalized intersections are included in the Appendix of this report. Summaries of the traffic analysis results showing the level of service and overall intersection delay (measured in seconds) for the projected conditions (Year 2023) are presented in Table 3 and 4. A discussion of the intersections follows. I10 Pearl Street Apartments McHenry, Illinois \ L / / L / i y68 , / 30, T f* v�\• AM cm NOT TO SCALE LEGEND 00 - AM PEAK HOUR (8:00-9:00 AM) (00) - PM PEAK HOUR (4:45-5:45 PM) 2023 Total Projected Traffic Volumes �Q Job No: 17-174 Figure: 3 E Table 3 CAPACITY ANALYSIS RESULTS RICHMOND ROAD WITH PEARL STREET- SIGNALIZED RIAMMMI Weekday D B A A A Morning 45.3 15.0 6.0 2.4 3.1 A A - 6.0 A - 3.1 Peak Hour C - 20.5 6.4 -_ D C B A A B Weekday Evening Peak 45.8 29A I L l 6.5 4.8 11.9 Hour C-32.5 13-11.1 A-5.1 Weekday D B A A A Morning 46.2 14.9 6.5 2.7 3.4 A - - Peak Hour 6'8 A-5.6 A-6.5 A-3.4 Weekday Evening Peak A B 4L5 3D 1B5 1A Hour 15.9 D-39.5 B-15.5 A-8.2 LOS = Level of Service Dela is measured in seconds Table 4 CAPACITY ANALYSIS RESULTS PEARL STREET WITH ACCESS DRIVE - UNSIGNALIZED Projected Conditimts (2023, 50 Units) • Southbound Approach • Eastbound Left -Turns A <1.0 A <1.0 LOS =Level of Service Delav is measured in seconds. 10 Discussion and Recommendations The following summarizes now the intersections are projected to operate and identify any roadway and traffic control improvements to accommodate the development traffic. Richmond Road with Pearl Sheet The results of the capacity analysis cate that overall this intersection currently operates at level of service (LOS) A during the weekday morning and evening peak hours and will continue to do so under projected future conditions. The increase in delay of seven seconds or less for the westbound approach is primarily attributed to the background growth and is not significant as agood LOS will be maintained. As such, the proposed development traffic will have a limited impact on the operations of this intersection and no roadway or traffic control improvements will be required. Pearl Sheet with Access Drire The results of the capacity analysis indicate that all movements are projected to operate at LOS B or better during both the morning and evening peak hours. The inbound left turning movements will operate at LOS A with delays of less than one second while the outbound traffic will operate at LOS B or better with delays of less than 12 seconds. This indicates that the proposed access drive will operate adequately and its location will not impede flow of traffic in and out of the development or the flow of through traffic on Pearl Street. The intersections of Pearl Street with Richmond Road and the proposed access drive were further analyzed by simulating the projected traffic using SimTraffic Software. The results of the simulation found that traffic queues extended beyond the proposed access drive only two percent of the time. The low probability of blockage confirms the results of the capacity analysis that the proposed access drive will be adequate in accommodating site traffic. Evaluation As indicated earlier, a gap study was conducted of the traffic flow on Pearl Street during the morning and evening peak hours. Table 5 shows the total number of potential movements compared to the number of required gaps that are needed to accommodate the projected traffic turning onto and from the proposed access drives. As shown in Table 5, there are more than sufficient gaps in the Pearl Street traffic stream to accommodate the eastbound left -turns into the proposed development, southbound right -turns onto Pearl Street and southbound left -turns onto Pearl Street for the weekday morning and evening peak hours of adjacent roadway traffic. These results indicate that these movements will be completed with minimal delays and further confirm the adequacy of the location of the proposed access drive. 11 Table 5 GAPS —PEARL STREET Left Turn from Pearl 855 3 994 18 Street Left Turn from Access 451 2 411 2 Drive Right Turn from Access 480 14 521 10 Drive Conclusion Based on the preceding analyses and recommendations, the following conclusions have been made: • The proposed development, given its size and type, will generated a limited amount of traffic during peak hours • The proposed access drive will be adequate in accommodating site generated traffic. • The results of the capacity analysis indicate that the roadway system has adequate reserve capacity to accommodate the increase in traffic. The location of the access drive will not impede the ability of site traffic to enter and exit the site efficiently and without negatively impacting flow of traffic. • The results of the gap study indicate that more than adequate gaps exist in the Pearl Street 12 Appendix Traffic Count Summary Sheets Level of Service Criteria Capacity Analysis Summary Sheets Proposed Site Plan A-1 Traffic Count Summary Sheets A-� KLO1� Keng LWgren O'Hare Moons, Im S575 W.HiKm RE., Sute 4W Rosemont, Mnois, UriteE States (MIS Turning Movement Data Covet Name: RiCmantl Roatl xiN Pean Sireel Stte Coate: Stan DateW2S201] Page No:1 SlmtT" , wm R,y. Tw roo.Tcm U TOW e45M 0 4 n 0 a a eo a n e3 0 25 13e 0 tat zre Tyr a 1z lbrT� 14 a its "Tw u:3 e 953 Tw x unx "�e�"T� 07 as as 23 Go Z3 1.1 —TT�l e 17 �i'� T� 0 0 �00 0 0 a 61 0 —m— a D w SO 117 %�, T� 00 00 - 15 00 is 00 13 1.1 11 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 --o—a a a - as 00 0 - TO 00 00 00 no DO 00 2 0 3 Iwo - Iwo ffl%Sw%0wJxk KeNq L'ntlg2n O'Mwe Alan", Inc 85 5W. "Q%l RB., Suite 400 Rosemont, lr%ms, United States M18 T��rninn I.�n�imm�n4 Dnn4 LJni�r f1Mo /Al1D rt��\ Count Name: RiMmaM RoaE x1N Pearl SVeet Sda COCe: Start be: 0]25201] Page No:3 OBN also - OM7 am GM am am ones a anY Tw a %�LhtT� 5cpmlow %eaias mersow GO KLO� Ka�5 L""gr a mAb '1r 95W. t09 Rd., Stile 400 Rosemont, binds, Untetl States 60018 (847)51&NW Ti�rninn 55n�rcmcnl Don4 Hni�r fln4a lAAF OA51 Count Name: RitlmoiM Roatl xitM1 Pead SVeet Sde Code: Start Date:O]25IN177 Page No:4 re (PTWI Let Ry xa �w rta 00 _ %ehws�naaw.l _ _ %Pod-sehra KLO Keg WMgren aNxa Aboona, lnc� 9575 W. Hggns Rd I Sute 4W Rosemont, Ignols, Uoted States Mot (M7)51&9939 Count Nartre: RichmorM Road with Pearl SVeet Sge Coaw 5rzo slarto0. 9�rzt� he Page t5 el of Service Criteria A-2 LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA Signalized Intersections Average Control Level of Delay Service Interpretation (seconds per vehicle) A Favorable progression. Most vehicles arrive during the 510 green indication and travel through the intersection without stopping. B Good progression, with more vehicles stopping than for >10 - 20 Level of Service A. C Individual cycle failures (i.e., one or more queued >20 - 35 vehicles are not able to depart as a result of insufficient capacity during the cycle) may begin to appear. Number of vehicles stopping is significant, although many vehicles still pass through the intersection without stopping. D The volume -to -capacity ratio is high and either >35 - 55 progression is ineffective or the cycle length is too long. Many vehicles stop and individual cycle failures are noticeable. E Progression is unfavorable. The volume -to -capacity ratio >55 - 80 is high and the cycle length is long. Individual cycle failures are frequent. F The volume -to -capacity ratio is very high, progression is >80A clear the queue, v v Lttersections Level of Service Average Total Delay (SECNEH) A 0-10 B >10-15 C >15-25 D >25-35 E >35-50 F > 50 Source: Higlnray Capacity �17anuaf, 2010. Capacity Analysis Sheets A-4 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Richmond Dr & Pearl St 08110/2017 4e 4 f l Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) Future Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (it) Storage Length (it) Storage Lanes Taper Length (it) Lane Ulil. Factor Frt At Protected Said. Flow (prol) Fit Permitted Said. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Said. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (it) Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases Permitted Phases Detector Phase Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s) Total Split (s) Total Split (%) 32 146 486 6 76 636 32 146 486 6 76 636 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 2000 11 11 12 12 12 12 127 0 0 146 1 1 0 1 120 120 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.850 0.998 0.950 0.950 1745 1546 3339 0 1736 3585 0.950 0.419 1745 1546 3339 0 765 3585 Yes Yes 168 2 25 35 35 783 438 280 21.4 8.5 5.5 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0% 1% 8% 0% 4% 6% 37 168 566 0 87 731 Prot Perm NA pm+pt NA 3 2 1 6 3 6 3 3 2 1 6 8.0 8.0 15.0 3.0 15.0 19.0 19.0 24.0 12.0 24.0 19.0 19.0 65.0 16.0 81.0 19.0°% 19.0°% 65.0°% 16.0% 81.0% All -Red Time to 8.0 8.0 15.0 3.0 15.0 19.0 19.0 24.0 12.0 24.0 19.0 19.0 65.0 16.0 81.0 19.0°% 19.0°% 65.0°% 16.0% 81.0% All -Red Time to All -Red Time to Lost Time Adjusts) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (a) 6.0 6.0 6.0 3.5 6.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Recall Mode None None C-Min None C-Min Act Effct Green (s) 9A 9.0 70.8 81.5 79.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.09 0.09 0.71 0.82 0.79 v!c Ratio 0.24 0.58 0.24 0.13 0.26 Control Delay 45.3 15.0 6.0 2.4 3.1 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 45.3 15.0 6.0 2.4 3.1 LOS D B A A A Approach Delay 20.5 6.0 3.1 Approach LOS C A A Queue Length 501h (it) 23 0 59 7 47 AMEX 8:00 am 08/03/2017 Baseline Synchro 9 Report ANB Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Richmond Dr & Pearl St 08/1012017 4 lv� l Lane Group WBL WBR NBT 14 SBL SBT Queue Length 951h (it) 50 54 95 19 77 Internal Link Dist (ft) 703 358 200 Tom Bay Length (ft) 127 146 Base Capacity (vph) 226 347 2364 744 2831 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced vlc Ratio 0.16 0.48 0,24 0,12 0,26 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length:100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBTL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 55 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum We Ratio: 0,58 Intersection Signal Delay: 6.4 Intersection LOS: A Intersection Capacity Utilization 37.8% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min)15 AMEX 8:00 am OS/03/2017 Baseline Synchro 9 Report ANB Page 2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Richmond Dr & Pearl St r t t �► 1 LaneConfgurations - I r rP 01 TT Traffic Volume (vph) 68 296 1021 23 169 821 Future Volume (vph) 68 296 1021 23 169 821 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 2000 Lane Width (ft) 11 11 12 12 12 12 Storage Length (ft) 127 0 0 146 Storage Lanes 1 1 0 1 Taper Length (0) 120 120 Lane U81. Factor 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.95 Fit 0.850 0.997 Fit Protected 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prof) 1745 1546 3530 0 1805 3689 Fit Permitted 0.950 0.211 Said. Flow (perm) 1745 1546 3530 0 401 3689 Right Turn on Red Yes Yes Said. Flow (RTOR) 221 4 Link Speed (mph) 25 35 35 Link Distance (ft) 783 438 280 Travel Time (s) 21.4 8.5 5.5 Peak Hour Factor 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 Heavy Vehicles(%) 0% 1% 2% 0% 0% 3% Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 71 308 1088 Turn Type Prot Perm NA Protected Phases 3 2 Permitted Phases 3 Detector Phase 3 3 2 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 8.0 8.0 15.0 Minimum Split (s) 18.0 18.0 24.0 Total Split (s) 24.0 24.0 74.0 Total Split (%) 21.8% 21.8°% 67.3% Yellow Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 All -Red Time (s) - - - _ 2.0 2.0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Recall Mode None None C-Min Act Effct Green (s) 13.7 13.7 72.6 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.12 0.12 0.66 vlc Ratio 0.33 0.80 0.47 Control Delay 45.8 29.4 11.1 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 45.8 29A 11.1 LOS D C 8 Approach Delay 32.5 11.1 Approach LOS C B Queue Length 50th (ft) 47 59 170 Ui 176 855 pm+pt NA 1 6 6 1 6 3.0 15.0 12.0 24.0 12.0 86.0 10.9% 78.2% 3.5 4 0 0.0 - 2.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 6.0 Lead Yes None C-Min 86.8 84.3 0.79 0.77 0.42 0.30 6.5 4.8 0.0 0.0 6.5 4.8 A A 5.1 A 22 75 08I1012017 PMEX 4:45 pm 08/0312017 Baseline Synchro 9 Report ANB Page 1 08I1012017 PMEX 4:45 pm 08/0312017 Baseline Synchro 9 Report ANB Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Richmond Dr & Pearl St 08/10/2017 e t 1 P Lane Group WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Queue Length 95th (ft) 83 147 308 58 147 nternal Link Dist (ft) 703 358 200 Turn Bay Length (fl) 127 146 Base Capacity(vph) 300 448 2378 433 2860 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.24 0.69 0.46 0.41 0.30 nlerseclion Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length:110 Actuated Cycle Length: 110 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBTL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 60 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum We Ratio: 0.80 Intersection Signal Delay:11.9 Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 58.3% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min)15 PMEX 4:45 pm 08/0312017 Baseline Synchro 9 Report ANB Page 2 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Richmond Dr & Pearl St fe 4%� t 10� 1 Lane Group WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT are Conftguralions Traffic Volume (vph) Future Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Taper Length (it) Lane Util. Factor Frt Fit Protected Said. Flow (prot) Fit Permitted Said. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Said. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases Permitted Phases Detector Phase Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s) Total Split (s) Total Split (%) Yellow Time (s) All -Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead -Lag Optimize? Recall Mode Act Effct Green (s) Actuated g/C Ratio v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay Total Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Queue Length 50th (ft) 41 168 571 8 91 747 8.0 8.0 15.0 19.0 19.0 24.0 19.0 19.0 65.0 19.0% 19.0% 65.0% 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Lag Yes None None C-Min 9.3 9.3 70.3 0.09 0.09 0.70 0.29 0.61 0.28 46.2 14.9 6.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 46.2 14.9 6.5 D B A 21.0 6.5 C A 29 0 73 3.0 15.0 12.0 24.0 16.0 81.0 16.0% 81.0% 3.5 4.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 6.0 Lead Yes None C-Min 81.2 78.7 0.81 0.79 0.17 0.30 2.7 3.4 0.0 0.0 2.7 3.4 A A 3.4 A 9 58 osno12017 0023 AM (50 Units) 8:00 2am 08/0312017 Baseline Synchro 9 Report NB Page 1 3.0 15.0 12.0 24.0 16.0 81.0 16.0% 81.0% 3.5 4.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 6.0 Lead Yes None C-Min 81.2 78.7 0.81 0.79 0.17 0.30 2.7 3.4 0.0 0.0 2.7 3.4 A A 3.4 A 9 58 osno12017 0023 AM (50 Units) 8:00 2am 08/0312017 Baseline Synchro 9 Report NB Page 1 osno12017 0023 AM (50 Units) 8:00 2am 08/0312017 Baseline Synchro 9 Report NB Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Richmond Dr & Pearl St 08/1012017 j t I bane Group WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Queue Length 95th (ft) 60 56 117 23 97 Internal Link Dist (ft) 135 358 200 Turn Bay Length (ft) 145 Base Capacity (vph) 227 367 2347 684 2822 Starvation Cap Reducln 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reducln 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.21 0.53 0.28 0.15 0.30 Intersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length:100 Actuated Cycle Length: 100 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBTL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 55 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum vlc Ratio: 0.61 Intersection Signal Delay: 6.8 Intersection LOS: A Intersection Capacity Utilization 41.1% ICU Level of ServiceA Analysis Period (min)15 20023 AM (50 Units) 8:00 am 0810312017 Baseline Synchro 9 Report ANB Page 2 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: Pearl St 08110/2017 Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh1h) Future Volume (Vehm) Sign Control Grade Peak Hour Factor Hourly flow rate (vph) Pedestrians Lane Width (it) Walking Speed (fits) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol tC, single (s) tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) p0 queue free % cM capacity (vehm) EBL EDT WBT "DR SBL 3 96 195 3 96 195 Free Free 0% 0% 0.87 0,87 0,87 3 110 224 None None 215 225 225 4.1 2.2 100 1356 Stop 0% 0.87 0.87 0.87 1 2 16 340 224 340 224 6.4 6.2 3.5 3.3 100 98 658 820 irection, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 113 225 18 Volume Left 3 0 2 Volume Right 0 1 16 cSH 1356 1700 798 Volume to Capacity 0,00 0,13 0,02 Queue Length 951h (fi) 0 0 2 Lane LOS A A Approach Delay (s) 0.2 0.0 9.6 Approach LOS A Intersec0on Summary Average Delay 0.6 Intersection Capacity Utilization 20.3% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 20023 AM (50 Units) 8:00 am 08/0312017 Baseline Synchro 9 Report ANB Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Richmond Dr & Pearl St 0811012017 Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) Future Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Lane Width (ft) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Taper Length (ft) Lane Util. Factor Frt Fit Protected Satd. Flow (prot) Fit Permitted Said. Flow (perm) Right Turn on Red Said. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (0) Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) Turn Type Protected Phases Permitted Phases Detector Phase Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) Minimum Split (s) Total Split (s) Total Split (%) t T 1 79 330 1199 35 208 964 79 330 1199 35 208 964 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 2000 11 11 12 12 12 12 0 0 0 1000 1 1 0 1 120 100 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.850 0.996 0.950 0.950 1745 1546 3527 0 1805 3689 0.950 0.145 1745 1546 3527 0 276 3689 Yes Yes 187 5 25 35 35 202 438 280 5.5 8.5 5.5 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0% 1% 2% 0% 0% 3% 82 344 1285 0 217 1004 Prot Perm NA pm+pt NA 3 2 1 6 8.0 8.0 15.0 3.0 15.0 18.0 18.0 24.0 12.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 74.0 12.0 86.0 21.8% 21.8% 67.3% 10.9% 78.2% All -Red Time (s) 20 20 2.0 - 0.0- 20 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 6.0 6.0 6.0 3.5 6A Lead/Lag Lag Lead Lead -Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Recall Mode None None C-Min None C-Min Act Effct Green (s) 17.8 17.8 67.2 82.7 80.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.16 0.16 0.61 0.75 0.73 v/c Ratio 0.29 0.85 0.60 0.64 0.37 Control Delay 41.5 39.0 15.5 15.7 6.5 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 41.5 39.0 15.5 15.7 6.5 LOS D D B B A Approach Delay 39.5 15.5 8.2 Approach LOS D B A Queue Length 50th (ft) 50 109 294 39 128 PMEX 4:45 pm 08/03/2017 Baseline Synchro 9 Report ANB Page 1 Lanes, Volumes, Timings 3: Richmond Dr & Pearl St 08/1012017 r t /` �► 1 l.ane Group WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Queue Length 95th (9) 94 #237 362 499 174 Internal Link Dist (ft) 122 358 200 Turn Bay Length (ft) 1000 Base Capacity (vph) 320 436 2266 345 2763 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced vlc Ratio 0.26 0.79 0,57 0.63 0,36 ntersection Summa Area Type: Other Cycle Length:110 Actuated Cycle Length: 110 Offset: 0 (0%), Referenced to phase 2:NBT and 6:SBTL, Start of Green Natural Cycle: 60 Control Type: Actuated -Coordinated Maximum vie Ratio: 0.85 Intersection Signal Delay:15.9 Intersection LOS: B Intersection Capacity Utilization 65.8% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min)15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue maybe longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. PMEX 4:45 pm 08103I2017 Baseline Synchro 9 Report ANB Page 2 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: Pearl St 0811012017 Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations r? � Traffic Volume (vehlh) 18 225 399 3 1 10 Future Volume (Veh1h) 18 225 399 3 1 10 Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0,96 0.96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0.96 Hourly flow rate (vph) 19 234 416 3 1 10 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ftls) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 202 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 419 690 418 vC12 stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 419 690 418 tC, single (s) 4.1 6A 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) lF (s) 2.2 3.5 3.3 p0 queue free % 98 100 98 cM capacity (vehm) 1151 407 640 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 253 419 11 Volume Left 19 0 1 Volume Right 0 3 10 cSH 1151 1700 608 Volume to Capacity 0.02 0.25 0.02 Queue Length 95th (fl) 1 0 1 ControrDetay(s)---a8 0OF--11:0 Lane LOS A B Approach Delay (s) 0.8 0.0 11.0 Approach LOS B Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 36.7% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 PMEX 4:45 pm 08/03/2017 Baseline Synchro 9 Report ANB Page 1 Proposed Site Plan A-4 PEARL ST. s SITE PLAN o u Sa' ]5 to FULLCIRCLE PEARL STREET COMMONS conoocnN cLARK s nssocinrEs, iNa c O m m V J11 i 165 RICHMWJV SPFIWLSTREETS MCMENRYARCHIiEC15 ENGINEERS , ILLINOIS