HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - 20-20 - 05/04/2020 - Zoning Ordinance Text AmendmentsCITY OF MCHENRY MCHENRY COUNTY STATE OF ILLINOIS Ordinance 20-20 An Ordinance Adopting Text Amendmeszts to the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance Passed by the Mayor and City Council Of the City of McHenry McHenry County State of Illinois May 4, 2020 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois this Sth day of May, 20200 C�7:71 i►L►1i,Lei oniPURAFALINW1. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF MCHENRY ZONING C�7371►/e1►[�l WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, a petition has been filed by the City of McHenry requesting text amendments to the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on said petition was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission on April 15, 2020 in the manner prescribed by ordinance and statute, and as a result of said hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission did recommend to the City Council the granting of the requested text amendments; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the evidence and recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission and finds that the approval of the requested text amendments currently requested and approved by this ordinance are consistent with the objectives of the City A McHenry Zoning Ordinance to protect the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That Chapter 13: Landscaping and Screening of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance is here by repealed and replaced with the text amendment language attached hereto this Ordinance as Exhibit "A". SECTION 2: That the following provision of Section 11-3-1(1`) of the City of McHenry Zoning is hereby deleted: "FOUNDATION BASE: An area designated around the building for curbing and landscape improvements." And replaced with: "BUILDING PERIMETER LANDSCAPING: An area designated around the building for curbing and landscape improvements. GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE: Astrategically planned or managed network of natural lands, working landscapes, and other open spaces that conserve ecosystem values and functions along with products, technologies, and practices that use natural systems — or engineered systems that mimic natural processes —to enhance overall environmental quality and provide utility services." SECTION 3: That Section 11-19-3: Minor Variances of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance shall be amended by adding thereto the following language: U. Administrative Variation: Applications for Minor Variances may be reviewed and approved administratively, The Zoning Administrator will review and approve Minor Variance applications that meet the following standards: 1. A complete application has been filed with the Zoning Administrator. 25 A notice has been delivered via certified mail, return receipt requested, to adjacent property owners that are abutting or across a public right-of-way. 3. No written objections have been received. If any noticed property owner files a written objection to the administrative variation within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of such noticethe Minor Variance shall be denied ,. denied, the property owner may submit an application for Minor Variance to be considered by the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council. Other procedures and requirements shall be as provided for in the Filing Submissions section." SECTION 4: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. Passed this 4th day of May, 2020. Armes Alderman Devine - Alderman Glab Alderman Harding Alderman Mihevc 4 Alderwoman Miller Alderman Santi k Alderman Schaefer Mayor Jett Wayne Jett, Mayor Nays Absent Abstain Ta �ha�RaTml,My Clerk "]Gil k akV)4NiOr.1 51 41,45/ CHAPTER 13: LANDSCAPING & SCREENING 11-13-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of the requirements in this section is to provide for landscaping and screening of parking and other outdoor areas that will: (Ord. 91-553) A. Protect residential environments from effects of more intensive adjacent uses; B. Protect users of parking areas from excessive wind, glare, and temperature extremes; C. Reduce the adverse effects on public streets and adjacent properties of noise, blowing dust and debris, and motor vehicle headlight glare; D. Discourage unsafe access to and circulation within off-street parking areas; E. Allow for a degree of flexibility to accommodate property owners based upon unique site specific circumstances; F. Contribute to improved community appearance and maintenance of property values; G. Promote environmental conservation; and H. Be functional with deciduous trees providing natural shading for windows in the summer and evergreen trees providing year round screening and protection from the winter wind. 11-13-2: LANDSCAPE SCREENING STANDARDS: A. RESIDENTIAL SCREENING STRIP. The purpose of the residential screening strip is to provide a healthy buffer between residential uses and more intense commercial or industrial uses. Table 1 Zoning Districts Requiring Residential Screening Strips If the below zoning district locates adjacent to... ...this zoning district. Screen Strip Area for Side and Rear Yards Minimum Height O 1-2, C 1-5, I 1-2 E, RS 14, RA4, RM 1-2 546ot 64eet RA-1, RM 1-2 E, RS 14 546ot 64eet 1. Applies also when yard is adjacent to an improved or unimproved alley right-of-way that is adjacent to property in these districts. Table 2 Residential Screen Strin Design Standards The Residential Screening Strip shall consist of a privacy fence and a landscaped barrier. Privacy Fence/Opaque 1. A 6-foot high opaque masonry wall (stone, stucco, or brick), Screening privacy fence, or dense evergreen hedge shall be installed in addition to the landscaped screening unless adjacent to a public road right-of-way. 2. Shall be along 100% of the yard length. 3. Shall be located interior to the landscaped screening. Landscaped Screening A. A 546ot wide landscaped perimeter shall be installed. B. Shall be along 100% of the yard length. C. Shall be exterior to the privacy fence. D. Trees shall be planted to provide a continuous canopy at maturity. Page 1 E. Shrubs shall be planted on average of 1 for every 3 feet of yard length. The Zoning Administrator has the ability to waive these provisions if the administration of the code is deemed excessive based on the uniqueness of the site and the intent of the ordinance has been met. B. PARKING LOT PERIMETER LANDSCAPING. The intent of parking lot perimeter landscaping is to screen head lights from view from the right-of-way and from other adjoining properties. The Zoning Administrator has the ability to waive these provisions if the administration of the code is deemed excessive based on the uniqueness of the site and the intent of the ordinance has been met. Table 3: Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping Design Standards Screening Strip Width Landscaped Screening Composition Landscape Base Shade Tree Canopy Height' Shade Tree Plantings Landscape Screening Length' 54eet Contiguous Any combination of 74eet An average of 100% of row/canopy of two (2) other shrub minimum one (1) shade parking lot evergreen screening, species in addition to tree per thirty perimeter. the evergreen (30) lineal feet of A minimum of 34eet screening. parking lot up to a maximum of perimeter. 44eet in height/width at maturity. 16 At installation in order to prevent sight line obstruction. 2. Excluding ingress/egress points, site triangle, and other areas determined by the Zoning Administrator to be inappropriate. C. PARKING ISLANDS. The intent of parking islands is to provide shade trees on hot summer days, reduce the effects of the urban heat island by reducing paved surfaces and visually breaking up the expanse of asphalt. All rows of parking spaces shall be terminated by a parking lot island or landscape area. The Zoning Administrator has the ability to waive the termination island or parking island design standards based upon the uniqueness of the site. Table 4: Parlan� Island Design Standards Parking Island Area Spacings 6' Shade Tree Plantings Shade Tree Canopy HeiLFht 8'x15' 1 parking island per 20 1 per island 7-feet minimum spaces. s- For parking lot rows greater than or equal to 40 spaces. 7 Unique designs that incorporate stormwater and green infrastructure best management practices from a nationally recognized or accredited institution may substitute parking island requirements. The Zoning Administrator has the ability to determine if a unique design meets the intent of the ordinance. D. SITE LANDSCAPING (Interior site landscape in addition to any screening strips). A landscaped area equal in size to at least 10% of a parking lot area shall be planted onsite using a mixture of plants. Building and Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping can be credited towards the 10% requirement. The Zoning Administrator has the right to reduce this requirement based upon the uniqueness of the site. E. BUILDING PERIMETER LANDSCAPING is the combination of curbing and landscape materials which helps to break up the base of a building. It also incorporates pedestrian walkways and a safe waiting area outside the main entry doors. Some examples of how building perimeter landscaping may be incorporated into a site are included below. Building perimeter landscaping is not required at loading areas. Landscape is placed around the entire exterior of the building to break up the wall planes and to accentuate the building's architecture. ''Pr3:I�Yj Typical building perimeter landscaping around a building. 1. Building Perimeter Landscaping Minimum Design Standards. Table 5: Building Perimeter Landscaping Minimum Design Standards Buildin Size Front Side Rear Building < 10,000 s.f. 546ot wide landscaped 546ot wide 5400t wide perimeter. Tree planting requirement. landscaped perimeter. 25% of total side lineal landscaped perimeter. 5% of total lineal feet landscaped. Building > 10,000 s.f. Building > 80,000 s.f, 30% of total front lineal feet landscaped. feet landscaped. Building Perimeter Landscape Design Composed of at least 3 different plant or shrub species. The species of plant shall be proportional. The remainder of space shall be composed of living plant material. Trees: Caliper at Maturity Number of Trees Design Tree Planting 3 inches minimum 1 per 30 lineal feet of It is recommended that Requirement building frontage trees be grouped in clusters. 2. Drive-Thru Window Side Landscape Exception. Any building or site which has adrive- thru or drive -up window shall not be required to meet the above building perimeter landscaping requirements for that side. The landscape perimeter shall be allowed to taper Page 3 down to the window location if a 546ot perimeter is not feasible. At least one species of shrub must be used. At the window location a minimum 6-inch curbing shall be provided to distinguish the edge of the building from the pavement. Examples of building perimeter landscaping_ ate' I I r�,rrliu t ,v M L M b ,,;... ;< ._. •# e u•, r'xl n C>r IvC;111 jj0 w - Cowed WAwal ■ Front entry areas with walkway and landscape. �.% tlla�w WA �; .. 1, 3. Mechanical Equipment (Rooftop and Ground Equipment). Includes all mechanical equipment as defined herein. All cooling towers, mechanical equipment or appurtenances, vents, intakes or stacks or other rooftop structures, shall be screened by a parapet wall, solid metal sight screening or similar systems designed for use as screening of these types of devices. (Continued on next page) Table 6: Screening of Mechanical Equipment (Rooftop and Ground Equipment) Screen Required From Proposed Zoning To Existing Adjacent Zonings (Subject Property) 75% of height 3, of mechanical equipment 04-2, C 1-5, BP, I 1-2 E, RS 14, RA 1, RM 1-2 50%2* of height3m of mechanical equipment RA-1, RM 1-2 E, RS 14, RA4, RM 1-2 50%2, of height 3 of mechanical equipment 04-2, C 1-5, BP, I 1-2 04-2, C 1-5, BP, I 1-2 1. Adjacent zoning includes properties with yards abutting or across an improved or unimproved street or alley from any boundary of the subject property. 2. A minimum of a 48" high screen or 50% of the height of the mechanical equipment, whichever is greater, shall be required. (ORD444683) 3. Height shall be measured from the base of the equipment or structure to the tallest point including any antenna or any ancillary appurtenances, whether temporarily and/or permanently affixed/attached. Additional Mechanical Screening Provisions. 1. All rooftop and ground screening, other than landscaping, shall be of a material and color compatible with the materials used on the exterior of the building. 2. Ground screening shall consist of a landscaped strip including evergreen trees and shrubs, which may be combined with a solid fence or wall. 3. Chain link -style fencing is prohibited. 4. A 346ot clearance shall be provided around all equipment to allow access and maintenance. 5. The Zoning Administrator has the ability to waive or lessen mechanical screening requirements based on the uniqueness of the site, the intent of the ordinance has been met, or if enforcement of the ordinance would cause excessive financial hardship. 4. Detention Areas shall be designed per the City's Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance in terms of retaining or detaining water and all engineering requirements. However, it shall be noted that detention areas should be designed to appear as natural as possible. Landscaping shall be required around the perimeter of all retention and detention basins, which shall consist of trees, shrubs and emergent plantings in a quantity, species and arrangement that will create an aesthetically pleasing and ecologically functional environment. All landscaping shall conform with the approved landscape list. Plantings around basins shall be salt tolerant. Such landscaping shall be in conformance with Best Management Practices as determined by the City. 5. Natural Areas shall be maintained and protected by all applicable local, state and federal laws and requirements. 6. Refuse Enclosures shall be required for all buildings containing three or more dwelling units and all nonresidential -zoned property. Properties located within Business Park and Health Care Districts shall comply with refuse enclosure requirements outlined in VI. Office, Industrial, Business Park, Agricultural & Mining Overlay, and Health Care Districts. a.All refuse shall be stored within an enclosed building, or if located outside of an enclosed building all refuse and refuse containers shall be screened on all sides by a solid wall or Page 5 fence (chain link fencing is prohibited) a minimum of 6 feet in height. If a solid wall is utilized the materials of the wall shall be designed of durable materials with finishes and colors similar to the principal building. Refuse shall not be visible from outside the refuse enclosure. All enclosures shall be accessible by vehicles which will be required to access the containers. Refuse disposal areas shall not be located between the front or corner side lot line and the principal building. Cross-reference Chapter I 1 of the municipal code and Article X. Accessory Uses, Yards & Fences, b.Any site addition, alternation or modification, which requires the re -location of an existing refuse disposal area, which does not comply with the provisions of this ordinance, must be brought into compliance with the new Ordinance provisions outlined herein. (ORD-144683) F. STREET PLANTINGS must conform to the Subdivision Control Ordinance Section 6.12 Landscaping and the Technical Specifications Manual Section I. Parkway Trees. G. BUSINESS PARK and HEALTH CARE DISTRICT LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS. (MC-91- 553; MC-97-672) a. Curbing in Parking Areas: All parking island strips and parking perimeters shall be separated on all sides from the parking surface by concrete curbing. b. Uses Requiring Landscaping or Screening: A minimum of five (5) percent of the parking area in Industrial Uses and ten (10) percent in all other uses shall consist of landscaping. Any landscaped strip required hereunder may be credited toward this requirement. A screen for off- street loading shall be a minimum of six (6) feet high. C. Sizes of Minimum Plant Materials at Planting: 1. Shade Tree: a deciduous tree with a minimum caliper of three (3) inches. 2. Conifer: a coniferous tree with a minimum six (6) foot height. 3. Ornamental: a deciduous tree or large shrub with a minimum caliper of two (2) inches or minimum height of six (6) feet. d. Building Perimeter Landscaping: 1. In addition to any before mentioned building perimeter landscaping requirements for the building, Health Care Buildings shall provide a minimum 646ot walk and 740ot wide landscape area for safe drop off for patients. �: r�tr�-�=� i!� {�Ir���la� v��c [%:r�lcl►�'�1 H. SIGN LANDSCAPING. An effective monument sign not only draws the public's attention to the business located at that site, but also adds to the aesthetic appeal of the site. Monument signs attract a significant amount of attention so the use of strong landscape design principles, which incorporate a variety of plant materials and provide visual interest throughout the year, should be used. a. A sign landscaping plan drawn to scale must be submitted as part of a sign permit application for all monument signs. b. For every one (1) square foot of gross sign area, there shall be provided a minimum of two (2) square feet of landscape planting area including both plant material and grasses and shall be located within 54eet of the base of the sign. The base landscaping shall be composed of at least tluee different species of planf or sluub. 11-13-3: LANDSCAPE PLAN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. When required, a landscape plan shall be filed with an application for: i. Rezoning ii. Conditional Use Permit iii. Any variance from landscaping or screening requirements iv. Integrated Design District Preliminary or Final Plan approval v. Preliminary or Final Plat approval as provided in the Subdivision Control Ordinance vi. And Development as defined in the Subdivision Control Ordinance vii. Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy (Ord. 86-382, 12-224986) viii. Use Variance. (MC-94-614) ix. Free-standing Monument Sign application B. The City Council may waive or defer this requirement in any instance in which the specific use of the premises, and therefore the specific landscaping and screening requirements applicable, are not yet determined, such as in the case of a rezoning for an industrial subdivision. C. Content of Landscape Pian 1. The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, parking lots and drives, roadways and right -of --way, sidewalks, bike paths, ground signs, refuse disposal areas, bicycle parking areas, fences, freestanding electrical equipment, utility easements, conservation easements, lighting, tot lots and other recreational facilities, proposed locations of storm water inlets, valve vaults, hose bibs, manholes, hydrants, fire department Siamese connections and other structural features as determined necessary by the Zoning Administrator; 2. The location, quantity, size, root ball condition and name, both scientific and common of all proposed plant materials, and existing plant materials to be preserved as well as boundaries of all planting beds; 3. The location of all proposed berming and drainage swales, indicating contours at one foot (1') intervals, percent of slope and the location of all proposed drainage features with natural vegetation including, but not limited to rain gardens and other storm water detention and infiltration areas; 4. Specification and boundaries of all natural landscaping areas, including prairie, woodland, and wetland plant communities, identified by specific community type and by scientific and common names of all species; 5. Elevations and details of all fences, bridges, retaining walls or other decorative features proposed for location on site shall be included. The details shall include, but are not limited to materials, colors, styles and sizes; 6. Landscape data box which shall include the required and proposed calculations for the following. Page 7 a. total area in square feet of the lot or tract to be developed; .total square feet and percentage of landscape area between the buildings and any public or private street; .total square feet and percentage of the area being landscaped; .total number of trees required and provided, their common and scientific names and their type; evergreen, shade or ornamental; .total number of shrubs required and proposed, their common and scientific name and their type; evergreen or deciduous; f. total area to be turf; .total area to be non -living material; h.Delineate the different landscape and screening areas, i.e.: parking lot screening strip, residential screening strip and right-of-way landscaping. ll-13-4: TREE PRESERVATION A. City Legislation: The City has adopted a Tree Preservation Ordinance, title 8, chapter 3, article C of this Code. B. Reduction Permitted: The City Council may reduce the number of new trees required in response to preservation by a developer of any existing trees on the site as follows: Table 7: Tree Preservation Trunk Diameter of Existing Tree to Be Preserved * Reduction in Number of New Trees Required 4-10 inches 1 tree 11-20 inches 2 trees Over 20 inches 4 trees *Measured at 544nches above grade level [(dbh) the diameter at breast height] C. Protection of Existing Trees: To ensure that existing trees are not damaged during development: l . Protective physical barriers shall be maintained around such trees that prevent the passage of heavy machinery under the drip line. 2. No equipment, materials, fill, or debris shall be stored under the drip line except as may be necessary for a reasonable time if no other storage area is available. 11-13-5: LANDSCAPE MATERIALS A. Compilation: The City has compiled a list of recommended, acceptable, and prohibited landscape. The Plantings List is included as Exhibit A attached to this Code section. B. Caliper: All on -site required trees must be a minimum of 2" caliper (dbh) or 6' coniferous unless specified otherwise. All street planting must conform to the Subdivision Control Ordinance. C. Materials Used: Living landscape materials used shall be healthy, hardy and drought -resistant; be suitable for the climate and environmental influences on the site, such as exposure to sun, wind, water, heat, automobile exhaust flames and road salt; be compatible with the slope of the site, existing vegetation to be preserved and utilities above or below ground level. Where appropriate, landscape materials shall be protected from damage from pedestrian or vehicular traffic by tree grates, pavers or other measures. Proposed plant materials shall be compatible with Zone 5 Conditions as defined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Hardiness Zone Designations. D. When Curbing is Required: All "Parking Islands" and "Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping" shall be separated on all sides from the parking surface by curbing. The Zoning Administrator has the ability to waive curbing requirements if a development is incorporating best management practices for stormwater drainage and green infrastructure. 11-13-6: INSTALLATION PROCEDURES All living landscaping materials shall be installed in conformance with the most current procedures established by the American Association of Nurserymen. 11-13-7: MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING A. Responsibility; Replacement: The owner, occupant, tenant and the respective agent of each, if any, shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of all landscaping and screening so as to preserve at least the same quantity and quality as the remainder of the existing material on -site. If a mature tree is lost a replacement tree of at least'/4" per 1" of caliper lost, but shall not be less than a 4" minimum. For example, a 20" tree requires a replacement by a 5" caliper tree. B. Maintenance; Guarantee: All living and non -living landscaping, including fences, walls, and ornamental lighting, shall be maintained in a good condition at all times, so as to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance and shall be kept free from refuse and debris. Any dead vegetation shall be promptly replaced with healthy living plantings. The developer shall provide to the City a 2 year guarantee on all landscape materials in the form of a Letter of Credit. 11-13-18: CONDITIONAL USES Certain conditional uses may be required to provide landscaping or screening that exceeds the requirements of this section. Special screening requirements for surface mining operations shall be as provided in the Surface Mining section of this Zoning Ordinance. Plantings List (MC-08-960) This list is not an exhaustive list of all plant materials that will be allowed in the City. A registered Landscape Architect may propose additional species to staff as long as they detail the plants specific properties. This list is broken out into three sections; recommended species, approved species and undesirable species. The recommended species were selected to be used in areas along roadways or detention areas because they are salt tolerant and root friendly. The approved species were selected because they are native plants which grow well in the Illinois climate and may also be salt tolerant. The undesirable species are listed because they have problems such as spines, or are an invasive species. A. Recommended Street Trees: Table 8: Recommended Street Trees Small Amelanchier x grandiflora (Apple Serviceber7y) Malus species: Ceris Canadensis (Eastern Redbud) Donald wyman Carnus mas (Cornelian Cherry Dogwood) Adams Crategus crusgalli var. inermis (Cockspur Hawthorn) Prairiefire Crategus virdis (Winter King Hawthorn) Sugar Tree Prunus virginiana `Schubert' (Canada Red Chokeberry) Syringa reticulate cv. (Japanese Tree Lilac4vory Silk) Syringa pekinesis (Peking Lilac) Medium Cercidiphyllum jajponicum (Katsuratree) Tilia cordata (Littleaf Linden) Carylys colorna (Turkish Hazelnut) Tilia cordata cv. Ostrya virginiana (Hophornbeam) Greenspire Phellodendron amurense `Macho' (Amur Corlctree) Chancellor Prunus maackii (Amur Cherry) Glenleven Prunus sargenti (Sargent Cherry) Tures Tilia Cuchlora (Redmond Linden) Lar e Acer freemanii (Armstrong Maple) Celtis laevigata (Sugar Hackberry) Acer miyabei (State Street Miyabe Maple) Celtis occidentalis (Hackberry) Acer nigrum (Black Maple) Ginko biloba cv. (Ginko) Acer platanoides cv. (Norway Maple) Princeton Sentry Columnare Autumn gold Easy Street Gleditsia tricanthos var. inermis cv. (Honey Locust) Crimson Sentry Moraine Acer rubrum cv. (Red Maple) Skyline Autumn Flame Glymnocladus diocicus (Kentucky Coffee Tree) Bowhall Ulmus Morton (Accolade Elm) Franks Red Ulmus cv. October Glory Homestead & New Horizon Elm Acer saccharum cb. (Sugar Maple) Pioneer & Regal Elm Green Mountain Please see the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance for planting and additional Street Tree requirements. B. Tree Species Approved for Planting on Private Property within the boundary of the City of McHenry: Table 9: Tree Species Approved for Planting on Private Property Acer platanoides (Norway Maple) Quercus coccinea (Scarlet Oak) Aesculus glabra (Ohio Buckeye) Quercus imbricario (Shingle Pear) Aesculus Hippocastenum (Common Horsechestnut) Pyrus calleryana (Callery Pear) Betula nigra (Riverbirch) Platanus cerifolia (London Planetree) Carpus caroliniana (American Hornbeam) Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Dawn Redwood) Carya cordiformis (Bitternut Hickory) Liriodendram tulipifera (Tulip Tree) Juglous nigra (Black Walnut) Zelkova serrata (Japanese Zeklova) Juniperus virginiana Catalpa speciosa (Catalpa) Larix lariocina (American Larch) Alnus glutinosa (European Black Alder) Larix decidas (European Larch) Nyssa sylvatica (Black Tupelo) Page 10 Morus rubra (Red Mulberry) Betula platyphylla `whitespire' (Whitespire Birch) Piceu glance densata (Black Hills Spruce) Cornus alterni folia (Pagoda Dogwood) Quercus alba (White Oak) Acer gimlala (Amur Maple) Quercus bicolor (Swamp White Oak) Acer griseum (Paperbank Maple) Quercus macrocarpa (Burr Oak) Malus supp. (Flowering Crabs) Quercus rubra (Rec Oak) Magnolia acuminate (Cucumber Tree Magnolia) Taxodium distichum (Bald Cypress) Magnolia x soulangiana (Saucer Magnolia) Thuja occidentalis (White Cedar) Magnolia stellata (Star Magnolia) Tilia Americana (Basswood) Pseudosuga menziesli (Douglas Fir) Querus velutina (Black Oak) Pinus strobes (Eastern White Pine) Quercus prinus (Chestnut Oak) Pinus cembra (Swiss Stone Pine) Quercus muehlengergii (Chinkapin Oak) Picea ables (Norway Spruce) Quercus robur (English Oak) Picea glance (White Spruce) Quercus acutissima (Sawtooth Oak) C. Approved Recommended Shrubs: Table 10: Recommended Shrubs Small — 5' tallgill Intermediate — 5'-8' tall Lar e — 8' tall New Jersey Tea Buttonbush Red Chokeberry Fragrant Gro-low Sumac Spreading Cotoneaster Silky Ddogwood Meadowsweet Compact Winged Enonymus Gray Dogwood Black Chokecherry Meadowlark Forsythia American Hazelnut Cranberry Cotoneaster Miss Kim Lilac Burning Bush Rockspray Cotoneaster Koren Spice Virburnum American Witchazel Slender Dentzia Judd Viburnum Spicebush St John's Wart Pink Princess Old-fashioned Weigela Pussy Willow Shrubby Cinquefoil Red Prince Old-fashioned Weigela Elderberry Alpine Currant Arrowwood Viburnum Shrub Roses Nannyberry Viburnum Gold Flame Spirea Highbush Cranberry Anthony Waterer Spirea Blackhaw Viburnum Dwarf Weigela American Bladdernut Dwarf Burning Bush D. Approved Plants and Grasses: Table 11: Approved Plants and Grasses Sweet Glag (Acorns Calamus) Slender Wheatgrass (Agropyron Trachycaulum) Big Bluestein (Andropogon Gerardii) Little Bluestem (Andropogon Scoparius) Groundnut (Apios Americana) Wild Columbine (Aquilegia Candensis) Butterfly Weed (Asclepias) Sky Blue (Aster Asureus) Heath (Aster Ericoides) Smooth (Aster Laevis) Cream False Indigo (Babtisa Bracteata) Blue False Indigo (Baptisia Australis) Sideouts Grama Grass (Boutelous Curtipendula) Prairie Brome (Bromus Kalmii) Page 11 Woodland Brome (Bromus Pubescens) Buffalograss (Buchlow Dactyloides) Bluejoint Reedgrass (Calamagrostis) Bebb's Sedge (Carex Bebbii) Common Wood Sedge (Carex Blanda) Dark Scaled Sedge (Carex Buxbaumii) Bottlebrush Sedge (Carex Comosa) Crested Sedge (Carex Cristatella) Common Bur Sedge (Carex Grayii) Porcupine Sedge (Carex Hystericina) Lake Sedge (Carex Lacustris) Hop Sedge (Carex Lupulina) Penn's Sedge (Carex Pensylvanica) Curly -Styled Wood Sedge (Carex Rosea) Awl -Fruited Sedge (Carex Stipata) Tussock Sedge (Carex Stricta) Fox Sedge (Carex Vulpinoidea) Common Wood Reed (Cinna Arundinacea) Virgin's Bower (Clematis Virginiana) Lanceleaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis Lanceloata) Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea Puipurea) Purple Coneflower (Echincea Purpurea) Slender Spikerush (Eleocharis Acicularis) Red -Rooted Spikerush (Eleocharis Calva) Blunt Spikerush (Eleocharis Obtusa) Marsh Spikerush (Eleocharis Pacustris) Creeping Spikerush (Eleocharis Smallii) Canada Wildrye (Elymus Canadensis) Streambanlc Rye (Elymus Riparius) Silky Wildrye (Elymus Villosus) Virginia Wildrye (Elymus Virginicus) Prairie Smoke (Geum Triflorum) Fowl Managrass (Glyceris Striata) Bottlebrush Grass (Hystrix Patula) Soft Rush (Juncus Effiisus) Torrey's Rush (Juncus Torreyi) Rice Cutgrass (Leersia Orysoides) ough Blazing Star (Liatris Aspera) Woodland Lily (Lillium) Prairie Hunegrass (Loeleria Cristata) Showy Penstemon/Beardtongue (Penstemen Grandiflorus) Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa Pratensis) Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia Hirta or Goldstrum) Little Blue Stem (Schizachyrium Scoparium) Hardstem Bubrush )Scir[us Acutus) Three -Square Bulrush (Scirpus Americanus) Dark Green Rush (Scirpus Atrovirens) Woolgrass (Scirpus Cyperinus) River Bulrush (Scirpus Fluviatilis) Softstem Bulrush (Scirpus Validus) Stiff Goldenrod (Solidago Rigida) Showy Goldenrod (Solidago Speciosa) Indiangrass (Sorghastmm Nutans) Common burred (Sparganium Eurycarpum) Prairie Cordgrass (Spartina Pectinata) Slender Wedge Grass (Sphenopholis Intermedia) Prairie Dropseed (sporobolus Heterolepis) Porcupine Grass (Stipa Spartea) Hoary Vervain (Verbena Stricta) Periwinkle (Vinca Minor) Riverbank Grape (Vitis Riparia) Heartleaf Golden Alexander (Zizia Aurea) E. Undesirable Trees and Plants: Table 12: Undesirable Trees and Plants: Tree of Heaven (Alianthus Altissima) Mimosa (Albizzia Julibrissin) Garlic Mustard (Ailiaria Pertiolata) Smooth Brome Grass (Bromus Inermis) Nodding Musk Thistle (Carduus Nutans) Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus Orbiculantus) Canada Thistle (Cirsium Arvense) Bull Thistle (Cirsium Vulgare) Crown Vetch (Coronilla Caria) Chinese Yam (Dioscorea Batatas) Cut -Leafed Teasel (Dipsacus Laciniatus) Common Teasel ( Dipsaucus Sylvestris) Autumn Olive (Elaeagnus Unbellata) Tall escue (Festuca Arundinacea) Creeping Charlie (Glechoma Hederacca) English Ivy (Hedera Helix) Dame's Rocket (Hesperis Matrionalis) Rose -of -Sharon (Hibiscus Syriacus) Sericea Lespedeza (Lespedeza Cuneata) Common Privet (Ligustrum Vulgare) Japanese Honeysuckle (lonicera Japonica) Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera Maackii) Morrow's Honeysuckle (Lonicera Mor7owii) Tatarian Honeysuckle (Lonicera Tatarica) Hybrid Honeysuckle (Lonicera X Bella) Bird's -Foot Trefoil (Lotus Corniculatas) Moneywort (Lysimachia Nummularia) Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum Salicaria) White Sweet Clover (Melilotus Alba) Yellow Sweet Clover (Melilotus Officinalis) Eulalia, Japanese Grass (Microstegium Vimineum) White Mulberry (Morus Alba) Eurasian Water Milfoil (Myriophyllum Spicatum) Parsnip (Pastinaca Sativa) Princess Tree (Paulownia Tomentosa) Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris Arundinacea) Common Reed (Phragmites Australis) Japanese Knotwood (Polygonum Cuspidatum) White Poplar (Populus Alba) Kudzu (Pueraria Lobata) Sawtooth Oak (Quercus Acutissima) Common Buckthorn (Rhamnus Cathartica) Smooth Buckthorn (Rhamnus Frangula) Black Locust (Robinia Pseudo -Acacia) Multiflora Rose (Rosa Multiflora) Sandbar Willow (Salix Interior) Bittersweet (Solanum Dulcamara) Johnson Grass (Sorghum Halepense) Siberian Elm (Ulmus Pumila) Wayfaring Tree (Viburnum Lantana) European Highbush Cranberry (Viburnum Opulus) Chinese Wisteria (Wisteria Sinensis) Leafy Spurge (Wuphorbia Esula) This planting list was compiled using information from the Conservation Foundation, McHenry County Conservation District, the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area Greenway Project, and the University of Minnesota, salt tolerant plant study. Table 17 Deleted and Reserved MC-06-884 IX. SIGNS Deleted in its entirety Relocated to Chapter 7.50 "Signs" of the Municipal Code Page 13