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City of McHenry
Planning and Zoning Commission Special Meeting Minutes
July 18, 2018
Chairman Strach called the July 18, 2018 special meeting of the City of McHenry Planning and
Zoning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were the following: Gurda, Sobotta,
Strach and Walsh. Absent: Doherty, Miller and Thacker. Also in attendance were: Director of
Economic Development Martin and Economic Development Coordinator Wolf.
There was nobody in attendance who wished to address the Commission with public comment.
Chairman Strach closed the public comment portion of the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Sobotta, seconded by Gurda, to approve the June 13, 2018 Regular Meeting minutes
of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting as presented:
Voting Aye: Gurda, Strach, Sobotta and Walsh.
Voting Nay: None.
Not Voting: None.
Abstaining: None.
Absent: Doherty, Miller, and Thacker.
Motion carried 4-0.
Public Hearing: Joseph Quinn
File No. Z-933
1112 N. Green Street
Conditional Use Permit to allow an assembly use (educational facility), STEAM-based program
for children to learn by doing with a small retail component located at 1112 N. Green Street
Chairman Strach called the Public Hearing to order at 7:35 p.m. regarding File No. Z-933 an
application for a conditional use permit to allow an assembly use (educational facility), STEAM-
based program for children to learn by doing with a small retail component for the property
located at 1112 N. Green Street.
Chairman Strach stated Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on
July 3, 2018. Notices were mailed to all abutting property owners of record as required by
ordinance. The subject property was posted. A Certificate of Publication and Affidavit of
Compliance with notice requirements are on file in the City Clerk’s Office.
In attendance was Joseph Quinn, 9404 Nicholas Lane, Spring Grove, IL 60081 who was sworn in
by Chairman Strach. Mr. Quinn stated he is requesting approval of a special use for his business,
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Snapology a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) based learning and they
teach kids using unique methods. STEAM is most know for Legos and Kinects program but utilize
laptops for computer coding and tablets for robotics from simple to complex programs. He
stated that they also use household items to make things such as slime and other types of things
to teach the children viscosity and how things become what they are. He stated this is done by
holding summer camps and after school programs at the center or the schools. Snapology also
does birthday parties and field trips and special events throughout the year. Mr. Quinn is very
excited to bring his business to McHenry.
Director of Economic Development Martin stated that Snapology is a STEAM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) based program which teaches kids by having them do
different activities, similar to what many of the primary schools do. He stated it is a franchise-
based business and the couple is proposing to run the business out of River Place, has the
franchise rights for this area. Director of Economic Development Martin stated they are
requesting an assembly use, due to the number of children/adults that will be in the unit at any
one time (more than 25). He stated an assembly use could be for educational, cultural, spiritual,
social, or recreational purposes and further stated Snapology would require a conditional use.
Director of Economic Development Martin stated all building codes will be met and the building
inspectors have already done a couple of walk-throughs of the unit which is at River Place. He
opined this is a good use of the space. An assembly use for zoning purposes is required due to
the number of people in the unit, which may result in adverse impacts to adjacent land uses.
Director of Economic Development Martin stated he does not have any concerns with this use
and believes it will add to the diversity of uses in the River Place building. He stated he did not
believe there would be any parking or adverse land use impacts.
Director of Economic Development Martin stated Staff Recommends approval of a conditional
use permit to allow an assembly use (educational facility) to locate in 1112 N Green Street.
Staff finds the requirements of Table 31 of the zoning ordinance have been met.
Chairman Strach invited questions and/or comments from the Commission. There were no
questions from commissioners.
There was nobody in attendance who wished to address the Commission regarding this matter.
Chairman Strach closed the public comment portion of the hearing 7:40 p.m.
Motion by Sobotta, seconded by Walsh, to recommend to the City Council with regard to File No.
Z-933, to approve the conditional use permit to allow an assembly use, for the property located
at 1112 N. Green Street:
Staff finds the requirements of Table 31 of the zoning ordinance have been met.
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Voting Aye: Gurda, Sobotta, Strach and Walsh.
Voting Nay: None.
Not Voting: None.
Abstaining: None.
Absent: Doherty, Miller, and Thacker.
Motion carried 4-0
Chairman Strach closed the Public Hearing regarding File No. Z-933 at 7:40 p.m.
Continuation of the Discussion of the City’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan
and Development Policies (Focus on Existing Land Use and Future Land Use Maps)
Director of Economic Development Martin stated that he has prepared amendments to the
zoning ordinance for an Agriculture District and a Mixed-Use District. These would complement
the Agriculture and Mixed-Use Land Use categories on the Future Land Use Map and become
part of the zoning ordinance and would be the regulatory tool to enforce that. He presented the
A1 Agriculture District which was taken from McHenry County Zoning Ordinance which states
permitted uses, conditional uses, and bulk and setback regulations. Director of Economic
Development Martin stated that he removed some of the uses that he opined were unnecessary
in the ordinance. He further stated the dimensions for bulk and setback regulations used were
up to 2 acres, 2-3 acres, and 3-5 acres for building height and width for maximum building
Director of Economic Development Martin stated the Mixed-Use Zoning District is to allow more
than one use on a property; residential and commercial for example. He stated this was taken
from a model ordinance through the American Platting Association. He stated that it starts out
the same with permitted use, conditional use, and bulk and setback with some unusual
components like the minimum floor to ceiling height and transparency to doors & entrances
which are in place to encourage a downtown development, pedestrian feel.
Director of Economic Development Martin stated that HR Green completed the map of the
southern and eastern quadrants of the city. He stated there is a boundary agreement with Prairie
Grove. He suggested a south boundary down Illinois Route 31 past the Facility Planning Area
where water sewer would be available and stated his first thought was to go no further than
Gracy Road. He stated the land is wet to the east. He inquired if we would want to go to
Wright/Edgewood Road down Illinois Route 31 on the west side where it is vacant and stop at
the residential area and use agricultural zoning.
Director of Economic Development Martin stated looking at the east side by Lakemoor past the
Facility Planning Area on the north (the Weingart Farm), east of Chapel Hill and continue north
to Lincoln Road encompassing the southeast corner of Chapel Hill Road and Illinois Route 120
would be a boundary. He further stated that the City does not have a boundary agreement with
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Chairman Strach inquired about the south side of Illinois Route 120 if sewer and water were fed
for the new gas station. Director of Economic Development Martin confirmed that there was
sewer and there would be water at that corner. Director of Economic Development Martin stated
the Facility Planning Area line may be a mistake on the map. Chairman Strach opined it would
be wise to include the larger piece at the south east corner of Chapel Hill and Illinois Route 120
into the City. Discussion ensued on properties being inside/outside city limits in that area – some
with water, some with only sewer.
Chairman Strach stated the area off of Green Street (south of the Shores) is not currently in the
City and should stay that way. Chairman Strach stated there would be agriculture zoning south
on Illinois Route 31, both sides of road. Director of Economic Development Martin stated not
too far east or west. Chairman Strach opined there may be some mixed use along Illinois Route
31 but that they may not be small enough for a mixed use category but that most would be
industrial. Chairman Strach opined there could be a strip mall on Illinois Route 31, south of
Morgan Hill. Chairman Strach opined mixed use gives us more options for future use. Chairman
Strach stated the northeast corner of Veterans Parkway and Illinois Route 31 could be mixed use
development due to the adjacent condos, townhomes and detailed access. Director of Economic
Development Martin stated it is presently zoned BP - Business Park and C5 - Highway Commercial.
Director of Economic Development Martin stated that his goal is to put everything together on
one map and then bring it before the Commission to gain acceptance of the general future land
uses of the City and acceptance of the Agriculture and Mixed Use Design District Ordinances
generally. Director of Economic Development Martin stated there is no motion necessary. He
further stated that he will bring back the ordinances for approval at a future meeting with the
suggested changes on all the maps and that after that we would schedule a public hearing and
advertise it for posting so public input can be involved.
Chairman Strach inquired about the Agricultural A-1 minimum lot area and inquired if we should
leave as zero. Chairman Strach stated there needs to be some clear direction and opines there
needs to be a minimum. Director of Economic Development Martin suggested one acre or up to
2 acres. Chairman Strach prefers one acre as the minimum. Discussion ensued. All
commissioners agreed with a one acre minimum lot size.
Chairman Strach stated he is in agreement with the Mixed Use requirements as presented. He
opined the mixed use category would be used primarily in the downtown area.
Director of Economic Development Martin stated that the Landmark Commission has a template
that shows boundaries and guidelines and pictures of houses which he opined is perfect for the
Historic District in the Main/Waukegan area. He stated that it shows architectural styles and
guidelines and stated he would ask the Landmark Commission if they could replicate that for
Riverside Drive and Green Street. He opined the use of those documents for building guidelines
in those areas in the future would be helpful.
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Director of Economic Development Martin stated that after the updating is done through HR
Green and reviewed by the commission that there would be a public hearing. Commissioner
Walsh inquired about the content of the maps. Commissioner Sobotta inquired if the public
notice would show the new plan. Director of Economic Development Martin stated the
information would be made public. Commissioner Sobotta inquired if the map could be made
public for resident review. Director of Economic Development Martin stated that possibly the
McHenry Public Library would allow the display of the maps. Chairman Strach stated the annual
review of the maps would be important and opined the best time for review would be in
December, January or February. All commissioners agreed.
Staff Report
Director of Economic Development Martin stated that the August 15, 2018 regularly scheduled
meeting would be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. There are presently three cases
for the August 15 meeting, a minor variance on Ramble Road, the VFW expansion and a skilled
nursing facility on Bull Valley and Ridgeview Drive.
Motion by Sobotta, seconded by Walsh, to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
Voting Aye: Gurda, Sobotta, Strach, and Walsh.
Voting Nay: None.
Not Voting: None.
Abstaining: None.
Absent: Doherty, Miller and Thacker.
Motion carried 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shawn Strach, Chairman
City of McHenry
Planning & Zoning Commission