HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 07/24/2003 - Planning and Zoning CommissionMinutes of the City of McHenry PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION July 24, 2003 The July 24 2003 Meeting of the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Howell at 7:30 p.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Council Chambers. Commission members in attendance: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Franzen, Howell, Thacker. Absent: Nadeau. Staff in attendance: Director of Community Development Napolitano, Deputy Clerk Kunzer, City Attorney Rob Fetzner. Approval of Minutes Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Buhrman, to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission minutes as presented: July 10, 2003 regularly scheduled meeting. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Franzen, Howell, Thacker. Voting Nay: None Not Voting: None Abstaining: None Absent: Nadeau Motion carried 6-0. Morgan Hill Subdivision Phase I Final Plat In attendance for the applicant was Joe Vavrina of Smith Engineering consultants. He stated the applicant, Concord Homes, is presenting the Final Plat of Morgan Hill Subdivision Phase I for Commission review and recommendation to Council for approval. Mr. Vavrina noted the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat for Morgan Hill Subdivision on May 1, 2003. The City Council at its May 19, 2003 regularly scheduled meeting approved the Preliminary Plat. Mr. Vavrina stated the applicant will comply with all recommendations made by City Engineers Baxter and Woodman. With regard to the request for plantings in the retention basin, Mr. Vavrina noted, following completion of final engineering for this subdivision, there is now a dry detention basin and would have a grass bottom. Special plantings are no longer necessary. Chairman Howell invited questions and/or comments by the commissioners. In response to an inquiry, Mr. Vavrina stated the applicant would seek building permits for no more than 60 units per calendar year as per the terms of the annexation agreement. Mr. Vavrina stated it is not likely the applicant would make application for 60 building permits this year before December 31st. It was pointed out the townhomes provide a good transition between the Prairie Point business Park to the north and the proposed Terra Cotta residential development to the south. In response to Chairman Howell’s inquiry, there were no further questions of the applicant by the commissioners nor from the audience. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Franzen, to recommend to the McHenry City Council that Morgan Hills Subdivision Phase I Final Plat prepared by Smith Engineering Consultants, dated 6/27/03, be approved as presented. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Franzen, Howell, Thacker. Page 2 P&Z Commission 7/24/03 Voting Nay: None Not Voting: None Abstained: None Absent: Nadeau. Motion carried 6-0. Public Hearing: Wayne Tomlinson & Associates File No. Z-590 4104 West Elm Street Chairman Howell at 7:38 p.m. opened the Public Hearing regarding File No. Z-590, an application filed by Wayne Tomlinson & Associates for a zoning map amendment from I-1 to C- 5 Highway Commercial District and a variance to allow a reduction in the west side yard setback from 10’ to 0’, and lot width from 200’ to 145’, for the property located at 4104 West Elm Street. In attendance were Wayne Tomlinson of Wayne Tomlinson & Associates, and Jeff Gutowski of W-T Engineering, who were sworn in by Chairman Howell. Also in attendance were: • Ted Mirski, Midas Muffler property owner, 4110 West Elm Street, McHenry IL 60050; • Walter Koepke of Zion Lutheran Church, 4206 West Elm Street, McHenry IL 60050; • T.P. Mathews, 7314 Hancock Drive, Wonder Lake, IL 60097. Chairman Howell noted all publication requirements had been met. Notice of this hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on July 8, 2003. The Certificate of Publication and affidavit of service are on file in the office of the City Clerk. Mr. Tomlinson stated the applicant is seeking a zoning map amendment from industrial zoning district to C-5 Highway Commercial District. In addition, a variance as to the side yard setback and lot width are being sought to permit the construction of an Advance Auto Parts Store on the premises. The existing building would be removed. Mr. Tomlinson noted the subject property is comprised of two parcels: parcel one adjacent to Route 120; parcel two immediately north of parcel 1, having no frontage on any street. Mr. Tomlinson announced Advance Auto will construct a 7,000 square foot structure. The new curb cut for the site will like up with the newly reconfigured Crystal Lake Road and Elm Street intersection. He noted this intersection is in the process of being straightened to make it safer. Mr. Gutowski explained the onsite traffic pattern, noting delivery semi-trailers will have to perform three-point maneuvers in order to get to the rear loading/unloading area. He stated Advanced Auto typically has one delivery per day and it usually occurs in early morning hours, prior to peak traffic times. The size of the site, slightly more than an acre, makes onsite traffic configurations tight. Director of Community Development Napolitano provided a summary of the Staff Report. He noted Staff suggested if the commission recommends approval of the applicant’s request, several concerns should be addressed such as the onsite traffic patter, the 7’ elevation change from south to north, and easement improvement. Page 3 P&Z Commission 7/24/03 In response to an inquiry, Mr. Mirski stated the 16’ easement between his property (Midas) and the subject property was granted to Midas from the Kalfas Family. The easement has a curb cut onto Route 120. Mr. Tomlinson stated the applicant will improve the easement as it is currently only partially paved. Mr. Gutowski noted the rear yard handicapped parking space would be relocated closer to the front entrance. Chairman Howell inquired as to the possibility of a cross access easement agreement. Mr. Tomlinson responded cross access was offered, but declined by Midas. The structure would be a typical prototype Advance Auto building. The applicant will adhere to the City’s sign ordinance. Chairman Howell opened the floor to questions and/or comments from the audience. Mr. Mirski inquired as to the amount of traffic which would be generated by the development. Mr. Tomlinson said he was unsure exactly how much traffic would be generated by the Advance Auto Parts Store. In response to a question regarding hours of operation, Mr. Tomlinson stated Advanced Auto typically sets hours which are in line with their competitors in the community. Generally, they would open at 9 a.m., close at 8 p.m. In response to a further inquiry, Mr. Tomlinson stated 70% of sales would be generated by retail consumers; 30%, from local garages. Some discussion followed regarding a possible cross access easement agreement between the applicant and Midas Muffler. In response to a question, Mr. Tomlinson stated the Route 120 and Crystal Lake Road intersection will have a four-way signal. The traffic signalization will accommodate traffic exiting from the Advance Auto location. Mr. Mirski expressed his concerns regarding the additional traffic which will be generated by the development, including cars driving thru his property from the Advance Auto site. He also expressed concern regarding the severe elevation differential between his northeast property corner and the western property line of the Advance Auto site. In response to a commissioner’s inquiry, Mr. Mirski stated he might consider curbing his eastern property line in order to prevent cross-traffic from the Advance Auto Store. Additional questions were raised regarding the 16’ easement along the applicant’s western property line. Chairman Howell swore in Thomas Matthews, current property owner of 4104 West Elm Street. Mr. Matthews informed the commission the easement was originally owned by Commonwealth Edison and was not maintained by anyone. The easement was not upgraded or raised to conform to existing elevations. It was ultimately granted to the parcel 2 owner, the Kalfas Family, as their sole means of access to their property north of 4104 West Elm Street. In closing, Mr. Tomlinson stated the requested zoning conforms to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The proposed project will greatly improve the utilization and aesthetics of the subject property. Citing commissioners’ concerns regarding another auto parts store in the City, Mr. Tomlinson noted extensive demographics surveys had been completed. The market will bear another auto parts store in McHenry. He asked the commission to recommend approval to the McHenry City Council. Page 4 P&Z Commission 7/24/03 Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Buhrman, with regard to File No. Z-590 • an application for zoning map amendment to C-5 Highway Commercial District for the property located at 4104 West Elm Street, as filed by Wayne Tomlinson and Associates, be granted; and that Table 33, the Approval Criteria for Map Amendments, Page 401 of the Zoning Ordinance, has been met; • an application for variance to permit a western side yard setback of 0’ and a lot width of 145’ be granted, subject to the following: o A revised site plan/landscape plan addressing Staff’s concerns must be submitted prior to City Council consideration of this matter; o A sign detail must be submitted prior to City Council consideration of this matter; o Written comments/approval from IDOT must be submitted prior to City Council consideration of this matter; and that Table 32, the Approval Criteria for Variances, pages, 377-378 of the Zoning Ordinance, has been met. Voting Aye: Cadotte, Ekstrom, Franzen, Howell. Voting Nay: Buhrman, Thacker. Not Voting: None Abstaining: None Absent: Nadeau. Motion carried 4-2. Comments by Commissioners: Cadotte – the project is good for the area Ekstrom – hopes Midas and Advance Auto come to agreement regarding elevation differential and drainage issues. Franzen – encouraged Director Napolitano to help the property owner and the developer to mediate their differences, particularly drainage, traffic, access. Howell – endorse previous comments; the project is good for the community. Thacker – subject property is an eye sore and its development is desirable; however not enough consideration was given to adjacent property owner. Too many issues are still outstanding and need to be addressed. He would encourage the applicant to meet with Staff, especially regarding the elevation issue. Buhrman – Concurs with Commissioner Thacker’s statement. There are too many issues yet to be addressed, including easement access, site plan and traffic concerns. Chairman Howell closed the Public Hearing at 8:27 p.m. Public Hearing: Raymond Walls Z-591 Lincoln Hill Subdivision Chairman Howell at 8:32 p.m. opened the Public Hearing with regard to File No. Z-591, an application for zoning map amendment from E Estate District to RS-2 Medium-Density Single Family Residential District upon annexation for the 18.70 acres of property located at 2414 West Lincoln Road. In addition, Mr. Walls is seeking preliminary plat approval of the Lincoln Hill, a 36-lot subdivision. In attendance was Mark Rooney of Rooney Consultants, who was sworn in by Chairman Howell. Page 5 P&Z Commission 7/24/03 Also in attendance were: • Ed and Linda Gottlieb, 2326 Lincoln Road, McHenry IL 60050; • Henry Gibson, 2505 W Lincoln Road, McHenry IL 60050; • Stanley Archacki, 2604 W Lincoln Road, McHenry IL 60050. Chairman Howell noted all publication requirements had been met. Notice of this hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on July 9, 2003. The Certificate of Publication and affidavit of service are on file in the office of the City Clerk. Lincoln Hill is a 36-lot subdivision comprised of 18.70 acres located east and south of Liberty Trails Subdivision and west of McHenry Middle School. Mr. Rooney stated the average lot size in Lincoln Hill subdivision is 16,500 square feet. The proposed development is in conformance with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Rooney noted Lincoln Hill Subdivision will be accessed from Lincoln road via a northern extension of Hillside Lane. Additionally, connection to Liberty Trails Subdivision to the north is proposed. Director of Community Development Napolitano provided an overview of the Staff Report. He noted Staff’s support of the proposed connection to Liberty Trails Subdivision. The proposed development conforms to the City’s plan for this area. The proposed RS-2 residential zoning is appropriate for the 36-lot subdivision. In response to commission inquiry, Mr. Rooney stated the subdivision will be developed by Trade Line Group, owned Raymond Walls, Jr. and his partner. Trade Line Group specializes in custom homes. The anticipated price range is similar to Liberty Trails. Some discussion followed regarding the location of Hillside Lane extended, and the potential removal of mature trees from the site. The Wall residence on Lot 6 will remain. The outbuildings on Lots 7 and 8 will be removed. Mr. Rooney stated the applicant will make every effort to preserve as many trees as possible on the property, as they are mature trees of desirable species. Mr. Rooney also noted there will be subdivision covenants and restrictions for the development. The commission suggested the applicant eliminate either Lot 30 or Lot 31 to create a tot lot park area and also increase the size of Lots 30 through 35. It was also suggested a gazebo be included on either Lot 19 or Lot 36 as a public amenity. The commission requested photos and plans of previous residences constructed by Trade Line Group. It was noted Trade Line Group will build all homes in the subdivision. Some discussion ensued regarding a deceleration lane or right turn lane on Lincoln Road. Chairman Howell opened the floor to public comment and/or questions. Chairman Howell swore in each of the following persons prior to their testimony being presented. Edward Gottlieb: Mr. Gottlieb stated there should be a right turn lane on Lincoln Road. He expressed concern that his estate property will be bordered by so many neighbors. He suggested the density of the proposed subdivision is too high. He requested the applicant berm or provide Page 6 P&Z Commission 7/24/03 other landscape screening between the subject property and his land. Mr. Rooney concurred with the request to install a berm with shrubs. Stanley Archacki: Mr. Archacki echoed Mr. Gottlieb’s concerns regarding having his property surrounded by so many neighbors. He noted he would like a stub to Liberty Trails Subdivision for his property as is being provided to Mr. Gottlieb. In response to his request, Mr. Rooney stated the applicant will install berms to screen from the Gottlieb property. Further discussion followed regarding the potential loss of trees. Director Napolitano stated the City’s Tree Preservation Ordinance will be strictly enforced. Mr. Rooney noted of the 120-130 trees on the premises, only about 8-10 trees will be lost and need to be replaced. Henry Gibson: Mr. Gibson expressed concern regarding the current speed limit on Lincoln Road and the safety of children in the area, particularly with two schools in such close proximity. He inquired if there would be a sidewalk along Lincoln road. Director Napolitano responded sidewalks would be required as per the City’s Subdivision Control Ordinance. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Ekstrom, to recommend to the City Council, with regard to File No. Z-591, a zoning map amendment to RS-2 Medium Density Single Family Residential zoning District for Lincoln Hill Subdivision, as filed by Raymond Walls, be granted; and that Table 33, the Approval Criteria for Map Amendments, page 401 of the Zoning Ordinance, has been met. Voting Aye: Cadotte, Ekstrom, Franzen, Howell. Voting Nay: Buhrman, Thacker. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Nadeau. Motion carried 4-2. Comments by Commissioners: Buhrman – Too many unanswered questions at this time. Franzen - Concurred with neighbor Gottliebs that the proposed project does not fit with adjacent estate zoning. Consideration should be given to neighbors and screening should be provided from their property. He also concurred that if a right turn is not installed at this time, it would be much more difficult if not impossible to do later. It is definitely needed at this location. Howell – Is impressed with the attempt to save as many trees as possible. He stated all concerns and comments made must be addressed at time of Final Plat presentation or he will be opposed to final plat approval. Thacker – Concurred with Commissioner Buhrman. All concerns and comments must be addressed before he will approve of this development. He would like to address some questions to the actual developer and requested his presence at the meeting when final plat is considered. Motion by Ekstrom, seconded by Cadotte, to recommend to the City Council that the Lincoln Hill Subdivision Preliminary Plat as prepared by Rooney Consultants be approved, subject to the following: • Berm Lots 19, 20, and 21 adjacent to the Archacki Property; • Berm Lots 7n through 13 adjacent to the Gottlieb Property; • Provide a tree survey report prior to submittal of Final Plat; Page 7 P&Z Commission 7/24/03 • Lot 19 or Lot 36 should include public park land and gazebo; • Trade Line Group shall provide photos and plans of other residences previously constructed; • Include deceleration, and right turn lanes at entrance from Lincoln Road; • Preserve as many quality trees as possible. Voting Aye: Cadotte, Ekstrom, Franzen, Howell. Voting Nay: Buhrman, Thacker. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: Nadeau. Motion carried 4-2. Comments by Commissioners: Ekstrom – Hopes the commission views a more finished product including addressing all issues when final plat is presented. Howell – Requested the presence of the developer at time of final plat presentation. Buhrman – Configuration of the site is good. However, there remain too many unanswered questions. Cadotte – The developer has indicated cooperation with adjacent property owners by willingness to install berms. He would encourage the builder to set aside parkland. Chairman Howell at 9:30 p.m. closed the Public Hearing. Other Business Director Napolitano announced the arrival of Attorney Cahill’s son, and Planner Martin and wife Cheri’s son. Director Napolitano provided updates to the Commission: • Sloppy T’s request for a conditional use • Shamrock Farm Neighborhood 2 Townhomes presentation • Hallmark Homes Townhomes plan has been revised with a decreased density. Discussion regarding the establishment and parameters of the Aesthetics Committee occurred. Chairman Howell noted he had identified seven specific areas for discussion, review and consideration: 1. Architectural Design Design incentives for aesthetic benefits Building materials, “garage-scape,” variations in elevations, front porches, side load garages Require foundation buildings around all new commercial/industrial buildings Façade standards and guidelines Historical standards and guidelines 2. Signage Appropriate signage Encourage design continuity in different areas of City Require landscaping for monument signs Restrictions and standards for temporary signs Page 8 P&Z Commission 7/24/03 3. Landscape Design and Management Appropriate and functional landscaping Trees in parking lots (alternatives for not blocking buildings) Flexibility to locating required landscaping within a development Can opacity be accurately determined? What are other ways to determine proper screening? Is berming always necessary Put landscape suggestions into ordinance to accomplish different goals Require landscape setbacks for commercial development Encourage use of native landscaping Monitor and resolve landscape neglect 4. Space and Community Design Designing for safety Design a development with a hierarchy of streets Design specifically for pedestrian Separation between pedestrian and vehicular access ways Building placement Transit oriented development, downtown development (Diversity/Density/Design) Encouraging cluster development, preservation of natural features Design Pedestrian friendly streets in residential areas Location of parking-limit where parking can be, ie: front/side/rear, in conjunction with building placement Limit parking required for downtown development-centralize parking for downtown Require public spaces within large developments, ie: benches, foundations, parking lot walkways, peripheral walkways, to make large commercial developments more pedestrian-friendly Placement of Public Art 5. Vehicle Management Residential parking restrictions Commercial parking restrictions Location of parking in relation to the building (shared parking uses) Location of Access points and number (shared access) 6. Aesthetic Management Standards for Maintenance of existing commercial and residential property 7. Enforcement and Compliance Enforcement policy and penalties Adjudication Voluntary incentives for property improvement, compliance Public Relations and compliance recruitment It was the consensus of the Commission to establish three sub-committees of the Aesthetics Committee to review the seven specific categories as follows: 1.Community Aesthetics comprised of Chairman Franzen, Buhrman, and Ekstrom. Space/Community Design, Vehicle Management and Landscape Design/Mgt 2. Management and Enforcement comprised of Chairman Cadotte and Thacker. Enforcement/Compliance and Aesthetic Management 3. Architectural Aesthetics comprised of Chairman Howell and Nadeau. Signage and Architectural Design It was the consensus each sub-committee would meet at 6:45 p.m. in the Council Chambers just prior to Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings. After complete review by sub-committees Page 9 P&Z Commission 7/24/03 the Aesthetic Committee will meet as a whole to determine what is acceptable with current ordinances, what needs to be changed, and to create what is not yet in place. Commissioners requested an update on the Gary Lang Property and McHenry Savings Bank Subdivision. Director Napolitano stated Gary Lang is currently working with IDOT to secure a temporary access point. He anticipates a 60-day turnaround time. Director Napolitano would assure notification to McHenry Savings that their property on Route 31 be maintained. Adjournment Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Franzen, to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Franzen, Howell, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: Nadeau. Motion carried 6-0. Respectfully submitted, _________________________________ Kathleen M. Kunzer, Deputy Clerk Planning and Zoning Commission C: Mayor, Aldermen, City Administrator, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Planner, City Engineers, Applicants, Landmark Commission Chairman, Chicago Tribune, Northwest Herald, Aldermen Conference Room, File Copy.