HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 07/21/2005 - Planning and Zoning CommissionMinutes of the City of McHenry PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION July 21, 2005 Chairman Howell called the July 21, 2005 regularly scheduled meeting of the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Council Chambers. Commission members in attendance: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom (arrived at 7:35 p.m.), Howell, Thacker. Absent: Nadeau, Schepler. Also in attendance: City Planner Zeller, Director of Community Development Napolitano, Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Minute Approval Motion by Buhrman, seconded by Cadotte, to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2005 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting as presented. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Howell, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Ekstrom, Nadeau, Schepler. Motion carried 4-0. City Planner Zeller noted the July 7, 2005 minutes should be amended in paragraph 5 of Public Hearing for File No Z-646 on page 1 to state “...storage of towed vehicles for a minimum of thirty days..” and “…following the minimum thirty-day waiting period…”. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Buhrman, to approve the minutes of the July 7, 2005 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting as amended. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Howell. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: Thacker. Absent: Ekstrom, Nadeau, Schepler. Motion carried 4-0. Public Hearing – City of McHenry File No. Z-637 Text Amendment – Lighting Regulations Chairman Howell opened the Public Hearing regarding File No. Z-637, a request for a text amendment to incorporate lighting regulations into the City’s Zoning Ordinance at 7:33 p.m. Chairman Howell announced notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on July 6, 2005. City Planner Zeller informed the commissioners Staff has been working in conjunction with Council’s Community Development Committee on the creation of lighting regulations and standards. Noting numerous complaints have been received regarding light glare and nuisance overflow, the Community Development Department has researched various locations in town P&Z Commission July 21, 2005 Page 2 regarding available foot candles, color of lighting, cross-illumination (single light used for multiple purposes), and glow and overflow to adjacent property. Ekstrom arrived at 7:35 p.m. Planner Zeller stated proposed standards and regulations were presented to the Community Development Committee and received a unanimous recommendation to proceed to Council for review and consideration. The City Council directed Staff to present the regulations to the Planning and Zoning Commission at a Public Hearing for recommendation as to a zoning text amendment. This evening Staff is seeking the Commission’s input regarding the proposed regulations and standards. Chairman Howell invited questions and/or comments from the commissioners. Responding to an inquiry, Planner Zeller stated all future developers would have to comply with the lighting regulations and standards. In addition, existing businesses would have to comply within one year of the ordinance date of approval by City Council. Referencing item #7 of the General Regulations, the commissioners suggested the language be amended to read “No exterior neon lighting is allowed unless architecturally integrated into the building or signage”. Responding to request for clarification, Director of Community Development Napolitano stated the proposed lighting standards are for all non- single family uses within the City. He explained Staff had visited on-site several locations in town during evening hours and determined that white lighting is preferable to other bulbs. Staff also determined the desired foot candle maximums for various uses and these have been spelled out in the text of the ordinance. He cited the vast difference of lighting the Dominic’s lot versus the adjacent K Mart lot. He stated the proposed regulations would require the businesses to prevent glare and overflow, change light bulbs, if necessary, implement protective shielding, etc. Compliance would be required within one year of Council approval. In response to an inquiry, Director Napolitano stated neighboring communities have not yet implemented lighting standards or regulations. Director Napolitano noted the ordinance is applicable to private property only and is not meant to regulate City lighting in the right-of-way. A brief discussion occurred regarding the 25 foot candle maximum allowed at gas stations, financial institutions, and auto dealerships. Question was raised as to the need for security cameras to be able to pickup on any trespassers. Suggestion was made to add a category for “Landscape Lighting”. Director Napolitano concurred. He explained it was Staff’s intention to make sure that onsite lighting is used for only one purpose. For example, parking lot lighting should not be used to illuminate the building. P&Z Commission July 21, 2005 Page 3 Some discussion followed regarding the glare and overflow from auto dealerships in town. It was noted the worst glare flows from Buss Ford. Director Napolitano stated all businesses would be alerted to the ordinance upon its adoption and advised they would have one year to bring their property into compliance. In response to Chairman Howell’s inquiry, there was no one in the audience wishing to comment. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Buhrman, to recommend to Council that a text amendment to the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance creating Outdoor Lighting Regulations and Standards be approved. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Howell, Ekstrom, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Nadeau, Schepler. Motion carried 5-0. Comments by Commissioners: Commissioner Buhrman: Commended Staff for their diligence in pursuing and creating the Outdoor Lighting Regulations. Chairman Howell closed the Public Hearing at 7:52 p.m. Public Hearing – City of McHenry File No. Z-650 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Chairman Howell at 7:51 p.m. opened the Public Hearing regarding File No. Z-650, a proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Chairman Howell stated notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on July 6 , 2005. Director Napolitano stated the City last amended the Comprehensive Plan in 1999. Since that time several developments have been approved and their uses do not correlate to the Plan’s Land Use Map. Director Napolitano stated the Community Development Committee has reviewed the proposed changes to the land use map and recommended approval. He noted the major changes on the Plan are: Property Previous Land Use Proposed Land Use Adams Farm Low Density Residential Commercial area reduced (Bull Valley Rd & Curran Rd) and Commercial Amli Property Low Density Residential BP and Commercial removed ( N of 120, W of Martin Woods) Commercial & BP Low Density Res reduced Estate added P&Z Commission July 21, 2005 Page 4 Bull Valley Road Hi Density Residential Med Density Residential (between CL Rd and RR tracks) Commercial & Industrial Chapel Hill Rd Med Density Residential Commercial at intersection (between 120 & Lincoln Rd) Commercial Low Density Residential Fritsch Farm Med Density Residential Low Density Residential (E of CL Rd, S of Inland BP) Pacini Commerce Center BP, Commercial and Hi Density Residential and (Ebel Farm) Hi Density Residential BP reversed Stade Property Med Density Residential Low Density Residential W of CL Rd, S of BV Rd (area S of bypass) Roberts Property Low Density Residential Integrated Design District (S of 120, W of Chapel Hill Rd) and Commercial Finkelstein Property Low Density Residential Integrated Design District (S of 120, E of Chapel Hill Rd) Howe Property Low Density Residential Commercial (NE corner 120 & Ridge Rd) West End Commons Hi Density Residential Commercial (NW corner 120 & Ringwood Rd) Patriot Estates BP Med Density Residential Chairman Howell invited questions and/or comments from the commissioners. Responding to an inquiry, Director Napolitano stated Lakemoor appears to be receptive to negotiating for a boundary agreement at this time. Chairman Howell suggested the map show commercial along Crystal Lake Road, as the current uses are primarily commercial in nature, even though business is being conducted in residential- type structures. Director Napolitano stated the recent supportive living request caused Council to be more aware that planning should occur for the Crystal Lake Road corridor to be proactive before additional requests for rezoning come before the City. Chairman Howell acknowledged the City would benefit from sales tax and increased property tax revenues from commercial/retail properties in this area. In response to an inquiry, Director Napolitano stated Council is also reviewing the possibility of extending Front Royal Drive across Crystal Lake Road, and thereby creating a four-way P&Z Commission July 21, 2005 Page 5 signalized intersection. General discussion occurred regarding possible ways to re-develop the properties east of Crystal Lake Road south of Lillian Street. Chairman Howell stated there was no one in the audience wishing to express comments or questions regarding this matter. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Ekstrom, regarding File No Z-650 amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Map , to recommend to City Council the amendments reflected on the map presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission on 7/21/05 including but not limited to: Property Previous Land Use Proposed Land Use Adams Farm Low Density Residential Commercial area reduced (Bull Valley Rd & Curran Rd) and Commercial Amli Property Low Density Residential BP and Commercial removed ( N of 120, W of Martin Woods) Commercial & BP Low Density Res reduced Estate added Bull Valley Road Hi Density Residential Med Density Residential (between CL Rd and RR tracks) Commercial & Industrial Chapel Hill Rd Med Density Residential Commercial at intersection (between 120 & Lincoln Rd) Commercial Low Density Residential Fritsch Farm Med Density Residential Low Density Residential (E of CL Rd, S of Inland BP) Pacini Commerce Center BP, Commercial and Hi Density Residential and (Ebel Farm) Hi Density Residential BP reversed Stade Property Med Density Residential Low Density Residential W of CL Rd, S of BV Rd (area S of bypass) Roberts Property Low Density Residential Integrated Design District (S of 120, W of Chapel Hill Rd) and Commercial Finkelstein Property Low Density Residential Integrated Design District (S of 120, E of Chapel Hill Rd) Howe Property Low Density Residential Commercial (NE corner 120 & Ridge Rd) West End Commons Hi Density Residential Commercial (NW corner 120 & Ringwood Rd) Patriot Estates BP Med Density Residential P&Z Commission July 21, 2005 Page 6 be approved. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Nadeau, Schepler. Motion carried 5-0. Chairman Howell closed the Public Hearing at 8:35 p.m. Other Business Some discussion occurred regarding: • Miscellaneous zoning violations; • Potential land sale and property redevelopment of the southeast corner of Route 31 and Bull Valley Road; • Development of the Roberts Property; • Sale of the former Ultimate Dog property on the southwest corner of the intersection of Crystal Lake Road and Route 120; • Status of the Whale’s Tail; • Status of China Light re-opening, screening of dumpster, removal of debris on property; • Concern regarding the Terry Wilborn property. Adjournment Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Buhrman, to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Nadeau, Schepler Motion carried 5-0. Respectfully submitted, _________________________________ Kathleen M. Kunzer, Deputy Clerk Planning and Zoning Commission C: Mayor, Aldermen, City Administrator, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Planner, City Engineers, Applicants, Landmark Commission Chairman, Chicago Tribune, Northwest Herald, Aldermen Conference Room, File Copy.