HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 05/01/2003 - Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes of the City of McHenry PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 1, 2003 The May 1, 2003 Meeting of the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Howell at 7:33 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the McHenry Municipal Center. Commission members in attendance: Buhrman, Cadotte, Franzen, Howell, Nadeau. Absent: Ekstrom, Thacker. Staff in attendance: City Planner Martin, City Attorney Cahill, Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Approval of Minutes Motion by Nadeau, seconded by Cadotte, to approve the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission: April 17, 2003 regularly scheduled meeting as submitted. All ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Howell stated as the Petitioner was not yet in attendance for the Public Hearing regarding File No. Z-545, the hearing will be postponed until later in this evening’s meeting. Morgan Hill Subdivision Preliminary Plat Concord Homes In attendance were attorney Mark Saladin of Militello, Zanck, and Coen; Greg Collins of Concord Homes; Karl Krogstad of Pugsley & LaHaie; John Nelson of Jen Land Design; and Joe Vavrina of Smith Engineering Consultants. Chairman Howell invited Attorney Saladin to provide a brief overview of the Morgan Hill Subdivision. Mr. Saladin noted Council has previously approved a concept plan of the development of the Krumholtz Property. Tonight the applicant is seeking preliminary plat approval of the residential portion of the development known as Morgan Hill Subdivision. He noted final plat approval will be done in phases as Council in the annexation agreement restricted annual residential unit construction to a maximum of 60 units per year. Mr. Saladin stated the preliminary plat, the landscape plan and the elevation drawings conform to the concept plans previously approved by Council during annexation discussions. Mr. Saladin noted all engineering concerns have been addressed. City Planner Martin provided the Commission with a Staff Report regarding the Morgan Hills Preliminary Plat. He noted the subject property is zoned RM-2 and is comprised of approximately 35 acres upon which 244 attached single-family units are being proposed. The preliminary plat being presented for Commission approval this evening is for the entire 35-acre residential subdivision. Final platting will be done in phases, however. Planner Martin stated on June 5th the commercial and business park portion of the development will be reviewed by the Commission for both preliminary and final plat approval. Prime Commercial is presenting and developing the northern 55-acre portion of the Krumholtz Property. Chairman Howell opened the floor to comments and/or questions by members of the Commission. In response to an inquiry, Mr. Nelson stated the City’s ordinance requires 569 parking spaces for the 35-acre development. The applicant is providing in excess of 800 parking spaces which Page 2 P&Z Commission 5/1/03 should be adequate for resident’s as well as guest parking needs. He noted each two-car garage unit has space for two-car driveway. Each one-car garage has space for a one-car driveway. Additionally, on-street parking during normal posted hours will be available as the streets will be constructed with normal width as required by the City’s Subdivision Control Ordinance. Question was raised as to the school districts’ notification of the pending residential development of the subject property. Planner Martin assured the Commission the school districts were notified of the annexation and proposed development of the property. Impact of the development on City infrastructure as well as School District 156, School District 15, McHenry Public Library District and McHenry Township Fire Protection District, has been discussed at length prior to the approval by Council of the annexation agreement. Developer Donation Fees, Annexation Fees and Operation Fees have been incorporated into the annexation agreement for the subject property. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the actual impact on the school districts and how growth in the City can be controlled to minimize impact on the other taxing entities. Mr. Collins stated the targeted buyers for the residential units would be empty nesters, particularly for ranch-style units and exterior townhome units, and first time buyers. In response to an inquiry, Mr. Collins noted there would be a tot lot located in the central open space. Walking paths would be incorporated throughout the development. Mr. Krogstad stated along the north side of the collector roadway, a bike path would be installed and along the south side of the collector roadway as well as along both sides of the internal residential roadway, sidewalks would be constructed. The bike path along the north side of the collector roadway would tie into the existing bike path currently passing through the City. It would serve as a major component of the east-west access to the bike path and connect to the proposed bike path for the Budreck Property directly to the east. Question was raised as to the possible widening of the sidewalk to accommodate an internal looping bike path within the residential development. City Planner Martin stated the suggestion would be made to City Council. In response to an inquiry, Mr. Vavrina stated the depth of the detention basin will be a maximum of four feet. Aeration will be done to assure the water quality of the pond. Maintenance of the detention pond and open lands within the subdivision will be maintained by the property owners association. Planner Martin noted the annexation agreement has made provision for the establishment of a Backup Special Service Area which would pay for the maintenance of the common areas if not taken care of by the association. In response to a question, it was determined the detention pond area will be utilized for passive recreational purposes only. Some discussion occurred regarding the island boulevard entry. Members of the Commission were divided in their support of the boulevard entry. In response to Chairman Howell’s inquiry, there were no further questions and/or comments from the Commission or members of the audience. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Franzen, to recommend the approval of the Preliminary Plat of Morgan Hills Subdivision as presented by Concord Homes, and prepared by Smith Engineering Consultants on April 23, 2003, subject to: • Council consideration of internal looping bike path; Page 3 P&Z Commission 5/1/03 • Enhancement of the detention pond area with additional landscaping. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Franzen, Howell, Nadeau. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: Ekstrom, Thacker. Motion carried 5-0. Ricker Subdivision Final Plat Harmony Homes In attendance was Brian Harris of Harmony Homes, recent purchaser and developer of the subject property. Mr. Harris stated the Ricker Subdivision Final Plat is for a four-lot subdivision east of Green Street and adjacent to Knox Park. He stated the property was annexed and zoned RS-2 residential in 1999. The property is served by municipal water and sanitary sewer. As required by Council, each driveway will have a turn-around to provide ease of egress onto Green Street. Each residence will have an English walk-out basement. The rear of the four lots will remain in its natural vegetative state. Planner Martin provided the Commission with the City’s Staff Report. He stated the Plan Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the River Subdivision Preliminary Plat in 1998. As previously stated, the property was annexed and zoned in 1999. Recently, Mr. Ricker sold the property to Harmony Homes. The Final Plat as prepared by Vanderstappen surveying Inc. has been approved by City Engineers. Mr. Harris pointed out the front setback has been voluntarily moved to 60’ in order to provide greater front yards for all four lots, and to provide additional buffer from Knox Park to the north from Lot 1. Some discussion followed regarding the possibility of providing a frontage road, with single access to Green Street, which could be utilized by all four lots. Planner Martin noted this would represent a significant change from the preliminary plat and would require the applicant to begin the process over as far as preliminary plat approval. In response to an inquiry, Mr. Harris stated the homes would sell for approximately $350,000 and would have 2,500 to 3,000 square feet. In response to Chairman Howell’s inquiry, there were no further comments and/or questions from the Commission or from the audience. Motion by Nadeau, seconded by Cadotte, to recommend to Council that the Final Plat of Ricker Subdivision be approved as presented by Harmony Homes and prepared by Vanderstappen surveying, Inc. with a revision date of April 22, 2003, subject to • the provision that all concerns voiced by the Public Works Department be addressed to the satisfaction of Staff; and • the Plat be recorded within six months of Council approval. Page 4 P&Z Commission 5/1/03 Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Franzen, Howell, Nadeau. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: Ekstrom, Thacker. Motion carried 5-0. Public Hearing: Rodney Schuh File No. Z-545 2912-2914 West Route 120 Chairman Howell at 8:17 p.m. called to order the Public Hearing regarding File No. Z-545 filed by Rodney Schuh’s request for conditional use for the outdoor display, storage and assembly of boatlifts and piers for the property located at 2912-2914 West Route 120. In attendance was Attorney Steven Cuda who advised his client was not in attendance. He requested that the Commission recess the hearing to the next available date. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Nadeau, with regard to File No. Z-545, a request for a conditional use permit to allow the outdoor display, storage and assembly of boatlifts and piers for the property located at 2912-2914 West Route 120, that the Public Hearing be recessed until June 19, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Center Council Chambers. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Franzen, Nadeau Voting Nay: Howell. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: Ekstrom, Thacker. Motion carried 4-1. The Public Hearing was recessed at 8:22 p.m. Other Business City Planner Martin reported May 5th thru May 12th is National Preservation Week. The City’s Landmark Commission has arranged for a special presentation recognizing Preservation Week to be held on Saturday, May 10th in the Municipal Center. Planner Martin noted the Community Development Committee Meeting originally scheduled for Wednesday, April 30th including the discussion regarding the implementation of an Aesthetics Committee, was cancelled. No rescheduling of the meeting has occurred at this time. He announced the Deer Point Subdivision, development of the Budreck Property, has been tentatively set for Committee of the Whole presentation on May 20th. Council recently considered a 24-apartment dwelling complex and recommended the developer move forward with Planning and Zoning Commission presentation. The Council rejected a proposal from Inland Land Management to reclassify 110 acres of its Business Park property to multi-family residential and commercial. However, Inland has indicated they will proceed with the request. In conclusion, Planner Martin reported Prime Commercial is contemplating the construction of a medical office complex on Front Street. Page 5 P&Z Commission 5/1/03 In response to Commissioner Franzen’s inquiry and comments, a lengthy discussion followed regarding ways to control growth and provide growth management in the City. It was noted the City includes annexation fees, developer donation fees and operation fees within the language of annexation agreements in order to assist local taxing districts and ease the impact of growth on local infrastructure. Discussion continued as to ways the City can limit growth within the municipality. Attorney Cahill stated there are ways in which municipalities can reduce the impact of growth such as: • Limit the number of building permits issued per year • Limit annexations into City as there are no inherent rights to annex; • Provide other specific limitations within the terms of annexation agreements which are binding; • Encourage townhome developments which typically do not generate as many children and would provide less impact on local schools; • Encourage age-restricted communities. It was the consensus of the Commission that managed growth and diversity of housing are extremely important. Adjournment Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Franzen, to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Franzen, Howell, Nadeau. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: Ekstrom, Thacker Motion carried 5-0. Respectfully submitted, _________________________________ Kathleen M. Kunzer, Secretary Planning and Zoning Commission C: Mayor, Aldermen, City Administrator, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Planner, City Engineers, Applicants, Landmark Commission Chairman, Chicago Tribune, Northwest Herald, Aldermen Conference Room, File Copy.