HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 01/15/2004 - Planning and Zoning CommissionMinutes of the City of McHenry
January 15, 2004
The January 15, 2004 meeting of the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission was
called to order by Chairman Howell at 7:31 p.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Classroom.
Commission members in attendance: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Nadeau, Thacker.
Absent: Franzen. Also in attendance: Planner Martin, Deputy Clerk Kunzer.
Public Hearing: Kimball Hill Homes
File No. Z-609
Shamrock Farms N4 and N5
Chairman Howell at 7:32 p.m. called to order the Public Hearing regarding an application for lot
width variances in Shamrock Farms Neighborhood 4 and Neighborhood 5, as filed by Kimball
Hill Homes which was recessed on Thursday, January 8, 2004.
In attendance was Scott Viger of Kimball Hill Homes who was sworn in by Chairman Howell.
Chairman Howell stated notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on
December 22, 2003. A Certificate of Publication as well as receipts of certified mailing of notice
to all adjacent property owners is on file in the Office of the City Clerk.
Mr. Viger stated Kimball Hill Homes is in the process of developing that portion of Shamrock
Farms which lies south of Draper Road and west of Curran Road. At this time Kimball Hill is
requesting the following from the City:
• Neighborhood 4, Lots 1 and 27 – lot width variance to allow the siting of monument
signs on out lots as opposed to utilizing easements for this purpose;
• Neighborhood 5, Lot 46 – lot width variance to allow the siting of a monument sign on an
out lot as opposed to utilizing an easement for this purpose;
• Final Plat approval of Shamrock Farms Neighborhood 4;
• Final Plat approval of Shamrock Farms Neighborhood 5;
• Variance from the City’s Subdivision Control Ordinance to allow a 650’ (from beginning
to its terminus) cul-de-sac in Neighborhood 5.
Mr. Viger noted the Final Plats of Neighborhoods 4 and 5 as proposed are in basic compliance
with previously approved Preliminary Plat of Subdivision for Shamrock Farms. He stated
Neighborhood 4 is comprised of 36 acres and includes 86 single family home sites having an
average lot size of 18,000 square feet. Neighborhood 5 is comprised of 40 acres and includes 84
single family home sites, also having an average lot size of 18,000 square feet. Mr. Viger
indicated the location of a 1.6-acre neighborhood park in Neighborhood 5.
Mr. Viger advised the Commission Staff had previously expressed concern regarding the lot
width of Lots 52 thru 56 of Neighborhood 4. Initially Kimball Hill requested variances as to the
minimum lot width for these lots. At Staff’s recommendation, the lots have been reconfigured to
conform to the Zoning Ordinance and a variance for these lots is no longer required. He stated
lots 51 and 57 were initially wider than necessary and were ultimately reduced in size, and lots
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52 thru 56 were increased to accommodate the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Although
the Applicant has agreed to these modifications to the final plat, the document before the
Commission this evening does not reflect these changes. Mr. Viger stated the plat will be
amended prior to its presentation to Council for consideration. He stated the concern regarding
lots 52 thru 56 was the reason for recessing the Public Hearing from January 8th to this evening.
Planner Martin provided an overview of the Staff Report regarding Kimball Hill's requests.
Regarding the request for lot width variances for Neighborhood 4, Lots 1 and 27 and
Neighborhood 5, Lot 46, Staff has no objection to the request. It would seem appropriate to
locate the monument signs on out lots maintained by the Homeowners’ Association rather than
on easements maintained by individual homeowners. Staff also recommends approval of the
Shamrock Farms Neighborhood 4 Final Plat and Shamrock Farms Neighborhood 5 Final Plat as
submitted, subject to the changes to lot width of Lots 52 thru 56 prior to presentation to City
Council for consideration and formal action.
Chairman Howell invited questions and/or comments from commissioners.
In response to an inquiry, Planner Martin stated there is no longer a request for lot width variance
regarding Neighborhood 4, Lots 52 thru 56. Planner Martin also noted the Fire Department has
been advised of the request to allow a 650’ cul-de-sac in Neighborhood 5. To date no written
comments have been provided. He stated the Fire Department may require additional fire
hydrants along the cul-de-sac to implement fire fighting should it become necessary.
It was noted sidewalks will be located along both sides of streets throughout the entire Shamrock
Farms Subdivision. In response to a question, Mr. Viger stated home costs begin at
approximately $200,000 and range to approximately $320,000. Homes in these neighborhoods
would most likely be purchased by move-up buyers.
Question was raised as to the availability of off-street parking for the 1.6-acre neighborhood park
site. Mr. Viger responded no off-street parking would be provided for the small neighborhood tot
lot parks. However, the larger 17-acre park previously dedicated to the City as part of
Neighborhood 3 will have an off-street parking lot installed.
Mr. Viger stated street lighting will be installed in the subdivision pursuant to the City’s
Subdivision Control Ordinance.
In response to Chairman Howell’s inquiry there was no one in the audience wishing to express
an opinion about this matter.
In closing, Mr. Viger asked the commission to make a positive recommendation to Council
• Neighborhood 4, Lots 1 and 27 – lot width variance to allow the siting of monument
signs on out lots as opposed to utilizing easements for this purpose;
• Neighborhood 5, Lot 46 – lot width variance to allow the siting of a monument sign on an
out lot as opposed to utilizing an easement for this purpose;
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• Final Plat approval of Shamrock Farms Neighborhood 4;
• Final Plat approval of Shamrock Farms Neighborhood 5;
• Variance from the City’s Subdivision Control Ordinance to allow a 650’ (from beginning
to its terminus) cul-de-sac in Neighborhood 5.
Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Nadeau, with regard to File No. Z-609, to recommend to City
Council that an application filed by Kimball Hill Homes Shamrock Farm Subdivision as follows:
• Neighborhood 4, Lots 1 and 27 – to allow a variance as to the minimum lot width;
• Neighborhood 5, Lot 46 – to allow a variance as to the minimum lot width;
be granted;
and that Table 32, the Approval Criteria for Variances, pages 377-378 of the Zoning Ordinance,
has been met.
Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Nadeau, Thacker.
Voting Nay: None:
Not Voting: None.
Abstaining: None.
Absent: Franzen.
Motion carried 6-0.
Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Buhrman, to recommend to McHenry City Council that
Kimball Hill Homes request to allow a variance to the City of McHenry Subdivision Control
Ordinance to permit a 650’ cul-de-sac in Shamrock Farms Neighborhood 5 be granted.
Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Thacker.
Voting Nay: Nadeau:
Not Voting: None.
Abstaining: None.
Absent: Franzen.
Motion carried 5-1.
Nadeau stated he would prefer to receive comment from McHenry Township Fire Protection
District prior to voting on this matter.
Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Nadeau, to recommend to McHenry City Council that
Shamrock Farms Subdivision Neighborhood 4 as prepared by Manhard Consulting with a
revision date of 3/14/03, and Shamrock Farms Subdivision Neighborhood 5 as prepared by
Manhard Consulting with a revision date of 3/14/03, be approved subject to the following:
• Cul-de-sacs in Neighborhood 4 lots 52-56, conform to the City’s minimum lot width
standards for the RS-2 Medium Density Single-Family Residential District;
• Final Plat of Subdivision for Neighborhood 4 and Final Plat of Subdivision for
Neighborhood 5 be recorded within 6 months of Council approval.
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Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Nadeau, Thacker.
Voting Nay: None:
Not Voting: None.
Abstaining: None.
Absent: Franzen.
Motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Howell closed the Public Hearing at 8:03 p.m.
Other Business
Planner Martin reported the agenda for the next Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting is the
continuation of the Public Hearing regarding various text amendments. He also reported the
Community Development Committee had met on Wednesday, January 14, 2004. One of the
items discussed was the recommendations made regarding aesthetics as provided by the Planning
and Zoning Commission. Additionally, the Committee reviewed and discussed the latest
proposal for the Adams Farm Property as submitted by Gerstad Builders. It was the consensus of
the Committee the project will again be presented before the Committee of the Whole for
discussion and direction. Consideration of the revisions to the PUD Ordinance will be discussed
on Monday, January 19, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. in the Aldermen’s Conference Room.
Upcoming Commission Agenda Items include:
February 19th Sloppy T’s conditional use permit for restaurant/bar
March 4th Johnsburg Bowl conditional use permit for indoor amusement center.
Aesthetics Discussion
Chairman Howell reported he, Cadotte, and Buhrman had attended the Community Development
Committee Meeting last evening and participated in the discussion regarding aesthetics. He
noted the Committee appeared to prefer a watered-down version of the suggestions made
regarding vehicle management including parking, garages, and commercial vehicles. He opined
the Committee accepted recommendations of a minor nature; however, it rejected revision
suggestions made regarding recreational vehicle storage, boats, and commercial vehicles.
Chairman Howell stated the suggestion that garages be utilized solely for parking vehicles
(particularly commercial vehicles first) was summarily rejected.
It was the opinion of those attending the Committee Meeting that the Committee Members were
unwilling to risk offending existing residents. It was stated it would be difficult to enforce
commercial vehicle/recreational vehicle/boat storage and/or parking ordinance changes,
particularly if existing residents were grandfathered in and newer residents were made to comply
with revised ordinances. Discussion continued. Concerns were expressed that recommendations
made by the commission were dismissed by the Committee. No resolution was reached as to how
any ordinance changes could be enforced or who would enforce them.
Chairman Howell stated the Community Development Committee enthusiastically encouraged
the commission to continue its research and suggestions regarding aesthetics. In response to his
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inquiry, the Commission wholeheartedly supported continued review and discussion of City
ordinances and codes regarding aesthetics.
Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Nadeau, to adjourn at 8:20 p.m.
Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Nadeau, Thacker.
Voting Nay: None.
Not Voting: None.
Abstaining: None.
Absent: Franzen.
Motion carried 6-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen M. Kunzer, Deputy Clerk
Planning and Zoning Commission
C: Mayor, Aldermen, City Administrator, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Planner, City Engineers, Applicants, Landmark Commission Chairman,
Chicago Tribune, Northwest Herald, Aldermen Conference Room, File Copy.