HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 08/15/2001 - Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF MCHENRY PLAN COMMISSION AUGUST 15, 2001 Liberty Square - Preliminary Plat McHenry Corporate Center Re-Sub Lot 1, Unit 8 – Preliminary and Final Plats A meeting of the City of McHenry Plan Commission was held on Thursday, August 15, 2001. Vice Chairman Buhrman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following persons in attendance: 1. Plan Commissioners: Buhrman, Nadeau, Osmon, Thacker. 2. City Attorney: David W. McArdle. 3. Recording Secretary: Absent. 4. City Planner: Absent. 5. Director of Community Development: Joseph Napolitano. 6. Applicants: a. RST Development, 5016 Essington Lane, Barrington IL 60010 – Liberty Square b. Prime Commercial Corp., 420 N. Front Street, McHenry IL 60050 – McHenry Corporate Center 7. City Council/Staff: 8. Court Reporter: None. 9. Registered Observers/Objectors: None. Approval of Minutes Motion by Nadeau, seconded by Osmon, to approve the June 21, 2001 minutes of the Plan Commission Meeting as presented. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Nadeau, Osmon, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 4-0. Vice Chairman Buhrman suggested Agenda Item No 3, McHenry Corporate Center Re-Sub Lot 1, Unit 8 – Preliminary and Final Plat be addressed first in light of the minimal review/discussion required. McHenry Corporate Center Re-Sub Lot 1, Unit 8 – Preliminary and Final Plats In attendance were Scott Dixon of Prime Commercial and engineer Joe Vavrina of Smith Engineering Consultants. Mr. Dixon noted he is appearing before the Plan Commission to seek approval of the resubdivision of Lot 1, Unit 8 of the McHenry Corporate Center. Lot 1 is adjacent to the Home State Bank site in the Corporate Center. The new lot would accommodate a Hampton Inn and Suites which would break ground in September. Page 2 PC 8/15/01 Questions by Members of the Commission In response to Vice Chairman Buhrman’s inquiry, Mr. Dixon noted the original Lot 1 of Unit 8 is being resubdivided into three lots. All setback and frontage requirements will be met. He stated Hampton Inn and Suites will be located on Lot 2 of the resubdivision. Commissioner Thacker inquired as to the size of the proposed hotel. Mr. Dixon stated it would be an 81-unit hotel. In response to further inquiry, Mr. Dixon advised Lot 2 will provide for an expansion of up to 60 additional units for a total of 141 units. Mr. Dixon noted there are no known entities for Lots 1 and 3 at this time. Discussions are occurring with a potential retailer for Lot 3. Lot 1 will probably be utilized for an office building. Commissioner Thacker noting Public Works Staff comments, inquired if each lot would have its own sanitary sewer service line to Prime Parkway and would the line servicing Lot 2 be of a larger size to accommodate the hotel. Mr. Vavrina responded there would be a 6-inch sewer line servicing Lot 2. Commissioner Osmon noted the subject property is overgrown with weeds. In response to Commissioner Osmon’s inquiry, Mr. Vavrina indicated adequate water supply is available. The Hotel will most likely require a booster pump as it will be a four-story structure. Commissioner Nadeau stated with regard to access to Lots 2 and 3, there would be no direct access from Route 31. Mr. Vavrina stated there would be a right-in right-out access onto Route 31 at the centerpoint between Lots 2 and 3. Both Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and the City of McHenry have granted permission for this access point. Responding to Commissioner Nadeau’s inquiry regarding the roadway configuration, Mr. Vavrina indicated the location for the proposed right-in right-out turn lane on Route 31.The roadway configuration has been approved by IDOT and City Staff. Commissioner Nadeau expressed concern regarding the right-in right-out which could be abused. Mr. Vavrina indicated IDOT has responded to these types of abuses in the past by changing the design requirements. Response to further inquiry, Mr. Vavrina noted a deceleration lane would be provided to assist with smooth traffic flow at the right-in right-out access point. In response to inquiry regarding storm water detention, Mr. Dixon stated there is central stormwater detention system draining to onsite basins which will accommodate these three lots. Recommendation Motion by Nadeau, seconded by Thacker, to recommend to the City Council that The McHenry Corporate Center Resubdivision of Lot 1 Unit 8 Preliminary Plat as prepared by Smith Engineering last revised 7/19/01 be approved as submitted; that the McHenry Corporate Center Resubdivision of Lot 1 Unit 8 Final Plat as prepared by Smith Engineering, last revised 7/02/01, be approved as submitted, subject to the following conditions:  Compliance with City Engineer’s comments;  Compliance with Public Works Department review letter dated 7/23/01. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Nadeau, Osmon, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: None. Page 3 PC 8/15/01 Motion carried 4-1. RST Development Liberty Square – Preliminary and Final Plats In attendance were Michael Ek, Attorney for RST Development, Steve Regopolous representing RST Development, and engineer Kevin Harder of Smith Engineering. Mr. Ek stated the proposed Liberty Square Subdivision is a 3.5 acre proposal at the southwest corner of the intersection of Shamrock Lane and Route 31. The proposed project includes Lots 5, 6, and 7 of the Thomas J. Rupp Re-Subdivision. The applicants have submitted both the Preliminary and Final Plats of Liberty Square for Plan Commission review and recommendation. Mr. Ek noted the project includes the following:  Lot 1 – Three-story professional building, approximately 21,000 square feet;  Lot 2 – Bank facility, approximately 3,900 square feet, with a drive-through teller facility;  Lot 3 – Office/Retail Center, approximately 9,600 square feet, consisting of seven spaces (four spaces of 1,500 square feet; three spaces of 1,200 square feet). Mr. Ek reported Amcore Bank would move its local branch into the new building on Lot 2. Covenants would be drafted and recorded for the Liberty Square Subdivision. The covenants would control parking, cross-parking agreements, and provide for proportionate shared cost of maintenance in utility usage, landscaping, snowplowing, etc. Liberty Square will be presented at a Public Hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals on August 30, 2001. Mr. Ek stated there would be two full access points from Shamrock Lane. There would be no direct access to Route 31. Parking standards have been exceeded. Questions by Members of the Commission Commissioner Thacker referenced Staffs concerns regarding the name “Liberty Square” which closely resembles a current residential project “Liberty Trails” in the City. Mr. Ek opined there would be no confusion. The project would be landscaped in a nostalgic old time square mode. It is therefore important to retain the name Liberty Square. Light fixtures and landscaping mode will enhance this old-time atmosphere. Referencing Staff comments, Commissioner Thacker noted the easternmost entrance does not line up with the entrance to the Ramada Inn. Mr. Harder noted the offset should not cause any detriment to traffic patterns in the area. Commissioner Thacker referenced Staff comments regarding the Irish Prairie regional detention basin’s adequacy. Mr. Harder responded a regional study will be done in the next few weeks. Discussion occurred regarding detention for the subject property. This issue will be resolved prior to presentation of this project before the City Council. Commissioner Osmon inquired as to the type of shrubbery to be planted. Mr. Regopolous indicated a conceptual landscaping plan has been drafted. The landscaping will meet or exceed all City codes. Discussion followed regarding the landscape islands. Commissioner Nadeau expressed his concern regarding storm water detention. He inquired if there could be additional detention along Route 31. Mr. Harder stated the highest point of the site is along the eastern boundary. They would prefer not to have any detention basin along the Page 4 PC 8/15/01 eastern boundary. Staff noted the applicants have agreed to the following in order to accommodate surface water drainage:  oversize existing storm water piping to the Irish Prairie Detention Basin  parking lots can detain up to six inches of storm water  pipe across the street will act as a large restricter to retain surface water on the subject premises as long as possible. Commissioner Nadeau inquired if Lot 2 and the eastern access point, would there be any difficulty with stacking for the drive-through. Mr. Harder noted patrons would be able to utilize the second westerly exit to the site if too many vehicles were waiting to turn in at the eastern access point. Commissioner Buhrman inquired if there were plans for IDOT to take additional right-of-way as the existing right-of-way line jogs at the southeasterly corner of the property. Mr. Harder noted IDOT has generally approved of the preliminary plat. Discussion occurred regarding potential relocation of the subdivision sign if additional right-of-way is needed by IDOT. Commissioner Buhrman inquired as to the adequacy for emergency vehicle access to the rear of the buildings, particularly along the west side of the building on Lot 1 and the south side of the building on Lot 3. Staff will assure fire department approval of the access patterns for the buildings on this project. Discussion ensued regarding the width of parking stalls. In response to commission inquiry, the developers will make a contribution toward public sidewalks in lieu of installing walks along Route 31. However, sidewalks will be installed along the north property line. Recommendation Motion by Thacker, seconded by Nadeau, to recommend to the City Council that The RST Development Liberty Square (a re-Subdivision of Lot 5, 6, and 7 of Thomas J. Rupp Resubdivision of Lot 2 Parcel B of J.B. and Clara Subdivision) Preliminary Plat prepared by Smith Engineering dated 6/26/01 be approved as submitted; that the RST Development Liberty Square (a re-Subdivision of Lot 5, 6, and 7 of Thomas J. Rupp Resubdivision of Lot 2 Parcel B of J.B. & Clara Subdivision) Final Plat as prepared by Smith Engineering, last revised 6/8/01, be approved as submitted, subject to the following conditions:  Compliance with City Engineer’s comments;  Compliance with Public Works Department review;  That all detention issues be addressed to the satisfaction of City Staff;  That emergency vehicle access to all buildings be provided and approved by the McHenry Township Fire Protection District. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Nadeau, Osmon, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. 4-0. Page 5 PC 8/15/01 New Business Director of Community Development Napolitano reported the McHenry City Council approved the realignment of the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. The six remaining members of the Zoning Board of Appeals have been appointed to the Plan Commission, which will now have ten members. In addition, Roger Thacker has been appointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals, so there are once again seven Zoning Board members. The original four Plan Commissioners will be assisting in training the new members who are actually more familiar with zoning issues. Ultimately, there will be one combined Board following May 1, 2002. Adjournment Motion by Osmon, seconded by Nadeau, to adjourn at 8:26 p.m. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Nadeau, Osmon, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 4-0. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen M. Kunzer, Deputy Clerk Recording Secretary McHenry Plan Commission C: Mayor, Aldermen, City Administrator, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Planner, City Engineers, Petitioners (2), Zoning Board of Appeals (7), Landmark Commission Chairman Chicago Tribune, Northwest Herald, Aldermen Conference Room, File Copy.