HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 04/05/2001 - Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF MCHENRY PLAN COMMISSION APRIL 5, 2001 Windsor Park Ridge Estates – Phase 3 - Final Plat V3 Realty – Riverside Hollow Preliminary Plat A meeting of the City of McHenry Plan Commission was held on Thursday, April 5, 2001. Chairman Meyer called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. with the following persons in attendance: 1. Plan Commissioners: Buhrman, Lundberg, Meyer, Nadeau, Osmon, Thacker Absent: None. 2. City Attorney: David W. McArdle. 3. Recording Secretary: Kathleen M. Kunzer. 4. City Planner: Phillip Maggio. 5. Director of Community Development: Absent: 6. Applicant: a. Windsor Development Corporation, 385 Airport Road, Suite M, Elgin IL 60123 b. V3 Realty Company 7325 Janes Avenue Suite 100, Woodridge IL 60517. 7. City Council/Staff: Alderman Glab. 8. Court Reporter: None. 9. Registered Observers/Objectors: a. Paul Dreiske, 2316 N Orchard Beach Road, McHenry IL 60050 b. Ray Bedard, 2208 N Orchard Beach Road, McHenry IL 60050 c. Mike Eckstein, 1910 N Orchard Beach Road, McHenry IL 60050 d. Jim Cavanaugh, 2002 N Orchard Beach Road, McHenry IL 60050 e. Ruth Petersen, 2002 N Orchard Beach Road, McHenry IL 60050 f. Mark Godde, 2020 N Orchard Beach Road, McHenry IL 60050 g. Bill Vavrik, 2016 N Orchard Beach Road, McHenry IL 60050 h. Sue Althoff, 2104 N Orchard Beach Road, McHenry IL 60050 i. Carey Fehrer, 2104 N Orchard Beach Road, McHenry IL 60050 j. Thomas Sroka, 1924 N Orchard Beach Road, McHenry IL 60050 k. Larry Guerzon, 1920 N Orchard Beach Road, McHenry IL 60050. Chairman Meyer noted with regret the resignation of Commissioner Cherie Rickert effective immediately. Approval of Minutes Motion by Osmon, seconded by Nadeau, to approve the minutes of the January 4, 2001 Plan Commission Meeting as presented. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Lundberg, Meyer, Nadeau, Osmon. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: Thacker. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Nadeau, seconded by Buhrman, to approve the minutes of the January 18, 2001 Plan Commission Meeting as presented. Page 2 PC 4/5/01 Voting Aye: Buhrman, Lundberg, Meyer, Nadeau, Osmon. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: Thacker. Absent: None. Motion carried. Windsor Development Corporation – Park Ridge Estates Phase 3 Final Plat In attendance were Stan Sumner and Alex Janzen of Windsor Development Corporation. Mr. Sumner stated the Park Ridge Estates Subdivision, located east of Crystal Lake Road immediately north of the Trails of Winding Creek Subdivision, is begin developed in four phases. The Final Plat before the Commission this evening is for Phase 3 which is located south of Dartmoor Drive east to the railroad tracks. Mr. Sumner noted Windsor Development is seeking Final Plat approval of Phase 3. Final Engineering for this phase of the development has been completed and reviewed by City engineering consultant Baxter and Woodman. Questions by Members of the Commission Commissioner Nadeau inquired if there would be a bike path incorporated into Phase 3. Mr. Sumner responded the bike path would be constructed parallel to Dartmoor Drive and connect with the path at the railroad tracks right-of-way. In response to Commissioner Nadeau’s inquiry, Mr. Sumner stated there is a large detention facility to the northeast of Phase 3. The detention facility, which abuts the wetlands, has been engineered to accommodate the surface water drainage for the entire subdivision. Mr. Sumner also stated there is a municipal park north of the detention area and wetlands. In response to Commissioner Nadeau’s inquiry regarding Lots 210 and 211, Mr. Sumner noted these two lots are being reserved for five year, as per the terms of the annexation agreement, in the event they are needed to facilitate a railroad crossing. Until such time as they are released, they will remain undeveloped. Commissioner Thacker referencing Lots 210 and 211, inquired if the City has made any effort to move forward with a railroad crossing at this location. Staff responded the City would eventually make a decision regarding the desirability of a crossing at Dartmoor Drive. Commissioner Thacker inquired when the connection would be made to Cross Trail and Glenbrook Trail in Winding Creek Subdivision. Mr. Sumner responded the roads would be completed by the end of the summer. Commissioner Lundberg stated if the City does not want to utilize Lot 211 for a railroad crossing right-of-way could the developer be required to use the lot to screen the railroad tracks from adjacent residents. Mr. Sumner noted there is a 15’ drainage easement on the east side of Lot 211, a bike path plus a 100’ railroad easement. Additional screening would be unnecessary. Mr. Sumner noted the purchase price of Lot 211 would most likely be reduced to offset the poor location. Chairman Meyer, referencing the railroad crossing at Dartmoor Drive, inquired if there is a possible restriction in the number of crossings allowed. Staff responded there is no known policy; however, there are currently crossings at Main Street, Lillian Street and Bull Valley Road. The proposed Dartmoor crossing would be a mid-point between the Lillian Street and Bull Page 3 PC 4/5/01 Valley Road crossings. Chairman Meyer noted if the Dartmoor Drive crossing were constructed there would be a link from Crystal Lake Road to Route 31 through the Pacini Property. Commissioner Buhrman inquired as to the provision for a potential turnaround at Lots 210 and 211 until the Dartmoor Drive extension over the tracks is constructed. Mr. Sumner noted all engineering has been approved with the assumption the street would be extended over the tracks. An eyebrow cul-de-sac could be constructed if the extension does not occur or until it is constructed. Buhrman noted the roadway construction standards should take into consideration the high water table and poor soil conditions of the land. In response to Chairman Meyer’s inquiry, there were no questions and/or comments from the audience with regard to this matter. Recommendation Motion by Nadeau, seconded by Buhrman, to recommend to the City Council that The Windsor Development Corporation Park Ridge Estates Phase 3 Final Plat prepared by Condon Consulting Engineers, dated 2/2/01 with a revision date of 3/15/01 be approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. Compliance with all recommendations of the City Engineer; 2. Provision of a title insurance policy covering the fair market value of the real estate that is to be dedicated to the City; 3. Provision of a survey of the existing trees over 10-inches in caliper (size and species). Trees to be removed must be identified, and replaced in accordance with the City’s tree preservation ordinance; 4. Provision of written consent form the surveyor who prepared the final plat for the City to record the plat with the McHenry County Recorder of Deeds; 5. Amendment of the Mortgagee’s Certificate to include a signature block for a notary; 6. Completion of the Surveyor’s Certificate to indicate if the property is within a special flood hazard area; 7. Provision of soil boring test date to certify that the following conditions have been met regarding minimum lot areas: a. Ninety (90) percent of the minimum lot area shall be at least two (2) feet above the approximately high water elevation of any lake or stream affecting the area; and b. Eighty (80) percent of the minimum lot area shall be at least three (3) feet above the highest ground water level, as estimated by the subdivider or his agent from soil boring test data, and as verified by the City Engineer. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Lundberg, Meyer, Nadeau, Osmon, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. 6-0. Page 4 PC 4/5/01 V3 Realty – Riverside Hollow Preliminary Plat In attendance was Keith Blais from V3 Realty, developers of Riverside Hollow Subdivision, located east of Riverside Drive at its intersection with McCullom Lake Road and comprised of 54 acres. Mr. Blais noted a concept plat had been presented to the City approximately one year ago. It was Council and Staff’s suggestion to create a new reduced density plan. Initially, the concept plan contained 63 single-family units and 122 multi-family units for a total of 185 residential units. Mr. Blais stated the plan has been revised to reflect 95 single-family RS-2 lots, 80 of which exceed the minimum RS-2 requirements of 10,890 square feet.. Lot sizes average 80’ X 136’. Mr. Blais reminded the Commission the City’s concerns regarding the development of Riverside Hollow are: 1. Drainage – the plan shows a redesigned road configuration and redirection of currently undetained surface water runoff to the onsite detention basin; 2. Overcrowding and Traffic Safety – the density has been reduced by 50%; 3. Comparable Lot Size to existing surrounding property – proposed lot sizes more closely mirror existing abutting property owners lots; 4. Buffer and Screening along existing Orchard Beach Road – the plan’s proposed backyard uses with garages will minimally impact the existing residents along Orchard Beach Road. Additionally, Mr. Blais noted the following Staff concerns have been addressed: 1. Buffer adjacent to FAP420 right-of-way – lots 24-39 which abut the potential FAP420 right- of-way are unusually deep which will help to buffer these residences from the right-of-way; 2. Buffer along the west side of Orchard Beach Road – no physical buffer is anticipated other than a small berm and the swale which will assist with surface water runoff; Small neighborhood park – Outlot 96 is being set aside as a local park site; however, Staff suggested a possible future direct connection between Riverside Hollow and Orchard Beach Subdivision. Outlot 96 could ultimately be utilized for the connection. Questions by Members of the Commission Commissioner Nadeau inquired if a traffic study has been completed regarding the extension of McCullom Lake Road east at its intersection with Riverside Drive, and the proximity of this intersection with the existing Orchard Beach Road and Riverside Drive intersection. Mr. Blais responded this would be addressed as final engineering of the development has been completed. Nadeau referenced the area and configuration of lot 55, 14,000 square feet. Mr. Blais responded the triangular parcel created the unusual shape, which is not part of this development. In response to Nadeau’s inquiry, Mr. Blais stated V3 Realty would not develop the subdivision. There will no longer be detached garages in the development. Traditional single family homes with attached garages would be constructed. In response to further inquiry, Mr. Blais stated Outlot 96 will also be utilized for detention and for access to a sewer lift station. Storm water will be detained and discharged to the river. Following discussion, Staff noted the Orchard Beach Subdivision residents have indicated they were not seeking an internal connection to Riverside Hollow. At a future time, should the internal link become desirable, it could be made via the use of Outlot 96. Page 5 PC 4/5/01 Referencing the detention pond, Commissioner Nadeau inquired as to where the surface water would be released. Mr. Blais responded the water would be slowly released from the detention pond to an existing inlet where it would make its way to the river. In response to a commission inquiry, Mr. Blais stated there would be a homeowners association which would be responsible for maintenance of all common areas including the detention pond, the entryway, common landscaped areas, and the park in Lot 97. Commissioner Osmon inquired as to the configuration of garages on the lots. Mr. Blais responded that all garages would be attached and no longer located in the rear yard of the lots. Osmon stated his concern regarding cars backing out onto Crooked Bend Road. Mr. Blais noted this is a proposed family neighborhood and should not present problems with speeding vehicles and traffic safety hazards. In response to further inquiry, Mr. Blais stated surface water runoff will proceed similar to current patterns, however, the rate of release will not be increased, and, in fact, may be reduced. Commissioner Thacker inquired if the proposed detention pond will connect to existing drainage piping going to the Fox River and if the piping would be adequate to handle the flow. Mr. Blais stated the piping is adequate to handle the runoff discharge to the river. In response to further inquiry, Mr. Blais noted the landscaping and topography of the detention pond has not yet been determined. This matter would be addressed in final engineering of the development. It is not certain if the detention will be wet or dry bottom at this time. In response to Thacker’s inquiry the proposed size of the homes within the development would be between 2,200 and 2,600 square feet with a cost ranging from $235,000 to $250,000. In response to Commissioner Thacker’s inquiry Mr. Blais stated the Home Owners Association would be responsible for the upkeep of the detention pond and surrounding land. Thacker inquired if the percolation tests were satisfactory for building on the development. Mr. Blais responded there should be no problem as far as existing water tables and construction or flooding on the subject property. In response to Thacker’s inquiry, Mr. Blais noted all 27 points referenced in City correspondence of March 16th have been addressed with the exception of points 1-3, which will be addressed prior to presentation of final plat. Thacker stated his concerns regarding notification to owners of Lots 24-39 of the potential construction of FAP420 adjacent to their rear yards. He opined this information should be included on the Final Plat. Commissioner Lundberg opined a better point to have a subdivision connection with Orchard Beach would be at Lots 20 or 21 as opposed to Lot 96. He also noted Lots 24-39 were originally shown as multi-family on the previously submitted concept plan. He opined multi-family would be preferable to single-family for property abutting the proposed FAP420. Lundberg further inquired as to the size of Outlot 98. Mr. Blais responded Lot 98 is 14.5 acres. This lot could be utilized as a regional park with access off Riverside Drive. Lundberg opined there should be an easement access between lots 8 and 9 to connect to the lift station access in Lot 96. Chairman Meyer inquired if there would be an access easement on Lot 96. Mr. Blais responded there would be an easement on Lot 96 for access to the lift station. In response to Meyer’s inquiry, Mr. Blais noted the Annexation Agreement could include language dedicating Lot 98 to the City of McHenry for parklands. Meyer reiterated his belief the City should continue to pursue the creation of an additional residential lot zoning classification with an area midway between Page 6 PC 4/5/01 RS1 (30,000 sq. ft.) and E (one acre) zoning districts. He opined the preliminary plat is far satisfactory to the concept plan. He noted 45% of the lots are over 12,000 square feet in area. The road configuration is satisfactory. Many of the concerns of the Orchard Beach Subdivision owners have been satisfactorily addressed. Commissioner Buhrman inquired as to where detention from Outlot 96 will be directed. Mr. Blais responded it would flow to catch basin and flow through to the river via its current path through lot 58 or 59 of Orchard Beach Subdivision. The rate of flow will not be increased, however. Commissioner Osmon inquired as to available capacity of City water and sewer for the Riverside Hollow Subdivision. Staff responded both services would be available for use in this subdivision. In response to Nadeau’s inquiry, both curbing and gutter would be utilized in Riverside Hollow Subdivision improvements. Audience Questions and Comments Mr. Paul Dreiske, 2316 North Orchard Beach Road, Secretary of the Orchard Beach Homeowners Association, addressed the Commission as representative of the Association. He noted several concerns expressed by Association members: 1. Safety; 2. Water infiltration; 3. Maintenance of Orchard Beach Road. Safety: Mr. Dreiske stated growth in the area is a major concern to members of the Association. The growth will create additional traffic that will impact safety of area residents. He noted there is currently a bus stop at the intersection of Orchard Beach Road and Riverside Drive. Due to the narrow pavement, buses do not go on Orchard Beach Road, but pick-up and drop-off students at the intersection with Riverside Drive. Visibility could become an issue for buses leaving the bus stop, as well as vehicles exiting Orchard Beach Road. Mr. Dreiske stated left turns onto Riverside Drive from Orchard Beach Road would be very difficult following the extension of McCullom Lake Road to the east for access into Riverside Hollow. Association members are seeking a response to the safety issue. Water Infiltration: Mr. Dreiske noted when improvements were made to subdivisions to the north of Orchard Beach Road (Aloha Drive, Aloha Court, Kama Avenue) the Orchard Beach residents were told there would be no surface water runoff or water infiltration created by the development to the north. He noted the storm drainage system in Orchard Beach Subdivision is privately owned and maintained. Following the development to the north great flooding occurred in Orchard Beach Subdivision. Additionally, flooding occurred following the development of Phase 2 of the Oaks of McHenry Single Family Development. Orchard Beach Road is eroding due to the additional water infiltration. Mr. Dreiske stated the developers came before the City of McHenry one year ago with the proposed concept plan. Since that presentation, there has been no effort on the part of the developers to meet with the residents of Orchard Beach Subdvision, to hear and address their concerns. He noted the deteriorating storm drains in the subdivision that would not be able to Page 7 PC 4/5/01 handle the proposed run-off from Riverside Hollow. The upkeep and maintenance of the storm drains is the responsibility of the Property Owners Association. Mr. Dreiske stated the Association has four storm drains that can not handle runoff from heavy rains. Mr. Dreiske suggested a swale or berm could be utilized to help redirect surface water runoff along the eastern edge of the proposed Riverside Hollow Subdivision. Maintenance of Orchard Beach Road: Mr. Dreiske noted Orchard Beach Road does not meet minimum standards to be maintained by McHenry Township. The road width is too narrow and does not meet Township specifications. He stated the Association members pay dues annually for the upkeep of their roadway. The additional flooding and erosion precipitated by this proposed development is a major concern to the Association. Additional Questions by Members of the Commission Commissioner Lundberg expressed concern with traffic safety for vehicles exiting Orchard Beach Road to Riverside Drive. He opined the close proximity of the four-way intersection of McCullom Lake Road and Riverside Drive to the intersection of Orchard Beach Road and Riverside Drive. He suggested combining the access for the two subdivisions at the intersection of McCullom Lake Road and Riverside Drive, and eliminating the southern intersection at Orchard Beach Road. A lengthy discussion occurred regarding ways to widen Orchard Beach Road and to reconfigure entrances to both Riverside Hollow and Orchard Beach Subdivision, including a possible joint entrance at the McCullom Lake Road intersection with Riverside Drive. Mr. Blais suggested the developers work with Orchard Beach Home Owners Association regarding the safety issues, and perhaps move the bus stop internally to south Branch Road at Outlot 96. If the bus stop were moved to this location, the bus could exit at the intersection of Riverside Drive and McCullom Lake Road, thereby minimizing the safety risks There were no further comments and/or questions regarding the Plat at this time. Recommendation Motion by Nadeau, seconded by Meyer, to recommend to the City Council to approve the V3 Realty Riverside Hollow Subdivision Preliminary Plat as prepared by V# Consultants dated 2/22/01 and last revised 3/23/01 subject to the following conditions: 1. The lots adjacent to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) right-of-way should be increased in depth to provide a better buffer from the potential FAP420; 2. During the concept plan review, a “buffer” was discussed along the Orchard Beach Subdivision. A simple notation describing this buffer and the preservation of the existing trees may help address this concern prior to the Plan Commission Meeting; 3. It may be appropriate to identify a small park area (at least 60-feet wide) along the eastern edge of the property to allow a future public road connection to Orchard Beach Avenue. Alternatively, Outlot 96 could be increased in size to accommodate this connection. The residents of Orchard Beach Subdivision have, to this point, indicated that no connection is desired. However, there is the potential that this connection may be desired in the future. Page 8 Voting Aye: Buhrman, Lundberg, Meyer, Nadeau, Osmon, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 6-0. Adjournment Motion by Osmon, seconded by Thacker, to adjourn at 9:10 p.m. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Lundberg, Meyer, Nadeau, Osmon, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstained: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 6-0. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen M. Kunzer, Deputy Clerk Recording Secretary McHenry Plan Commission C: Mayor, Aldermen, City Administrator, City Clerk, City Attorney, City Planner, City Engineers, Petitioners, Zoning Board of Appeals (7), Landmark Commission Chairman Chicago Tribune, Northwest Herald, Aldermen Conference Room, File Copy.