HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 04/03/2017 - City CouncilREGULAR MEETING April 3, 2017 Mayor Low called the regularly scheduled April 3, 2017 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Devine and Condon. Absent: None. Also in attendance: City Administrator Morefield, Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Chief of Police Jones, Director of Public Works Schmitt, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Director of Finance Lynch, City Attorney McArdle, City Engineer Pieper and City Clerk Jones. Mayor Low introduced Acting Mayor Matthew Zarawski, a student at Landmark School. Acting Mayor Zarawski opened the Council meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY LANDMARK SCHOOL STUDENT: ACTING MAYOR MATTHEW ZARAWSKI Acting Mayor Zarawski led Council and those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. CITY OF MCHENRY MISSION STATEMENT Mayor Low read aloud the Mission Statement of the City of McHenry. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION Mayor Low noted that the parties signed in to speak at Public Input were in attendance regarding Item No. 9 on the Agenda. No one spoke at Public Input. Alderman Wimmer arrived at 7:03 pm. CONSENT AGENDA A. Award of bid for 2017 Sewer Lining Contract to Visu-Sewer, Inc., in the amount of $61,494.16; B. Pay Application No. 6 and Change Order No. 1 from Merryman Excavation for Sanitary Sewer System Force Main Extension Project, in the amount of $245,024.23; C. Pay Application No. 13 to Williams Brothers Construction, in the amount of $1,062,011.87, for Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements; D. Award of bid for Knox Park Softball Field Fencing Replacement to Patriot Fence & Construction, LLC, for $28,140; E. Temporary Use Permit for the Pioneer Center Sleep Out for Shelter fundraiser on May 6 and May 7, 2017, from 3:00 am to 8:00 am, to be held at The Church of Holy Apostles, 5211 W. Bull Valley Road, and waver of $60 permit fee; F. Ordinance amending Municipal Code reducing the number of Class A Liquor Licenses in effect from thirty (30) to twenty-nine (29); G. Special Event Liquor License for outdoor service of alcohol for Main Street Station Cinco de Mayo event, 4005 Main Street, on Saturday, May 6, 2017, from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm and Sunday, May 7, 2017, from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm; H. Park Facilities Special Use/Picnic Permits; I. February 6, 2017, City Council meeting minutes; and J. Approval of Payment of Bills, in the amount of $481,419.23. Regarding Consent Item B; City Engineer Pieper explained the necessity of the Change Order in response to Alderman Curry's inquiry. Regular Meeting Page 2 April 3, 2017 Motion by Wimmer, second by Schaefer, approving Consent Agenda, as presented: Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Devine, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO APPROVE AN APPLICATION FOR A CLASS A LIQUOR LICENSE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF BEER AND WINE AT TABLES ONLY SUBMITTED BY EPIC DELI 2616 SCHAID COURT AND ORDINANCE AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 4, SEC. 4-6(7), INCREASING THE NUMBER OF CLASS H LIQUOR LICENSES FROM FIVE (5) TO SIX (6) City Administrator Morefield informed Council that Ms. Jeannine Wildey, owner and operator of Epic Deli LLC d/b/a Epic Deli, located at 2616 Schaid Court, submitted an application for a Class H Liquor License. A Class H Liquor License permits the retail sale of beer and wine for consumption on premises at tables only. Motion by Curry, second by Santi, granting a Class H Liquor License to Epic Deli LLC d/b/a Epic Deli, located at 2616 Schaid Court; and approving an Ordinance increasing the number of Class H Liquor Licenses in effect from five (5) to six (6). Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Devine, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO APPROVE THE TRANSFER OF A CLASS A LIQUOR LICENSE FROM B&A CORNER TAP. INC. D/B/A THE CORNER TAP TO FOX VALLEY GROUP LTD.. D/B/A THE CORNER TAP. LOCATED AT 3901 W. MAIN STREET City Administrator Morefield informed Council that Ms. Amy Barry, the current owner of The Corner Tap, located at 3901 W. Main Street, notified the City she is selling the business to Fox Valley Group Ltd. Ms. Barry currently holds a Class A-4 Liquor License. Subsequently, the owners of Fox Valley group Ltd submitted an application for a Class A Liquor License. The Class A Liquor License permits the sale of alcoholic liquors for consumption on premises and retail sale of package liquor. Fox Valley Group Ltd is comprised of three principals, Mr. Ryan Zambon, Mr. Thomas Schermerhorn, Jr. and Mr. Tobias Udstmen. Messrs. Zambon and Schermerhorn are also principals of Railroad Group LLC, which owns and operates Matt's Tavern in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Motion by Condon, second by Santi, approving the transfer of the Class A-4 Liquor License to Fox Valley Group Ltd. d/b/a The Corner Tap, located at 3901 W. Main Street, as presented. Regular Meeting Page 3 April 3, 2017 Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Devine, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF TWO PROPOSALS TO PRODUCE THE ANNUAL JAYCEES JULY FIREWORKS DISPLAY AND CELEBRATIONS IN PETERSEN PARK ON JULY 1, 2017 (RAIN DATE JULY 2, 2017) AND MOTION TO APPROVE A PROPOSAL FROM MELROSE PYROTECHNICS OR MAD BOMBER IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,000, WITH A $5,000 FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION FROM THE CITY OF MCHENRY Mayor Low stated three individuals signed in to speak at Public Input to address the Annual Jaycees fireworks display; Mr. Robert Kearns, of Melrose Pyrotechnic; and Mr. Andy James and Mr. Dan Miller of Mad Bomber Fireworks Productions (Mad Bomber) Mr. Kearns Director of Operations of Melrose Pyrotechnics, thanked Council for the opportunity to state the strong relationship Melrose Pyrotechnics has had with the City of McHenry and the Jaycees from 1996 to 2014. Mr. Kearns stressed the importance of the relationship to Melrose Pyrotechnics. Mr. James of Mad Bomber Fireworks stated he is grateful for the opportunity to again have the opportunity to come before Council regarding this matter. Mr. Miller, Senior Vice President of Mad Bomber stated he designed the fireworks program that was well received last year and was in attendance to support Mr. James. Deputy City Administrator Hobson reiterated to Council that at the March 20, 2017, meeting, Staff presented the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to produce at minimum, a 25- minute display choreographed to music selected by the City of McHenry and the Jaycees. One RFQ had been received from Melrose Pyrotechnics. At that meeting, representatives from Mad Bomber addressed Council indicating that they had failed to receive the RFP and therefore, had failed to make a submission. However, the representatives of Mad Bomber indicated they remain extremely interested in providing service for the performance and submitted a proposal upon realization of the failure to notice. Subsequently, Council directed Staff to review and present both the proposal from Melrose Pyrotechnics and Mad Bomber and present both proposals at the April 3, 2017 City Council meeting for consideration. Deputy City Administrator Hobson informed Council that the RFPs are comparable and that both companies are highly qualified and capable of producing a show that would meet the parameters set forth in the RFQ. The community has had the opportunity to view productions in Petersen Park by each vendor. Melrose has a high shell count in their proposal, while Mad Bomber clearly spells out the type and size of the shell in their performance. Alderman Glab opined that he enjoyed the 2016 performance by Mad Bomber. Regular Meeting Page 4 April 3, 2017 Alderman Schaefer stated that both companies appear qualified. Responding to Alderman Schaefer's inquiry, Deputy City Administrator Hobson stated the Jaycees have not reviewed any of the proposals submitted for the last five years, however, everyone appeared pleased with Mad Bomber's performance in 2016. Alderman Wimmer stated that he is unable to support Mad Bomber's RFP as it is not within procedural parameters. He opined that Melrose Pyrotechnics submitted a qualified proposal timely and should not be penalized. Alderman Devine, and Alderman Santi concurred with Alderman Wimmer. Alderman Condon opined that she was very pleased with the performance in 2016 by Mad Bomber. Alderman Schaefer suggested in future years incorporating the opinion of the Jaycees regarding the annual 4th of July fireworks display. Motion by Glab, second by Schaefer, to approve the proposal to produce the annual Jaycees 4th of July Fireworks Display and Celebration in Petersen Park on July 1, 2017, (Rain Date on July 2, 2017) from Mad Bomber Fireworks Productions, in the amount of $15,000 with a $5,000 contribution from the City of McHenry. Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Condon. Voting Nay: Santi, Curry, Wimmer, Devin. Absent: None. Motion denied. Motion by Santi, second by Curry, to approve the proposal to produce the annual Jaycees 4th of July Fireworks Display and Celebration in Petersen Park on July 1, 2017, (Rain Date on July 2, 2017) from Melrose Pyrotechnics, in the amount of $15,000 with a $5,000 contribution from the City of McHenry. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Devine, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO APPROVE THE AWARD OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR ELM STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS TO HR GREEN INC. FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 34 343 Director of Public Works Schmitt informed Council that included in the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Budget is $20,000 allotted for lighting improvements on Elm Street between Green Street and River Road. Staff solicited proposals for Professional Engineering Services for the Regular Meeting Page 5 April 3, 2017 lighting improvements from the list of pre -qualified firms previously approved by City Council. The Request for Proposal (RFP) was distributed to all five firms prequalified in the Municipal Engineering Transportation category and four firms responded. Staff recommends awarding the Professional Services Contract to HR Green, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $34,343.00. Director Schmitt noted that in the RFP, the City reserves the right to terminate or renegotiate the Phase II Engineering Scope of Services should the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) Grant Funding not be secured. Work would not begin on the Phase II Engineering Scope of Services until the City has received notification that ITEP Grant Funding has been awarded on the project. Should ITEP Grant Funding be secured, the Phase II Engineering Scope of Services would be eligible for 80% Federal Participation, which would reduce the City's share of funding for Professional Engineering Services below the budgeted amount of $20,000. Motion by Schaefer, second by Wimmer, approving the Professional Services Contract for Elm Street Light Improvements to HR Green, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $34,343.00 Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Devine, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET AMENDMENT INCREASING THE DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE ACCOUNT #100.04.6945. BY S110.000 TO COVER A PORTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT COSTS OF THE CITY'S SALES TAX INCENTIVE AGREEMENTS Director of Finance Lynch informed Council that a budget amendment is required to pay out the active sales tax incentives for Fiscal Year 2016/2017. Director Lynch stated that the City of McHenry currently has Tax Incentive Agreements with: • Gary Lang; • FV IL -McHenry Commons Shopping Center LLC; • Highland Park CVS, LLC; • Big R; • Auto Villa; • Sunnyside Auto Finance Company; • McHenry Donuts, Inc.; and • Bluestone Single Tenant Properties, LLC. For FY 2016/2017, the Budget for the Development Expense Account (100.04.6945) was set at $415,000. The City received tax data for the entire year 2016. After review of the data and the upcoming incentive pay outs, it appears the budget is short in the amount of $110,000. In order to fully fund the agreements for FY 2016/2017, a budget amendment is required. Regular Meeting Page 6 April 3, 2017 Motion by Curry, second by Santi, approving the budget amendment to account 100.04.6945, in the amount of $110,000. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Devine, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR'S STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low acknowledged and thanked Thomas Schaefer for his attendance at Council meetings. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. STAFF REPORTS There were no Staff Reports. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no Future Agenda Items. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer, second by Devine, to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 pm. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Devine, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm. J A�� ice•' Mayor City Clerk