HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 05/01/2017 - City CouncilREGULAR MEETING May 1, 2017 Deputy Clerk Geraghty called the regularly scheduled May 1, 2017, meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:00 PM. At roll call were the following Aldermen: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Devine, and Condon. Absent: None. Also in attendance: City Administrator Morefield, Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Chief of Police John Jones, Director of Public Works Schmitt, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Director of Finance Lynch, and City Attorney McArdle. OATH OF OFFICE Deputy Clerk Geraghty announced the Oath of Office would be administered to candidates elected in the April 4, 2017 Consolidated Election for the office of Aldermen Ward 1, 3, and 5, City Clerk, and Mayor. The Oath was administered by Deputy Clerk Geraghty to Victor A. Santi, Alderman Ward 1, Jeffrey A. Schaefer, Alderman Ward 3, Chad Mihevc, Alderman Ward 5, Lynzi Nevitt, City Clerk, and Wayne S. Jett, Mayor. After the Oaths, Deputy Clerk Geraghty commenced the minutes of the Council meeting and the Elected Officials took their seats at the Council dais. Mayor Jett congratulated the newly elected officials. He stated tonight's celebrations are about the future of our community moving forward. He added that he is excited to work with the Council and city staff as a team. He thanked his family, friends, and supporters. CITY OF MCHENRY MISSION STATEMENT Mayor Jett read aloud the Mission Statement of the City of McHenry. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION Mayor Jett stated there will be two opportunities for public comment; in the Public Input portion of the meeting for any topic not included in tonight's agenda and during the meeting as specific agenda items are considered. Public Comment is an opportunity for general or topic specific input. Although the public's input is valuable and will be noted as part of the public record, it is not a forum for open discussion or debate between the public, Council, or city staff. At this time, Mayor Jett called for persons wishing to address the Council regarding any items not on the agenda to please state their name for the record and to limit their comments to three -minutes. There was none. Regular Meeting Page 2 May 1, 2017 MOTION TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: A. Authorization to publicly bid the 2011 Hot Mix Asphalt Materials Contract; B. Request for Traffic Control on Kane Avenue between Center & Green Streets, May 24tn 5:00 to 8:30 PM for McHenry High School Graduation Ceremony at McCracken Field; C. Parks Facilities/Special Use/Picnic Permits; and D. Payment of Bills in the amount of $181,281.69. Motion by Glab, second by Santi, approving the Consent Agenda as presented: Mayor Jett called for discussion and there was none. Mayor Jett asked the Clerk to call roll on the motion: Voting Aye: Condon, Devine, Mihevc, Curry, Schaefer, Glab, Santi. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PUBLICLY BID THE 2017 STREET RESURFACE PROGRAM AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND APPROVE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE USE OF MOTOR FUEL TAX FUNDS (MFT) FOR THE PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $115,0008 Mayor Jett asked Public Works Director Schmitt to introduce the item to the Council. Director Schmitt stated the 2017/18 LIP includes $1,015,000 for pavement resurfacing and maintenance. MFT Funds totaling $115,000 will be used with the balance of the funding paid through the General Fund. Option #1 was recommended by the Public Works Committee. Mayor Jett called for public comment and there was none. Mayor Lett asked the Council to consider adding Dartmoor Road from the bridge west to Curran Road as an alternate to the project to maximize savings and called for a motion. Motion by Schaefer, second by Condon to authorize staff to publicly bid the 2017 street Resurface Program as recommended by the Public Works Committee; approval of a Resolution authorizing the use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Project in the amount of $115,000; and to include Dartmoor Road from the bridge west to Curran Road as an alternate to the project. Mayor Jett called for discussion. Alderman Schaefer stated the Public Works Committee discussed this project at its meeting in April. For the last two years, the committee has made an effort to include roads in a Regular Meeting Page 3 May 1, 2017 similar area of town for cost -savings. The area presented tonight is what staff presented as the number one grouping of roads. Although most of them are centered near the hospital, it makes sense to go with Option #1 this year noting there are many roads in town that need to be improved, however we have to go with what our finances will cover. Alderman Schaefer asked Director Schmitt if he had an estimated cost for the Dartmoor alternate. Director Schmitt replied staff estimates the Dartmoor addition to be approximately $330,000. City Administrator Morefield added that at this time, the city is only requesting authorization to bid the project and that section of Dartmoor. Staff has already identified Curran Road as an alternate — tonight we are simply requesting authorization to add another alternate to the bid. After the bids are received, Council will be asked to make a decision if they want to include any or all all the alternates based on pricing. Staff will also present a budget amendment to the Council if necessary. Alderman Schaefer asked Director Schmitt for clarification regarding the reported cost savings to approve groups of streets in a similar area for the street program. He relayed a past conversation with people in the construction business who told him that an entire town is considered a general area and for example moving from the east side to west side or in this case moving road equipment from the hospital to Vets Park would not be considered a big move expense -wise. Director Schmitt replied the city does not receive a separate cost estimate for mobilization as it is built-in to the cost charged for asphalt. For future projects, staff could look into receiving a unit price cost for mobilization. However in his opinion, there is a significant cost for mobilizing related to time and equipment to move everything from one side of town to the other or to several different streets. Alderman Schaefer said the same thing would apply if the contractor is working on Curran and moves to another road in the same neighborhood; they are trailering not driving the equipment. Director Schmitt answered in the past the equipment is moved by trailer and that is why we try to stay in one area to limit the mobilization. Alderman Curry suggested we quote Ridgeview as the alternate and Curran in the mix. The equipment is going to have to be moved to get to Ridgeview. Whether it goes to Ridgeview or to Curran is not a big difference. However adding Dartmoor as an alternate might complicate this a bit. Alderman Condon commented that ideally we would include all the roads on the list. She complimented staff for putting together a comprehensive system that outlines the roads most in need of resurfacing. She added that she agrees with adding Dartmoor as an alternate for the Council's consideration. Alderman Santi asked what would be the total cost. Director Schmitt answered with Curran Road as an alternate we are close to our budgeted number of $915,000. With Dartmoor as an alternate, staff estimates the cost to be $330,000. Staff has received favorable reports of bids received throughout the County and Townships for road resurfacing. Responding to Regular Meeting Page 4 May 1, 2017 Alderman Santi's question, City Administrator Morefield said the bids should come in around $1.2M. Alderman Santi said he would like the city to invest at least $1.2M or more each year in roads. We invested $1.9M last year and completed a tremendous amount of work. The city should continue to do as much as it can over the next few years to improve our roads. He also noted Option #4 includes a portion of Blake Blvd and he would like to see this included in a street program as soon as possible. Director Schmitt reported that in addition to the road resurfacing program, approximately $135,000 is dedicated for the road maintenance program. Alderman Glab asked Director Schmitt where he obtained the figures given for the cost of the road program. Director Schmitt replied the figures are the latest update received — they are not the same numbers discussed with the Public Works Committee. Staff analyzed bids from the Townships and the County and Project Engineer Strange recently performed a more refined measurement of the project area. Director Schmitt stated he is confident in the numbers provided to the Council this evening. Alderman Glab addressed the Council regarding staff's current investigation into a missing PIN number for property on Centegra Drive. He said the property in question is shown to be owned by the hospital when in fact it was dedicated to the city by the hospital years ago. Alderman Glab further stated he voted against Option #1 in the Public Works Committee because he is concerned the city is not resurfacing neighborhood streets. He would like to see $1.9M spent on road resurfacing each year. There being no further discussion, Mayor Jett asked the Clerk to call the roll on the motion: Voting Aye: Condon, Devine, Mihevc, Curry, Schaefer, Glab, Santi. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR'S STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Jett thanks Public Works Director Jon Schmitt for 33 years of service with the City A McHenry. COMMITTEE REPORTS None. STAFF REPORTS Director of Economic Development Douglas Martin reported the following: • April 301h through May 6th is National Small Business Week. • McHenry County College is hosting a Small Business Fair on May 2nd from 8:00-11:00 AM. The event is for existing businesses or anyone thinking about opening a business. Information on franchising and direct sales will also be available. Regular Meeting Page 5 May 1, 2017 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Alderman Glab reported a resident in his Ward would like to initiate a Neighborhood Watch Program in his area. Alderman Schaefer stated he attended the Open House for the Northeast Regional Communications Center (Nercom). He commended the Board of Directors, Chief Jones and the entire McHenry Police Department for the work they have done on the new dispatch center. He further stated the facility will benefit McHenry and all member municipalities. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Mihevc, Devine, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 PM. Mayor Duty City Clerk