HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 04/06/2020 - City Council A McHenry AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, April 6, 2020, 7:00 p.m. In light of the current COVID-19 public health emergency, this meeting will be held remotely only. The public can observe by connecting online at: https://zoom.us/i/110790034 The public can also call in to the following number: 1 312 626 6799 US, meeting ID 110 790 034 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Public Comments: Any member of the public wishing to address the Council is invited to do so by signing in at the meeting entrance and, when recognized, stepping to the podium. Opportunities for Public Comment are also provided under each Individual Action Item. 4. Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda Items: A. Proclamation of April 24, 2020 as Arbor Day; B. Set the Public Hearing date for the Annual Budget for April 20, 2020, and post the tentative budget on the City's website; C. Authorization for the Chief of Police to purchase 50 Portable Police Radios and a cost not to exceed $153,133.40 and enter into a 3-year Lease-to-Own Agreement with Motorola; D. March 16. 2020, City Council Special Meeting Minutes; E. March 16, 2020, City Council Regular Meeting Minutes; F. March 25, 2020, City Council Special Meeting Minutes; G. Issuance of Checks in the amount of$172,024.16. 5. Individual Action Item Agenda. A. Motion to approve the proposed Second Continuation of the Effective Dates of the March 11, 2020 Proclamation by the Mayor of Local Disaster Emergency to May 4, 2020. B. Motion to approve a proposal by Prairieland Disposal to modify the current scope of services in the City Refuse Hauling Contract to include three (3) incidental yard waste bags each week for every residential account in the City. C. Motion to approve a proposal by Prairieland Disposal in an amount not to exceed$36,075.00 for a City-wide spring cleanup program. D. Motion to pass an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor's execution of a Development and Economic Incentive Agreement between the City of McHenry and RR McHenry LLC. 6. Discussion Items. A. Discussion regarding request by LaFarge Aggregates/Meyer Material to defer 50% of mining impact feet to October 1, 2020. B. FY20/21 Proposed Budget — General Operating Departments, Recreation Center Fund, Water Fund, Sewer Fund, Utility Fund, Capital Improvement Projects. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens,businesses,and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient,and fiscally responsible manner. MCI Von 7. Mayor's Report. 9. City Council Comments. 10. Executive Session if Needed. 11. Adjourn. The complete City Council packet is available for review online via the City website at www.cioZofmchenry.org. For further information,please contact the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-2108. The proceedings of the City Council meeting are being video-recorded and every attempt is made to ensure that they are posted on the City of McHenry, IL "YouTube"channel within twenty-four(24)hours of the meeting adjournment. NOTICE: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA), this and all other City Council meetings are located in facilities that are physically accessible to those who have disabilities. If additional accommodations are needed,please call the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-2108 at least 72 hours prior to any meeting so that accommodations can be made. v �^ v � McHenr PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, in 1872, J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees; WHEREAS, this holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska; WHEREAS, Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world; WHEREAS, trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife; WHEREAS, trees are a renewable resource, enhance property values and the economic vitality of business areas, beautify our community, and are a source of joy and spiritual renewal; WHEREAS, the City of McHenry has been recognized as a Tree City USA for 26 consecutive years by the Arbor Day Foundation and desires to continue its tree-planting ways. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, I Wayne Jett Mayor of the City of McHenry and the McHenry City Council do hereby proclaim April 24, 2020, as Arbor Day in the City of McHenry and urge all citizens to celebrate Arbor Day and support the protection of our trees and woodlands. FURTHER, we urge all citizens to plant and care for trees to gladden the heart and promote the well-being of future generations. Mayor Jett ;� ~'^ Monte Johnson Deputy City Clerk City of McHenry 333 S Green St ��/A( McHenry, Illinois 60050 1V1C e Phone: (815) 363-2108 mjohnson@cityofmchenry.org CONSENT AGENDA DATE: April 6, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Monte Johnson, Deputy City Clerk RE: Public Hearing and Posting for Annual Budget This year the City of McHenry is following a Budget Officer system instead of an Appropriation Ordinance system for its annual financial planning. The City is required to make a copy of the tentative annual budget available to the public at least ten days prior to a public hearing for the budget. We will post the tentative budget on the website on Tuesday, April 7tn The City is also required to hold a public hearing prior to passage of the budget, and we will hold that public hearing at the beginning of the next regular meeting, which is April 201h A notice of both of these actions will be published in the newspaper on Tuesday, April 7th, to comply with our legal requirements. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. At John R. Birk, Chief of Police McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 1 / Phone: (815) 363-2200 Fax: (815) 363-2149 MCHenr jbirk@cityofmchenry.org CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: April 6th, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John R. Birk, Chief of Police RE: Authorization to allow the Chief of Police to purchase 50 Portable Police Radios and enter into a 3 year Lease to Own Agreement with Motorola ATT: Motorola Price Quote/Lease Agreement Template/Finance Plan Item Summary: Staff is seeking Council's authorization to purchase (50) fifty Motorola APX 4000 portable radios through the execution of a Lease to Own Agreement with Motorola. Background: The McHenry Police Department has fifty-four (54) portable radios that were purchased in 2013 through grant funding. These radios are now an older version of Motorola's APX 4000 with a single knob on top for power and volume. They are also not AES encrypted which, for security and safety reasons, would allow the department to prevent the unwanted listening of the general public on certain channels. The current single knob radio is a model that has since been determined to be an officer safety issue during critical incidents. If an officer is required to change to a different channel for communication, the officer has to remove the radio from the holder on his/her duty belt, visually look at the radio and change the channel using the button on the radio's face. The safety issue is what caused Motorola to discontinue this model radio only two years after the City purchased them. For safety purposes, many other McHenry County police agencies have placed AES encryption on their communications including Crystal Lake, Lake in the Hills, Algonquin, Huntley, Crystal Lake Park District. McHenry County College and Lakewood. In order to allow interoperability between agencies during any mutual aid call the police department would have to add AES encryption. Currently the Department is working with the ETSB to cover the cost of adding AES Encryption to our radios for an approximate cost of$36,000. As it is not recommended to spend ETSB funds to add AES encryption to old radios that have officer safety issues and have exceeded 75% of the life usage, staff has worked on getting a cost project to replace the radios. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Analysis: Motorola now offers an APX4000 model radio with two knobs on its top. One knob is utilized for power and volume while the second know allows the user to change the radio's channel without removing it from its holder. Motorola has offered the police department a three year lease to own option for the upgraded APX4000 at a total cost of $153,133.40. The benefit to this option is that the City will make three annual payments of $51,044.47 with no interest to pay for the radios. In executing this agreement in May of 2020 the first payment would not be due until May of 2021 within the 2021/22 Budget Year. In addition the Police Department has entered into a Starcom2l Reimbursement Grant Program with the ESTB that allows the McHenry Police Department the award of approximately $32,000.00 annually to offset Starcom radio costs. Over the term of the agreement with Motorola we will have collected approximately $128,000 from this grant program. In addition because Motorola owns the Starcom2l Radio Network that we operate off of, they have incentivized the quote by offering free airtime on all (50) fifty new radios for 24 months, which is an additional $40,800.00 in savings in our operational expenses. The total of the grant funds and the savings in air time is approximately $168,800.00 which is greater than the cost of the project as a whole. Attached to this agenda item Council will find a sample of the lease to own agreement along with the price quote from Motorola. Recommendation: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended that a motion be made to; (1) authorize the Chief of Police to purchase (50) fifty Motorola APX 4000 radios for a cost not to exceed $153,133.40 and (2)to enter into a three year lease to own agreement with Motorola. MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS Sample Lease Agreement 3/31/20 City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 RE: Municipal Lease # 12345 Dear Enclosed for your review,please find the Municipal Lease documen on in conne ion with the [radio equipment]to be leased from Motorola. The interest rate and pa§ment streams outlined in Equipment Lease-Purchase Agreement#12345 are valid for-`ontracts that are executed and returned to Motorola on or before April 27,2020. After 4/27/20,the Li(ssor reserves th6 option to rgrquote and re-price the transaction based on current market interest rates. Please have the documents executed where inIcated and forwa - e documents to the following address: Motorola Solutions Credit Company LLC Attn: Bill Stancik/44th Floor`" `yip 500 W. Monroe Chicago IL 60661 Should you have any!qution , conta me at 847-538-4531. Thank Y MOTOROLA SOLUTI S CREDIT COMPANY LLC Bill Stancik CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 LESSEE FACT SHEET Please help Motorola provide excellent billing service by providing the following information: 1. Complete Billing Address City of McHenry E-mail Address: Attention: Phone: 2. Lessee County Location: f 3. Federal Tax I.D.Number 4. Purchase Order umber be refer ced o (if necessary)or other"descriptions"that may assist in determ�ing the applicable cost cente department: 5. Equipment description that you would life to appear on your invoicing: Appropriate Contact for Documentation/SysteKAcceptance Follow-up: 6. Appropriate Contac Mailing Address Phone: Fax: 7. Payment remit to address: Motorola Solutions Credit Company LLC P.O.Box 71132 Thank you Chicago IL 60694-1132 CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 EQUIPMENT LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT Lease Number: 12345 LESSEE: LESSOR: City of McHenry Motorola Solutions, Inc. 500 W. Monroe Chicago IL 60661 Lessor agrees to lease to Lessee and Lessee agrees to lease from Lessor,the equipment and/or software described in Schedule A attached hereto("Equipment")in accordance with the following terrA and conditions ofViis Equipment Lease-Purchase Agreement("Lease"). Jlkd 1. TERM. This Lease will become effective upon the execution hereof by L ssor. The Term of this Lease will commence on date specified in Schedule A attached heretoand unless terminated according to terms hereof or the purchase option,provided in Section 18, is exercised this Lease will continue ntil the Expiration Date set forth in Schedule B attached hereto("Lease Term"). 2. RENT. Lessee agrees to a to Lessor or items Assignee the Lease Payments i�' pay S y (herein so called), including the interest portion, in the amounts specified in Schedule B. The Lease Payments will be payable without notice or demand at the office of the Lessor (or such other place as,Lessor or its assignee may from time to time designate in writing), and will commence on the first Lease Payment Date as set forth in Schedule B and thereafter on each of the Lease Payment Dates set forth in Schedule B. Any payments received later than ten (10) days from the due date will bear interest at the highest lawful rate from the due date. Except as specifically provided in Section 5 hereof, the Lease Payments will be absolute and unconditional in all events and will not be subject to any set-off, defense, counterclaim, or recoupment for any reason whatsoever. Lessee reasonably believes that funds can be obtained sufficient to make all Lease Payments during the Lease erm and hereby covenants that a request for appropriation for funds from which the Lease Payments may be ma e will be requested each fiscal period, including making provisions for such payment to the extent necessary it}each budget submitted for the purpose of obtaining funding. It is Lessee's intent to make Le ayrrient for,�e full Lease Term if funds are legally available therefor and in that regard Less represents that th uipmenilbill be used for one or more authorized governmental or proprietary functions essential o its proper,of i t d economic operation. 3. DELIVERY AND A NCE. Lessor will cause the Equipment to be delivered to Lessee at the location ecified in Sc ul quip nt Location"). Lessee will accept the Equipment as soon as it has been deli d is operati Lessee will evidence its acceptance of the Equipment either(a)by executing and delive ' to Les r a Delive d Acceptance Certificate in the form provided by Lessor; or(b)by executing and delive the form ofacceptan rovided for in the Contract(defined below). Even if essee,has not execute and delivered to Lessor a Delivery and Acceptance Certificate or other form of acceptance acceptable to Lessor,if Lessor believes the Equipment has been delivered and is operational,Lessor may require Lessee to notify Lessor in writing (within five (5) days of Lessee's receipt of Lessor's request) whether or not Lessee deem uipment (i) to have been delivered and (ii) to be operational, and hence be accepted by Lessee. If Lessee is to so respond in such five (5) day period, Lessee will be deemed to have accepted the Equipment and be deemed to have acknowledged that the Equipment was delivered and is operational as if Lessee had in fact executed and delivered to Lessor a Delivery and Acceptance Certificate or other form acceptable to Lessor. 4. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Lessor acknowledges that the Equipment leased hereunder is being manufactured and installed by Lessor pursuant to contract (the "Contract") covering the Equipment. Lessee acknowledges that on or prior to the date of acceptance of the Equipment,Lessor intends to sell and assign Lessor's right,title and interest in and to this Agreement and the Equipment to an assignee("Assignee"). LESSEE FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THE CONTRACT, LESSOR MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY NATURE OR KIND WHATSOEVER, CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 AND AS BETWEEN LESSEE AND THE ASSIGNEE, THE PROPERTY SHALL BE ACCEPTED BY LESSEE "AS IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS". LESSEE AGREES TO SETTLE ALL CLAIMS DIRECTLY WITH LESSOR AND WILL NOT ASSERT OR SEEK TO ENFORCE ANY SUCH CLAIMS AGAINST THE ASSIGNEE. NEITHER LESSOR NOR THE ASSIGNEE SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL,OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER AS A RESULT OF THE LEASE OF THE EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF PROFITS, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOST PRODUCTION WHETHER SUFFERED BY LESSEE OR ANY THIRD PARTY. Lessor is not responsible for, and shall not be liable to Lessee for damages relating to loss of value of the Equipment for any cause or situation (including, without limitation, governmental actions or or actions of other third parties). 5. NON-APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS. Notwithstanding anything contain this Lease to the contrary, Lessee has the right to not appropriate funds to make Lease Payments required her er in any fiscal period and in the event no funds are appropriated or in the event funds appropriated by Lessees go erring body or otherwise available by any lawful means whatsoever in any fiscal period of Lessee for Lease Paymentsr other amounts due under this Lease are insufficient therefor, this Lease shall terminate on the last day of the fiscal period for which appropriations were received without penalty or expense t essee of any kind whatsoever, except as to the portions of Lease Payments or other amounts herein agreed up which funds shall have been appropriated and budgeted or are otherwise available. The Lessee will immediately notify the Lessor or its Assignee of such occurrence. In the event of such termination, Lessee agrees to peaceably surrender possession of the Equipment to Lessor or its Assignee on the date of such termination, packed for shipment in accordance with manufacturer specifications and freight prepaid and insured to any location in the, 9 tinental United States designated by Lessor. Lessor will have all legal and equitable rights and remedies toj ake possession of the Equipment. Non- appropriation of funds shall not constitute a defauyereunder for purposes of Section 16. 6. LESSEE CERTIFICATION. Lessee represents,covenants and warrants that: (i)Lessee is a state or a duly constituted political subdivision or agency'bf the state of the Equipment Location; (ii)the interest portion of the Lease Payments shall be excludable from Lessor's gross income pursuant to Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as it may be amended from time to time (the "Code");o(iii)the execution, delivery and performance by the Lessee of this Lease have ieen duly,pthorized by all negptsary action on the part of the Lessee; (iv) this Lease constitutes a legal, valid and biding obligation of the Lessee enforceable in accordance with its terms; (v) Lessee will comply with the information reporting requirements of Section 149(e) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code"), and such compliance shall include bu4pot be limited to the execution of information statements requested by Lessor; (vt)Lessee will not do or cause to be done any act which will cause, or by omission of any act allow,the Lease to be an arbitrage bond within the meaning of Section 148(a)of the Code; (vii)Lessee will not do or cause to be done any a 1 which will cause, or omission of any act allow, this Lease to be a private activity bond within the meaning oSection.14 of the Code; (viii) Lessee will not do or cause to be done any act which will cause, o~by omission of any act allo ;the interest portion of the Lease Payment to be or become includible in gross inc me fbi4Wederal income taxation purposes under the Code; and(ix) Lessee will be the only entity to own, use and operate the Equipment during the Lease Term. essee reTresents, covenar and warrants that: (i) it will do or cause to be done all things necessary to presery and keep the Leas in fullforce and effect, (ii) it has complied with all laws relative to public bidding where necessary, and(iii) it as 'sufficient appropriations or other funds available to pay all amounts due hereunder for the current fiscal period If Lessee es the covenant contained in this Section, the interest component of Lease Payments may become includible in oss income of the owner or owners thereof for federal income tax purposes. In such event, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Section 11 of this Agreement, Lessee agrees to pay promptly after any such determination of taxability and on each Lease Payment date thereafter to Lessor an additional amount determined by Lessor to compensate such owner or owners for the loss of such excludibility (including, without limitation, compensation relating to interest expense, penalties or additions to tax), which determination shall be conclusive(absent manifest error). Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, any additional amount payable by Lessee pursuant to this Section 6 shall be payable solely from Legally Available Funds. CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 It is Lessor's and Lessee's intention that this Agreement not constitute a"true"lease for federal income tax purposes and,therefore, it is Lessor's and Lessee's intention that Lessee be considered the owner of the Equipment for federal income tax purposes. 7. TITLE TO EQUIPMENT; SECURITY INTEREST. Upon shipment of the Equipment to Lessee hereunder,title to the Equipment will vest in Lessee subject to any applicable license;provided,however,that(i)in the event of termination of this Lease by Lessee pursuant to Section 5 hereof;(ii)upon the occurrence of an Event of Default hereunder, and as long as such Event.of Default is continuing; or(iii) in the event that the purchase option has not been exercised prior to the Expiration Date,title will immediately vest in Lessor or its Assignee, and Lessee shall immediately discontinue use of the Equipment, remove the Equipment from Lessee's computers and other electronic devices and deliver the Equipment to Lessor or its Assignee. In order to secI�re all of its obligations hereunder, Lessee hereby (i)grants to Lessor a first and prior security interest in any and ail right, title and interest of Lessee in the Equipment and in all additions, attachments, accessions, and substitutions thereto, and on any proceeds therefrom; (ii) agrees that this Lease may be filed as a financing statement evide ing such security interest; and (iii) agrees to execute and deliver all financing statements, certifcates of title her instruments necessary or appropriate to evidence such security interest. 8. USE; REPAIRS. Lessee will use the Equipment in a careful manner for the use contem)Pntract, by the manufacturer of the Equipment and shall comply with all laws, ordinances, insurance policies, the any licensing or other agreement, and regulations relating to, and will pay all costs, claims, damages, fees and charges arising out of the possession, use or maintenance of the Equipment. Lessee, at its expense will keep the Equipment in good repair and furnish and/or install all parts,mechanisms updates,upgrades and devices required therefor. 9. ALTERATIONS. Lessee will not m , any%rations, addition., r improvements to the Equipment without Lessor's prior written consent unless such alterations, additions.or improvements may be readily removed without damage to the Equipment. 4r 10. LOCATION;INSPECTION. The Equipment wilt4jkt be removed from, [or if the Equipment consists of rolling stock, its permanent base will=not be changed Equipment Location without Lessor's prior written consent which will not be unreasonably withheld. Lesso be entitled to enter upon the Equipment Location or elsewhere during reas n a business hours to ' ct the quipment or observe its use and operation. 11. LIENS AND TAXES Lessee sha ll keep Equipment free and clear of all levies, liens and encumbrances except those created under this Lease. Lessee all pay, when due, all charges and taxes (local, state and federal)which may now or hereafter be 'nposed upo4}the ownership, licensing, leasing, rental, sale, purchase, possession or use of the'EquIpment,excludi sz .owever,all taxes on or measured by Lessor's income. If Lessee fails to pay said charges and taxes when due, Lessor shall have the right, but shall not be obligated, to pay said charges and taxes. If Lessor pays any char r taxes, "ssee shall reimburse Lessor therefor within ten days of written demand. . koi�OF LOS AMAG ,DESTRUCTION. Lessee assumes all risk of loss or damage to the Eq(iggkion' nt from any cause atsoever, and no such loss of or damage to the Equipment nor defect therein nor unfitneobsole,�scenc�there 1 relieve Lessee of the obligation to make Lease Payments or to perform any other o under this ease the event of damage to any item of Equipment, Lessee will immediately place the same in good repair wi the proceeds of any insurance recovery applied to the cost of such repair. If Lessor determines that any item o quipment is lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged beyond repair (an "Event of Loss") , Lessee at the op . of L r will: either(a)replace the same with like equipment in good repair; or(b)on the next Lease Payment da Lessor the sum of : (i) all amounts then owed by Lessee to Lessor under this Lease, including the Lease p ent due on such date; and(ii)an amount equal to all remaining Lease Payments to be paid during the Lease Term as set forth in Schedule B. In the event that Lessee is obligated to make such payment with respect to less than all of the Equipment, Lessor will provide Lessee with the pro rata amount of the Lease Payment and the Balance Payment(as set forth in Schedule B)to be made by Lessee with respect to that part of the Equipment which has suffered the Event of Loss. 13. INSURANCE. Lessee will, at its expense,maintain at all times during the Lease Term, fire and extended coverage, public liability and property damage insurance with respect to the Equipment in such amounts, covering such risks,and with such insurers as shall be satisfactory to Lessor,or,with Lessor's prior written consent, Lessee may self-insure against any or all such risks. All insurance covering loss of or damage to the Equipment CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 shall be carried in an amount no less than the amount of the then applicable Balance Payment with respect to such Equipment. The initial amount of insurance required is set forth in Schedule B. Each insurance policy will name Lessee as an insured and Lessor or it's Assigns as an additional insured, and will contain a clause requiring the insurer to give Lessor at least thirty(30)days prior written notice of any alteration in the terms of such policy or the cancellation thereof. The proceeds of any such policies will be payable to Lessee and Lessor or it's Assigns as their interests may appear. Upon acceptance of the Equipment and upon each insurance renewal date,Lessee will deliver to Lessor a certificate evidencing such insurance. In the event that Lessee has been permitted to self-insure,Lessee will furnish Lessor with a letter or certificate to such effect. In the event of any loss, damage, injury or accident involving the Equipment, Lessee will promptly provide Lessor with written notice thereof and make available to Lessor all information and documentation relating thereto. 14. INDEMNIFICATION. Lessee shall,to the extent permitted by law Itemnify Lessor against, and hold Lessor harmless from an and all claims actions proceedings, expenses,damages or liabilities including Y ,p g , p g g attorneys'fees and court costs, arising in connection with the Equipment, including,,,but not l d to, its selection, purchase, delivery, licensing, possession, use, operation, rejection, or return and the recovoloof claims under insurance policies thereon. 15. ASSIGNMENT. Without Lessor's prior written cTsent, Lessee will not either assign, transfer, pledge, hypothecate, grant any security interest in or otherwise dispose of this Lease or the uipment or any interest in this Lease or the Equipment or; (ii) sublet or lend the Equipment or permit it to be used by anyone other than Lessee or Lessee's employees. Lessor may assign its`rights, title and 'interest in and to this Lease, the Equipment and any documents executed with respect to this Lease and/or grant or assign a security interest in this Lease and the Equipment, in whole or in part. Any such a ss gnees shall have all of the rights of Lessor under this Lease. Subject to the foregoing, this Lease inures to the benefit 0 and is upon the heirs, executors, administrators,successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Lessee covenants and agrees not to assert against the Assignee any aims or defenses by way of abatement, setoff, counterclaim, recoupment or the like which Lessee may have of Lessor. No assignment or reassignment of any Lessor's right,title or interest in this Lease or the Equipment shall be effective unless and until Lessee shall have received a notice of assignment;disclosing the name and address of each such assignee;provided, however, that if such assignment is made to a bank or trust company as paying or escrow agent for holders of certificates of participation in thAesse e, it shall thereafter b ' ufficion that a copy of the agency agreement shall have been deposited with LesseLessee shall have bee on that such agency agreement is no longer in effect. During the Lease Term shall keep a complete accurate record of all such assignments in form necessary to comply with Section 149(a) of the Code, and th regulations, proposed or existing, from time to time promulgated thereunder. No further action will be require�i by Lessor or by Lessee to evidence the assignment, but Lessee will acknowledge such assignments in writing if so requested. After notice of such'assignment, Lessee W name the Assignee as additional insured and loss payee in any insurance policies obtained or in-force. Any AT'signee of Lessor may reassign this Lease and its interest in the Equipment and the Lease Payments to an,. er person who, thereupon, shall be deemed to be Lessor's Assignee hereunder. 6. EVENT OF DEFAULT. The term "Event of Default",as used herein,means the occurrence of any one or ore of the.following even: (i) Lessee fails to make any Lease Payment (or any other payment) as it become -due in accordance with the terms of the Lease when funds have been appropriated sufficient for such purpose, and any such fail ' continues for ten (10) days after the due date thereof, (ii) Lessee fails to perform or observe any other covenant ondition, or agreement to be performed or observed by it hereunder and such failure is not cured withi en ) days after written notice thereof by Lessor; (iii) the discovery by Lessor that any statement, represe , or warranty made by Lessee in this Lease or in writing delivered by Lessee pursuant hereto or in connecti herewith is false, misleading or erroneous in any material respect; (iv) proceedings under any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or similar legislation shall be instituted against or by Lessee, or a receiver or similar officer shall be appointed for Lessee or any of its property,and such proceedings or appointments shall not be vacated, or fully stayed, within twenty (20) days after the institution or occurrence thereof, or (v) an attachment,levy or execution is threatened or levied upon or against the Equipment. 17. REMEDIES. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, and as long as such Event of Default is continuing, Lessor may, at its option, exercise any one or more of the following remedies: (i)by written notice to Lessee,declare all amounts then due under the Lease,and all remaining Lease Payments due during the fiscal period in effect when the default occurs to be immediately due and payable,whereupon the same shall become immediately due and payable; (ii) by written notice to Lessee, request Lessee to (and Lessee agrees that it will), at Lessee's CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 expense, promptly discontinue use of the Equipment, remove the Equipment from all of Lessee's computers and electronic devices, return the Equipment to Lessor in the manner set forth in Section 5 hereof, or Lessor, at its option, may enter upon the premises where the Equipment is located and take immediate possession of and remove the same;(iii)sell or lease the Equipment or sublease it for the account of Lessee,holding Lessee liable for all Lease Payments and other amounts due prior to the effective date of such selling, leasing or subleasing and for the difference between the purchase price,rental and other amounts paid by the purchaser,Lessee or sublessee pursuant to such sale, lease or sublease and the amounts payable by Lessee hereunder; (iv)promptly return the Equipment to Lessor in the manner set forth in Section 5 hereof; and(v) exercise any other right, remedy or privilege which may be available to it under applicable laws of the state of the Equipment Location or any other applicable law or proceed by appropriate court action to enforce the terms of the Lease or to recover damages for the breach of this Lease or to rescind this Lease as to any or all of the Equipment. In addition, Lessee ill remain liable for all covenants and indemnities under this Lease and for all legal fees and other costs and expenses,including court costs, incurred by Lessor with respect to the enforcement of any of the remedies listed above or any other remedy available to Lessor. 18. PURCHASE OPTION. Upon thirty(30)days prior written notice fromXesse to ssor, and provided that no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing,or no event,which with notice or lapse time,or both could become an Event of Default, then exists, Lessee will have Pe right to purchase the Equip t on the Lease Payment dates set forth in Schedule B by paying to Lessor,on such date,the Lease Payment then ue together with the Balance Payment amount set forth opposite such date..,,�Upon satisfaction by Lessee of-such purchase conditions, Lessor will transfer any and all of its right, title and interest in the Equipment o Lessee as is, without warranty,express or implied,except that the Equipment^frelear of any liens create Lessor. 19. NOTICES. All notices to be given under this Lease shall be made ting and mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the other party at its address set forth herein or such address as the party may provide in writing from time to time. Any such n'' 'ce shall be deemed to have been received five days subsequent to such mailing. 20. SECTION HEADINGS. All section headings 'covin ed herein are for the convenience of reference only and are not intended t efine or limit the scope of any provision of this Lease. 21. GOVERNING LA is Lease shall be construed in accordance with,and governed by the laws of,the state of the Equipment Loca 22. DELIVE F RELATED DOCUMENTS. Lessee will execute or provide, as requested by Lessor, such other doc d information as are reasonably necessary with respect to the transaction contemplated by this Leas v' 23. k&TIRE AGR E NT; ER. This Lease,together with Schedule A Equipment Lease- Purchas nt, Schedule B, Evidenc of Insurance, Statement of Essential Use/Source of Funds,Certificate of Incum cy,Certified Lessee Resolution(if any),Bank Qualified Statement,Information Return for Tax-Exempt Gove ntal Obligatioa and the Delivery and Acceptance Certificate and other attachments hereto,and other docume -or struments executed by Lessee and Lessor in connection herewith, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with res ct to the Lease of the Equipment,and this Lease shall not be modified, amended, altered,or changed except the written consent of Lessee and Lessor. Any provision of the Lease found to be prohibited by la all be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition without invalidating the remainder of the Lease. IVO The waiver by Lessor of any breach by Lessee of any term, covenant or condition hereof shall not operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach thereof. 24. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS.This Lease may be executed in several counterparts, either electronically or manually,all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. Lessor reserves the right to request receipt of a manually-executed counterpart from Lessee. Lessor and Lessee agree that the only original counterpart for purposes of perfection by possession shall be the original counterpart manually executed by Lessor and identified as "Original", regardless of whether Lessee's execution or delivery of said counterpart is done manually or electronically. CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day of , 2020. LESSEE: LESSOR: City of McHenry MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS,INC. By: By: Title: Title Treasurer CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY I, do hereby certify that I am the duly elected or (Printed Name of Secretary/Clerk) 1 appointed and acting Secretary or Clerk of the City of McHenry,an entity duly organized and�kisting under the laws of the State of Illinois that I have custody of the records of such entity,and that,as of the date hereof,the individual(s)executing this agreement is/are the duly elected or appointed officer(s)of such entity holding the office(s)below his/her/their respective name(s). I further certify that(i)the signature(s)set forth above his/her/their respective name(s)and title(s)is/are his/her/their true and authentic signature(s)and(ii)such officer(s)have the authority on behalf of such entity to enter into that certain Equipme ease Purchase Agreement number12345, between City of McHenry and Motorola Solutions,Inc.If the innsurance requirement on Schedule B exceeds $1,000,000,attached as part of the Equipment Lease Purchase ement is a Certified Less Resolution adopted by the governing body of the entity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have executed this certificate and aff' the seal of Ci of McHenry hereto this h mY day of 2020. r' By: AL (Signature of Secretary/Clerk) OPINI OF COUNSE With respect to that certa' Equipm�,ent Leas urchase Agreement 12345 by and between Motorola Solutions,Inc. and the Lessee,I 6f.the opinion tha (i)the Lessee is,within the meaning of Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,a state or a fully coi�stituted political subdivision or agency of the State of the Equipment Location described in Schedule A hereto;(ii)tke execution,delivery and performance by the Lessee of the Lease have been duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of the Lessee,(III)the Lease constitutes a legal,valid and binding obligation of the Lessee enforceable in accordance with its terms;and(iv)Lessee has sufficient monies available to make'aIl payments required to be paid under the Lease during the current fiscal year of the Lease,and such monies%ave been prop udgeted and appropriated for this purpose in accordance with State law. This op 'on may be relied upon by tI ssor and any assignee of the Lessor's rights under the Lease. ttorn or City of McHenry CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 SCHEDULE A EQUIPMENT LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT Schedule A 12345 Lease Number: This Equipment Schedule is hereby attached to and made a part of t certain Equipment Lease-Purchase Agreement Number 12345 ("Lease"), between Lessor es e. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee under and pursuant to the Lease, and Les�ereby accepts and leases from Lessor under and pursuant to the Lease, subject to and upon the rms and conditions set forth in the Lease and upon the terms set forth below, the following items of Equipment QUANTITY DESCRIPTION Manufacturer, Model, and Serial Nos. Refer to attached Equipment List. Equipment Location: Initial Term: XX the Commencement Date: date First Payment Due Date: date XX annuA#ayments a lined iry the attached Schedule B,plus Sales/Use Tax of$0.00, payab e on the Lease Pay nt Dates set forth in Schedule B. CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 Schedule B Amortization Schedule will be included below: INITIAL INSURANCE REQUIRE $ Except as specifically provided in.Section fiv the Lease hereof, Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor or its assignee the Lease PayA ts, includiu .the in erest portion, in the amounts and dates specified in the above pay t schedule. CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE Fire, extended coverage,public liability and property damage insurance for all of the Equipment listed on Schedule A number 12345 to that Equipment Lease Purchase Agreement number 12345 will be maintained by the City of McHenry as stated in the Equipment Lease Purchase Agreement. This insurance is provided by: Name of insurance provider Address of insurance provider City, State and Zip Code Phone number of local insurance provider E-mail address In accordance with the Equipment Lease Purc a ement er 12345 , City of McHenry ,hereby certifies that following c erage are or ill ull f e and effect: Type Amo ctiv Expiration Policy Date Number Fire and Extended Cover Property Da age Public ilily Certificate shall include the following: Description: All Equipment listed on Schedule A number 12345 to that Equipment Lease Purchase Agreement number 1234 Please include equipment cost equal to the Initial Insurance Requirement on Schedule B to E uipment se Purchase Agreement number 12345 and list any deductibles. Certificate Holder: MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC.and or its assignee as additional insured and loss payee 1303 E.Algonquin Road Schaumburg,IL 60196 If self insured, contact Motorola representative for template of self insurance letter. CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 STATEMENT OF ESSENTIAL USE/SOURCE OF FUNDS To further understand the essential governmental use intended for the equipment together with an understanding of the sources from which payments will be made, please address the following questions by completing this form or by sending a separate letter: 1. What is the specific use of the equipment? 2. Why is the equipment essential to the operation of City of enry? 3. Does the equipment replace existing equipment? If so, why is the replacement being m e? 4. Is there a specific cost justification for the ne ipment? If yes,please attach outl' of jus ation. 40 5. What is the expected source of funds for the payments due under the Lease for the current fiscal year and future fiscal years? CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 EQUIPMENT LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE The undersigned Lessee hereby acknowledges receipt of the Equipment described below("Equipment')and Lessee hereby accepts the Equipment after full inspection thereof as satisfactory for all purposes of lease Schedule A to the Equipment Lease Purchase Agreement executed by Lessee and Lessor. Equipment Lease Purchase Agreement No.: 12345 Lease Schedule A No. : 12345 EQUIPMENT INFORMATION , 1 QUANTITY MODEL NUMBER E UIPMENT DESCRIPTION Equipment referenced in lease Schedule A# 12345. See Schedule A fora detailed Equipment List. , A 0. LESSEE: City of McHenry By: Date: CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 Bank Qualified Statement LESSEE CERTIFIES THAT IT(circle one) HAS or HAS NOT DESIGNATED THIS LEASE AS A QUALIFIED TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 265(b)(3)OF THE CODEAND IF THE LESSEE HAS DESIGNATED THIS LEASE AS A QUALIFIED TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATION, IT HAS NOT DESIGNATED MORE THAN$10,000,000 OF ITS OBLIG TIONS AS QUALIFIED TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH SECTIOOR THE CURRENT CALENDAR YEAR AND THAT IT REASONABLY ANTICIPATES JJ00,T TH TOTAL AMOUNT OF TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS TO BE ISSUED BY LESSEE D G THE RRENT CALENDAR YEAR WILL NOT EXCEED$10,000,000. CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 CERTIFIED LESSEE RESOLUTION At a duly called meeting of the Governing Body of the Lessee (as defined in the Lease) held on October , 2020, the following resolution was introduced and adopted. BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Board of Lessee as follows: 1. Determination of Need. The Governing Body of Lessee has dete min d that a true and very real need exists for the acquisition of the Equipment or other personal property described in the Lease between City of McHenry (Lessee),,and Motorola Solutions, Inc. (Lessor). 2. Approval and Authorization. The Governing body of Lessee has determined` that the Lease, substantially in the form presented to this"meeting, is in the best interests of the Lessee for the acquisition of such Equipment or other persona pr9perty, and the Governing Board hereby approves the entering into of the Lease the Lessee and hereby designates and authorizes the following person(sefer ed in the Lease to execute and deliver the Lease on L,,essee's behalf with such changes thereto as such person deems appropriate, and anyyrelated documents, includg any escrow agreement, necessary to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Lease. 3. Adoption of Resolution. The signatures in the Lease from the designated individuals for the Governing Body of the Lessee evide he adgption by the Governing Body of this Resolution. IRS 8038 G orm will be included CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 CLEAN SHORT FORM SIMPLIFIED LEASE rev 7.28.16 ® M07'0l40LA SOLUTIONS Date. April 1,2020 Financing proposal for: City of McHenry,IL Communications System Financing Proposal Motorola Solutions Credit Company LLC is pleased to submit the following proposal for the financing of your Motorola Communications solution in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined below: Transaction Type: Municipal Lease-Purchase Agreement Lessor: Motorola Solutions,Inc.(or its Assignee) Lessee: City of McHenry,IL Amount: $153,133.40 Down Payment: $0.00 Balance to Finance: $153,133.40 Equipment: As per the Motorola equipment proposal. Title: Title to the equipment will vest with the Lessee. Insurance: Lessee will be responsible to insure the equipment as outlined in the lease contract. Taxes: Personal property,sales,leasing,use,stamp,or other taxes are for the account of the Lessee. Option One Lease Term: Three Years Payment Frequency: Annual Payment Structure: Arrears Lease Rate: 0.00% Lease Factor: 0.333333 Lease Payment: $51,044.47 Payment Commencement: First payment due one year after contract execution. Expiration: This above lease rates and factors are valid for all leases commenced by 5/30/2020 Qualifications: Receipt of a properly executed documentation package. Lessee qualifies as a political subdivision or agency of the State as defined in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.The interest portion of the Lease Payments shall be excludable from the Lessor's gross income pursuant to Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code. Receipt of a copy of the last years audited financial statements and current year's budget from the Lessee. This proposal should not be construed as a commitment to finance. It is subject to final Motorola credit committee approval.This quote is based on the general level of interest rates,primarily U.S.Treasury Bills of like term maturity.Any movement in those rates in excess of 10 basis points will result in the revision of this quote. LESSEE CERTIFIES THAT IT HAS DESIGNATED THIS LEASE AS A QUALIFIED TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 265(b)(3)OF THE CODE,THAT IT HAS NOT DESIGNATED MORE THAN$10,000,000 OF ITS OBLIGATIONS AS QUALIFIED TAX- EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS IN ACCORDANCE Documentation: Municipal Equipment Lease Purchase Agreement Opinion of Counsel Schedule A/Equipment List Schedule B/Amortization Schedule 8038G UCC-1 Certificate of Incumbency Statement of Essential Use/Source of Funds Evidence of Insurance or Statement of Self Insurance Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions or if an alternate structuring is required. Regards, Bill Stancik Motorola Customer Financing 847-538-4531 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS . .fin- ,. r r MCHENRY POLICE DEPT, CITY OF 14 1 1 1 The design,technical,pricing,and other information("Information")furnished with this submission is confidential proprietary information of Motorola Solutions,Inc.("Motorola")and is submitted with the restriction that it is to be used for evaluation purposes only.To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law,the Information is not to be disclosed publicly or in any manner to anyone other than those required to evaluate the Information without the express written permission of Motorola. MOTOROLA„MOTO,MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS,and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings,LLC and are used under license.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.©2016 Motorola Solutions,Inc.All rights reserved. MOTOROLA SOLUTIOIVS QUOTE-773085 Billing Address: Quote Date:04/01/2020 MCHENRY POLICE DEPT, CITY Expiration Date:05/30/2020 OF Quote Created By: 333 S GREEN ST Dominick Storelli MCHENRY, IL 60050 Dominick.Storelli@ US motorolasolutions.com End Customer: MCHENRY POLICE DEPT, CITY OF NumberLine# Item Description APXT"" 4000 Series APX4000 1 H51UCF9PW6AN APX 4000 7/800 MHZ MODEL 50 $1,963.00 $1,256.33 $62,816.50 2 PORT 1a QA01648AA ADD: HW KEY 50 $5.00 $3.34 $167.00 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA 1b QA02756AB ENH:3600 OR 9600 50 $1,570.00 $1,049.07 $52,453.50 TRUNKING BAUD SINGLE SYSTEM 1c Q887AT ADD:5Y ESSENTIAL 50 $162.00 $162.00 $8,100.00 SERVICE 1d QA00580AF ADD:TDMA OPERATION 50 $450.00 $300.69 $15,034.50 1e QA03399AA ADD: ENHANCED DATA APX 50 $150.00 $100.23 $5,011.50 2 NNTN8128BR BATT IMPRES LIION 2000T 50 $117.00 $78.18 $3,909.00 3 T8476B KVL 5000 1 $6,000.00 $5,629.20 $5,629.20 3a CA03467AA ADD: NORTH AMERICA 1 �$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MICRO USB CHARGER 100/240V 4 DQUUSBOTG STARTECH.COM 51N MICRO 1 $13.00 $12.20 $12.20 USB TO USB OTIS HOST ADAPTER M/F-USB ADAPTER Grand Total $1535133.40(USD) Motorola's quote is based on and subject to the terms and conditions of the valid and executed written contract between Customer and Motorola(the""Underlying Agreement"")that authorizes Customer to purchase equipment and/or services or license software(collectively""Products"").If no Underlying Agreement exists between Motorola and Customer,then Motorola's Standard Terms of use and Purchase Terms and Conditions govern the purchase of the Products. Page 2 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS QUOTE-773085 Notes: • This quote includes two (2) years of free airtime 10 Motorola's quote is based on and subject to the terms and conditions of the valid and executed written contract between Customer and Motorola(the""Underlying Agreement"")that authorizes Customer to purchase equipment and/or services or license software(collectively""Products"").If no Underlying Agreement exists between Motorola and Customer,then Motorola's Standard Terms of use and Purchase Terms and Conditions govern the purchase of the Products. Paqe 3 MCHenr MINUTES EMERGENCY CITY COUNCIL MEETING City Council Chambers, 333 S Green Street Monday, March 16, 2020, 7:00 p.m. Call to Order: The City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, met in a special emergency meeting on Monday, March 16, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. in the McHenry City Council Chambers, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL. Roll Call: Mayor Jett called the roll call. Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab*, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller, and Mayor Jett. Others present: Attorney McArdle, Administrator Morefield, Interim Director of Public Works Strange, Director of Community Development Polerecky-absent, Finance Director Lynch- absent, Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, and Chief of Police Birk, and City Clerk Ramel. *Clerk's Note: Alderman Glab attended remotely via a telephone conference call per McHenry Code 1:6:6, C.1. Personal illness or disability Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Jett led the pledge. Public Comment: None Attorney McArdle explained that the emergency meeting is being held to enact an emergency measure under the Illinois Municipal Code and under the City of McHenry Code to delegate emergency powers to the Mayor on an executive order basis. Bonafide Emergency Finding A motion was made by Alderman Harding and seconded by Alderman Schaefer to find that there is a bonafide emergency, pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 1.2012.02(a), warranting this special meeting of the City Council based on the following findings of fact: • Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a potentially severe acute respiratory infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2), The virus was first identified as the cause of an outbreak of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, in December 2019; and • On March 9, 2020, Governor J.B. Pritzker declared all counties in the State of Illinois as a disaster area; and • On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization characterized the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic; and • On March 11, 2020, McHenry County Board Chair Jack D. Franks proclaimed that a disaster emergency exists for the County of McHenry; and Following these actions, Mayor Wayne S. Jett issued a Proclamation of Local Disaster Emergency for the City of McHenry on March 11, 2020; and Since Mayor Jett's Proclamation of Local Disaster Emergency, Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order 2020-04 (COVID-19 Executive Order No. 2), cancelling all public and private gatherings in the State of Illinois of 1,000 people or more to implement social distancing; Governor Pritzker issued Executive Orders 2020-05 and 2020-06 (COVID-19 Executive Order Nos. 3 and 4), closing all public and private schools through March 30, 2020; and Governor Pritzker announced on Sunday, March 15, 2020 that all bars and restaurants in the State of Illinois will be closed to the public through March 30, 2020. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Glab, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0- abstained. Motion carried. Motion to approve an Ordinance Amending Title 6, Public Safety, Chapter 1, Emergency Services and Disaster Agency, of the City of McHenry's Municipal Code Pertaining to a Local State of Emergency providing for the exercise of extraordinary powers by executive order of the mayor during a state of emergency within the City Attorney McArdle explained the proposed ordinance which grants the Mayor certain powers during a Local State of Emergency. These powers are outlined in the Illinois Municipal Code, and the City has the ability to put these powers into the City's Municipal Code. There were eight specific orders that can be authorized, and the Council discussed which they did not believe should be given to the Mayor of McHenry. Proposed orders that were taken out of the City's ordinance were: • Order the closing of all retail liquor stores, including taverns and private clubs or portions thereof wherein the consumption of intoxicating liquor and beer is permitted • Order the discontinuance of the sale of alcoholic liquor by any wholesaler or retailer • Order the discontinuance of selling, distributing, dispensing or giving away of any firearms or ammunition of any character whatsoever A motion was made by Alderman Schaefer and seconded by Alderman Devine to approve an Ordinance Amending Title 6, Public Safety, Chapter 1, Emergency Services and Disaster Agency, of the City of McHenry's Municipal Code Pertaining to a Local State of Emergency providing for the exercise of extraordinary powers by executive order of the mayor during a state of emergency within the City, subject to a typographical correction in 6-1-15 B. Declaration: the following phrase needs added "Whenever an emergency, as defined in subsection (1) of this section exists." The motion is also subject to the elimination of paragraphs 5, 6, and 8 in Section 3. D. of the proposed ordinance. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays: Alderman Glab, 0- abstained. Motion carried. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderwoman Miller to activate the powers under Ordinance No. 20-13, previously adopted above, with the limitation that all executive orders are responsive to the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19 and a copy of each Executive Order be filed with the City Clerk, be sent to the Council, and posted on the City's website within 24-hours of being ordered by the Mayor. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays: Alderman Glab, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Adjourn: A motion was made Alderwoman Miller and seconded by Alderman Santi to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 PM. Roll Call: Vote-7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nay-, 0-abstained. Motion carried. X X Mayor Wayne Jett City Clerk Trisha Ramel City of McHenry Council -...�'�`y Meeting Minutes f^ 3.16.20 McHenr MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING City Council Chambers, 333 S Green Street Monday, March 16, 2020, 7:33 p.m. Call to Order: The City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, met in regular session on Monday, March 16, 2020, at 7:33 p.m. in the McHenry City Council Chambers, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL. Following the Emergency City Council Meeting. Roll Call: Mayor Jett called the roll call. Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab*, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller, and Mayor Jett. Others present: Attorney McArdle, Administrator Morefield, Interim Director of Public Works Strange, Director of Community Development Polerecky-absent, Finance Director Lynch-absent, Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, and Chief of Police Birk, and City Clerk Ramel. *Clerk's Note: Alderman Glab attended remotely via a telephone conference call per McHenry Code 1:6:6, C.1. Personal illness or disability Public Comments: Tom Jablonski stood before The Council and gave his opinion regarding Fiesta Days and sidewalk sales. Talked about how it brings people together, wanted The Council to come up with a compromise to rethink the position of the changes of the Fiesta Days and its traditions. Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda Items: A. Resolution Authorizing the Deputy Clerk to Update the Official Zoning Map and to Publish a notice of the Zoning Map Update; B. Ordinance repealing Title 6; Public Safety, Chapter 5; Offenses, Article D; Drug Paraphernalia; Possession of Cannabis, Section 2; Unlawful Possession of Cannabis, Paragraph 3, of the City of McHenry's Municipal Code; C. Ordinance Approving a Plat of Vacation and Plat of Easement for Heidner Subdivision Located at the Northwest Corner of Chapel Hill Road and Illinois Route 120; D. Authorization to execute a farm lease agreement with David Laufer to farm approximately 24.5 acres at a price per acre of $123, for a total of $3,014 for the term of the lease which expires February 28, 2021; to execute a farm lease agreement with Kevin Bauer Family to farm approximately 58-acres at a price per acre of $182, for an annual payment of $10,556 for the term of the lease which expires February 28, 2021; to execute a farm lease agreement with Charles Schaefer to farm approximately 12 acres at a price per acre of $110, for a total of $1,320 for the term of the lease which expires February 28, 2021; to execute a farm lease agreement with Charles Schaefer to farm approximately 20 acres at a price per acre of $123, for a total of $2,460 for the term of the lease which expires February 28, 2021; to execute a farm lease agreement 1 City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 3.16.20 with Charles Schaefer to farm approximately 9 acres for a total of $500 for the term of the lease which expires February 28, 2021; E. Authorization for the Mayor to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with McHenry County for the construction of a building and installation of piers for use by the McHenry County Sheriff's Office Marine Unit; F. 2020 Green Street Cruise Night Date Requests; G. March 2, 2020, City Council Meeting Minutes- H. Issuance of Checks in the amount of$199,077.77; I. Issuance of As Needed Checks in the amount of$793,981.73. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to approve Consent Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Glab, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. -No public comments. Individual Action Item Agenda: A. Motion to authorize the proposed Continuation of the effective dates of the Mayor's March 11, 2020 Proclamation of Local Disaster Emergency for the City of McHenry to terminate at the end of the day on April 20, 2020; A motion was made by Alderman Schaefer and seconded by Alderwoman Miller to approve Individual Agenda items as presented. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays: Alderman Glab, 0-abstained. Motion carried. B. Authorization for the Mayor to execute an Easement and Maintenance Agreement between the City of McHenry, McHenry Public Library District, Reese Real Estate, LLC, and Chicago Title Land Trust Company for the maintenance of sanitary sewer main along the eastern property line adjacent to the State Right of Way for Illinois Route 31; Presented by Director of Public Works Strange, explained this action item explained that The City of McHenry would acquire and maintain the sewer system. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to approve Individual Agenda items as presented. Roll Call: Vote:7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays: Alderman Glab, 0-abstained. Motion carried. C. Motion to adopt a Resolution, designating the parcels at 1202 N. Riverside Drive to a City Park, referred to as Miller Point Park, Director Hobson stated that the city acquired this area in April of 2018, it's a key parcel for activities of the city. He has worked with Riverwalk Foundation and now it has been developed and become the area of activities for the town. To further development was to make it a park at this point in time. He continued to explain that this will not limit but helps further the investment for the downtown area and it draws people down there. 3 City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 3.16.20 A public comment was made by residentTony Espisito asked public comment to see if the street itself is part of the city parcel. Explained by Hobson, came up with a name such as Dobbins Way, if that would be an idea for naming the street. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderwoman Harding to approve Individual Agenda items as presented. Roll Call: Vote:7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller-absent. 0-nays: Alderman Glab, 0-abstained. Motion carried. D. Motion to approve the Mayor's Execution of a 3-year Revocable License Agreement for Motorized and Non-motorized Boat Rentals at Miller Point between the City of McHenry and All Marine Retro Rentals; and, authorization to include an expenditure of $40,000 in the FY20/21 Budget, Parks Developer Donations Fund, for the implementation of piers, a sand launch area and water and electric to a concession pad site. Director Hobson very excited to bring this to The Council, how to accommodate access to the river from our visitors and citizens. This proposal will create a destination. In the middle of no- wake it's a safe opportunity for people. This would be a really good fit. Several applicants were met with to see if it could help us with the rentals. Bringing water and electric to the area is one of the things that have been worked on. The pier structure is also something that needed to be worked on, floating piers seem to be ideal for this area per Director Hobson. A small beach area towards the middle of the property will help with smaller boats get in and out of the water. Portable toilets will be acceptable to help with boaters already coming off the water. The applicants were introduced. Michelle and Dillon Streit: All Marie Services in Cary, IL and Owners of Barrington Boat Club. A presentation was given to The Council regarding the services that they would provide. 4 motorized metro boats, 2 paddle boats, 6 kayaks and 6 paddle boards, also one ADA compliant Pontoon Boat. Handicapped accessible to the boats as well. Lessons regarding the vessels would be there anyone under age 13 required to wear life vests. Storage would be provided by them as well as insurance and full staff. 1% will go back to the Riverwalk Foundation. This would be a three year agreement with the City of McHenry. Pictures of the area were presented to us regarding how the rental set up would look. The Council had some questions regarding the exclusivity part of the agreement. Alderman Santi also asked about insurance, it is provided. Alderman Devin asked about retro boats and what they are constructed of, it was explained aluminum and retrofitted with pant and trim and tilt. Alderwoman Miller likes the idea but also is concerned about the small area of no-wake, she also supports the boat club idea as well. Contingent upon the Attorney Review is what the motion is based on. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer to approve Individual Agenda items as presented. Roll Call: Vote:7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays: Alderman Glab, 0-abstained. Motion carried Discussion Items: None 3 City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 3.16.20 Mayor's Report: The staff has been doing a great job especially Chief Birk to help with the Cornoa Virus Outbreak. Thank you to the staff for all they done, during this time. Staff Reports: Administrator Morefield is very proud of the staff and the city regarding this time of crisis. Stated that he feels we are leading the effort in the county and a thank you to the Chief who is doing a great job. The Council as well with the support. It is appreciated. He also passed out budget information that is comprehensive. This was provided to The Council. Director of Finance Lynch, did a greatjob updating this information. A finance meeting occurred to help with the final budget document, it's a detailed as before. Asking to push back the next meeting to April 6th to give more time regarding the health crisis occurring. Executive Session if needed: None Adjourn: A motion was made Alderman Schaefer and seconded by Alderwoman Miller to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 PM. Roll Call: Vote:7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nay-, 0-abstained. Motion carried. X X Mavor Wayne Jett City Clerk Trisha Ramel 3 McHerffy MINUTES EMERGENCY CITY COUNCIL MEETING Remote Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID: 208 357 050 March 25, 2020, 6:00 p.m. Call to Order: The City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, met in regular session on Monday, March 16, 2020, at 6:00 P.M., as a remote zoom meeting. Roll Call: Mayor Jett called the roll call. Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller, and Mayor Jett. Others present: Attorney McArdle, Administrator Morefield, Interim Director of Public Works Strange, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Finance Director Lynch-absent, Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, and Chief of Police Birk, and City Clerk Ramel. Public Comment: None The purpose of the emergency meeting is to give an update of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and to discuss opportunities for a local stimulus package. COVID-19 Update: Mayor Jett opened the meeting informing The Council with updates for the COVID-19 health pandemic. Several council members had questions regarding the length of the stay at home order that is being followed by the governor. Alderman Harding wanted to know if it will be lifted by Easter per the governor and it was expressed by Chief Birk that it could be lifted but could also be extended per the City of McHenry if needed. Alderman Schaefer wanted to know if daily reports will continue by Chief Birk and it was confirmed as long as there is new information it will be communicated. Chief Birk also confirmed that COVID-19 illness counts can be communicated as well per Alderman Schaefer. The Council expressed concern for the police and how they are handling the crisis was also touched upon. There is more police presence around town during these times. In regards to business shut downs; there were only a few business that did not comply with the ordinance to close doors, however now are in compliance. 1 Discussion of opportunities for local stimulus package: Director of Economic Development Martin, explained the resiliency package that would be presented for the local business that are struggling during this time. Small businesses such as restaurants and hospitality businesses could get a loan from the city and emphasized that this should be as quick as possible to help them. There will be an application process that Attorney McArdle will assist with. Administrator Morefield explained that the amount of$250,000 would come out of the general balance and businesses most at risk could loan up to $10,000. There would be no payments or interest within one year. The amounts loaned to the businesses will need to be repaid as businesses resume back to normal or after the year a 3% interest rate will occur. There has been a similar program that was one other time in history of McHenry, during a time when IDOT had major roadway construction. Mayor Jett stated that the money loaned would go back to the General Fund, Director of Finance Lynch stated that she would be able to help set up a spate fund. Many of The Council members would like to know who will apply for the loans and wanted to reassurance that the same standard for applying is across the board. The idea of creating a matrix sheet was brought up as an idea as well. In conclusion Mayor Jett wanted to thank the board for all their support. He complimented Chief Birk for being on the front lines and communicating so well to The Council and the community. Adjourn: A motion was made Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Glab to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 PM. Roll Call: Vote:7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nay-, 0-abstained. Motion carried. X X Mayor Wayne Jett City Clerk Trisha Ramel Expense Approval Register S McHenry, IL List of Bills Council Meeting 4-6-2020 M ory Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:ANDERSON,AMANDA ANDERSON,AMANDA 264895 04/06/2020 COVID REF 100-41-3637 170.00 Vendor ANDERSON,AMANDA Total: 170.00 Vendor:BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON,THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, INV0009755 04/06/2020 MCHENRY GO REF 13 300-00-7100 30,000.00 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, INV0009755 04/06/2020 MCHENRY GO REF 13 300-00-7200 3,185.00 Vendor BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON,THE Total: 33,185.00 Vendor:BERG,BECKY BERG,BECKY 264437 04/06/2020 CXL PGM 100-41-3636 80.00 Vendor BERG,BECKY Total: 80.00 Vendor:BOELTER,HAROLD BOELTER,HAROLD 264489 04/06/2020 CXL 100-41-3637 21.00 Vendor BOELTER,HAROLD Total: 21.00 Vendor:BRANIFF COMMUNICATIONS INC BRANIFF COMMUNICATIONS 32666 04/06/2020 LABOR 220-00-5375 2,200.00 Vendor BRANIFF COMMUNICATIONS INC Total: 2,200.00 Vendor:BRAUN,MELISSA BRAUN,MELISSA 264485 04/06/2020 CXL 100-41-3637 21.00 Vendor BRAUN,MELISSA Total: 21.00 Vendor:BUFFINGTON,HEATHER BUFFINGTON,HEATHER 264491 04/06/2020 CXL 100-41-3637 23.00 Vendor BUFFINGTON,HEATHER Total: 23.00 Vendor:CHIAPPETTA,MONIKA CHIAPPETTA,MONIKA INV0009756 04/06/2020 CONSULTING 100-47-5110 480.00 Vendor CHIAPPETTA,MONIKA Total: 480.00 Vendor:CLARK,RYAN CLARK,RYAN 264424 04/06/2020 REF-COVID 100-41-3637 120.00 Vendor CLARK,RYAN Total: 120.00 Vendor:ERICSON,ADELE ERICSON,ADELE 264806 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3636 232.00 Vendor ERICSON,ADELE Total: 232.00 Vendor:FOX VALLEY FIRE&SAFETY FOX VALLEY FIRE&SAFETY IN00342418 04/06/2020 MUN RADIO MAINT 225-00-5110 1,371.50 Vendor FOX VALLEY FIRE&SAFETYTotal: 1,371.50 Vendor:GORSKI,SHARON GORSKI,SHARON 264593 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3636 6.00 Vendor GORSKI,SHARON Total: 6.00 Vendor:HAASE,BROOKE HAASE,BROOKE 264498 04/06/2020 CXL 100-41-3637 18.00 HAASE,BROOKE 264873 04/06/2020 REF-COVID 100-41-3637 60.00 Vendor HAASE,BROOKE Total: 78.00 Vendor:HAYDOCK,ELIZABETH HAYDOCK,ELIZABETH 264443 04/06/2020 RFND 100-41-3636 97.00 Vendor HAYDOCK,ELIZABETH Total: 97.00 Vendor:HERNANDEZ,JO ANN HERNANDEZ,JO ANN 264792 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3636 10.00 Vendor HERNANDEZ,JO ANN Total: 10.00 4/1/2020 3:13:06 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKT01784-4-6-2020 AP CKS Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:HLR HLR 20200417 04/06/2020 MCH BV PHASE I BIKE PATH 440-00-8900 3,330.25 Vendor HLR Total: 3,330.25 Vendor:HRGREEN HRGREEN 6-133722 04/06/2020 PEARL ST SIDEWALK&LT ENTR 270-00-8600 1,174.08 Vendor HRGREEN Total: 1,174.08 Vendor:KEATS,MELISSA KEATS,MELISSA 264881 04/06/2020 REF-COVID 100-41-3637 60.00 Vendor KEATS,MELISSA Total: 60.00 Vendor:KOWALCZYK,MARGARET KOWALCZYK,MARGARET 264444 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3636 126.00 KOWALCZYK,MARGARET 264449 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3636 8.00 Vendor KOWALCZYK,MARGARET Total: 134.00 Vendor:KRAK,DIANA KRAK,DIANA 264445 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3636 170.00 Vendor KRAK,DIANA Total: 170.00 Vendor:KWOLIK,VALERIE KWOLIK,VALERIE 264446 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3636 80.00 Vendor KWOUK,VALERIE Total: 80.00 Vendor:MARSH USA INC MARSH USA INC 376334637538 04/06/2020 J MEYER BOND 100-23-5110 90.00 MARSH USA INC 376336344298 04/06/2020 R MILLER BOND 100-01-6940 20.00 MARSH USA INC 376338774269 04/06/2020 C LYNCH BOND 100-01-5110 100.00 Vendor MARSH USA INC Total: 210.00 Vendor:MARTENS,PAULA MARTENS,PAULA 264892 04/06/2020 REF-COVID 100-41-3637 90.00 Vendor MARTENS,PAULA Total: 90.00 Vendor:MCANDREWS PC,THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK MCANDREWS PC,THE LAW INV0009794 04/06/2020 MTHLY LEGAL 100-01-5230 4,000.00 Vendor MCANDREWS PC,THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK Total: 4,000.00 Vendor:MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TRANSPORTATION MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF CO263 04/06/2020 MC RIDE 2020 100-01-5110 8,435.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TRANSPORTATION Total: 8,435.00 Vendor:MCHENRY PIGTAIL LEAGUE MCHENRY PIGTAIL LEAGUE 2020-02-018 04/06/2020 REF ON TEMP SIGN 100-00-3410 30.00 Vendor MCHENRY PIGTAIL LEAGUE Total: 30.00 Vendor:MCMRMA MCMRMA INV0009759 04/06/2020 RESTITUTION MONEY REC'D 610-00-6960 5,000.00 Vendor MCMRMA Total: 5,000.00 Vendor:MENDYK,KATHLEEN MENDYK,KATHLEEN 264608 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3636 140.00 Vendor MENDYK,KATHLEEN Total: 140.00 Vendor:MENDYK,LAURA MENDYK,LAURA 264609 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3636 130.00 MENDYK,LAURA 264810 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3636 116.00 MENDYK,LAURA 264816 04/06/2020 REF-MADISON TRIP 100-41-3636 121.00 Vendor MENDYK,LAURA Total: 367.00 Vendor:OSTERTAG,KELLY OSTERTAG,KELLY 264576 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3637 50.00 Vendor OSTERTAG,KELLY Total: 50.00 Vendor:PALUCH,RONALD PALUCH,RONALD 264811 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3636 232.00 Vendor PALUCH,RONALD Total: 232.00 4/1/2020 3:13:06 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKT01784-4-6-2020 AP CKS Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:PITNEY BOWES INC PITNEY BOWES INC 1015208208 04/06/2020 POSTAGE METER 100-04-5310 464.00 Vendor PITNEY BOWES INC Total: 464.00 Vendor:RATLIFF,ERIC RATLIFF,ERIC 264429 04/06/2020 LEAGUE REF 100-41-3637 120.00 Vendor RATLIFF,ERIC Total: 120.00 Vendor:RHODES,CODY RHODES,CODY 264426 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3637 120.00 Vendor RHODES,CODY Total: 120.00 Vendor:SWANSON,LEAH SWANSON,LEAH 264508 04/06/2020 CXL 100-41-3637 109.00 Vendor SWANSON,LEAH Total: 109.00 Vendor:SZUMANSKI,KAREN SZUMANSKI,KAREN 264870 04/06/2020 CXL 100-41-3637 70.00 Vendor SZUMANSKI,KAREN Total: 70.00 Vendor:U.S.BANK U.S.BANK 409872777 04/06/2020 CONTR 620-00-6210 274.70 Vendor U.S.BANK Total: 274.70 Vendor:VIVINT SOLAR VIVINTSOLAR P20-02-026 04/06/2020 REF-CXL PERMIT 100-00-3410 50.00 Vendor VIVINT SOLAR Total: 50.00 Vendor:WATSON,CANDICE WATSON,CANDICE 264889 04/06/2020 REF 100-41-3637 160.00 Vendor WATSON,CANDICE Total: 160.00 Vendor:ZERANTE,TAM ZERANTE,TAMI 264510 04/06/2020 CXL 100-41-3637 26.00 Vendor ZERANTE,TAM Total: 26.00 Vendor:ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD&MCARDLE ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD& 141985 04/06/2020 LEGAL00374 100-01-5230 2,266.25 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD& 141986 04/06/2020 LEGAL-TRAFFIC 100-01-5230 7,538.40 Vendor ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD&MCARDLE Total: 9,804.65 Grand Total: 72,795.18 4/1/2020 3:13:06 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKT01784-4-6-2020 AP CKS Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 100-GENERAL FUND 26,259.65 220-CIVIL DEFENSE FUND 2,200.00 225-ALARM BOARD FUND 1,371.50 270-MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 1,174.08 300-DEBT SERVICE-1997A FUND 33,185.00 440-CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 3,330.25 610-RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 5,000.00 620-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 274.70 Grand Total: 72,795.18 Expense Approval Register McHenry, IL #2 List of Bills Council Meeting 4-6-20 213ry Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC,R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC,R A S023425 04/06/2020 jack trailer 100-33-5370 35.95 Vendor ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC,R A Total: 35.95 Vendor:ADAMS STEEL SERVICE&SUPPLY,INC ADAMS STEEL SERVICE& 361235 04/06/2020 Shop Supplies 100-45-6110 88.00 Vendor ADAMS STEEL SERVICE&SUPPLY,INC Total: 88.00 Vendor:AIRGAS SAFETY INC AIRGAS SAFETY INC 9969301285 04/06/2020 Helium Tank 100-41-6110 104.14 Vendor AIRGAS SAFETY INC Total: 104.14 Vendor:ALEXANDER LUMBER CO ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 8682290 04/06/2020 Lumber for concrete install 100-33-6110 143.16 Vendor ALEXANDER LUMBER CO Total: 143.16 Vendor:AUTO TECH CENTERS INC AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 302237 04/06/2020 318 100-22-5370 161.88 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 302331 04/06/2020 tire 222 100-03-5370 405.72 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 302332 04/06/2020 tires 100-22-5370 636.52 Vendor AUTO TECH CENTERS INC Total: 1,204.12 Vendor:BERKHEIMER CO INC,G W BERKHEIMER CO INC,G W 627112 04/06/2020 Sludge building Air Handling 510-32-6110 33.10 Vendor BERKHEIMER CO INC,G W Total: 33.10 Vendor:BUSS FORD SALES BUSS FORD SALES 5037324 04/06/2020 sensors 327 100-22-5370 168.96 BUSS FORD SALES 5037340 04/06/2020 compressor 327 100-22-5370 430.14 BUSS FORD SALES 5037366 04/06/2020 Mounts 322 100-22-5370 383.90 BUSS FORD SALES 5037509 04/06/2020 fan 322 100-22-5370 204.58 Vendor BUSS FORD SALES Total: 1,187.58 Vendor:CABAY&COMPANY INC CABAY&COMPANY INC 62339 04/06/2020 Wipes and Hand sanitizer 400-00-6111 274.37 CABAY&COMPANY INC 62349 04/06/2020 TOWELS 100-03-5120 176.67 CABAY&COMPANY INC 62350 04/06/2020 TOWELS 100-03-5120 88.05 CABAY&COMPANY INC 62461 04/06/2020 Paper Products/supplies 100-45-6110 109.76 CABAY&COMPANY INC 62470 04/06/2020 Inv#62470-Towels,sanitizer 510-31-6110 284.88 CABAY&COMPANY INC 62494 04/06/2020 paper products shop 100-33-6115 393.62 Vendor CABAY&COMPANY INC Total: 1,327.35 Vendor:COMMERCIAL SPECIALTIES COMMERCIAL SPECIALTIES 20-0469 04/06/2020 Recreation Center supplies 400-00-6110 35.00 Vendor COMMERCIAL SPECIALTIES Total: 35.00 Vendor:CONSERV FS CONSERV FS 65091109 04/06/2020 Ice Control 100-45-6110 95.76 Vendor CONSERV FS Total: 95.76 Vendor:CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO S507662632 04/06/2020 photo eye street light 100-33-6110 43.30 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO S507664940 04/06/2020 Bare 8 ga solid wire for locating 510-31-6110 73.38 Vendor CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO Total: 116.68 Vendor:CUMMINS INC CUMMINS INC E6-15531 04/06/2020 Orange Trailer Mount Gen. 510-32-5370 71.10 CUMMINS INC F2-55720 04/06/2020 Portable Generator#676 parts 510-32-5370 55.51 Vendor CUMMINS INC Total: 126.61 4/1/2020 3:19:51 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKTO1788-4-6-20 RECT INVOICE Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY CURRAN CONTRACTING 18357 04/06/2020 47990-UPM. vendor ticket 100-33-6110 920.40 Vendor CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY Total: 920.40 Vendor:DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS 1149598 04/06/2020 SWWTP-Micro Screen-Bearings 510-32-5375 702.45 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS 1149651 04/06/2020 Donovan Lift-Pump Repair 510-32-5380 5,329.50 Vendor DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC Total: 6,031.95 Vendor:ELECTRONIC ENTRY SYSTEMS INC ELECTRONIC ENTRY SYSTEMS 2020/07697 04/06/2020 Dog Park Passes 100-41-6110 749.50 ELECTRONIC ENTRY SYSTEMS 2020/07698 04/06/2020 Dog Park Passes 100-41-6110 749.50 Vendor ELECTRONIC ENTRY SYSTEMS INC Total: 1,499.00 Vendor:FASTENAL FASTENAL LWOD166549 04/06/2020 (24)Green Marking Paint- 510-31-6110 96.00 Vendor FASTENAL Total: 96.00 Vendor:GALLS LLC GALLS LLC 15230522 04/01/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-MCKENDRY 100-23-4510 84.81 GALLS LLC 015138838 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-NEVILLE 100-23-4510 41.41 GALLS LLC IS156035 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-GARRETT 100-23-4510 144.00 GALLS LLC 15187703 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-KLASEK 100-22-4510 175.49 GALLS LLC 15200790 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-PARDUE 100-22-4510 46.00 GALLS LLC 15210084 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-JOSEPH 100-23-4510 40.82 GALLS LLC 15210683 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-KLASEK 100-22-4510 32.10 GALLS LLC 15230452 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-ROSKE 100-22-4510 386.05 GALLS LLC 15230902 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-VOELKER 100-22-4510 364.95 GALLS LLC 15231122 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-PENA 100-22-4510 142.00 GALLS LLC 15231425 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-LUMBER 100-22-4510 41.60 GALLS LLC 15232407 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-BEAUDOIN 100-22-4510 409.71 GALLS LLC 15239589 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER 100-22-4510 53.70 GALLS LLC 15255628 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-BEAUDOIN 100-22-4510 171.42 GALLS LLC 15272613 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-FISHER 100-22-4510 182.71 GALLS LLC 15272618 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-SCIAME 100-22-4510 17.90 GALLS LLC 15272824 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-MADER 100-22-4510 97.14 GALLS LLC 15273934 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-SCHMITT 100-22-4510 200.09 GALLS LLC 15282775 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-FISHER 100-22-4510 154.98 GALLS LLC 15282781 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-L.COX 100-23-4510 146.12 GALLS LLC 15282800 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER 100-22-4510 43.66 GALLS LLC 15282869 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-SCIAME 100-22-4510 167.77 GALLS LLC 15282929 04/06/2020 UNIFORMORDER-SHAFER 100-22-4510 81.20 GALLS LLC 15294226 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-J.PRATHER 100-22-4510 67.80 GALLS LLC 15294258 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-AALTO 100-22-4510 52.00 Vendor GALLS LLC Total: 3,345.43 Vendor:GLOBAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY GLOBAL EQUIPMENT 115713204 04/06/2020 Water Plant Glass Dry Erase 510-31-6210 305.00 Vendor GLOBAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY Total: 305.00 Vendor:GRAINGER GRAINGER 9484079455 04/06/2020 SBR Blower Solenoid Valves 510-32-5375 555.90 Vendor GRAINGER Total: 555.90 Vendor:GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS LLC GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS 20-2089 04/06/2020 Memeber of the Month Shirts 400-00-5215 363.90 Vendor GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS LLC Total: 363.90 Vendor:HACH COMPANY HACH COMPANY 11831615 04/06/2020 Order#315884858 510-31-6110 674.76 HACH COMPANY 11889215 04/06/2020 Order#315884858 510-31-6110 86.70 HACH COMPANY 1189334S 04/06/2020 Fluoride probe equipment- 510-31-6110 2,891.00 Vendor HACH COMPANYTotal: 3,652.46 Vendor:HANSEN'SALIGNMENT,DON HANSEN'S ALIGNMENT,DON 264 04/06/2020 alignment 325 100-22-5370 80.00 4/1/2020 3:19:51 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKT01788-4-6-20 RECi INVOICE Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount HANSEN'S ALIGNMENT,DON 266 04/06/2020 alignment 316 100-22-5370 80.00 Vendor HANSEN'S ALIGNMENT,DON Total: 160.00 Vendor:HASTY AWARDS HASTY AWARDS 2201868 04/06/2020 MIBAwards 100-47-6110 910.85 Vendor HASTY AWARDS Total: 910.85 Vendor:HAWKINS INC HAWKINS INC 4674649 04/06/2020 Chemical Delivery 510-32-6110 4,631.21 HAWKINS INC 4681775 04/06/2020 Order#3146181 SL 510-31-6110 3,937.42 HAWKINS INC 4681833 04/06/2020 Chemical Delivery 510-32-6110 7,648.81 HAWKINS INC 4683676 04/06/2020 Chemical Delivery 510-32-6110 4,667.85 Vendor HAWKINS INCTotal: 20,885.29 Vendor:HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS,LLC HEARTLAND BUSINESS 363713-H 04/06/2020 Microsoft Monthly M365 620-00-5110 4,064.37 Vendor HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS,LLC Total: 4,064.37 Vendor:HOT SHOTS SPORTS HOTSHOTS SPORTS 1687 04/06/2020 Invoice 1687 Winter 2 100-47-5110 1,929.00 HOT SHOTS SPORTS 1704 04/06/2020 Invocie 1704 100-47-5110 550.00 Vendor HOT SHOTS SPORTS Total: 2,479.00 Vendor:IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY 1695 04/06/2020 Monthly service fee 510-32-5110 7,750.00 Vendor IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC Total: 7,750,00 Vendor:INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3018606218 04/06/2020 413 100-33-5370 374.80 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3018701185 04/06/2020 404 100-33-5370 117.28 Vendor INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC Total: 492.08 Vendor:JG UNIFORMS INC JG UNIFORMS INC 69819 04/06/2020 UNIFORM ORDER-PORTER 100-22-4510 260.99 Vendor JG UNIFORMS INC Total: 260.99 Vendor:KIMBALL MIDWEST KIMBALL MIDWEST 7778998 04/06/2020 stock 100-33-6110 325.25 KIMBALL MIDWEST 7794763 04/06/2020 stock 100-33-6110 315.78 KIMBALL MIDWEST 7814646 04/06/2020 stock 510-35-5370 333.07 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWEST Total: 974.10 Vendor:KIRCHNER FIRE KIRCHNER FIRE 49223 04/06/2020 REPLACE FIRE EXTINGUISHER 100-22-5110 67.50 Vendor KIRCHNER FIRE Total: 67.50 Vendor:LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 712351735 04/06/2020 FM-2 Sand-UTY-167596983 510-35-6110 42.07 Vendor LAFARGE NORTH AMERICATotal: 42.07 Vendor:LANG-CADILLAC-BUICK-GMC INC,GARY LANG-CADILLAC-BUICK-GMC 5046070 04/06/2020 hose319 100-22-5370 22.49 Vendor LANG-CADILLAC-BUICK-GMC INC,GARY Total: 22.49 Vendor:LORCHEM TECHNOLOGIES INC LORCHEM TECHNOLOGIES INC 71151 04/06/2020 truck soap 100-33-6115 387.10 Vendor LORCHEM TECHNOLOGIES INC Total: 387.10 Vendor:MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC W00833 04/06/2020 811 510-35-5370 1,024.10 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC W00851 04/06/2020 447 100-33-5370 969.20 Vendor MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC Total: 1,993.30 Vendor:MENARDS-CRYSTAL LAKE MENARDS-CRYSTAL LAKE 16548 04/06/2020 Electrical Supplies 100-45-6110 134.97 Vendor MENARDS-CRYSTAL LAKE Total: 134.97 Vendor:METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES INV015025 04/06/2020 Doolin Lift Station-Seal Kit 510-32-5380 1,222.52 Vendor METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES Total: 1,222.52 4/1/2020 3:19:51 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKTO1788-4-6-20 RECT INVOICE Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 93950 04/06/2020 Shamrocks-Yard signs 200-00-5110 364.35 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 93964 04/06/2020 No Parking Signs 100-33-6110 80.00 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 93969 04/06/2020 Shamrocks-sponsor banners 200-00-5110 880.19 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 93970 04/06/2020 Shamrocks-sponsor banners 200-00-5110 379.29 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 94001 04/06/2020 Shamrocks-Banners 200-00-5110 1,500.83 Vendor MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH Total: 3,204.66 Vendor:MOTOROLA MOTOROLA 4811220200203 04/06/2020 MONTHLY STATEMENT- 100-22-5320 2,419.00 Vendor MOTOROLA Total: 2,419.00 Vendor:NCL OF WISCONSIN INC NCL OF WISCONSIN INC 436642 04/06/2020 Lab Supplies 510-32-6110 1,698.52 Vendor NCL OF WISCONSIN INC Total: 1,698.52 Vendor:NORTH EAST MULTI-REGIONAL TRAINING INC NORTHEAST MULTI-REGIONAL 271152 04/06/2020 TRAINING-HERNANDEZ 100-22-5430 125.00 Vendor NORTH EAST MULTI-REGIONAL TRAINING INC Total: 125.00 Vendor:NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL 17458716 04/06/2020 Electrical Supplies 100-45-6110 348.00 Vendor NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC Total: 348.00 Vendor:NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE OCC HEALTH NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE 405927 04/06/2020 Spohn(post accident) 610-00-6940 130.00 NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE 405927A 04/06/2020 Collins,Sciame(new hires) 100-05-5110 80.00 NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE 406174 04/06/2020 Lumber(post accident) 610-00-6940 65.00 NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE 406174A 04/06/2020 Sanchez(new hire) 100-05-5110 35.00 Vendor NORTHWESTERN MEDICINE OCC HEALTH Total: 310.00 Vendor:NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 26997 04/06/2020 STAFF&COMMAND GRAD 100-22-5420 44.00 Vendor NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR Total: 44.00 Vendor:OFFICIAL FINDERS LLC OFFICIAL FINDERS LLC 1032 04/06/2020 Invoice 1032 100-47-5110 105.00 Vendor OFFICIAL FINDERS LLC Total: 105.00 Vendor:PETROCHOICE LLC PETROCHOICE LLC 11247461 04/06/2020 FUEL BILL 100-03-6250 111.44 PETROCHOICE LLC 11252330 04/06/2020 oil 510-32-6250 729.85 PETROCHOICE LLC 11253435 04/06/2020 Fuel-UTY-11253435 510-35-6250 320.04 PETROCHOICE LLC 11253449 04/06/2020 Fuel-WW-11253449 510-32-6250 82.49 PETROCHOICE LLC 11253450 04/06/2020 Fuel-WTR-11253450 510-31-6250 110.67 PETROCHOICE LLC 11253451 04/06/2020 Fuel 100-45-6250 205.65 PETROCHOICE LLC 11253452 04/06/2020 Fuel-STS-11253452 100-33-6250 645.64 PETROCHOICE LLC 11253453 04/06/2020 FUEL11253453 100-22-6250 2,073.69 PETROCHOICE LLC 11260096 04/06/2020 Fuel-UTY-11260096 510-35-6250 329.84 PETROCHOICE LLC 11260109 04/06/2020 Fuel-WW-11260109 510-32-6250 418.73 PETROCHOICE LLC 11260110 04/06/2020 Fuel-WTR-11260110 510-31-6250 218.84 PETROCHOICE LLC 11260112 04/06/2020 Fuel-STS-11260112 100-33-6250 455.23 PETROCHOICE LLC 11260113 04/06/2020 FUEL11260113 100-22-6250 1,617.07 PETROCHOICE LLC 11267102 04/06/2020 Fuel-UTY-11267102 510-35-6250 475.79 PETROCHOICE LLC 11267115 04/06/2020 Fuel-WW-11267115 510-32-6250 230.43 PETROCHOICE LLC 11267117 04/06/2020 Fuel-WTR-11267117 510-31-6250 158.97 PETROCHOICE LLC 11267119 04/06/2020 Fuel-STS-11267119 100-33-6250 1,036.73 PETROCHOICE LLC 11273220 04/06/2020 Fuel-UTY-11273220 510-35-6250 25.28 PETROCHOICE LLC 11273230 04/06/2020 Fuel-WW-11273230 510-32-6250 237.26 PETROCHOICE LLC 11273231 04/06/2020 Fuel-WTR-11273231 510-31-6250 73.45 PETROCHOICE LLC 11273232 04/06/2020 Fuel-STS-11273232 100-33-6250 110.47 Vendor PETROCHOICE LLC Total: 9,667.56 Vendor:PROSHRED SECURITY PROSHRED SECURITY 990051888 04/06/2020 MONTHLY SHREDDING 100-22-5110 53.00 Vendor PROSHRED SECURITY Total: 53.00 4/1/2020 3:19:51 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKT01788-4-6-20 RECT INVOICE Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:PURO CLEAN PURO CLEAN 20-0089 04/06/2020 SQUAD CAR CLEANING 100-22-5110 250.00 Vendor PURO CLEAN Total: 250.00 Vendor:QUBIT NETWORKS QUBIT NETWORKS 10084 04/06/2020 Extreme Network APs(Parks 620-00-8300 498.45 Vendor QUBIT NETWORKS Total: 498.45 Vendor:REVERE ELECTRIC REVERE ELECTRIC 54092531.001 04/06/2020 DMT Generator-#675 Control 510-32-5370 124.66 Vendor REVERE ELECTRIC Total: 124.66 Vendor:RNOW INC RNOW INC 2020-57503 04/06/2020 817 510-35-5370 62.92 Vendor RNOW INC Total: 62.92 Vendor:ROCK'N'KIDS INC ROCK'N'KIDS INC MCHW1120 04/06/2020 Cont-Kid Rock 100-46-5110 216.00 Vendor ROCK'N'KIDS INC Total: 216.00 Vendor:RYDIN DECAL RYDIN DECAL 366967 04/06/2020 Boat Launch Placards 100-41-6110 283.28 Vendor RYDIN DECAL Total: 283.28 Vendor:SYNCB/AMAZON SYNCB/AMAZON 123 1 3/10/20 04/06/2020 OFFICE SUPPLIES 100-22-6210 123.85 Vendor SYNCB/AMAZON Total: 123.85 Vendor:TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP 21318 04/01/2020 K9 EXPENSE 100-22-6310 200.00 Vendor TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP Total: 200.00 Vendor:TRANE US INC TRANE US INC 310674451 04/06/2020 FAN FAILURE ON RTU 100-03-5120 506.00 VendorTRANE US INCTotal: 506.00 Vendor:TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 TREDROCTIRE/ANTIOCH002 7020033114 04/06/2020 tire repair 448 100-33-5370 376.90 Vendor TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 Total: 376.90 Vendor:ULINE ULINE 118013086 04/06/2020 Clear doorknobbags/tags- 100-33-6110 32.91 Vendor ULINE Total: 32.91 Vendor:UNITED TALENT COORDINATORS UNITED TALENT 30278 04/06/2020 Shamrocks-Bands 200-00-5110 7,800.00 Vendor UNITED TALENT COORDINATORS Total: 7,800.00 Vendor:VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS 9849686848 04/06/2020 Monthly Cell Phone Bill 620-00-5320 571.07 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS Total: 571.07 Vendor:WATER PRODUCTS-AURORA WATERPRODUCTS-AURORA 0294483 04/06/2020 Pressure taps/valves5064291 510-35-6110 6,750.58 Vendor WATER PRODUCTS-AURORA Total: 6,750.58 Vendor:WELCH BROS INC WELCH BROS INC 3078596 04/06/2020 Construction Supplies 100-45-6110 343.50 Vendor WELCH BROS INC Total: 343.50 Grand Total: 99,228.98 4/1/2020 3:19:51 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKT01788-4-6-20 RECi INVOICE Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 100-GENERAL FUND 27,837.51 200-TOURISM FUND 10,924.66 400-RECREATION CENTER FUND 673.27 510-WATER/SEWER FUND 54,464.65 610-RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 195.00 620-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 5,133.89 Grand Total: 99,228.98 4/1/2020 3:19:51 PM SECOND CONTINUATION OF EFFECTIVE DATES OF THE MARCH 11, 2020 PROCLAMATION BY THE MAYOR OF LOCAL DISASTER EMERGENCY IN THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS On March 11, 2020, the Mayor of the City of McHenry issued a Proclamation of Local Disaster Emergency in responses to the well-publicized Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) for a limited timeframe of seven(7) days. On March 16, 2020,the Mayor of the City of McHenry and the City Council continued the Proclamation to April 20, 2020. In accordance with the Illinois Emergency Management Act, 20 ILCS 3305/1, et seq., and the Municipal Code, City of McHenry, Illinois, Section 6-1-14, Declaration of Local Emergency, we, Wayne S. Jett, Mayor of the City of McHenry, and the City Council do hereby proclaim that a local disaster emergency still exists in the City of McHenry due to ongoing Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) concerns in the City of McHenry and McHenry County. The purpose is to activate the response and recovery aspects of any and all applicable local or interjurisdictional disaster emergency plans,to authorize the furnishing of aid and assistance thereunder, and to bring this to as quick of a conclusion as possible. The City of McHenry's emergency operations plans are hereby activated for the best interest of the residents of the City of McHenry. This Proclamation is effective on April 6, 2020 and shall continue to May 4, 2020. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Abstain: APPROVED: Mayor Wayne S. Jett (SEAL) ATTEST: City Clerk Monte Johnson Passed: Approved: Z:WIIMcHenryCityo)ICOVID-191Coronavirus 2nd Cant Proclamation of Disaster City Council.docr Department of Public Works Troy Strange, Director of Public Works v �+ 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 MCHenr www.cityofmchenry.org REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: April 6, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Troy Strange, Director of Public Works RE: City of McHenry Refuse Contract, Yard Waste Program During Shelter in Place ATT: Prairieland Disposal Yard Waste Proposed Scope of Services AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff is requesting City Council to consider accepting a Prairieland Disposal proposal to modify the current scope of services in the City Refuse Hauling Contract due to the public gathering restrictions instituted by the State of Illinois through the current shelter in place order associated with the current Covid-19 pandemic. The proposal will temporarily discontinue the current Saturday yard waste drop off program which will be replaced by a program which includes three (3) incidental yard waste bags every week for every residential account in the City. BACKGROUND: The current Covid-19 outbreak has had a dramatic effect on everyday life and on the operations of both private and public organizations. The City's refuse hauler, Prairieland Disposal, has made every effort to maintain its contracted scope of services while still being compliant with all State orders. Due to the public gathering restrictions put in place by the shelter in place order and material handling concerns, the existing yard waste drop off program is not feasible. Historically, the City of McHenry, as a part of its refuse hauling contract, has included the Saturday yard waste drop off program located at the Knox Park Barn from the beginning of April to the beginning of December. This program has served the residents of McHenry for many years and has become a normal part of the program scope of services. The cost of this program is not paid for separately but these operational costs are included in resident pricing for garbage toters and program stickers. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Due to these limitations, staff has requested a proposed scope of services and summary of operational costs for an alternate yard waste program which is permissible under the conditions of a shelter in place order. Prairieland Disposal is proposing a program which includes free weekly pickup of three (3) yard waste bags, properly sized bundles, or acceptable containers for every residential account in the City. Yard waste in excess of these quantities will be accepted with stickers attached per the existing program. ANALYSIS: Staff has reviewed Prairieland Disposal's estimate of operational costs for the proposed temporary program which will be conducted through the duration of any current or future shelter in place order. The operational costs for this program are consistent with the operational costs for the current drop off program and have been determined by staff to be accurate and acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore it is recommended that City Council approve the Prairieland Disposal proposal to modify the current scope of services in the City Refuse Hauling Contract to the proposed program which includes three (3) incidental yard waste bags each week for every residential account in the City. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. i Ar/' rHA l Good Morning Troy, After discussing the Knox Park drop-off program with various partners, including the Mchenry Public Works Department we have decided the best course of action moving forward would be to cancel the Knox Park Drop-off. Instead we would like to offer the residents of the City of Mchenry, a complimentary pickup of three yard waste bags per home per week. Yard waste exceeding three bags would need a yard waste sticker in accordance with previously setup guidelines. Thank you for your time and consideration Steve Schweinsberg Prairieland Disposal Prairieland Disposal 21N988 Pepper Road Lake Barrington, IL 60010 (847) 381-9300 Phone (847) 382-5244 Fax .do.. Department of Public Works �� Troy Strange, Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 McHenrwww.cityofmchenry.org REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: April 6, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Troy Strange, Director of Public Works RE: City of McHenry Refuse Service, Spring Cleanup Proposal ATT: Prairieland Disposal Spring Cleanup Cost Proposal AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff is requesting City Council to consider a Prairieland Disposal proposal for a City wide spring cleanup program for which the cost will be covered by the City on behalf of its residents. The date of the program shall be coordinated between staff and Prairieland Disposal upon acceptance of the proposal and recommendation from City Council. BACKGROUND: The current Covid-19 outbreak has left many City residents in a working from home status due to the current shelter in place order which is now extended to the end of April. This time at home has led to many residents creating space in their homes for alternate uses and created a demand for bulk disposal. The current scope of services for the City's refuse hauling contract does not include a spring cleanup day which is a service that can be provided should the City so choose. Staff has requested lump sum pricing for this service at a date to be later identified for performance of this service. Provision of this service is an act of good will the City would like to consider providing to the City residents whose lives have been dramatically affected by the Covid-19 outbreak. ANALYSIS: Prairieland Disposal has submitted pricing for this potential service in an amount not to exceed $36,075.00. Staff has reviewed Prairieland Disposal's proposal and has found the proposal to be representative of operational costs for the program and in line with costs of similar services in the region. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore it is recommended that City Council accept the Prairieland Disposal proposal in an amount not to exceed $36,075.00 for a City wide spring cleanup program for which the cost will be covered by the City on behalf of its residents. The date of the program shall be coordinated between staff and Prairieland Disposal upon acceptance of the proposal and recommendation from City Council The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. / / . . . . ...... . Good Morning Troy, In regards to the suggested city cleanup proposal, quote as follows. $1,500.00 per load—estimated 7 loads per day to service 1,900 homes per day That brings us to a total not to exceed $36,075.00 for the 2020 Spring Cleanup—City of Mchenry. Dates will be determined and/or changed as COVID19 continues to evolve Thank you again for your time and consideration. Steve Schweinsberg Prairieland Disposal Prairieland Disposal 21N988 Pepper Road Lake Barrington, IL 60010 (847) 381-9300 Phone (847) 382-5244 Fax �'��� Department of Community & ^ Economic Development ,� McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHcrnr Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development FOR: April 6, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Development and Incentive Agreement between the City of McHenry and RR McHenry LLC ATT: 1. Ordinance authorizing the Mayor's execution of a Development and Incentive Agreement between the City of McHenry and RR McHenry LLC 2. Development and Incentive Agreement between the City of McHenry and RR McHenry LLC AGENDA SUPPLEMENT SUMMARY: In October of 2016, the City Council approved a Development and Incentive Agreement with Bluestone Single Tennant Properties LLC to offset extraordinary development expenses for the development of a fueling and retail center, including the extension of the City's watermain approximately one-half mile, for a property generally located at the northwest corner of Chapel Hill Road and Illinois Route 120. This agreement expired. A new agreement was subsequently presented to the City Council in March and April of this year and this agreement expired at the end of 2019. On January 20, 2020 the City Council approved a Development and Incentive Agreement and development which included the following, with Thorntons being the fueling station brand: • Formerly there were seven pumps whereas now there are ten pumps. • The 8,400 square-foot convenience store has decreased in size to 5,500 square feet, due to the increase in the number of pumps. • The 1,800 square feet of retail immediately west of the Ricky Rockets convenience store has been eliminated. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Mfflenr Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us • A by-pass lane has been added to the diesel fueling area. • The car wash has been eliminated. • The fueling station has been shifted to the east. ANALYSIS: An extremely critical component of the project and a future economic development driver for the City is the extension of the City's watermain approximately one-half mile from Adams Drive to Chapel Hill Road. This has been a past development impediment and will be a significant economic development enhancement on east Route 120 and serve as a major catalyst to foster business and residential growth east of Chapel Hill Road. The site at Chapel Hill and 120 is 7.45 acres and the developer also worked with Riverside Chocolate Factory to allow their customers to park on their lot. The developer has agreed to waive any recapture from the installation of the water main, which will allow businesses on the Aqua System to connect to the City's system if they choose to do so, and the developer has also agreed to front the cost, up to $20,000, towards a new City of McHenry "gateway" or "entryway' sign to be reimbursed as part of the proposed development/incentive agreement. Recently, Thorntons informed Bluestone that they must have additional flexibility with their construction schedule due to the uncertainty regarding the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. If the pandemic continues to accelerate, Thorntons is concerned they will need to postpone the commencement of construction and can no longer meet the outside date of 12/31/2020 to obtain a CO. Without the economic incentive provided in the Development Agreement, the project is not financially feasible for Thorntons. Therefore, they are requesting the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement between the City of McHenry and RR McHenry be amended to extend the date to receive a CO until December 31, 2021. Attached is a redline version of the agreement. Upon City Council approval Thorntons will waive their remaining contingencies and go "hard" on their lease by May 1, 2020. This will incentivize Thorntons to begin construction as soon as possible (assuming conditions are safe) as they will be obligated to commence paying rent. There is still an outside chance that Thorntons can get the project constructed this year. "`"� Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Mfflenr Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if the City Council concurs it is recommended the attached ordinance authorizing the Mayor's execution of the Development and Economic Incentive Agreement between the City of McHenry and RR McHenry LLC be approved. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Mc;Henr Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us ORDINANCE NO. 20- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR'S EXECUTION OF AN ECONOMIC INCENTIVE AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MCHENRY AND RR MCHENRY LLC WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF MCHENRY, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: The Development and Incentive Agreement, bearing the date of April 6, 2020 between the City of McHenry and RR McHenry LLC is attached to this ordinance and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A". SECTION 2: The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to affix their signatures as Mayor and City Clerk to said Agreement for the uses and purposes therein set forth. SECTION 3: All Ordinance or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS DAY OF 12020 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: F D7.t� Department of Community & Economic Development y McHenry Municipal Center } 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 MCHPnr Phone: (815) 363-2170 • Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2020 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK Department of Community & Economic Development ,^ McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Mc Henr Phone: (815) 363-2170 10 - Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Exhibit A Development and Incentive Agreement between the City of McHenry and RR McHenry LLC Department of Economic Development Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development v McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2170 McHenry Fax: (815)363-2173 dmartin@ci.mchenry.il.us www.ci.mchenry.il.us Development and Economic Incentive Agreement Between the City of McHenry and RR McHenry LLC This Economic Incentive Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into this day of , 20_ ("Effective Date"), by and between the City of McHenry, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry County, Illinois, an Illinois home rule municipality ("City') and RR McHenry, LLC, an Illinois Limited Liability Company, 399 Wall Street, Unit H, Glendale Heights, IL 60139 ("Developer") and any successors and assigns. Recitals A. The property which is the subject of this Agreement consists of 7.45 acres, more or less, and is located at the northwest corner of Illinois Route 120 and Chapel Hill Road ("Subject Property"), excluding the Riverside Chocolate Factory parcel and consists of with associated PINS: 09-36-200-028, 09-25-479-041, and 09-25-479-016, legally described as follows: PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 25 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. B. The City is a home rule municipality and as such has the authority, pursuant to Article VII, Section 6(a) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970, to adopt ordinances and to promulgate rules and regulations that pertain to its government and affairs. C. In recognition of the importance to sustaining a high-quality of life for businesses and residents, it's the City's desire to facilitate a successful business environment and assist in enhancing the long-term viability of existing and proposed businesses. The Developer intends to invest a capital cost exceeding$15,000,000 and is proposing to construct an approximately 5,500 square-foot convenience store and fueling center and an additional 8,400 square-feet of in-line space for retail and restaurant tenants with associated drive-in establishment (collectively, "Development Improvements"). D. The Developer is also proposingto 1) extend the City's water main more than one- half mile from its current terminus on Adams Drive east to Chapel Hill Road; 2) install underground detention vaults (if required) and retaining walls to detain stormwater on the Subject Property in order to accommodate as much retail, service and restaurant uses on the Subject Property as possible; 3) construct deceleration lanes on Illinois Route 120 and Chapel Hill 1 Department of Economic Development Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development v ^ McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2170 McHenry Fax: (815)363-2173 dmartin@ci.mchenry.il.us www.ci.mchenry.il.us Road; 4) finance the improvement and locating parking improvements on the Subject Property for Riverside Chocolate Factory(approximately$100,000 construction cost); and 5) purchase and install a new City of McHenry Gateway Sign upon the Subject Property in an amount not-to- exceed $20,000 which may include any combination of design, purchase of material and/or installation costs of such signage as specified in Section 8 of this Agreement(collectively,the "Site Improvements"). The site Improvements are detailed and attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A." E. Included as part of the Site Improvements the Developer is required to undertake extensive on and off-site infrastructure improvements specified in numbers 1-3 of recital D, above, with an estimated total construction cost of $1,826,674 ("Extraordinary Development Costs"). The Extraordinary Development Costs are outlined and described on a letter from Steven M. Shanholtzer, PE, Senior Project Manager with Manhard Consulting, LTD. dated September 20, 2016 and revised as of November 12, 2019, to Mike MacKinnon attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B". The Developer has indicated to the City that, but for the commitment and agreement of the City being made herein, they cannot undertake the Site Improvements and Extraordinary Development Costs to the Subject Property. F. It is essential to the economic and social welfare of the City that it promotes the economic vitality of the community by assuring opportunities for development and redevelopment and sound and stable commercial growth within the corporate limits of the City. G. In order to make it economically feasible for the Developer to agree to successfully accomplish the Site Improvements, including$1,826,674 in Extraordinary Development Costs, to the Subject Property the City agrees to share with the Developer a portion of the Base Sales Tax and Home Rule Sales Tax generated by the Developer at the Subject Property in an amount not- to-exceed $1,000,000. H. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to terms used in this Agreement: "Base Sales Taxes" means the retailers occupation taxes and service occupation taxes received by the City, generated solely at the Subject Property and by the Developer and its tenants, from the State of Illinois pursuant to the Service Tax Act (35 ILCS 115/1 et seq.), the Retailers Occupation Tax Act (35 ILCS 120/1 et seq.), and the State Finance Act (30 ILCS 105/6z-18) (as amended), and any taxes that are enacted and imposed as replacements thereto. 2 Department of 1��.. Economic Development J Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2170 McHenry Fax: (815)363-2173 dmartin@ci.mchenry.il.us www.ci.mchenry.il.us "Home Rule Sales Tax" means the home rule retailers occupation taxes received by the City, generated solely at the Subject Property and by Developer and its tenants, from the State of Illinois pursuant to the Home Rule Municipal Retailers' Occupation Tax Act (65 ILCS 5/8-11-1.1) (as said Act may be amended), and any taxes that may be enacted and imposed as replacements thereto. "City's Payment Obligation" means the City's Obligation to pay Developer Base Sales Tax and Home Rule Sales Tax as set forth in herein. "The Commencement Date" means December 31 following the Developer's receipt of a Certificate of Occupancy (full or temporary certificate of occupancy) for any portion of the Subject Property. From and after such date, the City shall be obligated to pay a Sales Tax Incentive Payment, as defined herein, to the Developer in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. "Event of Default" means a default under this Agreement which remains uncured. "Gross Receipts" means as defined in the Retailer's Occupation Tax Act (35 ILCS 120/1 et seq.). "IDOR"means the Illinois Department of Revenue. "Maximum Total Payment Obligation" shall mean the maximum total amount payable by the City hereunder not-to-exceed $1,000,000. "Permanent Closure" shall mean the proposed fueling station proposed to be located on Lot 1 of the Subject Property remains either vacant or unoccupied for a period of twelve (12) or more consecutive months after Developer completes the Site Improvements ("Permanent Closure"); provided, however, that any closure of the proposed fueling station on the Subject Property which results from damage or destruction of the Subject Property, the Development Improvements and/or the Site Improvements constructed thereupon, by fire or other similar casualty, or by reason of Acts of God, and any closure of the proposed fueling station during the period of reconstruction and restoration following such damage or destruction, shall not constitute a Permanent Closure provided that the period of reconstruction and restoration shall not exceed twenty four (24) months 3 Department of .r Economic Development r^ Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2170 McHenry Fax: (815)363-2173 dmartin@ci.mchenry.il.us www.ci.mchenry.il.us following the date of the fire or other casualty necessitating such reconstruction and restoration. "Sales Tax Incentive" means the payment by the City set forth in this Agreement. "Sales Tax Incentive Payment" expressed as a percentage of Base Sales Tax and Home Rule Sales Tax generated by the Developer at the Subject Property which is more particularly described in Section 6 hereof. Now therefore, in consideration of the promises and agreements made herein, the adequacy and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by the parties hereto, it is agreed as follows: 1. Authority. This Agreement is made and entered into pursuant to the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. 2. Agreement to Pay. In consideration and conditioned upon the Developer and/or its tenants operating upon the Subject Property completing the Development Improvements or any portion thereof, the Site Improvements and paying all Extraordinary Development Costs,the City agrees to pay a Sales Tax Incentive to the Developer in an amount outlined below. The City's Payment Obligation shall continue for so long as the Developer or its tenants operating upon the Subject Property are generating and the City is receiving Base Sales Taxes and Home Rules Sales Taxes as defined herein, however, the City's Payment Obligation hereunder shall not exceed the Maximum Payment Obligation. The Developer also acknowledges the Sales Tax Incentive shall be utilized solely for reimbursement for actual costs incurred by Developer or its tenants operating upon the Subject Property for equipment, material and labor directly associated with construction of the on and off-site infrastructure improvements specified in numbers 1-3 of recital D, above. 3. Waiver of Recapture from Extension of City Watermain. The Developer hereby waives any and all right or claim to recapture or reimbursement for any expense it incurs associated with the Site Improvements, Development Improvements or Extraordinary Development Costs from any benefitted property owner. 4. Evidence of Equipment, Material Cost and/or Labor Expenditure. The Developer acknowledges that, prior to any Sales Tax Incentive payment distribution, the Developer shall provide the City evidence of the Extraordinary Development Costs it incurred to complete the on 4 Department of y Economic Development Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development AF McHenry Municipal Center r 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2170 MCHenr Fax: (815)363-2173 dmartin@ci.mchenry.il.us www.ci.mchenry.il.us and off-site infrastructure improvements specified in numbers 1-3 of recital D, above, as follows: Paid invoice(s), which includes an itemization of each equipment, material and/or labor expenditure to the extent reasonably available to the Developer; date when labor, equipment and/or material purchase was completed and/or purchased; company from which labor, equipment and/or material purchase was completed and/or purchased including name, address and federal tax identification number, a reference on the paid invoice(s) indicating the location of the Subject Property and a sworn affidavit from Developer detailing the equipment, material and/or labor costs incurred. 5. Limitation of City Responsibilities. Other than the Sales Tax Incentive agreed to be made pursuant to this Agreement, the City shall have no obligation to incur any expenses or share any revenue associated with the Developer. 6. Sales Tax Incentive. Commencing on the Commencement Date, the City shall be obligated to pay a Sales Tax Incentive once per calendar year on or before March 31st, in the form of a Sales Tax Rebate, to the Developer. The Sales Tax Incentive Payment shall be 50% of the Base Sales Tax and Home Rule Sales Tax collected by the City relating to the Subject Property during the prior calendar year until the Maximum Total Payment Obligation is met; thereafter, the City shall retain 100% of the Base Sales Taxes and Home Rule Sales Taxes generated by the Subject Property. Provided, however, no Sales Tax Incentive Payment shall be paid to the Developer until such time the Developer fully completes all of the Site Improvements, and a temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy permit is issued for any portion of the Subject Property("Occupancy Permit")to the Developer and/or to any tenant of the Developer operating upon the Subject Property. The City hereby represents and warrants to the Developer that the City has entered into a binding Reciprocal Agreement of Exchange of Information with the State of Illinois such that the City will have online access to obtain the Gross Revenues, Base Sales Tax and Home Rule Sales Tax generated from the Subject Property as well as information relating to the City's share of the proceeds under the Use Tax Act, the Service Use Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, and the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act distributed from the Local Government Tax Fund. 7. Sales Tax Reports/Accounting. The Developer shall maintain and have available for inspection by the City copies of any all sales tax return, sales tax reports, amendments, proof of payment or any other information regarding sales tax collected at the Subject Property filed with the State of Illinois or other appropriate governmental entity, which documents are being 5 Department of .v Economic Development Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development �- McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2170 McHenry Fax: (815)363-2173 dmartin@ci.mchenry.il.us www.ci.mchenry.il.us held available for the City for purposes of identifying Sales Tax Revenue collected pursuant to this Agreement (collectively, the "Sales Tax Information"). 8. McHenry Gateway Sign. Concurrently with its construction of the Development Improvements, Developer or its tenant shall construct a so-called "gateway sign" for the benefit of the City in order to replace the existing "gateway sign" currently located adjacent to the Subject Property which shall be substantially similar in size and appearance to the rendering attached hereto as Exhibit C, such signage to be constructed by Developer within the IDOT controlled right-of-way of Illinois Route 120 just to the south of the Subject Property in the location indicated on Exhibit C-1 attached hereto; provided, however, in no event shall Developer or its tenant be required to expend in excess of $20,000 in construction costs (the "Gateway Sign"). To the extent the cost to manufacture and install the Gateway Sign shall exceed $20,000, the City hereby agrees that it shall be solely responsible for such excess costs and in the event the City refuses to pay such overage, Developer shall be released from its obligation to construct the Gateway Sign. The City hereby represents and warrants to Developer, that it has obtained all necessary rights, authorizations, approvals and entitlements to construct the Gateway Sign within the IDOT right-of-way. From and after the completion of construction of the Gateway Sign, the City covenants and agrees that it shall be solely responsible for the maintenance and/or operation of such signage at all times until the removal thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, should it be necessary to construct the Gateway Sign upon the Subject Property instead of within the [DOT right-of-way for Illinois Route 120, Developer or its tenant shall select the location for the Gateway Sign upon the Subject Property and shall grant to the City the right to enter upon the Subject Property for the purposes of maintaining the Gateway Sign pursuant to an ingress, egress and maintenance easement to be executed by the parties and recorded in the official records of McHenry County, Illinois; provided, however, that the easement agreement shall stipulate that the City shall not be permitted to enter upon the Subject Property unless and until the City has provided Developer and/or its tenant operating upon the Subject Property with a certificate evidencing that the City is maintaining commercial general liability coverage on an occurrence basis with a minimum single limit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00)for bodily injury, including death resulting therefrom, personal injury, property damage, advertising injury and contractual liability coverage recognizing this Agreement and the easement agreement, products and/or completed operations liability, and that such insurance is in full force and effect. Such certificate shall also confirm that the Developer, its tenant currently leasing the Subject Property and their respective lenders have been named as an additional insured under such policy. The foregoing insurance required to be carried by the City shall be with insurers qualified to do business in the state where 6 Department of Economic Development Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center v i+ 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2170 McHenry Fax: (815)363-2173 dmartin@ci.mchenry.il.us www.ci.mchenry.il.us the Subject Property is located and which have an AM Best rating of "A-XV" or better, or the equivalent thereof. The coverage under the City's commercial general liability insurance policy shall be primary with respect to those areas which the City is required to maintain pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, and any other insurance available to or carried by the Developer or its tenant operating on the Subject Property shall be non-contributory or excess with respect to such areas. The City's insurance policy shall provide a minimum of thirty (30) days written notice by the insurance company to the Developer, its tenant operating on the Subject Property and their respective lenders prior to cancellation, termination, non-renewal or any change in such insurance. Any errors, omissions or misrepresentations by the City that may invalidate coverage to Developer or to its tenant operating on the Subject Property shall not prejudice such parties' rights under the aforementioned insurance required of the City. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, the obligations of the City under this Section 8 shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Term of this Agreement. 9. Confidentiality of Financial Information. To the extent permitted by law, the City shall endeavor to maintain the confidentiality of the information contained in any financial reports submitted by the Developer or IDOR, the Sales Tax information received by the City, but shall be permitted to disclose such information and documents to employees and consultants of the City as the City in its sole discretion, deems appropriate in order to monitor compliance and audit this Agreement. The Developer understands and agrees that the provisions of this Agreement and any and all payments to the Developer pursuant to this Agreement are public records. The Developer also agrees to execute any consent form requested by the City and furnish such additional consent, powers of attorney or waivers as may be required by the IDOR to allow the IDOR to furnish to the City Sales Tax Information transacted by the Developer at the Subject Property. The City agrees to utilize Sales Tax Information obtained by it pursuant to the terms of this Agreement solely for the purpose of effectuating the provisions of this Agreement. To the extent permitted by the Illinois Freedom of Information Act and any other relevant laws, the City shall endeavor to keep such information confidential. The foregoing, however, shall not preclude the City from disclosing such information to the extent it is mandated to do so by court order or to the extent it makes a good faith determination such disclosure is required by law; provided, however, the City shall notify Developer prior to any such mandated or voluntary disclosure by the City so as to permit Developer to take whatever action (legal or otherwise) it deems reasonably necessary to prevent or limit such disclosure. 7 Department of ��•��r Economic Development Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center v r 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2170 McHenry Fax: (815)363-2173 dmartin@ci.mchenry.il.us www.ci.mchenry.il.us 10. Provisions Concerning Limitation on Debt. The receipt, or anticipated receipt, of Sales Tax Revenue, either directly or indirectly, from the operation of the Development Improvements on the Subject Property, as provided earlier in this Agreement,shall be a condition precedent to any obligation of the City to rebate money to the Developer. 11. Prevailing Wages to be Paid. Pursuant to 820 ILCS 130/0.01 et seq., not less that the prevailing rate of wages as found by the City or determined by a court on review shall be paid to all laborers, workers and mechanics performing work under the contract relating to the Site Improvements on the Subject Property. Note that the prevailing rate of wages is revised by the Illinois Department of Labor and are available on the Department's official website. 12. Issuance of Liquor License. Subject to compliance with all applicable City ordinances,following approval of this Agreement,the City shall issue one Class C Packaged Liquor license for the Subject Property available for the convenience store. 13. No Interest; Limited Obligations. No interest shall be due on the obligations set forth in this Agreement. The Developer acknowledges that: (a) the City shall not be required to make any payments of the Sales Tax Incentive to the Developer unless they have then been delivered to the City and Developer agrees to execute and deliver to the City the IDOR form Authorization to Release Sales Tax Information to Local Governments that is needed to facilitate the City's Payment Obligation; (b)the City's Payment Obligation is a limited obligation of the City payable solely out of the Base Sales Tax and Home Rule Sales Tax the City receives from the IDOR which are attributable to the gross sales generated at the Subject Property after the completion of the Development Improvements (or any portion thereof) and the Site Improvements by the Developer or its tenants operating upon the Subject Property; (c) the sole source of the Developer's entitlement to payment of the Sales Tax Incentive shall be the aforesaid Base Sales Tax and Home Rule Sales Tax; (d)the City's Payment Obligation shall not be construed as general obligation of the City; and (e) the Developer bears all risk of non-payment resulting from the Permanent Closure of the Developer's business operation at the Subject Property. 14. Term. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect for a Term commencing on the Effective Date of this Agreement and ending on the earlier to occur of: (a)the City's payment to the Developer of the Maximum Total Payment Obligation; (b) the Permanent Closure of the fueling station prior to the City's payment to the Developer of the Maximum Total Payment Obligation of the City; (c) the 20' anniversary of the Commencement Date or (d) subject to any delays caused by a Force Majeure Event, the failure of the Developer to complete construction 8 Department of ��^y Economic Development Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry,Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2170 McHenry Fax: (815)363-2173 dmartin@ci.mchenry.il.us www.ci.mchenry.il.us of the Site Improvements to the Subject Property and a temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy has not been issued for at least one building on the Subject Property on or before December 31, 20202021. This Agreement shall remain in effect for enforcement and accounting purposes following the expiration of the Term. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, in the event (i) IDOR suspends, delays, or otherwise stops remitting the Base Sales Tax and/or Home Rule Sales Tax revenue to the City other than as a result of a Permanent Closure or the acts and/or omissions of Developer or its tenants or (ii) the City shall fail or be unable to remit the Base Sales Tax and/or the Home Rule Sales Tax revenue to the Developer as provided herein, then in addition to any other remedies available to Developer hereunder, the term of this Agreement shall be extended on a day for day basis for that/those period(s) of interrupted remittance(s) by IDOR or the City until such time that the City has satisfied the Maximum Total Payment Obligation. 15. Miscellaneous. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties. Any notices required or contemplated by this Agreement shall be sent by certified mail or via a nationally-recognized private carrier (such as Fed Ex or UPS), as follows: If to Developer: RR McHenry, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company 399 Wall StFeet Unit H5277 Trillium Boulevard (;i(QRd-,I„ 61pights IL 6013gHoffman Estates, IL 60192 If to the City: City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Attention: City Administrator With a copy to: David W. McArdle Zukowski, Rogers, Flood & McArdle 50 Virginia Street Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 16. Default. In the event of a claimed default under this Agreement, the non- defaulting party shall provide notice of default to the defaulting party. No legal action may be commenced with respect to a claimed default until thirty (30) days after said notice has passed, during which time the claimed defaulting party may cure the claimed default; provided, however, that in the event the default is of a such a nature that it cannot be cured within thirty (30) days, then the defaulting party shall not be in default hereunder so long as such party has commenced 9 Department of _,OW_`;_ _ Economic Development 3 Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development v McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2170 McHenry Fax: (815)363-2173 dmartin@ci.mchenry.il.us www.ci.mchenry.il.us to cure such default and is diligently pursuing such cure to completion. This Agreement shall be governed by Illinois law without regard to its rules regarding conflicts of law. 17. Enforcement. Any action to enforce this Agreement shall only be filed in the Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois. The party who prevails in any such action shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney's fees from the other party. 18. Only Agreement. This Agreement sets forth all the promises, inducements, agreements, conditions and understandings between the Developer and the City relative to the Sales Tax Incentive and there are no other promises, agreements, conditions or understandings, oral or written, express or implied, between them relative thereto. This Agreement may only be amended by way of a written instrument that is signed by both Parties. 19. Force Majeure Event. As used in this Agreement,the term "Force Majeure Event" shall mean an event of any delay caused by damage or destruction by fire or other similar casualty, or by reason of Acts of God, strikes, lockouts, unavailability of materials, failure of power, prohibitive governmental laws or regulations (beyond the control of the City), war, riots, insurrections, the act or failure to act of the other party, adverse weather conditions preventing the performance of work as certified to by an architect, or other similar reason beyond such party's control the occurrence of which shall delay the performance by the City or Developer of their respective obligations under this Agreement. Lack of adequate funds or financial inability to perform shall not be deemed to be a Force Majeure Event. 20. Assignment of Agreement. This Agreement may be assigned by Developer, without the City's consent, to: (i) a bona fide purchaser of Developer's business or the Subject Property; (ii) an entity that Developer owns no less than a fifty percent (50%) interest in; or (iii) Developer's tenant under a ground lease agreement for all or portion of the Subject Property, so long as that ground lease has a primary term of not less than fifteen (15) years; provided: (A) the transaction does not violate 65 ILCS 5/8-11-20, as amended, or any statute enacted to amend or replace 65 ILCS 5/8-11-20; (B) at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice of such assignment is provided to the City; and (C) that the assignee agrees to be bound by all of the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement, including but not limited, to the City's default remedies. 10 Department of Economic Development Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development V �^ McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2170 McHenry Fax: (815)363-2173 dmartin@ci.mchenry.il.us www.ci.mehenry.il.us [Signatures to Follow.] City of McHenry RR McHenry LLC By: HPI Management, Inc., an Illinois corporation Its: Manager By: By: Wayne S.Jett, Mayor Date Rick Heidner, President Date Attest: Attest: Trisha Ramel, Deputy City Clerk Z:\M\McHenryCityof\RickyRockets\Development&lncentiveAgreement.docx 11 v^ Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenr Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Exhibit "A" Site Improvements ''~�►^ Department of Community & �. .� Economic Development .��". McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenr Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Exhibit "B" Extraordinary Development Costs Department ofCommunity & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois60050 McHenr Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 wq&»Emchenr:.us Exhibit ©C' Depiction Of the Gateway Sign \ \� §§ [RI \; .2 ,$ fE Flo �\ \§ . \| j§ tE q -\ § ����\=n■ !�| ! {� 7 ) �» �z - f ||���m. . § M Wfu AN !' ,-� .■� £ |■:& _! ` I �Ul � § ■| HE A. | ; A. | | 2 § | |® r . !|§ �§ Rill k }|� |||■ ) §§ |§ -� 2 � ■| § � /�§��||� Department of Community & ti ^ Economic Development �^ McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenr Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Exhibit "C-1" Depiction of the Gateway Sign Location SUBJECT PROPERTY =L L LLLL_ CUR T;91GN t - _ 6CAT109 —I—T— ��� � t x.,T. -f vu R a x -__ � � x z xF �'� �• ' _ Ix x x__ z"R�k A x-�i—h—KTi V _ z Fl�1fF rrT Ti .i -- �m s� —�— 1x4 , ^� b'�L.xNT M1LL OG'l11 TnKT avW-/ -.-.x n• L( IJM1 ..n.x ILLINOIS FT. 120 R-O-W SIGN RELOCATION maw �.•. :.:. AREA 1 Il L��I.N YTM., L ___ 4 _ — _ e ^-NOON"y Derik Morefield, City Administrator �^ McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 McHenr dmorefield@ci.mchenry.il.us DISCUSSION AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: April 6, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator RE: Discussion Regarding Request for Impact Fee Payment Extension of 50% to October 1, 2020 Due to the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on business operations, LaFarge Aggregates/Meyer Material is requesting to be able to defer 50% of their annual impact fee payment of $200,000 to October 1, 2020. This would result in the City receiving $100,000 on May 1, 2020 and the remaining$100,000 on October 1, 2020. The amount is not changing, only the staggering of the payment. This is being brought forward to the Council for discussion/input and consensus by Council on whether or not to permit this deferred payment. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. ''�L.AFARG E AGGREGATES March 31, 2020 Mr. Derik Morefield City Administrator City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 RE: Impact Fee Relief Dear Derik: I hope this letter finds you well in the midst of a global pandemic. The rate of change and adjustment has escalated beyond one's forecasting expertise which is the purpose behind a written request of this nature. Lafarge is currently able to operate as an essential Illinois business but demand is extremely soft at a time when construction activities are normally starting to ramp up. And it's possible we could be asked to shut down completely soon. As a result, we are shutting down a large number of non-essential capital projects in order to stay afloat with cash. With that in mind, would the City of McHenry consider allowing us to pay 50% of the $200,000 impact fee due by May 1st with a second installment of the remaining 50% on October 1st in order to improve our cash reserve? I am getting ready to prepare the check request fairly soon and this relief would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or seek clarification, I can be reached at 847/417-2658 or via e-mail at rtwille@lafargeholcim.com. Sincerely, LAFARGE AGGREGATES/MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY Randi Wille Regional Manager, Environmental & Land Services Mid-America Region LAFARGE AGGREGATES ILLINOIS/MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 1300 South Illinois Route 31,South Elgin, Illinois 60177 A%00`y Derik Morefield, City Administrator Oak McHenry Municipal Center ,o. 333 Green Street v /+ McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 McHenrdmorefield@ci.mchenry.il.us FY20/21 Budget Transmittal Letter DATE: April 6, 2020 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director RE: Transmittal of Proposed FY20/21 Budget Information for the General Fund (100), General Fund Operating Departments, Recreation Center Fund (400),Water Fund (510.31), Sewer Fund (510.32) and Utility Fund (510.35) ATT: Summary Sheets for: General Fund - Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balance General Fund Operating Budgets Identified Capital Improvement Projects Recreation Center Fund Water, Sewer and Utility Funds April 6, 2020 PowerPoint Presentation AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: The purpose of this agenda item is for the City Council and City Staff to discuss information regarding the FY20/21 Budget. With this information, the March 30th meeting will focus on a review of the following: • General Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balance (FY13/14-FY18/19 Actuals, FY19/20 Estimated, FY20/21 Proposed); • Proposed General Fund Expenditures (Administration, Elected Officials, Community Development,Finance,Police, Dispatch Center,Public Works-Administration, Public Works - Streets, Parks and Recreation); • Recreation Center budget; • Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment projects based on available funding; • Water and Sewer Fund revenues; • Water and Sewer Fund expenditures related to Water, Sewer, Utility Division operations and capital projects; and You will note that the above list does not include a review of every fund that comprises the annual budget. However,these funds include all operational costs and serve as the basis for determining how the remaining municipal fund budgets are developed. Once the City Council has had a chance to review these fund budgets at the March 30, 2020 City Council Meeting, staff can then develop the remaining fund budgets for review at the April 6, 2020 City Council Meeting. This information will be provided on Wednesday, April 1st as part of the regular City Council Agenda Packet. Once this is completed, the budget will be finalized brought before Council for adoption at the April 20, 2020 Annual Meeting. BACKGROUND: The City's annual fiscal year budget covers the period beginning May 1st and ending April 30th. The budget document itself, upon completion, contains information relative to estimated revenues and planned operational and capital expenditures for the various funds of the municipality for the identified fiscal year. Although the budget is not formally adopted by the City Council until April of each year,the budget development process officially begins each October with the preparation of the annual tax levy,which is used to fund many of the current programs and services,along with the development/update of the five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The budget preparation process provides the various divisions and departments of the City with the opportunity to review accomplishments,set goals and objectives,and identify the means for accomplishing these goals and objectives. Every employee of the municipality plays a role in the budgeting process -be it formulation, preparation, implementation, administration, or evaluation. Ultimately, Department Directors, through the Finance Director and City Administrator, are accountable to the City Council and to the residents of McHenry for the performance of departments in meeting the goals and objectives of a full service municipality, and for the diligent fiscal management of funds, as set forth in the budget document. Department Directors, with input from their respective managers, superintendents and departmental staff, analyze historical data, review existing operational needs, and project anticipated operational needs in order develop line-item budget requests that allow them to maintain or enhance the level of programs and services within their departments. These detailed requests are submitted to the City Administrator and Finance Director, and meetings are held with Department Directors to review and adjust requests based on identified need and anticipated revenues, keeping in mind the overall services that the municipality must provide to residents. As always,it is the goal of the City Administration to present Council with a balanced operating budget. This goal is able to be achieved in the attached budget information. 2 The discussion that follows includes analyses and recommendations based on the best available information that staff has at the time of budget development and reflects a commitment to meeting or exceeding budgetary guidelines as established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the Government Finance Officers Association best practices on budgeting. ANALYSIS - GENERAL FUND: The General Fund represents the core revenue and expense fund for municipal functions. General Fund Revenues are comprised of Intergovernmental sources such as Property Tax, State Sales Tax, Local Sales Tax, State Income Tax, State Replacement Tax, State Pull Tabs, Inter Track Wagering, State Communications Tax, and State Grants; Local Sources such as Franchise Fees, Licenses and Permits, Fines and Forfeitures, Charges for Services, and Interest Income; and Miscellaneous sources such as Donations and Reimbursements for Services. General Fund Expenses include personnel, contractual, supplies and other operating expenses related to the following operating budgets - Administration (100.01), Elected Officials (100.02), Community Development (100.03), Finance (100.04), Human Resources (100.05), Economic Development (100.06), Police Commission (100.21), Police (100.22), Police Dispatch (100.23), Public Works-Administration (100.30), Public Works-Streets (100.33), and Parks and Recreation (100.41). Please reference the attached spreadsheet titled "General Fund - Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balance Summary"for the following discussion. General Fund Revenue, Expenditure and Fund Balance Summary In summary, FY20/21 proposed General Fund Revenues and Expenditures reflect total revenues of $24,698,778 (an increase of $638,351 or 2.9% from the FY19/20 Budget amount), and total operating expenditures of $24,137,888 (an increase of $1,216,830 or 5.5%, less capital, from the FY19/20 Budget amount). This reflects a net difference (revenues over expenditures) of$560,890. Importantly,this means that the proposed General Fund Operating Budget, as presented, is BALANCED. While specifics will be detailed in the discussion that follows, the primary reasons for increases in revenues relate to projections for State and Local Sales Taxes which does include the first full year increase of 0.25% in the Local Sales Tax Rate (an increase of $391,622 combined with the existing Sales Tax Receipts), the projection for Income Tax Receipts (an increase of$114,716), the projection for Video Gaming revenues (an increase of$40,000), Fines and Forfeitures (an increase of$94,000), and Reimbursements related to charges for dispatch fees and internal fund transfers (a total increase of $209,811). These are offset slightly by decreases to revenues due to the Telecommunication Taxes ($5,000), Intertrack Wagering revenues ($9,000), Charges for Services related to charges for Parks and Recreation ($34,598), and Miscellaneous Income decreases due to FY19/20 one time revenues ($209,200). 3 In regards to expenditures, Personnel costs are proposed to increase by $476,493 (2.84%) due primarily to the wage and compensation study and bringing all non-bargaining unit employees to the 25th Percentile ($96,377), FOP and IOUE 150 collective bargaining contractual obligations ($260,035),a 2.2% CPI-U and 0.8%merit(3.0%total)wage increase for non-bargaining unit employees who fall above the Compensation Study 25th Percentile ($30,711), and Police Pension costs ($149,321). These increases are partially offset by attrition in the Streets Department ($74,560). It should be noted that a portion of the Police Dispatch Center costs are offset by General Fund Revenue increases in the form of reimbursements (Row 22)from dispatch partner agencies and customers. Notably,FY20/21 General Fund Expenditure proposed Contractual costs are $232,829 (12.04%) higher than FY19/20, Supply costs reflect an increase of$121,125 (14.99%) and Other costs increase $351,500 (49.56%). Finally, the FY20/21 General Fund Expenditures, as identified in this attachment, do not include any transfers for Capital Improvement or Capital Equipment. As discussed as part of the Capital Improvement Program process, Capital Improvement or Capital Equipment projects implemented in FY20/21 will be funded through the General Fund Balance. All general fund capital projects that are identified for funding in FY20/21 are discussed on pages 18 and 19 of this memorandum. Carrying the General Fund Revenue and Expenditure estimates through the end of the fiscal year (April 30th), it is projected that the total General Fund Balance will be $7,595,155 (Column 0, Row 43). As defined in the Fund Balance and Reserve Policy, the estimated required 120 day General Fund Balance Reserve would be$8,287,342,which highlights that the projected General Fund Balance is approximately$692,187 short of the required General Fund Balance. As will be identified,the projected General Fund Balance will be reduced by capital improvement projects to be funded through the General Fund Balance (Disaster Recovery Project, In-House Camera System Upgrade, Access Control Replacement, Police Portable Radios, Salt Storage Facility, Pavement Maintenance, Bull Valley Road Multi-Use Path Extension, Oakwood Dr. Culvert Rehab, Barreville Road Culvert Wingwall Repair, and Police Facility Improvements). Further, a reminder that the FY19/20 Estimated General Fund Revenues and Expenditures are that, estimates, and economic factors or unforeseen expenses could change these dollar amounts before the end of the current fiscal year. General Fund Revenues General Fund Revenues are derived from a number of sources-taxes,video gaming,licenses and permits, fines and forfeitures, franchise fees, charges for services, reimbursement for services, donations, interest income, and other miscellaneous sources. While some revenues,like Property Taxes,can be clearly identified and estimated based on the adoption of the annual property tax levy, or based on historical performance, other revenues - such as Sales Taxes and State Income Tax- can be volatile based on economic trends. If anything, the economic recession of 2007/2008 sent a message to local governments that economic-based revenues are not guaranteed and can fluctuate based on the economy and 4 disposable income. Actions taken at the local level to plan/adjust from this event resulted in the establishment of a"new norm" for future budget considerations. In estimating General Fund Revenues for the purpose of budget development, the City Administration takes a conservative approach in order to: 1) ensure that General Fund Revenue projections are not overstated to avoid deficit spending and the need to utilize the General Fund Balance (e.g., 120 day unassigned fund balance) for operational expenses; 2) limit excessive increases in operating expenditures; and 3) maintain a financial "buffer", in the form of the General Fund Balance, to protect the City from future unforeseen economic threats. Utilizing this philosophy, the City Administration then considers past revenue performance, current economic trends, local economic conditions, and economic forecast models developed by the Illinois Municipal League (IML) for use by local governments in developing revenue projections for the purpose of budget development. FY19120 Budgeted Revenues(Column M) In FY19/20 total budgeted General Fund Revenues were $24,060,427 (Column M, Row 26). Of this, $4,942,359 (20.5%) was from Property Taxes, $7,879,467 (32.7)% was from the City's 1% share of the State Sales Tax, $2,786,908 (11.6%) was from the .75% Local Sales Tax, and $2,719,444 (11.3%) came from the City's share of the State Income Tax. Revenues derived from these four (4) sources were budgeted at$18,328,178 or 76.2% of total General Fund Revenues. Of the remaining$5,732,249 (23.8%) in budgeted General Fund Revenues, $1,270,087 (5.3%)were from Charges for Services,$2,045,962 (8.5%) from Reimbursement for Services, $332,000 (1.4%) from Fines and Forfeitures, $230,000 (1.0%) from Licenses and Permits, $320,000 (1.3%) from Franchise Fees, $560,000 (2.3%) from Video Gaming, $285,000 from Telecommunications Tax (1.2%) and the remaining $689,200 (1.7%) came from all other sources combined. FY19120 Estimated Revenues(Column N) The following estimated revenues are based on 10-months of actual revenues and then projected through the remainder of the fiscal year (April 30, 2020). Unfortunately, in some cases this estimation is more difficult than simply dividing the 10-month actual by 10 and multiplying by 12 because of when specific revenues are received. Further, FY19/20 Actual revenues will not be known and confirmed until approximately 2-3 months (June-July) after the close of the fiscal year due to the timing involved with the receipt of state-shared revenues and,ultimately,the completion of the annual audit in September/October 2020, 4- 5 months into the new budget year. At this time, estimated General Fund Revenues are projected to be $24,383,755 (Column N, Row 26) or$323,328 (1.3%) higher than FY19/20 Budgeted revenues of$24,060,427. This reflects an estimated increase of $893,405, or 3.8%, from FY18/19 Actual revenues of $23,490,350. Notably, FY19/20 Estimated Revenues, when compared to FY18/19 Actual revenues and FY19/20 Budgeted revenues, highlight the following: 5 • (Row 10) State Sales Tax revenue is projected to be $158,680 (2.0%) higher than budgeted and $272,603 (3.5%) higher than the FY18/19 Actual amount. • (Row 11) Local Sales Tax revenue is projected to be $34,015 (1.2%) higher than budgeted and $817,605 (40.8%) higher than received in FY18/19. It is important to note that in July the Local Sales Tax rate was raised by 0.25% and 10 months will be received in FY19/20. • (Row 10 + Row 11) Combined, total Sales Tax revenue is estimated to be $192,695 (1.8%) higher than budgeted and $1,090,208 (11.2%) higher than the FY18/19 Actual. State Sales Tax have shown significant signs of an economic recovery,but now appear to be leveling somewhat compared to the recovery period. Also, Local Sales Tax revenues do not include the sale of licensed or titled items - such as cars, boats, motorcycles, etc. As such, while the economic recovery and resulting increase in the sale of licensed vehicles had a positive impact on the City's portion of the State Sales Tax,this aspect has had no impact on Local Sales Tax revenues. • (Row 12) State Income Tax receipts are estimated at $153,559 (5.6%) higher than budgeted and $80,538 (2.9%) higher than FY18/19. • (Row 17) Video Gaming revenues are estimated to be $620,064, or$60,064 (10.7%), higher than budgeted and $11,000 (1.8%) higher than FY18/19. • (Row 20) Fines and Forfeitures revenues are estimated to be $21,381 (6.4%) higher than budgeted and $4,119 (1.2%) higher than FY18/19. • (Row 22) Reimbursements for services revenues are estimated at $38,780 (1.9%) higher than budgeted and $253,328 (10.8%) lower than FY18/19. This is primarily due to the dispatch consolidation and cost reimbursements by partner and customer agencies for dispatch services. In summary, FY19/20 Estimated Revenues are projected at $323,328 (1.3%) higher than budgeted primarily due to State and Local Sales Tax receipts and Income Tax Receipts. When compared to FY18/19 Actual revenues, total General Fund Revenues increased $893,405 (3.8%). FY20121 Proposed Revenues(Column O) FY20/21 Proposed General Fund Revenues represent a net increase of $638,351 (2.9%) from FY19/20 Budgeted revenues and an increase of $1,208,428 (5.1%) from FY18/19 Actual revenues. Highlights of changes to General Fund Revenues proposed for FY20/21 include: • (Row 9) Based on Council action to freeze the property tax levy, Property Tax revenues are estimated to only increase by $8,000 over the FY19/20 budgeted 6 amount to better reflect actual revenues received from Nunda Township and McHenry Township Road Districts over the last few years. • (Row 10) State Sales Tax revenues are proposed at $8,071,089, $191,622 or 2.49% higher than FY19/20 Budget. • (Row 11) Local Sales Tax revenues are proposed at $2,986,908, an increase of $200,000 (10.14%) from the amount budgeted in FY19/20. This amount includes an estimated$995,000 from the increase in Local Sales Tax Rate of 0.25% for 12 months, the first full year with the additional rate. • (Row 10 + Row 11) Combined State and Local Sales Tax revenues are proposed at $11,057,997, an increase of$391,622 (3.7%) from the FY19/20 Budget amount. • (Row 12) State Income Tax revenues are proposed at $2,834,160, an increase of $114,716 (4.44%) from FY19/20. • (Row 14) State Telecommunication Tax revenues are proposed at $280,000, a decrease of$5,000 (3.7%) from FY19/20 due to declining revenues over the last few years. • (Row17) Video Gaming revenues are proposed at $600,000, a $40,000 (9.3%) increase from FY19/20 Budget amount. • (Row 20) Fines and Forfeitures revenues are proposed to increase by $94,000, or 25.8% from the amount budgeted in FY19/20. • (Row 21) Charges and Services revenues are proposed to decrease by $34,598, or 2.85%from the amount budgeted in FY19/20 due to charges for parks and recreation programs as well as internal fund transfers. • (Row 22) Reimbursements which includes the Police Dispatch Center revenues derived from partner and customer agencies served through this facility, police impound fees, and other miscellaneous reimbursements are proposed to increase $209,811 or 10.23%. • (Row 25) Miscellaneous which includes State Grants are proposed to decrease $209,200 (486.51%) due to one-time grant revenues received in the prior FY. In summary, FY20/21 Proposed Revenues are $638,351 (2.86%) higher than budgeted in FY19/20 and $315,023 (1.3%) higher than FY19/20 Estimated revenues. The primary reasons for the proposed increase include an increase in the City's portion of the State Sales Tax ($191,622), an increase to the Home Rule Sales Tax ($200,000), an increase in the City portion of the Income Tax ($114,716), a proposed 7 9.3% increase in Video Gaming revenues ($40,000), an increase to Franchise Fees revenue ($20,000), an increase in Fines and Forfeitures Revenues ($94,000), and an increase to Reimbursement Revenue ($209,811). These increases are offset by reductions to State Telecommunication Tax revenues of $5,000 (3.7%), Intertrack Wagering receipts of$9,000 (17.31%), Charges for Services of $34,598 (2.85%) and Miscellaneous Income of$209,200 (486.51%). Importantly,the identified increases to revenues allow for the implementation of the Capital Improvement projects discussed by the City Council as part of the CIP process while reducing the estimated General Fund Balance by $744,510 to $7,595,155. This reflects 31.5% of FY19/20 operating expenditures. General Fund Expenditures General Fund Expenditures include personnel, contractual, supplies and other operating expenses related to the following operating budgets - Administration (100.01), Elected Officials (100.02), Community Development (100.03), Finance (100.04), Human Resources (100.05), Economic Development (100.06), Police Commission (100.21), Police (100.22), Police Dispatch (100.23), Public Works-Administration (100.30), Public Works-Streets (100.33), and Parks and Recreation (100.41). In addition, the General Fund is the funding source for all capital improvement and capital equipment projects that are not related to water and/or sewer improvements or maintenance projects as these are funded through the Water and Sewer Fund and Capital Development Fund. General Fund capital improvement and capital equipment projects include any project over $10,000 related to public facility improvements and maintenance items, police vehicle and equipment acquisition or replacement, non-police vehicle acquisition or replacement, park improvements, and stormwater/drainage improvements. As a frame of reference,the FY20/21-FY24/25 Capital Improvement Program contains more than $24 million in General Fund projects. Without a doubt, the needs identified in the Capital Improvement Program far exceed the funding available for them. Finally, the General Fund also serves as a funding source for revenue transfers to other municipal accounts found within Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Funds, Internal Service Funds, and Fiduciary Funds. FY19120 Budgeted Expenditures(Column M) In FY19/20, total budgeted expenditures (capital and operating) were $24,543,633. Budgeted capital expenditures were $1,622,575 and budgeted operating expenditures were $22,921,058. While this amount reflected an increase of $1,041,293 (4.4%) from the FY18/19 Actual expenditures (Column L, Row 35), this difference was due to Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment expenditures as well as the addition of two police officers and other personnel adjustments. 8 FY19120 Estimated Expenditures(Column N) In general, the City Administration - including Department Directors, Superintendents, and Managers - closely monitor expenditures throughout the year to ensure that operating budgets stay within the approved amounts. Fiscal diligence on behalf of all of these individuals most often results in expenditures being less than the amount budgeted. This then can be reviewed and adjusted accordingly as part of the succeeding year budget development. For FY19/20, operating expenditures are estimated at$22,195,173, or$725,885 (3.2%) less than the budgeted amount of $22,921,058. Highlights of changes to FY19/20 Estimated Expenditures include: • (Row 29) Reduced Personnel costs of $737,092 (4.2%) resulting from decreased insurance costs as well as positions added in FY19/20 filled mid-year or not at all. • (Row 30) Contractual costs are estimated at $16,057 (0.8%) less than the original budget. • (Row 31) Supply costs are estimated at $37,444 (4.4%) more than budget. This is largely due to higher costs in the Parks and Streets Division purchases. • (Row 32) Other estimated expenditures are estimated at $10,180 less than the original budget. • (Row 33) Capital Outlay expenditures are $510,345 less than the original budget, but project expenses are rebudgeted for FY20/21 for incomplete projects. Note: City Administration anticipates changes to FY19/20 Estimated expenditures due to increases or decreases in revenues and expenses through the end of the fiscal year. FY2O121 Proposed Expenditures(Column 0) FY20/21 Proposed operating expenditures represent an increase of$1,216,830 (5.5%) from the FY19/20 operating Budget amount of $22,921,058. Highlights of changes to General Fund Expenditures proposed for FY20/21 include: • (Row 29) Personnel costs are proposed at$476,493,or 2.84%higher in FY20/21 than budgeted in FY19/20. Personnel costs include salaries, overtime, health/dental/life/vision insurance, FICA, IMRF retirement,and uniforms. There are a number of reasons for this increase. 1. Personnel costs related to salaries only for employees covered by collective bargaining units - IUOE Local 150 (Public Works, Parks employees), FOP Unit 1 (Police Patrol), and FOP Unit 2 (Dispatch) - account for $220,682 of the identified increase from FY19/20 to FY19/20. 9 2. Police Pension costs are proposed at $2,231,742, an increase of $149,321. Police Pension costs are determined by an actuary retained by the Police Pension Board and are based on a number of factors, including wages, investment rate, and age of the workforce. The City has committed annually to funding the amount determined by the actuary in order to meet a required deadline for full funding by 2040. 3. Non-bargaining unit employees and Police Sergeants account for a total of $166,441 of the Personnel cost increase. This increase includes an adjustment based on the Council approved compensation study to bring all non- bargaining unit employees up to the 25th Percentile of the pay grade level. This increase also includes wage increases for Police Sergeants and other non- bargaining employees that are above the 25 Percentile based on a combination of the previous year's Consumer Price Index for All Urban Areas (CPI-U),which was 2.2% in 2019, and an additional merit increase of 0.8% based on performance evaluations. 4. Total Benefit costs are proposed to increase$16,818 due to the IMRF funding rate increasing from 11%to 12.3%. 5. A portion of these Personnel Cost increases are offset by one position being left vacant within the Streets Division, producing a savings of approximately $98,000. It is the commitment of the Public Works Department to begin using contractual services for departmental operations that are more cost effective to be completed through the use of qualified contractors which has started to occur during FY19/20. • (Row 29) Contractual costs are anticipated to increase by $232,829 (12.04%) from the amount budgeted in FY19/20 due to contracted snow removal, street sweeping, and mowing as well as increased repair and maintenance for aging vehicles and required police training. • (Row 30) Supplies expenditures are proposed to be increased by$121,125 (14.99%) primarily due to contracted tree trimming. • (Row 31) Other expenditures are anticipated to increase by $351,500 (49.56%) due to the anticipation of a loan or lease payment for the purchase of vehicles. GENERAL FUND BALANCE: On February 1, 2016 City Council adopted a new Fund Balance and Reserve Policy that, in summary, established principles and parameters to which balances for all municipal funds would be defined at the beginning of each budget period. This policy, which also meets the reporting requirements of Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement 54, 10 which requires the formal adoption of a policy for the classification of fund balances to categories other than "unassigned", was established to provide financial stability in the various municipal funds, ensure adequate cash flow for operations, and provide some assurance that the City will be able to respond to emergencies with fiscal strength. In regards to the General Fund Balance, specifically, the Fund Balance and Reserve Policy states: "General Fund - The unrestricted fund balance target should be set at 120 (4 months) of estimated operating expenditures including those expenditures reported in other Governmental Funds that receive annual operating transfers, with the exception of transfers intended to fund capital projects. If the unreserved fund balance falls below 120, a plan will be developed to return to the target balance. If the unreserved fund balance reaches a low of 90-day (3 months), the plan will be implemented to return to the fund balance to the target within a reasonable amount of time. Onetime revenues shall not be used to fund current operations." This level of fund balance shall provide the capacity to: • Offset unexpected downturns in elastic revenues due to fluctuations in the local, state and national economies or the loss of major sales tax contributor(s); • Offset negative fiscal changes brought about by action or legislation of another unit ofgovernment or agency; • Ensure the continued, timely repayment of debt obligations that the City may have in the event of a financial downturn; • Provide a sufficient cash flow for daily financial needs at all times; and, • Provide a funding source for unanticipated expenditures or emergencies that may occur. As identified, the parameters in this policy help to guide the City Administration in the development of the annual budget by ensuring that the General Fund Budget is presented as balanced, revenues over expenditures, while maintaining this reserve. Further, the establishment of the target minimum of 120 days provides clarity in identifying the level of funding that is available - once revenues, expenditures and fund balance are identified - to address the City's capital needs. In other words, any funds remaining after meeting the operational and reserve needs of the municipality are "Assigned for Capital." As a reminder,a combination of the economic recession of 2007/2008 and the loss of a major retailer resulted in the municipality taking measures to freeze or reduce expenditures. This included operating costs and capital improvement and capital equipment projects. In 2009 the City implemented a .5% Local Sales Tax and specifically identified that the additional revenues generated by this should be used for capital projects and Police Pension funding. Since the first full year of implementation of the Local Sales Tax and as a result of a recovering 11 economy, the City has been able to: 1) adopt a balanced General Fund Budget, including meeting Police Pension costs; 2) reintroduce capital improvement and capital equipment projects; and, 3) rebuild the General Fund Balance. In reviewing the General Fund Balance as part of this discussion, the FY18/19 Budget includes a beginning fund balance of $7,263,313 (Column M, Row 6) based on FY18/19 audited financial information. Based on FY19/20 budgeted revenues, operating expenditures, and capital expenditures (which were funded with fund balance), it was anticipated that the ending fund balance would be $6,780,107(Column M, Row 43); the estimated ending unassigned 120 day fund balance is at $8,045,963 (Column M, Row 44); showing a shortfall of$1,265,856 (Column M, Row 45) in developing the FY20/21 Budget. In fact, due to a combination of higher than budgeted Revenues ($323,328) and lower than budgeted overall Expenditures ($1,236,230), the ending Fund Balance is anticipated to increase by $1,076,352. The FY20/21 Budget then identifies an estimated beginning fund balance of$8,339,665 (Column 0, Row 6). As in the discussion above,this amount will most likely change upon completion of the annual audit however, this is not done until September/October, 4-5 months after the budget is adopted and implemented. ANALYSIS - GENERAL FUND OPERATING DEPARTMENTS: Please reference the attached operating department spreadsheets for the following discussion. General Fund Operating Departments include personnel, contractual, supplies and other operating expenses for the following departments - Administration (100.01), Elected Officials (100.02), Community Development (100.03), Finance (100.04), Human Resources (100.05), Economic Development (100.06), Police Commission (100.21), Police (100.22), Police Dispatch (100.23), Public Works-Administration (100.30), Public Works-Streets (100.33), and Parks and Recreation (100.41). These expenditures have already been summarized, in total, as part of the previous discussion of General Fund Revenues and Expenditures. The following narrative will focus on identifying the major points of each operating department. Note, the Budget Variance $ (Column M) and Budget Variance % (Column N) are based on a budget-to-proposed comparison from the FY18/19 Budgeted amount to the FY19/20 Proposed amount. General Administration (100.01) Overall,the Administration operating budget is proposed to increase by$92,637 or 10.87% in FY20/21 (Column N, Row 58). Salary/Benefit costs are identified to increase by a net of$29,413 or 7.13%as proposed Non- Bargaining Unit increases result in an$18,674 increase and IMRF benefits increase by$5,976 with the increased required percentage. 12 Contractual Services expenditures - which includes the mosquito abatement program, participation in the countywide Dial-A-Ride program, and general engineering consulting are identified for a net increase of$20,000 (33.33%) due to past expense history (Row 21). Corporate Legal Fees (Row 22) include the City Attorney, Traffic Attorney and Collective Bargaining representation and are identified to increase $25,000 in FY20/21. Supplies expenditures are proposed to decrease by $1,000 (Column N, Row 39) and Other expenditures - which includes Administrative Expenses and internal transfers for Risk Management and Information Technology- is proposed to increase by$12,724 (Column N, Row 45). Elected Officials (100,02) The Elected Officials budget is proposed for a $9,176 increase, or 9.75%, based on the City Clerk position being filled (Column N, Row 37). Community Development(100.03) The Community Development budget is proposed at an increase of $67,795, or 7.36% (Column N, Row 45). Salary/Benefit costs are budgeted to increase by $44,767 (6.06%), which includes the increases proposed through the compensation study. Contractual Services are identified to increase by$4,700 (5.74%) due to more building maintenance performed in house. Supplies will increase by$4,000 (11.27%), and the internal transfer for Information Technology will increase by$14,328. Finance (100.04) Salary/Benefit costs are anticipated to decrease by$8,861 (1.91%). This decrease is due to removing the budgeted line item for a retirement from FY19/20. A line item was added for a loan payment for$350,000 as it is anticipated vehicles will be purchased with a loan during FY20/21. The line item for Transfer to Debt Service (Line 42) is decreased by$197,162 with the retirement of a bond. Human Resources (100.05) Salaries/Benefit costs are budgeted to increase by$7,507 (3.62%) which is primarily due to the implementation of the compensation study. Contractual Services decrease by $6,625 (15.54%) due to the movement of Information Technology expenses to that department. Economic Development(100.06) Salary/Benefit costs are budgeted to increase by $12,136 (5.11%) due to the compensation study and the increased IMRF required percentage. Contractual Services decrease $4,650 13 (17.10%) to better match actual expenses and Purchase of Services - Information Technology expense increases by$4,452. Police(100.22) The Police budget is proposed at an overall increase of$445,096, or 4.39% from FY19/20. Salary/Benefit costs are identified to increase by $313,154 due to adjustments to FOP bargaining unit salaries ($85,526) which includes a partial year funding for two new officers which were not hired in FY19/20,a decrease to health insurance costs ($14,095),an increase to part-time salaries in the anticipation of hiring a part-time person for cleaning purposes ($19,144) and, an increase to the transfer for Police Pension of $149,321. As discussed earlier, Police Pension costs are determined by an actuary retained by the Police Pension Board and are based on a number of factors,including wages,investment rate,and age of the workforce. The City has committed annually to funding the amount determined by the actuarial in order to meet a required deadline for full funding by 2040. Contractual Services increase by$20,750 due to mandated training requirements. Supplies increase by$34,300 due to the need for ballistic shields and helmets and the Transfer to Information Technology increases by$102,567. Dispatch Center(100.23) FY20/21 represents the fourth full year of operation for the fully developed, and staffed, dispatch center. The FY17/18 budget established the baseline budget for the dispatch center moving forward. The proposed FY20/21 budget has been presented and approved by the partners of the dispatch center. The total amount proposed for the dispatch center in FY20/21 is $2,597,255. The most significant increases are for Salaries/Benefit costs ($44,779) due to contract increases and the increase to the IMRF required percentage. As a reminder, this amount is offset by more than $1.8 million in reimbursements as a result of the partnerships with the City of Woodstock, City of Harvard and McHenry Township Fire Protection District and through charges for dispatch services paid by customers of the dispatch center. These are reflected as General Fund Revenues and included in Row 22 of the General Fund-Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balance Summary sheet. Public Works Administration (100.30) The overall Public Works Administration budget is proposed to decrease by $16,512 (3.73%) due to the elimination of one part-time staff member. Public Works Streets(100.33) The FY20/21 Public Works Streets budget is proposed to increase by a total of $116,762 (3.6%) from FY19/20. Salaries/Benefits are proposed to decrease by $106,351 due the elimination of one position through attrition. Additionally, Contractual (Row 21) costs have been increased by $85,000 to account for contract mowing, contract snow plowing, street sweeping, contract asphalt and concrete work and miscellaneous engineering and bridge repairs. Repair and Maintenance Costs (Row 23) have been increased by $45,000 due to 14 aging vehicles and Materials and Supplies costs are proposed$85,100 higher due to contract tree trimming and pruning. Parks and Recreation (100.41) As a reminder,the Parks and Recreation budget encompasses not only personnel and other operational costs of the Parks Maintenance Division, which includes bargaining unit employees, but also all programming expenses related to the Recreation Division not associated with the McHenry Recreation Center. Revenues from recreation programming, reflected in General Fund Revenues, offset many of these costs. As proposed the FY20/21 in the Parks and Recreating budget is proposed to increase by a total of $162,528. Salary/Benefit costs are identified to increase by a total of $153,764 (10.37%) due to the contract for Bargaining Unit employees as well as increased salaries recommended through the compensation study; Contractual Services to increase by$35,154 (7.29%) for increased summer camp expenses and other miscellaneous program expenses; Supplies to increase by $1,900 (0.9%); and, Other costs to increase by $51,710 due to an increase to the Transfer to the Recreation Center Fund for the parks share of the front desk part-time salaries and the Information Technology Transfer. ANALYSIS - MCHENRY RECREATION CENTER: Please reference the attached spreadsheet titled "Recreation Center - Fund Summary" for the following discussion. The McHenry Recreation Center officially opened on February 29, 2016 and, as such, the FY17/18 Budgeted revenues and expenses were developed based on FY16/17 actuals and on the business plan and best estimates available at that time. With more than 800 memberships sold prior to the opening date and more than 1,523 active memberships (dropping off from a high of 2,600 memberships), the McHenry Recreation Center has exceeded all expectations through its third full year of operation. At the close of this fiscal year, it is estimated that the McHenry Recreation Center will continue to generate sufficient revenues to pay all operational costs, provide for the $132,357 transfer to the Debt Service Fund for the construction loan payment,fund all of the operating expenses for the center and finish the year with a Fund Balance of$436,180. This Fund Balance will go to pay for future capital needs of the facility and/or any recreation center expansion efforts. In summary, memberships fell off in FY19/20 and revenues are estimated to below the budgeted amount by $201,722 (Columns L and M, Row 30) and FY19/20 expenditures directly related to the operation of the facility (Salaries/Benefits, Contractual Services and Supplies) are estimated at less than the budgeted amounts due to the decision to halt equipment purchases with decreasing revenues. 15 In developing the FY20/21 Proposed revenue and expenditures budget, staff continues to estimate revenues conservatively to account for the recent decreases in membership. Revenues are proposed at $775,585, which is $139,769 lower than FY19/20. Expenditures for Salaries/Benefits, Contractual Services and Supplies are budgeted at a total of$142,478 (12.44%) lower than FY19/20. This takes in to account a reassessment of staffing and other operational needs now that the facility has been open for four years. ANALYSIS - WATER AND SEWER FUND: The Water and Sewer Fund is an enterprise fund - that is, a business-type fund utilized to account for operations and activities that are financed and operated in a manner similar to a private business enterprise, and where the cost of providing goods and services to the general public on a continuing basis is expected to be recovered primarily through user charges,including operating costs and capital improvement costs related to the maintenance of the water and sewer utility systems. These fund the operations of the Water,Wastewater and Utility Divisions in the Department of Public Works. The operating functions of these three divisions are to provide a safe and reliable supply of high quality potable water and to protect public health and the environment by treating sewage to meet stringent environmental standards prior to discharge. Of note, the Utility Division was established in FY15/16 combining existing Water and Wastewater Division Maintenance Workers to specifically address utility system maintenance needs more routinely. Prior to this, utility maintenance projects were addressed by either the Water or Wastewater Division and often required coordination with the other division to ensure adequate manpower. The creation of the Utility Division established a more efficient methodology to handle utility maintenance projects. The expenses for the Utility Division are split between the Water and Wastewater Divisions as follows - approximately 63.7% of operating expenses are paid from the Water Division and the remaining 36.3% are paid from the Wastewater Division. Contractual and Materials and Supplies expenses have been moved back to the Water and Sewer Divisions and it has become increasingly more difficult to track and ensure that the correct division is paying for the correct expenses. Capital expenses are charged to the division that benefits from the maintenance project. In general,water and sewer revenues are derived directly from water and sewer sales,base charges,connection fees,and service penalties and should be sufficient to fund the operating and capital costs for the Water, Wastewater and Utility Divisions. Importantly, water and sewer revenues are driven by consumption and,as such,with a growing awareness of water conservancy (which the City supports) and wetter than average summer months, consumption has been relatively flat over the last three years. Prior to FY15/16, water and sewer rates were adjusted annually based primarily on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Unfortunately, this CPI adjustment did not correlate to the actual cost of operations for McHenry's Water and Wastewater Divisions and did not account 16 for the specific capital infrastructure needs of the municipality. This resulted in a shortfall in water and sewer revenues and an inability to fund water and sewer capital projects of the existing systems. To address this the City commissioned a water and sewer rate study that was completed in FY13/14. The results of this analysis identified the need to adjust water and sewer rates at that time and to annually review and adjust water and sewer rates based on operational costs and implement water and sewer base fees to fund utility system capital improvements. The narrative that follows provides a snapshot of the status of the Water and Sewer Fund and identifies operational and capital expenses. Please reference the attached worksheets titled"Water and Sewer Fund Summary(Fund 510,Department31 Water, Water and Sewer Fund Summary(Fund 510,Department32 Sewer, and Water and Sewer Fund Summary(Fund 510, Department 35 Utility)"for the following discussion. Water and Sewer Fund Revenues. Expenditures and Capital FY2O121 Water Division FY20/21 Water Division operating expenditures are proposed at$2,448,948, an increase of $86,671 from FY19/20. This increase is due primarily to moving the contractual and materials and supplies expenses back to the Water Division instead of funding them through a Utility Division transfer. Budgeted Operating Revenues for FY20/21 include a recommended water rate increase of 8% (3.54 to 3.82 per 1,000 gallons) in order to meet the budgeted operating expenses. Rates will be further addressed after the budget is approved and discussed with Council before they need to be adjusted in August. It is estimated that the existing$2 capital base charge will generate$125,000 in FY20/21 for capital projects. In FY20/21 this amount, along with Water and Sewer Fund Balance,will be used to fund the following water system capital project identified in the Water and Sewer Fund CIP - $300,000 for Well # 8 raw line rehabilitation. Overall rate increases will be discussed on the base rate after the budget is improved as the base fees are not bringing in enough revenue annually to fund large repair/reconstruction projects. FY2O121 Wastewater Division FY20/21 Wastewater Division operating expenditures are projected at $3,376,506, an increase of$94,022 from FY19/20. This increase is due partially to higher Salaries/Benefits and higher Materials and Supplies expenses (as a reminder Sewer related Utility Expenses for Contractual and Material and Supplies have been moved back to the Sewer Fund for easier tracking). Proposed operating revenues for FY20/21 include a recommended sewer rate increase of 4% (4.00 to 4.20 per 1,000 gallons) in order to meet the budgeted operating expenses. Rates will be addressed after the budget is approved and discussed with Council before they need to be adjusted in August. 17 It is estimated that the existing$4 capital base charge will generate$270,000 in FY20/21 for capital projects. This amount, along with existing Water and Sewer Fund Balance, will be used to fund the following sewer system capital projects identified in the Water and Sewer Fund CIP - $100,000 Millstream Lift Station Rehab and $60,000 for Heated Floor in the Step Screen Building. Overall rate increases will be discussed on the base rate after the budget is improved because as stated earlier the capital base fees are not bringing in enough revenue to fund capital projects and the funds available in the Water/Sewer Fund are dwindling. FY20121 Utility Division FY20/21 Utility Division operating expenditures are projected at $1,046,410, a decrease of $92,450 from FY19/20. Contractual Services and Materials and Supplies expenses have been moved back to the Water and Sewer Fund in order to better track these expenses. As identified in the Water and Wastewater discussions above, the Utility Division is funded through transfers from the Water and Wastewater Division revenues. If in one year the transfers from the Water and Wastewater Division exceed expenses within the department, adjustments are made in following fiscal years. This will result in lower operating budgets for the Water and Wastewater Divisions. ANALYSIS - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT/CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PROJECTS: The annual development of the five-year Capital Improvement Plan is an exercise that is undertaken,primarily,to ensure the City Administration and City Council are able to identify the capital improvement and capital equipment needs of the municipality. As noted in the CIP document, the identification of projects or equipment does not mean that they will be funded at any point in the future. In fact, it is not reasonable to believe that a majority of the $24 million in General Fund projects identified in the FY20/21 - FY24/25 Capital Improvement Plan can be completed due to the limited capital improvement and capital equipment funding available. As identified through the February 3, 2020 City Council Meeting, and subsequent discussions, the following capital projects have been identified for implementation and funding through the FY20/21 General Fund budget: Capital Improvements Fund Projects Those projects with asterisks * are funded in whole or in part from non-municipal sources. Public Facilities Public Works Salt Storage Facility- $200,000 Public Safety Police Facility Improvements - $425,000 (Rebudget from FY19/20) Portable Radios - $61,500 18 Information Technology Disaster Recovery Project- $70,000 In-House Camera System upgrade - $60,000 Access Control Replacement/Upgrade - $85,000 Motor Pool Lease/Loan Program Purchase - $350,000 (Finance Expense Line Item) Streets/Sidewalks/Signals Local Street Program - $500,000 Bull Valley Bike Path Extension - $75,000* ($25,000 rebudgeted from FY19/20) Barreville Road Culvert Wingwall Repair- $125,000* ($50,000 rebudgeted from FY19/20) Pavement Maintenance- $70,000 Stormwater/Drainage Oakwood Drive Culvert Rehabilitation Project- $125,000 Total General Fund = $1,486,500 Total Motor Fuel Tax Fund Balance = $500,000 Total Non-Municipal Funding Sources = $160,000 Total Amount Funded = $1,796,500 Additional capital projects are included in the Information Technology Fund, Developer Donations Fund, Tourism Fund, and TIF Fund budgets. Water and Sewer Fund capital improvement and capital equipment projects were included as part of the review of this fund above. FUTURE REVENUE DISCUSSION As the Capital needs of the City continue to grow and it becomes increasingly more difficult to identify revenues to fund these projects, it is important to continue to identify opportunities for reducing costs and/or generating new/expanded revenues. The City Administration is already reviewing operational costs and making efforts to increase the use of technology and contractual services provide services in lieu of adding personnel. Specifically,this is being implemented in the Public Works Department with success to date. However, given the reality that normal operating costs rise on an annual basis and, more importantly,that the City's Capital Improvement Program includes more than $50 million in projects, there is a need to explore revenue options. To that end, the City has a few options for additional revenue sources. These are being identified now in order for Council to begin discussions regarding which, if any, of these revenue sources should be further explored and/or brought before Council for consideration. • Home Rule Sales Tax - In July 2019, the Home Rule Sales Tax Percentage was increased by 0.25% which brings in an additional $1,000,000 annually. The City can raise this percentage an additional 0.25% for a total of 1.0% (the total sales tax in the 19 City limits would be 8.0%). This would generate an estimated additional $1,000,000 annually. The advantages to increasing Home Rule Sales Tax include that funding is generated from residents and non-residents who shop in the community. • Telecommunication Tax- In July 2019,the Telecommunication Tax was also raised by 2% (for a total percentage of 3% in the City limits), which brings in an additional $125,000. The Telecommunication Tax rate can be raised by an additional 3% (for a total of 6% in the City limits) which would generate an approximate $375,000 in additional annual revenues. Most communities in McHenry County already have their Telecommunication Tax at 6%. • Utility Tax on Electricity and Gas-This would be a new revenue option for the City. Many surrounding communities have one or both of these taxes in place already. A similar sized community brings in approximately $1,350,000 in total from both of these taxes. The City Administration is also in the process of evaluating current fines, fees, charges, etc. in the municipal code in an effort to recommend adjustments to these also. Any one of the options above would generate significant revenues to be able to fund the growing list of capital improvement projects. SUMMARY OF NEXT STEPS Due to COVID-19 limitations, the budget review and approval process has been modified in a couple of ways. With the unknowns related to COVID-19 response, the March 30th Special City Council Meeting for the purpose of reviewing the information contained in this document was canceled and the April 6th City Council Meeting will include an opportunity for Council to discuss the proposed budget with the City Administration. Due to Governor Pritzger's Shelter-in-Place Executive Order, this meeting will be held via Zoom video conference. The meeting information will be posted and the public will have access and an opportunity to provide public comment. Subsequent to April 6th, the City Administration will finalize the budget document and the full revised proposed document will be hand delivered to the City Council and posted on the City's website for public review. The April 20th City Council Meeting will include a Public Hearing for the proposed budget and consideration of a Budget Ordinance to adopt the FY20/21 Budget. This meeting may or may not be held via Zoom based upon the shelter-in- place limitations in place at that time. As always, the City Administration is available to answer any questions Council may have regarding and of this information. 20 3/30/2020 mctenry DRAFT FY20/21 Budget Review April 6, 2020 City Council Meeting • • Focus M en- • General Fund Revenues& Expenditures • General Fund Balance • Proposed General Fund Expenditures—Operating Budgets • Recreation Center Budget • Water and Sewer Fund • Capital Improvement/Capital Equipment Projects • Future Revenues Discussion 1 3/30/2020 J"'Y MCa> ' General Fund Revenues & Expenditures Pages 3 - 10 Ceneral Fund-Revenues,Expenditures and Fund Balance Summary zo6zxiz s.dsis]s 1o.sso�a loasasat' z3oL>so ].zddesi >.znel3x L>b3.i13 u».ibs (36ao) ass% Rnpt<y Tawf 512ad11 S.t 3a22a S339B20 S30-1 9i TA12 a.9a5.232 a.%2.359 a,950Ata 4948359 BAOo 0.t6% 9u[i SJnTax 66B48H 5.965.:82 iAi9AT :26i.912 ]bt9203 ],:66Bai >A]9A6] 8g38,1a> BA]L089 191b02 ?A9% IxJ5JB3Tix 198a108 1.l66.98i 1130bo' 1..14-1 198H'i3 2gO.338 2.]Bi90B 'J20.92f 2986908 200000 lo-% Rau lnrnn Tu S:i<>a _]S>.f6t 2,]d0A06 25aa.%1 1 10 2.]1AdS 2.>ilAM 28:SA03 2A1i360 314)16 a.{a% Raa Wpl393mai1Tax ]4613 ]0.909 742, :1522 SA;69 _ 1moo >SA00 65A00 Rate T9lamvuwnuoau Tix 16Sa29 1O.9ab t{L>% 1a3.l12 1293'8 l�J.»9 2BSAO 2a8.14. 280000 (moo) Rill Tbt L721 »f 1662 ... tB3 1.000 "a ..o o4o% 10urcad:lYaiw:nt 65350 WA1{ bfA6] 563BB {9Ai2 a6.192 49D0 11692 i0000 (moo) .",n% Nd3e Lamm .23>B 211A2] Ti 2.lOB i31.K0 622b91 60>.06a 560. 620A6/ 600A00 aH000 9Ao% Randnsi iwt 215366 -22 3r{.11a SS 1.101 Sit>15 !{301. Mo. 9i moo 3a0A00 28000 5A0% Lavnws vd PawP )I>332 i2].]06 411.9K 411A9] 368219 ia0.S]S 230A00 2]5A9B 2l B000 8000 S29% Ann and F9rfiassnl {0A160 3Bb.932 1-1 11-1 36N 31 l{92d2 )i2A00 953.301 42.. 94000 2dA0% darRa fv Sinuai L-o. 1.t]fL01 i4-if 1168A2i Lia�i82 l.1CA^t .2]OAB] 1322A13 L'3Nt9 (it5>BJ .2At•.! t4wburs9wnt 632910 STA56 :52.9R 1321231 _327L11 2.338AT0 2-e 108-42 225W'3 2o9Bil 10.2319 l0pPBx lnmai 2199 2338 131iS00A0 {Sbii 80A10 i6SA29 L'OAO 138A82 1a0900 2..;1 Si.19% Wna99na 112 -2 i2LS0 ..2:9 41" t0A00 -o (1H000) IooA }Y[eaBaneul 2116f] 24SL» W 2i2 a30,>2> 253.525 llb.1]2 aH=O 2>IAai I-o (209200) 4-1% TOrALR6VPNYE 14))).166 A.30S9K 20,66lbU 2L91- -14a56 23A9 AS0 24,04oAD 2lA3,)s5 2169877B 698361 2B6% Wn0mJ 128- .2.3.7 1lBISAaS la.'82-1 Ida505a{ 1]L11J 66 16A822]i ♦31 9 2.8a% C9n-9 l<S>g9i 1.dK:i1 1.9_U 1A26D80 21>OAb3 SdAfif93 2A29.LS9 uo%w1 1�S63B9 22.829 1244% SupPb� B3_39 7B>.23a ]ea.i63 Bd1A[{ BlLAi5 BilABS et05l9 9L4^_20 32L125 49)% a _ KA06 361 1 .5d% 4piW Duda)' 11U62 1�21i 330.9K :10401 SS N32 1.O60b11 11-]S 0i210 1.30loo (el>,1]6) haul n 23911t0 2.t14.109 L2d0A% 63'0586 38>Il. ..... 60 14'0.f89 l<'OAt! 1b5N]• l4BBb ldd% --on- Saisw2 a.tu.zs! 2o,r>B 24,xbAf6 -ss 83 23so- 24- 2330)w03 24»H 899,665 3az% Td2ALOPOlATNOfYPC1D[TIMAf 1>,LOQtt0 i),N),TM 18){9A)1 19,K)AN 2219"S1 2;45LN2 2ZC- 2;1941>3 2433 a- 123"m 550% 1592313 L{9S733 2>0,9A (3.05.068) (3-) (1-" (4-M) 1.07d392 (7M510) Lf9`JiS 3AK.]33 M0.9]! (3D35AetJ (3682]) (ll.»O) (aei,206) lA]6A52 (>aa510) 885151E 0.350JW 'o- z> ).303.R0 ]3Kl63 ]15{.9f3 8.180.10> t209A<t 11 I'55 lass W�i:nO+M.120 dayi S»7A98 S22i.320 8])- 7303.'t0 ]4$044]x >Ai03S) tAa6A63 t S%3 H2t)B42 Mnfnld fa hPu1 2LSdd]] )>]A.ltt L6f6=L) (tEA9{) (,.Am) (1265AK) 29L>02 (69218]J 2 3/30/2020 GeneralI Revenues' I Estimated McF leer ColumnI • • 5 of • Based on 10 months of"actuals" and projected through the remainder of the fiscal year. Receipt varies by source. • Total revenues estimated at $323,328 (1.3%) HIGHER than budgeted and $893,405 (3.8%) HIGHER than FY18/19 Actual Revenues. • Property Tax, Sales Taxes, and State Income Tax total $18,682,987 (76.6%) of estimated General Fund Revenues. • Property Tax is estimated $8,555 HIGHER than budget; State Sales Tax $158,680 HIGHER; Local Sales Tax $34,015 HIGHER than budget; and State Income Tax $153,559 HIGHER-Net of$354,809 HIGHER than budget. • Of remaining 23.4% of FY19/20 Estimated, the most significant variance from the FY19/20 Budgeted amount is related to Video Gaming Revenues, estimated at $60,064(10.6%) HIGHER than budgeted. - General Fund Revenues Proposed • Proposed at$638,351(2.86%) HIGHER than FY19/20 Budgeted. • Most significant increases include $191,622 (2.49%) in State Sales Tax receipts; $200,000 (10.14%) in Local Sales Tax receipts; $114,716 (4.44%) in State Income Tax receipts; $40,000 (9.30%) in Video Gaming receipts; and $94,000 in Fines and Forfeitures. • Property Tax, Sales Taxes, and State Income Tax total $18,842,516 (76.3%) of Proposed General Fund Revenues. QUESTIONS REGARDING FY19/20 ANTICIPATED OR FY20/21 PROPOSED REVENUES? 3 3/30/2020 GeneralI Expenditures FY19120 Estimated M� enr Column • • I 9 of • • General Fund Expenditures - all Personnel, Contractual, Supplies, Internal Fund Transfers and Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment costs related to the functions of the City—except Water,Sewer, Utility and Recreation Center. • Total FY19/20 Expenditures estimated at $725,885 (3.2%) LOWER than FY19/20 Budget. — Reduced Personnel costs of$737,092(4.2%)resulting from decreased insurance costs as well as positions added in FY19/20 filled mid-year or not at all. — Contractual costs are estimated at$16,057(0.8%)less than the original budget. — Supply costs are estimated at$37,444(4.4%)more than budget. This is largely due to higher costs in the Parks and Streets Division purchases. — Other estimated expenditures are estimated at$10,180less than the original budget. — Capital Outlay expenditures are$510,345 less than the original budget,but project expenses are rebudgeted for FY20/21 for incomplete projects. GeneralFundExpenditures Proposed(M-1 FY20121 McHenr Column • and • 9 of • • Note that Column 0 includes $1,305,400 in Capital Outlay for projects. For the following discussion this amount is removed. The proposed operating expenditures are found in Column 0, Row 37-$24,137,888. Proposed expenditures are $1,216,830 (5.5%) HIGHER than FY19/20 Budgeted expenditures. — Personnel costs are proposed at $476,493 (2.84%) HIGHER in FY20/21 than budgeted in FY19/20. Personnel costs include salaries, overtime, health/dental/life/vision insurance, FICA, IMRF retirement,and uniforms. — Contractual costs are anticipated to increase by$232,829(12.04%)from the amount budgeted in FY19/20 due to contracted snow removal,street sweeping,and mowing as well as increased repair and maintenance for aging vehicles and required police training. — Supplies expenditures are proposed to be increased by$121,125(14.99%)primarily due to contracted tree trimming. — Other expenditures are anticipated to increase by$351,500(49.56%)due to the anticipation of a loan or lease payment for the purchase of vehicles. 4 3/30/2020 General • Expenditures FY19120 Proposed QUESTIONS REGARDING FY19/20 ESTIMATED OR FY20/21 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES? Mc ' General Fund Balance Pages 10 - 12 5 3/30/2020 General Fund-Revenues,Expenditures and Fund Balance Summary >.062162 e.b54.5)5 IO.ISO.3M 14 M3 d r J301.790 7.264,953 )163,31]' 1163311 8.]I9.665 OA40) 445% Pnyxxry T4vs 5324b1{ 1-114211 511182E 4101A1] 4.94>AII 4.945111 4.f41151 4.950.914 4.954a59 B.000 016% $lal<SWxTrs 6AMB64 6 S5 >A39.017 7361.972 1AS9.2A3 ).)65544 7A".K7 BA34147 eD l,A 191.62Z 2-% latl SJa Tu L w30e 3.%5%) 1.93050J 1.%SA04 I.9e6.1J9 2.00131e 21e4908 2X20.923 29849% 200,00E 1014% Stvr 1-Tu 2377574 2.71956b 2>d0B06 25K.%) 2AUA60 ;)12.K5 2111.4K SA)1A03 2A143 0 114116 4A4% St44 a Pl .t T. 145. )0.909 14.2>I 77422 59169 6526E 6500E Is- 65.00E OAD% Stitt T.4-.0-,Tal 163A24 113.%5 143.7M 143512 129.378 113.%3 28500E 244744 280.00E (SA00) .32m PvO Trbx 1.724 %S IA52 886 881 1.00E 930 IA00 ODO% lntenra6lYaieAn3 65.15E 64B11 56388 49B72 KA92 49A00 4a 2 40A00 0.m) •1731% t5dw fumin8 12;178 21132) 7]2.1% 4$1."0 521AII 609A64 560.00E WA" 600.00E 40.00E 930% Ftanxb�9e fen 29516E 5%122 524,114 351301 344.775 345DU 32400E 34500E 340.00E 20,M 5D0% I2nn�rx and P«mllx al)3)2 l33)06 12J.998 41."1 368.219 440575 210.00E 275395 138A00 8,00E 223% >Lvx4M PM4nvrez 409.>60 181.932 -AU -All 164411 349162 31200E 351.181 426A00 %m ISS^ C6arpafaSrxaYrx 1,163106 4317A0] L251.119 LI.M 1.1423e2 I.3eIA)5 W.%1 1.312A91 1135.489 (34.514) M% Wimbuwmxnt 512110 SS1A55 752.9e) 1327231 L12751L 41.- 2D45962 2A84.742 2115.173 209.e11 1011% In�rref lnnmr 2.Iw 2118 I3S 45543 e0A10 MAN 120.00E 154482 140.00E 20.00E 5214% 0.nrdms 1>.l)2 22A Z 1350E 1235E 11219 4AS0 tom2. (10.000) .10W% M]crWnru�. 141bs) 265599 64.tt2 ♦SV21 2s1.325 313172 444200 M... 23s000 p".200) i8651% T•LAL 161'ENIE 11.J1],155 103041.E 2DA59•N5 21,114%7 2;514,136 i14%35e 24D60ATI 24361,)SS 24A9e.JTe 638.351 2B6% P.-A 12A24464 13123.387 -I.%S 14.)BZA3S 16ASO.SN tdb>t.%1 17b19.366 16A62271 18095m5 476.493 2e4% C9nlr4nual IA53A86 Ib96261 1.910A55 1.926D80 2.170.853 2.1K593 292MS 2A07.501 2154187 232629 1244% SP90rs IIZ.II9 >89214 1613N 161A54 9%.035 861D]] e41.095 8805w 96422E 121.125 14.99% ml. 3{S.4ll KIDt1 4%698 60329, )865J0 >%B% 814K0 8%.210 1.165.95E 35I500 4956% Gp�nl putMT t)).KZ Trm ern 361>I i301 65213006508fi1 A11911A439 069 162i5SB)95 1.121210 1305A 313 .21 I396180 35359 1260%56 1 1954 20 1603B Ib551 2 483 1B6% TOTAL EIYFADRUN3S 1&181A4Z 19ML253 203TeA64 24.95L055 2;551.283 23303.3N 34543A33 3]10T,10] n."..7M 899.655 3A2% TOTALOPLeATINOL3PF4MTORiS 17.100A% 1TA47,>54 14749A71 19.%7AS4 22.195A51 22.45L642 21,921A58 32,195.IJ5 241 TAee 12I6A30 5503E ■- L192313 1.w5>]] >A0,9» (3.p35,%ej (3-7) (11-) (K),I%) 1AJ43A (Tw.s10) 1592315 1.495133 280.9)9 (3.035D6e) (36B27) (I1.9%J (482.2%) 1A16352 1744510) eA54.5TS 10.3S430e t0.w13e] 7303.1e0 1166.951 1154.%1 4"e4 93I9.665 7,595.155 IAa VnBfeinr0 ll0dm $99),e95 62I3-120 411-24 7.303180 7350.K)r 7b 353 8D45%1 BA45.963 8287342 A+a15ne6 fa G➢WI 2A56A)) 3,926.%8 5A56163 (8;4%) (3Tiim (1265,D56) N3.703 (69;157) General Fund A� Balance I Budgeted Z_,Hejry Column . • • of • • FY19/20 Budgeted beginning= $7,263,313 (Row 6) • FY19/20 Budgeted ending = $6,780,107 (Row 43) - reflects Budgeted Operating Reserve of 29.6%, or just over 3 months of operating expenses • Required 120 day Fund Balance per policy is $8,045,963 (Row 44). 6 3/30/2020 General • Balance FY19120 Estimated M Column • • • 12 of • • FY19/20 Budgeted beginning= $7,263,313 (Row 6) • FY19/20 Estimated ending= $8,339,665 (Row 43) • FY19/20 Estimated ending $1,076,352 HIGHER than FY19/20 Budget due to higher than budgeted revenues of $323,328 and lower than budgeted expenditures of$1,236,230 • Results in being able to begin FY20/21 with General Fund Balance of$8,339,665 (Column O, Row 6) General • Balance icenrProposed ColumnI • • • 12 of • • FY20/21 Proposed Budget beginning= $8,339,665 (Row 6) • FY20/21 Proposed Budget ending= $7,595,155(Row 43) • With additional revenues and carryovers for rebudgeted items from FY19/20, the FY20/21 Budget would require $744,510 from the General Fund Balance to fund proposed capital projects(Row 39) • The proposed ending Fund Balance of $7,595,155 represents a Budget Operating Reserve of 31.5%, or just over 3 months of operating expenses. QUESTIONS REGARDING FY19/20 ESTIMATED OR FY20/21 PROPOSED GENERAL FUND BALANCE? 7 3/30/2020 MMenr General Fund Operating Departments Pages 12 - 15 General • Operating il Departments • GF Operating Departments include all personnel, contractual, supplies and other operating expenses except for those of the Recreation Center, Water Division, Sewer Division, Utility Division, Information Technology. • Directors develop annual budget requests based on previous actuals, YTD actuals, anticipated expenditures through end of year, estimated expenses for upcoming budget year. • City Administrator, Finance Director and respective Department Directors, Superintendents, Managers review requests and make adjustments. 8 3/30/2020 General Administration-Fund Summary(Fund 100,Department 01) 4010 Sals , 566AS1 549.Got) 309.619 281.967 291710 300.641 M674 662% 4050 O<•era me 2.783 4,248 2,900 LOGO - LOGO 00o% 4110 $alafes-5easoml 1 n -e MON/0: 42M BoadmdCOmmn,slon Eye 7.164 8.636 ILL 16.000 9,453 MOOG - a00% 431D INaith In-once %.560 88A31 58.3M 59.869 59.880 62.716 2847 4769e 43M D,.A In-ce 3.445 2.887 1.363 1,382 1.773 L887 505 36S4% 4330 life In— 427 431 245 214 212 214 - O.OD% 4340 V,sionlnsuiana 2r7 207 115 122 lie lie (4) -&28% 4410 MC Medfean 3%765 38.885 2D.78B 20.311 19M 21.726 1.415 697% 44M MRFRencement 73.683 67.402 34.360 31.126 29.618 37,102 5.976 19.20% 45tO Undmin Allowance 204 450 2s0 Ss0 - a00% TOTAL SALARIES/BENEFITS 794,939 760.127 439.358 4LZA41 41L911 44LB54 2%413 7,13% 5110 CeK­ual 125.068 142.124 129.141 Maw 1OZ187 80.000 20.000 3A33% 52" CoMOM,LeW3 Fees(All Depetments) 296.980 283.524 304.256 225.000 2S%400 250.o00 35000 11,11% 5310 Tostw dme 952 L080 31610 LOGO 2.980 Icon LOGO 200,00% $320 Telephone 16.709 8.650 (4l - -r 8DN/o! 5330 Pelnhnllsnd PubllsMme 3.275 6.7% 7.5M 4.000 8.218 6000 2,001 500D% 5370 Rep6n•and Maintenance 180 - 154 500 937 500 - QM% .10 Dues 18.227 19.586 22.614 17.500 19.944 20,000 L500 1429% 5420 Turd Expense 4.432 4.538 1.655 4.000 l,94.1 4000 - 0,00% 5430 Tssudna 8.453 1.304 - 3.000 2,478 3.000 - O.00% S450 Publi-o= 7B1 531 267 Son 220 500 - am% 5310 UhliOes 1.045 3079 1.610 I250 590 1250 - p00% TOTAL CQNTRACTUAL SERVICES 4. 04 4..1. 470.BB6 4M.M 4p0898 368250 SL500 1626% 6110 Maadd4Aw Supplies 55,531 86798 74,544 90.000 32.148 30000 0.00% 6230 Office`nPPb, 500 6.2u 3,053 4.5. 2.261 3.500 (LOGO) -2222% 625o 0as911--dGU 81 - - - .13W/01 62M Semen EgWpanent I03 - e10rv/a. S TOTAL PLIES 56134 93.080 77.678 3i.500 34.410 33.50o (L000) -290% 6940 Admildstradv4 Expanse 12.153 12.719 13.480 8.500 6,050 8,500 - Q00% 9920 P111chase of Services-Risk Management 52,732 48,302 48.302 48,302 48,302 48.302 - Q00% 9922 N-h-of Services•Im(onnsIOn Tech 33,263 34.614 30,275 3LS34 31,834 44558 IZ724 39.97% TOTALOTHER 98,148 95,635 92,057 8Q636 86,186 101,360 12.724 14.36% 8100 Land 170,663 r kDN/O! 8200 Buildings 15.936 66,288 - 44Q000 30,630 625,000 185.000 42.05% 8300 Equipment 276,500 276,500 r ®DN/0! 8600 Streets 726,746 13Z000 657,154 395.000 263,000 199.24-4 8700 Funut- - 2,165 I kofv/0! 8900 Public Improvements 53.326 936000 320 273 (9.000) -lOQOac TOTAL CAPrrAL OUTLAY 15,986 236.951 780.072 1,508 ,222000 1.010 1296.500 (211,500) •14.03% TOTALUNERALOPERATING >e•a , 9 3/30/2020 Elected Officials-Fund Summary(Fund 100,Department 02) 4010 Sala lea 400 QDN/0! 4210 Saline-Elected Offi[ia19 53.000 51.425 45,900 46,700 53.150 53.300 6,600 14.13% 4310 Health btswance - •DN/0! 4320 D-tal btslaance RDN/O! 4330 Life 6tsuann 3 #DN/O! 4340 Vi>ionbuwance r NDN/0I 4430 FICA Mediate 3.904 3.965 3.512 3.573 4,050 4,077 504 lill% 4420 IMRF Retirement -r BDNJ07 TOTAL SALARIB/BENEFlTS SU07 55.790 49.412 54273 57,200 37377 7.104 1113% 5310 Postage and Mere[ 2.955 11.934 2.349 5500 2,500 5.500 0.00% 5320 Telepbw, 1,234 1.372 - - - - - BDIV/01 5330 Printing and Pubti[Wng 10.064 933 4.056 8000 200 &000 - 0.00% 5410 Duel 1.390 611 325 LWO 537 1.100 0.00% 5420 Travel Eq— 206 90 - 250 - 250 MOM 5430 Tndnlog 520 - 1500 1.700 L500 - 0.00% 5450 PubllaEow Soo 500 - 0.00% TOTAL CONTRACIUALSERWM 16269 14.940 6.730 14850 4.937 164350 0.00% 6210 Of6[T Supplies - 309 87 200 - 200 6910 Employee Rern04 - ADN/0! TOTAL SUPPLIB - 309 87 200 - 200 - 0.00% 6940 Adutini3traive E9pen9e 20.461 22.066 20.119 20,000 19.670 20.000 - 0.00% 9922 PurTbase.f S.Ineeo-Ivbrmatiov Tech 5.843 6.313 6.506 4777 6.777 SA49 2.072 30.57% TOTALOTHER 26.304 28.379 26.625 24777 26A47 28,849 2.072 7.74e/e 9,75% COnnnunity Development-Fund Sttmmary(Fund 100,Department 03) ..to SgaA« i1As14 496,i22 42Q,2s1 94%S20 447.0i3 143.tl1 14.291 44Q% 4w0 stl4n«Aart rime 11.s12 15.Q11 (67) awo o..,em• - 173 wnrv7o! 4330 Me..h»tcagc 108650 1O4A09 9i.993 118327 l0>,fOi 123.76a 8,937- 7.22M 4320 Dcnol lncur4gc 4.3" a.23> 9._ a291 4.096 4,746 515 12,1>9S 4350 LM•lnaurag9 2T_ 292 266 308 216 303 - 0.00% 4340 Vide.inclaagc 3l3 iSJ 292 .2 365 411 23 8SS% 4a10 FlG McOieaq 35.696 9>d69 91.]09 9A7i3 31.590 ♦1.602 1,859 a68% 4120 IMRPRengmcn[ i3.i45 f3.f7Q 49.i06 $>.l4> 49.350 isAQ9 L-1 17.ON5 a 510 -.a-A119wae• 20p 7a0 T0TALSALARIEQ/R MMTS 69>.130 728QQ4 608.541 738899 669344 >.3,600 44,767 606% 110 Contr«nW 21.709 !b.>]3 l0.1i6 S2>00 48A65 22.200 (10.500) 5320 QVY6mi Maantwavef - 49i 40.000 1i.103 L0.000 10,0V0 2800% S310 PecaRc anti Mcve Lt93 1.216 LQ40 zwo 44S 3,000 _ 53. TJUnb9 n• 2,985 4.1 fi 1 - - - NDrv/O! 5330 PHnOnR and PnbifaMna lw $39 700 180 1,000 300 4286% 3370 Rc ran6M,aO .[c e79 1.287 2.573 zwo 1.930 2.000 Silo Ou•a 429 149 695 1. 0 500 1A00 40 J0.00K S420 Terv11 Capcq• NON/01 S430 Trxnini 1.Q59 9.762 1.512 3.000 540 5.000 0.00K Ea50 Publ,eadeq _ 127 4.500 900.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL LERVIC6 91.400 S3,791 17.147 Q1.900 67.1" 96.600 4.700 874% 6110 Xuf[Wa and Suiell« 4262 1.112 27.000 1—. 30.000 3.000 1111% 6510 0f6ec 5npTitu _.33S 2.403 1.389 2500 226 2.S00 - 0.00l5 62S0 Gu91fn•anO 011 2.444 2.955 4.133 8wo 6.0±0 5.000 6Z70 Smell E9utDm4w[ 2" to 109 8 11. 1040% TTAP7 12.16 05 7,582 3850 4 4.000 1L27N 7110 Captol L•ucPnglpaiPym•ne 667 NDN/O! 9920 Pu=.15crvl[n-RiskMma4cmm[ 25.316 23.E40 ±3.Si0 2 .., 29 40' 23.540 9922 Puxluac of SeVt[«-!Motmanaw T• 45.>a4 41 966 303 9 1412Q 9a71% TOTAL OTNBR 71.52> 7±.506 63.Qb9 6aQ21 63,821 79.149 ] 329 2210% >.a6x 10 3/30/2020 Finance-Fund Summary(Fund 100,Department 04) Description Act-] Actual Actual Budget Estimated Pcp-d (5) 4010 Salaries 229.686 256.551 310.772 332.191 344.000 330.823 (1.3681 -141% 4030 Mail.-Part Time 40.804 31.159 (671 - - - r #DN/O! 4050 Overtime - -r #DN/O! 4310 Health Insurance 62,779 71.592 66.149 65.866 57.099 54,403 (11,463) -17.40% 4320 Dental Insurance 2.375 2.319 2.344 Z436 2.374 2.340 (96) -3.94% 4330 Life Ins-. 184 199 205 205 208 205 - U.00% 4340 Vision insurance 157 242 274 272 290 293 21 7.72% 4410 FICA Medicare 191315 20.536 22.119 2S413 24.965 25.308 (105) 4141% 4420 I1,111FRedrement 35.237 35.683 35,697 36S41 35,501 40,691 4150 1L36% 4510 Uniform Allmmce -r #DN/0! TOTAL SALARIES/BENEFITS 39QS37 418,281 437.493 462924 464,437 454,063 (8.861) -L91% 5110 Contrarma 13,370 14.246 9.824 aS00 15.432 10.000 1.500 17.65% 5310 Postage and Meter 26.787 26.834 33.035 22200 20,520 22200 Q00% 5320 Telephone 628 1.667 - - - - -r #DN/01 5330 Riming and Publishing 26.939 15.540 7.813 4.000 5.647 4,000 - Q00% 5410 Dues 750 525 525 525 525 525 Q00°b 5420 T-ol Bperse _ _ r #DN/O! 5430 Training - - - Soo - 500 U.00sb 5450 Publicadorn -e #DN/0! TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 68,474 58,812 51.297 35.725 42,124 37.225 1.500 IL203'c 6110 Materials and Supplies 291 258 481 - 34 - -e #DN/O! 6210 Office Supplies 5,765 2,017 4,108 6.000 2,084 4.500 (1500) -25.00% 6250 Gasdlneand00 6270 Small Equipment - - #DN/ - - #DNJO! ! TOTALSUPPLIES 6.056 2.275 4.589 6000 2.118 4500 (1.500) -25,00% 6940 Administrative Expense _ _ _ -r #DNJO! 6945 Development Expense 546,524 721,519 726,321 755.000 747,500 755,000 0.00% 6961 Miscellaneous Expense _ - #DN/O! 7610 Loan Payment _ _ - 350,000 350,000 r #DNJO! 9904 Transfer to Debt Service 726.318 735361 739.993 379,804 379,804 184642 (197,162) -51.91% 9907 Transferor SSA - r #DN/O! 9909 Transferor MFT _ _ #DR'/O! 9942 Transfer or Capital hnpmvement Fund 4.795.570 - - - - - -e 4DR'/0! 9944 Transfer to Band Fund 15,000 12.000 12,000 12,ODO 12,000 12,000 - 0.00% 9945 Transfer m Ovil Defeme Fund 8,000 U00 8,000 6.000 6,000 6,000 0.00% 9946 Transferor Capital Equipment Fund ' 9920 Purchase oPSersim-Risk Management 17,178 16,226 16,226 16,226 16,226 16,226 - 0.00% 9922 Purchase ofSersice-IT 63,655 64,763 66.889 69,361 69.361 98,758 29,397 4238% TOTAL OTHER 6,172,245 1,557,869 1.571,429 1,238,391 1,230,891 1,420,626 182,235 14.72% TOTAL 9.95% 11 3/30/2020 Human Resources•Fund Summary(Fund 100,Department 05) 4010 Salaries 97,264 149.590 140,679 162,771 13.181 8.81% 4310 Health insurance &866 28.423 13,857 18,350 (10,073) .35.44% 4320 Dental hssunna 398 1.091 707 906 (185) -16.96% 4330 Life Insurance 34 82 64 82 - O00% 4340 Vlzlon In- 67 140 131 I50 10 7.14% 4410 FICA Medi care 7.295 11.444 10,538 12.452 1.008 8.81% 4420 R•IRF Retirement 1L396 16.455 14,518 20.021 3,566 21,67% TOTAL SALARIES/BENEFITS - - 125.110 207,225 180.574 214.732 7,507 3.62% 5110 Contractual 23.092 38.125 24.374 25.250 (12.87S) -33.77% 5410 Dues - - - 1.250 1.250 a #DIV/0! 5420 Ttavel Ecpeose - - ?.Soo 2.500 a #DIV/0! 5430 Training - 4.500 549 7.000 21500 55.56% 5450 Publications -e #DIV/O! TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES _ 23.092 42.625 24.923 36.000 (6.625) -1554% 6110 Materials and Supplies #DIV/0! 6210 Office Supplies - zso zsD� #Dlvp! TOTALSUPPLIES - - _ 250 250 a #DIV/0! 6940 Administrative EVewe #DIV/0! 9922 Pu hase 9fServices-Infonnaion Tech &237 8.SB1 B.S81 11.192 2.611 30.43% TOTAL OTHER - - &237 8.581 8.581 11.192 2.611 30,43% TOTAL4 3.45% Ecottomic Development-Fund Summary(Fund 100,Department 06) 4010 Salaries 213,116 168.103 172.022 176652 8.549 5.09% 4310 Health lnssuance 48,960 36,457 30.654 36053 (404) -1.11% 4320 Dental lnsurs- 1.911 1,482 1.527 L573 91 6.14% 4330 U&lmura,ce 101 82 84 82 - 0.00% 4340 Visa-lnsunvre 170 132 132 141 9 6.82% 4410 FICA Median 15,071 12.859 12,221 I3513 654 5.09% 4420 IMRF Redremeat 24.455 18.491 18.684 21,728 3,237 17.51% TOTAL SALARIES/BENEF1TS - - 303.684 237.606 235.324 249,742 12,136 5,11% 5110 Contractual 21.215 25.000 1.592 20.000 (5.000) -31.25% 5310 Posdge&Meter 76 350 - 200 (150) -21,43% 5330 Printing and Publi,hi g 11066 1.500 401 1.000 (500) -25.00% $410 Dues 2,426 31000 1,185 3000 - 0.00% 5420 Trarel Egwvse 1.661 2.500 3,878 &500 1.000 40.00% 5430 Training 3,994 31000 2.822 3000 0.00% 5450 Publlotions -r #DIV/0! TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES _ - 30,438 35.350 9.879 3070D (4,650) -17.10% 6110 Msterias and Supplies 24 150 - 1D0 (50) -16.67% 6210 Offl-SuppBm 253 400 161 200 (200) -28.57% TOTAL SUPPLIES - 277 550 300 (250) -5.00% 9920 PurchaseofS,Mce,-Fisk M-gement _ - - - - #DIV/0! 9922 Purchase ofSeMc.-Uformation Tech 13.482 14,549 14.548 19.000 4.452 33.02% TOTALOTHER - 13.482 14,548 14.548 19.000 4,452 33.02% 3,47% 12 3/30/2020 Police Department-Fund Summary(Fund 100,Department 22) 4010 Srlades(Includes 40301n FY17/18) 356353 322,428 347,849 340.564 364966 356.968 16,404 4.82'I 4020 Svorn SAM. 4.318.074 4,417.961 4,574,901 4,056,374 4,695497 4,965.469 3091095 2.2YYa 4030 Van.-Part Time - - 125 19,800 - 43.704 23,904 120.73% 4050 0-111e 2305 2.461 985 5.000 L790 5,000 - 0.00% 4055 Swoon Overtime 241.823 231,515 294,62E 244.500 333.300 244,5W - 0.00% 4080 Career Wdder 15,230 7.622 26,250 15.000 1%679 21.000 6WO 40.0U96 4310 ilealth insurance 992,132 1.024588 934.120 L064.643 845353 1.050,548 (14.095) -132% 4320 D-MI Insurance 36.564 37,025 36403 41.222 39.541 42.906 LS04 3.84% 4330 Life Into- 2.089 2,078 2127 2,245 L910 2,245 - 0.00% 4340 Vinton Insurance 1.920 2.053 2,266 3344 2920 3.391 47 1.41% 4410 FICA Medicare 362A41 361.913 382,783 419315 40!W6 431203 1L888 2.84% 4420 IMRF Retiranau 46,504 40,376 38607 38.577 35874 45,183 6,606 17.12% 4430 Contrihution-Pat-tension 1,521.914 1,868.798 2.017,300 2082.421 2.077.704 2,231.742 149,321 7.17% 4510 Unifumi Allowance 25310 21622 2116ai 3I000 27977 3340D 2400 7.74% TOTAL SALARIIS/BENEFITS 7,922,867 8,340.440 8,686,966 9,164.005 8.11SQ145 9.477,159 313.154 3,42% 5110 Gonvwwal 85,676 96.657 107,530 94.310 95428 96,050 Z540 2.69% 5310 Psuip-d Mae, 2,817 3.629 2389 3,000 2.479 2,500 (500) •16.67% 5320 Telephone 55,687 65.836 28103 30,000 29.436 30,000 - 0.00% 5370 Repai r and Maintenance 49,927 58,SS4 49.223 60,500 45649 S6.500 (4,000) b.61% 5410 Wes 2320 930 1,825 2.100 L825 2,I00 - 0.00% 5420 Traoel Bpense IS277 12.%0 17.345 24.800 12009 26.500 vaii 6.85% 5430 Trantng 34.038 26.231 22189 3P395 30893 54,030 21.635 66.78% 5440 Tuition Reimbursanents 11.708 8.309 - 9.000 5094 9,001) 0.00% 5450 Publiwuons 256 463 166 800 175 (625) -78.13% 5510 Utilities - -e NDIV/0! TOTAL CONTRAL'I'INL SERVICES 257.706 273568 228,770 256,905 22ZS13 277,655 24750 8.08% 6110 Malvdals and Supplies 29,648 19,709 17,868 23,900 31,019 23.500 (400) •1.67% 6210 Office Supplies 17,541 16.133 15,739 17,900 19367 MOO INO 10.06% 625D Cesolineand Oil 83,948 89.778 98,518 3001000 98.812 110000 10,000 10.00% 6270 9nall Equipment 14,071 9.780 4,563 61850 2,717 29.650 22 O 337-85% 6310 K-9 Unit 4,369 5386 4,481 5,3DO 4.500 5400 100 L89% 6340 Forfeit-Expems. MDIV/a TOTALSOPPues 149,577 140,786 14L169 153,950 156.415 188250 34300 22.28% 9920 Purchase of Servica-Risk Management 234.349 229,083 229.083 229.083 229,083 229,083 - 0.00% 9922 Furth-of Servic-o-Information Tech 162,405 244.816 288.107 292.861 292.861 395428 102567 35.02% TOTALOTNER 3%,754 473AM 517.190 52L944 521.944 624,511 102567 19.65% 8300 Capital•Equipment 119,930 70,162 211,045 34575 22,008 0,900 (25,675) .74.26% $400 Capital-Vehicles 31,310 13500 - f1DIV/O! TOTAL CAPITALOVFIAY 151,200 83,662 2111M 34,M 2ZO08 R900 (25,675) •74.26% TOTAL 4.39% 13 3/30/2020 Dispatch Center-Fund Summary(Fund 100,Department 23) 4010 SM- 787.110 1.347.367 L387.021 1.551.491 1.529.344 1.618.903 67.411 t34% 4030 Sa1adet-Part Time 10.728 37,244 31793 30.000 33.287 30.000 - 0.00% 4050 Overtime 43.133 139.402 120.5.6 110.000 136.753 115.000 5,000 4.55% 4310 Health Nsiaar:e 21t437 375.066 326.942 336218 28i,552 33o,301 (55,917) -1i48% 4320 D<nnl bu:uronce 7.706 12.92S 12.965 15.014 13.615 14,293 (7211 -t80% 4330 We bauiance 446 817 840 930 920 953 23 247% 4340 Vison I-we 463 841 943 L047 11163 1.242 195 1a 62% 4410 FICA Medicare 61.559 110,941 111.620 129.399 127.675 134.939 5,540 t28% 4420 IMRF Reb rtmenc 108.904 184.203 174,596 191,072 174.611 213.270 22.198 11.62% 4510 Ublfomi All-mce 2.142 7.103 C-7 M.. 5076 9850 1.050 11.93% TOTAL SALARIES/BENEFITS 1.247.028 2.213.909 2174.283 2.423,972 2.306,916 2.468.751 - ,779 LOS% $110 Convxtual 35,481 173,463 100.302 10.620 11.850 10.900 280 264%. 1310 PosbRe and Mehr - 16 4 50 - 50 0.00% 5320 Telephone 1,317 10,234 - - - - - ADW/0! 5420 T-1 ENp<me 15 3.370 933 6250 854 5.8s0 600 11.43% 5430 Tmmmg 1.043 5.857 9.121 13S40 6,590 13.490 150 L12% 5430 T10hon Relmlw -t, - 583 - A500 - 2.500 (1.000) -28.57% SSIO UnI.. - - - wo Soo - 0.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 37.856 113.523 110,360 33260 19.294 31290 30 Dow. 6110 Mate Uand Suppnet 7.512 6.129 3.419 1S95 4,953 5.620 25 0.45% 6210 Office Suppl- 1.226 Bel 331 L700 5o 1.000 (700) -41,IWA 6270 Small Equipment 2.974 1.509 - ADN/0! TOTALSUPPLIM 11,712 8.579 3410 7.295 5.003 6.620 (675) -9.25% 9920 Puirhaseof Service-Ruk Managemem 40.532 51.132 51.132 5LI31 51,132 51,132 - a0Vh 9922 Purchase of S-,-a 94.245 27,491 32.-9 36728 36,728 37461 734 20o% TOTALOTHER 134,777 70.623 83.623 87.860 87A60 88.S94 734 084% Public Wo rks Administration-Fund Sunlntary(Fund 100,Department 30) 4010 SO- 357,230 21,821 298.059 290203 282.473 293.361 3.158 109% 40. 0--.1 4110 Salaries-PT Seasoiu1 - 4.125 - 6.696 - - ADW/O! 4310 Healthlnsumm 78.795 &.163 56.269 50.889 24,637 23,930 (26,959) -5298% 4320 De-1 lnsmance 2,656 2.066 L863 1.910 1,177 1.120 (790) -4L36% 43W 4felrcuiaare ISE 199 169 123 148 123 - 0.00% 4340 Vision ltisunnce 152 138 132 199 114 65 (134) -67.34% 4430 flG Medicare 26.462 20.S44 22.236 21.201 21.640 22.442 241 Log% 4420 IMRFRebrtment 46.680 34.568 34.085 33042 M211 34.607 31565 11.48% 4510 Uniform All-- 150 450 20o 450 - aw% TOTAL SALARMS/BENEFITS 512.283 399.499 416,937 397.017 36612% 376,098 (20,919) •5.27% $110 ConbroclIw 62,854 6,259 101 1SOO 113 2.000 (1,500) -4286% 5310 Posbae abd Meter 485 524 103 400 110 - (400) -100,00% 532A Telephone 1.775 2.055 (69) - - - ADN/O! 5410 Dues 674 7B3 895 330 850 -50 ("0) -3t21% 5420 Teel Eye- 34 317 Soo - Soo aw% 54W Traiuing 1.509 Slt L$67 2.000 1.225 2.000 - 0.00% TOTALCONTRACTUAL SERVICES 67.331 101449 2.897 6.780 2378 4.750 (2.030) .29.94% 6210 offiw Suppllet 999 1,137 1.055 1.000 825 I.000 0.00% 62]0 Small Egmpment - 695 1.395 2.000 - 3.000 (1,000) -50.00% 6950 Fortsby(Moved W Stmeb In FT17/18) 157.576 TOTALSUPPLIES 158.575 1.832 2.450 3.000 825 2.000 (110003 -33.33% 99W Purthaseof S-lee-Wsk Management IODS.I 13.384 13.384 13.384 13.384 13.384 - DOD% 9922 Puichue of 5ervlce-IT 17.433 17,707 20.299 21.648 22.N8 30085 7A37 3284% TOTALOTHER 27.514 31.091 33,633 36.032 36.032 43,469 7.137 20.64% AMINISTRATION 14 3/30/2020 Public Works Streets-Fund Summary(Fund 100,Department 33) Number D'scription Actual Actual Actual Budget Estimated Prop�d (S) M 4010 Salaries 1,107,777 1,314,479 1,292,151 1,335,937 1,211,584 1,228,203 (107,734) -8.06% 4050 Overtime 8.283 15,984 15,950 15,000 19,736 17,500 2,500 16,67% 4060 Overtime-Snow Removal 61,416 78,224 109,313 70.000 70,000 72,500 2,500 3S7% 4110 Salaries-PT Seasonal 22,044 22.741 20,050 20,000 13,669 23,000 3,000 15.00% 4310 Health Insurance 337,836 356,545 334,997 31%358 340.955 315.152 (4,206) 4320 Dental Insurance 2,231 2,673 2,636 Z808 2,894 2,983 175 6.23% 4330 Li fe Insurance 693 707 712 779 692 779 - 0.00% 4340 Vlslon Insurance 103 69 95 134 134 142 8 5.97% 4410 FICA Medicare 90,340 107,752 103,802 110,232 98,962 102,602 (7,630) -6.92% 4420 IMRF Retirement 169,014 174,689 160,210 156,303 1-19,063 162,139 5,836 3.73% 4510 Uniform Ali---ce 10.183 91598 10,186 10.000 6,890 9,200 (800) -8.00% TOTAL SALARIE9/BENEPM 1,809,920 2,083.461 2,050,102 2,040,551 1,894579 1,934,200 (106,351) -5.21% 5110 Cantracmal 92,368 138,272 187,323 225.000 168.512 310.000 85,000 37.78% 5320 Telephone 4,634 7,838 (124) - _ - .r #DN/01 5370 Repair&Maimeoance 127,766 190,487 207,460 170,D00 197,852 215,000 45,000 26.47% 5430 Training Reimbursement 3,168 3,936 6,514 5,000 34,333 4,500 (500) 40.00% 5440 Tuition Reimbursement - - - - - 3,000 3,000 r #DN/O! 5510 Utilities 575 543 8 - - - -r #DN/O! 5520 Street Lighting 290.242 308,763 308,397 310,000 312,184 310,000 - 0.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 518,753 649,839 709,568 710,000 712.881 842,500 132,500 18.66% 6110 Materials&Supplies 224,130 249,310 246.068 250,000 283,936 250,000 - 0.00% 6210 Office Supplies 855 1,368 1,492 1.000 726 800 (200) -20.0D% 6250 Gasoline&Oil 52,276 56,655 91.825 70.000 63,301 72,500 Z500 3.57% 6270 Small Fgalpment 553 5,006 4.735 4.000 4.480 3.500 (500) -12.50% 6290 Sarety Equipment 945 890 237 11000 1,785 1,300 300 30.00% 6950 Forestry(Moved from Admin in FY17/18 187 114,953 58,713 66,000 60.435 149,000 83,000 125.76% TOTALSUPPLIES 278,946 428,182 403.070 392,000 414,663 477,100 85,100 21.71% 9920 Purchase of Service-Risk Maoagment 90,904 SUN 88,088 88.008 88.088 88.088 - 0.00% 9922 Purchase ofS-ice.IT 11,811 12,158 14,357 16,416 16,416 21,929 S.S13 33.58% TOTAL OTHER 102,715 100,246 1OZ445 104,504 104,5014 110,017 5,513 5.28% 8300 Capital-Egtdpmmt 19,294 29,350 28,482 - e #DIV/0! TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 19,294 29.350 28,482 - - - -r #D1V/O! 15 3/30/2020 Parks and Recreation-Fund Summary(Fund 100,Department 41.47) 4010 Salaries 693.450 744,419 715.567 773.525 779543 855.714 82.189 10.63% 4030 Salaries-Part Time _ - 4,D80 4,080 - 0.00% 4050 Overtime 14,733 16.395 18.134 17.500 17500 ITS00 - 0.00% 4110 Salaries-Seasonal 275.908 299.511 290.646 302.200 275.175 329.200 27,000 6.93% 4150 Ovettlme Seasonal 3.899 5.044 5,365 - 4.391 - -r NDIV/0! 4310 Health Insuraoce 190,841 203,191 178,090 207.519 197,693 219,884 12,365 5.96% 4320 Dental Insurance 4.060 4.062 3.129 3.062 3.300 3,398 336 10.97% 4330 Life Insurance 479 531 491 431 517 431 - 0.00% 4340 Vision Insurance 302 308 216 192 196 271 79 41.15% 4410 FICA Meabcare 73.767 79,537 78.319 83.944 82.038 92,297 8.353 9.95% 4420 IMRF Rebrement 92,264 94,328 86,548 87,013 86,695 107.405 20,392 23.44% 4510 Unifomrs 2,368 2.228 2,263 3,600 2,060 6650 3.050 84.72% TOTAL SALARIES/BENEFITS 1.352.071 IA49,554 1.378.768 1.483.066 1.449,108 1636.830 153,764 10.37% 5110 Contractual 214.207 226.221 299.192 269.950 274,853 298,050 28.100 10,41% 5310 Postage and Meter 10.296 6,763 6,936 6.000 5.100 6.000 0.OD% 5320 Telephone 18.943 14.018 (85) - - - gDIV/O! 5330 Prinbngand Publishing 9,887 22.888 16,300 17.500 18,805 17,475 (25) -0.14% 5370 Remirand Maintenance 14.809 20375 13,624 1S.D00 31182 15,000 - 0.00% 5410 Dues 127.419 139.590 140,269 139,713 134.746 14L942 2,229 1.60% 5420 Travel Expense 567 162 396 1.200 12 1,200 - 0.00% 5430 Training 4.980 6.309 5.326 10550 6,063 11.400 850 8.06% 5440 Tuition Reimbursements - - - -' ADIV/0! 5450 Publications 256 297 297 500 446 500 - 0.00% 5510 Ud0des 45.489 27,247 24,277 21.500 20,540 25,500 4,000 18.60% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 446.853 463.870 506,534 481.913 492.747 517.067 35,154 7.29% 6110 Materials and Supplies 161-443 174,082 193,080 06,100 204,618 177,500 1.400 0.80% 6210 Office Supplies 8.138 4.211 L509 5.000 650 5,000 - 0.00% 6250 Gasolineand0ii 15,705 11,740 15,826 17,000 18,286 17,000 0.00% 6270 Small Equipment 1,990 19,254 11,895 12 000 18.067 12.500 S00 4.17% TOTALSUPPLIES 1OR276 214,287 222310 210,100 241.641 212,000 11900 0.90% 6920 Special Events 23,494 30,266 33,886 30.950 31,050 32,450 1.500 4.85% 6950 Forestry(Moved to Public Works) - iJDIV/O! 9902 Transfer-Recreation Ce0ter 87,358 81,954 B1,954 81.954 1111985 30,031 36.64% 9920 Purchase ofS-1c.-Risk Management 67,392 66,973 66.973 66.973 66.973 66.973 - 0.00% 9922 Purchase ofS..ices-bifosmasion Tech 53,015 55,574 SA623 63.068 63,D68 83,247 20,179 32.00% TOTALOTHER 141901 240,171 237,436 242,945 243,045 294,655 51,710 21.28% 8300 Capital Expense-Equlpmera 15,296 5,469 10,180 - - - r aDIV/O! 8400 Capital Expense-Vehicles - kDIV/0! 8700 Capital Expense-Park improvements - - _ - ' - - gDIVJO! B800 Publiclmp-ents 8,825 20919 80000 80,000 (80,000) -100.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 24.121 5,469 31,099 80,000 80,000 - (80,000) -100.00% QUESTIONS REGARDING FY20/21 GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUDGETS? 16 3/30/2020 Mc enr McHenry Recreation Center Page 15 McHenry Recreation Center MC • FY20/21 represents the third full budget year for the recreation center — opened February 29,2016 • Goal was to be able to build membership base in order to be able to have operationally balanced budget AND pay annual debt service on construction loan • Approximately 1,500 current active memberships. • At end of FY19/20 estimated that McHenry Recreation Center will cover all operating costs, pay debt service amount of$132,357,and be operationally balanced. • FY20/21 revenues are proposed at $139,769 LOWER than FY19/20; with expenditures $142,478 LOWER than FY19/20. Decreased revenues are a direct result of membership and decreased expenditures a result of reduced staffing. Steps will be taken in FY20/21 to increase membership. • Ending FY20/21 Recreation Center Fund Balance proposed at$449,083. 17 3/30/2020 McHenry Water and Sewer Fund Pages 16 - 18 Water . . Sewer Fund M • Enterprise/business-type fund for operating and capital costs related to water and sewer systems—Water Division, Wastewater Division, Utility Maintenance Division, capital projects and equipment • Revenues derived directly from water and sewer sales, base charges, connection fees, and service penalties—consumption impacts revenues • New fees and capital base fees implemented in FY15/16 with a commitment to review annually for adjustment to ensure sufficient based on operating and capital costs not just a CPI adjustment • Based on FY20/21 Proposed Water, Wastewater and Utility Maintenance budgets it appears that a $.28 increase in water rates — from $3.54 to $3.82 is required. This change will be identified and brought before Council for consideration in August. In addition,a$.20 increase in sewer rates—from$4.00 to$4.20 is required. • While no capital based fee adjustment is identified at this time, it is recommended that Council discuss raising both water and sewer capital base fees in order to ensure adequate funding for water and sewer capital projects. This will be brought before Council as an Agenda Discussion Item in the near future. 18 3/30/2020 Water and Sewer Fund Suuuna ry(Fund S10,Department 31 Water) 3200 Ivteratlnrome - 20000 - 30.000 101000 50.00% 3220 CDI@crest 969 Lml 1..13 - 1.800 - . HDN/0! -0 IL Fund mrelnt 3.031 9.556 26.831 "OW - - ADIV/01 3.1. Sala Z199.3a3 2.067.014 Z079.563 2.271112 Z217.870 2.357.805 81.693 3.59% 3615 Base Char¢-Cap-- 121.639 123.452 125.121 124000 125528 125.0. I.000 OAI% 3620 Pa,alN 75.240 8U.079 ".473 BOOM 76.738 77.000 (3A00) �3.75% 3630 Hookup/Con -,Fees 29,250 3a500 27,750 2Q000 1.000 25.000 51000 2500% 3640 ll-M-S4es 27.000 17.025 25,075 2Q000 W000 25.0. 51000_ 25.00% 3821 Donato Puhilr lmpnve - - 577.430 - - BDIY/O! 3856 Gam/Loss oOSale - _ 3A35 - - - HDN/O! 3845 Resnai Income 62.60-1 30.000 30,000 - 30,000 30000 30,000 r LDN/., 3692 M iscellaneous Rdmbusem- 775 L356 L056 - - -e RDN/C! 3890 Mlsrellanmus Income 513,866 1.842 3.563 3.000 4.518 3.0. 0.00% 3920 Pmceeda from Flzed A,—sale 3991 Tlad-fnm M--d TOTALRE WES 3,033,917 2.347.905 2.986.190 2.543.112 2.590.254 2.672.805 129,693 5.10% TOTALOMIZATING REVENUES Z792.449 2,15%572 2.1%.323 2,379,112 2.330,926 2A67AOS 4010 S11ane1-Regular 391.895 427,739 438.926 45Z798 450.174 4J0.280 17.482 3.86% 4050 OYerbme-Regular 22.851 2Z751 26.444 24000 27.386 28.000 4,000 16.67% 4110 Sal arlea-seasonal 8.800 9,M 12,945 I- 9,723 6.000 (5,500) 47,83% `1310 Health lmunpre 109.295 117,26b 117.022 105527 303.214 93.530 (11.997) -11.37% 4320 Dew 11p;urantt 933 948 951 995 1.025 1.058 63 6.33% 4330 Life in3uraic< 205 Z19 219 226 197 226 0.00% 4340 Vlzlon1 usaDce 85 91 94 101 1" 107 6 5.94% 4410 FICA 31.902 3a291 36.410 37.355 36.896 38.51 L222 3.27% 4420 Im- 53.605 54703 57,111 SZ{48 49,530 61.288 8,04. 16.85% 451D U-forma 1.610 ZN2 1.- 17M 1743 2,250 (4501 -16.67% TOTAL S31ARMS/BENEFITS 621.189 669,945 692.140 687.650 679.988 704.316 13.666 1.99% ",I. CpOv.-1 10ao47 l00.805 %726 125.000 108.100 I-soo 20.600 16A0% Po zvp-- A21. 2.162 136 2.000 26l 2.000 Q00% 6320 Tel.ph- &- 2,54a - - - - - MDN/O: 53>0 R.pceBHWmmatte a38 5.75. 1.- 3.000 6.271 5.60o 2,500 83.33% 5410 D- 24. .1 S20 ... ... 10. 12.1 5430 Tnamn3 L T_ 2.N3 2.b92 2.500 ±.ISO 2.200 (300) -12.Opia 5440 Tu,oan R.lmbun•m.m 9 - xON/Ol 5610 -4- 191N2 131.1H3 132,9H6 12O.00o 111,618 120.000 TOTAL CONTRAOTUALSERY1C83 31a290 2{5.383 29H,070 259.300 229.682 275,800 22,500 61 I. M a.nals 4nd Suppllw 1.- 02.02> 88.762 I26.00o 130.638 25S.0o0 13o.00o 104.0(1% 5210 Ofa..SOVM1•. 42. 600 431 650 06 zoo (I.) .250 .-1....11 aasl >.300 10,369 11.000 1... 10000 (1.000) •9.a9% ±>O 1.141 Eq,vpm•m aT9olz 9]2 1.pb1 1,J10 1.250 - 1.000 C25a) .1. Adm,m zvavv.Era•Oz•z 2622 2.666 2.l SJ 1,114 xON/0: TOTAL SNIPERS 1N{1) 9{.4{2 1-31 1YJ - 121.s04 ...bo0 12R600 93.26% J091 D.btArv,n-A<crv.d lnunzt (Jl3) (713) (750) 7100 Irin 4l 1­ 100.0o0 721 Bond interns {a �311 117 42.SD8 40.500 38.Sae (2.000J -49i% 7300 Fea-ta3.1n3AF 311 350 {0318 8300 Cap,ol-rqq .nt 28H3 715 I.- - xDN/o! 8500 C4plo1-U0llty sytbm - 71.H60 - - - -/.! 9000 A1n9ta---Bond 3ztu•CO•➢ _ -/o, 9I00A..--...-B9nd➢ur- (s ae) (612) (s u) - - - - .-M -I. D.P.-on E9p•gz. 1-23 512.215 632.302 SI2,000 639970 S40.000 28.000 5.47% DPEB Exp.nz. _ 1.939 - N/O: DPEB Corsnblmons (].99H) - xDN/O: 990i Trmsferm O.brLrvlR 946a7 99._e 90.2{4 99,17. 99,770 93.152 9920 Putehas.of 6.me.-MCHRMA 6>.0.5b 6y.H95 6y.H96 6y.H95 6{.095 6a.095 - '.0% 9921 Putchas•of Arvzc.-BIDnH .2201E 225.sae 23o.9B2 -.911 237911 Z43.048 7,18> 300% 9922 Ppzp .af b•tvnc.-IT 'I.- 13.966 m.as3 17.734 1-34 2HA15 1-1 60.23% 9923 [nn I-.9f S.mw-Aud,c a109 1 ,a a.e63 9.55% 9930 W,¢.r/Srwer Ttvpfw 902719 515.066 627.329 717.820 717,020 625.t01 (92.719) -12.92% 9930 W+[a/SeavarTwufw-Ugl,y Capld �.� .TOTAL OTNER IA6B.990 1.62R 1a3 1.700.2fN 1.795A2> LJ23.258 L746.932 (60.095) 2.79% TOTAL OPERATING EX"N➢TTORES 2A301366 197- 2,20MIll 2.362.277 32-62 -0.9411 86.671 d67% TOTAL EEPEN➢ITNRE3 2.93- 2.s37.e6f 2.734418 2.B14,277 2754.292 Z-148 114,671 399% 19 3/30/2020 Water and Sewer Fund Summary(Fund 510,Department 32 Sewer) 3200 lntc1tlrromc 20.ODO - 306000 10,000 50.00% 3'_20 CD 1.- 969 L081 1,873 - 1.800 - r ED1V/0! 3240 ILFund 11 mt 3.031 9556 26.831 - 30,000 - -r RDIV/O! 3610 Sate] 2.483,140 2.658,538 2716.307 2.M.468 2,720.826 2.817,013 45.545 L64% 3615 Base Chary-CpiW 265.364 268.777 171.661 265.000 271-904 270,000 5.000 L89% 3620 Pm9➢cf 62270 62996 M. 65,000 6E897 67000 2,000 3.08% 3630 Hookup/Comecdop Fen 52213 21.224 27,500 20.000 45.000 mono 5.000 25.00% 3660 Debt Sen'Ice Poe 407.561 412450 416,192 410.000 415,147 413,000 3.000 0.73% 3665 Debt Service-IEPALoan 1.019.732 1,757,281 2199.705 2475,000 2,220.666 2.200D00 (275,0001 -11.11% 3821 Donned Public bop-mmu - . 810593 - RD1V/O! 3890 Mi-llan.1.- 10,653 3.173 532 1.000 2581 1,000 - 0.00% 3915 flood lldelvtRebale 63005 b0.882 58.696 56.698 56.940 53.826 (2.872) -5.07% TOTAL REVENUES L367.938 5,255.958 6596.731 6.004.166 5833.761 5876839 (207.327) -3,41% TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 3.038629 3,208.676 3.287.271 3.324165 3.296191 1381.839 57.673 173% 4010 S4ade3-RegW. 567.761 617.216 599.145 655.566 651122 677,740 22.174 3.30% 4050 Ov.l --Regular 40524 43.471 41,716 40,000 40.432 42000 2,000 500% 4110 Salaries-Seasolul 3,134 4.933 4.658 5.000 5.470 61000 1,000 20.00% 4310 Health beucance 15R386 178.878 188,649 197.282 184725 184,637 (12,645) -6.41% 4320 0-tal 1nsu7arc9 820 865 831 856 875 906 50 5184% 4330 Life llLslERvice 330 335 356 369 306 369 - (100% 434D V13ion lnlurmtt 111 130 139 146 146 152 6 41 1% 4410 FICA 46687 49.294 49.716 53.593 52.792 55.519 1.926 3.59% 4420 IMRF 83.134 79,269 82,248 76.512 71349 SZ770 61250 S.1B% 4510 Uoifo- 4514 5.513 7.149 7291 6786 R500 1,209 16,58% TOTAL SALARIES/BENEFITS 904401 979,904 974.607 1.036615 1.014003 L058.593 21,978 212% 6I10 Ln amid 1 .109 161.H3 1J8.2T9 1E1.000 1e1.31i t92.500 11.600 f.9S% 631D PDu{96 Mezer 102 200 9D 200 0.00% 6320 T9lrpbv1r 4.38i 699 - •p12 53]0 Rrpau&Mu,vmmcr 19.I00 _4.T89 12.32T 20,OD0 23.938 32.600 2.f00 12�fOK 63]5 RrperS Mai,09vancr-Cgp�pmem 51 a27 ']9,633 66.1a5 70000 61.011 67.T00 (2.500) J.57% 5380 Repau&Mainzavanc..U049•Syavm 60.340 73.070 1.100 1,- 94.512 90,000 (1.000) SJ10 Dvez 260 SOB J 181 1.000 4M 600 (400) 40.00% 6430 Truviv{ 46f - 873 1.000 700 1.000 0.00% 64a0 Tuinon Rnmbunrmwz 31f 640 1.000 - Wo (500) iD.DD% 6J50 Publicaupns - _ - - ON1D• 5610 V.1- -.1. 290.831 29E.510 250.OD0 260.915 250A00 E O.00K 5680 Slpe{r Depvvl 363-7 224.241 147.122 46.000 14.13f I]5000 (10.000] i.90K TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 942.627 8f2.461 710.299 760.200 729.058 7-900 (i00) i.06% 61I0 M4zzrels and Suppbrz 209,798 180.221 `1 7.4i3 220,000 218.489 -67.000 47.000 21,36% Sv 6210 969n ppUrz 317 1.061 750 616 - 0U% 6250 0az64ne60z1 I7.]76 2616d 28.B23 ;0.000 25.207 10000 - 0.00% TOTALSUPPt1ET 227.721 206.711 24-2 2f0,76p 244,113 297.750 47.000 M74% 6930 Adminlzmrivr Esprps9z ].640 f.620 i439 2.260 ➢IV/0' 7091 Debt Semw..lec,ur8lnmral (2,K4) (3.721) (3.1E0) - - •plV p• i 100 Pnnclpal Pq•mevl - 276.000 - 2Bf.ODD 10.000 3.64% 7200 8vv6lnnmz IB9,18E ( 1e1.920 1]3.4a0 140 9,i87) 47% 73D0 FNx-PayznB A{mt i.05] 1.D53 l,OEI i.100 71,069 100 O.00K 7560 1.—Lau Pn ncipd 1.281.I01 1.J21.S83 1-11 10.96K ]t00 MIA Lvav lmamf 1,330.275 531.69b 579.133 563.054 31.359 4.O2K B300 Capinl Equlpmme - - aDN/0! ES00 Caplfal-Unt1H 53'azrm - - wDN/0! 900o Amgnla.d0n-E9m 1:99.tole - RnN/ar 9100 Amonud9nBDn6 Dlzmum 3.941 3.941 8.9}I /0' 9510 DO'ncimvn E�rnzr 1.191. t 0 t 9791 120D 1221.96. 1 0 110t Ee Eap- - -34.5]f � -- --50. b0. 1DNj0! 9t06 OPEB C9nmbud9nx - - 13.991) - - - ♦DN/Ot 1904 Tram ear zO Drbz f]nin 2,283 2.484 12.a86 12.679 12.475 (204) 9920 Punhaar 9f 5zzvinOfLMRMA Bf.146 t6,694 E6.693 86.895 86.6fb E6.695 0,00% 9921 Pwcbaa40l Sarvicr-Bdlln{ 23f,6Bf 240.316 2M.V2 253.629 353.629 2d1.338 7,609 3.00% 9922 PWcbY9 Dl Srrv�cr-tT 1.730 23.710 9.68E 67.74% 923 PvrNaz99lSxv�pr-Z., 14.108 14.131 14.411 4Ai9 4.863 iSi 9.65% 9930 N'uer/Srwrr Trana(rr 6-111 279,211 353.609 411,710 111*711 421.3p9 7.619 I.B2% 9930 11'urr/59wrr Tra,zzlar-Va1lq LaplW 270.D00 - - EDN/0' 993d Trmvlrrw U011ry lm Dmvrmrv[Fup6 1.720,3a0 - •DN/p' TOTALOTH6R 4AE3,641 2820.626 3,476.7.4 i,241.B1f 2,771241 4,411- 217,18b TOTAL OPL1tATING C2lW OCTUREf ].195.i82 2.07-1 2.838,966 3.2B2A84 2.9a9A95 117- 94.022 TOTAL OQCNDITURO 6.109390 4.369,601 61409.032 6.39-0.380 4.7b8.63J 6,60I.343 101.711 4.11- 20 3/30/2020 Water and Sewer Ftutd Sunittlaly(Fland 510,Deyartrnent 35 Utility) 3890 Mlsctllasrvuslrcome _ Q263 1.323 - 220 1.000 LOGO MDN/O! 39>e Trnsa(u- %Vaar/-Fuld (H52001 TOTAL REVENUES lA>0.936 1114.332 983.261 L131.610 1,131830 1.04>A l0 (84.200] -7.44` 40t0 Salaias-Ralptlar W5.757 552.089 5>6.239 W5.6W SB1.34> 621.7W -fOsO Onervma-Rqu!ar _4�Qo 22991 e.9>6 25000 >O (SO00) - 6' OLIO 52 s-S�svnai 10.88a 11860 90 LZ,000 9�>SS 10.000 - OAO% 310 H•Hdsa lnazc+ne4 1 .>91 _ 48.030 229>3 AS% _O Oamal lvslva�ca 359JH 141.001 l 1.005 I>1.054 11.089 191.120 66 SQ26% 4330 life!vsurcnc. 328 ' Ivalcance 9 _ _e 59 +69 3i 30 FICAv ,i06 463 _ 2317 1.99% -20 IMRF > i5._ >8.936 1L>60 1T.61% 4510 �u vrma 3.>s9 aeoH ,>e 6 >s 63 a6 _ o.00% TOTAL SALARIES/BEHEFM T88,>38 04- 8>6,964 913.310 90Q53t 98L560 68.350 1.41% 51t0 Cancnczwl ,-6.0>4 213,3>3 -5 4 1 63t0 Pvas;eS Ma[n I00 1Q4>O - (1Q000) -100.00% 00 O.DO% s al4ppeva 9W 760 - - - 53>0 pars Mafnewier 10..1 26866 41.615 _ _ 36.00O 4000 r 16.67% 110 Ovex 53 30200 »SO - (2007 -IOO.DH% 5a30 TrY 8�1 LlsB 192s 100.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EERVICd 38.300 2>3257 W.807 46.800 45.622 30.100 (R>00) -I8.69% 6110 n g a..m ppiaa 14 1. 1 129,082 150.00O 1 168 - (154000J .100.00% 6210 Oee SuPPIIea 316137 1,13> 250 260 - O.00% Gaso1frc 60' ,3 1>.H88 ?5.131 20.000 1R63> 6_TO SmaLL Equipn�enzA Tvolz - 5000 35.00% 'M ,> i 9 5000 250 20.00K TOTAL SUPPLIES 162.46i 126154 166,626 1>1.500 14Q38t 26.>W (t34>50) -B1A0% 8500 E I.UoIiry SY asn 84 i06 - - - MpNryt 9slo DaP�r�aa9n Eayanae - _ _ (>.zsolr -aoo.00% TOTAL OTHER 84406 - T,2W - O-E%PEH0ITURES W9.- L326.667 4.091.397 L138.860 1,09i437 46,410 (92450) Mc General Fund Capital Improvement/Capital Equipment Projects Pages 18-19 21 3/30/2020 Capital improvements Fund Projects Those projects with asterisks•are funded in whole or in part from non-municipal sources. Public Facilities Public Works Salt Storage Facility-$200,000 Public Safety Police Facility Improvements-$425,000(Rebudget from FY19/20) Portable Radios-$6 1,500 Information Technology Disaster Recovery Project-$70,000 In-House Camera System upgrade-$60,000 Access Control Replacement/Upgrade-$85,000 Motor Pool Lease/Loan Program Purchase-$350,000(Finance Expense Line Item) Streets J id wa ks�SeEnak Local Street Program-$500,000 Bull Valley Bike Path Extension-$75,000•($25,000 rebudgeted from FY19/20) Barreville Road Culvert Wingwall Repair-$125,000•($50,000 rebudgeted from FY19/20) Pavement Maintenance-$70,000 Stormwater/Drainage Oakwood Drive Culvert Rehabilitation Project-$125,000 Total General Fund=$1,486,500 Total Motor Fuel Tax Fund Balance=$500,000 Total Non-Municipal Funding Sources=$160,000 Total Amount Funded=$1,796,500 Additional capital projects are included in the Information Technology Fund,Developer Donations Fund,Tourism Fund, and TIF Fund budgets. Water and Sewer Fund capital improvement and capital equipment projects were included as part ofthe review of this fund v v�Y Future Revenue Discussion Miry • 5-year Capital Improvement Program includes $24,373,460 in project requests, including $11,365,000 in Street Projects. • Despite the fact that revenues have increased in recent years,the impacts of the recession are still being felt with delayed and compounded vehicles, equipment and infrastructure needs, especially roads. • In addition to trying to play"catch up"on capital improvement and capital equipment needs, operating costs will continue to rise due to increased costs for services, supplies and costs related to personnel. • With static Property Tax revenues and without the ability to impact Income Tax revenues (combined 31.5%of General Fund Revenues),the City must look to increase existing revenue sources or identify new sources of revenues. • City Administration in the process of reviewing charges for services, fines, fees, etc. in the Municipal Code to ensure that these are adequate. • City Administration has identified the following opportunities for increased revenues. 22 3/30/2020 DiscussionFuture Revenue Mc Home Rule Sales Tax • An additional .25%increase would generate an additional$1,000,000 annually. Telecommunication Tax • Increasing to the maximum allowable tax of 6% would generate an additional $375,000 annually. Utility Tax on Electricity and Gas • Estimated to generate an additional $1,350,000 in revenues annually. • Already in place in many communities. The City Administration recommends including a discussion of these as part of future City Council Meetings in order to get direction from Council on how to proceed. StepsNext Mc Modified Based on • I • rury • April 7th-121h Budget will be completed to include all fund narratives, organizational charts, supplemental information, and non-operating funds. • April 131h—Complete FY20/21 Proposed Budget will be delivered to City Council for review prior to April 20th City Council Meeting. • April 20th - Public Hearing for Proposed Budget at beginning of City Council Meeting. Vote to pass the Budget Ordinance and adopt the FY20/21 Budget. 23