HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 09/05/2017 - City CouncilREGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER S. 2017 Mayor Jett called the regularly scheduled September 5, 2017 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:00 pm. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Condon, Devine, Mihevc, Curry, Schaefer, Glab and Santi. Also in attendance: City Administrator Morefield, Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Chief of Police Jones, Director of Public Works Schmitt, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Director of Finance Lynch, City Attorney McArdle, and Deputy City Clerk Geraghty. PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR CONSENT AGENDA OR FOR ITEMS NOT ON MEETING AGENDA Steven Schweinsburg, Route Manager for Prairieland Disposal provide the Council with an update on residential waste/recycling services in the city. CONSENT AGENDA A. Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 2.25, Administrative Adjudication, Sec. 2.25-9, Defenses to a Building Code violation; B. Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 12, Sec. 12-64 Prizes relating to Raffles; C. Advertisement of Request for Proposals for City Code Codification Services; D. MOT Obligation Retirement Resolution appropriating Motor Fuel Tax funds in the amount of $427,157.50; E. Intergovernmental Agreement for participation in the McHenry County Narcotics Task Force between the City of McHenry, McHenry County, and the McHenry County Sheriffs Office; F. Pay Application #18 to Williams Brothers Construction in the amount of $1,175,630.84 for Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements; G. Special Event Liquor License for St. Patrick Catholic Church annual Oktoberfest, 3500 Washington StreetSeptember 30`h from 500-930 PM ,; H. Parks Facilities/Special Use Picnic Permits; and I. Payment of Bills in the amount of $287,608.43. Motion by Santi, second by Schaefer, approving the Consent Agenda Items A. through I. as presented: 14 Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Curry, Glab, Mihevc, Devine, Condon Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. MOTION TO APPROVE THE TRANSFER OF THE CLASS F1-2 LIQUOR LICENSE HELD BY MCHENRY LIQUORS, INC D/B/A MCHENRY LIQUORS FROM THE CURRENT LOCATION AT 1722 N. RICHMOND ROAD TO A NEW LOCATION LOCATED AT 1782 N. RICHMOND ROAD IN THE MCHENRY PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER. City Administrator Morefield summarized the request for the City Council adding if Regular Meeting Page 2 September 5, 2017 approved, the request will be effective September 11, 2017. Alderman Curry asked if they applicant had already moved because the date was changed on the request. City Administrator Morefield answered the applicant has not moved and this was a typo on the applicant's part. Alderman Glab noted the applicant is moving because he needs more space and that is a good thing. As there was no further discussion, Mayor Jett called for a motion. Motion by Curry, second by Glab approving the transfer of the Class F1-2 Liquor License from McHenry Liquors, Inc. d/b/a McHenry Liquors from the current location at 1722 N. Richmond Road to a new location located at 1782 N. Richmond Road in the McHenry Plaza Shopping Center. Voting Aye: Curry, Glab, Santi, Condon, Mihevc, Schaefer, Devine Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. MOTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A USE VARIANCE FROM ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE IV. RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS TO ALLOW A TWO-FAMILY DWELLING AT 3615 WAUKEGAN ROAD. Director of Economic Development Martin summarized the request for the City Council. Director Martin noted a clerical error in the August 16, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes in which it was incorrectly reported that the Commission recommended approval a two-story dwelling when in fact the Commission recommended approval of a two-family Melling. Director Martin added the Ordinance presented for approval is accurate. Mayor Jett called for Public Comment and there was none. Alderman Santi asked if one or two water meters were installed at this location. Director Martin answered one. Alderman Santi asked if the city is able to receive the correct cost for each unit for the debt service. Finance Director Lynch answered yes, currently it is two units paying for all base charges - debt service and all base charges are charged on a per unit basis. Alderman Glab said everything on this street is basically RS-1. There are many properties grandfathered-in from years back when they first created this zoning. Makes you wonder why they created RA-1 zoning other than as a buffer. He added this Council should look into the future and determine what type of development we want to see in that area. He suggested the Council schedule more Committee of the Whole meetings to discuss future planning in this area. He would like to see a timeframe placed as a condition of approving this variance and will not support the request as presented. Regular Meeting Page 3 September 5, 2017 Alderman Condon asked if the variance were approved, does it stay with the location and not the owner. Director Martin answered, yes, it remains with the location. Alderman Condon noted years ago the Planning and Zoning Commission prepared overlays and asked if one was completed for this area. Director Martin stated this area is outside of the core downtown and sub -area plans completed in 2002. Alderman Condon agreed that the Council should look at this area in general. Director Martin added the city's plans are out dated in many ways, and in several instances our plans and ordinances do not match. Also, the city's future land use map has not been updated in 12 years and our comprehensive plan has not been updated in nine years. He and Mayor Jett have discussed laying out a plan to pursue these updates. Alderman Condon stated the property was built for this purpose adding she will vote to approve the request, as in the future the city will review the zoning ordinances. Alderman Curry asked if we know how long this property has been in this configuration. Director Martin answered the property in question was zoned RA4 in 1986. Mayor Jett asked the applicant to step up to the podium and introduce himself. The applicant Kevin J. Schechtel, announced he and his wife own the property located at 3615 Waukegan Road. They purchased the home in 2006 as an investment property. At the time both units, upper and lower were occupied. He and his wife decided they would like to sell the property and, it was recently brought to their attention that a potential buyer who was seeking to purchase the property was instructed the variance had expired. Mr. Schechtel explained that in January, he and his wife chose not to rent the lower unit in the hopes that it would facilitate selling the home. However, in doing so, the current variance lapsed and the property reverted to its prior zoning. Currently, he and his wife are experiencing a hardship selling the property without the variance. Mayor Jett asked the Council if they had any questions for Mr. Schechtel. Alderman Curry asked Mr. Schechtel if he knew the history of when the property was converted. to Stoo hechtel said no however in his opinion the use is at least 30 years old. The home was built in the 1800's. When it became attached residential is unknown to him. Alderman Curry noted this property is a two -flat and yet the zoning in place today essentially allows this use side by side not above and below and asked why this is different. Director Martin explained all the different types of multi -family unit zoning currently included in the zoning ordinance. These types of zonings are defined differently from community to community. Alderman Curry asked what this would be zoned if it were zoned for its current use. Director Martin answered RM-1, which would be concerning because you could potentially add -on additional units. Mayor Jett called for Public Comment for this agenda item and there was none. As there was no further discussion, Mayor Jett called for a motion. Regular Meeting Page 4 September 5, 2017 Alderman Santi made a motion, seconded by Alderman Devine, to approve a Use Variance from Zoning Ordinance Article IV, Residential Districts to allow a two-family fwelling at 3615 Waukegan Road. Alderman Santi stated he agreed with Alderman Condon regarding the need to review the city's zoning ordinances to provide staff and the Council with guidance as to what we would like to see regarding future development in this area. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Mihevc, Devine, Condon, Curry Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion Carried. MOTION TO APPROVE FY 2017/18 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEMBERS. Director Martin reported there was much interest in serving on the Economic Development Commission. The EDC was approved as a commission of nine, with the Mayor and an Alderman as members. Fourteen applications were received. Based on input received during the interview process, the following person are recommended for appointment to the Economic Development Commission: Pat Arnold, Bobbie Baehne (Chair), Andy Glab (Alderman), Robert Jessup (Vice -Chair), Wayne Jett (Mayor), Eric Joern, Michael Mrachek, Jeff Pittman, and Jason Sterwerf. Mayor Jett stated this is a stellar group and will accomplish much during this fiscal year. He added the individuals selected to serve on the EDC are either business owners or community residents and he was pleased to include Alderman Glab as part of this commission. Alderman Condon said she is pleased to see the EDC move forward. Since the economy crashed several years ago, the city has been working to rebuild its economic base. She noted Director Martin has done a great job attracting new and retaining existing businesses for our community. Alderman Curry stated in his opinion the EDC is good for the city and asked why EDC applicant Robert Jessup provided an address in California. Director Martin answered Mr. Jessup lives in the area, owns Jessup Manufacturing based in McHenry, and is committed to serving on the EDC. Alderman Schaefer expressed his support for the EDC and said he looks forward to a working commission. Regular Meeting Page 5 September 5, 2017 Alderman Santi expressed his support for the new commission and stated he is looking forward to meeting the members he does not already know. Alderman Condon asked when the first meeting of the EDC would be held. Director Martin said a meeting will first be setup with the Chair and Vice -Chair and, as soon as possible, a meeting of the entire commission will be held. Mayor Jett called for Public Comment for this agenda item and there was none. As there was no further discussion, Mayor Jett called for a motion. Alderman Condon made a motion, second by Alderman Devine to approve the appointment of Pat Arnold, Bobbi Baehne, Andy Glab, Robert Jessup, Wayne Jett, Eric Joern, Michael Mracheck, Jeff Pittman, and Jason Sterwerf to the Economic Development Commission for the term ending April 30, 2018. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Glab, Mihevc, Devine, Condon, Curry Voting Nay: None Absent: None. Motion Carried. Mayor Jett announced that he and the Council look forward to working with all members of the Economic Development Commission. STAFF REPORTS Finance Director Lynch informed the Council the Quarterly Financial Report was included in the Council's packets and she is available to answer questions. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS Alderman Schaefer said he would appreciate feedback on the letter Council received from a resident on Kensington Drive regarding the garbage situation. Alderman Curry stated he appreciated receiving the Quarterly Financial Report. He also asked the members of the EDC who were in the audience to stay after the meeting, as he would like to meet them. Alderman Condon thanked Mayor Jett and Police Chief Jones for attending the Not One More Illinois support group. She added their presence made a difference to those who heard them speak. Alderman Santi thanked Director Lynch for providing the Quarterly Financial Report. Regular Meeting Page 6 September5, 2017 ADJOURNMENT Motion by Alderman Condon, second by Alderman Curry, to adjourn the meeting. Voting Aye: Santi, Devi", Curry, Mihevc, Schaefer, Devine, Condon Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion Carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm. Mayor