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Packet - 12/21/2015 - City Council
AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, December 21, 2015, 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. City of McHenry Mission Statement 5. Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the City Council will be required to step forward to the podium and identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three -minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained atpublic meetings. 6. Motion to approve the following Consent Agenda Items: A. Transmittal of FY15/16 Second Quarter Budget Report; B. Adoption of an MFT Resolution for the 2016 purchase of rock salt; C. Award of bid to Woodward Printing in the amount of $10,857 for 2016 Park & Recreation Program Brochure/City Newsletter printing services; D. As Needed Checks in the amount of $160,093.98; and E. List of Bills in the amount of $721,972.45. 7. Motion to approve the transfer of a Class F2 liquor license permitting the retail sale of packaged liquors from 7-Eleven, Inc. to Midtown Food & Liquor located at 3808 West Elm Street 8. Motion to approve a 5' (five foot) height variance and 2' (two foot) setback variance from the Sign Ordinance for the property located at 353 Bank Drive (McHenry Savings Bank) 9. Motion to grant a temporary use permit to allow an open sales lot in conjunction with motor vehicle sales at 1112 N Front Street through February 28, 2016 10. Motion to award bid for construction of Municipal Center Improvements Phase I to Stuckey Construction Company in the amount of $102,000 11. Motion authorizing the Mayor to sign a Release of Lennar Chicago, Inc. from Letter of Credit Obligations from a 2003 Annexation Agreement with Concord Homes, Inc.. and from all further obligations under the Annexation Agreement relating to the Morgan Hill and Prairie Pointe Subdivisions north and south of Veteran's Parkway; and, acceptance of a replacement letter of credit provided by Prairie Pointe Land Development Corporation The City of McHenry is dedicated to providit:g its citizens, businesses, and visitors will: the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, ejfcient, and frscally responsible manner. 12. Mayor's Statement and Reports: 30 Committee Reports 140 Staff Reports 15. Future Agenda Items 16. Adjournment The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the k/ghest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and frscally responsible manner. Office of Finance & Accounting Carolyn Lynch, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: December 21, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director RE: Transmittal of FY15/16 Budget —Quarterly Report ATTACHMENTS: FY15/16 Quarterly Report The City Administration is pleased to be able to transmit the referenced report for Council's review and information. It is important for the City Council to receive regular updates regarding the state of the city's overall finances. This report to be provided on a quarterly basis in the months of August, November, and March and annually each May will help ensure that City Administration and Council can discuss the status of the budget throughout the fiscal year rather than only when the budget is being developed and approved. The quarterly report presented will help City Administration develop future budgets and gives departments areas to watch during the fiscal year. Hopefully Council will find the report informative and useful. City of McHenry Revenues, Expenditures and Transfers Budget Vs. Actual 2"d Quarter FY15-16 — (May 1, 2015 — October 31, 2015) Overview For the 2015/16 fiscal year all departments were asked to keep the budget status quo as revenues projections were cautiously adjusted based on historical trends as well as taking into consideration the financial instability of the State of Illinois. With this said, the budget is balanced and the community's program, service, capital equipment, and capital improvement needs will be met. The national economy stalled slightly during the third quarter of 2015, but is expected to pick up slightly during the final quarter. Across the United States, the GDP grew at a 2.1% annual rate in the third quarter of 2015 and is expected to finish out the year at a modest 2.5% growth. Consumer spending is really driving the upswing in the economy. This can be attributed to job creation and lower gasoline prices. And the national unemployment rate dropped to 5% from 5.7% one year ago. With this positive news it is important to note that the State of Illinois is falling behind the trend in the nation but McHenry County is now slightly ahead of the national unemployment rate. The state's unemployment rate is 5.1% and McHenry County is at 4.2% as of September 2015. The State currently does not have a budget which has halted all disbursements of video gaming and motor fuel tax revenues to municipalities. The governor did just sign a bill that will allow the State to release these revenues. It is unknown if other disbursements will be halted like has been done in the past. On the whole, there is room for optimism that things are beginning to improve, but it is important to continue to watch spending as improvements are not happening quickly and could halt at any point. The City Administration continues to monitor the City's financial position on a monthly basis in order to ensure the budget document is followed. By actively managing the finances, deficit spending can be kept to a minimum and year-end fund balance results can be predicted and deficits eliminated. Highlights of revenues and expenditures are included below. Budget vs. Actual —Revenues &Expenditures (Refer to Page 4) Overall, out of the City's 30 funds, all of the funds are running at levels management would expect for the third quarter of FY15/16. The funds that received property tax receipts are all running over the expected budgeted amount of 50% because almost all of property tax receipts are received by October 31st. Overall, Water/Sewer fund revenues are running at the expected budgeted amount, but these revenues are volatile by usage so management always closely watches water/sewer revenues. Revenues for the Debt Service and Recreation Center Funds are over the expected budget amounts because of bond proceeds that were not budgeted for. Debt Service expenses are also over the expected budget amount because the bond proceeds received were used to refund and pay off the 2006 and 2007 GO Bond. IThe Employee Insurance fund expenditures are running over budget because 7 months of premiums have been paid. Revenues by Type (Refer to Page 5) Page 1 of 8 The City's revenues are on track to meet budget amounts for the fiscal year. As of the second quarter, total revenues are at 79% of the budgeted amount which is higher than the 50% expected. This is due to the fact that property tax revenues are usually received May through December. As of the second quarter, about 99% of property tax revenues have been received, which is expected. Sales taxes were budgeted about 2.0% higher for fiscal year 2015-16 based on past trends and expected increases with the improving economic conditions. As of the second quarter, sales taxes are running at 51% of budget. Income taxes were budgeted about 11% higher due to past trends and are running at about 64% of budget for the second quarter. It is important to note that both sales taxes and income taxes are received approximately three months after they are collected. At the end of the fiscal year the tax revenue accounts are adjusted to reflect what was actually earned for the year. Income taxes have also been volatile over the last couple of years due to the state's financial position; at times the payments were running four to five months behind instead of just the typical three months. For now the state is back on track, but income taxes have repeatedly been brought to the table as a source of savings for the state by limiting the amounts paid to local governments. Water and Sewer sales are running at the expected 50% of budget. The cool and wet spring drove down consumption, but billing for the higher summer usage helped increase consumption as well as billing. Water/sewer sales will still be closely monitored and rates will be adjusted accordingly to ensure personnel and maintenance costs are covered. The budget for Impact fees was increased by 42% because of past trends. The fees are currently running at 141% of budget which shows an increase in permit activity and development. Licenses and permits revenues are at about 66% of budget for the second quarter. These revenues are running higher than expected due to vehicle stickers and increased permit issuances due to the time of the year. As was previously mentioned, Video gambling taxes are currently not being paid by the state since there is not a state budget. Currently the City is five months behind in receipts, but the governor did sign the bill to allow video gambling and motor fuel taxes to be released. Reimbursement revenues are at about 131% of budget due to a reimbursement from the State of Illinois for the Route 120/31 project. Interest income is falling short of the expected quarterly results due to police pension investment transactions that have not been recorded as of this report date. The interest income budgeted amount was also kept very low as the interest rates have not rebounded. Other Revenues are running at 157% of budget because of two bond issues, one in the Debt Service Fund and one in the Recreation Center Fund that were not budgeted for. These were not included in the budget because at the time the budget was created it was expected funds would be received in FY1445. Revenues by Fund (Refer to page 6) General Fund revenues amount to 52% of the total budgeted revenues primarily coming from property taxes, sales taxes, income taxes, and charges for services. As of the second quarter, general fund revenues are at 44% of budget, which is expected as 99% of property taxes have been received and parks and revenue charges for services are higher during the summer months. Even though the Motor Fuel Tax Allotments from the State are running 4 months behind, Motor Fuel Tax Revenues are at 37% of budget due to the Motor Fuel Tax High Growth payment for 15/16. The Tax Increment Fund revenues are at 97% of budget due to property tax receipts received during the first part of the year. Capital Page 2 of 8 Improvements Fund revenues are running at 62% because of the State of Illinois reimbursement for the Route 31/120 project. Debt Service Fund revenues are at 333% of budget due to a bond issuance, but this is a bond refunding so there is an expense to match the revenues received. Police pension revenues are at 69% of budget due to employer contributions which are property tax receipts and 99% of the receipts have been received. All other funds' revenues are running at 390% for the quarter due the bond issuance in the Recreation Center Fund. Expenditure by Type (Refer to page 7) Total expenditures for the quarter were at 53% which is slightly over the expected amount, but that is due to the bond refunding payment out of the debt service fund. Salaries represent 24% of the total expenditure budget and are only at 45% of the budgeted amount. Overtime budgets are being closely monitored. Benefit expenditures are at 60% of the budgeted amount due to the city's police pension contributions being at 99% of the budgeted amount. Police pension contributions are equal to the property tax receipts with the majority of the collections in June and September. Contractual expenses are only at 48% showing the commitment to hold down expenses even when the economy is showing signs of improvement. Other expenses are slightly higher than expected for the quarter at 52%. The development expense account is at 36% of budget for the year due to the advanced payment to Gary Lang for the sales tax incentive agreement. And, a budget amendment was done to allow for additional payments on the sales tax agreements. Also, the Tax Increment Fund administrative expense account is over the quarterly budgeted amount due to paying 100% of the property tax increment to 1110 N. Green Street and Chain O'Lakes Brewing Company per the agreements. Debt service expenses are at 216% of the budgeted amount due to the payment for the bond refunding, which was covered by a new bond issuance. Expenditure by Fund (Refer to page $) The total for all of the funds are running at 53% of the budgeted amount, but only a few funds are over the expected 506 budget amount for the second quarter. The Tax Increment Fund is at 58% due to 100% of the property tax increment being paid. The Debt Service Fund is at 289% due to the payment for the bond that was refunded. The Employee Insurance Fund is at 54% of budget because seven months of insurance premiums have been paid because the City is required to pay one month in advance. A correction to the expense account is made at the end of the fiscal year to ensure only twelve payments are recorded during the current fiscal year. The Information Technology Fund is at 52% of budget because a few of the capital items have been purchased already. Upcoming Quarters In summary, the City continues to be in a stable, fiscally conservative, financial position. Due diligence by all departments will be necessary to ensure this trend continues. Over the next few quarters, management will closely watch the water/sewer fund to see if adjustments need to be made for this fiscal year as well as updating the budget for the next fiscal year to ensure positive results. Page 3 of 8 City of McHenry Revenues &Expenditures Budget vs. Actual Quarterly Report May 1, 2015 -April 30, 2016 Budget Vs. Actual -Revenues &Expenditures Revenues Fund FY15-16 Budge[ 2nd Quarter 15-16 Actual % of Budget General 19,382,360 13,033,213 67.2% Tourism 140,050 85,697 61.3% Pageant 3,550 3,749 105.6% Band 15,000 7,502 50.0% Civil Defense 5,000 2,500 50.0 Alarm Board 153,000 57,710 37.7% Audit 37,981 31,943 84.1% Annexation 58,200 78,283 134.5% Motor Fuel Tax 642,610 237,655 37.0% Develo er Donations 133,690 262,445 211.3% TIF 326,000 315,251 96.7% Debt Service 1,556,705 5,180,817 332.8% Recreation Center 2,000 2,019,432 100971.6% Special Service Area #1 A - - 0.0% S ecial Service Area #4 16,847 16,847 100.0% Capitallmprovements 1,261,200 787,074 62.4% Ca ital E uipment 243,225 121,692 50.0% Water/Sewer 6,484,318 3,291,831 50.8% Capital Development 172,000 144,836 84.2% Utility Im rovements 16,847 8,981 53.3% Marina 51,500 9,240 17.9% Em loyee Insurance 2,854,215 1,383,699 48.5% Risk Management 778,000 381,793 49.1% Information Technology 461,101 230,558 50.0% McHenry Area Character Counts - 500 Flex 80,000 45,576 57.0% Develo mental Escrow 500 6 1.3% Retained Personnel 40,000 49,392 123.5% Revolving Loan 1,550 418 26.9°/ Police Pension 2,257,374 1,565,195 69.3% Total 37,174,823 29,374,032 79.0% Net Income/(Loss Fund FY15-16 Budget 2nd Quarter 15-16 Actual % of Budget General (597,564 2,861,268 (478.8%) Tourism 45,050 21,397 47.5% Pageant - 438 Band (4,728) Civil Defense 1,800 2,500 136.9% Alarm Board 93,000 2,356 2.5% Audit 1,601 11,943 746.0% Annexation 13,200 60,783 460.5% Motor Fuel Tax (1,064,302) (128,846) 12.1 Develo er Donations (65,050) 158,307 (243.4%) TIF 1,905 127,284 6681.6% Debt Service 150 680,127 453418.2% Recreation Center (4,876,000) 91,610 (1.9%) Special Service Area #1A - - S ecial Service Area #4 8,424 Ca itallm rovements (191,300) 589,607 (308.2%) Ca ital Equi ment (20,000) 34,841 Water/Sewer (1,499,256) 655,212 (43.7% Ca ital Develo ment 172,000 144,836 84.2% Utility Improvements 16,847 3,914 23.2% Marina 5,500 (21,347) (388.1%) Em loyee Insurance 4,528 (163,863 (3618.9% Risk Management 88,794 55,319 62.3% Information Technology 1 10,085 McHenry Area Character Counts - (843) Flex 21,618 Develo mental Escrow 500 6 1.3% Retained Personnel 219 Revolving Loan 1,550 418 26.9% Police Pension 405,800 640,361 157.8% Total 7,463,246 5,843,075 78.3% Ex enditures FY15-16 Budget 2nd Quarter 15- 16 Actual % of Budget 19,979,924 10,171,945 50.9% 95,000 64,500 67.9% 3,550 3,311 93.3% 15,000 12,230 81.5% 3,200 0.0% 60,000 55,354 92.3% 36,360 20,000 55.0% 45,000 17,500 38.9% 1,706,912 366,501 21.5% 198,740 124,138 62.5% 324,095 187,967 56.0% 1,556,555 4,500,690 289.1% 4,880,000 1,927,821 0.0% 0.0% 16,847 8,424 50.0% 1,452,500 197,466 13.6% 263,225 86,851 33.0% 7,983,574 2,636,620 33.0% 5,067 46,000 30,567 66.5% 2,849,687 1,547,561 54.3 689,206 326,474 47.4% 461,100 240,643 52.2% 1,343 B0,000 23,957 29.9% 0.0% 40,000 49,173 122.9% 0.0% 1,851,574 924,834 49.9% 44,638,069 23,530,957 52.7% Page 4 of 8 City of McHenry Revenues &Expenditures Budget vs. Actual Quarterly Report May 1, 2015 - April 30, 2016 Revenues by Type Revenues FY15-16 Budget 2nd Quarter 15-16 Actual % of Budget % of Total Pro eriy Taxes 5,503,462 5,447,405 99.0°h 18.5% Sales Taxes 8,457,419 4,308,449 50.9% 14.7°h Income Taxes 2,450,000 1,568,385 64.0% 5.3°h Other Taxes 1,334,610 567,402 44.0% 2.0% Water 8 Sewer Sales 5,163,085 2,556,280 49.5% 8 7°/ Im act Fees 306,540 431,820 140.9% 1.5% Fines and Fees 611,700 399,674 65.3% 1.4°h Licenses and Permits 485,822 320,551 66.0% 1.1 Reimbursements 489,795 642,518 131.2% 2.2% Char es for Services 5,328,080 2,771,443 52.0% 9.4% Grants 45,037 0.2% Interest Income 496,350 4,722 1.0 % 0.0% Other Revenues 6,547,740 10,290,346 157.2% 35.0% Total 37,174,823 29,374,032 79.0% 100.0% Revenues by Type 18.5% ■ Property Taxes ■Sales Taxes ■Income Taxes 35.0% ■ Other Taxes [' Water &Sewer Sales .Impact Fees ■ Fines and Fees ■ Licenses and Permits 4.7% 0 ■Reimbursements ■ Charges for Services 0.2% 9.4 ��5.3% ■Grants 2.0% ■Interestlncome 2.2% 1.1% 1.4% 1.5% g 71 s Other Revenues Page 5 of 8 City of McHenry Revenues &Expenditures Budget vs. Actual Quarterly Report May 1, 2015 -April 30, 2016 Revenues by Fund Fund FY15-16 Bud et 2nd Quarter 15-16 Actual % of Budget % of Total General 19,382,360 13,033,213 67.2 % 44.4 Motor Fuel Tax 642,610 237,655 37.0% 0.8% Tax Increment Financing 326,000 315,251 96.7% 1.1% Debt Service 1,556,705 5,180,817 332.8% 17.6% Ca itallm rovements 1,261,200 787,072 62.4% 2.7% Ca ital E ui ment 243,225 121,692 50.0% 0.4% Water/Sewer 6,724,665 3,454,888 51.4% 11.8% Em loyee Insurance 2,854,215 1,383,699 48.5% 4.7% Risk Management 778,000 361,793 49.1% 1.3% InfonnationTechnology 461,101 230,558 50.0% 0.8% Police Pension 2,257,374 1,565,195 69.3% 5.3% AIIOtherFunds 687,368 2,682,200 390.2% 9.1% Total 37,174,823 29,374,032 79.0°h 100.0% Revenues by Fund 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 ■Revenues by Fund 2,000,000 _ m �' +' v F _ •� � w °' y o 0 � E a N E o c v � `w a�i � `.. _ � o w v c w w s `o .,� w a — y w c � U O � E � E « � o � ° a° w _ a a H .. _ u w � � - U O !� Page 6 of 8 City of McHenry Revenues &Expenditures Budget vs. Actual Quartedy Report May 1, 2015 -April 30, 2016 Expenditures by Type Ex enditures FY15-16 Budget 2nd Quarter 15-16 Actual % of Budget % of Total Salaries 10,754,879 4,862,450 45.2% 20.7% Benefits 5,523,204 3,330,778 60.3°/ 14.2°h Contractual 3,419,316 1,634,365 47.8% 6.9% Su lies 1,717,595 812,821 35.7°h 2.6°h Other 5,988,067 3,132,434 52.3% 13.3°k Debt Service 2,147,188 4,634,722 215.9% 19.7% Ca ital 9,328,615 2,468,783 26.5°/ 10.5°� Transfers 5,759,205 2,854,605 49.6% 12.1% 44,638,069 23,530,957 52.7% 100.0% 1z% Expenditures by Type 21% 10% ■ Salaries ■ Benefits ■ Contractual ■Supplies 14% ■Other ■ Debt Service ■ Capital 20% -- ■Transfers 7% 3% 13% Page 7 of 8 zs,000,000 zo,000,000 ls,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 City of McHenry Revenues &Expenditures Budget vs. Actual Quarterly Report May 1, 2015 -April 30, 2016 Expenditures by Fund Fund FY15-16 Budget 2nd Quarter 15-16 Actual °/ of Budget % of Total General 19,979,924 10,171,945 50.9% 43.2% Motor Fuel Tax 1,706,912 366,501 21.5% 1.6% Tax Increment Financing 324,095 187,967 58.0% 0.8% Debt Service 1,556,555 4,500,690 289.1% 19.1% Capital Im rovements 1,452,500 197,465 13.6% 0.8% Ca ital E uipment 263,225 86,851 33.0% 0.4% Water/Sewer 8,029,574 2,672,273 33.3% 11.4% Em loyeelnsurance 2,849,687 1,547,561 54.3% 6.6% Risk Management 689,206 326,474 47.4% 1.4% Information Technology 461,100 240,643 52.2% 1.0°� Police Pension 1,851,574 924,834 49.9% 3.9% All Other Funds 5,473,717 2,307,752 42.2% 9.8% Total 44,638,069 23,530,957 52.7% 100.0% Expenditures by Fund era\ ��a+ `p� �`a ec�y acc lac acoa acc \°� 9° Jcas Leo �Ja cac ;Se ,aF JQF `�5e a�a �aF rco Qao a�Q o� c� e c° 4,a c� �� oa e� & c't` CCoc mac O \\�Q `a� �a \oee S �Sa `oo Qom FAO �c°fie aQ,�a `ae ��Q Q` o��a �a4 G `c4 © Expenditures by Fund i Office of Finance & Accounting Carolyn Lynch, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: December 21, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director RE: MFT Resolution for Year 2016 State Purchase of Rock Salt ATTACHMENTS: IDOT Resolution Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs BACKGROUND: Annually the city purchases rock salt for ice control through the McHenry County Purchasing Department. A blanket order on an as needed basis is submitted and paid for through Illinois Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds. Each month the city is issued warrants pursuant to the MFT Fund Distribution statute. ANALYSIS: Expenditures for the purchase of rock salt requires the adoption of a resolution appropriating the funds. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Mayor's execution of the attached resolution allocating MFT funds for the purchase of rock salt in the year 2016. Illinois Department of Transportation BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council City of McHe (City, Town or Village) appropriated the sum of $110,875.00 Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code (Council or President and Board of Trustees) , Illinois, that there is hereby (Name) of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code from January 1, 2 (Date) to December 31, 2016 (Date) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the approved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connection with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon a practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at Schaumburg , Illinois. I, Janice Jones of McHenry County of Clerk in and for the City (City, Town or Village) McHen hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Council at a meeting on (Council or President and Board of Trustees) IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this (SEAL) City December 21, 2015 Date 21st day of December, 2015 (City, Town or Village) Approved Date Department of Transportation Regional Eng Clerk Printed 12/14/2015 BLR 14230 (Rev. 11/06) Period from Illinois Department of Transportation 01/01/2016 to 12/31 /2016 Section Number Municipality Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs 16-00000-00-GM McHen Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations Maintenance Operation (No. — Description) Snow & Ice Removal State Joint Purchase Snow & Ice Removal FOM Group (l,n,m,ly) II II For Group III or 111 Material E ui ment or Labor Operation Cost 105,765400 5,110.00 Item Bulk Road Salt Calcium Chloride Unit Tons Gals Quantitv 11500 7000 Unit Price 70.51 0073 Cost $105,765,00 $5,110.00 Total Day Labor Costs $110,875.00 Total Estimated Maintenance Operation Cost $110,875,00 Preliminary Engineering Engineering Inspection Material Testing Total Estimated Engineering Cost Total Estimated Maintenance Cost $110,875,00 Submitted: By: Municipal 12/21 /2015 Clerk Title Approved: Submit Four (4) Copies to Regional Engineer Regional Engineer Page 1 of 1 BLR 14231 (Rev. 2/23/06) Printed on 12/14/2015 3:06:57 PM Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator FOR: December 21, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Parks and Recreation/City Newsletter Bid Results ATT: Bid Results On November 16�', the City Council approved a request to seek bids for printing the seasonal Parks and Recreation programs brochure and City Newsletter. On December 1:) , six bids were received with the lowest base bid submitted by Woodward Printing for the base bid of $10,857. The City has worked with Woodward printing two years ago and was completely satisfied with all of their work on our behalf. If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the base bid from Woodward Printing to print three seasonal brochures for the Parks and Recreation Department and two seasonal City Newsletters for the base bid of $10,857. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest qua/ittiof programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. C 0 z m Z C m c m p7 N 0 g D C � o rp m v n ,..* m N � I-' W o r^ 0 70 0 N AS -NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 12/21/15 NICOLE I SCENIC TOURS 2271.00 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 298.04 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 11536 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 36530 LIBERTY TAX 30.00 BANKCARD SERVICES 560.00 BANKCARD SERVICES 1650.00 BANKCARD SERVICES 28010 BANKCARD SERVICES 334.04 BANKCARD SERVICES 282492 BANKCARD SERVICES 1659.94 BANKCARD SERVICES 23,00 BANKCARD SERVICES 319,25 BANKCARD SERVICES 40.04 BANKCARD SERVICES 264631 BANKCARD SERVICES 370v48 BANKCARD SERVICES 164.00 BANKCARD SERVICES 65,29 BANKCARD SERVICES 31,09 BANKCARD SERVICES 265.86 BANKCARD SERVICES 88.45 BANKCARD SERVICES 504.71 BANKCARD SERVICES 499000 BANKCARD SERVICES 29.49 MOREFIELD, WILLIAM DERIK 17.04 AT&T 90.66 AT&T 83.77 AT&T 88.27 AT&T 37510 AT&T 44.74 AT&T 536.42 AT&T 44.25 AT&T 133652 AT&T 88,50 AT&T 44.25 AT&T 44,25 AT&T 88.50 AT&T 133.11 AT&T 64.95 AT&T 265,55 AT&T 267.73 COMCAST CABLE 110.93 DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS 141417,50 ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH2O,00 MCMILLAN, CHAD 249.00 NAVSURFWARCENDIV CRANE 900.00 SAM'S CLUB 60A8 SAM'S CLUB 114.61 SAM'S CLUB 60k56 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 135.00 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 97.34 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 311.00 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 225.00 AT&T 86.05 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL 487,50 POSTMASTER MCHENRYIL AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T AT&T DOMED DOMED DOMED DOMED DOMED DOMED NWBOCA UNITED PARCEL SERVICE FUND 100 TOTAL FUND 400 TOTAL FUND 510 TOTAL FUND 620 TOTAL AS -NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 12/21/15 16135.15 141417.5 1810.95 730.38 TOTAL 160093.98 487.50 104.06 39.02 84.55 45.52 253.64 39.02 13.01 39.02 6.50 13.01 6.50 Vol 256.67 256.67 182.07 1.96 0.19 0.37 0.83 190.97 325.96 207.79 114.22 60.90 321.82 60.00 9.85 160093.98 Vendor Name McHenry, IL Account Number Description (Item) Expense Approval Register LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 12/21/15 Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: AALTO, SARAN M AALTO, SARAH M 100-4&5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 12/10/15 12/21/2015 337.50 Vendor AALTO, SARAH M Total: 337.50 Vendor: ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, RA 100-45-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 770315 12/21/2015 119.12 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, RA 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 770393 12/21/2015 3.50 Vendor ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A Total: 122.62 Vendor: ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 327618 12/21/2015 160.00 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 329255 12/21/2015 86.87 Vendor ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC Total: 246.87 Vendor: ADAMS, RUSSELL ADAMS, RUSSELL 510-32-4510 REIMB BOOTALLOWANCE INV0001357 12/21/201S 55.46 Vendor ADAMS, RUSSELL Total: 55.46 Vendor: ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC 510-32-5380 REPAIRS ELECTRICAL HEATERS 26477 12/21/2015 240.00 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC 510-32-5380 BOILER INSPECTION/REPAIRS 26644 12/21/2015 360.00 Vendor ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC Total: 600.00 Vendor: AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN AMERICAN WATERWORKS 100-33-5430 MEMBERSHIP DUES 12/1/15-11/30/16 12/21/2015 81.00 VendorAMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSN Total: 81.00 Vendor: APCO INTERNATIONAL INC APCO INTERNATIONAL INC 100-22-5430 TRAINING 1/4/16-1/6/16 00023875 12/21/2015 369.00 Vendor APCO INTERNATIONAL INC Total: 369.00 Vendor: ARAMARK ARAMARK 100-33-4510 EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW 16571057 12/21/2015 167.19 Vendor ARAMARK Total: 167.19 Vendor: ARIES INDUSTRIES INC ARIES INDUSTRIES INC 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES 352206 12/21/2015 29,70 ARIES INDUSTRIES INC 510-35-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 352702 12/21/2015 96.16 ARIES INDUSTRIES INC 510-35-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 352734 12/21/2015 817.89 ARIES INDUSTRIES INC 510-35-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 353733 12/21/2015 966.16 Vendor ARIES INDUSTRIES INC Total: 1/909491 Vendor: AT&T LONG DISTANCE AT&T LONG DISTANCE 100-01-5320 LONG DISTANCE NOV 2015 12/21/2015 138.94 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 100-22-5320 LONG DISTANCE NOV 2015 12/21/2015 3.10 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 100-33-5320 LONG DISTANCE NOV 2015 12/21/2015 0.60 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 100-45-5320 LONG DISTANCE NOV 2015 12/21/2015 0.32 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 510-32-5320 LONG DISTANCE NOV. 2015 12/21/2015 2.68 Vendor AT&T LONG DISTANCE Total: 145.64 Vendor: AT&T AT&T 100-22-5320 ALARM CIRCUITS 12/1/15-12/31/15 12/21/2015 90.66 AT&T 100-33-5515 ALARM CIRCUITS 1211/15-12/31/15 12/21/2015 86.55 AT&T 100-43-5320 ALARM CIRCUITS 12/1/1542/31/15 12/21/2015 83.77 AT&T 100-45-5320 ALARM CIRCUITS 12/1/15-12/31/15 12/21/2015 44.13 AT&T 1004&5320 ALARM CIRCUITS 12/1/1542/31/15 12/21/2015 44A4 AT&T 100-01-5320 CENTREX LINES 12/4/15-1/3/16 12/21/2015 368A4 AT&T 100-02-5320 CENTREX LINES 12/4/15-1/3/16 12/21/2015 44.74 AT&T 100-22-5320 CENTREX LINES 12/4/15-1/3/16 12/21/2015 536.27 AT&T 100-30-5320 CENTREX LINES 12/4/15-1/3/16 12/21/2015 44.25 AT&T 100-33-5320 CENTREX LINES 12/4/15-1/3/16 12/21/2015 134.15 12/16/2015 12:56:51 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) AT&T 100-41-53Z0 CENTREX LINES AT&T 100-42-5320 CENTREX LINES AT&T 100-43-5320 CENTREX LINES AT&T 100-44-5320 CENTREX LINES AT&T 100-45-5320 CENTREX LINES AT&T 620-00-5110 CENTREX LINES AT&T 510-31-5320 CENTREX LINES AT&T 510-32-5320 CENTREX LINES Vendor: BAKER & SON CO, PETER BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 MATERIALS Vendor: BEARING HEADQUARTERS COMPANY BEARING HEADQUARTERS 510-32-5375 EQUIP REPAIRS Vendor: BELVIDERE FIRING RANGE, CITY OF BELVIDERE FIRING RANGE, CITY 100-22-5110 CONTRACTUALSERVICES- Vendor: BONNELI INDUSTRIES INC BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS Vendor: BRENNAN, DAN BRENNAN, DAN 100-03-5110 CONTRACTUAISERVICES- BRENNAN, DAN 100-03-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - BROWN, IUDY I BROWN, JUDY 1 100-47-5110 Vendor: BURRAFATO, SAM BURRAFATO, SAM 100-33-4510 Vendor: BUSS FORD SALES BUSS FORD SALES 100-22-5370 Vendor: CABAY &COMPANY INC CABAY &COMPANY INC 100-01-6110 Vendor: CAPITAL GAINS INCORPORATED CAPITAL GAINS 760-00-5110 Vendor: CAREY ELECTRIC CAREY ELECTRIC 100-45-5110 Vendor: CCTV SECURITY PROS LLC CCTV SECURITY PROS LLC 100-22-6110 CCTV SECURITY PROS LLC 100-33-5115 Vendor: CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 Vendor: CENTEGRA WORKSITE WELLNESS CENTEGRA WORKSITE 100-01-5110 PARKS & REC INSTRUCTOR Payable Number 12/4/15-1/3/16 12/4/154/3/16 1ZJ4/15-1/3/16 12/4/15-1/3/16 12/4/15-1/3/16 12/4/15-1/3/16 12/4-1/3/16 12/44/3/16 38201MB Packet: APPKT00287 - CENTREX LINES �r 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 Vendor AT&T Total: 12/21/2015 Vendor BAKER & SON CO, PETER Total' 5042774 12/21/2015 Vendor BEARING HEADQUARTERS COMPANY Total0 1502 12/21/2015 Vendor BELVIDERE FIRING RANGE, CITY OF Total: 0165806-IN 12/21/2015 Vendor BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC Total: INV0001358 12/21/2015 INV0001359 12J21/2015 Vendor BRENNAN, DAN Total: 11/3-11/30/15 REIMB EMPLOYEE CLOTHING INV0001360 VEHICLE REPAIRS SUPPLIES CONTRACTUALSERVICES CONTRACTUALSERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 50193411 54557 2289 30457 12/21/2015 Vendor BROWN, IUDY I Total: 12/21/2015 Vendor BURRAFATO, SAM Total: 12/21/2015 Vendor BUSS FORD SALES Total: 12/21/2015 Vendor CABAY &COMPANY INC Total: 12/21/2015 Vendor CAPITAL GAINS INCORPORATED Total: 12/21/2015 Vendor CAREY ELECTRICTotal: 1119A 12/21/2015 1119A 12/21/2015 Vendor CCTV SECURITY PROS LLC Total: MEDICALSERVICES 162606 12/21/2015 MEDICALSERVICES 162832 12/21/2015 MEDICALSERVICES 162897 12/21/2015 Vendor CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Total: HEALTH FAIR -CONTRACTUAL 162043 12/21/2015 Vendor CENTEGRA WORKSITE WELLNESS Total: _ITi�'i17 88.50 44.25 44.25 88.50 133.26 64.95 265.50 275.21 2,481.22 106.92 106.92 2,647.85 2,647.85 1,101.82 1,101.82 zoo.oa 300,00 500.00 200.00 200.00 126,69 126,69 26,96 26.96 120.96 120,96 4,924.00 4,924900 105.00 105.00 30.00 30.00 120,D0 180.00 8,910.00 8,910.00 12/16/2015 12:56:51 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00287 - PARKS & REC INSTRUCTOR Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: CHONG, KENDRICK CHONG, KENDRICK 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC INSTRUCTOR 11/7-12/15/15 12/21/2015 68.00 Vendor CHONG, KENDRICK Total: 68.00 Vendor: CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY CINTAS FIRSTAID & SAFETY 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 5004027481 12/21/2015 21.09 Vendor CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY Total: 21.09 Vendor: CMS INC CMSINC 400-00-5210 INITIAL CLIENT FEE 8415 12/21/2015 650.00 CMS INC 400-00-5210 MONTHLY CLIENT FEE 8436 12/21/2015 500.00 Vendor CMS INC Total: 1,150.00 Vendor: COMCAST CABLE COMCASTCABLE 620-00-5110 INTERNET 12/4/15-1/3/16 12/21/2015 82.90 COMCASTCABLE 620-00-5110 INTERNET 12/44/3/15 12/21/2015 162.85 COMCASTCABLE 620-00-5110 CABLE TV 12/11-1/10/16 12/21/2015 127.81 COMCASTCABLE 620-00-5110 CABLE TV 12/12-1/11/16 12/21/2015 115.62 COMCAST CABLE 620-00-5110 CABLE TV 12/84/7/16 12/21/2015 29.46 Vendor COMCAST CABLE Total: 518.64 Vendor: COMED COMED 100-41-5510 UTILITIES 10/28-11/20/15 12/21/2015 365.26 Vendor COMED Total: 365.26 Vendor: CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES 10.22-11.22.15 12/21/2015 20.42 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-44-5510 UTILITIES 10.22-11.22.15 12/21/2015 42.90 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-45-5510 UTILITIES 10.22-11.22.15 12/21/2015 4.58 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-46-5510 UTILITIES 10.22-11.22.15 12/21/2015 4.59 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES 10/22-11/19/15 12/21/2015 11193.47 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES 10/22-11/19 12/21/2015 1/891091 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-45-5510 UTIIUTIES 10/2641/23/15 12/21/2015 425.94 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 510-31-5510 PUMPING FEES 12/23-11/23/15 12/21/2015 4,619.82 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 510-32-5510 PUMPING FEES 12/23-11/23/15 12/21/2015 231383.58 Vendor CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC Total: 31,587.21 Vendor: COOK & SON, VIRGIL COOK & SON, VIRGIL 440-00-8900 TRAFFIC LIGHT 0002734 12/21/2015 670673.70 Vendor COOK & SON, VIRGIL Total: 670673.70 Vendor: CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 10045-6110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5501293550.001 12/21/2015 178.46 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 100-33-6110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 55013222496.001 12/21/2015 98.42 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 5501378784.001 12/21/2015 10.50 Vendor CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO Total% 287.38 Vendor: CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY CURRAN CONTRACTING 440-00-8600 STREET PROGRAM-APPLIC 1 12886 12121/7O15 43,762.23 Vendor CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY Total: 43,762.23 Vendor: CURRAN MATERIALS COMPANY CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 10118 12/21/2015 21433.00 CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 10316 12/21/2015 541.04 Vendor CURRAN MATERIALS COMPANYTotal: 21974.04 Vendor: D'ANGELO NATURALSPRING D'ANGELO NATURALSPRING 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 11/10-11/23/15 12/21/2015 40.75 Vendor D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING Total: 40.75 Vendor: DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSIONS INC DOCUMENTIMAGING 620-00-6210 SUPPLIES 284868 12/21/2015 139.00 Vendor DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSIONS INC Total: 139.00 Vendor: DOOR SERVICE INC DOOR SERVICE INC 610-00-5980 INSTALL COMMERCIAL SECT WO-3807 12/21/2015 5,965.79 DOOR SERVICE INC 100-01-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES WO-3866 12/21/2015 395.OD Vendor DOOR SERVICE INCTotala 6,360.79 12/16/2015 12:56:51 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS 510-32-5380 Vendor: DRYDON EQUIPMENT INC DRYDON EQUIPMENT INC 510-32-6110 Vendor: DUNN, TAMMY DUNN, TAMMY 100-47-5110 Vendors EBY GRAPHICS INC EBY GRAPHICS INC 100-22-8300 Vendor: EDESIGN EDESIGN 400-00-5210 Vendor: ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/11M'S MUFFLER SHOP ED'S AUTO MOTIVE/J I M'S 100-33-5370 Vendor: EGAN, JACK EGAN, JACK 10047-6110 Vendor: FAST EDDIES CAR WASH FAST EDDIES CAR WASH 100-22-5370 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH 10041-6110 Vendor: FGM ARCHITECTS FGM ARCHITECTS 400-00-8200 FGM ARCHITECTS 440-00-8200 Vendor: FISCHER BROS FRESH FISCHER BROS FRESH 100-33-6110 FISCHER BROS FRESH 100-33-6110 Vendor: FLEMING COMPANY, THOMAS FLEMING COMPANY, THOMAS 225-00-5110 Vendor: FLORES, JILL M FLORES, JILL M 100-47-5110 Vendor: FOX RIDGE NURSERY FOX RIDGE NURSERY 100-41-6950 Vendor: FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY 225-00-5110 Vendor: FRONTLINE TECHNOLOGIES GROUP LLC FRONTLINE TECHNOLOGIES 100-01-5110 Vendor: GARY GARWOOD & KENNETH PESZ GARY GARWOOD & KENNETH 100-01-6940 Vendor: GESKE AND SONS INC GESKE AND SONS INC 510-35-6110 GESKE AND SONS INC 100-33-6110 Packet: APPKT00287 - BOILER PUMP MOTOR Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount BOILER PUMP MOTOR 1989610 12/21/2015 797.00 Vendor DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC Total* 797.00 SUPPLIES 40515 12/21/2015 55,43 Vendor DRYDON EQUIPMENT INC Total: 55.43 PARKS & REC INSTRUCTOR 11/10/15 12/21/2015 15,00 Vendor DUNN, TAMMY Total: 15.00 VEHICLE GRAPHIC 1910 12/21/2015 475.00 Vendor EBV GRAPHICS INCTotal: 475.00 CONSTRUCTION BOARDS 2015636 12/21/2015 49175 Vendor EDESIGN Total: 493.75 VEHICLE REPAIRS 11/3/15-11/27/15 12/21/2015 194.50 Vendor ED'SAUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MUFFLER SHOP Total: 194.50 REIMBSUPPLIES INV0001361 12/21/2015 16083 Vendor EGAN, JACK Total: 16.83 VEHICLE WASHES 9/19/15-10/22/15 12/21/2015 9935 VEHICLE WASHES 9/19115-10/22/15 12/21/2015 1635 Vendor FAST EDDIES CAR WASH Total: 116,70 MCHENRY REC CENTER 14-1800.01-15 12/21/2015 5,744.00 MUNICIPALCENTER 15-2031.01-4 12/21/2015 1,600.00 Vendor FGM ARCHITECTS Total: 7,344.00 MATERIALS 6123 12/21/2015 618.00 MATERIALS 6147 12/21/2015 461,00 Vendor FISCHER BROS FRESH Total: 1,079.00 CONTRACTUALSERVICES 8650 12/21/2015 498,00 Vendor FLEMING COMPANY, THOMAS Total: 498.00 PARKS & REC INSTRUCTOR 11/441/18/15 12/21/2015 9750 Vendor FLORES, JILL M Total: 9750 FORESTRY 32792 12/21/2015 140.00 Vendor FOX RIDGE NURSERY Total: 140.00 MONTHLY MAINT FEES- 951979 12/21/2015 11092,00 Vendor FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY Total: 1109200 APPUTRACK INVUS45380 12/21/2015 2,000.00 Vendor FRONTLINE TECHNOLOGIES GROUP LLC Total: 2,000.00 FACADEGRANTAT3932MAIN INV0001417 12/21/2015 3,000.00 Vendor GARY GARWOOD & KENNETH PESZ Total: 3,000*00 MATERIALS 35041 12/21/2015 621,92 MATERIALS 35061 12/21/2015 224,64 12/16/2015 12:56:51 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00287 - MATERIALS Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount GESKE AND SONS INC 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 35097 12/21/2015 986.00 Vendor GESKE AND SONS INC Total: 11832.56 Vendor: GILMAN, NIKOLE GILMAN, NIKOLE 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC INSTRUCTOR 11/7/15-11/21/15 12/21/2015 89.25 Vendor GILMAN, NIKOLE Total: 89.25 Vendor: HACH COMPANY HACH COMPANY 510-31-6110 SUPPLIES 9686607 12/21/2015 651.27 Vendor HACH COMPANY Total: 651.27 Vendor: HAWKINS INC HAWKINS INC 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 3788521RI 12/21/2015 2,077.58 HAWKINS INC 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 3804824RI 12/21/2015 632.18 Vendor HAWKINS INC Total: 2,709.76 Vendor: HERITAGE -CRYSTAL CLEAN LLC HERITAGE -CRYSTAL CLEAN LLC 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 13777290 12/21/2015 177.04 Vendor HERITAGE -CRYSTAL CLEAN LLC Total: 177.04 Vendor: HI -VAC CORPORATION HI -VAC CORPORATION 450-00-8400 SEWERJETTER 101564 12/21/2015 2641853.60 HI -VAC CORPORATION 450-00-8400 CHASSIS 101573 12/21/2015 89,436.00 HI -VAC CORPORATION 450-00-8400 EQUIPMENT 101790 12/21/2015 51189,40 Vendor HI -VAC CORPORATION Total: 359,479.00 Vendor: HOUFF COMPANY, THE ROY HOUFF COMPANY, THE ROY 10045-6110 SUPPLIES 200666137 12/21/2015 33&85 Vendor HOUFF COMPANY, THE ROYTotal: 338.85 Vendor: IDS BLAST IDS BLAST 510-32-5380 SUPPLIES 167183 12/21/2015 491.12 Vendor IDS BLASTTotal: 491.12 Vendor: ILLINOIS ASSN OF CODE ENFORCEMENT ILLINOIS ASSN OF CODE 100-03-5410 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL INV0001362 12/21/2015 25.00 Vendor ILLINOIS ASSN OF CODE ENFORCEMENT Total: 25.00 Vendor: ILLINOIS DEPT OF AGRICULTURE ILLINOIS DEPT OF 100-45-6110 PUBLIC APPLICATOR LICENSE SG1111020000 12/21/2015 50.00 Vendor ILLINOIS DEPT OF AGRICULTURETotal4 50.00 Vendor: ILLINOIS STATE POLICE ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 100-03-5110 BACKGROUND CHECKS INV0001414 12/21/2015 59.50 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 100-2200 BACKGROUND CHECKS INV0001414 12/21/2015 119.00 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 100-30-5110 BACKGROUND CHECKS INV0001414 12/21/2015 29.75 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 100-33-5110 BACKGROUND CHECKS INV0001414 12/21/2015 29.75 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 100-41-5110 BACKGROUND CHECKS INV0001414 12/21/2015 29750 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 100-45-5110 BACKGROUND CHECKS INV0001414 12/21/2015 29.75 Vendor ILLINOIS STATE POLICE Total: 565.25 Vendor: ILLINOIS TOLLWAY ILLINOISTOLLWAY 100-22-5110 ACCT#6169-TOLLS G15686142 12/21/2015 220.28 Vendor ILLINOIS TOLLWAYTotal: 220.28 Vendor: INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL INC INTERNATIONAL CODE 100-03-5410 MEMBER DUES 3072180 12/21/2015 135.00 Vendor INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL INCTotala 135.00 Vendor: INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000290359 12/21/2015 40492,51 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000388117 12/21/2015 394,41 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000445921 12/21/2015 169,55 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000455711 12/21/2015 364.81 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIR CREDIT 3000502779 12/21/2015 -186.20 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000519413 12/21/2015 19SA4 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000535605 12/21/2015 12.19 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000581334 12/21/2015 193.87 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE 3000605622 12/21/2015 -30.60 12/16/2015 12:56:51 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00287 - VEHICLE REPAIRS Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000750985 12/21/2015 133.69 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000756184 12/21/2015 112.83 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000771170 12/21/2015 161.64 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 300077IS68 12/21/2015 133.69 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000796542 12/21/2015 151.18 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000797142 12/21/2015 357.43 Vendor INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC Total: 6,656.44 Vendor: IRISH PRAIRIE RECREATIONAL CENTER IRISH PRAIRIE RECREATIONAL 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC RENTAL OCT-NOV 10/5/15-10/9/15 12/21/2015 900.00 Vendor IRISH PRAIRIE RECREATIONAL CENTER Total: 900.00 Vendor: JOHNSTON, DAVID JOHNSTON, DAVID 100-00-3410 PWB REFUND 15-09-232 12/21/2015 11500,00 Vendor JOHNSTON, DAVIDTotal: 11500.00 Vendor: KENO & SONS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY KENO & SONS CONSTRUCTION 580-32-8500 FIELDSTONE LIFT STATION 1 12/21/2015 41590,00 Vendor KENO & SONS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Total: 40590.00 Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST KIMBALL MIDWEST 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 4584891 12/21/2015 260.87 KIMBALL MIDWEST 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 4598334 12/21/2015 256.34 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWEST Total: 517.21 Vendor: KURSE, JACQUELINE KURSE, JACQUELINE 100-41-3637 PARKS & REC REFUND 128123 12/21/2015 196.15 Vendor KURSE, JACQUELINE Total: 196.15 Vendor: LANG-CADILLAC-BUICK-GMC INC, GARY LANG-CADILLAC-BUICK-GMC 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 121191 12/21/2015 327.80 Vendor LANG-CADILLAC-BUICK-GMC INC, GARYTotal: 327.80 Vendor: LES MILLS UNITED STATES TRADING INC LES MILLS UNITED STATES 400-40-6142 MCHENRY REC CENTER 11/16/15 12/21/2015 21382.00 Vendor LES MILLS UNITED STATES TRADING INCTotal: 21382.00 Vendor: LEXISNEXIS LEXISNEXIS 100-22-5110 PHONE SEARCHES-NOV2015 20151130 12/21/2015 116.50 Vendor LEXISNEXIS Total: 116.50 Vendor: MACE, DOUG MACE, DOUG 510-314510 REIMB CLOTHING ALLOW INV0001420 12/21/2015 238.59 Vendor MACE, DOUG Total: 238.59 Vendor: MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW PLOWING CORP MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW 100-33-5110 FORESTRY INV0001364 12/21/2015 31200.00 MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW 100-41-6950 FORESTRY INV0001364 12/21/2015 31200.00 Vendor MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW PLOWING CORP Total: 6,400.00 Vendor: MCDONALO, PAMELA S MCDONALD, PAMELA S 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC INSTRUCTOR 10/20/15-11/17/15 12/21/2015 281.25 Vendor MCDONALD, PAMELA S Total: 281.25 Vendor: MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INC MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-32-6110 METALS TEST 389140 12/21/2015 650900 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-32-6110 NITROGEN SAMPLES 389241 12/21/2015 60.00 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-31-5110 SAMPLES SOC & IOC 389283 12/21/2015 11955,00 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-32-6110 NITROGEN SAMPLES 389339 12/21/2015 85.00 Vendor MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INCTotal: 2,750.00 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF 100-22-5430 MONTHLY MEETING DEC 2015 12/21/2015 45.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE Total: 45.00 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 100-01-6940 RECORDING FEES 11113/15-11/25/15 12/21/2015 312.00 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 510-31-6940 RECORDING FEES 11/13-11/25/15 12/21/2015 80.00 12/16/2015 12:56:51 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00287 - RECORDING FEES Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 510-32-6940 RECORDING FEES 11/13-11/25/15 12/21/2015 280,00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS Total: 672.00 Vendor: MCHENRY SPECIALTIES MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 100-02-6940 SUPPLES 2015-1019 12/21/2015 14.00 Vendor MCHENRY SPECIALTIES Total: 14.00 Vendor: MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 510-32-5380 VBELTS 44732154 12/21/2015 335.36 Vendor MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY'CO Total: 335.36 Vendor: METRO DOOR AND DOCK INC METRO DOOR AND DOCK INC 100-33-5115 TEMP REPAIRS TO OVERHEAD 51138 12/21/2015 1,823.15 Vendor METRO DOOR AND DOCK INC Total: 11823.15 Vendor: MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 705840993 12/21/2015 156.42 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 510-35-6110 MATERIALS 705895617 12/21/2015 79.30 Vendor MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY Total: 235.72 Vendor: MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC MID AMERICAN WATER OF 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 170047W 12f21/2015 252.00 Vendor MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INCTotal: 252.00 Vendor: MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES M15735 12/21/2015 4236 Vendor MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC Total: 42.76 Vendor: MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 100-41-5330 PRINTING/FLYERS 85013 12/21/2015 209.00 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 400-00-5210 POSTERS 85059 12/21/2015 55.00 Vendor MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH Total: 264.00 Vendor: MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT INC MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT 620-00-6270 SUPPLIES 0003430056 12/21/2015 99.18 MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT 620-00-6270 SUPPLIES 0003430215 12/21/2015 163.18 Vendor MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT INCTotal: 262.36 Vendor: MOREFIELD, WILLIAM DERIK MOREFIELD, WILLIAM DERIK 100-01-5420 REIMB TRAVEL EXP INV0001366 12/21/2015 26.25 Vendor MOREFIELD, WILLIAM DERIK Total: 26.25 Vendor: MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM21 NETWORK MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS 10D-22-5320 STARCOM21 NETWORK 20990103015 12/21/2015 21164.00 Vendor MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM21 NETWORK Total: 2,164.00 Vendor: NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-22-5370 SUPPLIES/VEHICLE REPAIRS NOV 2015 12/21/2015 531.22 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-33-5370 SUPPLIES/VEHICLE REPAIRS NOV 2015 12/21/2015 11599.84 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-45-5370 SUPPLIES/VEHICLE REPAIRS NOV 2015 12/21/2015 51.69 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-32-5370 SUPPLIES/VEHICLE REPAIRS NOV. 2015 12/21/2015 590,19 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-32-5375 SUPPLIES/VEHICLE REPAIRS NOV. 2015 12/21/2015 109.28 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES/VEHICLE REPAIRS NOV. 2015 12/21/2015 9.44 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-32-6250 SUPPLIES/VEHICLE REPAIRS NOV. 2015 12/21/2015 228.58 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-35-5370 SUPPLIES/VEHICLE REPAIRS NOV. 2015 12/21/2015 72.94 Vendor NAPA AUTO PARTS MPECTotal: 31193.18 Vendor: NATIONAL AWARDS & FINE GIFTS NATIONAL AWARDS & FINE 100-22-6210 SUPPLIES 10539 12/21/2015 16.25 Vendor NATIONALAWARDS & FINE GIFTS Total: 16.25 Vendor: NEW ALBERTSONS INC NEW ALBERTSONS INC 100-01-6940 SUPPLIES NOV 2015 12/21/2015 837 Vendor NEW ALBERTSONS INCTotal: 8.37 Vendor: NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT NORTHERN TOOL& 510-32-6110 SUPPLYCREDIT 33823873 12/15/2015 -6S,28 NORTHERN TOOL& 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 33939709 12/21/2015 434.29 Vendor NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENTTotal: 369.01 12J16J2015 12;56:51 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: NOVASPECT NOVASPECT 510-32-5375 Vendor: OLDCASTLE ARCHITECTURAL OLDCASTLE ARCHITECTURAL 100-33-6110 Vendor: OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOPER &GILBERT LTD OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOPER 100-01-5230 OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOPER 100-01-5230 Vendor: PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC Vendor: PITNEY BOWES INC PITNEY BOWES INC PITNEY BOWES INC PITNEY BOWES INC PITNEY BOWES INC PITNEY BOWES INC PITNEY BOWES INC PITNEY BOWES INC PITNEY BOWES INC PITNEY BOWES INC 510-35-6250 510-32-6250 510-31-6250 20045-6250 100-33-6250 100-22-6250 510-35-6250 100-03-6250 510-32-6250 510-31-6250 10045-6250 100-33-6250 100-22-6250 510-35-6250 500-03-6250 510-32-6250 510-31-6250 100-33-6250 100-22-6250 510-35-6250 100-03-6250 510-32-6250 510-31-6250 100-33-6250 100-22-6250 10D-03-6250 100-03-6250 100-01-5310 100-01-5310 100-03-5310 100-04-5310 100-22-5310 100-30-5310 205-00-5310 510-31-5310 510-32-5310 Vendor: PORTER LEE CORPORATION PORTER LEE CORPORATION 100-22-6210 Vendor:PRATHER,JAIMIE PRATHER,JAIMIE 100-22-4510 Description (Item) REPAIR SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Payable Number 112015DS 670039330 Packet: APPKT00287 - REPAIR SUPPLIES Post Date Amount 12/21/2015 Vendor NOVASPECT Total: 12/21/2015 Vendor OLDCASTLE ARCHITECTURAL Total: LEGALSERVICES 83914 12/21/2015 LEGALSERVICES 83915 12/21/2015 Vendor OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOPER & GILBERT LTD Total: VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL POSTAGE METER RENTAL POSTAGE METER RENTAL SUPPLIES 9708053 9708080 9708081 9708082 9708083 9708084 9711254 9711286 9711287 9711288 9711289 9711290 9711291 9714115 9714141 9714142 9714143 9714145 9714146 9716732 9716758 9716759 9716760 9716762 9716763 9719777 9719824 373818 373818 373818 373818 373818 373818 373818 373818A 373818A 16698 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW INV0001415 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/201S 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12J21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 Vendor PETROLIANCE LLC Total: 1/2015 12/2 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 Vendor PITNEY BOWES INCTotal: 12/21/2015 Vendor PORTER LEE CORPORATION Total: 12/21/2015 Vendor PRATHER, JAIMIE Total: 2,290.00 2,290.00 175.90 175.90 6,300.00 1,218.00 7,518.00 301.03 432.63 88.83 134.33 856.81 1,649.05 131.05 56.92 253.63 94.49 99.71 2,701.86 1,553.16 278.68 32.35 274.42 112.72 235.39 1,521.89 200,34 31.10 298.00 34.44 376.34 941.67 9.49 71.12 12,771.45 28.33 28.33 28.33 28.33 28.33 28.34 28.34 28.33 28.34 255.00 176.50 176.50 19.55 12/16/2015 12:56:51 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: QUALITY TIRE SERVICE QUALITY TIRE SERVICE 510-32-5370 Vendor: RADIOSHACK CORPORATION RADIOSHACK CORPORATION 100-45-6110 Vendor: REBARS & STEEL COMPANY REBARS & STEEL COMPANY 100-33-6110 Vendor: RED WING SHOE STORE RED WING SHOE STORE 100-454510 Vendor: REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER RODDING CORP REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER 510-31-6110 Vendor: RESERVE ACCOUNT RESERVE ACCOUNT 100-01-5310 RESERVE ACCOUNT 100-02-5310 RESERVE ACCOUNT 100-03-5310 RESERVE ACCOUNT 100-04-5310 RESERVEACCOUNT 100-22-5310 RESERVEACCOUNT 100-30-5310 RESERVEACCOUNT 100-41-5310 RESERVE ACCOUNT 510-31-5310 Vendor: RICOH USA INC RICOH USA INC 760.00-5110 Vendor: RNOW INC RNOW INC 510-35-6110 Vendor: ROGERS, MATT ROGERS, MATT 100-33-4510 Vendor: SCHMITT, JON SCHMITT, JON 100-33-5430 Vendor: SCHWEDA, SCOTT SCHWEDA, SCOTT 100-33-5430 Vendor: SECRETARY OF STATE SECRETARY OF STATE 100-04-5110 Vendor: SHAW MEDIA SHAW MEDIA 100-01-5330 Vendor: ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURCH ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 100-47-5110 Vendor: STANS LPS MIDWEST STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-5110 STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-5110 Vendor: STAPLES ADVANTAGE STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-00-6210 Packet: APPKT00287 - VEHICLE REPAIRS Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount VEHICLE REPAIRS 39667 12/21/2015 50,00 Vendor QUALITY TIRE SERVICE Total: S0.00 SUPPLIES 028748 12/21/2015 4A9 Vendor RADIOSHACK CORPORATION Total; 4.49 I SUPPLIES 69986 12/21/2015 I 107.00 Vendor REBARS & STEEL COMPANY Total; 107.00 EMPLOYEEBOOT ALLOW 7400000000229 12/21/2015 179.99 Vendor RED WING SHOE STORE Total: 179.99 SUPPLES 11/6/15 12/21/2015 180.00 Vendor REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER RODDING CORP Total: 180.00 POSTAGE FOR POSTAGE INV0001367 12/21/2015 60.63 POSTAGE FOR POSTAGE INV0001367 12/21/2015 63.58 POSTAGE FOR POSTAGE INV0001367 12/21/2015 104.43 POSTAGE FOR POSTAGE INV0001367 12/21/201S 315.77 POSTAGE FOR POSTAGE INV0001367 12/21/2015 159.91 POSTAGE FOR POSTAGE INV0001367 12/21/2015 3,03 POSTAGE FOR POSTAGE INV0001367 12/21/2015 24.78 POSTAGE FOR POSTAGE INV0001368 12/21/2015 227.47 Vendor RESERVE ACCOUNT Total: 959.60 CONTRACTUALSERVICES CH115110024 12/21/2015 323.17 Vendor RICOH USA INC Total: 323.17 SUPPLIES 2015-48930 12/21/2015 7,032.36 Vendor KNOW INCTotal: 7,032.36 REIMBTOOLALLOW INV0001369 12/21/2015 236.50 Vendor ROGERS, MATT Total: 236.50 REIMBTRAVEL EXP INV00D1370 12/21/2015 9,75 Vendor SCHMITT, JON Total: 9,75 TRAINING EXP INV0001419 12/21/2015 99.00 Vendor SCHWEDA, SCOTT Total: 99.00 REIM PROCESSING FEES INV0001418 12/16/2015 10,00 Vendor SECRETARY OF STATE Total: 20,00 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS -BID 11/19/15 12/21/2015 309.50 Vendor SHAW MEDIA Total: 309.S0 PARKS & REC-NOV RENTAL 10/8/15-11/3/15 12/22/2015 206.70 Vendor ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Total: 206.70 IT/NETWORK 316336 12/21/2015 11672,00 INTERNET 316337 12/21/2015 35.00 Vendor STANS LPS MIDWEST Total: 1,707.00 SUPPLIES 8037027455 12/21/2015 -27.67 12/16/2015 12:56:51 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00287 - SUPPLIES Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-00-6210 SUPPLIES 8037027455 12/21/2015 370.26 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-01-6210 SUPPLIES 8037027455 12/21/2015 31.41 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-01-6210 SUPPLIES 8037027455 12/21/2015 13.73 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-22-6210 SUPPLIES 8037027455 12/21/2015 28A9 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-41-6210 SUPPLIES 8037027455 12/21/2015 13.94 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-00-6210 SUPPLIES 8037125095 12/21/2015 32.72 Vendor STAPLES ADVANTAGE Total: 462.88 Vendor: SUNNYSIDE COMPANY SUNNYSIDE COMPANY 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 177313 12/21/2015 46.98 Vendor SUNNYSIDE COMPANY Total: 46.98 Vendor: THELEN MATERIALS LLC THELEN MATERIALS LLC 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 329811 12/21/2015 104.08 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 330273 12/21/2015 79.35 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 330546 12/21/2015 254.10 Vendor THELEN MATERIALS LLC Total: 437.53 Vendor: THOMPSON, NICOLE THOMPSON, NICOLE 100-46-6110 REIMBSUPPLIES INV0001371 12/21/2015 24.99 Vendor THOMPSON, NICOLE Total: 24.99 Vendor: TOBIN, TRACY TOBIN, TRACY 100-4&S110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 12/15/15 12/21/2015 44.63 Vendor TOBIN, TRACY Total: 44.63 Vendor: TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC TRAFFICCONTROL& 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 85064 12/21/2015 508.75 Vendor TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC Total: 508.75 Vendor: TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 309309 12/21/2015 751.36 TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 500-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 12/09/15 12/21/2015 278.44 Vendor TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 Total: 10029.80 Vendor: TYLER TECHNOLOGIES TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 510-31-5110 FINANCE SOFTWARE MAINT 025-141147 12/21/2015 60.00 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 510-32-5110 FINANCE SOFTWARE MAINT 025-141147 12/21/2015 60.00 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 450-00-8300 FINANCE SOFTWARE TRAINING 025-142005 12/21/2015 31621,60 Vendor TYLER TECHNOLOGIES Total: 31741.60 Vendor: ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATIONS INC ULTRA STROBE 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 070496 12/21/2015 149.90 Vendor ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATIONS INC Total: 149.90 Vendor: US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-22-5110 COPIER LEASE-500-0401564 #19 OF 60 12/21/2015 225.00 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-01-5110 COPIER LEAS&500-0389299 #23 OF 60 12/21/2015 311.00 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-33-5110 COPIER LEASE-500-0361445 #32 OF 61 12/21/2015 97.34 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 510-31-5110 COPIER LEASE-500-0361445 #32 OF 61A 12/21/2015 97.33 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 510-32-5110 COPIER LEASE-500-0361445 #32 OF 61A 12/21/2015 97.33 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-03-5110 COPIER LEASE-500-0302031- 293629168 12/21/2015 135,00 Vendor US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE Total: 963.00 Vendor: USA BLUEBOOK USA BLUEBOOK 510-31-6110 SUPPLIES 800070 12/21/2015 76.75 USA BLUEBOOK 510-32-5380 REPAIRS UTILITY 811190 12/21/2015 577.82 Vendor USA BLUEBOOK Total: 654.57 Vendor: VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS 100-01-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 11/4/15-12/3/15 12/21/2015 74,31 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-03-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 11/4/15-12/3/15 12/21/2015 111.37 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-22-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 11/4/15-12/3/15 12/21/2015 1,151.96 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-30-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 11/4/1542/3/15 12/21/2015 34.05 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-33-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 11/4/15-12/3/15 12/21/2015 139.95 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-41-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 11/4/15-12/3/15 12/21/2015 6.42 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-45-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 11/4/15-12/3/15 12/21/2015 34.05 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-46-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 11/4/15-12/3/15 12/21/2015 0.50 12/16/Z015 12:56:51 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) VERIZON WIRELESS 100-47-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 620-00-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 510-31-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 510-32-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 510-35-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 100-33-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 510-31-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 510-32-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE VERIZON WIRELESS 620-00-5110 WIRELESS BROADBAND Vendor: WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI PHEASANT RUN RDF WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI 510-32-5580 SLUDGE REMOVAL Vendor: WATER WELL SOLUTIONS WATERWELLSOLUTIONS 510-31-5110 CONTRA CTUALSERVICES WATER WELL SOLUTIONS 510-31-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Vendor: WORKING WORLD INC WORKING WORLD INC 100-01-5110 CONTRACTUALSERVICES Vendor: ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & MCARDLE ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 500-01-5230 CORPORATE ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 100 02-5230 TRAFFIC ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 100-01-5230 WASTE WATER TREATMENT ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 740-00-5230 RETAINED PERSONNEL -HOME Packet: APPKT00287 - CELL PHONE USAGE Payable Number Post Date Amount 11/4/15-12/3/15 12/21/2015 0.23 11/4/15-12/3/15 12/21/2015 40,80 11/4-12/3 12/21/2015 68,33 11/4.12/3 12/21/2015 22.60 11/4 12/3 12/21/2015 76402 12/4/15-1/3/16 12/21/2015 25,82 12/4-1/3/16 12/21/2015 126AS 12/4-1/3/16 12/21/2015 25,82 9756610450 12/21/2015 38.01 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS Total: 1,976.69 0029683-2742-5 12/21/2015 Vendor WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI PHEASANT RUN RDF Total: 133737 12J21/2015 383728 12/21/2015 Vendor WATER WELL SOLUTIONS Total: 127499 12/21/2015 Vendor WORKING WORLD INC Total: 117185 12/21/2015 117186 12/21/2015 117187 12/21/2015 117188 12/21/2015 Vendor ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & MCARDLE Total: 6,217.22 6,217.22 4,500.00 46,649.25 51,149.25 488,47 488.47 8,050.00 6,956.73 2,056.25 507.50 17,570.48 Grand Total: 721,890.14 12/16/2015 12:56:51 PM Expense Approval Register Fund Summary Fund S00 - GENERAL FUND 205-PAGEANT FUND 225-ALARM BOARD FUND 400 - RECREATION CENTER FUND 440 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 450 - CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND 510- WATER/SEWER FUND 580- UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 610- RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 620 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 740 - RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 760 - POLICE PENSION FUND Grand Total: Packet: APPKT00287 - RETAINED PERSONNEL -HOME OF SPARROW Expense Amount 99,764.91 28.34 1,590.00 9,824.75 113,035.93 363,100.60 115,464.39 4,590.00 51965,79 2,770.76 507.50 5,247.17 721,890.14 Report Summary McHenry, IL Expense Approval Report LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 12/21/15 Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item] Account Number Amount Fund:100-GENERAL FUND TYLER BUSINESS FORMS 222812 12/03/2015 1095C FORMS 100-04-6110 82,31 Fund Summary Expense Amount 100-GENERAL FUND 8231 Office of the City Administrator Derik Morefield, City Administrator 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: December 21, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator RE Request to transfer Class F2 Liquor License from Best Mobile, Inc. d/b/a Midtown Food and Liquor, 3808 West Elm Street ATT: Application Ordinance 7-Eleven, Inc. has sold its McHenry store located at 3808 West Elm Street to Ahamad Samhan, president of Best Mobile, Inc. Mr. Ahamad is open for business under the name of Midtown Food and Liquors and is applying for a Class F2 liquor license; the same classification as the Former 7-Eleven. The sale of the business took place on December 8th and since that time no liquor has been sold or stored on site. The Class F2 license authorizes the sale of alcoholic liquors in packages only for consumption off premises where more than 509/o of the public sales area is devoted to the sale of goods and commodities other than alcoholic liquor. Mr. Samhan will also manage the business. He is BASSET certified and conversant with the state liquor control regulations. McHenry Police received a satisfactory fingerprint report, all required paperwork has been submitted, and all fees have been paid. As this is a license transfer, an Ordinance amending the Municipal Code relating to the number of Class F2 licenses in effect is not necessary. If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is made to 1) grant a Class F2 liquor license Best Mobile, Inc. d/b/a Midtown Food and Liquor located at 3808 West Elm Street as presented with the condition that all employees involved in the retail sale of alcohol are certified in Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Servers Education and Training. eo 0 � License No. € t Date Issued Date Effective CITY OF MCHENRY APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE UNDER CITY OF MCHENRY LIQUOR CONTROL ORDINANCE FISCAL YEAR 2015/2016 TO BE FILED WITH THE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Fee Received Date Received Receipt Issued On 1 5 Check No. Cashier's Chk. ALL LICENSES.EXPIRE APRIL 30 Cert. Check FOLLOWING DATE OF ISSUANCE NAME OF BUSINESS, ADDRESS, & TELEPHONE #.: / rC 1 G` 1 3 5. 6. 7 a Cash � 0 r Please indicate form of ownership: CORPORATION PARTNERSHIP INDIVIDUAL/SOLE PROP. IF CORPORATIONc Corporation Name: _ Corporate Address: Corporate Phone Number: t y State of Incorporation: ZW IF PARTNERSHIP: Name: Corporate Address: Corporate Phone Number: State of Incorporation: IF INDIVIDUAL/SOLE PROP: Applicant's Full Name: Date of Birch: 0 Residence Address: U Home Phone: Citizen of U.S.? If a naturalized citizen, when and where naturalized? Court in which (or law under which) naturalized: (A) If Applicant is a PARTNERSHIP, give name and address of all partners holding 5% or more of the partnership interest (B) If Applicant is CORPORATION, give name, address and telephone number of owners holding 5% or more shares and registered agent: 2012 PAGE TWO 10. if Applicant and Local Manager are not the same, give name, address and telephone number of Local Manager: Local Managers: Date of Birth: > Place of Birth: ffljri e Citizen of U.S.? r� 11 Principal Type of Business: 6D r, Vl-c? n h 6-e, 12. What is current zoning for this property? /' (' 13. Type of License Sought: G`i C1 J�P 2,� 14. Date on which business was begun at this location: Q15.Does applicant own premises for which license is sought? 7,gofinot, state name and address of owner and attach copy of executed lease. 16. If properly is owned by a land trust, trustee must file affidavit disclosing names and addresses of all beneficial owners and percentage of interest. 17. Is the location of applicant's business for which license is sought within one hundred feet of any church, school (except institutions of higher education), hospital, home for aged or indigent persons or for veterans and their families or any military or naval station? A. If answer to the above is "YES", is the applicant's place of business a hotel o Bring restaurant service, a regularly organized club, a food shop or other place where the sale of liquor is to the principal business? LV V If yes, how long has place of business been in operation? 18. If applicant has ever engaged in the business or sale of alcoholic liquor at retail, list address of all locations (may attach supplemental sheet). 19. Illinois State Liquor License Number:% Attached copy of State Liquor License Certificate, 20. Give applicants Retailer's Occupational tax (ROT) Registration Number: 21. Are you delinquent in the payment of the Retailers Occupational Tax (Sales Tax), and if so, the reasons therefore: 22. f this application is for anew license or a transferred license, attach to this Application a copy of Applicants balance sheet and operating statement for the past three years, or if not available, other proof of financial responsibility. 23. State name and address of dram shop insurance company for both the licensee and owner of the building in which the alcoholic liquor will be sold for the duration of the license AND attach a copy of the declaration page showing the insured parties and amounts of coverage. 24. Describe parking facilities available to the business: 25. Are you familiar with all the laws of the United States, 'I: of Illinois and ordinances of the City of McHenry pertaining to the sale of alcoholic liquor; and will you abide by them? _� 3�� 26. Will you maintain the entire premises in a safe, clean and sanitary manner free from conditions, which might cause accidents? r 4 27. Will you attempt to prevent rowdiness, fights and disorderly conduct of any kind and immediately notify the McHenry Police Department is any such events take place? 28. Has any manufacturer, importing distributor or distributor of alcoholic liquors directly or indirectly paid or agreed to pay for this license, advanced money or anything else of value or any credit (other than merchandising credit in the ordinary course of business for a period not in excess of 90 days), or is such a person directly or indirectly interested in the ownership, conduct or operation of the place of business?if answer is "YES", give particulars: 29. Have you, or in the case of a corporation, the owners of 5% or more shares of the corporation or the local manager, or in the case of partnership, any of the partners, ever been convicted of any violation of any law pertaining to alcoholic liquors?�% answer is "YES", explain: 30. Have you, or in the case of a corporation, the owners of 5% or more shares of the corporation and the local manager, or in the case of a partnership, any of the partners, ever been convicted of either a felony or a misdemeanor? If so, please describe: 31. Is any individual who is directly or indirectly interested in applicant's place ofp siness, alaw-enforcing official or elected public official (mayor, alderman, and member of any City commission, committee orboard)? / e If so, please state name and address of such person: 2012 r�� PAGE THREE 32. List your occupation or employment with addresses thereof for the past 10 years (if partnership or corporation, list same information for each partner and the local manager — (please attach). 33. Have you ever been convicted of a gam ing offense (if a partnership or corporation, include all partners, owners of 5% or more shares of the corporation and the local manager)? At 0 If so, give all details: 34. Has any owners) or members) of a Partnership been issued a federal gaming devise stamp or a federal wagering stamp by the federal government for the current tax period? If a Corporation, has any officer, manager, or director thereof; or, any stockholder owning in the aggregate more than twenty (20) percent of the stock, been issued a federal wagering devise stamp or a federal wagering stamp by the federal government for the current tax period? 95 35. Will you and all your employees refuse to serve or sell alcoholic liquor to an intoxicated person or to a minor? �= 36. Have you, or any partner, or owner of 5% or more shares of the corporation or local manager, ever had a liquor license revoked or suspended? 37. If so, give all details, including location of the licensed property (please attach). CAUTION: Failure to provide accurate or complete information may result in the suspension and/or revocation of your liquor license and/or the issuance of a fine. No person holding a license issued by the City of McHenry shall, in the conduct of the licensed business or upon the licensed premises, either directly or through the agents or employees of the licensee: 1. Violate or permit a violation of any federal law or state statue. 2. Violate or permit a violation of any City ordinance or resolution regulating the sale of alcoholic liquor or relating to the eligibility of the licensee to hold a liquor license. 3. Violate or permit a violation of any rule or regulation of the Illinois Liquor Control Commission, as revised from time to time. 4. Permit the sale of and/or consumption of any alcoholic beverages outdoors absent a specific permit granted by the McHenry City Council however; provided, outside sales and/or consumption shalt be permitted from the hours of 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during Sidewalk Sales on the Saturday preceding Parade Day during Fiesta Days. 5, During Testa Days Celebrations on Parade Day, sell or serve (a) carryout alcoholic beverages (not including packaged liquor sales); or (b) alcoholic beverages in non -original containers, such as plastic cups. Only original containers, such as cans, bottle or glassware may be used. 6. Allowing fighting, disorderly conduct or excessive noise constituting'a nuisance or tumultuous conduct of patrons and/or employees of licensee as defined in the McHenry City Code, to take place on the licensed premises or on, about and/or adjacent to the property where the licensed premises is located. 7. Allow patrons to serve or distribute alcoholic beverages to minors on the licensed premises or allow minors to drink alcoholic beverages on the licensed premises. 8. Fail to call the City Police Department upon the violation of any City ordinance or state law relating to fighting, disorderly conduct or excessive noise constituting a nuisance or tumultuous conduct of patrons and/or employees on the licensed premises. ri7�ira PAGEFOUR AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF MCHENRY ) I, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that I (we), have read the above and foregoing Application, caused the answers to be provided thereto and all of the information given on said Application to be true and correct, and consent to investigation and background check by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner or his designee and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and the rules stated on this application. SOLE PROPRIETOR: Signature of Applicant PARTNERSHIP: (Authorized Agent of the Partnership) Signature Print Name Title CORPORATION: (Authorized Agent of the Corporation) Signature Print Name Title MANAGER: Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this NOTARY PUBLIC Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 20 NOTARY PUBLIC Subscribed and sworn to bef``or�'e me this ��`` day PUBLIC s a missionExpires r L Subscribed and sworn to before me this NOTARY PUBLIC 2012 State of 01in®ie ian Expires Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development FOR: December 21, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Sign Variances for 353 Bank Drive (McHenry Savings Bank) ATT: 1. Electronic Correspondence from Jim Marinangel dated December 10, 2015 2. Location Map 3. Photographs of Subject Property and Surrounding Area 4. Sign Application Packet BACKGROUND: McHenry Savings Bank, located at 353 Bank Drive is seeking two variances from the sign ordinance. The first is to exceed the maximum height for a freestanding sign by five feet and the second is a reduction in the minimum setback required for a freestanding sign permitted, from five feet to three feet. The aforementioned variances are required due to the roadway improvements on Illinois Route 31 and Bull Valley/Charles Miller Road. ANALYSIS: The base of the both signs (existing and proposed are approximately 13.33' in width). As a result of the taking for the roadway improvements the base of the existing sign protrudes approximately two feet into the new right-of-way (see attached plat included in application packet). In order to utilize an existing portion of the sign base the applicant would like to rotate the new sign 180 degrees, which leaves the base two feet from the new right-of- way line. In accordance with the City's sign ordinance business uses are permitted one freestanding which cannot exceed .5 square feet per foot of lot area up to a maximum of 200 square feet in size and the freestanding sign cannot exceed 15 feet in height and must maintain a minimum setback of five feet. The proposed freestanding sign to be erected at McHenry Savings Bank is 1 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us 20 in height, setback three feet from the new property line, set by the Illinois Department of Transportation, and has a total area of approximately 132 square feet. The proposed variances are a direct result of a hardship imposed on the property due to the widening of the roadway at this location. In accordance with the sign ordinance the following standards are required to be satisfied in order for a sign variance to be approved, and included in the attached packet the applicant has outlined and addressed each of the standards listed below. Sign Variance Standards The Council shall grant such relief only by a vote of a majority of its members and only if it finds that such relief: 1) Will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity; 2) Will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, increase the danger fire, endanger public safety, or substantially impai A r property values in the neighborhood; 3) Shall not give the property owner or business an unfair advantage over a similar business; and 4) Will not cause a hazard to the public's safety by being distracting because of size, location, or being located within rights -of -way. As explained in his email correspondence, Mr. Marinangel is concerned about visibility of the sign for vehicles traveling southbound on Route 31 due to vehicles which may be parked in the McHenry Savings Bank parking lot adjacent to the relocated sign. The green arrow below depicts the approximate location of the new sign and parking abuts this location directly to the south. Heights of mini vans or SUVs vary but generally are between 5.5' to 6'. The sign below is about 12' in height and the electronic message board would definitely be impacted due to the relocation of the sign if the existing sign height of 12' was maintained. The proposed sign has an electronic message board proposed at about 8' so it will be able to be seen even if a large SUV-type vehicle is parked directly to the south of the new relocated sign being requested. Additional photographs from north and south Route 31 are also attached to this supplement. 2 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us If the City Council concurs with staffs analysis it is recommended that variances to the sign ordinance be granted for 353 Bank Drive including: height variance of five feet and a setback variance of two feet be approved consistent with the attached sign renderings, size, height and proposed use of eastern portion of existing sign base. 3 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us »> Jim Marinangel 12/10/2015 3:21 PM »> Doug, As you know, the widening of Route 31 has resulted in McHenry Savings Bank's sign being partially in the road's right of way. We have just enough room to move it farther away, a distance equal to the width of the sign, by essentially spinning the sign around on its western axis. That will allow us to retain use of the west end mounting point. We are requesting both a permit to relocate the sign as well as variances for height and setback from the right of way. As the enlarged portion of the survey shows, the setback will probably be 3 feet instead of the required five. Again, that will allow a significant cost savings from moving all mounts, electrical hookups, etc. As to height; moving the sign will place it behind cars that are parked in the bank's parking lot. That section of the parking lot is used at least as much if not more than the spaces in front of the bank's door. If the sign is not raised up, large SUVs like Suburbans and Expeditions will block the view for cars coming from the north. Raising the sign will allow the sign to remain near where it is and save the bank a lot of money verses trying to find a completely different location. As everyone is aware, while the widening of 31 is welcome as it acknowledges the growth in our area, we did now have a problem. We do not want to move our sign, but we must. Please allow McHenry Savings Bank to install the new sign as and where indicated by the enclosed renderings. We include the required $175.00 fee. Thank you for your consideration, Jim Jim Marinangel Executive Vice President McHenry Savings Bank Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Location Maps -McHenry Savings Bank BANE( ORNE 1 5 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Photo5raphs of Site and Surrounding Area L View of Site looking north along Illinois Route 31 at Bank Drive View of Site looking south along Illinois Route 31 north of Bank Drive Ci DIME .................... Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us View of Site looking southeast at site along Illinois Route 31 north of Bank Drive i7 R OW¢ XU V)Z y J W W �fU LL NEW 8" STEEL POLE IN V OF CONCRETE L. J 5129 FORE6T HILL6 CT. L�VE9 PAgK, IL 8'15.633.'120'I TOLL FREE 988.559,5599 FAX 895.654.0203 email art@jeor.eam "Your Souree For Signs• MCHENRY COUNTY INVESTMENT SERVICES 353 BANK DRIVE EXISTING CONCRETE BASE APPROVED FOR PRODUCTION CUSTOMER APPROVAL DATE CUSTOMERAPPROVAL DATE All rights of this design are exclusive property of CorPro Screentech and cannot be reproduced, displayed or used in any way without wdtten consent of CorPro Screentech. Ink colors shown in this rendering provide conceptual co/ors only. CorPro Screentech will attempt to match colors by using swatches and paint samples when possible, but cannot guarantee exact color due to differing surfaces and paints being applied. w Q f7S + 00+opt �' ut go M 4 N z 6 r1:07 ra J,07 N rn � enCO r r aM I •a d Z $ 'rr ..- _ IC! w 4vinr)�N•. }cS z n R N r) <10r ¢�1p1� ' � N ram) obi A "� Wt, 1+i �C14 H t£ 'ik� 11 3Nf1ti31N3'J amodoHd £OZ �P lOZ 'OOZ S3JYd 'Osirt AO zt MOOG aid it IN 11 30 :]N11 MOU AIA zz'sst) _ M.S t,90. t0 N 00+gL1 h � �0.tos 4� � tibto XL��fOf Q.* Q LQ C)- ..cry �o pry � Q Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development FOR: December 21, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Temporary Use Permit to allow an open sales lot in conjunction with motor vehicle sales at 1112 N Front Street through February 28, 2016 ATT: 1. Location Map of Subject Property 2. Photographs Depicting Outdoor Display Area, Employee and Customer Parking 3. Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes dated July 18, 2013 4. City Council Minutes dated August 5, 2013 5 Proposed sketch for open sales lot at 1112 Front Street BACKGROUND: In 2013 Randy Jeschke, owner of Next Auto Sales was granted a conditional use permit to allow an open sales lot at 3706 W Elm and has been very successful selling vehicles at that location (see attached Planning and Zoning and City Council meeting minutes). He is in the midst of moving his business to 1112 N Front Street (former Overton Cadillac Building), which exceeds 10,000 square feet, and is a significant increase in lot and building size from his existing location. Mr. Jeschke is seeking a temporary use permit to allow an open sales lot, for the leasing and sale of cars and small trucks, in conjunction with his indoor showroom at this location through February 29, 2016. In accordance with the City's zoning ordinance this is classified as a major temporary use permit which is required to be considered at a regularly scheduled City Council meeting. The City Council can approve, approve with conditions or deny the application for a temporary use permit. Mr. Jeschke applied for a conditional use permit for an open sales lot an parking variance at 1112 N Front Street and was scheduled to appear before the Planning and Zoning Commission on December 16, 2015 however his notice was never published in the newspaper. Mr. Jeschke did send out certified letters to abutting property owners and posted a sign at 1112 N Front Street. The item will appear on the December 16, 2015 meeting agenda but be continued to January 20, 2016 and a notice will be published in the newspaper and new sign posed reflecting the change in meeting date. As a result, however, the applicant will be delayed one month. E Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us ANALYSIS: Attached is a plat of survey depicting the property at 1112 N Front Street, depicting customer parking, proposed outdoor inventory location and employee parking, as well as photographs depicting proposed locations for inventory, customer and employee parking. Cars and trucks would be located on the southern part of the lot; customer parking adjacent to the building on the south side and employee parking on the east side of the lot. A large portion of the applicant's car sales business will be done over the internet, and typically people will make an appointment to stop -in and look at vehicles for sale. The property is zoned C-5 Highway Commercial District and motor vehicle sales are a permitted use however open sales lots (outdoor sale of vehicles) requires a conditional use permit, public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission and consideration and approval by the City Council. If Mr. Jeschke is not approved for a temporary use or for a conditional use permit to allow an open sales lot he could relocated to 1112 N Front but only display merchandise inside the building. Similar temporary use requests have been approved by the City Council in the past, including Chain O' Lakes Brewing Company, located at 3425 Pearl Street, which was granted a temporary use permit to allow the outdoor sale of beer and food, along with outdoor seating and live entertainment. Similar to the applicant of this request the owner of Chain O' Lakes Brewing appeared before the Planning and Zoning Commission and was subsequently granted approval by the City Council to allow outdoor seating and sale of food and alcohol, as well as live entertainment permanently. If the City Council concurs with the proposed request it is recommended a temporary use permit be granted to Next Auto Sales, currently located at 3706 W Elm to allow an open sales lot at 1112 N Front Street through February 29, 2016 with the condition if a conditional use permit to allow an open sales lot at 1112 N Front prior to February 29, 2016 all outdoor sales and leasing shall cease immediately. 2 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Location Map of Subject Property (1112 N Front Street) . VN a - 3 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Photographs depicting Proposed Outdoor Display, Customer and Employee Parking View looking east at 1112 N Front from Front Street View looking southwest at 1112 N Front from Waukegan Road FAI Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission Special Meeting Minutes July 18, 2013 Chairman Strach called the July 18, 2013 regularly scheduled meeting of the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were the following: [3uhrman, Doherty, Nadeau, Sobotta, Strach, and Thacker. Absent: Morck. Also in attendance were: Deputy City Administrator Martin and Planning and Zoning Secretary Wolf. Public Hearing: Next Auto Sales File No. Z-815 3706 W. Elm Street Conditional Use Permit Chairman Strach called the Public Hearing to order at 7:32 p.m. regarding File No Z-815 an application for a conditional use permit to allow an open sales lot as submitted by Next Auto Sales, Inc. for the property located at 3706 W. Elm Street. Chairman Strach stated Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on July 3, 2013. Notices were mailed to all abutting property owners of record as required by ordinance. The subject property was posted. A Certificate of Publication and Affidavit of Compliance with notice requirements are on file in the City Clerk's Office. In attendance was Mr. Randy Jeschke who was sworn in by Chairman Strach. Mr. Jeschke, 1206 3rd Street, McHenry, II, provided a summary of the request before the Commission at this Hearing stating he has been in the auto business 29 years and is happy to start making a business in his hometown. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Commission with the Staff Report regarding this matter stating the applicant is proposing to locate cars and trucks on the majority of the lot and customer and employee parking at the rear or northern end of the lot, which formerly housed Bear Creek Coffee and a driveAhru cigarette shop. A good portion of the applicant's car sales business will be done over the internet and typically people will make appointments to look at vehicles. The small kiosk building will be utilized as an office. Staff believes this use will not generate any more traffic than is otherwise typical by other uses in the zoning district, and there will be no environmental impacts. All gas, oil changes and repair work will be conducted Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us off -site. Staff believes the use is appropriate at this location and will not adversely impact the surrounding neighborhood. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit to allow an open sales lot in substantial conformance with the presented site plan with the condition the lighting is shielded to shine directly onto the lot away from Illinois Route 120, as well as Mill Stream Drive and the apartments to the north, and that glare from the lighting should be minimized to the greatest extent practical on the property. Chairman Strach invited questions and/or comments from the Commission. Commissioner Buhrman inquired as to how many cars Mr. Jeschke plans on typically utilizing the space. Mr. Jeschke responded he expects to show about 20-25 cars at a time, typically. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Buhrman, Mr. Jeschke responded he is not planning on using the building to the rear of the property for any purpose. Commissioner Thacker asked if curb parking along Millstream Dr. will need to be utilized. Mr. Jeschke stated he does not believe it will be needed. Commissioner Thacker stated parking on Millstream is very close and tight and he is glad Mr. Jeschke isn't anticipating a need for using parking there. Commissioner Doherty inquired if Mr. Jeschke is planning any dramatic changes to the property and if he has a plan in mind in staging the vehicles. Mr. Jeschke responded that he is not planning on making changes other than applying for permits for signage and cleaning up the property a bit. He expects to put smaller subcompact vehicles in the front of the property near Route 120 and SUV's and trucks to the rear of the property. Commissioner Thacker stated the landscaping is a bit run-down and inquired how Mr. Jeschke plans on addressing that. Mr. Jeschke stated he is considering removing some of the older landscaping and possibly adding 1042 small hedges and cleaning up the lot. Commissioner Nadeau asked Mr. Jeschke if he had looked at other locations available in the city for a car lot. Mr. Jeschke responded he was considering the old MAACO building near Culvers but he withdrew that option. Chairman Strach opened the floor to questions and comments from the audience at 7:39 pm. There was nobody in attendance who wished to address the Commission regarding this matter. Chairman Strach closed the public comment portion of the hearing at 7:40 p.m. Motion by Buhrman, seconded by Thacker, to recommend to the City Council with regard to File No. Z-815, an application for a conditional use permit to allow an open sales lot in substantial conformance with the presented site plan with the condition the lighting is shielded to shine directly onto the lot away from Illinois Route 120, as well as Millstream Drive and the C: Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us apartments to the north and that glare from the lighting should be minimized to the greatest extent practical on the property located at 3706 W. Elm Street as presented by applicant Next Auto Sales, be granted, and that Table 31, of the Zoning Ordinance, has been met. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Doherty, Sobotta, Strach, and Thacker. Voting Nay: Nadeau. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Morck. Motion carried 5-1. Chairman Strach closed the Public Hearing regarding File No. Z-815 at 7:42 p.m. 7 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 lY uml it Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DATED AUGUST 5, 2013 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW AN OPEN SALES LOT AT 3706 WEST ELM STREET Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Council that the Applicant, Randy Jeschke, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a car and truck sales lot on the subject property. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that Mr. Jeschke is in attendance to answer any questions from Council. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that a Conditional Use Permit was approved for the property in 2007 for a drive-thru facility, along with a variance reducing the number of required stacking spaces from ten to nine. Bear Creek Coffee was located at the site and operated the drive-thru only coffee kiosk. The business closed in 2010. An additional Conditional Use Permit was approved for a drive-thru in 2012. Subsequently, a driveAhru cigarette shop operated on the property for several months in 2012/2013. The Applicant is proposing an open sales lot. Cars and trucks would be located on the majority of the lot. Customer and employee parking is proposed at the northern end of the property. A good portion of the Applicant's car sales business would be conducted over the internet. Then typically, people will make an appointment to stop in and look at the vehicles for sale. Other potential purchasers would stop by, park and walk around the vehicle display area, which would cover the majority of the lot. The small kiosk building on the property would be utilized as an office. Staff has reviewed the criteria of Table 31 of the Zoning Ordinance and believes the use requested would not generate any more traffic than is otherwise typical by other uses in the zoning district. There would be no adverse environmental impacts. All gas, oil changes and repair work would be conducted off site. Staff believes the use is appropriate at this location and will not negatively impact the surrounding neighborhood. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed Council that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 1 for an open sales lot at 3706 West Elm Street, in substantial conformance with the site plan with the condition the lighting is shielded to shine directly onto the lot and away from Illinois Route 120, as well as away from Millstream Drive and the apartments to the north and that the glare from the lighting should be minimized to the greatest extent possible. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi, Mr. Jeschke stated that approximately 85% of his business is internet sales. The hours of operation of the business would be Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday the operation would be closed. Responding to Alderman Santi's inquiry regarding whether Mr. Jeschke would E:3 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us be allowed to have ramps on the property to display vehicles, Mr. Jeschke responded that he would like to reserve the ability to have a display ramp. Alderman Glab expressed concerns that there were so many car lots in the City of McHenry. He stated he would be more comfortable if there were a maximum number of vehicles allowed on the lot at any given time. Mr. Jeschke responded to Alderman Glab's concerns, stating that the layout presented is just a rough sketch. He assured Council that he intends to display vehicles in a well -organized fashion and the vehicles will be kept off the street. Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer, approving a Conditional Use Permit to allow an open sales lot at the property located at 3706 West Elm Street. Voting Aye: Santi, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson. Voting Nay: Glab, Condon. Absent: Schaefer. z f � J tfJ 0 4j FLAT 1 198.0C3' REE 2ao sf" Mr;As 114.1' 13? 0' REC; S701?Y ColdCl3ETt; BLACK BtJ1LD1NC o >r LINE OF N.1/4 LOT 11 r . WrTPVEY Of the t. l in 2 N fourth o! Lot iglockn Townsb of fee the North One Section Q�•!n gook st Du°r ter ° e 14, 155.-, of iho original Southwereeorded +tun Siock Z Range thereof o f Lot ii In 45 North:ot the F thf6a—fourths wit: Beginning soothe rauorteY of Section 2S' thence describe) as follows, to n€ 16 feE'0 northeosteriy !1, a dlstanc In theftL,acid Lot ll, ° sold . Lot line of said Lot Tine of s easterly with the northerly parotlel f ALSO youtfly I the2nc (ex,ep therefrom d excepting section Ling theraaf and2 Loth 1132 feet ouortef of the plot ` o� porirlof the southt'vest according Third Principal lferidlon, County' Illinois. ! FoUND 1RON g' 1.80' lz4.05' j l32' , END nA REC & MEAS POSER ( N. LINE OF ME S sa REG = 66. car1G• WALL V E�NC� (rYP•) t�} REC = 66 00 ECt1ND I'% 3: OFgFr10 COR Office of the City Administrator Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: December 21, 2015 T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator RE: Municipal Center Improvements Phase I ATT: FGM Architects Bid Analysis and Recommendation and Bid Tabulation Sheet BACKGROUND: On April 6, 2015, the City Council approved the Mayor's execution of a Professional Services Agreement with FGM Architects for the design and bid document preparation for the first phase of the Municipal Center Improvements - which include the redevelopment of the existing Aldermens' Conference Room into the new point of service counter for the municipal center. On November 2nd, the Council authorized staff to advertise for bids. Fifteen (15) bids were submitted and opened on November 24tn ANALYSIS: At the time of the bid opening, Builder's Land and Envision General Contractors were the apparent low bidders. After FGM's review of the qualifications and references provided by Builder's Land it was discovered that one of the required bid documents was not submitted and two of the three references provided raised questionable issues relating to their ability to timely execute and manage a project of this size. Subsequently, FGM reviewed the qualifications, references, and project scope of the second lowest bidder, Envision General Contractors, however they withdrew their bid when it was determined that they had accidently omitted part of the scope of work from their original bid. The apparent third lowest bidder was Stuckey Construction Company. Upon review of the qualifications and references provided, it is the opinion of FGM Architects that the apparent lowest responsible bidder is Stuckey Construction Company with a bid of $102,000. As explained in the attached bid analysis, the bid is less than the estimated construction cost proposed in the conceptual budget, estimated between $111,127 to $131,019. The City of McHe►uy is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. Complete details of the bid review process are included in FGIVI's analysis attached to this supplement. Staff concurs with the recommendation of FGM Architects. If City Council concurs, Staff is seeking a motion to award the bid for Municipal Center Improvements Phase I to Stuckey Construction Company for the amount of $102,000 as presented. The �'ity of Lt�cllerrYy is dedicated to �rwidierg its citizens, fi€asiraesses, crawl visitors with the 1p%best grrcrlity of progr•aar�s said services irz a ertst€zrner�oriented, effrcient, crud frscally resporrsibde nzaraner. December 7, 2015 Mr. Bill Hobson Deputy City Administrator City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Re: McHenry Municipal Center -Reception Renovation FGM Project Number: 15-2031,01 Dear Mr. Wobson: Enclosed please find the Bid Tabulation for above referenced Project. Bids were received on November 24, 2015. It is FGM Architects' opinion that the apparent lowest responsible bidder is Stuckey Construction Company with a bid of One Hundred and Two Thousand Dollars ($102,000.00). The deductive Alternate No. 1 for a lower cost plastic -laminate counter will not be accepted per previous discussions with you. The amount of the bid is less than the estimated construction cost. In the conceptual budget on October 13, 2015, it was estimated that the construction cost would range from $111,127 to $131,019. There were 2 bids that were apparently lower than the bid Stuckey Construction Company provided. These 2 bids were from Builder's Land and Envision General Contractors. FGM Architects reviewed the qualifications and references provided by the apparent low bidder, Builder's Land. One of the required bidding documents, the A305 Confractors Qualification Statement, was not submitted in the bid provided by Builder's Land. In addition, during FGM Architects' review of references for Builder's Land, two of the three references provided raised questionable issues relating to their ability to timely execute and manage a project of this size. Attached you will find three (3) Reference Verification forms from the reference reviews of Builder's Land. EGM Architects reviewed the qualifications, references and project scope with second lowest bidder, Envision General Contractors. During the review of tl�e project scope, it was determined that Envision General Contractors had accidently omitted part of the scope of work from their original bid. This missed scope of work in their original bid has caused Envision General Contractors to request a withdraw of their bid. The withdraw letter from Envision General Contractors is attached. FGM p K � H I I C O Y FGM Architects reviewed the qualifications and references provided by the third lowest bidder, Stuckey Construction Company and believe that Stuckey Construction Company is the most responsible lowest bidder and therefore recommend the contract for this project be awarded to them. Stuckey Construction Company is currenfly working with the City of McHenry on the new Recreation Center building. Upon your direction, FGM Archifiects will draft a construction contract for execution and notify the contractor to proceed with the project, It you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Michael Porto, AIA Project Manager O O O O O O O O O O 0 n OO O O O C; F— Z u m a m y N m a M V N V w F O U U 0 � a o a x Q ; o w ^ 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 N o Iq N N O V cq Q aoyns p!IoS)o nag ui sdoualunoo aiouiwol 011so18 aPInad N a 0 0 0 0 0 8 o a a vi o m M M ¢� V P V < N v 0 X x x x x x x x x x X x x x a x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Puog P!0 x x x x X x X x X x x X x x x O O > v u O � C Cl � W � y u ° c N a •o a �, °o. E C b o 0 5 a o o ` u o •cC7 Ubu oO o � C 0 O ° u ° C O O 1° n N U H u `o_ Nod `p c ° o m' .Pi U `c o m 9 j c U c Q 2 W v u o U `o V U U . ° C 0 o v U `o s 'o ph a ° i u o o W ff °o m m u u FGM ARCHITECTS REFERENCE VERIFICATION Date: December l , 2015 Project Name: McHenry Municipal Center -Reception Renovation Project No: 15-2031.01 Contractor Name: Builder's land, Inc Address: 2035 Arlington Heights Road, Suite 1 14 City, State, Zip: Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Reference Name: Design Perspectives Contact Person: Tod Stanton Telephone No: 630-428-3134 l . Did they perform work on the Hoffman Park OSLAD Park Improvments for you? Was it new construction or renovation? New park district shelter/toilet room 2. What was the project delivery system? Design -Bid -Build, Construction Manager as Constructor, Construction Manager Advisor or other? Design -Bid -Build as a General Contractor 3. Was the project completed on schedule? If not, give a brief description of what caused the project to go past scheduled completion date. Yes but with significant 'hand -holding' during the process 4. Was the project completed on budget or as bid? If no.t, give a brief description of the number and type of change orders that occurred (Owner initiated, Unforeseen Conditions, Design errors) and if they were contentious) Yes 5. Did they provide initial documentation such as Insurance, Bonds, Contracts, Submittal Schedules, Product Data and other documentation? Yes 6. Did they communicate with A/E in accordance with Contract Documents? Meeting minutes, proper lines of communication, etc. Yes FGM ARCHITECTS 7. Was the quality and timeliness of submittals acceptable? Yes 8. Did they adequately staff the project? Superintendent? Yes 9. Did they properly coordinate and cooperate with sub -contractors and other contractors? Coordination with sub -contractors was an issue on this project. Days were wasted with some contractors showing up on site while others didn't. 10. Did they generate an inordinate number of RFI? Were they justified? Frivolous? RFIs were normal 11. Did they submit appropriate documentation for Pay Requests, Change Orders, RFP's, LEED, etc.? Yes 12. *On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) how would you rate their quality of work? 13. *On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) how would you rate the quality of their sub- contractors? 3 14. *Would you work with this contractor again and would you refer this contractor to someone else? Why? Why not. No. To be honest, I'm surprised I was listed as a reference because I'm not a fan of their work. 15. Additional Comments: They are nice people but their work was very unorganized on this project. It was a small project that should not have been complicated but there was a lack of coordination between them and their subs that led to many delays on the job site. Their lack of organization also let to a lot more time from my (the architect) point of view because I had to hold their hand through a lot of the construction process to make sure things were coordinated. Unfortunately, I wouldn't use them again. FGM ARCHITECTS REFERENCE VERIFICATION Date: December l , 2015 Project Name: McHenry Municipal Center -Reception Renovation Project No: 15-2031.01 Contractor Name: Builder's land, Inc Address: 2035 Arlington Heights Road, Suite 114 City, State, Zip: Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Reference Name: McGee Architects Contact Person: Michael McGee Telephone No: 847-204-3971 1. Did they perform work on the Palatine Library Restroom Remodeling project for you? Was it new construction or renovation? Renovation of an existing toilet room 2. What was the project delivery system? Design -Bid -Build, Construction Manager as Constructor, Construction Manager Advisor or other? Design -Bid -Build as a General Contractor 3. Was the project completed on schedule? If not, give a brief description of what caused the project to go past scheduled completion date. Yes 4. Was the project completed on budget or as bid? If not, give a brief description of the number and type of change orders ithat occurred (Owner initiated, Unforeseen Conditions, Design errors) and if they were contentious) Yes 5. Did they provide initial documentation such as Insurance, Bonds, Contracts, Submittal Schedules, Product Data and other documentation? Yes Did they communicate with A/E in accordance with Contract Documents? Meeting minutes, proper lines of communication, etc. des FGM ARCHITECTS 7. Was the quality and timeliness of submittals acceptable? Yes 8. Did they adequately staff the project? Superintendent? ''es 9. Did they properly coordinate and cooperate with sub -contractors and other contractors?�� 10. Did they generate an inordinate number of RFI? Were they justified? Frivolous? FFI'> were normal 1 l . Did they submit appropriate documentation for Pay Requests, Change Orders, RFP's, LEED, etc.? 12. *On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) how would you rate their quality of work? 5 13. *On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) how would you rate the quality of their sub- contractors? 5 14. *Would you work with this contractor again and would you refer this contractor to someone else? Why? Why not. Yes 15. Additional Comments: I have worked with them on several small jobs and have had success with Builder's Land. Sometimes the language barrier becomes an issue working with them but they are very nice people. FGM ARCHITECTS REFERENCE VERIFICATION Date: December l , 2015 Project Name: McHenry Municipal Center- Reception Renovation Project No: 15-2031.01 Contractor Name: Builder's land, Inc Address: 2035 Arlington Heights Road, Suite 114 City, State, Zip: Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Reference Name: Northbrook Park District Contact Person: Jake Vest Telephone No: 847-770-6644 1. Did they perform work on the MAC Concessions for you? Was it new construction or renovation? Renovations work on the existing concessions area of our aquatic center 2. What was the project delivery system? Design -Bid -Build, Construction Manager as Constructor, Construction Manager Advisor or other? Design -Bid -Build as a General Contractor 3. Was the project completed on schedule? If not, give a brief description of what caused the project to go past scheduled completion date. Yes but with extensive oversight needed. 4. Was the project completed on budget or as bid? If not, give a brief description of the number and type of change orders that occurred (Owner initiated, Unforeseen Conditions, Design errors) and if they were contentious) Yes 5. Did they provide initial documentation such as Insurance, Bonds, Contracts, Submittal Schedules, Product Data and other documentation? Yes 6. Did they communicate with A/E in accordance with Contract Documents? Meeting minutes, proper lines of communication, etc. Yes FGM ARCHITECTS 7. Was the quality and timeliness of submittals acceptable? Yes 8. Did they adequately staff the project? Superintendent? Yes 9. Did they properly coordinate and cooperate with sub -contractors and other contractors? Coordination with sub -contractors was ok but their choice for the contractor for stainless steel cabinets and counters had issues. 10. Did they generate an inordinate number of RFI? Were they justified? Frivolous? RFIs were normal 11. Did they submit appropriate documentation for Pay Requests, Change Orders, RFP's, LEED, etc.? Yes 12. *On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) how would you rate their quality df work? 3 13. *On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) how would you rate the quality of their sub- contractors? 3 14. *Would you work with this contractor again and would you refer this contractor to someone else? Why? Why not. 15. Additional Comments: Builder's Land has done a number of smaller projects for us. Their work was satisfactory but like previously mentioned, extensive oversight was needed on this project from both us (the Owner) and Architect. Their punchlist was very long considering the size of the project, but with that said, they were able to remedy any errors to our satisfaction. ENV'ION GENERAL CONTRACTORS LLC i December 7, 2015 Michael Porto, AIA Mike, FCM Architects Oak Brook, IL This letter is to inform you that Envision the second in line to complete the McHenry Conference Room Construction Project would like to withdraw our construction bid on this project, Best Regards Michael S Sneddon Senior Project Manager Envision General Contractors 7707 West 98th Street Hickory Hills, Illinois 60457 Office 708-529-0359 Cell 708-989-8600 Office of Finance & Accounting Carolyn Lynch, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: December 21, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator Doug Martin, Director of Economic Development David McArdle, Legal Counsel RE: Authorization for the Mayor to sign a Release of Lennar Chicago, Inc. from Letter of Credit Obligations from a 2003 Annexation Agreement with Concord Homes, Inc. and from all further obligations under the Annexation Agreement relating to the Morgan Hill and Prairie Pointe Subdivisions north and south of Veteran's Parkway, and, acceptance of a replacement letter of credit provided by Prairie Pointe Land Development Corporation Before you is a motion authorizing the Mayor to sign a Release of Lennar Chicago, Inc. from Letter of Credit Obligations from a 2003 Annexation Agreement with Concord Homes, Inc. and from all further obligations under the Annexation Agreement relating to the Morgan Hill and Prairie Pointe Subdivisions north and south of Veteran's Parkway. This release includes a release of the existing $327,101 letter of credit held by the City securing bike path, sidewalk and traffic signal installation costs. In exchange for this Release the Prairie Pointe Land Development Corp., (Scott Dixon and Steve Thelen) is providing the City with an Agreement to Assume Developer Obligations. If Prairie Pointe sells the parcels north of Veterans Parkway, it will only hold title to the Southeast corner of Rt. 31 and Veteran's Parkway and no other assets. This Assumption Agreement will bind Prairie Pointe to construct the same improvements referenced above (bike path/sidewalk/traffic signal) when traffic warrants are met for the traffic signal at Rt. 31 and Veteran's Parkway. This agreement will be secured by a replacement letter of credit in an amount of $418,000. Prairie Pointe will not be assuming the other obligations of the Annexation Agreement in general except as they relate to being the property owner of the southeast corner, i.e., thus successor to the Annexation Agreement with regard to that parcel. The only remaining material obligations within the Annexation Agreement are 1) the fees included within the agreement for the unbuilt multi -family dwelling units within the Morgan Hill Subdivision, approximately 13, which are tied to the land for the remainder of the term of the Annexation Agreement which expires in 2023 and will be applicable and enforceable to any future developer of those units until the termination of the annexation agreement in 2023; and 2) a 1994 Recapture agreement... which expired in 2004. Therefore, based on the information presented, it is recommended that a motion be made authorizing the Mayor to sign a Release of Lennar Chicago, Inc. from Letter of Credit Obligations from a 2003 Annexation Agreement with Concord Homes, Inc. and from all further obligations under the Annexation Agreement relating to the Morgan Hill and Prairie Pointe Subdivisions north and south of Veteran's Parkway; and, acceptance of a replacement letter of credit provided by Prairie Pointe Land Development Corporation. i Release of Lennar Chicago, Inc. from Letter of Obligations from that Certain Annexation Agreement dated February 17, 2003 between Concord Homes, Inc. and the City of McHenry WHEREAS, the City of McHenry {"City") entered into an Annexation Agreement with Concord Homes, Inc. on the 17'h day of February, 2003 for property which is now commonly known as the Prairie Pointe Business Park and Morgan Hill Subdivision generally located at the northeast and southeast corners of Illinois Route 31 and Veterans Parkway, McHenry, Illinois ("Annexation Agreement"); WHEREAS, Prairie Pointe Land Development Corp. {"Developer") is the current record titleholder of Lots 1 through 15, 17 of Prairie Pointe Business Park and Lot 1 of the Prairie Pointe Business Park Re -subdivision of Lots lb and 18, WHEREAS, Lennar Chicago, Inc., successor by merger to Concord Homes, Inc., an llinois corporation ("Lennar") filed with the City and has in force a Letter of Credit number FGAC-03387 issued by Fidelity Guarantee and Acceptance Corp dated November 18, 2003 in the current amount of $327,101.00 ("Existing Letter of Credit"); and WHEREAS, the Developer desires to replace the Existing Letter of Credit with a $418,000.00 Letter of Credit in favor of the City. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and agreements made herein, the adequacy and sufficiency of which each of the parties acknowledges as being received herein, it is agreed as follows: 1. The City hereby releases Lennar from all obligations under the Annexation Agreement including those relating to further development of the bike path and sidewalk that are required pursuant to Section 20(a) of the Annexation Agreement and the traffic signal referenced in Section 20(c) of the Annexation Agreement (collectively, "Development Obligations"). 2. Developer shall by separate document assume the Developer Obligations from which Lennar is being released and hereby tenders, as security to the City, its replacement letter of credit issued by American Community Bank, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit 1. 3. The City hereby accepts Exhibit 1 and cancels the Existing Letter of Credit number FGAC. 03387. 4. The City acknowledges and agrees that neither Lennar nor any of its affiliates (none of which includes Thelen Sand & Gravel, Inc., Dixon Companies, Inc, or Prairie Pointe Land. Development Corp. not any of their successors or assigns) has any Development Obligations under the Amnexation Agreement following execution of this Agreement. 5. Lennar is an intended beneficiary of this Release and may rely on the same. City of McHenry By: Susan E. Low, Mayor Date Prairie Point Land Development Corp. By: its President Date EXHIBIT 1 To Release of Lennar Chicago, Inc. from Letter of Obligations from that Certain Annexation Agreement dated February 17, 2003 between Concord Homes, Inc. and the City of McHenry December 18, 2015 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 15-230 BENEFICIARY: CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS AN II,LINOIS MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 333 SOUTH GREEN STREET MCHENRY, ILLINOIS 60050 APPLICANT: PRAIRIE POINTS LAND DEVELOPMENT CORP. 28955 W. ROUTE 173 ANTIOCH, II.LINOIS 60002 AMOUNT: LJSD $418,000.00 (FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 US DOLLARS) EXPIRATION: DECEMBER 18, 2016, SUBJECT TO TERMS BELOW GENTLEMEN: WE HEREBY ESTABLISH OUR IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 15-230 IN YOUR FAVOR FOR THE ACCOUNT OF PRAIRIE POINTS LAND DEVELOPMENT CORP. FOR A SUM NOT TO EXCEED FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND AND QO/100 US DOLLARS ($4I8,000.00} AVAILABLE BY YOUR DRAFTS AT SIGHT IN FORM ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT A, ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: CERTIFICATE IN THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT B, EXECUTED BY AN AGENT OR OFFICIAL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY. FORTY-FIVE (45) DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF THIS IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT, WE WILL NOTIFY THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY MUNICIPAL CENTER, 333 SOUTH GREEN STREET, MCHENRY, ILLINOIS 60050, ATTENTION: CITY CLERK, BY CERTIFIED MAIL, .RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, OF THE IMPENDING EXPIRATION DATE, IN NO EVENT SHALL THIS IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT OR THE COMMITMENT EVIDENCED BY IT EXPIRE WITHOUT SUCH 45 DAYS NOTICE. THE WORD OR IMPROVEMENTS COVERED BY THIS IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT ARE: THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY, ILLINOIS CONSISTING SPECIFICALLY OF THE SITE IMPROVEMENTS SET FORTH IN THE AGREEMENT TO ASSUME DEVELOPER OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH ON EXHIBIT C ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. WE EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT OUR OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT WILL NOT BE IMPAIRED, MODIFIED OR AFFECTED BY ANY EXTENSION OF TIME WITH RESPECT TO, OR ALTERATION IN THE WORK OR IMPROVEMENTS COVERED BY THIS 1RREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT, AS DESCRIBED ABOVE. WE HEREBY WAIVE NOTICE OF ANY AND ALL SUCH EXTENSIONS OF TIME AND ALTERATIONS. WE HEREBY AGREE WITH THE DRAWERS, ENDORSERS AND BONA FIDE HOLDERS OF ALL DRAFTS DRAWN AND DOCUMENTS PRESENTED UNDER AN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT, THAT SUCH DRAFTS WILL BE DULY HONORED UPON PRESENTATION TO US, IF, WITHIN 5 DAYS OF THE DATE ANY DRAFT DRAWN IN CONFORMITY WITH THIS IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT, IS PRESENTED, WE FAIL TO HONOR SAME, WE AGREE TO PAY ALL ATTORNEY'S FEES, COURT COSTS AND OTHER EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE CITY OF MCHENRY IN ENFORCING THE TERMS OF THIS LETTER OF CREDIT. THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL BE DEEMED A CONTRACT MADE UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS AND SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH LAWS. THE UNDERSIGNED AGREES THAT VENUE FOR ANY ACTIONS BROUGHT WITH RESPECT TO THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL BE IN THE TWENTY SECOND JUDICIAL COURT, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THE UNDERSIGNED REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS THAT THE UNDERSIGNED HAS FULL POWER AND AUTHORITY TO ISSUE THIS LETTER OF CREDIT, AND THAT ALL CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE LETTER OF CREDIT HAVE BEEN SATISFIED, VERY TRULY YOURS, AMERICAN COMMUNITY BAND &TRUST ANDY HARTLIEB, PRESIDENT SIGHT DRAFT EXHIBIT A TO AMERICAN COMMI INITY BANK &TRUST IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 15-230 DATE: TO; AMERICAN COMMUNIiY BANK &TRUST I290 LAKE AVENUE WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS 60098 AT SIGHT, PAY TO THE ORDER OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, THE SUM OF $ US DOLLARS (USD VERY TRULY YOURS, CITY OF MCHENRY BY: DRAFT NO. DRAWN UNDER AMERICAN COI�Ev1iJNITY BANK &TRUST ]RREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 15-230 DATED DECEMBER 18, 2015 FORM OF SIGHT DRAFT APPROVED ON I2118/2015. AMERICAN COMMUNITY BANK &TRUST BY: ANDY HARTLiEB, PRESIDENT i. EXHIBIT B TO AMERICAN COMMUNITY BANK &TRUST IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO, 15-230 CERTIFICATE DEFECTIVE MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP THE CITY OF MCHENRY, AN ILLiNOIS MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HEREBY CERTIFIES AS FOLLOWS: I. THIS STATEMENT IS EXECUTED BY ,WHOSE POSITION OR TITLE IS AND WHO IS DULY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THIS STATEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY. 2. THIS STATEMENT IS MADE AND DELIVERED TO OBTAIN PAYMENT AGAINST AMERICAN COMMUNITY BANK & TRUST LETTER OF CREDIT NO, 15-230, DATED DECEMBER 18, 2015. 3. THE WORK OR IMPROVEMENTS COVERED BY THE AFORESAID IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT ARE: COMPLIANCE WITH THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT TO ASSUME DEVELOPER OBLIGATIONS SIGNED BY PRAIRIE POINTE LAND DEVELOPMENT CORP. AND DATED DECEMBER 18, 2015 AND INSURE AGAINST DEFECTIVE MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP OF WORK CONSTRUCTED THEREUNDER; 4. THAT ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE SAID WORK OR IMPROVEMENTS HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED OR DOES NOT CONFORM TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF MCHENRY OR TO THE APPLICABLE ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY; OR 5. THAT AMERICAN COMMUNITY BANK &TRUST LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 15-230, DATED DECEMBER 183 2015 IS ABOUT TO EXPIRE AND HAS NOT BEEN RENEWED. DATED: CITY OF MCHENRY TITLE: FORM OF CERTIFICATE APPROVED ON DECEMBER 18, 2015. AMERICAN COMMUNITY BANK &TRUST ANDY HARTLIEB, PRESIDENT Agreement to Assume Developer Obligations In consideration of the promises and agreements made herein, the adequacy and sufficiency of which is acknowledged as being received. by the undersigned and in ffirther consideration of the City of McHenry signing the attached Release of Lennar Chicago, Inc. from Letter of Credit Obligations from that Certain Annexation Agreement dated February 17, 2003 between Concord Homes, Inc. and the City of McHenry ("Release Agreement") dated December 21, 2015 and acceptance by the City of McHenry of the :Replacement letter of credit referenced in the Release Agreement, the undersigned Prairie Pointe Land Development Corp. does hereby agree to assume the Developer Obligations under the Annexation Agreement referenced in. the Release Agreement limited to further development of the bike path and sidewalk required pursuant to Section 20(a) of the Annexation Agreement and installation of the traffic signal required pursuant to Section 20(c) of the Annexation Agreement which shall all be constructed and installed immediately following traffic signal warrants being met as set forth in Section 20(c) of the Annexation Agreement. The City of McHenry and Prairie Point Development Corp. acknowledge that the existing two (2) lane collector road known as Veteran's Parkway is complete as currently built and is not required to be widened to four (4) lanes and nothing in this Agreement shall excuse the Developer from complying with the terms of the Annexation Agreement with regard to portions of the property it owns which is the subject of the Annexation Agreement. A copy of this Assumption Agreement shall be filed by the City of McHenry with the McHenry County Recorder of Deeds as affecting the property legally described on the attached Exhibit A. Prairie Pointe Development Corp. By: President Date Highway Commercial District BP -Business Park .. rk�T .A Q1- LM MIMilaUL=- LWA- •.At •. •w .: Parcel 1 . That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 8, East of w the Third Principal Meridian commencing at East Quarter Corner of said Section 10; . thence South 89 degrees 20 minutes 17 seconds West along the North line of the Northeast Quarter of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 949.97 feet to the paint of beginning; thence South 00 degrees 31 minutes 38 seconds East, a distance of 385.22 •feet; thence South 19 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 100.30 feet; thence South 00 degrees 31 minutes 38 seconds East, a distance of 403.01 feet, thence South 26 degrees 29 minutes 53 seconds West, a distance bf 423.96 feet; thence South 11 degrees 02 minnutes 43 seconds 'West, a distance of 8.0.00 feet; thence North 78.degrees 57 minutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 55.79 feet to a point of curvature; thence westerly 226.55 feet along a eurve to the right having a radius of 840.00 feet, the choid of said curve bears North 71 degrees 13 minutes.42 seconds West 225.86 feet to a point of tangency; thence North 63 degrees 30 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of 181.90 feet; thence South 26 degrees 29 minutes 53 seconds West, a distance of 168,64 feet to the South line of the Northwest Quarter of the said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes 45 seconds West along said South line, a distance of 403.99 feet to a line lying 20 feet easterly of and parallel with the easterly Right -of -Way of Illinois State Route 31; thence North 26 degrees 29 minutes 53 seconds East along said parallel: line, a distance of 1481.53- feet to the North line of the Northeastb Quarter of the said Southeast Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 20 minutes 17 seconds East•along said North line, a distance of413.81 feet to the point of beginning, containing 21.65 acres more or less. Par That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 100.Towriship 44 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian begmning at the East Quarter Corner of said Section 10; thence South 00 degrees 31 minutes 39 seconds.East along the East line of the Northeast Quarter of the said Southeast Quarter, a distanc&of 1324.Q7 feet.to the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the said Southeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 32 minutes 32 seconds East along the East line of the Southeast Quarter of the said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 432.17 feet; thence North 89 degrees 57 inini tes 56 seconds West, a distance of 50.30 feet to a point of curvature; thence westerly 5 68.3 1 feet along a curve to the right having a radius of 840.00 feet, the chord�of said, curve bears North 70 degrees 35 minutes 01 seconds West 557.53 feet to a point of tangency; thence North 51 degrees 12 minutes 06 seconds West, a distance of 101.69 feet to a point of curvature; thence northwesterly 343.91 feet along a curve to the left having a radius of 710.00 feet, the chord of said curve bears North 65 degrees 04 minutes 42 seconds West 340.56 feet to a point oftangency; thence North 78 degrees 57 mmutes 17 seconds West, a distance of 67.40 feet; thence North 11 degrees.02 minutes 43 seconds East, a distance of 80.00 feet; thence North 26 degrees 29 minutes 53 seconds East, a distance of 423.96 feet; thence North 00 degrees 31 minutes 38 seconds West, a distance of 403.01 feet; thence North 19 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds West, a.distance of 100.30 feet; thence North 00 degrees 31 minutes 3 8 seconds West, a distance of 385.22 feet to the North line of the Northeast Quarter of said Southeast Quarter; decrees 20 minutes 17 secondEast thence North $9 s along said North line, a distance of 849.97 feet to the point of beginning, containing 32,27 acres more or less. POOR 01 UAL r qV 1 RM-2-Htgh- Density Muttt- Famity Residential District Parcel 3 That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 44 North, Range 8, East of the Third principal Meridian cozmlencing at the East Quarter Corner of said Section 10, thence South 00 degrees 31 minutes 39 seconds East along the East line of the Northeast Quarter of the said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1324.07 feet to the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the said Southeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 32 minutes 32 seconds East along the East'line of the Southeast Quarter of the said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 432.17 feet to the point -of beginning; thence continuing South 00 degrees 32 minutes 32 seconds East along the said East, line, a distance of 889.74 feet to " the Southeast, comer • of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 37 minutes 52 seconds West along the South line of the Southeast Quarter of the said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 133188 feetto the Southwest corner of the said Southeast Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 21 mi Nnutes 03 seconds West along the West line of the Southeast . Quarter of the said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1319,16 feet to the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes 45 seconds West along the South line of the Northwest Quarter of the said Southeast Quarter, a distance of203.51 feet; thence North 26 degrees 29 minutes 53 seconds East, a distance of 168.64 feet; thence.South 63 degrees 30 minutes 07 seconds East, a distance of 181.90 feet to a point of curvature; thence easterly 226.55 feet along a curve to the'left having �a radius of 840.00 feet, the chord of said curve bears South 71 degrees 13 minutes 42 seconds East 225.86 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 78 degrees 57 minutes 17 seconds East, a distance of 123.19 feet to a point of curvature; thence southeasterly 343.91 feet along a curve to the right having a radiuis of 710.00 feet, the chord of said curve bears South 65 degrees 04 minutes 42 seconds East 340.56 feet to a poirit of tangency; thence South 51 degrees 12 minutes 06 seconds East, a distance -of 101.69 feet to a point of curvature; thence easterly 568:31 feet along a curve to the left having a radius of 840.00 feet, the chord of said curve beari South 70 degrees 35 minutes 01 seconds East 557.53 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 56 seconds East; a distance of 50.30 feet to the the point of beginning, containing 35,01 acres mare or less.