HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 01/13/2020 - Public Works Committee The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Public Works Committee McHenry Municipal Center 333 S. Green Street; McHenry, IL 60050 January 13, 2020 – 6:00 PM Meeting Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the Committee will be asked to identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public Comment may be restricted to three minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at all public meetings. 3. Motion to approve the November 11, 2019 Public Works Committee Meeting minutes. 4. Review of 2020 Motor Fuel Tax Road Resurfacing Program, Road Resurfacing Program History, and Motor Fuel Tax allotment records. 5. Motion for recommendation to present to full City Council the 2020 Motor Fuel Tax Resurfacing Program for authorization to publicly bid, and to allow staff to select a consultant to begin negotiations for a scope of services to include Phase III Construction Engineering for a 2020 Motor Fuel Tax funded Road Resurfacing Program. 6. Motion to Adjourn Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes November 11, 2019 Page 1 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes November 11, 2019 Call to Order Alderman Santi called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Roll Call Deputy Clerk Johnson called the roll. Roll call: Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Mihevc. Others present: Public Works Director Troy Strange, Staff Engineer Greg Gruen, Utility Superintendent Steve Wirch, Deputy Clerk Monte Johnson. Public Comment Terry Locke explained that money has been used out of budget for park lights, a sewer pipe expansion, and possible other roads due to the threat of litigation. He stated that Dartmoor Drive was poorly designed. The roads and sidewalks are in bad condition and must be addressed. He is frustrated that he called last spring to have his trees trimmed and hasn’t seen any work on that yet. He has seen the street sweeper only once this year and the street drains are clogged. The boot on his tree was removed and water was never put in it. He sees money being spent on other projects and other parts of town and believes that some things should get done for their neighborhood. Alderman Glab asked what type of cuts were being made by Jessup since their tax abatement wasn’t fully approved by all taxing bodies. He is concerned that they might cut the water main project and not size it properly. He also asked what we have done to pay for or accommodate the expansion. It was explained that the water main was not sized down to save money, and that the City hasn’t had to pay for any of the expansion, as it is all being funded through Adams or Jessup. Alderman Glab asked about the schedule for the street sweeper and if it is only ran seven times a year. Director Strange stated that there is a schedule that is followed and sometimes it is ran in certain months more than others. Alderman Glab stated that he remembers when it was out every day. He believes this is important because it helps keep the leaves from clogging the grate which can cause flooding. Approve April 9, 2019 Minutes A motion was made by Alderman Mihevc and seconded by Alderman Santi to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2019, Public Works Committee meeting. Aldeman Glab stated that he must abstain because he was not part of the committee for that meeting, so he can’t speak to Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes November 11, 2019 Page 2 the correctness of the minutes. Roll call: Vote: 2 -ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Santi. 0- nays, 1-abstained: Alderman Glab. Motion carried. Review of 2020 Surface Transportation candidates for January 2020 call for projects; Surface Transportation Program background and update Director Strange explained that one of the scoring criteria is to have a street policy in place. The language in the template is stronger than what we want, so it has been revised. This street policy needs to be approved by the Council later this year. He also wants approval from the Council to negotiate with an engineering firm for Phase 1 engineering. We must have a retained consultant selected and possibly Phase 1 engineering completed to receive an award. It was explained that we have changed our approach to applying for these types of programs. In the past the City has chased funding, but we are now focused on resurf acing projects only for areas that we were targeting anyways. We don’t want to spend money just to secure money. We only want to do projects that truly meet our needs. Mr. Gruen explained that he started working for the City about three months ago. He has 20 years of design work mostly with subdivisions which includes Legend Lakes. In 2008 he transitioned to doing municipal work. He has worked with Robinson Engineering and has worked as a contract municipal engineer. He has worked for municipalities such as Hainesville, Roselle, and Wonder Lake. Mr. Gruen reviewed the presentation on the STP program. This is a regional program that is used for different road projects on federal aid urban routes. This is for intersection improvements or resurfacing projects. The money goes from federal tax dollars to CMAP to the Council of Mayors and then to the municipalities. This is typically an 80%/20% local cost share. Alderman Glab stated that he is not happy that Green Street is being considered when other streets are in more need. He believes that Crystal Lake Road needs widened, and gave many examples for the justification for working on Crystal Lake Road. He also believes Lillian needs updated. He would like to see the City spend money on residential streets that need taken care of. Director Strange stated that Lillian was resurfaced in 2012, and Crystal Lake Road was done in 2014 or 2015. Green Street would need resurfaced in the next five years, so it was believed that we could do this for 80% federal funding instead of paying 100% with local money. He said that we are only looking at resurfacing projects that must be done regardless, and these are done biannually, so roads can be reevaluated or reconsidered. Mr. Gruen explained the scoring system for the program and why certain roads were considered. Bull Valley Road is actually in the best shape of the three roads but it scores better because the committee wants to save roads before they fall into disrepair. To score well the City will also put trees, bicycle markings, and signs along certain routes. Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes November 11, 2019 Page 3 Alderman Santi had questions regarding the project. He asked how many years this project was stopped, and it was explained that it hasn’t been available since 2016. There were discrepancies about how different projects were awarded in different areas. The intent is now to standardize the way money is given out, and there is four times more money now available than before. He also asked who pays for the engineering cost. It was explained that the City is responsible for all engineering costs, but ours should be minimal because we are only doing resurfacing. He also asked how it works with multiple municipalities working together, and Mr. Strange explained that all of the streets we are applying for are completely owned by the City of McHenry, so there would be no partnerships. Alderman Mihevc asked if funds were available for property acquisition or expansion, and it was explained that funds could not be used for that, so we weren’t pursing those types of projects. He also asked at what point we would be committed to spend the funds. Director Strange said that if we are awarded a program, we should follow through with it or we could be lo oked at negatively for future funding. We could, however, back out from a project up to the point where we made an agreement with IDOT, which would be right before the project were to begin. It was asked where these roads fell on our road rankings, and it was explained that Bull Valley was a 6, and Green and Dartmoor were a 4. Our internal ranking systems are not used by the program committee for funding, however. They use a separate ranking system. Alderman Santi explained that in front of the committee is a recommendation to send to the Council for the 2020 STP. Mr. Gruen also stated that a street policy ordinance must be passed by the Council as well. It was agreed upon that the policy should be reviewed by the City Attorney. A motion was made by Alderman Mihevc and seconded by Alderman Santi to allow staff to present the Surface Transportation Program candidates for application for the January 2020 call for projects to the City Council and to prepare a Complete Streets Policy to bring before City Council for approval. The policy is to be reviewed by the City Attorney prior to adoption. The motion is also to allow staff to select a consultant and begin negotiations for a scope of services to include Phase 1 Engineering and assistance with projec t applications to be brought before the Council for award before the end of the year. Roll call: Vote: 2-ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Santi. 1-nays: Alderman Glab. 0-abstained. Motion carried. Adjournment A motion was made by Alderwoman Glab and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 p.m. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Glab, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Santi. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. __________________________ ______________________________ Alderman Santi Deputy Clerk Monte Johnson Department of Public Works Troy Strange, Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: January 13, 2020 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Troy Strange, Director of Public Works RE: 2020 Motor Fuel Tax Road Program Recommendations ATT: Road Resurfacing Program Historical Location Map Road Resurfacing Program Historical Table of Expenditures Motor Fuel Tax Monthly Allotment Projection Table Recommended Five (5) Year Resurfacing Program 2020 Recommended Program Location Map AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Public Works Staff requests approval of staff’s recommendation from Public Works Committee to present a 2020 Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funded Road Resurfacing Program to the full City Council for approval and authorization to bid. Staff further requests approval to select a consultant to begin negotiations for a scope of services to include Phase III Construction Engineering for a 2020 Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funded Road Resurfacing Program. BACKGROUND: The City has approximately 122 centerline miles of roadway under its jurisdictional responsibility. To establish a priority list of street improvements, staff visits each street to verify and inspect the current condition of the pavement in order to rank streets for improvement. Street rankings were last completed by staff in fall of 2018. Staff rates streets on a 1-10 based system known as the PASER (Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating System) rating system which is a commonly utilized ranking system and is recognized by the Illinois Department of Transportation. Additionally, street rankings were performed by an independent consultant through a grant from The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and this report was presented to City Council in the Spring of 2019. These ratings were completed utilizing 0-99 rating system developed by the Army Corps of Engineers. In past years, the City has largely funded the Road Resurfacing Program through Capital Fund Balances which has allowed the program funding levels to fluctuate and thereby programming and scheduling work has been unpredictable. Staff have been exploring options to create a stable and dedicated funding source for road resurfacing and have determined that the utilization of the MFT fund is the most effective way to accomplish this. In 2019 the State of Illinois increased fuel taxes which increased MFT funding distributions to local agencies. Staff are anticipating approximately a $500,000 annual increase in MFT funding and a total future annual amount of $1.0 Million to $1.2 Million. Because MFT funding for the remainder of the fiscal year is dedicated to other priorities, staff are recommending a $500,000 program for FY 20/21 and the utilization of annual MFT distributions for road resurfacing only in future fiscal years. These amounts are in line with the recommended five (5) year program amounts as well. ANALYSIS: In anticipation of the City Council adoption of the FY 20/21 Budget, staff is recommending the following streets from the Year 1 Program selections to be included in the 2020 Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funded Road Resurfacing Program: • Pebble Creek Drive • Brighton Place • Westminster Place • Amberwood Place • Dorchester Place • Geneva Place RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Public Works Committee concurs with Staff’s recommendation, it is recommended to present to full City Council the 2020 Motor Fuel Tax Resurfacing Program as presented for authorization to publicly bid. It is further recommended to allow staff to select a consultant to begin negotiations for a scope of services to include Phase III Construction Engineering for a 2020 Motor Fuel Tax funded Road Resurfacing Program. City of McHenry 5 Year Resurfacing Program  Year #1  Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Cost Pebble Crk.Green St.Amberwood Pl.2,500 25.0 900 Y Y 3 75,000$ Brighton Pl.Donnelly Pl. Amberwood Pl.2,583 25.0 930 Y Y 3 77,500$ Westminster Pl. Donnelly Pl. Amberwood Pl.2,389 25.0 860 Y Y 3 71,667$ Amberwood Pl. Dorchester Pl. Biscayne Rd.5,044 25.0 1,816 Y Y 3 151,333$ Dorchester Pl. Amberwood Pl. Donnelly Pl.2,875 25.0 1,035 Y Y 3 86,250$ Geneva Pl.Amberwood Pl. Donnelly Pl.2,500 25.0 900 Y Y 3 75,000$ Ronda Dr.Turnberry Dr. Loch Glen Ln.2,224 24.0 834 Y Y 3 66,720$ Loch Glen Ln. Turnberry Dr. Ronda Rd.5,569 25.0 2,005 Y Y 3 167,083$ Valley Rd.Turnberry Dr. South End 3,142 25.0 1,131 Y Y 3 94,250$ Katie Ln.Ronda Rd.Turnberry Dr.2,083 25.0 750 Y Y 3 62,500$ Larkin Ln.Green St.Cul-De-Sac 2,235 27.0 745 Y Y 3 67,050$ Young St.Dale Ave.Green St.3,833 30.0 1,150 Y Y 3 115,000$ Third St.Elm St.James St.4,458 25.0 1,605 Y Y 3 133,750$ Fourth St.Main St.James St.1,516 22.0 620 N Y 3 37,889$ 1,280,992$ Year #2 Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Cost Glenbrook Tr. Crystal Lake Rd. Dartmoor Dr.15,577 28.0 5,007 Y Y 3 467,320$ Abbey Dr.Winding Creek Dr. Brookwood Tr.5,960 24.0 2,235 Y Y 3 178,800$ Brookwood Tr. Abbey Dr.Bull Valley Rd.4,042 25.0 1,455 Y Y 3 121,250$ Somerset Mall Front Royal Dr. Cul-De-Sac 1,067 20.0 480 Y N 3 26,667$ Canterbury Dr. Greenbrier Dr. Augusta Dr.4,160 24.0 1,560 Y Y 3 124,800$ Cross Tr.Kensington Dr. Joyce Ln.4,564 31.0 1,325 Y Y 3 136,917$ Fairfax Dr.Winding Creek Dr. Abbey Dr.627 24.0 235 Y Y 3 18,800$ Windhaven Tr. Brookwood Tr. Dead End 867 24.0 325 Y Y 3 26,000$ Colony Ct.Glenbrook Tr. Dead End 514 25.0 185 Y Y 3 15,417$ Winhaven Ct. Wimbleton Tr. North End 573 24.0 215 Y Y 3 17,200$ Courtland Tr. Cross Tr.Driftwood Tr.2,373 24.0 890 Y Y 3 71,200$ Village Tr.Overland Tr. Glenbrook Tr.2,867 25.0 1,032 Y Y 3 86,000$ Crystal Tr.Glenbrook Tr. Cross Tr.2,819 25.0 1,015 Y Y 3 84,583$ Front Royal Ct. Front Royal Dr. Cul-De-Sac 356 20.0 160 Y Y 3 10,667$ Oregon Tr.Cross Tr.Glenbrook Tr.3,333 25.0 1,200 Y Y 3 100,000$ Veretta Ct.Courtland Tr. North End 1,514 25.0 545 Y Y 3 45,417$ Overland Tr. Glenbrook Tr. Cross Tr.2,381 25.0 857 Y Y 3 71,417$ Hartland Tr. Glenbrook Tr. Village Tr.1,197 25.0 431 Y Y 3 35,917$ 1,638,370$ Year #3 Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Cost Olde Mill Ln. Leonard Ave. McCullom Lake Rd.8,097 25.0 2,915 Y Y 3 242,917$ Blake Blvd.McCullom Lake Rd. E. of Evergreen Cir.2,964 38.0 702 Y Y 3 88,920$ Settlers Cot. Olde Mill Ln. Cul-De-Sac 500 25.0 180 Y Y 3 15,000$ Graue Mill Ct. Spring Creek Ln. Cul-De-Sac 931 25.0 335 Y Y 3 27,917$ Landings Ct. Olde Mill Ln. East End 625 25.0 225 Y Y 3 18,750$ Boone Creek Cir. Olde Mill Ln. Leonard St.4,342 25.0 1,563 Y Y 3 130,250$ Crooked Tree Ct. Olde Mill Ln. North End 847 25.0 305 Y Y 3 25,417$ Springcreek Ln. Olde Mill Ln. Olde Mill Ln.3,097 25.0 1,115 Y Y 3 92,917$ McCullom Lake Rd. Riverside Dr. Richmond Rd.8,044 40.0 1,810 Y Y 3 241,333$ Leonard Ave. Dead End Olde Mill Ln.3,803 24.0 1,426 Y N 3 95,067$ Bradley Ct.Orleans St.Cul-De-Sac 1,480 24.0 555 Y Y 3 44,400$ Lauren Ct.Orleans St.Cul-De-Sac 1,243 24.0 466 Y Y 3 37,280$ Cornell Cot. Orleans St.East End 1,227 24.0 460 Y Y 3 36,800$ Drake Ct.Orleans St.East End 1,227 24.0 460 Y Y 3 36,800$ Jennifer Ln.Prestwick St. Leonard Ave.3,093 24.0 1,160 Y Y 3 92,800$ Prestwick St. Donovan St. Orleans St.5,333 24.0 2,000 Y Y 3 160,000$ Ryan St.Prestwick St. Orleans St 1,141 24.0 428 Y Y 3 34,240$ Brown St.Orleans St.Prestwick St.1,133 24.0 425 Y Y 3 34,000$ Donovan Ct. Orleans St.East End 437 24.0 164 Y Y 3 13,120$ Donovan St. Orleans St.Prestwick St.2,573 31.0 747 Y Y 3 77,190$ Petersen Park Road McCullom Lake Rd. Lakewood Rd.2,410 21.0 1,033 N N 3 180,775$ 1,725,892$ Program Total Program Total Program Total Page 1 of 2 City of McHenry 5 Year Resurfacing Program  Year #4 Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Cost Deerwood Tr. Ridge Rd. Dead End 9,456 33.0 2,579 N N 3 189,127$ Ridgeway Tr. Deerwood Tr. North End 5,373 28.0 1,727 N N 3 107,458$ Woodridge Tr. Deerwood Tr. Ridgeway Tr. 8,700 27.0 2,900 N N 3 174,000$ Timber Tr. Dead End West End 7,392 27.0 2,464 N N 3 147,840$ Amherst Ct. Bennington Dr. Cul-De-Sac 2,709 24.0 1,016 Y N 3 67,733$ Radcliff Ct. Bennington Dr. East End 1,849 32.0 520 Y N 3 46,222$ Chickaloon Dr. Curran Rd. Dead End 13,483 24.0 5,056 Y N 3 337,067$ Katmai Tr. Chickaloon Dr. North End 1,137 22.0 465 N N 3 22,733$ Matanuska Tr. Chickaloon Dr. Dead End 8,194 25.0 2,950 Y N 3 204,861$ 1,297,041$ Year #5 Street From To Area (SQ YD) Width (FT) Length (FT) Curb Sidewalk Condition Rating Cost April Ave. Whiteoak Dr. Dead End 2,204 32.0 620 N N 3 44,089$ White Oak Ct. Whiteoak Dr. South End 858 27.0 286 N N 3 17,160$ Cherryhill Ct. Whiting Dr. South End 1,286 25.0 463 Y N 3 32,153$ White Oak Dr. Tomlinson Dr. West End 6,269 28.0 2,015 Y N 3 156,722$ Prairie Ave. Beach Rd. Oak Dr. 11,227 23.0 4,393 N N 3 224,531$ Shore Dr. Oak Dr. Ringwood Rd. 19,742 25.0 7,107 Y Y 3 592,250$ Denali Tr. Chickaloon Dr. Dead End 2,090 22.0 855 N N 3 41,800$ Tustamena Tr. Chickaloon Dr. East End 2,982 23.0 1,167 N N 3 59,647$ Sycamore Ct. Matanuska Tr. East End 2,133 32.0 600 N N 3 42,667$ Illiamna Tr. Denali Tr. West End 805 24.0 302 N N 3 16,107$ Hayward Ct. Matanuska Tr. West End 2,009 32.0 565 Y N 3 50,222$ Albert Dr. Whiting Dr. North End 3,331 26.0 1,153 Y Y 3 83,272$ 1,360,619$ Program Total Program Total Page 2 of 2 4+000+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 4+00 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 4+00 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 4+00 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 4+000+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 1+002+00 3+004+005+006+007+008+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+0014+500+00DORCHESTER PLACE PEBBLE CREEK PLACE AMBERWOOD PLACEWESTMINSTER PLACE GENEVA PLACE BRIGHTON PLACEAMBERWOOD PLACEBARAVILLE ROAD JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DECMFT‐New$‐ $‐ $‐ $‐ $‐ $‐ $‐ $40,220 $40,521 $36,450 $40,120MFT‐Original$58,561 $53,261 $50,934 $59,745 $54,753 $49,914 $62,390 $49,538 $56,975$53,008 $60,614 $‐ $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $120,000MOTOR FUEL TAX (MFT) MONTHLY ALLOTMENT ‐ 2019 $239,000$2,495,502$0$690,473$0$378,032$352,575$1,953,057$1,032,860$0$687,250$0$500,000$1,000,000$1,500,000$2,000,000$2,500,000$3,000,0002009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019CONSTRUCTION COSTS ($)YEARLOCAL ROAD PROGRAM EXPENDITURES (2009‐2019)CONST. COSTMFT FUNDINGRECOMMENDED FUNDING 2000 2010201020102010 201220122016 201920192019201920102010201020102015201520162012201220122017201720102010201020102010201620162016FAU (2019)2010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020102010201020162016201620152016201820182012201420162016201620162016201620152012FAU (2013)FAU (2012)FAU (2017)2017201720172017201720102014201620142014201420162018FAU (2018)201220122012201420092010201120122013201420152016201720182019FAUWARD 4WARD 6WARD 3WARD 1WARD 5WARD 7WARD 2NOTES:1. CITY LIMITS AND WARDS AREAPPROXIMATE. SOMEUNINCORPORATED PARCELS AREINCLUDED ON MAP FORSIMPLICITY.2. CONSTRUCTION YEAR BASED ONAVAILABLE RECORDS. 2000 2023202320232023202320242024202420242022202220222022202220222022202120212021202120212021202120212021FAU (2023)FAU (2024)FAU (2022)202020202020202020202020202020202021202220232024FAUWARD 4WARD 6WARD 3WARD 1WARD 5WARD 7WARD 2NOTES:1. CITY LIMITS AND WARDS AREAPPROXIMATE. SOMEUNINCORPORATED PARCELS AREINCLUDED ON MAP FORSIMPLICITY.2. CONSTRUCTION YEAR BASED ONAVAILABLE RECORDS.