HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 11/16/2015 - City CouncilAGENDA 6 r REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, November 16, 2015, 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. City of McHenry Mission Statement 5. Presentation of CHARACTER COUNTS! Recognition Awards 6. Presentation of Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Award 7. Presentation of Fiscal Year 2014/15 Annual Finance Report conducted by Eder Casella Co. 8. Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the City Council will be required to step forward to the podium and identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three -minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at public meetings. 9. Motion to approve the following Consent Agenda Items: A. Resolution adopting the 2016 City Council meeting schedule; B. Annual Resolution to IDOT permitting municipal repair work in state right -of --ways; C. Ordinance authorizing the Mayor's execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of McHenry, County of McHenry, City of Crystal Lake, City of Harvard, City of Marengo, City of Woodstock, Village of Huntley, Village of Johnsburg, Village of Ringwood, and Village of Lakewood for General Public Dial -a -Ride Transit Service in 2016; D. Payment of $49,774.38 to Stuckey Construction for change orders and authorize payment of $56,213 for project add-ons pertaining to construction of the McHenry Recreation Center; E. Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 4, Sec 4-6(1) reducing number of Class A liquor licenses from 25 to 24; F. Authorization to advertise for bids for printing of 2016 City Newsletter & Parks Brochure; G. October 19, 2015, and November 2, 2015 City Council meeting minutes; H. As Needed Checks in the amount of $38,921.27; and 1. List of Bills in the amount of $1,233,190.89. 10. Motion to grant a Fence Variance from the corner side yard setback height requirements, from 48" to 72", for the property located at 2618 Wall Street 11. Motion to approve a Resolution setting the property tax levy request for 2015 (collected in 2016) at $4,761,635; and establish the date of December 7, 2015 to conduct a public hearing to consider approval of the property tax levy The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services /n acustomer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally respons/b/e manner. MCA McHenry City Council November 16, 2015 Page Two 12. Motion to authorize the Mayor's execution of an Easement Agreement between the City of McHenry and McHenry Country Club for the purchase of a 1,593 sq. ft. perpetual utility easement in the amount of $60,464; and granting use to the city of a Temporary Construction Easement to facilitate the conveyance of sanitary sewer lines to the South Wastewater Treatment Plant 13. Motion to approve the sole -source purchase of Fitness Equipment for the McHenry Recreation Center from Direct Fitness Solutions for the amount of $282,835; and authorize a budget amendment in the Recreation Center Fund for the amount of $282,835 14. Motion to approve the purchase and installation of McHenry Recreation Center furniture from the Frank Cooney Company for the amount of $76,462; and authorize a budget amendment in the Recreation Center Fund for the amount of $76,462 15. Motion to approve an amendment to increase the amount budgeted in the Development Expense Account by $125,000 for costs associated with Sales Tax Incentive Agreements with Gary Lang Auto Group, FV IL - McHenry Commons Shopping Center LLC, and Highland Park CVS 16. Mayor's Statement and Reports 17. Attorney Report • IEPA SRF Loan Agreement — Availability of appropriations; sufficiency of funds. 18. Committee Reports 19. Staff Reports 20. Future Agenda Items 21. Adjournment The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fisca!!y responsible manner. Office of Finance & Accounting Carolyn Lynch, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us PRESENTATION DATE: November 16, 2015 T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director RE: FY14/15 Audit ATTACHMENTS: FY14/15 SAS Letter FY14/15 Audit Report Attached is the Annual Financial Report for the year ending April 30, 2015 that was completed by the firm of Eder, Casella, and Company during the week of September 28t". The draft document was reviewed and acknowledged by staff on October 2nd and the final complete draft A the document was transmitted to the City on October 14t". Completion of the audit was extended this year because of new Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) regulations requiring that the actuarial report be finished prior to the finalization of the audit. The audit document includes important information about the City's results for 2014/15 fiscal year and current financial condition. There are a few areas of the report that are important to highlight. First, the Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance —General Fund on page 51 includes the year end results and the total fund balance for the General Fund. The total fund balance is $10,038,901, which is a $1,486,343 increase over last fiscal year. Currently this entire fund balance is listed as "Unassigned". This classification represents the General Fund balance that has not been restricted, committed, or assigned to specific purposes within the General Fund. At the direction of the Finance and Personnel Committee, staff is in the process of developing a revised/expanded "Fund Balance and Reserve Policy" to present for consideration to the Finance and Personnel Committee and City Council to establish principles and parameters to which a Fund Balance target would be defined at the beginning of each budget period that achieves the objectives of financial stability, appropriate cash flow for operations, and assurance that the City will be able to respond to emergencies with fiscal strength. In other words, to more clearly delineate uses for the Unassigned Fund Balance. Further, the policy will define specific "Fund Balance Parameters" which will include steps to be taken to correct fund balance deficiencies that may occur in the event that unexpected situations cause the City to fall below the minimum identified levels. Second, the Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets (pg. 17) show the annual operating income and expenses for the Water and Sewer Fund. The Water and Sewer Fund did have an operating loss of $743,442. This highlights the need for the upcoming water/sewer rate increase, and continuous review and adjustments to water/sewer rates, to :over operational expenses. Finally, this year's report includes additional required information per GASB on the police pension funding progress (page 36). 815.344,1300 mchenry 847.382.3366 barrington October 27 2015 To the Mayor and City Council Members City of McHenry, Illinois We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of City of McHenry, Illinois (City) for the year ended April 30, 2015. Professional standards require that we provide you with information about our responsibilities under generally accepted auditing standards as well as certain information related to the planned scope and timing of our audit. We have communicated such information in our letter to you dated June 29, 2015. Professional standards also require that we communicate to you the following information related to our audit. Significant Audit Findings Qualitative Aspects of Accounting Practices Management is responsible for the selection and use of appropriate accounting policies. The significant accounting policies used by the City are described in Note 1 to the financial statements. During fiscal year 2015, the City implemented GASB Statement No. 67, Financial Reporting for Pension Plans. We noted no transactions entered into by the City during the year for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. All significant transactions have been recognized in the financial statements in the proper period. Accounting estimates are an integral part of the financial statements prepared by management and are based on management's knowledge and experience about past and current events and assumptions about future events. Certain accounting estimates are particularly sensitive because of their significance to the financial statements and because of the possibility that future events affecting them may differ significantly from those expected. The most sensitive estimates affecting the financial statements were: None noted. Certain financial statement disclosures are particularly sensitive because of their significance to financial statement users. The most sensitive disclosures affecting the financial statements were: None noted. The financial statement disclosures are neutral, consistent, and clear. Difficulties Encountered in Performing the Audit We encountered no significant difficulties in dealing with management in performing and completing our audit. 540Q west elm street. suite �03. mchenry. it 60Q50 509 west old northwesfi highway. suite 102. barrington. it 60p10 www.edercaseila.com Corrected and Uncorrected Misstatements Professional standards require us to accumulate ail known and likely misstatements identified during the audit, other than those that are trivial, and communicate them to the appropriate level of management. Management has corrected all such misstatements. The attached adjustments, detected as a result of audit procedures, were corrected by management. Disagreements with Management For purpose of this letter, professional standards define a disagreement with management as a financial accounting, reporting, or auditing matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, that could be significant to the financial statements or the auditor's report. We are pleased to report that no such disagreements arose during the course of our audit. Management Representations We have requested certain representations from management that are included in the management representation letter, a copy of which is attached. Management Consultations with Other Independent Accountants In some cases, management may decide to consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting matters, similar to obtaining a "second opinion" on certain situations. If a consultation involves application of an accounting principle to the City's financial statements or a determination of the type of auditor's opinion that may be expressed on those statements, our professional standards require the consulting accountant to check with us to determine that the consultant has all the relevant facts. To our knowledge, there were no such consultations with other accountants. Other Audit Findings or Issues We generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, with management each year prior to retention as the City's auditors. However, these discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional relationship and our responses were not a condition to our retention. Other Matters We applied certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information (RSI), listed in the table of contents of the audit report, which supplements the basic financial statements. Our procedures consisted of inquiries of management regarding the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management's responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We did not audit the RSI and do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the RSI. We were engaged to report on supplementary information, listed in the table of contents of the audit report, which accompany the financial statements but are not RSI. With respect to this supplementary information, we made certain inquiries of management and evaluated the form, content, and methods of preparing the information to determine that the information complies with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, the method of preparing it has not changed from the prior period, and the information is appropriate and complete in relation to our audit of the financial statements. We compared and reconciled the supplementary information to the underlying accounting records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves. Restriction on Use This information is intended solely for the use of the City Council and management of the City and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Very truly yours, C , Cc. :DER, CASELLA & CO. Certified Public Accountants Client: Engagement; Period Ending: Workpaper. Account City of McHenry City of McHenry 4/30/2015 General Fund AJEs Report Adjusting Journai Entrtes JE # 1 Reclass wages payable. 100 Gash in Bank 215 Accrued Payroll Total' Description Adjusting .iaurnat Entries JE # 2 Record receivable related to IDOT Crystal Lake Road reimbursement, amount already refunded to MFT by General Fund. 118 Due from Other Gov't Units 234 Due to Motor Fuel Tax Totai Adjusting Journal Entries JE # 3 Adjust State Satan tax and Due from Qther governments. R3120 State Sales 1'ax 118 Due from' Other Gov't Units` Total Adjusting Journal ivntries JE # 4 Adjust accrued payroll. Consolidate ail liability accounts into on accrued payroll account and also adjust out prepaid insurance, as insurance related to this payrun is for May 2015, Also adjust out Information Tech accrued payroll and move to fund 620. Debit 152,071.00 15Z,071.00 5,675.00 5,675.Oq 180,00 180.00 200 Withholding-faderai Taxes 41,478.00 201 Withholding -State Taxes 11,378.00 202 Wlthhoid nglCMA 457 698.00 203 Withholding - Social Security Taxes 52,447:00 204 Withholding IMRF 34,806,00 2041 Withholding_ IMRF Life Ins. 179,00 205 Withholding -United Way 24,00 206 Witholding-Wage Garnishments 1,685,00 207 Withholding-Poilce Assoc Dues 126400 208 Withholding -Police Pension 13,208,00 209 Employee insurance Withholding 31631,00 214 Withholding -Police Union Dues 899.00 218 Public Works Union Dues 6,085,00 219 AFLAC Withholding 21201400 2191 Withholding- Universal Life Ins 20,00 2192 Withholding4l) Theft and Lawyers 28.00 2193 Withholding - Afiao Group 380.00 220 Miscellaneous Clearing Account 9,00 223 Withholding insurance 92,202.00 2231 Withholding -Vision Care 419.00 2241 Withholding- UNUM Voluntary Life 534.00 2261 Withholding -Security Group 7,124,00 Credit. 152,071:00 152,07100 5,675.00 5,675.00 18q,00 18q.Oq r Client City of McHenry Engagement City of McHenry Period Ending: 413012015 Workpaper: General Fund AJEs Report Account Description Debit Credit R3890 Miscellaneous Income 100. Cash in Bank 130 Prepaid Expenses 215 Accrued Payroll rotas I have rAviewed and agree with 783.00 10,146A0` 72*694600. 187,504.00 270,344.no 270,344.00 Cfientr Gity ofNichunry- C1ty of McHenry Engagement: City of McHenry Period Ending, 413012015 Trial Balance; 205 - Pageant Fund I/Vorkpapen 205 - Pageant Fund AJEs Report Account Description Adjusting Journai Entries JE t« 1 Reclass prior year deferred pagent entry fees and donations. Totai 213 Deferred Revenue 3890 Misc. income W/P �2ef I have reviewed and agree with the adJustmeni(s} above: debit 2,000.00 2,000.00 7/17/2t)9 5 429 PM CPedif 2,000:00 2,000.00 1 of`1- Client City 01 McHenry -City of McHenry Engagernent City of McHenry Period ErKring: 413012015 Trial Balance: 270- Motor Fuel Tax Fund Workpaper. 270 - Motor Fuel Tax AcYusting Journal Entries Report Account p@$Cripti9n AdJustng Jourrlel Entries JE# 1 Record revenue receivable related to [DOT grant for Crystal Lake Road, See notes In 505 for reason adjustment made thru due toidue from and receivable looked on General Fund. 7otat 155 Due From Other Funds 3161 Grants I have reviev+ed and agree with Erie above; W/P Ref Debik 5,675,00 5;67SA0 �r17rz01 s 4;3p PM Credit 5,675:OU 61676400 Ghent: Clty of M1cHenry• City Q McHenry Cngagement: City of McHenry Trial Balance: 300 Debt Service Fund Workpaper: 300 - Debt Service Fund Adjusting Journal Entries Report Account Description Adjusting Journal.. Entries JE # `1 Reclass deferred inflows related to FY16 Bond Issue. TOtat 391Q Sond Proceeds 213 Deferred Income I have reWtewed and agree with the adjusfn�ent(s) aboWe. Date Debit 48,�Jfifi.00 46,$66.00 7/17/2015 :81 PM Credit 46,9fifi.t'?0 46,966400 Client; CftyofMoHanry-CityrrJMcHenry Engagement; City of McHenry Period Ending: 413012015 Trial Balance 400 - Recreation Center Fund Workpaper; 400 - Recreation Center Adjusting Journal Entries Report Account Description Adjusting Journal Entries JE l# 1 Adjust deferred Inflows for FY16 Bond Issue related to rec center_ Totat 3910 Bond Proceeds 213 Deferred Inflow I have reuiowed and agree with the adjusirnent(s) above: Client Si a urn Tale WiP Ref Debit 15 4i32 PM Credit 62;634.D0 BZ634,00 _ M634.00 62,634.00 1of1 Client. city afmctienry-City of McHenry F_ngagement: City of McHenry Period Ending: 413012015 Trial Balance 440 - Capital Improvements Fund Workpaper; 440 - Capital Improvements AJES AGGQ►111t Description 7I17I2015 4;34 PM W!P Ref Debit Credit Adjusting Journal Entries JE # 't Record journal entry to reclass IDOT grant reimbursements that should have been recorded as receivables in the prior year, See 805A wkpr for backup. 3886 Reimb-Misc-State 260 Fund Balance Total Adjusting Journal Entries JE # 2 Adjust for developmental escrow amounts that are not due back. Adjust thru fund balance as all amounts are; from prior 100 Cash in Bank 110 Investments - Certificates of Deposit 250 Fund Balance Total i have revieiv�d and agrae vvith the Cliex�# Dale`. 128,874.00 128,874.00 379;272.00 54,d97600 433,769.00 128,87dA0 128,874,00 433,769A0 433,768:btf 7/17r2015 4;35 PM Client City of McHenry - City of WicHenry Engagemernt City ofWkHenry Period Ending: 413 015 Trial Balance. 510 - Wat"ISewer Fund VVorkpaper. 510 - Water Sewer Adjusting Joumal Entries Report Account Description ViliP Ref Debit Credit Adjusting Joumal Entries JE �' 1 Adjust accounts payable for Invoice that was to be split 50150 between FY15 and FY16, 210 Accounts Payable 4,O00:00 X32-5110 contractual Services 4100040D Total 4,000.00 4/000400 Adjusting Journal Entries JE# 2 fteclass wages payable. 1990 Claim on 900 75,2OO,OO 215 Accrued Payroll 75,2a0,00 Total 761200,00 75,200,00 AdjustinaJoprnatl~ntriesJE# 3 AdJuSt Interest rabafa receivable. R32-3915 Bond Interest Rebate 2.021;00 150 Interest Rebate Receivable 2;021.00 Total 2;021.00 2,021.00 Adjusting Journal Entries JE # 4 Adjust accrued payroll for insurance amounts that should not have been accrued, Amounts are for May. 216 Accrued Payroll 14;195,00 130 Prepaid Expenses 14;195.00 Total 14,196A0 140195,00 Adjusting Journal Entries JE t# 6 Ad) ust compensated absences for oarryovar comp. time not included in orgjnal calculation. X314010 Salaries - Regular 380.00 X324010 Salaries -Regular 18,0D 217 Compensated Absanses Payable 39�';00 Total 396400 398:00 Adjusting Journal Entries JE #R 6 Adjust bond premiurn1discount amortization. 2303 Premium on Bonds Payable 612.00 X32-9100 Amortization - Boni Discount 3,041.00 2302 Discount Bonds Payable 3,941.00 X31-9100 Amortization - Bon Discount 512,00 Total 41463,00 4;453:00 Adjusting Journal Entries JE # 7 Adjust deterred revenue far AT&T contract. 213 Deferred Revenue %938.00 R31-3845 Rental Income 9,938.00 Total 9,938.00 %938A0 Adjusting Journal Entries JE 1# 8 Adjust due to General Furtd, Amount In AP paid by General. 21M Accounts Payable 32.00 235 Due to General Fund 32,00 Total 32,00 32,00 7/17I2Ulu 4:35 PM Client: Crfy o/HteHOnly- CtYy at McHenry Engagement: City of McHenry Psi Ending: M30/2015 Trial Balanco: 510- Waterlsewer Fund WorkpaW. 510- Water Sewer Adjusting Journal Entries Report Account Description W/P Ref Debit Credit and agrsa with the adjustmant(s) shave: Client: Ctfy of McHenry Engagement: City of McHenry Pedod Ending: 413012015 Workpaper. Willy Improvements Fund AJEs Account Description Adjusting Jaurnat Entries JE # 1 fteclass deferred DCEO Grant that was suspended. None of the monies had been spent before suspension of grant. 213 Deferred' Revenue 211 Grant Payable Total Adjusting Journal Entries JE # 2 Adjust CIP for Valley View school project that should not be included in CIP. Has been in CIP account for multiple years, per Carolyn nothing outstanding on this. Total 250 Nit Assets 1750 Construction In Progress I have reviewed and agree urith the adjustments) above: Debit Credit 175,Q00:00 175,0K00 175,OOO;OO 176,000OQ 11,71g:Q0 11,719aOO 11,71 %00 11,719.00 Giient: Cfly 0 C enry-Cicy ofMcHenty Engagement: City of McHenry Period Ending: 413012015 Trial Balance: 600-Employee Insurance Fund Workpapert 600 - Employee Insurance Fund AJE's Report Account Description Adjusting Journal Entries JE # 1 Reclass current year insurance expense that was not reversed out of the prior year prepaid. 4310 insurance Premiums -Health Total 130 Prepaid Expenses 1 haveteviewed and agree with the adjustments) above; Debit 134,610.00 7/17/2015 437 PM Credit '134,610:00 134;610.00 134r610.00 1of1 Client: Engagement: Period Ending: Trial Balance: Workpaper: Account City of McHenry C1ty of McHenry 4aO/2095 City of McHenry. 62t) - Information Technology Fund. Adjusting Journal Entries Report [escriptian W/F Rzf Adjustlrrg JournalEntrles JE# 1 Adjust accrued payroll amounts included in Cash. Also adjust accrued payroll for insurance that should not have been accrued for as it is for May. Total 100 Cash in Bank 130 Prepaid Expenses 215 Accrued Payroll Debit 10,146.00 10,146.OQ i have: reviewed and agree with the adjuatment(s) above: 7/17/2015 4:39 PM Credit 1,542.00 8;604.00 10,146400 11,49 Client: Gity of McHenry Engagement: City of McHenry Period Ending: 413012015 Workpaper: Developmental Escrow Fund AJEs Account Descriptions Debit Adjusting Journal Entries JE # -1 Adjust amounts in the developmental escrow account that are not due back per Carolyn. Only ones should be VA & Gerstad. 213 Deposits -Due Customers 433,769.00 100 Cash in Bank 110 Certificates of Deposit totai 433,769.00 I haue reviewed and agree with the adjusfinent(s) above: Credit 379,272:00 541497:00 433,769.00 City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Eder, Casella & Co. 5400 West Elm Street Suite 203 McHenry, Illinois 60050 This representation letter is provided in connection with your audit of the financial statements of City of McHenry (City), which comprise the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business4ype activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information as of April 30 2015, and the respective changes in financial position and, where applicable, cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements, for the purpose of expressing opinions as to whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (US. GAAP) Certain representations in this letter are described as being limited to matters that are material.. items are considered material, regardless of size, if they involve an omission or misstatement of accounting information that; in light of surrounding circumstances, makes it probable that the judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would be changed or influenced by the omission or misstatement. An omission or misstatement that is monetarily small in amount could be considered material as a result of qualitative factors We confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, the following representations made to you during your audit. Financial Statements 1. We have fulfilled our responsibilities, as set out in the terms of the audit engagement fetter dated June 29, 2015, including our responsibility for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP and for preparation of the supplementary information in accordance with the applicable criteria. 2. The financial statements referred to above are fairly presented in conformity with U.S.. GAAP and include all properly classified funds and other financial information of the primary government required by generally accepted accounting principles to be included in the financial reporting entity. 3. We acknowledge our responsibility for the design, implementation, and maintenance. of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. 4. We acknowledge our responsibility for the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control to prevent and detect fraud. 5. Significant assumptions we used in making accounting estimates, including those measured at fair value, are reasonable. 6. Related party relationships and transactions, including revenues, expenditures/expenses, loans, transfers, leasing arrangements, and guarantees, and amounts receivable from or payable to related parties have been appropriately accounted for and disclosed in accordance with U.S. GAAP. 7. Adjustments or disclosures have been made for all events, including instances of noncompliance, subsequent to the date of the financial statements that would require adjustment to or disclosure in the financial statements. 8. We are in agreement with the adjusting journal entries you have proposed, if any, and they will be posted. 9. The effects of ail known actual or possible litigation, claims, and assessments fiave been accounted for and disclosed in accordance with U.S. GAAP. 10. Guarantees, whether written or oral, under which the City is contingently liable; if any; have been properly recorded or disclosed. Information Provided 11. We have provided you. with: a. Access to all information, of which we are aware, Ghat is relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements, such as records, documentation, and other matters. b. Additional information that you have requested from us for the purpose of the audit. c. Unrestricted access to persons within the City from whom you determined it necessary to obtain audit evidence. d. Minutes of the .meetings. of the Board of Trustees or ummanes of actions of recent meetings as listed below: May:5, 20114 January 52015 12. All material transactions have been recorded in the accounting records and are reflected in the financial statements. 13. We have disclosed to you the results of our assessment of the risk that the :financial statements may be materially misstated as,a result of fraud. 14. We have. no knowledge of -any fraud or suspected fraud that affects the City and involves: a. Management, b: Employees who have significant roles in internal control, or c. Others where the fraud couldhavea material effect on the financial statements. 15. We have no knowledge of any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud affecting the City's financial statements communicated by employees, former employees, regulators, or others. 16. We have no knowledge of instances of noncompliance or suspected noncompliance with provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, or grant agreements, or abuse, whose effects should be considered when preparing financial statements. 17. We have disclosed to you all known actual or possible litigation, claims, and assessments whose effects should "be considered when preparing the financial statements. 18; We have disclosed to you the identity of the City's related parties and all the related party relationships and transactions of which we are aware. Government -specific There have been no communications from regulatory agencies concerning noncompliance with or deficiencies in, financial reporting practices. M. We have identified to you any previous audits, attestation engagements,and other studies related to the audit objectives and whether related recommendations have been implemented. 21. The City has no plans or intentions that may materially affect the carrying value or classification of assets, liabilities, or equity. 22, We are responsible for compliance with the laws, regulations, and provisions of contracts and grant agreements applicable to us, including tax or debt limits and debt contracts, and legal and contractual provisions for reporting specific activities in separate funds, 230 We have identified and disclosed to you all instances that have occurred or are likely to have occurred, of fraud and noncompliance with provisions of laws and regulations that we believe have a material effect on the financial statements or other financial data significant to the audit objectives, and any other instances that warrant the attention of those charged with governance. 24. We have identified and disclosed to you: all instances, which have occurred or are likely to have occurred, of noncompliance with provisions of contracts and grant -.agreements that we believe have a material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts or other financial data significant to the audit objectives. 25. We have identified and disclosed to you all instances that have occurred or are likely to have accursed, of abuse that could be quantitatively or qualitatively material to the financial statements or other financial data significant to the audit objectives, 26. There are no violations or possible violations of budget ordinances, laws and regulations (including those pertaining to adopting, approving, and amending budgets), provisions of contracts and grant agreements, tax or debt limits, and any related debt covenants whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements; or as a basis for recording a loss contingency, or for reporting on noncompliance. 27. As part of your audit, you prepared the financial statements and related notes. We acknowledge our responsibility as it relates to those nonaudit services, including that we assume all management responsibilities, oversee the services by designating an individual, preferably within senior management, who possesses suitable skill, knowledge, or experience; evaluate the adequacy and results of the services performed; and accept responsibility for the results of the services. We have reviewed, approved, and accepted responsibility for those financial statements and related notes. 28. The City has satisfactory title to all owned assets, and there are no liens or encumbrances on such assets nor has any asset been pledged as collateral 29. The City has complied with all aspects of contractual agreements that would have a material effect on the financial Statements in the event of noncompliance. 30. The financial statements properly classify all funds and activities in accordance with GASB Statement No. 34, 31. All funds that meet the quantitative criteria in GASES Nos. 34 and 37 for presentation as major are identified and presented as such and all other funds that are presented as major are particularly importantto financial statement users. 32. Components of net position (net Investment in capital assets; restricted; and unrestricted) and components of fund balance (nonspendable, restricted, committed, assigned, and unassigned) are properly classified and, if applicable, approved. 33. Investments, derivative instruments, and land and other real estate held by endowments are property valued. 34_ Provisions for uncollectible receivables have been properly identified and recorded. 354 Expenses have been appropriately classified in or allocated to functions and programs in the Statement of Activities, and allocations have been made on a reasonable basis. 36, Revenues are appropriately classified in the Statement of Activities within program revenues, general revenues, contributions to term or permanent endowments, or contributions to permanent fund principal 37. Interfund, internal, and antra -entity activity and balances have been appropriately classified and reported. 38, Deposits and investment securities and derivative instruments are properly classified as to risk and are properly disclosed. 39, Capital assets, including infrastructure and intangible assets, are properly capitalized, reported, and, if applicable, depreciated. 40. We are not aware of any current or anticipated losses in excess of our insurance coverage for which we would be financially liable. 41. The City meets the GASB-established requirements for accounting for eligible infrastructure assets using the modified approach. 42. We have appropriately disclosed the City's; policy regarding whether to first apply restricted or unrestricted resources when an expense is incurred for purposes for which both restricted and unrestricted net position is available and have determined that net position is properly recognizedunder the policy. 43. We are following our established accounting policy regarding which resources (that is, restricted, committed, assigned, or unassigned) are considered to be spent first for expenditures for which more than one resource classification is available. That policy determines the fund balance classifications for financial reporting purposes. 44: We acknowledge our responsibility for the required supplementary information (RSI}: The RSI is measured and presented within prescribed guidelines and the methods of measurement and presentation have not changed from those used in the prior period. We have disclosed to you any significant assumptions and interpretations underlying the measurement and presentation of the RSI: 45. With respect to the supplemental financial in#ormation we acknowledge our responsibility` for presenting the supplemental financial information in accordance with U.S. GAAP, and we believe the supplemental financial information, including its form and content, is fairly presented in accordance with U.S. GAAR The methods of measurement and presentation of the supplemental financial information have not changed from those used; in the prior period, and we have disclosed to you any significant assumptions or interpretations underlying the measurement and presentation of the supplemental information. 46. We agree with the findings of specialists in evaluating the City's accrued pension liabilities and have adequately considered the qualifications of the specialists in determining the amounts and disclosures used in the financial statements and underlying accounting records. We did not give or cause any instructions to be given to specialists with respect to the values or amounts derived in an attempt to bias their work, and we are not otherwise aware of any matters that have had an impact on the independence or objectivity of the specialists. 47: We believe that the actuarial assumptions and methods used to measure pension liabilities and costs for financial accounting purposes are appropriate in the circumstances. Signed: f tec&co.f 815.344.1300 mchenry 847.382,3366 barrington CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT APRIL 30, 2015 5400 wesfi elm street. suite 203. mchenry. it 60Q50 509 west ofd northwesfi highway. suite 102. Barrington. ii 6Q014 ww.edercaseno,cw CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS TABLE OF CONTENTS APRIL 30, 2015 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Management's Discussion and Analysis BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Government -Wide Financial Statements Statement of Net Position Statement of Activities Fund Financial Statements Balance Sheet —Governmental Funds Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Position Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances — Governmental Funds Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances to the Statement of Activities Statement of Net Position —Proprietary Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position —Proprietary Funds Statement of Cash Flows —Proprietary Funds Statement of Fiduciary Net Position —Fiduciary Funds Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position —Fiduciary Funds Notes to Financial Statements 'REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund —Schedule of Funding Progress Police 'Pension Plan —Schedule of Changes in the Employer's Net Pension Liability and Related Ratios Police Pension Plan —Schedule of Employer Contribution Police Pension Plan —Schedule of Funding Progress PAGE 1 3 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 43 44 45 46 CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS TABLE OF CONTENTS APRIL 30, 2015 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (Continued) Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances — Budget and Actual — General Fund 47 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances — Budget and Actual — Recreation Center Fund 49 Notes to Required Supplementary Information 50 SUPPLEMENTAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION Combining Balance Sheet —General Fund 51 Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances — General Fund 52 Combining Balance Sheet —Other Governmental Funds 54 Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances — Other Governmental Funds 55 Combining Schedule of Net Position —Water and Sewer Funds 56 Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position — Water and Sewer Funds 57 Combining Schedule of Net Position —Internal Service Funds 58 Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position —Internal Service Funds 59 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances —Budget and Actual —Special Revenue Fund — Tax Increment Financing Fund 60 Summary of State Grants 61 Summary of Federal Grants 62 815.344.1300.mchenry 847.382.3366 barrington INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Mayor and City Council Members City of McHenry, Illinois We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS as of and for the year ended April 30, 2015, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the City 's basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinions. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, each 5 400 west elm street. suite 203, mchenry. it 60050 S09 west old northwest highway. suite 102. Barrington. it 60010 www.edercasa[la.com Page 1 major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of City of McHenry as of April 30, 2015, and the respective changes in financial position and, where applicable, cash flows thereof for the earthen ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Other Matters Required Supplementary Information Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that the Management's Discussion and Analysis, Schedules of Funding Progress, Schedule of Changes in the Employer's Net Pension Liability and Related Ratios, Schedule of Employer Contribution, and budgetary comparison information on pages 3 through 9 and 43 through 50 be presented to supplement the basic financial statements. Such information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. We have applied certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which consisted of inquiries of management about the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management's responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. Other Information Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise City of McHenry's basic financial statements. The other supplementary information listed in the table of contents is presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial statements. The other supplementary information listed in the table of contents is the responsibility of management and were derived from and relate directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements as a whole. Change in Accounting Principle As discussed in Note 20 to the financial statements, City of McHenry implemented GASB Statement No. 67, Financial Reporting for Pension Plans. Our opinion is not modified with respect to this matter. EDER, CASELLA & CO. Certified Public Accountants McHenry, 111inois October 2, 2015 Page 2 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION CITY OF WHENRY, ILLINOIS MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS APRIL 30, 2015 As management of City of McHenry (City), we offer readers of the City's statements this narrative overview and analysis of the financial activities of the City for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2015. We encourage readers to consider the information presented here in conjunction with additional information found in the notes to the financial statements. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS ■ The assets and deferred outflows of resources of the City exceed its liabilities and deferred inflows of resources at April 30, 2015 by $139,294,002 (total net position). Of this amount, $17,821,636 may be used to meet the City's ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. ■ The City's total net position increased $222,741 from current year activities. ■ At April 30, 2015, the City's governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $17,517,402, an increase from current year activities of $1,029,459, ■ At April 30, 2015, the unassigned fund balance for the General Fund was $9,998,910, or 58 percent of total General Fund expenditures. ■ The City's total long-term debt decreased by $1,465,876 primarily due to payments on general obligation bonds. OVERVIEW OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS This discussion and analysis is intended to serve as an introduction to the City's basic financial statements. The City's basic financial statements comprise three components: 1) government -wide financial statements, 2) fund financial statements, and 3) notes to the financial statements. Both perspectives (government -wide and fund level financial statements) allow the user to address relevant questions, broaden a basis for comparison (year to year or government to government) and enhance the City's accountability. This report also contains other supplementary information in addition to the basic financial statements themselves. Government -wide Financial Statements. The government -wide financial statements are designed to provide readers with a broad overview of the City's finances, in a manner similar to a private business. The Statement of Net Position presents information on all of the City's assets, deferred outflows of being reported as resources, liabilities, and deferred inflows of resources with the difference amongst those net position. Increases or decreases in net position may serve as a useful indicator of whether the financial position of the City is improving or deteriorating when comparing year to year results. The Statement of Activities presents information showing how the City's net position changed during the most recent fiscal year. All changes in net position are reported as soon as the underlying event giving rise to the change occurs, regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Thus, revenues and expenses are reported in this statement for some items that will only result in cash flows in future fiscal periods (e.g., uncollected taxes and earned but unused vacation leave). Both of the government -wide financial statements distinguish functions of the City that are principally supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues (governmental activities) from other functions that are intended to recover all or a significant portion of their costs through user fees and charges (business -type activities). The governmental activities of the City include general office, public safety, public works, and parks and recreation. The businessAype activities of the City include a water and sewer division. Page 3 The government -wide financial statements can be found on pages 10 and 11 of this report. Fund Financial Statements. A fund is a grouping of related accounts that is used to maintain control over resources that have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The City, like other state and local governments, uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance -related legal requirements. All of the funds of the City can be divided into three categories: governmental funds, proprietary funds, and fiduciary funds. Governmental Funds. Governmental funds are used to account for essentially the same functions reported as governmental activities in the government -wide financial statements. However, unlike the government - wide financial statements, governmental fund financial statements focus on near -term inflows and outflows of spendable resources, as well as on balances of spendable resources available at the end of the fiscal year. Such information may be useful in evaluating a government's near -term financing requirements. Because the focus of governmental funds is narrower than that of the government -wide financial statements, it is useful to compare the information presented for governmental funds with similar information presented for governmental activities in the government -wide financial statements. By doing so, readers may better understand the long-term impact of the City's near -term financing decisions. Both the governmental fund Balance Sheet and the governmental fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances provide a reconciliation to facilitate this comparison between governmental funds and governmental activities. The City maintains 12 individual governmental funds. Information is presented separately in the governmental fund Balance Sheet and in the governmental fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances for the General Fund and Recreation Center Fund, each of which are considered to be major funds. Data from the other ten governmental funds are combined into a single, aggregated presentation. The other ten funds include Pageant, Audit, Capital Improvements, Capital Equipment, Debt Service, Motor Fuel Tax, Developer Donations, Tax Increment Financing, and two Special Service Areas. The basic governmental fund financial statements can be found on pages 12 through 15 of this report. Proprietary Funds. The City maintains two different types of proprietary funds. Enterprise funds are used to report the same functions presented as business -type activities in the government -wide financial statements. The City uses an enterprise fund to account for the Water and Sewer Division. Internal service funds are an accounting device used to accumulate and allocate costs internally among the City's various functions. The City uses internal service funds to account for its employee insurance, risk management, and information technology. Because these services predominately benefit governmental rather than business -type functions, they have been included within governmental activities in the government -wide financial statements. Proprietary funds provide the same type of information as the government -wide financial statements, only in more detail. The proprietary fund financial statements provide separate information for the water and sewer functions. Internal service funds are combined into a single, aggregate presentation in the proprietary fund financial statements. Individual fund data for the internal service funds is provided in the form of combining statements on pages 58 and 59 of this report. The basic proprietary fund financial statements can be found on pages 16 through 18 of this report. Fiduciary Funds. Fiduciary funds are used to account for resources held for the benefit of parties outside the City. Fiduciary funds are not reflected in the government -wide financial statements because the resources of those funds are not available to support the City's own programs. The accounting used for fiduciary funds is much like that used for proprietary funds. The City's fiduciary funds include the Police Pension Trust Fund and three Agency Funds. The basic fiduciary fund financial statements can be found on pages 19 and 20 of this report. Notes to the Financial Statements. The notes provide additional information that is essential to a full understanding of the data provided in the government -wide and fund financial statements. The notes to the financial statements can be found on pages 21 through 42 of this report. Other Information. In addition to the basic financial statements and accompanying notes, this report also presents certain required supplementary information concerning the City's appropriation to actual for the General Fund and Recreation Center Fund. Required supplementary information can be found on pages 43 through 50 of this report. GOVERNMENT -WIDE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS As noted earlier, net position may serve over time as a useful indicator of a government's financial position. In the case of the City, assets and deferred outflows of resources exceeded liabilities and deferred inflows of resources by $139,294,002 at April 30, 2015. By far, the largest portion of the City's net position, 84 .percent, reflects its net investment in capital assets (e.g., land, construction in progress, buildings, and equipment); less any related debt used to acquire those assets that is still outstanding. The City uses these capital assets to provide services to citizens; consequently, these assets are not available for future spending. Although the City's investment in capital assets is reported net of related debt, it should be noted that the resources needed to repay this debt must be provided from other sources, since the capital assets themselves cannot be used to liquidate these liabilities. Assets Current and Other Assets Capital Assets Total Assets Deferred Outflows of Resources Liabilities Long -Term Liabilities Outstanding Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Deferred Inflows of Resources Net Position Net Investment in Capital Assets Restricted Unrestricted Total Net Position City of Mctienry's Statement of Net Position Governmental Activities Business -Type Activities Total 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 26268785 24000771 $ 6792826 $ 7858428 33,061,611 311859,199 88,183,896 89,456,399 46,292,791 46,203,370 134,476,687 135,659,769 $ 114,452,681 $ 113,4571170 $ 53,0851617 $ 54,0611798 $ 1671538,298 $ 167,518,968 $ 142972 $ 18,795 $ $ - $ 14,972 $ 18,795 $ 12,296,154 $ 13,370,454 $ 6,922,224 $ 7,244,497 $ 19,218,378 $ 20,614,951 2,500,273 2,175,797 862,734 650,991 3,363,007 2,826,788 $ 141796,427 $ 15,546,251 $ 7,784,958 $ 7,895,488 $ 221581,385 $ 23,441,739 $ 51677,883 $ 51550,384 $ - $ - $ 5,6771883 $ 51550,384 $ 77,790,927 $ 77,881,267 $ 39,440,845 $ 39,024,853 $ 117,231,772 $ 116,906,120 4,240,594 4,666,385 - - 4,240,594 4,666,385 11,961,822 99831,678 51859,814 71141,457 17,821,636 162973,135 $ 93,993,343 $ 92,379,330 $ 45,3002659 $ 460166,310 $ 139,2942002 $ 138,545,640 An additional portion of the City's net position, 3 percent, represents resources that are subject to external restrictions on how they may be used (e.g. Highways and Streets, Capital Projects, Debt Service). The remaining balance of unrestricted net position ($17,821,636) may be used to meet the City's ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. Governmental Activities. Governmental activities increased the City's net position by $1,076,673. Key differences from the prior year are as follows: Page 5 City of McHenry Change in Net Position Governmental Activities Business -Type Activities Total FY 2015 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2014 Revenues Program Revenues Charges for Services $ 3$88,562 $ 31119,040 $ 53198,218 $ 5,212,453 $ 8,586,780 $ 8,331,493 Operating Grants and Contributions 133,728 178,523 133,728 178,523 Capital Grants and Contributions 986,293 395,619 9863293 395,619 General Revenues Properly Taxes 5,5251865 51612,949 51525,865 51612,949 Sales Taxes 81931,769 8,6680971 8,931,769 81668,971 Other Taxes 3,832,380 31701,284 3/8323380 3,701,284 Other 48,225 48,129 71,709 72,535 119,934 120,664 Total Revenues $ 22,846,822 $ 21,724,515 $ 51269,927 $ 5,284,988 $ 28,116,749 $ 27,009,503 Expenses General Office $ 3,068,429 $ 331493837 $ $ $ 3,068,429 $ 3,149,837 889 99169,952 837303889 9,169,952 8,730, Public Safety - Public Works 6,6871439 63002,427 61687,439 6,002,427 Parks and Recreation 214203869 21115,582 2,420,869 21115,582 Interest and Fees 388,643 493,608 388,643 493,608 Depreciation 120,832 124,120 120,832 124,120 Water 2,3731246 2,216,378 2,373,246 2,2161378 Sewer 31669,629 3,531,922 3,669,629 3,5311922 Total Expenses $ 21,856,164 $ 20,616,463 $ 61042,875 $ 51748,300 $ 27,899,039 $ 26,364,763 Increase/(Decrease) in Net Position Before Transfers $ 990,658 $ 13108,052 $ (772,948) $ (463,312) $ 217,710 $ 644,740 Transfers 91,290 100,295 (91,290) (100,295) Gain/(Loss) on Sale of Capital Assets (51275) 23,750 10,306 600 51031 24,350 Increase/(Decrease) in Net Position $ 11076,673 $ 1,232,097 $ (853)932) $ (5633007) $ 2220741 $ 6693090 Net Position - Beginning of Year 92,3793330 91,166,452 463166,310 46,729,317 138,545,640 1373895,769 Net Position Adjustment 537,340 (192219) (111719) 525,621 (1%219) Net Position - End of Year $ 933993,343 $ 92,3793330 $ 451300,659 $ 46,166,310 $ 13%2941002 $ 1381545,640 The most significant change in revenues in the current year were increases in the amount of sales tax received ($262,798) and capital grants received ($590,674), which was mainly attributable to capital grants received through the Department of Transportation. The most significant change in expenses were increases in the Public Safety, Public Works, and Parks and Recreation functions. Public Safety increased by $439,063 due mainly to increased sworn salaries, associated health benefits, and increased employer pension contributions. Publics Works increased by $685,012 due mainly to an increase in various street programs throughout the City, which were not capital in nature. Parks and Recreation increased by $305,287 due mainly to increased salaries and related health benefits. Business -Type Activities. Business -type activities decreased the City's net position by $853,932. The change in the current year can mainly be attributed to an increase in depreciation expense ($122,391) and other operating expenses (non -personnel expenses) ($103,850). All other revenues and expenses remained fairly constant in comparison with the prior year. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE CITY'S FUNDS As noted earlier, the City uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance -related legal requirements. Page 6 Governmental Funds. The focus of the City's governmental funds is to provide information on near -term inflows, outflows, and balances of spendable resources. Such information is useful in assessing the City's financing requirements. In particular, unassigned fund balance may serve as a useful measure of the City's net resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year. At April 30, 2015, the City's governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $17,517,402, an increase of $1,585,783 (which includes a fund balance adjustment of $556,324) in comparison with the prior year. Approximately 52 percent of this total amount constitutes unassigned fund balance, which is available for spending at the City's discretion. Of the remaining fund balance, 24 percent constitutes assigned fund balance, with the remainder of the fund balance restricted to indicate that it is not available for new spending because it has already been committed for specific restricted purposes or unspendable. The General Fund is the chief operating fund of the City. At April 30, 2015, the fund balance of the General Fund was $10,851,827, of which $9,998,910 is unassigned. As a measure of the General Fund's liquidity, it may be useful to compare unassigned fund balance to total fund expenditures. Unassigned fund balance represents 58 percent of total General Fund expenditures. The General Fund's fund balance increased $1,691,038 [which includes a fund balance adjustment of $(6,319)] during the year ended April 30, 2015. sinificant highlights in the governmental funds for the year ended April 30, 2015 are outlined below: Other g ■ Debt Service expenses of $1,579,210 were paid to meet the debt service requirements of the City. ■ As described in the governmental activities section above, both sales tax and grant revenues increased significantly in the current year. ■ Other governmental funds show a total increase in fund balance of $240,398. The increase was caused by a fund balance adjustment as noted in Note 8 to the financial statements, which was partially offset by increased capital outlay in the Capital Improvements and Capital Equipment Funds. Proprietary Funds. The City's proprietary funds provide the same type of information found in the government -wide financial statements, but in more detail. Fiduciary Funds (Police Pension and Agency Funds). At April 30, 2015, the Police Pension Fund's net position amounted to $21,151,951. Additions exceeded deductions during the year, resulting in an increase of $872,776 in net position. GENERAL FUND BUDGETARY HIGHLIGHTS The General Fund actual revenue exceeded budgeted revenue by $1,489,894. This difference was primarily due to more than expected revenues from sales tax and income tax. Budgeted expenditures exceeded actual expenditures by $47,102. CAPITAL ASSET AND DEBT ADMINISTRATION Capital Assets. The City's investment in capital assets for its governmental and business -type activities as of April 30, 2015 amounts to $134,476,687 (net of accumulated depreciation). This investment includes land, land improvements, art and historical treasures, intangibles, construction in progress, buildings, vehicles, systems and equipment, and infrastructure. Page 7 Land Land Improvements Art and Historical Treasures Intangibles Construction in Progress Buildings Vehicles Systems and Equipment Infrastructure Total City of McHenry Capital Assets (net of depreciation) Governmental Activities Business -Type Activities Total 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 $ 411306,863 $ 41,312,563 $ 2,2081117 $ 20208,117 $ 431514,980 $ 43,520,680 1,868,326 2,046,415 - 1,868,326 21046,415 11658,927 1,658,927 - 11658,927 12658,927 300,000 3003000 - 300,000 300,000 1$95,976 266,390 2,1421195 21815,216 3$38,171 31081,606 6,957,958 7,1801984 698,246 513,706 7,6569204 71694,690 11236,625 11316,154 222,641 2793648 11459,266 19595,802 612,156 671,628 41,021,592 40,386,683 411633,748 41,058,311 32,847,065 342703,338 - - 321847,065 341703,338 $ 88,183,896 $ 89,456,399 $ 46,292,791 $ 46,203,370 $ 1342476,687 $ 135,659,769 Major capital asset events during the year ended April 30, 2015 included the following: ■ Additions of $140,381 to Vehicles for governmental activities for the purchase of three new police vehicles with all the required equipment and accessories, as well as new radio equipment for police vehicles. ■ Additions of $1,208,877 to Construction in Progress due mainly to the continuation of the Riverwalk, Fort McHenry, and Recreation Center projects. The City also began the Knox Dr. extension project, which was also a significant portion of the Construction in Progress increase. ■ Additions of $241,168 to Buildings of the business -type activities, due to the purchase of a new roof. ■ Additions of $1,421,131 to Construction in Progress of the business -type activities was mainly from the continuation of the sewer consolidation project from the prior year. The Water Plant #2 project was completed in the current year which reduced Construction in Progress and increased Systems and Equipment by $2,082,433. For further information, please see Note 3 on pages 29 and 30 of this report. Long -Term Debt. At April 30, 2015, the City had total bonded debt outstanding of $17,275,000, all of which is backed by the full faith and credit of the City. City of McHenry's Outstanding Debt Governmental Activities Business -Type Activities Total 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 General Obligation Bonds $ 10,4051000 $ 111590,000 $ 6,8701000 $ 71200,000 $ 171275,000 $ 18,7905000 Capital Leases 2,214 31688 - - 21214 31688 Bond Premium 81059 8,713 8,875 91387 16,934 18,100 Bond Discount (22,304) (27,269) (263929) (30,870) (49,233) (58,139) Total $ 101392,969 $ 11,575,132 $ 6,8513946 $ 71178,517 $ 17,2449915 $ 18,753,649 Additional information on the City's long-term debt can be found in Note 4 on pages 30 and 31 of this report. ECONOMIC FACTORS AND NEXT YEAR'S BUDGET AND RATES The City has a diversified economy with the manufacturing and health fields being its primary base. McHenry is among the State's fastest growing communities with the official population increasing from 16,177 in 1990 to 26,992 in 2010, In addition, the City experienced significant growth in the retail, office, and industrial space and a downtown revitalization plan has spurred residential and commercial development in the Downtown TIF District. The City's economic conditions are as follows: ■ The average unemployment rate for McHenry County in 2014 was 5.1 percent, which is a decrease from a rate of 7.4 percent a year ago. This is lower than the State's average unemployment rate of 5.7 percent. ■ Inflation in the area compares to the national consumer price index. ■ Similar to a nationwide trend, residential growth in the City has slowed dramatically in the last few years. The number of single family residential building permits issued by the City has decreased from 126 in 2007 to 7 in 2014. However, there have been some signs of improvement, for instance, the total value of all commercial and residential improvements and new permits increased from $15.2 million in 2012 to $23.4 million in 2014. Development and adoption Mine 2015116 budget was premised on providing core municipal services in an environment of revenues limited by a slowly recovering economy. Sales tax receipts and state shared revenue sources, primarily income tax receipts, are expected to increase slightly. Property tax revenues have been held flat since 2010, however declining EAV values have caused the City's tax rate to increase from $0.843327 in 2013 to $0.874808 in 2014. In April 2015, the City Council approved the proposed General Fund budget increasing the prior year's budget by $1,121,930. The City increased the annual police pension contribution in order to meet actuarial requirements and a student resource officer position was added which is 60% funded by District 156. Cost reduction measures necessary to adopt a balanced budget in the past years as well as rebounding state shared revenues has left the City in a better financial position. 'REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION This financial report is designed to .provide a general overview of the City's finances for all those with an interest in the City's finances. Questions concerning any of the information provided in this report or requests for additional financial information should be addressed to: City of McHenry, 333 South Green St., McHenry, Illinois, 60050. Page 9 BASK FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS GOVERNMENT -WIDE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF NET POSITION APRIL 30, 2015 ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Deposit with Paying Agent Investments Prepaid Expenses Receivables (Net of Allowance for Estimated Uncollectible Amounts) Accounts Receivable - Billed Accounts Receivable - Unbilled Property Taxes Accrued Interest Due from Other Governmental Units Due from Other Funds Grants Receivable Cable Franchise Fee Receivable Interest Rebate Receivable Capital Assets Land, Construction in Progress, and Other Non -Depreciable Assets Other Capital Assets, Net of Depreciation TOTAL ASSETS DEFERRED OUTFLOWS OF RESOURCES Unamortized Charge on Bond Refunding TOTAL DEFERRED OUTFLOWS OF RESOURCES LIABILITIES Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Overdrafts Security Deposits Held Due to Other Governmental Units Due to Other Funds Unearned Revenue Accrued Interest Net IMRF Obligation Net Pension Obligation Non -Current Liabilities Due Within One Year Due in More Than One Year TOTAL LIABILITIES DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Unavailable Revenue -Property Taxes Unavailable Revenue - Bond Proceeds Unavailable Revenue - Grants TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES NET POSITION Net Investment in Capital Assets Restricted for: Highways and Streets Capital Projects Special Service Areas Unrestricted/(Deficit) TOTAL NET POSITION Governmental Business -Type Activities Activities $ 15,230,196 $ 4,635,985 536,448 - 760,454 1,232,353 248,778 24,153 179,641 73,180 1131499 7749183 5,5031065 - 898 4,388 3,3271757 - 166,740 24,089 85,244 - 102,591 - 13,474 24,495 44,661,766 4,350,312 0 Total 19,866,181 5361448 1,9921807 2721931 252,821 8871682 5,5031065 5,286 3,3271757 1901829 85,244 102,591 371969 49,012,078 522,130 43,41,942,479 85,464,609 $ 114,452,681 41 53,085,617 $ 167,538,298 $ 14,972 $ 14,972 $ 886,744 1,255,764 30,795 70,074 1291642 1271254 19,282 1,386,096 1,217,236 9,673,540 $ 14,796,427 $ 5,503,065 129,600 45,218 $ 51677,883 $ 77,790,927 83,012 4,157,565 17 11,961,822 $ 93,993,343 $ 366,062 $ 11252,806 - 11255,764 31000 3,000 30,795 120,755 190,829 279,342 408,984 93,575 220,829 _ 19,282 11386,096 336,571 6,585,653 $ 7 1784,958 $ 39,440,845 5,859,814 $ 45,3001659 1,553,807 16,259,193 $ 22,581,385 5 $ 5,503,06 129,600 45,218 $ 516772883 $ 117,231,772 83,012 4,157,565 17 17,821,636 $ 139,294,002 Page 10 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Functions/Programs Governmental Activities General Office Public Safety Public Works Parks and Recreation Interest and Fees on Long -Term Debt Depreciation - Unallocated Business -Type Activities Water Sewer Total Primary Government CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS GOVERNMENT -WIDE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 Net (Expense) Revenue and Program Revenues Changes in Net Position Operating Capital Charges for Grants and Grants and Governmental Business -Type Expenses Services Contributions Contributions Activities Activities Total $ 3,0681429 $ 11389,746 $ 111,318 $ - $ (11567,365) $ - $ (1,567,365) 91169,952 11075,122 - 47,896 (81046,934) - (80046,934) 61687,439 136,243 783,943 (51767,253) - (51767,253) 2,420,869 787,451 22,410 154,454 (1,456,554) (1,456,554) 388,643 - - - (388,643) - (388,643) 120,832 1209832) $ 21,856,164 $ 31388,562 $ 133,728 $ 9861293 $ (17(347,581) $ - $ (17(347,581) $ 21373,246 $ 2,361,398 $ - $ 31669,629 21836,820 - (832,809) (832,809) $ 63042,875 $ 51198,218 $ - $ - $ - $ (844,657) $ (844,657) $ 27,8991039 $ 81586,780 $ 133,728 $ 9867293 $ (172347,581) $ (844,657) $ (1871922238) General Revenues Taxes 51525,865 Property Tax, Levied for General Purposes $ 51525,865 $ - $ State Sales Tax 81931,769 - 81931,769 State Income Tax 21719,568 - 2,7191568 State Motor Fuel Tax 688,368 - 688,368 Other Taxes 424,444 - 424,444 Unrestricted Investment Earnings 81108 71460 15,568 Gain/(Loss) on Sale of Capital Assets (5,275) 10,306 5,031 Miscellaneous 40,117 64,249 104,366 Transfers 91,290 (91,290) - Total General Revenues and Transfers $ _18,424,254 $ (9,275) $ 18,4141979 Change in Net Position $ 12076,673 $ (8537932) $ 222,741 Net Position - May 1, 2014 92,3791330 46,166,310 138,5453640 Net Position Adjustment (Note 8) 537,340 (11,719) 525,621 Net Position -April 30, 2015 $ 93,993,343 $ 45,300,659 $ 139,294,002 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 11 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET GOVERNMENTALFUNDS APRIL 30, 2015 ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Deposit with Paying Agent Investments Prepaid Expenses Receivables (Net of Allowance for Estimated Uncollectible Amounts) Accounts Receivable - Billed Accounts Receivable - Unbilled Property Taxes Accrued Interest Due from Other Governmental Units Due from Other Funds Grants Receivable Cable Franchise Fee Receivable TOTAL ASSETS iIABILITIES Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Overdrafts Due to Other Governmental Units Due to Other Funds Unearned Revenue TOTAL LIABILITIES DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Unavailable Revenue -Property Taxes Unavailable Revenue - Bond Proceeds Unavailable Revenue - Grants TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES FUND BALANCES Nonspendable Restricted for: Highways and Streets Capital Projects Special Service Areas Assigned for: Alarm Audit Tourism Band Highways and Streets Capital Projects Capital Equipment Revolving Loan Debt Service Special Service Areas Unassigned TOTAL FUND BALANCES TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, AND FUND BALANCES Recreation General Center Fund Fund Other Governmental Funds Total Governmental Funds $ 7,570,731 $ 3,368,456 $ 3,577,949 $ 14,517,136 536,448 536,448 1795898 371,119 201,315 752,332 32,187 - - 32,187 168,779 - 8,000 176,779 97,428 - - 97,428 51144,878 - 358,187 5,503,065 228 467 193 888 312642979 62,778 31327,757 120,755 - 45,985 166,740 21276 - 82,968 85,244 102,591 - 1021591 $ 16,684,730 $ 3,740,042 $ 4,873,823 $ 25,298,595 $ 610,427 $ 19,969 $ 218,946 $ 849,342 _ - 1,103,445 1,103,445 309795 30,795 51675 40,310 45,985 71,923 - 1,820 73,743 $ 688,025 $ 19,969 $ 11395,316 $ 2,103,310 $ 5,144,878 $ - $ 358,187 $ 5,503,065 - 82,634 46,966 129,600 45,218 452218 $ 51144,878 $ 82,634 $ 450,371 $ 51677,883 32,187 83,012 83,012 - 31628,874 528,691 41157,565 17 17 186,292 - - 186,292 18,600 18,600 2631601 - - 263,601 14,755 - - 14,755 1,057,108 11057,108 241,953 81565 11425,244 11675,762 _ - 490,801 490,801 1143129 - - 114,129 344,859 344,859 _ 9 9 919981910 - (9201205) 9,078,705 $ 10,8511827 $ 33637,439 $ 31028,136 $ 17517,402 $ 16,684,730 $ 31740,042 $ 4,8731823 $ 25,298;595 Page 12 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RECONCILIATION OF THE BALANCE SHEET TO THE STATEMENT OF NET POSITION APRIL 30, 2015 Total Fund Balances -Governmental Funds Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Net Position are different because: Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and therefore are not reported in the funds. Capital Assets, net of accumulated depreciation Net Pension Obligation is not included in the governmental funds. Net IMRF Obligation is not included in the governmental funds. Deferred charges and credits for debt issue discounts or premiums and other debt issue costs are not financial resources and therefore are not reported in the funds. Bond Discounts, net of related amortization Unamortized Charge on Bond Refunding Some liabilities are not due and payable in the current period and therefore are not reported in the funds. Bonds and Notes Payable Bond Premiums, net of related amortization Compensated Absences Accrued Interest on Long -Term Debt, net of receivable Internal service funds are used by management to charge the cost of certain activities, such as insurance and information technology, to individual funds. The assets and liabilities of the internal service funds are included in governmental activities in the government -wide Statement of Net Position (net of amount allocated to business -type activities). Internal service fund balances not included in other reconciling items above: Current Assets Current Liabilities Net Position of Governmental Activities $ 22,304 14,972 $ (10,407,214) (8,059) (497, 807) (113,780) $ 956,716 (269,709) $ 17,517,402 88,183,896 (1, 386,096) (19,282) 37,276 (11,026,860) 687,007 $ 93,9935343 Page 13 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 REVENUES Local Taxes Property Tax Intergovernmental State Sales Tax State Income Tax State Replacement Tax State Motor Fuel Tax State Pull Tab/Games Tax Inter Track Wagering Tax State Telecommunications Tax State Grants Federal Grants Bond Interest Rebates Other Local Sources Hotel/Motel Tax Franchise Fees Licenses and Permits Fines and Forfeitures Charges for Services Interest Miscellaneous Rent Royalties Donations Annexation Fees Reimbursements Other Miscellaneous EXPENDITURES Current General Office Public Safety Public Works Parks and Recreation Capital Outlay Debt Service Principal Interest and Fees EXCESS OR (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/(USES) Transfers Sale of City Property NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES FUND BALANCES -MAY 1, 2014 Recreation Other Total General Center Governmental Governmental Fund Fund Funds Funds $ 51134,223 $ - $ 391,642 $ 51525,865 81931,769 - - 81931,769 2,71%568 - - 21719,568 70,909 - - 70,909 688,368 688,368 995 - - 995 64,814 - - 64,814 133,945 - - 133,945 47,896 - 504,296 552,192 _ - 279,647 279,647 40,117 40,117 153,781 - - 153,781 306,122 - - 306,122 535,033 - - 535,033 509,750 - - 509,750 11223,663 - - 11223,663 51036 21448 11959 9,443 42,316 - 36,708 79,024 61,587 - - 61,587 22,410 - 2653772 288,182 10,914 - - 10,914 432,037 - 8,000 440,037 217,278 - 5,154 222,432 $ 201624,046 $ 25448 $ 21221,663 $ 22,848,157 $ 3,025,958 $ - $ 91,821 $ 3,117,779 9,003,942 - - 9,003,942 31146,160 - 264,681 3,4101841 21060,735 - 122,242 21182,977 126,271 337,233 21152,160 21615,664 11474 - 11185,000 1,186,474 10,868 381,868 392,736 $ 17,3641540 $ 348,101 $ 41197,772 $ 21,9%413 $ 31259,506 $ (345,653) $ (11976,109) $ 9375744 $ (1,562,574) 11653,864 $ 91,290 425 - - 425 $ 1,697,357 $ (345,653) $ (322,245) $ 11029,459 91160,789 31983,092 21787,738 15,931,619 FUND BALANCE ADJUSTMENT (Note 8) (65319) - 562,643 556,324 FUND BALANCES -APRIL 30, 2015 $ 10,851,827 $ 3,637,439 $ 3,028,136 $ 17,517,402 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 14 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RECONCILIATION OF THE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES TO THE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 Net Change in Fund Balances -Total Governmental Funds Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Activities are different because: Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures. However, in the Statement of Activities the cost of those assets is allocated over their estimated useful lives and reported as depreciation expense. This is the amount by which capital outlay exceeds depreciation expense in the current period. $ 1,029,459 Depreciation Expense $ (2,699,211) Capital Outlays 11443,131 (1,256,080) In the Statement of Activities, only the gain or loss on the sale of capital assets is reported, whereas in the governmental funds, the proceeds from the sale increase financial resources. Thus, the change in net position differs from the change in fund balance by the undepreciated balance of the capital assets sold. Proceeds from Sale of Capital Assets $ (425) Gain/(Loss) on Sale of Capital Assets {5,275) (5,700) The change in the Net Pension Obligation is not included in the governmental funds. (68,899) The change in the Net IMRF Obligation is not included in the governmental funds. (404) Some expenses reported in the Statement of Activities do not require the use of current financial resources and therefore are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds. Accrued Interest on Long -Term Debt $ 12,227 Accrued Interest Rebate Bond Discount - Amortization (4;965) Bond Premium - Amortization 654 Charge on Bond Refunding - Amortization (31823) Compensated Absences (35,919) (33,161) Repayment of long-term debt requires the use of current financial resources of governmental funds and is therefore shown as an expenditure in the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances, but the repayment reduces long-term liabilities in the Statement of Net Position and is therefore not reported in the Statement of Activities. Repayment of Long -Term Debt 1,186,474 Internal service funds are used by management to charge the costs of certain activities, such as insurance and information technology, to individual funds. The net revenue of the internal service funds is reported with governmental activities in the government -wide Statement of Activities (net of amount allocated to business - type activities). Change in Net Position $ 186,691 Depreciation Expense (included in Change in Net Position above) 38,293 224,984 Change in Net Position of Governmental Activities $ 11076,673 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 15 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF NET POSITION PROPRIETARY FUNDS APRIL 30, 2015 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments Prepaid Expenses Receivables (Net of Allowance for Estimated Uncollectible Amounts) Accounts Receivable - Billed Accounts Receivable - Unbilled Accrued Interest Interest Rebate Receivable Due from Other Funds Non -Current Assets Capital Assets Land Buildings Systems and Equipment Vehicles Construction in Progress Less: Accumulated Depreciation TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Security Deposits Held Overdrafts Due to Other Funds Unearned Revenue Accrued Interest Bonds Payable - Current Non -Current Liabilities Compensated Absences Bonds Payable (Net of Current Portion Shown Above) TOTAL LIABILITIES NET POSITION Net Investment in Capital Assets Unrestricted/(Deficit) Business Type Activities - Enterprise Fund Water and Sewer $ 4,635,985 11232,353 24,153 73,180 774,183 4,388 24,495 24,089 $ 61792,826 $ 2,208,117 2,694,919 64,885,164 984,577 21142,195 (26,622,181) $ 46,2921791 $ 53,085,617 $ 366,062 3,000 120,755 279, 342 93,575 336,571 $ 11199,305 $ 70,278 6,515,375 $ 6,585,653 $ 71784,958 $ 39,440,845 5,859,814 Governmental Activities - Internal Service Funds $ 713,060 8,122 216,591 2,862 16,071 10 $ 956,716 317,067 (214,942) $ 102,125 $ 11058,841 $ 37,402 152,319 24,089 55,899 $ 269,709 $ 12,045 $ 12,045 $ 281,754 $ 102,125 674,962 TOTAL NET POSITION $ 45,300,659 $ 777,087 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 16 CITY OF MCHENRY, tLLINOIS FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN NET POSITION PROPRIETARY FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 Business Type Governmental Activities - Activities - Enterprise Fund Internal Water and Sewer Service Funds OPERATING REVENUES Charges for Services Customer Fees $ 41750,706 $ - Debt Service Fees 401,343 - Penalties 107,585 - Water Meter Sales 13,225 - Other 26,574 - Internal Service Funds - 33750,586 $ 51299,433 $ 33750,586 OPERATING EXPENSES Water Department Personnel Salaries $ 721,714 $ - Miscellaneous Personnel Expenses 3383399 - Other Operating Expenses 842,501 - Depreciation 470,632 - Sewer Department Personnel Salaries 685,709 - Miscellaneous Personnel Expenses 3231150 - Other Operating Expenses 11508,890 - Depreciation 11151,880 - Internal Service Funds Personnel Salaries - 156,567 Miscellaneous Personnel Expenses - 21647,386 Other Operating Expenses - 721,774 Depreciation - 38,293 $ 61042,875 $ 31564,020 OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS) $ (743,442) $ 186,566 NON -OPERATING REVENUE/(EXPENSE) Interest Income $ 7,460 $ 125 Rental Income 157,089 - Interest Rebate Income 64,249 - Interest and Fees (254,875) - Amortization (31429) - Gain/(Loss) on Sale of Fixed Asset 10,306 - $ (19,200) $ 125 INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS $ (762,642) $ 186,691 TRANSFERS (TO)/FROM OTHER FUNDS (91,290) - CHANGE iN NET POSITION $ (853,932) $ 186,691 NET POSITION -MAY 11 2014 NET POSIT►ON ADJUSTMENT (Note 8) 46,166, 310 (11,719) 584,077 6,319 NET POSITION - APRIL 30, 2015 $ 45,300,659 $ 777,087 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 17 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS PROPRIETARY FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 Business Type Activities - Enterprise Fund Water and Sewer CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts from Customers $ 51379,054 Receipts from Employees for Services - Receipts from Other Funds for Services - Payments to Suppliers for Goods and Services (11858,941) Payments to Employees for Services (11391,854) Payments to Other Funds for Services (11049,147) Payments for Loss Claims Internal Activity - Payments (to)/from Other Funds 91382 Net Cash Provided/(Used) by Operating Activities $ 1,088,494 CASH FLOWS FROM NON -CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Transfers from Other Funds $ (91,290) Net Cash Provided/(Used) by Non -Capital Financing Activities $ (91,290) CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from the Sale of Capital Assets $ 10,306 Purchase of Capital Assets (11723,652) Interest Paid on Capital Debt, Net of Rebate (193,013) Principal Paid on Capital Debt (330,000) Other Receipts/(Payments) 157,089 Net Cash Provided/(Used) by Capital and Related Financing Activities $ (21079,270) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Interest on Cash and Cash Equivalents and Investments $ 11683 Net Cash Provided/(Used) by Investing Activities $ 11683 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS $ (11080,383) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS BALANCE - MAY 11 2014 (INCLUDING RESTRICTED CASH AND OVERDRAFTS) $ 51716,368 ADJUSTMENT DUE TO NET POSITION ADJUSMENT (Note 8) - CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS BALANCE -MAY 11 2014 RESTATED $ 51716,368 (INCLUDING RESTRICTED CASH AND OVERDRAFTS) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS BALANCE - APRIL 30, 2015 (INCLUDING RESTRICTED CASH AND OVERDRAFTS) $ 41635,985 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS) TO NET CASH PROVIDED/(USED) BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Operating Income/(Loss) $ (743,442) Adjustments to reconcile operating income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation Expense 11622,512 Change in assets and liabilities: Receivables, net (71941) Prepaid Expenses (11063) Accounts Payable and Other Payables 218,428 Unearned Revenue Net Cash Provided/(Used) by Operating Activities $ 11088,494 NONCASH CAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES No noncash capital financing activities in the current fiscal year Governmental Activities - lnternal Service Funds 330,259 3,407, 948 (31367,286) (153,927) (28,405) (40, 554) 24,089 $ 172,124 (14,579) $ 157,631 $ 396,791 6,319 $ 403,110 $ 560,741 38,293 {15,261) (28, 029) (12,327) 2, 882 172,124 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 18 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF FIDUCIARY NET POSITION FIDUCIARY FUNDS APRIL 30, 2015 ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments Receivables (Net of Allowance for Estimated Uncollectible Amounts) Accounts Receivable Accrued Interest TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Due to Depositors Due to McHenry Character Counts TOTAL LIABILITIES NET POSITION -RESTRICTED FOR PENSION BENEFITS POLICE PENSION AGENCY TRUST FUND FUNDS $ 4565597 $ 63,242 20,573,424 - 11793 121,930 69 $ 21,151,951 $ 65,104 $ _ $ 11450 _ 59,298 4,356 $ _ $ 659104 $ 21,151,951 Page 19 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIDUCIARY NET POSITION FIDUCIARY FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 POLICE PENSION TRUST FUND ADDITIONS Contributions $ 1,295,101 Employer Plan Members ,6 Total Contributions $ 1,676,464 Investment Income Interest and Dividends $ 1,135,605 Gain/(Loss) on Sale of Investments (152,069) Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fair Value of Investments 118,330 $ 11101,866 Less: Investment Management Fees 211385 Net Investment Income $ 11080,481 TOTAL ADDITIONS $ 2,756,945 DEDUCTIONS .Benefits $ 1,756,240 Refunds of Contributions 11,1 Administrative Expenses 15,414 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS $ 11884,169 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) $ 872,776 NET POSITION -RESTRICTED FOR PENSION BENEFITS -MAY 1, 2014 20,279,175 NET POSITION -RESTRICTED FOR PENSION BENEFITS - APRIL 30, 2015 $ 21,151,951 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 20 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS APRIL 30, 2015 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES City of McHenry, Illinois' (City) financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applied to local governmental units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the accepted standard -setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles. The most significant accounting policies used by the City are discussed below. A. Reporting Entity The accompanying financial statements comply with the provisions of GASB Statement No. 14, The Financial Reporting Entity, in that the financial statements include all organizations, activities, and functions that comprise the City. Component units are legally separate entities for which the City (the primary entity) is financially accountable. Financial accountability is defined as the ability to appoint a voting majority of the organization's governing body and either (1) the City's ability to impose its will over the organization or (2) the potential that the organization will provide a financial benefit to, or impose a financial burden on, the City. Using these criteria, the City has determined that the Police Pension Fund meets the above criteria. The Police Pension Fund is blended into the City's primary government financial statements as a fiduciary fund although it remains a separate legal entity. In addition, the City is not included as a component unit in any other governmental reporting entity as defined by GASB pronouncements. B. Basic Financial Statements —Government-Wide Statements The City's basic financial statements include both government -wide (reporting the City as a whole) and fund (reporting the City's major funds) financial statements. Both the government - wide and fund financial statements categorize primary activities as either governmental or business4ype. The City's general office, public safety, public works, and parks and recreation services are classified as governmental activities. The City's water and sewer services are classified as business -type activities. In the government -wide Statement of Net Position, both the governmental and business -type activities columns (a) are presented on a consolidated basis by column, and (b) are reported on a full accrual, economic resource basis, which recognizes all long-term assets and receivables as well as long-term debt and obligations. The City's net position is reported in three parts — net investment in capital assets; restricted net position; and unrestricted net position. The City first utilizes restricted resources to finance qualifying activities. The government -wide Statement of Activities reports both the gross and net cost of each of the City's functions and business -type activities. The functions are also supported by general government revenues (property taxes, sales taxes, unrestricted investment earnings, etc.). The Statement of Activities reduces gross expenses (including depreciation) by related program revenues, operating and capital grants. Program revenues must be directly associated with the function (public safety, public works, parks and recreation, etc.) or a 'business4ype activity. Program revenues include charges to customers or applicants who purchase, use, or directly benefit from goods, services, or privileges provided by a given function or segment. Program revenues also include grants and contributions that are restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular function or segment. Operating grants include operating - specific and discretionary (either operating or capital) grants while the capital grants column reflects capital -specific grants. Page 21 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) B. Basic Financial Statements — Government -Wide Statements (Continued) The net costs (by function or business -type activity) are normally covered by general revenue (property taxes, sales taxes, unrestricted investment earnings, etc.). The City does not allocate indirect costs. This government -wide focus is more on the sustainability of the City as an entity and the change in the City's net position resulting from the current year's activities. C. Basic Financial Statements —Fund Financial Statements The financial transactions of the City are reported in individual funds in the fund financial statements. Each fund is accounted for by providing a separate set of self -balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, reserves, fund equity, revenues and expenditures/expenses. The various funds are reported by generic classification within the financial statements. The emphasis in fund financial statements is on the major funds in either the governmental or business -type activities categories. Nonmajor funds by category are summarized into a single column. GASB Statement No. 34 sets forth minimum criteria (percentage of the assets, liabilities, revenues or expenditures/expenses of either fund category or the governmental and enterprise combined) for the determination of major funds. The following fund types are used by the City: 1. Governmental Funds The focus of the governmental funds' measurement (in the fund statements) is upon determination of financial position and changes in financial poson (sources, uses, and balances of financial resources) rather than upon net income. The City reports these governmental funds and fund types: General Fund —The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. The Annexation, Alarm Board, Band, Civil Defense, Revolving Loan, Tourism, and Employee Flex Funds are included in this fund. Special Revenue Funds — The Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Debt Service Fund — The Debt Service Fund is used to account for the accumulation of funds for the periodic payment of principal, interest, and related fees on general long-term debt. Capital Projects Funds —The Capital Projects Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by business-type/proprietary funds). The Recreation Center Fund revenues are from developer fees and are to be used for parks and recreation projects. The activities reported in these funds are reported as governmental activities in the government -wide financial statements. Page 22 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) C. Basic Financial Statements — Fund Financial Statements (Continued) 2. Proprietary Fund Types The focus of proprietary fund measurement is upon determination of operating income, changes in net position, financial position, and cash flows. The generally accepted accounting principles applicable are those similar to businesses in the private sector. The City reports the following proprietary fund types: Enterprise Funds —Enterprise Funds are required to be used to account for operations for which a fee is charged to external users for goods or services and the activity is financed with debt that is solely secured by a pledge of the net revenues. The activities reported in these funds are reported as business -type activities in the government -wide financial statements. Internal Service Funds — Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by an activity to other departments or funds of the City on a cost -reimbursement basis. Because the principal users of the internal services are the City's governmental activities, the financial statement of the Internal Service Fund is consolidated into the governmental column when presented in the government -wide financial statements. 3. Fiduciary Fund Types Fiduciary Funds are used to report assets held in a trustee or agency capacity for others and therefore are not available to support City programs. The reporting focus is on net position and changes in net position and is reported using accounting principles similar to proprietary funds. The City's Fiduciary -Funds are presented in the Fiduciary Fund financial statements by type (pension and agency). Since by definition these assets are being held for the benefit of a third party (pension participants, developers, etc.) and cannot be used to address activities or obligations of the City, these funds are not incorporated into the government - wide statements. D. Basis of Accounting Basis of accounting refers to the point at which revenues or expenditures/expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. It relates to the timing of the measurements made regardless of the measurement focus applied. 1. Accrual Both governmental and business -type activities in the government -wide financial statements and the proprietary and fiduciary fund financial statements are presented on the accrual basis of accounting. Property tax revenues are recognized in the period for which levied. Other nonexchange revenues, including intergovernmental revenues and grants, are reported when all eligibility requirements are met. Fees and charges and other exchange revenues are recognized when earned and expenses are recognized when incurred. 2. Modified Accrual The governmental fund financial statements are presented on the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recorded when susceptible to accrual; i.e., both measurable and available. "Available" means Page 23 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) U Basis of Accounting (Continued) 2. Modified Accrual (Continued) collectible within the current period orwithin 60 days after year-end. Property tax revenues are recognized in the period for which levied provided they are also available. Intergovernmental revenues and grants are recognized when all eligibility requirements are met and the revenues are available. Expenditures are recognized when the related liability is incurred. Exceptions to this general rule include principal and interest on general obligation long-term debt and employee vacation and sick leave, which are recognized when due and payable. Cash and Cash Equivalents and Investments Separate bank accounts are not maintained for all of the City's funds. Instead, the funds maintain their uninvested cash balances in common checking accounts, with accounting records being maintained to show the portion of the common bank account balances attributable to each participating fund. Occasionally certain of the funds participating in the common bank accounts will incur overdrafts (deficits) in the accounts. Such overdrafts in effect constitute cash borrowed from other City funds and are, therefore, interfund loans that have not been authorized by City Board action. The following funds incurred deficit balances at April 30, 2015: Employee Insurance Fund Pageant Fund Debt Service Fund SSA#4 Lakewood Fund SSA#6 Huntersville Fund Tax Increment Financing Fund 152$19 $ 816 1345690 370 179,115 788,454 $ 1,255,764 Cash and cash equivalents are considered to be cash on hand, demand deposits, and short- term investments with an original maturity of three months or less from the date of acquisition. Investments are stated at fair value. Fair value is determined by quoted market prices. Gains or losses on the sale of investments are recognized as they are incurred. F. Receivables Receivables are reported net of estimated uncollectible amounts. No property tax receivable allowance is recorded as the City receives approximately 100% of the amount levied. The allowance for water and sewer accounts receivable is $31,642 and all other allowances for other accounts receivable is $213,110. G. Prepaid Expenses Prepaid expenses are for payments made by the City in the current year for goods and services received in the subsequent fiscal year. H. Inventories No inventory accounts are maintained to reflect the values of resale or supply items on hand. Instead, the costs of such items are charged to expense when purchased. The value of the City's inventories is not deemed to be material. Page 24 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) Interfund Activity Interfund activity is reported either as loans, services provided, reimbursements or transfers. Loans are reported as interfund receivables and payables as appropriate and are subject to elimination upon consolidation. Services provided, deemed to be at market or near market rates, are treated as revenues and expenditures/expenses. Reimbursements are when one fund incurs a cost, charges the appropriate benefiting fund and reduces its related cost as a reimbursement. All other interfund transactions are treated as transfers. Transfers between governmental or between proprietary funds are netted as part of the reconciliation to the government -wide financial statements. J. Capital Assets Capital assets purchased or acquired with an original cost of $5,000 or more, and $10,000 or more for construction projects, are reported at historical cost or estimated historical cost. Contributed assets are reported at fair market value as of the date of donation. Additions, improvements and other capital outlays that significantly extend the useful life of an asset are capitalized. Other costs incurred for repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred. Depreciation on all assets is provided on the straight-line half -year basis over the following estimated useful lives: Vehicles 5-15 years Systems and Equipment 5 40 years Building and Improvements 5-62 years Infrastructure 10-40 years GASB Statement No. 34 required the City to report and depreciate new infrastructure assets effective as of May 1, 2003. Infrastructure assets include roads, bridges, underground pipe (other than related to utilities), traffic signals, etc. These infrastructure assets constitute the largest asset class of the City. K. Deferred Outflows and Inflows of Resources In addition to assets and liabilities, the Balance Sheets and Statements of Net Position will sometimes report separate sections for deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources. Deferred outflows of resources represent a consumption of net position that applies to a future period and so will not be recognized as an outflow of resource until then. Deferred inflows of resources represent an acquisition of net position that applies to a future period and so will not be recognized as an inflow of resource until that time. L. Compensated Absences The City accrues accumulated unpaid vacation and associated employee -related costs when earned (or estimated to be earned) by the employee. The noncurrent portion (the amount estimated to be used in subsequent fiscal years) for governmental funds is reported only as a general long-term debt obligation in the government -wide Statement of Net Position and represents a reconciling item between the fund and government -wide presentations. In accordance with the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 43, "Accounting for Compensated Absences", no liability is recorded for nonvesting accumulating rights to receive sick pay benefits. Page 25 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) M. Long -Term Obligations In the government -wide financial statements and proprietary fund financial statements, long- term debt and other long-term obligations are reported as liabilities in the applicable governmental activities or business -type activities and proprietary fund Statement of Net Position. Bond premiums and discounts are amortized over the life of the bonds on a straight- line basis, rather than expensed in the current year. Bonds payable are reported net of the applicable bond premium or discount. Bond issuance costs are reported as debt service expenditures in the year they occur. In the fund financial statements, governmental funds recognize bond premiums and discounts, as well as bond issuance costs, during the current period. The face amount of debt issued is reported as other financing sources. Premiums received on debt issuances are reported as other financing sources while discounts on debt issuances are reported as other financing uses. Issuance costs, whether or not withheld from the actual debt proceeds received, are reported as debt service expenditures. N. Government -Wide and Proprietary Fund Net Position Government -wide and proprietary fund net position is divided into three components: 1. Net investment in capital assets —consists of the historical cost of capital assets less accumulated depreciation and less any debt that remains outstanding that was used to finance those assets. 2. Restricted net position — consists of net position that is restricted by the City's creditors (for example, through debt covenants), by the state enabling legislation (through restrictions on shared revenues), by grantors (both federal and state), and by other contributors. 3. Unrestricted —all other net position is reported in this category. O. Governmental Fund Balances Governmental fund balances are divided between nonspendable and spendable. Nonspendable fund balances are balances that cannot be spent because they are not expected to be converted to cash or they are legally or contractually required to remain intact. The spendable fund balances are arranged in a hierarchy based on spending constraints. 1. Restricted — Restricted fund balances are restricted when constraints are placed on the use by either (a) external creditors, grantors, contributors, or laws or regulations of other governments or (b) law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. 2. Committed — Committed fund balances are amounts that can only be used for specific purposes as a result of constraints of the City Council. Committed amounts cannot be used for any other purpose unless the City Council removes those constraints by taking the same type of action (e.g. legislation, resolution, ordinance). Committed fund balances differ from restricted balances because the constraints on their use do not come from outside parties, constitutional provisions, or enabling legislation. 3. Assigned — Assigned fund balances are amounts that are constrained by the City's intent to be used for specific purposes, but are neither restricted nor committed. Intent is NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) O. Governmental Fund Balances (Continued) 3. Assigned (Continued) expressed by an appointed body (e.g. a budget or finance committee) or official to which the Board of Trustees has delegated the authority to assign, modify or rescind amounts to be used for specific purposes. Pursuant to resolution #R-12-019 by the City Council, the Finance Director has been delegated this authority, with the advice and consent of the Finance and Personnel Committee. Assigned fund balances also include (a) all remaining amounts that are reported in governmental funds (other than the General Fund) that are not classified as nonspendable, restricted or committed, and (b) amounts in the General Fund that are intended to be used for a specific purpose. Specific amounts that are not restricted or committed in a special revenue fund are assigned for purposes in accordance with the nature of their fund type. Assignment within the General Fund conveys that the intended use of those amounts is for a specific purpose that is narrower than the general purpose of the City itself. All assigned fund balances are the residual amounts of the fund. 4. Unassigned — Unassigned fund balance is the residual classification for the General Fund. This classification represents the General Fund balance that has not been assigned to other funds, and that has not been restricted, committed, or assigned to specific purposes within the General Fund. This classification is also used to represent negative fund balances in other funds. The City permits funds to be expended in the following order: Restricted, Committed, Assigned and Unassigned. P. Minimum Fund Balance The City has adopted a formal minimum fund balance policy. For the General Fund, the City will maintain a fund balance equal to 20% of expenditures budgeted for the fiscal year. If fund balance falls below this amount, a replenishment plan will be developed. For the Water and Sewer Fund, the City will maintain an operating reserve in cash and short-term receivables equal to 25% of budgeted expenditures for that fund. Q. Property Tax Calendar and Revenues The City's property tax is levied each calendar year on all taxable real property located in the City's district on or before the last Tuesday in December. The 2014 levy was passed by the Board on December 15, 2014. Property taxes attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1 of the calendar year they are for and are payable in two installments early in June and early in September of the following calendar year. The City receives significant distributions of tax receipts approximately one month after these dates. R. Defining Operating Revenues and Expenses The City's proprietary funds distinguish between operating and nonoperating revenues and expenses. Operating revenues and expenses of the City's Water and Sewer Fund consist of charges for services (including tap fees for the water function and systems development charges for the sewer function) and the costs of providing those services, including depreciation and excluding interest cost. All other revenue and expenses are reported as nonoperating. Page 27 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) S. Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual results may differ from those estimates. NOTE 2 - DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS Deposits with financial institutions are fully insured or collateralized by securities held in the City's name. The City is allowed to invest in securities as authorized by the Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 30, Act 235/Articles 2 and 6, and Chapter 40, Act 5/Article 3 — Pensions. Investments As of April 30, 2015, the City had the following investments and maturities: Investment Maturities Investments Fair Value Than 1 1-5 5-10 Than 10 External Investment Pools $ 14,391,737 $ 14,391,737mm" The fair value of investments in the External Investment Pools is the same as the value of pool shares. The External Investment Pools are not SEC -registered, but have regulatory oversight through the State of Illinois. Interest Rate Risk. The City will minimize the risk that the market value of securities in the portfolio will fall due to changes in general interest rates, by: Structuring the investment portfolio so that securities mature to meet cash requirements for ongoing operations, thereby avoiding the need to sell securities on the open market prior to maturity. • Investing operating funds primarily in shorter -term securities, money market mutual funds, or similar investment pools. Credit Risk, The City minimized credit risk, the risk of loss due to the failure of the security issuer or backer, by: Limiting investments to the safest type of securities. • Pre -qualifying the financial institutions, brokers/dealers, intermediaries, and advisers with which the City will do business. Diversifying the investment portfolio so that potential losses on individual securities will be minimized. As of April 30, 2015, the City's investments were rated as follows: Investments Credit Rating Rating Source Illinois Funds Investment Pool AAAm Standard and Poors Page 28 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 2 - DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS (Continued) Investments (Continued) Concentration of Credit Risk, The City places no specific limit on the amount the City may invest in any one issuer. There are currently no investments in any one organization that represent 5% or more of the City's total investments. NOTE 3 - CAPITAL ASSETS Capital asset activity for the year ended April 30, 2015 was as follows: Governmental Activities Capital Assets not being depreciated Land Art and Historical Treasures Intangibles Construction in Progress Total Capital Assets not being depreciated Other Capital Assets Land Improvements Buildings Vehicles Equipment Infrastructure Total Other Capital Assets at Historical Cost Less Accumulated Depreciation for: Land Improvements Buildings Vehicles Equipment Infrastructure Total Accumulated Depreciation Other Capital Assets, Net Governmental Activities Capital Assets, Net Business -Type Activities Capital Assets not being depreciated Land Construction in Progress Total Capital Assets not being depreciated Other Capital Assets Buildings Vehicles Systems and Equipment Total Other Capital Assets at Historical Cost Less Accumulated Depreciation for: Buildings Vehicles Systems and Equipment Total Accumulated Depreciation Other Capital Assets, Net Business -Type Activities Capital Assets, Net Balance Net Asset Balance May 1, 2014 Adjustment Increases Decreases April 30, 2015 11658,927 - - - 11658,927 300,000 - 300,000 266,390 1,2081877 79,291 11395,976 $ 43,5373880 $ - $ 11208,877 $ 84,991 $ 44,6611766 4,757,405 10,9391062 - - 10,939,062 3,474,860 140,381 475025 31568,216 211629797 53,614 - 21216,411 72,566,126 - 46,964 - 729613,090 $ 93,838,388 $ - $ 302,821 $ 47,025 $ 94,094,184 $ 2,649,128 239,951 2,8891079 3,758,078 2231026 - 31981,104 2,158,706 219,910 47,025 21331,591 11491,169 113,086 - 11604,255 37,862,788 - 1,903,237 - 3%766,025 $ 47,919,869 $ $ 21699,210 $ 47,025 $ 50w572,054 $ 45,918,519 $ $ (2,396,389) $ - $ 43,522,130 $ 89,456,399 $ $ (11187,512) $ 84,991 $ 88,183,896 2,815,216 (11,719) 1,421,131 2,082,433 2,142,195 $ 51023,333 $ (11,719) $ 11421,131 $ 2,0821433 $ 41350,312 $ 2,453,751 241,168 21694,919 1,027,940 - - 43,363 984,577 62,741,378 23143,786 - 64,885,164 $ 661223,069 $ - $ 213843954 $ 43,363 $ 68,564,660 $ 11940,045 56,628 $ - $ 11996,673 748,292 - 57,007 43,363 761,936 22,3541695 1,508,877 - 23,863,572 $ 25,043,032 $ $ 11622,512 $ 43,363 $ 26,622,181 $ 411180,037 $ $ 762,442 $ - $ 41,942,479 $ 46,2031370 $ (11,719) $ 2,183,573 $ 2,082,433 $ 46,292,791 Page 29 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 3 - CAPITAL ASSETS (Continued) Depreciation expense was charged to functions as follows: Governmental Activities Public Safety $ 174,734 Public Works 2,150,856 Parks and Recreation 252,788 Unallocated 120,832 Total Governmental Activities Depreciation Expense $ 2;6991210 Business -Type Activities Water $ 470,632 Sewer 1,151,880 Total Business -Type Activities Depreciation Expense $ 1,622,512 NOTE 4 - .LONG-TERM LIABILITY ACTIVITY Long-term liability activity for the year ended April 30, 2015 was as follows: Balance Balance May 1, 2014 Additions Retirements April 30, 2015 Amounts Due Within One Year Governmental Activities Bonds and Notes Payable General Obligation Bonds $ 11,590,000 $ - $ 11185,000 $ 101405,000 $ 1,220,000 Unamortized Bond Discount (27,269) - (41965) (229304) (41965) Unamortized Bond Premium 8,713 - 654 81059 654 Capital Leases Payable 31688 - 1,474 25214 11547 Total Bonds and Notes Payable $ 11,575,132 $ - $ 1,182,163 $ 10,392,969 $ 1,217,236 Other Long -Term Liabilities Compensated Absences $ 459,247 $ 38,560 $ $ 497,807 $ - Total Other Long -Term Liabilities $ 459,247 $ 38,560 $ - $ 497,807 $ - Governmental Activities Long - Term Obligations $ 12,034,379 $ 38,560 $ 11182,163 $ 100890,776 $ 1,217,236 Business -Type Activities Bonds and Notes Payable General Obligation Bonds $ 71200,000 $ - $ 330,000 $ 61870,000 $ 340,000 Unamortized Bond Discount (30,870) - (33941) (26,929) (31941) Unamortized Bond Premium 91387 512 8,875 512 Total Bonds and Notes Payable $ 79178,517 $ - $ 326,571 $ 61851,946 $ 336,571 Other Long -Term Liabilities Compensated Absences $ 655980 $ 4,298 $ $ 70,278 $ Total Other Long -Term Liabilities $ 65,980 $ 4,298 $ $ 70,278 $ Business -Type Activities Long -Term Obligations $ 7,244,497 $ 4,298 $ 326,571 $ 61922,224 $ 336,571 Bonds and notes payable consisted of the following at April 30, 2015: Maturity Interest Face Carrying Dates Rates Amount Amount Governmental Activities General Obligation Bonds 2006 12/15/2024 3.85% - 4,10% $ 21995,000 $ 1,9751000 General Obligation Bonds 2007 12/15/2027 4,00% - 4,20% 31275,000 2,465,000 General Obligation Bonds2010A 5/1/2016 1,00%-4,40% 2,0301000 745,000 General Obligation Bonds 2010B 12/15/2020 1,40% - 4,40% 33510,000 2,2109000 General Obligation Bonds 2012 12/15/2027 2,00% - 2,50% 850,000 755,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds 2013 5/1/2019 0,40% - 1.30% 1,965,000 11865,000 General Obligation Bonds 2013 5/1/2027 0640% - 2,75% 415,000 390,000 Capital Lease Payable 9/30/2016 4,84% 71181 2,214 Total $ 15,0471181 $ 10,407,214 Page 30 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 4 - LONG-TERM LIABILITY ACTIVITY (Continued) Maturity Interest Face Carrying Date Rate Amount Amount Business -Type Activities General Obligation Bonds 2010C 12/15/2029 1.00% 5.25% $ 5,665,000 $ 4,790,000 General Obligation Bonds 2012 12/15/2032 2.00% - 2.80% 21250,000 21080,000 Total $ 71915,000 $ 6,8701000 At April 30, 2015 the annual debt service requirements to service all long-term debt attributable to governmental activities are: Year Ending April 30 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Principal $ 1,221,547 1,260,667 1,305,000 11340,000 1,380,000 855,000 480,000 505,000 520,000 545,000 320,000 330,000 345,000 Interest $ 320,873 287,143 253,365 2192650 182,970 147,130 112,940 95,200 76,550 56,864 36,191 24,461 12,311 $ 10,407,214 $ 11825,648 Total $ 1,542,420 11547,810 11558,365 11559,650 1,562;970 1,002,130 592,940 600,200 596,550 601,864 356,191 354,461 3575311 $ 12,232,862 33,642 27,971 21,647 14,904 7,722 At April 30, 2015 the annual debt service requirements to service all long-term debt attributable to business -type activities are: 4,3 Year Ending April 30 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 NOTE 5 - RESTRICTED EQUITY Principal $ 340,000 345,000 350,000 365,000 375,000 385,000 405,000 415,000 435,000 455,000 470,000 490,000 510,000 535,000 560,000 140,000 145,000 150,000 $ 69870,000 $ 21480,608 $ 681,083 9,350,608 $ Total Interest $ 249,532 242,120 233,695 224,428 2139948 2025460 1902058 175,808 161,153 144,055 126,170 106,427 85,847 62,510 37,997 12,040 8,260 4,200 $ 589,532 587,120 583,595 589,428 588,948 587,460 595,058 590,808 596,153 599,055 596,170 596,427 595,847 597,510 597,997 152,040 153,260 154,200 The following amounts are restricted equity balances at April 30, 2015: $ 67,892 68,534 66,216 63,672 60,704 57,383 53,743 49,490 45,096 39,920 34,506 28,542 22,325 15,251 7,809 Page 31 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 5 - RESTRICTED EQUITY (Continued) Restricted Restricted Restricted for Net Position Fund Balance Governmental Activities/ Governmental Funds Highways and Streets $ 83,012 $ 83,012 Capital Projects 4,157,565 4,157,565 Special Service Areas 17 17 $ 41240,594 $ 41240,594 NOTE 6 - DESIGNATED NET POSITION City management has designated certain Water and Sewer Fund revenues to be used only for debt service. The amount designated at April 30, 2015 was $1,344,374. NOTE 7 - DEFICIT FUND BALANCE At April 30, 2015 a deficit fund balance existed in the following funds: Pageant Fund $ 2,636 Tax Increment Financing Fund 738,454 SSA#6 Huntersville Fund 179,115 $ 920,205 NOTE 8 - NET POSITION/FUND BALANCE ADJUSTMENT During the year, the City made the following net position/fund balance adjustments: Governmental Activities Adjustment to record IDOT reimbursements that should have been receivable in prior year Adjustment to remove Developmental Escrow liabilities that are not due back to developers Adjustment to remove old Construction in Progress Total Net Fund Position Balance Governmental Funds - General Fund Adjustment to correctly charge for prior period insurance expense paid by Employee $ 128,874 Insurance Fund $ (61319) 433,769 (25,303) $ 537,340 Governmental Activities -Internal Service Only Adjustment to correctly charge for prior period insurance expense paid by Employee Insurance Fund $ 6,319 Business -Type Activities -Water and Sewer Adjustment to remove old Construction in Progress $ (11,719) Governmental Funds -Capital Improvements Fund Adjustment to record IDOT reimbursements that should have been receivable in prior year $ 1283874 Adjustment to remove Developmental Escrow liabilities that are not due back to developers 433,769 Total $ 562,643 Page 32 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 9 - PROPERTY TAXES Property taxes receivable and unavailable revenue recorded in these financial statements, in the amount of ($5,503,065), are from the 2014 tax levy. The unavailable revenue is 100% of the 2014 tax levy. These taxes are unavailable as none of the taxes are collected before the end of the fiscal year and the City does not consider the amounts to be available and does not budget for their use in fiscal year 2015. The City has determined that 100% of the amounts collected for the 2013 levy ($5,525,865) are allocable for use in fiscal year 2015 and, therefore, are recorded in these financial statements as property taxes revenue. A summary of the assessed valuation, rates, and extensions for the years 2014, 2013, and 2012 follows: Tax Year Assessed Valuation General Police Protection Insurance Retirement Social Security Audit Police Pension Total Taxes Extended Road and Bridge (from Townships) Special Service Area #1A Special Service Area #4A Tax Increment Financing 2014 2013 2012 $5441308,141 $564,626,861 $639,535,518 Rates Extensions Rates Extensions Rates Extensions 0.2456 $ 11336,947 0.2530 $ 11428,743 0.2380 $ 1,522,222 0.1007 547,960 0.0970 547,959 0.0857 547,963 0.0919 499,996 0.0886 499,994 0.0782 500,000 0.0733 399,196 0.0707 399,197 0.0624 399,195 0.1036 563,745 0.0998 563,746 0.0882 563,751 0.0049 26,432 0.0047 26,430 0.0041 26,431 0.2549 1,387,376 0.2295 1,295,582 0.1880 11202,074 0.8748 $ 49761,652 0.8433 $ 4,761,651 0.7445 $ 4,761,636 - $ 409,659 - $ 401,702 - $ 399,763 $ 16,847 $ 16,847 $ 16,847 $ 314,908 $ 3502263 - $ 445,036 NOTE 10 - EXCESS OF EXPENDITURES OVER BUDGET For the year ended April 30, 2015, the following governmental funds had expenditures that exceeded the budget. Excess of Actual Fund Budget Actual Over Budget CapitalImprovements $ 935,850 $ 1,212,116 $ 2760266 Debt Service 1/5582350 1,5662868 81518 Developer Donations 3463740 354,318 71578 Tax Increment Financing 921000 382,182 290,182 NOTE 11 - ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND A. Plan Description The City's defined benefit pension .plan for Regular employees provides retirement and disability benefits, post retirement increases, and death benefits to plan members and beneficiaries. The City's plan is affiliated with the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), an agent multiple -employer plan. Benefit provisions are established by statute and may only be changed by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois. IMRF issues a publicly available financial report that includes financial statements and required supplementary information. That report may be obtained on-line at www.imrf.org. Page 33 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 11 - ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND (Continued) B. Funding Policy As set by statute, the City's Regular plan members are required to contribute 4.50% of their annual covered salary. The statute requires employers to contribute the amount necessary, in addition to member contributions, to finance the retirement coverage of its own employees. The City's annual required contribution rate for calendar year 2014 used by the City was 13,37%. The City also contributes for disability benefits, death benefits, and supplemental retirement benefits, all of which are pooled at the IMRF level. Contribution rates for disability and death benefits are set by the IMRF Board of Trustees, while the supplemental retirement benefits rate is set by statute. C. Annual Pension Cost and Net Pension Obligation The City's annual pension cost and the net pension obligation to the plan as of December 31, 2014 (the date the most current actuarial information is available) is as follows: Annual required contribution Increase/(decrease) in net pension obligation Net pension obligation beginning of year Net pension obligation end of year The required contribution for calendar year 2014 was $782,763. 782763 Three -Year Trend Information for the Regular Plan Calendar Annual Percentage Net Year Pension of APC Pension Ending Cost (APC) Contributed Obligation 12/31/2014 $ 782,763 100% $ 19,282 12/31/2013 734,422 100% 18,878 12/31/2012 677,555 100% 18,483 The required contribution for 2014 was determined as part of the December 31, 2012 actuarial valuation using the entry age normal actuarial cost method. The actuarial assumptions at December 31, 2012 included (a) 7.50% investment rate of return (net of administrative and direct investment expenses), (b) projected salary increases of 4% a year, attributable to inflation, (c) additional projected salary increases ranging from 0.4% to 10% per year depending on age and service, attributable to seniority/merit, and (d) post -retirement benefit increases of 3% annually. The actuarial value of the City's Regular plan assets was determined using techniques that spread the effects of short-term volatility in the market value of investments over a five-year period with a 20% corridor between the actuarial and market value of assets. The City's Regular plan's unfunded actuarial accrued liability at December 31, 2012 is being amortized as a level percentage of projected payroll on an open 29 year basis. D. Funded Status and Funding Progress As of December 31, 2014, the most recent actuarial valuation date, the City's plan was 70.02% funded. The actuarial accrued liability for benefits was $18,040,545 and the actuarial value of assets was $12,632,449, resulting in an underfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) of Page 34 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 11 - NOTE 12 - ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND (Continued) D. Funded Status and Funding Progress (Continued) $5,408,096. The covered payroll for calendar year 2014 (annual payroll of active employees covered by the plan) was $5,854,622 and the ratio of the UAAL to the covered payroll was 92%. The schedule of funding progress, presented as Required Supplementary Information following the notes to the financial statements, presents multiyear trend information about whether the actuarial value of plan assets is increasing or decreasing over time relative to the actuarial accrued liability for benefits. POLICE PENSION PLAN A. Plan Administration Full-time police sworn personnel of the City are covered by The Police Pension Fund of the City (Plan). Although this is a single -member pension plan, the defined benefits and employee and employer contribution levels are governed by Illinois Compiled Statues (40 IL CS 5/3A) and may be amended only by the Illinois legislature. The City accounts for the Plan as a pension trust fund. The Pension Board administers the Plan and the Illinois Department of Insurance is the oversight agency. The Board consists of five elected or appointed members. B. Plan Membership Membership in the Plan consisted of the following at April 30, 2015, the date of the most recent actuarial evaluation: Retirees and beneficiaries receiving benefits 30 Terminated plan members entitled to but not yet receiving benefits 2 Active vested plan members 31 Active nonvested plan members 14 Total 77 C. Benefits Provided The Plan provides retirement, disability, and death benefits to Plan members and their beneficiaries. Chapter 40-Pensions-Act 5/Article 3 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes assigns the authority to establish and amend the benefit provisions of the Plan to the Illinois legislature. D. Contributions Employees are required by Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) to contribute 9.91 % of their base salary to the Plan. If an employee leaves covered employment with less than 20 years of service, accumulated employee contributions may be refunded without accumulated interest. The City is required to contribute the remaining amounts necessary to finance the plan and the administrative costs as actuarially determined by an enrolled actuary. Effective January 1, 2011, the City has until the year 2040 to fund 90% of the past service cost for the Plan. For the year ended April 30, 2015 the City's contribution was 34% of covered payroll. Page 35 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) POLICE PENSION PLAN (Continued) E. Investment Policy I.CS limit the Plan's investments to those allowable by ILLS and require the Plan's Board of Trustees to adopt an investment policy which can be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees. The Plan's investment policy authorizes the Plan to make deposits/invest in insured commercial' banks, savings and loan institutions, obligations of the U.S. Treasury and U.S. agencies, insured credit union shares, money market mutual funds with portfolios of securities issued or guaranteed by the United States or agreements to repurchase these same obligations, repurchase agreements, short-term commercial paper rated within the three highest classifications by at least two standard rating services, investment grade corporate bonds and Illinois Funds. The Plan may also invest in certain non-U.S. obligations, Illinois municipal corporations tax anticipation warrants, veteran's loans, obligations of the State of Illinois and its political subdivisions, Illinois insurance company general and separate accounts, mutual funds and corporate equity securities. The Plan's investment policy in accordance with ILCS establishes the following target allocation across asset classes: Long -Term Expected Asset Class Target Real Rate of Return Fixed Income 33% 1.46% Domestic Equities 30% 7.17% International Equities 13% 0.21% Real Estate Equities 7% 7.78% Blended Equities 15% 6.96% Cash & Securities 2% 0.33% ILCS limits the Plan's investments in equities to 65% of total assets of the fund. Securities in any one company should not exceed 570 of the total fund. The blended asset class is comprised of all other asset classes to allow for rebalancing the portfolio. The Estimated Annual Inflation Rate (CPI) assumption used is 2.5%. The long-term expected rate of return on the Plan's investments was determined using an asset allocation study conducted by the Plan's investment management firm in December of 2014 in which best estimate ranges of expected future real rates of return (net of pension plan investment expense and inflation) were developed for each major asset class. These ranges were combined to produce the long-term expected rate of return by weighting the expected future real rates of return by the target asset allocation percentage and by adding expected inflation. Best estimates or arithmetic real rates of return excluding inflation for each major asset class included in the Plan's target asset allocation as of December 31, 2014 are listed in the table above. F. Investment Valuations All Investments in the Plan are stated at fair value and are recorded as of the trade date. Fair value is based on quoted market prices at April 30, 2015 for debt securities, equity securities and mutual funds. G. Investment Concentrations There are no significant investments (other than U.S. Government guaranteed obligations) in any one organization that represent 5.0% or more of the Plan's investments. Page 36 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) POLICE PENSION PLAN (Continued) H. Investment Rate of Return For the year ended April 30, 2015, the annual money -weighted rate of return on pension plan investments, net of pension plan investment expense, was 5.41 %. The money -weighted rate of return expresses investment performance, net of investment expense, adjusted for the changing amounts actually invested. Deposits with Financial Institutions Custodial credit risk for deposits with financial institutions is the risk that in the event of a bank's failure, the Plan's deposits may not be returned to it. The Plan's investment policy requires all bank balances to be covered by federal depository insurance. J. Interest Rate Risk The following table presents the investments and maturities of the Plan's debt securities as of April 30, 2015: Investment Maturities (in Years) Less More Investments Fair Value Than 1 1-5 5-10 Than 10 External Investment Pools $ 454,125 $ 454,125 $ $ - $ Government National Mortgage Assn. 247,042 - - 247,042 US Treasury 610,798 - 310,901 299,897 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 1502017 150,017 - - Municipal Bonds 1,9883712 863,317 101252395 - Corporate Bonds 51555,983 4,2651868 572,853 4063994 310,268 Mutual Funds 12,020,876 121020,876 - - Total $ 21,027$53 $ 171604,186 $ 1,848,265 $ 717,895 $ 857,207 In accordance with its investment policy, the Plan limits its exposure to interest rate risk by structuring the portfolio to provide liquidity for operating funds and maximizing yields for funds not needed for expected current cash flows. The investment policy does not limit the maximum maturity length of investments in the Plan. K. Credit Risk The Plan limits its exposure to credit risk, the risk that the issuer of a debt security will not pay its par value upon maturity, by primarily investing in obligations guaranteed by the United States Government, securities issued by agencies of the United States Government that are explicitly or implicitly guaranteed by the United States Government, and investment grade corporate bonds rated by at least one of the two largest rating services at the time of purchase. If subsequently downgraded below investment grade, the bonds must be liquidated by the manager from the portfolio within 90 days after being downgraded. However, certain fixed income securities are not rated. As of April 30, 2015, the Plan's investments were rated as follows: Investments Illinois Funds Investment Pool Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Government National Mortgage Association US Treasury IPS US Treasury Bond Chicago Municipal Bonds - IL Credit Rating Rating Source Page 37 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 12 - POLICE PENSION PLAN (Continued) K. M Credit Risk (Continued) Investments Municipal Bonds - IL Corporate Bonds - AT&T Corporate Bonds - Autozone Inc. Corporate Bonds - Bank of America Corp Corporate Bonds - Citigroup Inc. Corporate Bonds - Corn Products Corporate Bonds - Diamond Offshore Corporate Bonds - Ebay Inc. Corporate Bonds - Ford Motor Credit Corporate Bonds - General Motors Finl Corporate Bonds - Goldman Sachs Corporate Bonds - JP Morgan Chase Corporate Bonds - Macys Retail Corporate Bonds - Macys Retail Corporate Bonds - Marathon Oil Corporate Bonds - Morgan Stanley Corporate Bonds - Pepco Holdings Corporate Bonds - Plains Exploration Corporate Bonds - Prospect Energy Corporate Bonds - Vale Overseas LTD Corporate Bonds - Yum Brands Inc. Mutual Funds Net Pension Liability Credit Rating Rating Source A- Standard and Poor's BBB+ Standard and Poor's A- Standard and Poor's A- Standard and Poor's BBB+ Standard and Poor's BBB Standard and Poor's A- Standard and Poor's A Standard and Poor's BBB- Standard and Poor's BBB- Standard and Poor's A- Standard and Poor's A- Standard and Poors BBB+ Standard and Poor's BBB+ Standard and Poor's BBB Standard and Poors A- Standard and Poor's BBB- Standard and Poors BBB- Standard and Poor's BBB Standard and Poors A- Standard and Poor's BBB Standard and Poors Not Rated N/A The components of the net pension liability of the Plan as of April 30, 2015, calculated in accordance with GASB Statement No. 67, were as follows: Total Pension Liability $ 40,226,092 Plan Fiduciary Net Position 21,151,953 City's Net Pension Liability 191074,139 Plan Fiduciary Net Position as a Percentage of the Total Pension Liability 53% See the Schedule of Changes in the Employer's Net Pension Liability and Related Ratios in the Required Supplementary Information for additional information related to the funded status of the Plan. Actuarial Assumptions The total pension liability above was determined by an actuarial valuation performed as of April 30, 2015 using the following actuarial methods and assumptions: Actuarial Valuation Date Actuarial Cost Method Assumptions Inflation Salary Increases Investment Rate of Return Cost of Living Adjustments April 30, 2015 Entry Age Normal (Level %) 3% 5.50% 7.50% Tier 1 3% per year, compounded Tier 2 2% per year, simple Asset Valuation Method Market Value Page 38 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 12 - POLICE PENSION PLAN (Continued) M. Actuarial Assumptions (Continued) Mortality rates were based on assumptions used in the April 30, experience study conducted September 26, 2012. N. Discount Rate the RP-2000 CHBCA Mortality Table. The actuarial 2015 valuation were based on the results of an actuarial by the Illinois Department of Insurance dated The discount rate used to measure the total pension liability was 7.5%. The projection of cash flows used to determine the discount rate assumed that plan member contributions will be made at the current contribution rate and that City contributions will be made at rates equal to the difference between actuarially determined contribution rates and the member rate. Based on those assumptions, the pension plan's fiduciary net position was projected to be available to make all projected future benefit payments of current members. Therefore, the long-term expected rate of return on pension plan investments was applied to all periods of projected benefit payments to determine the total pension liability. O. Discount Rate Sensitivity The following is a sensitive analysis of the net pension liability to changes in the discount rate. The table below presents the pension liability of the City calculated using the discount rate of 7.5% as well as what the City's net pension liability would be if it were calculated using a discount rate that is 1 percentage point lower (6.5%) or 1 percentage point higher (8.5%) than the current rate. 1% Current 1% Decrease Discount Rate Increase. 6.50% 7.50% 8.50% Net Pension Liability $ 24,5831251 $ 19,0741139 $ 14,5381892 P. Annual Pension Cost and Net Pension Obligation The City's annual pension cost and net pension obligation to the Plan as of April 30, 2015 (the date the most current actuarial information is available) is as follows: Annual required contribution $ 1,295,577 Interest on net pension obligation (optional) 101,156 Adjustment to annual required contribution (64,286) Annual pension cost $ 11332,447 Contributions made 1,295,101 Increase/(decrease) in net pension obligation $ 37,346 Net pension obligation beginning of year 11348,750 Net pension obligation end of year $ 11386,096 The annual required contribution for the current year was determined as .part of the April 30, 2015 actuarial valuation using the entry -age -normal actuarial cost method. 'The actuarial assumptions included (a) 7.5% investment rate of return (net of administrative expenses) and (b) projected salary increases of 5.5%. Both (a) and (b) include an inflation component. The assumptions include postretirement benefit increases of 3%. The unfunded actuarial accrued liability is being amortized as a level percentage of pay method on a closed period. The remaining amortization period at April 30, 2015 was 26 years. Page 39 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 12 - POLICE PENSION PLAN (Continued) P. Annual Pension Cost and Net Pension Obligation (Continued) Fiscal Year Ending 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 4/30/2013 Trend Information Annual Percentage Pension of APC Cost {APC) Contributed $ 11332,447 97.2% 1,231,271 97.4% 11210,837 99.1% Net Pension Obligation $ 11386,096 1,348,750 1,317,197 The Schedule of Funding Progress, presented as Required Supplementary Information following the notes to the financial statements, presents multiyear trend information about whether the actuarial value of plan assets is increasing or decreasing over time relative to the actuarial accrued liability for benefits. NOTE 13 - SOCIAL SECURITY All employees are covered under Social Security. The City paid the total required contribution for the current fiscal year. NOTE 14 - INTERFUND BALANCES AND TRANSFERS Interfund balances at April 30, 2015 consisted of the following: Due From Nonmajor Governmental Funds General Fund Water and Sewer Fund Internal Service Funds Due To Nonmajor Governmental Funds Nonmajor Governmental Funds General Fund Water and Sewer Fund Amount $ 40,310 5,675 120,755 24,089 The above interfund balances resulted from a time lag between the dates that (1) revenue was collected and remitted to the appropriate funds and (2) expenditures were incurred and reimbursed between funds. Interfund transfers for the year ended April 30, 2015 consisted of the following: Transfer From Transfer To Amount General Fund Nonmajor Governmental Funds $ 1,562,574 Water and Sewer Fund Nonmajor Governmental Funds 91,290 Transfers are used to (1) move revenues from the fund that is required to collect them to the fund that is required to expend them and (2) move receipts restricted to debt service from the funds collecting the receipts to the Debt Service Fund as debt service payments become due. NOTE 15 - RISK MANAGEMENT The City is exposed to various risks related to torts; theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; and injuries to employees. The City is a member of the McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency (MCMRMA), a public entity risk pool through which property, general liability, automobile liability, crime, excess property, excess liability, and boiler and machinery coverage is provided in excess of specified limits for the members, acting as a single insurable unit. Page 40 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 15 - RISK MANAGEMENT (Continued) The relationship between the City and MCMRMA is governed by a contract and by-laws that have been adopted by resolution of each unit's governing body. The City is contractually obligated to make all annual and supplementary contributions for MCMRMA, to report claims on a timely basis, cooperate with MCMRMA, its claims administrator and attorneys in claims investigation and settlement, and to follow risk management procedures as outlined by MCMRMA. Members have a contractual obligation to fund any deficit of MCMRMA attributable to a membership year during which they were a member. MCMRMA is responsible for administering the self-insurance program and purchasing excess insurance according to the direction of the Board of Directors. MCMRMA also provides its members with risk management services, including the defense of and settlement of claims, and establishes reasonable and necessary loss of reduction and prevention procedures to be followed by the members. During fiscal year 2015 there was no significant reduction in insurance coverage for any category. There have been no settlement amounts that have exceeded insurance coverage. The City is insured under a retrospectively -rated policy for workers' compensation coverage. Whereas, the initial premium may be adjusted based on actual experience. Adjustments in premiums are recorded when paid or received. During the year ended April 30, 2015, there were no significant adjustments in premiums based on actual experience. NOTE 16 - CONSTRUCTION COMMITMENTS At any point in time the City is involved in numerous construction contracts. For the governmental activities, the only significant project with outstanding obligations is the recreation center project with an estimated outstanding cost to the City of $4,308,468. For the Water and Sewer Fund there were outstanding costs to the City of $543,000 for water main work related to the Bull Valley and Route 31 roadwork. NOTE 17 - CONTINGENCIES There is no outstanding litigation which may have a materially adverse effect on the City's financial position. NOTE 18 - LEGAL DEBT LIMITATION The Illinois Compiled Statutes limits the amount of indebtedness to 8.625% of the most recent available equalized assessed valuation (EAV) of the City. 2014 EAV Debt Margin Current Debt Remaining Debt Margin NOTE 19 - SUBSEQUENT EVENTS $ 544,308,141 $ 46,946,577 10,407,214 $ 36,539,363 On May 5, 2015 the City issued General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015 in the amount of $6,375,000. The issue was made for the purpose of financing a portion of the new recreation center and also refunding certain outstanding bonds and paying the expenses incident thereto. Page 41 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) NOTE 20 - CHANGE IN ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLE Effective in the year ended April 30, 2015, the City implemented GASB statement No. 67, Financial Reporting for Pension Plans which amends or supersedes the accounting and financial reporting guidance for certain pension plans. The objective is to improve financial reporting by state and local governmental pension plans by providing useful information, supporting assessments for accountability and interperiod equity, and creating additional transparency. Page 42 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Actuarial Valuation Date 12/31/2014 12/31 /2013 12/3112012 CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND SCHEDULE OF FUNDING PROGRESS APRIL 30, 2015 Actuarial Value of Assets (a) $ 12,6323449 112543,762 11,011,897 Actuarial Accrued Liability (AAL) -Entry Age (b) $ 18,040,545 16,278,872 153887,833 Unfunded AAL (UAAL) (b-a) $ 5,408,096 4,735,110 4,875,936 Funded Ratio (a/b) 70,02% 70,91 % 69,31 % Covered Payroll (c) $ 51854,622 51580,716 51504,099 UAAL as a Percentage of Covered Payroll ((b-a)/c) 92.37% $4.85% 88,59% On a market value basis, the actuarial value of assets as of December, 31, 2014 is $15,062,854. On a market basis, the funded ratio would be 83.49%. The actuarial value of assets and accrued liability cover active and inactive members who have service credit with the City. They do not included amounts for retirees. The actuarial accrued liability for retirees is 100% funded. See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report Page 43 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS POLICE PENSION PLAN SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN THE EMPLOYER'S NET PENSION LIABILITY AND RELATED RATIOS APRIL 30, 2015 TOTAL PENSION LIABILITY Service Cost $ 8761654 Interest 218041198 Differences Between Expected and Actual Experience (300,710) Changes in Assumptions 391,028 Benefit Payments, Including Refunds of Member Contributions (11868,756) Net Change in Total Pension Liability $ 11902,414 Total Pension Liability - Beginning 381323,678 Total Pension Liability -Ending $ 40,226,092 PLAN FIDUCIARY NET POSITION Contributions - Employer $ 1,295,101 Contributions - Member 381,363 Net Investment Income 11101,915 Benefit Payments, Including Refunds of Member Contributions (11868,756) Administrative Expenses (36,845) Net Change in Plan Fiduciary Net Position $ 8721778 Plan Net Position - Beginning 2012791175 Plan Net Position -Ending $ 21,151,953 District's Net Pension Liability $ 19,074,139 Plan Fiduciary Net Position as a Percentage of the Total Pension Liability 52.58% Covered -Employee Payroll $ 31791,467 Employer's Net Pension Liability as a Percentage of Covered -Employee Payroll 503.08% 2015 Annual Money -Weighted Rate of Return, 5.41% Net of Investment Expenses See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS POLICE PENSION PLAN SCHEDULE OF EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Actuarial Determined Contribution Contributions in Relation to Actuarially Determined Contribution Contribution Deficiency/(Excess) Covered -Employee Payroll Contributions as a Percentage of Covered -Employee Payroll 4/30/2015 $ 1,295,577 1,295,101 $ 476 $ 3,791,467 34.16% The information directly above is formatted to comply with the requirements of GASB Statement No, 67. See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report Page 45 Actuarial Valuation Date 4/30/2015 4/30/2014 4/30/2013 Actuarial Value of Assets (a) $ 21,151,953 20,279,175 18,603,585 CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS POLICE PENSION PLAN SCHEDULE OF FUNDING PROGRESS APRIL 30, 2015 Actuarial Accrued Liability (AAL) -Entry Age (b) $ 40,226,092 38,323,678 35,643,262 Unfunded AAL (UAAL) (b-a) $ 19,074,139 18,044,503 17,039,677 Funded Covered Ratio Payroll (a/b) (c) 52.58% $ 31791,467 52.92% 31793,817 52.19% 31618,130 UAAL as a Percentage of Covered Payroll ((b-a)/c) 475.6% 471.0% Page 46 See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERALFUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 REVENUES Local Taxes Property Tax Intergovernmental State Sales Tax State Income Tax State Replacement Tax State Pull Tab/Games Tax Inter Track Wagering Tax State Telecommunications Tax State Grants Other Local Sources Hotel/Motel Tax Franchise Fees Licenses and Permits Fines and Forfeitures Charges for Services Interest Miscellaneous Rent Royalties Donations Annexation Fees Reimbursements Other Miscellaneous Total Revenues EXPENDITURES CURRENT GENERAL OFFICE Administration Elected Officials Community Development Finance Department PUBLIC SAFETY Police Commission Police Department PUBLIC WORKS Administration Street Department PARKS AND RECREATION Parks and Recreation Budgeted Amounts Actual Original Final Amounts $ 5,150,183 8,306,503 2,209,000 60,000 2,400 75,000 175,000 130,000 298,000 408,511 29,000 1,198,519 4,300 39,253 40,000 14,853 18,000 412,630 63,000 $ 19,1341152 $ 1,439,154 163, 821 609,699 768,919 $ 21981,593 $ 6,453 9,035,153 $ 9,041,606 $ 261,205 2,912,148 $ 3,1731353 $ 21175,570 $ 5,150,183 8,306,503 2,2091000 60,000 2,400 75,000 175,000 130,000 298,000 4081511 5297000 1,1981519 4,300 39,253 40,000 14,853 18,000 412,630 63,000 $ 19,134,152 $ 1,439,154 163,821 609,699 768,919 $ 21981,593 $ 6,453 9,035,153 $ 91041,606 $ 261,205 2,912,148 $ 3,113,353 $ 21175,570 $ 5,134,223 8,931,769 2,7193568 701909 995 64,814 1331945 47,896 153,781 3061122 5351033 5091750 1,2231663 5,036 42,316 61,587 22,410 10,914 432,037 217,278 $ 20,624,046 $ 1,331,803 144,818 619,024 930,313 $ 3,0259958 $ 7,382 8,996,560 $ 91003,942 $ 253,293 2,892,867 3,146,160 $ 21060,735 Page 47 See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERALFUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 Budgeted Amounts Original Final EXPENDITURES (Continued) CAPITAL OUTLAY PUBLIC SAFETY Police Department $ 37,575 PARKS AND RECREATION Parks and Recreation - $ 37,575 DEBT SERVICE Principal $ 1,945 $ 1,945 Total Expenditures $ 17,411,642 EXCESS OR (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES $ 1,722,510 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/(USES) Transfers $ (1,552,052) Sale of City Property 10,000 $ (1,542,052) NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $ 180,458 FUND BALANCE -MAY 1, 2014 7,390,408 FUND BALANCE ADJUSTMENT (Note 8) - FUND BALANCE - APRIL 30, 2015 $ 71570,866 $ 37,575 $ 37,575 $ 1,945 $ 11945 $ 17,411,642 $ 1,722,510 $ (1,552,052) 10,000 $ (11542,052) $ 180,458 7,390,408 $ 7,570,866 Actual Amounts $ 57,069 69,202 $ 126,271 $ 1,474 $ 1,474 $ 17,364,540 $ 3,259,506 $ (1,562,574) 425 $ (11562,149) $ 1,697,357 9,160,789 $ 10,851,827 See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL RECREATION CENTER FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 REVENUES Other Local Sources Interest Total Revenues EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY PARKS AND RECREATION Parks and Recreation DEBT SERVICE Interest and Fees Total Expenditures EXCESS OR (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/(USES) NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -MAY 1, 2014 FUND BALANCE - APRIL 30, 2015 Budgeted Amounts Original Final $ 23000 $ 23000 $ 21000 $ 550,000 $ 550,000 550,000 $ 550,000 $ 550,000 $ (548,000) $ (548,000) 3,558,961 $ 3,010,961 $ 550,000 $ (548,000) $ (548,000) 3558961 $ 31010,961 Actual Amounts $ 2,448 $ 2,448 $ 337,233 $ 337,233 $ 348,101 $ (345,653) $ (345,653) 3,983,092 $ 31637,439 Page 49 See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS NOTES TO REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION APRIL 30, 2015 NOTE 1 - BUDGET Budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Annual budgets are adopted for all funds except agency funds. All annual budgets lapse at fiscal year end. Budgeted expenditures are controlled at the departmental level with the City Administrator's oversight. All transfers and any revision that changes the total expenditures not contemplated of any fund must be approved by the City Council. All budget amendments must be approved by the City Council. The budget was approved on April 28, 2014 and was amended May 5, 2014, May 19, 2014, and June 16, 2014. NOTE 2 - EXCESS OF EXPENDITURES OVER BUDGET For the year ended April 30, 2015, no fund presented as Required Supplementary Information had expenditures that exceeded the budget. Page 50 SUPPLEMENTAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments Prepaid Expenses Receivables (Net of Allowance for Estimated Uncollectible Amounts) Accounts Receivable - Billed Accounts Receivable - Unbilled Property Taxes Accrued Interest Due from Other Governmental Units Due from Other Funds Grants Receivable Cable Franchise Fee Receivable TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Due to Other Funds Unearned Revenue TOTAL LIABILITIES DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Unavailable Revenue -Property Taxes TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES FUND BALANCES Nonspendable Assigned for: Alarm Tourism Band Capital Projects Revolving Loan Unassigned TOTAL FUND BALANCES TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, AND FUND BALANCES CITY OF Iv1CHENRY, ILLINOIS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET - GENERAL FUND APRIL 30, 2015 Civil Revolving Total General Annexation Alarm Board Band Defense Loan Tourism Employee General Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Flex Fund $ 62886,028 $ 215,609 $ 155,998 $ 13198 $ (71804) $ 791076 $ 2251017 $ 31609 $ 7'179,898 731 138,627 19,869 11555 31614 162233 32,187 32,187 - 757 168,779 922589 61450 31983 65,22,331 97,428 47,197 27, 900 _ 5,144, 878 5,144,878 176 25 2 5 20 228 3,264,979 32264,979 (15,000) 120,755 135,755 21276 23276 102,591 1022591 - $ 15,847,283 $ 241,953 $ 187,881 $ 142755 $ (7,804) $ 1482452 $ 263,601 $ (11,391) $ 16,684,730 1,589 $ $ $ 34,323 $ $ (11,391) $ 610,427 $ 585,906 $ $ 5,675 51675 71,923 71,923 $ 663,504 $ $ 1,589 $ $ $ 34,323 $ $ (11,391) $ 688,025 $ 5,144,878 $ 5,144,878 $ $ $ $ 51144,878 $ $ $ $ 32,187 186,292 186,292 263,601 - 2633601 ' - 14,755 14,755 241,953 241,953 114,129 114,129 (7, 804) 91998, 910 10,006,714 $ 10,0383901 $ 241,953 $ 1862292 $ 14,755 $ (7,804) $ 114,129 $ 263,601 $ $ 10,851,827 $ 15,847,283 $ 241,953 $ 187,881 $ 14,755 $ (7,804) $ 148,452 $ 263,601 $ (11,391) $ 1626842730 See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report Page 51 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GENERALFUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 Alarm Civil Revolving Annexation Board Band Defense Loan Tourism General Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Total REVENUES Local Taxes $ $ $ _ $ - $ 52134,223 Property Tax $ 5,134,223 $ - $ Intergovernmental 8, 931, 769 State Sales Tax 81931,769 _ 21719,568 State Income Tax 21719,568 - _ 70,909 State Replacement Tax 70,909 _ _ 995 State Pull Tab/Games Tax 995 64,814 Inter Track Wagering Tax 64,814 - _ 133,945 State Telecommunications Tax 133,945 _ _ 473896 State Grants 47,896 - Other Local Sources _ - 1537781 1537781 Hotel/Motel Tax - _ - 306,122 Franchise Fees 306,122 _ 535,033 Licenses and Permits 535,033 - 509,750 Fines and Forfeitures 509,750 - _ 11223,663 Charges for Services 1,057,785 - 165,878 Interest 21219 137 16 10 2,541 113 5,036 Miscellaneous 42,316 Rent 42,316 - 612587 Royalties 61,587 = 22,410 Donations 222410 _ 102914 Annexation Fees - 10,914 432,037 Reimbursements 432,037 - _ _ 217,278 Other Miscellaneous 217,278 _ $ 21541 $ 1537894 $ 20,624,046 Total Revenues $ 20r229,069 $ 72,638 $ 165,894 $ 10 $ EXPENDITURES CURRENT GENERAL OFFICE $ $ $ 12,000 $ 11331,303 Administration $ 1,310,983 $ 8,820 $ $ 144,818 Elected Officials 144,818 _ _ 6191024 Community Development 6191024 - _ _ _ 9307313 Finance Department 930,313 - $ 122000 $ 31025,958 $ 3,0052138 $ 8,820 $ - $ $ $ PUBLIC SAFETY $ $ $ _ $ - $ 7,382 Police Commission $ 7,382 $ $ 107368 8,9967560 Police Department 8,92%637 56,555 $ 8,937,019 $ - $ 56,555 $ $ 101368 $ $ $ 9,003,942 PUBLIC WORKS $ $ $ _ $ $ 2533293 Administration $ 2532293 $ - $ 228921867 Street Department 21892,867 $ $ 31146,160 $ 33146,160 $ $ $ $ $ PARKS AND RECREATION $ 12,539 $ $ $ - $ 220602735 Parks and Recreation $ 210481196 $ - $ See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report Page 52 EXPENDITURES (Continued) CAPITAL OUTLAY PUBLIC SAFETY Police Department PARKS AND RECREATION Parks and Recreation DEBT SERVICE Principal Total Expenditures EXCESS OR (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/(USES) Transfers Sale of City Property NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -MAY 1, 2014 FUND BALANCE ADJUSTMENT (Note 8) FUND BALANCE -APRIL 30, 2015 Page 53 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GENERALFUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 Annexation General Fund Fund Alarm Board Band Fund Fund Civil Revolving Defense Loan Fund $ 1261271 Tourism Fund Total - 69,202 $ 126,271 $ 1,474 $ $ - $ - $ $ $ - $ 11474 $ 173264,258 $ 81820 $ 56,555 $ 12,539 $ 10,368 $ - $ 121000 $ 17,364,540 $ 2,964,811 $ 63,818 $ 109,339 $ (12,529) $ (10,368) $ 2,541 $ 141,894 $ 3,259,506 425 $ (1,472,149) $ (353000) $ $ 15,000 $ 52000 $ $ (75,000) $ (1,562,149) $ 1,492,662 $ 281818 $ 1092339 $ 22471 $ (51368) $ 2,541 $ 66,894 $ 116972357 83552,558 213,135 763953 12,284 (2,436) 111,588 1962707 921602789 (6,319) - - (65319) $ 10,038,901 $ 241,953 $ 186,292 $ 14,755 $ (71804) $ 1147129 $ 2637601 $ 10,851,827 See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Deposit with Paying Agent Investments Receivables (Net of Allowance for Estimated Uncollectible Amounts) Accounts Receivable - Billed Property Taxes Accrued Interest Due from Other Governmental Units Due from Other Funds Grants Receivable TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Overdrafts Due to Other Governmental Units Due to Other Funds Unearned Revenue TOTAL LIABILITIES CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET OTHER GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS APRIL 30, 2015 Special Special Service Service Total Capital Capital Debt Motor Developer Area #4 - Area #6 - Other Fuel Tax Donations TIF Lakewood Huntersville Governmental Pageant Audit Improvements Equipment Service Fund Fund Fund Fund Funds Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund 31577,949 $ $ $ $ 16,107 $ 11251,481 $ 476,402 $ $ 11103,967 $ 727,992 $ $ 536,448 536,448 201,315 492 982209 23,290 16,063 62,866 395 81000 8,000 3143908 16,847 358,187 26,432 8 79 1 193 1 55 29 20 62,778 62,778 45,985 45,985 32,968 505000 82,968 $ $ 45,032 $ 1,382,713 $ 499,721 $ 552,531 $ 11212,738 $ 798,937 $ 364,908 $ 17,243 $ $ 41873,823 $ $ $ 108,861 $ 81920 $ 26,016 $ 27,400 $ 47,749 $ $03 $ _ $ 218,946 816 134,690 788,454 370 179,115 1,1,5 30 30,795 30,795 40,310 40,310 11820 1,820 $ 21636 $ $ 149,171 $ 8,920 $ 160,706 $ 27,400 $ 78,544 $ 788,454 $ 370 $ 179,115 $ 1,395,316 DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES 314,908 $ 16,847 358,187 Unavailable Revenue - Property Taxes $ $ 26,432 $ $ $ 46,966 46,966 Unavailable Revenue - Bond Proceeds 45,218 45,218 Unavailable Revenue - Grants 26 432 $ $ $ 46,966 $ 451218 $ $ 314,908 $ 16,847 $ $ 450,371 TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES $ $ FUND BALANCES Restricted for: Highways and Streets Capital Projects Special Service Areas Assigned for: Audit Highways and Streets Capital Projects Capital Equipment Debt Service Special Service Areas Unassigned TOTAL FUND BALANCES TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, AND FUND BALANCES 17 17 18,600 18,600 11057,108 1,057,108 191,702 11425,244 15233,542 490,801 490,801 344,859 344,859 9 9 (738,454) (179,115) (920,205) (2,636) $ (21636) $ 18,600 $ 1,233,542 $ 490,801 $ 344559 $ 1/1409120 $ 720,393 $ (738,4541 $ 26 $ (179,115) $ 3,028,136 $ $ 45,032 $ 1,382,713 $ 499,721 $ 552,531 $ 1,212,738 $ 798,937 $ 3642908 $ 17,243 4,873,823 See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report Page 54 REVENUES Local Taxes Property Tax Intergovernmental State Motor Fuel Tax State Grants Federal Grants Bond Interest Rebates Other Local Sources Interest Miscellaneous Rent Donations Reimbursements Other Miscellaneous EXPENDITURES Current General Office Public Works Parks and Recreation Capital Outlay Debt Service Principal Interest and Fees EXCESS OR (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/(USES) Transfers NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES FUND BALANCES -MAY 11 2014 FUND BALANCE ADJUSTMENT (Note 8) FUND BALANCES - APRIL 30, 2015 Page 55 CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES OTHER GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 Special Special Service Service Total Capital Capital Debt Motor Developer Area #4 - Area #6 - Other Pageant Audit Improvements Equipment Service Fuel Tax Donations TIF Lakewood Huntersville Governmental Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Funds $ $ 26,422 $ $ $ $ $ $ 348,373 $ 165847 $ $ 391,642 688,368 688,368 285,154 219,142 504,296 273,972 53675 279,647 401117 - 40,117 6 662 193 110 544 441 3 11959 36,708 36,708 50 - 265,722 - 265,772 8,000 83000 4,153 17001 51154 $ 4,203 $ 26,428 $ 559,788 $ 193 $ 40,227 $ 913,729 $ 310,871 $ 349,374 $ 16,850 $ $ 2,221,663 264,681 264,681 122,242 122,242 11171,806 268,374 161,833 2323076 3183071 23152,160 13185,000 111853000 3819868 381,868 $ 3,333 $ 24,377 $ 1,171,806 $ 268,374 $ 1,566,868 $ 426,514 $ 354,318 $ 3822182 $ $ $ 4,197,772 519,113 277,825 11480,572 (363,349) (243,450) (16,847) 11653,864 $ 870 $ 22051 $ (92,905) $ 91644 $ (46,069) $ 123,866 $ (43,447) $ (2762258) $ 3 $ $ (322,245) (31506) 161549 763,804 481,157 390,928 110162254 763,840 (4622196) 23 (179,115) 2,787,738 5627643 562,643 $ (2,636) $ 18,600 $ 1,233,542 $ 490,801 $ 3443859 $ 11140,120 $ 720r393 $ (738,454) $ 26 $ (179,11§ $ 310283136 See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF NET POSITION WATER AND SEWER FUNDS APRIL 30, 2015 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments Prepaid Expenses Receivables (Net of Allowance for Estimated Uncollectible Amounts) Accounts Receivable - Billed Accounts Receivable - Unbilled Accrued Interest Interest Rebate Receivable Due from Other Funds Non -Current Assets Capital Assets Land Buildings Systems and Equipment Vehicles Construction in Progress Less: Accumulated Depreciation TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Security Deposits Held Due to Other Funds Unearned Revenue Accrued Interest Bonds Payable - Current Non -Current Liabilities Compensated Absences Bonds Payable (Net of Current Portion Shown Above) TOTAL LIABILITIES NET POSITION Net Investment in Capital Assets Unrest, cted/(Deficit) TOTAL NET POSITION Capital Utility Marina Total Water/Sewer Development Improvements Operations Water and Fund Fund Fund Fund Sewer Funds $ 31955,974 $ 914,422 $ (563,897) $ 329,486 $ 41635,985 4121298 250,538 472,983 96,534 11232,353 24,153 - - - 24,153 73,180 - - - 73,180 7742183 - - - 774,183 11439 894 11710 345 41388 24,495 - - - 24,495 24,089 - - - 241089 $ 5,289,811 $ 11165,854 $ (8%204) $ 426,365 $ 61792,826 2,6941919 64,885,164 - - - 64,885,164 984,577 - - - 984,577 30,141 - 21112,054 - 2,1421195 (26,622,181) - (26,622,181) $ 44,180,737 $ - $ 21112,054 $ - $ 46,292,791 $ 4%470,548 $ 12165,854 $ 21022s850 $ 426,365 $ 53,085,617 - 3,000 153,811 (33,056) 279,342 - 93,575 - 336,571 - $ 1,054,361 $ (30,056) 175,000 $ - $ 366,062 120,755 279,342 93,575 _ - 336,571 $ 175,000 11199,305 $ 70,278 70,278 6,515,375 - - - 6,515,375 $ 61585,653 $ - $ - $ - $ 61585,653 $ 71640,014 $ (30,056) $ 175,000 $ - $ 717841958 $ 37,328,791 $ - $ 2,112,054 $ - $ 39,440,845 4,501,743 1,195,910 (264,204) 426,365 5,859,814 $ 41,830,534 $ 11195,910 $ 11847,850 $ 426,365 $ 451300,659 Page 56 See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN NET POSITION WATER AND SEWER FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 OPERATING REVENUES Charges for Services Customer Fees Debt Service Fees Penalties Water Meter Sales Other OPERATING EXPENSES Water Department Personnel Salaries Miscellaneous Personnel Expenses Other Operating Expenses Depreciation Sewer Department Personnel Salaries Miscellaneous Personnel Expenses Other Operating Expenses Depreciation OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS) NON -OPERATING REVENUE/(EXPENSE) Interest Income Rental Income Interest Rebate Income Interest and Fees Amortization Gain/(Loss) on Sale of Fixed Asset INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS TRANSFERS (TO)/FROM OTHER FUNDS CHANGE IN NET POSITION NET POSITION -MAY 1, 2014 'NET POSITION ADJUSTMENT (Note 8) NET POSITION - APRIL 30, 2015 Capital Utility Marina Water/Sewer Development Improvements Operations Fund Fund Fund Fund Total Water and Sewer Funds $ 4,501,062 $ 249,644 $ - $ - $ 4,750,706 401,343 - - - 401,343 107,585 - - - 107,585 13,225 - - - 13,225 26,574 - - - 26,574 $ 51049,789 $ 24%644 $ - $ - $ 51299,433 338,399 - - - 338,399 842,501 - - - 842,501 470,632 - - - 470,632 685,709 - - - 685,709 323,150 - - - 323,150 11480t759 - - 28,131 11508,890 1,151,880 - - 11151,880 $ 6,0141744 $ - $ - $ 28,131 $ 61042,875 $ (964,955) $ 249,644 (28,131) $ (743,442) $ 2,369 $ 1,197 $ 3,439 $ 455 $ 7,460 101,814 - - 55,275 1571089 64,249 - - - 64,249 (254,875) - - - (254,875) (31429) - - - (31429) 10,306 - 10,306 $ (791566) $ 11197 $ 31439 $ 55,730 $ (19,200) 27,599 $ (762,642) 2,082,432 - (21082,432) - (108,137) - 16,847 - (91,290) $ 929,774 $ 250,841 $ (21062,146) $ 27,599 $ (853,932) 40,900,760 945,069 31921,715 398,766 46,166,310 $ 41,830,534 $ 11195,910 $ 11847,850 $ 426,365 $ 45,300,659 Page 57 See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF NET POSITION INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS APRIL 30, 2015 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments Prepaid Expenses Receivables (Net of Allowance for Estimated Uncollectible Amounts) Accounts Receivable - Billed Accounts Receivable - Unbilled Accrued Interest Non -Current Assets Capital Assets Systems and Equipment Less: Accumulated Depreciation TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Overdrafts Due to Other Funds Unearned Revenue Non -Current Liabilities Compensated Absences TOTAL LIABILITIES NET POSITION Net Investment in Capital Assets Unrestricted/(Deficit) TOTAL NET POSITION Employee Insurance Fund 2161591 2,862 Risk Management Hind Information Technology Fi inri Total Internal Service Funds 583,193 $ 116,744 $ 713,060 81122 81122 _ - 216,591 16,071 $ 232,576 $ 599,264 _ 2,862 - 16,071 10 10 $ 1245876 $ 956,716 _ - (214,942) (214,942) 102,125 $ 102,125 $ 232,576 $ 599,264 $ 227,001 $ 11058,841 152,319 - - 1521319 24,089 - - 24,089 55,899 - - 55,899 $ 232,307 $ 23,039 $ 14,363 $ 269,709 12,045 $ 12,045 $ 232,307 $ 23,039 $ 26,408 $ 281,754 102,125 $ 102,125 269 576,225 98,468 674,962 $ 269 $ 576,225 $ 200;593 $ 777,087 Page 58 See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN NET POSITION INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 OPERATING REVENUES Charges for Services OPERATING EXPENSES Personnel Salaries Miscellaneous Personnel Expenses Other Operating Expenses Depreciation OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS) NON -OPERATING REVENUE/(EXPENSE) Interest Income INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE CONTRIBUTIONS AND TRANSFERS CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS CHANGE IN NET POSITION NET POSITION -MAY 1, 2014 NET POSITION ADJUSTMENT (Note 8) NET POSITION - APRIL 30, 2015 Employee Risk Information Insurance Management Technology Fund Fund Fund Total Internal Service Funds $ 2,575,189 $ 747,800 $ 427,597 $ 3,750,586 $ 21575,189 $ 747,800 $ 427,597 $ 31750,586 21584,995 - 62,391 21647,386 41300 565,093 152,381 721,774 38,293 38,293 $ 21589,295 $ 565,093 $ 409,632 $ 31564,020 $ (14,106) $ 182,707 $ 175965 $ 186,566 - 68 57 125 $ (14,106) $ 182,775 $ 18,022 $ 186,691 $ (14,106) $ 182,775 $ 18,022 $ 186,691 81056 393,450 182,571 584,077 6,319 - - 6,319 $ 269 $ 576,225 $ 200,593 $ 777,087 Page 59 See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUND - TAX INCREMENT FINANCING FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 Budgeted Amounts Original and Final REVENUES Local Taxes Property Tax $ 4001000 Other Local Sources Miscellaneous Other Miscellaneous 1,000 $ 401,000 EXPENDITURES CURRENT General Office $ 72,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 20,000 Total Expenditures $ 92,000 EXCESS OR (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES $ 309,000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/(USE(2) Transfers NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE -MAY 1, 2014 FUND BALANCE - APRIL 30, 2015 (243,450) Actual Amounts $ 348,373 1,001 $ 349,374 $ 318,071 $ 382,182 (243,450) $ 65,550 $ (276,258) (433,053) $ (367,503) (462196) , $ (738,454) See Accompanying Independent Auditor's Report Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity: Riverwalk Pedestrian Bridge Project No. 07-203229 Illinois Department of Transportation Capital Improvement Grants Illinois Jobs Now! FY2014 Grant Illinois Jobs Now! FY2015 Grant Highway Safety Reimbursement Grants Various Miscellaneous State and Local Grants Total State and Local Grants Page 61 PROGRAM OR AWARD AMOUNT $ 50,000 N/A 1191532 2391064 N/A N/A CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS SUMMARY OF STATE GRANTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 REVENUE RECOGNIZED 511/14 TO 4130/15 $ 285,154 19,922 199,220 26,340 $ 530,636 EXPENSES 5/1 /14 TO 4/30/2015 IN $ 285,154 19,922 199,220 26,340 $ 530,636 REVENUE RECOGNIZED TO 4/30/2015 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 350,880 1197532 199,220 EXPENSES INCEPTION TO 4/30/2015 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 350,880 119,532 199,220 GRANT RECEIVABLE 4/30/15 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 GRANT UNEARNED 4/30/15 39,844 26,340 26,340 2,276 - $ 695,972 $ 695,972 $ 19,090 $ 3%844 $ 552,192 $ 552,192 $ 767,528 $ 767,528 $ 69,090 $ 39,844 Unaudited CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS SUMMARY OF FEDERAL GRANTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, 2015 REVENUE FEDERAL GRANTOR/ PROGRAM RECOGNIZED EXPENSES PASS -THROUGH GRANTOR OR AWARD 5/1/14 TO 5/1/14 TO PROGRAM TITLE AMOUNT 4/30/15 4/30/15 IN Federal Highway Administration/Illinois Department of Transportation Capital Improvement Grants Total Federal Financial Assistance Page 62 REVENUE RECOGNIZED TO 4/30/15 EXPENSES GRANT INCEPTION TO RECEIVABLE 4/30/15 4/30/15 N/A $ 279,647 $ 279,647 $ 420,960 $ 420,960 $ 99,994 $ GRANT UNEARNED 4/30/15 $ 279,647 $ 279,647 $ 420,960 $ 420,960 $ 99,994 $ - Unaudited Derik Morefield, City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 dmorefield@ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA DATE: November 16, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator RE: 2016 City Council Meeting Schedule ATT: Resolution A Resolution establishing the 2016 Schedule of City Council Meeting Dates is presented for Council's consideration and approval. Council meetings are identified to begin at 7:00 PM on the first and third Mondays of each month with the exception of the first meeting in July (Independence Day) and the first meeting in September (Labor Day). For 2016 it is proposed that the meetings for these two dates be held on Tuesday, July 5th and Tuesday, September 61h, respectively. In addition, it is proposed that four (4) Committee of the Whole Meetings be scheduled in 2016. These are identified for Monday, February 22nd; Monday, May Lard; Monday, August 22nd; and Monday, October 24th Therefore, if Council concurs, then it is recommended that a motion is made to approve the attached Resolution as presented. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented,, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. R-15-014 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, that the following schedule of Council Meetings (with starting times set opposite the month) for the period from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 is hereby adopted: JANUARY - 7:00 P.M. 4 Monday 18 Monday APRIL - 7:00 P.M. 4 Monday 18 Monday 25 Monday Annual Meeting JULY - 7:00 P.M. 5 Tuesday* 18 Monday FEBRUARY - 7:00 P.M. 1 Monday 15 Monday 22 Monday ** MAY - 7:00 P.M. 2 Monday 16 Monday 23 Monday" AUGUST - 7:00 P.M. 1 Monday 15 Monday 22 Monday" OCTOBER - 7:00 P.M. NOVEMBER - 7:00 P.M. 3 Monday 7 Monday 17 Monday 21 Monday 24 Monday" * Independence Day & Labor Day Holidays ** Committee of the Whole Meeting Dates Passed and approved this 16t" day of November 2015. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent. Not Voting. Abstained: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk MARCH - 7:00 P.M. 7 Monday 21 Monday JUNE - 7:00 P.M. 6 Monday 20 Monday SEPTEMBER - 7:00 P.M. 6 Tuesday 19 Monday DECEMBER - 7:00 P.M. 5 Monday 19 Monday Derik Morefield, City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 S Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 dmorefield@ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AG EN DA DATE: November 16, 2015 TO: Mayor and McHenry City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator RE IDOT Resolution permitting repair work in State Right -of --Ways ATT: Resolution Chapter 121 of the Illinois Revised Statutes requires any person, firm or cooperation performing work within state right -of --ways to obtain a written permit from the Illinois Department of Transportation and provide a surety bond to protect and indemnify the state. IDOT will accept the attached Resolution to be used in lieu of the surety bond requirement. By having a Resolution on file with IDOT, emergency work can progress in a timely manner after gaining a verbal permit to proceed with repairs. The Resolution will be enacted for years 2016 and 2017. If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve a Resolution for work in state right -of --ways for year 2016 and 2017 as presented. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. RESOL UTION R-I 5-015 WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, hereinafter referred to as the City, located in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, desires to undertake, in the years 2016 and 2017, the location, construction, operation and maintenance of driveways and street returns, water mains, sanitary and storm sewers, streetlights, traffic signals, sidewalk, landscaping, etc., on State highways, within said City, which by law and/or agreement come under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois hereinafter referred to as Department; and WHEREAS, an individual working permit must be obtained from the Department prior to any of the aforesaid installations being constructed either by the City of McHenry or by a private person or firm under contract and supervision of the City of McHenry. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of McHenry: FIRST: The City hereby pledges its good faith and guarantees that all work shall be performed in accordance with conditions of the permit to be granted by the Department; and to hold the State of Illinois harmless during the prosecution the of such work; and assume all liability for damages to person or property due to accidents or otherwise by reason of the work, which is to be performed under the provision of said permit. SECOND: All authorized officials of the City are hereby instructed and authorized to sign said working permit on behalf of the City. Dated this 16t" day of November 2015. VOTING AYE: VOTING NAY: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: ABSTAINED: Mayor ATTEST: City Cleric Douglas P. Martin Director of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2110 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas P. Martin, Director of Economic Development FOR: November 16, 2015 Regular City Council meeting RE: Intergovernmental Agreement for General Public Dial -a -Ride Transit Service in 2016 ATT: Ordinance, Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA), Program Overview Pace Dial -A —Ride is a demand response service defined as curb -to -curb pickup and drop-off. In 2006, the McHenry Country Transit Implementation Task Force began discussions with participating governmental units to maximum Dial -a -Ride service throughout the county. In 2009, a Memorandum of Understanding was approved for the coordination of calls and dispatch services and as of February 2010, all service trip requests are processed electronically. In November 2011, the city entered into Intergovernmental Agreements with PACE Suburban Bus Division and with McHenry County, City of Crystal Lake and City of Woodstock for Annual Dial -a -Ride Transit to consolidate four contracts into one to maximize service, standardize fares and service hours, and adopt a standardized "No -Show" policy. In subsequent years, these coordinated efforts have resulted in the renewal of IGA's between participating municipalities that now include Harvard, Marengo, Huntley, Johnsburg, Ringwood, and Lakewood. This collaboration enhances the coordinated public transit efforts throughout the county and spreads the funding responsibilities to more partner entities. The terms and provisions in the attached IGA for year 2016 are for the most part consistent with those previously approved by the City Council. The only difference is reservation hours for Monday through Friday have been changed from 7:00 PM to 6:00 PM last year, to 10:00 PM to 5:00 PM in 2016. Fares remain consistent between all participating communities as identified in Table 2 of the agreement. If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the attached Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of McHenry, City of Crystal Lake, City of Harvard, City of Marengo, City of McHenry, City of Woodstock, Village of Huntley, Village of Johnsburg, Village of Ringwood, and Village of Lakewood for General Public Dial -a -Ride Transit Services in 2016. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented eff dent, and fiscally responsible manner. ORDINANCE NO ORD45=1757 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR'S EXECUTION OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF MCHENRY, THE CITY OF CRYSTAL LAKE, THE CITY OF HARVARD, THE CITY OF MARENGO, THE CITY OF MCHENRY, THE CITY OF WOODSTOCK, THE VILLAGE OF HUNTLEY, THE VILLAGE OF JOHNSBURG, THE VILLAGE OF RINGWOOD, AND THE VILLAGE OF LAKEWOOD, FOR GENERAL PUBLIC DIAL - A -RIDE TRANSIT SERVICES IN 2016 COMMENCING ON DECEMBER 1, 2015 AND ENDING ON NOVEMBER 30, 2016 WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF MCHENRY, McHenry County, Illinois as follows: SECTION l : The Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of McHenry, City of Crystal Lake, City of Harvard, City of Marengo, City of McHenry, City of Woodstock, Village of Huntley, Village of Johnsburg, Village of Ringwood, and Village of Lakewood for General Public Dial -a -Ride Transit Services in 2016 commencing on December 1, 2015 and ending on November 30, 2016 is hereby approved. A complete and accurate copy of said agreement is attached to this Ordinance as EXHIBIT A, and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2: The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to affix their signatures to said Agreement for the purposes therein set forth. SECTION 3: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois and shall be in full force and effect from the date of passage. PASSED THIS 16th day of NOVEMBER 2015. Voting Ave: Voting Nay: Absent: Not Voting: Abstaining: ATTEST: Mayor Ciry Clerk INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF MCHENRY, THE CITY OF CRYSTAL LAKE, THE CITY OF HARVARD, THE CITY OF MARENGO, THE CITY OF MCHENRY, THE CITY OF WOODSTOCK, THE VILLAGE OF HUNTLEY, THE VILLAGE OF JOHNSBURG, THE VILLAGE OF RINGWOOD, AND THE VILLAGE OF LAKEWOOD FOR GENERAL PUBLIC DIAL -A -RIDE TRANSIT SERVICE IN 2016 This Intergovernmental Agreement is entered into by and between the County of McHenry, the City of Crystal Lake, the City of McHenry, the City of Harvard, the City of Marengo, the City of Woodstock, the Village of Huntley, the Village of Johnsburg, the Village of Ringwood, and the Village of Lakewood the Partner Agencies) for the purpose of improving dial -a -ride transit services in McHenry County. 1. The Partner Agencies agree to coordinate local dial -a -ride programs into one contracted service called MCRide with Pace Suburban Bus to improve service delivery, reduce administrative costs, and better utilize grant monies. 2. The Partner Agencies agree that McHenry County will contract with Pace Suburban Bus to offer general public dial -a -ride service within and between the municipalities of the Partner Agencies. 3. The Partner Agencies agree that each municipality will pay an amount not to exceed in County Fiscal Year 2016 (December 1, 2015 to November 30, 2016) $2 per capita based on the 2010 decennial census. The Partner Agencies will be invoiced no more frequent than monthly. The monthly invoice shall be based on the total annual amount, described above, less anticipated grant monies allocated to each community, equal to 25% of all grant monies, and then allocated based on proportion of municipal population as detailed in Table 1 divided by 12. Table 1 Munici alit p y 2010 0 p p' % 0 p p' 2016 Costs to Budget ($2/cap.) 2016 Estimated Grants CIA Ann * %pop.)* 2015 Estimated Cost After Grants Estimated Monthly Invoice City of: Crystal Lake 40,743 28% $815486 $285123 $53,363 $41447 Harvard 9,447 7% $18,894 $65521 $12,373 $1,031 Marengo 75648 5% **$27,296 $53279 $22,017 $1,835 McHenry 263992 19% $535984 $18,631 $353353 $2,946 Woodstock 245770 17% $49,540 $17,097 $325443 $2,704 Village of: Huntley 24,291 17% $48,582 $16,767 $31,815 $25651 Johnsburg 6,337 4% $12,674 $45374 $8,300 $692 Ringwood 836 1% $15672 $577 $1,095 $91 Lakewood 3,811 3% $75622 $2,631 $4,991 $416 City Totals 144,875 100% $3013750 $100)000 $2013750 $165813 *County/Municipal split of grants is 75%/25% ** City of Marengo has a separate agreement with Marengo Township and Riley Township to collect $12,000 annually for General Public service throughout the Townships 4. The Partner Agencies agree that all funding from Pace will continue to be dedicated to the MCRide service. Page 2 of 13 5. The Partner Agencies agree to fares shown in Table L. Table 2 Fare Type Current Base Fare up to 5 miles plus $0.25 cents for each additional General Public $2.00 Senior $1.00 Disabled $1.00 6. The Partner Agencies agree to the service hours as detailed in Table 3. Table 3 Monday -Friday Start Monday -Friday End Saturday Start Saturday End Service Hours 6:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Reservation Hours 5:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 7. The Partner Agencies agree to define seniors as individuals 60 years and older. 8. The Partner Agencies agree to allow trip reservations for general public riders the day before the requested trip, and up to 1 hour before the requested trip. 9. The Partner Agencies agree to allow trips for seniors and individuals with disabilities to be reserved between 7-days in advance before the requested trip, and up to 1 hour before the requested trip. 10. The Partner Agencies agree to implement the following No -Show Policy: Any ride cancelled with less than 2 hours notice is considered a "late cancel". Any ride where the vehicle arrives and the client does not take the ride is considered a "no show." Riders with habitual late cancels or no shows may be suspended from service for one month. 11. The Partner Agencies agree to monitor service cost effectiveness and make additional changes to service hours, fares, and trip reservation policies only after all Partner Agencies have affirmed changes in writing and the public has been given at least 4 weeks notice of these changes. 12. The Partner Agencies agree that this agreement shall be subject to reapproval before November 30, 2016. Headings The headings of several paragraphs of this Agreement are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference, and are in no way intended to define, limit, or describe the scope or intent of any provision of this Agreement; nor shall they be construed to affect in any manner the terms and provisions hereof or the interpretation or construction thereof. Indemnification Each partner agency, in response to all claims, suits, settlements, actions, losses, expenses, damages, injuries, judgments, or demands arising from this Agreement and caused by the actions of its elected officials, duly appointed officials, agents, employees and representatives, hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the remaining partner agencies, their elected officials, duly appointed officials, agents, employees and representatives from and against all claims, suits, settlements, actions, losses, expenses, damages, injuries, judgments, or demands. Page 3 of 13 Severability The terms of this Agreement shall be severable. In the event any of the terms or provision of this Agreement are deemed to be void or otherwise unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Choice of Law This Agreement shall be subject to and governed by the laws of the State of Illinois. Venue for the resolution of any disputes or the enforcement of any right pursuant to this Agreement shall be in the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. No Personal Liability No official, director, officer, agent, or employee of the County shall be charged personally or held contractually liable under any term or provision of the Agreement or because of their execution, approval or attempted execution of this Agreement. Modification or Amendment This Agreement, the documents it incorporates, and its attachments constitute the entire Agreement of the parties on the subject matter hereof and may not be changed, modified, discharged, or extended except by written amendment duly executed by the parties. Each party agrees that no representations or warranties shall be binding upon the parties unless expressed in writing herein or in a duly executed amendment hereof, or change order as herein provided. Term This agreement will be in effect starting on December 1, 2015 and shall end on IN 30, 2016. Termination Any party may terminate this Agreement for any or no reason upon providing sixty (60) days' written notice to the other parties. Termination of this Agreement by a municipal or township partner agency may result in modification to the service area. Page 4 of 13 McHenry County Name: Signature: Title: Chair, McHenry County Board Date: Attested: Date: Page 5 of 13 City of Crystal Lake Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: Page 6 of 13 City of Marengo Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: Page 7 of 13 City of Harvard Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: Page 8 of 13 City of McHenry Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: Page 9 of 13 City of Woodstock Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: Page lu of 13 Village of Huntley Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: Page 11 of 13 Village of Johnsburg Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: Page 12 of 13 Village of Ringwood Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Page 13 of 13 Village of Lakewood Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: MCRide Partner Forum McHenry County Division of Transportation 16111 Nelson Road Woodstock, IL 60098 September 29, 2015 8:30 AM Invitees: • City of Crystal Lake • City of McHenry • City of Woodstock • City of Harvard • City of Marengo • Village of Lakewood • Village of Huntley • Village of Johnsburg • Village of Ringwood I. Introductions II. Overview of the MCRide Program III. Marketing of MCRide IV. Program Changes in 2016 a) Rider Fare Increase b) Expanded Hours of Operation c) Expansion of Service Area d) MCRide Fare Cards V. 2016 Intergovernmental Agreements VI. Partner Comments, Questions or Concerns • Dorr Township • Greenwood Township • McHenry Township • Nunda Township • Grafton Township • Riley Township • Marengo Township II eo*** V1 Ride * If you or an alternate representative from your agency cannot attend the September 29th meeting, please send comments regarding the 2016 MCRide IGAs to Scott Hennings or Kirsten Mellem by October 6, 2015. 1 9/29/2015 MCRide Partner Forum Overview of the MCRide Program SCOTT HENNINGS & KIRSTEN MELLEM, PLANNERS MCHENRY COUNTY DIVISION OF TRANSPORTATION q'YSPOi�� 4pr �,,■ ,.,, ..., . log Ma 9/29/2015 History of Coordinated Transit Services in McHenry County ■ 2005 — McHenry County Transit Plan adopted, calling for coordinated transit ■ 2006 —Transit Plan Implementation Task Force (ITF) members appointed ■ 2008 — McHenry County Senior Services Grant Commission created ■ 2008 — RTA Sales Tax allocation to collar counties created ■ 2010 — County Pilot Program starts, supported with Senior Grant Funding ■ 2012 — MCRide created: supported by Senior Grant, Federal JARC/New Freedom funding ■ 2012 — Greenwood Township added to service area ■ 2013/2014 — McHenry County Transit Plan and 2040 Long -Range Transportation Plan adopted, Federal Section 5310 funding secured ■ 2014 — Implementation Task Force formalized with bylaws and new ITF members appointed ■ 2014—Village of Lakewood and Nunda Township added to service area ■ 2015 — Cities of Harvard, Marengo, Huntley, Johnsburg and Ringwood, as well as Grafton, Marengo and Riley Townships added to the service area ■ 2015 — ITF name changed to Public Transportation Advisory Committee (PTAC) I Public Fin .� Transportation 'O—■ Before MCRide Many cities had their own dial -a -- rpggwn ride programs that stayed within =' _ their individual city limits. The three existing Pace bus routes ems::, - ra only operated in the AM and PMpeak �,-��� � hours. IOU Riders traveling from one city to another had to take three trips, on three different Pace vehicles. ! �.4, rs .a• This old system was confusing anda ® � costly for both riders and , L� N �.'�i�� taxpayers.TII Yak ry Pace & Metra■� ivy fr_ services ■� ii•••••, a �_�� i • �- - available tothe general public ■ before MCRide T i Y -'C.. °1.i,�o`:. .^- _ 3 First Step - Intercommunity Pilot Program (2010) An intercommunity service '"�mg-MAW \" r was overlaid on top of the MEMIEJ Wwl L three largest dial -a -ride programs, paid for entirely 6� �� ' f by McHenry County and Federal grants administered by the RTA. a``�+ MCRide (2012) Rebranded as MCRide in 2012 and coordinated with three townships to give seniors and people with a disability a higher level of service. Continued Coordination (2014) First major expansion of the MCRide service area included the addition of one Village (Lakewood) and one Township (Nunda). Major Service Area Expansion (2015) Five municipalities and three additional townships were added to the program in 2015. ■R W UftRWWT%- NEW y 'Isom �iMi 67-k LIV 9/29/2015 Current MCRide Funding Model • Pace Subsidy (50% of Total Program Costs) • Fares from Riders(10% Fare box Recovery) "0 • Federal Section 5310 Grant (2014-2016) • RTA Collar County Sales Tax Funding (MCDOT) • County Senior Services Grant (Property Tax) (Harvard, Crystal Lake, McHenry, Woodstock, Lakewood, Marengo, Huntley, Johnsburg, and Ringwood ($2/capita/year) (General Public) • McHenry, Greenwood, Dorr, Nunda, Grafton, Marengo, Riley ($6,000/year) (Seniors/Disabled) To offset the cost of system expansion, MCRide was awarded $600,000 of Federal Section 5310 grant funding through the RTA. Funding will help offset the cost of providing trips for people with disabilities (40% of our riders). MCRide was also awarded $300,000 in County Senior Services Grant funding for 2015 to help offset the cost of providing trips for seniors (25% of our riders) COST OF FARES HOURS OF OPERATION MCRide has a distance -based MCRide does not operate on fare structure. Sundays or Holidays. B� Hours of Operation General Public $2.00 $0.25 Monday - Friday 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM Senior(60+) $1.00 $0.25 Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Individual with a Disability $1.00 $0.25 Sunday &Holidays No Service 9/29/2015 Monthly Ridership (2012-2015) 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3 102,000 One -Way Trips Over the Last 12 Months 2,000 1,000 LL,,a�o=�l o=o,LL,, 2013 2014 2015 MCRide 2015 Expansion Total Program Costs: $1.8 million Current Cost Per Trip: $17.67 Partnering $20.00 Townships TotafIlVTCDDO 2% Costs Rider Fares $19.00 6% 9% $18.00 Partnering (Municipalities $17.00 9� N 1 $16.00 / $15.00 Federal Section 5310 Pace Subsidy $14.00 Grant 43% 16% $13.00 $12.00 County Senior Services Grant $11.00 15% $10.00 m o: Z 0 b L! m z Z 0 b u w z Z 0 b U w z Z 2013 2014 2015 7 9/29/2015 MCRide User Snapshot 2015 TRIP PURPOGeneral Public SE RIDER TYPE Medical 10% Senior Disabled Senior 49% Social Disabled Shopping 41% Marketing of the MCRide Program Marketing Materials: o McHenry County Highway and Transit Map MCRide Brochure MCRide Riders Guide MCRide Website Some communities have distributed marketing materials to resident through their water/sewer bills If you would like Kirsten or Scott to give a presentation to a community group or to your City Council or Township Board, just let us know. 01Y1510NOFT NSPOF �Nd� Ride F-*1 9/29/2015 Proposed Program Changes in 2016 1. Rider Fare Increase eo"W* A. Do Nothing B. Base Fare Increase MRide C. Mileage Increment Increase 2. Expanded Hours of Operation (until 10:00 pm) 3. MCRide Fare Cards — Phase Out Local Cards 4. Addition of New Cities/Townships to Service Area Rider Fare Increase Important MCRide Characteristics • Maintain the distance based fare structure (longer trips cost more) • Seniors and people with disabilities should continue to pay% the base fare of general public riders • Fare should remain in $0.25 denominations for rider payment ease Three "levers" that can be pulled to increase fare revenue: 1. Increase the base fare (currently $2/$1) 2. Increase the mileage increment (currently $0.25) 3. Change the mileage that is covered under the base fare (currently 5 miles) 4 9/29/2015 Transit Fare Box Recovery Ratios (2014) 45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 42.0% 42.8% 18.6% 6.6° �• eaP° aaia + a Qa�e�\ PpPe Qac ee Qa ®onnn 11.7% 12.8% 11.8% 2.5% F70 ae eti e Sao e et y\ a `°fie JQaao ecc � 'LD'Y Ox� Qae� Qa Qa�oC Q ocee�` e\��i a �L 10 9/29/2015 Fare Increase Option #1: Raise the Base Fare by 50% over two years (to $3.00 / $1.50) Option #2: Raise the Mileage Increment by $0.25 (to $0.50 per mile after 5) The Transportation Committee of the County Board would benefit from hearing your opinion on which of the two options is preferred. Should MCRide strive to achieve a specific fare box recovery percentage? Extended Hours of Operation (until 10:00 pm) The Public Transportation Advisory Committee (PTAC) has recommended that Operation the hours of operation for the MCRide program be extended from 7:00 pm to Monday -Friday 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM 10:00 pm, Monday through Friday. This would allow people who work late, or Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM attend night classes at MCC, to use MCRide for their return trip. In addition, extending Sunday&Holidays No Service the hours would allow riders to attend social events that take place in the evening. *** Assuming 4 buses on the road from MCDOT Staff estimates that the additional the hours of 7.00 pm to 10:00 pm. *** cost of extending the hours to 10:00 pm will be between $150,000 and $200,000 per 4 buses x 3 hours x 5 days per week x 52 year. weeks per year = 3120 hours per year x $60 o Of that amount, McHenry County would be per hour = $187,200 per year in additional responsible for $72,000 - $96,000 per year. costs 11 9/29/2015 Addition of New Cities/Townships to Service Area Is the current model for adding municipal/township partners working? What about those communities that claim they cannot afford to pay $2.00 per resident to join the program? Should MCRide have a "sliding scale" based on financial need for municipal contributions? pldv MCRide Dial-A-Mde Service Area , i i. MCRide Fare Cards — Phase Out Local Cards In 2012, the Implementation Task Force Ride a` Ride (ITF) recommended that MCRide fare si•so si•so cards be sold to non -profits in order to give free rides to clients. Four fare cards were developed, three $1.50 cards (one for each partner city at the time) and one $3.00 Universal card allowing for intercommunity travel. This system worked well until the most recent expansion occurred, tripling the amount of cities participating in the program (from 3 to 9). Ride R€de sx sn SUM 12 9/29/2015 MCRide Fare Cards — Phase Out Local Cards MCDOT staff does not recommend creating nine different fare cards, one for each municipality in the program. Instead, staff recommends discontinuing the sale of the municipal cards at the end of the year, leaving only the Universal cards available for purchase. Currently, 75% of the cards sold are Universal cards. amr wn Ride wnnmmce Ride Si.so Si.sa — Ride Ride SL" $340 Proposed Changes for TC Consideration Transportation Committee Recommendations Requested: 1. Rider Fare Increase A. Do Nothing B. Base Fare Increase MRide C. Mileage Increment Increase `O 2. Expanded Hours of Operation (until 10:00 pm) 3. MCRide Fare Cards — Phase Out Local Cards 4. Addition of New Cities/Townships to Service Area 13 9/29/2015 2016 Intergovernmental Agreements TOWNSHIPS Remains a $6,000 contribution to support the service Allows seniors and people with disabilities the ability to travel anywhere within that Township and anywhere within the MCRide service area IGA relatively unchanged from 2015 MUNICIPALITIES Remains $2.00 per capita (2010 Census) less grants received Allows anyone (General Public) the ability to travel anywhere within the MCRide service area IGA relatively unchanged from 2015 Key Dates — MCRide 2016 ✓September 25, 2015 — Senior Services Grant Interviews ✓September 29, 2015 — Meeting with Township/City Partners October 7, 2015 —Transportation Committee Presentation — 2016 Changes October 9, 2015 — IGA's Completed October 20, 2015 — Senior Grant Awards Approved by County Board October 21, 2015 — Transportation Committee IGA Approvals October 29, 2015 — Finance and Audit IGA Approvals November 3, 2015 — County Board Approval November 4-27, 2015 — Municipalities, Townships, Pace Board Approval December 1, 2015 — 2016 IGA's Take Effect 14 THANK YOU! ' g Contact Information: Scott Hennings Principal Transportation Planner McHenry County Division of Transportation (815) 334-4985 ziahenrii, , icn i, y.o.us www.co.mchenry.i1.us/county-government/departments-I-z/transportation/transit-services/mcride-dial-a-ride MCRide Diat-A-Ride Marketing The feedback MCDOT staff consistently hears from the Senior Services Grant Commission and RTA, our funding agencies, is to promote and market the MCRide program. As part of the coordination of the program and collaboration with our partner communities, staff needs support to fulfill this request on a limited budget. Please document all activities and send us your newsletter articles and links to social media posts. The following areas are where we would like to target our marketing efforts for 2015-2016: 1. Online a. Websites ■ Partner Communities Transportation/Services/Resident Webpages • Updates Needed: — City of Crystal Lake (phone number and service area update) — City of McHenry (phone number and service area update) — Dorr Township (service area and cost) — Greenwood Township (PDF link broken) — Riley Township (no info) b. Social Media ■ Like MCDOT Facebook Page(www.facebook.com/McHenryCountyDOT) ■ Post on City/Village/Township Social Media Pages ■ Ask MCDOT staff for text and images to promote 2. Print a. Brochures ■ Link directly to the digital pdf on our website so the most up-to-date version is always available to residents (www.McHenryCountyDOT.orP) ■ Print copies and post in public locations ■ Ask MCDOT for printed brochures in English and Spanish for distribution b. Community Newsletters ■ Add information on the MCRide service in monthly/quarterly newsletters ■ Ask MCDOT staff for text and images to include in newsletter c. Municipal Bill Inserts ■ Place a small flyer in billing to residents to promote service ■ Ask MCDOT staff for text and images or to design flyer for distribution 3. In -Person a. Presentations ■ MCDOT staff present "MCRide Info Sessions" to anyone who is interested ■ Recent presentations have been to social service agencies, senior programs, community groups, and government agencies ■ Provide staff with suggestions on where to present and who to contact b. Committees and Commissions ■ Provide information to other committees and commissions you serve on in the community, targeting people in need of transportation options 16 MCRide Cost Summary 2015 Description of Services January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Hours 0 0 2695.23 2726.38 2549.00 2689.71 2737.62 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Trips 0 0 9508 9501 8811 9345 9284 0 0 0 0 0 Rates/Cost Contractor Hourl Rate $0.000 $0.000 $52.740 $52.740 $52.740 $52.740 $52.740 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 Fuel HourlyRate $0.000 $0.000 $3.944 $4.632 $4.961 $5.668 $5.223 $0.000 $0.000 $0.006 $0.000 $0.000 Unlit Rate $0.000 $0.000 $1.645 $1.804 $1.82o $1.860 $1.944 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 Total Cost per Hour $0.000 $0.000 $58.329 $59.176 $59.527 $60.268 $59.907 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 $0.000 Expenses Contracted Operating Service Cost $0.00 $0.00 $142,146.43 $143,789.28 $134,434.26 $141,855.31 $144,382.08 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Fuel Cost $0.00 $0.00 $10,628.64 $12 627.23 $12,660.88 $15,245.28 $14 298.86 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Utility Cast $0.00 $0.00 $4,433.65 $4,918.39 $4,639.18 $5,002.86 $5,321.93 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Operating Service Cost $0.00 $0.00 $157,208.72 $161,334.90 $151,734.32 $162,103.44 $164,002.88 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Liquidated Damages $0.00 $0.00 $249.76 $0.00 $687.72 $4,132.35 -$3,414.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Revenues $0.00 $0.00 $15,037.25 $14,355.85 $13,108.00 $13,635.00 $13,456.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Deficit $0.00 $0.0 $141,921.71 $146,979.05 $137,938.60 $144,336.09 $153,961.38 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Summary Total Service Cost #REF! #REF! $157 208.72 $161 334.90 $151 734.32 $162 103.44 $164 002.88 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Fare Revenue #REF! $0.00 $15,037.25 $14,355.85 $13,108.00 $13,635.00 $13,456.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Liquidated Damages $0.00 $0.00 $249.76 $0.00 $687.72 $4 132.35 -$3 414.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Pace Subsidy $0.00 $0.00 $70,535.09 $73,048.59 $68,555.49 $71,735.04 $76,518.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MCHENRY TWNSHP SR SVC EXPRESS CALL CENTER COSTS $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 Total Local Share #REFI #REFI $71,686.62 $74,230.46 $69,683.12 $72,901.05 $77,742.57 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 17 MCRide Ridership Report Q2 2015 Trip Origin by City Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Crystal Lake, City of 3,097 2,968 2,868 2,959 2,567 2,450 Harvard, City of - - 166 163 184 151 Huntley, Village of - - 206 223 224 268 Johnsburg, Village of - - 332 344 492 499 Lakewood, Village of 42 39 34 39 29 36 Marengo, City of - - 226 233 187 154 McHenry, City of 3,214 3,067 2,931 2,829 3,162 3,457 Ringwood, Village of - - 26 20 18 19 Woodstock, City of 1,885 1,930 1,991 2,014 1,816 1,983 Other 885 810 299 307 357 410 Total Trips 9,123 8,814 9,079 9,131 9,036 9,427 no MIRMITIMPW Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Crystal Lake, City of 288 276 282 281 263 270 Harvard, City of 21 18 54 43 47 39 Huntley, Village of - - 70 65 66 58 Johnsburg, Village of 23 23 23 23 26 24 Lakewood, Village of 5 4 5 5 5 4 Marengo, City of 2 1 35 40 34 23 McHenry, City of 324 316 327 318 318 306 Ringwood, Village of 2 2 3 1 2 2 Woodstock, City of 327 302 315 299 298 293 Other 106 107 104 100 112 104 Total Distinct Riders 1,098 1,049 1,218 1,175 1,171 1,123 `Distinct Riders data is based on the home address of the rider. Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec im MCRide Ridership Report Q2 2015 • Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Dorr Township 1,616 1,770 1,846 1,938 1,638 1,771 Grafton Township 271 269 405 449 447 438 Greenwood Township 554 519 448 415 406 440 Marengo Township - - 159 150 119 ill McHenry Township 2,504 2,290 1,903 1,851 2,347 2,446 Nunda Township 2,284 2,248 2,287 2,287 2,192 2,346 Riley Township - - 15 19 14 25 Other* 1,894 1,718 2,016 2,022 1,873 1,850 Total Trips 9,123 8,814 9,079 9,131 9,036 9,427 * There are municipalities that are part of the service, which overlap a township that is not participating. April 2015 Disabled Senior 4% General Public 32% Disabled 42% Senior 22% May 2015 Disabled Senior 6% General Public 30% Disabled 42% Senior 22% Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec June 2015 Disabled Senior 7% General Public V, 29% Disabled 42% Senior 22% 19 DATE: TO: FROM: RE: ATT: Office of the City Administrator Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center CONSENT AGENDA November 16, 2015 Mayor and City Council Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Recreation Center Construction Change Order #006 Change Order #007R Individual Add -on Sheets 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Throughout the McHenry Recreation Center construction project staff has worked closely with Stuckey Construction Company to monitor project costs. To date, only one other set of change orders, totaling $27,669.29, have been needed. These were previously approved by Council. As the project is nearing the completion phases either additional items have been required, requested by staff, or identified as project add-ons. In following the process of bringing project change orders for this project to Council for approval, staff is submitting the following change orders, totaling $105,987.38 to Council for consideration. It should be noted that the total of the previously approved change orders, combined with the following list, totals $133,656.67 or just a 3.2% variance from the originally approved project construction budget of $4,145,300. Moving forward, staff does not anticipate the need for additional substantial change orders barring any unforeseen issues that may arise. The following is a list of change orders submitted by Stuckey Construction Co. and project add- ons relating to the construction of the McHenry Recreation Center: Change Order #006: $8,605.21 • Added restroom accessories &fixtures. • Labor materials for added receptacles/boxes for bathroom fixtures. • Added receptacles for electric water coolers. • Labor/materials for wiring of fire dampers to fire alarm system. Change Order #007R: $41,169.17 This particular change order is a result of requests or amendments to the project that staff has requested. Some of the items became necessary as the fitness floor equipment layout was finalized. Other requests will provide accommodations for future improvements such as additional security cameras, washer and dryer and other audio visual improvements. • Additional receptacles in the fitness center floor. • Expansion of the sports floor in the fitness center. • Additional mirrors in the fitness center. • Electrical work for additional security cameras and future audio visual expansion. • Additional plumbing and mechanical work to accommodate a future washer and dryer. Proposed Project Add -On: $56,213 (total of quote from Cutting Edge Communications) In order to maximize the connectivity between the Recreation Center and the Municipal Center, a large conduit was run between the facilities, however all the connectivity is the responsibility of the city and outside of Stuckey's purview. In addition, connectivity throughout the building is vital and a significant amount of cabling was required to be added; both CAT 6 wire as well as Cable TV wiring. This is general connectivity as well as for each of the individual fitness center machines and for the entire facility including the staff office area. Finally, the door system controllers will match and be connected to those at the Municipal Center, saving on additional servers and door software. • Installation of data cabling throughout the fitness center - $9,862.50 • Installation of appropriate cabling to allow for complete connectivity between the Recreation Center and the Municipal Center - $9,856 • Installation of coaxial cable throughout the fitness center - $9,689 • Installation of Keri door system throughout the Recreation Center - $8,363 • Installation of Cable TV jacks throughout the remainder of the facility - $7,257 • Installation of voice and data cabling in the office area - $6,805 • Installation of data cabling for WIFI throughout the Recreation Center - $4,380.50 Again, the total approved Recreation Center. construction budget is $4,145,300. To date and prior to this supplement request, Recreation Center change orders have totaled $27,669.29 and the total amount of this change order request is $105,987.38. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended a motion be made to approve the change orAers identified as 006 in the amount of $8,605.21 and 007R in the amount of $41,169.17; and authorize the proposed project add-ons identified the quote from Cutting Edge Communications totaling $56,213. Document G701TM -- 2001 and address): CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 006 OWNER: lion Ceiitez`. DATE: November 9, 2015 ARCHITECT: CONTRACTOR: 50 .; l %?!r .:.. me and.:dress): ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 144800.01 FIELD: ❑ tionCo CONTRACT DATE: April 22, 2015 ven>lg: &I CONTRACT FOR: General Construction OTHER: El FQLLOWS: sputed amount attributable to previously executed Cansd•uctlon Change Directives) ies noted in Addendum 1. $1,561.00 $ 78.00 $ 14.05 $13653,10 bathrooms for plumbing fixtures and added zeceptacles required for electric water coolers. $3,838.00 $ 191.90 $ 40.30 $4,070420 ;final ContrackS_um was _ . _ chatige by pr�vroUsly atiitlii3rized Change Orders rtract Sum priorivth s':Chahge Order was tract $:um:will'be nefeased by this Change Order in the amount of Co + i da si+ including this Change Order will be increased by Zero (0) days. npletion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is $ 4,145,300.00 $ 19,064.08 $ 4,164,364.08 $ 8,605.21 $ . 4,1723969.29 Order does not include changes inthe Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed 1vlaximum Price which have :onstruction Change Directive until the cost and lime have been agreed upon by both the Owner and t case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive. AIA Document G701 T"' - 2001. Copyright C�J 1979, 1987, 2000 and 2D01 by Tfie American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIR® pocument is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA® Document, or any pardon of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This documentwas produced by AIA software at 16:33:39 on 11f09/2015 under Order No.338256411A_1 which expires on 10/08/2016, and is notfor resale. User Notes: (1265455410) NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE AR(,HITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. ects Jac. Stuckey Construction Co. CitYM y of McHenry (Firm name) CONTRACTOR (Firm. name) OWNER (Firm name) Street, Suite 705 2020 N. Lewis Avenue 333 S. Greenstreet II 60523 Waukegan, IL 60087 McHenry, IL 60050 ADDRESS ADDRESS re) BY (Signature) BY (Signatur'e) a :IA (T}ped name) (lYPed name) .;.. ); 2015 =. DATE DATE AIA Document G701 T"' — 200t. Copyrightm 1979, 1987, 2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. Ali rights reserved. WARNING: � ms ai.v Document fs protected by U.S. Copyright Law and international Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution gfthis AIA' pgcument, or any z portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and wilt be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible underthe law. This documentwas produced by AIA software at 16:33:39 on 11109/2015'under Order No.338256411A_i which expires on 10/08/2016, and is nottor resale. User Notes: (1265455410) Stuckey Construction Co. 2020 N. Lewis Ave. Waukegan, IL 60087 Ph : (847)336-8575 i Change Request To: Gity of McHenry 333 S. Greenstreet McHenry, IL 60050 Ph:815-363-2170 Fax:815-363=2173 Description: Toilet Accessories noted as Owner Provided Number: 1 p Date: 9129/15 Job: 15-015 McHenry Recreation Center Phone: We are pleased to offer the following specifications and pricing to make the following changes: Material only cost for toilet accessories noted in the addendum #1 specification as "owner furnished contractor installed". This is a first time cost to the project. 1. Commercial Specialties Z. Uri &P 3. Bond $1, 561.44 78.05 14.05 The total amount to provide this work is................................................................................................ If you have any questions, please contact me at 847.336.8575. Submitted by: Laurie Dust Stuckey Construction Co. Cc: Approved by: Da#e: $1,653.1p Page 1 of 1 ommelreial pecla+l ies, IneA 223Z.Lois UrWe% Emit ff Rolling Meadows, IL, 60008 Fax # 84%545>9970 j mrww:comztYrier6Aspecialties.com .'flame./Aidrexa STL�(>i�I:�col�sT�ucrro;� Co„ II�iC, 20210 LEWIS AVE, WAUKEG A.N. IL. MOO 4T`.iT I AURI.E FAX: 847- atr874S [►ty I)escritatiaci TOILETROO143 ACCE;SSOR]ES: A.S•I.IBOBRICK 4 I�ASL'�.ti2Oi?I�TEI7 B�TTFRY QPFRATEi3 SOAT' DISPEL?SERS 2 SURFAC.E IVRUUNTF:C] :i3.4TTERY OP:F., W%ATI =I7 SQAP DdarLr. `':SERS SURFACE MOUNTED DUAL RO.0 TOILET..P. APER HOLDEkS . I SIIRFAC.E itiIOUNITED. SINGLE ROLL TOILET :PAPER HOL;DtK OURNiSHEI9.AND DEUVEREDi NNn TAX INCLUDED: **PLEASE AiyktCSE IF' oIvAS' `CU PCZQ(;EED Av1fftNBTA:tI, SI3EETS Joe.t'.ampobasses All sales are sub;}ect to our Standard Terms, C:onditioiis o3'Sales and appruYal of credit. Quotations are'based upon costs ands conditions of time of quote and may be subject to..increase at -time .oforder, Bonding Add..If payment and/or Perfibmiance is required add 4% to quotation, Insaram+e Add. If coverage is prirnary;add $T00 for each insured required. under this cpverage: ���prgticd ity Sibsxatnre Date Fstrm tte # 4,I4/2015 015=28318 P roicel ;flame REC CEN ER l'rnjest l,acatimn MCHENRYJL_ S I.,Sb I .tkb. Soiie€ Plastic. T°oilstI'artiti¢ns Colors: It49cha & Black. Stuckey Construction Co. 2020 N. Lewis Ave. Waukegan, IL 60087 Ph: (847)336-8575 To: FGM Architects &Engineers 2403 Harnish Dr Ste 200 Algonquin, IL 60102 Ph: 847458-0890 Fax: 630-574-9292 Number: 11 Date: 10/15/15 Job: 15-015 McHenry Recreation Center Phone: Description: Added Receptacles/Power at Bathrooms and Water Coolers We are pleased to offer the following specifications and pricing to make the following changes: REVISED 10/21/15 See attached breakdown from Ridgeview Electric. Provide added receptacles/boxes in bathrooms for plumbing fxtures and added receptacles for electric water coolers. Ridgeview Electric - $3,838.00 Markup Bond - $40.30 The total amount to provide this work is.................................................................................................. If you have any questions, please contact me at 847.336.8575. Submitted by: Paul Stuckey Stuckey Construction Company Gc: Approved by: Date: $4,070.20 Page 1.of 1 i McHenry Rea Center Ridgeview Electric Quantity Material Material Unit Per Extension (Labor Unit Per Extension Bathroom Additions 2 110v. GFI Recp under sink $135400 1 $270.00 7 Sensor activated fiushometers -toilets (14 boxes installed) $425.00 $2,975.00 .2 Sensor activated flushometers - urinals $325.00 $650,00. Total $3,895.00 jT i I **The -Drawings state to provide a J-box in the ceiling for power supplies. The P and E drawings do not show nor call for any additional wiring to be provided.'" McHenry Rec Center RFP &Extras 2:50 PM 10l21/201.5 Stuckey Construction Co. 202A N. Dais Ave. lVaikegah,.IL 60087 Ph : (8.47)336-8575 7a: F�d>li Architects &. �ng'sneers 2403 Harnish Dr Ste .206 Algonquin, IL 60102 Ph:847-458-0890 Fax:630-574-9292 i}escription: Added I"ire Damper �tviring Nurritaer: 13 Date. 10/28/15 Jobx 15-015 McHenry Recreation Center Phono. We are pleased to .�ifferthe fa((oviing speaifrcatioris and priding to make #h.e foliovvirfg changes: Wiring of Fire Dampers to fire alarm system not shown on•eiecttieal drawings, RidgeviewFledhic - $2,717.,50 Markup -- $1.35.88 Bond Premium The tots! amount to provide this warK is ....:...:....._..,. If you have any questions, please cor�faci me at 847.336,8575. 5irbmit€ed Icy: Paui Sfuckey. Approved by: 5tuekey Gonstructican Gornpany pate: cc: $2,881.91 Page 1;Of 1 is t Henry Red Center R.idgeviewElectric. Ua€rtity iVt t�ri l Itt;aterial > P-_.-._-- nit ; er ~xtenssa� _i:� er E ar rest' j _ 19 -' Hubbell : B3084Vi1 Vt t w3$25 $4900400 48$0 _ — 1.00; ,. 19.00 #12 iHHN S fit �i e __.w.. �__. 0:10 $4684001 fl�OQ5:. 23.�fi ..._... __�_—.._..__ i. _._.._.. -_._ i 1 $5;368 00; 42.�0 10°loi j $536MI _._-. _-- IM 42~40 f5( $115000 ( $431876M ; ��. $11,371.28 Wiring Cost 2 Data box & conduit $250, 00 1 11OV. Receptacle j $15Q.Q0 . 20- . 7U Box and conduit � $2,500 QO 1 !Cut W Chase for.conduit$ j $1.575:00 E i Total, $55,84G.28 ......w_- j FireiS[noke DamberS 1 IFox Valley Ghar e I $11150.00 4.06 T I 4.00 i E V l 4 hours @ $115.t�0 + € MOM j $ t 66T50 6 Wire Fire Dp.mper$$.1,050.00 _ --$175.00;Ea Mei•ienry l2ec Center RFP � EXtras 2;38 PM 10128I2015 0Bowman 8701 TM PROJECT (Name and address): CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 007R OWNER: McHenry Recreation Center DATE: November 11, 2015 ARCHITECT: 3633 Municipal Drive McHenry, IL 60050 CONTRACTOR: TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 14-1800.01 FIELD: ❑ Stuckey Construction Co. CONTRACT DATE: April 22, 2015 2020 N. Lewis Avenue CONTRACT FOR: General Construction OTHER: ❑ Waukegan, IL 60087 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include, where applicable, any undisputed amount attributable to previously executed Construction Change Directives) Pricing per RFP 3 and ASI 011 (Owner requested addition) 1. Ridgeview Electric -Electrical Work $151846.28 2. TSI - Flooring Work $ 61708400 3. MCG = Mirrors $ 35100600 4. SCC = Modify Tectum Panels/Add Blocking N/C 5. Owner = Televisions 6. Markup $ 1,282.71 7. Bond $ 269.37 Total COR 12 $27,202.36 Pricing per RFP 4 (Owner requested addition) 1. Ridgeview Electric $ 8,465.37 2. Altra Plumbing $ 1,725.00 3. International Decorators $ 315.00 4. Markup $ 525.27 5. Bond $ 110.31 6. Additional Pricing per RFP-004 $ 25825.86 Total COR 14 $ 13,1966.81 Total Change Order Add $41,169.17 The original Contract Sum was $ 4,145,300.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 27,669.29 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 411725969.29 The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of $ 415169.17 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 49214,138A6 The Contract Time will be increased by Zero (0) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Cohtract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor, in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive. AIA Document G701 TM-2001. Copyrightm 1979, 1987, 2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIA' Document is protected by U.S: Copyright Law and tntemational Treacles: Unauthotized reproduction or dlstribution.of this AIA® Document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and' wilt be prosecuted to tha maximum extent possible underthe law. This documentwas produced by AIA software at 08:59:53 on 11111/2015 under Order No.3382564114_1 which expires on 10/08/2016, and is not for resale. User Notes: (1480813377) NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED UY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. FGM Architects, Inc. Stuckey Construction Co. ARCHITECT (Firm name) CONTRACTOR (Firm name) 1211 West 22nd Street, Suite 765 2020 N. Lewis Avenue Oak Brook, IL 60523 Waukegan, IL 60087 BY (Signature) Michael Porto, AIA ('Typed name) November 11, 2015 DATE BY (Signature) (Typed name) DATE McHe ADD (Signature) (Typed name) DATE AIA Document G701 TM —2001. Copyright ®1979, 1987, 2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING; This AIA'A Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorised reproduction or distribution of this AIA Doi:, .: � �2 portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the lave. This documentwas produced by AIA software at 08:59:53 on 11l11/2015 under Order No.3382564114_1 which expires on 10108/2016, and is notfor resale. User Notes: (1480813377) Stuckey Construction Co. 2020 N. Lewis Ave. Waukegan, IL 60087 Ph : (847)336-8575 To: FGM Architects &Engineers 2403 Harnish Dr Ste 200 Algonquin, IL 60102 Ph:847-458-0890 Fax:630-574-9292 Description: Pricing per RFP #3 Change Request Number: 12 Date: 10/28/15 Job: 15-015 McHenry Recreation Center Phone: We are pleased to offer the following specifications and pricing to make the following changes: REVISED 11/9/15. Pricing per RFP #3 and ASI 011: Electrical Work (Ridgeview) - $15,846.28 Flooring Work (TSI) - $6,708.00 Mirrors (MCG) - $3,100.00 Modify Tectum Panels/Add Blocking (SCC) - NO CHANGE Televisions - BY OWNER. Mark-up (5%sub, 15% own work) - $1,282.71 Bond Premium - $269.37 The total amount to provide this work is................................................................................................. If you have any questions, please contact me at 847.336.8575. Submitted by: Paul Stuckey Approved by: Stuckey Construction Company Date: Cc: $27,206.36 Page 1 of 1 _ -� _: _ � r .. i � CommF 1CIAL FLOOR COVEP"NG Tinley Park Office: 8200 W 185 Street STE O, Tinley Park, IL 60487 Phone: 708-870-3407 • Fax: 708-263-0159 Office Manager/Estimator: Frank Baio Email: frank.baio@tsicfc.com Champaign Office: 3611 N. Staley Road, Champaign, IL 61822 Phone 217-328-7321 • Fax 217-337-3067 TO: Stuckey Construction DATE: November 9, 2015 ADDRESS: JOB: McHenry Recreation Center ATTENTION JOB LOCATION: McHenry, IL FAX: EMAIL: Request for Pricin>; #ASI-011: Dimension Changes at Room 129 Fitness • Johnsonite Triumph Sports Flooring 500 sf Cc Johnsonite Triumph Sports Flooring Labor 8 hrs • Deduct CPT-2 Labor 2 hrs • Deduct CPT-7 Labor 4 hrs $13.00/sf @ $104.00/Hr @ $104.00/Hr @ $104.00/Hr Add $6,500.00 Add $ 832.00 Deduct <$ 208.00> Deduct <$ 416.00> Total Add $6,708.00** **NOTE: Carpet materials have been purchase and received and are non -returnable. The material will be given to McHenry County as additional attic stock. Exclusions: Removal of existing,flooring/adhesives, floor prep, cleaning/waxing/sealing, protection, premium Nme, underlayraent, Moisture control systems, epoxy grout/setting materials, floor leveling. ONLY THE WORK AND/OR MATERIALS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED ABOVE ARE INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSAL. ACCEPTANCE IS LIMITED TO THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM ABOVE DATE. SUBMITTED BY: DATE: CUSTOMER: Frank Baio, TSI Commercial Floor Covering DATE: All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a substantial workmanlike manner according to specifications submitted, per standard practices. Any alternation or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs must be executed upon written orders, and is an extra charge over and above the estimate. It is mutually agreed that all materials and articles furnished hereunder shall remain the property of Tile Specialists, Inc. until all payments specified have been made in full. All agreements are contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insurance. Buyer agrees that if collection becomes necessary, full costs of collection, including reasonable attorney or collection fees and costs, shall be paid by buyer in addition to full invoice amount. Remittance due by terms stated above or as specified on invoice. '�� Furnish and install V4" clear wall mirrors in Fitness Room. Six (001 mirrors at 4811 c safety baeldng. • �c i 1.:. �a I) II Stuckey Construction Co. 2020 N. Lewis Ave. Waukegan, IL 60087 Ph: (847)336-8575 To: FGM Architects &Engineers 2403 Harnish Dr Ste 200 Algonquin, IL 60102 Ph:847-458-0890 Fax:630-574-9292 Description: Pricing Per RFP #4 Change Request Number: 14 Date: 11 /9/15 Job: 15-015 McHenry Recreation Center Phone: We are pleased to offer the following specifications and pricing to make the following changes: Pricing Per RFP #4. Please refer to detailed cost breakdowns, as some scope was deleted per Owner's request. Electric (Ridgeview) $8,465.37 Plumbing (Altra) $ 1,725.00 Additional Framing/DW @mechanical room (International Dec.) - $315.00 Markup (5%Sub) $525.27 Bond $110.31 The total amount to provide this work is.................................................................................................. If you have any questions, please contact me at 847.336.8575. Submitted by: Paul Stuckey Stuckey Construction Company Cc: Approved by: Date: $11,140.95 Page 1 of 1 November O5, 2015 Job: McHenry Recreational 3633 Municiple Drive Mchenry, IL. 60050 ATTN: Stuckey Construction to ALTRA PLUMBINra SOLUTIONS INC. R F P---004 Per the direction of rfp 004 and the direction from village inspector we will tie into existing above floor sanitary in the vacinaty of the new proposed laundry area. We will pipe accordingly to new guy grey box and make new valved connection to the overhead water piping system. A new connection to the overhead venting system will be required as well fot this new proposed work. Labor--$720.00 Materials---$605.00 Insulator--$175.00 P&O--$225.00 Total for said requested work................................................$1,725.0 36413 N. TRAER TERRACE—GURNEE, IL 60031---PHONE: 847-278-2455---FAX:847-278-2457---TOLL FREE: 877-388-0157 McHenry Rec Center Ridgeview Electric Quantity I Material Material Unit Per Extension Labor Unit Per Extension r `! RFP #004 _ --- 1 Advanced Comm $ 71924800 5% 896. $18, 20. 0 4 hours @ $115000 $ .00 $19,2 20 Wiring - Projectors and screens 150 3/4" EMT $0.35 $52.50 0.06 9.00 8 3/4" Comp conn $0.40 $3.20 20 3/4" Comp coup $0.49 $9.80 25 3/4" Pipe straps $0.65 $16.25 4 Deep 1900 boxes $0.97 $3.88 0.50 2.00 4 1900 Garvin Recp covers $1.01 $4.04 0.00 4 20A Duplex recp $2.82 $11.28 _ 0.25 l 1.p0 1 Lot fasteners - $50.00 0.00 40 1 5/8" Unistrut _ $1.50 $60.00 0.05 _ 2,00 1000 #12 THHN wire _ $0.85 $850.00 0.01 6.00 4 T-Bar Box supports $8.10 $32.40 0.25 1.00 20 Wire nuts $0.10 $2.00 $1, 095.35 21.00 _ 10% $109.54 _ $1,204489 - _ 10% $120R49 �- $1,325037 v 21 hrs @ $115000 $2,415.00 $3,740.37 Building wiring - - }3 Card reader outlets _ $7&00=22 3 1/2" Conduit chases in door frames $125600 2 Data box & conduit stubs $75.005 Box & conduit stub - PP $75.003 Securi Camera stubs $75.00110V 20A Circuit and outlet - washer $275000 1 110V 20A Circuit and outlet - dryer $275600 $275.00 3� Deep box & 1 1/2" cond stub AV $225400 $675000 `- 6 Box & cond stub AV $75.00 $450.00 y 1 Box & cond stub data 124 $75.00 $75.00 - 1 _ 110V Recp -..Room 119A AV $1%00 $150600 1 110V Recp - Room 119C AV $150.00 $150.00 _ 9 110V Double recp - room 124 AV $175.no $175.00 1 Lot of work after drywall and through soffitts $1,150400 $1,150.00 _ _ $4,725.00 McHenry Rec Center PPP &Extras 2:04 PM 11/4/2015 McHenry Rec Center Ridgeview Electric McHenry Rec Center RFP &Extras 2:04 PM 11/4/2015 November 2, 2015 Joe Carey Ridgeview Electric 1400 Ridgeview Dr. McHenry, IL 60050 Phone: 815,385,8282 COMMUNICATIONS VANG j� Email: icarey(a�ridgeviewelectric com PROJECT: McHENRX RECREATION CENTER PROJECT NUMBER 144800.01 SUBJECT: RFP NUMBER (004) Submitted By: Jerry Lusinski Advanced Communications, Inc. Advanced Communications, lnc. (ACI} proposes to make the following changes to the Audio Visual and Surveillance CCTV Systems. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE, provide (3) additional carurity cameras ❖ Fitness #129 ❖ Multi -Purpose #119 ❖ Control Desk #103 QTY DESCRIPTION 3 Samsung, 7084R, Dome Vari-Focus Cameras 400 ft. CAT6 Camera Cabling AR POE Power Ports Labor: AC[ will install the additional cameras and cable feeding to the POE switch inputs, focus cameras and set-up in the network video recorder. TOTAL ADDED CO T FOR THIS SERVI E: E UIPMENT: 2 653.00 LABOR: 166600 SHIPPING:$2100 TOTAL: 4 341.00 Provide (21 additional motorized projection scree So control and in�utf output fe ures LvTultt-Purpose # 19 FQ ENT to Q;JiY D SCR[PTIO)y 2 Da -Cite Advantage Electrol, 60" X case diagonal with 106" case width, matt white fabric with low voltage control Advanced Communications, Inc. 20I Woodcreek Drive, Michigan City, IN 46360-3180 2I9.874.3333 www.advancedcom.biz Page] of 3 IEQUIPMENT=CONTINVED •DESCRIPTION • plate • . Custom HDMI/VGA+Audio Input Plates Molded Cables 2 so .• Molded 00Audio Cable RDL, •►audio feeds to DSP Labor: Cl will provide and install the (2) projection screens with a local switch control and a low voltage controller and (2) additional 5-button panels with input plates and cabling to future projectors. E IPMENT COST: 058.00 LABOR COST: $3,136sOO CRESTRON PROGRAMMING: 11 Q SHIPPING COST:$162*00 TOTAL COST: 10 456.00 provide rough -in far t21 future ceiling mounted projectors in Multi-Purpoge Room #119 QTY DESCRIPTION 2 Peerless, PRGS-UNV-W, 5016 mxx projector ceiling mounts 2 Peerless, ACC-M8R1, Threaded Inserts 2 Peerless, EXT-6", Pipe Extenders AR Uni-Strut Support steel color white or black 250 ft. West Penn 25291 Audio Feeds to Central DSP Audio Processor 1 Biamp DSP 1/0 Expander Tesira EX -IN for Audio Expansion from (2) Additional Projectors 1 DSP Programming EQUIPMENT 1719.00 L OR COST: 2 058.00 IROGRAMMING COST: 200. 0 HIPPING COST: 0 TOTAL COST: 4 023.00 QTY DESCRIPTION 1 Panasonic, PTT-EW 540, Projector Lens11 PRO ECTOR LESSER COST CREDIT: $896.00 Advanced Communications, Inc. 201 Woodcreek Drive, Michigan City, IN 46360-3180 219.874,3333 www.advancedcom.biz Page 2 of 3 PLEASE NOTE: • Skilled Union Craftsmen will perform all work. • The Proposal Total Does Not include electrical conduit or power outlets. • The entire installation carries a one year warranty. • This proposal is only effective 30 days from date of issue. Acceptance of Proposal The above prices, specifications, and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment is to be by construction draw, net due upon completion of work. Date of Acceptance: Signature: Advanced Communications, Inc. 201 Woodcreek Drive, Michigan City, Ih146360-31$0 219.874.3333 www.advancedcom.biz Page 3 of 3 MECHANICAL C©NCEPTS Of Illinols, Inc. HEATING, VENTILATION, AIR CONDITIONING 924 Burgess Hill Road, Naperville, Illinois 60565 PH: 630-649-1286 November 10, 2015 Mr. Paul Stuckey Stuckey Construction 2020 Lewis Ave. Waukegan, IL. 60087 FAX: 630-416-7270 RE: MCHENRY RECREATION CENTER 3633 MUNICIPAL DRIVE MCHENRY, IL. CP #3 (RFP-004) Dear Paul: Please accept our proposal for the HVAC work for the above project. This proposal is based on the RFP-004 We propose to cut the block wall and install a 4" louvered dryer vent, silicone vent water tight. Install 4" Drver Vent from 48 AFF to the other side of the room. We will also install a %" tee off of the already installed gas line for the water heater, install a gas cock run it down the interior wall to 12" AFF with a cap for future use. Material............................................................................ $495.61 Deliver Material (1) @$100.00.......................................................$100.00 Sheet Metal Labor (8hrs) @ $116.00....14...14..1.9..6.111111...1.6......$928.00 Pipe Fitter Labor (8hrs) @ $116.00who ..................... III Bob hot all ....$928.00 Remobilized Pipe Fitter ....................................................... $300.00 OH @ 10% (Material)..............................................................4........$49.50 Profit @ 5% (Material),., too I'll 164 1 1 VIVVV1 I 6ENDIN olq 1% O*b 04 go &BE moms Boom Is qv$2435 TotaI................................................................................ $ 2, 825.86 Please provide written approval if you wish us to proceed. Sincerely, Mechanical Con epts, 10164 do Patrick Hannan Project Manager 764 Grandview Drive • Crystal Lake, IL 60014 • 815 788 9419 office • 815 788 9421 fax • November 1, 2015 This quote is to Ed Larsen of the City of McHenry. This quote is for the installation of (39) CAT 6 data locations and (1) CAT 6 voice/CAT 6 data location for the Fitness floor in the new McHenry Rec Center. Following is a list of parts included in this quote: 1 Plenum Cat 6 data cable 1 Plenum Cat 6 voice cable 22 2 port faceplate 18 2 port frames 82 Cat 6 jacks voice/data 1 4" J hooks with beam clamps as needed 1 48 port blank patch panels 1 Labor to install and test The price for the above listed work fully installed is $ 9862.50 The terms of this quote are 50% down 40% on completion and 10% after 30 days. This equipment completely installed and maintained free of charge for one year except where damage is due to negligence or acts of God. This price is valid for thirty days. Contract price is valid for six months after receipt of order. If applicable installation price based on all conduit being properly installed by others, including pull string where needed. Note: Installation charges are estimated, actual installation charges will only change if unusual or unexpected circumstances or conditions are encountered. You will be notified of these circumstances when and if they occur. I have read and agree to the above conditions. Printed name of authorized person Authorized signature 764 Grandview Drive * Crystal Lake, IL 60014 * 815 788 9419 office * 815 788 94x1 fax November 1, 2015 This quote is to Ed Larsen of the City of McHenry. This quote is for the installation of (1) 6 Fiber 50 Micron cable and (1) 25 pair copper cable from the Municipal Building to the new McHenry Rec Center. Following is a list of parts included in this quote: 1 25 Pair feed cable 1 6 strand 50 micron fiber optic cable 12 LC fiber connectors 1 Fiber optic cable tray 1 LC Fiber insert for tray 2 25 pair feed cable lightning protectors 1 4" J hooks with beam clamps as needed 1 Labor to install and test The price for the above listed work fully installed is $ 9856.00 The terms of this quote are 50% down 40% on completion and 10% after 30 days. This equipment completely installed and maintained free of charge for one year except where damage is due to negligence or acts of God. This price is valid for thirty days. Contract price is valid for six months after receipt of order. If applicable installation price based on all conduit being properly installed by others, including pull string where needed. Note: Installation charges are estimated, actual installation charges will only change if unusual or unexpected circumstances or conditions are encountered. You will be notified of these circumstances when and if they occur. I have read and agree to the above conditions. Printed name of authorized person Authorized signature 764 Grandview Drive • Crystal Lake, IL 60014 • 815 788 9419 office • 815 788 9421 fax November 1, 2015 This quote is to Ed Larsen of the City of McHenry. This quote is for the installation of (39) TV locations for the Fitness floor in the new McHenry Rec Center. Following is a list of parts included in this quote: 1 Plenum RG 6 TV cable 22 2 port faceplate 78 TV inserts 1 4" J hooks with beam clamps as needed 1 48 port blank patch panels 1 Labor to install and test The price for the above listed work fully installed is $ 9689.00 The terms of this quote are 50% down 40% on completion and 10% after 30 days. This equipment completely installed and maintained free of charge for one year except where damage is due to negligence or acts of God. This price is valid for thirty days. Contract price is valid for six months after receipt of order. If applicable installation price based on all conduit being properly installed by others, including pull string where needed. Note: Installation charges are estimated, actual installation charges will only change if unusual or unexpected circumstances or conditions are encountered. You will be notified of these circumstances when and if they occur. I have read and agree to the above conditions. Printed name of authorized person Authorized signature Date _fJ, 764 Grandview Drive • Crystal Lake, IL 60014 • 815 188 9419 office • $15 a 9421 fax November 1, 2015 This quote is to Ed Larsen of the City of McHenry. This quote is for the installation of a Keri Systems access control system throughout the new McHenry Rec Center for your wireless access points. Following is a list of parts included in this quote: 2 Keri PXL 500 panels 2 Keri PXL 500 satellite boards 2 Bosch passive egress 1 Keri LAN adapter 4 Keri Minstar plate reader 1 22/6 shielded cable 1 18/2 cable 1 8 channel power supply 1 4" J hooks with beam clamps as needed 1 Labor to install and test The price for the above listed work fully installed is $ 8363.00 NOTE: DOOR STRIKES ARE NOT INCLUDED DOOR HARDWARE SUPPLIER. DOOR STRIKES MUST BE PROVIDED BY THE The terms of this quote are 50% down 40% on completion and 10% after 30 days. This equipment completely installed and maintained free of charge for one year except where damage is due to negligence or acts of God. This price is valid for thirty days. Contract price is valid for six months after receipt of order. If applicable installation price based on all conduit being properly installed by others, including pull string where needed. Note: Installation charges are estimated, actual installation charges will only change if unusual or unexpected circumstances or conditions are encountered. You will be notified of these circumstances when and if they occur. I have read and agree to the above conditions. Printed name of authorized person Authorized signature 764 Grandview Drive • Crystal Lake, 1L 60014 • 815 i88 9419 of#ice • 815 i$8 9421 #ax November 1, 2015 This quote is to Ed Larsen of the City of McHenry. This quote is for the installation of (6) TV/CAT 6 locations throughout the new McHenry Rec Center. Following is a list of parts included in this quote: 1 Plenum Cat 6 data cable 1 Plenum RG 6 TV cable 6 2 port faceplate 12 Cat 6 jacks voice/data 12 TV inserts 1 4" J hooks with beam clamps as needed 1 Labor to install and test The price for the above listed work fully installed is $ 7257.00 The terms of this quote are 50% down 40% on completion and 10% after 30 days. This equipment completely installed and maintained free of charge for one year except where damage is due to negligence or acts of God. This price is valid for thirty days. Contract price is valid for six months after receipt of order. If applicable installation price based on all conduit being properly installed by others, including pull string where needed. Note: Installation charges are estimated, actual installation charges will only change if unusual or unexpected circumstances or conditions are encountered. You will be notified of these circumstances when and if they occur. I have read and agree to the above conditions. Printed name of authorized person Authorized signature 764 Grandview Drive • Crystal Lake, IL 60014 • 815 788 9419 °ffiCe • 815 788 9421 fax • November 1, 2015 This quote is to Ed Larsen of the City of McHenry. This quote is for the installation of (4) CAT 6 voice locations and (20) CAT 6 voice/CAT 6 data location for the main office in the new McHenry Rec Center. Following is a list of parts included in this quote: 1 Plenum Cat 6 data cable 1 Plenum Cat 6 voice cable 20 2 port faceplate 4 Wall mount faceplates 48 Cat 6 jacks voice/data 1 4" J hooks with beam clamps as needed 1 Wall mount rack for terminations 1 48 port blank patch panels 1 Labor to install and test The price for the above listed work fully installed is $ 6805.00 The terms of this quote are 50% down 40% on completion and 10% after 30 days. This equipment completely installed and maintained free of charge for one year except where damage is due to negligence or acts of God. This price is valid for thirty days. Contract price is valid for six months after receipt of order. If applicable installation price based on all conduit being properly installed by others, including pull string where needed. Note: Installation charges are estimated, actual installation charges will only change if unusual or unexpected circumstances or conditions are encountered. You will be notified of these circumstances when and if they occur. I have read and agree to the above conditions. Printed name of authorized person Authorized signature 764 Grandview Drive • Crystal Lake, IL 60014 • 815 788 9419 office • 815 788 9421 fax • November 1, 2015 This quote is to Ed Larsen of the City of McHenry. This quote is for the installation of (6) CAT 6 data locations throughout the new McHenry Rec Center for your wireless access points. Following is a list of parts included in this quote: 1 Plenum Cat 6 data cable 6 2 port back boxes 12 Cat 6 data jacks 1 4" J hooks with beam clamps as needed 1 Labor to install and test The price for the above listed work fully installed is $ 4380.50 The terms of this quote are 50% down 40% on completion and 10% after 30 days. This equipment completely installed and maintained free of charge for one year except where damage is due to negligence or acts of God. This price is valid for thirty days. Contract price is valid for six months after receipt of order. If applicable installation price based on all conduit being properly installed by others, including pull string where needed. Note: Installation charges are estimated, actual installation charges will only change if unusual or unexpected circumstances or conditions are encountered. You will be notified of these circumstances when and if they occur. I have read and agree to the above conditions. Printed name of authorized person Authorized signature Office of the City Administrator Derik Morefield McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator FOR: September 14, 2015 Regular City Council meeting RE: Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 4, Section the number of Class A liquor licenses in effect from 25 to 24 ATT: Ordinance 4-6(1) decreasing The City was recently notified by David Hecker owner and operator of the Twisted Moose restaurant located at 2616 Schaid Court that he has closed the business and has relinquished the Class A liquor license issued to the business in 2012. As a result, attached is an Ordinance reducing the number of Class A liquor licenses in effect frOM twenty-five (25) to twenty-four (24). If Council concurs, it is recommended a motion is made to approve the attached Ordinance OF 0 a The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. ORDINANCE NO. MC454120 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4-6(i) DECREASING NUMBER OF CLASS A LIQUOR LICENSES IN EFFECT FROM TWENTY-FIVE (25) TO TWENTY FOUR (24) (TWISTED MOOSE) WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, McHENRY COUNTY, IL,LINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1: Section 4-6(1) of the Municipal Code relating to liquor license classifications is hereby amended by increasing the number of Class "A" Liquor Licenses from twenty-five (25) to twenty-four (24). SECTION 3: All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof, be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5.: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this 16t11 day of November 2015. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Not Voting: Abstaining: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor 'WVi poll MKAK� OF THY a Office of the City Administrator Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center CONSENT AGENDA DATE: November 16, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us RE: Request to advertise for bids for printing services for 2016 City Newsletter and Parks and Recreation Department Program & Events brochure Background. Since 2009, staff has made concerted efforts in reducing the cost of printing the seasonal park brochure and city newsletter. Currently, approximately 15,500 copies of the city newsletter are printed and mailed in March and June; the September and December issues are posted on the city website. The number of park brochures printed has also been reduced by mailing it only to program participants. Last year in an effort to increase interest in park and recreation programs, copies of the summer program brochure was mailed to all city residents, and participation did increase. Analysis. The anticipated cost of printing the two documents, including the expanded distribution of the summer brochure, is approximately $12,500. If the City Council concurs then it is recommended to approve staff s request to advertise for bids for printing the City Newsletter and seasonal Parks and Recreation Department Programs & Events brochure as presented. City of McHenry McHenry Municipal Center 333 S. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The City of McHenry is seeking bids on the cost of 15,500 copies of the City newsletter two times in one year and 18,000 (summer) and 6,000 (fall & winter/spring) copies of the McHenry Parks and Recreation Department program brochure three times in one year. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. Bids will be received no later than 11:00 am, Tuesday, December 15, 2015 and shall be delivered in sealed envelopes to the City of McHenry, Office of the City Clerk, located at 333 South Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050. All envelopes shall be marked: Printing Services — Open Tuesday, December 15, 2015. B. Bids shall be submitted on the attached form and signed. C. Bids shall be accompanied by three references and include samples of similar jobs. D. All prices shall be shown even if not specified on the bid form. Prices should not include any State, Federal and/or sales taxes. E. Printer shall indicate the guaranteed number of working days required for delivery. F. The McHenry City Council will consider awarding the contract on Monday, December 21, 2015. CITY NEWSLETTER SPECIFICATIONS It is the intent of these specifications to provide a quality publication complete in every respect,. whether specified in exact detail here or not. The newsletter document will be supplied on computer disc or emailed in PageMaker program, or in PDF. Quantity: 2 newsletters 15,500 each Size: 8%" x 11" No. of Pages: Including cover: Spring —16, Summer — 24 Special Note: Summer newsletter to include 4-page 4-color process 80# gloss text paper in center of document (pages 11-14) Paper Stock: 60# white offset paper Ink: Black Special Note: Please provide alternate cost for ink: Black with 1-color or 4-color process Photos: Provided in digital format Binding. Fold, collate and staple on 11" side Proofs: Final color page layouts to be proofed by City staff before final print Delivery: In bulk pre-sort carrier routes to McHenry Post office, 4530 W. Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, 815-385-2108, with remainder delivered to City Clerk's office, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, 815-363-2100. Additional: Any additional costs that may be incurred other than services included in this bid document must be in writing and presented to the Deputy City Administrator's office for approval prior to final print. Printing dates: Approximate dates for City Newsletters to be given to printer are: Spring newsletter — February 12, 2016 for delivery by first of March Summer newsletter — May 16, 2015 for delivery by first of June Contact Person: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator, 815-363-2100 PARKS AND RECREATION BROCHURE SPECIFICATIONS It is the intent of these specifications to provide a quality publication complete in every respect, whether specified in exact detail here or not. The brochure document will be supplied on computer disc or emailed in InDesign program, or in PDF. Quantity: 1 brochure 181000 each (Summer) 2 brochures 6,000 each (Fall & Winter/Spring) Size: 8%" x 11" No. of Pages: Including cover: Summer — 32, Fall — 28, Winter/Spring — 28 Paper Stock: 60# white offset paper Ink: Black and 1 color Photos: Provided in digital format Binding. Fold, collate and staple on 11" side Proofs. Final color page layouts to be proofed by City staff before final print Packaging: Summer: Prepped in bulk pre-sort carrier routes (approx. 15,000) Fall & Winter/Spring: Prepped for bulk mail direct (third class saturation) with ink jetted names and addresses, list provided in Excel document (approx. 3000 addresses) Delivery. Bulk mail routes to McHenry Post office, 4530 W. Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, 815-385-2108, with remainder delivered to McHenry Parks and Recreation office, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, 815-363-2160. Additional: Any additional costs that may be incurred other than services included in this bid document must be in writing and presented to the Parks and. Recreation office for approval prior to final print. Printing Dates: Approximate dates for Parks and Recreation brochure to be given to printer are: Summer brochure — early March for delivery by early April Fall brochure — early July for delivery by early of August Winter/Spring brochure — early Nov for delivery by early December Contact Person: Cindy Witt, Superintendent of Recreation, 815-363-2166 BID FORM FOR CITY OF MCHENRY PRINTING City Spring Newsletter Base Cost (16 pages) Delivery to Post Office/City Clerk's office Any additional charges not listed above (specify) Alternate — Base Cost with Ink: Black with 1 color Alternate — Base Cost with Ink: Black with 4-color process City Summer Newsletter Base Cost (24 pages) *Note: Includes 4-page 4-color process 80# gloss text paper in center of document (pages 11-14) Delivery to Post Office/City Clerk's office Any additional charges not listed above (specify) Alternate —Base Cost with Ink: Black with 1 color Alternate — Base Cost with Ink: Black with 4-color process Parks &Recreation Summer Brochure Base Cost (32 pages) Bulk mail —approx 15,000 Delivery to Post Office/Parks & Recreation office Any additional charges not listed above (specify) Parks &Recreation Fall Brochure Base Cost (28 pages) Bulk mail direct (address ink jetting) — approx. 3,000 Delivery to Post Office/Parks & Recreation office Any additional charges not listed above (specify) Parks &Recreation Winter/Spring Brochure Base Cost (28 pages) Bulk mail direct (address ink jetting) —approx. 3,000 Delivery to Post Office/Parks &Recreation office Any additional charges not listed above (specify) TOTAL BASE COST BID FOR ALL PUBLICATIONS Guaranteed working days each (including day of pick-up and delivery) Company: Address: City/State/Zip Cod Signature: C� Contact: hone: mail: (total right column only) REFERENCES Address: City/State: Telephone: Project:. 2. Name: Address: City/State: Telephone: Project: 3. Name: Address: City/State: Telephone: Proje REGULAR MEETING October 19, 2015 Mayor Low called the regularly scheduled October 19, 2015 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson and Condon. Absent: None. Also in attendance: City Administrator Morefield, Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Director of Finance Lynch, Director of Public Works Schmitt, Commander of Police Walsh, City Attorney McArdle and City Clerk Jones. CITY OF MCHENRY MISSION STATEMENT Mayor Low read aloud the Mission Statement of the City of McHenry. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one spoke at Public Input. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of the purchase of a pick-up truck from Sunnyside Company of McHenry, Illinois, in an amount not to exceed $44,872; B. An Ordinance amending certain sections of Chapter 13, Traffic & Motor Vehicles of the City of McHenry Municipal Code, designating Knox Drive as "No Parking" on both sides of the street from Park Place to Charles J. Miller Road; C. Payment to Water Well Solutions, in the amount of $18,230, for Well #9 Emergency Pull and Inspection and acceptance of a proposal form Water Well Solutions to repair Well #9 for the amount of $41,984.25; D. A request for reimbursement of $700 for a Class H liquor license fee from Brian Burkus d/b/a Old Town Pizza of McHenry; E. As Needed Checks in the amount of $5,642.34; and F. Approval of List of Bills, in the amount of $206,392.86. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Glab regarding why a diesel pick-up truck was being purchased rather than a gas run vehicle, which is less expensive, Director of Public Works Schmitt explained that it is mandated under the EPA that a municipality can only have a certain number of vehicles that are gas fueled and the gas fueled vehicle allotment is consumed by the Police Department. Alderman Glab opined that while he likes keeping business local, he inquired whether thought was given to rebidding the pick-up truck purchase in an effort to obtain a better price? Deputy City Administrator Hobson informed Council that Staff researched the purchase thoroughly and is confident in the price obtained for the vehicle. Deputy City Administrator Hobson stated that the upgrade to diesel alone costs approximately $6,000. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer regarding the availability of State contracts for the purchase of vehicles, Director Schmitt stated that the program no longer exists and figures from the State are not available. Alderman Curry inquired about the reasoning behind the "No Parking" only along Knox Drive from Park Place to Charles J. Miller Road. Director Schmitt informed Council that larger trucks, on occasion, find it necessary to park on Park Place to access McDonald's; limiting the "No Parking" area facilitates allowing the larger trucks to have availability to parking. Regular Meeting Page 2 October 19, 2015 Motion by Wimmer, second by Condon, approving the Consent Agenda, as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR'S STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low announced the Jaycee's Haunted House is open through Sunday, November 1, 2015 and the Wonder Lake Ski Team sponsored Haunted Hayride ends on Friday, October 30, 2015. Mayor Low announced that Halloween is on Saturday, October 31, 2015. Trick or treating hours will be 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Saturday, October 31, 2015. Mayor Low recognized and wished good luck to Alderman Peterson. Mayor Low informed Council that Alderman Peterson is participating in Dancing for Diapers, a fundraising event benefiting The Diaper Bank of Northern Illinois, on Saturday, October 24, 2015 at the Holiday Inn in Crystal Lake. The event is from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm and Alderman Peterson will be doing the cha-cha. Tickets are $60.00 pre -ordered and $75.00 at the door. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Alderman Wimmer informed Council that a meeting of the Finance and Personnel was held prior to tonight's Council meeting and minutes would be forthcoming. STAFF REPORTS There were no Staff Reports. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no Future Agenda Items. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Curry, to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 pm. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm. Mayor City Clerk REGULAR MEETING November 2, 2015 Mayor Low called the regularly scheduled November 2, 2015 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson and Condon. Absent: None. Also in attendance: City Administrator Morefield, Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Director of Finance Lynch, Director of Public Works Schmitt, Chief of Police Jones, City Engineer Pieper, City Attorney McArdle and City Clerk Jones. CITY OF MCHENRY MISSION STATEMENT Mayor Low read aloud the Mission Statement of the City of McHenry. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one spoke at Public Input. CONSENT AGENDA A. Resolution supporting the Development of Intergovernmental Agreements for the Consolidation of Police Dispatch Services at an Expanded McHenry Dispatch Center; B. Authorization to advertise for bids for Phase 1 Construction of the Municipal Center Improvements Project; C. Motion to reject bid from Continental Construction of Evanston, IL and award bid to Keno & Sons of Lake Bluff, IL, for construction of the Fieldstone Lift Station Rehabilitation Project, for an amount not to exceed $169,000; D. Motion to approve City Council Minutes: a. September 14, 2015; b. September 21, 2015; and c. October 5, 2015; and E. Approval of List of Bills, in the amount of $553,097.86. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Peterson, Chief Jones informed the Council that there are currently six public safety answering points (PSAPs) in the McHenry County area. Governor Rauner on June 29, 2015, signed legislature mandating the consolidation of PSAPs which provide 9-1-1 dispatching for police, fire and rescue services. The number of PSAPs will be reduced to three, with a vision for an expanded McHenry Dispatch Center providing specialized police, fire and EMS dispatching for multiple agencies in McHenry County. Motion by Wimmer, second by Condon, approving the Consent Agenda, as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO APPROVE APPLICATION FROM AKLSC. LLC D/B/A LUCKY LOUISE'S. LOCATED AT 341 FRONT STREET. FOR A CLASS A LIQUOR LICENSE AND ORDINANCE INCREASING THE NUMBER OF CLASS Al LICENSES IN EFFECT FROM ONE (1) TO TWO (2) City Administrator Morefield informed Council that Ms. Pamela Swift, president of AKKLSC, LLC d/b/a Lucky Louise's submitted an application for a Class Al liquor license in Regular Meeting Page 2 November 2, 2015 conjunction with a video cafe in the Fountain Shoppes retail center, located at 341 Front Street. City Administrator Morefield explained that the Class Al liquor license permits the service of beer and wine at tables only and the retail sale of beer in packages. City Administrator Morefield stated that Lucky Louise's is a family -owned and operated deli -style cafe serving wine and offering video gaming. Food will be offered for dine -in and carry -out. Wine from Illinois Vineyards will be available for sale by the glass and packaged. City Administrator Morefield informed Council that Mayor Low has met with Ms. Swift, all requirements have been met, fees have been paid and all required paperwork submitted. A satisfactory fingerprint report has been received by the McHenry Police Department. Alderman Condon opined that many establishments have been in that location and she is hopeful this one will prosper. Alderman Condon expressed concern that the video gaming machines, on the concept plan, were located at the front of the cafe. Alderman Condon suggested a more appropriate location would be the rear portion of the site. Ms. Swift stated that they are not locked into a design and would be willing to change the configuration. Alderman Schaefer inquired whether it would be possible to purchase alcohol inside the establishment and then have it served or consumed outside. Director of Economic Development Martin informed Council that it would require a Public Hearing and a Variance prior to permitting the consumption of food or alcohol outside of the premises. Motion by Condon, second by Santi, granting a Class Al liquor license to AKLSC, LLC d/b/a Lucky Louise's, located at 341 Front Street, with the condition that all employees involved in the sale and service of alcoholic liquors obtain State of Illinois BASSET certification; and, approving an Ordinance increasing the number of Class Al liquor licenses in effect from one (1) to two (2) Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO APPROVE APPLICATION FROM HIGHLAND PARK CVS, LLC D/B/A CVS PHARMACY #10470, LOCATED AT 3900 WEST ELM STREET, FOR A CLASS F2 LIQUOR LICENSE AND ORDINANCE, INCREASING THE NUMBER OF CLASS F2 LICENSES IN EFFECT FROM NINE (9) TO TEN 10 Mayor Low announced that representatives from CVS are in attendance at tonight's meeting, together with Ms. Cathleen Deneen, the local manager of the new CVS. City Administrator Morefield informed Council that an application for a Class F2 liquor license has been submitted by CVS/Pharmacy for the new store, located at 3900 West Elm Street, scheduled to open in January 2016. The Class F2 liquor license permits the retail sale of Regular Meeting Page 3 November 2, 2015 alcohol in packages only for consumption off premises where 50% of sales are devoted to goods and commodities other than alcoholic liquors. City Administrator Morefield informed Council that all fees have been paid, all required paperwork has been submitted and the McHenry Police Department has received a satisfactory fingerprint report for the store manager. Responding to an inquiry from Council regarding a tentative date for the opening of the CVS/Pharmacy, a representative of CVS stated that the target date for the opening is Sunday, January 24, 2016. Motion by Curry, second by Peterson, granting a Class F2 liquor license to Highland Park CVS, LLC d/b/a CVS/Pharmacy #10470, located at 3900 West Elm Street, with the condition that all employees involved in the sale of alcoholic liquors obtain State of Illinois BASSET certification; and approving an Ordinance increasing the number of Class F2 liquor licenses in effect from nine (9) to ten (10). Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR'S EXECUTION OF AN EASEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MCHENRY AND MCHENRY COUNTRY CLUB, FOR THE PURCHASE OF A 1,593 SQUARE FOOT PERPETUAL UTILITY EASEMENT, IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,464; AND GRANTING USE TO THE CITY OF A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT TO FACILITATE THE CONVEYANCE OF SANITARY SEWER LINES TO THE SOUTH WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT City Administrator Morefield informed Council that plans are complete for the installation of a 24" forcemain to convey raw wastewater from the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (CWWTP) to the South Wastewater Treatment Plan (SWWTP). The conveyance line sections required to complete the directional boring of the 24" forcemain include: • Under the channel at the Riviera Marina; • Across the first fairway and part of the parking lot at the McHenry Country Club to the intersection of John Street and Riverstream Drive; • Then south starting at the east end of Fairway Drive to the SWWTP. An addition to the existing utility easement, purchased from the McHenry Country Club in 2010, is required to soften the curve of the 24" forcemain into a directional bore pit northwest of the existing parking lot. Temporary construction easements are required adjacent to John Street and at the east end of Fairway Drive. Representatives of the McHenry Country Club requested Staff and the City Engineer to investigate the installation of a parking lot as part of the 24" Forcemain Project as compensation for the permanent utility easement and temporary construction easements. It was determined that the engineer opinion of probably cost (EOPC) estimates the cost of the Regular Meeting Page 4 November 2, 2015 parking lot (including a 20% contingency) would be $60,464. City Administrator Morefield informed Council that the McHenry Country Club Board opted to accept a payment of $60,464, rather than the City constructing the parking lot as part of the 24" Forcemain Project. City Administrator Morefield referred to an email from Steve Buss, Board Member and Treasurer of the McHenry Country Club, dated November 2, 2015, addressing MCC's expectations with regard to the final grade at McHenry Country Club (MCC). Mr. Buss's e-mail indicated that MCC does not expect a perfect finish or even seeding on the easement property and work area at the club. A rough finish grade is fine and the MCC will take care of the rest. City Administrator Morefield stated that City Attorney McArdle has prepared an Easement Agreement and, MCC, has executed the Agreement. Staff is requesting Council's approval of the purchase of the permanent utility easement and temporary construction easement from MCC in the amount of $60,464 and authorization for the Mayor's execution of the Easement Agreement. Motion by Schaefer, second by Wimmer, approving the purchase of the permanent utility easement and temporary construction easements from the McHenry Country Club, in the amount of $60,464, and to authorize the Mayor to execute the Easement Agreement. Alderman Curry suggested that the language in the Easement Agreement should be clarified regarding the restoration of the Easement Area. A discussion ensued. City Attorney McArdle informed Council that he would redraft the language on the Easement Agreement to clarify the language then resubmit the document to the Board at MCC for signature. A discussion ensued. City Attorney McArdle suggested three different scenarios: 1. The Motion could move forward, relying on the verbiage in the current Easement Agreement and assurances in Mr. Buss's e-mail of November 2, 2015; 2. The Motion could move forward, since the Board at MCC has signed the Easement Agreement and a letter could be attached clarifying and defining the finishing; or 3. The Motion could be withdrawn and a Motion to table the item presented to Council and a new Easement Agreement be drawn up defining the parameters for the rough grade finish. Mayor Low inquired if Alderman Schaefer and Alderman Wimmer are willing to withdraw their Motion and second. Alderman Schaefer and Alderman Wimmer agreed to withdraw the Motion. Motion by Curry, second by Santi, to table the approval of the purchase of the permanent utility easement and temporary construction easements from the McHenry Country Club, in the amount of $60,464, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the Easement Agreement, pending revision of language in the Easement Agreement defining the rough grade finish. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Regular Meeting Page 5 November 2, 2015 Motion carried. MOTION TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR'S EXECUTION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HR GREEN, INC. FOR WATER TOWER NO. 3 REPAINTING AND MAINTENANCE REPAIR BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION COORDINATION SERVICES, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $37,833; AND, AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PROIFCT City Administrator Morefield informed Council that Water Tower #3, located at Adams Industrial Park, was constructed in 2000. The coating on the tower has experienced some failures. During 2012 some spot cleaning and coating touch-ups were performed by Water Division Staff. In April 2013, Dixon Engineering completed an inspection of the exterior and interior of the tank. Dixon's report, dated April 10, 2013, outlines recommendations including: • Exterior overcoat; • Dry interior painting; • Wet interior painting; • Seam sealing; • Flap gate installation; • Expansion joint replacement; • Cable support relocation; and • Overspray protection/cleaning. City Administrator Morefield noted that a 20-year life expectancy for the coating is desirable; maintenance of the paint coatings provides longevity to the steel structure and a clean appearance. HR Green, Inc. has submitted a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) for Water Tower #3 repainting and maintenance repair. The PSA includes engineering design, budding services and construction observation services on a time and material basis, not to exceed $37,833. The Capital Improvement Program includes $300,000 for the maintenance and repair of Water Tower #3. Motion by Santi, second by Condon, approving the Professional Services Agreement with HR Green Inc., in the amount of $37,833, and authorization to bid the Water Tower #3 Repainting and Maintenance Repair Project. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: Curry. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR'S EXECUTION OF AN IDOT PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL PARTICIPATION WITH HR GREEN, INC., FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $29,990.27, FOR PHASE 1 ENGINEERING OF CURRAN ROAD S-CURVE SAFETY Regular Meeting Page 6 November 2, 2015 IMPROVEMENTS AND THE CITY CLERK'S EXECUTION OF AN IDOT RESOLUTION FOR IMPROVEMENT BY MUNICIPALITY UNDER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE FOR SAME City Administrator Morefield reiterated to Council that IDOT, through the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) was recently awarded $450,000 for the Curran Road (formerly Draper Road) S-Curve Safety Improvement. The improvement on Curran Road, from approximately 400 feet south of Route 120 to Ojibwa Lane, includes super -elevated pavement, paved shoulder with rumble strips, ditch grading for recoverable slopes, pavement markings and additional signage. HSIP funds pay for 90% of Phase I & II engineering, construction and construction observation engineering. Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) revenues would be utilized for the City's cost of the Project. It is estimated that the contract documents would be prepared to meet a 2017 letting. HR Green, Inc. has submitted an Engineering Services Agreement utilizing IDOT's required standard form, for an amount not to exceed $29,990.27. The scope of services includes: • Project coordination; • Data collection and review; • Survey services; • Preliminary design studies; • Environmental studies; • Project development report; and • Meetings with City Staff, IDOT and Federal Highway Administration personnel. City Administrator Morefield noted that the City's cost participation for Phase I engineering is $2,999.03, funded by MFT revenues. IDOT has reviewed and approved the IDOT Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for Federal Participation with HR Green, Inc. Responding to inquiries from Alderman Curry regarding how the engineering fees were ascertained, City Engineer Pieper briefly explained to Council the rates that the engineering company is required to present annually to IDOT and how IDOT calculates the amounts to arrive at a value for a job. Motion by Schaefer, second by Wimmer, approving the IDOT Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for Federal Participation with HR Green, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $29,990.27 for Phase I Engineering of Curran Road (formerly Draper Road) S-Curve Safety Improvements and the City Clerk's execution of IDOT Resolution for Improvements by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code. Voting Aye: Santi, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. Regular Meeting Page 7 November 2, 2015 MOTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2015/2016 BUDGET, IN THE AMOUNT OF $29,000, FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DIRECTOR OF BUILDING & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES Mayor Low acknowledged some concerns have been raised regarding recommendations coming out of Committee and requested that City Attorney McArdle address Council. City Attorney McArdle informed Council that there is no relationship between procedural issues and recommendations at the Committee level in meetings and how the Council discusses and takes action during Council meetings. City Administrator Morefield informed Council that prior to December 2014, Doug Martin, while serving as Deputy City Administrator, provided oversight for the activities of the Department of Community and Economic Development. In the role, Mr. Martin was charged with providing direction for all building inspection and code compliance activities, planning and zoning processes, and business retention and attraction (economic development) efforts. With a strong desire to boost economic development efforts through the establishment of a full-time staff person, in December 2014, Mr. Martin was given the title of Director of Economic Development with a charge to focus 100% of his time on assisting existing businesses to remain in McHenry and to bring new businesses to the community. In the 10-months since Mr. Martin transitioned to the role of Director of Economic Development, the effort has achieved significant retention and attraction results. City Administrator Morefield used as examples: DSW, Big R, CVS Pharmacy, Black Diamond Plumbing and Mechanical, Superior Felt (expansion), Dunkin Donuts, Door Service, Inc., together with unrelenting efforts to maintain Fabrik in the corporate community. Additionally, Mr. Martin expands economic development awareness through the implementation of the McHenry Market Pulse blog, hosting regular networking events and open houses with real estate agents/brokers, and by representing the City of McHenry throughout the region. City Administrator Morefield indicated that Mr. Martin works tirelessly in his efforts to promote McHenry as a business friendly community. City Administrator Morefield stated that following Mr. Martin's transition to Director of Economic Development, the day-to-day oversight and direction for the building inspection and code compliance functions of the Department of Community and Economic Development were assumed by the City Administrator, with an understanding that this was for an interim period of time. During the past 10-month period, the Department has successfully completed the installation of the BS&A building inspection, code compliance and project tracking software, and has dealt with an overwhelming number of inspections due to the spring 2015 hail storm event that resulted in hundreds of roof and siding permits. Due to the day-to-day demands of the position of City Administrator it has been determined that what is needed moving forward is an individual that can develop and implement strategies that solidify and expand the City's building inspection and code compliance efforts. The need was verbalized by Mayor Low and affirmed, by consensus of the Finance & Personnel Committee at a meeting held on July 20, 2015. Regular Meeting Page 8 November 2, 2015 City Administration has reviewed job descriptions from a number of communities and developed a new draft job description for a Director of Building and Neighborhood Services. As envisioned, the position would be responsible for directing daily building inspection and code compliance efforts; work with Staff, the City Administrator and Council, to develop specific goals and objectives in these areas and be able to regularly monitor building inspection and code compliance issues in a seamless manner. Based on the City's wage and compensation matrix, the pay range based on qualifications, would be between $82,284 and $120,131, likely in the lower 25% of the range ($82,284-$91,746). It is estimated that benefits (IMRF and medical insurance) would cost approximately $35,000, for a total cost of between $117,000 and $127,000. Funding for the position is not included in the FY 2015/2016 Budget, therefore, a budget amendment is required to facilitate the recruitment and hiring for the position. This matter was taken before the Finance and Personnel Committee for consideration and recommendation on October 19, 2015. During the meeting it was identified that the timing for recruitment and hiring for the position should proceed prior to the beginning of FY 2016/2017 (May 1st) in order to bring someone on board in time to participate in the 2016 building and code enforcement active season. Staff is anticipating recruitment for the position to begin in mid -November, with interviews in mid -to -late December or early January, 2016, and a start date in early February. If Council concurs with the recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee, Staff is requesting a motion to amend the FY 2015/2016 Budget, in the amount of $29,000, to allow for recruitment and hiring of a Director of Building and Neighborhood Services. The amount assumes a starting salary and benefits in the range identified and an estimated starting date of February 1, 2016. City Administrator Morefield pointed out that the budget amendment covers the period from February 1, 2016 through April 30, 2016. The salary and benefits going forward would be included in the proposed 2016/2017 Budget. Alderman Condon addressed Council stating, as Chair of the Community Development Committee, it had been apparent for a long time that the Community Development Department requires a new direction to expand and be more productive. She opined that having a director with a primary focus on building and neighborhood services is in the best interest of the citizens and the community. Alderman Glab opined he believes the salary is excessive. Responding to Alderman Schaefer's suggestion that more people in the field could be more important than an executive position, City Administrator Morefield explained in detail the responsibilities of the position of director and the need for an individual who is able to provide direction in order to achieve good results. Regular Meeting Page 9 November 2, 2015 Alderman Curry opined that he is concerned about the timing of the request regarding filling the position, not filling the position. He stated he does not see the necessity of amending the budget when a new budget is forthcoming and the position could be allocated in the 2016/2017 Budget. Alderman Wimmer stated that he believes the position is necessary and needs to be filled. Alderman Peterson opined that the salary is high, but concurred with Alderman Wimmer that the position needs to be filled. City Administrator Morefield assured Council that Director of Human Resources Campanella would be assessing data from various municipalities and comparable communities in an effort to ascertain an appropriate starting salary. Mayor Low stated that the budget for 2016/2017 would not be approved until the end of April 2016. She opined someone needs to be in the position prior the building season beginning. The financial situation is improving and the City of McHenry again needs to become proactive. Alderman Santi stated that he is in favor of the position being filled, but concurred with Alderman Curry that there is no need to fill it immediately. Alderman Schaefer stated he is in favor of moving forward. He opined it is likely to take a while to find a qualified candidate to fill the position. Alderman Curry reiterated that he believes the process could be effectuated to begin May 1, 2016, following approval of the new budget. Alternatively, he suggested beginning the process now, but not amending the budget to do it. Alderman Peterson opined that in order to begin the process the budget needs to be amended. Alderman Peterson stated that it is unreasonable to seek a candidate, offer a position and not have the funds budgeted. A lengthy discussion ensued. Motion by Condon, second by Wimmer to amend the FY 2015/2016 Budget, in the amount of $29,000, to allow for the recruitment and hiring of a Director of Building and Neighborhood Services. Voting Aye: Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: Santi, Glab, Curry. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO APPROVE THE CITY OF MCHENRY POLICE PENSION FUND ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 City Administrator Morefield informed Council that the Illinois Department of Insurance requires that the City Council approve an annual report for the Police Pension Fund. The report provides important information that can also be found in the actuarial report. The report Regular Meeting Page 10 November 2, 2015 includes the 2014/2015 total fund assets and investment income for the fund, as well as estimated receipts for the 2015/2016 fiscal year. City Administrator Morefield stated that it is important for the City to continue to fund at the required level. Staff has notified the Police Pension Board, per Council's direction, that the City intends to continue to meet the actuarial required contribution going forward. Motion by Curry, second by Schaefer, approving the Police Pension Fund Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2014/2015. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR'S STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low announced that the annual Christmas Walk will be held on Saturday, November 21, 2015 and the Toys for Tots Parade will be held on Sunday, November 22, 2015. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. STAFF REPORTS There were no Staff Reports. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no Future Agenda Items. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Santi, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 pm. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:31 pm. Mayor City Clerk 100 100-33-5520 COMED 308.96 10/01/2015 100 100-01-5510 COMED 106.72 10/01/2015 100 100-30-5430 APWA 35 10/05/2015 100 100-33-5430 APWA 35 10/05/2015 100 100-33-4510 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 298.95 10/05/2015 100 100-33-6110 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 144.7 10/05/2015 100 100-33-5520 COMED 34.1 10/05/2015 100 100-01-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 210.85 10/05/2015 100 100-22-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 6.81 10/05/2015 100 100-33-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 607.69 10/05/2015 100 100-45-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 459.44 10/05/2015 100 100-00-3890 AQUA ILLINOIS - PA 125.39 10/09/2015 100 100-45-5320 AT&T 86.38 10/09/2015 100 100-41-3635 BALTIS, RAY 25 10/09/2015 100 100-01-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 295 10/09/2015 100 100-01-5420 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 1620.2 10/09/2015 100 100-01-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 506.97 10/09/2015 100 100-01-6940 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 49.47 10/09/2015 100 100-03-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 200 10/09/2015 100 100-22-5420 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 492.31 10/09/2015 100 100-44-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 369.95 10/09/2015 100 100-46-6920 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 43.25 10/09/2015 100 100-47-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 147.67 10/09/2015 100 100-41-3635 BROWN, STEVE 15 10/09/2015 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 101.4 10/09/2015 100 100-45-5110 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 742.47 10/09/2015 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 2232.95 10/09/2015 100 100-22-5370 DORETTI ENTERPRISES 500 10/09/2015 100 100-22-5420 MICROTEL INN 94.08 10/09/2015 100 100-41-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 8.72 10/15/2015 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 1255.34 10/19/2015 100 100-01-6940 SECRETARY OF STATE 101 10/19/2015 100 100-01-6940 SECRETARY OF STATE/INDEX DEPT 10 10/19/2015 100 100-43-5320 AT&T 86.04 10/22/2015 100 100-01-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 179.69 10/22/2015 100 100-22-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 1.67 10/22/2015 100 100-33-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 1.26 10/22/2015 100 100-41-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 0.6 10/22/2015 100 100-45-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 0.89 10/22/2015 100 100-02-5420 GERAGHTY, MARCI 259 10/22/2015 100 100-41-5110 SIX FLAGS GREAT AMERICA 8538.95 10/22/2015 100 100-04-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 5.65 10/22/2015 100 100-22-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 19.13 10/22/2015 100 100-02-6940 MCHENRY AREA DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ASSOC 2174 10/28/2015 100 100-22-4510 REWIAKO, RICHARD 53.14 10/28/2015 100 100-33-5520 COMED 306.38 10/30/2015 100 100-01-5510 COMED 109.83 10/30/2015 100 100-45-5510 COMED 32.7 10/30/2015 100 100-33-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 420 10/30/2015 100 100-45-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 1154.98 10/30/2015 210 510-32-6110 NICOR GAS 918.92 10/14/2015 215 215-00-6110 CITY OF MCHENRY 282.92 10/09/2015 290 290-00-5110 LANDMARK CONTRACTORS INC 5040 10/09/2015 290 290-00-5110 LANDMARK CONTRACTORS INC 5109 10/09/2015 510 510-32-5510 COMED 161.36 10/01/2015 510 510-32-4510 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 353 10/05/2015 510 510-32-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 510 510-35-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 510 510-32-5510 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 510 510-31-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 510 510-32-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 510 510-31-5510 COMED 510 510-32-5510 COMED 510 510-32-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 510 510-35-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 620 620-00-5410 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 740 740-00-5230 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & MCARDLE FUND 100 TOTAL FUND 210 TOTAL FUND 215 TOTAL FUND 290 TOTAL FUND 510 TOTAL FUND 620 TOTAL FUND 740 TOTAL 547.33 10/05/2015 39.92 10/05/2015 33.48 10/09/2015 3.85 10/15/2015 0.63 10/22/2015 76.08 10/30/2015 291.05 10/30/2015 786.65 10/30/2015 49.9 10/30/2015 250 10/09/2015 362.5 10/09/2015 38921.27 24614.68 918.92 282.92 10149 2343.25 250 362.5 38921.27 Vendor Name Expense Approval Register McHenry, IL LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/15 Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: ACE HARDWARE, B10RKMAN'S ACE HARDWARE, B10RKMAN'S 100 01 6110 SUPPLIES OCT 2015 11/16/2015 17.00 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 100-22-6110 SUPPLIES OCT 2015 11/16/2015 42.02 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 100-33-5370 SUPPLIES OCT 2015 11/16/2015 66.66 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES OCT 2015 11/16/2015 723,81 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES OCT 2015 11/16/2015 363,26 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 100-46-6920 SUPPLIES OCT 2015 11/16/2015 37.56 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 100-47-6110 SUPPLIES OCT 2015 11/16/2015 57.76 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 510-31-6110 SUPPLIES OCTOBER 2015 11/16/2015 163,28 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES OCTOBER 2015 11/16/2015 308o97 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES OCTOBER 2015 11/16/2015 89.99 Vendor ACE HARDWARE, WORKMAN'S Total: 10870931 Vendor: ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 767823 11/16/2015 108,00 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, RA 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 767913 11/16/2015 180,00 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, RA 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 767916 11/16/2015 63,02 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, RA 100-45-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 768245 11/16/2015 75.88 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, RA 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 767391 11/16/2015 381.83 Vendor ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A Total: 808.73 Vendor: ADAMS, SAMANTHA ADAMS, SAMANTHA 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 10/24/15 11/16/2015 14.75 Vendor ADAMS, SAMANTHA Total: 14.75 Vendor: AMELIO, ROBERT AMELIO, ROBERT 100-47-5110 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES 10/31-11/13/15 11/16/2015 141.00 AMELIO, ROBERT 100-47-5110 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES 10/19/15-10/30/15 11/16/2015 94.00 Vendor AMELIO, ROBERT Total: 235.00 Vendor: AMERICASH LOANS AMERICASH LOANS 100-00-3410 TEMP SIGN REFUND 15-10-014 15-10-014 11/16/2015 30,00 Vendor AMERICASH LOANS Total: 30.00 Vendor: AQUAFIX AQUAFIX 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 16974 11/16/2015 341.09 Vendor AQUAFIX Total: 341.09 Vendor: AT&T AT&T 100-33-5515 ALARM CIRCUITS 10/28/15-11/27/15 11/16/2015 86,55 AT&T 100-45-5320 ALARM CIRCUITS 10/28/15-11/27/15 11/16/2015 8636 Vendor AT&T Total: 172.91 Vendor: BAKER & SON CO, PETER BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 37645MB 11/16/2015 586A4 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 510-35-6110 MATERIALS 37645MBA 11/16/2015 1,091.09 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 37741MB 11/16/2015 2,838.44 Vendor BAKER & SON CO, PETER Total: 4,515.97 Vendor: BARTOS, DONNA BARTOS, DONNA 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 9/14/15-10/19/15 11/16/2015 170,63 Vendor BARTOS, DONNA Total: 170.63 Vendor: BAXTER & WOODMAN BAXTER & WOODMAN 510-31-5110 BWCSI SUPPORT 0182838 11/16/2015 270.00 Vendor BAXTER & WOODMAN Total: 270.00 Vendor: BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 510-31-5110 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 2015-305380 11/16/2015 11260,00 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 510-32-5110 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 2015-305380 11/16/2015 849.50 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 100-33-5110 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 2015-EO5380 11/16/2015 2,563.75 11/11/2015 2:25:35 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00251- MONTHLY MAINTENANCE Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 100-41-5110 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 2015-EO5380 11/16/2015 91183.00 Vendor BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC Total: 13,856.25 Vendor: BROWN, JUDY I BROWN, JUDY 1 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC INSTRUCTOR 10/1/15-10/31/15 11/16/2015 225.00 Vendor BROWN, JUDY I Total: 225.00 Vendor: BUSS FORD SALES BUSS FORD SALES 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIR CREDIT 10017086 11/09/2015 -87.04 BUSS FORD SALES 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 50189041 11/16/2015 98.76 Vendor BUSS FORD SALES Total: 11.72 Vendor: CAMPANELLA, ANN CAMPANELLA, ANN 100-01-5420 REIMB TRAVEL EXPENSES INV0001193 11/16/2015 197.80 Vendor CAMPANELLA, ANN Total: 197.80 Vendor: CDW GOVERNMENT INC CDW GOVERNMENT INC 620-00-6270 SUPPLIES ZV35479 11/16/2015 502.39 Vendor CDW GOVERNMENT INC Total: 502.39 Vendor: CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 610-00-6940 MEDICALSERVICES 149852 11/16/2015 122.50 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 610-00-6940 MEDICALSERVICES 150013 11/16/2015 122.50 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 MEDICALSERVICES 160436 11/16/2015 60.00 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 MEDICALSERVICES 160493 11/16/2015 122.00 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 610-00-6940 MEDICALSERVICES 160567 11/16/2015 65.00 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 610-00-6940 MEDICALSERVICES 160758 11/16/2015 122.50 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 610-00-6940 MEDICALSERVICES 161259 11/16/2015 122.50 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 MEDICALSERVICES 161454 11/16/2015 127.00 Vendor CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Total: 864.00 Vendor: CHAPEL HILL FLORIST INC CHAPEL HILL FLORIST INC 100-01-6940 ADMIN EXP 005116 11/16/2015 99.00 Vendor CHAPEL HILL FLORIST INC Total: 99.00 Vendor: CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 5003937441 11/16/2015 13.10 Vendor CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY Total: 13.10 Vendor: COMCAST CABLE COMCASTCABLE 620-00-5110 CABLE TV INV0001217 11/16/2015 127.81 COMCASTCABLE 620-00-5110 INTERNET 11/4/15-12/3/15 11/16/2015 82.90 COMCASTCABLE 620-00-5110 INTERNET 11/4-12/03/15 11/16/2015 162.85 COMCAST CABLE 620-00-5110 CABLE TV 11/8-12/7/15 11/16/2015 29.46 Vendor COMCAST CABLE Total: 403.02 Vendor: COMED COMED 510-31-5510 UTILITIES 9/25/15-10/26/15 11/16/2015 322.46 COMED 510-32-5510 UTILITIES 9/25/15-10/26/15 11/16/2015 157.87 COMED 510-31-5510 PUMPING FEES 9/28/15-10/26/15A 11/16/2015 328.81 COMED 510-32-5510 PUMPING FEES 9/28/15-10/26/15A 11/16/2015 11473.53 Vendor COMED Total: 21282.67 Vendor: CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 510-32-5510 UTILITITES 1-15E19QC 11/16/2015 33.20 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES 9/23/15-10/22/15 11/16/2015 87.40 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILTIES 9/25/15-10/25/15 11/16/2015 221303.16 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-42-5510 UTILTIES 9/25/15-10/25/15 11/16/2015 1/027455 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-44-5510 UTILTIES 9/25/15-10/25/15 11/16/2015 55.12 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-45-5510 UTILTIES 9/25/15-10/25/15 11/16/2015 511.64 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-46-5510 UTILTIES 9/25/15-10/25/15 11/16/2015 47.56 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 510-32-5510 UTILITIES 9/25/15-10/25/15A 11/16/2015 77.28 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 510-31-5510 PUMPING FEES 9/28/15-10/22/15 11/16/2015 81346.45 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 510-32-5510 PUMPING FEES 9/28/15-10/22/15 11/16/2015 21,369.59 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES 9/28/15-10/27/15 11/16/2015 3,584.72 Vendor CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC Total: 57,443.67 11/il/2015 2:25:35 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00251- PWB REFUND-15-06428 Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: COX, BRADLEY COX, BRADLEY 100-00-3410 PWB REFUND-15-06-128 15-06-128 11/16/2015 11500.00 Vendor COX, BRADLEY Total: 11500.00 Vendor: CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 5501112168.001 11/16/2015 66.58 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 5501090578.001 11/16/2015 135.75 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 620-00-6210 SUPPLIES 5501091958.001 11/16/2015 167.10 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 620-00-6110 SUPPLIES 5501110303.001 11/16/2015 167.10 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 5501184752.001 11/16/2015 286.86 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 5501187849.001 11/16/2015 79.11 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 5501198790.001 11/16/2015 165.38 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 5501200786.001 11/16/2015 50.02 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES 5501201245.001 11/16/2015 41.87 Vendor CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO Total: 1,159.77 Vendor: CRUZ, MICHAEL CRUZ, MICHAEL 100-22-5420 REIMB TRAVEL EXP INV0001194 11/16/2015 8.00 Vendor CRUZ, MICHAELTotal: 8.00 Vendor: CURRAN MATERIALS COMPANY CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 10101 11/16/2015 11623.04 CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 10139 11/16/2015 30.00 CURRAN MATERIALS 510-35-6110 MATERIALS 10139A 11/16/2015 961.20 CURRAN MATERIALS 510-35-6110 MATERIALS 10160 11/16/2015 444.60 CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 10172 11/16/2015 1/120020 CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 10175 11/16/2015 1,987.44 CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 10195 11/16/2015 1,974.60 CURRAN MATERIALS 510-35-5370 MATERIALS 9934 11/16/2015 672.56 Vendor CURRAN MATERIALS COMPANY Total: 8,813.64 Vendor: D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING D'ANGELO NATURALSPRING 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 0792502 11/19/2015 40.75 Vendor D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING Total: 40.75 Vendor: DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSIONS INC DOCUMENT IMAGING 620-00-6210 SUPPLIES 282319 11/16/2015 626.00 Vendor DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSIONS INC Total: 626.00 Vendor: DOWELL, MARK DOWELL, MARK 100-41-3637 PARKS & REC REFUND 127825 11/16/2015 100.00 Vendor DOWELL, MARK Total: 100.00 Vendor: DUKE'S ROOT CONTROL INC DUKE'S ROOT CONTROL INC 510-35-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11452 11/16/2015 41963.98 Vendor DUKE'S ROOT CONTROL INC Total: 4,963.98 Vendor: DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE 510-31-6110 SUPPLIES 119847 11/16/2015 254.05 Vendor DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE Total: 254.05 Vendor: ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MUFFLER SHOP ED'SAUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 10/12/15-10/20/15 11/16/2015 104.00 ED'SAUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S 510-35-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 10/12-10/2015 11/16/2015 104.00 Vendor ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MUFFLER SHOP Total: 208.00 Vendor: ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 151561-1 11/16/2015 75,00 Vendor ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC Total: 75.00 Vendor: FASTENAL FASTENAL 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES ILMCH16063 11/16/2015 8.50 Vendor FASTENAL Total: 8.50 Vendor: FEDEX FEDEX 100-47-6110 SUPPLIES 5-205-89885 11/16/2015 40.33 Vendor FEDEX Total: 40.33 11/11/2015 2:25:35 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00251- SUPPLIES Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: FISCHER BROS FRESH FISCHER BROS FRESH 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 5895 11/16/2015 951.50 FISCHER BROS FRESH 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES 5914 11/16/2015 737.63 FISCHER BROS FRESH 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 5957 11/16/2015 626.00 Vendor FISCHER BROS FRESH Total: 2,315.13 Vendor: FLORES, JILL M FLORES, JILL M 100-42-5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 10/7/15-10/28/15 11/16/2015 97.50 Vendor FLORES, TILL M Total: 97.50 Vendor: FOERSTER, JEFFERY S FOERSTER, JEFFERY S 100-22-5420 REIM TRAVEL EXPENSE INV0001216 11/16/2015 94.08 Vendor FOERSTER, JEFFERY S Total: 94.08 Vendor: FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 49768 11/16/2015 434.00 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 49783 11/16/2015 170.38 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 49933 11/16/2015 648.50 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 49954 11/16/2015 125.00 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 510-31-6110 SUPPLIES 49982 11/16/2015 29.00 Vendor FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC Total: 11406.88 Vendor: FRONTLINE TECHNOLOGIES GROUP LLC FRONTLINE TECHNOLOGIES 100-01-5110 APPLITRACK SETUP- INVUS44598 11/16/2015 500.00 Vendor FRONTLINE TECHNOLOGIES GROUP LLC Total: 500.00 Vendor: GLICK, DANIEL GLICK, DANIEL 100-47-5110 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES 10/31/15-11/13/15 11/16/2015 92.00 GLICK, DANIEL 100-47-5110 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES 10/19/15-10/30/15 11/16/2015 92.00 Vendor GLICK, DANIELTotal: 184.00 Vendor: GREVE, CODY GREVE, CODY 100-47-5110 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES 10/31/15-11/13/15 11/16/2015 138.00 Vendor GREVE, CODY Total: 138.00 Vendor: HARM'S FARM HARM'S FARM 100-41-6950 SUPPLIES 22612 11/16/2015 25.74 Vendor HARM'S FARM Total: 25.74 Vendor: HAWKINS INC HAWKINS INC 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 3791553RI 11/16/2015 738.00 HAWKINS INC 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 3791756RI 11/16/2015 21220.16 Vendor HAWKINS INC Total: 21958.16 Vendor: HILLS CONCRETE CUTTING SERVICES INC HILLS CONCRETE CUTTING 100-33-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2589 11/16/2015 450.00 Vendor HILLS CONCRETE CUTTING SERVICES INC Total: 450.00 Vendor:HRGREEN HRGREEN 580-32-8500 WWTP CONSTRUCTION 100737 11/16/2015 1011731.50 HRGREEN 100-33-5110 2015 GENERAL CONSULT 100878 11/16/2015 1,874.00 HRGREEN 440-00-8600 2015 ROAD PROGRAM 101491 11/16/2015 13,930.09 HRGREEN 440-00-8900 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CL& 101492 11/16/2015 1,610.00 HRGREEN 580-32-8500 FIELDSTONE LIFT STATION 101493 11/16/2015 %945.50 Vendor HRGREEN Total: 129,091.09 Vendor: HUFFMAN, WILLIAM W HUFFMAN, WILLIAM W 100-41-6950 2015 FALLTREE PLANTING OCT 262015 11/16/2015 41480.00 Vendor HUFFMAN, WILLIAM W Total: 4j480.00 Vendor: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF 100-22-5430 STATE LICENSES INV0001195 11/16/2015 60.00 Vendor ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Total: 60.00 Vendor: ILLINOIS FBI NA ILLINOIS FBI NA 100-22-5430 MONTHLY LUNCHEON INV0001196 11/16/2015 75.00 Vendor ILLINOIS FBI NA Total: 75.00 11/11/2015 2:25:35 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00251- ISI SWIMMER FEE Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: ILLINOIS SWIMMING ILLINOIS SWIMMING 100-47-6110 ISI SWIMMER FEE INV0001197 11/16/2015 66.00 Vendor ILLINOIS SWIMMING Total: 66,00 Vendor: ILLINOIS TACTICAL OFFICERS ASSOCIATION ILLINOIS TACTICAL OFFICERS 100-22-5430 ITOA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 3254 11/16/2015 295.00 Vendor ILLINOIS TACTICAL OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Total: 295.00 Vendor: INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIR CREDIT 3000078056 11/10/2015 -787.35 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 510-32-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000321007 11/16/2015 79,48 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000336786 11/16/2015 429.52 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000538626 11/16/2015 80.75 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 300411598 11/16/2015 64.61 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 300488176 11/16/2015 404.74 Vendor INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC Total: 271.75 Vendor: IRISH PRAIRIE RECREATIONAL CENTER IRISH PRAIRIE RECREATIONAL 100-47-5110 POOL RENTAL 9/14/15-9/18/15A 11/16/2015 375.00 Vendor IRISH PRAIRIE RECREATIONAL CENTER Total: 375.00 Vendor: J G UNIFORMS INC J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 39088 11/16/2015 102.00 J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-6110 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 39089 11/16/2015 11273.79 J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-6270 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 39095 11/17/2015 2/480400 J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 39098 11/16/2015 11096A8 J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 39194 11/16/2015 129.58 J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 39195 11/16/2015 439.51 J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 39196 11/16/2015 172.00 J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 39197 11/16/2015 163.95 J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-6110 SUPPLIES 39198 11/16/2015 153.02 J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 39199 11/16/2015 54.92 J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 39200 11/16/2015 50.92 J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 39201 11/16/2015 440.12 J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-6110 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 39201 11/16/2015 54.40 Vendor G UNIFORMS INC Total: 61610.69 Vendor: JETTS HEATING & AIR INC JETTS HEATING & AIR INC 100-45-5110 FURNACE REPAIRS 32995 11/16/2015 445.00 JETTS HEATING & AIR INC 100-45-5110 REPAIRS HEATERS & BOILER 33178 11/16/2015 270.00 JETTS HEATING & AIR INC 100-45-5110 CLEANING & REPAIRS- BOILER 33179 11/16/2015 95.00 Vendor JETTS HEATING & AIR INC Total: 810.00 Vendor: JONES, JOHN JONES, JOHN 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW INV0001220 11/16/2015 108.06 Vendor JONES, JOHN Total: 108.06 Vendor: JORSON & CARLSON INC 10RSON & CARLSON INC 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES O424198 11/16/2015 61.25 Vendor JORSON & CARLSON INC Total: 61.25 Vendor: JUNGMANN, MARLENE B JUNGMANN, MARLENE B 100-46-6920 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 1110 11/16/2015 408.00 Vendor JUNGMANN, MARLENE B Total: 408.00 Vendor: KARKI, STEVE KARKI, STEVE 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 10/5-10/27/15 11/16/2015 32,00 KARKI, STEVE 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 9/14-10/13/15 11/10/2015 112.00 Vendor KARKI, STEVE Total: 144.00 Vendor: KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY INC KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY INC 100-22-8300 SUPPLIES 0779368 11/16/2015 11567,80 Vendor KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY INC Total: 11567.80 Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST KIMBALL MIDWEST 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 4521915 11/16/2015 302.91 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWEST Total: 302.91 11/11/2015 2:25:35 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00251- PARKS & REC REFUND Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: KLUESENER, DALE KLUESENER, DALE 100-41-3637 PARKS & REC REFUND 127827 11/16/2015 100.00 Vendor KLUESENER, DALE Total: 100.00 Vendor: LALOND, CINDI LALOND, CINDI 100-41-3637 PARK & REC PROGRAM 127826 11/16/2015 50.00 Vendor LALOND, CINDI Total: 50.00 Vendor: LANG-CADILLAC-BUICK-GMC INC, GARY LANG-CADILLAC-BUICK-GMC 510-32-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 120641 11/16/2015 272.38 Vendor LANG-CADILLAC-BUICK-GMC INC, GARY Total: 272.38 Vendor: LESNIAK, SHARON LESNIAK, SHARON 100-47-6110 REIMB COACH CERTIFCATIONS INV0001218 11/16/2015 36.00 Vendor LESNIAK, SHARON Total: 36.00 Vendor: LEXISNEXIS LEXISNEXIS 100-22-5110 PHONE SEARCHES 20151031 11/16/2015 147.50 Vendor LEXISNEXIS Total: 147.50 Vendor: LILLEENG, MICHAEL D LILLEENG, MICHAEL D 100-47-5110 NOV PAYMT 2 OF 6 9/8/15-3/15/16A 11/16/2015 2,400.00 Vendor LILLEENG, MICHAEL D Total: 2,400.00 Vendor: LYON-MINK, JULIE LYON-MINK, JULIE 100-41-3637 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 127788 11/16/2015 150.00 Vendor LYON-MINK, JULIE Total: 150.00 Vendor: MARCHEWKA, MIKE MARCHEWKA, MIKE 100-45-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10/17/15 11/16/2015 860.00 Vendor MARCHEWKA, MIKE Total: 860.00 Vendor: MARTIN, DOUG MARTIN, DOUG 100-01-5420 TRAVEL REIMB 10/23/15 11/16/2015 18.00 Vendor MARTIN, DOUG Total: 18.00 Vendor: MCCAFFERTY, BRITTANY MCCAFFERTY, BRITTANY 100-46-5110 PARKS & REC-CONTRACTUAL INV0001198 11/16/2015 108.00 Vendor MCCAFFERTY, BRITTANY Total: 108.00 Vendor: MCCAFFERTY, CHARITY MCCAFFERTY, CHARITY 100-47-6110 CLASS REIMB INV0001219 11/16/2015 19.00 Vendor MCCAFFERTY, CHARITY Total: 19.00 Vendor: McCLELLAN, MICHAEL McCLELLAN, MICHAEL 100-41-3637 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 127828 11/16/2015 50.00 Vendor McCLELLAN, MICHAEL Total: 50.00 Vendor: MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INC MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-31-5110 FLUORIDE SAMPLES 388951 11/16/2015 31385.00 Vendor MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INC Total: 31385.00 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF 100-22-5430 MONTHLY MEETING INV0001199 11/16/2015 45.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE Total: 45.00 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL 100-01-5410 MCCG ANNUAL DUES FY2016 15572 11/16/2015 71937.00 MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL 100-02-5410 MEMBERSHIP MTG 15740 11/16/2015 41.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Total: 70978900 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY GLASS & MIRROR MCHENRY COUNTY GLASS & 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 68640 11/16/2015 280.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY GLASS & MIRROR Total: 280.00 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 100-01-6940 RECORDING FEES 10/1/15-10/26/15 11/16/2015 164.00 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 100-03-5110 RECORDING FEES 10/1/15-10/26/15 11/16/2015 1.50 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 510-31-6940 RECORDING FEES 10/1-10/26/15 11/16/2015 80.00 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 510-32-6940 RECORDING FEES 10/1-10/26/15 11/16/2015 166.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS Total: 411.SO 11/11/2015 2:25:35 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00251- SUPPLIES Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT INC MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT 100-33-6270 SUPPLIES 153385 11/16/2015 527.99 Vendor MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT INC Total: 527.99 Vendor: MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 42008928 11/16/2015 514A0 Vendor MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO Total: 514.40 Vendor: MERTZ, GARY MERTZ, GARY 100-33-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW INV0001200 11/16/2015 138.00 Vendor MERTZ, GARY Total: 138.00 Vendor: MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 100-45-6110 MATERIALS 705859716 11/16/2015 75.08 Vendor MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY Total: 75.08 Vendor: MICRO FORMAT INC MICRO FORMAT INC 100-03-6210 SUPPLIES 116063 11/16/2015 294.00 Vendor MICRO FORMAT INC Total: 294.00 Vendor: MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC MID AMERICAN WATER OF 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 167855W 11/16/2015 600.52 Vendor MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC Total: 600.52 Vendor: MIDWEST WATER GROUP INC MIDWEST WATER GROUP INC 510-31-6110 SUPPLIES 8148 11/16/2015 1,056.00 Vendor MIDWEST WATER GROUP INC Total: 1,056.00 Vendor: MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT INC MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT 100-01-6110 SUPPLIES 0003425052 11/16/2015 830A2 MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT 100-41-6110 SUPPLIES 0003425052 11/16/2015 1,552.23 MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT 100-01-6110 SUPPLIES 0003425053 11/16/2015 552.79 MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT 100-01-6110 SUPPLIES 0003425345 11/16/2015 88.59 MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT 100-01-6110 SUPPLIES 0003425346 11/16/2015 80.43 Vendor MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT INC Total: 3,104.46 Vendor: NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-01-5370 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES OCT 2015 11/16/2015 136.90 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-03-5370 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES OCT2015 11/16/2015 100.45 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES OCT 2015 11/16/2015 943.56 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES OCT 2015 11/16/2015 828.77 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-31-5370 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES OCTOBER 2015 11/16/2015 49.99 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-32-5370 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES OCTOBER 2015 11/16/2015 467.24 Vendor NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC Total: 2,526.91 Vendor: NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE NATIONAL BUSINESS 100-30-6210 SUPPLIES ZJ900075-KRU 11/16/2015 304.60 NATIONAL BUSINESS 100-30-6270 SUPPLIES ZJ900075-KRU 11/16/2015 1,100,00 Vendor NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE Total: 1,404.60 Vendor: NATURESCAPE DESIGN INC NATURESCAPE DESIGN INC 100-45-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0057743-IN 11/16/2015 305.00 Vendor NATURESCAPE DESIGN INC Total: 305.00 Vendor: NCL OF WISCONSIN INC NCL OF WISCONSIN INC 510-32-6110 LAB SUPPLIES 363234 11/16/2015 845.52 Vendor NCL OF WISCONSIN INC Total: 845.52 Vendor: NEUMANN JR, EDWARD J NEUMANN JR, EDWARD J 740-00-6960 PARKING LOT RENTAL -DEC DEC 2015 11/16/2015 500.00 Vendor NEUMANN JR, EDWARD J Total: 500.00 Vendor: NEW AGE TRANSPORTATION NEW AGE TRANSPORTATION 510-32-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 473345 11/16/2015 11695,00 Vendor NEW AGE TRANSPORTATION Total: 1,695.00 Vendor: NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL 100-01-6110 SUPPLIES 17241130 11/16/2015 23.08 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL 100-01-6110 SUPPLIES 17242312 11/16/2015 92.31 11/11/2015 2:25:35 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL 100-45-6110 Vendor: NORTHWEST HERALD NORTHWEST HERALD 100-01-5450 Vendor: OLDCASTLE ARCHITECTURAL OLDCASTLE ARCHITECTURAL 100-33-6110 Vendor: PETERSON, DWAYNE PETERSON, DWAYNE Vendor: PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC Vendor: PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F Vendor:PROSAFETYINC PROSAFETYINC 100-47-5110 510-35-6250 510-32-6250 510-31-6250 100-33-6250 510-32-6250 100-33-6250 100-03-6250 10045-6250 100-33-6250 100-22-6250 100-03-6250 100-03-6250 Description (Item) SUPPLIES 26 WEEK SUBSCRIPTION SUPPLIES SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL Packet: APPKT00251- SUPPLIES Payable Number Post Date Amount 17242720 11/16/2015 15.83 Vendor NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC Total: 131.22 INV0001201 670038834 10/31/15-11/13/15 9695712 9695740 9695741 9695743 9697324 9698138 9699318 9699321 9699322 9699323 9702515 9702560 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 34228 100-22-6210 SUPPLIES 34240 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 34282 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 34286 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 34289 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 34310 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 34315 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 34321 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 34322 100-33-6110 Vendor: PROSHRED SECURITY PROSHREDSECURITY 100-22-5110 Vendor: QUILL CORPORATION QUILL CORPORATION 100-01-6110 Vendor: RADIOSHACK CORPORATION RADIOSHACKCORPORATION 510-31-6110 Vendor: REINDERS INC REINDERS INC 100-45-5370 Vendor: REISHUS, DEIRDRE REISHUS, DEIRDRE 100-47-5110 SUPPLIES SHREDDING SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIRS PARKS & REC PROGRAM 2/810890 990010707 9146971 028702 1605592-00 9/15/15-10/24/15 11/16/2015 Vendor NORTHWEST HERALD Total: 11/16/2015 Vendor OLDCASTLE ARCHITECTURAL Total: 11/16/2015 Vendor PETERSON, DWAYNE Total: 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 Vendor PETROLIANCE LLC Total: 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 Vendor PETTIBONE & CO, P F Total: 11/16/2015 Vendor PROSAFETY INC Total: 11/16/2015 Vendor PROSHRED SECURITY Total: 11/16/2015 Vendor QUILL CORPORATION Total: 11/16/2015 Vendor RADIOSHACK CORPORATION Total: 11/16/2015 Vendor REINDERS INCTotal: 11/16/2015 Vendor REISHUS, DEIRDRE Total: 162.20 162.20 868.55 868.55 92.00 371.22 185.60 139.99 916.09 1,055.75 2,463.53 20.29 296.23 450.05 1,838.80 13.71 86.11 7,837.37 54.95 1,050.42 54.95 35.00 54.95 54.95 42.00 59.45 4.50 1,411.17 70.04 70.04 53.00 53.00 68.85 68.85 23.48 23.48 704.21 704.21 282.87 11/11/2015 2:25:35 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00251- CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: RELIABLE MAINTENANCE INC RELIABLE MAINTENANCE INC 100-01-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 42778 11/16/2015 915.00 Vendor RELIABLE MAINTENANCE INC Total: 915.00 Vendor: RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP RIVERSIDE BAKESHOP 610-00-5960 MEETING SUPPLIES 10/31/15 11/16/2015 14.16 RIVERSIDE BAKESHOP 510-31-6110 MEETING SUPPLIES OCTOBER 312015 11/16/2015 21.24 Vendor RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP Total: 35.40 Vendor: RNOW INC RNOW INC 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES 2015-48333 11/16/2015 111.25 RNOW INC 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES 2015-48335 11/16/2015 11757,50 Vendor RNOW INC Total: 11868.75 Vendor: SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS INC SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS INC 100-45-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INV0001202 11/16/2015 142.86 Vendor SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS INC Total: 142.86 Vendor: SCIAME, RYAN SCIAME, RYAN 100-22-5420 REIMB TRAVEL EXP INV0001203 11/16/2015 31.00 Vendor SCIAME, RYAN Total: 31.00 Vendor: SEMROW JR, HARRY H SEMROW JR, HARRY H 100-03-5110 ADJ LAW JUDGE OCT 2015 11/16/2015 75.00 SEMROW JR, HARRY H 100-22-5110 ADJ LAW JUDGE OCT 2015 11/16/2015 675.00 Vendor SEMROW JR, HARRY H Total: 750.00 Vendor: SEXTON, ERIC M SEXTON, ERIC M 100-22-4510 REIMB UNIFORM ALLOW INV0001204 11/16/2015 8.50 Vendor SEXTON, ERIC M Total: 8.50 Vendor: SHAW MEDIA SHAW MEDIA 100-02-5330 LEGAL PUBLICATION 1124052 11/16/2015 956.20 Vendor SHAW MEDIA Total: 956.20 Vendor: SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC 100-01-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES J001004 11/16/2015 21784.00 Vendor SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC Total: 2,784.00 Vendor: SHUETT, DEBORA SHUETT, DEBORA 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW INV0001205 11/16/2015 53.70 Vendor SHUETT, DEBORA Total: 53.70 Vendor: SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LABORATORIES SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT 100-22-6210 SUPPLIES 0227554-IN 11/16/2015 320.10 Vendor SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LABORATORIES Total: 320.10 Vendor: STANS LPS MIDWEST STANS LPS MIDWEST 100-03-5110 COPIER LEASE-CED 315529 11/16/2015 92.08 STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-5110 ITSERVICES 315780 11/16/2015 1,672.00 STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-5110 INTERNET SERVICES 315781 11/16/2015 35.00 STANS LPS MIDWEST 100-03-6250 CED COPIER LEASE 315890 11/16/2015 377.60 STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-6210 PD/ADMIN COPIER METER 315921 11/16/2015 591.71 STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-6210 PD/RECORDS COPIER METER 315952 11/16/2015 75.62 STANS LPS MIDWEST 100-03-5110 CED COPIER METER READ 315953 11/16/2015 12.08 Vendor STANS LPS MIDWEST Total: 2,856.09 Vendor: STAPLES ADVANTAGE STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-00-6210 SUPPLIES 8036553089 11/16/2015 -93.29 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-22-6210 SUPPLIES 8036553089 11/16/2015 93.29 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-30-6210 SUPPLIES 8036553089 11/16/2015 43.98 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-00-6210 SUPPLIES 8036668609 11/16/2015 29.16 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-22-6210 SUPPLIES 8036668609 11/16/2015 11.98 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-47-6110 SUPPLIES 8036668609 11/16/2015 139.99 Vendor STAPLES ADVANTAGE Total: 225.11 Vendor: STUCKEY CONSTRUCTION STUCKEY CONSTRUCTION 400-00-8200 MCHENRY REC CENTER 7 11/16/2015 897,316020 Vendor STUCKEY CONSTRUCTION Total: 897,316.20 11/11/2015 2:25:35 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: SUSHI KING SUSHI KING 100-00-3410 Vendor: TEXAS REFINERY CORP TEXAS REFINERY CORP 510-32-6110 Vendor: THELEN MATERIALS LLC THELEN MATERIALS LLC 100-45-6110 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 100-45-6110 Vendor: TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP 100-22-4510 Vendor: TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP 100-22-6310 Vendor: TRAFFIC CONTROL &PROTECTION INC TRAFFICCONTROL& 100-33-6110 Vendor: TRIKHA, SHEEL K TRIKHA, SHEEL K 100-46-5110 Vendor: ULINE ULINE 510-32-6110 Vendor: ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATIONS INC ULTRA STROBE 450-00-8300 ULTRA STROBE 100-22-5370 ULTRA STROBE 610-00-5980 Vendor: UNITED STATES POSTAL SERV UNITED STATESPOSTALSERV 100-04-5310 Vendor: UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PSEP UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PSEP 100-45-5430 Vendor: UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 100-22-5430 Vendor: US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-01-5110 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-22-5110 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-03-5110 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-33-5110 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 510-31-5110 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 510-32-5110 Vendor: VALLEY VIEW ACRES VALLEY VIEW ACRES 100-47-5110 Vendor: VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS Description (Item) Payable Number TEMP SIGN REFUND 15-09-213 15-09-213 SUPPLIES MATERIALS MATERIALS 958345 Packet: APPKT00251- TEMP SIGN REFUND 15-09-213 Post Date 11/16/2015 Vendor SUSHI KING Total: 11/16/2015 Vendor TEXAS REFINERY CORP Total: 328551 11/16/2015 328851 11/16/2015 Vendor THELEN MATERIALS LLC Total: EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 787273 K9 TRAINING/SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PARKS & REC PROGRAM SUPPLIES 17497 11/16/2015 Vendor TONY'S FAMILY TAILOR SHOP Total: 11/16/2015 Vendor TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP Total: 84832 11/16/2015 Vendor TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC Total: FALLi,2015 11/16/2015 Vendor TRIKHA, SHEEL K Total: 71830175 11/16/2015 Vendor ULINE Total: Amount 30.00 1,028.40 1,028.40 92.00 98.33 190.33 96.00 96.00 300.49 300.49 347.50 347.50 495.00 495.00 278.19 278.19 EQUIPMENT -SUPPLIES 070399 11/16/2015 938.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS 070408 11/16/2015 175.00 REMOVALOFEQUIPMT 070410 11/16/2015 250.00 Vendor ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATIONS INC Total: 1,363.00 DELIVERY OF STATISTIC INV0001214 11/16/2015 96.00 Vendor UNITED STATES POSTAL SERV Total: 96.00 TRAINING INV0001208 11/16/2015 172.00 Vendor UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PSEP Total: 172.00 TRAINING UFINT242 11/16/2015 400.00 Vendor UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Total: 400.00 COPIER LEASE-500-0389299 INV0001209 11/16/2015 311.00 COPIER LEASE 500-0401564 INV0001210 11/16/2015 225.00 COPIER LEASE 500-0302031 INV0001211 11/16/2015 135.00 COPIER LEASE 500-0361445 INV0001212 11/16/2015 97.34 COPIER LEASE 500-0361445 INV0001213 11/16/2015 97.33 COPIER LEASE 500-0361445 INV0001213 11/16/2015 97.33 Vendor US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE Total: 963.00 PARKS &REC-OCTOBER 16040 11/16/2015 300.00 Vendor VALLEY VIEW ACRES Total: 300.00 100-01-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 10/4/15-11/3/15 11/16/2015 82.64 100-03-5320 CELLPHONE USAGE 10/4/15-11/3/15 11/16/2015 114.40 100-22-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 10/4/15-11/3/15 11/16/2015 1,192.02 100-30-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 10/4/15-11/3/15 11/16/2015 34.05 100-33-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 10/4/15-11/3/15 11/16/2015 140.90 11/11/2015 2:25:35 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00251- CELL PHONE USAGE Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount VERIZON WIRELESS 100-41-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 10/4/15-11/3/15 11/16/2015 5.44 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-45-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 10/4/15-11/3/15 11/16/2015 34.05 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-46-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 10/4/15-11/3/15 11/16/2015 0.43 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-47-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 10/4/15-11/3/15 11/16/2015 0.23 VERIZON WIRELESS 620-00-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 10/4/15-11/3/15 11/16/2015 46.35 VERIZON WIRELESS 510-31-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 10/4-11/03/15 11/06/2015 6833 VERIZON WIRELESS 510-32-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 10/4-11/03/15 11/06/2015 24.94 VERIZON WIRELESS 510-35-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 10/4-11/03/15 11/06/2015 76.02 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS Total: 1,819080 Vendor: WALSH, THOMAS M WALSH, THOMAS M 100-22-5420 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMB INV0001215 11/16/2015 20.00 Vendor WALSH, THOMAS M Total: 20.00 Vendor: WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI PHEASANT RUN RDF WASTE MANAGEMENTOF WI 510-32-5580 SLUDGE REMOVAL 0029419-2742A 11/16/2015 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI 510-32-5580 SLUDGE REMOVAL 0029524-2742-1 11/16/2015 Vendor WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI PHEASANT RUN RDF Total: Vendor: WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT 100-01-6110 GARBAGE STICKERS & YARD 3243995-2013-3 11/16/2015 Vendor WASTE MANAGEMENT Total: WATER PRODUCTS -AURORA 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES 0262011 11/16/2015 WATER PRODUCTS -AURORA 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES 0262113 11/16/2015 Vendor WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA Total: Vendor: WELCH BROS INC WELCH BROS INC 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES 1539087 11/16/2015 Vendor WELCH BROS INC Total: Vendor: WILLIAMS, DEANNA WILLIAMS, DEANNA 100-47-6110 REIMB SEARCH FEE INV0001221 11/16/2015 Vendor WILLIAMS, DEANNA Total: Grand Total: 2,231.71 8,997.54 11,229.25 7,700.00 7,700.00 11088,23 174A0 1,262.63 175.00 175.00 36.50 1 ,233,190.89 11/11/2015 2:25:35 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00251- REIMB SEARCH FEE no Summary Fund 100 - GENERAL FUND 400 - RECREATION CENTER FUND 440 -CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 450 - CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND 510 - WATER/SEWER FUND 580 - UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 610 -RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 620 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 740 - RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW Expense Amount 127,664,53 897,316.20 15,540.09 938.00 74,449.62 111,677.00 819.16 4,286.29 500.00 Grand Total: 1,233,190.89 Report Summary Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CITY COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: November 2, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Community and Economic Development RE: Request for Fence Variance to the corner side yard setback height requirements, from 48" to 72", for the property located at 2618 Wall Street ATT: 1. Final Plat of Survey/Location Map 2. Permit Application I Abutting Property Owner Fence Variance Notification Form BACKGROUND: Please reference the attached Plat of Survey/Location Map. The owners of the property at 2618 Wall Street, Robert and Roberta Rakoczy, have submitted an application to erect a six foot (72") fence along the side yard facing Hillside Lane. While it is clear by the attached Plat of Survey and picture of the address that this is the corner side yard, by definition of the Zoning Ordinance, this is actually defined as the front yard because it is the smaller/shorter of the two roadway frontages. The Municipal Code states that fences located in the front yard may not be higher than 48" and, therefore, a variance is required to allow for the installation of the proposed 72" fence. In accordance with the fence variance procedures the applicant has submitted a completed "Abutting Property Owner/Current Resident Fence Variance Notification" verifying that the abutting and/or adjacent property owners have been notified. 1 Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us ANALYSIS: Staff has inspected the site and submits that the proposed fence will not create any line -of - sight problems. Staff believes that the proposed 72" fence, as proposed, would be more aesthetically -pleasing, practical and appropriate. In addition, no variance is being requested for the required setbacks, only the height of the fence. If the City Council concurs, it is recommended that the Request for Fence Variance to the corner side yard setback height requirements, from 48" to 72", for the property located at 2618 Wall Street be approved. Athena - Public Property Search Viewer Page 1 of 1 ` - Athena - Public Property Search Viewer McHenry County, Illinois Layers ) 7 Y Map 4 ► alp. 2618 Wall ) Questions or Comments? Email: gis®co.mchenry.il.us (mailto:gis@co.mchenry.il.us) j Sources (sources/Athena Sources.pdf) SEA CH BY: P rcel Address ayig Trym3 evr ,, m, Property Info Search I '8 190 F.i Fr- 4ry¢r-,� 9 e , i http://www.mchenrycountygis.org/Athena/ 9/21/2015 Is It 9 * k ` is Is ` KKKKK T gig 011 •t" i lam^,.. IT le Is sso sp IN k Y ` ,,*� Y .. Is IIo.r- era" so Is 0 Aw .. Po use . ,..-.. V �, . � �' >'u el ee wssstss }Is vk' Is F Is ssI �F� aOs xe? m„ x< v ' % oa%'Y`i F� U r, esidential Application PROPEK1'Y ADDRESS: ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTION:, I(IC-) . l;xisting Use: 4 Single Family ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Air Conditioning ElDeck/Gazebo ❑ Demolition ❑ Detached Garage ❑ llriveway ❑ Electric Fence ❑ Other: r E-mail: Contrac Phone: I Electrical Contractor: ❑ Hot Ttib ❑ Lawn Irrigation ❑ Pool (Permanent) Over the Counter ❑ Rc-roof ❑ Slding ❑ •Retaining Wall (oecr4•)I ❑ Water 1 !eater PERMIT NO. 1 y .., Community m Economic Development 333. S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 E-mail: ced@cianchenry.iims (815)363-2170 OFFICE hSE OALA' Zoning Dist: Township/Pin: Flood r A_:Lt0)iiDV1 ao hei,j ❑ Remodel/Alteration ❑ Water/Sewer Repair ❑ Shed — Building: 24-Hour• ReviewPlumbing.O Sidewalk/Stairs ElPool (storable) Bond: E-maiL• Misc: -seta I7%'Y" � `'3 �• PERMIT PEES Phone: (�y"1) �(��j ��(`7►s`•� yllmlKityyl�State: Zip: ((1Vb Submit a copy of an electrical license With this application. Plumbing Contractor: Phone: O Submit the following: Letter of intent on plumbing conh•actors letterhead (With corporate seal, or notary seal) stating that they are doing this job, copy of State plumbing license; copy of certificate of State registration. Roofing Contractor: Phone: L_) Submit a copy of a State of Illinois rooting conh•actor license With this application. Notes: Re sure to visit the City rveb site (www.d.nuhenry.il.us) and review the hnntiouts found under Document licsources. Ali informatiorrprovided herein is true and correct and ail ordinances and codes of the City of i\4c[ienry shall be complied wish. 1 hereby represent and agree that, in consideration of this permit being issued, only the work herein applied for will be done and that the premises being worked on will only be used for the purposes set forth herein. l hereby indemnify the City, its officials and employees from any and al I liability for damages, lawsuits, attorneys fees and injuries, including death sustained by anyone or damage to any property, including surveying errors and encroachment liability which accrue against the City, its officials and employees relating to the work referenced herein. SICNI;D:_ fUN'T, 'IL SIUNI Approved By Name: FOR OFFICE USL� Issued Date: ExpiraUal Date: DA Scanned (acv.A/IA) City of McHenry Abutting Property Owner/Current Resident Fence Variance Notification An original cagy of this completed form must be returned to City ofDZcHeruy, Construction and lVeighborl►ood Services a minimum of one•week prior to the fence variance being presented to City Council. Information on property requesting fence variance. (Print Name} 3 � (Address) (Phone) City Council Meeting Bate : [ t �' �J� 11me: 7i ptn Places ,Mc eery Municipal Center 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, I1, 60050 list all addresses, dates and 11ow notification was provided. (Back of form can be used 9f additional spacers needed.) 1 Soo �NA4 � 4 HetWu-,, &Lfrc�oa� 0 I ^ !1 36 (Address) VMail Hand Delivery �4 (Date) — `i Delivered by: _ (&eckone) a c5 2)i[�(115�2 (Address) f (Date} Delivered by : _ Mail \! Hand Delivery cthukom) 3) 1 1 A N i 11 �15i i l o rd&:m 36mGY2&Q 10 i thmo� (Address) / (Date) Delivered by : _ Mail /Hand Delivery (tne.korg) 4) aC4 �' �.f� to C�C_ /�J 1 i i �{� i? Q el t' lac � L i <> 10 � o r t `% (Address) / (Date) Delivered by: _ Mail V Hand Delivery (&�kome) �� IS I,U ��ct'I� �'�(�t�Yic. � ems. loll t 1 [ 5) (Address) (Date) Delivered by : Mail v% Hand Delivery (chntom) (Address) % (Date) Delivered by : !l _Mail Hand Delivery (check ont) To the best of my knowledge I have provided written notification to all property owners or current residents living adjacent to or abutting >ny property with the date, #ime and place of the City Council meeting where my fence variance is to be considered. I also provided a general description of the work proposed, including style, height and location of my proposed fence improvement, City of McHenry , Construction and Neighborhood Services (815) 363-2170 (815) 363-2i73 fax 333 S, Green Street, McHenry Illinois e-mail: cns@ci,mclienry,il.us City of McHenry Abutting Property Owner/Current Resident Fence Variance Notification An origittal copy y, Cottstruction and I\Teighborhood Sertices a miniinunt of oneoweek prior to the fence variance being presented to City Council. Ittforntation on property requesting fence variance. (Address) (Phone) City Council illeeting DRte • Time: l✓lSt Rll Rtltlt'esseS, dates and ]tow notification was provided. @nck of form ester be used if addtEional space is needed.) �) L'I st ltivvu 1-(,Ui t' .G- I t I Q (Address) (Date) � Delivered by : •__ Mail /Hand Delivery (checkom) 2) (Address) (Date) Delivered by :._ Mail _ Hand Delivery (ckckow) 3) (Address) (Date) Delivered by : Mail _ Hand Delivery (chrckem) 4) (Address) (Date) Delivered by : Mail _ Hand Delivery oieck one) S) (Address) (Date) Delivered by : Mail Hand Delivery (ckckone) 6) (Address) (Date) Delivered by : T Mail _ Hand Delivery (c&e kow) To the best of my knowledge I have provided written notification to all property owners or current residents living adjacent to or abutting my property with the data, time and place of the City Council meeting where my fence variance is to be considered. I also provided a general description of the work proposed, including style, height and location of my proposed fence improvement. City of McHenry , Construction and Neighborhood Services 333 S. Green Street, McHenry Illinois {8lS) 363-217t) {8lS) 363-2i73 fax e-mail: ens@ci.mcltettry.ii.us ©�- w C.LL [�+ (9 ] (4 :jjj cre �/tiuAl Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: November 16, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: Purchase of permanent utility and temporary construction easements from the McHenry Country Club for the purpose of installing a 24" sanitary sewer line between CWWTP and SWWTP ATT: Easement Agreement and Exhibits BACKGROUND: As the City Council is aware, plans are complete for the installation of a 24" forcemain to convey raw wastewater from the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (CWWTP) to the South Wastewater Treatment Plant (SWWTP). The conveyance line sections required to complete the directional boring of the 24" forcemain include: under the channel at the Riviera Marina, across the first fairway and part of the parking area at the McHenry Country Club to the intersection of John Street and Riverstream Drive; and then south starting at the east end of Fairway Drive to the SWWTP (see attached exhibits). An addition to the existing utility easement purchased from the McHenry Country Club in 2010 is required to soften the curve of the 24" forcemain into a directional bore pit just northwest of the existing parking lot. Temporary construction easements are also required adjacent to John Street and at the east end of Fairway Drive. ANALYSIS: The McHenry Country Club requested staff and the City Engineer to investigate the installation of a parking lot as part of the 24" forcemain project as compensation for the permanent utility easement and temporary construction easements. It was determined that the engineer opinion of probable cost (EOPC) estimates the cost of the parking lot (including a 20%contingency) at $60,464.00. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. The McHenry Country Club Board opted to accept a payment of $60,464.00 instead of the City constructing the parking lot as part of the of the 24" forcemain project. At the November 2, 2015 City Council meeting, the City Council tabled taking action on the proposed motion in order to incorporate specific and clear language regarding easement restoration in the easement agreement. Based on this, in amending the easement language it was identified that some additional specificity was required in defining the easement areas and modifying the easement restoration language. These areas are identified in the attached exhibits. Exhibit A identifies the easement area, which is a combination of permanent municipal utility easement and temporary construction easement, north of John Street and west of the existing parking lot. It is this area that the McHenry Country Club has identified for the expansion of their parking lot. For this area, the revised easement agreement states "Grantee shall restore that Easement Area to an unseeded and roughly graded level and any temporary driveway entrance constructed and culvert installed by the City shall remain in place for subsequent use by Grantor" Exhibit B defines temporary construction easements needed for the forcemain project which are just east of Fairway Drive. This area was not proposed as part of the McHenry Country Club parking lot expansion and, in fact, is physically removed by some distance from the area identified in Exhibit A. For this area, the language in the revised easement agreement is maintained as "Grantee shall restore that Easement Area to substantially the same condition as it existed at the commencement of the work". It should be noted however, that this area is currently and unimproved field and, as such, restoration will not be substantial. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to approve the purchase of the permanent utility easement and temporary construction easements from the McHenry Country Club in the amount of $60,464.00 and to authorize the Mayor to execute the attached easement agreement. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. EASEMENT AGREEMENT In exchange for the payment of the sum of Sixty Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Four Dollars ($60,464.00) in hand paid, the adequacy and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the McHenry Country Club, 820 N. John St., McHenry, Illinois, 60050 ("Grantor"), does hereby grant, convey and transfer to the City of McHenry ("Grantee") the following Easement Areas: 1. An exclusive perpetual easement referred to as the North Additional Utility Easement consisting of approximately 1,593 square feet and a temporary construction easement consisting of approximately 15,379 square feet referred to as the North Temporary Construction Easement over, under, and upon the respective premises legally described and depicted on the attached Exhibit A prepared by HR Green, dated 2015 and referred to as job number 86130341. The North Additional Utility Easement Area is being conveyed for the installation and maintenance of Grantee sanitary sewer conveyance lines, conduit, pipes, valves, and all necessary accessories and appurtenances used in connection therewith, together with the right to remove trees, vegetation and any other obstructions or improvements therein and for access to enter upon, in, on, under, over and through the North Additional Utility Easement Area. This North Additional Utility Easement Area shall perpetually run with the land in favor of the Grantee, its successors and assigns and shall be and remain free and clear of all encumbrances. The North Temporary Construction Easement shall exist and run with the land for eighteen (18) months commencing from the date construction of public improvements within the North Additional Utility Easement Area shall begin ("North TCE Commencement Date"). Notice of the North TCE Commencement Date shall be provided in writing from Grantor to Grantee. The purpose of the North Temporary Construction Easement is to allow the Grantee access to the North Additional Utility Easement Area and to store machinery and material, including aggregate and pipes for the purpose of installing sanitary sewer conveyance lines within the North Additional Utility Easement Area. 2. An additional temporary construction easement consisting of approximately 45,310 square feet referred to as the Temporary Construction Easement over, under, and upon the premises legally described and depicted on the attached Exhibit B prepared by HR Green, dated 2015 and referred to as job number 86130341. The Temporary Construction Easement shall run for eighteen (18) months commencing from the date construction of public improvements within the Existing 400.0' Municipal Utility Easement shown on Exhibit B shall begin ("TCE Commencement Date"). Notice of the TCE Commencement Date shall be provided in writing from Grantor to Grantee. The purpose of the Temporary Construction Easement is to allow the Grantee access to the Existing 400.0' Municipal Utility Easement area and to store machinery and material, including aggregate and pipes for the purpose of installing sanitary sewer conveyance lines within the Existing 400.0' Municipal Utility Easement area. The areas referenced as the North Additional Utility Easement, Nof•th Temporrny Cons" action Easement and Temporaq Construction Easement on Exhibits A and B. respectively, shall collectively be referred to lierehr as "Easement Areas" P Tile Grantee hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Grantors, their tenants, successors and assigns from any costs, expenses, damages, suits or claims against the Grantors and/or their tenants, successors and assigns and resulting from Grantee's activities within the Easement Areas. Following any construction or maintenance work within the Easement Area A, Grantee shall restore that Easement Area to an unseeded and roughly graded level and any temporary driveway entrance constructed and culvert installed by the City shall remain in place for subsequent use by Grantor. Following any construction work or maintenance work within the Easement Area B, Grantee shall restore that Easement Area to substantially the same condition as it existed at the conunencenient of the work. Pit e Easement Grantor covenants Willi Grantee that it is currently the lawfirl fee simple owner o Areas and that the Easement Areas are not encumbered by any mortgage or lien and that it has the right and authority to make this grant. GRANTOR: Date: I vv [Ae,2015 tf Prepared by: David W. McArdle Zukowski, Rogers, Flood & McArdle 50 Virginia Street, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 815/459-2050 Z:\tvl\ivlcl-IenryCityoflCountryClub\E1 nsement.Sewer(2).doc Mail to: City Clerk City of McHenry 333 S Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 2 GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE: City of McHenry Date: Susan E. Low, Mayor 2015 EXHIBIT A NORTH ADDITIONAL UTILITY EASEMENT THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A PIECE OF LAND DEEDED BY SOPHRONIA BECKWITH TO GEORGE H. BECKWITH, SAID DEED BEING RECORDED IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN BOOK 84 OF DEEDS ON PAGE 312, SAID POINT BEING KNOWN AS THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 5 OF THE COUNTY CLERK'S PLAT OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 16 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 58 SECONDS WEST (BEARINGS BASED ON ILLINOIS STATE PLANE COORDINATES EAST ZONE NADI983). A DISTANCE OF 214.90 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF JOHN STREET AS MONUMENTED AND OCCUPIED; THENCE SOUTH 74 DEGREES 40 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF JOHN STREET, A DISTANCE OF 639.72 FEET; THENCE NORTH 14 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 55 SECONDS EAST, 91.87 FEET; THENCE NORTH 79 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 01 SECONDS EAST, 17.11 FEET; THENCE NORTH 67 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST, 51.86 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING BEING THE WESTERLY LINE OF AN EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 55.63 FEET ALONG A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT BEING SAID WESTERLY LINE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 348.40 FEET, THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 35 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST, 55.58 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 39 DEGREES 44 MINUTES 16 SECONDS EAST, 66.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 75 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST, 25.98 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39 DEGREES 44 MINUTES 16 SECONDS WEST, 46.17 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 43.62 FEET ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 365.00 FEET, THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARS NORTH 36 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 52 SECONDS WEST, 43.59 FEET; THENCE NORTH 15 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST, 20.59 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 1,593 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. NORTH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A PIECE OF LAND DEEDED BY SOPHRONIA BECKWITH TO GEORGE H. BECKWITH, SAID DEED BEING RECORDED IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN BOOK 84 OF DEEDS ON PAGE 312, SAID POINT BEING KNOWN AS THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 5 OF THE COUNTY CLERK'S PLAT OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 16 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 58 SECONDS WEST (BEARINGS BASED ON ILLINOIS STATE PLANE COORDINATES EAST ZONE NAD1983), A DISTANCE OF 214.90 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF JOHN STREET AS MONUMENTED AND OCCUPIED; THENCE SOUTH 74 DEGREES 40 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF JOHN STREET, A DISTANCE OF 639.72 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 14 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 55 SECONDS EAST, 91.87 FEET; THENCE NORTH 79 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 01 SECONDS EAST, 17.11 FEET; THENCE NORTH 67 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST, 51.86 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 55.63 FEET ALONG A ON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 348.40 FEET, THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 35 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST, 55.58 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 39 DEGREES 44 MINUTES 16 SECONDS EAST, 66.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 09 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 28 SECONDS WEST, 57.98 FEET TO SAID NORTH LINE OF JOHN STREET; THENCE NORTH 74 DEGREES 40 MINUTES 43 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 159.54 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 15,379 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. NORTH TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A PIECE OF LAND DEEDED BY SOPHRONIA BECKWITH TO GEORGE H. BECKWITH, SAID DEED BEING RECORDED IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN BOOK 84 OF DEEDS ON PAGE 312, SAID POINT BEING KNOWN AS THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 5 OF THE COUNTY CLERK'S PLAT OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 16 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 58 SECONDS WEST (BEARINGS BASED ON ILLINOIS STATE PLANE COORDINATES EAST ZONE NAD1983), A DISTANCE OF 214,90 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF JOHN STREET AS MONUMENTED AND OCCUPIED; THENCE SOUTH 74 DEGREES 40 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF JOHN COUNTY CLERKS PLAT STREET, A DISTANCE OF 639,72 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 14 DEGREES _ 59 MINUTES 55 SECONDS EAST, 91.87 FEET; THENCE NORTH 79 DEGREES 06 MINUTES Ot LOT 5 i SECONDS EAST, 17.11 FEET; THENCE NORTH 67 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST, 51.86 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 55.63 FEET ALONG A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 348.40 FEET, THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 35 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST, 55.58 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 39 DEGREES 44 MINUTES 16 SECONDS EAST, 66.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 09 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 28 SECONDS WEST, 57,98 FEET TO SAID NORTH LINE OF JOHN STREET; THENCE NORTH 74 DEGREES 40 MINUTES 43 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID ! � NORTH LINE, 159,54 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY (� COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 15,379 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. POC SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 5 OF THE COUNTY CLERK'S PLAT OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 35-45N—BE NORTH LINE OF JOHN STREET AS MONUMENTED AND OCCUPIED 70/20/2015 12:56:36 PM 0:\86130341 \Survey\Owgs\86130341_Easements.dwg NORTH ADDITIONAL UTILITY EASEMENT THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A PIECE OF LAND DEEDED BY SOPHRONIA BECKWITH TO GEORGE H. BECKWITH, SAID DEED BEING RECORDED IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN BOOK 84 OF DEEDS ON PAGE 312, SAID POINT BEING KNOWN AS THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 5 OF THE COUNTY CLERK'S PLAT OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 35. TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 16 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 58 SECONDS WEST (BEARINGS BASED ON ILLINOIS STATE PLANE COORDINATES EAST ZONE NAD1983), A DISTANCE OF 214.90 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE- OF JOHN STREET AS MONUMENTED AND OCCUPIED; THENCE SOUTH 74 DEGREES 40 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF JOHN STREET, A DISTANCE OF 639.72 FEET; THENCE NORTH 14 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 55 SECONDS EAST, 91.87 FEET; THENCE NORTH 79 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 01 SECONDS EAST, 17.11 FEET; THENCE NORTH 67 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 12 SECONDS EAST, 51,86 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING BEING THE WESTERLY LINE OF AN EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 55,63 FEET ALONG A NON TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT BEING SAID WESTERLY LINE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 348,40 FEET, THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 35 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST, 55.58 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 39 DEGREES 44 MINUTES 16 SECONDS EAST, 66.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 75 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST, 25.98 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39 DEGREES 44 MINUTES 16 SECONDS WEST, 46.17 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 43.62 FEET ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 365.00 FEET, THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARS NORTH 36 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 52 SECONDS WEST, 43.59 FEET; THENCE NORTH 15 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST, 20,59 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING IN THE CITY OF \ \ MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. \ THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 1,593 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS, EXISTING 20.0' MUNICIPAL UTILITY EASEMENT MCHENRY COUNTRY CLUB WESTERLY LINE OF MUNICIPAL \ UTILITY EASEMENT POB \ UTILITY EASEMENT \ MCHENRY COUNTRY CLUB OEDICAIFD PUBIJC R�GHt-0E-WAY HATCH LEGEND: DENOTES TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT DENOTES MUNICIPAL UTILITY EASEMENT 0 0 0 rn m a 0 z m w O d Z Z Z W W W Z O C 0 rr 2 Z O Q 0 J O N Z O U J U H Z W I- Z F W N = o U Z Q � O Z m 3 w DAR IS ONE INCH ON OFFlCIAL DRAWINGS 0 — 1" IF NOT ONE INCH, ADJUST SCALE ACCORDINGLY DRAWN BY: MRJ PPPROVEO: CJP JOB DATE: 2015 Jae No: 86130341 DRAWING EX -A EXHIBIT B TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 22 OF COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES UNIT 2 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35 OF SAID TOWNSHIP; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF OF THE FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER, 151.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG A LINE LYING 151.00 FEET EASTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES UNIT 2, 300.07 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG A LINE LYING 300.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH SAID NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER, 151.03 FEET TO SAID EASTERLY LINE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, 300.07 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 45,310 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. i COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES 'UNIT 2 i Q O Q Z O _ W o 10/20/2015 12:56:36 PM 0:\86130341\Survey\Dwgs\86130341_Easements.dwg McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB POB / NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH TEMPORARY HALF OF THE FRACTIONAL SW NSTRUCT[ON� / QUARTER SEC-36-45N—BE EASEMENT / EAST IJNE OF COUNTRY CLI ESTATES UNIT FAIRWAY DRIVE HATCH LEGEND: DENOTES TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT """ " " - " _ " - _ " � I TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT EXISTING 400 0` MUNICIPAL .I THAT PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST ttlUTILITY EASEMENT QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE '. .. ..... .' THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, " ILLINOIS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 22 OF COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES UNIT 2 BEING A :.I SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER '" "' OF SECTION 35 OF SAID TOWNSHIP; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTH ..' "" '"" "" .. LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF OF THE FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER, 151.03 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG A LINE LYING 151.00 FEET ................'...'".'..".'.'.'':"":':':':' -:.I EASTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID COUNTRY . ...". ............ CLUB ESTATES UNIT 2, 300.07 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG A LINE " LYING 300.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH SAID NORTH LINE r OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE FRACTIONAL SOUTHWEST QUARTER, 1 51 .03 "...j " " " " " " " ". +"" ." " " . . " " " " " ".I FEET TO SAID EASTERLY LINE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY ..'-""""" """""""""""' LINE, 300.07 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. C":":":" ":" :':":':I:" ' ':':':":':" """ " " ""-'"'.............................&.Lo THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 45,310 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR .................. I.".".".".'.".".'.'.".".'.'.".'."."..".".'.'.".".".".". "..I LESS. 0 U U) O >Z W a: r m w 0 O Z o � OO = O V T� 1 Z O a 0 0 z 0 U J U 1¢i F- Z W Z � W � 2 o U z m Q � r Imm. O z m 3 w BAR IS ONE INCH ON OFFlCIAL DRAWINGS D 1" IF NOT ONE INCH, ADJUST SCALE ACCORDINGLY DRAWN BY: MRJ APPROVED: CJP JOB DATE: 2015 JOB No: 86730341 DRAWING EX-B Office of Finance & Accounting Carolyn Lynch, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: November 16, 2015 T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director RE: 1. Property Tax Rates and Amounts by Government Entity —Resident (2014) 2. 2015 Property Tax Levy Resolution Background: Approximately 82.8% of the FY15/16 budgeted General Fund Revenues are derived from Sales Tax, Income Tax and Property Tax receipts with the remaining approximate 17.2% coming from such sources as miscellaneous other intergovernmental taxes, grants, franchise fees, licenses and permits, fines and forfeitures, and charges for services. Despite the fact that as a "Home Rule" community the City of McHenry is no longer subject to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, or PTELL - which limits increases to residents' property taxes by preventing a local government's property tax levy from growing at a faster pace than the rate of inflation, or 5%, whichever is less - the City has continued to follow PTELL for establishing the property tax levy. Over the past four (4) years (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014), the City has chosen to maintain a flat property tax levy request at the amount requested in 2010. Analysis: As Council is well aware, McHenry has faced a number of challenges during the last decade that have resulted in annual budgets that relied on substantial contributions from the General Fund Fund Balance for the creation of a "balanced budget." However, in the last four fiscal years, higher than expected sales and income taxes, the implementation of cost -reduction measures, and a conservative approach to reinstating capital improvement and capital equipment expenditures, the General Fund Balance has been increased from $2,511,330 in FY09/10 to $10,041,968 in FY14/15. While the entirety of the General Fund Balance is currently identified as "Unassigned", the reality is that the City continues to face a number of economic uncertainties and challenges at the local and state levels that could quickly reduce this amount. These include: 1. Local Street Program —The FY15/16 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes the need for more than $42 million of investment in repairing local roadway infrastructure. These are streets/roadways that are not eligible for State or Federal funding and, as such, 100% of the costs are attributable to the City of McHenry. In the years coming out of the recession that City has increased funding for this program and was able to commit nearly $1 million in FY15/16 for the resurfacing of streets and installation of a much -desired traffic signal at Dartmoor and Crystal Lake Road. 2. Local Match for State/Federal Road Projects — In addition to the Local Street Program the City is responsible for providing matching dollars for projects that receive State/Federal funding. In addition to the fact that the traditional local source (Motor Fuel Tax) for providing matching funding has been declining substantially in recent years, the continued financial woes of the State of Illinois has resulted in delays of payments from this source. As such, the City must be prepared to fund the approximate $800,000 in local match for projects that have already been approved from the General Fund Balance. 3. Non -Road Capital Improvement/Capital Equipment Projects —While the City has been able to reinstate funding for capital improvement and capital equipment projects in recent years, the approach has been one of caution to ensure that any sudden decline in the economy would not have the significant impact on the City's economic condition as in 2007/2008. With this, there are still more than $20 million in deferred public facility maintenance projects, park improvement/maintenance projects, stormwater/drainage projects, and capital equipment (vehicles and equipment) needs identified in the FY15/16 Capital Improvement Program. 4. Local Government Distributive Fund (LGDF) —While much of the publicity has subsided regarding the proposal earlier in 2015 to reduce the Local Government Distributive Fund (LGDF) by 50% - or approximately $1.3 million of revenues for McHenry — the threat of reduced state -shared revenues remains a possibility and, as such, we must ensure that sufficient funds remain in the General Fund Balance over and above those required as "emergency reserve funds" to ensure that the municipality is able to fill a temporary, or even permanent, loss of revenue. To account for these, and other, uncertainties and challenges the City Administration is in the process of updating its Fund Balance and Reserve Policy for consideration and adoption by Council in order to establish a clearer and defined planned use of the existing and future General Fund Balance. This policy document will be presented as part of the FY16/17 Budget development process. In addition to the need to ensure that capital improvement/equipment funding is available as identified above, looking ahead to the FY16/17 Budget the City Administration has already identified more than $400,000 in operation expenditure increases based on existing collective bargaining agreements, Police Pension Fund contributions and employee health insurance increases) over the current FY15/16 Budget. Also of note, the collective bargaining agreements with Local 150 (Parks and Public Works employees) and Fraternal Order of Police Unit I (Police )atrol) are due for renegotiation in 2016. Both of these units approved a 1-year status quo extension to the contracts in 2015 due to the State budget situation and, then, new threat of a reduction to the LGDF. The determination of the property tax levy is a calculation using the 2015 tax year inflationary rate (Consumer Price Index for Urban areas for 2014) and the estimated Equalized Assessed Value (EAV). For the 2015 tax year the inflationary rate is 0.80% however, as of the writing of this memorandum, the City still has not received the estimated 2015 EAV. In estimating an amount for consideration by Council, using the PTELL calculated with the 2014 EAV and the 0.8% inflationary rate, results in a property tax levy amount of $4,817,018 or an increase of $55,383 over last year. Based on the fact that this estimated amount is less than 3/101hs of 1% of the current FY15/16 General Fund Budget of approximately $19 million, combined with the fact that the City has continued to realize higher than expected revenues in the General Fund from other funding sources, staff believes that the City can forgo this minimal increase in the property tax collection and keep the property tax levy flat for a fifth consecutive year. Annually, prior to the end of the calendar year, the City must provide the amounts required for the property tax levy so that the funds generated through this revenue mechanism will become available during the next municipal fiscal year. The levy request must be approved by the City Council and submitted to the McHenry County Clerk by the last Tuesday in December (the 29th in 2015). With this date as a target, the 2015 Property Tax Resolution indicating the levy amount and Public Hearing is attached and, upon adoption of the resolution, the Property Tax Levy Public Hearing and consideration/adoption of the levy amount will take place at the December 7, 2015 City Council meeting. Based on the above information, it is important to remind council that this does not mean that homeowners will not see an increase in their property tax bill. Change in EAV also drives a change in the property tax bill. When the EAV declines the tax rates must go up in order to fully Fund the property tax levy because the same amount of money needs to be collected across the new lower values. This increase is reflective of the proposed municipal rate increase and the potential EAV decline, but does not take into consideration actions taken by the other taxing jurisdictions that comprise the total property tax bill. As can be seen in the attached information, in 2014 that portion of a resident's tax bill directed to the City of McHenry was only 6.7% of the total amount. Attached for your consideration is the 2015 Property Tax Resolution and establishing a date of December 7, 2015 as the date of a Public Hearing and consideration of the 2015 Property Tax Levy ordinance. Again, the resolution under consideration by Council does not establish the tax levy it only establishes the Public Hearing date and the date on which the final levy amount will be adopted by ordinance. Recommendation: Therefore, based on the information presented, if Council. concurs it is recommended that they 1) approve the attached Resolution setting the levy request for 2015 (collected in 2016) A $4,761,635, and 2) establish the date of Monday, December 7, 2015 as the date to conduct a public hearing and consider approval of the 2015 property tax levy. City of McHenry 2014 Property Taxes on $200,000 Home By Government Unit 2014 Tax Percent Government Unit Rate Amount of Total McHenry County $1.141220 $760,81 8.75% McHenry Co. Conservation 0,283996 189.33 2.18% MCC College District 0,445272 296.85 3.41 % School Dist. #15 5.850754 3900,50 44.83% School Dist. #156 2,886732 1924049 22.12% McHenry Fire District 04627850 418.57 4.81 % McHenry Library 00383963 255.98 2.94% McHenry Twnshp. 0,200121 133.41 1.53% McHenry Twnshp. Rd. & Br. 0,354941 236.63 2.72% McHenry City 0,874808 583.21 6.70% $13,049657 $8,699.78 99.99% RESOLUTION K-In-U13 RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF FUNDS TO BE LEVIED FOR THE 2015 TAX YEAR THROUGH REAL ESTATE TAXES FOR THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the City of McHenry has historically levied taxes for the purpose of conducting City business for its residents and local businesses; and WHEREAS, the City of McHenry has worked diligently on behalf of its residents and local businesses to reduce expenditures while attempting to provide the same high quality of programs and services; and WHEREAS, the City of McHenry has, for the past four years (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014), forgone an increase in the property tax levy thereby keeping proposed levy amounts equal to the amount approved in 2010; and WHEREAS, the City of McHenry is proposing no increase to the proposed levy amount of $4,761,635 to be collected in 2016; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing will be held on December 7, 2015 at 7:00 PM, at which date and time the public will have an opportunity to comment on said proposed levy; and WHEREAS, Notice shall be posted at the McHenry Municipal Center notifying the general public of the Public Hearing, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City Af McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois go on record establishing the date and time, December 7, 2015, at 7#00 PM, for the Public Hearing to consider the proposed 2015 Tax Levy in the amount of $45761,635. Passed an approved this 16th day of November 2015. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Not Voting: Abstaining: Absent: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ►►+ Office of the City Administrator Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator vMcHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 j�� u ,LYlc e r Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: November 16, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator RE: Recreation Center Fitness Equipment Purchase ATTACHMENTS: Equipment quote from Direct Fitness Solutions Estimated leasing terms for 3 and 5 years Sole source documentation authorizing Direct Fitness Solutions to sell Precor, Freemotion, Stages and Dynamic fitness equipment Spreadsheets of comparison cost estimates for equal equipment from Cybex/Octane and LifeFitness Background: In implementing the McHenry Recreation Center project during FY15/16, the purchase and/or leasing of fitness equipment was purposefully deferred until such time as construction of the facility was nearing completion and more in-depth research could be conducted by a Recreation Center Manager in order to determine the best option for the center. With the hiring of a Recreation Center Manager earlier this year and the McHenry Recreation Center slated for occupancy in February 2016, it is now time to move forward with purchasing fitness equipment for the facility. Analysis: In preparing the research for a fitness equipment recommendation to Council staff visited several recreation entities with similar sized facilities, or those who had recently purchased equipment. In addition, time was taken to interview facility managers to obtain their input regarding their process for obtaining equipment, the technical attributes of equipment selected, and general recommendations. These organizations visited include: 0 Barrington Park District • Wilmette Park District • Charter Fitness, Mundelein • Anytime Fitness, Libertyville • Sage and Foglia YMCA's • West Chicago Park District • City of Woodstock • HealthBridge Fitness Center • McHenry County College • Snap Fitness • Cary Park District Following the recommendations from facility managers, sales representatives, and staff's experience in facility management; the following pieces of cardio and strength equipment were selected for the McHenry Recreation Center. Staff believes this selection will best suit the future fitness needs of the community and adheres to the current trends in fitness. Cardio Equipment • 2 Freemotion i11.9 incline trainers • 8 Precor treadmills with touch screen consoles with television and internet • 5 Precor EFX ellipticals with touch screen consoles with television and internet • 2 Precor AMT ellipticals with touch screen consoles with television and internet • 2 Cybex ARC trainers • 2 Precor recumbent bikes with touch screen consoles with television and internet • 2 Precor upright bikes with touch screen consoles with television and internet • 2 SCI-FIT accessible recumbent bikes for those with special needs • 1 Concept 2 row machine • 2 Stairmaster step mills with touch screen consoles with television • 9 Stages SO spin bikes with performance consoles Selectorized Strength Line • Icarian/Precor functional trainer system • Freemotion cable cross • Freemotion lift step platform trainer • Precor circuit line featuring: assisted chin/dip, chest press, shoulder press, biceps curl, triceps extension, lat pull, delt/peck fly, leg curl, leg press, leg extension, thigh abduction, thigh adduction, and abdominal crunch. Free Weight Equipment • Troy urethane dumbbells, curling barbells, weight plates • Dynamic barbells • Precor leg press • Precor smith machine • Dynamic half rack • Precor benches: preacher curl, olympic incline bench press, olympic flat bench press, seated utility bench, vertical knee up, stretch trainer • Dynamic benches: adjustable decline and multi -purpose benches • Dynamic 4 x 8 rig Upon the conclusion of the research, staff met with sales representatives from the top major fitness equipment vendors servicing Parks and Recreation Departments/Park District agencies. These vendors include Life Fitness, Precor/Freemotion (Direct Fitness Solutions), Matrix, and Cybex/Octane (Midwest Commercial Fitness). The goal was to select equipment that matched the visually appealing nature of the new center, made a "wow" impression, was reliable, and offered an investment in the latest technology. Applying all of these criteria it was determined that the Precor/Freemotion line of fitness equipment has the features that best suit the McHenry Recreation Center. The strength and cardio lines provided through Precor and Freemotion were selected after careful analysis and review of the four major lines of commercial equipment and with the following advantages/value: • Direct Fitness Solutions is the only authorized dealer of Precor, Freemotion, and Dynamic equipment in the state of Illinois. • For ease of purchasing, Direct Fitness Solutions also represents and can sell Troy, SCI- FIT, Concept 2, Stairmaster, and Stages equipment. • Precor has brand recognition for reliability and performance. Precor has been in business since 1980 and have been making treadmills since 1985 and elliptical trainers since 1994. • The technology and performance, along with the ease of use of the P80 console, on the Precor line puts their equipment first on the list among the competing vendors. Additionally, having a full line of networked cardio will put our facility at a competitive advantage with our competitors. By investing in this new technology, we will be able to offer touch screen functionality, Internet and television access, On Demand content, and on screen messaging for potential advertisement sales. We truly are able to offer value to the cost of membership. • The Preva software, available in the P80 console, also allows management staff to run usage reports on the networked cardio. This analysis will identify usage trend, notify staff when equipment may be coming up on a maintenance issue, and allow staff to rotate heavily used equipment to extend life. • All cardio pieces will be smart phone compatible. The Preva software has a mobile friendly app helping to keep exercisers motivated and reaching their fitness goals. • The console also features tutorial video guides on how to properly use the full line of precor cardio equipment. • Additionally, the "heads up" position of the console allows for proper biomechanics, comfort and posture when exercising; this is an advantage over similar models from LifeFitness and Cybex. • Precor has provided a 3 year parts and labor warranty on all cardio equipment. • Should repairs be needed, Direct Fitness Solutions provides service and repair of equipment, and is the preferred vendor amongst most Parks and Recreation Departments/Park District agencies. • The Discovery Series has been selected for the selectorized strength line due to its inviting appearance, thereby reducing intimidation for new members. Each piece of the Discovery Series features premium double stitched upholstery giving it added durability and a luxurious appeal. • Each piece also features sufficient weight stacks to meet the needs of a wide range of potential members. • The Troy urethane weights are an attractive and durable option. One of the best options in the industry, and the preferred product at the NFL combine and many major universities. The Troy Go-U weight plates offer an interlocking plate design for added safety. • The Stages spin bikes are a new product to the market, making us one of the first public agencies to feature this bike. The bike was selected due to its' zero maintenance construction and the lack of need for batteries to power the console, thereby saving costs. The bike's console provides the user with the most sought after feedback requested by hardcore biking enthusiasts. • Last, by selecting a uniform line of cardio equipment, the user will engage in the same console from piece to piece, simplifying the learning process and reducing frustration for the user. Additionally, by tying in the strength line, the facility will have a uniform and connected look from cardio, to strength and selectorized weight equipment. In summary, staff feels the reliability, performance and technology found in the Precor fitness lines; and the additional pieces sold through Direct Fitness Solutions from Freemotion, Dynamic, SCI-FIT, and Troy are the right selection for the new McHenry Recreation Center. When considering the lines from Matrix, LifeFitness, Cybex and Precor; the Precor line had the best technology, performance history, visual appeal and range of selection from one vendor available. Additionally, the purchase price was the lowest of the three price estimates accumulated as illustrated in the attached spreadsheet. Based on this information, staff is recommending the purchase of new fitness equipment - including cardio, free -weight and weighted machines - from Direct Fitness Solutions of Mundelein, Illinois in the sum of $282,835.00. For the reasons listed above, the specific line of equipment has been chosen and as such the specificity of the purchase would require it to be a sole source purchase. A sole source purchase typically means that only one supplier is capable of delivering the required product. Similar types of goods may exist, but only one supplier, for reasons of expertise, and / or standardization, quality, compatibility with existing equipment, specifications, or availability, is the only source that is acceptable to meet a specific need. Direct Fitness Solutions is the sole source dealer of Precor, Freemotion and Dynamic fitness brands and copy of their sole source documentation has been provided. It is important to note that staff also analyzed acquiring the fitness equipment through a lease option. This analysis has been provided. Options from 36 — 60 months were projected however each option created an additional cost that the center would have to account for on an annual basis for as much as $102,888 per year for 36 months down to a large number of $65,448 a year for 60 months. In addition, leasing vastly increases the overall amount spent on the equipment. The healthy status of the Recreation Center Fund affords the City the opportunity to purchase the equipment and eliminate both of these unnecessary cost additions. Recommendation: Again, staff believes that the following sole -source purchase recommendation is appropriate based on the information that has been identified and is further supported by the fact that three quotes were obtained for the acquisition of similar equipment for comparison purposes. Therefore, if City Council concurs, then a motion should be made to approve the sole -source purchase of fitness equipment as outlined in the attached quote from Direct Fitness Solutions in the amount of $282,835; and to authorize a budget amendment in the amount of $282,835 in the Recreation Center Fund to account for said purchase. t M:. Pr-ZEPAr-ZED F-orz I CITY OF MCHENRY Pr-ZEPAPED [BY 1 Direct Fitness Solutions 600 Tower Road Mundelein, IL 60060 (847) 680.9300 DirectFitnessSolutions.com DATE 1 10/23/2015 VALID UNTIL 1 1 /1 /201 6 MCHENRY RECREATION CENTER Precor 885 Treadmill Precor EFX 885 L-1 StairMaster Gauntlet Freemotion Incline Trainer w/PVS Precor 885 Upright Bike Precor 885 Recumbent Bike SciFit StepOne Recumbent Stages SC3 Indoor Cycle -IIPECT ��"� FITNCSs SOLUTIONS Mike Munson (847)691-3559 MMunson@DirectF...._____._.._.._.__... MCHENRY RECREATION CENTER Concept 2 Model D Precor Discovery Triceas Extension Precor Discovery Rear Delt/Pec DIRECT ��"� FITI SOLUTIONS Precor Stretch Trainer lLid 1161 Precor Discovery Diveraina Lat Pulldown —11 Precor Discovery Converging Shoulder Press or P _ �r. Precor Discovery BiceDs Curl w s Precor Discovery Converaina Chest Press Precor Discovery Leg Pr Mike Munson (847)691-3559 MMunson@DirectF...._____._.._.._.__... MCHENRY RECREATION CENTER Discovery Leg Extension Precor Seated Leg Curl F T • Precor Inner Thigh Precor Outer Thigh Precor Abdominal Freemotion Dual Cable Cross Precor Discovery Smith Machine DIRECT ��"� FITNCsE SOLUTIONS Precor Plate Loaded Freemotion Genesis Angled Leg Press DS '* Mike Munson (847)691-3559 MMunson@DirectF...._____._.._.._.__... MCHENRY RECREATION CENTER Precor Icarian Dip Chin Assist Precor Vertical Precor Functional Training Workstation w/Shrouds Precor Barbell Rack Dynamic Half Rack Precor 2-Tier Dynamic Ladder Multi Dynamic Adjustable Precor Seated Adjustable Bench Decline/Sit-up Bench Preacher Curl DIRECT ��"� FITNCsE SOLUTIONS Mike Munson (847) 691-3559 MMunson@DirectFitnessSolutions.com MCHENRY RECREATION CENTER Precor Olympic Bench Tay Precor Olympic Bench Incline TROY 12 Sided Urethane Dumbbell 5-100 lbs. TROY Urethane Olympic Dynamic Olympic Bar TROY Olympic Style Plates 2.5-45 lbs. Black Zinc EZ Curl Bar TROY Urethane 12 Sided EZ Curl Barbell 20-110 lbs. Dynamic 4'x8' Rig (example photo only) nlRECT 7FITNCSS SOLUTIONS Mike Munson (847)691-3559 MMunson@Dire,......_____._.._.._.__... DIRECT Frrrvr-ss SOLUTIONS 600 Tower Road. Mundelein . IL 60060 Tel: 847-680-9300 . Fax: 847-680-8906 . Service: 800-838-2819 Sold To: City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Billing Point of Contact: Matt LaPorte Ph: (815) 363-2164 mlaporte@ci.mchenry.il.us Treadmill Ship To: McHenry Rec Center 3633 Municipal Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Delivery Point of Contact: Matt LaPorte Ph:(815) 363-2164 mlaporte@ci.mchenry.il.us SALES PROPOSAL Quote: 00006347 Date: 11 /3/2015 Expires: 12/3/2015 Direct Fitness Sales Team: Mike Munson- Regional Sales Manager Ph: (847) 691-3559 Fax: (847) 278-4588 mmunson@directfitnesssolutions.com Holly Stirnichuk- Inside Sales Ph: (224) 422-0102 Fax: (847) 278-4588 hollys@directfitnesssolutions.com Product Line Item Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity List Price Price Price PRE TRM PRECOR 885 Treadmill 120v Experience 8.00 $12,855.00 $7,925.00 $63,400.00 885 Series P80 w/Set Top Box Media Adapter V21VIED120 w/15" Touchscreen/TV/USB/Audio /_1►il11111 Product Line Item Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity List Price Price Price PRE AMT PRECOR 885 Adaptive Motion Trainer Open 2.00 $12,495.00 $7,750.00 $15,500.00 885 Stride P80 w/Set Top Box Media Adapter 15" MEDIA Touchscreen/TV/USB/Audio Incline Trainer Product Line Item List Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price FM FREEMOTION 11 Series il1.9 Incline 2.00 $8,995.00 $4,805.00 $9,610.00 FMTK74810 Trainer TFT Elliptical Product Line Item Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity List Price Price Price PRE PRECOR 885 Elliptical Moving Handlebar 5.00 $10,995.00 $6,825.00 $34,125.00 EFX 885 w/Adj Crossramp P80 w/Set Top Box Media MEDIA Adapter w/15" Touchscreen/TV/USB/Audio www.directfitnesssolutions.com 1 of 10 • DIRECT <�It)" FITNESS SOLUTIONS 600 Tower Road. Mundelein . IL 60060 Tel: 847-680-9300 . Fax: 847-680-8906 . Service: 800-838-2819 Gauntlet SALES PROPOSAL Quote: 00006347 Date: 11 /3/2015 Expires: 12/3/2015 Line Item List Sales Total Product Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price STAIR STAIRMASTER Gauntlet TSE-1 2.00 $7,699.00 $4,695.00 $9,390.00 150015+0500034 Console 10 w/NTSC TV Upright Bike Product Line Item List Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price PRE UBK PRECOR 885 Upright Cycle P80 w/Set Top 2.00 $7,425.00 $4,350.00 $8,700.00 885 Box Media Adapter w/15" MEDIA Touchscreen/TV/USB/Audio Recumbent Bike Product Line Item List Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price PRE RBK PRECOR 885 Recumbent Cycle P80 w/Set Top 2.00 $7,635.00 $4,595.00 $9,190.00 885 Box Media Adapter w/15" MEDIA Touchscreen/TV/USB/Audio Stepper Product Line Item List Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price SCIFIT SCIFIT StepOne Total body Recumbent 2.00 $5,795.00 $3,995.00 $7,990.00 SONE03 Stepper Oversized Height Adjustable Swivel Seat Spin Bike Product Line Item List Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price STAGES STAGES SC3 Indoor Cycle (Bike, Power 9.00 $2,699.00 $1,585.00 $14,265.00 971-0004 Meter, EcoSCRN Display) Rower Product Line Item List Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price CON 2 CONCEPT2 Model D Indoor Rower 1.00 $900.00 $875.00 $875.00 2712-US w/PM5 Black www.directfitnesssolutions.com 2 of 10 • DIRECT FI7NC55 SOLUTIONS 600 Tower Road. Mundelein . IL 60060 Tel: 847-680-9300 . Fax: 847-680-8906 . Service: 800-838-2819 Stretch Trainer SALES PROPOSAL Quote: 00006347 Date: 11 /3/2015 Expires: 12/3/2015 Line Item List Sales Total Product Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price PRE C240 PRECOR Stretch Trainer Experience 1.00 $895.00 $595.00 $595.00 STRETCH Titanium P reva Line Item List Sales Total Product Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price PRE PRECOR Exinda Cache Server Network 1.00 $3,995.00 $0.00 $0.00 PNFE471010OXXX Optimization PVS Product Line Item List Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price FM FREEMOTION Incline Trainer/ Treadmill TV 2.00 $1,295.00 $765.00 $1,530.00 FMTV74810 Upgrade (7 & 11 Series) Discovery Selectorized Product Line Item List Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price PRE PRECOR DSL204 Discovery Selectorized 1.00 $3,900.00 $2,625.00 $2,625.00 PWDSL0204 Biceps Curl PRE PRECOR DSL208 Discovery Selectorized 1.00 $3,900.00 $2,625.00 $2,625.00 PWDSL0208 Triceps Extension PRE PRECOR DSL314 Discovery Selectorized 1.00 $4,900.00 $3,295.00 $3,295.00 PWDSL0314 Diverging Lat Pulldown PRE PRECOR DSL414 Discovery Selectorized 1.00 $5,500.00 $3,675.00 $3,675.00 PWDSL0414 Converging Chest Press PRE PRECOR DSL505 Discovery Selectorized 1.00 $4,700.00 $3,155.00 $3,155.00 PWDSL0505 Rear Delt/Pec PRE PRECOR DSL515 Discovery Selectorized 1.00 $4,800.00 $3,225.00 $3,225.00 PWDSLO515 Converging Shoulder Press PRE PRECOR DSL602 Discovery Selectorized 1.00 $6,200.00 $4,175.00 $4,175.00 PWDSL0602 Leg Press PRE PRECOR DSL605 Discovery Selectorized 1.00 $4,400.00 $2,955.00 $2,955.00 PWDSL0605 Leg Extension PRE PRECOR DSL619 Discovery Selectorized 1.00 $4,700.00 $3,155.00 $3,155.00 PWDSL0619 Seated Leg Curl www.directfitnesssolutions.com 3 of 10 • DIRECT FI7NC55 SOLUTIONS 600 Tower Road. Mundelein . IL 60060 Tel: 847-680-9300 . Fax: 847-680-8906 . Service: 800-838-2819 SALES PROPOSAL Quote: 00006347 Date: 11 /3/2015 Expires: 12/3/2015 Product Line Item List Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price PRE PRECOR DSL620 Discovery Selectorized 1.00 $4,500.00 $3,025.00 $3,025.00 PWDSL0620 Inner Thigh PRE PRECOR DSL621 Discovery Selectorized 1.00 $4,500.00 $3,025.00 $3,025.00 PWDSL0621 Outer Thigh PRE PRECOR DSL714 Discovery Selectorized 1.00 $4,500.00 $3,050.00 $3,050.00 PWDSL0714 Abdominal Selectorized Product Line Item List Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price FM F624 FREEMOTION Genesis Dual Cable 1.00 $5,495.00 $4,150.00 $4,150.00 Cross Discovery Plate -Loaded Product Line Item List Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price PRE PRECOR DPL802 Discovery Plate 1.00 $4,200.00 $2,825.00 $2,825.00 PWDPL0802 Loaded Machine Plate -Loaded Line Item List Sales Total Product Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price PRE PRECOR Plate Loaded Angled 1.00 $4,545.00 $3,050.00 $3,050.00 PW0601 NN99**EN Leg Press Multi -Station Line Item List Sales Total Product Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price FM F504 FREEMOTION Genesis DS Lift/Step 1.00 $4,795.00 $3,095.00 $3,095.00 PRE PRECOR Icarian Dip Chin Assist 1.00 $4,275.00 $2,865.00 $2,865.00 PW320KNR99**EN 200lbs PRE PRECOR Functional Training 1.00 j $5,800.00 j $3,895.00 j $3,895.00 PWFTSKNR99**EN Workstation w/Shrouds 150lbs Racks www.directfitnesssolutions.com 4 of 10 • DIRECT FI7NC55 SOLUTIONS 600 Tower Road. Mundelein . IL 60060 Tel: 847-680-9300 . Fax: 847-680-8906 . Service: 800-838-2819 SALES PROPOSAL Quote: 00006347 Date: 11 /3/2015 Expires: 12/3/2015 Line Item List Sales Total Product Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price DYNAMIC 500002 DYNAMIC Halfw/ 5 Peg Olympic 1.00 $1,915.00 $1,825.00 $1,825.00 Plate & Bar Storage, & Chin Station PRE PRECOR Vertical Knee Up/Dip 1.00 $1,500.00 $795.00 $795.00 PW702CNN99**EN PRE PRECOR Barbell Rack 10 Bars 1.00 $995.00 $675.00 $675.00 PW808CNN99**EN PRE PRECOR DB Rack 2-Tier Rack 10 2.00 $930.00 $625.00 $1,250.00 PW812CNN99**EN Pairs 1 j j Benches Line Item List Sales Total Product Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price DYNAMIC DYNAMIC Ladder Multi Adjustable 3.00 $539.00 $440.00 $1,320.00 109060-02-01 Bench w/wheels 0-85 degree DYNAMIC 509062 DYNAMIC Adjustable Decline/Sit-up 1.00 $699.00 $575.00 $575.00 Bench w/wheels 10 to 30 degrees PRE PRECOR Seated Preacher Curl 1.00 $955.00 $640.00 $640.00 PW202CNN99**EN PRE PRECOR Olympic Bench 1.00 $1,030.00 $695.00 $695.00 PW408CNN99**EN PRE PRECOR Olympic Incline Bench 1.00 $1,315.00 $885.00 $885.00 PW410CNN99**EN Dumbbells Line Item List Sales Total Product Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price TR TROY 12-Sided Urethane Dumbbell 1.00 $3,950.00 $2,450.00 $2,450.00 TSD-005-05OU 5-50lb TR TSD-055U TROY 55 lb 12-Sided Urethane 1.00 $280.00 $175.00 $175.00 Encased Dumbbell TR TSD-060U TROY 60 lb 12-Sided Urethane 1.00 $300.00 $185.00 $185.00 Encased Dumbbell TR TSD-065U TROY 65 lb 12-Sided Urethane 1.00 $325.00 $205.00 $205.00 Encased Dumbbell TR TSD-070U TROY 70 lb 12-Sided Urethane 1.00 $350.00 $215.00 $215.00 Encased Dumbbell TR TSD-075U TROY 75 lb 12-Sided Urethane 1.00 $370.00 $230.00 $230.00 Encased Dumbbell TR TSD-080U TROY 80 lb 12-Sided Urethane 1.00 $390.00 $245.00 $245.00 www.directfitnesssolutions.com 5 of 10 • DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS 600 Tower Road . Mundelein . IL 60060 Tel: 847-680-9300 . Fax: 847-680-8906 . Service: 800-838-2819 SALES PROPOSAL Quote: 00006347 Date: 11 /3/2015 Expires: 12/3/2015 Line Item List Sales Total Product Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price Encased Dumbbell TR TSD-085U TROY 85 lb 12-Sided Urethane 1.00 $430.00 $265.00 $265.00 Encased Dumbbell TR TSD-090U TROY 90 lb 12-Sided Urethane 1.00 $450.00 $280.00 $280.00 Encased Dumbbell TR TSD-095U TROY 95 lb 12-Sided Urethane 1.00 $470.00 $295.00 $295.00 Encased Dumbbell TR TSD-1000 TROY 100 lb 12-Sided Urethane 1.00 $510.00 $315.00 $315.00 Encased Dumbbell j j Plates Product Line Item List Sales Total Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price TR TROY 2.5 lb High Grade Urethane Encased 24.00 $16.50 $12.00 $288.00 GO-002U TR TROY 5 lb High Grade Urethane Encased 24.00 $22.90 $17.00 $408.00 GO-005U TR TROY 10 lb High Grade Urethane Encased 36.00 $35.80 $25.00 $900.00 GO-01 OU TR TROY 25 lb High Grade Urethane Encased 34.00 $89.50 $60.00 $2,040.00 GO-025U Grip Plate TR TROY 45 lb High Grade Urethane Encased 38.00 $161.10 $110.00 $4,180.00 GO-045U Grip Plate Bars Line Item List Sales Total Product Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price DYNAMIC DYNAMIC 608000 Olympic Bar 20kg- 5.00 $388.00 $250.00 $1,250.00 608000 Black Zinc-28.55mm Dia-194k Min Tensil TR GOZ-47 TROY Olympic Style Economy EZ Curl 1.00 $63.00 $40.00 $40.00 Bar TR TROY Urethane 12 Sided Ez Curl Barbell 1.00 $3,958.00 $2,625.00 $2,625.00 TZB-020-110U Set 20-110 lb Accessory Product Code Product Description Line Item Description Quantity List Price Sales Price Total Price www.directfitnesssolutions.com 6 of 10 • DIRECT FI7NC55 SOLUTIONS 600 Tower Road. Mundelein . IL 60060 Tel: 847-680-9300 . Fax: 847-680-8906 . Service: 800-838-2819 SALES PROPOSAL Quote: 00006347 Date: 11 /3/2015 Expires: 12/3/2015 Line Item List Sales Total Product Code Product Description Description Quantity Price Price Price PRE PRECOR Reading Rack Accessory for 19.00 $19.00 $19.00 $361.00 PHTCLRRKOOOOXX P80 Screens PRE PPP302397 PRECOR Preva Token Kit w/Sleeves 1 5.00 $399.00 $350.00 $1,750.00 Box of Tokens 100 each PRE PRECOR Functional Training 1.00 $400.00 $245.00 $245.00 PWFTSKTN4772XX Workstation Heavy Weight Srack 200lbs each TAG ACC-OSC TAG FITNESS Orange Spring Clips Pair 6.00 $12.00 $8.00 $48.00 Warranty List Sales Total Product Code Product Description Line Item Description Quantity Price Price Price DFS DFS Commercial Fitness Equipment 3 Year Parts & Labor 10.00 $799.99 $0.00 $0.00 SWCFE10K136D Extended Warranty $5000-$9999.99 Warranty on All Precor 136/3 Years Cardio Product Code Product Description Line Item Description Quantity List Price Sales Price Total Price NON -STOCK Non -Stock Dynamic 4'x8' Rig 1.00 $0.00 $3,595.00 $3,595.00 Installation Product Code Product Description Line Item Description Quantity List Price Sales Price Total Price INSTALLATION Product Installation 1.00 1 $0.00 $8,500.00 1 $8,500.00 Freight Product Code Product Description Line Item Description Quantity List Price Sales Price Total Price FREIGHT Freight 1.00 $0.00 $10,050.00 $10,050.00 SubTotal $282,835.00 Estimated Tax Grand $282,835.00 Total www.directfitnesssolutions.com 7 of 10 • DIRECT FITNESS SALES PROPOSAL r Quote: 00006347 SOLUTIONS Date: 11 /3/2015 Expires: 12/3/2015 600 Tower Road. Mundelein . IL 60060 Tel: 847-680-9300 . Fax: 847-680-8906 . Service: 800-838-2819 www.directfitnesssolutions.com 8 of 10 • DIRECT ItFITNESS SOLUTIONS 600 Tower Road. Mundelein . IL 60060 Tel: 847-680-9300 . Fax: 847-680-8906 . Service: 800-838-2819 SALES PROPOSAL Quote: 00006347 Date: 11 /3/2015 Expires: 12/3/2015 PAYMENT TERMS: PAYMENT IS DUE IN ADVANCE. Any other payment terms are subject to credit approval. Authorized purchase orders required for: Leases, Hospitals, Military, School Systems, Municipalities and Corporate Facilities. Proof of tax-exempt status required if applicable. Estimated sales tax - final tax will be billed at the time of shipment based on the prevailing rates. ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE: 4-6 Weeks from Receipt of Signed Proposal. DISCLAIMER: No representation or statements and no warranties, expressed or implied, other than Manufacturers Warranty, Arises apart from this quote concerning the above items except as stated in writing on this quote. All quotes are valid for 30 days. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE: Customer is responsible for the following on Entertainment, Cardio & Strength products: TV's with fixed or variable analog audio output jack and speaker off functions (if digital audio output, a converter will need to be purchased). Live cable and dedicated electrical to each TV/Personal Viewing Screen location prior to installation. Installation is not included unless specified. XTV receivers require a CSafe port for power or 110 VAC outlet per piece Confirmation of treadmill electrical requirements (dedicated 20amp branch circuit to each treadmill). Please note: Unless product is defective or the return is a direct result of a Direct Fitness Solutions error, a 10% restocking fee for all orders and a 20% restocking fee on all custom orders will be charged. All shipping and installation costs are nonrefundable. Quote Acceptance: These prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. Payment Terms: Account Name Print Name: Signature: Title: Date: City of McHenry Email or Fax Signed Proposal To: Holly Stirnichuk Inside Sales Phone: (224) 422-0102 Fax: (847) 278-4588 hollys@directfitnesssolutions.com '"Please include all applicable purchasing documents. If tax exempt please include exemption certificate. Company Name: Print Name: Signature: Title: Date: www.directfitnesssolutions.com 9 of 10 • DIRECT FI7NC55 SOLUTIONS 600 Tower Road. Mundelein . IL 60060 Tel: 847-680-9300 . Fax: 847-680-8906 . Service: 800-838-2819 SALES PROPOSAL Quote: 00006347 Date: 11 /3/2015 Expires: 12/3/2015 Delivery Information Requested Delivery Date: 1/18/2016 Payment Type: Hours Available to Accept Delivery: 7-5 I Purchase Order #: Ship Via: DFS Truck I Site Survey Date: 10/14/2015 Ship Via Other: I Floor Plan Included: Yes Delivery Point of Contact Name: Matt LaPorte I Dimensions of Access Ways: Double Doors Delivery Point of Contact Phone: (815) 363-2164 I Stairs: No Delivery Point of Contact Email: mlaporte@ci.mchenry.il.us I Elevator: No Multiple Delivery Locations: No I Color of Upholstery: Locations: I Color of Frames: Possible Delays in Delivery Time? No I Trade-In's? No Delay Reasons: I Third Party Involved? No IIThird Party Purchase Order #: www.directfitnesssolutions.com 10 of 10 INTEGRITY I INNOVATION I EXCELLENCE � SERVICE i� Geneva Capital LLB Angie Glockner Geneva Capital, LLC 522 Broadway Street, Ste 4 Alexandria, MN 56308 p.320-759-3584 c. 919-523-6961 f. 320-762-8402 angie@gogc.com Date: November 3, 2015 Quotation prepared for: Michael Munson mmunson@directfitnesssolutions.com McHenry Rec Center Direct Fitness Solutions, LLC 600 Tower Rd Mundelein, IL 60060 Equipment Vendor Direct Fitness Solutions, LLC Equipment Description Cardio/strength Original Equipment Cost __$282,835.00_ _ �282,835.00 $282,835.00 Term (Months) 36 48 60 Monthly Payment (w/o tax)- $81574.00 $6662400 $5454.00 Advance Payment (w/o tax) $8,574.00 $6662.00 $5454.00 Security Deposit (w/o tax) - $8,574.00 $6662.00 $5454.00 Documentation Fee $525.00 $525900 $525.00 Purchase _Option ___$l .00 Out $1.00 Out $1.00 Out Total Due (w/o tax) $17,673.00 $13849900 $11433.00 Section 179 is a great way to accelerate your tax benefits. Take a look below to see how much you could save... Under Section 179, you may expense 100% of the cost of equipment acquired in 2015 up to $25,000. Depending on your tax bracket, you could save a portion of that equipment cost in tax savings. _'._Original Equipment Cost ' _ $282,835.00 $282,835.00 $282,835.00 Capital Lease with a $1.00 Purchase Option $8,574.00/month for 36mos $6662.00/month for $5454.00/month for 60mos 48mos Amount Deducted under Section 179 $282,835.00 $282,835900 $282,835.00 Projected 2015 Tax Savings (assuming 35%tax bracket) $98,992.25 $98,992,25 $98,992.25 Thank you for your interest in leasing the above purchase through Geneva Capital LLC. Please feel free to call me at 320-759-3584 or email angie@gogc.com with any questions! November 3, 2015 Matt LaPorte Recreation Center Manager City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Re: Authorized Dealership Direct Fitness has been authorized by Precor Incorporated to advertise, display and distribute Precor commercial products for 2015 and 2016. To ensure Precor customers receive the quality service they deserve, we select Authorized Dealers and Servicers whom we believe share our vision of quality and service. Most of Precor's products are equipped with features that require proper installation and set-up. Precor provides training to its Authorized Dealers for proper installation and maintenance. We expect our Dealers to provide pre -delivery and post -delivery service and to maintain trained service personnel. By purchasing Precor products from an Authorized Dealer, our customers can be secure that they will get the most from their investment. Please accept this letter as confirmation that Direct Fitness is our assigned Authorized Dealer of our commercial products for the state of Illinois. Kind Regards, Sean Kearney Director of Commercial Distribution PRECOR INCORPORATED - 20031 142"dAvenue NE, Woodinville, WA 98072-4002 —phone 425.486.9292 —fax 425.486.3856 An AMER SPORTS BRAND — VWVW.PRECOR.COM November 3, 2015 City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 attn: Matt LaPorte, CPRP Recreation Center Manager Please be advised that Direct Fitness Solutions is currently the only authorized distributor of our products in the state of Illinois. If anything is purchased from another distributor, we must caution you that the equipment may not be serviceable or warranted. We take many steps to ensure the representation of our equipment is performed in the most professional and effective manner. Each authorized distributor which has access to the FreeMotion Fitness Equipment and Accessories has met our requirements for product knowledge, market coverage, service and support of our equipment. We are proud of the innovation and technology that has been developed into every piece of FreeMotion Equipment, and take the assignment of sales distribution very seriously. If you have any additional questions or I can be of assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me at the numbers listed below. Sincerely, Steve Koski Midwest Territory Manager FreeMotion Fitness Mobile 952.221.5059 11 Efax 866.662.0386 Customer Service 800.201.2109 Website www.freemotionfitness.com E-mail steve.koski@freemotionfitness.com 1500 South 1000 West Logan, Utah 84321 www.freemotionfitness.com TF 877.363.8449 P 435.786.2900 F 435.786.3987 JDYMAMIC F7771VS5'S " 5T/1ST/GTF�/ Date: November 3, 2015 Mr. Matt LaPorte, CPRP Recreation Center Manager City of McHenry 3335. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Dear Mr. LaPorte, This letter is to certify and affirm that Direct Fitness Solutions is our dealer of record and exclusive dealer for Dynamic Fitness & Strength products in the state of Illinois. We have been working with Direct Fitness since 2013 and are very pleased with their representation of our products in the marketplace and view them as a true partner. We indeed hope that you choose to work with Direct Fitness Solutions and choose Dynamic as one of your equipment suppliers for your project. Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions or information needs. Sincerely,^ Dave Calloway General Manager C: (715) 829-4474 E: Dave@mydynamicfitness.com DYNAMIC Fitness & Strength 2020 PRAIRIE LANE /EAU CLAIRE / WISCONSIN 54703 www.mydynamicfitness.com L7�'STREGS November 3, 2015 City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Attn: Matt LaPorte, CPRP Recreation Center Manager Re: Authorized Distributor & Service Provider Dear Matt, I am writing to confirm that Direct Fitness Solutions of Mundelein, Illinois is the sole source distributor and service provider for all Stages Indoor Cycles to all fitness and recreation facilities for the state of Illinois. Their team of professional sales and service representatives are fully authorized to provide pricing, knowledgeable consulting, support and service specific to all community recreation facility needs. If there are any questions, please feel free to call me direct at 435-659-9114. Sincerel , r LES WIEHE Stages Indoor Cycling Director of North American Sales 435.659.9114 Iwiehe@stagescycling.com www.stagesindoorcycling.com Stages Indoor Cycling • 1732 NW Quimby Street, Suite 250 • Portland, Oregon 97209 • 855.505.9539 W.: BARBELL & FITNESI To whom it may concern: This letter is to validate that Direct Fitness Solutions is a Preferred dealer for USA, VTX AND TROY products for service and sales nationwide including the State of Illinois. Sincerely Ricky Gonzalez 11/03/2015 1; 1Ick(Ji c,ov�'zaLez 1-800-872-7767 EXT 271 Commercial sales executive Troy Barbell USA Sports Inc. McHenry Rec Center Equipment List - Precor Cardio Equipment Quantity Direct Fitness Solutions Sales Price 3 yr Warranty Total Specialty Treadmill - Incline Trainer with PVS 2 Free Motion i11.9 $ 5,570.00 $ 11,140.00 Treadmill 8 Precor TRM885 $ 7,925.00 3 yr included $ 63,400.00 Elliptical Variety 1- General Cross Trainer 5 Precor EFX885 $ 6,825.00 3 yr included $ 34,125.00 Elliptical Variety 2 - Arc Trainer 2 NA - Cybex Arc Trainer FREE $ - Elliptical Variety 3 - AMT 2 Precor AMT $ 7,750.00 3 yr included $ 15,500.00 Recumbent Bikes 2 RBK885 $ 4,595.00 3 yr included $ 9,190.00 Upright Bikes 2 UBK885 $ 4,350.00 3 yr included $ 8,700.00 11 Specialty (NuStep/SciFit) 2 SCIFIT Step One $ 3,995.00 $ 7,990.00 Rowers 1 Concept 2 Rower $ 875.00 $ 875.00 StepMill 2 Stairmaster Gauntlet $ 4,695.00 $ 9,390.00 Spin Bikes with Console (studio) 9 Stages SC3* $ 1,585.00 $ 14,265.00 Selectorized Line $ 174,575.00 Equipment Quantity Direct Fitness Solutions Sales Price Added Weight Stack Total Functional Trainer 1 Icarian FTS $ 3,895.00 $ 245.00 $ 4,140.00 Cable Cross 1 Freemotion FM F624 $ 4,150.00 $ 4,150.00 Freemotion Lift/Step 1 Fremotion MF F504 $ 3,095.00 $ 3,095.00 Assisted Chin/Dip 1 Icarian Assit Chin/Dip $ 2,865.00 $ 2,865.00 Chest Press 1 DSL414 Converging Chest $ 3,675.00 $ 3,675.00 Shoulder Press 1 DSL515 Converg Shoulder $ 3,225.00 $ 3,225.00 Bi Curl 1 Bi Curl DSL 204 $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 Tri Extension 1 Tri Ext DSL 208 (want 215) $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 Lat Pull 1 DSL314 Diverging Latpull $ 3,295.00 $ 3,295.00 Delt/Peck 1 Delt/Peck DSL 505 $ 3,155.00 $ 3,155.00 Leg Curl 1 Leg Curl DSL619 $ 3,155.00 $ 3,155.00 Leg Press 1 Leg Press DSL 602 $ 4,175.00 $ 4,175.00 Leg Ext 1 Leg Ext DSL 605 $ 2,955.00 $ 2,955.00 Inner Thigh 1 Inner Thigh 620 $ 3,025.00 $ 3,025.00 Outer Thigh 1 Outer Thigh 621 $ 3,025.00 $ 3,025.00 Ab 1 Ab DSL 714 $ 3,050.00 $ 3,050.00 **Want Triceps DSL215 $ 52,235.00 Plate Loaded Equipment Quantity Direct Fitness Solutions Sales Price Warranty Total Dumbbells 5-100lbs 1 Troy (urethane) $ 4,860.00 $ 4,860.00 Curling Barbell Rack 1 Precor 808 $ 675.00 $ 675.00 Curling Barbells set 20-110 lb 1 Troy $ 2,625.00 $ 2,625.00 Dumbbell Rack 2 Precor 812, 2 tier $ 625.00 $ 1,250.00 Olympic Barbells with collars 5 Dynamic $ 250.00 $ 1,250.00 Curl bar with collar 1 Troy $ 40.00 $ 40.00 Misc weight plates (below) misc Troy (urethane) $ 7,816.00 $ 7,816.00 2.51-B = 24, 5LB = 40, 10LB=36, 25LB=34, 45LB=38 Leg Press 1 Precor Leg Press $ 3,050.00 $ 3,050.00 Half Rack 1 Dynamic Half w/ storage $ 1,825.00 $ 1,825.00 Smith Machine 1 Precor DPL802 $ 2,825.00 $ 2,825.00 *Prefer Troy vs TAG weight plates **Mising 5LB on quote $ 26,216.00 Benches and Racks Equipment Quantity Direct Fitness Solutions Sales Price Warranty Total Preacher Curl 1 Precor 202 $ 640.00 $ 640.00 Olympic Incline Bench Press 1 Precor 410 $ 885.00 $ 885.00 Olympic Bench Press 1 Precor 408 $ 695.00 $ 695.00 Utility Seated Bench 0 Precor 119 $ - Multi -Purpose Bench 3 Dynamic Ladder mult adj $ 440.00 $ 1,320.00 Adjustable Decline Bench 1 Dynamic Adj decline $ 575.00 $ 575.00 Vertical Knee Up 1 Precor 702 $ 795.00 $ 795.00 Stretch Trainer 1 C240 Stretch $ 595.00 $ 595.00 $ 5,505.00 Rig Set Up Equipment Quantity Direct Fitness Solutions Sales Price With 3 yr Warranty Total Rig Unit 1 Dynamic 4 x 8 Rig $ 3,595.00 $ 3,595.00 Rig Attachments landmine plyo post chin up ball target cross bar dip ropes single bar storage J cups flying pull up $ 3,595.00 ir Accessories/Miscellaneous Precor Reading Rack for P80 screens 19 $ 19.00 $ 361.00 Precor cable management covers for P80 0 $ 132.00 $ - Preva Token 5 100/box $ 350.00 $ 1,750.00 Weight Collars 6 TAG spring clips $ 8.00 $ 48.00 3 year warranty parts and labor all precor cardio $ - $ - Precor Exinda Cache Server 1 $ 3,995.00 $ - $ 2,159.00 A 1Installation $ 8,500.00 $ 8,500.00 Installation Freight 1 Freight $ 10,050.00 $ 10,050.00 $ 18,550.00 Grand Total $ 282,835.00 McHenry Rec Center Equipment List - LifeFitness Cardio Equipment LifeFitness Quantity Sales Price Added 3 Yr Warranty Total Specialty Treadmill - Incline Trainer with PVS NA - Incline Trainer with PVS 2 $ 8,500.00 Estimated Price $ 17,000.00 Treadmill Discover 95TE 8 $ 7,099.95 $ 160.67 $ 58,084.96 Elliptical Variety 1- General Cross Trainer Cross Trainer Discover 95XE 5 $ 5,780.45 $ 160.67 $ 29,705.60 Elliptical Variety 2 - Arc Trainer NA - Cybex Arc Trainer 2 $ 6,500.00 Estimated Price $ 13,000.00 Elliptical Variety 3 - AMT NA- Precor AMT 2 $ 8,500.00 Estimated Price $ 17,000.00 Recumbent Bikes Discover 95RE 2 $ 4,680.00 $ 160.67 $ 5,001.34 Upright Bikes Discover 95CE 2 $ - $ 160.67 $ 321.34 Specialty (NuStep/SciFit) Sci-Fit StepOne-S 2 $ 4,393.00 $ 8,786.00 Rowers NA - Concept 2 Rower 1 $ 900.00 Estimated Price $ 900.00 StepMill Powermill95PE 2 $ 8,121.75 $ 160.67 $ 16,564.84 Spin Bikes with Console (studio) LifeCycle GEC 9 $ 1,225.90 $ 11,033.10 *1 free Recumbent Bike, 2 free upright bikes $ 3,052.73 $ 177,397.18 Selectorized Line Equipment LifeFitness Quantity Sales Price Added Weight Stack Total Functional Trainer CMDAP Daul adjustable Pulley 1 $ 3,446.95 $ - $ 3,446.95 Cable Cross NA- Freemotion Cable Cross 1 $ 6,097.46 $ - $ 6,097.46 Freemotion Lift/Step NA- Freemotion Lift Step 1 $ 3,995.00 $ - $ 3,995.00 Assisted Chin/Dip SS -ADC Insignia Dip Chin 1 $ 2,956.85 $ 97.50 $ 3,054.35 Chest Press SS-CP Insignia Chest Press 1 $ 2,859.35 $ 97.50 $ 2,956.85 Shoulder Press SS-SP Insignia Shoulder Press 1 $ 2,696.85 $ 97.50 $ 2,794.35 Bi Curl SS -BC Insignia Biceps Curl 1 $ 2,696.85 $ 97.50 $ 2,794.35 Tri Curl SS-TP Insignia Triceps Press 1 $ 2,664.35 $ 97.50 $ 2,761.85 Lat Pull SS-PD Insignia Pulldown 1 $ 2,794.35 $ 97.50 $ 2,891.85 Delt/Peck SS -FLY Insignia Fly/belt 1 $ 2,794.35 $ 97.50 $ 2,891.85 Leg Curl SS-SLC Insignia Seated Leg Curl 1 $ 2,989.35 $ 97.50 $ 3,086.85 Leg Press SS-SLP Insignia Seated Leg Press 1 $ 4,289.35 $ 97.50 $ 4,386.85 Leg Ext SS -LE Insignia Leg Extension 1 $ 2,924.35 $ 97.50 $ 3,021.85 Inner Thigh SS-HAB Hip Abduction 1 $ 2,664.35 $ 97.50 $ 2,761.85 Outer Thigh SS -HAD Hip Adduction 1 $ 2,664.35 $ 97.50 $ 2,761.85 Ab SS -AB Insignia Abdominal 1 $ 2,696.85 $ 97.50 $ 2,794.35 $ 52,498.46 Plate Loaded Equipment LifeFitness Quantity Sales Price Warranty Total Dumbbells 5-100lbs Troy Dumbbells 5-100lbs 1 $ 6,429.10 $ 6,429.10 Curling Barbell Rack Curling Barbell Rack 1 $ 556.40 $ 556.40 Curling Barbells set 20-110 lb Troy Curling Barbells set 20-110 lb 1 $ 1,823.25 $ 1,823.25 Dumbbell Rack Signature Dumbbell Rack 2 tier 2 $ 629.20 $ 1,258.40 Olympic Barbells with collars Olympic Barbells with collars 5 $ 307.45 $ 1,537.25 Curl bar with collar Troy Curl bar with collar 1 $ 90.35 $ 90.35 Misc weight plates (below) Troy Misc weight plates (below) 1 $ 7,812.00 $ 7,812.00 2.51-6 = 24, 5LB = 40, 101-6=36, 25LB=34, 45LB=38 Leg Press Hammer Linear Leg Press 1 $ 2,691.00 $ 2,691.00 Half Rack Hammer Elite Half Rack 1 $ 1,039.35 NA $ 1,039.35 Smith Machine Hammer Smith 1 $ 2,492.10 NA $ 2,492.10 Benches and Racks $ 25,729.20 Equipment LifeFitness Quantity Sales Price Warranty Total Preacher Curl Signature SAC Arm Curl Bench 1 $ 629.20 $ 629.20 Olympic Incline Bench Press Hammer Olympic Incline Bench 1 $ 583.05 $ 583.05 Olympic Bench Press Hammer Olympic flat press 1 $ 503.10 $ 503.10 Utility Seated Bench Seated utility bench 1 $ 317.85 $ 317.85 Multi -Purpose Bench Hammer adjustable bench 2 $ 622.70 $ 1,245.40 Adjustable Decline Bench Signature Adj Decline 1 $ 556.40 $ 556.40 Vertical Knee Up Signature Leg Raise 1 $ 788.45 $ 788.45 Stretch Trainer NA-C240 Stretch 1 $ 595.00 $ 595.00 $ 5,218.45 Rig Set Up Equipment LifeFitness Quantity Sales Price With 3 yr Warranty Total Rig Unit FXTT-VCV Synrgy360T 1 $ 3,791.45 $ 3,791.45 Rig Attachments Power Pivot and Rock Chin 1 $ 675.35 $ 675.35 landmine Trx Suspension Trainer/chin bar 1 $ 338.00 $ 338.00 plyo post FXT-STP SYN360 Step 1 $ 270.40 $ 270.40 chin up ball target cross bar dip FXT-DIP SYN360 Step 1 $ 202.80 $ 202.80 ropes single bar storage J cups flying pull up $ 5,278.00 Accessories/Miscellaneous Hammer Elite Weight Tree 1 $ 538.85 $ 538.85 Weight Collars Intek Spring Collar 6 $ 7.80 $ 46.80 $ 585.65 Freight/Fuel/Installation 1 $ 16,141.91 $ 20,600.49 Misc Freight/Install for non-LF equipment Freemotion, ARC, AMT, Concept 2 1 $ 8,500.00 estimate $ 8,500.00 $ 24,641.91 Grand Total $ 291,348.85 McHenry Rec Center Equipment List - Cybex Cardio Equipment MCF - Cybex Quantity Sales Price Added 3 Yr Warranty Total Specialty Treadmill - Incline Trainer with PVS NA - Incline Trainer with PVS 2 $ 8,500.00 Estimated Price $ 17,000.00 Treadmill Cybex 770T-E3 Monitor 8 $ 6,210.00 $ 49,680.00 Elliptical Variety 1- General Cross Trainer Cybex Arc Traininer 770AT w/E3 5 $ 6,375.00 $ 31,875.00 Elliptical Variety 2 - Octane Octane Pro 4700 w/touchscreen 2 $ 5,375.00 $ 10,750.00 Elliptical Variety 3 - AMT NA- Precor AMT 2 $ 8,500.00 Estimated Price $ 17,000.00 Recumbent Bikes Cybex770R w/E3 2 $ 3,798.00 $ 7,596.00 Upright Bikes Cybex770C w/E3 2 $ 3,618.00 $ 7,236.00 Specialty (NuStep/SciFit)* Octane Xr6000 w/ touch screen 1 $ 4,687.50 $ 4,687.50 Rowers NA - Concept 2 Rower 1 $ 900.00 Estimated Price $ 900.00 StepMill Stairmaster Gauntlet 2 $ 4,930.00 Estimated Price $ 9,860.00 Spin Bikes with Console (studio) Keiser M3i with computer console 9 $ 1,559.40 $ 14,034.60 *Second specialty below - SciFit $ 3,052.73 $ 170,619.10 Selectorized Line Equipment MCF - Cybex Quantity Sales Price Added Weight Stack Total Functional Trainer Bravo Functional Trainer 1 $ 6,118.75 $ 6,118.75 Cable Cross NA- Freemotion Cable Cross 1 $ 6,097.46 Estimate $ 6,097.46 Freemotion Lift/Step Cybex Bravo Lift #18030 1 $ 3,668.40 $ 3,668.40 Assisted Chin/Dip Cybex Prestige #21230 1 $ 3,580.20 $ 3,580.20 Chest Press Cybex Eagle Chest Press #20000 1 $ 4,388.40 $ 4,388.40 Shoulder Press Cybex Eagle Overhead Press #20010 1 $ 4,388.40 $ 4,388.40 Bi Curl Cybex Eagle Arm Curl #20070 1 $ 3,596.40 $ 3,596.40 Tri Curl Cybex Eagle Arm Ext #20080 1 $ 3,452.40 $ 3,452.40 Lat Pull Cybex Eagle Pulldown #20130 1 $ 4,244.40 $ 4,244.40 Delt/Peck Cybex Eagle Fly Delt #21110 W/ Stack 1 $ 3,353.40 $ 3,353.40 Leg Curl Cybex Eagle Leg Curl #20061 1 $ 3,884.40 $ 3,884.40 Leg Press Cybex Eagle Leg Press #20040 1 $ 5,756.40 $ 5,756.40 Leg Ext Cybex Eagle Leg Ext #20051 1 $ 3,884.40 $ 3,884.40 Inner Thigh Cybex Eagle Hip Ad/Ab #20180 1 $ 5,036.40 $ 5,036.40 Outer Thigh NA 1 $ - Ab Cybex Ab #20090 1 $ 3,452.40 $ 3,452.40 $ 64,902.21 Plate Loaded Equipment MCF - Cybex Quantity Sales Price Warranty Total Dumbbells 5-100lbs Umax Urathane Hex 1 $ 5,374.69 $ 5,374.69 Curling Barbell Rack Cybex Barbell Rack 1 $ 719.58 $ 719.58 Curling Barbells set 20-110 lb Umax Ez Curl Barbell 1 $ 1,955.63 $ 1,955.63 Dumbbell Rack Cybex Twin Tier Dubmbell Rack 2 $ 791.44 $ 1,582.88 Olympic Barbells with collars 5 $ 251.87 $ 1,259.35 Curl bar with collar Umax Ez Curl 1 $ 183.62 $ 183.62 Misc weight plates (below) misc $ 6,655.50 $ 6,655.50 2.51-B = 24, 51-B = 40, 10LB=36, 25LB=34, 45LB=38 Leg Press Cybex Leg Press #16110 1 $ 3,251.13 $ 3,251.13 Half Rack Cybex Half Rack #19011 1 $ 3,670.63 $ 3,670.63 Smith Machine Cybex Smith #16121 1 $ 3,406.13 $ 3,406.13 Benches and Racks $ 28,059.14 Equipment MCF - Cybex Quantity Sales Price Warranty Total Preacher Curl Cybex Scott Curl #16131 1 $ 832.81 $ 832.81 Olympic Incline Bench Press Cybex Olympic Press #16050 1 $ 900.31 $ 900.31 Olympic Bench Press Cybex Bench Press #16010 1 $ 791.44 $ 791.44 Utility Seated Bench 1 $ 397.81 $ 397.81 Multi -Purpose Bench 2 $ 708.75 $ 1,417.50 Adjustable Decline Bench 1 $ 732.81 $ 732.81 Vertical Knee Up Cybex Leg Raise Chair 1 $ 875.19 $ 875.19 Stretch Trainer True #800SS Club Stretch 1 $ 1,397.25 $ 1,397.25 $ 7,345.12 Rig Set Up Equipment MCF - Cybex Quantity Sales Price With 3 yr Warranty Total Rig Unit See Quote 1 $ 5,721.75 $ 5,721.75 Rig Attachments landmine plyo post chin up ball target cross bar dip ropes single bar storage J cups flying pull up $ 5,721.75 Accessories/Miscellaneous Cybex care asset management Wi-Fi Module 17 $ 93.75 $ 1,593.75 Cybex service wheel for treadmills 8 $ 72.00 $ 576.00 Octane extended warranty 5 $ 330.00 $ 1,650.00 Cybex extended warranty 17 $ 302.50 $ 5,142.50 Step one Sone03 5year parts and labor included 1 $ 3,622.50 $ 3,622.50 Cybex Plate Storage For Olympic Benches 2 $ 397.82 $ 795.63 $ 13,380.38 W 1 $ 11,070.00 Freight $ 11,070.00 Install 1 $ 4,850.00 $ 4,850.00 Misc Freight/Install for non-LF equipment Freemotion, ARC, AMT, Concept 2 1 $ 8,500.00 estimate $ 5,000.00 $ 20,920.00 Grand Total $ 310,947.70 DATE: TO: FROM: RE: ATTACHMENTS: Office of the City Administrator Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT November 16, 2015 Mayor and City Council Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator Recreation Center Furniture Purchase Furniture Layout Plan Furniture Specifications TCPN Compliance Letter Equipment quote from Frank Cooney Company 62794, 62794A, 62794131 62794C Within the overall budget for the Recreation Center, the purchase of furniture was not included in the bid for construction yet the process was a part of FGM's assistance on the project. Through this assistance and numerous meetings with Parks and Recreation Department staff, a thorough list to accommodate all the needs for the new facility and potential offerings was developed and is attached for Council's review. Staff proposes using two separate cooperative purchasing entities, National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) and The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) contracts to provide the opportunity to use nationally and competitively -bid contracts for this purchase. NCPA and TCPN are national governmental purchasing cooperative that offer competitively bid and awarded contracts with national vendors for commonly purchased products and services allowing government entities to make compliant purchases at a valued rate. Agencies in Illinois are permitted to use cooperative purchasing contracts such as the NCPA and TCPN as an alternative to bidding per Chapter 5, Act 220, Section 2 and 3 concerning Intergovernmental Cooperation (5 ILCS 220/2 and 220/3). The Governmental Joint Purchasing Act f30 ILCS 525) allows member agencies to legally purchase through these contracts without duplicating its own competitive -bidding process and requirements. The result of this cooperative effort is a high -quality selection of nationally -leveraged, competitively -bid contract solutions to help meet the ever -changing needs of current and future member agencies. A Compliance Letter from TCPN is attached. Based on the specific furniture selections and related contract or bid price under which the selections are included, there are four separate components to the furniture purchase: • NCPA contract with Frank Cooney Company (attached 62794) - $23,094.40 • TCPN contract with Frank Cooney Company (attached 62794A) - $39,866610 • Items not available on contract price under bid dollar requirements (quote provided by Frank Cooney Company attached 6279413) - $6,351.50 • Installation of furniture and removal of garbage (by Frank Cooney Company attached 62794C) - $7,150 Therefore, the total amount for furniture procurement and installation is $76,462. This is $8,538' less than the $85,000 line item that was placed in the original budget for furniture. This proposed purchase will be made using funds from the Recreation Center Fund. If City Council concurs, Staff is looking for a motion to approve the purchase and installation of furniture through (1) the execution of an NCPA contract with Frank Cooney Company in the amount of $23,094.401, (2) the execution of a TCPN contract with the Frank Cooney Company in the amount of $39,866.10, (3) the purchase of the items listed on the attached quote from the Frank Cooney Company in listed quote 62974B for $6,351.50: (4) for the installation of furniture and removal of all related furniture refuse in the amount of $7,150I and, (5) the approval a budget amendment in the amount of $76,462 in the Recreation Center Fund to account for said purchases. 0 0 u 0 HM He oc oc oc ac a K oc oc 0 Eq H 0 04FF 0 0 0 g 3 Li -, ay Cy ay Cyl �C�yy1 7 H��F 1 ®IN 4 HE 11 �m Hm 14 �m O 4=l❑ 0 �m Hm Z� 0 0 DATE - A FGM ARCHITECTS ISSUANCE 1 n Mchenry Furniture Plan DRAWN Z YCHECKED CHKAGO 0n 3e 0< WALwN MLO 9 - APPROVED Ro Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: (Dimensions Width; Depth: Overall Height: Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: pry Fabric: Manufacturer: C.O,M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat; Content; Optional Upgrade; Direction : Special Notes: Budget Price HighMark Intu battleship Project: McHenry Fur". Spec. Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Item: 1 6�uantity: 120 Issue Date: Project: McHenry Furn. Spec. Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Item: 1 a Quantity: 3 Issue Date: Manufacturer: TBD Model Name: Model Number: Dimensions Cart Width; Depth: Overall Height: Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer; C.O,M Yardage; Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction Special Notes: Budget Price Project: McHenry Furn. Spec. Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi- Purpose Item: 2 6luantity: 12 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Amtab Model Name: Model Number: (Dimensions Width: 72" Dim. Depth: Overall Height: 30" Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Shadow Zephyr, Gray edge, Gray metal Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: (Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Notes: Include Mobile Cart Budget Price Project: McHenry Furn, Spec, Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 3 6luantity: b Issue Date: Manufacturer: Amtab Model Name: Motivate Flip table Model Number: (Dimensions Width: 30 Depth: 60 Overall Height: 30" Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Shadow Zephyr, Gray edge, Gray metal Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: pholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C,O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction Special Notes: Budget Price Project: McHenry Fur". Spec. Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 4 Buantity: 2 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Amtab Model Name: Number: Dimensions Width: 30 Depth: 84" Overall Height: 30" Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Shadow Zephyr, Gray edge, Gray metal Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat; Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Special Notes: Budget Price Project: McHenry Fur". Spec. Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 5 9uantity: 1 Issue Date: Manufacturer: First Office Model Name: Layer - Lectern Model Number: (Dimensions Width: 24" Depth: 22" Overall Height: 43.75" Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Natural Walnut Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: Casters Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C.O,M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction Special Notes: Budget Price LIST PRICE Project: McHenry Furn. Spec, Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 6 9uantity: 1 Issue Date: Manufacturer: First Office Model Name: AV Lectern Model Number: (Dimensions Width: 24" Depth: 22" Overall Height: 43.75" Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Natural Walnut Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: Casters, Power supply (2) 10 amp outlets b' cord pholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color; Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Notes: Budget Price LIST PRICE Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: (Dimensions Best Rite Nest Easel Width: 35 Depth: Overall Height: 72 Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: Casters Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer. C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Notes: Budget Price Project: McHenry turn. Spec, Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item; 7 Quantity: 1 Issue Date: '. Flp dwrllwds -- Lockng 2'cesbrs nnanuracturer: Model Name: Model Number: (Dimensions Fleetwood Storage Cab, Width: 48" Depth: 24" Overall Height: 68" Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Etched Grey Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: Casters, 5 adj, shelves Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Special Notes: Budget Price 48"x60"x22" Project: McHenry Furn, Spec, Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item; 8 6luantity: 1 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: Dimensions Artco Bell Alphabet Cantilever Chair Width: Depth: Overall Height: Arm Height: Seat Height: 16" Frame Finish: Fill: Feet/D lides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : ial Notes: (Budget Price Titanium , Blueberry Project: McHenry rum, Spec. Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item; 9 6luantity: 5 Issue Date: Project: McHenry Furn, Spec. Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item; 10 6luantity: 1 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: (Dimensions Artco Bell Alphabet Cantilever Chair Width; Depth: Overall Height: Arm Height: Seat Height: 18" Frame Finish: Titanium, Blueberry Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer; C,O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Special Notes: Budget Price Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: Dimensions Width: Depth; Overall Height; Arm Height; Seat Height: Artco Bell Rain Shape Table Project: McHenry Furn, Spec. Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi -Purpose Item: 11 6�uantity: 1 Issue Date: Frame Finish: Titanium, Tangerin 4915-60 Top, Black permatuff edge Fill: Feet/DI ides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C,O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction Special Notes: Budget Price Project: McHenry Furn. Spec. Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 12 6luantity: 17 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Sit on It Model Name: Torsa Model Number: Dimensions Width: Depth: Overall Height: Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Grade 2 - Metro Grand Manufacturer: Central C.O.M Yardage: Blakc Mesh Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction Special Notes: Budget Price Project: McHenry Furn. Spec. :)number: 14-1800601 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 13 9uantity: 4 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: (Dimensions Width: Depth: Overall Height: Arm Height: Seat Height: First Office Stacks Frame Finish:, Natural Walnut Fill: Feet/Djides/Casters: 1 /2 height Modesty Acrylic pholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C,O,M Yardage: Pattern:. Color: Repeat; Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction Notes: Budget Price Project: McHenry Furn, Spec. Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item; 14 Quantity: 4 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: Dimensions Width: Depth: Overall Height; Arm Height: Seat Height: First Office Balance Frame Finish: Natural Walnut Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer; Momentum -Interim, Braze C.O,M Yardage: Pattern: Color; Repeat; Content; Optional Upgrade: Direction ; (Special Notes: Budget Price LIST PRICE Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: First Office Intermix Width; 4' Depth: 12' Overall Height: 30" Arm Height: (Seat Height: Frame Finish: Natural Walnut Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: Power should be - PS-80S Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Special Notes: Budget Price LIST PRICE_31D LAMINATE W/ ERGO EDGE: Two Power - PS-80S Project: McHenry Fur", Spec. Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 15 6Zuantity: 1 Issue Date: Includes a standard PS-33 Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: (Dimensions Width: Depth: Overall Height: Arm Height: Seat Height: First Office Intermix Frame Finish: Natural Walnut Fill: Feet/DI ides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Notes: Budget Price LIST PRICE IN TFL Project: McHenry Furn. Spec. Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item; 16 6luantity: 1 Issue Date: LLq Project: McHenry Fur", Spec. )number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 17 6luantity: 2 Issue Date: Manufacturer: HON Model Name: Model Number: Dimensions 2 high lateral file Width: 36" Depth: 18" Overall Height: 27,25" Arm Height: 'Seat Height: Frame Finish: Silver Fill: Feet/DI ides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C,O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Special Notes: (Budget Price Project: McHenry Furn, Spec. Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item; 18 Quantity: 5 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Teknion Model Name: Variable Model Number: Dimensions Width: Depth: Overall Height: Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Very White Poly Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: 5 stars Casters, Chrome Upholstery Fabric: Carnegie -Blowing Bubbles - Manufacturer: 25 (arms and Back) C.O,M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction ; Special Notes: Budget Price Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: Dimensions Felcon Wellington Width: 48" Depth: 24" Overall Height: 40" Arm Height: Seat Height: 18" Frame Finish: Fill: Feet/D lides/Casters: Fabric: Manufacturer: C.O,M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Notes: Budget Price Momentum -Interim, Braze (back) No storage Below Project: McHenry Furn, Spec, Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 19 9uantity: 2 Issue Date: Seat Fabric -Design Tex -Big Dot -I 3523-403 Color Indigo Manufacturer: First Office Model Name: Intermix Model Number: Dimensions Shadow Zepher Width: 30" Depth: 30" Overall Height: 30" Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Fill: Feet/D lides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer; C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Notes: Budget Price 30" DIA LIST PRICE Deuce X base Luster Gray, Top Project: McHenry Furn, Spec. Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 20 Quantity: 1 Issue Date: Project: McHenry Furn, Spec. Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 21 9uantity: 2 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: (Dimensions First Office Intermix Shadow Zepher Width: 48" Depth: 30" Overall Height: 30" Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Deuce X base Luster Gray, Top Fill: Feet/DI ides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer; C,O,M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Special Notes: Budget Price LIST PRICE SPECIAL Project: McHenry Furn. Spec, Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 22 6�uantity: 6 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: Dimensions VS Panto Swing Width: Depth: Overall Height: Arm Height: 'Seat Height: 18" Frame Finish: Dark Blue -arctic Fill: Feet/D I ides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer; C,O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Notes: Budget Price Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: (Dimensions Felcon Lucky- COUNTER STOOL GT712 - Counter Stool Width; 19 Depth: 20.75 Overall Height: 36 Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Fill: F eet/ D I id es/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Budget Price List Polished Chrome, Orange Project: McHenry Furn, Spec. Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 24 Quantity: 6 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: (Dimensions Width; Depth; Overall Height: Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Fill: Ideon Composium Flair Feet/Dlides/Casters: Feet -Espresso Upholstery Fabric: Carnegie -Blowing Bubbles - Manufacturer: 25 (arms and Back) C,O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Project: McHenry Furn. Spec, Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item; 23 6�uantity: 2 Issue Date: Seat Fabric -Design Tex -Big Dot -I 3523-403 Color Indigo Special Notes: Budget Price IV Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number I Dimensions Magnuson Group Valuta Waste VAl818L Width; 18" Depth: 18" Overall Height: 33.75" Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Anodized Silver Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: Waste Icon (Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer; C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat; Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Special Notes: Budget .Price 40 Gallon unit Project: McHenry Furn. Spec. Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi -Purpose Item; 25 Quantity: 1 Issue Date: Project: McHenry Furn. Spec. Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 26 6luantity: 1 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Magnuson Group Model Name: Valuta Recycling Model Number: VA1809L Dimensions Width: 9" Depth: 18" Overall Height: 33.75" Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Anodized Silver, Paper Circle Combo Fill: Feet/Dlides/Casters: Recycling Arrows Picture Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer; C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color; Repeat; Content; Optional Upgrade; Direction Special Notes: Budget Price 20 Gallon unit Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: First Office Intermix Dimensions Shadow Zepher Width: 36" DIA Depth: Overall Height: 30 Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Fill: Feet/D lides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C,O,M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Notes: Budget Price LIST PRICE Deuce X base Luster Gray, Top Project: McHenry Furn. Spec. Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 27 6�uantity: 1 Issue Date: Project: McHenry Furn. Spec, Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 28 9uantity: 1 Issue Date: Manufacturer: First Office Model Name: Intermix Model Number: Dimensions Shadow Zepher Width: 30" Dim. Depth: Overall Height: 30" Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Deuce X base Luster Gray, Top Fill: Feet/ D lides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : pecial Notes: Budget Price LIST PRICE Project: McHenry Furn. Spec. Job number: 14-1800,01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 29 6luantity: 1 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: Dimensions ULINE Utility Cart Width; 40 Depth: 18 Overall Height: 33 Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Black Fill: Feet/DI ides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer; C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Notes: Budget Price Manufacturer: Model Name: Model Number: (Dimensions Aurora Industrial Shelving Width; 36 Depth: 24 Overall Height: 84" Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Fill: Feet/ D lides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Notes: � Budget Price Project: McHenry Furn. Spec. Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 30 9uantity: 14 Issue Date: 36"wx24"dx85 1 /4"h/Open end uprights &back One front to back reinforcement under each shelf Project: McHenry Furn. Spec. Job number: 14-1800.01 Tag Number: Location: Multi - Purpose Item: 31 6�uantity: 1 Issue Date: Manufacturer: Safco Model Name: 10 pocket Onyx Magazine Rack (Model Number: Dimensions Width: Depth: Overall Height: Arm Height: Seat Height: Frame Finish: Fill: Feet/DI ides/Casters: Upholstery Fabric: Manufacturer: C.O.M Yardage: Pattern: Color: Repeat: Content: Optional Upgrade: Direction : Notes: Budget Price TCPN is a national governmental purchasing cooperative that offers competitively bid and awarded contracts with national vendors for commonly purchased products and services allowing government entities to make compliant purchases at a valued rate. Agencies in Illinois are permitted to use cooperative purchasing contracts such as the TCPN/Exemplis Contract as an alternative to bidding per Chapter 5, Act 220, Section 2 and 3 concerning Intergovernmental Cooperation (5 ILCS 220/2 and 120/3), I have included a link to the TCPN website where we have the statute posted below: Cooperative Purchasing Authorization --IL: http://www.tcpn.org/Pages/legal.aspx • Scroll down to "Illinois", expand to view IL procurement statute authorizing use of cooperative purchasing All TCPN' contracts are competitively bid, evaluated, and awarded by a government entity serving in the lead agency role using a competitive solicitation process consistent with applicable procurement laws and regulations. TCPN's primary lead agency is Region 4 Education Service Center, which was established in 1967 by the State of Texas under Chapter 8 of the Texas Education Code. Region 4 is one of 20 Education Service Centers (ESC's) in Texas. ESC's are permitted to offer any service requested and purchased by school districts and are able to contract with a public or private entity for services. Education Service Centers are political subdivisions in Texas created to help school districts within their region operate more efficiently. Each solicitation contains language that advises all suppliers that the contract may be used by other government agencies throughout the United States. This language is based on the lead jurisdiction "Joint Powers Authority" or "Cooperative Procurement Authority." Each solicitation is publicly advertised in a newspaper of general circulation, and includes specific notice and instruction that includes a deadline of when responses will be received. It is a sealed competitive solicitation process, and all due diligence documents from the solicitation process are posted on the contract landing page of that particular contract. The process is: • Open —to everyone, no preference • Fair —evaluated based on pre -determined criteria that can be found in the solicitation packet, ,with uniform specifications to prevent favoritism or preference. • Transparent —all due diligence documents can be found on the TCPN website and are easily accessible to verify our compliance. I have included a link below to the TCPN/Exemplis contract landing page. By visiting the page you can view basic terms of the contract and download copies of the due diligence documents from the competitive solicitation process; including the RFP, copies of the national advertisement, bid evaluation, master contract, and award letter. We post this information to allow agencies in Illinois the opportunity to verify that the contract solicitation process met Illinois guidelines. TCPN/Exemplis Contract R142205—Furniture, and Installation: http://tcpn.org/Vendors/Pages/ExemplisCorpldeonSitOnit.aspx For contract due diligence documents —click "Contract Documents" tab Should you require additional information please do not hesitate to contact Mike Grade from TCPN: Mike Grade Phone: 312.515.5795 Email: mgrade@tcpn.org FRANK COONEY COMPANY 1226 N. MICIL4EL DRIVE WOOD DALE, IL 60191 (630) 6944800 FAX (630) 694-8804 PROPOSAL FOR: McHenry Parks and Recreation 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Proposal: 62794 Date: 10/12/15 Project #: 85-98 DELIVER TO: McHenry Parks and Recreation 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 SALESPERSON CUSTOMER P 0..: QUOTE VALID Eileen Reynolds # QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL EXTENDED 1 12 R72DP Amtab 72" round folding table. Shadow 371.60 4,459.20 Zephyr top with gray edge and frame 2 6 305DP Amtab 30"x60" folding table. Shadow Zephyr 173.40 15040.40 with Gray edge and frame 3 2 308DP Amtab 30"x84" folding table. Shadow Zephyr 206.00 412.00 top with Gray edge and frame 4 3 TCR Amtab Table Caddy 640.00 1,920.00 5 1 785P Balt Nest Easel Magnetic White Board with 310.00 310.00 flip chart hooks. Silver Frame 6 1 15.5138.1XX Fleetwood Sheerline General Storage 894.00 894.00 .000 Cabinet 48"wx60"hx22"d with 4 adjustable shelves. Etched Gray 7 1 DTT-RA48M ArtcoBell Rain Shaped Table with 364.00 364.00 adjustable legs. Tangerin top with black permatuff edge/Titanium frame 8 5 ASCL16 ArtcoBell Alphabet Cantilevered chair. 81A0 407.00 Blueberry shell/Titanium frame. 16" seat height 9 1 ASCL18 ArtcoBell Alphabet Cantilevered chair. 81.40 81.40 Blueberry shell/Titanium frame. 18" seat height 10 2 CBFA09665 Falcon Wellington Booth. 2,584.00 5,168.00 B ack:Momentum/Interim:Braze. Seat:DesignTex/Big Dot:Indigo.24"dx48"wx40"h 11 6 GT712SPCL Falcon Lucky counter height stool. Orange 335.40 25012.40 shell/chrome frame 12 6 31400 VS PantoSwing-LuPo 18" seat height. Dark 89.50 537.00 blue shell/Arctic frame 13 1 0260JC JontiCraft Unit Blocks/340 Pieces 906.00 906.00 14 1 0262JC JontiCraft Unit Blocks/220 Pieces 540.00 540.00 15 1 2641JC JontiCraft Unit Blocks. 170 Pieces 418.00 418.00 16 1 2872JC JontiCraft See Thru Sensory Table - 330.00 330.00 Toddler 17 1 0585JC JontiCraft Light Up Table 377.00 377.00 18 1 0263JC JontiCraft Workbench 325.00 325.00 19 1 2492JC JontiCraft KYDZ Castles - King 595.00 595.00 20 1 40801JC JontiCraft The Kinder Kitchen/4 piece set 559.00 559.00 22 1 3507JC JontiCraft Pick a Book Stand 2 sided 183.00 183.00 24 1 04210JC JontiCraft Mobile Cubbie Tray Storage with 381.00 381.00 30 clear trays PAGE 1 FRANK GOONEY COMPANY 1226 N. MICSAEL DRIVE Proposal: 62794 WOOD DALE, IL 60191 (630) 694-8800 Date: 10/12/15 FAX (630) 694-8804 Project #: 85-98 PROPOSAL FOR: DELIVER TO: McHenry Parks and Recreation McHenry Parks and Recreation 333 South Green Street 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 McHenry, IL 60050 SALESPERSON CUSTOMER P 0..: QUOTE VALID Eileen Reynolds # QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL EXTENDED 25 1 03640JC JontiCraft Cubbie Tower with 24 clear 530.00 530.00 trays Freight Charges for JontiCraft 27 1 NCPA Per the NCPA (National Cooperative 0.00 0.00 Purchasing Alliance) Contract Number #NCPA7-03 SUBTOTAL....: 22,749.40 DATE ACCEPTED FREIGHT.....: 345.00 ACCEPTED BY TOTAL 23,094.40 -------------- -------------- PAGE 2 OF 2 FRANK GOONEY COMPANY 1226 N. MICMAEL DRIVE WOOD DALE, IL 60191 (630) 694-8800 FAX (630) 694-8804 PROPOSAL FOR: McHenry Parks and Recreation 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Proposal: 62794A Date: 10/09/15 Project #: 85-98 DELIVER TO: McHenry Parks and Recreation 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 SALESPERSON ' CUSTOMER P 0..: Eileen Reynolds # QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 11 1 12 2 13 2 14 2 1412 CF Highmark Intu High Density Stack Chair with glides. Battleship Poly Shell DL6 HighMark Chair Dolly ED1-2444 LE First Office Layer Lectern/Natual C Walnut/Casters ED12444AVLIF'irst Office AV Lectern/Natural C Walnut/Casters Staks Works Staks 30"x60" worksurface with H Leg and tations frosted acrylic modesty panel. 22"x60" return with 2 drawer lateral file support. 22"x84" return with multifile and file/file support. 84"w Wallmounted organizer with doors. Natural Walnut finish. Grommet Locations TBD F37837XK First Office Balance Side Arm Chair. Natural Walnut. Momentum Interim/Braze CC-D14448RTFirst Office Intermix 48"x144" conference / table with (3) 8" Deep Panel Bases & (2) Power supply with 2 outlets, 1 HDMl, 1 USB. Wire Management Strip. Ergo Edge in Natural Walnut CC-M42108MPFirst Office Intermix Media Panel with M Markerboards on right & left.30.5"x15" Wall storage with 2 file drawer. 45.37"x15" Wall storage with 3 file drawers CC-C3030RT First Office Intermix 30"round table with Deuce Static X Base. Shadow Zephyr top/Luster Gray base. 3mm edge -Grey CC-C3636RT First Office Intermix 36" round table with Deuce X base. Shadow Zephyr top/Luster Gray base. 3mm edge -Grey CC-C3030ST First Office Intermix 30"x30" table with Deuce X base. Shadow Zephyr top/Luster gray base. 3mm edge -Grey SCC-799905 First Office Intermix 30"x48" table with Deuce X base. Shadow Zephyr top/Luster Gray base. 3mm edge -Grey H9180A.L Hon Flagship 2 drawer/36"w lateral file with lock CPF-1 Ideon Composium Flair Lounge Chair. Arms and Valance Carnegie:Blowing Bubbles, Seat and back DesignTex Big Dot/indigo CONTINUED... QUOTE VALID SELL 66.47 139.30 509.20 544.40 2,699.40 558.00 2,3 80.80 1,483.20 350.80 371.60 314.80 630.80 391.44 1,3 86.44 EXTENDED 7,976.40 417.90 509.20 544.40 10,797.60 2,232.00 2,380.80 1,483.20 350.80 371.60 314.80 1,261.60 2,772.88 PAGE 1 FRANK GOONEY COMPANY 1226 N. MICFIAEL DRIVE WOOD DALE, IL 60191 (630) 694-8800 FAX (630) 694-8804 PROPOSAL FOR: McHenry Parks and Recreation 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 SALESPERSON Eileen Reynolds # QTY PRODUCT 15 21 6023Y/ES DATE ACCEPTED ACCEPTED BY Proposal: 62794A Date: 10/09/15 Project #: 85-98 DELIVER TO: McHenry Parks and Recreation 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 CUSTOMER P 0..: DESCRIPTION SitOnIt Seating Torsa Task Chair. Black Mesh back/Metro Grand Central seat. Pricing Per TCPN ContractIdeon &Sit On It Contract #R142205Hon Contract#R1422080FS Brands Contract#R142213 SUBTOTAL.... TOTAL QUOTE VALID SELL 365.24 39,866.10 39,866.10 EXTENDED 7,670.04 PAGE 2 OF 2 FRANK COONEY COMPANY 1226N. MICHAEL DRIVE WOOD DALE, IL 60191 (630) 6944800 FAX (630) 694-8804 PROPOSAL FOR: McHenry Parks and Recreation 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Proposal: 62794B Date: 10/12/15 Project #: 85-98 DELIVER TO: McHenry Parks and Recreation 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 SALESPERSON CUSTOMER P 0..: Eileen Reynolds # QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QUOTE VALID SELL EXTENDED 1 1 VA1818L Magnuson Group Valuta Waste Can. 590.00 590.00 18"xM'03.75"h. Anodized Silver/Waste Icon 2 1 VA1809L Magnuson Group Valuta Recycling 465.00 465.00 Receptacle. 18"x9"x33.75"h/ Anodized Silver. Recycling Arrows Decal 3 1 EC12-13 Uline Utility Cart Black 119.00 119.00 4 14 24850L Aurora Industrial Shelving.24"dx36"wx85"h. 266.00 3,724.00 5 shelves. Open ends and back 5 1 SLWM47HM Slatwall Literature Display. 47"x47" 505.60 505.60 maple. With (10) 8.5"xl1" Acrylic Frames 6 1 200SEKD22-5 Safari Friends Rug, 5'x7' 867.90 867.90 7 1 6879BL Safeco 10 Pocket Magazine Rack - Onyx 80.00 80.00 DATE ACCEPTED ACCEPTED BY These Items are not available on any of the State Contracts SUBTOTAL....: 6,3 51.50 TOTAL 6,351.50 PAGE 1 OF 1 FRANK COONEY COMPANY 1226 N. MICIIAEL DRIVE WOOD DALE, IL 60191 (630) 694-8800 FAX (630) 694-8804 PROPOSAL FOR: McHenry Parks and Recreation 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 SALESPERSON Eileen Reynolds # QTY PRODUCT DATE ACCEPTED ACCEPTED BY Proposal: 62794C Date: 10/09/15 Project #: 85-98 DELIVER TO: McHenry Parks and Recreation 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 CUSTOMER P 0..: DESCRIPTION Distribute, Installation, Garbage Removal - Prevailing Wage SUBTOTAL....: INSTALLATION TOTAL QUOTE VALID SELL 0.00 7,150.00 EXTENDED 7,150.00 -------------- -------------- PAGE 1 OF 1 Office of Finance & Accounting Carolyn Lynch, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: November 16, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director RE: FY15/16 Development Expense Budget Amendment BACKGROUND: In January of 2009, September 26, 2011 and January 19, 2015, the City entered into sales tax incentive agreements with Gary Lang, FV IL -McHenry Commons Shopping Center LLC, and Highland Park CVS, LLC, respectively. These agreements were set up to cover a portion of the development costs of their respective properties within the City. ANALYSIS: For 2015/16, the budget for the development expense account (100.04.6945) was set at $275,000. The City has received tax data for four months of the new fiscal year and is due to pay out one incentive agreement that runs from September, 2014 to August, 2015. After a review of the sales tax data and the upcoming incentive payouts, it looks as though the budget is going to be short $125,000. In order to fully fund the incentive agreements for FY15/16 a budget amendment is required. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to approve a budget amendment to account 100.04.6945 in the amount of $1251000.00.