HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 10/05/2015 - City CouncilAGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, October 5, 2015, 7:00 PM Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance led by McHenry Girl Scout Troop 1614 4. City of McHenry Mission Statement Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the City Council will be required to step forward to the podium and identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three -minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at public meetings. 6. Motion to approve the following Consent Agenda Items: A. An Ordinance providing for the Supplemental Appropriation for Fiscal Year 2014/15; B. Payment of $9,189.15 to Stuckey Construction for change orders pertaining to construction of the McHenry Recreation Center; C. Award of Bid to Temple Display, Ltd. for installation of holiday lighting in Veterans Memorial Park in the amount of $16,299.60; D. Grant request for a one-year permit extension for the Patriot Estates subdivision temporary advertising sign; E. Grant request for a one-year Extension to submit Final Plat for Brook Estates subdivision; F. Request from McHenry High School to stage the October 9tn Homecoming Parade, in Knox Park parking lot and temporary closure of certain sections of Green Street & Waukegan Road to accommodate the parade; G. Block Party Request on Barnwood Trail, October 31st, 2 PM to 11 PM; and H. List of Bills in the amount of $1,074,545.93. 7. Motion to approve the Mayor's execution of a Professional Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc. for a lump sum amount of $37,989.78 for Phase I and Phase II Engineering, and direct costs related to the construction of the Municipal Center Bike Path; and, IDOT Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Municipal Center Bike Path Mayor's Statement and Reports 9. Committee Reports 10. Staff Reports 11. Future Agenda Items 12. Executive Session to discuss the purchase of real property for the use of the public body 13. Adjournment The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. Office of Finance & Accounting Carolyn Lynch, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: October 5, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director RE: Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance 14-15 ATTACHMENTS: Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance Supplemental Appropriation List BACKGROUND: On July 215t, 2014 the City Council conducted a public hearing and considered the annual appropriation ordinance for the 2014/15 fiscal year. The appropriation ordinance provides the legal authority to allocate funds to specific spending activities and establishes the city's legal spending limit for the fiscal year. Throughout the year, the need for budget amendments becomes necessary. As a result, a supplemental appropriation ordinance must be passed to amend the appropriation ordinance and the legal spending limit for the fiscal year. ANALYSIS: The supplemental appropriation ordinance for the 2014/15 fiscal year is attached. Changes can be classified as either transfers from one fund to another, omissions from the original appropriation ordinance, or increases in the appropriations due to spending requirements or new programs implemented during the year. The total decrease in the appropriation is $239,518 and is primarily attributable to adjustments made due to spending requirements. The appropriation for all funds decreases from the original $38.6 million to $38.3 million. The appropriation for the General Fund decreases $47,000, due to decreased spending for legal fees which offset higher development expenses. The appropriation for all other funds decreases $193,000. The appropriation in the Motor Fuel Tax Fund decreases $859,000; conversely, the Capital Improvements Fund increases $280,200 due to the timing of payments for road projects. The appropriation in the Recreation Center Fund decreases $202,000 due to the timing of payments for the capital project. The Water/Sewer Fund appropriations increase $206,200 due to higher than expected sewer depreciation expenses. The Police Pension Fund appropriation increases $105,000 for a police pension refund. In reality, the supplemental appropriation ordinance is an accounting adjustment that brings city spending into compliance with state law. The City's internal spending control remains the budget document. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends consideration and approval of the attached supplemental appropriation ordinance for fiscal year 2014/15. ORDINANCE NO. Ord-15- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2014=16 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRYI ILLINOISI as follows: SECTION 1. That it be deemed necessary in order to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2014 and ending April 30, 20150, that there be and there is hereby appropriated to provide for the general tax levy and other revenue for the said fiscal year, the aggregate sum of Thirty -Eight Million, Three Hundred Twenty -Five Thousand, Two Hundred Twenty -Three ($38,325,223) the object and purpose for which said appropriation is made and the amounts appropriated for the same are as follows, to wit: SECTION 2. All unexpended balances of any item or items of general appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any insufficiency in any items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. PASSED and APPROVED this to day of 2015. AYES: NAYS: NOT VOTING: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: ABSTAINED: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor 2014/15 2014/15 2014/15 Final Budget Appropriation Change Appropriation GENERAL FUND Administration (100.01) 4010 Salaries -Regular $ 532,243 $ 532,243 23,346 555,589 4050 Overtime -Regular 500 500 1,213 1,713 4110 Salaries -Seasonal - - - - 4190 Salary Adjustments 905 905 (905) - 4220 Board &Commission Expense 8,740 8,740 (2,730) 6,010 4310 Health/Life Insurance 96,498 96,498 (5,430) 91,068 4320 Dentallnsurance 3,857 3,857 30 3,887 4330 Life Insurance 414 414 (19) 395 4340 Vision Insurance 68 68 153 221 4410 FICA/Medicare 41,072 41,072 (1,935) 39,137 4420 IMRF Retirement 72,042 72,042 812 72,854 4510 Uniform Allowance 450 450 (450) - 5110 Contractual Services 168,500 168,500 (66,805) 101,695 5230 Legal Fees 300,000 300,000 (57,532) 242,468 5310 Postage and Meter 2,000 2,000 (1,080) 920 5320 Telephone 11,000 11,000 (2,733) 8,267 5330 Printing and Publishing 3,000 3,000 (111) 2,889 5370 Repair and Maintenance 500 500 4,863 5,363 5410 Dues 15,800 15,800 1,480 17,280 5420 Travel Expenses 2,800 2,800 686 3,486 5430 Training 2,900 2,900 1,344 4,244 5440 Tuition Reimbursements - - - - 5450 Publications 400 400 (18) 382 5510 Utilities 3,500 3,500 6,235 9,735 6110 Materials and Supplies 25,200 25,200 2,332 27,532 6210 Office Supplies 1,500 1,500 3,236 4,736 6250 Gasoline &Fuel 500 500 (42) 458 6270 Small Equipment 500 500 (340) 160 6940 Administrative Expenses 14,800 14,800 (6,850) 7,950 8200 Building Improvements - - - - 8300 Capital Equipment - - - - 8700 Capital -Furniture - - - - 9920 Purchase Service -Risk Management 71,607 71,607 - 71,607 9922 Purchase Service -Information Technology 27,858 27,858 - 27,858 9942 Transfer -Capital Improvement Fund - - - - Total Administration Office 1,409,154 1,409,154 (101,250) 1,307,904 Elected Officials (100.02) 4010 Salaries -Regular 36,943 36,943 (911) 36,032 4050 Overtime -Regular 500 500 (500) - 4190 Salary Adjustments - - - - 4210 Salaries -Elected Officials 52,250 52,250 (11,635) 40,615 4310 Health/Life Insurance 8,264 8,264 (5) 8,259 4320 Dentallnsurance 405 405 (9) 396 4330 Life Insurance 69 69 (29) 40 4340 Vision Insurance 68 68 (1) 67 4410 FICA/Medicare 6,862 6,862 (1,100) 5,762 4420 IMRF Retirement 5,055 5,055 (288) 4,767 4510 Uniform Allowance - - - - 5110 Contractual Services 250 250 (250) - 5310 Postage and Meter 6,300 6,300 (2,971) 3,329 5320 Telephone 1,500 1,500 (570) 930 5330 Printing and Publishing 6,500 6,500 1,128 7,628 5410 Dues 800 800 1,485 2,285 5420 Travel Expenses 250 250 (250) - 5430 Training 2,575 2,575 (2,153) 422 5450 Publications 100 100 225 325 6110 Materials and Supplies 500 500 (500) - 6210 Office Supplies 500 500 (352) 148 6910 Employee Recognition - - 30 30 6940 Administrative Expenses 19,300 19,300 (347) 18,953 9922 Purchase Service -Information Technology 14,830 14,830 - 14,830 Total Elected Officials 163,821 163,821 (19,003) 144,818 1 2014/15 2014/15 2014/15 Final Budget Appropriation Change Appropriation Community &Economic Development Department (100.03) 4010 Salaries -Regular 338,320 338,320 2,493 340,813 4030 Salaries -Part -Time - - 1,099 1,099 4050 Overtime -Regular 1,500 1,500 (1,500) - 4190 Salary Adjustments - - - - 4310 Health/Life Insurance 86,191 86,191 3,266 89,457 4320 Dentallnsurance 3,714 3,714 65 3,779 4330 Life Insurance 380 380 (162) 218 4340 Vision Insurance 98 98 14 112 4410 FICA/Medicare 25,996 25,996 (1,546) 24,450 4420 IMRF Retirement 45,876 45,876 (629) 45,247 4510 Uniform Allowance - - - - 5110 Contractual Services 22,462 22,462 8,942 31,404 5310 Postage and Meter 1,200 1,200 176 1,376 5320 Telephone 3,800 3,800 (1,400) 2,400 5330 Printing and Publishing 500 500 172 672 5370 Repair and Maintenance -Vehicles 1,600 1,600 (227) 1,373 5410 Dues 700 700 130 830 5420 Travel Expenses 250 250 (250) - 5430 Training 1,200 1,200 (102) 1,098 5440 Tuition Reimbursements - - - - 5450 Publications 500 500 (500) - 6110 Materials and Supplies 6,000 6,000 573 6,573 6210 Office Supplies 2,000 2,000 296 2,296 6250 Fuel and Lubricants 5,000 5,000 (1,715) 3,285 6270 Small Tools and Equipment - - 130 130 7110 Cap. Lease Principal Payments 1,945 1,945 (471) 1,474 8200 Capital -Building Improvements - - - - 8400 Capital -Vehicles - - - - 9920 Purchase Service -Risk Management 25,295 25,295 - 25,295 9922 Purchase Service -Information Technology 37,117 37,117 - 37,117 Total Community & Econ. Development Department 611,644 611,644 8,854 620,498 Finance Department (100.04) 4010 Salaries -Regular 230,411 230,411 15,078 245,489 4030 Salaries - PT 26,072 26,072 (1,198) 24,874 4190 Salary Adjustments - - - - 4310 Health/Life Insurance 50,275 50,275 6,007 56,282 4320 Dentallnsurance 2,255 2,255 181 2,436 4330 Life Insurance 317 317 (145) 172 4340 Vision Insurance 260 260 (79) 181 4410 FICA/Medicare 19,621 19,621 (148) 19,473 4420 IMRF Retirement 34,625 34,625 785 35,410 4510 Uniform Allowance - - - - 5110 Contractual Services 4,670 4,670 43 4,713 5310 Postage and Meter 25,200 25,200 1,621 26,821 5320 Telephone 1,000 1;000 (455) 545 5330 Printing and Publishing 15,785 15,785 (2,299) 13,486 5410 Dues 525 525 8 533 5420 Travel Expenses - - - - 5430 Training 500 500 (500) - 5450 Publications - - - - 6110 Materials and Supplies 40,000 40,000 (5,323) 34,677 6210 Office Supplies 6,600 6,600 1,048 7,648 6270 Small Equipment 2,000 2,000 (335) 1,665 6945 Development Expense 240,000 240,000 147,105 387,105 9904 Debt Service Transfer 692,826 692,826 - 692,826 9907 SSA Transfer - - - - 9909 Transfer to Motor Fuel Tax Fund - - - - 9942 Capital Improvements Fund Transfer 548,900 548,900 10,523 559,423 9944 Transfer to Band Fund 15,000 15,000 - 15,000 9945 Civil Defense Fund Transfer 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 9946 Capital Equipment Fund Transfer 277,825 277,825 - 277,825 9920 Purchase Service -Risk Management 19,730 19,730 - 19,730 9922 Purchase Service -Information Technology 49,073 49,073 - 49,073 Total Finance Department 2,308,470 2,308,470 171,917 2,480,387 'r: 2014/15 2014/15 2014/15 Final Budget Appropriation Change Appropriation Police Commission (100.21) 4220 Salaries -Boards and Commissions 1,350 1,350 - 1,350 4410 Employee Contribution - Soc. Sec. 103 103 - 103 5110 Contractual Services 4,625 4,625 554 5,179 5330 Printing and Publishing - - - - 5410 Dues 375 375 - 375 5420 Travel Expenses - - - - 5430 Training - - 375 375 5450 Publications - - - - Total Police Commission 6,453 6,453 929 7,382 Police Department (100.22) 4010 Salaries -Regular 750,723 750,723 19,636 770,359 4020 Salaries -Sworn 4,007,879 4,007,879 78,894 4,086,773 4030 Salaries -Part Time 92,241 92,241 8,813 101,054 4050 Overtime -Regular 45,000 45,000 10,129 55,129 4055 Overtime -Sworn 244,500 244,500 (18,905) 225,595 4080 Career Ladder 14,000 14,000 (6,335) 7,665 4190 Salary Adjustments 74,569 74,569 (74,569) - 4310 Health/Life Insurance 941,293 941,293 12,769 954,062 4320 DentalInsurance 38,025 38,025 413 38,438 4330 Life Insurance 4,200 4,200 (1,829) 2,371 4340 Insurance Premiums -Vision 2,835 2,835 (314) 2,521 4410 FICA/Medicare 400,012 400,012 (14,855) 385,157 4420 IMRF Retirement 121,336 121,336 (3,217) 118,119 4430 Employer Contribution -Police Pension 1,295,577 1,295,577 (476) 1,295,101 4510 Employee Uniforms 34,400 34,400 (8,323) 26,077 5110 Contractual Services 89,780 89,780 (7,818) 81,962 5310 Postage and Meter 2,700 2,700 754 3,454 5320 Telephone 40,816 40,816 4,257 45,073 5370 Repair and Maintenance -Vehicles 50,000 50,000 1,042 51,042 5410 Dues 1,800 1,800 421 2,221 5420 Travel Expense 16,775 16,775 (9,384) 7,391 5430 Training Expense 23,950 23,950 (4,037) 19,913 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 5,500 5,500 1,771 7,271 5450 Publications 800 800 (410) 390 5510 Utilities 1,500 1,500 (160) 1,340 6110 Materials and Supplies 16,000 16,000 (1,426) 14,574 6210 Office Supplies 15,850 15,850 (1,441) 14,409 6250 Fuel and Lubricants 160,000 160,000 (45,099) 114,901 6270 Small Equipment 7,010 7,010 2,709 9,719 6310 Canine Unit 5,300 5,300 (1,302) 3,998 6340 Forfeiture Expenses - - 976 976 8300 Capital -Equipment 12,575 12,575 44,494 57,069 8400 Capital -Vehicles 25,000 25,000 (25,000) - 8700 Capital -Furniture - - - - 9920 Purchase Service -Risk Management 267,833 267,833 - 267,833 9922 Purchase Service -Information Technology 214,749 214,749 - 214,749 Total Police Department 9,024,528 9,024,528 (37,822) 8,986,706 Public Works -Administration (100.30) 4010 Salaries -Regular 153,913 153,913 162 154,075 4050 Overtime -Regular - - - - 4190 Salary Adjustment - - - - 4310 Health/Life Insurance 36,558 36,558 289 36,847 4320 Dentallnsurance 1,547 1,547 (8) 1,539 4330 Life Insurance 138 138 (59) 79 4340 Vision Insurance 68 68 13 81 4410 FICA/Medicare 11,774 11,774 (456) 11,318 4420 IMRF Retirement 20,778 20,778 (299) 20,479 4510 Uniform Allowance - - - - 5110 Contractual Services 4,600 4,600 (3,830) 770 5310 Postage and Meter 400 400 (13) 387 5320 Telephone 3,000 3,000 (1,631) 1,369 5410 Dues 380 380 (151) 229 5420 Travel Expense 900 900 (868) 32 5430 Training 2,000 2,000 (1,197) 803 3 2014/15 2014/15 2014/15 Final Budget Appropriation Change Appropriation 6210 Office Supplies 1,000 1,000 75 1,075 6270 Small Tools & Equipment 11600 11600 61 11661 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 9,019 91019 - 91019 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 13,530 13,530 - 13,530 Total Public Works -Administration 261,205 2611205 (7,912) 253,293 Public Works - Streets Division (100.33) 4010 Salaries - Regular 11196,087 11196,087 (27,389) 11168,698 4050 Overtime - Regular 19,000 19,000 (10,039) 81961 4060 Overtime - Snow Removal 80,000 80,000 (21,707) 582293 4110 Salaries -Seasonal - - - - 4190 Salary Adjustment 20,860 20,860 (20,860) - 4310 Health/Life Insurance 373,087 373,087 (41164) 368,923 4320 Dental Insurance 21224 21224 (298) 11926 4330 Life Insurance 11311 11311 (552) 759 4340 Vision Insurance 103 103 47 150 4410 FICA/Medicare 100,670 100,670 (11651) 99,019 4420 IMRF Retirement 177,653 177,653 (41601) 173,052 4510 Uniforms 71000 7,000 15478 81478 5110 Contractual Services 86,690 86,690 101644 97,334 5320 Telephone 51750 51750 (11955) 31795 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 92,000 92,000 60,218 152,218 5430 Training 11000 11000 (215) 785 5515 Utilities - PW Building - - 5,451 51451 5520 Street Lighting 290,000 290,000 (121763) 277,237 6110 Materials and Supplies 220,000 220,000 31,679 251,679 6210 Office Supplies 11500 11500 204 11704 6250 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 118,500 118,500 (23,061) 95,439 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 51000 51000 341 51341 6290 Safety Equipment and Supplies 11500 11500 (89) 1,411 8300 Capital - Equipment - - - - 8400 Capital - Vehicles - - - - 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 103,047 103,047 - 103,047 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology 91166 91166 - 91166 Total Public Works - Streets Division 21912,148 21912,148 (19,282) 21892,866 Parks and Recreation Department (100.41) 4010 Salaries - Regular 671,186 671,186 11,850 683,036 4030 Salaries - Part Time 35,533 35,533 (3,328) 32,205 4050 Overtime - Regular 17,500 17,500 (2,248) 15,252 4110 Salaries -Seasonal 228,000 228,000 (26,763) 201,237 4190 Salary Adjustment 5,251 5,251 (5,251) - 4310 Health/Life Insurance 182,272 182,272 (21986) 179,286 4320 Dental Insurance 41632 41632 (36) 41596 4330 Life Insurance 828 828 (353) 475 4340 Vision Insurance 380 380 (18) 362 4410 FICA/Medicare 73,246 73,246 (31898) 69,348 4420 IMRF Retirement 98,478 98,478 (21283) 96,195 4510 Uniform Allowance 21250 23250 293 21543 5110 Contractual Services 273,950 273,950 (36,294) 2371656 5310 Postage and Meter 91250 91250 (31172) 61078 5320 Telephone 15,450 15,450 (11015) 14,435 5330 Printing and Publishing 6,800 61800 (222) 61578 5370 Repair and Maintenance - Vehicles 15,000 15,000 (757) 14,243 5410 Dues 126,933 126,933 (582) 126,351 5420 Travel Expense 500 500 (500) - 5430 Training 31150 3,150 (580) 21570 5440 Tuition Reimbursement - - - - 5450 Publications 500 500 (265) 235 5510 Utilities 35,900 35,900 (11,078) 24,822 6110 Materials and Supplies 128,800 128,800 851 129,651 6210 Office Supplies 3,000 31000 (1)108) 11892 6250 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicles 26,000 26,000 (31658) 22,342 6270 Small Tools & Equipments 12,000 12,000 (81579) 33421 6920 Special Events 26,600 26,600 (11084) 25,516 6950 Forestry Expenses 35,000 35,000 (9,315) 25,685 C! 8300 Capital - Equipment 8400 Capital - Vehicles 8800 Capital - Park Improvements 9920 Purchase Service - Risk Management 9922 Purchase Service - Information Technology Total Parks and Recreation Department Total General Fund SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Tourism Fund (200) 5110 Contractual 6940 Administrative Expenses 9901 Transfer General Fund Total Tourism Fund Pageant Fund (205) 5110 Contractual 5310 Postage & Meter 6110 Materials and Supplies 6940 Administrative Expense Total Pageant Fund Band Fund (210) 5110 Contractual 6110 Materials and Supplies Total Band Fund Civil Defense Fund (220) 5375 Repairs and Maintenance - Equipment 6110 Materials and Supplies Total Civil Defense Fund Alarm Board Fund (225) 5110 Contractual Services Total Alarm Board Fund Audit Fund (230) 5110 Contractual Services Total Audit Fund Annexation Fund (260) 6970 Distribution Operating Fees 8100 Capital - Land Acquisition 9904 Transfer - Debt Service Fund Total Annexation Fund Motor Fuel Tax Fund (270) 6110 Materials and Supplies 8600 Capital - Street Improvements 9904 Transfer - Debt Service 9942 Transfer - Capital Improvements Fund Total Motor Fuel Tax Fund Developer Donation Fund (280) 6970 Distributions - Schools 6980 Distributions - Library District 6990 Distributions - Fire Protection District Total Developer Donation Fund Developer Donation Fund - Parks (280.41) 6940 Administrative Expenses 8100 Land Acquisition 8800 Park Improvements 9902 Transfer - Rec Center Construction Fund 2014/15 Budget 81,774 40,407 2,160, 570 18,857,993 20,000 75,000 95,000 11000 50 2,500 3,550 14,500 500 15,000 3,200 3,200 45,000 45,000 35,710 35.710 10,000 35,000 45,000 305,000 980,301 403,659 33,000 4,770 4,770 42,540 2014/15 2014/15 Final Appropriation Change Appropriation 81,774 40,407 2,160,570 8,550 60,652 (43,177) 8,550 60,652 81,774 40,407 21117,393 18,857,993 (46,746) 18,8113247 20,000 75, 000 95,000 1,000 50 2,500 3,550 14,500 500 15,000 3,200 3,200 45,000 45,000 35,710 35,710 10,000 35,000 45,000 (85000) (81000) (11000) (48) 831 (217) (11961) (500) (21461) 7,168 7,168 11,555 11,555 (12180) (11180) 305,000 (40,319) 980,301 (818,468) 403,659 - 11688,960 (858,787) 33,000 46,214 4,770 11,257 41770 11,257 42,540 68,728 12,000 75,000 87,000 3,331 31333 12,539 12,539 10,368 10,368 56,555 56,555 35,710 35,710 8,820 35,000 43,820 264,681 161,833 403,659 830,173 79,214 16,027 16,027 111,268 14,200 14,200 (31226) 10,974 50,000 50,000 (50,000) - 200,000 200,000 32,076 232,076 5 9942 Transfer -Capital Improvements Total Developer Donation Fund -Parks Tax Increment Fund (290) 5110 Contractual Services 6940 Administrative Expense 8900 Public Improvements 9901 Transfer -General Fund 9904 Transfer -Debt Service Fund Total Tax Increment Fund DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Debt Service Fund (300) 7100 Bond Principal Payments 7200 Bond Interest Payments 7300 Paying Agent Fees Total Debt Service Fund CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Recreation Center Fund (400) 7400 Bond Issuance Costs 8200 Buildings Total Special Service Area #1A Special Service Area #1A (420) 9904 Transfer -Debt Service Total Special Service Area #1A Special Service Area #4A (424) 9936 Transfer -Utility Improvements Fund Total Special Service Area #1A Capital Improvements Fund (440) 8100 Capital -Land Acquisition 8200 Capital -Building Improvements 8600 Capital -Street Improvements 8800 Capital -Park Improvements 8900 Capital -Other Improvements Total Capital Improvements Fund Local Street Improvements Fund (441) 9909 Transfer Motor Fuel Tax Fund Total Local Street Improvements Fund Capital Equipments Fund (450) 8300 Capital -Equipment 8400 Capital -Vehicles Total Capital Improvements Fund ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER/SEWER FUND Public Works -Water Division (510.31) 4010 Salaries -Regular 4050 Overtime -Regular 4110 Salaries -Seasonal 4190 Salary Adjustments 4310 Health/Life Insurance 4320 Dentallnsurance 4330 Life Insurance 2014/15 Budget 264,200 72,000 20,000 2,500 240,950 335,450 1,205,000 348,350 5,000 1, 558,350 550,000 550,000 16,847 16,847 750,000 50,000 91,600 891,600 40,500 40,500 184,825 93,000 277,825 647,074 34,000 11,500 8, 847 178,251 2,313 656 2014/15 2014/15 Final Appropriation Change Appropriation 264,200 72,000 20,000 2,500 240, 950 335,450 1,205,000 348,350 5,000 1,558,350 550,000 550,000 16,847 16,847 750, 000 50,000 91,600 891,600 (21,150) 3,021 (10,910) 298,071 290,182 (20,000) 3,488 25,030 8,518 10, 868 (212,767) (201,899) 243, 050 3, 021 61,090 318,071 2,500 240, 950 625,632 1,185,000 351,838 30,030 1,566,868 10, 868 337,233 348,101 -_ 16,847 16,847 2, 790 371,532 (49,480) (44,636) 280,206 40,500 (190) 40,500 (190) 184, 825 93,000 277,825 647,074 34,000 11,500 8; 847 178,251 2,313 656 53, 064 (62,515) (9,451) 5,745 2,525 1,210 (8,847) 823 9 (280) 2,790 1,121,532 520 46, 964 1,171,806 40, 310 40,310 237,889 30,485 268,374 652,819 36,525 12.710 2014/15 2014/15 2014/15 Final Budget Appropriation Change Appropriation 4340 Vision Insurance 50 50 (1) 49 4410 FICA/Medicare 53,659 53,659 (1,307) 52,352 4420 IMRF Retirement 93,139 93,139 4,398 97,537 4510 Uniform Allowance 3,350 3,350 (701) 2,649 5110 Contractual Services 130,220 130,220 (53,161) 77,059 5310 Postage and Meter 3,500 3,500 23 3,523 5320 Telephone 5,000 5,000 167 5,167 5370 Repair and Maintenance -Vehicles 9,000 9,000 11,533 20,533 5410 Dues 500 500 62 562 5430 Training Expenses 4,750 4,750 (2,024) 2,726 5440 Tuition Reimbursement - - - - 5510 Utilities 165,000 165,000 2,915 167,915 6110 Materials and Supplies 220,000 220,000 (4,560) 215,440 6210 Office Supplies 1,250 1,250 (295) 955 6250 Fuel and Lubricants -Vehicles 25,000 25,000 3,899 28,899 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 2,500 2,500 (534) 1,966 6940 Administrative Expenses - - 2,243 2,243 7091 Debt Service -Accrued Interest - - (713) (713) 7100 Bond Principal 95,000 95,000 - 95,000 7200 Bond Interest 50,108 50,108 - 50,108 7300 Fees -Paying Agent - - 311 311 8200 Capital -Buildings - - - - 8300 Capital -Equipment - - 2,358 2,358 8400 Capital -Vehicles - - - - 9100 Amortization -Bond Discount - - (512) (512) 9510 Depreciation Expense 500,000 500,000 (29,368) 470,632 9904 Transfer -Debt Service Fund 95,943 95,943 - 95,943 9920 Purchase Service -Risk Management 73,174 73,174 - 73,174 9921 Purchase Service -General Fund 218,737 218,737 - 218,737 9922 Purchase Service -Information Technology 12,095 12,095 - 12,095 9923 Purchase Service -Audit Fund 3,954 3,954 - 3,954 9936 Transfer -Utility Improvements Fund - - - - 9942 Transfer -Capital Improvements Fund - - - - Total Public Works -Water Division 2,648,570 2,648,570 (64,082) 2,584,488 Public Works -Wastewater Division (510.32) 4010 Salaries -Regular 660,624 660,624 (18,654) 641,970 4050 Overtime -Regular 40,000 40,000 1,282 41,282 4190 Salary Adjustments 10,008 10,008 (10,008) - 4110 Salaries -Seasonal 5,000 5,000 (2,543) 2,457 4310 Health/Life Insurance 152,001 152,001 22,433 174,434 4320 Dentallnsurance 810 810 (18) 792 4330 Life Insurance 690 690 (294) 396 4340 Vision Insurance 136 136 (3) 133 4410 FICA/Medicare 54,746 54,746 (2,591) 52,155 4420 IMRF Retirement 95,935 95,935 (5,360) 90,575 4510 Uniform Allowance 3,600 3,600 1,065 4,665 5110 Contractual Services 110,500 110,500 62,650 173,150 5310 Postage and Meter 2,500 2,500 (2,131) 369 5320 Telephone 16,000 16,000 (12,616) 3,384 5370 Repair and Maintenance -Vehicles 10,000 10,000 10,362 20,362 5375 Repair and Maintenance -Equipment 82,500 82,500 (24,790) 57,710 5380 Repair and Maintenance -Utility System 50,000 50,000 6,137 56,137 5410 Dues 600 600 (6) 594 5430 Training Expenses 1,250 1,250 (101) 1,149 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 1,000 1,000 (445) 555 5450 Publications 100 100 (100) - 5510 Utilities 415,000 415,000 (84,006) 330,994 5580 Disposal 191,160 191,160 39,972 231,132 6110 Materials and Supplies 239,000 239,000 (11,044) 227,956 6210 Office Supplies 1,500 1,500 147 1,647 6250 Fuel and Lubricants -Vehicles 25,000 25,000 9,462 34,462 6940 Administrative Expenses - - 3,360 3,360 7091 Debt Service -Accrued Interest - - (1,674) (1,674) 7100 Bond Principal 235,000 235,000 - 235,000 7200 Bond Interest 205,790 205,790 - 205,790 7300 Fees -Paying Agent - - 1,053 1,053 7 8300 Capital -Equipment 8400 Capital -Vehicles 8500 Capital -Utility System 9100 Amortization -Bond Discount 9510 Depreciation Expense 9904 Transfer -Debt Service Fund 9920 Purchase Service -Risk Management 9921 Purchase Service -General Fund 9922 Purchase Service -Information Technology 9923 Purchase Service -Audit Fund 9936 Transfer -Utility Improvements Fund 9942 Transfer -Capital Improvements Fund Total Public Works -Wastewater Division Public Works -Utility Division (510.35) 4010 Salaries -Regular 4050 Overtime -Regular 4410 FICA/Medicare 4420 IMRF Retirement 5370 Repair and Maintenance -Vehicles 6110 Materials and Supplies Total Public Works -Wastewater Division Total Water/Sewer Fund Capital Development Fund (550) 9936 Transfer - Utility Improvements Fund Total Capital Development Fund Utility Improvements Fund (580.31 & 32) 8500 Capital -Water Utility Improvements 8500 Capital -Sewer Utility Improvements Total Utility Improvements Fund Marina Operations Fund (590) 5110 Contractual Services 6940 Administrative Expenses Total Marina Operations Fund INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Health Insurance Fund (600) 4310 Insurance Premiums - Health/Vision 4315 Insurance Premiums -Other 4320 Insurance Premiums -Dental 4340 Insurance Premiums -Vision 5245 Health HRA Reimbursement 6960 Miscellaneous Expense Risk Management Fund (610) 5950 MCMRMA Premiums 5960 Insurance Premiums -Other 5980 Property Damage 6940 Administrative Expense 6960 Miscellaneous Expense 9921 Purchase of Service -General Fund Total Risk Management Fund Information Technology Fund (620) 4010 Salaries -Regular 4190 Salary Adjustment 4310 Health/Life Insurance 4320 Dentallnsurance 4330 Life Insurance 4340 Vision Insurance 2014/15 Budget 900,000 12,194 87,976 233,188 8,772 3,954 3,856,534 6,505,104 1,594,458 1,594,458 2014/15 2014/15 Final Appropriation Change Appropriation - 2,358 2,358 - 1,550 1,550 - 3,941 3,941 900,000 251,880 1,151,880 12,194 - 12,194 87,976 - 87,976 233,188 - 233,188 8,772 - 8,772 3, 954 - 3, 954 3,856,534 241,268 4,097,802 - 15,645 - 4,015 - 1,482 - 2,558 - 740 - 4,551 28,991 6,505,104 206,177 1,594,458 1, 594,458 20,000 26,000 20,000 26,000 46,000 46,000 2,320,574 2,550,597 600,000 2,500 50,000 4,250 500 20,085 677,335 2,320,574 101,421 11,602 112,000 5, 000 2,550,597 600,000 2,500 50, 000 4,250 500 20,085 677,335 (16,851) (1,018) (17,869) 79,398 (21,194) (198) (18,729) (580) 38,697 (76, 034) 32,811 (4,683) (2,701) (500) (51,107) 15,645 4,015 1,482 2,558 740 4,551 28,991 6,711,281 1,594,458 1,594,458 3,149 24, 982 28,131 2,399,972 80,227 11,404 93,271 4,420 2,589,294 523,966 35, 311 45, 317 1, 549 20,085 626,228 144,913 144,913 11,654 156,567 28,608 28,608 905 29,513 1,244 1,244 6 1,250 138 138 (138) - 126 126 (18) 108 E3 4410 4420 4510 5110 5320 5410 5420 5430 5440 5450 6110 6210 6270 9510 9920 FICA/Medicare IMRF Retirement Uniforms Contractual Services Telephone Dues Travel Training Tuition Reimbursement Publications Materials &Supplies Office Supplies Small Tools and Equipment Depreciation Expense Purchase Service -Risk Management Total Information Technology Fund FIDUCIARY FUNDS Employee Flexible Spending Fund (700) 6940 Administrative Expenses 6965 Reimbursements Total Employee Flexible Spending Fund Developmental Escrow Fund (720) 9942 Transfer -Capital Improvements Fund Total Developmental Escrow Fund Police Pension Fund (760) 4910 Pension Payments 4920 Disability Payments 4930 Death Benefit Payments 4940 Non -Duty Disability Benefit Payments 4990 Contribution Refunds 5110 Contractual Services 5410 Dues 6940 Administrative Expense 9923 Purchase of Service -Audit Fund Total Police Pension Fund Retained Personnel Fund (740) 5220 Engineering Fees -Consultant 5221 Engineering Fees -Staff 5230 Legal Fees 6960 Miscellaneous Expense 6961 Miscellaneous Refunds Total Retained Personnel Fund Total All Funds 2014/15 Budget 11,086 19,563 107,949 2,500 600 325 13,000 17,200 32,000 40, 000 8, 345 427, 597 5,000 75,000 80,000 76,000 76,000 1,420, 500 225, 800 48,200 56,000 45, 000 2, 000 3,425 1,800,925 20, 000 10,000 8,000 2, 000 40, 000 $ 38,564,741 2014/15 2014/15 Final Appropriation Change Appropriation 11,086 19,563 107,949 2, 500 600 325 13,000 17,200 32,000 40,000 8,345 427,597 5,000 75,000 80,000 84 787 (21,829) 231 (600) (325) 163 6, 862 (5,688) (8,352) (17,965) (894) 9,679 8, 785 76,000 (76,000) 76,000 (76,000) 1,420,500 225,800 48,200 56,000 45,000 2,000 3,425 1,800,925 20, 000 10,000 8,000 2,000 40,000 4,985 (51) 39,295 (38,489) 112,515 (12,866) (725) 12 104,676 32,413 19,473 (1,074) (2,000) 48,812 11,170 20,350 86,120 2,731 19,862 11,512 23,648 38,293 8,345 409,632 4,106 84,679 88,785 1,425,485 225,749 87,495 17,511 112,515 32,134 1,275 12 3,425 1,905,601 52,413 29,473 6,926 $ 38,564,741 (239,518) 38,325,223 DATE: TO: FROM: RE: Office of the City Administrator Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center CONSENT AGENDA November 17, 2014 Mayor and City Council Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Recreation Center Construction 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us The following change orders for construction of the McHenry Recreation Center were submitted by Stuckey Construction for the total amount of $9,189.15: Jack Frost Iron Works; change made to was completed by the iron works and bearing from 5pounds per lineal foot train element that was added. 13 joists from the contract documents after a shop review architects. Thirteen joists required a change of weight 10 pounds per lineal foot due to the TRX suspension $715.88 Leo Fox Trucking; Labor &Materials for Foundation Undercuts were deemed necessary after the foundation excavation began. Site soil tests were performed ahead of time however when the exact location of the foundation was excavated some questionable soils arose creating the need to remove those questionable soils and to bring in additional stone for the foundation support. $7,577.15 Chadwick Contracting ADA ramp at east end of main entrance due to grade issues and existing curb pour: $896412 RECOMMENDATION: If Council concurs, it is recommended a motion is made to approve the change orders as presented. Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA DATE: October 5, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Deputy City Administrator Bill Hobson RE: Holiday Lighting in Veterans Memorial Park ATT: Bid Form Background. On September 14th, the City Council authorized staff to advertise for bids for the installation of holiday lighting in Veterans Memorial Park. The bid notice was published in the Northwest Herald on September 15ffi. Bid opening occured on September 29t'. One bid was submitted by Temple Display, Ltd. in the amount of $16,299.52. The 2015/16 FY budget includes $17,500 for the project. Analysis. If approve, lighting will be installed prior to the annual Downtown Christmas Walk on November 20`. The contract includes maintenance throughout the holiday season and removal of the lights no later than February 6, 2015. If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to award the bid for the installation of holiday lighting in Veterans Memorial Park to Temple Display for $16,299.52 as presented. CITY OF MCHENRY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 333 S. GREEN STREET MCHENRY, IL 60050 RECEIVED SEP 7 Q NO CITY OF 141cHEluRY �'IPdISTRATION r'.W�;?.TMF� BID FORM: SERVICES TO INSTALL, MAINTAIN, and REMOVE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS — 201546 Bid Opening: 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 29, 2015 The undersigned hereby agrees to provide and deliver the services described in these specifications and the literature attached to this bid proposal at the bid price shown below. Total Bid Price Number of Lights to be Installed Price per 1,000 Lights /t , a � g �o _1 q q SUBMITTED BY: Address �,tSGUP , 5 &05� Name & Title Tyla lease Print Signature Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development FOR: October 5, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Advertising Sign for Patriot Estates Subdivision ATT: 1. Location Maps (sign face depicted has changed but location and size of sign remains the same) 2. Letter from Stefanie Spitson dated September 18, 2015 BACKGROUND: A letter was received from Stefanie Spitson, Cunat Inc. requesting cone -year extension to continue using an existing sign located at Lite southeast corner of Bull Valley and Crystal Lake Roads to advertise Patriot Estates Subdivision. The sign was originally approved and installed as part of the Inland Business Park Development. The existing sign consists of (2) 10'x10' identical signs in a "V" configuration. A one-year extension was approved in October 2014 by the City Council. ANALYSIS: In the past, the City has allowed off -premise advertising signs for residential subdivisions (Boone Creek, Kresswood Trails, and Olde Mill Ponds). At the end of August of this year eight new single-family home permits and forty new single-family attached units have been built year-to-date in the City compared with six new single-family homes and twenty-four new single-family attached units during the same time period last year. Much of the new construction has occurred in the Patriot Estates Subdivision. While this is an increase the economy is still in a state of recovery and staff believes the sign can only assist. If the City Council concurs it is recommended that aone-year extension until October 5, 2016, allowing Patriot Estates Subdivision to advertise on the corner of Bull Valley Road and Crystal Lake Road, be approved. 2 Location Map patriot Estates Subdivision 3 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us ■0 an September i85 2015 City of McHenry Attn: Doug Martin 333 S. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Re: Re nest for Extension Dear Daug: Please accept this letter as a request for aone-year extension an the sign located at the caz•ner of Bull Valley Road and Czystal Lake Road in McHenry. This sign is used for advertising the homes located in the Patriot Estates Subdivision. If you have any questions, or if you need any additional inForznatian, please Feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, CARPENTRY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Stefanie S. Spitson Proj cot Manager SSS/crs ec: File C�mat, Inc. 5400 W. EIm Street— Suite I i0 McHe�ny, Illinois 60050 Phone: 8 i 5/385-3192 Fax: 815/385-2068 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development FOR: October 5, 2015, Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request for extension to submit Final Plat for Brooke Estates Subdivision ATT: 1. Location Map 2. Preliminary Plat Brooke Estates Subdivision Brooke Estates, which consists of a 6.46 acre property located off of Ridge Road and surrounded to the north, south and east by Deerwood Subdivision, was annexed to the City on September 10, 2007 for the development of six single-family homes. The preliminary plat was approved contemporaneously with the annexation agreement for the subdivision. As a result of difficult economic times a final plat has not yet been submitted for Brooke Estates and an additional extension is being requested by the developer to permit the existing preliminary plat to remain active. The City Council did authorize one-year extensions for each year from 2009-2014. Last year staff recommended the 2014-2015 extension be the last one granted, due to the impending McHenry County Stormwater Ordinance adoption by the McHenry County Board, which was approved and the City is required to adopt as a minimum standard by December 2015. Staff was contacted by the owner and developer for Brooke Estates, Mrs. Szechowycz, a couple of weeks ago requesting an additional extension. Mrs. Szechowycz has agreed, if the extension is granted for another year, Brooke Estates must comply with the new McHenry County Stormwater Management Ordinance and all other ordinances in place at the time the subdivision is developed. An ordinance change provision is also included in the annexation n CARi O C FOX RNGa✓ Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us agreement stating if more restrictive ordinances are adopted while the agreement is active the property must comply with the more restrictive provisions. Although a preliminary plat is approved, a final plat and final engineering require a greater level of detail. Mrs. Szechowycz indicated her desire to complete the subdivision however the market is not at a point where it would be prudent to move forward and do this at this time. The annexation agreement is active until September 10, 2027 and given the aforementioned provision included in the agreement as well as placing the same stipulation on a preliminary plat extension described herein, which requires all City ordinances be met when the development moves forward, staff is comfortable recommending a one-year extension. Due to the uncertainty associated with the state of the economy however staff believes only a one- year extension is warranted at this time. If the City Council concurs it is recommended aone-year extension for submittal of a final plat of subdivision for Brooke Estates Subdivision be approved with the condition all City ordinances in place at the time the development of Brooke Estates moves forward must followed, including but not limited to the McHenry County Stormwater Management Ordinance. 3 RCART OF TYG FO% R I� .( I. Ll'. .` _ _ dw two at IL N Hai a iVIP - fok TREBiIfAAfVL' . at a `i _ N. i r i to it i r S far F� 'r' 1 ,. jr .IaI 1'Fat' — I w.WIat at COGJRT Iat Ilk r,l rLl III IMF Ilk Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Approved Preliminary Plat Brooke Estates Subdivision 5 : Office of the Deputy City Administrator Bill Hobson (� McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2159 ,lY C 4e Ir 1+j Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA DATE: October 5, 2015 TO: McHenry City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator RE McHenry High School Homecoming Parade ATT: Request Letter McHenry High School is requesting permission to use the Knox Park Pool parking lot and certain sections of Green Street and Waukegan Road for the annual McHenry High School Homecoming parade on Friday, October 9`". If approved, the parade would be staged in the Knox Park Pool lot at approximately 1240 PM. At approximately 1:45 PM, the parade will proceed north on Green Street and conclude at the intersection of Waukegan Road and Green Street. The parade is brief and in past years, has had minor impact on traffic. Staff reviewed the request with Police, Public Works, and Parks Department staff. If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the request as presented. i=ric D. Blake, Principal Kyle N. Hobson, Associate Principal !4iattliew K. Decker. Lean of Students Mr. Bill Habsan City of McHenry 333 Green St. McHenry, IL 60050 Dear Mr. Habsan: 10I2 N. green 5trect, iNiclienrp, II. 60050 • (81 1) 38:1-114I3 a Fax (81 S) 363-8431 September 15, 2015 The annual McHenry High School Homecoming parade will be held on Friday, October 9th at approximately 1:45 p.m. We, as a district administrative team, would like to request the proposed route for the 2015 parade. Stage vehicles in the Knox Park Pool Parking lot Parade begins and travels north on Green Street Parade concludes at the corner of Green St: and Waukegan St. Parade vehicles disembark passengers after turning left onto Waukegan St. and then proceed to exit the area High school students wil{ be released from East Campus at 12:30 p.m. and Wesf Campus at 12:40 p.m. The McCracken Field Homecoming Pep Rally will begin shortly thereafter and the parade will be at 1:45pm. Proposed Staging of the parade vehicles will be from 11:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m, in the Knox Park Pool Parking Lot. Our high school staff will arrive at the lot in the morning to number and prepare the spaces. We thank you in advance far all of your cooperation, and we Ioak fiorward to any comments or recommendations you may have to help us ensure the parade is a safe a memorable event for the entire community. Sincerely, I t �.y Mrs. vie Hobson Associate Principal McHenry Community High School -East Campus {815)385-1111 Ho, LsonK. 1 00ist156.ong Pa�tnern vvifil� the �'om��unit� to Achieve E�cee�lce Office of the City Administrator Derik, Morefield, City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator FOR: May 18, 2015 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Block Party Request ATT: Application and Aerial Photograph The following block party request was submitted for consideration: Barnwood Trail. Phillip Sweeney, who resides at 213 Barnwood Trail in the Trails of Winding Creek subdivision is seeking permission to temporarily close the street at the intersection of Courtland Trail and Barnwood Trail for a block party. The event will be held on Saturday, October 315t from 2:00 PM to 11:00 PM. Attached is an application submitted by Mr. Sweeney on behalf of his neighbors. Mr. Sweeney and the residents who live on Barnwood Trail has submitted similar request in the past several years with no reports of incidents or complaints. The block party as proposed will not adversely affect the neighborhood. If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the block party request as presented. Public Works will provide barricades and the McHenry Township Fire Protection District and Police Department will also be notified of the event. Application submitted by: Block Party Permit Application Revised 5/12 �112 Cie/pi Street Address: 2 r't?alo 6J roe" . llle /l Date Submitted: 7//- S//J NOTE: PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION TO THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF PROPOSED BLOCK PARTY Date of Block Party: /�i i Hours of Proposed Street Closure: Subdivision Name: a.m. m. til 20 a.m. p.m. Specific Location of Proposed Street Closure (i.e. from what intersection to what intersection): Street from Contact Person(s): Contact Persons) Daytime Phone Number: Evening Phone Number: I hereby certify all persons in my neighborhood impacted by the closure of this street have been notified of same. Signed: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UPON COMPLETIONS PLEASE SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: CITY OF MCHENRY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 333 SOUTH GREEN STREET MCHENRY IL 60050 OR FAX: 815-363-2119 OR E-MAIL: mgeraghtyCaki.mchenry.il.us - - - - - - - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICE USE ONLY COUNCIL APPROVAL ON: / / NOTIFICATION MADE TO: ❑ MCHENRY POLICE DEPT. ❑ MCHENRY PUBLIC WORKS STREET DIVISION ❑ MCH TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 0 APPLICANT Will B - d. Tra 1 *w rW4 M It _ all JER— Oki, Ed F.. •,Oil . r T ~ Y AN 4 4. oil ell I IF t Mill x WWI d _ I ; OWN, SM4I oil Will No Rol - pp. WIN om-so Wit poll I MI Im 46 �r LIWO�f ? I WIN lilt a =1,W INwilmWI r imp No ff ill We W a No yf _- J'0 WWWW ' Y }-y ; 1 f ~ f~ r1No WPI Ir, Pill Owl, le No IN ~ ti fff r 7� ell `L�i MHI I lot r 1 �,w Ill F/ L _ WT,moll. f._ P16_ r -WWm at 16 r `- _ pyright County of M Renr ; r0 ._ ¢,f , 1 . ;rJ ; ' 1 information is provide_ ' ars_' °o _ ' ,' r' +IN ;r+ 1L_ ,i goal. WlWe ll No INI u antee of accuracy, complef-�e_ ? -- - L `1 �� +, p { Expense Approval Register McHenry, IL LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/5/15 � nr Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: A G PLUMBING & HEATING INC A G PLUMBING & HEATING INC 100-42-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES- 2825 10/05/2015 250.00 Vendor A G PLUMBING & HEATING INC Total: 250.00 Vendor: ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 764855 10/05/2015 182.88 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 964925 10/05/2015 37.32 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A 510-32-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 765462 10/05/2015 89.29 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A 510-32-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 765463 10/05/2015 97.62 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 764482 10/05/2015 22.44 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A 510-32-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 765366 10/05/2015 522.38 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A 510-32-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 765657 10/05/2015 50.00 Vendor ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A Total: 1,001.93 Vendor: ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 100-45-5110 RIVERWALK PIER SIGN 325816 10/05/2015 534.90 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 327273 10/05/2015 92.40 Vendor ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC Total: 627.30 Vendor: ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS INC ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND 510-31-6110 SUPPLIES 15-2301 10/05/2015 4,946.75 Vendor ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS INC Total: 4,946.75 Vendor: AIRGAS SAFETY INC AIRGAS SAFETY INC 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 9040698082 10/05/2015 60.16 Vendor AIRGAS SAFETY INC Total: 60.16 Vendor: ALEXANDER EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC ALEXANDER EQUIPMENT 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 115718 10/05/2015 391.45 Vendor ALEXANDER EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC Total: 391.45 Vendor: AMELIO, ROBERT AMELIO, ROBERT 100-47-5110 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES 8/31/15-9/18/15 10/05/2015 94.00 Vendor AMELIO, ROBERT Total: 94.00 Vendor: AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN AMERICAN WATER WORKS 510-35-5410 MEMBERSHIP 12/1/15- 7001071033 10/05/2015 81.00 Vendor AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN Total: 81.00 Vendor: ANDERSON, BRIAN ANDERSON, BRIAN 210-00-5110 SUMMER BAND INV0000989 10/05/2015 490.00 Vendor ANDERSON, BRIAN Total: 490.00 Vendor: ANTIQUE MARKET, THE ANTIQUE MARKET, THE 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 9/26/15 10/05/2015 125.00 Vendor ANTIQUE MARKET, THE Total: 125.00 Vendor: AQUA AMERICA AQUA AMERICA 510-32-5110 READS FROM 7/27/15-9/26/15 7/27/15-9/26/15 10/05/2015 155.40 Vendor AQUA AMERICA Total: 155.40 Vendor: AQUA PURE ENTERPRISES INC AQUA PURE ENTERPRISES INC 100-42-6110 SUPPLIES 98870 10/05/2015 2,312.75 Vendor AQUA PURE ENTERPRISES INC Total: 2,312.75 Vendor: ARIES INDUSTRIES INC ARIES INDUSTRIES INC 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES 350512 10/05/2015 460.00 Vendor ARIES INDUSTRIES INC Total: 460.00 Vendor: AT&T AT&T 100-43-5320 ALARM CIRCUITS 8/17/15-9/16/15 10/05/2015 256.53 AT&T 100-45-5320 ALARM CIRCUITS 8/17/15-9/16/15 10/05/2015 256.53 AT&T 100-01-5320 PRI LINES 8/17-9/16/15 10/05/2015 104.04 9/30/2015 12:43:05 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00214 - PRI LINES Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount AT&T 100-02-5320 PRI LINES 8/17-9/16/15 10/05/2015 39.01 AT&T 100-03-5320 PRI LINES 8/17-9/16/15 10/05/2015 84.54 AT&T 100-04-5320 PRI LINES 8/17-9/16/15 10/05/2015 45.52 AT&T 100-22-5320 PRI LINES 8/17-9/16/15 10/05/2015 253.61 AT&T 100-30-5320 PRI LINES 8/17-9/16/15 10/05/2015 39.02 AT&T 100-33-5320 PRI LINES 8/17-9/16/15 10/05/2015 13.01 AT&T 100-41-5320 PRI LINES 8/17-9/16/15 10/05/2015 39.02 AT&T 100-44-5320 PRI LINES 8/17-9/16/15 10/05/2015 6.50 AT&T 100-46-5320 PRI LINES 8/17-9/16/15 10/05/2015 13.01 AT&T 100-47-5320 PRI LINES 8/17-9/16/15 10/05/2015 6.50 AT&T 620-00-5110 PRI LINES 8/17-9/16/15 10/05/2015 26.01 Vendor AT&T Total: 1,182.85 Vendor: AUTO TECH CENTERS INC AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 100-03-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 265710 10/05/2015 453.16 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 265634 10/05/2015 1,015.72 Vendor AUTO TECH CENTERS INC Total: 1,468.88 Vendor: B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTEGRATION B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS 510-31-5110 SCADA - CONTRACTUAL 0178730 10/05/2015 17.68 B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS 510-31-5110 SCADA, IT 081753 10/05/2015 89.00 Vendor B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTEGRATION Total: 106.68 Vendor: BAKER & SON CO, PETER BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 37176MB 10/05/2015 1,609.38 Vendor BAKER & SON CO, PETER Total: 1,609.38 Vendor: BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, 300-00-7300 AGENT FEES 9/11/15-9/10/16 252-1891988 10/05/2015 117.35 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, 510-31-7300 AGENT FEES - 9/11/15-9/10/16 252-1891988A 10/05/2015 310.65 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, 510-32-7300 ADMIN FEE/CALCULATION 252-1893410 10/05/2015 1,052.50 Vendor BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, THE Total: 1,480.50 Vendor: BARCLAY, TIM BARCLAY, TIM 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0000990 10/05/2015 420.00 Vendor BARCLAY, TIM Total: 420.00 Vendor: BATTERIES PLUS LLC BATTERIES PLUS LLC 620-00-6110 SUPPLIES 456-270054 10/05/2015 95.98 Vendor BATTERIES PLUS LLC Total: 95.98 Vendor: BEARING HEADQUARTERS COMPANY BEARING HEADQUARTERS 510-32-5375 REPAIRS 5014216 10/05/2015 3,874.16 Vendor BEARING HEADQUARTERS COMPANY Total: 3,874.16 Vendor: BEHM PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE INC BEHM PAVEMENT 100-33-5110 2015 CRACK SEALING 103340 10/05/2015 29,999.78 Vendor BEHM PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE INC Total: 29,999.78 Vendor: BELL, ADAM C BELL, ADAM C 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0000991 10/05/2015 140.00 Vendor BELL, ADAM C Total: 140.00 Vendor: BERKEBILE, TONYA BERKEBILE, TONYA 100-41-3636 PARKS & REC REFUND 127190 10/05/2015 150.00 Vendor BERKEBILE, TONYA Total: 150.00 Vendor: BEYER, JENNIFER BEYER, JENNIFER 100-41-3636 PARKS & REC REFUND 127136 10/05/2015 140.00 Vendor BEYER, JENNIFER Total: 140.00 Vendor: BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 100-33-5110 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 2015-E05349 10/05/2015 2,051.00 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 100-41-5110 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 2015-E05349 10/05/2015 7,347.00 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 510-31-5110 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 2015-E05349A 10/05/2015 1,008.00 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 510-32-5110 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 2015-E05349A 10/05/2015 679.00 Vendor BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC Total: 11,085.00 9/30/2015 12:43:05 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00214 - PARKS & REC REFUND Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: BOLAND, KIM BOLAND, KIM 100-41-3636 PARKS & REC REFUND 127322 10/05/2015 120.00 Vendor BOLAND, KIM Total: 120.00 Vendor: BRENNAN, DAN BRENNAN, DAN 100-03-5110 MOWING SERVICES 9/15/15 10/05/2015 1,500.00 BRENNAN, DAN 100-03-5110 MOWING SERVICES 9/9/15 10/05/2015 840.00 Vendor BRENNAN, DAN Total: 2,340.00 Vendor: BUSS FORD SALES BUSS FORD SALES 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 50182091 10/05/2015 216.00 BUSS FORD SALES 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 50182381 10/05/2015 29.66 BUSS FORD SALES 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 50183241 10/05/2015 464.02 BUSS FORD SALES 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 50183911 10/05/2015 22.66 BUSS FORD SALES 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 50184231 10/05/2015 99.95 BUSS FORD SALES 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 6026884/1 10/05/2015 249.90 BUSS FORD SALES 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 6027306/1 10/05/2015 188.10 BUSS FORD SALES 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 6027846/1 10/05/2015 264.94 Vendor BUSS FORD SALES Total: 1,535.23 Vendor: CABAY & COMPANY INC CABAY & COMPANY INC 100-01-6110 SUPPLIES 54204 10/05/2015 131.32 Vendor CABAY & COMPANY INC Total: 131.32 Vendor: CANTWELL, JAMES CANTWELL, JAMES 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0000994 10/05/2015 70.00 Vendor CANTWELL, JAMES Total: 70.00 Vendor: CARPENTRY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY CARPENTRY DEVELOPMENT 280-00-6990 REFUND MTFPD DEVEL DON INV0001028 10/05/2015 14,508.00 Vendor CARPENTRY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Total: 14,508.00 Vendor: CCTV SECURITY PROS LLC CCTV SECURITY PROS LLC 100-33-5115 IP NETWORK VIDEO 1107 10/05/2015 4,572.93 Vendor CCTV SECURITY PROS LLC Total: 4,572.93 Vendor: CDW GOVERNMENT INC CDW GOVERNMENT INC 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES XR87054 10/05/2015 480.93 Vendor CDW GOVERNMENT INC Total: 480.93 Vendor: CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 MEDICALSERVICES 158657 10/05/2015 82.00 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 MEDICALSERVICES 158711 10/05/2015 45.00 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 MEDICALSERVICES 158777 10/05/2015 172.00 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 MEDICALSERVICES 158850 10/05/2015 310.66 Vendor CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Total: 609.66 Vendor: CHICAGO CHAIN & TRANSMISSION COMPANY CHICAGO CHAIN & 510-32-5375 REPAIRS 252879 10/05/2015 340.75 Vendor CHICAGO CHAIN & TRANSMISSION COMPANY Total: 340.75 Vendor: CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 100-45-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 900819682 10/05/2015 180.54 Vendor CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY Total: 180.54 Vendor: COMED COMED 100-45-5110 UTI LTITES 8/21/15-9/25/15 10/05/2015 46.53 COMED 510-31-5510 UTILITIES 8/21-9/25/15 10/05/2015 52.88 COMED 510-32-5510 UTILITIES 8/21-9/25/15 10/05/2015 121.65 Vendor COMED Total: 221.06 Vendor: COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING FUND COMMUNICATIONS 620-00-5110 COMMUNICATION CHARGES - T1606959 10/05/2015 10.00 Vendor COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING FUND Total: 10.00 Vendor: CONSERV FS CONSERV FS 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 2110070-IN 10/05/2015 462.50 Vendor CONSERV FS Total: 462.50 9/30/2015 12:43:05 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 100-45-6110 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 510-32-6110 Vendor: CRYSTAL CLEAR MUSIC PRODUCTIONS CRYSTAL CLEAR MUSIC 210-00-5110 CRYSTAL CLEAR MUSIC 210-00-5110 Vendor: CURRAN MATERIALS COMPANY CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 Vendor: CUTTING EDGE COMMUNICATIONS INC CUTTING EDGE 620-00-6110 Vendor: DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSIONS INC DOCUMENT IMAGING 620-00-6210 DOCUMENT IMAGING 620-00-6210 DOCUMENT IMAGING 620-00-6210 DOCUMENT IMAGING 620-00-6210 Vendor: DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS 510-32-5375 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS 100-01-5110 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS 510-32-6110 Vendor: D'S MARINE SERVICE INC D'S MARINE SERVICE INC 510-35-6110 Vendor: ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 100-33-6110 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 100-45-6110 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 100-33-5370 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 100-33-5370 Vendor: EJ EQUIPMENT EJ EQUIPMENT 100-33-5370 Vendor: EJ USA INC EJ USA INC 510-35-6110 EJ USA INC 100-33-6110 Vendor: FISCHER BROS FRESH FISCHER BROS FRESH 100-33-6110 FISCHER BROS FRESH 510-35-6110 FISCHER BROS FRESH 100-33-6110 FISCHER BROS FRESH 510-35-6110 FISCHER BROS FRESH 100-33-6110 Vendor: FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY 225-00-5110 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY 225-00-5110 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY 225-00-5110 Vendor: FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 100-33-6110 Description (Item) SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUMMER CITY BAND SUMMER CITY BAND MATERIALS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REPAIRS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIRS VEHICLE REPAIRS Packet: APPKT00214 - SUPPLIES Payable Number Post Date Amount 5500933114.001 10/05/2015 486.05 5500977480.001 10/05/2015 43.00 Vendor CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO Total: 529.05 INV0000996 10/05/2015 910.00 INV0000997 10/05/2015 490.00 Vendor CRYSTAL CLEAR MUSIC PRODUCTIONS Total: 1,400.00 9913 10/05/2015 Vendor CURRAN MATERIALS COMPANY Total: 4652 10/05/2015 Vendor CUTTING EDGE COMMUNICATIONS INC Total: 275310 10/05/2015 278508 10/05/2015 280063 10/05/2015 379630 10/05/2015 Vendor DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSIONS INC Total: 1974428 10/05/2015 1979660 10/05/2015 1980369 10/05/2015 Vendor DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC Total: 126915 10/05/2015 Vendor D'S MARINE SERVICE INC Total: 147634-1 10/05/2015 147967-1 10/05/2015 147989-1 10/05/2015 148017-1 10/05/2015 Vendor ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC Total: 475.00 375.00 248.00 76.60 8,494.02 11.84 8,582.46 82.00 105.00 27.91 BALANCE DUE ON INVOICE - 758062 10/05/2015 0.25 Vendor EJ EQUIPMENT Total: 0.25 SUPPLIES 3854547 10/05/2015 4,060.00 SUPPLIES 3835017 10/05/2015 1,047.80 Vendor EJ USA INC Total: 5,107.80 SUPPLIES 5605 10/05/2015 316.50 SUPPLIES 5605A 10/05/2015 239.00 SUPPLIES 5622 10/05/2015 913.50 SUPPLIES 5651 10/05/2015 918.75 SUPPLIES 5701 10/05/2015 823.00 Vendor FISCHER BROS FRESH Total: 3,210.75 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 929758 10/05/2015 195.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES- 932237 10/05/2015 195.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 937421 10/05/2015 1,098.50 Vendor FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY Total: 1,488.50 SUPPLIES 49766 10/05/2015 677.50 Vendor FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC Total: 677.50 9/30/2015 12:43:05 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00214 - SUMMER CITY BAND Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: FREUND, MICHAEL R FREUND, MICHAEL R 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0000998 10/05/2015 210.00 Vendor FREUND, MICHAEL R Total: 210.00 Vendor: G & E GREENHOUSES INC G & E GREENHOUSES INC 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 166839 10/05/2015 724.50 G & E GREENHOUSES INC 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 166865 10/05/2015 287.00 Vendor G & E GREENHOUSES INC Total: 1,011.50 Vendor: GEHRKE, DEVON GEHRKE, DEVON 100-47-5110 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES 8/31-9/18/15 10/05/2015 69.00 Vendor GEHRKE, DEVON Total: 69.00 Vendor: GERSTAD BUILDERS INC GERSTAD BUILDERS INC 280-00-6990 REFUND OF MTFPD DEVELOP INV0001029 10/05/2015 688.00 Vendor GERSTAD BUILDERS INC Total: 688.00 Vendor: GESKE AND SONS INC GESKE AND SONS INC 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 33861 10/05/2015 784.00 Vendor GESKE AND SONS INC Total: 784.00 Vendor: GREENLEE, TRUDY GREENLEE, TRUDY 100-41-3636 PARKS & REC REFUND 127175 10/05/2015 30.00 Vendor GREENLEE, TRUDY Total: 30.00 Vendor: GREVE, CODY GREVE, CODY 100-47-5110 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES 8/31-9/18/15 10/05/2015 138.00 Vendor GREVE, CODY Total: 138.00 Vendor: GROWER EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY GROWER EQUIPMENT & 100-33-5370 REPAIRS 58011 10/05/2015 109.34 GROWER EQUIPMENT & 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 59085 10/05/2015 36.41 Vendor GROWER EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY Total: 145.75 Vendor: GUARDIAN MATERIAL HANDLING GUARDIAN MATERIAL 510-32-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 8049 10/05/2015 16.75 Vendor GUARDIAN MATERIAL HANDLING Total: 16.75 Vendor: HAWKINS INC HAWKINS INC 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 3773852RI 10/05/2015 716.70 HAWKINS INC 510-31-6110 SUPPLIES 3774849RI 10/05/2015 752.00 HAWKINS INC 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 3779752RI 10/05/2015 801.23 Vendor HAWKINS INC Total: 2,269.93 Vendor: HINSDALE ORTHOPAEDICS HINSDALE ORTHOPAEDICS 760-00-5110 JUSTIN DEBOTT ANNUAL EXAM HOA297771 10/05/2015 171.00 Vendor HINSDALE ORTHOPAEDICS Total: 171.00 Vendor: HOLTZ, THEODORE M HOLTZ, THEODORE M 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND 1 10/05/2015 490.00 Vendor HOLTZ, THEODORE M Total: 490.00 Vendor: HOMESTEAD ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LLC HOMESTEAD ELECTRICAL 100-33-5115 ELECTRICALAND IT SERVICES 10965 10/05/2015 1,375.00 Vendor HOMESTEAD ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LLC Total: 1,375.00 Vendor: HRGREEN HRGREEN 740-00-5220 RETAINED PERSONNEL 100450 10/05/2015 3,652.75 HRGREEN 740-00-5220 RETAINED PERSONNEL-CVS 100455 10/05/2015 161.00 HRGREEN 740-00-5220 RETAINED PERSONNEL -WHITE 100456 10/05/2015 3,273.50 HRGREEN 740-00-5220 RETAINED PERSONNEL -VA 100457 10/05/2015 241.50 HRGREEN 440-00-8900 TRAFFIC SIGNAL 100451 10/05/2015 7,853.30 HRGREEN 440-00-8600 STREET PROGRAM 100452 10/05/2015 3,120.75 HRGREEN 400-00-8200 MCHENRY REC CENTER 100454 10/05/2015 12,404.64 HRGREEN 270-00-8600 STREET PROGRAM 3-100510 10/05/2015 2,860.22 Vendor HRGREEN Total: 33,567.66 Vendor: HUBER, KELLY HUBER, KELLY 100-46-5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 4/20/15-7/13/15 10/05/2015 52.50 9/30/2015 12:43:05 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00214 - PARKS & REC PROGRAM Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount HUBER, KELLY 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 4/20/15-7/13/15 10/05/2015 131.25 Vendor HUBER, KELLY Total: 183.75 Vendor: IACP IACP 100-22-5430 ANNUAL CONFERENCE 223313 10/05/2015 350.00 Vendor IACP Total: 350.00 Vendor: ILLINOIS SECTION AWWA ILLINOIS SECTION AWWA 510-31-5430 ANNUAL CONFERENCE 200016955 10/05/2015 23.00 Vendor ILLINOIS SECTION AW WA Total: 23.00 Vendor: INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL SOLUTIONS LLC INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL 100-21-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES C35078A 10/05/2015 1,696.76 Vendor INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL SOLUTIONS LLC Total: 1,696.76 Vendor: IN -PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC IN -PIPE TECHNOLOGY 510-32-5110 MONTHLY SERVICE 16022 10/05/2015 8,000.00 Vendor IN -PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC Total: 8,000.00 Vendor: INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY 510-31-6110 SUPPLIES 1903701019269 10/05/2015 65.58 Vendor INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER Total: 65.58 Vendor: INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 30001111608 10/05/2015 300.83 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 985121223 10/05/2015 183.70 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 99561689 10/05/2015 1,441.97 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 99589535 10/05/2015 -631.75 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000078060 10/05/2015 752.52 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000142237 10/05/2015 21.93 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 510-35-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 98510614 10/05/2015 581.42 Vendor INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC Total: 2,650.62 Vendor: IPPFA IPPFA 760-00-5110 2016 MEMBERSHIP DUES INV0001031 10/05/2015 795.00 Vendor IPPFA Total: 795.00 Vendor: JORDAN, BRENT JORDAN, BRENT 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0000999 10/05/2015 490.00 Vendor JORDAN, BRENT Total: 490.00 Vendor: KENNEDY JR, MIKE KENNEDY JR, MIKE 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0001000 10/05/2015 210.00 Vendor KENNEDY JR, MIKE Total: 210.00 Vendor: KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY INC KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY INC 100-22-6270 SUPPLIES 0769360 10/05/2015 245.00 Vendor KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY INC Total: 245.00 Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST KIMBALL MIDWEST 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 4441067 10/05/2015 331.85 KIMBALL MIDWEST 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 4454603 10/05/2015 373.85 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWESTTotal: 705.70 Vendor: KNAUF, MICHAEL 1 KNAUF, MICHAELJ 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0001001 10/05/2015 70.00 Vendor KNAUF, MICHAEL 1 Total: 70.00 Vendor: KUS, TOM KUS, TOM 100-47-5110 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES 8/31-9/18/15 10/05/2015 76.50 Vendor KUS, TOM Total: 76.50 Vendor: LANE, ROBERT A LANE, ROBERT A 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0001003 10/05/2015 420.00 Vendor LANE, ROBERT A Total: 420.00 Vendor: LEGG, DANA L LEGG, DANA L 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0001004 10/05/2015 420.00 Vendor LEGG, DANA L Total: 420.00 9/30/2015 12:43:05 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: LOWE ENTERPRISES INC LOWE ENTERPRISES INC 100-33-6110 Vendor: LUSH, PAIGE LUSH, PAIGE 210-00-5110 Vendor: MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW 100-01-5230 Vendor: MCCAFFERTY, BRITTANY MCCAFFERTY, BRITTANY 100-46-5110 Vendor: MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 100-33-5370 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 100-33-5370 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 100-33-6110 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 100-33-5370 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 100-33-5370 Vendor: MCH CO DEPT PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT MCH CO DEPT PLANNING & 100-33-5430 Vendor: MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INC MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-31-5110 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-31-6110 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-32-6110 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-31-5110 Vendor: MCHENRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MCHENRY CHAMBER OF 100-00-3410 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY GLASS & MIRROR MCHENRY COUNTY GLASS & 100-33-5115 Vendor: MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT INC MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT 100-33-5370 MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT 100-33-5370 Vendor: MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DIST MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE 280-00-6990 Vendor: MCHENRY TOWNSHIP ROAD DISTRICT MCHENRY TOWNSHIP ROAD 100-33-5110 Vendor: MCKEEN, BRIAN J MCKEEN, BRIAN J 100-22-4510 Vendor: MCNEELY, TOM MCNEELY, TOM 210-00-5110 Vendor: MEADE INC MEADE INC 100-33-5110 Packet: APPKT00214 - SUPPLIES Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount SUPPLIES 52713 10/05/2015 50.00 Vendor LOWE ENTERPRISES INC Total: 50.00 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0001005 10/05/2015 140.00 Vendor LUSH, PAIGE Total: 140.00 LEGAL FEES - TRAFFIC & SEPT 2015 10/05/2015 5,175.00 Vendor MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK Total: 5,175.00 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 9/23/15 10/05/2015 96.00 Vendor MCCAFFERTY, BRITTANY Total: 96.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS 11038056 10/05/2015 354.56 VEHICLE REPAIRS 11038057 10/05/2015 182.79 SUPPLIES 11038591 10/05/2015 673.80 VEHICLE REPAIRS 11038703 10/05/2015 145.10 1 11038704 10/05/2015 114.35 Vendor MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC Total: 1,470.60 TRAINING INV0001008 10/05/2015 400.00 Vendor MCH CO DEPT PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Total: 400.00 DRINKING WATER SAMPLES 1504656 10/05/2015 440.00 NITROGEN SAMPLES 388649 10/05/2015 120.00 NITROGEN SAMPLES 388650 10/05/2015 60.00 SOC SAMPLES 388631 10/05/2015 1,550.00 Vendor MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INC Total: 2,170.00 TEMP SIGN REFUND PERMIT 15-09-062 10/05/2015 30.00 Vendor MCHENRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Total: 30.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES- 68492 10/05/2015 740.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY GLASS & MIRROR Total: 740.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS 148834 10/05/2015 72.58 VEHICLE REPAIRS 149195 10/05/2015 89.72 Vendor MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT INC Total: 162.30 DEVELOPER DONATION FEES- INV0001009 10/05/2015 2,728.00 Vendor MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DIST Total: 2,728.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AUG212015 10/05/2015 9,689.25 Vendor MCHENRY TOWNSHIP ROAD DISTRICT Total: 9,689.25 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW INV0001010 10/05/2015 11.25 Vendor MCKEEN, BRIAN J Total: 11.25 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0001011 10/05/2015 420.00 Vendor MCNEELY, TOM Total: 420.00 TRAFFIC SIGNALS 670656 10/05/2015 288.36 Vendor MEADE INC Total: 288.36 9/30/2015 12:43:05 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: MERTZ, GARY MERTZ, GARY 100-33-4510 Vendor: MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 100-33-6110 Vendor: MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC MID AMERICAN WATER OF 100-33-6110 Vendor: MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS 510-32-6110 Vendor: MIDWEST METER INC MIDWEST METER INC 510-31-6110 Vendor: MILES CHEVROLET MILES CHEVROLET 450-00-8400 Vendor: MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 100-41-6210 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 510-31-6110 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 510-32-6110 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 510-35-6110 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 100-33-6110 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 100-00-6210 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 100-00-6210 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 100-22-6210 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 100-22-6210 Vendor: MITCHELL, BILL MITCHELL, BILL 210-00-5110 Vendor: MJ PRODUCTIONS INC MJ PRODUCTIONS INC 210-00-5110 Vendor: MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT INC MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT 620-00-6270 MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT 620-00-6270 MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT 620-00-6270 Vendor: MOLL, DALE MOLL, DALE 100-33-5430 Vendor: MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM21 NETWORK MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - 100-22-5320 Vendor: NICOR GAS NICOR GAS 510-31-5510 NICOR GAS 510-32-5510 NICOR GAS 100-42-5510 NICOR GAS 100-45-5510 NICOR GAS 100-43-5510 NICOR GAS 100-45-5510 NICOR GAS 510-31-5510 NICOR GAS 510-32-5510 Packet: APPKT00214 - EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW INV0001012 10/05/2015 291.33 Vendor MERTZ, GARY Total: 291.33 MATERIALS 705700462 10/05/2015 106.99 Vendor MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY Total: 106.99 SUPPLIES 165351W 10/05/2015 701.52 Vendor MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC Total: 701.52 SUPPLIES M 15071 10/05/2015 14.60 Vendor MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC Total: 14.60 7/1/15-7/1/16 YEARLY MAINT 0067636-IN 10/05/2015 495.00 Vendor MIDWEST METER INC Total: 495.00 CAPITAL EQUIP 9/21/15 10/05/2015 67,160.00 Vendor MILES CHEVROLET Total: 67,160.00 SUPPLIES 84606 10/05/2015 73.00 SUPPLIES 84657 10/05/2015 197.91 SUPPLIES 84657 10/05/2015 197.90 SUPPLIES 84657 10/05/2015 197.90 SUPPLIES 84657A 10/05/2015 197.91 SUPPLIES 84661 10/05/2015 501.08 SUPPLIES 84675 10/05/2015 174.34 SUPPLIES -BUSINESS CARDS 84663 10/05/2015 36.50 SUPPLIES -BUSINESS CARDS 84698 10/05/2015 36.00 Vendor MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH Total: 1,612.54 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0001013 10/05/2015 420.00 Vendor MITCHELL, BILL Total: 420.00 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0001014 10/05/2015 140.00 Vendor MJ PRODUCTIONS INC Total: 140.00 EQUIP SUPPLIES 0003416927 10/05/2015 131.20 EQUIP SUPPLIES 0003416928 10/05/2015 253.10 EQUIP SUPPLIES 0003416929 10/05/2015 1,549.11 Vendor MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT INC Total: 1,933.41 CDL LICENSE REIMB INV0001015 10/05/2015 60.00 Vendor MOLL, DALE Total: 60.00 STARCOM21 NETWORK 197837302015 10/05/2015 2,146.00 Vendor MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM21 NETWORK Total: 2,146.00 UTILITIES 8/17/15-9/16/15 10/05/2015 256.14 UTILITIES 8/17/15-9/16/15 10/05/2015 289.06 UTILITIES 8/17-9/16 10/05/2015 612.85 UTILITIES 8/17-9/16 10/05/2015 31.52 UTILITIES 8/18/15-9/17/15 10/05/2015 32.05 UTILITIES 8/18/15-9/17/15 10/05/2015 42.08 UTILITIES 8/18-9/17/15 10/05/2015 30.04 UTILITIES 8/18-9/17/15 10/05/2015 37.72 9/30/2015 12:43:05 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00214 - UTILITIES Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount NICOR GAS 100-45-5510 UTILITIES 8/19/15-9/18/15 10/05/2015 51.01 Vendor NICOR GAS Total: 1,382.47 Vendor: NIR ROOF CARE INC NIR ROOF CARE INC 100-01-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 101850 10/05/2015 1,200.00 Vendor NIR ROOF CARE INC Total: 1,200.00 Vendor: O'HERRON CO INC, RAY O'HERRON CO INC, RAY 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 1542004-IN 10/05/2015 311.32 Vendor O'HERRON CO INC, RAY Total: 311.32 Vendor: OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOPER & GILBERT LTD OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOPER 100-01-5230 LEGAL SERVICES AUG 2015 81177 10/05/2015 260.00 Vendor OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOPER & GILBERT LTD Total: 260.00 Vendor: PARKER, GARY PARKER, GARY 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0001016 10/05/2015 70.00 Vendor PARKER, GARY Total: 70.00 Vendor: PETERSON, DWAYNE PETERSON, DWAYNE 100-47-5110 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES 8/31/15-9/18/15 10/05/2015 69.00 Vendor PETERSON, DWAYNE Total: 69.00 Vendor: PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC 510-35-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9678871 10/05/2015 270.76 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-03-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9678900 10/05/2015 134.92 PETROLIANCE LLC 510-32-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9678901 10/05/2015 363.14 PETROLIANCE LLC 510-31-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9678902 10/05/2015 182.38 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-45-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9678903 10/05/2015 419.21 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-33-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9678904 10/05/2015 748.98 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-22-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9678905 10/05/2015 2,887.63 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-45-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9680933 10/05/2015 333.75 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-33-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9680934 10/05/2015 378.49 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-22-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9680935 10/05/2015 1,640.24 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-03-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9684670 10/05/2015 137.72 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-45-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9684673 10/05/2015 131.27 PETROLIANCE LLC 510-35-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9680902 10/05/2015 142.18 PETROLIANCE LLC 510-32-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9680931 10/05/2015 228.97 PETROLIANCE LLC 510-31-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9680932 10/05/2015 137.49 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-33-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9684674 10/05/2015 365.09 Vendor PETROLIANCE LLC Total: 8,S02.22 Vendor: PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-6210 SUPPLIES 33963 10/05/2015 317.70 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 33965 10/05/2015 190.95 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 33966 10/05/2015 68.00 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 33967 10/05/2015 136.00 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-6110 SUPPLIES 33994 10/05/2015 139.00 Vendor PETTIBONE & CO, P F Total: 851.65 Vendor: PITEL SEPTIC INC PITEL SEPTIC INC 100-45-5110 PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 9/1- 12082 10/05/2015 750.00 PITEL SEPTIC INC 100-45-5110 PORTABLE TOILET AND SINK 12123 10/05/2015 125.00 Vendor PITEL SEPTIC INC Total: 875.00 Vendor: PITNER, KEITH PITNER, KEITH 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0001017 10/05/2015 420.00 Vendor PITNER, KEITH Total: 420.00 Vendor: POE, DAVE POE, DAVE 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0001018 10/05/2015 490.00 Vendor POE, DAVE Total: 490.00 Vendor: PRO PLAYER CONSULTANTS INC PRO PLAYER CONSULTANTS 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC T-BALL 9/12/15-10/10/15 10/05/2015 525.00 Vendor PRO PLAYER CONSULTANTS INC Total: 525.00 9/30/2015 12:43:05 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00214 - VEHICLE REPAIRS Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: PSP-BROOKFIELD PSP-BROOKFIELD 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 311V020636 10/05/2015 336.99 PSP-BROOKFIELD 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 311V021371 10/05/2015 24.66 PSP-BROOKFIELD 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 311V021377 10/05/2015 49.32 Vendor PSP-BROOKFIELD Total: 410.97 Vendor: QUALITY TIRE SERVICE QUALITY TIRE SERVICE 100-41-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 39100 10/05/2015 61.20 Vendor QUALITY TIRE SERVICE Total: 61.20 Vendor: RED WING SHOE STORE RED WING SHOE STORE 510-35-4510 EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW 74000000000159 10/05/2015 188.99 Vendor RED WING SHOE STORE Total: 188.99 Vendor: REINDERS INC REINDERS INC 100-45-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 1596972-00 10/05/2015 63.25 REINDERS INC 100-45-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 1603393-00 10/05/2015 132.68 Vendor REINDERS INC Total: 195.93 Vendor: RESERVE ACCOUNT RESERVE ACCOUNT 100-01-5310 POSTAGE FOR MAILING INV0001019 10/05/2015 25.53 RESERVE ACCOUNT 100-02-5310 POSTAGE FOR MAILING INV0001019 10/05/2015 3.35 RESERVE ACCOUNT 100-03-5310 POSTAGE FOR MAILING INV0001019 10/05/2015 37.20 RESERVE ACCOUNT 100-04-5310 POSTAGE FOR MAILING INV0001019 10/05/2015 195.93 RESERVE ACCOUNT 100-22-5310 POSTAGE FOR MAILING INV0001019 10/05/2015 246.78 RESERVE ACCOUNT 100-41-5310 POSTAGE FOR MAILING INV0001019 10/05/2015 191.89 RESERVE ACCOUNT 510-31-5310 POSTAGE FOR MAILING INV0001020 10/05/2015 272.57 RESERVE ACCOUNT 510-32-5310 POSTAGE FOR MAILING INV0001020 10/05/2015 2.91 Vendor RESERVE ACCOUNT Total: 976.16 Vendor: RIVERSIDE ANIMAL CLINIC RIVERSIDE ANIMAL CLINIC 100-46-5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 9/29/15 10/05/2015 65.00 Vendor RIVERSIDE ANIMAL CLINIC Total: 65.00 Vendor: SCHMITT, MATTHEW SCHMITT, MATTHEW 100-22-5420 ILEAS TRAINING INV0001021 10/05/2015 8.00 Vendor SCHMITT, MATTHEW Total: 8.00 Vendor: SMARZEWSKI, JOHN SMARZEWSKI, JOHN 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND INV0001022 10/05/2015 490.00 Vendor SMARZEWSKI, JOHN Total: 490.00 Vendor: STANS LPS MIDWEST STANS LPS MIDWEST 100-33-5115 PW RICOH COPY METER 314765 10/05/2015 341.35 STANS LPS MIDWEST 100-03-5110 CED - RICOH COPY METER 314775 10/05/2015 407.41 STANS LPS MIDWEST 610-00-5960 SERVICE CALL-JOHNSBURG 315016 10/05/2015 162.50 STANS LPS MIDWEST 610-00-5960 IT SERVICES-JOHNSBURG 315044 10/05/2015 4,331.39 Vendor STANS LPS MIDWEST Total: 5,242.65 Vendor: STUCKEY CONSTRUCTION STUCKEY CONSTRUCTION 400-00-8200 MCHENRY REC CENTER 4A 10/05/2015 138,914.35 STUCKEY CONSTRUCTION 400-00-8200 MCHENRY REC CENTER 6 10/05/2015 563,461.20 Vendor STUCKEY CONSTRUCTION Total: 702,375.55 Vendor: TASER INTERNATIONAL TASER INTERNATIONAL 100-22-6110 SUPPLIES S11411984 10/05/2015 1,353.39 Vendor TASER INTERNATIONAL Total: 1,353.39 Vendor: THELEN MATERIALS LLC THELEN MATERIALS LLC 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 325845 10/05/2015 43.13 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 326148 10/05/2015 202.98 Vendor THELEN MATERIALS LLC Total: 246.11 Vendor: THEODORE POLYGRAPH SERV THEODORE POLYGRAPH SERV 100-21-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4993 10/05/2015 300.00 Vendor THEODORE POLYGRAPH SERV Total: 300.00 9/30/2015 12:43:05 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Vendor: TIPPS, BRYAN TIPPS, BRYAN 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND Vendor: TIPPS, GREGORY P TIPPS, GREGORY P 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND Vendor: TOALSON, BILL TOALSON, BILL 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND Vendor: TONYAN BROS INC TONYAN BROS INC 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES Vendor: TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC TRAFFIC CONTROL & 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES Vendor: TRANE US INC TRANE US INC 100-01-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERV Vendor: TRIEFENBACH, GORDON W TRIEFENBACH, GORDON W 210-00-5110 SUMMER CITY BAND Vendor: ULINE ULINE 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES Vendor: ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATIONS INC ULTRA STROBE 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS ULTRA STROBE 100-22-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS Vendor: USA BLUEBOOK USA BLUEBOOK 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES USA BLUEBOOK 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES Vendor: VALLEY VIEW ACRES VALLEY VIEW ACRES 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC PROGR Vendor: VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES Vendor: WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI PHEASANT RUN RDF WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI 510-32-5580 SLUDGE REMOVAL Vendor: WELCH BROS INC WELCH BROS INC 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES WELCH BROS INC 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES Vendor: XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INC XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA 510-32-5380 REPAIRS Vendor: ZACCAGNINI, PAM ZACCAGNINI, PAM 100-46-6920 DJ SERVICE 10/16/15 Packet: APPKT00214 - SUMMER CITY BAND Payable Number Post Date Amount INV0001023 10/05/2015 420.00 Vendor TIPPS, BRYAN Total: 420.00 INV0001024 10/05/2015 490.00 Vendor TIPPS, GREGORY P Total: 490.00 INV0001025 10/05/2015 210.00 Vendor TOALSON, BILL Total: 210.00 320884 10/05/2015 2,330.02 Vendor TONYAN BROS INC Total: 2,330.02 84422 10/05/2015 487.40 Vendor TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC Total: 487.40 ICES 35553411 10/05/2015 57,900.00 Vendor TRANE US INC Total: 57,900.00 INV0001026 10/05/2015 490.00 Vendor TRIEFENBACH, GORDON W Total: 490.00 70502418 10/05/2015 205.64 Vendor ULINE Total: 205.64 070134 10/05/2015 1,996.00 070286 10/05/2015 85.95 Vendor ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATIONS INC Total: 2,081.95 707728 10/05/2015 67.37 747568 10/05/2015 623.85 Vendor USA BLUEBOOK Total: 691.22 AM 16024 10/05/2015 200.00 Vendor VALLEY VIEW ACRES Total: 200.00 19972 10/05/2015 2,799.35 22747 10/05/2015 2,695.85 Vendor VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY Total: 5,495.20 0029368-2742-3 10/05/2015 7,313.32 Vendor WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI PHEASANT RUN RDF Total: 7,313.32 1532198 10/05/2015 267.50 1532198A 10/05/2015 116.00 Vendor WELCH BROS INC Total: 383.50 3556861425 10/05/2015 151.36 Vendor XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INC Total: 151.36 INV0001027 10/05/2015 200.00 Vendor ZACCAGNINI, PAM Total: 200.00 Grand Total: 1,074,545.93 9/30/2015 12:43:05 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00214 - DJ SERVICE 10/16/15 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 100 - GENERAL FUND 182,250.76 210 - BAND FUND 9,030.00 225 -ALARM BOARD FUND 1,488.50 270 - MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 2,860.22 280 - DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 17,924.00 300 - DEBT SERVICE-1997A FUND 117.35 400 - RECREATION CENTER FUND 714,780.19 440 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 10,974.05 450 - CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND 67,160.00 510 - WATER/SEWER FUND 50,769.82 610 - RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 4,493.89 620 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 4,402.40 740 - RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 7,328.75 760 - POLICE PENSION FUND 966.00 Grand Total: 1,074,545.93 Report Summary Office of the City Administrator Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: October 5, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator RE: Municipal Center Bike Path Engineering Services Agreement ATTACHMENTS: HR Green, Inc. Professional Services Agreement IDOT Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement Bike Path Site Plan In early 2014 HR Green, Inc. identified and submitted an Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) grant request on behalf of the City for a bike path proposal connecting the existing path on Municipal Drive and extending it through Knox Park and including a connection to the recreation center and to Green Street. In April of 2014 the City was awarded $358,840 for the construction portion of project. Similar to other federally funded projects, the City would is responsible for the costs of Phase I and Phase II engineering services and other direct costs. With an understanding that the McHenry Recreation Facility was in the planning stages, and that it would be more efficient and cost effective to coordinate and construct the path as part of the recreation center project, the City was able to work with IDOT to delay the activation of the ITEP award until such time as this could occur. With site work for the McHenry Recreation Center project estimated for completion in the spring of 2016, it is now time to activate the ITEP agreement in order to finalize planning for the bike patch project so that it can be constructed in the spring to coincide with the completion of the recreation center. Attached is Professional Services Agreement (PSA) which outlines the phase I and phase II engineering services for the "Municipal Center Bike Path". This PSA covers all required contributions from the City of McHenry as required by the ITEP grant for the bike path outside of the site of the recreation center. The site work for the actual recreation center project is under a separate engineering services agreement with HR Green, Inc. The PSA for a lump sum amount of $37,989.78 and represents 10.6% of the ITEP grant amount. Also attached is an Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for Motor Fuel Tax Funds agreement. The ITEP grant is administered through IDOT and IDOT utilizes the standard Motor Fuel Tax agreement form for ITEP funded )rojects. This agreement identifies the scope of the project, the amount of engineering costs, and is required to be approved by the municipality (or LA in the form) to activate the ITEP grant. To be clear, Motor Fuel Tax dollars are not being utilized for this project, the lump sum amount for Phase I, Phase II and direct costs to HR Green, Inc. will be paid from the Parks Developer Donation Fund. Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended that the attached Professional Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc. for a lump sum amount of $37,989.78 for Phase I, Phase II and direct costs related to the construction of the Municipal Center Bike Path be approved; and, that the attached Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Municipal Center Bike Path be executed. EXHIBIT A Phase I and Phase II Engineering Scope of Services Municipal Center Bike Path Knox Drive from Park Place to Bank Drive and Knox Park between Knox Drive and Green Street Presented to: City of McHenry Presented by: HRGreen October 2015 86140047.01 Project Understanding The project consists of providing an off-street shared -use path on the east side of Knox Drive between Park Place and Bank Drive and through Knox Park to Green Street. The proposed path will connect to existing bike paths at Park Place and Municipal Drive as well as the existing sidewalk along Green Street. The approximate length of the project is 2,600 feet. The improvement will provide direct access to amenities within Knox Park and the future Recreation Center, as well as safe connectivity to businesses along Illinois Route 31. In April 2014, the City of McHenry (City) was awarded an Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) grant by the Illinois Department of Transportation ([DOT) for the construction of the Municipal Center Bike Path, Phase I and Phase II engineering will be funded with City General funds and/or Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds. Due to the contribution of federal funding during the construction phase of the project, the project bidding and award of the contract will be administered by [DOT. Therefore the project must be state let by April 2016 so that construction can be completed during the spring 2016 construction season so that the paths are in place for the opening of the new Recreation Center Facility. The work will include Phase I engineering tasks required for a Categorical Exclusion Group I with Report and preparation of bike path plans, drainage design, erosion control plans, landscaping plans, and all other related work necessary to complete the Phase II contract plans. The path will be ADA compliant. As a federally funded project, preparation of Phase I and Phase II engineering documents must follow FHWA guidelines for processing and the project will not require a Categorical Exclusion Group II Phase I report. Hence, the project can be designed in accordance with City and MFT standards and thus the project schedule can be expedited. There will also be reduction in engineering costs as [DOT involvement would be minimal. The following scope is based on the project following FHWA polices and standards. PHASE I ENGINEERING Agreements As the construction and construction engineering phases of the project will be federally funded, the Project Program Information Form (PPI) will be submitted to MCCOM for coordination with IDOT Local Roads to obtain Project and Job numbers. Phase I Engineering Tasks Early Coordination Early coordination will be vital to ascertain the scope of work is clearly defined and that those work items requiring action from other agencies are submitted early to maintain the project schedule. HR Green will assist the City in scheduling a kick-off meeting with [DOT to discuss and receive approval of the project scope and schedule. Topographic Survey Topographic Survey will include the area lying within and 50 feet beyond the existing edge of pavement for 1,000 feet of the Knox Drive eastern parkway from Bank Drive to Park Place. Topographic Survey will also extend as a 50400t width east from the Knox Park entrance at Park Place, along the southern edge of the softball fields, around the swimming pool, and to the Knox Park entrance at Green Street. Survey will also include necessary areas between Knox Drive and the future paths linking to the new Recreation Center. Existing utilities will be surveyed from visible flags or markings. Storm, sanitary. sewer and water main structures will be surveyed, including rim elevation, invert pipe size,- direction and elevation as observed at manholes. Survey will reference existing NGS control stations, Illinois State Plane Coordinate System East Zone NAD83(2007). Elevations will be based upon NAVD88 or local benchmarks. Tree Survey HR Green will locate existing trees greater than six (6) inches in diameter within the project limits. Tree size and type (coniferous or deciduous) will be referenced within the topographic base map. Site Topography Survey Base Map HR Green will generate a Microstation V8 drawing of the existing features collected along the roadway according to [DOT standards. One (1) foot contours will be generated with the elevations referenced to NAVD88 (U.S. Survey Feet). HR Green will provide a Microstation V8 drawing and Geopak file with existing features and improvements within the project limits to be shown. Topographic Survey base map will show tags to existing visible utilities and features. A topographic survey plat is not required due to this surveying service being performed for our internal engineering group. No additional right-of-way or easements are anticipated; therefore work to complete Plat of Easement or Plat of Dedication is not included. Environmental Studies HR Green is totally conversant with the environmental requirements of a federally funded project. As per IDOT requirements, an Environmental Survey Request will be submitted to IDOT to determine the extent of possible wetland, biological or cultural impacts the proposed roundabout may present. Wetland, biological and cultural clearance will be required to obtain IDOT Phase I engineering approval. Preliminary Design Studies Preliminary design studies will be performed to analyze the impacts of a shared -use path to the surrounding area, construction cost, and ADA accessibility. Preliminary horizontal and vertical geometrics will be developed and transposed on 1" = 50' aerial maps to determine the impacts the shared -use path will have on the surrounding area. HR Green will also develop cross sections for slope and construction impact analysis, every 100', and at driveways/entrances. Cross sections will show proposed cross slopes, existing and proposed centerline elevations, ditch elevations where appropriate, excavation areas for cost analysis purposes, and any easements. The shared -use path design will be developed in detail on plan and profile sheets on 1" = 50' base maps. The preferred plan and profiles will be submitted to IDOT for approval as part of the Phase I engineering report. Project Development Report (PDR) HR Green will prepare the necessary documentation to obtain Phase I Engineering approval. IDOT has indicated that the project will be processed as a Categorical Exclusion Group I without Report to obtain Design Approval. HR Green will prepare the BLR 19100 and necessary attachments for submittal to the City and [DOT. Drainage Study Proposed improvements will not be constructed within the floodplain, the total added impervious area is under one acre, and it is assumed the City's storm sewer system will not be impacted; therefore based on current requirements it is anticipated a storm water permit from the County will not be required. A Location Drainage Study will also not be required for this project. The topography within the project area will be analyzed to determine whether an abbreviated storm sewer system with pipe culverts will be needed to facilitate shared -use path drainage. Utility Coordination HR Green will initiate utility coordination process during Phase I engineering by contacting utilities that have facilities along the project limits. HR Green will work with the City and private companies to obtain preliminary utility data and to categorize the needs for each utility including relocation, proteckn-place, modification or abandonment. Project Coordination and Meetings Our experience gained in completing projects for municipal clients has led us to an understanding of the critical nature of early project coordination both with public agencies and affected property owners/residents. By maintaining open levels of communication from the beginning with all of the stakeholders involved in the process, we gain access to their invaluable input and support. Early project coordination also allows us to ensure that those items requiring action from other agencies are submitted early in the project in order to maintain the project schedule. Project coordination work will include: 1. The scheduling of an initial Phase (kick-off meeting with the City to review the overall project and scope of work to ensure that the goals and objectives of the City will be satisfied. 2. The scheduling of an initial Phase I kick-off meeting with [DOT to review the project scope, limits and schedule. 3. Attendance at one FHWA coordination meeting to obtain approval on the project scope, termini and environmental processing. 4. Project documentation is also critical to project success. HR Green will prepare/distribute meeting minutes of all meetings attended which will detail the discussions of attendees along with the action required of the attendees. PHASE II ENGINEERING HR Green staff understands that a projects cost and schedule are controlled best by the preparation of detailed and accurate contract plans and special provisions. HR Green is fully committed to details and clarity in the preparation of plans and contract documents. Design Guidelines The Phase II Engineering and Contract Documents will be developed according to applicable IDOT and City requirements. These include the following design guidelines: • Approved Phase I Engineering; • Bureau of Local Roads (BLR) Manual; • AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities; and • City Standards, HR Green has made the following assumptions associated with the Phase II engineering: 1. Improvements to City utilities, beyond structure and fire hydrant adjustments, will not be required. 2. No lighting will be proposed. 3. No right-of-way documents will be prepared. Contract Plans and Documents HR Green will develop and assemble the contract plans and special provisions for an IDOT letting. HR Green has a full service staff that can produce the plans. The Contract Plans will include the following sheets: • Cover Sheet; • Index/General Notes/Standards; • Summary of Quantities; • Typical Sections; • Alignment, Ties and Benchmark; • Shared -Use Path Plan and Profile Plans; • Erosion and Sediment Control Plan; • Pavement Marking, Signing and Restoration Plans; • Miscellaneous Project Specific Details; • IDOT Standards; and • Cross -Sections every 100 feet Final Contract Documents will include: • Special Provisions; • Estimate of Time; • Cost Breakdown for Lump Sum Items; and • Estimate of Cost. Milestone Submittals Plans will be developed to predetermined milestones for submittal to the City and IDOT for review and approval. For a project of this type two submittals prefinal and final, would be made. The prefinal plans would be submitted to the City and IDOT for review and comment. The comments would then be incorporated into the plans and a disposition of comments submitted. Plans will also be submitted to utility companies that have facilities within the right-of-way and project limits. Erosion Control An erosion control plan will be prepared that makes recommendations to control erosion and retain sediment on the construction site. Erosion control measures and best management practices will include silt fence or filter socks, and temporary seeding and mulching plans. Pavement Design HR Green will coordinate with the City to design a Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement and/or aggregate pavement surface that meets City and [DOT standards. Special Waste As a result of legislation enacted by the Illinois General Assembly and signed into law on July 30, 2010 by the Governor of Illinois, Public Act 09&1416, regulating disposal of Clean Construction or Demolition Debris (CCDD), requires a certification from an Illinois registered Professional Engineer that soils generated during construction activities are uncontaminated. IDOT will require necessary certifications be completed prior to granting project approval. IDOT requires the special waste certification along non - State routes to be the responsibility of the Local Agencies. HR Green will coordinate and obtain certification for the Municipal Center Bike Path improvements. Utility Coordination The HR Green Team will continue the utility coordination process during Phase II engineering by sending roadway plans to private utilities. If necessary, utility coordination meetings can be held with the impacted utilities to review and discuss the conflicts, resolutions and scheduling. This coordination will aHow the utilities to design and relocate their facilities in a way that is compatible with the proposed design. Just as important, the utilities can then complete their design relocations in a timely manner to prevent construction delays. Special Provisions HR Green will prepare contract special provisions for the project. The document will include Supplemental, Recurring, BIDE, District 1, and project specific special provisions. The project specific special provisions will be written to cover any items not covered by the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Estimate of Time The estimate of time will be developed based upon pay items and quantities and will be used to develop the number of working days or completion date for the project. Project Coordination and Meetings Our experience gained in completing projects for Local Agencies has led us to an understanding of the critical nature of early project coordination with all project stakeholders. Early project coordination also allows us to ensure that those items requiring action from other agencies are submitted early in the project in order to maintain the project schedule. Project coordination work will include: 1. Phase II kick-off meeting with IDOT to review the project scope and schedule. 2. Project status meeting with the City to review the project and obtain input. 3. Project documentation is also critical to project success. The HR Green Team will prepare/distribute meeting minutes of all meetings attended which will detail the discussions of attendees along with the action required of the attendees. Summary of Costs The following documents detail the Phase I and II engineering costs associated with the scope of work detailed. Work Cost Phase I Engineering $15,874.81 Phase II Engineering $22,114,97 Direct Costs $1,384.40 Total $37,98918 Municipality L Name City of McHenry p Illinois Department C HR Green, Inc. C of Transportation o A S Township Address McHenry L Preliminary Engineering U 420 N. Front Street A Services Agreement L County G For T City McHenry E Motor Fuel Tax Funds A McHenry N N Section State C T Illinois Y THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of October 2015 between the above Local Agency (LA) and Consultant (ENGINEER) and covers certain professional engineering services in connection with the improvement of the above SECTION. Motor Fuel Tax Funds, allotted to the LA by the State of Illinois under the general supervision of the State Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the "DEPARTMENT", will be used entirely or in part to finance ENGINEERING services as described under AGREEMENT PROVISIONS, Name Municipal Bike Path Route NA Termini Section Description Length 0.49 Mi. 2,600 FT (Structure No. NA Description: Provide Phase I and Phase II engineering for the Municipal Bike Path IMP rovements.Tfie project will include a proposed shared -used path facility with signage, landscape restoration, pavement markings and detectable warnings. Agreement Provisions The Engineer Agrees, 1. To perform or be responsible for the performance of the following engineering services for the LA, in connection with the proposed improvements herein before described, and checked below: a. ®Make such detailed surveys as are necessary for the preparation of detailed roadway plans bI ❑Make stream and flood plain hydraulic surveys and gather high water data, and flood histories for the preparation of detailed bridge plans. c. ❑ Make or cause to be made such soil surveys or subsurface investigations including borings and soil profiles and analyses thereof as may be required to furnish sufficient data for the design of the proposed improvement. Such investigations are to be made in accordance with the current requirements of the DEPARTMENT. d. ❑Make or cause to be made such traffic studies and counts and special intersection studies as may be required to furnish sufficient data for the design of the proposed improvement. e. ❑ Prepare Army Corps of Engineers Permit, Department of Natural Resources -Office of Water Resources Permit, Bridge waterway sketch, and/or Channel Change sketch, Utility plan and locations, and Railroad Crossing work agreements. f. ❑Prepare Preliminary Bridge design and Hydraulic Report, (including economic analysis of bridge or culvert types) and high water effects on roadway overflows and bridge approaches. g. ® Make complete general and detailed plans, special provisions, proposals and estimates of cost and furnish the LA with five (5) copies of the plans, special provisions, proposals and estimates. Additional copies of any or all documents, if required, shall be furnished to the LA by the ENGINEER at his actual cost for reproduction. h. ❑Furnish the LA with survey and drafts in quadruplicate of all necessary right-of-way dedications, construction easement and borrow pit and channel change agreements including prints of the corresponding plats and staking CIO required. Note: Four copies to be submitted to the Regional Engineer Page 1 of4 BLR 05510 (Rev. 11/06) i. ❑ Assist the LA in the tabulation and interpretation of the contractors' proposals Prepare the necessary environmental documents in accordance with the procedures adopted by the DEPARTMENT's Bureau of Local Roads & Streets. k. ® Prepare the Project Development Report when required by the DEPARTMENT. (2) That all reports, plans, plats and special provisions to be furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to I will be in accordance with current standard specifications and policies of the DEPARTMENT. It is being understood that all such reports, plats, plans and drafts shall, before being finally accepted, be subject to approval by the LA and the DEPARTMENT. (3) To attend conferences at any reasonable time when requested to do so by representatives of the LA or the Department. (4) In the event plans or surveys are found to be in error during construction of the SECTION and revisions of the plans or survey corrections are necessary, the ENGINEER agrees that he will perform such work without expense to the LA, even though final payment has been received by him. He shall give immediate attention to these changes so there will be a minimum delay to the Contractor. (5) That basic survey notes and sketches, charts, computations and other data prepared or obtained by the Engineer pursuant to this AGREEMENT will be made available, upon request, to the LA or the DEPARTMENT without cost and without restriction or limitations as to their use. (6) That all plans and other documents furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to this AGREEMENT will be endorsed by him and will show his professional seal where such is required by law. The LA Agrees, 1. To pay the ENGINEER as compensation for all services performed as stipulated in paragraphs 1 a, 1 g, 1 i, 2, 3, 5 and 6 in accordance with one of the following methods indicated by a check mark: a. ❑ A sum of money equal to percent of the awarded contract cost of the proposed improvement as approved by the DEPARTMENT. b. ® A sum of money equal to the percent of the awarded contract cost for the proposed improvement as approved by the DEPARTMENT based on the following schedule: Schedule for Percentages Based on Awarded Contract Cost Awarded Cost Under $50,000 Percentage Fees A lump sum fee of $37.989.78 (see note) Note: Not necessarily a percentage. Could use per diem, cost-plus or lump sum. 2. To pay for services stipulated in paragraphs 1 b, 1 c, 1 d, le, 1f, 1 h, 1j & 1 k of the ENGINEER AGREES at actual cost of performing such work plus 171 percent to cover profit, overhead and readiness to serve - "actual cost" being defined as material cost plus payrolls, insurance, social security and retirement deductions. Traveling and other out-of-pocket expenses will be reimbursed to the ENGINEER at his actual cost. Subject to the approval of the LA, the ENGINEER may sublet all or part of the services provided under the paragraph 1 b, 1 c, 1 d, le, 1f, 1 h, 1j & 1 k. If the ENGINEER sublets all or part of this work, the LA will pay the cost to the ENGINEER plus a five (5) percent service charge. "Cost to Engineer" to be verified by furnishing the LA and the DEPARTMENT copies of invoices from the party doing the work. The classifications of the employees used in the work should be consistent with the employee classifications for the services performed. If the personnel of the firm, including the Principal Engineer, perform routine services that should normally be performed by lesser -salaried personnel, the wage rate billed for such services shall be commensurate with the work performed. Page 2 of 4 BLR 05510 (Rev. 11/06) 3. That payments due the ENGINEER for services rendered in accordance with this AGREEMENT will be made as soon as practicable after the services have been performed in accordance with the following schedule: a. Upon completion of detailed plans, special provisions, proposals and estimate of cost - being the work required by paragraphs la through 1 g under THE ENGINEER AGREES - to the satisfaction of the LA and their approval by the DEPARTMENT, 90 percent of the total fee due under this AGREEMENT based on the approved estimate of cost. b. Upon award of the contract for the improvement by the LA and its approval by the DEPARTMENT, 100 percent of the total fee due under the AGREEMENT based on the awarded contract cost, less any amounts paid under "a" above. By Mutual agreement, partial payments, not to exceed 90 percent of the amount earned, may be made from time to time as the work progresses. 4. That, should the improvement be abandoned at any time after the ENGINEER has performed any part of the services provided for in paragraphs 1a, through 1 h and prior to the completion of such services, the LA shall reimburse the ENGINEER for his actual costs plus 171 percent incurred up to the time he is notified in writing of such abandonment "actual cost" being defined as in paragraph 2 of THE LA AGREES, 5. That, should the LA require changes in any of the detailed plans, specifications or estimates except for those required pursuant to paragraph 4 of THE ENGINEER AGREEs, after they have been approved by the DEPARTMENT, the LA will pay the ENGINEER for such changes on the basis of actual cost plus 171 percent to cover profit, overhead and readiness to serve "actual cost" being defined as in paragraph 2 of THE LA AGREES. It is understood that "changes" as used in this paragraph shall in no way relieve the ENGINEER of his responsibility to prepare a complete and adequate set of plans and specifications. It is Mutually Agreed, 1. That any difference between the ENGINEER and the LA concerning their interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement shall be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of one member appointed by the ENGINEER, one member appointed by the LA and a third member appointed by the two other members for disposition and that the committee's decision shall be final. 2. This AGREEMENT may be terminated by the LA upon giving notice in writing to the ENGINEER at his last known post office address. Upon such termination, the ENGINEER shall cause to be delivered to the LA all surveys, permits, agreements, preliminary bridge design & hydraulic report, drawings, specifications, partial and completed estimates and data, if any from traffic studies and soil survey and subsurface investigations with the understanding that all such material becomes the property of the LA. The ENGINEER shall be paid for any services completed and any services partially completed in accordance with Section 4 of THE LA AGREES. 3. That if the contract for construction has not been awarded one year after the acceptance of the plans by the LA and their approval by the DEPARTMENT, the LA will pay the ENGINEER the balance of the engineering fee due to make 100 percent of the total fees due under this AGREEMENT, based on the estimate of cost as prepared by the ENGINEER and approved by the LA and the DEPARTMENT. 4. That the ENGINEER warrants that he/she has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER, to solicit or secure this contract, and that he/she has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For Breach or violation of this warranty the LA shall have the right to annul this contract without liability. Page 3 of 4 BLR 05510 (Rev. 11/06) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the AGREEMENT to be executed in quadruplicate counterparts, each of which shall be considered as an original by their duly authorized officers. Executed by the LA: ATTEST: City of McHenry of the (Municipality/Township/County) State of Illinois, acting by and through its Mayor and City Council City Clerk By (Seal) Title Mayor Executed by the ENGINEER: ATTF�T• Title Project Manager Approved Date Department of Transportation Regional HR Green, Inc. 420 N. Front Street McHenry, IL 0050�f� % By Lt0dn/LugC1 Title Vice President Page 4 of 4 BLR 05510 (Rev. 11/06) 1 -- I,I if m I KNOX DRIVE {, _ -- p ai; t_ D•I �A xr GREEN STREET n O i Z S o � ; e ; ' � �" � _� �` ° p McHENRY RECREATION CENTER CITY OF McHENRY McHENRY, ILLINOIS ILLIN018OESIGN FIRM • 1a�.00lau McMEcNEuRY,flv, a R.e06 00 0e0 HRGreen PHONE: 615.385.1778 FAX: 815.385.1751 � wre flErtsanoEscwPnaN CONCEPTUAL BIKE PATH EXHIBIT