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Packet - 10/19/2015 - City Council
AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, October 19, 2015, 7000 PM 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. City of McHenry Mission Statement 5. Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the City Council will be required to step forward to the podium and identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three -minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at public meetings. 6. Motion to approve the following Consent Agenda Items: A. Approval of the purchase of a pick-up truck from Sunnyside Company of McHenry, Illinois in an amount not to exceed $44,872; B. An Ordinance amending certain sections of Chapter 13, Traffic & Motor Vehicles of the City of McHenry Municipal Code designating Knox Drive as no parking on both sides of the street from Park Place to Charles J. Miller Road; C. Payment to Water Well Solutions in the amount of $18,230 for Well #9 Emergency Pull and Inspection and accept proposal from Water Well Solutions to repair Well #9 for $41,984.25; D. A request for reimbursement of $700 Class H liquor license fee from Brian Burkus d/b/a Old Town Pizza of McHenry; E. As Needed Checks in the amount of $5,642.34; and F. List of Bills in the amount of $206,392.86. 7. Mayor's Statement and Reports 8. Committee Reports 9. Staff Reports 10. Future Agenda Items 11. Adjournment The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the lriglrest qua//ty of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. Office of the City Administrator Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: October 19, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator RE: Parks and Recreation Department Vehicle Purchase ATT: Copy of Request for Proposal Respondent Submittals BACKGROUND The approved FY2015/16 Capital Equipment Fund includes funding for the purchase of a replacement pickup truck for the Parks and Recreation Department in the amount of $40,000. The proposed truck purchase will be replacing a model year 2002 Chevy pickup truck with over 100,000 miles in the current Parks and Recreation Department Fleet. ANALYSIS Typically the City attempts to acquire vehicles through state bid contracts however, since equipment purchases were delayed this year based on the state's budget situtation, we were not able to take advantage of this pricing. In addition, staff usually provides local dealers with an opportunity to submit proposals for the vehicles based on specific bid requirements. The following proposals were received by the September 28, 2015, 12:00PM due date and time: • Sunnyside Company - $44,872 • Gary Lang Auto Group - $37,290 (bid does not meet specifications for diesel engine) • Buss Ford — no bid received RECOMMENDATION As identified, two of the three local dealers submitted bids however bid submitted by Gary Lang Auto Group did not meet the specifications of the bid requiring vehicle with a diesel engine. Since they were the low bidder, staff reached out to them to identify if they would provide the same pricing for a vehicle that met the bid specifications. As of the writing of this memorandum no response has been provided and, as such, staff is recommending the bid from Sunnyside that met the bid requirements. Therefore, if Council concurs, Ili recommended approve the purchase of a pick-up as outlined in the specifications from Sunnyside Company of McHenry, Illinois in an amount not to exceed $44,872. Prapo�al Due C?a#� alnd Tyre: 1e�urn heated �ro�t�sals #�: intact Information: D�partmOnt Qf FUULIC Works 1415 Industrial DrIve McHenry, 111irio1s 60050 Prone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-22.14 aptelrlbr 28,E at nacn. it�r cif M�l�anry Attn: Jon Schmitt � M Industrial Drirve ticHenr , IL 60050 [�al�cy Leah '1 15 Industrial Drive 11cHenry, IL 60050 nlorc}la),cI.rnchenryjWs III official notifications ar glaestions about the RFR shall be made in writing addressed to the contact information listed above. P'rcp�s�l1 ut�missions b Facsimile or ��rinail u�rill not be acc.�pt�:d. The pity of [�1c11enYy Is dedicated to prauidingtb� eitia�ns, businesses enduisi#ors of McHenry valth tf7e C7ighest qualify of pr�grat7ls andservl�es In � �ustorner-0riented, eiflcient �r[td flscally� responsible mariner. CITY OF MUIMINJKI Parma Departmem WS1011 Pickup mru+ck Any addidow, deletiow or variatiOns from the fo]lowing Spew ficata erns zxxust be noted. A 1 bidders musk sublu t the manu(a&ur6r'8 ngulaxly published specification v6th #tars bid proposal. Any item app ng D ia the regular published sperifIcatioa as standard equipment is assumed to be inAalled on the delivered vebiel�e. ,any additiow, deletions oar variatiora� in the manufrtct>lur,r xegaalarly publisl�.ed. specifications shall be noted %r► Section 2. Please Hate camplianc� ith specification with a check zpark or comment in Sectioaa 2, for each of dw following items. PROPOSAL Equip' exrt t)ne mein, ctirrerat year and, oriel 9,600 Ibs. G_V W. Single rea wheel q wheel drive Application Scow removal and general use in 'arks Department Freight All Frei gait to be FO) 3 P11 blip Worh� PaejUty,1415 Industrial D', x,+ oHoary, LL 60050 Velvcle Type 4-Wheel drive pickup Cab, Chassis with S foot pickup body pray in bed '4w liner bwk ra& for arm- ag light mounting. Aeaross bed a.1tU inuan.tool box., s Tied and mounted_ Wheel Base 130 inches Suspension Ileavy duty spring and shocks consistud with previously stab 9,GOOlb.OVW minimum =jAi'0m(atc;w;I nethn�wer xating min.%mum., Or "V' canftguration additional cooling {Spec # 1 May 2� 15� k 1 Tank Mj,)imwn 250-mile range based on mm hwa miles e reading. Electrical Hea y^ duty battery nUMMWA 850 ysterr CCA Largest available alteamator of At less than 100 am . 01! Eut, Rear Axle Single axle, singte hee13:55 ratio invited. ski differential Pmrit Axle if 3 a 5 5 xatio. Auto 10c1cin2 hubs. Gauges X6ltMtter,, -tem erature oil assure. Cab Hqurpme Cloth 40 20/40 Split bencoh seat Seat Seat belts Three sets required I io AM radio — or stftndard eguipraent Wipers Dual required - inteffnitieat Sun Visors Dual required Heater/A/C Heavy duty fresh air heater & defroster/A/C windowsfN nTous ower wlndowslheated �irrorsltelescopir�g Tiigt�ling Lorne, reading and cab r=keT ligbtslhelan 4 mini edge mounted on back rack wift four camas strobe Cab steps and &=w stick moimtedbelow back Floor its rack: mounted wwmizag light Brake FWI length black controller Heavy duty up fitter Tntegtatzd trailer brake controler switched For wing ' hts Steering Power. ErAes Power with rear anti ook Tires, All terrain LT245 suitable for {hrVWsno plo ang, black wall, tubeless Burnlaer Front standard Rear 9tep sil-M rear Dumper may be dealer Installed. Paint Color Axterlor. white Interior: Cloth seats with complimentary color as available from manufacturer, prefmwe gray or tazx snow ]flew Western 8.5 MAP V Plow witIl western°s low profile Plowlighfs of modern tec ay design. (�p�c #1 �viay za1�j fety At time of tllivez i of Ivtc eery, l'ublA �V'orIB D axtme-nt, this vehicle must meet' or tc d ail Federal, State, and local boaltk safety jig ting and noise standards, DOT At the time of delivery to th_e City of Riga ations I is cMyp public Works Deepartme k this truck roust meet all existing DO'S regulations and USEFA Emission Standards flit are applicable t" this t � of v�.iole. Manuals A complete rcP it au.d parts manual should be furnis}red at tim(m, of delivpeTy for cab- assis and body. f arts State stotkiag level in SeWon 2 Vanant tatc in SeGtian o Um n $ for tl P S (spec #i r�y�ais� �Autt��,x��,�d �igTaature) Name (Ti�.� ef�'�rson Sigh 'Z clephoto Nii bet 3' Gary Lang Auto Group S. itr►ute #3� tu�ehenry,ll,005{} 1d17I Ext. 18 Bid Prpcl fvr Perks Department Fail U Tr�u�t is whom it may concern, 1 have attacf�ed SpeCific�tians and'pric[ng fora 2C��.5 G(�IC Sierra f�r�rour conslderation. The propa$als crantain all opt[ons and features thatyou had requested. This truck is in stock and readyfor immediate delivery. Phase let me kno+u hovtir else 1 may assist you. Thank you fir the opportWlnii� tri ��rn yt�ur business] stiev�: Pa�[awsky Gary Lang Commercial Trwck Sales r Parlks flegatsnen� )DivfsYan Frctxp Track �dd%t�ix, de�lc�ts 4x [atio�s firam the foIlo sYecificaiiors tnr+st hetafiJd. W bidders MUA si-lbn t tbo manufacturer's regularly published specificalion with this bid proposal. And item appearing hi the regular published specification as Mn4aard equipment is assumed to be installed on the delivered vehicle. Any additiom deletions or rariations iu. the n=ufhetarer regularly published specifications shall be noted M Section. . Please nota compliance with Vecificaiaon with a chock mark or comment in Section 2 fox each of the f ollo 4n iWxW. PROPOSAL Ecfuipment O� �e, ctxttent �'earr and x�.odel � '..� � . . 9,600 lbs. GVW, Single rear wheel ,-.� 4 wheel eve A.pplic an S110W remoVal, am general use in )Packs Ilepartmeut Freight All freight to be P013 Public W rks Facility, 1415 rnduatrial Dr. clffenry, IL 60050 Vehicle Type 4-Wheel drive pickup cab, chassis with. 8 foot pi&up body/Spray in bed lmerllaack racy for warning light mounting. Across bed almninum tool box, sup lied and mount(xd.. Wheel Base 130 baches SuVension Reavy duty q img and shocks consistent with previously stated 91600 lb OVW nun MM un Engine CID, 350 Upithom power xatlug IMMM-urn, da,es4 of inliue oar' T"Oo gaaration Transmission Auwinatic with addi6)wl. eooU {Spey #1 May 24l �} Fuel Tau . Mwmam 254-mile range based on highway mileage readin . Electrical HeavyAuty battery minimum 850 ystm CCA. Largest available alternator of not less fban LO0 amp. Outputa Rear Axle Single We3 dagl.e wheel 3: 5 ratio ; �'D Wrl itrad slip {l atential Q . t o( r Front Axle 3.55 ratio. Auto JW4,ug hi&9 Gauges Voltmeters temper atureVoit presmie. Cab Equipment CIDth 40f20140 Split bench seat Seat Seat belts Three sets required Radio AM radio — or standard eclu.ilm7ent Wiperg EhW required — intermittent Sun Visors Dual required t HeaiterlAYC Heavy duty fresh air heater & defrosterlAl wwjbws"Jaors power windows/heated mirroz. IIkdeseopmg rightslWarning Dorn{,t1 reea�cyl�,x,,g and cafe ni rk�er Ughts VY llblm 4 Mirli edger uwmted on back rack with four corner strobe Cab AZV.S and arrow stick mounted below back. Moot mafs rack mounted ' arm g light Brake' pull length black controller heavy duty Tip fitter Integrated trailer brake controller swtchecl p'ot ` is teerIng power. Erak" hewer with rem- antRO Tires All terrain LT245 suitable for GVWsnowplowitig, blacc wall, tubeless Bumpers Frotat—standatd Rear step silver rear bum er pna be dealer instalie-d. Paint Color Exte4arl white Interior: Cloth seats with Complimentary color as available ftow prefmnee gray or tart 1 Snow plow Wesftm 8.5 MVP V Plow Nkdth Western's low profile plow fights of modern rectangular deligm ��"pec �d1 Tv1ay 2015� Safety At time of delivery to pity of McHenry, RAW orks,T�epartment, this vehicle must meet oT eedaUfederal, Stop, acid local hf i, safety L lighting axed nie starsdards. DOT At the time of deliver' W the City of Regulations rRmry, Public Wmks Department, this truck must ii all existing DOT regulations and U EF.A Emission Standards Umt ate applicable to th'r_s type of vehicle. manuals A complete tejWr and parts ma lag should bo fim3ished at time of j delivery for eab-ohassis and bed . A I - -1 Parts State stocking level in Sekoti .2 aYx�x,.t State � Section � For the Lump Sim of $ - V idler: -ae 0 1 �i�natu�e) (1'�lazue of Pmon Signing - Please ) �7Cz of P�rsan Sfgning� 7'elePhene Number Y?�te �S�ec�T May2Qf�} Prepared By/: Steve Pas IaWsky Gary Deng Auto Group 11 7 S Fit 31 C�aHenry, IL 6�UQ 4�hano:895}3$5^29�4 �msi1: spaslaw lc}t garylangauto.aam 01 D Refa.11 IvlU IIU d 4 %j Overlcl w 1 SFr 4 V Reg b . 'r TK I rm:;Lp l�eparE cx3n#ent is base! rn curr$ht data version referenced. Ar�y perfarman��-related cal�ul�#ions ere �fF�red sr�lely as guidelines_ ,actual ury�t perfarm�ncewill de�ertid 4n youraper�stinc� candltfens_ GM AutoBook, Data Varslon: 404.0, Data updated 911512015 Q Copyright 198&2412 Chrome Data SoWons, LP. All rights reserved, Customer bile: September 2A, 20158.08142 Ah+l Prepared By. Sfe (e Paslawsky nary Lang Auto Group 1107 S Rt 311 Iti+1cFlenry, 1L0t�5t7 Phone: (815} 385-21U0 E m ail: spy siawskygge rylan ga uto. rom 2U10 Mulmall OIVIIMJ ifcrr4A 2UUGHD avcu C1 v 1!'�liFi 4' VD F �j dab 1 7 T ,EL,�7'�L� I�+fiC�D�t OAT►Ilf� 3ELECTM MO • 2015 Retail TK25003 4M Reg Cab 133.6" Cade C1� ri #Inn TK25903 2015 G M C Terra 2600HD avallabIs WiFi 4WD Rag Cab 133.8" �ELEC'i'EC7 VEHiGLE r:CILClRS - 20"i�s Retaii TK25g03 4WD E�eg Cab 133.6" Cade Da��+rlptian - 1'riterior, No color has bean selected. i=xteririr 1: No color has been selected. Exterior 2: Na color hay been selected" �'EILECTED QP1IDI�S �201� I��tall TIf259t73 #11ti1D I�eg Cab 733.�" C#tTEGt�RY Cade ptp$ari t! inh MODEL OPTION A,VP 2015 INTERIM PROCESSING CCDE BCDY CtSDE E63 P1C}(l1>' I3C73t, IIDESfL}E {STD} tJSPEPVSlt7N PKG Z$5 SUSPENSION PACIAGEy HANaLII�IGITRAILERING, HF�'�i{�bUTY Includes 51 mrn twin tuba shook absorbers and 33mm Toni stabilizer bar (STD) EM ISSIONS F>=g ENIISSIGN8, FEDERAL REQUIFt1;MENT5 ENGINE Ftegor€ content is bayed on current data version referenced. Any peefcarmance-related calculations ere of#ered sc�lel�r as guidelines. actual unit perfrrr'rfancs will depend an yaur�pera�ing ccnditians. GM AutoBook, Data Version: 404.0, data updated 9/1512015 0 Ccpyright 1956-2012 Chrome Data Solutions, LF_ All rights reserved. Customer File: Septsmber 2B, 2015 5:98:41 AM Page 1 r Pre Pared 13yt Stage Poslawsky Gard Lang Auto Group 11 {�7 S Rt 31 McHenry, t! 8{}0 Phone; (815) 385m210l Email: apasl awsky'c@ga ryle ngauto.co m u 145 Retall GIVIC sierra 25001-ID ctVaiCA Ke' 1F14 ti .��J SfL�T��] N�t�DIEL QP��1t�1ht ,9ELEGTED OPTIONS - 2015 Retail TK25903 4WD Fteg Cab 133.6" GATE�GC�I�Y Code ENGINE EhIOINE, VC�RTEG 6.{tl-. VARIABLE VA,L1fE TIMING 118 SF! E85- CDMPATIBLE, FLEXPUEL capable of running on unleaded or up w 8576 ethanol (360 hp [266.4 kW] [ 6400 rpm, 380 lb-ft of torque [515.0 N-ml @ 4200 rpm) wn (E63) fteetside pickup box; (322. hp [2,d0.1 kW] @ 4400 rpm, 380 Ib-ft of torque 1515.0 N "rti] @ 4200 rpm) with (ZW9) pickup box delete (Does not include E85 capability w0h (ZW9) pickup box deleta.) (STD) TRANSMISSION MY"D TRANSMISSION, 6-SPEE0 AUTOMATIC, HEAVYZUTY ELECTRONICALLY CONdTROI-LED with overdrive and towlitauI mode. Includes Cruise Grade Braking and PowertrEdn Grade Braking (STIR) (Requires (L96)'Vortea 6.0LV8 5FI engine or (LCB) 6.0L V8 8F1 Gaseous engine,) L9fi �GVI�lR CEHVR, 95{}©l ss. (4309 KG) (Requires (L96) Varfec 6,0L V8 SEI engine or (LC8) O.0L V8 SFrI Gaseous engine and 4WD,) ,VLE GT5 REAR R)CL-E, 4.1a RATIO (Requires (L96)'U'ortec 6.OL V8 ~CFI engine or (LG8) 6.0L V8 SFI Gaseous CNG (Owpressed N atur$I Gas) engine,) PRErERRED EQUIPMENT GROUP 1SA WDRK TRUCK PREFE,RREC} EQUIPMENT GROUP includes standard equipment WHEELS PN UUHEELS, 17" (43.2 CM) STEEL Includes 17" x7.9" (43.2 cm x 19.1 cm) steel spare Wheel- Spare -not included with (�1lr19) pickup bvA delete unless a spare tire Is ordered. (STD) T1 R>=S QHQ TIRES, L.T2451751117EAl..L-SEASON, BLACKWALL (STlj) PAINT SCHEME ZY1 PAINT, SOLID Report confeni: is based an current date version referenced. Anypertor7nsnoe-re[ate4l calculafiana are p�'ered solellt as guidelines. Actual unit perFormanee vaill depend on your operaflrrg conditions, GM AutaBaok, f) U'ersian: 404.0, Data updated 911612415 p Copyright 1980w2012 Chrome Data Solutions, I.P. All rights reserved, Cusfarner File: 5eptamixer �B, 20"[5 Al AA+I Page � prepared By. Steve Paslawsky Gary Lang Auto Group 71U7SRt31 McHenry, IL 6Q{IaQ phone: (815) 385-2f00 E maiL• pas[awws ky@ g a.jl a ng auto -corn (l15 Re a'rl Nl i rra 2 OOHa t ail l�l UVi�i �1ND W '1 3, SELECTED OPTIONS - 2015 Retail TK25903 4WD Reg Cali 133.6" CATEGCyR'f Corte Description PAINT GAZ SUMMIT WHITE SEAT TYPE AE7 SEATS, IfRONT 40120140 SPLIT -BENCH, 3-?ASSFNGER, DRIVER AND FRONT PASSENGER RECLINE vw[th outboard head restraints and centerfold -dawn armrest with storage. Vinyl has fixed lumbar and cloth has manualry adjustable driver lumbar. (STD) SEAT TRIM F42Q DARK ASH WITH JET BLACK INTERIOR ACCENTS, 'VINYL SEAT TRIM RAD I D 103 AUDIO SYSTEM, 4.2" bIAGONAL COLOR DISPLAY, AMfFM STEREO WITH U85 PORTS a.uxillaryla& and SD carp{ slot (STD) (Upgradeable to (104) 4.2" diagonal color display radio with InfelliLink.) kDOITIONAL EQUIPMENT PDD SIERRA GONVENIENOE PACKAGE includes (DL8) outside heated powervadjusfable mirrors, (AQQ) Remote Keyless Entry, (UVC) Rear Vision Camera, (KI4)110-volt AC power outlet, (UF2) L513 cargo box lighting and (AKO) deep tinted glass (Includes (A31) power wiridows on regular cab. If (ZVV9) pickup box delete Is ordered, (UF2) LED cargo box lighting and (VVC) Rear Vis[on Camera w111 not he included- Upgradeable to (DPN) Mirror. Not available with (DF2) [Mirror.) VYU SNOW PLOW PREP PACKAGE includes power feed for backup and mof emergency light, (KW5) 224- amp alternator with gas or diasel angina, forward [amp wvldrig harness, (TRW) pmvlsIon for cab roof mounted [am plbeacen, (NZZ) underbody shields and Heavy -Duty front springs. (Only av'aiIab19 on 4WD models. Upgred eable to (KHB) dual. 150 amps and 229 amps eacb -alternators tor& (LML) Duramax 6.61L Turbo Diesel VI3 engine.) KW5 ALTERNATOR, 220 AMPS (Included with (VYU) Snow Plow Prep Package when ordered with gas or diesel engines.) Report obntenf is based on current data version refarenced. Any performance -related calculations are offered solely as guidalin+ea. Actual unit performance will depend on your opeeating conditians- G[wi AutoBook, Data Version: 404.0, Data updated 911612015 � Copyright 1985-2012.Ohrome Data Solutions, LP, All rlghfs reserved. Customer File: September2c3, 2ii1� �:f7S:42 Afw1 Page 3 PYepered By: Steve POSIaws&clr Gary Lang Auto Group 1107 S Rt 31 1�IcHen1 y, IL 6C105fi net(815) 385-2100 Email; sa slawsky@garylangauto, cam 2 � Rqu ca f C VEWt'r 25t OH�I v it ble 1�w1iFi FWD I g lb "13 06 Ti{ L�L��r'vt7 I4�C��?�rL OPTI�IU' SELECTED OPTIONS w 20t15 Feted IK25003 4WD Rea Cab 133m6" LATE �Cl �Y Gads Des�o�n IkDO ITIC CAL EQUIPMENT JI f TRAILER 13RAKE. 00NTROLLER, INTEGRATED (fnctudad and only available wifh (Z82) trailering equipment w[Lb (E63) pickLfp box unless (9,14) rear bumperdelete is ordered. Available to order with (ZWO) pickup box delete or (9d4) roar bumper delete.) Z82 TRAILERING EQUIPVIrl NT Traileringi hitch platform 2.5" with $ 2,0" insert for H0. l ire harness with independent fused trailer'irig circuits mated to a 1-way sealed connectorto hook up parking lamps, backup lamps, right and left fern signals, an electric brake lead, batter' and a ground, The trailer ronneCtor also includes the 4-wsy for use on trailers without brakes - park, bra kelturn lamps (Includes (dL1) trailer brake contmIler. Not available with (ZWO) pickup box delete.} NZZ UNDERBODY SHIELD, FRAME -MOUNTED SF11rzLDS includes front underbody shield starting behind front bumper and running to first cross - member, protecting front underbody, oil pan, dYff'erential case and transfer case (Included with (VYU) Snow Flow Prep Package.) UF2 LED LIGHTING, i;�ARGO BOX WITH SWITCH ON CENTER SWITCH BANK (Requires (E03) pickup box. Included and only available with (PDD) Sierra Convenience Package,) TRW PROVISION FOR CAB ROOF -MOUNTED LAMPIBE,ACEON pro)'ides an instrument panel -mounted switch and electrical wiring tucked beneath the headliner for a body upfltter to connect a body"mounted warning or emergency lamp (Included with (VYU) Snots Flow prep Package.) Report pnntent is based ran current data verslcrl referenced. Any perforfranc$-related calculsfions are uttered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend an your operating conditions, GM AutoBook, Data Version_ 404,0, Data updated 011512015 0 Copyright 1956-2812 Chrome Data Sotutlons, LP, A11 rr�hts reserved, Customer File. September 28, 2015 8108A2 APA Page 4 Preparea urn Steve Paslawsky Gary Lang Auto Group 1 �p7 S Rt 89 MdHenrsrI IL 600 g Phone: (845) ��� �f i7D Emat(_ s paslawsky c�,�7 garylangau to, cam Retail CMirrDDHavaila�l 111Iii;'1 FWD Rigb '[ ,I{' SEl..�C'TEa C1PTIl3PlS - 20'I� Retail TI�59t}� �V'VD Reg Gab 933.C" �-----f-,-;---�—~---- GAT�Gt�RY Dade. aescr7�tian AaaITIChJAL 1=GtUIPN1ENT DPN IVIIRRORS, OUTSIDE HEATED POWER- ADJUSTABLE VERTICAL CAMPER UPPER CLASS, N1AKUAL-PCILDINC AND E TENDIN0. PLAGK, Includas integrated turn signal indicators consisting of 81 square I nch flat mirror surface positioned over a 24_5 square inch (�onviex mirror surface with a common head and lower.convex spotter glass (convex glass is not heated and not power adjustable) and addition of Auxiliary cargo lamp for badtrng up (helps to see trailer%Phen backing up with a trailer) and amber auxiliary clearance lamp (Requires (PDD) Sierra Convenience Package_ Includes (DD8) autowdimming inside rearview mirror.) Pj<0 GLASS, DEr=]P4INTED (Included and only available with (PQD) Convenience Package.) A31 WINDOWS, POWER WITH DRIVER EXPRESS UP AND DOWN AND EXPRESS DOWN ON ALL OTHER WINDOWS (included and only available with (PIDD) power windows.) AQQ REMOTE KFAV5S ENTRY (Indlided and only available with (PDD) Slarra Convenience Package) C49 DEFOGGER, REAR=WINDOW ELECTRIC 1414 POWER OUTLET, f 90-Vt}LT AC (Irtc(uded and only avallafola with {PDD) Sierra Convenience Package,} DD8 MIRROR, INSIDE REARVIEW AUTO?"DIMMING (Included and only available with (DPN) outside heated power -adjustable camper mrrrora.} IJVI� REAR VISION CAMERAwIfh dynamic gulda limes {Included and oMy available with (PDD) Sierra Convenience Package. INot included when (ZVV9) pickup box delefe is ordered.) I�PT[OhIS TOTAL Report cyan#antis based on �rrent data versipn referenced. Any perfQrmance�ralated calculations are offered saleiy as guidelines. Actual unif performand$ will depend on your operating conditions. GM AutoS©ak, Data Version; 404.0, ❑afa updated 911af2015 9 Copyright 1986=2012 Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All righfs reserved. Customer Pile; September 28, 2015 8:08:42 AM Page 5 P pavod By: Steve Paslawsfty aryLang Auto Group 1107 S Rt 31 McM$nryIIL 0t15t] F'llano: (815) 3a6-2104 Em Or spasfawsky garylangauto.00m 2015 Retail C41 I$L I Ct 2 (I HD a ails lc;; i 41fVC F etj dab 'I , PRICING SUMMARY n 2015 Retail TK25903 4WD Rag Cab 133.6" 13�,se �rioe T4�1 Options; Vehiolo Subtotal ,Adv,�rtlAdj rtsfmon#� pectination Charge F�eport con#ent fa based vn euerenf data version relan�n�sd, Any perfaernance-r�la#ed cafculatian� are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will c[epend on your operating Gondltfcns. GM AjutloBook, Data Version: 404,0, Date updated 911512015 @ Copyright 1986�2012 Chrome Data Solutions, LP, All rlcghts reserved. Customer File: Saptembor 28, 2015 8:08m.42 AM Page 7 Preparev Sy: Ste fe Paslawsky Gary Lang Auto Group 1147 S Rt 31 I cHen ry, IL 59060 Phone: ($75) 38&2140 Em A, spaslawskyc gairylangauto. corn 2[ 1 Rt tCAI l 11 Vrr S OHC a it ale iFi 4V I Rec dab 13 ."T 2 �S7"ANIDAR� L+Q[lfP1U9���� �TANDA,i�D �t;IUIPMEhIT - 2Q95 RafsYl TIC2�'�Q3 4WD Reg trap 13�.ti" ■ Audio system, #.2" C�iagona,l �alar E'7isplay, APNFM stereo vuith HSB ports auxiliaryjack and C? card slat (Upgradeable to (104) 4.2 diagonal color dIIspiay radio AM Intel IIUnQ * XM Satellite Radio, delete ■ Audio system feature, 4-speaker system EXTERIOR ■ 1Nheels, '17" (43.� erns steel includes '17" x 7,5" {�i3.� cm x 1901 cm) feel spare wheel. Spare not included wifh �- (ZW9) plokup boy€ delete unloss a spare are is ordered. • Tires, LT245175R17E off-season, belackwalI • Vlf heels, 17" 7.5" {43.2 em x 19,1 cm} full -sire, steel spare Spare rtut included +,+kith (ZW9) picycLip box de[efe unless a spare fire is ordered, {Requires 17" wheels arttf tires_} Tire carrier loch keyed cylinder lock that utilizes same key as ignition and door (Nat included when (ZW9) pickup box delete or (9J4) rear bumper delete is ordered_) ■ Bumper, front chrome ■ Cornerstep, rear bumper'(Requires (E63) pickup tux-) ■ Bumper, rear chrome with pumper Carneromps (Requires (E63) pickup wx_} * GTI11e surround, chrome Headiamps, halogen projector ■ Lamps, eargowanea, cab mountedvwith switch on center switch tank • Mirrors, Outside manual, Black ■ Mass, solar absorbing, finfed ■ Door handles, Black Tailgate and bed rail protection caps, top Tailgate, locking, utilizes same key as ignition and door (Deleted with (ZUWB) pickup box delete.) (Deleted when (Z 9) pickup box delete is ordered.) I�epert intent is based en current data version referenced. Anyp$rf�rrmanee-related calculations are +offered se�laly as guidelines. #actual unit performance a+till r�epend on your operating canr{itians, GM Auto BDoke ❑fata'dersian: 404_0, data updated 911512075 0Copyright 1986-2012 Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All rights reserved. usfamer File: September 28, 2t�1� 8:{18;42 AM C'r :trared my: teVe Paslawsky Cary Lang Auk Group 1[07SRt31 McHenry, IL 6Uf�5Lt Phone; (815) 385-2100 Email; spaslawsky@garylangsuto.com 'Ilai1 Cf�,�f irraf(1HD arai�bl 1l1+`iFif[3 V C 1.'i �E425 TANa�AR� a�Q,tlJl��NT` STiANCiARD E=GlUIPtu'fEN7 � 2b15 Refail TI�C259[i� 4�IU[� Reg Cate 133.8" lNTt�t�lC�f� * Seats, front 4Df��fd['f split -bench, ��passenger, driver and #rpr<t passenger•reollne wiftt outboard head restraints and center fold -down armrest with storage. Vinyl has fixed lumbar and cloth has manually adjustable driver lumbar_ ■ Seat trim, Cloth + Steering column, manual Tilt -Wheel + Steering wheel ■ 1=ldor covering, �ra.phlte-cc�laeed rubberized��inyl • IristrumentatiOnr 5-gauge clusterfeafuring spoedometer, fuel level, engine temperafure, tachometer, voltage and oil pressure ■ Driver Information Center, 3_5�inch diagonal morioohromatlicdisplay pravldes warning messages and basic vehicle information + Door locks, pdwer ■ Cruise control, steering u%(neel'-mounted + Air conditioning, single -pane * Assist handle, front passenger and driver on A -pillars Reparf Gotlfenf< is based on c�arrenf ds.ta veraion referenced. Any performancs�elafe�l calaulafions are offered sQleCy as guidelines. Actual unit perft�rrnance will depend en your operating candlfl+�ns. CM AufoBook, []atu Version: 404A, Data updated gf9512015 - 19 Copyright 4986-2072 Chrome Data Solutions, EP. All rights reserved. Cusfomer File: Sep6amber 28, 2015 8:08:42 A141 Page � Prepared my: Steve Paslawsky Gary Lang Auto Group 1'10IS Rt31 McHenry, IL 60050 Phone: (8rT6) 385m2100 Email: spaslawskN @garyfangsuto.cam 'I ietli� fivtirr 2}(HQvailale iFi 41NC deg 4" TI T�4�J,f�AIR'� LcQ[lfaPJ�#�f � S I MMUPU%LJ EQUIPMENT - 21>'75 Retail TI 2U91}3 4WD Reg Cab 133,6" MECH�41UfC�L * Engine, Vortec $.I7L Vsriab[e Valve Timing VS 8FI ESb-J�dtrlpeltibla, FlexFuel capable of running an unlead�d oe up bo S6°la ethanol (360 hp 1268A kW] @ 5400 rpm, 386 Ib-ft of torque [516,0 N-ml c{� 4200 rpm) with (F53) fleetside pickup boxy, (322 hp [240} 1 kWj @ 4400 rpm, 380 lbJt of torque [615.0 N-m] 42a0 rpm) with (ZW9) pickup box delete (Does not include ES capability with (ZW 9) pickup box delets.) * Transmission, 6-speed automatic, heavy-duty, electronically Ganfrvl[ed with overdrive and tow1hauI mode. Includes Cruise Gmde Bra.lKing and Powerfrain Grade Braking {Requires (L96) VorteG 6.011. V8 SFI erigino or (LCS) 6.13L V8 SH Gaseous engine.) * Rear axis, 4.10 ratio (Requires (L90) Vortec 6.01L Va SPf engine or (LC8) 6.OL V3 SFI Gaseous CMG (Comprossad Natural Gas) engine_) ■ Suspension Package, Hand 1inglTrailering, heavy -duly includes 51mm tAin fube shock absorbers and 33mm front stabilizer bar * Pickup box, Ukfideside GV R, g500 lbs. 309 Kg) (Requires (L96) VorteC O,DL V8 SFI engine or (LC8) 6.OL 1I8 SFI Gaseous engine and 4WD.) • Air cleaner, hfgl wi- apaeity ■ Transfer case, with floor -mounted shifter (included with 4WD models Manly.) * Differential, heavy�duty lacking rear + 5our wheel drive + Coaling, axtarnaI engine oil cooler * Cooling, auxiliary external fransmission oil Gaoler * Battery, heavy-duty 72.0 cold -cranking ampsf$t} Amp-hr, maintenance -free with rundown protection and retained accessory pQwar Altemator, 150 amps ■ Frame, fully -boxed, hydrofarmad front section + Recovery hooks, front, frame�rndunteO, kxfack + Cargo fi$ downs (4}, mdvaf�fe upper (Requires (Efi5} pickup bcaxt.} (IVcxt ayaila,6fe with (7mfft) pickup box d+�lete.) * Steering, Recirculating Ball Report tartt (s baseet on current dafa version raferencetf. Any per{ormsnce-relafed calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM AutoBook, Data Version: 404.0. Data updated 9)1612015 0 Copyright 1966 2012 Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All rights reserved, Customer Pile: September 28, 2015 0gT08;42 AM Page 10 Prepared sy: Steve Paslawsky nary Lang Auto Group f107SRt31 McHenry, lL 60(}5l Phone; {B15} 38 2 fOQ spaslawsKy garylangaute,com U I Retal iqui 142 tIHC avCA1 r& e 1Ni�i V1fC Red 'I . ;3TAMDARD EQUIPMENT � 2015 Retail TK25903 4WD Reg Cab 933.6" • Brakes, �#-wheel a.ntilock, �-wheel disc wilh auraLife brake rrstars ■ Exhaust, aluminized stain[easmsteel muffler and tailpipe PRCJ CFS SING -OTHER ■ 2015 Interim Processing Code SAES * SfablliTr~a.k, stability control system with Proactive Roll Avoidance and traction con#cal includes electronic #caller sway control and hill start assist + Daytime Running Urnps with automatic &eXtenor [amp control Air bags, slnflfe-stage frontal and thorax side -impact, driver and front passenger, and head curtain side�lmpact, front and reef outboard seating positions (Always use safety belts and child restrainia. Children are safer when properly secured in a fees seat in the appropriate child restraint. See the Owners Manual for mare information_) + stir bag deactivation swifch, frontal passenger -side Tire Pressure Monitoring 5ystem does not apply to spare tire} Repotf intent is based Qn current data version referenced. An}rperform$nee-related �leulatians are ofFere�J solely as guidelines_ Actual unit perfcsnnsnce v�ill depend on your operating conditions. GPA Auto Book, Data Version. 404_1), Dafa updated 919512015 0 copyright 1986 20'I2 Chrome Bate Solutions, �P. All rights reserved, Custamer 1=i[e: �eptembar28, ;42AM Page 1l I�repared By: Sta4+e Paslawsky r3ary Lang Auto Group 11U7 S Rt'31 MHenry, IL s0450 phone: (815) 3155 22100 Emall, sp�slawsky t@garylangauto,com V'C1J UXULlaill Nltwo E" I ct ZWUHIJ cavancible A iFi OVA rltc�y du '1 3. " Tr\ S WEIGHT RATINGS - 2015 Retail TKZ5903 WO Reg Cab 133.6" Front �xrasa Axle �U�ight R�tlrtg: 4,��0.�0 Rear Gross Axla Woight Rating: 67200.00 Gross Vahlofe Weight Ruing: 9,500000 ReRart c4nter�t is based on ourrent vista �ersiorr reterence�t. Any perfflrman-relit �sl�uletions are offered solely as guidelines_ Actual unit peefannanog +n(tll depend ell your ��eratin0 ��,nditions. GM ,4uteBook, Pate Ver'sion: 404_01 Data updated 011512015 @ Copyright'1986-2092 Chrome Ci'aEa Solutions, LP. All rights reserved. Gusty mer Flle; Sepfemtrer28, 2t1�5 8;g8;42 AM Page 12 Prepared 6y; Steve Paslawsky nary Lang Auto Group 11Q7SRt31 Mc�[enry, (L 60050 Phone; (816) U15-2100 Email: spaslawsicy garyl2�ngsufo,ccm �15 Retail I I sierra 2 �HC av�a'rlak l 11ViFi 4V1 C I eg Cad e T 2 1RtlWEFtTRA(N -BASIC SF>=CIFICATCC�h1S � 2{11� R�kaii 7K2a943 4WD Reg Cab '13��" EPdGINE Engine t�rder Code Engine Type pisplar3ement SAE Net Horsepower @ RPM SAE Net Torque (Ib ft) @ RPM T�tAN5MIS51OH Trarismission orderoode TransmisSiOn Type Description Drips Train MIL1cA.GE City EPA fuel ecanorriy estimafe (MFG) { Wy EPA fuel economy estimafa (MPG) talky cruising range (mi) Hwy cruising range (mi} LgQ asEthanol V8 $_0U366 CID 360 @ .5400 380 @ 4200 tv1YD )eed Autcmatio Four Wheel Drive: * Indicates equipment which is in addition to ar replaces b�.so. model's sfands,r�i equipmenf. 1'tepvrt content is bas$d on Current dafa version referenced. Ar�y perfarrnance�rel�.#ed ealculatians era r�ftered solely a.s guidelines. Aortal unit performance will d�:pend on yourdperating eQnditionS, GM AuttrBook, Data Vetslon: 404.0,1'3ata updated 9l15J20"l5 O Copyright 11986-2012 Chrome Data Solutions, I.P. All rights reserved. GOstt�rr�er File: Sepfember 2S, 201� 8:47$:42 AhJi Page �� Prospered By: Stein Paslawslcy Gary Lang %ULO Group 4907SRt31 McHenry, IL 60050 Phone: t816}385-29(}tl Ern aii: spaslawsky garAangaufo.cam m o Retail %.7Mc slerra 4500FID avaliclu a 1 iFi � � R� �b '1 y6" TIC Pt71tUERTRAIN - ACiVANCED SPECIFI�ATtC7�IS - 2Q15 Retail TK��i�t}3 4VY� Rag Ca6'133,6� TR�4NSMlSEIt�N Gear Ratio {:1) Frrst Gear Ratio W) Second year Ratio (:1 } Third Gear Ratio (; t ) Fourt#t Gear Ratio (:1) Fifth Gear FGo (:1) Sixth Gear Ratio (;1) I ever.se Ratio (:I) Clutch size (in) Power Take i 7ff 3RAN9F)E=R CASE transfer case model wear Rafi a [:1 } Transter case high �e�.r ratio Tramifer case low gear ratio Transfer case power tale off �IFFEf2EPiT1AL Axle F�atla �,:1) ELECTRICAL Baft�ry PJaffery cold cranklrtg Amps a a F Alternator Alternator Amps A.f�3 2.3a 1.53 1.15 €1.85 OX 3.06 - T13a Front Rear 1 � 3 Total Craalin� system capaci#y Engine oil gaoler 'des Indicates equipment; which is in addition to or replaces base model's standard egLtiprnent_ Report content is based on current data version refsrencad. Any performance -related calculations are rafPered solely �s guidelines_ Actual uni# perFrarrrmce will depend on your operating conditions. GM AufoBook, Data Version: 404.0, Data updated ±311512018 (DCepyright 1988-20Q Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All rights resenfed_ Customer Fila: �eptemb$r �.8, 24I15 8;03:42 AM Rage 14 Prepared Eyd, Steve Paslawsky nary Larig Auto Group 1107 S Rt 31 McHenry, IL 60050 C�hone: (815) 385m21l)0 Email; spa stawsky&wyran gau to_ao m 015 Retail GMG sierra 250OHD avallable VV I 1 4VVU Keg UOID 1 3.U" EN O PA4YLOAI)fTRAILERING SPECIFICA.TfONS - 2015 Retail TK25903 4WC Reg Cats 133,5" 'WEIGHT II,I�'�DWud,ATl[]N Cross Axle Wt Ming ribs) Curb Weight (Ibs) Total Option Wight (Ibs) As Speed Curb Weight (lbs) As speed payload (lbs) Total Weight (lbs) Deserve Me Capacity (Ibs) 3ross Vehiele Wt Rating (lbs) 3ross Combined Wt Rating (Ibs) TRA1LEFtl NG Front Raar Total 00000 6,2.00.do 3,5MOO 2,519.0t1 61044600 0.00 0.00 O.Oa 6,525400 2,519.00 0,U44_90 3,4MOO 3,526.60 23519,00 %39+00 075.00 32661,00 43556.00 900,00 00 20, 500, 00 jr Vet. Max ionque Load C�aad Weight Hitch (Ik�s) 5,a04.[vtl 5t;'0.4C� 1Nelght Distributing Hifch k 3) 131OOU,Ot} 1, 60.60 Fifth Wheel Hitch (If S) 14,155.00 3,456.00 * indicates equipment which is in addition to or repfaces base model's standard equipment. Report content rs based ort current data �rersion referenced_ Any performance -related calculations ors offered solely as guidelines, Actual unit performance r�llf depend on your cperatin+� ce�nditic�ns_ G A+I Auto Book, Data Version: 404,G, Data updated 9f15}2015 0 Ccp}rright 1986-2012 Chrarne Data Solutions, LIP. All rfg4ts reserved. Customer FilVI S�piem%er 28, 2015 8:08;42 AM Page 15 4 Prepared By: Steve Pasfawsky G$r Lang Auto Croup 1107 S Rt 31 McHenry, IL 600660 Phone: (815) 385-2100 Eme.il: s pasf avvs ky@g ary[ang auto.co m Ulu RetLIil �11A� idle available I �1N[� Rig CHASSIS SPECIFICATtDNS - 2015 Detail TK25903 4WD Reg Cab 11=6" SUSpEtdSIC�N Front Rear Spring . Spring Type Independent Multkl.eaf Spring Opacity 4A00_00 602Oi G0 Axl6 Axle Type Independent Semi Fleafing Axle Capacity 41400M 61200,00 Shack Absorber Diameter (mm) OWN 51 woo Stabilizer Bar diameter (In) 1.31 3R AKES Brake typ a PWT ASS System 4-Wheel front Rear 'Disc YPS lies. Motor Diann x Thickness (in) - TBD - � TBD - Drurn Drum Diam x Wordth (in) TIRES Front Roan Spare Tire Order Code QHQ QHQ The Size LT246175R17E LT24517BR17E capacity -TBD - TBD - TBD Revolutions/Mi[e 45mph - TBD - - TBD - - TBD - EELS Front Rear Spare Wheel Size 17 x 7.5 17 x 7.6 17 x 7.5 Wheel Type Steel Steel Steel R�porE: content is basod pn current data version referenced. Any p�rfr�rmence-related calcUlatisans are cfFercd �dlely as guidelines. {tGtU�sl unit performance wolf depend crn your opera#ing raandifi4ns. CM Auto Book, Data Version: 404.0, Data updated 911512015 @ Copyright 1986-2012 Chrome Data Solutlons, I.P. All rights reserved. Customer File, September 28, 2015 8:€18:42 APut Page. 16 R Preparod wy. t v; Paslawsky Gary Lang Auto Oloup 1 07 5 fit 3l M l lenry, lt- 60050 Phone; (815)385-2900 Email; spaslawsky c@garylangauto,wm 0'1 R%;;-ptUI N4 ieera 2 [}{ FrL aVa�la le 1lViFi 1l D U 1 . CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS - 2015 Rail TK26003 4WD Reg Cato Mae" a�TEER�N� Steerint� tYRe Pwr f�atfa (11) On COnter - Tgd - At Lack - TBD Tuming Diameter Curb -to -Curb 48.90 ~Nall-tomwoll NIA FUEL TAhIFt Main Auxiliary Gapacay 3Q_V0 Location , TOD - " Indicates equipmwi which is in addition to or roplaoes base model's standard equipment. Deport content is b��ad Qn current data version r�fcronc4:�. Any performance-r�laYect calculations are Q#fered salal�+ as guid�lin Actual unit performance i(I depend on your oparatiflg oanditlons_ Gfw+9 AutoBoolc, Data Version: 404.0, Data updated 9f15}2015 C©pyrig4t198'j-2012 Chrome Data Solutions, LP. All rights reserved_ Customer Filo: Sep#emlaer 282i}15 ;42 Agri Prepared t5y: Stave Pas Iawsky mar}+ Lang Auto Group 17 07 S Rt 31 1�9cHen1 y3 E�hane: (816) 385�210o Email; sp asl�skyga I'yF� n gs uto_ rom f'[ Riitl ier�QQHCriEable [Filtil[ Red dab 3 ." �LCl�,IN`fAL S�E�JG'�A T�N`� DIMENSIONS - 2015 Retatl TIK25903 4WD Reg Gab 1316" E]+CTERtGk 171MEf�S1ONS Wheelbase (in} Length, Overall w10 roar bumper (in) Width, Maxwla mirrors (in) } Ieight, Overa[[ (in) Aver h ang Overhang, Fronk r ant Bumper to Book of dab (in) Gab to Axle (in) Oab to End of Fram$ (in). Ground to Tap of Load Floor (in) ground to Top of rrame (in) Frame Width, Rear (in) Ground Clearance Ground Clearance, front ground Ofearance, F�aar OARtaE► AREA T31Mi1ENS({]NS Oarga Box L�ng1h Floor (ink Width Cargo Box Width aTap, 1'�ear Cargo Box Width {c� Floor Cargo Box Width g Vhrheelhousings Cargo Rex {Area) Height ([n) 'a'Igate Widfh (in) Oargo Volume (fla) �xt'd Cats Cargo Volume (fV) INTERIOR DtMEldsl[lt1B t 33.i5 [7 22A_43 60A 2 77.76 y TBLd - 8,78 5,78 �1BD- 51.03 21,22 - TB1) 76e3o Report own is based on current data �+eraian referenced. Any perfarmanGe-related calculatlQns are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend an yaurtrperat[ng aandi#iar�. . PM AukoBoak, Data Version, 404,0, Dafa updated 9I7512095 0Copyright '[988-2a12 Chrome Data Solutions, I.P. All rights reserved. Gusfomer File; S$laf$mber28207�6:08:42A[vt Page 18 Prepared By. Stew Paslawsky Gay Lang Auto Group 1 I €77 S Rt 31 McHenry, IL BOOaO Rhone; {645 38-10 �m ail: spasfowskyfz,gar langautca.corn U15 ReLall Ulht6f sierra 40UUFID clvcl ably Vlfi�I R 3�.G" DIMENSIONS w 2015 Retail TK25903 4WD Reg Giab 133.641 SNTERIOR aIM�NSItJJNS Fassenerapaoity 3 Seating Position Rront Head Room (In) 42M Leg Room (bi) 45,27 Shouide'r Room (in) M03 Hip Room (in) 61.22 lndiates equipment'�nlhi coh is in jadditien to or replaces Case model's standard equipment. Report cenfentis 1�ased an eurren# data �r$rslon referenced. Any perFarmartee�relsted caloUlations era rafFered solely �� guidelines. ,4ctr�sl unit performance will depend an your operating conditions. GM AutoBook, DaEaVersion_ 404.0. Oiat updated 9F75l2015 0 Copydgbt 1986.2012 Chrome Data Scslutions, LP. All rights reservers_ Customer File: Sepfernber 28, 2015 &'08:42 AM Wage 19 DATE: TO: FROM: RE: ATT: Office of the City Administrator Derik Morefield, City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center CONSENT AGENDA October 19, 2015 Mayor and City Council Derik Morefield, City Administrator No Parking on Knox Drive Ordinance and Site Map 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us This past year, the city completed the construction of the Knox Drive extension from Municipal Drive to a terminus near Charles J. Miller Road. The connection of Knox Drive to Charles J. Miller Road will be completed as part of the McHenry County Department of Transportation Charles J. Miller Road improvements, anticipated for late 2015 or early 2016. To enhance the safety of motorists and the city's emergency vehicles traveling on Knox Drive, staff proposes an amendment to the Traffic Control Ordinance creating no parking zones on both sides of Knox Drive from Charles J. Miller Road north to Park Place. Knox Drive between Municipal Drive north to Charles J. Miller Road was constructed to facilitate traffic turning off or heading to Charles Miller Road; it was not constructed to accommodate parking as that portion of the roadway. Grade changes and curves on Knox Drive south between Municipal Drive and Park Place make it difficult for motorists to see vehicles that may be parked on the roadway. In addition, parked vehicles on Knox Drive would disrupt the flow of traffic on Saturdays when vehicles lineup on Knox Drive waiting to enter the yard waste drop off. Therefore, if Council concurs, then a motion is recommended to approve the attached Ordinance amending the City of McHenry Traffic Control Ordinance to establish "No Parking" on Knox Drive as presented. ORDINANCE NO. MC-13- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 13 TRAFFIC AND MOTOR VEHICLES OF THE CITY OF MCHENR Y MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1: That Section 13-608 NO PARKING AT ANY TIME shall be amended by adding the following language: KNOX DRIVE on both sides of the street from Park Place to Charles J. Miller Road SECTION 3: Any person, firm, or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be fined not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Seven Hundred, Fifty Dollar ($750.00) for each offense committed on each day during, or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this 19"' day of SEPTEMBER 2015. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Not Voting: Abstaining: Absent: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor �ARi41N LA3dE O LU z Y M C HENRY POLICE HANK DRIVE --- -- _ J— MUMC PAL DRIVE 6L Copyright County of McHenry 2015. w BULL vALLex R«Ar., All information is provided 'as -is' with no — - guarantee of accuracy, completeness, or currency. Page 1 of 1 Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: October 19, 2015 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: Well #9 Repairs ATT: Water Well Solutions Invoice and Proposals for Well #9 repairs BACKGROUND: On Tuesday, September 22"d, 2015 at approximately 11:00 am, Water Division staff received an alarm from the SCADA system indicating a pump failure to well #9 located at North Oak Park. Well #9 is one of two wells that provide raw water to Water Treatment Plant #4 located on Pine Drive. Staff attempted to reset the electrical breaker but the well continued to fail. On Wednesday morning, Water Well Solutions of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin dispatched a crew to diagnose the problem. They determined that a weld on the column pipe attached to the pitless adapter failed, causing the pump and motor to fall to the bottom of the well. Water Well Solutions' staff returned the next day to remove the pump and motor to determine the extent of the required repairs. Once the pump and motor were removed from the well, they were found to be completely destroyed. ANALYSIS: Staff received the following proposals for new equipment to be reinstalled into the well. Staff is also recommending the option of having the column pipe disassembled and inspected: • Water Well Solutions, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin - $41,984.25 • Layne Water Resources, Aurora, Illinois - $43,001.00 The attached invoice includes emergency removal and inspection of the pump and motor of well #9 from Water Well Solutions of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. The invoice also includes the replacement spool required for the pitless adaptor. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to approve payment to Water Well Solutions of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin for well #9 emergency pull and inspection in the amount of $18,230.00 and to accept the attached proposal from Water Well Solutions of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin in the amount of $41,984.25. WATER WELL SOLUTIONS Illinois Division, LLC. Elburn, IL 60119 888-769-9009; fax 920-4744771 Web: www,wwssg.com Customer: City of McHenry 1401 Beach Rd, McHenry, IL 60050 Attn: Mike Palmer Project Engineer: Todd E. Kerry JiilitY Servi r As of Date: 10/7/2015 Project #: 133539 Task#: 1.01 PO #: Final or Progress: Final Qty Description Unit Price TOTAL 1 Mobilization of Large Pump Hoist, Tools & Equipment 500.00 $500,00 10 Hrs labor on 9/23/15 to mobilize to site with a (2) man pump crew, 350.00 $3,500,00 begin Pulling Well No. 9 and found pitless seperated. Start Fishing efforts for lost pumping equipment 10.5 Hrs labor on 9/24/15 for a (2) man pump service crew, fish out 350.00 $3,675,00 pumping equipment with spear, demobilize from site and return 1 Investigational Downhole Television Survey 1,650.00 $1,650,00 1 Spring Latch Custom Fabricated Fishing Tool 750.00 $750000 1 12" Baker Replacement Spool Piece for PS1618 With 8" MPT Drop 77600000 $7,600,00 Pipe 3 Hrs Shop Fabrication for Welder to Well Pull Piece to Pitless Spool 185.00 $555,00 Well No. 9 Emergency Pull & Inspection Invoice Subtotal $18,230.00 Tax Total Due $18,230.00 Water Wetf saluHms A DIVISION OF UTILITY SERVICE GROUP Illinois Division, LLC 710B Herra Street Elburn, IL 60119 888-769-9009 fax 9204744771 PROPOSAL TO Date 9/29/2016 Job Name Company: City of McHenry Well No. 9 Repairs Address: 1415 Industrial Dr. 11 CLC - 7 Stage Xylem Bowl City: McHenry, IL 60050 Attention: Mike Palmer Phone: E-mail: mnaImerlc'�r.cl.mchenry.il.us Fax: Qty Description Unit Price TOTAL 1 Mobilization of Large Pump Service Rig $500.00 $500.00 1 175Hp 460v, 1760RPM, 10" Hitachi Submersible Motor $24,113000 $24,113400 1 11CLC - 7 Stage Submersible Bowl Assembly Rated for $9,080000 $9,080500 800gpm @ 308' TDH 83.8% Efficiency & Stainless Steel Impellers 1 Submersible Motor Splice Kit $260900 $260000 165 Ft 1/Oawg Heavy Duty Submersible Pump Cable $10.25 $1,691425 10 I Hrs Labor with a 2 man pump crew and equipment to install Well $350.00 ; $31500.00 No. 9's pumping equipment and conduct 2hr performance test 1 Misc. Tape, Banding, Chlorine, and 1/4"-1000psi Dual Airlines $350.00 $360.00 Option; 1 -Mobilize Crane to Site to Demob and Remob column pipe $2,500.00 1 - Cut & Thread Column pipe (Per End) $110000 1 - 8" API Line Couplings (each) $165800 1 - Non -Witnessed Bowl Flow Testing at Factory $2,066.00 NOTE ON MATERIAL PRICES: The material prices noted above are based on current market prices. The price for steel, and other materials are volatile. Therefore, we must reserve the right to adjust the above material prices based on market pricing the date your order is signed and returned to us. In order to hold the current pricing, it will be necessary to immediately order the materials. Further, Water Well Solutions will bill for the materials so ordered at the same time. Your signature below constitutes agreement to be billed for those materials ordered and Is your further agreement to pay, within within 30 days of invoice date, for those materials ordered, Total Amount Proposed $39,484.25 CLIENT The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. Water Well Solutions is authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made within thirty (30) days of invoice date, or as outline above. BY: DATE: WATER WELL SOLUTIONS ILLINOIS DIVISION LLC All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed In a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any aileratlon ar deviation from above specifications Involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders and will become an extra charge over and above this proposal. All agreements are upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fir tornado a other insurance. BY; DATE: 9 W ATEfl `.11 AiF RAl EN ER fiN October 6, 2015 City of McHenry, IL Attn: Mr. Mike Palmer, 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 Water Superintendent RE: Well No. 9 -Repairs/Reinstallation Revised Dear Mr. Palmer: Per our recent discussion, please find this proposal at your request for repairs to Well No.9 for the City of Mchenry. As Layne understands, this well experienced a break in the weld of the pitless adapter unit and existing pumping assembly fell to the bottom of the well recently. The pumping assembly was removed from the well by another well contractor and found damage to the motor and bowl assembly. Layne is submitting this proposal to include a new 75HP 3 phase 460 Volt 1760 RPM Hitachi Motor and new Xylem Pump 11CLC 7-stage bowl assembly to meet 800 gallons per minute at WS feet total dynamic head (TDH) including 1/0 AWG power cable and reinstallation of the pumping equipment. Included is also a 1.5 hour pump test to verify the pumping equipment is working per manufacturer's specifications. I have included within this proposal optional items for your consideration when comparing against other proposals. While the column pipe was onsite and I was able to visually inspect the top half, a full inspection of the column pipe could not be completed. During that look, I could see damage to threading on at least two pieces of pipe that should be considered for cutting and rethreading. This proposal does not include any repairs to the existing column pipe. Layne understands that the new pidess adapter internals have been ordered and those are not being considered for this proposal. Layne understands the current pump setting depth to be around 155 feet including pitless depth based on the 7 pieces of column pipe sitting on the ground during the site visit. Layne will install the new assembly to this depth and will not add/subtract any column depth. WATER RESOURCES 721 W. Illinois Avenue, Aurora, IL 60506 � Office: 630-897-6941 � Fax: 630-897-6976 � layne.com 1 McHenry Well No. 9 Repair/Installation Item Qty Unit Unit Cost Extension 1 Mobilization of Large Pump Rig 1 LS $2,200.00 $2,200600 2 75 HP, 460 V,1760 RPM Hitachi Motor 1 EA $267152000 $267152000 3 Xylem 11 CLC 7-stage bowl assembly 1 Ea $67884.00 $67884000 4 1/0 AWG pump power cable 155 Ft $11.00 $1,705000 5 Small pump rig and 2 man crew 10 Hrs $358.00 $3,580.00 6 Mis. Tape, Banding, chlorine 1 LS $125000 $125000 7 (2) N" PVC airlines 1 LS $75.00 $75.00 REPAIRS — TOTAL = $40,721.00 8 Optional Items Flatbed crane and 2 man crew (i e pick u 6 Hrs $380000 $21280.00 Cut & Thread pipe end (per end) 2 Ea $195000 $390600 8" API Line couplings 1 Ea $187.00 $187.00 New 8" T&zC Black Column pipe - Ft $47.00 $0.00 Epoxy coating (in/out) - Ft $25.00 $0.00 The motor and bowls will have a 2-3 week lead time from receipt of order placed by Layne. Layne proposes to complete this project on a time and materials basis. The actual hours and materials used will be billed in accordance with the rates above. Billings will be submitted on a monthly basis. Payment is expected within 30 days of review and approval of our pay estimate. Layne has made the following assumptions on this proposal: • All pumping equipment removed from the well by others will be returned to the Site and will not require additional effort on the part of Layne to pick up materials from other contractors. • Test pumping will be completed over the top of the well to a discharge location deemed appropriate by the City. • Layne will not be responsible for any landscape damage due to the driving of equipment on park grounds • No bacterial sampling will be completed by Layne after testing pumping is completed. • The proposal does not include any column pipe repairs. The City can determine while Layne what additional repairs would be required prior to setting pump. • This proposal is presented whole and cannot be modified without approval from Layne. Layne appreciates the opportunity to bid on this work and once again work with the City of McHenry on this project. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the proposal above please do not hesitate to contact me. I can always be reached either in the office at 630.897.6941 or on my mobile at 630.809.2707. Sincerely yours, Brian M. Snelten, P.G. Project Manager Layne Christensen Company Attachment 1: Layne Terms and Conditions Proposal Accepted By: Signature Name Title Date DATE: O: T FROM: RE: ATT: Office of the City Administrator Derik Morefield, City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center CONSENT AGENDA October 19, 2015 Mayor and City Council Derik Morefield, City Administrator Old Town Pizza Liquor License Correspondence from Brian Burkus Ordinance 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us On July 20, 2015, the City Council approved an application for a Class H liquor license from Brian Burkus d/b/a Old Town Pizza of McHenry for the location at 514 S Route 31. Mr. Burkus intended to move his business to 514 S Route 31 and expand operations from a take-out only pizzeria to a restaurant serving beer and wine. Recently, staff was notified by Mr. Burkus that he will not be moving to 514 S Route 31. He has relinquished the Class H liquor license and has asked if the City Council would reimburse the liquor license fee. Total fees paid by Mr. Burkus include $38 for a fingerprinting and $700 for the Class LT liquor license annual fee. Staff does not recommend reimbursement of the $38 rinting fee as the city p is charged by the State of Illinois for this service. If Council concurs, then a motion is requ ested to provide direction to staff on reimbursement of the $700 liquor license fee and approval of the attached Ordinance reducing the number of Class H liquor licenses from five to four. r1lard Geraghty From: brian burkus [bburkust7a ameritech.neq Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 12:34 PM To: Marci Geraghty Subject: Old Town Pizza Good Afternoon Thank you for taking the time with me today. I am gg you full permission to relinguish the Liquor License that was recently applied for. We acknowledge the protocol and look foward in following procedure. Again - I appreciate your time and direction on this matter Regards Brian Burkus Old Town Pizza & Catering Co ORDINANCE NO, MC45- AN ORDINANCE Decreasing number of Class H Liquor Licenses (Old Town Pizza) WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, McHENRY COUNTYILLINOIS , 5 as follows: SECTION 1: Section 4-6(7) of the Municipal Code relating to liquor license classifications is hereby amended by decreasing the number of Class "H" Liquor Licenses from five (5) to four (4). SECTION 3: All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof, be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5.: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this 19t1' day of October 2015. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Not Voting: Abstaining: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor AS -NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 10/19/15 100 100-04-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 14.02 09/04/2015 100 1W22-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 3.51 09/04/2015 100 100-22-3537 CABLE, STEVEN 300 09/14/2015 100 1 00-22-51 10 CABLE, STEVEN 205 09/14/2015 100 100-01-6940 MUNICIPAL CLERKS OF LAKE COUNTY 30 09/14/2015 100 100-04-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 5.39 09/18/2015 100 100-22-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 8.32 09/18/2015 100 10041-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 4.36 09/18/2015 100 10043-5320 AT&T 86.02 09/22/2015 100 100-01-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 189.16 09/22/2015 100 100-22-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 0.3 09/22/2015 100 100-33-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 0.96 09/22/2015 100 10041-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 0.34 09/22/2015 100 10042-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 0.1 09/22/2015 100 10045-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 0.44 09/22/2015 510 510-32-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 0.68 09/22/2015 100 100-22-5440 COLUMBIA COLLEGE 780 09/22/2015 100 100-00-3410 EXPERT ROOFING 25 09/22/2015 600 600-00-3653 HESTER, EUGENE 765.37 09/22/2015 215 215-00-6110 SECRETARY OF STATE 10 09/22/2015 510 510-32-5510 COMED 169.57 09/30/2015 100 100-04-5310 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL 2401.12 09/30/2015 100 100-00-6210 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 41 09/30/2015 100 100-00-6210 STAPLES ADVANTAGE A 94.92 09/30/2015 100 100-22-6210 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 194.92 09/30/2015 100 100-22-6210 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 221.51 09/30/2015 100 100-00-6210 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 6.49 09/30/2015 100 100-01-6210 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 9.59 09/30/2015 100 100-02-6210 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 57.99 09/30/2015 100 100-22-6210 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 39.96 09/30/2015 100 100-30-6210 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 31.49 09/30/2015 100 100-33-6210 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 69.45 09/30/2015 100 10041-6210 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 117.23 09/30/2015 100 10045-6210 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 47.97 09/30/2015 5642.34 FUND 100 TOTAL 4696.72 FUND 215 TOTAL 10 FUND 510 TOTAL 170.25 FUND 600 TOTAL 765.37 TOTAL 5642.34 _ Expense Approval Register McHenry, IL LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/19/15 Vendor Name' Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 100-01-6110 SUPPLIES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 20.59 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 114.20 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 100-42-6110 SUPPLIES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 2.69 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 269.84 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 510-31-6110 SUPPLIES SEPT 2015A 10/19/2015 151.52 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES SEPT 2015A 10/19/2015 384.00 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 510-35-6110 SUPPLIES SEPT 2015A 10/19/2015 18.43 Vendor ACE HARDWARE, WORKMAN'S Total: 961.27 Vendor: ACE TOWING & RECOVERY ACE TOWING & RECOVERY 100-33-5370 TOWING SERVICES 9/2015 10/19/2015 45.00 Vendor ACE TOWING & RECOVERY Total: 45.00 Vendor: ADAMS MEMORIALS & MEMORABLE GIFTS ADAMS MEMORIALS & 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 770826 10/19/2015 125.00 Vendor ADAMS MEMORIALS & MEMORABLE GIFTS Total: 125.00 Vendor: ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 328012 10/19/2015 16.20 Vendor ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC Total: 16.20 Vendor: ALLIED INSURANCE PAYMENT CENTER ALLIED INSURANCE PAYMENT 610-00-5960 NOTARY BOND 7900732670 10/19/2015 50.00 Vendor ALLIED INSURANCE PAYMENT CENTER Total: 50.00 Vendor: AMELIO, ROBERT AMELIO, ROBERT 100-47-5110 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES 9/21/15-10/2/15 10/19/2015 235.00 Vendor AMELIO, ROBERT Total: 235.00 Vendor: AQUAFIX AQUAFIX 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 16723 10/19/2015 262.94 Vendor AQUAFIX Total: 262.94 Vendor: ARAMARK ARAMARK 100-33-4510 EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW 16468641 10/19/2015 201.83 Vendor ARAMARK Total: 201.83 Vendor: AT&T AT&T 100-33-5515 ALARM CIRCUITS 10/1-10/31/15 10/19/2015 86.55 AT&T 100-01-5320 CENTREX LINES 10/4/15-11/3/15 10/19/2015 375.84 AT&T 100-02-5320 CENTREX LINES 10/4/15-11/3/15 10/19/2015 44.18 AT&T 100-22-5320 CENTREX LINES 10/4/15-11/3/15 10/19/2015 536.51 AT&T 100-30-5320 CENTREX LINES 10/4/15-11/3/15 10/19/2015 44.18 AT&T 100-33-5320 CENTREX LINES 10/4/15-11/3/15 10/19/2015 133.63 AT&T 100-41-5320 CENTREX LINES 10/4/15-11/3/15 10/19/2015 88.37 AT&T 100-42-5320 CENTREX LINES 10/4/15-11/3/15 10/19/2015 44.23 AT&T 100-43-5320 CENTREX LINES 10/4/15-11/3/15 10/19/2015 44.18 AT&T 100-44-5320 CENTREX LINES 10/4/15-11/3/15 10/19/2015 88.37 AT&T 100-45-5320 CENTREX LINES 10/4/15-11/3/15 10/19/2015 133.67 AT&T 620-00-5110 CENTREX LINES 10/4/15-11/3/15 10/19/2015 64.95 AT&T 100-22-5320 ALARM CIRCUITS 10/4-11/3/15 10/19/2015 90.66 AT&T 100-43-5320 ALARM CIRCUITS 10/4-11/3/15 10/19/2015 83.77 AT&T 100-45-5320 ALARM CIRCUITS 10/4-11/3/15 10/19/2015 44.14 AT&T 100-46-5320 ALARM CIRCUITS 10/4-11/3/15 10/19/2015 44.13 AT&T 510-31-5320 CENTREX LINES 10/4-11/3/15A 10/19/2015 265.10 AT&T 510-32-5320 CENTREX LINES 10/4-11/3/15A 10/19/2015 267.38 Vendor AT&T Total: 2,47%84 10/14/2015 12:51:08 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00228 - VEHICLE REPAIRS Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: AUTO TECH CENTERS INC AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 100-45-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 265971 10/19/2015 257.26 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 100-03-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 265978 10/19/2015 355.04 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 510-31-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 266220 10/19/2015 v 339.60 Vendor AUTO TECH CENTERS INC Total: 951.90 Vendor: B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTEGRATION B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS 510-31-5110 IT-SCADA 0182134 10/19/2015 632.18 Vendor B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTEGRATION Total: 632.18 Vendor: BAKER & SON CO, PETER BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 37098MB 10/19/2015 11953,15 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 37343MB 10/19/2015 21363,07 Vendor BAKER & SON CO, PETER Total: 41316.22 Vendor: BEGGS, KEVIN BEGGS, KEVIN 510-32-5430 REIM B TRAVEL EXP INV0001072 10/19/2015 16.50 Vendor BEGGS, KEVIN Total: 16.50 Vendor: BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 0164079-IN 10/19/2015 21760.00 BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 0164080-IN 10/19/2015 3,390.00 Vendor BONNELL INDUSTRIES INC Total: 6,150.00 Vendor: BRENNAN, DAN BRENNAN, DAN 100-03-5110 MOWING SERVICES 9/24/15 10/19/2015 840.00 Vendor BRENNAN, DAN Total: 840.00 Vendor: BUNDY AUDIO BUNDYAUDIO 100-45-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3607 10/19/2015 11975.00 Vendor BUNDY AUDIO Total: 11975.00 Vendor: CABAY & COMPANY INC CABAY & COMPANY INC 100-01-6110 SUPPLIES 54253 10/19/2015 90.00 Vendor CABAY & COMPANY INC Total: 90.00 Vendor: CAMPBELL, MARIA BETH CAMPBELL, MARIA BETH 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC INSTRUCTOR 9/17/15-10/1/15 10/19/2015 80.00 Vendor CAMPBELL, MARIA BETH Total: 80.00 Vendor: CENTEGRA MCHENRY EMS CENTEGRA MCHENRY EMS 100-22-5430 CPR CARDS 10/12/15 10/19/2015 110.00 Vendor CENTEGRA MCHENRY EMS Total: 110.00 Vendor: CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 MEDICALSERVICES 158346 10/19/2015 127.00 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 MEDICALSERVICES 159206 10/19/2015 80.36 Vendor CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Total: 207.36 Vendor: CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY CI NTAS FIRST Al D & SAFETY 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 5003781802 10/19/2015 12.26 Vendor CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY Total: 12.26 Vendor: COMCAST CABLE COMCAST CABLE 620-00-5110 INTERNET 10/4/15-11/03/15 10/19/2015 162.85 COMCAST CABLE 620-00-5110 INTERNET 10/4/15-11/3/15 10/19/2015 82.90 COMCAST CABLE 620-00-5110 CABLETV 10/8/15-11/7/15 10/19/2015 29.46 COMCAST CABLE 620-00-5110 CABLE TV 10/11/15-11/10/15 10/19/2015 127.81 COMCAST CABLE 620-00-5110 CABLE TV 10/12/15-11/11/15 10/19/2015 110.93 Vendor COMCAST CABLE Total: 513.95 Vendor: COMED COMED 100-33-5520 UTILITIES 8/25/15-9/24/15 10/19/2015 31.17 COMED 100-45-5510 UTILITIES 8/25/15-9/24/15 10/19/2015 1.45 COMED 510-31-5510 UTILITITES 8/25-9/24/15 10/19/2015 314.54 COMED 510-32-5510 UTILITITES 8/25-9/24/15 10/19/2015 139.26 COMED 510-31-5510 PUMPING FEES 8/27/15-9/28/15 10/19/2015 304.28 COMED 510-32-5510 PUMPING FEES 8/27/15-9/28/15 10/19/2015 1,339.30 Vendor COMED Total: 21130X0 10/14/2015 12:51:08 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00228 - REIMB SUPPLIES Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: CONAWAY, TINA CONAWAY, TINA 100-01-6110 REIMBSUPPLIES INV0001073 10/19/2015 11104 Vendor CONAWAY, TINA Total: 112.04 Vendor: CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES 8/21/15-9/23/15 10/19/2015 221,52 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES 8/25/15-9/25/15 10/19/2015 21,474,51 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-44-5510 UTILITIES 8/25/15-9/25/15 10/19/2015 54.63 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-45-5510 UTILITIES 8/25/15-9/25/15 10/19/2015 456,56 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-46-5510 UTILITIES 8/25/15-9/25/15 10/19/2015 2390 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 510-31-5510 PUMPING FEES 8/27/15-9/27/15 10/19/2015 10,63331 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 510-32-5510 PUMPING FEES 8/27/15-9/27/15 10/19/2015 23,563,99 Vendor CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC Total: 56,428442 Vendor: CORKSCREW GYMNASTICS & SPORTS ACADEMY CORKSCREW GYMNASTICS & 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 233 10/19/2015 843425 Vendor CORKSCREW GYMNASTICS & SPORTS ACADEMY Total: 843425 Vendor: CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 100-33-6115 SUPPLIES S501030894.001 10/19/2015 343,45 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES S501086092.001 10/19/2015 23,02 Vendor CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO Total: 366.47 Vendor: CUMMINS NPOWER LLC CUMMINS NPOWER LLC 610-00-5980 GENERATOR REPAIRS 711-19032 10/19/2015 948,30 Vendor CUMMINS NPOWER LLC Total: 948.30 Vendor: CURRAN MATERIALS COMPANY CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 9969 10/19/2015 30.00 CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 9994 10/19/2015 30,00 CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 10032 10/19/2015 11463,40 CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 10062 10/19/2015 11699,20 CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 10078 10/19/2015 165,60 CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 10083 10/19/2015 727.20 CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 10107 10/19/2015 11603,28 CURRAN MATERIALS 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 9982 10/19/2015 223,44 Vendor CURRAN MATERIALS COMPANY Total: 5194112 Vendor: CUSHING SYSTEMS INC CUSHING SYSTEMS INC 620-00-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CAI-2015-18 10/19/2015 51812,00 Vendor CUSHING SYSTEMS INC Total: 5,812.00 Vendor: D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 0789044/0789166 10/19/2015 3300 Vendor D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING Total• 33400 Vendor: DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 1981687 10/19/2015 21.36 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS 510-32-5375 REPAIRS 1983168 10/19/2015 293,92 Vendor DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC Total: 31518 Vendor: DUNN, TAMMY DUNN, TAMMY 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 10/6/15 10/19/2015 15,00 Vendor DUNN, TAMMY Total: 15.00 Vendor: DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE 100-01-6110 SUPPLIES 380124 10/19/2015 44,80 Vendor DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE Total: 44980 Vendor: ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MUFFLER SHOP ED'SAUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS SEPT2015 10/19/2015 78,00 Vendor ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MUFFLER SHOP Total: 78.00 Vendor: ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 149681-1 10/19/2015 150400 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 149849-1 10/19/2015 4100 Vendor ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC Total: 192000 10/14/2015 12:51:08 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: ELECTRONIC ENTRY SYSTEMS INC ELECTRONIC ENTRY SYSTEMS 100-45-6110 Vendor: FAMILYTAILOR SHOP FAMILY TAILOR SHOP 100-22-4510 Vendor: FGM ARCHITECTS FGM ARCHITECTS 400-00-8200 Vendor: FISCHER BROS FRESH FISCHER BROS FRESH 510-35-6110 Vendor: FLORES, JILL M FLORES, JILL M 100-47-5110 Vendor: FOX VALLEY FIRE &SAFETY FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY 225-00-5110 Vendor: GESKE AND SONS INC GESKE AND SONS INC 100-33-6110 GESKE AND SONS INC 510-35-6110 Vendor: GLICK, DANIEL GLICK, DANIEL 100-47-5110 Vendor: GOETTSCHE, NICHOLAS GOETTSCHE, NICHOLAS 100-33-4510 Vendor: GREVE, CODY GREVE, CODY 100-47-5110 Vendor: GRISWOLD INDUSTRIES GRISWOLD INDUSTRIES 510-31-6110 Vendor: GROWER EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY GROWER EQUIPMENT & 100-33-5370 Vendor: HARM'S FARM HARM'S FARM 100-45-6110 Vendor: HAWKINS INC HAWKINS INC 510-31-6110 HAWKINS INC 510-32-611C Vendor: HIGH P51 LTD HIGH PSI LTD 510-32-6110 Vendor: HOBSON, BILL HOBSON, BILL 100-01-6940 Vendor: HOPP, SHELLY HOPP, SHELLY 100-22-4510 Description (Item) SUPPLIES Packet: APPKT00228 -SUPPLIES Payable Number Post Date Amount 201405985 10/19/2015 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 331449 MCHENRY REC CENTER 14-1800.01-13 MATERIALS 5817 PAR 9/9/15-9/30/15 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 938603 MATERIALS MATERIALS SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW INV0001102 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIRS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMB SAM'S CLUB 33877 34180 Vendor ELECTRONIC ENTRY SYSTEMS INC Total: 10/19/2015 Vendor FAMILY TAILOR SHOP Total: 10/19/2015 Vendor FGM ARCHITECTS Total: 10/19/2015 Vendor FISCHER BROS FRESH Total: 10/19/2015 Vendor FLORES, JILL M Total: 10/19/2015 Vendor FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY Total: 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 Vendor GESKE AND SONS INC Total: 9/21/15-10/2/15 10/19/2015 Vendor GLICK, DANIEL Total: 10/19/2015 Vendor GOETTSCHE, NICHOLAS Total: 9/21/15-10/2/15 10/19/2015 674773 59194 22580 3780224 RI 3783682 RI INV0001074 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW INV0001075 Vendor GREVE, CODY Total: 10/19/2015 Vendor GRISWOLD INDUSTRIES Total: 10/19/2015 Vendor GROWER EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY Total: 10/19/2015 Vendor HARM'S FARM Total: 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 Vendor HAWKINS INC Total: 10/19/2015 Vendor HIGH PSI LTD Total: 10/19/2015 Vendor HOBSON, BILL Total: 10/19/2015 Vendor HOPP, SHELLY Total: 612.08 612.08 38.50 38.50 51744,00 5,744.00 803.00 803.00 121.88 121.88 41662,00 4/662900 392.00 295.36 687,36 184.00 184.00 251.40 251.40 172.50 2,111.00 2,111.00 I 36.41 391.90 391.90 1,951.54 632.18 2,583.72 45.00 45.00 232.72 232.72 10/14/2015 12:51:08 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00228 - MESSAGE ON HOLD SERVICE Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: ILLINOIS AUDIO PRODUCTIONS ILLINOIS AUDIO PRODUCTIONS 620-00-5110 MESSAGE ON HOLD SERVICE 101591 10/19/2015 135.00 Vendor ILLINOIS AUDIO PRODUCTIONS Total: 135.00 Vendor: ILLINOIS DEPT OF AGRICULTURE ILLINOIS DEPT OF 100-22-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5C999024 10/19/2015 400.00 Vendor ILLINOIS DEPT OF AGRICULTURE Total• �. 400.00 Vendor: ILLINOIS FBI NA ILLINOIS FBI NA 100-22-5430 MONTHLY LUNCHEON OCT 2015 10/19/2015 75.00 Vendor ILLINOIS FBI NA Total: 75.00 Vendor: ILLINOIS FIRE & POLICE ILLINOIS FIRE & POLICE 100-21-5410 POLICE COMM MEMBERSHIP OCT 12015 10/19/2015 375.00 Vendor ILLINOIS FIRE & POLICE Total: 375.00 Vendor: ILLINOIS TRUCK ENFORCEMENT ASSOC ILLINOIS TRUCK ENFORCEMENT 100-22-5410 ]TEA MEMBERSHIP INV0001076 10/19/2015 100.00 Vendor ILLINOIS TRUCK ENFORCEMENT ASSOC Total: 100.00 Vendor: INTEGRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC INTEGRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 100-41-6210 SUPPLIES INV68042 10/19/2015 66.40 Vendor INTEGRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC Total: 66.40 Vendor: INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000192038 10/19/2015 44.56 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000229423 10/19/2015 171.71 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 510-32-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 3000304594 10/19/2015 435.81 Vendor INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC Total: 652.08 Vendor: IRISH PRAIRIE RECREATIONAL CENTER IRISH PRAIRIE RECREATIONAL 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 9/14/15-9/18/15 10/19/2015 375.00 Vendor IRISH PRAIRIE RECREATIONAL CENTER Total: 375.00 Vendor: JONES, JOHN JONES,JOHN 100-22-6210 SUPPLY REIMB INV0001103 10/19/2015 7.51 Vendor JONES, JOHN Total: 7.51 Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST KIMBALL MIDWEST 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 4468429 10/19/2015 689.79 KIMBALL MIDWEST 510-35-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 4480713 10/19/2015 287.50 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWEST Total: 977.29 Vendor: LANDMARK CONTRACTORS INC LANDMARK CONTRACTORS INC 290-00-5110 PHASE 2A.1/PHASE 2A.2 86130082,06 10/19/2015 10,149,00 Vendor LANDMARK CONTRACTORS INC Total: 10,149.00 Vendor: LANGE, MICHAEL LANGE, MICHAEL 510-35-5430 CDL REIMB INV0001079 10/19/2015 60.00 Vendor LANGE, MICHAELTotal: 60.00 Vendor: LAPORTE, MATT LAPORTE, MATT 100-41-5420 REIMB TRAVEL EXPENSES INV0001078 10/19/2015 23.00 Vendor LAPORTE, MATT Total: 23.00 Vendor: LEXISNEXIS LEXISNEXIS 100-22-5110 PHONE SEARCHES 1236684--20150930 10/19/2015 155.00 Vendor LEXISNEXIS Total: 155.00 Vendor: LILLEENG, MICHAEL D LILLEENG, MICHAEL D 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC-SWIM TEAM 9/8/15-3/15/16 10/19/2015 21500,00 Vendor LILLEENG, MICHAEL D Total: 21500.00 Vendor: LUNSMANN, JOAN LUNSMANN,JOAN 100-22-6110 REIMB TRAINING SUPPLIES INV0001077 10/19/2015 16.47 Vendor LUNSMANN, JOAN Total: 16.47 Vendor: MARATHON TOWING MARATHON TOWING 100-22-5110 TOWING SERVICES 32001 10/19/2015 40.00 Vendor MARATHON TOWING Total: 40.00 10/14/2015 12:51:08 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: MARCHEWKA, MIKE MARCHEWKA, MIKE 100-45-5110 Vendor: MARSH USA INC MARSH USA INC 610-00-5960 MARSH USA INC 610-00-5960 MARSH USA INC 610-00-5960 MARSH USA INC 610-00-5960 MARSH USA INC 610-00-5960 MARSH USA INC 610-00-5960 Vendor: MCCORMICK, JENISE M MCCORMICK, JENISE M 100-47-5110 Vendor: MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INC MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-32-6110 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-31-5110 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-32-6110 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-31-5110 Vendor: MCHENRYAREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF 100-01-5420 Vendor: MCHENRY BANK &TRUST MCHENRY BANK &TRUST 100-00-3410 MCHENRY BANK&TRUST 100-00-3410 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF 100-22-5430 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TRANSPORTATION MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF 100-01-5110 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER Of DEEDS MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 100-01-6940 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 100-03-5110 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 740-00-6960 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 510-31-6940 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 510-32-6940 Vendor: MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT INC MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT 100-33-5370 Vendor: MCHENRY SPECIALTIES MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 100-01-6940 Vendor: METRO DOOR AND DOCK INC METRO DOOR AND DOCK INC 100-33-5115 Vendor: MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 510-35-6110 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 100-33-6110 Vendor: MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC MIDAMERICANWATEROF 510-31-6110 Description (Item) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMERCIAL BOND COMMERCIAL BOND COMMERCIAL BOND COMMERCIAL BOND COMMERCIAL BOND COMMERCIAL BOND PARKS & REC PROGRAM Payable Number 10/5/15 376330277126 376331231267 376331769793 376333592221 376334150322 376336033261 9/15/15-9/258/15 Packet:APPKT00228-CONTRACTUALSERVICES Post Date Amount 10/19/2015 Vendor MARCHEWKA, MIKE Total: 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 Vendor MARSH USA INC Total 10/19/2015 Vendor MCCORMICK, JENISE M Total: NITROGEN SAMPLES 388796 10/19/2015 TRI HALOM ETHAN E/HALOACETI 388805 10/19/2015 NITROGEN SAMPLES 388866 10/19/2015 FLUORIDE SAMPLES 3888877 10/19/2015 Vendor MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INC Total: CHAMBER REGISTRATION FEES 56008 10/19/2015 Vendor MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Total: TEMPSIGNREFUND INV0001080 10/19/2015 TEMP SIGN REFUND- 15-08- INV0001081 10/19/2015 Vendor MCHENRY BANK & TRUST Total: MONTHLY MEETING 10/19/15 10/19/2015 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE Total: SEPT2015-MCRIDEMUNICIPAL 2-7 10/19/2015 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TRANSPORTATION Total: RECORDING FEES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 RECORDING FEES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 RECORDING FEES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 RECORDING FEES SEPT 2015A 10/19/2015 RECORDING FEES SEPT 2015A 10/19/2015 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS Total: 10/19/2015 VEHICLE REPAIRS 150464 Vendor MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT INCTotal: SUPPLIES 2015-865 01/19/2015 Vendor MCHENRY SPECIALTIES Total: OR REPAIRS 49268 10/19/2015 Vendor METRO DOOR AND DOCK INC Totai: MATERIALS 705768798 10/19/2015 MATERIALS 7705700462 10/19/2015 Vendor MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY Total: SUPPLIES 167861W 10/19/2015 410.00 410.00 170.00 170.00 90.00 50.00 170.00 90.00 740.00 175.00 175.00 60.00 112.50 60.00 60.00 292.50 25.00 25.00 39.00 30.00 69.00 45.00 45.00 3,027.50 3,027.50 40.00 4.50 42.00 340.00 380.00 9.29 9.29 14.00 14.00 280.50 280.50 287.01 106.99 394.00 466.00 10/14/2015 12:51:0H PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number MID AMERICAN WATER OF 100-33-6110 Vendor: MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS 100-33-6110 Vendor: MINUTEMAN PRE55 OF MCH MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 100-04-5310 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 100-00-6210 Vendor: MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT INC MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT 620-00-6270 Vendor: MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM21 NETWORK MOTOROLASOLUTIONS - 100-22-6270 Vendor: NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-01-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-03-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-22-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-33-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-41-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 100-45-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-32-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-35-5370 Vendor: NEUMANN JR, EDWARD J NEUMANN JR, EDWARD J 740-00-6960 Vendor: NICOR GAS NICOR GAS 510-31-5510 Vendor: NORTH EAST MULTI -REGIONAL TRAINING INC NORTH EAST MULTI -REGIONAL 100-22-5430 Vendor: OLDCASTLE ARCHITECTURAL OLDCASTLEARCHITECTURAL 100-33-6110 OLDCASTLE ARCHITECTURAL 100-33-6110 Vendor: PETERSON, DWAYNE PETERSON, DWAYNE 100-47-5110 Vendor: PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC Packet: APPKT00228 - SUPPLIES Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount SUPPLIES 168543W 10/19/2015 603.44 Vendor MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC Total: 11069.44 SU PPLI ES M 15236 10/19/2015 42.23 Vendor MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC Total: 42.23 MAILINGS/POSTAGE 84733 10/31/2015 1,647.62 SU PP LI ES 84789 10/19/2015 11348.09 Vendor MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH Total: 21995.71 SURFACE PRO COMMERCIAL 0003417657 10/19/2015 86.56 Vendor MNJ TECHNOLOGIES DIRECT INC Total: 86.56 SUPPLIES 91940418 10/19/2015 807.30 Vendor MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM21 NETWORK Total: 807.30 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 28.13 VEHICLEREPAIR SUPPLIES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 265.14 VEHICLEREPAIR SUPPLIES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 11337,44 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 11013.32 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 86.13 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 16.96 VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES SEPT 2015A 10/19/2015 205.81 VEHICLEREPAIR SUPPLIES SEPT2015A 10/19/2015 184.08 Vendor NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC Total: 31137.01 PARKING LOT RENTAL NOV 2015 10/19/2015 500.00 Vendor NEUMANN JR, EDWARD J Total: 500.00 UTILITIES 9/16/15-9/17/15 10/19/2015 26.01 Vendor NICOR GAS Total: 26.01 TRAINING EXP 199895 10/19/2015 350.00 Vendor NORTH EAST MULTI -REGIONAL TRAINING INC Total: 350.00 SUPPLIES 670033594 10/19/2015 419.30 SUPPLIES 670036429 10/19/2015 748.75 Vendor OLDCASTLE ARCHITECTURAL Total: 10168.05 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES 9/21/15-10/2/15 10/19/2015 161.00 Vendor PETERSON, DWAYNE Total: 161.00 510-35-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9684640 10/16/2015 242.53 510-32-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9684671 10/19/2015 242.77 510-31-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9684672 10/19/2015 133.28 100-22-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9684675 10/19/2015 11932.24 510-35-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9686923 10/19/2015 233.28 510-32-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9686953 10/19/2015 350.03 510-31-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9686954 10/19/2015 166.62 100-45-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9686955 10/19/2015 244.40 100-33-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9686956 10/19/2015 566.05 100-22-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9686957 10/19/2015 11772.46 510-35-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9688034 10/19/2015 44.81 510-31-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9688051 10/19/2015 122.06 100-45-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9688052 10/19/2015 271.75 100-33-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9688053 10/19/2015 133.37 100-22-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9688054 10/19/2015 544.47 10/14/2015 12:51:08 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number PETROLIANCE LLC 510-35-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 510-32-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 510-31-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-45-6250 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-33-6250 Vendor: PETROW, STEPHANIE S PETROW, STEPHANIE S 100-46-5110 Vendor: PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-6110 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-6110 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 Vendor: PROSHRED SECURITY PROSHREDSECURITY 100-22-5110 PROSHRED SECURITY 100-01-5110 Vendor: PUCHALSKI GOODLOE MARZULLO LLP PUCHALSKI GOODLOE 760-00-5110 Vendor: QUALITYTIRESERVICE QUALITY TIRE SERVICE 510-32-5370 Vendor: RADICOM INC RADICOM INC 100-22-5370 Vendor: REBARS &STEEL COMPANY REBARS &STEEL COMPANY 100-33-6110 Vendor: RED WING SHOE STORE RED WING SHOE STORE 100-33-4510 RED WING SHOE STORE 100-45-4510 RED WING SHOE STORE 510-31-4510 Vendor: RELIABLE MAINTENANCE INC RELIABLE MAINTENANCE INC 100-01-5110 Vendor: RELIABLE SAND &GRAVEL RELIABLE SAND &GRAVEL 100-45-6110 Vendor: REWIAKO, RICHARD REWIAKO, RICHARD 100-22-4510 Vendor: REX AUTO BODY REX AUTO BODY 100-22-5370 Vendor: RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 100-01-6940 Description (Item) VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL VEHICLE FUEL PARKS & REC PROGRAM SUPPLIES EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW SUPPLIES EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW SHREDDING SERVICES SHREDDING SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES VEHICLE REPAIRS RADIO REPAIRS SUPPLIES EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW CARPET CLEANING MATERIALS Payable Number 9689887 9689914 9689915 9689916 9689917 9/30/15 34022 34023 34024 34025 34061 34072 34073 34109 34114 34131 Packet: APPKT00228- VEHICLE FUEL Post Date 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 Vendor PETROLIANCE LLC Total: 10/19/2015 Vendor PETROW, STEPHANIE S Total: 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 Vendor PETTIBONE & CO, P F Total 90010312 10/19/2015 990010311 10/19/2015 Vendor PROSHRED SECURITY Total: 0009695 10/19/2015 Vendor PUCHALSKI GOODLOE MARZULLO LLP Total: Amount 261.53 325.85 57.72 140.11 552.98 8,338.31 105.00 105.00 139.00 14.60 148.95 54.95 70.00 47.50 371.50 54.95 87.95 189.95 1,179.35 53.00 80.00 133.00 901.20 901.20 39311 10/19/2015 30.00 Vendor QUALITY TIRE SERVICE Total: � 30.00 101536 10/19/2015 367.50 Vendor RADICOM INC Total: 367.50 69933 10/19/2015 63.00 Vendor REBARS & STEEL COMPANY Total: 63.00 7400000000183 10/19/2015 175.49 7400000000183 10/19/2015 179.99 7400000000183A 10/19/2015 166.49 Vendor RED WING SHOE STORE Total: 521.97 42030 10/19/2015 410.00 Vendor RELIABLE MAINTENANCE INC Total: 410.00 5870 10/19/2015 23.32 Vendor RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL Total: 23.32 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW INV0001082 VEHICLE REPAIRS 10965 ADMIN SUPPLIES 117049 10/19/2015 53.14 Vendor REWIAKO, RICHARD Total: `53.14 10/19/2015 604.75 Vendor REXAUTO BODY Total: 604.75 10/19/2015 14.16 10/14/2015 12:51:08 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00228 - ADMIN SUPPLIES Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 100-01-6940 ADMIN SUPPLIES 118828 10/19/2015 17,70 Vendor RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP Total: 31.86 Vendor: RUZICKA, RUSSELL RUZICKA, RUSSELL 510-32-5430 REIMB TRAVEL EXP INV0001083 10/19/2015 36.50 Vendor RUZICKA, RUSSELL Total: 36.50 Vendor: SAM'S CLUB SAM'S CLUB 100-44-6110 SUPPLIES SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 147.32 Vendor SAM'S CLUB Total: 147.32 Vendor: SASAK, TODD SASAK, TODD 510-35-5430 REIMB CDL LICENSE INV0001084 10/19/2015 60,00 Vendor SASAK, TODD Total: 60.00 Vendor: SCHMITT, JON SCHMITT,JON 100-30-5430 REIM B TRAVEL EXP INV0001085 10/19/2015 33.00 Vendor SCHMITT, JON Total: 33.00 Vendor: SECRETARY OF STATE SECRETARY OF STATE 100-01-6940 NOTARY COMMISSION INV0001086 10/19/2015 10.00 SECRETARY OF STATE 100-01-6940 CONF PLATE RENEWAL INV0001087 10/19/2015 101400 Vendor SECRETARY OF STATE Total: 111.00 Vendor: SEMROW JR, HARRY H SEMROW JR, HARRY H 100-03-5110 ADJ LAW JUDGE SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 82.50 SEMROW JR, HARRY H 100-22-5110 ADJ LAW JUDGE SEPT 2015 10/19/2015 742,50 Vendor SEMROW JR, HARRY H Total: 825.00 Vendor: SHAW CENTER SHAW CENTER 100-22-5430 TRAINING EXP INV0001088 10/19/2015 40.00 Vendor SHAW CENTER Total: 40.00 Vendor: SHAW MEDIA SHAW MEDIA 100-01-5330 LEGAL -ADVERTISING 9/2015 10/19/2015 117.70 SHAW MEDIA 510-32-6110 LEGAL -ADVERTISING 9/2015a 10/19/2015 186.60 Vendor SHAW MEDIATotal: 304.30 Vendor: ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURCH ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC-BLG RENTAL 10/5/15-10/8/15 10/19/2015 254A0 Vendor ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Total: 254.40 Vendor: STANARD & ASSOCIATES INC STANARD&ASSOCIATES INC 100-21-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SA000029479 10/19/2015 11185.00 Vendor STANARD & ASSOCIATES INC Total: 1,185.00 Vendor: STANS LPS MIDWEST STANS LPS MIDWEST 100-33-5115 RETURN OF WIRELESS ACCESS 315203 10/13/2015 -596.00 STANS LPS MIDWEST 610-00-5960 IT/NETWORK SERVICES 315231 10/19/2015 31218.19 STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-5110 IT/NETWORK SERVICES 315239 10/19/2015 11672.00 STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-5110 INTERNET SERVICES 315240 10/19/2015 35.00 Vendor STANS LPS MIDWEST Total: 41329A9 Vendor: STAPLES ADVANTAGE STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-00-6210 SUPPLY CREDIT 8036080189 10/13/2015 -239.22 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-00-6210 SUPPLIES 8036170722 10/19/2015 41.98 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-00-6210 SUPPLIES 8036170722 10/19/2015 690,93 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-22-6210 SUPPLIES 8036170722 10/19/2015 21.16 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-00-6210 SUPPLIES 8036286174 10/19/2015 -11006,21 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-03-6210 SUPPLIES 8036286174 10/19/2015 142.59 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-04-6210 SUPPLIES 8036286174 10/19/2015 438,82 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 100-22-6210 SUPPLIES 8036286174 10/19/2015 567.39 Vendor STAPLES ADVANTAGE Total: 573.48 Vendor: THELEN MATERIALS LLC THELEN MATERIALS LLC 100-33-6110 MATERIALS 327297 10/19/2015 167.13 Vendor THELEN MATERIALS LLC Total: 167.13 10/14/2015 12:51:08 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: AM%100228 - MATERIALS Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: TONYAN BROS INC TONYAN BROS INC 100-45-6110 MATERIALS 321152 10/19/2015 774.86 Vendor TONYAN BROS INC Total: 774.86 Vendor: TOPS KENNELS TOPS KENNELS 100-22-5430 TRAINING EXP 10/23/15 10/19/2015 35.00 Vendor TOPS KENNELS Total: 35.00 Vendor: TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC TRAFFIC CONTROL & 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 84583 10/19/2015 665.50 TRAFFIC CONTROL & 100-33-6110 SUPPLIES 84584 10/19/2015 31394.05 Vendor TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC Total: 4,059.55 Vendor: TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 TREDROCTIRE/ANTIOCH 002 510-32-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 318323 10/19/2015 284.16 Vendor TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 Total: 284.16 Vendor: TYLER TECHNOLOGIES TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 450-00-8300 FINANCE SOFTWARE 025-135380 10/19/2015 62.50 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 510-31-5110 UTILITIYBILLING-SOFTWARE 025-135727 10/19/2015 60.00 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 510-32-5110 UTILITIY BILLING -SOFTWARE 025-135727 10/19/2015 60.00 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 450-00-8300 FINANCE SOFTWARE 025-136911 10/19/2015 343.75 Vendor TYLER TECHNOLOGIES Total: 526.25 Vendor: ULINE ULINE 100-22-6210 SUPPLIES 70889283 10/19/2015 123.28 Vendor ULINE Total: 123.28 Vendor: US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-33-5110 COPIER LEASE PAYMENT-500- INV0001092 10/19/2015 97.34 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 510-31-5110 COPIER LEASE-500-0361445 INV0001093 10/19/2015 97.33 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 510-32-5110 COPIER LEASE-500-0361445 INV0001093 10/19/2015 97.33 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-03-5110 COPIER LEASE-500-0302031 289360745 10/19/2015 135.00 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-22-5110 COPIER LEASE-500-0401564 INV0001094 10/19/2015 225.00 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-01-5110 COPIER LEASE-500-0389299 INV0001096 10/19/2015 311.00 Vendor US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE Total: 963.00 Vendor: USA BLUEBOOK USA BLUEBOOK 510-32-5375 REPAIRS 761070 10/19/2015 477.00 USABLUEBOOK 510-32-6110 SUPPLIES 761434 10/19/2015 384.06 Vendor USA BLUEBOOK Total: 861.06 Vendor: VANLANDUYT, CHRIS VANLANDUYT, CHRIS 100-33-4510 EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW INV0001089 10/19/2015 106A3 Vendor VANLANDUYT, CHRIS Total: 106.43 Vendor: VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS 620-00-5110 WIRELESS BROADBAND 914115-1013115A 10/19/2015 38.01 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-33-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/156 10/19/2015 25.82 VERIZON WIRELESS 510-31-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15C 10/19/2015 126.45 VERIZON WIRELESS 510-32-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15C 10/19/2015 25.82 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-01-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15D 10/19/2015 79.20 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-03-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15D 10/19/2015 115.54 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-22-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15D 10/19/2015 11157,55 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-30-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15D 10/19/2015 34.05 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-33-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15D 10/19/2015 141.90 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-41-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15D 10/19/2015 4.98 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-45-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15D 10/19/2015 34.05 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-46-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15D 10/19/2015 0.43 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-47-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15D 10/19/2015 0.23 VERIZON WIRELESS 620-00-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15D 10/19/2015 54.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 510-31-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15E 10/19/2015 68.33 VERIZON WIRELESS 510-32-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15E 10/19/2015 23.27 VERIZON WIRELESS 510-35-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 9/4/15-10/3/15E 10/19/2015 76.02 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS Total: 21005.65 10/14/2015 12:51:08 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI PHEASANT RUN RDF WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI 510-32-5580 Vendor: WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITED WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITED 510-31-6110 Vendor: WELLINGTON, KELLY WELLINGTON, KELLY 100-41-5110 Vendor: ZACCAGNINI, PAM ZACCAGNINI, PAM 100-46-6920 Vendor: ZEP SALES & SERVICE ZEP SALES & SERVICE 100-33-5370 Vendor: ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & MCARDLE ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 100-01-5230 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 100-01-5230 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 100-01-5230 Packet: APPKT00228 - SLUDGE REMOVAL Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount SLUDGE REMOVAL 0029419-2742-4 10/19/2015 7,313.32 Vendor WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI PHEASANT RUN RDF Total: 7,313.32 SU P PLI ES 37621 10/19/2015 5,300.00 Vendor WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITED Total: 5,300.00 AN UP MCBARK DOG PARK 2 10/19/2015 100.00 Vendor WELLINGTON, KELLY Total: 100.00 DJ SERVICES INV0001090 10/19/2015 200.00 Vendor ZACCAGNINI, PAM Total: 200.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS 9001868968 10/19/2015 364.94 Vendor ZEP SALES & SERVICE Total: 364.94 CORPORATE 116181 10/19/2015 81400,00 WASTE WATER TREATMENT 116184 10/19/2015 21143,75 TRAFFIC 116183 10/19/2015 61985,00 Vendor ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & MCARDLE Total: 17,528.75 Grand Total: 206,392.86 10/14/20i5 12:51:08 PM Expense Approval Register Fund Summary fund 100-GENERAL FUND 225 -ALARM BOARD FUND 290-TIF FUND 400 - RECREATION CENTER FUND 450 -CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND 510 - WATER/SEWER FUND 610 - RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 620 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 740-RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 760 - POLICE PENSION FUND Expense Amount 105,781,30 41662,00 10,149.00 51744,00 406.25 64,839.15 41956,49 81411,47 542.00 901.20 Grand Total: 206,392.86 Packet: APPKT00228 - TRAFFIC Report Summary