HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 11/6/2024 - Landmark Commission The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. LANDMARK COMMISSION Meeting Agenda DATE: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, City Hall. 333 S Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 AGENDA 1. Call to Order/Roll Call 2. Public Comments 3. Approve Previous Meeting Minutes 4. Finance Report 5. Media a. Video update 6. Historic Plaques a. Letters Update 7. Old Business a. School Field Trip - April 2025 b. Landmark School Remembrance Talk - Feb/Mar 2025 c. Ignite & Other Trips d. Thursday Night Concert e. Landmark Ordinances f. Historic Signs In Town (Riverside, Main St. & Green St.) 8. New Business a. Consideration of designation of a Nominated Landmark for the property located at 3614 Waukegan Road, commonly known as Landmark School, in accordance with the City of McHenry Historic Preservation Ordinance. b. Moving Landmark Records From Petersen House to City Hall c. Historical Interviews d. Upcoming Events i. Plaque Event (May) ii. Cemetery Tour (Fall 25) 9. Adjournment City of McHenry Landmark Commission Meeting Agenda Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024; 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 333 S Green St, McHenry Call to Order/Roll Call at 7:00PM • Present: Zelinda Paluch, Thomas Hillier, Beth Staley, Celeste Heidemann, Katie MacDonald (present at 7:06pm), Mark Healy, Michelle Smith. • Also Present: o Cody Sheriff, City Planner o Ross Polerecky, Director of Community Development o Suzanne Ostrovsky, City Administrator o Frank McClatchey, Alderman o Sue Miller, Alderwoman Public Comments- No members of the public were available for comment. Approve Previous Meeting Minutes – Motion by Commissioner Staley, seconded by Commissioner Smith. Vote taken, unanimously approved. Finance Report – Chairman Hillier gave an update on the finances and expected expenditures. Media ● Video update Chairman Hillier gave an update on filming historic interviews at various locations in the City. All of the filming is done and they are finalizing the video. Historic Plaques ● Letters Update Old Business ● School Field Trip April 2025 The commission talked about scheduling school field trips at various locations. ● Landmark School Remembrance Talk (Feb/Mar) The Commission briefly discussed scheduling a talk in February and March. Chairman Hillier said to start coming up with ideas to bring to November meeting. ● Ignite & Other Trips Commissioner Paluch talked about the presentation at Ignite and potentially at The Courtyard. ● Thursday Night Concert Commissioner Staley stated the Thursday Night Concert went very well and people were excited about talking about history. Commissioner Paluch stated the lady that lives in the Button house said she would welcome a tour by the Commission. The Commission discussed potentially visiting in the future. ● Tri Conference Teacher Institute Presentation Chairman Hillier gave an update on the Tri Conference Teacher Presentation on August 30, 2024 and how they talked about including local history in the public schools curriculum. ● Landmark Ordinances Commissioner Healy and the Commission discussed potentially re-landmarking other structures under the current ordinance. City Planner Sheriff stated that there is a cost associated with going through the landmarking process. Commissioner Healy and Chairman Hillier stated this was potentially something to look into in the future incrementally. New Business ● Consideration of designation of a Nominated Landmark for the property located at 3614 Waukegan Road, commonly known as Landmark School, in accordance with the City of McHenry Historic Preservation Ordinance City Planner Sheriff walked the Commission through the process of landmarking a structure in accordance with the City of McHenry Historic Preservation Ordinance. City Planner Sheriff stated the purpose of the meeting is to talk about what aspects of the structure are considered historic and are to be preserved that should be included in a report for the Commission to vote on for a recommendation to City Council. City Planner Sheriff also stated the purpose of tonight is also to determine what member of the Commission would complete the report as well as to open the public hearing to the public and allow public testimony. Commissioner Smith stated her preference to preserve the bell tower, the archways on the school entrances, and the roofline. Commissioner Healy asked if there was an addition ever put onto the school for the gymnasium. City Planner Sheriff stated he doesn’t believe so. Commissioner Healy asked about why there was an application from 1994 submitted. City Planner Sheriff gave an overview regarding the Historic Preservation Ordinance and that prior to 1998, the City’s Ordinance did not include protection provisions for the structure and so that was the purpose for why the Public Hearing is being conducted to preserve the structure. Commissioner Staley asked the City Planner if it was easier to just identify what is to be preserved as opposed to what is not to be preserved. City Planner Sheriff stated it would be better to identify what is to be preserved instead of what shouldn’t be preserved. Commissioner Staley stated her preference for preserving the brick exterior. Also that local brick be used. City Planner Sheriff asked if a substitution could be appropriate if it were not the same brick material but identical in appearance. Commissioner Staley stated no. City Planner Sheriff opined the purpose of a Certificate of Economic Hardship in the instance where the brick could no longer be physically produced then the property owner would seek approval of said certificate to substitute the brick. Chairman Hillier asked about the windows and whether they were original. City Planner Sheriff stated he believed they are not. Chairman Hillier asked if the doors were original, the City Planner Sheriff stated he did not believe they were. Commissioner Heidemann asked if there were original floors? Commissioner Staley stated they were Georgia Pine but did not know if they were still there. City Planner Sheriff stated if the Commission were to preserve the interior of the structure that it runs the risk of decreasing the economic viability of adaptively repurposing the structure since the school board has already voted that this was the last year for the Landmark School Program in the building. Commissioner Staley agreed that the commission has mainly focused on exterior and not interior. Chairman Hillier agreed. City Planner Sheriff gave a recommendation that the commission focus on the exterior preservation and opined on the subject as it relates to building and permitting. He continued to give examples of language for preserving the exterior. Commissioner Staley stated she believes the bell should be preserved. Commissioner Smith asked about if there was a fire slide on the back of the building. Commissioner Paluch said there was not. Commissioner Paluch commented on her desire to preserve the exterior of the building to be viewed from the Street. Commissioner Smith agreed with Commission Paluch. Commissioner Healy asked about construction on the exterior of the property surrounding the principal structure. City Planner Sheriff stated that its up to the commission on what approach they desire for any new additions whether that be similar architecture or allowing different architecture as to delineate what is historic and what is not. City Planner Sheriff also stated he was available to assist who ever was determined to be the person designated to type the final report. Commissioner Paluch nominated Chairman Hillier. City Planner Sheriff stated that there appears to be consensus from the Commission on the exterior preservation and some structural aspects. Commissioner Heidemann asked if they could dictate the type of use. And City Planner Sheriff stated that was largely a function of Land Use and Zoning of the City and the Commission should focus on the preservation of physical features. Commissioner Heidemann asked who makes the determination about allowing exterior remodels and alterations. City Planner Sheriff stated it was the Landmark Commission. Commissioner Healy asked again about preservation of the property as it relates to additions. City Planner Sheriff said it was up to the Commission to decide what to preserve on the property. Commissioner Healy asked about the playground opined it was a big property. City Planner Sheriff agreed. Commissioner Healy asked about whether the Landmark Property includes the parking spaces by the old City Hall and City Planner Sheriff stated no. City Planner Sheriff brought up an aerial image of the parcel to show the boundaries to the Commission. City Planner Sheriff stated the procedure would now be to allow public testimony and then continue the hearing to Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Thomas Hillier open the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Staley. All Commissioners voted in favor of opening the public hearing at 7:39 pm. Chris Moore, 2136 Concord Drive, McHenry, IL 60050 spoke. He opined on the imagery of opening Landmark School 130 years ago. He talked about the types of materials used in the original construction including the Bell weighing 400 lbs without fixtures. Mr. Moore stated there’s nothing wrong with the building and that the School District is making excuses for why they want to close it. He also talked about a petition to keep the Landmark School open a long time ago which passed. He opined again about preserving the structure and preventing it from being torn down. He continued to talk about the history of the school and how it operates. Stephanie Carbone of 3512 Pearl Street. Ms. Carbone spoke saying it could be a private school in the future. Ms. Carbone opined on ADA accessibility in the building. Ms. Carbone stated she believes it should not be allowed to have any additions built on it. There were no additional members of the public to testify. City Planner Sheriff stated now it would be appropriate for a motion to continue the hearing to the Wednesday, November 6, 2024 meeting date. Mr. Healy stated he believed the view should be preserved. Commissioner Healy, made the motion to continue the hearing to Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Second by Commissioner Heidemann. A vote was taken with unanimous consent to continue the hearing to November 6, 2024 Landmark Meeting. ● Downtown History Monuments – Discussion Commissioner Healy opined on the history markers and said they were in poor condition. The Commission discussed the status of the history markers and their condition. Commissioner Healy discussed potential new locations including the old Mill and the Riverwalk. City Planner Sheriff this was something he would look into for the next meeting. ● Consideration and/or purchase for a portable air cleaner/filter for the office at Petersen Farm City Planner Sheriff stated the City is looking into having the structure evaluated. He also stated the City is looking at moving the documents out of the building. City Planner Sheriff also stated that no one should be going into the building until the City can have it evaluated. ● Historical Interviews The Commission discussed potential candidates for historical interviews. ● Upcoming Events ○ Plaque Event (May) The Commission spoke about a plaque event honoring those who have historic plaques in Veterans Park. ○ Cemetery Tour (Fall 25) The Commission discussed a potential cemetery tour next year. Staff Report – Cody Sheriff, City Planner City Planner Sheriff gave a general update regarding compliance with the Open Meetings Act and make sure the Commission can be in compliance at their events and communications. Commissioner Paluch asked about the façade grants and Director Polerecky responded that City Council reviews and approves them. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Staley, Second by Commissioner Paluch to adjourn. Motion unanimously approved at 8:18pm. Department of Community Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.cityofmchenry.org STAFF REPORT DATE: October 30, 2024 TO: Landmark Commission FOR: November 6, 2024 Landmark Commission Meeting FROM: Cody Sheriff, City Planner RE: Landmark School – Public Hearing Att: • Draft Landmark Report – Landmark School AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: The Landmark Commission is to conduct a continued public hearing regarding the landmarking of the property commonly known as Landmark School in accordance with the City of McHenry Historic Preservation Ordinance. The Commission shall discuss and vote on a recommendation for the report that details what aspects of the structure are to be preserved to be submitted to the City Council. STAFF ANALYSIS: Staff have reviewed a copy of the working draft report for the Landmark School Building. Staff have provided an analysis and recommendation for language. The report is to be specific enough for the Community Development Department to determine what construction activities would require Landmark Commission review. Department of Community Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.cityofmchenry.org a. A description of the significant exterior architectural features of the nominated landmark that should be protected. Proposed Staff Comments The Archways along the top of the structure. Archways: Staff recommends clarifying what archways this item is referencing. Staff suggests identifying specific structural features such as the bell tower, doorways, etc. The roofline should not [be] altered in any significant way. Roof/Roofline: Staff recommends this item just state “roofline” or consolidated with other roof/roofline comment. Landmark’s brickwork should be preserved and any alterations to be limited to bricks from local materials should be used whenever possible. Exterior Façade: Staff recommends the following language: “The exterior brick façade”. Staff recommends clarifying the intent of the language “local materials should be used whenever possible”. The structure’s roof should not be altered in any major way. Roof/Roofline: Staff recommends clarifying what type of alteration constitute “major”. Staff suggests the following language: “The appearance and design of the roof/roofline shall be preserved to the greatest extent possible.” b. A description of the types of construction, alterations, or demolitions that should be reviewed for appropriateness pursuant to this chapter. Proposed Staff Comments Any major exterior construction, remodeling, additions and/or alterations must be approved by the Landmark Commission. Reword: “Any exterior construction work to the principal structure including remodeling, alterations, additions, and demolition.” Any construction to the exterior of the structure on the landmark property that would compromise the view of the structure. Reword: “Any construction on the landmark property that would compromise the view of the principal structure.” Any construction or alterations that would change the core essence of the structure Clarify: Staff recommends clarifying the intent of the proposed language. Department of Community Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.cityofmchenry.org STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Commission should discuss the draft report and staff comments. The Commission should also allow for public comment. The report should be finalized and voted on by the Commission for recommendation to City Council. SAMPLE MOTION: Motion to recommend approval of designating the property located at 3614 Waukegan Road, commonly known as Landmark School, as a Historic Landmark in accordance with the findings included in the Landmark Commission Report (as amended) and the City of McHenry Historic Preservation Ordinance. LANDMARK COMMISSION Landmark Evaluation Sheet A. An explanation of the significance or lack of significance of the nominated landmark or preservation district as it relates to the criteria for designation; (i.e. does it meet the bare minimum requirements 50 years + one or more of the listed criteria) 1. It has character, interest or value which is part of the development, heritage or cultural characteristics of the City, County, State or the Nation; 2. Its location is the site of a significant local, County, State or national event; 3. It is identified with a person or persons who significantly contributed to the development of the City, County, State or the Nation; 4. It embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural style valuable for the study of a period, type, method of construction or use of indigenous materials; 5. It is identified with the work of a master builder, designer, architect or landscape architect whose individual work has influenced the development of the City, County, State or the Nation; 6. It embodies elements of design, detailing, materials or craftsmanship that render it architecturally significant; 7. It embodies design elements that make it structurally or architecturally innovative; 8. It has a unique location or singular physical characteristic that make it an established or familiar visual feature; 9. It has character which is a particularly fine or unique example of a utilitarian structure, including, but not limited to, farmhouses, gas stations or other commercial structures with a high level of integrity or architectural significance; 10. It establishes a sense of time and place unique to the City; 11. It is suitable for preservation or restoration because of its integrity of location, design, materials and workmanship; 12. It is included in the National Register of Historic Places or the Illinois Register of Historic Places; 13. It has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important to prehistory or other areas of archaeological significance; 14. It is an exceptional example of a historic or vernacular style or one of few remaining in the City. B. A description of the integrity or lack of integrity of the nominated landmark or preservation district; (Integrity is the ability of a property to convey its significance.) There are seven aspects of historical integrity: 1) Location; 2) Design; 3) Setting; 4) Materials; 5) Workmanship; 6) Feeling; 7) Association. Definition of Integrity: The authenticity of a property’s historic identity, evidenced by the survival of physical characteristics that existed during the property’s historic or prehistoric period. So to put this into practice you need to know 3 important pieces of information: 1) what is the property’s historic identity. 2) what physical characteristics define that identity, and 3) do these characteristics still exist. (Source: National Register of Historic Places Bulletin) C. The relationship of the nominated landmark or preservation district to the ongoing effort of the commission to identify and nominate all potential areas and structures that meet the criteria for designation; LANDMARK COMMISSION REPORT In the case of a nominated landmark or preservation district found to meet the criteria for designation, the report shall contain: a. A description of the significant exterior architectural features of the nominated landmark that should be protected. The Landmark Commission found that the following features should be protected on Landmark School: ● The Archways along the top of the structure. ● The roofline should be not altered in any significant way. ● Landmark’s brickwork should be preserved and any alterations to be limited to bricks from local materials should be used whenever possible. ● The structure's roof should not be altered in any major way. b. A description of the types of construction, alterations, or demolitions that should be reviewed for appropriateness pursuant to this chapter. The Landmark Commission found that the following types of construction, alterations or demolitions should be reviewed and approved by the Commission: ● Any major exterior construction, remodeling, additions and/or alterations must be approved by the Landmark Commission. ● Any construction to the exterior of the structure on the Landmark property that would compromise the view of the structure. ● Any construction or alterations that would change the core essence of the structure. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City of McHenry Landmark Commission will hold a Public Hearing at the McHenry Municipal Center, 333 South Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050 at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, to consider an application for the Landmark School Building, 3614 Waukegan Road, McHenry, Illinois 60050 for the following request in accordance with the City of McHenry Historic Preservation Ordinance: Consideration of designation of a Nominated Landmark in accordance with the City of McHenry Historic Preservation Ordinance The subject property is located approximately 107 feet west of the intersection of Waukegan Road and Green Street, commonly known as 3614 Waukegan Road, and is legally described as follows: DOC 492051 PT LTS 24 & 25 /EX DOC 2008R0052522/ MCHENRY PLAT NO 8 The owner of the subject property is Board of Education of McHenry Elementary School District 15, of the City of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois. PIN (Property Identification Number) of subject property: 09-26-380-017 A copy of the application is on file and may be examined during regular business hours in the Community Development Department, at the McHenry Municipal Center, 333 South Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, 60050, and (815)363-2170. All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard. Published by order of the Landmark Commission, City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. /s/ Thomas Hillier Chairman, Landmark Commission