HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 08/15/2016 - City CouncilAGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING City Council Chambers, 333 S Green Street Monday, August 15, 2016, 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. City of McHenry Mission Statement 5. Proclamation declaring September 2016 as BYOBag Month in the City of McHenry 6. Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the City Council will be required to step forward to the podium and identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public Comment may be restricted to three - minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at public meetings. 7. Motion to approve the following Consent Agenda items: A. Resolution requesting qualifications for consulting engineering services for transportation, water & wastewater treatment projects; B. Updated City of McHenry Purchasing Policy and Procedures; C. Ordinance authorizing disposal of non-functioning inventory property owned by the City of McHenry; D. Snowplowing Services for Fegers Subdivision for the 2016-17 winter season at a per -pass fee per snow/ice event for the rate of $150 per -pass based on overtime charge of $80/hour, dump truck w/snowplow $54/hour, and road salt $16/pass, E. Special Event Liquor License requested by the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce for McHenry Downtown Uncorked wine tasting event on September 17th from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM and temporary use of Neumann Park on Green Street and Clock Tower site at Green/Elm Street for Arts & Crafts/Farmers Market; F. Parks Special Use, Beer/Wine, & Community Room Liquor Permits; G. July 5, 2016 City Council meeting minutes; and H. Payment of Bills in the amount of $514,609.19. 8. Motion to approve a request for a Class Al liquor license from PAPAJAY LLC d/b/a Lacey's Place located at 341 Front Street and Ordinance increasing the number of Class Al licenses in effect from two (2) to three (3) The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. l MCA McHenry City Council Agenda August 15, 2016 Page Two 9. Motion to approve a sign variance to allow four (4) additional wall signs requested by Sunnyside Dodge, 4810 West Elm Street 10. Motion to approve an amendment to an existing sign variance granted in 2003, for the Northgate Retail Center located at 2610-2640 Schaid Court 11. Motion authorizing the Mayor's execution of the contract for Renovation and Expansion of the McHenry Dispatch Center and Renovation of Police Administration section with Stuckey Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $1,297,101 12. Mayor's Statement and Reports: Motion to approve appointment of Jeff Varda to the McHenry Landmark Commission. 13. Committee Reports 14. Staff Reports 15. Future Agenda Items 16. Adjournment The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. r THE FOX RIWERV Derik Morefield, City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 dmorefield@ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: August 15, 2016 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator Jon Schmitt, Director of Public Works David McArdle, City Attorney RE: Adoption of Resolution Requesting Qualifications for Consulting Engineering Services for Transportation, Water and Wastewater Treatment Projects ATT: February 29, 2016 Special Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda Supplement Resolution Requesting Qualifications for Consulting Engineering Services for Transportation, Water and Wastewater Treatment Projects AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Council is being asked to consider the adoption of a resolution stating the City's intent to exercise its home rule authority to request the submission of qualifications from engineers for consulting municipal engineering services related to transportation, water and wastewater treatment projects. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As Council may recall from its discussion regarding engineering services, a component of the recommended and approved changes included. • Retaining an in-house Project Engineer; • Retainin; HR Green, Inc. to serve as the appointed "City Engineer" to support the activities `he Project Engineer and to continue to provide engineering services for federally fuck projects and engineering services for non -federally funded projects subject to the %al review and comparison of project scope/cost by the Project Engineer and wits. option of requesting project bids from pre -qualified engineering firms; and The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. • Establishment of a list of pre -qualified engineering firms to provide competitive pricing for non -federally funded projects at the discretion of the city staff. A copy of the agenda supplement from the February 29, 2016 Committee of the Whole meeting has been included which provides more detailed information regarding each of these recommended changes. The first two recommendations —the hiring of an in-house Project Engineer and appointment of HR Green, Inc. have been completed. The last recommendation — the pre -qualification of engineering firms — has been the primary task of the Project Engineer to date. The Project Engineer and Director of Public Works, with input from the City Attorney, have developed RFQ documents for obtaining qualifications from engineering firms for transportation, water and wastewater treatment projects. Importantly, the pre -qualification process is scheduled to occur every three (3) years to ensure that information remains relevant and to account for any changes in pre -qualified firms and/or to provide the ability for new firms to be evaluated. Prior to releasing these RFQs, as identified in the February 29th supplement, Illinois law provides statutory procedures for retaining services of certain professionals, including engineers, under a law entitled Local Governmental Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 5/10 and 30 ILCS 535. However, these state statutes do not apply in the event that the City decides to exercise its home rule authority, either partially or entirely, outside of the regulations provided for in the state statute. With respect to the proposed requests for qualifications, we have altered the state regulations, to a small extent, in that we are deleting references to ranking the firms in the selection process. We felt that ranking the firms might not be useful to the City, when different firms might be better for different projects. Since we are not at the point of selecting firms, but simply determining eligibility, ranking of firms would restrict the City's ability to use certain firms. For that reason, we are recommending exercising our home rule authority, which is provided for in the attached resolution. Please note, the February 29th supplement references the adoption of an ordinance however, this has been reviewed and staff feels that the adoption of the attached resolution is sufficient in stating the city's intent to exercise its home rule authority. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council Concurs, it is recommended that a motion be made to adopt the attached Resolution Requesting Qualifications for Consulting Engineering Services for Transportation, Water and Wastewater Treatment Projects. Derik Morefield, City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 dmorefield@ci.mchenry.il.us SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: February 29, 2016 T0: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator Jon Schmitt, Public Works Director David McArdle, Legal Counsel RE: City Engineering Services Recommendation ATT: City of McHenry Engineering Inspector Job Description, for reference Illinois Bureau of Local Roads and Streets QBS Chart BACKGROUND/INTRODUCTION The City of McHenry has never had a staff position that held the full range of responsibilities of a "City Engineer." From 1994 until 1999, the position of Engineering Inspector was held by Mr. Dan Marcinko, at which time he was promoted to Assistant Public Works Director. Mr. Marcinko held a degree in Civil Engineering but did not hold Professional Engineer (PE) licensure. In 2000, Mr. Jerry Johnson was hired as the Engineering Inspector, a position that he held until 2009. Mr. Johnson had technical expertise in engineering and construction management but held no degree in engineering. The responsibilities of the Engineering Inspector position included the review of subdivision plans, consultant plans, assisting in the design of small engineering projects, coordinating work funded by the Illinois Department of Transportation, and other public works -related special assignments as required. A copy of this position description has been provided for your information. As you can see, the job requirements did not require any advanced degree past a high school diploma, although the requirements do specify extensive technical or specialized training, 5-10 years of field experience with construction and engineering, or equivalent skills. 1 Beyond the responsibilities included in the above description, engineering -related tasks have been carried out through professional services relationships with engineering firms through annual appointment by the Mayor. From at least 1984 until 2002, Baxter & Woodman served as the appointed City Engineer. Beginning in 2002, Baxter & Woodman served as the appointed City Engineer for the water and wastewater systems and Smith Engineering Company (SEC) was the appointed transportation engineer. In 2005 the City discontinued its relationship with Baxter & Woodman and, with the expansion and transfer of SEC to HR Green, Inc., HR Green became the exclusive appointed City Engineer. As the appointed City Engineer, HR Green, Inc. currently provides, through a master agreement, as -needed day-to-day general engineering duties for the City of McHenry. These include, but are not limited to. • Performing site -visits for small scale drainage and road right-of-way issues; • Reviewing applications for grants or loans for public infrastructure projects; • Performing plan reviews, document reviews, or preparing recommendations regarding projects without escrows in place; • Meeting with staff and developers/engineers as -needed to discuss projects or plan review comments; • Assisting staff with planning and landscape architecture services; • Providing minor construction observation and documentation for small projects; • Providing budgeting for Capital Improvement Program and assistance with CIP development; • Providing drafting/CADD and GIS mapping services/solutions; • Developing/reviewing code/ordinance revisions; • Providing permitting assistance for the City's projects (IEPA, IDOT, ACOE, MCDOT); • Providing plan review, policy analysis and coordination with IDOT or County; • Providing biennial bridge inspections and documentation; • Responding to FOIA requests; • Providing technical support for Community Development, Public Works and City Administration; • Serving as enforcement official for the Stormwater Management Ordinance; • Assisting with resident drainage complaints; • Assisting with speed studies, stop/yield sign warrants, and street and traffic identifiers review; • Assisting with providing surveying plats, ROW dedications, and easement grants/vacations; • Project management of capital improvement projects; and, • NPDES 2 Permitting. Notably, since 2010, the City of McHenry has spent an average of $13,200 per year, with no more than $18,000 in any single year, on general engineering services with HR Green, Inc. through this master agreement relationship. For projects outside of the scope of the services identified above — specifically, larger capital improvement projects (i.e., transportation/roadways, water/wastewater system improvements) - the City works with HR Green, Inc. for design, engineering and project management services through the submittal and approval of Professional Services Agreements (PSAs). The costs provided in these contracts are based on the scope of the project and engineering expertise required, calculated by a percentage of the project cost. These are usually submitted and approved as "not to exceed" contracts. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS As part of this overall analysis it is was important to identify/clarify what, if any, restrictions are applicable to implementing a cost -based, as distinct from a Qualifications -Based Selection (QBS), capital project selection process. By definition, QBS is a competitive contract procurement process whereby consulting firms submit qualifications to a procuring entity (owner) who evaluates and selects the most qualified firm, and then negotiates the project scope of work, schedule, budget, and consultant fee. David McArdle researched this topic by reviewing the applicable law from. local, state and federal points of view with regard to the use of a consulting engineer for public works projects by the City. A summary of his findings follow. Importantly, it is not the type of project or how the labor and material is funded that dictates the use of Qualification -Based Selection procedures, but rather what type of funds are being used to pay for City engineering services. Counsel McArdle has reached the conclusion that, other than projects whereby the City engineering services are paid for with federal funds, the City has wide discretion in its selection of engineers, unrestricted by QBS procedures. The basis of this conclusion is the following. A. Locally Funded Services. Projects whereby the City engineering services are funded using only City funds are not subject to the restriction of quality based selection or any state laws, including the Local Governmental Professional Services Selection Act (50 ILCS 5101.01-510/7) and the Architectural, Engineering and Land Surveying Qualifications Based Selection Act (30 ILCS 535/1-535/80), which is only applicable to state agencies anyway. The basis of this conclusion is the City's home rule authority. You should note, however, that before implementation of this home rule power and selection of engineering based on competitive pricing, the City must adopt an ordinance as part of its procurement procedures, electing to exercise its home rule power in this respect. Be State Funded Projects. Projects whereby the City engineering services are funded using only State of Illinois funds or a combination of State and City funds, are not subject to the restriction of QBS for the same reason local funding is not, provided, however, if the funding is based on a specific grant, loan, or other agreement, the terms of the grant, loan or other 3 agreement may trump the City's home rule power and that would have to be reviewed at the time of procurement of the services. C. Federally Funded Projects. Projects whereby the City engineering services are funded using any amount of Federal Funding will be subject to a federal law known as the Brooks Architect -Engineers Act which was enacted in October of 1972 as public law 92-582 (40 USC Section 1101, et seq.). This particular law only applies to engineering services paid for, in whole or in part, by federal funds and requires a QBS process, including two steps. First, to make a selection of the engineering firm; and second, to agree upon financial arrangements. QBS must be tailored to fit "each specific project's requirements" (it appears that the appointed City engineer may be used as specified as an exception to this requirement, see attached chart) and should include all or some of the following steps: 1. The owner identifies the general scope of work and the projected time frame is established. 2. Public notice is given to design professional firms. 3. A Selection Committee is appointed. 4. Statements of Qualifications are requested and received from interested firms. 5. After evaluation, a shortlist affirms is established. 6. A tour of the site and interviews may be arranged for shortlisted firms. 7. Three firms are ranked in order of qualifications. 8. All firms involved receive post -selection communications. 9. Negotiations are conducted relative to actual scope, services, fee payment schedule and contract. If an agreement cannot be satisfactorily negotiated with the top -ranked firm, negotiations are terminated and the owner enters into negotiations with the second -ranked firm, and so on down the line, until agreement is reached and a firm is selected. The step-by-step procedure and its variations are detailed in the following sections. Stated another way, QBS will only be applicable if the federal aid is being used, in whole or in part, for engineering services, unless the City engineer is used. In addition, if federal aid is used only to pay for the actual construction, i.e. labor and material costs, and engineering is paid by the City or otherwise, no QBS procedures will be required. This is because the Brooks Act applies to the "procurement of architectural and engineering services," not actual construction. 40 USC § 1103(a). The attached chart from the Illinois Bureau of Local Roads and Streets helps to illustrate the process of determining whether QBS procedures are required. (NOTE: IDOT intends to remove that the portion of the chart reading "Does the engineering services contract cost more than $100,000 ($150,000 with District approval)?" So, if and when this exemption ceiling is lifted, mv federal aid used to pay for engineering services will require compliance with QBS procedures, or use of the City appointed engineer. So, what does this mean for the City of McHenry? The most common form of federal funding that the City receives for capital improvement projects is through the Federal Highway Administration in the form of Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds. In FY16/17, the City will be using Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds for the Curran Road S-Curve Project, but these are less common than the use of STP funds. If any STP funds are used for engineering services on a project, the selection of engineering is then subject to the nine -step QBS process identified above, UNLESS, the City Engineer is used. It is the opinion of staff that the QBS process is burdensome and would recommend that any federally funded projects remain with the appointed City Engineer (more discussion regarding this will be provided under #2 in the Recommendations section below). ENGINEERING ANALYSIS It has become apparent to the City Administration that the relationship with HR Green, Inc. — specifically the latter identified above - is a source of concern for some on the City Council with the reasoning behind this concern being that working exclusively with HR Green, Inc. does not guarantee that the City is receiving the most competitive pricing for design, engineering and/or project management services for capital projects. In an effort to address this concern, the City Administration conducted an analysis of our own engineering needs and met with staff representatives of a number of surrounding municipalities to discuss their engineering processes. In summary, what we learned from these interviews is that every municipality approaches engineering differently based on what works best for them. We are however able to define, generally, the differing approaches to dealing with engineering and have identified a list of the "Pros" and "Cons" of each approach. A summary table identifying these is provided on the following page. 5 Fee Based Selection ("Low Bid" approach) City Engineering firm (performs ALL engineering work) City Engineering firm (performs NO project- based work) City Engineering firm (performs staff work and a portion of project work) Utilize Staff Engineer/Project Manager and use consulting engineers as - needed Receive lowest price, Familiarity with firm, Engineer performs all Best of all worlds, staff Allows for the most cost for services municipality and technical -related work technical assistance flexibility in the municipal staff —trust for the municipality and engineering engineering selection Require all engineers expertise process to sharpen pencils One -stop shopping for Assists in the selection all engineering projects process of engineering Consistent project Staff person has Can work with smaller, firms for various engineering with familiarity with less complicated Timing of projects can projects design and engineering firms and projects (the larger or be expedited — no construction knowledge of the Pros more complicated the selection process time Can negotiate long- management technical aspects of project, the greater needed term contract fees for projects the opportunities for engineer Familiarity with staff missed costs and the Assist staff when on both sides Selection can be made resulting need for workload is heavy Firm/staff becomes based upon qualifications change orders, familiar with municipal Allows exposure to of firms and project amendments) staff, infrastructure, other engineering specifics processes firms Allows for monitoring of Allows exposure to engineering project costs other engineering firms based on similar project using them for other scopes projects Capital or specialized projects can be bid for pricing — works best with pre -qualified firms No 2 projects are the Familiarity can be short- All eggs in one basket For projects which are Has the potential of same or require the lived with staff, elected bid for pricing, firm overwhelming a single same amount of work official turnover Complacency cannot bid on project staff person if they are since they develop expected to deal with If low bid selected, Complacency can For firm, does not allow project scope, bid day-to-day engineering consultant likely to develop on both sides bidding on projects documents, requiring and capital project use lower cost, less since they are writing a staff member to be management experienced staff If issues arise, changing project scopes, bid able to develop engineers can take documents project scope, bid Cons Price could be some time, slowing documents artificially low down projects resulting in extras, amendments to contract in the end Could be lowest in early contracts then cost more on future contracts Lowest cost may not equate to most qualified engineer Based on this analysis, staff is recommending a hybrid approach that combines the last two columns above. This is further defined in the following section. RECOMMENDATIONS As identified, the "how" of how other municipalities handle both day-to-day and capital project engineering is as varied as the communities themselves, ultimately coming down to the individual needs of the communities, the level of engineering expertise existing at the staff level, the evolution of how engineering has historically been handled, the comfort level and trust between staff/elected officials/contractual engineering firms, the importance of ensuring that engineering work is performed by qualified individuals/firms and, of course, cost. The overall theme that was identified during our discussions with other municipalities, regardless of their "system" for engineering, is that they have all developed their own balanced approach that provides consideration of all of the elements identified above. Prior to detailing the recommendations for engineering below, staff believes that it is important to both acknowledge concerns expressed by Council - especially in regards to obtaining competitive pricing for engineering services - but also state that, from a staff perspective, the quality of service that the City has received from HR Green, Inc. has been satisfactory. Have they made errors? Yes. Have we had disagreements regarding project scopes, implementation, outcomes? Yes. However, staff is also responsible for ensuring that the best interests of the municipality are protected and we would not hesitate to recommend a change in service providers if it was identified that these interests were not being met. Therefore, after careful consideration and discussion regarding the concerns expressed by Council and ensuring that the best interests of the municipality are protected, the following recommendations are offered in the establishment of a balanced approach to engineering for the City of McHenry. Recommendation #1 -Recruit/retain an in-house Engineering Project Manager (actual title and full scope of responsibilities to be determined) as an employee of the municipality within the Department of Public Works. First and foremost it must be understood that it is not realistic to believe that the hiring of a full-time, in-house position will be able to replace all of the services currently provided by HR Green, Inc. Simply, there are too many engineering specialties — transportation, water, wastewater, civil, etc. to expect equal proficiency from one individual. As envisioned, this position will require an advanced degree (bachelor's degree minimum) in either engineering or construction management. However, a Professional Engineering (PE) certification will not necessarily be required. It is important that this individual have some direct experience with municipal engineering processes along with "real world" applicable 7 experience. This person must be able to be productive within a short period of time without the need for a lengthy training period. Responsibilities of this position will include assuming any of the day-to-day elated tasks tasks currently performed by HR Green, Inc. as defined in the bulleted list provided earlier. Most importantly, this position will be responsible for reviewing and analyzing cost information provided by HR Green, Inc. for capital projects being undertaken by the municipality. This will not only include the careful review of proposed project staffing requirements and costs, but also cost -checking proposed engineering -related services by comparing the scope/cost for services for McHenry projects with the scope/cost for services for similar projects being undertaken in surrounding municipalities. While no two projects are identical, it is possible to identify/compare costs and, specifically, engineering project fees. This will help ensure that HR Green, Inc. costs are in line with similar work being completed by other firms and, therefore, hold HR Green, Inc. accountable for the proposed engineering costs for projects. If there is a notable discrepancy in project scope/cost based on this review, this will be addressed with HR Green, Inc. and, if no resolution can be reached, the City may choose to seek alternate proposals. At the discretion of the Engineering Project Manager or as directed by the City Administrator and/or Director of Public Works (for non -federally funded projects) the City will retain the potential for producing a project scope of work that can be competitively bid by pre -qualified engineering firms and, if they choose, the City Engineer (more discussion on this item under Recommendation #2 below). In this case, the Engineering Project Manager would be responsible for developing the scope of work, requesting competitive bids from pre -qualified engineering firms, reviewing/evaluating competitive bid submittals, recommending the award of bid, and serving as the staff liaison for the specific project. Timing for the recruitment and hiring of this position will take place after the approval and start of the ry16/17 Budget (May 1, 20161. It is anticipated that it will take approximately 60 days for hiring process to be completed however this is always subject to change based on the quality of applicants, number of interviews required, etc. The interview team will be comprised City Administrator Morefield, Public Works Director Schmitt, and Human Resources Manager Campanella. An additional individual with engineering -specific knowledge from a neighboring municipality may also be brought in to assist in the process. Based on a review of positions similar in requirements, scope and responsibility it is estimated that the salary for the position will start in the low $80,000 range. Benefits would be in addition to this amount. n Recommendation #2 - Retain HR Green, Inc. as the appointed City Engineer to provide as - needed support for the Engineering Project Manager; for engineering services for federally - funded projects; and for engineering services for non -federally funded engineering projects subject to the critical review and comparison of project scope/cost by the Engineering Project Manager and with the option of requesting project bids from pre -qualified engineering firms. En�ineerin� Support Services As previously identified, it is not realistic to believe that an individual can be hired to replace the depth and breadth of engineering expertise that is provided by a full service engineering firm and, as such, it is important that staff (and specifically the new Engineering Project Manager) have access to engineering support services on a regular and timely basis. As envisioned, based on the level of expertise and experience that the City is able to capture in the hiring of an Engineering Project Manager, the appointed City Engineer would be available on an as -needed basis as a resource to the Engineering Project Manager for tasks that are either: 1) outside of the scope of the Engineering Project Manager's expertise, or 2) as a backup in instances where the Engineering Project Manager's workload requires that he/she engage additional assistance. An example that encompasses both of these instances would be the submittal of a large subdivision project. Due to the broad scope of engineering review that would be required for such a project — from public improvements to individual lot drainage — a single Engineering Project Manager would be consumed by this project, leaving him/her with little time to complete other tasks within the municipality. As such, a project of this scope would be assigned to the City Engineer with the Engineering Project Manager as the municipal liaison. As a point of information, for this example, much of the engineering review costs would be paid by the developer and would not be the responsibility of the City. A new master agreement would be developed for this relationship that will be subject to review and approval by the City Council on an annual basis as part of the annual appointment process of the City Engineer. Capital Projects Engineering Services In short, HR Green, Inc. maintains the institutional knowledge of the public infrastructure of the City of McHenry and, as such, should continue to be retained as the City's first option to provide engineering services for capital projects. This would occur under the following scenarios: Federally Funded Projects -Based on the legal opinion provided by David McArdle, projects that include engineering that is funded in whole or part with federal funding must either go through the QBS process or be undertaken by the appointed City Engineer. As Council is aware, federally funded projects, such as STP projects, are subject to strictly defined cost measures as dictated, in Illinois, by the Illinois Department of Transportation. Therefore, staff believes that it is most reasonable that the HR Green, Inc. be retained for these projects. The Engineering Project Manager E would be responsible for reviewing, cost-checking/verifying project scopes/costs to confirm that they are appropriate based on the allowable costs. Non -Federally Funded Projects — Seeking competitive bids for every capital project undertaken by the municipality would consume considerable staff time and effort and, while the process may identify a "low bidder" for a project, it does not guarantee that the most qualified engineering firm is selected or that the low bid will not be followed with significant change orders or contract amendments, thus defeating the purpose of competitively bidding the project. With an understanding that the Engineering Project Manager will, for each capital project, closely scrutinize, evaluate, compare and negotiate engineering costs submitted by HR Green, Inc. staff believes that we can establish more cost accountability in the capital project engineering process for non - federally funded projects. In addition, as identified in Recommendation #1 above, staff is recommending the establishment of a list of pre -qualified engineering firms to provide competitive pricing for non -federally funded projects on a periodic basis. In conjunction with cost -checking by the Engineering Project Manager and with an understanding that, at any time and for any project, city staff can choose to request bids from other engineering firms for projects, HR Green, Inc. should continuously seek to provide competitive engineering costs for capital projects. This recommendation includes completing a process every 3-5 years (beginning in FY16/17 and after the hiring of the Engineering Project Manager) to pre -qualify engineering firms for the variety of public improvement projects that the City undertakes (i.e., transportation/roads, water, wastewater, stormwater/drainage, etc.). This pre -qualified list is preferable as it allows the City to screen and select only the most qualified firms in each of the engineering specialties (preferably more than one firm for each) and provides a level of confidence in ensuring that, when competitive pricing is sought, the pre -qualified firms have the technical engineering expertise required. A 3-5 year period is recommended since the process of pre -qualifying firms is time consuming and, further, would create the potential for inefficiencies in having a regular turnover of firms and related knowledge of McHenry. Having a list of pre - qualified firms makes it possible for engineering firms other than HR Green, Inc. to undertake projects within the municipality, provides other engineering firms with the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the infrastructure of the municipality, and provides the Engineering Project Manager, other staff, and elected officials, with an opportunity to evaluate the cost and performance of other qualified engineering firms on a project by project basis. This process also assists in holding HR Green, Inc. accountable since the City may choose to retain other engineering firms for projects at any time. 10 RESOLUTION R-16- RESOLUTION REQUESTING QUALIFICATIONS FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR TRANSPORTATION, WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROJECTS WHEREAS, the City of McHenry is interested in receiving Requests for Qualifications from Consulting Engineers for work relating to transportation improvements, water and wastewater projects; and WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Resolution constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the McHenry City Council as follows: SECTION 1: The City of McHenry hereby authorizes and directs its Public Works Director to request submission of qualifications from engineers for consulting municipal engineering services related to transportation, water and wastewater treatment projects substantially in compliance with the attached formats. SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Resolution shall be adjudged by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 3: All Resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this 15th day of August 2016. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Abstaining: Not Voting: Absent: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor Derik Morefield, City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 dmorefield@ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA DATE: August 15, 2016 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director RE: Consideration of and updated Purchasing Policy and Procedures ATT: Existing Purchasing Policy and Procedures Manual —Effective Date 12/14/88 Proposed/Recommended Purchasing Policy and Procedures July 18, 2016 Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting Report — Unapproved AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Council is being asked to consider a recommendation from the Finance & Personnel Committee for the adoption of a revised/updated Purchasing Policy and Procedures. This items was discussed at the July 18, 2016 Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting and is being forwarded to Council for consideration for adoption by a unanimous vote of the committee. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The existing City of McHenry Purchasing Policy and Procedures Manual, upon Council approval, became effective December 14, 1988 and, is in need of updating to meet the current needs of the municipality. The proposed new policy and procedures include the following: • An update of authorized position titles based on the current organizational structure; • Increased procurement authority for all levels for budgeted items; • Updated definition as to when approvals are required for specific dollar amounts; • Clarity as to when unbudgeted expenditure requests must be brought before Council; and • Clarity as to what level of expenditures require written quotations and/or are subject to a competitive bidding process. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. • Based on the discussion at the Finance & Personnel Committee, the 4th bullet point under "General Rules, Regulations and Ethics' was expanded to include, "In the case that it is not possible to obtain cost comparisons, quotations or competitive bids, this will be identified in the approval and review process." RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended that a motion be made to accept the recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee and adopt the attached "City of McHenry Purchasing Policy and Procedures" document. McHenry enry Purchasing Policy and Procedures Manual Title: ttegu�a��ons arxt ttn�cs Policy Nc.: P-001 SubMatted By: Approved Sy: City Coun, Dffective Date: Su?erscdes No.. rage No.. 1 of 1. Purchase for the City of McHenry in accordance with the City Purchasing Policy, City Ordinances and the Statutes cf the State of :-linois. 2. Procure items that wi]l represent the maximum econanical benefit for each dollar spent. 3. Procure con�nodities and services of high quality ane:� continued availability. 4. Obtain competitive bids or quotations on all purchases whenever possible. 5. Obtain better knowledge of methods and of comoditie,o required to operate cost effectively. b. Encourage local partic,iElation in the procurement process. 7. `Consider cooperative purchasing with other local governments and participation in the State of .Illinois Joint Purchasing program whenever possible. 8. All personnel involved ;n the purchasing process sti�uld conduct them selves with fairness and impartiality, and d errand the sam e of all vendors. 9. All negotiations and discussions involving purchasing should also be conducted in compliance with the Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct defined in the Personnel Policy Manual. 10. Promote the professiona?ism of purchasing and be committed to .the effi�iegcies of centralised purchasing. t b Lei y of P1cHenry Policy No.: P-002 Purchasing Policy and Procedures Manual Adm. F/P Submitted By: Title• Approval Requirements & Delegatio'ns of Auth. Approved By: City Coun Effective Date: 12-lq-gg Supersedes No.: NA Page.No.. i of 1. The purpose of this procedure is to outline tn,,. required approvals for all purchase commitments and transactions, :ind secondly to define City personnel by classification who are authorized to initiate purchases at various monetary levels for materials, equipment, supplies and services. 2. A77 designated personnel shall obtain the req;aired approvals) prior to final commitment: Ii on? or more person's approval is required who is not available, the approval must be obtained from the next highest authority- of approval level . 3. Prior to approval far payment by the City Cour:cil, Department Heads must approve all purchase invoices for those transactions and commitments of autiiorizec' supervisors and empl.%ees. - 4.. The table shown -below es�ablishes the required 'eve?s of approval based on the dollar amou::t of the purchase. AUTHORIZED DEPART. ADMINIS. k:AYOR & MAYOR AMOUNT EMPS. & SUPYRS. HEADS F/P Dbl. F/P & CC slOQ or less X— �- $100-$500 X X X X $500-$21500 X X X $2,500-.$57000 X X $5,000 or more X 5. The table shown below lists those position classifications authorized to initiate purchases in relationship to the prescribed dollarm amounts. Those position classifications not shown below are strictly prohibited from purchasir:g unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator of Finance and. Personnel DOLLAR AMOUNTS POSITIONS A. $ , or more i�iayor an City Councii r in accordance with Purchasing Policy No. P-004 B. $23500 - $5,000 Mayor and Administrator of Finance and Personnel C. $500 - $23500 Administrator of Finance and Personnel D. $700 - $500 Chief of Police City Clerk - Collector Director of Development Director of Parks and Recreation i� iY Sept. of Publ is Works F09�9 1 r- k; I ty ofi McHenry Purchasing Policy and Procedures Manual Title ApprovaT Requirements & Delegation of Auth. Effective Date: 12-14-8 DOLLAR AMOUNTS E. $] 00 or 7 ess °supersedes Authorized S+lpervi sors Authori zed (:mp1 ogees POSITrntdS Policy No.: P-002 Submitted By: Adm. F/P Approved By: Page Igo . City Courj0 of Street Su-perv! D r j ater $.upervi sor `5-may llastewater Treatment Plant Sup7j�. Parks Maintenance Supervisor Recreation Program Supervisor Building & Zoning Enforce. Off.. Police Lieutenant Detective -Sergeant C imiand Sergeant Canmunir_ations Supervisor p�rvi-s-or-- A_ssistant Wastewater Trea ent Plant Super-Oi so-r—Sel' v . Wastewater Plant Maintenance M e c h a ni c Crew —Lead` r. (Street Division) Mechanic (Street Division) Senior Records Clerk (Police) Adminis. Assist. (Parks Dept) Adminis. Assist.(Clerk's Off) Shop Tool Manager Principal Account Clerk Secretary (Public Works) Parks Maintenance Employee 1 F0999 City of McHenry Policy No.: P403 Purchasing Policy and Procedures Manual Adm. F/P Submitted By: Title• u gee ems - Bf5 OONQuotati'ons Approved By: City Coun Effective Date: 12.1 g , Supersedes No.: ��q Page -No 1 of 1 1. Department Beads prepare specifications, obtain product literature, investigate alternatives and solicit quotations for item(s) req;j�-w:sted for purchase... Pertinent i nfonmati on forwarded to Finance and Personnel Department for compliance with purchasing policy and budget availability. 2. Finance and Personnel Department reviews. information and Administrator of Finance grid Personnel approves purchase request (Go -to Step 3). Only if purchase request is not approved by Administrator of Finance and Personnel, upon request of the Department dead, matter is referred by Finance and Personnel Department to ;Mayor for reconsideration. If approved by Mayor, Department Hr.id proceeds to Step 3 and 4. 3. If approved, Department Head is authorized. to purchase upon written d i rs::ti on from Administrator o--f—FTnance and Peer orin(e L_aA 4. Department ;aeads follow regularpurchasing procedures upon receipt• of written authorization. F0999 City of cenry • .'Purchasing Policy and Procedures ,Manual Title: u ge e tems ver 5,000-Competitive Bid Effective Date: F0999 _iA_pa Supersedes No.: NA 1. Department Heads prepare bid specifications. Policy No.: P-004 Submitted By: A0111. F/P Approved By: City Cou Forge No.:1 of 1 2. City ;ouncil reviews Department Head request to so1IC1L bids. If approved, City Council authorizes F- A&nce-a-nd-Rers-e-nnel 151 Administrator to proceed with bid procedures. If City Council requires additional information, matter is referred to Purchasing Committee. 3. Finance and Personnel Department prepares invitation to bid notice, advertisement notice, bid sheet, and any other necessary bid documentation. 4. Finance and Personnel Department advertises for bids, receives sealed bids and conducts formal bid opening. 5. Department Heads and. a-nd-Pe-r<s-=Tel Administrator evaluate bid proposals and prepare Written recommendation to :ity Council. 5. City Council awards or rejects bids within 30.days of bid opening. 7-. Staff followe regular purchasing procedures when awarded. 8. In the case of rejection of all bids,'these procedures are repeated. CITY Or MCHENRY PURCHASING POLICY AND PROCEDURES General Rules, Regulations and Ethics • Purchasing activities for the City of McHenry shall be in accordance with this Purchasing Policy, City Ordinances and applicable Statutes of the State of Illinois. • Items procured will represent the maximum economical benefit for each dollar spent. • Procurement shall be made of commodities and services of high quality and continued availability. • Whenever possible, purchases shall be based on obtaining cost comparisons, quotations or competitive bids. In the case that it is not possible to obtain cost comparisons, quotations or competitive bids, this will be identified in the approval and review process. • Purchases shall be based on obtaining better knowledge of methods and of commodities required to operate cost effectively. • Local participation will be encouraged in the procurement process. • Consideration should be given to participate in cooperative purchasing efforts with other local government entities and in the State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Program whenever possible. • All personnel involved in the purchasing process shall conduct themselves with fairness and impartiality, and demand the same of all vendors. • Negotiations and discussions involving purchasing shall be conducted in compliance with the Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct in the City's Personnel Handbook. • The purchasing process will promote professionalism and be committed to the efficiencies of centralized purchasing. Approval Requirements & Delegations of Authority • The purpose of this procedure is to outline the required approvals for all purchase commitments and transactions, and secondly, to define City personnel by classification who are authorized to initiate purchases at various monetary levels for materials, equipment, supplies and services. • All designated personnel shall obtain the required approvals) prior to final commitment. If one or more person's approval is required who is not available, the approval must be obtained from the next highest level of authority of approval level. • Prior to approval for payment by the City Council, Department Directors and the City Administrator must approve all purchase invoices for those transactions and commitments of authorized supervisors and employees. • The following table establishes the required levels of approval based on the dollar amount of the purchase: City Authorized Employees Administrator Mayor or Amount & Department or Finance City Mayor and Supervisors/Managers Directors Director Administrator City Council $750 or less X X X $751 to $3,500 X X $3,501 to $6,500 X $6,501 to $10,000 X More than $10,000 X • The following table lists those position classifications authorized to initiate purchases in relationship to the prescribed dollar amounts (from above). Those position classifications not shown below are strictly prohibited from purchasing unless otherwise authorized by the City Administrator or Finance Director, Dollar Amounts Authorized Positions) More than $10,000 Mayor and City Council in accordance with "Budgeted Items — Cost Comparisons, Quotations and Competitive Bidding" section of this policy* $6,501- $10,000 Budgeted Items with the authorization of the Mayor or City Administrator in accordance with "Budgeted Items — Cost Comparisons, Quotations and Competitive Bidding" section of this policy* $3,501- $6,500 Budgeted Items with authorization of the Finance Director or City Administrator in accordance with "Budgeted Items — Cost Comparisons, Quotations and Competitive Bidding" section of this policy* $751- $3,500 Budgeted Items with authorization of the Department Director in accordance with "Budgeted Items — Cost Comparisons, Quotations and Competitive Bidding" section of this policy* $750 or less Budgeted Items by Employees authorized by their immediate Superintendent, Manager, or Department Director in accordance with "Budgeted Items — Cost Comparisons, Quotations and Competitive Bidding" section of this policy* *For items not identified as "Budgeted Items", budget amendment requests will be brought before the City Council for consideration/approval for items over $6,500 unless the action is considered emergency in nature. Should this be the case, Council will be notified of the purchase/acquisition and the item will be presented for approval at the next regular meeting of the City Council. • Definitions of authorized positions: Authorized Dollar Amount $750 or less Authorized Positions Authorized Employees: (must have prior approval of their immediate Supervisor, Manager, or Department Director) • Executive Assistant/Deputy City Clerk • Administrative Assistants (all departments) • Public Works Maintenance Worker • Public Works Operator • Public Works Mechanic • Parks & Recreation Maintenance Worker • Public Works Project Engineer • Community Development Plumbing Inspector • Community Development Code Enforcement Officer • Community Development Permit Technician Supervisors/Managers: • Public Works Water Division Superintendent • Public Works Wastewater Division Superintendent • Public Works Street Division Superintendent • Public Works Wastewater Division Assistant Superintendent • Public Works Utility Division Superintendent • Public Works Forestry Division Superintendent • Community Development Superintendent of Residential Inspections • Community Development Superintendent of Commercial Inspections • Parks & Recreation Parks Division Superintendent • Parks & Recreation Parks Division Assistant Superintendent • Parks & Recreation Recreation Center Manager • Recreation Superintendent of Programs • Recreation Superintendent of Athletics & Aquatics • Police Deputy Chief • Police Commander of Operations • Police Commander of Support Services • Police Sergeants • Police Dispatch Supervisor • Information Technology Manager $751- $3,500 Department Directors: • Deputy City Administrator/Director of Parks & Recreation • Director of Economic Development • Director of Community Development • Director of Finance • Director of Public Works • Chief of Police $3,501- $6,500 City Administrator or Finance Director $6,501- $10,000 Mayor or City Administrator More than $10,000 May and City Council Budgeted Items — Cost Comparison, Quotations and Competitive Bidding • For budgeted items under $6,500 authorized positions shall obtain, where possible, three (3) cost comparisons prior to the purchase of goods and/or services. • For budgeted items between $6,501 and $10,000 authorized positions shall obtain, where possible, three (3) cost comparisons or three (3) written quotations prior to the purchase of goods and/or services. • For budgeted items over $10,000, but less than $20,000, staff shall obtain, where possible, three (3) written quotations for the purchase of goods and/or services for consideration and approval by the City Council. • For budgeted items over $20,000, the purchase of goods and/or services shall follow a formal competitive bidding process whereby staff develops bid specifications, Council approves a request to advertise for bids, bids are received and evaluated, and a recommendation is forwarded to the City Council for award/approval. UNAPPROVED 7/18/16 FPC MEETING REPORT Alderman Condon asked how quickly they anticipate starting the project. Director Martin said if all goes as planned, Mr. Graham will perform an economic analysis of the area. Should the project not move forward, he will still own the property and redevelop at a future date. As there were no further questions from the committee, Chairman Wimmer called for a motion. Alderman Condon made a motion, seconded by Alderman Curry to forward the proposal to the full City Council for consideration. All ayes, motion carried. Consideration of Updated Purchasing_ Policy and Procedures and recommendation to forward the policy to the full City Council for consideration. Chairman Wimmer asked City Administrator Morefield to begin the discussion. Administrator Morefield reported he was seeking input and recommendations from the committee regarding the proposed updated Purchasing Policy and Procedures as presented. He added the existing policy has been in place for nearly 28 years. The updated policy outlines the required approvals for all purchase commitments and transactions, and defines city personnel by classification who are authorized to initiate purchases at various monetary levels for materials, equipment supplies, and services. The new policy is more effective than the outdated policy the city currently follows. Alderman Curry stated as the new policy reads, there is no difference between a budgeted vs. unbudgeted purchase up to $6,500. City Administrator Morefield said the statement is correct; as an example, an unbudgeted item for $500 would not require the Council's approval. Alderman Curry said he agrees it is tough doing business with the current policy and asked if staff gave any thought to requiring approval for the purchase of more expensive unbudgeted items at the next level of authority. City Administrator answered yes, that has always been the intent of the policy. Alderman Curry stated there is nothing in the new policy that allows for department heads to review all purchases in their department first. City Administrator noted that Directors monitor their own budgets and they know they have the authority to implement their own purchasing procedures within their departments. They all do an excellent job of keeping costs down and monitoring their purchases. Alderman Curry said he noticed the word "or" is replaced by the word "and" in a few of the authorization columns for Mayor and City Administrator. City Administrator Morefield explained the new financial software is not setup for the Mayor to authorize purchases electronically. The person authorizing purchases through the new software is required to log into the financial program and the city does not have a system that would allow a mobile login to the software. Alderman Curry suggested staff be required to provide an explanation if they cannot obtain the required number of quotes. Alderman Condon asked why the level of approval is higher for the Finance Director than the other directors. City Administrator Morefield answered the Finance Director is also appointed as City Treasurer, which carries a higher level of purchasing authority than a department director. Alderman Condon asked Director Lynch if she has ever purchased anything in that range. Director Lynch answered she would only be signing off for a purchase requested by someone else— not purchasing at that level. Alderman Condon asked why the $750 purchasing level was selected and not $500 or maybe higher. City Administrator Morefield said often times purchase have to be authorized quickly so that a repair project is not delayed. An example would be the purchase of asphalt by the street division superintendent. Director Lynch added after research, $750 was selected as the best threshold for the proposed level of authority. Y ,� As there were no further questions from the committee, Chairman Wimmer called for a motion. Alderman Curry made a motion, seconded by Alderman Condon to authorize staff to bring the updated Purchasing Police and Procedures including the committee's suggested amendments, to the full City Council for consideration. All ayes, motion carried. 5. Other Business • Chairman Wimmer told the committee he had his annual meeting with the auditor who was very complimentary in the manner Finance Director Lynch handles the recording of the city's finances. City Administrator Morefield noted Director Lynch is also a CPA. • Director Lynch informed the Committee that the city is required to perform a single audit on the IEPA loan for wastewater consolidation. 6. Adjournment: Motion by Alderman Condon, seconded by Alderman Curry to adjourn the meeting at 6:01 PM. All ayes, motion carried. Reviewed and Approved: Alderman R. Wimmer, Chairman Date: 2016 3 Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator FOR: February 3, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Disposal of Non -Functioning Property ATT: Ordinance Agenda Item Summary: Attached as Exhibit A is a detailed list ofnon-functioning electronic property. Background: Disposal of non-functioning inventory of electronic property requires a vote from the City Council consisting of three-quarters of the majority present. Analysis: Because the property is no longer functional, it cannot be sold at a public auction. Recommendation: If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the attached Ordinance authorizing the disposal of non-functioning property as presented. T/ze Ciry of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest qualit)� of programs ant/ services in acustomer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible ma�zner. Ordinance No. 0RD-16- An Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Non -Functional Inventory Property Owned by the City of McHenry WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, in the opinion of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, it is no longer necessary or useful to or for the best interests of the City of McHenry to retain ownership of the property identified and described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry to dispose of said non-functional inventory of property by the means prescribed by law For the disposal of non-functioning electronic property. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY AS FOLLOWS: SECTION l: The Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry find that the property described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof is no longer necessary to the function of said jurisdiction. SECTION 2: The Mayor and City Council direct, by a minimum of three-quarters majority, that the City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to dispose of said property in a manner required by law for the disposal of non-functioning electronic equipment. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the corporate authorities. PASSED and APPROVED this 15th day of August 2016. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Abstained: Not Voting: Absent: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor EXHIBIT A Device Manufacturer Model Serial Number Cables Misc Misc Camera Axis 213 400097 Camera Axis 213 385531 Camera Vivotek FD6111V 0002D1028099 Camera Vivotek FD6111V 0002D1028097 CASH REGISTER SAMSUNG ER-5200 306510341 Computer Dell Dimension 3000 JT1GK71 Computer Dell Optiplex 380 5STFHQI Computer Dell Optiplex 380 SSSFHQI Computer Dell Optiplex 380 GYPRHQI Computer Dell Optiplex 380 DMW4KQ1 Computer Dell Optiplex 380 GYNRHQI Computer Dell Optiplex 740 3GXV1D1 Computer Dell Optiplex 740 77PQXC1 Computer Dell Optiplex 740 FBLFDGI Computer Dell Optiplex 740 7BGZTGI Computer Dell Optiplex 740 BCLFDGI Computer Dell Optiplex 740 CSWVJKI Computer Dell Optiplex 740 1CLFDGI Computer Dell Optiplex 780 DJKNCPI Computer Dell Optiplex 780 H4VRMN1 Computer Dell Optiplex GX270 258VR41 Computer Dell Optplex 755 J1D6MG1 Computer HP Pavillion a6110n CNH7201M3M Computer Desk Leg Xybix 13932-1-1 DVD RECORDER SONY RDR-VX555 S01-6068140-13 Electronics Accessories Misc Misc Exercise Bike Life Fitness 9500HR Fax Panasonic KX-FP200 7LBFB276587 Keyboards Misc Misc LAMINATOR FRELAB CQ420 57015TC Laptop Datalux TCU-TC204-103 521741 Laptop Datalux TCU-TX204403 521738 Laptop Datalux TCU-TX204403 521742 Laptop Datalux TCU-TX204403 521740 Laptop Datalux TCU-TX204-128 523723 Laptop Dell Latitude D820 H3M6W91 Laptop Dell Latitude D820 61M6W91 Memory/RAM Misc Misc MFP HP Laserjet 3380 CNBM111313 MFP HP Laserjet M2727nf CNBJ432483 Monitor Acer AL1714b ETL180910251100F69PQ33 Monitor Dell 1703FPs MX-02Y311-47605-44J-A4ZW Monitor Dell 1907FPc CN-0119239-48220-63&00HY Monitor Dell 1908FPt CN-OFP182-71618-754-GTUE Monitor Dell E173FPc CWOF5035-64180-413H-OVAS Monitor Dell E173FPF CN-0D5428-7872-558-5N7S Monitor Dell E173FPS MY-OF7170-47603-4130-AWAH Monitor Dell E196fpB CN-OKC147-46633-675-6CLL Monitor NEC LCD1907NX-BK 4Z107866YA Monitor Wyse wy-370 8412701947 Printer Dell 1720dn B3XV7D1 Printer Dell 5100cn 2D1WQ71 Printer EPSON M24SA 32SO010046 Printer EPSON M24SA 32S0003825 Printer EPSON M24SA 32SO013435 Printer HP Color LaserJet 2605dn CNHC769160 Printer HP Laserjet 2100m USGM000618 Printer HP Laserjet 4 USBB163741 Printer Minolta Di450 31723201 Printer OKI Microline 321 Turbo AE49026663E Printer Okidata MICROLINE 182 106A1260386 Printer Okidata Microline 380 409AO224661 Projector I n Focus I N34 ATMV738AO530 RADIO Motorola CDM 1250 103TFGH482 RADIO Motorola HT 1000 402TGF1212 RADIO Motorola HT 1000 402AUQ4472 RADIO Motorola HT 1000 402ACD1452 RADIO Motorola HT 1000 402AUQ4471 RADIO Motorola HT 1000 402TDN2789 Radio Motorola MCS 2000 MCH11178 RADIO UBIQUITI AIRFIBER24 6545A-AF24 RADIO UBIQUITI AIRFIBER24 6545A-AF24 Router Cisco 1700 IFMAALOARA SCANNER HP SCANJET 4370 CN68KA2OP5 Scoreboard Sportable 23432 Server Dell PowerEdge R610 8F8QQL1 Server Dell PowerVault MD1000 HDYBXQI Server Dell PowerVault MD1000 8RIYGFGI Server Dell PowerVault MD3000i CLBTPMI Server Dell PowerEdge R610 8F8RQL1 Speakers Misc Misc TV ELEMENT FLX-1510 HR702185570008132 TV Maganavox MWC20T6 V09634515 TV Phillips PA5027 C204 66671425 TV Phillips PA5027 C204 68178964 UPS APC BE50OR 380627X10246 UPS APC BE5000 N/A UPS APC BE5000 BB0417013062 UPS APC BESOOU BB0417015505 UPS APC BE5000 JB033704272 UPS APC BK650MC PB0231123576 UPS APC BR800BLK QB0604235131 VCR Zenith VDR100 76101518 Video Recorder Panasonic AG-CPD15 J7TA00106 Video Recorder Panasonic AG-CPD15 A9TA10262 Video Recorder Panasonic AG-CPD15 C8TA10183 Video Recorder Panasonic AG-CPD15 C9A10183 Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: August 15, 2016 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Worl<s Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director RE: Snowplowing Services for Fegers Subdivision ATT: Fegers Subdivision Map AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider city snowplowing services for Fegers Subdivision for the 2016/17 winter season. BACKGROUND: The Public Works Street Division has snow plowed the Fegers Subdivision for more than thirty years at the request of the Fegers Subdivision Home Owners Association. The subdivision is located north of St. Patrick's Church Cemetery off of Washington Street; it includes a portion of Green Street, a portion of Court Street, 1st Avenue, 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue (See attached map). The Fegers Subdivision is located outside of city limits in unincorporated McHenry County. For the 2016/17 winter season, the Fegers subdivision has once again requested city snowplowing services. ANALYSIS: Staff recommends charging a per pass fee per snow/ice event at $150.00 per pass. The per pass rate is based on overtime at $80/hour; dump truck with snow plow at $54/hour (Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) schedule of equipment rates); and salt at $16/pass (300 Ibs/lane mile). The per pass fee will be billed monthly using the following fee structure: 0-2 inches of snow = 1 pass; 3-5 inches of snow = 2 passes; 6-8 inches of snow = 3 passes; 9-10 inches of snow = 4 passes; and 11-12 inches of snow = 5 passes. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to provide city snowplowing services for Fegers Subdivision as presented. • 1 Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA DATE: August 15, 2016 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator RE Special Event Liquor License ATT: Request Letter, Application, List of Participating Businesses Agenda Item Summary The McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce has ap�lied for a special event liquor license to host McHenry Downtown Uncorked on September 17' from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM and permission to setup Arts & Crafts/Farmers Market booths in Neumann Park on Green Street and the Clock Tower site on Green & Elm Street. Background: The Chamber is organizing the event in conjunction with the Downtown Business Association. The event invites participants to stroll through McHenry's business district. At least 10 businesses will offer tastings of wine as well as tapas-style appetizers. Attendees will visit participating businesses along a route beginning and ending at the McHenry Villa. The Chamber is charging a fee of $30 per person in advance or $35 day of the event that includes bottled water, three one -ounce tastings of wine and tapas-style appetizers available at each location, gift bag, and complimentary bottle of wine after the event. Identification checks and wrist -banding will be performed by K's Investigations and Security. As of the date of application, 10 downtown businesses are participating in the event. Analysis: This type of event, also known as a "wine walk," or "sip and stroll" is held annually in many communities such as Fox Lake Antioch, Libertyville, Richmond, and Algonquin. All required paperwork has been submitted and the $25 license fee was paid. If approved, this will be the second of eight special event liquor licenses permitted in one calendar year. Recommendation: If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is made to approve the request as presented. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efftcienr, and frscally responsible mmtner. �i August 8, 2016 Mayor Susan Low and City Council C/0 Mard Geraghty City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 To Whom It May Concern: The McHenry Area Chamber Of Commerce proposes to host a Downtown "Wine Walk" in conjunction with the McHenry Downtown Business Association on September 17th, 2016s Particulars are below: Date: September 17cn "time: 1 pm to 4 pm Where: Green St. Route 120, along Riverwalk, and Riverside Dr. Starting and ending location at McHenry Villa. Cost to attendees: $30 presale/$35 at gate Each attendee will receive bottled water, wine pertinent gift items, tapas style delicacies from local restaurants, commemorative wine glass and choice of complimentary bottle of wine to be picked up at McHenry Villa post event. Expected Attendance: 150 (our wish is to start small) Cost per store: $75 (participating stores are attached) Each store owner will be given 1 ounce pourers, complimentary wine forsampling, delicacies from local restaurants, health department certificate, insurance and state license. Wine Provider: International House of Wine and Cheese How it works: Registration will be held at McHenry villa, with two groups of 6 to 8 attendees visiting 10 stores in our downtown district on 10 different routes. Each individual in attendance will sign a hold harmless agreement. Each group will have a different itinerary. Stores will be giving one ounce samples from up to three bottles of wine. There will be a spittoon device available at each location. Owners are coached to have the pouring in the back of the store so attendees have an opportunity to view and purchase from our local downtown business community. Owners are also encouraged to discuss store offerings while potential patrons are sampling the wines. (Wines are not available for purchase) Also this day will be a small arts and crafts plus farmer's market located throughout our downtown area. Purpose: To provide another event downtown encouraging the community to visit our local downtown stores. It is also felt by the chamber that this event with others will help to attract likeminded prospective downtown retailers to view our community positively as their next home. Our hope is that City Council will consider positively this new initiative by the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce. Yours truly, Rial Bates President SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF MCHENRY v �S (A special event liquor license may also be required by the State Liquor Control Commission) www.state.H.us/Icc FEE $25.00 COMPANY OR ORGANIZATION: ADDRESS: i PHONE NUMBER: I S 3 CJ - �(3 oU APPLICATION DATE TYPE OF BUSINESS OR ORGANIZATION: / V D i-' I�-�✓- her)" 1:: 2. LICENSE APPLICANT: /yttyLFPV1► DATE OF BIRTH: �-- oZO -� ©do�) (L�' U �C- CITY: l�l G �-� %;yA0 DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO.: �/ ��, f� -4�� Z� Q EVENING TELEPHONE NO. Z/ "�— 7 L �C3 3. LOCATION WHERE SPECIAL EVENT HELD: �r�2ii ��' `�' �� V��'Sr�IP� (non-residential premises only) 4. OWNER OF LOCATION WHERE SPECIAL EVENT HELD: OO LJ'1 % -d OWNER'S ADDRESS: CITY: TELEPHONE NUMBER: 5. DATE(S) OF EVENT: `7 g P I % , �LC�I �G HOURS: 1 `7 �riYl (not more than days) 6. TYPE OF ALCOHOL TO BE SERVED: BEER X WINE LIQUOR 7, NO UNDER -AGED OR INTOXICATED PERSON(S) SHALL BE SERVED ANY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. 8. DRAM SHOP INSURANCE TO THE MAXIMUM LIMIT MUST BE OBTAINED AND A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE NAMING THE CITY OF MCHENRY AS ADDITIONALLY INSURED SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION. AFFIDAVIT '�lG (-� Q � f � � (` eG � � c� 1n P r- � � Co tin�eC�Cstates that the City of McHenry shall not be held liable for any occurrence, loss, damage, or injury as a result of this event. Person or persons to whom this license has been issued shall hold the City of McHenry harmless in connection with any and all claims arising as a result of the consumption of alcoholic liquoror as a result of the issuance of this license. The undersigned certifies that they will not violate any of the laws of the City of McHenry, of the State of Illinois, or of the United States of America, in the conduct of this Special Event Liquor License and that the statements contained in this application are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. The undersigned is aware that state liquor licensing approv4Y is required for this license. Signature of Applicant SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me this DATE ISSUED LICENSE NO. EFFECTIVE DATES) 2ot2 BUSINESS FIRST LAST PHONE ADDRESS Adams Memorials & Memorable Gifts Missy Adams 815-363-8254 1335 N. Riverside Dr Black Orchid Boutique Carol Chrisman 815.322.2624 1226 N Green St Hair for You Spa & Salon Kim Huber 815.385.0831 3424 W Elm St Hidden Pearl Cafe Dan Kernes 815-388-0008 1208 N. Green St Kiera Confections Kim Lowe 815-3854372 1114 N. Green St Prized Possessions Antiques Sandra Wilkin 815036309999 3321 W Elm St Reeses Barkery & Pawtique Sharon Ahrens 8159363.7297 1313 Riverside Dr The Bike Haven Jessica or Josh Arnow 815-3854642 3318 Pearl St The Cottage Boutique Pam Martell 815-385-5588 1253 N. Green St Worldwide Traveler Darrellynn Hanes 815.385.6900 1142 N Green St 10 Restuarants providing food Marzanos Woodfired Italian Petar Milovanovic 815.578.2000 1501 S Rt 31 Hidden Pearl Cafe Dan Kernes 815-388-0008 1208 N. Green Street Kiera Confections Kim Lowe 815-385-4372 1114 N. Green St Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator FOR$ August 15, 2016 - Regular City Council Meeting RE: Park Special Use, Beer/Wine and Liquor permits associated with Rentals and/or Programs ATT: Permit List and Applications All fees and documentation have been satisfactorily submitted for the attached requests. If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the attached McHenry Park Facilities Special Use, Beer/Wine and Liquor permits associated with Rentals and/or Programs. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest duality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. FOR COUNCIL MEETING ON AUGUST 15, 2016: Beer/wine Permits These are beer and wine permit requests associated with picnic permits. Date of Picnic Applicant Address 09/17/16 Sandy Zawistowski Grad 5814 Fieldstone Tr, McH 10/22/16 Anne Sayles Wed Ceremony 38119 N Lee Ave, Spring Grove Special Use Applications These are special use application requests associated with picnic permits. Date of Picnic Applicant Address Special Use Community Room Liquor Permits These requests are associated with McHenry Recreation Center rentals and/or programs. Date of RentaV Program Applicant Address 10/02/16 Carrie Sabatka/Room rental 208 S Loch Glen Ln, McH Parks/Forms/Picnic Permit Lists doc McHenry FarAs & Hecrea[ian f)eparin¢N =� , McHENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/WINE APPLICATION , Contact Person: �-�new_k/ Z410 S���i Company/Organizati`on�: � Address: � � t"% �� C��-S�t� / r City/State/Zip: n�.�� � Home Phone: %►�, Work/Cell Phone: �,/S —rl �/`®� � ��, �7 J ' Park: ❑Knox Park (A only) Petersen Park ❑Veteran's Memorial Park ❑ Riverwalk Bridge Area: helter A ❑ Shelter B ❑ Shelter C ❑Other: Arrival Time: � ' � (� 1-�, Departure Time: � ` C'� (;� /1 � Total Number Attending: �.S- - S�Q Fals�ing attendance numbers will result in loss of deposit. Groups over 500 must obtain additional: ❑ dumpsters ❑portable toilets Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroom. Please explain additional needs from the Parks Dept: Brief description of event (company icnic,, car show, craft show, wedding, etc.): List all activities to be held: .r0-i U Ct 4L t ui N( N $-vl J Items brought into park site: ❑ Tables ❑ Chairs ❑ Beies ❑ Carnival Rides ❑ Music ❑ Animals ❑ Catered Pig Roast ❑ Other ❑ Tent: Location In Park: Size: Tent Staked: ❑yes ❑ no ELECTRICAL FOR TENTS ❑ APPLICANT TO CALL JULIE (1400-892-0123) TO BE LOCATED ❑ NO ELECTRIC: Shamrock Will beer/wine be present�i` Yes ❑ No IF YOU CHECKED YES, PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW: Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied C Indicate amount of beer/wino be brought into e City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc.) (, S (I A Cl 2Q, I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of the park 'rope I also understand that n t complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit. Signature:' Date: Health permits are required by la� 4or concessions and catering. Please make arrangements to obtain permits. NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: OFFICE USE ONLYx***rx******&*****(:�***� Reservation Fee: Date Paid: Initials:11AA! Deposit Fee: $ �_ - _ Payment: ❑Cash ❑Check charge Total Fee: $ j Submiited to City Council:�'(.� (s � � � � /� Confirmation Sent: Initials: City Council Approval: parks\forms\picnic forms\special use and beer and or wine application McHenry Recreation Center Alcohol Permit Application Pt=6 $25.00 (at least 3 weeks net 1. 2. Applicant:, Home Phone: Company/Organization (if applicable) Addres Phone: Type of Business or Organization: 3. Date or Rental: c'�, McH�nr� Parks &Aeereatlon Department Application Date:. Date of Birth* ,�/`� + ! City/State/Zip: 7t . Cel1 Phone: 1`�� City/Ste Hours of Rental: ( Imo' 4. McHenry Recreation Center Raom: �A 1�i3 n C 5. Type of Alcohol to be Served: ❑ Beer`KVine 6. Amount of Alcohol: # Wine Bottles # Beer Cases # Beer Kegs 7. Health permits are required by law for concessions and catering. Please make arrangements to obtain permits. McHenry County Department of Health: 815-3344585 E agree that all the alcohol containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the rental date and that no underage ar intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any alcohol brought into the McHenry Recreation Center under this permit. I agree that none of the alcohol allowed in the McHenry Recreation Center, pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of alcohol under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the Recreation Center Rental Guidelines. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the McHenry Recreation Center Alcohol Permit Application and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of city property. I also understand that not complying with the rules will result in loss of deposit. MCHe�y Farks S• Aerrmlian OepurTment �'-�- McHENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/`UVINE APPLICATI Contact Company/Or City/State/Zi . �.., Park: ❑Knox Park (A only) ❑Petersen Park Area: ❑ Shelter A r. ❑Shelter B Arrival Time: � � (,(�,o-., � • t� � Departure Time: to of Pic J �� Vork/Cell Phone: �'V eteran's Memorial Park ❑ Riverwalk Bridge ❑ Shelter C ❑Other: Total Number Attending: i� Z� Falsifying attendance numbers will result in loss of deposit. Groups over 500 must obtain additional: ❑ dumpsters ❑portable toilets Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroom. Please explain additional needs from the Parks Dept: -y' Brief description of event (company picnic, car show, craft show, wedding, etc.): GU-�r��i�%j CQ,t��t� �� List all activities to beheld: Items brought into park site: ❑Tables Chairs ❑Benches ❑Carnival Rides ❑Music ❑Animals ❑Catered Pig Roast ❑ Other ❑ Tent: Location In Park: Size: Tent Staked: ❑yes ❑ no ET_,ECTRICAL FOR TENTS ❑APPLICANT TO CALL JiJLIE (1-800-892-0123) TO BE LOCATED ❑ NO ELECTRIC: Shamrock Y:FSC:�CY��:X:FXSCYi•: Y'.�'.'Y�:F X:�JCYX �'*JF� Y�:�i�.i�X]:*��::C��:�:YXY�t:':��::::YYY>C'X�:Y�::X�:X�:�.Y]�C:F:F�>C%)C�:�:YY:C iCYY�:F �F �.)C%YY%�YYY1F'X YX:FX*%X]F :F�SC Will beer/wine be present: es ❑ No IF YOU CHECKED YES, PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW: Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied (� .Indicate amount of beer/wine beprou t into the City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc.) � �J" b I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on th � permit date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Applications) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of the p� property. I alto understand that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit. Signature: ��(�� ��K-[�� Date: Health permits are required by 1 for concessions and catering. Please make arrangements t obtain�per� NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. *�:��r:�;�::�::�:�:�*;��::�*�:�:�:r�:�:�:�*:�*:��://-�,,:�_*��:�:�x���FOR OFFICE USE ONLY�:�*�*��:����:����:�* • ��:�:+�*���:�:����:�:�x�:�::r*:rx:��:*�x�r:�*�:�:� Reservation Fee: $ � k=J J c�li ��'��5� Date Paid: �ii �C Initials: Deposit Fee: $ �_ Payment: ❑Cash Check �harg Total Fee: $:� % — Submitted to City Counci�l���ll�'�� Confirmation Sent: Initials: City Council Approval: parks\forms\picnic forms\special use and beer and or wine application REGULAR MEETING July 57 2016 Mayor Low called the regularly scheduled July 5, 2016 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson and Condon. Absent: None. Also in attendance: City Administrator Morefield, Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Director of Finance Lynch, Director of Public Works Schmitt, Deputy Chief Birk, City Attorney McArdle and City Clerk Jones. Absent: Chief of Police Jones, City Engineer Pieper. CITY OF MCHENRY MISSION STATEMENT Mayor Low read aloud the Mission Statement of the City of McHenry. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one spoke at the Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA A. Request to advertise for bids for Renovation of Police Administration and Dispatch Center; Be Temporary Use Permit requested by the McHenry Area Jaycees for the use of Knox Park Barn for setup, operation and storage for the annual Jaycees Haunted House and Mobile Escape Room, scheduled for September 30, October 1, 7-8, 14-16, 20-23, and 27-31, 2016; C. Temporary Use Permit requested by Second Amendment Sports to host a grand opening event in the parking lot at 3705 West Elm Street on Saturday, July 30, 2016 and Sunday, July 31, 2016, from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm; D. Ordinance decreasing the number of Class Al Liquor Licenses in effect from three (3) to two (2) due to the closing of Lucky Louise's at 341 Front Street; E. Request from the Polish Legion of American Veterans for temporary closure of a portion of Park Street, between Route 120 and 300 feet south of Pearl Street; and a Special Event Liquor License for the outside sale of beer in conjunction with their Annual Post Picnic on Sunday, August 7, 2016, from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm; F. Block Party Applications; G. Parks Special Use/Beer & Wine Permits; H. June 6, 2016 and June 20, 2016 City Council meeting minutes; I. Approval of Payment of Bills, in the amount of $312,056.27. Alderman Santi informed Council that it would be necessary for him to abstain from voting on Item C on the Consent Agenda due to a conflict. He requested that Item C on the Consent Agenda be pulled for further discussion and voted on as a separate item. Motion by Santi, second by Curry, approving Consent Agenda, Item A and Item P. and Items D through I, as amended. Voting Ave: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Regular Meeting Page 2 July 5, 2016 Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry regarding assurance that no artillery would be on display during the grand opening event, Director of Community Development Polerecky assured Council that no merchandise would be displayed. Alderman Condon inquired whether alcohol would be served at the grand opening event. Director of Community Polerecky assured Council there would be no alcohol served at the event. Motion by Schaefer, second by Peterson, approving Item C of the Consent Agenda, requesting a Temporary Use Permit requested by 2nd Amendment Sports to host a Grand Opening at 3705 West Elm Street on Saturday, July 30, 2016 and Sunday, July 31, 2016, from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm, as presented. Voting Aye: Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Abstain: Santi. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO APPROVE AONE-TIME WAIVER OF THE CITY'S LIMIT ON (3) HONORARY STREET SIGN DESIGNATIONS PER CALENDAR YEAR POLICY AND APPROVE A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN HONORARY STREET SIGN DESIGNATING THE INTERSECTION OF REAGAN BOULEVARD AND LINCOLN ROAD AS HONORARY DEPUTY DWIGHT D. MANESS WAY, WITH THE CONDITION THAT NO MORE THAN ONE DESIGNATION BE AWARDED IN 2017 Mayor Low informed Council that an application for an Honorary Street Sign for Deputy Dwight D. Maness has been submitted by Deputy Chief John Birk. The sign is proposed at the intersection of Reagan Boulevard and Lincoln Road. Mayor Low stated that Deputy Maness and his family lived in the City of McHenry and Reagan Boulevard is the main entrance into the Liberty Hills Subdivision where the family continues to reside on Carter Way. Mayor Low reiterated that on October 16, 2014, Deputy Maness was dispatched to a domestic disturbance in the Village of Holiday Hills where he and his partner were ambushed by a subject armed with an assault rifle. Deputy Maness was shot two times and after a long recovery that included multiple surgeries and countless hours of rehabilitation, Deputy Maness succumbed to his injuries on September 14, 2015. Deputy Maness made the ultimate contribution to the residents of McHenry, the area community and the profession he loved when he gave his life in the line of duty. Prior to becoming a deputy for the McHenry County Sheriff's office Deputy Maness served twenty years as an Army Ranger in the United States Army. Mayor Low reiterated that on April 4, 2016, Council approved an exception to the City's policy regarding honorary street signs permitted annually and approved an honorary street sign for the Bjorkman Family, with the understanding that in 2017 there would be only two (2) Regular Meeting Page 3 July 5, 2016 honorary street signs considered. Deputy Chief Birk is requesting another exception be made because of the heroic contribution Deputy Maness made to the area. At the Public Works Committee meeting on June 20, 2016, the Committee recommended approval of this designation. Alderman Glab stated that he did not support the request at the Committee level because he feels the designation does not meet the criteria. He opined that he feels something is definitely warranted but not necessarily at this venue. He stated he would like to see something more than an honorary street sign designation and suggested something perhaps at Veterans Park. Motion by Schaefer, second by Wimmer, approving the Resolution designating the intersection of Regan Boulevard and Lincoln Road as "Honorary Deputy Dwight D. Maness Way" in the City of McHenry, County of McHenry, Illinois, and approving the exception to the policy by allowing a fifth honorary designation in 2016 and only one (1) honorary sign designation in M17, as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Curry, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO AWARD BID TO CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY OF CRYSTAL LAKE ILLINOIS FOR 2016 STREET RESURFACING PROGRAM, IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,933,722.73 (ACTUAL AMOUNT MAY VARY BASED ON QUANTITIES USED) Mayor Low informed Council that the 2016/2017 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes the following. • $2,000,000 for the design/observation engineering and construction of the Street Resurfacing Program; • $30,000 for the resurfacing of the Lakeland Park Community Center Parking Lot; • $15,000 for the Petersen Park service road; and • $75,000 for sidewalk replacement with revenue from the general fund. Staff is also recommending the transfer of an additional $68,000 to the Street Resurfacing Program from the Bull Valley Road/Curran Road Intersection Improvement Project due to the lower bid that was received for that Project. The total budget amount for the 2016 Street Resurfacing Program is $2,188,000. Council previously approved a Professional Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc. for a lump sum amount of $60,000 for design engineering and for a time and material amount not to exceed 5% of final construction costs for construction observation. Director of Public Works Schmitt informed Council that on June 15, 2016, five bids were received for the 2016 Street Resurfacing Program. All of the bids were provided by contractors Regular Meeting Page 4 July 5, 2016 that met the prequalification requirements established by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). The bids ranged from $1,933,722.73 to $2,186,056.92 and include the following streets: • Ashley Drive (Chesterfield Drive to Front Royal Drive); • Essex Court (Chesterfield Drive to south end); • Barnwood Trial (Courtland Trail to cukcle-sac); • Whiting Court (Whiting Drive to south end); • Front Royal Drive (Elm Street to Chesterfield Drive); • Crescent Avenue (Country Club Drive to John Street); • Main Street (Front Street to Green Street); • Linda Road (Fairway Drive to Skyway Drive); • Skyway Drive (Bauer Road to Ronda Road); • Sussex Drive (Front Royal Drive to Ashley Drive); • Sarasota Drive (Augusta Drive to Creekside Trail); • Lorient Drive (Ronda Road to Bauer Road); • Manchester Mall (Front Royal Drive to Manchester Drive); • Donnelly Place (Dorchester Place to Brighton Place); • Colony Trail (Deerwood Trail to Timber Trail); • Lakeland Park Community Center parking lot; • Petersen Park service road, • Sidewalk at the northwest corner of Broad Street and Green Street will be replaced to meet current American with Disabilities Act (ADA); • Replacement of the sidewalk on the south side of Lillian Street from Route 31 to the railroad tracks. Prior to letting the Project for bidding, HR Green, Inc., had provided an updated Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost (EOPC) for the Project based upon other local road program bid results. With that information Staff added the following alternates in the bid package, which will be included in the awarded bid: • Valley Road (Turnberry Drive to Fairway Drive); • Bauer Road (Bretons Drive to Skyway Drive), and • Ronda Road (Turnberry Drive to Fairway Drive. Director Schmitt informed Council that the EOPC for the Project, including alternates, was $2,021,847.90. Director Schmitt stated that HR Green, Inc. has analyzed and checked the bids for accuracy and recommends awarding the contract to Curran Contracting Company of Crystal Lake, Illinois. He noted that this is a unit price contract and the final cost of construction would be based on actual final quantities. It is the consensus of Council that everyone is pleased to see the number of streets in the Program increased. Council complimented Staff on their efforts. Regular Meeting Page 5 July 5, 2016 In response to an inquiry from Alderman Glab, Director Schmitt introduced Ben Hartman of HR Green, Inc. Mr. Hartman stated that the website alert regarding the Project has already been written and once the contract is awarded the Project will begin. The estimation for a start date is around the time Fiesta Days begins on July 15, 2016. Motion by Santl, second by Curry, approving the award of bid to Curran Contracting Company of Crystal Lake, Illinois for the 2016 Street Resurfacing Program, in the amount of $1,933,722.73 (actual amount may vary based on quantities used), as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOTION TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL FOR A NEW RADIO DISPATCH SYSTEM AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A RADIO DISPATCH SYSTEM AGREEMENT WITH RADICOM, INC., FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $391,535.00 Deputy Chief Birk requested that Council award a bid and approve the purchase of a new Radio Dispatch System through Radicom, INC., and authorize the execution of a Purchase Agreement covering the cost, installation and maintenance of the new Radio Dispatch System. Deputy Chief Birk reiterated that the new partnership with City of Woodstock and City of Harvard includes the responsibility to cover costs with the technology necessary to remodel and expand the McHenry Dispatch Center. Pursuant to the Partnership Agreement the following percentages represent the cost liability for each municipality. • City of McHenry 46.8% • City of Woodstock 39.4% • City of Harvard 13.8% With the anticipated growth and the new customer contracts already executed for future customers, the McHenry Dispatch Center is projected to grow to an agency base of sixteen different police, fire and rescue entities. Deputy Chief Birk stated that the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Budget included an amount of $900,000 to be used in whole towards the remodeling and technology costs associated with the Police Department and Dispatch Center. Alderman Condon complimented the Police Department on their efforts and opined that it is good to see this project moving forward. Motion by Curry, second by Condon, approving the award of bid and authorizing the Mayor's execution of a Radio Dispatch System Agreement with Radicom, INC. in an amount not to exceed $391,535. Regular Meeting Page 6 July 5, 2016 Voting Aye: Sann, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR'S STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low thanked the Jaycees for the 4th of July fireworks event. She stated the event was well run and well organized. Mayor Low complimented Staff and congratulated their efforts during the event. Mayor Low announced that Fiesta Days would begin on Friday, July 15, 2016. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. STAFF REPORTS City Administrator Morefield provided Council with a brief summary regarding the State of Illinois Budget. He stated that the temporary Budget would fund the City's capital projects, which means moving forward with the Bull Valley/Curran Road Project and release of the SRF loan funds for the South Wastewater Treatment Plant. He assured Council he would continue to monitor the Budget closely. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Alderman Glab informed Council that following the 14 of July fireworks event this year he has spoken with a number of residents and has been told the event was tremendous. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Condon, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 pm. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Curry, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm. Mayor City Clerk Vendor Name McHenry, IL Account Number Vendor: 5 STAR SPORTS ACADEMY INC 5 STAR SPORTS ACADEMY INC 100-47-5110 Vendor: A -ABLE ALARM SERVICE INC A -ABLE ALARM SERVICE INC 100-42-5110 Vendor: ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, RA 100-22-5370 Vendor: AIRGAS SAFETY INC AIRGAS SAFETY INC 510-32-6110 Vendor: ALPHA BUILDING MAINTENANCE SERVICE INC ALPHA BUILDING 400-00-5200 Vendor: AMERICAN HEATING &COOLING AMERICAN HEATING & 100-45-5110 Vendor: AMERICAN RED CROSS AMERICAN RED CROSS 100-42-5430 AMERICAN RED CROSS 100-42-6110 AMERICAN RED CROSS 100-47-5110 Vendor: AQUA AMERICA AQUA AMERICA 510-32-5110 Vendor: AT&T AT&T 100-33-5515 AT&T 100-45-5320 Vendor: BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER BANKCARD PROCESSING 400-00-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING 400-00-6111 BANKCARD PROCESSING 400-00-6210 BANKCARD PROCESSING 400-40-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING 400-40-6142 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-01-5410 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-01-6940 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-22-5410 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-22-5420 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-22-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-23-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-33-5115 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-33-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-41-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-42-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-46-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-46-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-46-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-46-6920 BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-47-5110 Description (Item) PARKS & REC PROGRAMS REPAIRS ON POOL HOUSE VEHICLE REPAIRS SUPPLIES AUGUST CLEANING SERVICES REPAIRS Expense Approval Register LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/15/16 Payable Number Post Date Amount INV0002489 OS/15/2016 Vendor 5 STAR SPORTS ACADEMY INC Total: 62194 08/15/2016 Vendor A -ABLE ALARM SERVICE INC Total: 783112 08/15/2016 Vendor ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A Total 9052342169 08/15/2016 Vendor AIRGAS SAFETY INC Total: 16925MC 08/15/2016 Vendor ALPHA BUILDING MAINTENANCE SERVICE INC Total: 07271602 CPR, FIRSTAIDANDAEDCERTS 10455367 CPR/AED & FIRSTAID COURSE 10461410 CAMP STAFF CPR CARD 10465408 REDS FROM 5/26-7/25/16 ALARM CIRCUITS ALARM CIRCUITS MS-1730273 08/15/2016 Vendor AMERICAN HEATING & COOLING Total: 7/28/16-8/27/16A 7/28/16-8/27/16 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 Vendor AMERICAN RED CROSS Total: 08/15/2016 Vendor AQUA AMERICA Total: OS/15/2016 OS/15/2016 Vendor AT&T Total: 1,980.00 1,980.00 205.75 205.75 535.10 535.30 51.69 51,69 2,080.00 2,080.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 38.00 154.00 27.00 219.00 156.60 156.60 124.14 123.56 247.70 SUPPLIES JULY 2016 08/15/2016 200.00 SUPPLIES JULY 2016 08/15/2016 162.87 SUPPLIES JULY 2016 08/15/2016 10.49 SUPPLIES JULY 2016 08/15/2016 59.98 SUPPLIES JULY 2016 08/15/2016 116.55 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 435.25 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 168.64 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 250.00 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 21757.04 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 334.39 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 123.90 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 76.76 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 80.67 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 75.01 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 35.00 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 31230.26 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 100.00 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 303.17 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 882.61 SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 225.00 8/10/2016 1:45:11 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number BANKCARD PROCESSING 100-47-6920 Vendor: BIG R STORE BIG RSTORE 510-31-4510 BIG R STORE 100-33-6110 Vendor: BIRK, ADRIANA BIRK, ADRIANA 100-22-4510 Vendor: BLACK DIAMOND PLUMBING BLACK DIAMOND PLUMBING 100-45-5110 Vendor: BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 100-33-5110 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 100-41-5110 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 510-31-5110 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 510-32-5110 Vendor: BUSS FORD SALES BUSS FORD SALES 100-03-5370 BUSS FORD SALES 100-03-5370 BUSS FORD SALES 100-03-5370 Vendor: CDW GOVERNMENT INC CDW GOVERNMENT INC 620-00-6110 Vendor: CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 100-01-5110 Vendor: CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 100-33-4510 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 100-33-6110 CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 510-32-4510 Vendor: CINTAS CINTAS 400-00-6130 CINTAS 100-45-6110 Vendor: COLSTON, BEVERLY COLSTON, BEVERLY 100-41-3634 Vendor: COMCAST CABLE COMCASTCABLE 620-00-5110 COMCASTCABLE 620-00-5110 COMCASTCABLE 620-00-5110 COMCAST CABLE 620-00-5110 Vendor: COMED COMED 100-33-5520 COMED 100-45-5510 COMED 510-32-5510 COMED 510-31-5510 COMED 510-32-5510 Packet: APPKT00549 - 8/15/16 AP CKS Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount SUPPLIES/TRAINING JULY 2016 08/15/2016 108.53 Vendor BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER Total: 9,736.12 SUPPLIES JULY 2016 08/15/2016 149.99 SUPPLIES JULY 2016 08/15/2016 155.84 Vendor BIG R STORE Total: 305.83 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW INV0002475 OS/15/2016 67.54 Vendor BIRK, ADRIANA Total: 67.54 REPAIRS WATER HEATER 420201 08/15/2016 95.00 Vendor BLACK DIAMOND PLUMBING Total: 95.00 JULY 2016 MOWING SERVICES 2016-E06019 08/15/2016 21051.00 DULY 2016 MOWING SERVICES 2016-E06019 08/15/2016 7,346.40 JULY 2016 MOWING SERVICES 2016-E06019A 08/15/2016 1/008000 DULY 2016 MOWING SERVICES 2016-E06019A 08/15/2016 679.60 Vendor BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC Total: 11,085.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS 50225221 08/15/2016 59.70 VEHICLE REPAIRS 50225441 08/15/2016 32.13 VEHICLE REPAIRS 50224931 08/15/2016 22.96 Vendor BUSS FORD SALES Total: 114.79 SUPPLIES DTJ1432 08/15/2016 11382.92 Vendor CDW GOVERNMENT INC Total: 11382.92 MEDICALSERVICES 145808 08/15/2016 65.00 MEDICALSERVICES 174199 08/15/2016 30.00 MEDICALSERVICES 174343 08/15/2016 30.00 Vendor CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Total: 125.00 EMPLOYEE CLOTHING 7/1/16-7/31/16 OS/15/2016 EMPLOYEE CLOTHING 7/1/16-7/31/16 OS/15/2016 EMPLOYEE CLOTHING ALLOW 7/1/16-7/31/16A 08/15/2016 Vendor CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 355 Total: SUPPLIES 5005745510 08/15/2016 SUPPLIES 5005745511 08/15/2016 Vendor CINTAS Total: INTERNET-REC CENTER CABLE TV CITY HALL INTERNET 105 N GREEN INTERNET 333 S GREEN UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES PUMPING FEES PUMPING FEES 138971 08/15/2016 Vendor COLSTON, BEVERLY Total: 186.56 104.48 198.40 489.44 38.01 73.20 51.00 15/2016 8/10/2016 1:45:11 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00549 - 8/15/16 AP CKS Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING FUND COMMUNICATIONS 620-00-5110 JUNE 2016 COMMUN SERVICES T16444221 08/15/2016 10.00 Vendor COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING FUND Total: 10.00 Vendor: CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES INV0002497 08/15/2016 363.19 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES INV0002497 08/15/2016 59.63 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-42-5510 UTILITIES 6/22/16-7/22/16 08/15/2016 863.07 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-45-5510 UTILITIES 6/22/16-7/22/16 08/15/2016 333.53 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES 6/24/16-7/25/16 08/15/2016 21559.67 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-33-5520 UTILITIES 6/27/16-7/25/16 08/15/2016 21,162.17 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-44-5510 UTILITIES 6/27/16-7/25/16 08/15/2016 63.16 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-45-5510 UTILITIES 6/27/16-7/25/16 08/15/2016 152.10 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 100-46-5510 UTILITIES 6/27/16-7/25/16 08/15/2016 35.84 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 510-32-5510 UTILITIES 6/27/16-7/25/16A 08/15/2016 36.82 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 510-31-5510 PUMPING FEES 6/27/16-7/26/16 08/15/2016 111183.72 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 510-32-5510 PUMPING FEES 6/27/16-7/26/16 08/15/2016 12,596012 Vendor CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC Total: 49,409.02 Vendor: COOK & SON, VIRGIL COOK & SON, VIRGIL 440-00-8900 TRAFFIC LIGHT 0002818 08/15/2016 241143.15 Vendor COOK & SON, VIRGIL Total: 24,143.15 Vendor: CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-45-6110 MATERIALS 10955 08/15/2016 771.68 Vendor CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY Total: 771.68 Vendor: DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSIONS INC DOCUMENT IMAGING 620-00-6210 TONERSUPPLIES 305013 08/15/2016 198.00 Vendor DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSIONS INC Total: 198.00 Vendor: D'S MARINE SERVICE INC D'S MARINE SERVICE INC 100-43-6110 SUPPLIES 17835 08/15/2016 51.90 Vendor D'S MARINE SERVICE INC Total: 51.90 Vendor: DUNNING, TAMMY DUNNING, TAMMY 100-41-3634 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 139986 08/15/2016 150.00 Vendor DUNNING, TAMMY Total: 150.00 Vendor: DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE 100-42-6110 SUPPLIES 385090 08/15/2016 189.00 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 385105 08/15/2016 93.40 Vendor DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE Total: 282.40 Vendor: ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MUFFLER SHOP ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/11M'S 100-33-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 7/2/16-7/23/16 08/15/2016 130.00 ED'SAUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S 100-45-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 7/2/16-7/23/16 08/15/2016 232.00 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S 510-32-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 7/2-7/23/16 08/15/2016 43.00 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S 510-35-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 7/2-7/23/16 08/15/2016 43.00 Vendor ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/11M'S MUFFLER SHOP Total: 448.00 Vendor: ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 175333-1 08/15/2016 159.75 Vendor ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC Total: 159.75 Vendor: ELECTRICAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ELECTRICAL RESOURCE 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 37690 08/15/2016 337.96 Vendor ELECTRICAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Total: 337.96 Vendor: FUN EXPRESS LLC FUN EXPRESS LLC 100-42-6110 SUPPLIES 678204476-01 08/15/2016 286.28 FUN EXPRESS LLC 100-42-6110 SUPPLIES 678272837-01 08/15/2016 380.28 Vendor FUN EXPRESS LLC Total: 666.56 Vendor: GALLAGHER RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC, GALLAGHER RISK 610-00-5960 1853515 1853515 08/15/2016 29.00 Vendor GALLAGHER RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC, Total: 29.00 8/10/2016 1:45:11 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: GALLS LLC GALLS LLC 100-22-4510 Vendor: GLICK IV, HENRY W GLICK IV, HENRY W 100-47-5110 Vendor: GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 100-44-6110 . Vendor: GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS LLC GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS 100-47-6110 GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS 100-47-6110 GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS 100-46-6110 GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS 100-42-6110 GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS 100-47-6110 GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS 100-47-6110 Vendor:HRGREEN HRGREEN 510-35-8500 HRGREEN 100-01-5110 Vendor: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF 100-22-5430 Vendor: ILLINOIS FBI NA ILLINOIS FBI NA 100-22-5430 Vendor: INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 Vendor: LANTVIT, MATTIE LANTVIT, MATTIE 100-41-3637 LANTVIT, MATTIE 100-41-3637 Vendor: LES MILLS UNITED STATES TRADING INC LES MILLS UNITED STATES 400-40-5110 Vendor: LEXISNEXIS LEXISNEXIS 100-22-5110 Vendor: LGMC LEADERSHIP LGMC LEADERSHIP 100-01-5430 Vendor: MAHER, PATRICK MAHER, PATRICK 510-35-5430 MAHER, PATRICK 510-35-4510 Vendor: MARTIN, DOUG MARTIN, DOUG 100-01-6940 Vendor: MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 450-00-8400 Description (Item) Payable Number EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 005687233 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES CONCESSION SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MILLSTREAM WEST GRANT DEVELOP- 7/19/16-8/1/16 311025 16-1568 16-1570 16 1574 16-1575 16-1576 16-1586 Packet: APPKT00549 - 8/15/16 AP CKS Post Date 08/15/2016 Vendor GALLS LLC Total: 08/15/2016 Vendor GLICK IV, HENRY W Total: 08/15/2016 Vendor GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS Total: 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 Vendor GREEN DOOR PROMOTIONS LLC Total: 105907 08/15/2016 105908 08/15/2016 Vendor HRGREEN Total: RENEWAL OF ILL DEPT HEALTH INV0002478 08/15/2016 Vendor ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Total: MONTHLY RETRAINER INV0002479 08/15/2016 Vendor ILLINOIS FBI NA Total: VEHICLE REPAIRS 3003146664 08/15/2016 COOLER ASSY CREDIT 3003267287 08/15/2016 Vendor INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC Total: PARKS & REC PROGRAM 138940 08/15/2016 PARKS & REC REFUND 138926 08/15/2016 Vendor LANTVIT, MATTIE Total: MONTHLY LICENSE FEE SIV314162 08/15/2016 Vendor LES MILLS UNITED STATES TRADING INC Total: REALTIMEPHONE SEARCHES 20160731 08/15/2016 Vendor LEXISNEXIS Total: TUITION FEES 2017 REIMB DL ENDORSEMENT REIMB UNIFORM ALLOW O8115/2016 Vendor LGMC LEADERSHIP Total: INV0002480 08/15/2016 INV0002481 08/15/2016 Vendor MAHER, PATRICK Total: REIMB SUPPLIES OPEN HOUSE INV0002482 CASE WHEEL LOADER 11041072 Amount 21.94 138.00 303.03 303.03 251.00 486.00 165.60 160.00 3,923.50 250.20 5,236.30 824.75 901.75 1,726.50 40.00 50.00 50.00 21524.14 -399.00 21125.14 55.00 125.00 180.00 197.00 197.00 118.00 118.00 3,500.00 31500.00 5.00 166.85 171.85 08/15/2016 6.12 Vendor MARTIN, DOUG Total: 6.12 08/15/2016 2321706.35 Vendor MCCANN INDUSTRIES INCTotal: 232,706.35 8/10/2016 1:45:11 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INC MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-32-6110 Vendor: MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIST #15 MCHENRY COMMUNITY 100-46-5110 MCHENRY COMMUNITY 100-47-5110 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY COLLECTOR MCHENRY COUNTY COLLECTOR 590-00-6940 MCHENRY COUNTY COLLECTOR 280-41-6940 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL 100-02-5410 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TRANSPORTATION MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF 100-01-5110 Vendor: MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 510-31-6940 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 510-32-6940 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 100-01-6940 Vendor: MCHENRY SPECIALTIES MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 100 47-6110 Vendor: MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DIST MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE 100-23-5110 Vendor: MESIROW INSURANCE SERVICES INC MESIROW INSURANCE 760-00-5110 Vendor: MESSER, NANCY MESSER, NANCY 100-41-5110 Vendor: MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC MID AMERICAN WATER OF 100-01-4220 Vendor: MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 100-01-4220 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 100-30-6210 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 100-04-6210 Vendor: MOORE, CAROLYN MOORE, CAROLYN 100-41-3634 Vendor: MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM21 NETWORK MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - 100-22-6210 Vendor: MULCH CENTER, THE MULCH CENTER, THE 100-45-6110 MULCH CENTER, THE 100-45-6110 Vendor: NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-32-5370 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 510-35-5370 Description (Item) MERCURY TESTING Packet: APPKT00549 - 8/15/16 AP CKS Payable Number Post Date 591177 08/15/2016 Vendor MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INC Total: Amount 315.00 315.00 PROGRAM RENTAL SPACES INV0002498 08/15/2016 63.00 PROGRAM RENTAL SPACES INV0002498 08/15/2016 11615.70 Vendor MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIST #15 Total: 1,678.70 2ND INSTALL PROPERTY TAXES SEPT 2016 - 2ND INST 08/15/2016 12,592.94 2ND INSTALL PROPERTY TAXES SEPT 2016 08/15/2016 5,463.82 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY COLLECTOR Total: 181056.76 DULY MEMBERSHIP MEETING 16145 08/15/2016 90.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Total: 90.00 1ULY2016MUNICIPAL SHARE 2-17 08/15/2016 2,946.08 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TRANSPORTATION Total: 2,946.08 RECORDING FEES JULY 2016 08/15/2016 280.00 RECORDING FEES JULY 2016 08/15/2016 400.00 RECORDING FEES JULY 2016 08/15/2016 240.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS Total: 920.00 SUMMER SOFTBALL PLAQUES 2016-629 08/15/2016 260.00 Vendor MCHENRY SPECIALTIES Total: 260.00 1ST QTR DISPATCH REVENUE INV0002483 08/15/2016 4,647.53 Vendor MCHENRYTOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DIST Total: 4,647.53 RENEWAL- FIDUC LIABILITY 938203 08/15/2016 41331.00 Vendor MESIROW INSURANCE SERVICES INC Total: 40331.00 REFUND FARMERS MARKET FM16003 08/15/2016 50.00 Vendor MESSER, NANCY Total: 50.00 SUPPLIES 177029W O8/15/2016 35.00 Vendor MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC Total: 35.00 PETERSEN FARM BROCHURES 86512 08/15/2016 80.60 BUSINESS CARDS 86564 08/15/2016 77.00 NOTARYSTAMP 86587 08/15/2016 28.00 Vendor MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH Total: 185.60 PARKS & REC REFUND 138986 08/15/2016 60.00 Vendor MOORE, CAROLYN Total: 60.00 SUPPLIES -BATTERIES 92162310 08/15/2016 807.30 Vendor MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM21 NETWORK Total: 807.30 TOPSOIL 17206 08/15/2016 55.64 MULCH 16944 08/15/2016 198.00 Vendor MULCH CENTER, THE Total: 253.64 VEHICLEREPAIR SUPPLIES JULY 2016 08/15/2016 524.73 VEHICLEREPAIR SUPPLIES JULY 2016 08/15/2016 423.59 8/10/2016 1:45:11 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC Account Number 100-03-5370 100-22-5370 100-33-5370 100-45-5370 Vendor: NEUMANN JR, EDWARD 1 NEUMANNJR. EDWARDJ 740-00-6960 Vendor: NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL 100-45-6110 Description (Item) VEHICLE REPAIRSUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR SUPPLIES Payable Number DULY 2016 JULY 2016 JULY 2016 DULY 2016 Packet: APPKT00549 - 8/15/16 AP CKS Post Date 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 Vendor NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC Total: AUGUST PARKING LOT RENTAL INV0002484 08/15/2016 Vendor NEUMANN JR, EDWARD J Total: SUPPLIES 17282369 08/15/2016 Vendor NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC Total: Amount 211.25 1,314.84 438.35 587.32 3,500.08 500.00 500.00 145.05 �Cl���1•� Vendor: PEPSI BEVERAGE COMPANY PEPSI BEVERAGE COMPANY 100-44-6110 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 95276101 08/15/2016 744.33 Vendor PEPSI BEVERAGE COMPANY Total: 744.33 Vendor: PETERSON, DWAYNE PETERSON, DWAYNE 100-47-5110 SOFTBALL UMPIRE FEES 7/19/16-8/1/16 08/15/2016 184.00 Vendor PETERSON, DWAYNE Total: 184.00 Vendor: PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC 100-03-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9818093 08/15/2016 69.67 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-22-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9811633 08/15/2016 11770.26 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-03-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9814806 08/15/2016 27.05 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-45-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9814809 08/15/2016 542.19 PETROLIANCE LLC 100-22-6250 VEHICLE FUEL 9814811 08/15/2016 11734.07 Vendor PETROLIANCE LLC Total: 41143.24 Vendor: PETTIBONE & CO, P F PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 69727 08/15/2016 70.00 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 69878 08/15/2016 56.00 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 70388 08/15/2016 14.60 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW 70407 08/15/2016 60.00 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 100-22-6110 INITIAL ISSUE UNIFORMS 70408 08/15/2016 159.00 Vendor PETTIBONE & CO, P F Total: 359.60 Vendor: PITEL SEPTIC INC PITEL SEPTIC INC 100-45-5110 PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 13039 08/15/2016 830.00 PITEL SEPTIC INC 100-45-5110 PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 13059 08/15/2016 750.00 Vendor PITEL SEPTIC INC Total: 1/580900 Vendor: PJF PLUMBING & HEATING CO PJF PLUMBING & HEATING CO 100-42-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7423 08/15/2016 50.00 Vendor PJF PLUMBING & HEATING CO Total: 50.00 Vendor: PURCHASE POWER PURCHASE POWER 100-01-5310 PURCHASE POWER POSTAGE INV0002485 08/15/2016 265.83 Vendor PURCHASE POWER Total: 265.83 Vendor: REINDERS INC REINDERS INC 100-45-5370 VEHICLE REPAIRS 1647913-00 08/15/2016 542.93 REINDERS INC 100-45-5110 455 D REPAIRS 4042931-00 08/15/2016 326.65 Vendor REINDERS INC Total: 869.58 Vendor: ROLLEDER, HALINA ROLLEDER, HALINA 100-41-3634 PARKS & REC REFUND 138975 08/15/2016 34.00 Vendor ROLLEDER, HALINA Total: 34.00 Vendor: RYBA, RON RYBA, RON 100-47-6110 REIMB SUPPLIES FOR ARCHERY INV0002486 08/15/2016 42.87 Vendor RYBA, RON Total: 42.87 Vendor: SCHAFER, PAT SCHAFER, PAT 100-01-4220 PETERSEN FARM EVENT INV0002487 08/15/2016 156.91 Vendor SCHAFER, PAT Total: 156.91 8/10/2016 1;45:11 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00549 - 8/15/16 AP CKS Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: SCHWALENBERG, RYAN SCHWALENBERG, RYAN 100-03-5430 NWBOCA MONTHLY INV0002500 08/15/2016 15.00 Vendor SCHWALENBERG, RYAN Total: 15.00 Vendor: SEXTON, ERIC M SEXTON, ERIC M 100-22-4510 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALLOW INV0002488 08/15/2016 13.90 Vendor SEXTON, ERIC M Total: 13.90 Vendor: SHAW MEDIA SHAW MEDIA 100-01-5450 LEGAL NOTICE/RIVER RUN 07/2016 08/15/2016 51.40 SHAW MEDIA 100-47-6110 LEGAL NOTICE/RIVER RUN 07/2016 08/15/2016 400,00 Vendor SHAW MEDIA Total: 451.40 Vendor: SHERON, TONY D SHERON, TONY D 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 6/1/16 08/15/2016 864.00 Vendor SHERON, TONY D Total: 864.00 Vendor: SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LABORATORIES SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT 100-22-6210 EVIDENCE SUPPLIES 0262079-IN 08/15/2016 626.18 Vendor SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LABORATORIES Total: 626.18 Vendor: STANARD & ASSOCIATES INC STANARD & ASSOCIATES INC 100-21-5110 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SA000032041 08/15/2016 395.00 Vendor STANARD & ASSOCIATES INC Total: 395.00 Vendor: STANS LPS MIDWEST STANS LPS MIDWEST 620-00-5110 IT/NETWORK SERVICES 321430 08/15/2016 11672.00 Vendor STANS LPS MIDWEST Total: 10672.00 Vendor: TEAM REIL INC TEAM REIL INC 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 20322 08/15/2016 541.00 TEAM REIL INC 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES 20323 08/15/2016 11031.00 Vendor TEAM REIL INC Total: 1,572.00 Vendor: TRIKHA, SHEEL K TRIKHA, SHEEL K 100-46-5110 PARKS & REC SUMMER SUMMER 2016 08/15/2016 2,387.00 Vendor TRIKHA, SHEEL K Total: 2,387.00 Vendor: US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-03-5110 CONTRACT 500-0302031 #59 INV0002490 08/15/2016 135.00 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-33-5110 CONTRACT 500-0361445 #40 INV0002491 08/15/2016 73.00 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 510-31-5110 CONTRACT 500-0361445 #40 INV0002492 08/15/2016 73.00 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 510-32-5110 CONTRACT 500-0361445 #40 INV0002492 08/15/2016 73.00 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 510-35-5110 CONTRACT 500-0361445 #40 INV0002492 08/15/2016 73.00 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-22-5110 CONTRACT 500-0401564 #27 INV0002493 08/15/2016 225.00 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE 100-01-5110 CONTRACT 500-0389299 #31 INV0002494 08/15/2016 311.00 Vendor US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE Total: 963.00 Vendor: VALLEY VIEW ACRES VALLEY VIEW ACRES 100-47-5110 PARKS & REC PROGRAM 16437 08/15/2016 600.00 Vendor VALLEY VIEW ACRES Total: 600.00 Vendor: VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS 620-00-5110 WIRELESS SERVICES 7/4/16-8/3/16A 08/15/2016 38.01 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-33-5320 IPADS 7/4/16-8/3/16B 08/15/2016 25.82 VERIZON WIRELESS 510-31-5320 [PADS 7/4/16-8/3/16C 08/15/2016 126.65 VERIZON WIRELESS 510-32-5320 IPADS 7/4/16-8/3/16C 08/15/2016 25.82 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-01-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 7/4/16-8/3/16D 08/15/2016 28.09 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-03-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 7/4/16-8/3/16D 08/15/2016 120.70 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-22-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 7/4/1&8/3/16D 08/15/2016 1,151.04 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-30-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 7/4/16-8/3/16D 08/15/2016 71.37 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-33-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 7/4/16-8/3/16D 08/15/2016 9&84 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-41-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 7/4/16-8/3/16D 08/15/2016 5.18 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-45-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 7/4/16-8/3/16D 08/15/2016 35.40 VERIZON WIRELESS 100-46-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 7/4/16-8/3/16D 08/15/2016 2.66 VERIZON WIRELESS 620-00-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 7/4/16-8/3/16D 08/15/2016 42.67 VERIZON WIRELESS 510-31-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 7/4/16-8/3/16E 08/15/2016 40.44 VERIZON WIRELESS 510-32-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE 7/4/16-8/3/16E 08/15/2016 32.14 8/10/2016 1:45:11 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00549 - 8/15/16 AP CKS Vendor Name Account Number Description (Item) VERIZON WIRELESS 510-35-5320 CELL PHONE USAGE Vendor: WALKER, TARA WALKER, TARA 100-41-3637 PARKS & REC PROGRAM Vendor: WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT 510-32-5580 SLUDGE REMOVAL WASTE MANAGEMENT 100-01-6110 REFUSE STICKERS Vendor: WELCH BROS INC WELCH BROS INC 100-45-6110 SUPPLIES Vendor: ZUMWALT, JACK D ZUMWALT, JACK D 100-22-5420 TRAVEL EXP REIMB Payable Number Post Date Amount 16-8/3/16E 08/15/2016 76.02 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS Total: 1,918.85 138927 08/15/2016 120.00 Vendor WALKER, TARA Total: 120.00 0030534-2742-7 08/15/2016 9,281.73 3323505-2013-3 08/15/2016 3,850.00 Vendor WASTE MANAGEMENT Total: 13,131973 1564403 08/15/2016 586.50 Vendor WELCH BROS INC Total: 586.50 INV0002495 08/15/2016 49.01 Vendor ZUMWALT, JACK D Total: 49.01 Grand Total: 43%365.32 8/10/2016 1;45:11 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00549 - 8/15/16 AP CKS Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 100- GENERAL FUND 103,163*22 280- DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 5,463.82 400- RECREATION CENTER FUND 21864,90 440- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 24114115 450- CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND 232,706.35 510- WATER/SEWER FUND 40,82114 590- MARINA OPERATIONS FUND 12,59194 610- RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 29000 620- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 3,747.80 740- RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 500.00 760- POLICE PENSION FUND 4,331.00 Grand Total: 430,365.32 Vendor Name McHenry, IL Account Number Description (Item) Expense Approval Register #2 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/15/16 Payable Number Post Date Amount Vendor: ACE TOWING &RECOVERY ACE TOWING & RECOVERY 100-33-5370 towing 7/11/16 08/15/2016 Vendor ACE TOWING & RECOVERY Total: Vendor: ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 510-32-6110 Roll around Welder Cart 334458 08/15/2016 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 100-33-5370 plate 334476 08/15/2016 Vendor ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC Total: Vendor: ARAMARK ARAMARK 100-33-4510 Uniforms Paul Clement 16925942 08/15/2016 ARAMARK 100-33-4510 uniform jeans Paul 944897 08/15/2016 Vendor ARAMARK Total: Vendor: B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTEGRATION B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS 510-31-5110 Inv#0187146 0187146 08/15/2016 B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS 510-31-5110 WTP #3/Well #8 Wireless 0187147 08/15/2016 Vendor B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTEGRATION Total: Vendor: BAKER &SON CO, PETER BAKER &SON CO, PETER 510-35-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 100-33-6110 Vendor: CENTURY SPRINGS CENTURY SPRINGS 510-32-6110 CENTURY SPRINGS 510-32-6110 Vendor: CONSERV FS CONSERV FS 100-30-6950 Vendor: CUMMINS NPOWER LLC CUMMINS NPOWER LLC 510-32-5375 Vendor: CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 CURRAN CONTRACTING 100-33-6110 Vendor: EQUIPMENT APPRAISALS &SALES INC EQUIPMENTAPPRAISALS & 100-33-6110 Vendor: FAST EDDIES CAR WASH FAST EDDIES CAR WASH 100-22-5370 Surface #144317 11235 surface. vendor ticket# 11235A surface N50. vendor ticket# 11235E surface N50. vendor ticket# 11235C surface N50 rec. vendor ticket 11235D surface N50 rec. vendor 11235E 2- 5 gallon Distilled water Lab Water GatorTree Watering Bags 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 Vendor BAKER & SON CO, PETER Total: 2629777 08/15/2016 2636194 OS/15/2016 Vendor CENTURY SPRINGS Total: 65016926 OS/15/2016 Vendor CONSERV FS Total: 45.00 45.00 841.00 5.00 846.00 44.96 69.98 114.94 1,815.73 4,430.00 6,245.73 150.72 110.88 216.96 107.52 41.28 72.48 16.50 45.75 62.25 4,425.00 4,425.00 CWWTP-Generator repair and 711-21189 O8/15/2016 850.00 Vendor CUMMINS NPOWER LLC Total: 850.00 N50surtace-modified. 11241 08/15/2016 416.00 N50sudace-modified. 11241A 08/15/2016 431.08 N50 surface -modified. 11253 08/15/2016 423.28 N50 surface -modified. 11253A 08/15/2016 410.28 N50 surface -modified. 11260 08/15/2016 427.96 N50 surface -modified. 11260A 08/15/2016 272.48 N50 surface -modified. 11260C 08/15/2016 57.20 modified surface. vendor 10998 08/15/2016 214.76 modified surface. vendor 10998A 08/15/2016 225.68 Vendor CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANYTotal: 21878.72 4n1 bucket for 721loader 62654 08/15/2016 41750.00 Vendor EQUIPMENTAPPRAISALS &SALES INC Total: 4,750.00 DEATILSEIZED VEHICLE 7-20-16 08/15/2016 110.00 Vendor FAST EDDIES CAR WASH Total: 110.00 8/10/2016 1:50:29 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 510-35-6110 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 510-35-6110 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 510-35-6110 Vendor: GROVE DC ELECTRIC INC GROVE DC ELECTRIC INC 100-33-5370 Vendor: HAWKINS INC HAWKINS INC 510-32-6110 HAWKINS INC 510-31-6110 Vendor: HILLS CONCRETE CUTTING SERVICES INC HILLS CONCRETE CUTTING 100-33-6110 Vendor: (LEAS ILEAS 100-22-5410 Vendor: INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 100-33-5370 Vendor: J G UNIFORMS INC J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-4510 J G UNIFORMS INC 100-22-4510 Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST KIMBALL MIDWEST 100-33-5370 Vendor: MARTIN IMPLEMENT SALES INC MARTIN IMPLEMENT SALES 100-33-5370 Vendor: MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INC MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-32-6110 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-31-5110 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-32-6110 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 510-31-5110 Vendor: MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT INC MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT 100-33-5370 Vendor: PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC PETROLIANCE LLC Description (Item) Seed &box of staples Grass Seed grass seed Packet: APPKT00551- 8-1546 rect inv Payable Number Post Date Amount 50931 08/15/2016 50726 08/15/2016 50794 08/15/2016 Vendor FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC Total: alternator for mowing tractor 87152 08/15/2016 Vendor GROVE DC ELECTRIC INC Total: Chlorine cylinders 3914278RI 08/15/2016 Treatment Chemicals - 3914849RI 08/15/2016 Vendor HAWKINS INC Total: curb cutting for new sidewalk 199 08/15/2016 Vendor HILLS CONCRETE CUTTING SERVICES INC Total: MEMBERSHIP DUES DUES5822 08/15/2016 Vendor ILEAS Total tensionrs 3003267263 08/15/2016 belt and tensiniors PO01371 08/15/2016 Vendor INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC Total: UNIFORM ITEMS 42959 08/15/2016 UNIFORM ITEM 42960 08/15/2016 Vendor) G UNIFORMS INCTotal: stock 5055763 08/15/2016 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWESTTotal: parts for trans leak 005474 08/15/2016 Vendor MARTIN IMPLEMENT SALES INC Total: CW WTP-Metals Test Yearly Management Fee - Total nitorgen test Fluoride Samples- Inv#591209 filter 590997 08/15/2016 591040 08/15/2016 591178 08/15/2016 591209 08/15/2016 Vendor MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY INC Total: 166409 510-35-6250 Fue19818068 9818068 510-32-6250 fuel 9818094 9818094 510-31-6250 fuel9818095 9818095 510-35-6250 fuel 9814779 510-32-6250 fuel 9814807 510-31-6250 fuel 9814808 100-33-6250 fuel 9814810 510-35-6250 medallion plus 9815715 9815715 510-32-6250 oil 9815716 PO01383 Vendor: PROSHRED SECURITY PROSHREDSECURITY 100-22-5110 DOCUMENT SHRED 990015530 08/15/2016 Vendor MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT INC Total: O8/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 OS/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 Vendor PETROLIANCE LLC Total: 08/15/2016 Vendor PROSHRED SECURITY Total: 143.00 114.00 114.00 371.00 180.00 1,039.30 3,763.69 4,802.99 1,300.00 1,300.00 240.00 240.00 309.69 240.35 550.04 152.00 142.00 294.00 307.32 307.32 368.64 385.00 290.00 60.00 60.00 795.00 10.47 10.47 304.08 262.67 103.98 522.88 286.80 197.30 718.36 435.96 1,270.92 4,102.95 53.00 53.00 8/10/2016 1:50:29 PM Vendor: PROSHRED SECURITY PROSHREDSECURITY 100-22-5110 DOCUMENT SHRED 990015530 08/15/2016 Vendor MCHENRY POWER EQUIPMENT INC Total: O8/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 OS/15/2016 08/15/2016 08/15/2016 Vendor PETROLIANCE LLC Total: 08/15/2016 Vendor PROSHRED SECURITY Total: 143.00 114.00 114.00 371.00 180.00 1,039.30 3,763.69 4,802.99 1,300.00 1,300.00 240.00 240.00 309.69 240.35 550.04 152.00 142.00 294.00 307.32 307.32 368.64 385.00 290.00 60.00 60.00 795.00 10.47 10.47 304.08 262.67 103.98 522.88 286.80 197.30 718.36 435.96 1,270.92 4,102.95 53.00 53.00 8/10/2016 1:50:29 PM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Account Number Vendor: QUALITY TIRE SERVICE QUALITY TIRE SERVICE 510-32-5370 Vendor: ROCK EQUIPMENT RENTALS LLC ROCK EQUIPMENT RENTALS 510-35-6110 Vendor: TEXAS REFINERY CORP TEXAS REFINERY CORP 100-33-5370 Vendor: TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP 100-22-6310 Vendor: TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 100-33-5370 Vendor: USA BLUEBOOK USA BLUEBOOK 510-31-6110 USA BLUEBOOK 510-31-6110 USA BLUEBOOK 510-32-6110 Vendor: VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 510-32-6110 Vendor: WELCH BROS INC WELCH BROS INC 510-35-6110 Description (Item) Payable Number flat repair 41692 Easementjettingmachine 0000002006 grease 106738 K-9 TRAINING &SUPPLIES 18225 scrap tires 315140 3/8"X3/8" CL Unions 021748 CLTubing -Inv#013252 013252 Portable sampler 020648 4,000 gallons ferric chloride 34799 Water vault 1564796 Packet: APPKT00551- 84546 rect inv Post Date Amount 08/15/2016 40.00 Vendor QUALITY TIRE SERVICE Total: 40.00 08/15/2016 1,500.00 Vendor ROCK EQUIPMENT RENTALS LLC Total: 1,500.00 08/15/2016 398.00 Vendor TEXAS REFINERY CORP Total: 398.00 08/15/2016 330.49 Vendor TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP Total: 330.49 O8/15/2016 9.00 Vendor TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 Total: 9.00 08/15/2016 110.68 08/15/2016 147.23 08/15/2016 3,445.65 Vendor USA BLUEBOOK Total: %703.56 08/15/2016 9,297.07 Vendor VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANYTotal: 9,297.07 08/15/2016 320.00 Vendor WELCH BROS INC Total: 320.00 Grand Total: 50,001.01 8/10/2016 1:50:29 PM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT00551- 84546 rect inv Fund 100 - GENERAL FUND 510- WATER/SEWER FUND Fund Summary Grand Total: Expense Amount 17,637.10 32,36191 50,001001 AS -NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 8/15/16 100 100-33-5520 COMED 361,90 07/01/2016 100 10045-5510 COMED 43,36 07/01/2016 100 100-01-6940 SECRETARY OF STATE 111,00 07/01/2016 100 100-01-6940 SECRETARY OF STATE / POLICE DEPT 202,00 07/01/2016 100 100-03-5430 IACE 80,00 07/06/2016 100 10041-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 8,96 07/06/2016 100 100-03-5430 NWBOCA 30,00 07/11/2016 100 1 00-22-61 10 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 2,98 07/14/2016 100 1 00-22-621 0 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 149007 07/14/2016 100 1 00-33-61 10 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 984,98 07/14/2016 100 10042-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 14,45 07/14/2016 100 10045-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 1309,00 07/14/2016 100 100-01-6940 MCHENRY COUNTY CLERK 10,00 07/14/2016 100 10044-6110 SAM'S CLUB 1263,16 07/14/2016 100 100-01-5420 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER -56.75 07/15/2016 100 100-01-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 415,21 07/15/2016 100 100-01-5450 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 76,95 07/15/2016 100 1 00-22-51 10 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 8,12 07/15/2016 100 100-22-5420 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 425.57 07/15/2016 100 100-22-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 535,00 07/15/2016 100 1 00-22-621 0 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 33,65 07/15/2016 100 100-33-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 235,00 07/15/2016 100 10041-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 136,90 07/15/2016 100 10041-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 75,00 07/15/2016 100 10041-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 59,98 07/15/2016 100 10042-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 232.83 07/15/2016 100 10044-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 401,49 07/15/2016 100 10045-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 10,33 07/15/2016 100 10046-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 615,00 07/15/2016 100 10046-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 549,99 07/15/2016 100 10047-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 1141*01 07/15/2016 100 10047-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 837,52 07/15/2016 100 10045-6110 HOBSON, BILL 1096.99 07/15/2016 100 100-01-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 1220,43 07/19/2016 100 100-22-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 2,62 07/19/2016 100 100-33-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 8,58 07/19/2016 100 10041-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 0,03 07/19/2016 100 10042-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 0,48 07/19/2016 100 10045-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 1,40 07/19/2016 100 1 00-01 -6940 SECRETARY OF STATE 103,00 07/21/2016 100 1 00-02-531 0 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 3,52 07/26/2016 100 100-04-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 11.65 07/26/2016 100 10041-5310 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 17,96 07/26/2016 100 100-02-6940 MCHENRY AREA DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ASSOC 1200*00 07/27/2016 100 100-33-5520 COMED 119,55 07/29/2016 100 100-01-5510 COMED 82,44 07/29/2016 100 10045-5510 COMED 33,15 07/29/2016 100 100-2180 MIDWEST OPERATING ENGINEERS WELFARE FUND 2540*44 07/29/2016 200 200-00-5110 VISIT MCHENRY COUNTY 12000,00 07/06/2016 200 200-00-9901 MCHENRY AREA DOWNTOWN BUSINESS ASSOC 1100*00 07/27/2016 205 205-00-6110 HI POINT EMBROIDERY 280,00 07/14/2016 205 205-00-6940 MCHENRY COUNTY FAIR ASSN 50,00 07/27/2016 210 210-00-5110 CENTERFOLD INCORPORATED 1000,00 07/21/2016 215 215-00-6110 FRY, ROBERT J 504,00 07/14/2016 400 400-00-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 167.19 07/14/2016 400 400-00-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 65,55 07/15/2016 400 400-00-6120 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 390,61 07/15/2016 400 40040-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 11,99 07/15/2016 AS -NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 8/15/16 400 400-00-5321 DIRECTV 242098 07/15/2016 510 510-31-5510 COMED 39,75 07/01/2016 510 510-32-5510 COMED 75.66 07/01/2016 510 510-31-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 86,85 07/14/2016 510 510-35-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 120,40 07/14/2016 510 510-32-5410 IRWA 50000 07/14/2016 510 510-32-5320 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 11,87 07/19/2016 510 510-32-5410 FOX VALLEY OPERATORS ASSOCIATION 100,00 08/01/2016 510 510-31-5510 COMED 38,08 07/29/2016 510 510-32-5510 COMED 163.54 07/29/2016 610 610-00-5960 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 19,34 07/15/2016 620 620-00-5110 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 3,54 07/06/2016 620 620-00-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 860,80 07/15/2016 620 620-00-6270 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 114,81 07/15/2016 34242, 86 FUND 100 TOTAL 16745.90 FUND 200 TOTAL 13100,00 FUND 205 TOTAL 330,00 FUND 210 TOTAL 1000400 FUND 215 TOTAL 504400 FUND 400 TOTAL 878,32 FUND 510 TOTAL 686,15 FUND 610 TOTAL 19,34 FUND 620 TOTAL 979,15 34242,86 Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Ross Polerecky, Community Development Director FOR: August 15, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Sign Variance for Sunnyside Dodge, 4810 W Elm Street. ATT: Sign application with proposed sign locations Agenda Item Summary: The Community Development Department received a sign variance request to allow Sunnyside Dodge a total of six wall signs on the front of their building. Background: Sunnyside Dodge is in the process of completing a 3,800 square foot addition to their current building at 4810 Elm Street. In addition to the added square footage they have updated and expanded the parking lot to include new blacktop and striping. The existing free standing sign was recently updated and new updated LED lights have been added to all the fixtures on the sales lot. The dealership has recently obtained the Jeep franchise to add to their Chrysler/Dodge/Ram inventory. The applicant is seeking a variance to allow six wall signs on the building, four more than the current zoning district allows. Sunnyside Dodge is allowed two signs with a total size not to exceed 1.5 times the building frontage, the allotted size per these requirements is 258 sq/ft, the combined area of the six signs requested will only be 175 Sq/ft, well under the maximum allowed. Staff researched similar businesses and found variances have been granted to each of the major car dealerships in town for additional signs. If the City Council concurs it is recommended that a sign variance be granted to Sunnyside Dodge, 4810 W Elm St., to allow four additional wall signs for a total of six signs as depicted in the attached photos. PROPERTY ADDRESS: IMM Non- Residential Major Permit Appli ESTIMATED�C`O' ST OF CONSTRUCTION: � Owner: ce,' �C�,,cr'� C—✓ cation Address: ~Y�f Z � Unit IT: City: � � State: /c,- Zipa Phoiie:�`� r` E-mail: Contractor: Phone: E-mail: Use: ❑ El El New Construction Commercial ❑ Indust/Office Single Occupant ❑ Mixed Occupant Special Approvals: Construction. Type:. Size in sq. ft.:(New) Conditional Use Variance � Use Group Classifications):_ (Add/Remodel) Building Height: (s o! a (F). Number of Occupants: ❑ Health Care C # of Plumbing Fixtures: ❑ Exterior Covering EEJ l Ec `< 0/ PERMIT NO. 161 07 y 0 e Y Community &Economic Development 333. S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 E-Mail: CED@ci.mchenry.il.us (815)363-2170 Foundation ❑ Basement Misc: ❑ Fire Suppression Brick Type' ❑ Crawlspace ❑ Fire Alarm Metal ❑ Slab on Grade El Other: ) ther: Driveway Type: ❑ Concrete ❑ Paver Brick ❑ Asphalt Notes: 5'� / - A � f /%�� + , c: .. OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Dist: Township/Pin� 1 �-) 7�J Z � 1 Flood Zone. JUL 2 0 2016 PERMIT FEES Due at Plan Review: App,�cat�on Building: Plumbing: Dev. Donations, Sanitary Tap: Water Tap. Water Meter: Water Cap Dev. San Cap Dev: Annexation: PW Bond: Misc• (4Y\ x e� 0VVWlick"ALL a OU 0 Operations: Be sure to visit the City web site (www.ci.mchenry.il.us) and review the handouts found under Document Resources. All information provided herein is true and correct and all ordinances and codes of the City of McHenry shall be complied with. I hereby represent and agree that, in considera- tion of this permit being issued, only the work herein applied for will be done and that the premises being worked on will only be used for the purposes set forth herein. I under- stand and hereby acknowledge it's the property owner's responsibility to ascertain ifthere are any existing private covenants, conditions and/or deed restrictions, which may further regulate and/or prohibit work for which this building permit from the City has been obtained. I further acknowledge it's the property owner's responsibility to obtain required written or other permission or follow any other private approval process from any such home, property owner's or other association, if applicable, prior to commencing work on my property even if a building permit is issued by the City. I hereby indemnify the City, its officials and employees from any and all liability for damages, lawsuits, attorneys fees and injuries, including death sustain by anyone or damage to any property, including surveying errors and encroachment liability which accrue against the City, SIClv>!; a� -- oj.) ���� ✓� ✓ DATE: w(OWNER SIGNATURE AND Approve d By Name: E REQUIRED) FOR OFFICE USE Issued Date: Expiration Date: Scanned (Rev. 9/15) Approve d By Name: E REQUIRED) FOR OFFICE USE Issued Date: Expiration Date: Scanned (Rev. 9/15) CONTRACTORSI T AND SONS INCE GENERAL 1W. TOAI Letter Of Transmittal 1400 South Route 31 McHenry, IL 60050 Phone 815-385-4466 Fax 815-385-8439 www.wmtonyan.com �"a City of McHenry Fr"'�: Don �onyen company:. ®ate: 7/20/16 Address: 333 Green St WTs Project #: Project Name: Sunnyside Co. ® For Review ❑ Approved ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ Not Approved Revise & Resubmit s Comments: Attached 1-sign permit application, need variance. 1-check for $1 i5.00 2- Building elevations showing all signs, and individual sign information showing dimentions, square foot, and colors. Signs are factory / francise standards and include Chrystler, Dodge, Jeep, Sunnyside, Ram and Service, all to be mounted on front faYade of the Car Dealership.. Wm ionyan &Sons D®n i"onyan. RECEIPT NUMBER (Aly (101cllcno, C171n113llnitl 111(1 E?coll011lic Development CZ UY Of MCH=".L.Y 333 S. Green St Mchenry, IL 60050 Ph: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 1 1 W&E 1 Paid By Wm. Tonyan & Son 07/20/2016 Type Record Category Desc'riptionAmount Permit P16-07-098 Standard Item Sign Variance $ 175.00 Total- $ 175800 Cash Check $ 175.00 Credit Transferred Tendered: $ 1,75.00 $..0 . V V TO. Overpayment $,0.0,0 172'-2" 0" rF3'-6"- 21-0 c o-e rsys LErs - 7'-3 1/a° 5 3/8', 6i 0 Wall signs to be centered and equally spaced in available area. Badges to be centered above window areas as shown. Mopar sign to be centered above garage bay. Available wall area must be verified in field prior to installation. 0 Sunnyside't`I -- St. Route11 1 McHenr-� 12 7/8" I anufacturing et�il� 5"deep aluminum cabinets, silver returns Formed .118 White Mustang w/ 1 st surface digital print Blue • Silver 28 1/4" anufacturing etail� 3" deep aluminum cabinets, black returns White acrylic faces w/ 1 st surface black perforated vinyl leaving 1/8" white perimeter Illurrainti®n LED internal illumination1VentexVenBriteVL-W100 (2) VLP100-120 LED Driver -1.0 Amps TOTAL 10 �_ - i- 1: '. 1 • 'i� ill ,li a i'6ufdC$!lB'ii1g 5"deep aluminum cabinets, silver returns White acrylic faces w/ 1 st surface red vinyl leaving 1/8" white perimeter LED internal illumination, Ventex VenBrite VLV1 00 (1) VLP100-120 LED Driver-0.50 Amps C®I®rs Red PMS 485 White Silver 11 -- Manufactur6ng ®et�il� 5"deep aluminum cabinets, silver returns White acrylic faces w/ 1 st surface green vinyl leaving 1/8" white perimeter LED internal illumination,VentexVenBriteVL-W100 (1) VLP100-120 LED Driver-0.50 Amps olors Green PMS 371 White Silver 12 a Formed prismatic acrylic face w/ 1 st surface mirror finish _White acrylic faces w/ 1st surface black perforated vinyl & 2nd surface vinyl details leaving 1/8"white perimeter Illumination LED internal illumination, Ventex VenBrite VL-W100 (2) VLP100-120 LED Driver450 Amps C®lors Colors Black Process Black Black 13 Sunnyside 481©WY. Ehn St. Route 120 CJlgi�e�o CH RYB LER dc3n(orm iei6' BlackTrimcap Black Day/Night Vinyl Black Returns _ Eil " I n n 15141 k0j Mafr'e Footage CG�p��ierr �rnd �ee6� ®��}� Deaierr��ii�� Any combunatiorn of Chwy Verr, Dodge, Jeep and Lgam ©e zCSfi`�tot *9®G11 Cc"c���rru�>gi®rno Channel Letters w/ Plex. Face 0000r. Black Mack Returns is :lll.' +11 III•. �® J0 H a alo lighted clear acrylic logos with 1 st surface vinyl decoration pushed through painted aluminum sign face 1 ITS I Daylight/ (1) Lighting component EESB=424ml3L Electronic Ballast 511�57967 1 Sunnyside-: Acrylic sign face w/ I st surface applied an opaque background. ctrical Requirements �®'OYS Black Silver Daylight n i5 v � CHe r Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Ross Polerecky, Community Development Director FOR: August 15, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Sign Ordinance Change for Northgate Shopping Center ATT: Current variance, Minutes from 2003 variance, current pictures. Agenda Item Summary: Council is being asked to consider an amendment to a sign variance that was approved in 2003 for the Northgate Shopping Center located at 2610-2640 Schaid Ct. Background: A variance was granted to the Northgate shopping center in October 2003 to allow a second wall sign for each tenant. This variance was requested due to the unique placement of the building on the property. This building was limited in its placement because of the vast amount of wetland located on the parcel. The variance that was approved include an additional wall sign for each tenant, but restricted the wall sign to 24" capital letters and 18" lower case letters, these signs were to be placed on the east elevation of the building, this is the elevation facing Richmond Road. In addition to the limitation on the size of the letters the signs were to be block style, all one color and uniform along the rear of the building, no logos were allowed per the approved variance. A specific color was not mentioned in the variance and therefore the first tenant to occupy the building dictated the color. Sprint was the first tenant and chose to have a yellow sign; subsequent tenants are required to have a yellow sign on the east elevation. Analysis: Staff has been approached many times by current tenants as well as potential tenants inquiring about a different color choice for their sign. Epic deli has recently occupied the former Twisted Moose space and too approached the city in regards to changing the variance. After a review of the variance and a visit to the shopping center staff is recommending a change to allow the tenants to choose their own color of sign instead of requiring the yellow, the size of the letters shall remain 24" capital letters and 18" lower case, staff is also requesting the addition of logos to the east elevation, each logo shall be no larger than 4 sq/ft in size. By allowing a different color and a logo businesses will be more easily identified. The signs along CHe r Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us the rear of the building will remain block style and uniform along the rear of the building. No current tenant in the building has a wall sign on the parking lot side of the building, most tenants use the allowable window signage to identify them from the parking lot. If the City Council concurs it is recommended that a the sign variance granted in 2003 for Northgate Shopping Center be amended to remove the "all one color" restriction and to allow a logo no greater than 4sq/ft in size. The size of the letters shall remain 24" capital letters and 18" lower case. ""iVED TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Joseph P. Napolitano, Director, Community Development FOR: October 13, 2003, Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request for Sign Variance, North Gate West Commercial Development, West Side of Route 31 North of FAP 420 Right of Way Samuel J. Diamond, Applicant ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Samuel J. Diamond, dated 9/18/03 2, Site Map 3. Building Elevations 4. Sign Illustrations STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the request for wall signs as presented, and to allow the proposed development entrance signs, on the condition that the only other freestanding signs allowed on Lots 1 and 21 are limited to 30 square feet in size and 6' in height. Background A letter was received from Sam Diamond regarding the North Gate West development, located on the west side of Route 31, north of the FAP 420 right-of®way. Mr. Diamond is requesting two variances for this development: 1) Variance to allow two freestanding development entrance signs for the development; and 2) Variance to allow a second wall sign for each tenant in the proposed commercial building on Lots 8-20, Schaid Court. The proposed variances are being requested to enhance the visibility of the users in the development and within the proposed commercial building. Allowable Signs Per the City's sign regulations, one Development Entrance sign not to exceed 200 square feet and 25' height is allowed for a shopping center. Also, a Development Entrance sign, not to exceed 140 square feet and 15' height is allowed at the entrance to a Business Park. The proposed commercial building is allowed one wall sign per tenant, not to exceed 1.5 square feet for each foot of tenant frontage. Proposed Signs The following signs are proposed: Development Entrance Sign (for proposed shopping center Lots 8-20): S. Side of Diamond Drive, 202 sf., 25' height Development Entrance Sign: N. Side of Diamond Drive, 102 sf., 15' height Wall Signs: 1 per tenant, Max. size 2' capital letters, 1'-6" lower case letters t Analysis Wall Signs The proposed commercial building will have frontage on both Schaid Drive and Route 31. Allowing tenants to have a second wall sign facing Route 31 is appropriate and will enhance their visibility to drivers using Route 31. Also, the signs will have a uniform look, with red block letters, and a uniform size. Therefore, Staff would recommend approval of the requested wall signs. Development Entrance Signs The proposed shopping center on Lots &20 is allowed to have a Development Entrance sign. However, the sign must be located on Lots 8.20. The developer would like the ability to have this sign along Route 31 to increase the visibility for traffic on Route 31, which provides the only access to the development. Staff would support this Development Entrance sign, provided that the future user of Lot 21 is limited to a monument sign, no larger that 6' in height and 30 square feet is size. This would create a look similar to the McHenry Towne Center and Meijer/Home Depot developments to the south. The second proposed Development Entrance sign would be located on the north side of Diamond Drive and would be used to identify proposed tenants/users on the interior lots of the development. Development Entrance signs are helpful to identify the name of a business park (i.e. McHenry Corporate Center or Adams Commercial Centre) that has numerous users on interior lots. Because there are typically several users located in a business park, it is impractical to list the individual uses on a Development Entrance sign. In this instance, the development is small — there is only the potential for six buildings in the entire development. On the north side of proposed Diamond Drive, there will likely be only 3-4 buildings/uses. The developer would like the ability to advertise the names of these users on the proposed monument sign at the north side of Diamond Drive along Route 31, which provides the only access to the development. Again, Staff would support this Development Entrance sign, provided that the future user of Lot 1 is limited to a monument sign, no larger that 6' in height and 30 square feet is size. I( �,t•�� �, October 13, 2003 �a Page 3 mendment of Paragraph B, Section V on Page 6, Section 1 — changing a �um f six to seven; 3. Ame ent of Paragraph C on Page 12, Section 7 -_denial of landmark signation (changi waiting period for reapplication from one year to 90 days); 4. Amendmen f Paragraph B Subsections VI and VII on Page 4, Section 2 — Removing the quirement for developer's name and architec' contractor's name on application. . Voting Aye:. Bol , Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, met, Peterson, Condon. Voting IVay: � None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Mr. Lofgren expressed the Comm activities. He noted other Commissione Janssen, Patricia Schaffer, Gretchen s gratitude for Council's support of their attendance include Marya Dixon, Merle Gerhard Rosenberg, Ilene Wiedeman, Dawn Johnson, Judy Franks. Co iss�oner Lo en noted the Commission hopes to continue educational activities s as the walking urs, cemetery walks, county barn tours, creating a second histor' structures cobring bo plan for public use of Petersen Farmstead, inventory and lay items from the Robert etersen Trust. Commissioner Lofgren informed Council e Commission's office and meeti location is being moved to the Petersen Homeste .The Commission will continue to Bath written and oral histories of McHenry citizens well as survey historic structures. The puts nce of the Main Street Historic District ignation is also a top priority. The Gommissio will continue to be involved in Riv alk planning and events. ._ ��_.�-_ � a - '_- � ' � - - s - SIGN VARIANCE — NORTN GATE WEST COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT !n attendance were Attorney Sam Diamond, Attorney Danielle Diamond; Curt Yost, General Manager for the developer of the project; and Developer Jim Schaid. In response to an inquiry from Alderman Gfab, Director of Community Development Napolitano stated the free-standing sign would be similar to the one located in front of the MeijerlHome Depot Shopping Center. The sign would be about the same size and height as that sign. Alderman Gfab stated Council has previously denied requests to locate wall signs on the rear facade of commercial buildings. He cited the rejected wall sign variances for Liberty Square Shopping Center.at the intersection of Route 31. and Shamrock Lane, Alderman Glab expressed his concern with the abundance of sign variances and reduction in external brick on various commercial structures including sign standards. Alderman Murgatroyd stated he had no objection to the variance for the free- standing sign. However, he had some concerns regarding the requested additional wall signs.. He Holed it was redundant to vary both the free-standing signs and the additional � ;��� ,.m= `October 13, 2003 Page 4 wall signs. He opined he would prefer to vary solely the free-standing sign and omit the additional wall signs. Alderman Wimmer stated his concurrence with Alderman Murgatroyd. __ Alderman Peterson opined two wall signs per business should be permitted for ease of identification. Alderman Bolger concurred with Alderman Peterson. Mr. Diamond noted. although North Gate West Development is comprised of 23 acres, only 9 acres are � contained outside of the wetlands and .are develppable. The proposed second monument sign would be for the entire project. Home State Bank would occupy the corner lot and would also have a monument sign identifying its location. Mr. •S'chaid noted the properly restrictions due to the wetlands. Working with the environment and FAP420 right-of-way dedication causes development hardship resulting in the need far additional signage for building. tenants. He noted a 240' distance from Route 31 centerline to the property line of the tenant building. Adding the building setback, it makes if difficult to entice building tenants to utilize the space. Rear facade signage is critical to leasing the tenant spaces. Alderman Glab suggested the building front should face Route 31, removing the need for rear facade sign variances. Mayor Low stated her support of both the monument sign variance and the rear facade wall sign variances. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Bolger, to approve the requested sign variances to North Gate West as follows: • To permit two free-standing development entrance signs; and • To permit a second wail sign for each tenant in the proposed commercial building on Lots 8-20 an Schaid Court, with a maximum 2' high capital letters, 1.5' high small letters: a!I (effete to be bbvked, all one color,. and uniform along the rear of.the . building;��no logos to be included. .. � . Voting Aye: Bolger, Low, Wimmer, Peterson. Voting Nay: Glab, Murgatroyd. Abstained: Condon. Absent: None. Motion carried. N OF Director of V received numerous requests -� - ,� • �-�- '. Alderman Glab stated hi erns rega close proximity of the entrance drive stop sign to the alley Road intersection. No �i e potential for stop sign backups sou g the Bull Valley Road intersection, he state 'd not support the requ s presented. Resoondina to Alderman Glab's inquiry, Director Mar exact distance from entrap :"mile R m Pit ,.. I opt E N��. Cv C IL ..I a� - � 1 Alt r_ °9r ` V, wit w M� N.ft�lv a �.► a J�,roF a'.�ur do-.« ''r +. ;� �v�_t»+:{C �jr� a'.�� 4 Ifrr u wd"» n VN rodf Office of the City Administrator Derik Morefield McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator FOR: August 15, 2016 Regular City Council meeting RE: Request for a Class Al Liquor License from PAPAJAY LLC d/b/a Lacey's Place located at 341 Front Street and Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 4 increasing number of Class Al liquor licenses from two to three. ATT: Application, Menu & Ordinance Agenda Item Summary: Mr. Jan Mei, President of PAPAJAY LLC d/b/a Lacey's Place has submitted an application for a Class Al liquor license in conjunction with a video gaming cafe in the Fountain Shoppes retail center located at 341 Front Street. This was the former site of Lucky Louise's and is now vacant. The Class Al liquor license permits the retail sale of beer and wine for consumption on premises, and retail sale of packaged beer and wine. PAPAJAY LLC purchased a Lacey's Place franchise. The Council will recall a Class Al liquor license was approved this past May for Lacey's Place located on Diamond Drive, which is owned by a different limited liability company. Background: Mr. Mei owns and operates two restaurants, one in Chicago and one in Carol Stream. Mr. Mei told staff he is interested in adding video gaming to the business although he remains committed to operating a successful restaurant serving Sushi, Asian beers and wines. Examples of Class Al licensed establishments are Stuc's Pizza & Ribs and Lacey's Place (Diamond Drive). Mr. Mei and his manager Zhu S. Chen met with Mayor Low and were fingerprinted by McHenry Police with satisfactory results. All associated fees have been paid, and all documentation has been submitted. Analysis: Staff contacted the Village of Carol Stream and City of Chicago for references. A representative from the Village of Carol Stream Administrator's office said they have received no violations or incidents reported. Further, Mr. Mei is a good member of the business community and is currently engaged in the liquor license application process in their town. The restaurant in Carol Stream called Ye's Chinese Restaurant is co -owned with manager Zhu S. Chen, who successfully owns and operates several establishments serving liquor The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. throughout the Chicagoland area. Staff received no response from the City of Chicago. Mr. Mei and manager Zhu S. Chen are BASSET certified and conversant with the Illinois Liquor Control regulations. If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to a) grant a Class Al liquor license to PAPAJAY LLC d/b/a Lacey's Place located at 341 Front Street with the requirement that all employees involved in the sale and service of alcoholic liquors obtain State of Illinois BASSET certification; and, b) approve the attached Ordinance increasing the number of Class Al liquor licenses in effect from two (2) to three (3). The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality ofprograms and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. License No. Date Issued Date Effective JUL 1 9 LUIU Ciii� QF MG4�E1�`l CITY OF MCHENRY APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE UNDER CITY OF MCHENRY LIQUOR CONTROL ORDINANCE FISCAL YEAR 2016/2017 TO BE FILED WITH THE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ALL LICENSES EXPIRE APRIL 30 FOLLOWING DATE OF ISSUANCE NAME OF BUSINESS, ADDRESS, &TELEPHONE #.: PAPAJAY LLC 2. 3. 4. 5. E 7 9. 341 Front St, McHenry, IL 60050 Fee Received t Date Received Receipt Issued On 1 y� Check No. Cashier's Chk. Gert. Check Cash Please indicate form of ownership: CORPORATION X PARTNERSHIP INDIVIDUAVSOLE PROP. IF CORPORATION: Corporation Name: PAPAJAY LLC Corporate Address: 4236 S ARTESIAN AVE, CHICAGO, IL 60632 Corporate Phone Number: EMAIL: State of Incorporation: IF PARTNERSHIP: Name: Corporate Address: IL Corporate Phone Nu mber: EMAIL: St ate of Incorporation: IF INDIVIDUAL/SOLE PROP: Applicant's Full Name: Date of Birth: Residence Address: Home Phone: Business Phone: EMAIL: Citizen of U.S.? If a naturalized citizen, when and where naturalized? Court in which (or law under which) naturalized: (A) If Applicant is a PARTNERSHIP, give name and address o#all partners holding 5°!° or more of the partnership interest: (B) If Applicant is CORPORATION, give name, address and telephone number of owners holding 5% or more shares and registered agent: JAN MEI - 100%OWNER. 2002 S WENTWORTH AVE, FLOOR 2, CHICAGO, IL 60616 2016 �GE TWO 10. ► If Applicapt and Local Manager are not the same, give name, address and telephone number of Local Manager: _� Local Manager's: Date of Birth: ``� Place of Birth: <—d� �YLG� Citizen of U.S.?, 11 Principal Type of Business: Specialty Food, Gaming, and Alcohol 12. What is current zoning for this property? 13., Type of License Sought: L� � ��. 14; Date on which business was begun at this location: `�� 1 �-t^ � ' � 15. Does applicant own premises for which license is sought? No If not, state name and address of owner and attach copy of executed lease. V 16. If property is owned by a land trust, trustee must file affidavit disclosing names and addresses of all beneficial owners and percentage of interest. ,J,17. Is the location of applicant's business for which license is sought within one hundred feet of any church, school (except institutions of higher education), hospital, home for aged or indigent persons or for veterans and their families or any military or naval station? A. If answer to the above is "YES", is the applicant's place of business a hotel offering restaurant service, a regularly organized club, a food shop or other place where the sale of liquor is to the principal business? If yes, how long has place of business been in operation? 18. applicant has ever engaged in the business or sale of alcoholic liquor at retail, list address of all locations (may attach supplemental sheet). 19. Illinois State Liquor License Number: Attached copy of State Liquor License Certificate. applicant's Retailer's Occupational tax (ROT) Registration Number. �'2, P� "'�. G �'� 21. 1Are you delinquent in the payment of the Retailer's Occupational Tax (Sales Tax), and if so, the reasons therefore: � jp 22. If is application is for a new license or a #ransferred license, attach to this Application a copy of Applicant's balance sheet and operating statement for the past three years, or if not available, other proof of financial responsibility. �1, 23. State name and address of dram shop insurance company for both the licensee and owner of the building in which the alcoholic liquor will be sold for the duration of the license AND attach a copy of the declaration page showing the insured parties and amounts of coverage. 24. Describe parking facilities available to the business: ryi 25. Are you familiar with all the laws of the United States, State of Illinois and ordinances of the City of McHenry pertaining to the sale of alcoholic liquor; and will you abide by them? Yes 26. Will you maintain the entire premises in a safe, clean and sanitary manner free from conditions, which might cause accidents? Yes 27. Will you attempt to prevent rowdiness, fights and disorderly conduct of any kind and immediately notify the McHenry Police Department is any such events take place? Y2S 28. Has any manufacturer, importing distributor or distributor of alcoholic liquors directly or indirectly paid or agreed to pay for this license, advanced money or anything else of value or any credit (other than merchandising credit in the ordinary course of business for a period not in excess of 90 days), or is such a person directly or indirectly interested in the ownership, conduct or operation of the place of business? N0 If answer is "YES", give particulars: 29. Have you, or in the case of a corporation, the owners of 5% or more shares of the corporation or the local manager, or in the case of partnership, any of the partners, ever been convicted of any violation of any law pertaining to alcoholic liquors? No answer is "YES", explain: 30. Have you, or in the case of a corporation, the owners of 5% or more shares of the corporation and the local manager, or in the case of a partnership, any of the partners, ever been convicted of either a felony or a misdemeanor? No If so, please describe: 31. Is any individual who is directly or indirectly interested in applicant's place of business, alaw-enforcing official or elected public official (mayor, alderman, and member of any City commission, committee or board)? No If so, please state name and address of such person: 2016 PAGE THREE 32. List your occupation or employment with addresses thereof for the past 10 years (if partnership or corporation, list same information for each partner and the local manager — (please attach). 33. Have you ever been convicted of a gambling offense (if a partnership or corporation, include all partners, owners of 5°t° or more shares of the corporation and the local manager)? No If so, give all details: 34. Has any owner(s) or members) of a Partnership been issued a federal gaming devise stamp or a federal wagering stamp by the federal government for the current tax period? If a Corporation, has any officer, manager, or director thereof; or, any stockholder owning in the aggregate more than twenty (20) percent of the stock, been issued a federal wagering devise stamp or a federal wagering stamp by the federal government for the current tax period? No 35. Will you and all your employees refuse to serve or sell alcoholic liquor to an intoxicated person or to a minor Yes 36. Have you, or any partner, or owner of 5% or more shares of the corporation or local manager, ever had a liquor license revoked or suspended? No 37. If so, give all details, including location of the licensed property (please attach). CAUTION: Failure to provide accurate or complete information may result in the suspension and/or revocation of your liquor license and/or the issuance of a fine. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************* No person holding a license issued by the City of McHenry shall, in the conduct of the licensed business or upon the licensed premises, either directly or through the agents or employees of the licensee: 1. Violate or permit a violation of any federal law or state statue. 2. Violate or permit a violation of any City ordinance or resolution regulating the sale of alcoholic liquor or relating to the eligibility of the licensee to hold a liquor license. 3. Violate or permit a violation of any rule or regulation of the Illinois Liquor Control Commission, as revised from time to time. 4. Permit the sale of and/or consumption of any alcoholic beverages outdoors absent a specific permit granted by the McHenry City Council however; provided, outside sales and/or consumption shall be permitted from the hours of 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during Sidewalk Sales on the Saturday preceding Parade Day during Fiesta Days. 5. During Fiesta Days Celebrations on Parade Day, sell or serve (a) carryout alcoholic beverages (not including packaged liquor sales); or (b) alcoholic beverages in non -original containers, such as plastic cups. Only original containers, such as cans, bottle or glassware may be used. 6. Allowing fighting, disorderly conduct or excessive noise constituting a nuisance or tumultuous conduct of patrons and/or employees of licensee as defined in the McHenry City Code, to take place on the licensed premises or on, about ana/or adjacent to the property where the licensed premises is located. 7. Allow patrons to serve or distribute alcoholic beverages to minors on the licensed premises or allow minors to drink alcoholic. beverages on the licensed premises. 8. Fail to call the City Police Department upon the violation of any City ordinance or state law relating to fighting, disorderly conduct or excessive noise constituting a nuisance or tumultuous conduct of patrons and/or employees on the licensed premises. 2016 PAGE FOUR AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) ss COUNTY OF MCHENRY ) I, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that I (we), have read the above and foregoing Application, caused the answers to be provided thereto and all of the information given on said Application to be true and correct, and consent to investigation and background check by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner or his designee and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and the rules stated on this application. SOLE PROPRIETOR: Signature of Applicant PARTNERSHIP: (Authorized Agent of the Partnership) Signature Print Name Title CORPORATION: (Authorized Agent of the Corporation) Signature JAN MEI Title MANAGER: OFFICIAL SEAL Jeff Rehberger NOTARY PUBLIC a STATE OF ILUNOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Math 11, 2018 of Local Manager nt Name t6OFFICiAL SEA Kathleen L. Quick Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 20 NOTARY PUBLIC Subscribed and sworn to before me this NOTARY PUBLIC Subscri/bed and sworn to before me this (, �! day of 20. sworn to NOTARY PUBLIC this Notary Public, State of Illinois PAy Commission Expires 07/29/2018 2016 o.00 o.00 w�rr 0.00 Spicy 0.00 lish 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 e 17. PINK LEMONADE 18. ICE TEA Beer 19. SAKE IF 20. Sapporo 21. MILLER LITE 22. BUD LIGHT 23. CORONA 24. HEINEKEN 25. 312 0.00 with 0.00 O.DO 10.050 Lac ORDINANCE NO. M 46- AN ORDINANCE Increasing number of Class Al Liquor Licenses (Lacey's Place — Front St.) WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, McHENRY COUNTYILLINOISas foll , 3ows: SECTION 1: Section 4-6(1) of the Municipal Code relating to liquor license classifications is hereby amended by decreasing the number of Class "A1" Liquor Licenses from two (2) to three (3). SECTION 3: All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof, be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5.: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this 15th day of August 2016. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Not Voting: Abstaining: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor Office of the Chief of Police John M.Jones McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2200 Fax: (815) 363-2149 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John M. Jones, Chief of Police FOR: August 15th, 2016 City Council RE: Award contract for dispatch center expansion/ Police Administration renovation ATT: Tabulation Sheet FGM Architect letter of Recommendation Agenda Item Summary: On July Sth, 2016 City council approved the submission of pre qualification bids for the renovation of the dispatch Center and Police Administration section of City Hall. Four companies met the prequalification criteria and submitted bids on August 2" d, 2016 at City Hall. Of those four companies Stuckey met all requirements and were the lowest bid with abase bid of $1,262,801. Bid Alternates were selected for an additional $16,300 for a total construction cost of $1,297,101. Council is being asked to consider Staff s request to award the contract to Stuckey Construction for the renovation of the dispatch center and the Police Administration section of City Hall. Background: For the past several years the police department has identified a shortage of workspace due to agency growth since moving into the building in 1991, and with such has sought to justify a renovation/expansion of the police department. In 2015, Council supported a plan for the McHenry Dispatch Center to grow through new partnerships and the addition of new customers. In July 2015, the Emergency Telephone System Act was amended and a mandate was issued requiring three of the six McHenry County Public Service Answering Points (PSAPs) to close and services be consolidated no later than July lst, 2017. Because of this mandate, the McHenry Dispatch Center was selected to remain open. With the anticipation of growth and the new customer contracts already signed for future customers, the McHenry Dispatch Center is projected to grow to an agency base of sixteen different emergency police, fire and rescue entities. With the growth of the dispatch center and the needed expansion of the police department, Council approved the first steps in the renovation when entering into a professional services agreement with FGM in March of this year, along with approving the signing of a contract with Radicom Inc. of McHenry 11., for the radio dispatch system replacement. Staff has been working diligently to develop a renovation plan that meets the needs of the police department and dispatch center, and meets the consolidation requirement of July 1, 2017. Analysis: Staff has worked with FGM to design a renovation plan that would meet the needs of the police department and the dispatch center. In February 2016, the parks department vacated the Municipal Center building leaving the second floor above the police department vacant and available for renovation. To accommodate expansion of the dispatch center, police administration will be moved to the second floor of the building as the existing space will be consumed by the dispatch center. The anticipated schedule if the award to bid is approved for Stuckey Construction is as follows: • August 15th, 2016 — Anticipated Approval of Bidder at City Council Meeting • August 19th, 2016 — Anticipated Issue of Notice to Proceed • January 27th, 2017 — Substantial Completion (Communications) • February 10th, 2017 — Final Completion (Communications) • March 3rd, 2017 — Substantial Completion (Entire Project) • March 31 st, 2017 — Final Completion (Entire Project) Recommendation: If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the recommendation of FGM Architects and award contract for the renovation and expansion A the McHenry Dispatch Center along with the renovation of the McHenry Police Department Admini Dstration section for a total construction cost of $1,297,101. FGM ARCHITECTS BID TABULATION Signed: McHenry Police DEpartment 911 & Admin Renovation Witness #1 Bill Hobson Witness #2 John Jones Project Number: 16-2188.01 Date: August 2, 2016 Addenda ALTERNATES UNIT PRICES 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Q � c 3 a o a) o a a) o 3 h � o o e .3 x 0 it 30 ) o - 6 0 00 0 3 o a m 3 o u 8 E w TOTAL (Base Bid w/ m E a Accepted Contractor m 1 2 Base Bid V Alternates 1 and 2 Camosy Construction Inc. X X X $ 1,339,000.00 $ 22,200.00 $ 8,500,00 $ 3,700,00 $ 4,300.00 $ 3,900.00 4,000.00 1,369,700.00 Construction X X X 1,385,000,00 15,800,00 7,600.00 1,600,00 3,100.00 5,400,00 5,000,00 1,408,400,00 -Riley Stuckey Construction Co. Inc. X X X $ 1,262,801.00 9,700.00 6,600.00 2100.00 41000,00 4,400.00 41000,00 $ 1,279,101.00 WM Tonyan & Sons X X X $ 1,385,000,00 $ 14,600,00 $ 10,600.00 $ 2,400,00 $ 4,000.00 $ 21300.00 $ 4,510.00 $ 1,410,200.00 Note: Stuckey Construction's Base Bud includes cost reductions totaling $24,486.00 FGM Project No. 16-2188.01 McHenry Police Department 911 Administration Renovation Page 1 of 1 FQW ARCHITECTS August 9, 2016 Mr. John Jones Chief of Police City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Re: McHenry Police Department 91 1 Dispatch and Administration Renovation FGM Project Number: 16-2188.01 Dear Chief Jones: Enclosed please find the Bid Tabulation for above referenced Project. Bids were received on August 2, 2016. The low bidder is Stuckey Construction Co. Inc. with a base bid of One Million, Two Hundred Sixty -Two Thousand Eight Hundred and One Dollars ($1,262,801). The Base Bid includes cost reductions totaling $24,486,00, Alternates selected by the City include Alternates 1 and 2 for an additional $16,300.00 for a total construction cost of One Million, Two Hundred Seventy -Nine Thousand One Hundred and One Dollars ($1,279,101.00). FGM Architects has reviewed the bid provided by Stuckey Construction Co. Inc. and have discussed the project with them. We believe that Stuckey Construction Co. Inc. is the responsible low bidder and therefore recommend the contract be awarded to Stuckey Construction Co. Inc. Upon your direction, FGM Architects will draft a construction contract for execution and notify the contractor to proceed with the project. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Principal -in -Charge low %w v 1 Y CHe r MAYOR'S REPORT To: McHenry City Council From: Susan E. Low, Mayor For: August 15, 2016 Re: Appointment to Landmark Commission ATT: Application Susan E. Low, Mayor McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2108 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us At the August 15, 2016 City Council meeting, I intend to appoint Jeff Varda to the McHenry Landmark Commission for the term expiring on April 30, 2018. Mr. Varda will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of James Johnson. Please do not hesitate to contact me prior to the meeting if you have any comments or concerns regarding the appointment. If Council concurs, then it is recommendation a motion is made to appoint Jeff Varda to the McHenry Landmark Commission. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality ofprograms and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. City of McHenry Application for Committee, Commission or Board an or Deliver to: Office of the Mayor, City of McHenry, .333 South Green St, McHenry IL 60050 Application for Appointment to°� �% ly 1.! Committee/Commission/Board. Name: Z) eF F V Address: a� Phone: Home � I � > j L � • �� `1 `�' Work City Resident Since: ae4fd, 2. In this Section please use P for Presently; F for Elected or Appointed Positions Held: Member of Organizations (list offices he Occupational Background: Formerly: Spouse: Mobile 3. Do you or any of your close family or business connections own, hold stock in, serve as director of or work for any business which provides products or sery es to: IAJ City of McHenry If yes, please identify and explain: Other Government Entity � V 4. Do you or any of your close family or business connections serve on any Committee, Commission, Board or otherwise with an organization or agency which has, or may have, any business or personal transactions with the Committee, Commission or Board to which you are making application? � If "yes" please identify and explain: 5. Are you generally familiar with the functions and workings of the Committee/CommissionBoard to which you are making application? �� 5, Have you attended meetings of this body? Wh t prompted you to apply for consideration of appointment to this position? rbt\8 I rwt ' 1�;y Signed: What studies, responsibilities, accomplishments, publications or community rojects have you participated in or initiated which you feel may qualify you for this position? I t yo t XT C!) tvl" vsm Ck�t"Nk j Tet Q jt,! C JQI J`*\ ANOLq7tjAj& Other comments: Other information you would like to include may be attached to this application. The Mayor, being responsible for appointments to Committees/Commissions/Board will interview each applicant personally. What days and times are you available: ELOCT UNT6 S Date: The Mayor and the h"ity of McHenry wis/t to thank you for your interest. It is appreciated! Date Received: g / Date Considered: d Action: Revised: 3/16/05