HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 12/13/1951 - Zoning Ordinance . , 7AAI2�G ORDINANC� " - .�... ._.._�.,._.. . ; ,� Ati Ordin�nce Ores.ting a ZoAin�; Ordinanc� of the City of Ifo�snry. T ICLB ' ' - r- , • ' Definitiani. ' :�.,.' .# . . Aaceasory L�sa--Jtcc�iaory Building: A subordine.te us• or bexildi�g or pattion oF ' the r:ein building which is located on the lot of' t.he main building, and the uae of wt:ich ie clearly incidentsl to the main use or the use of t,he main buil3ing, but living quartara in connection with a detached gar�ge ehall not be permitted. Apdrtment: Cne or :_ore roo�^� in an apart.¢.ent building arranged, intended, or i�ned or occupied ae the reeidence oP a sin�le fn.�ily, individual, or group of injividuri2e. Ap4rt�nent �zilding: A buildin� providing two (2j or cnore ap�►rtIaente for resi- ' a- :isl occupancy. � � Basement: A atory partly below t}-e levQl of �r.e ��r:�et �;rade or ground neareet t'r_e buil�?in�. A base�ent s��all not be cot.:nted as a atory Por the purpose oP height , re�ul�tion unless it is subdivided, rer.tad. or eold or leaeed f�r d�+ellin�; �urpo�ee. '`"' Boarding riouse : A buila�n� rr�.ere :^.eale ur lod�ing and meRle are offered cr �rovided :or Cornpens�tion fcr t'-ree or more, out r:ot exceedin�, twenty peraor.s. °lock: ^r.a� �ropert�r :,butti:��; on one eide �f a etreet be�•..een tt-:e txo ne^reat i1_tEr9ectin� etrf�et3, r�ilro•+d r,:.�rta-of-��y, �r �;,her natural barriers. ��uil.iir:`, lrea : �i-e ^.?::i�.ruL: Yorizon�el pro;;e�te3 srea ci' a b�ilding er.d its � �ccesa�ry �uil3ingo, ��,�cluciin�; opei: ete;a, ,.,rr�::es, s,,d� cor�:icea �r :��.:tic�� not ::.ore t}:an trirty �j�; in�rea. , �orne: Lot : A lot in �ne o•.+nerehip l���teci �t t: e interae::�ion �� twc (L) s',r:ets cr � lut bou�de.i �n t,w- (�; �ices of •: curv::.d :�;r-.;et �n;� t+v:. � �; cl:�r's �� �.�r.l�r, :or.^.: .ti e::tie �f �:3 Y:I.L'".:re1 �r.i t��re:�t;• �1 '_i.) ietr��,� or '.��.�� •_�.�3 rec �.;r. �� ,, iC . 91?�� .::� t '3VjI.E: HIl zrea C,i' !`iC� .i::�:'-� t,::^:1 1 >> "-'� equsre ;.�..+ , '�epti: c,i' 'e?r l:rd : :he meaii t.�rizon,ui ?ict�;u:e uet�eQr. t} � rN r l�:.e oi' the r ,. L' ot..illin� �:r_: Ll.e eer.;��r liiie c_ t:.:. .11e,; . .,�re •+n �lley exi��s, ot}�.<.rwir�e �t.�� ra=r ?�� li:is. :E7.}': O: i3O� : �:'G' ',:CL�CI 1'1�TI'LOILv'?1 �1Jt�iiCB .LiBt��reen �re i'Y'OTlt ?: � TA��T' i0� 111188 . ::i.:`.r��t . A _ :ction ��f' t're ::i�;;� �. `c. �nry i_r wl . c: r _ .l�+tio:^s `:,v;,r:iin;_ t'r.e . e_�: t, r�a. � .., ...:e o: bui:.iin�� _,.:;; ,rA..,�.:e� - _. t:.e s.re. Family: Any nusber oP indis►iduals ra2�ted by blood, marriags or �doptica, � living, cooking and dining to�etr.er 1n the same premiaeo as a sir�le 1^ioue�kesping unit, including also not more Lhan two boardere or 2odgere, end alec doampsZic esr- ve.nts Por whoaa, eubject to the provieions o- thie ordinar�ce, separate li�rirt� qunrters . �ay bb prorrided. �� Frozit: Tbs tront of a lot shnll te that bourxdary of a" lot aloag a public strest; and for a corner lot the fr:�nt ehall be �he shortar lot bounddry e.long a etreet. Group Houae : A, �roup of not more thaa �our ($) detacrad Qin�le family .dwe111ags eeparnted frvn� eN�ct, other by vertical walla, bu� design�d ao s� eingle �tructure not more than trro (2) roome deep. � Half Storys. That portion of n building under a gable, hip or gambr�l rooP, r�hich is unused o� u�ed only ia con�t.uiotion aith and by the ooCupanta of the tli>or immedl,s�te- ly bdloa. Height of Huilding: rhv vertical dist�nce meaeured from the eid�walk level or ita equivalent •stablished �ra�de oppoeite t� �idd�e of tha front of the buildin� to the highe9t potnt oP f,l�e roof for Plet�rooPs; to tre deck 2ine fcr �eaxd roaPe; _ and to the rnean height le�►�e2 (ttet�een.�eaves a�d ridg�) Por geble and hip rooPs, , ` . �Ihere A bullding is loca�ed upeu n tierract or alop� Ll�s haig�t may be meaeured fYom \..1 _ the aysrage �reupd 2evel at the building wnll. Eiotol : A Duilding in which lodging is osfered or prorided for catdpanaation rith or Mithou� meala Par� more the.n twenty peraona. Lod$ing Houre : A building rv2�ere loigin� ie o�fered or provided far co�mpeneation z'or trree or more� but no� to axcmed twenty yeraotia. ' Lot: A paresl of l:�z�d used or auitable fer occup�ncy by o�e msin buildin� or .one a�ain u4e with pernitted incidental buildinge and providin�; open �paces as required by thie ordinance. A lot may be land so recorded en tl.e recor3e c� t}.e �ecerder of Deede o� :�:c�enry County, Illinois, but it n�y include parta of or � comoinstion o: su�h lots when edjacent t� one snother provi3ed sucr land is ueed tor ens i�rove:nent. Lot linee : Phe lines bcunc?ine a lot as defined r�erein. _ �enr Yard : An open epace (unoccuFied ar.cept f-�r accese�ry buildings) o� tl:e �'� ss�ae lo� wft}: a buildin�, between the reru line o:' tti;e �uildin�; �nd t'�:e rear Zine of tl;e lot, for the r'ull width of ty:e lot, except ae �o�iYied 'oy side yard reatri.;tione. � 3et BacL: The :ni:�i��wn Y.orizontal :iistar.co cet�een �he s�reet •�+4ll of tre btiil�in� �-��] �Pe fr�nt �`,reet lina. -�- • a, sid� 7ard: An �ps3� uaocottpied sp�co ,on ths �atn� lab x�th � bu3ld�,g� ba�xero�tl�s�� building and bhs side line c! the 1ot 4rbd ext•nding Prae� t?� lront lo!-'l�i�t 1+0:�the , rear yard. . . Bing}:e l�anily Dwslling: A detached buildiag 2�ving aaa.,o�►odativ�aa for �r�d cut�- �`,' tomo�rily ocoupied by �ane �'a�ily only. . 3t,orr: That por�ion of a building inc luded bebween st�y tlmor and tAe tla�t� nes1� �. above 3t, or if thera io no Ploor abovo, thsn �he spats be�xsen �uch floor ei.ad ttts � ceiling naxt abovs it. � � • 3tres� i.ine : The df vision lia� betw�en s lot, trwct, or parcel oP land ans a contiguoub pttblic atrest, including in �uch etree�, all praperty d�dicated Por"streat purpoee• or subject to public eaaements therofar. S#.rset dnll : That r+all or part of a ��11 or a building or that paz�t of the Mall +. or aupport• oP a por�h or otha� �tructure, near�a$ to and most nearly pare�llel x3'th tr�e �treet, extending moze than four (4} Peet a1x (6) inchee abo�s t3i� Piniehsd p�eds. ARTICI.� II. � Diatricte a.nd Regula�ions 3stabliohed. �'` In order to alae�ify, regulete and restrict the locations oP trQdsa and industti�e, end the locgtion of buildir�ga d�ri�ned for apeci,�i�d usee; fi,o regulnte and limit t�e � height and buik of buildirigs h�roaftar erectsd or alteredi te regulats ctrd limit the inteneity of tt.a uoe oP lot areas, and to regulate ar� determine th� aro� of' yRrd�, courta, a::d other open spacea xithin and eurroundi�g euch buildiags, t!� Oity ot' kcHenry, , Illin�ia, ia hereby divided into aix cle�.ee of "Districte" . Th� usa, heighi, a�nd arsa. regulations ars uniform in each oP the regulation disbr�cts e�rid •a�d di�tricts shA�l b� • kuown as : - � 1 . "R-1" Residence Diotric�a. � � . 2. °R-2" Reaidenes Distriote. �. 3• "B" 8u�ineoe Di�triata. 4. "I-1" Li�t Indnitrial Dietriot�r. � , �� 5• °I-�" Heavy Industrial Dist,rict,s. b. "8" Specis�l Uaes. • � y�. The boundaries of thees diatricta are indicat,�d upen the Lonieg lrl�p `o�' t#�s 0it�t of iKcHenry, whioh �p i• her�to atte�ched �nd made a part of thia ordivance. The said Zoning �',ap of tdc H�ury, with �11 tr.e notatione, r�'�renese, and ol.her�aatt�rs.�hoxA '3' _ thereon, shall be a� much a part ot thie ordinance a� iP tt•e �otatf�ne, reterences �nd oth� matLers sot Porth by snid map were all Pully deecribed herein. �cept aPter ob- t�ai�ling �►ritt.en per:niasion tram ths Building Comraiseiaai�r and szcept ao herainnfter prorided a (1) hTo bufl@�ngo �hnll be erectad or altered, nor ahe�ll any building or premiees y.� b• used Por e�r purpoee, oth�r t}� ia permitted in the dietrict in xhich euoh buflding or pr�is�o a�e locat�d. • � � (2� No bullding� ahall bs erected or alt,�red to t�tc�ed in haig�t the lim3a herei,ri dsta�blished per the Dittriot in which such Dui3aing i� located. � � (j) Dfo Uhuilding ehall bs erect�d, nor sh�ll s�r e�cisting building b� alt.�r�d, en- la�r$e�d, ar rsbuilt, nor slull ar�y cpen •pacee sur�oanding a�r buildina be snaroached upon ar reduQa►d in ar�y� a�ruaer, eYotpt in oonPortaity vith Lh• �rea regulationr h�r�by aetubli�d for th� Distriet in xhich auch bu3ldiag is loaatwd.. th�lee� oth�wise pr�ibft�ed, or re�tricted, a permitt,e$ uae also e►11oMa auch � ' uee, bnildisfg �: dtaeual�+irt as i� al.�arly incldental thereto euyi comp�tible with t,be . prfncipu� usa,� if locat�d�oh„ Lh� ea�� lot. Incid4nt,a�1 uees, },uildinge or sLructur�s ahe�ll nat be este�bliab�ed or ersote� pr�or to the eat,abliehment or con�truation oP the . ,`. , prfnaipa►1 usa. • _ _ ;, ph� City Couacil m�y, atter a pubiic hearing, h62d upon at leaet fi�tsen (�5) days , prio,r np�,loe oP ths' tim� extd pleQe et such h�aring and the n�a�qr� thersof (�hioh notice .. rr.all b� given in a nsxapap�r heiving e� generel circulation in the Citqr or by poalk�,� of suah uotio• in three (3) public plaa�s in the City) and aubject to such Aral,ective re- striatiarzs �s it deems neas�s�ry, authoria• in a�y dtatriot or Iocation a etru�cture or pr�i,��s For o�ae or more ot' ��e folloxing �,ues : � � 1. 41rp� 2. Cliurch � -3• club k• Oaenmutsity ho�ue or oersi�r 5• Hospltal or clinic � . � 6. HaCel �` T• i�utsici�l Building -' 8. Orpba�g�, coAva3eaosnt hwms atyd homs far tbe a6�d � - . � 9• Public ut311t�► building � 10. 8ahosl , ' � , � . '. -,1� ,. • - . F� ; � � � � , ' . . . . A�ong :.he prot�ctivs restriction�, which the City Ofluncil me�y la�tpose, sha11 �e eptce or facilftfee for otf' the streot parking ot vehioles. . ARTICL� III , ' . "R-1" Resideac• Dii�rict R�gulntione. `..� Uss: No building or pre:�isoe ehall be used and no buildina �hall be herea�ta�' . , � erect�d or �ltered wibhin any "R-1" Rseidence D3atrict, unleea othar.Mia• pror3��d im thie ordinance, exc'ept Por the £ollowing uees : � - 1. 9ingle lhmily dxellings. 2. Temporary buildings and ueee nsces�ary Por davelopm�t or coa- � . abruction purposes, tor a period not to'excesd onq-�au�. 3. Aaaeraory uaes inoida�al to the uas oP the prmaises as a ai�l� ,. ' " Pnraily dhrei�ing inclu3ing priva� garageo for hoasing motor vb��c2ee, not r�ore than one aP xhich ahmll bt ths property ot' qarooas�vt�s 'tbat�i tr�e occupants oP the premie�a on xhich suah privat� �parags i� �locn�ard ' end not more than oxu� of whiah auy be e trvak, r�nd including protess�ion�i offic�s. ' � :,:�, ' � Uoee �pecific�lly prohibitsd are: . .4. _, , 1. 31gna or billboarda, aaospt t�wporary •igne not azcsod3ng ttro2n"�quii�r�� feet in nren, offering Por �als or lea�o tha }�remisee upoh xhiab .tJ�ly . ars locat,ed, nnd excfpt name-plat,fs not ezcs�di.ng three squ4ss ��at in e�rba. . � , ,_ 2. R�itin,g of a►nieoals or livsetock and farming o�eratiorib causiisg t�biMy , , �,}.�, , . �.� ..'d�7>�-; :� odor or pollution to such sn �tent or i.n sucb .locatlotics ae t►a ��� :, • �� �. detrimental to neighb�ting property. '�`°' � , , . Height; No buildir�g shnll hereaf"Ler be �r�cLed or al�ared �Es oza�bd, tbl��-�1r�i;•�}�y,` (3�) Peet in heig�t, or two aind ane-ha1P (2�) otorieo. + Aear Ye�rd:- 1'lx�se sha21 Ds w rvRr y�ard 2K�ring a dspt,� ot not, �tt��t t}�ert Pix'.�+iMR . . , . . psr. cer� (],�) e�f ths dspt.�� of tr,e lot. ProK�ied auc�+: rKr..�,rd .�ha12 bs not l��s• �,:�;; i . . ten (10).�est in d�pth dnc! nesd not �acNd ti+ent�-�ivs (�5):�eet �.�, dopt'4i. . ti �• � � . � . . / _ . . . 3lde Ywrd: Oa ench b3de oP tt� building the�'s; tAtl� .bs � sid* ya��d ba,p��� width oP not le�e than t�n per cw,t (It�) �P �ht wtdt.A o!"Lte lot. . ' � � ;� . _ �_. .. �, ,; �. - - _r�.• � , . , a� .. �-4,_ � " 6 . . . ' . ' ;.1� ' ., . � . .. . i , .1 .,1� . �`� . . ' . ' ' � � ,. .. µ ��.a. ..�.(y J �.r�.�� Mx i � '�77.". `_' � —.- . . — _ _ . _ . . � Intensity oP Uae of ].o�: I+to buildinb Nith iLe aacess.ory building• shall occupp in axaea� og Lhirty per c�n� (�} bY the area of an int�rss>r �o�, nor ia exc�ss of thir�y=�'i�s p�r cant {3�} oP the area of a co�ri�r l,o'�. Ns building •hall hereafter , b� erec�ed on at� lot leas ti�..10,00Q •quare fset ir� areil npr lest than 60 P��t 1A width, �ept tltia� a eingl• t�ab17.� dMelling may b� er�eted on a.ny lct of snall�r are�t L, e�nd ls�t• width xhich bar been c�ulq recordsd pr3cr �o ths p�:es�ge aP thi• ordiz�.nce if it �ea then and etill remwins eeparatsly oar�d frae� •d jo2��E lot.s on ef�her a�da. � ARTICL� Ir , "R-+2' �esiQence Dist�ict R�gul�tica�a. � Dse: No b�cilding or �r�mie�• ehnll be u�ed arhd no b�.ilding shdll ire hsrer�tter er�ated .or altered �ritAin ar�y "R-�" A��idenoe D3strict, unlesa pt►herwios provid�d �or in thia o=dinanoe, exuept far the u�ee permitted in 'tihs "R-1" Residemoe Diatrfcts and #�hs following w�s,: ' � • • 1: Apartm�e�tE�. _ 2. Qrro�wp hotis�a. . 3. Boardi,ng Hous�e dtyd Lodgin,g 13oueee. . Us�s apooiPiaally prohibit�d ehsll be the asm� ne tho� prohibited in thA �.�t�l" ' `-� Reeidezuo� District. � � ' Heig�t: No building thall hsresPter be sr�ct�d or •lt�r�d ta exc�sd thirtr--eight {38) fest in I�eight or t�e (3) Rtoriea. Rear� Yard: T?�r• ehall b� a reu yard 'having a depth oP not l�ea than fitteeA ' per cent (l�b) of tha dept?s of tl» lot, proridod euc� rear yeu�d ehell not be l�eee than � ten (10� feaL in dsptih ond w� nat exoreed t�renty-tive (2g) teet itt depth. Side YarQ: '�On eaah-.:side of ths Duilding th�re shnll be a aids yard having a width oP nob l�sa th�n t�r�nt� per cent (20�) of ths �id4.h oP t.he Iot. , Ou��r Cmart�r Aa outsr'�onrt_ sbal] bs not lsso �n tra (�0) f��t wide, nar 2es� , than oa�-sfzth tt.e lan�th oP suah cott� Pra� the closed s�t• Irmer Courtc �n inaar aourt shell be not l�s� than �Nslie (�2) Pe�t Mide, nor eha21 �its ar�a b� lsss thss �Mias ths �quare oP fts r�g�tt I�ast di,ar�nsioa. �,, Iiatsneity oP Uoe od' Lobs Na building with� itr aac�f��opy' buildia�a eht21 aeaupy in sx�ssa of Porty p�r c�a� (b�0�) o� the s�rea of an #t��;e�'l pt 2ot, aor in axaeee ot` ':_ , t iPty p sr e snt .(50�) o! th� areR crt a o a�rd�s 10�. • `- ; '� : . � , 1pertaerrt. ehall ns� �ucessd in nu�ber. on$ g�r �h �i't'ts�r� hi�drra (9�yo0�� sqqru� fe�st of the area � ' � - , w d,�, �� ', � � bo��A o�' af trhe �01�.. �l ro�e lA bo�r � * � 16dgiaE .: � � . . . _ . . ,. ` / .h . � . . ' ' .. . , a , . � �.; ,� �; } �; �t . . ;;�.. �, -�-s `�':�'r. , . .'� ., x'.'•� • - , , ' _ . i homss Por the aged; orphanngr�, comral�sc�rrt hq�mrN, conr�ti, dot�mitori�e• � otl�te�` 2 eiiniler etrtict,ur� Mhioh l�he C1t�t7otla+4i1 nr�y a�uthaeis� ie t��_ D3st►��t�"�ill i�ot � � eaccesd i� nt�abor, �oae for e�e��h P3�e l�dred (500) aqul�re P��L o��� ��IM ,a!' t�s 20�..~ � �No bui ld�aa shal� h��alt� �a.�reab�d ot� awp► lo; lesa tAaa �'il�t" {,'�0) P�t fat� ' . width nor 1 e+�s thaA Pifty h�e� (�400) �qeasr�-l�et S�t. �a�a �pt 'f�tt w et#�li � . . �� faaily dwelling n�y b� ��'�caed ati a�r lot oP e�l�`rr ar� and. �,e�s �ridtti �t�i,ctfi ?�s � bs�n duly•recordsd pr3v� to �t.Ae pnrsege ot thi.� ord�uuo�.,ii' .it �s t�hefn eind I��i�� ,.' ." � re�uaina eepsrat�ly oxned fraai ad jci'nirig l.ota A�t, either �id�s. e,us :� , . . . - :y . , .. . � ' , . ' . ' . . � ..;1' ' ., ` � I�i iV YC+ Y ' . ' . . • +�+.� . . , . � . .. .��� � � � ' � � . aH" 9wti.�F�� ;�f��!'loZ Regulettit�s. ' + � � ;, .. ', • • � � . Y Uss: �to build3�qig ar prwaleas s�sll bt used twd �qrY�bttt .. ',, '�-l»�a�k�rX . : . - . ,,.�� ,;, , ersaLed or a�lsered, within aqy "H" &teiheae �,atriot ual��s,e�he�►�,a� pr,�Y,,l.d�d fn tYb;s � ordinnnoe, exoept .for thi uses pe�mitt�d ia ths R�osiQ�da' �Il�4di�tts��axd fe� tJ� 't�i�bwltg. uses: , . . , , . � , ,., • ,. � • I. Adv�rti�iz1g Signo. ' : � 2. Stor�s �ad �hops. . � . . � . :� � . . . , � �• !W{rR�l. ��0��.• - . ' . � . �:�3, ':i�':l ,I� � . � . .t ' . � ., ' - . [ . t ' . . . '�S':T�,�'' 4. Theaters. • . � . ,. ` S. rei.pnane e�oc�a..�s.. ' ,. � � � • � ,6. Aaimal hoepitule (not opws leemul��'. _ ', � � � ' 7. Auctio� roa�s. . , , 8. Ha]cerier '�gilo�g riot mors: th�w t� pbxscl�s. � . � . � �� 7iu �. � � . �� � . . . , , , /. . . . �:. w.�.. S. B��Ica � ,, .. � - � 10. Barber s�pa. . - 2I. HatterY aer�ric�.,atationa. ' • , 12. �'t��it�� aatabli�hmenta. . . ' �3. . Cc�for� et,a�ioa�s. " ' . - � . , . , 14. , Dan�rltog aaad�siee. � ,- ' , � t '�. • . 15. 81eaZrfe ripa� shap�. ' � :•' � _ . . , , - : ' " i �.`� i6. �la��r-��i�s. - � . } , , . . 17. �raight sf�tious. . � ' '. ' . '' �'�. . , . . _ i@.� R�tail till�g �+�tt►l►ia�. , - . , , � . . 2�+. . �ptela. '. . �,,. � . ` i.�; ' . : " ; � *. . . • . 2�. �LaLmdri� ea�loyiag nat. m�r� t2�et !''�rr gerso�. . � � . � ♦ . . . h .Y . .. ' � , . . . ��. •. .j4•. - }��rY r 'f. . . ���' ��_.'ra r�'i _ . . . .f . . . . � ',� . . . . r p��.`�y�� , �l. t,a�oratcriis ea.ployin� not more thsn fivs persone. , . 22. Leck$ndti� r�ops. . � . . 23• Lodae. .b.11a.. � � .. � � . 24. �l�►naenge� �q�t,e�raph atationo. - • . . "- ��. ll�lltnsrj il5op�t. , , 26. QPPtcss. � �.. . 27• Paiating arid decoratit� shopo. � .. � , � ' 28• �hoto�aph galleriee. 29• Plt�nbing shoga. 3�. PoI1Fe and Ftrs Dep�rt,mant atati0ns. 31. Ppet ofPicea. . � . �2. Printin� �hops employing not mors than tan persone. 33• Pub,Iic garagse, oub jsot to ragul.ntione oP tx:e preeent • os hereaPter ordinanc�b oP the City of Mot�enry. ' 3�• Re►llx0ad pasaengar et,�tiona. ' 35• Rscrsation buildinga and •tructur�s. 36. • Reetaure�nta. �T• ��lds or aho++ rooas. \'`"' :. w .. , 38. 9hoe repnir .shope. . - - - _ _ , ' � 39• Studioa. • li0. 'i'ailor shopa erqploying r.ot mor• than �i�e peraon�. �+1. �rerne. , 42. Tfnsmith ehop�. �3. Tire repair ahope. �. Undsrtisking satab�ieh�e�rt,�. �. Upholetery ahops. 4b. Soati ahopa and s�I�a rooma. 47. Dry cleaning eat,ablishme�rt� incorporati�,g retail atorss. 48. Atit.omobile p.lesrowaa. �boi�t Rega,2a'�fotit: �fio buildfng sIx21 I-.ereafter be �r�cted or altersd to �xcefd `„. lb3.t�K3ve (35) �e�t ia hef' t ot� three ' . . S� ��) •tors��. � ;_,t ' .• � �rsa�� �ga2atif�i � . .. . ;':r� a r. � • . � �� � �!�. - ` S r.�, t ,�,. '.... � , .. ' . . �_ . , .: � � �`,��dR �1� �Y'� bo�a,�e�itt y�d 2�►v�,q8 � d�'tr� �aot 1ea�s tl�ia ,�+�rant� ''. � y •' ,� «�3 �7i ' ., .� , . � , , • • �'4 �r,��"'','�, n . x�� .!�k� �� ,.� "- ' ' . :,, ' ' ',^ ` . ,���� �, y ��.� �` ��=r � , '� , -:`� � .., , , � + � .�$ �kt��������. .n 3 � +4 { ,_ 4 � ,��"� . � 4 � � �m `�� r .�-��� ` - » �!.�.. i.c- _} . ��r` .i� P `�:�. . a ..:J.'� �, . i � 3 ! (��i�M� ��•������c� �4rA x ¢ �� : ;i�g,�r,� , ��:s. �., .o �s„ ', � y � ih; � �, �, V��.� . ,� '. -. . � . ..�� ' . ..,t . ... ..7t, ' . . .. t . .._ . . .. - r N' ... . � . �r.�� in bueie�ss w�ta�a,: �n.�a ;�uci.� of sixty (60�6� Pe�rc�nt of. Lhs ,lot �rea m.�y be usad � . . . . . ' . . � ' - . ' J f�r �ruah rs�idr�sttal:'fiui2bin�e. . � `� , �"� raent of LT�� lot ar� st�l�, be Car Parki� Spuc�s: '�t�leae Lhsn taenty (�� �!e kegt s• �,oading rpao• or asr par�ci.t� 4pacs. ; - . ARTICLz 9I . . , � __.__.� , . �'�� . "I-1" I.i�Sht Indt►etri4l Di�trict Re�ulabi�s. �. . . ' Ues Asgulation�as 'Ph� use r�gula�loh� 'in ths_Liy�t� IAdwtrial Dl,atalat �h41I be ' � ths saune �s �hoae peracit►tK �n ths Husin�eas Dietrtot, xith t?ie addlLivn oP �he �Yollox- , f i�g�sea: 1. Bs3ceries e�ploying �ore than tsn gereons. , .,:, ' " 2.• Sum or trucY stor�ge yaxd, carting, expres�, he.uling vr � ' . . . . . �. �1 1.: , � atorage yard. ' - 3, Chamioai laboratori�s. . . - , 4. Oontraatsrs plant including �ta�a� yeu�'ds., , ' ' S. Fs�d,� llour, �►i.n atorags.. �. , „ 6. �c►ildYng materin2 and �el yard�. � ' � .. �. Lavtndry' smcplo�i� mere thari t;�la gersons. . 8.. Li�►�ary s�►bls o�r ri�dir;g aiadenqr. 4 �� '.. 9. �i.2i[ and othe�r botLling xorks, and dietributing etation. 10. Pu�lic ssrvics but�.ld�gs or us�. . • 11. � �►i1!'ost ri�hts`or �esy incl�it�g pae��ngas r�pd freigbt etatione. i2. �+�efing or glaatvriag ahop. � LC 1�': �.�� and aonuiiu�t xcz►ks pl ant wnd �rard. „a � 1�1. tihsahous• and st�rag� plent,a. , . r'� � , r � � � � 15. �ols�tle �er�ho�s• or bua3ruas� . ; - . 16. °:�D�s xark.s ard dry clas�ffinffi planta �loy'i� awrs �an ten p�raon�. and. otherr Li���ustrial Rnd-1ia�ittia�tsriaa uase, �a1 �i�r�s� �xali�� us� 13.oted , . �. �' _, � . ; � •�n tlx� �e�:v�r ��+�rlal 8�l.ri���snd ��ose r�• whfcb �t� ��pe�L►lly �tx.riaa�ta►1 izo ' � �p��iMi�i or� to 1bw��a'2t`h and s�#Al�c�r o! perso�s i.n i�! i�yqt�d t�e dioi'►ri�, by rte�svri ., . . � , . : , . . . �:. aP fi.hs Mdie43an,.eit oder, �i1sK, �, l7ous, e�pots, smsise, ri.'b*a�ian or.xute ��t�,al. . �. ' � ,. `�""� gi� &��v3a�io�ua;: Aa. buildiag �Z1 hrr�aflei bs �r�at.�d o� a3,tars� ta,.�xoN+t , � , A'.. , . . . . . - , . � tfx�jr��o),�ao� iu�I�q�• , - . ; , . t� - - a ,�, ' �. . • _ ' . ,�LTMk Et�1�'�bia�r� �:k . , `' ". � - .. . . . ; . . ,'_: a." �, . , �# 1lii�lc'� �'�h�i i�l 6� a:'.et e�ic ot tx.�t'�ir'i'�,� f�5j '�i�e�,:..rX,�1�k4`�M�' t�lurk ' ostx � tti+r�d' ii�'1awd3� b�� at aai�.,�iu'1�L� s�aq�.- , . . ` .� - . s . � . - a, �: �' � - . _.�% ' _. ,. �. � r.;`, .ti. . - ���.;. , , , .k `� . ` ` ` .3' ; B�ds Y�d,: Os�, �r�aM �aard ahall be pro�idsd,- apt iaes �Chiu4 �t�n (lOj Peet iri r+idth. �iq oLh�. sid� y�At�d �?i�►I2-bm -�t lssrt t,�res (3� fNt 1Y► •�idth: � . , .R�ar..3'�t'$: Ther�` al�l1 be a rs�f' �d ��riag a dapth of.not lsas than trent�r , , . . ;'(�0) .t�L.. � , � • . ;.� �_-• � . : . ' ,��7ti��:�� �overa,�e: ��rtr�► nain Dnildiag h�resPter �reot�od f'or industriai or •, ;, ;,: : ' t �. ;: . . `�.- .. �' ��` ��s a��1, :�coupy not mor� th�t� etB�b,Y {�) Fsi'� a!' t�s 1��ob �►r�. , .. ., i ' . . �.' � , � � �'�'r'°�+�� t,b4��rtsii��i�3,,bu�Id�►gst ax� a�as.tr�ot�d.in � are:. ao�►e�ed by Lrtic l� R, - ,:: , , , ; ... . ; � ' ��#� �.�ii�18�r.�paae t.q D� �d !ox ;e�id��ial 4�ti3d�ngr sl�al.l b� �.izty (�} �s�'a�rb�l�,t�+ ivt �rb��; �or 1,Q1� iquars Feit per !sa►�ly, or na��4 more tha� txenta-lour ; , , , . ��(2�};���dAl� pet�•�+�arl. . . � . � � � �`ir . • ' � . ��. '„°�+►�'' F�a�'Icimg`8pa�: 1'�r��Y (2(?°Gi ) peeo�nt of ths�lat area �Y�a7,l bm k�pL ns . ; .� ,�t - . loadi.n��s�cq `or oeer ptrkiag� �paoe. . � � ty _ , , II�T�CIS YIIS � . w Y .. ' . . . , t °j�"`l�+e�arj► Induetrial Dietrlat R�gtilt�tiotit. . . .,. .'J . , - . . . . , • �Ui�.��a�ioo,s: Tn .t3ie He�ty Intiusts�ial Distsiat tbe 'o�2y w�ea which rty hersi , ,: .. eiYt.�r�� est�tb23a2�.��►e s � � . : a`�.� A�.nue paru�,tt�d #�:� $u�i��:p��#�'ia� exs*pti thoss ps��t,ed in - . _. _ . . ,.•_ _ _ _ - __�__ � __, _.. _ -;.: . . _ ,.., t . _. ,,,� . '� � �.�., _.- : �� "R-3' �nd.-"K�i2'".-�'esli�f�`Ititsttfata, a�'� • _ ., �r. 8�,1i�,•�;1.� �s�liae s�ora,�e. � , . -��:' � 2. �arrti.t.nts au�utaatqri�. ' � .` . _ . . . 3, : �tei 'di�mnntling �wd r�or�g� �►! �mk or na�-op�a.tabie mot►or,vihicles , oti1Y N�Wiia carpls�ly enalasi:sg b�,�,ildings. t , , �F: 0��►�r �vy i�►dv�s�,al yses a�d manutaotarir,�' but satpressly �rohihiting , �k �rard� a�¢ au�ta d1►��t,� pinn�a �in �t� op�n �d, tihoe• uas* xhich � � h#;,�111� pollute t.he �1r �ri�.h ill�,-�mt��.,tng or noxioua ra��e� ina luding ��:, � _ _ .3,' . . T �,Y", ��..;� � , . , .. . . > amd�ig'`�othe��,���f� f+aotorieA, t�rmsris�, oi1 retl�sl3e�, g�asbage dur�a, ' . ;`� ° • . � < 4��i rePu�� � ��:.,T+4!�s� ��tnts. • , • , ' `. �fg2�t R�gu,l�t.�ons t i�o bnildlt�g ahall hereatt,aR► b�li er�at,ed or altarsd to ez- , � ; . , . � . . ae.a .ai�i� f�� �ty,�t. '��., . . . " ::t .1� . ; . • � �#'Nt R��i�ttian� : . : , . � � � �..r- • . . . . . - . . ' Set B�cr: -'�i►re.s�►�2.� a ��r�.��b�►�sk ot ��nsnty-�'1Y+� ('2 f�� P�et. rhich set baak . , , �t ;� t�'+id� a�'li�i�i� ,r�� dqc'.e�r �k�. sp�o�. . � ,,5 ���x iirR i ...� . . � . . . •.r ' , . • ' � , . . . � L� �+re�'� a:�<sids iru'd i� provid�d, it ��II D� rwt Iaa� thaa , �.� : . ; ^ .��►e�"t�aKi'�� � t�a +rt�l#h., � � • • .. � . .: , - _ • . ' ' . t�. , s. . . `� .. .f: y, i: .. . � , . . • �4n� . ' � z W .. . .. .t . . � � � 37N� )� - � . , � .i . .� �.t .;K,".. . }'y� r' ,. . . . . - . .. . , . , . . , . ... � R�ar Yard s 'l3�R�s�-r��;7��Zet 1► rear yard ha�n� �'+l#�� +��' �.� 1�ist �. ���.; ��'r�! �'� ' µ• ?�4 z k •,t Y� {� ' _ ,,: _ . ,f- . ,V,rY ,�,� (20) test. ,:�- . � . < < * ' , ,. ��t.�y�.�' . � . °: . � � : - .a • _ :�ia� Lot Oo�i�raga:: S�� aa�r► bai�ding hes�- 4e�cLi� !or ��ad�a1 e�► ' ahal.l�_ecsautpy ziQ� tsor� �Y�an �1�hLr f�� P�.�Ar�.�! �:��,/1�M�: . ' , • , . a; ` a. , Osr Pasking 9�paa�:� ���► '�20�) P�ro�q,�� � iot a=� .�iiiil`i���iqtpi e�r,.��,= • r� - . �,., : apaC• ,O= O�►7C p�l�ag spa�c�. , - "" � � ~ . �. ' _ �...'r'?'a�e v�� ��' - , � , . +>+c y .�, {,,� e ;1"� . � . .. � . . , � ' • i. � "3" S,p��l Usso Regulatiow; � . , . � ': .,. . ` . . . .c' . . , a i . .a .. . $h� �pseill ure ola�siPicatiern� •he�ll cOvet Bua#ue�'fe. �ir Q�b#�►1:�:us��: +�oh�Lit�►:f ' aot b� 1;�4t�d in t2�e "R�l!, sR-2"_, "8",. "I-1", � �":I� alas�aA�.tciq�t'�,'�'�dl i�l.: , , , � . ,. , . �. , . _ � . � cover r�h uNs ai j�nk yards,:.�vtt.s dia�,l�21n� p�,a�nta�,fz+ 't�$p �.�f'�d,� �nd �iose �eir F .� ' � ' ' .,,�:. �- i " , • � t � w�sich`�if,��'gol�ute th� air xith 111-smelling or po�ti�t�. �i�itt�F;��n,'��I�ing Moe�g •-, . . , -. . . , etiher�, glus t�r,ct.or�,�e� tan�xi�s.;. 6�'� rit,ineris�, �,sx�L�"�ittia�; ��i� P�, a�lt�' . -�buetib2e ret`u�e d�npe and y��! pl�nte, and other us� of � ��le�s �q�ilur�` 1�,� ;, � s�e�ia� 'use cle►�sifi.cabion aha11 l� satw5�i�hed �ii�au� a'�»�it� btl�p�ri t�iii ?� ''. . � � . ' �oeEtd ot �4��! putarutit to ith� �iLA►�lish�d px'�foeduri ot �1l�dn= iucl+ y4, ap�t�,1 ts " • . . , , :� ,: . � set i'ort�h her�in.' . , s , ' � � , . . .. • , �-�u:+� . " � ,.. � ,. , ' . '� --__ ; - .,, :' .,� . _ H�'+'Glm�orn:ing Us�s `' , ,A�pr building or struc�tur�, or us* of ar�r buil�i�:c�r •truo�rs `�r trac� oP �df�� lawfull existi . ' �� � ' Y ng ar wnder ooasdsua�4i�n at � �iss of ths �dop�i�on o�!'- t�iis �t��.�inae,, or of e� later e�pAa�dras�ts `,�t�t w�ich doss rlot eonf�rn► xit�h ths �iquir�psa�r aP t�ie � ,��, , . • ordiAeao�, •ha3i bs lwo� �i� a �-ocr�atvt�oing uss � trq r�ian ae�d ths uts '�b� b�ing �aade .Lhereo! �a�y b� dont�.�eued. � � . . ' �x. , Hp�w+��er4 .�ny enlerg�s�at, •Rltarat�an, r�loca�fo�.�or ahange in use o� attc� a, , . � � ' b�tildi�, a�,ructurs, os t�ast *f lanc�, aan bs cantint�ed 'oaly �►s hereatter protrld�: � . ' , , Y: .. ♦ non-�onfmraring use opaupy�� a part oP a buildita$ or s�rua�ve �y b� �eaQ� Lhtau�t that tart oP t,he buildi�g or al.ructure �}a1s�11� d��i�ed Pv�' UMo�.�s�, � througho�rZ t,,he..�ntire bulldi,ag ar structure if oP v�ifsrs de�]�g�t,,,but ia rio aas• Iq�l . ar1 additi�n � �tle �rhia2� xi 11 provide f or th� u�paaat�i oP th� nan•c�o�'ar�ttg u►M. J �,.- A non-eoaforming�use ot land shall not be e;panded b�ycoa,d �hs• ait�e� �tc�utlly �o � . � • used at th� t�#m� of ths �ias�age �P �hiv ordinano�� or �f' a �l�at�r �s�dnsnt a�tir� - tb� nonroonforscing use. , M�oo:ttinwtna�. Ar�r aaa�oon.f'ormirig.us� of a building, st.raoture. or 7.aad �rbilli�-.'.�. -. �ie diecontinued foe a p�riod of ai,�c �naut�hs or �►or� sha21 not 1� continu�d i�iu, w� � � , . . . ' ' �„^ _ . ' . . � �....'t�i.h' ___ . :,,. .,. � aa�y t�uartiher uae l.l�ersef if�i�til ba ta Q�aformi� v�th ti1u �rreqiiil�s � t�iq: aNi�iidno�- `Atq i�dldiag or st.raoture �sroted•to a non-c aato�ing•wrs,Mhieh me►y M,� dtstrmy�d or da�aaed by fire oz �otiherria ta �s NcO�'� of �'�,Y (5�) A����.or. sore o! it+� � , l�ll asaaased vwlu� aha21 �ot be regair*d o=' r"ebui�t, nor s}�all aAot�her buil4iq� or �t�sctur• bs s=`�ot�d on t� pr�ais�a e�ca�t in jca�.!'orzdt,�' Ml,t.h txie pro�liaioou� o#' thi• . � ordi�ae• :. . �^ , ' , �: . ;.' Ohang�. 4 noa-aop!'orrins us� meq► n� b� che�a�red esaopt �o a conforain� ud�. • . ' �AtrQait�. S,f lona s� a b�tkilding or st.ructurs is ue�d or is e2fgt�le 2'0�' use in a nt��contiu'ming m�►naes only ord3.narirY r�pxirs end rodin�s��tcs, inalud�ng r�plaoA�snL ; oP ths roof covsring, �hail bs peraitt,sd. , � I�t no cess �rhal7. suah repair• inaiude strvrctuca2 ,alter�on4, �nne�ri� ot' tl�e out�r rn►lls, or oth�r work �hich will szwn+d appreaidbi�r th• n0onnal lite� o�',�tst►e� . . buiidinig. , . ' , . . � , . ' R�4orde. ?he �afora�,ng ofYicer s�ll �ks eusd ke�p a record, inalu�dtng photo- graphs oP oll 6uildi�s, etru�af�ir�l, a�d �an�d u�s WUio2� do no� conPor� to � ur� . reEulatisti e�f t,he dititriet iai whiab t?�y srs loaated. . . ��I' 'Z - . . . , _ . . _ . _ _ _ - _ __ _ , . _ . _ _ - . ,-., ��:. <-. � . � . . Flei g�t and Af�la`'E�t+a�t�f�,- :�:: ;- _ The f ore�ing r�qnir�en'� in the hsi ght regal,at�aoa'shall b� sub f ect to �bbs Pol lowing exceptiof�s: , . . � " 1. Public or ��s!-public buildin6s, churchss, h`ipittir. s�nilwriwi�, or soYwols may be eroc#,ed .to x �b�l�ht aot exc�eding sixt� (60) f�et, pro�eid�d that xhet�e tha�y� �re Iocated in s�x�}I rsaiden� diwLrict, t2uy muet De e�t b�ck froae �aah p�'op.rtY� ?.le�a► �,�� . lea��iL a=ts loot for eaoh foot ct e�dditional builc�iug �r�ght abo�s'ths limi� �'o� �he dis4.r�c�� in additian to the other f`rmnt sr�d •id� rard� tequir�ss�nta oP tt� distria�. 2. Tower�, hs�►1ng na ar� of not mor• than twenty�i�e {2� peres�nt o�' LI� buildi�g, m�y atame,4 �}� helgh� liaits eetablieh�d by thi$ ordlzisxuas. • 3. Chinaars> cooling t�rere, elevator bulkhe�ds, fire towers, s�onument�� pent- , hous�e, wat�r torar�, stscks, s:aga towe��, or soensry loft.B, l�xzk�, ar:'�amentAl toM�re _ - � and spire�, �l�l��e tow�r�, or n�ceasat7 m�ahanics� appvtt�tenancee �y be erecl,�d to -�.. . "` , , ar�y height in acaordanc� with sxistin� �r hsr��Pter �dopt�d ordim�ce oP tho Q�ty o! McH�tlrr. �a: • � .. . � 1. Zh tbs caoe of buildinf;�r upon late running thrai�h from atr�s�t t,� �Lrsat t3�e requir�m�nt� oP a r�as yard eeay bs weiv�d rrh�a such bu3ld�nge complF xit2� �hs p�raeat- -12- ._ _ - _ _ _ � �l�r � �����,�h'►�' aPw► sPaat i�t �leu �o#'' +ruah r�qv�tMd r�sr 'y�'d, �t of lo�t occ . . . . . _ 4� . . � . y,, .` ,. . ' 2. �vsry p�rt ot a r�quirad Ta�rA.�or �e►urt s�t11 t�;�p� ty►�wt Y� low�lr�{�.Mt+� , . �. . `Lhe� slq mseb�ted. ac�L tor ths cacl��4a�j pre f�ion� .aP..t .r1t,�'-2�,�A'�►��� � ' "y��_ . , ,y: . . . , . , ' . . ..j. . . ! 1 ,� {v�, ._',� bott�or� o�` ,�uoh y�ird os cm�,.arnd tsaep� P�i�r ������e�stiocis �o� �1�, i�i4'm�+it�� � , . , = � , � . ; _ . .. , , oortllaer and� �0�!l�ti�a'tietl PMtvres AOL` tia wcC�t4 �tt�p�� ��). �mol�t. �+.�`_ - � � .. � , + },, � ��t ar ��►ti�la• snclose+� P�rs �sowpsa, �ir�proo� QuLei�teT�te:s�rMyr�� e�a�t ba1• . �- . �aan3es ^a�tti�g � +�� Pi►ze to++�r� P'�"i►'����i8 3u#o a �e�[ t�=`�'�'�� !`�Nr,�r+��)�fei� �►t' � .p;. , �",�` . . ,. � � �:7 - � ��'' ia�o a� aotilt�.;z�¢t �'ire i�n thrss arid �rse-linit (���Pest,\ i�nd �be �wedS,tt��'pa�e�etit�dp�< ._ . :, :: o! ehisnrya sad fluss sh��l bs pears�L�d. ;� � ,�, - , , � . - .. t. . . � �_ s, � �. l�o �rd. osu:'t or o1�h�r opsn spaae pr��d�d`abo�ub.ed�''�bai�ing Po�'` the p�tr-�'' , g�s� of coop�in�_�th tbe p�tori�tiom� 0�'l.1�iiN►=_r�au�tt�:q1� s�ll nQa�n .b�, a��►ed as . � . �� ��. • . r'� . . •4 . • , . ' � a yara, awwrt ei'nth�r s�ae. �or e�other bui,lQ�,n,�. ;, ��� : ' . . - ; �.� ' . . .. . . � ,�R � �.:h . : • •, . . K ' . . � g. Iri Re+�idet�o� Distric"ts no i�ea7s�aar'y bv�ldi�tg,A�jell be 2�ete� Mit��; �'ti�u, . . � , . . , ,z � ;.. �, ,, , � ... . . . , . . . . . �.. , o,�. � (10) f e�L ot i te ri�wr' ar •ia� lv►� 3i�ir Mhssy '�i�,�s�r�,�s :�li�er. p�'��a!'�4'ttiql�:'' .: � . .,y �: he��-i' o� tha side lias o: ar� �djao�ra� lot, but �'Sorp�olfi� r�ie A]�1 n�� �'a�l��s' , :: . '� . , �,: ,� „ _. , .� . �.:.. � tha �r�ctlan af nr�r ncamseory build�ng liPtY (5a� fset .qr �sert frqs �► �tfi.rMt , , . . . ' . . .. .. R � - . • bOtat�diAg the b10e!]�� , .. . . : b... t'� �qy�,00r�r_ �ct �ers c ;+reat e� pi.� :�d �a r�'�dr�d,iau.pre�ds�►:.s���i.� '�.� ` ` . ' . . .. .. _.'._ . .___._ ... . � '- .�. . ' r � .�.? ` . �" bailding, P�aaa� 07c. �gi q's' ot3ter +o�l;'�ruo't�'o0a ar3�iE�1 �e-�2��,.so ss -�6o i�tteo,`.�ff ,�" ' - ;>, '. � • with clsar vieian`Ptas e�� str�et ti� the otlzer aaro,�s '#„��rr am�ar. " � , . • t�tTla.� xT � f ; . • Buildin6 L1ue Set Be�cX � N� builditig s1�Z1 b� �r�ct.+�d or Rit.��id in �►. "it-1�',or "R-�" A�At�ds�� D1+1.l��at so aa t�o p laae ths stra�t �11 a�er than thirty. �'30) ts+it':t�rqn the �tr��� line f n�f; , .. ' .. �t � . .A ; . in ar�q Li� Indus�ria2 ot �ieRry Iadustrial Diotriat �,ire�e _t�an tveaty-�#a�rs {� �, gNt .. , � .� , , � � sa�, . Prcmt b'h� �tseet �,ae, prarided tbe.t: � • . . . :.i+ . . ; � . ` �..� . . , f a) �h�sse s b2ocY io oact5pi�d ar partfal�y .�sa�ii��,�d� bT b�,ldi�� rhioh fsist�,�n; ,tl+ in bhe block e� t,he ti�r qt tbm p+�a�w�e oP t.his ar4in��, the sv�ra�s ot lih� d3,��i�E � �� . � � � � . � , �. ,��i .,. of tx.� slr.reei� +ra�2s�oP f.hs �`die�f► �tom � �tra��i lt� s��1�-1�► �hs: r+i�1w►lrlie�id��.''� ;t` ; , , ; ., . , . , butlai�tg l�.� �t�ut so. buil�ng �l�:i. -b�i►�r.qu�,r.a to s�►b�-#I1�Nc a�ct�e'•�.�-3"S�ii�;:�� :�� , , ; � feet i.p aa�y os�ss �ia aad��"�-1* .'oo� "ff�2� 8� tM��r. i���t morq t�an t�a�1�, , . �. : , , ��'� x � � * � ' 4 ���,.�rt in ���t: S�I�6.�'ia�,4�' �A,R'�7► 1��i���R u, ` � ',. ;� ,,t : ,; - t ,�s.,, ,�; '` r � a,,�,, � ` . ,�. � ti . �Y , *. , � �. .4} S, •� rr� � t £n (b1 �1�'tiN414 t�� � `o�'� t � ."_ _ -�'�'�,r,�� �♦ .� , f �� �p� �� tr '��.a y� �4 s; , i , , �, ..�,: ` � ', � �' .�� �R. 4 h � t s . � �- � � { � F.-� .. �; �� �. ' ' { � ,�y,� 't� .�• �^ �C.��r5' .`;' � 4 �.� � • �"r y� '1,l 1 a..� �'k f.� � �. �;: .r.� �- y,. Y 4 �p�y g^i� r.;��t.�.. ~ � 4 �' �i. �i� �+ W K ', ��r � d �q � .. ` ��. 4 '!F , � J . � ���� s� I1�irR1j t� ��K �- s��!-#X�:1 t°`�,.,�"T�� . �'� � '��r��`� ':.� � i��, / t �.'t F '.i. .cr� +J„t ti ,i :�-�'r a�'+r i;,�!��a k: w����'J� .�' �c *� u j.,�. �� t�,..'� r '!i i � *x '. r�u �': .Z� t� .tt ; /.'RI :� '� '� 'w. r.� .. . M� . . . . . �. . . � .i, . .��, ..,��,,.-. . . . . "'� lot ehall ba, fvr e► diatar�cs of Fifty (50) fee! Pr� the line oP thm b�sinese lot, required to observo cnly 3�It the eotaDlial�ed e�t Mtak foX the reeid�ao� bloak. � . r ut�ri�r� xiz H�ed o� Appe+el. . • � Crea.tion and Memberehtp: A 8oard of �ppeals ie herlby authorized to be estab- �''� 1lahed. The word "Board" �hen u�ed in thi� articls �l�l b� coe�rt,rwd to metu �t.�t". BoRrd o! Appetila. The ee►id ,9oard sYlilY conei�t ot Pive (S) sanb�r� appointsd by t.hs • . Ntyor and sub3eat to co�ffirmation br th� vouncil. On� of $aid m�mb�rs shmll be by , the Msyor deaf gnated as ChRirman of said Boa�rd and ah�ll hold His oPfiCs for a period ot fi.�e yeare and until hi• succossos io uppointard aad qual�t3ed. One oR ■a3sl�,me��e�e •hnll be by the Mayor designatsd to hold offiae for �t period o!"laur ya►le, as�rd uz�til hie aaccesaor ie appointsd and qvaliPisd. C1�e aP a�.id m�abe�s ahQll bw by � 1+f�,yer , � ds��gr��bed to ho2d oPfice for �tu�ee yeatra and uaLil his./'t�sclul�iar,i� �p�oint� t�qd • . q�.xl�f�ed. One of said m�esbers ahali b• b�► t�he I�g�r ,drsi,�Md t�i �olc� �o�'fia• for-- ` two years and until his *tLccesaor i� appointed an3 qunlifisc�. Gne o� said'�a�brrr � •hall b� by t.hs Ideyor dseignated to 2wld o�'f'ice tar a�a.s �rae�* a�,d until k.i� anocsaispr , is appoi�atec��.�ryd qu41ilisd. At ths e�cp3re�ti.ea at Lhs r�spsittiitro t�r� ot cffic♦ . . • . .. - - - � _ w,_, . �, hereby creaLed, wd trereaft.er, ths aembers o�' �aid Basrd ��hall be 4pQointed in the . manmer hereinaboy+s s�t 'fort.h for � term o� Pi.re year� eaoh tu�d until their reapeative . euaceseore are duly nppointed and qw►liPied. The msmberQ of the �oniqg Board aP ' +tppeals •heili b� eub ject to rs�mova2 bq.the�MRyor asui CotUnail tar cawt nnd after gublic hearing. ,� �le�tinp : Ill��. meetings oY ths Boerd oY �ppeals shall bi1 h�ld aL the aa�l l oP tbs � abwir�►an e�nd at suah other times as ouch Bo�rd mAy da�er�iu�. ��h Chair�aan� or fn hia 4bssnae, the Acting Ch�irman, aay wdmiaietsr oat,ho and oo�p�1 the attendu�c• o� wit�es�se�. Lll m�drtiags of such 8oard she�12 bs mpea tv the pUt�lia. Scich Board a3�11 k�ep �uuties o!' ibe proceedin�, shoxittg the vate �t esah m�ber r�p� evsry c�wsstian, r . or ig ahsant or tailiag #o �ote, lttdioatl.mg such tact, aad ahali also 1c�� raaords ot� its examinati.onae-and +a�ltstF'v�fieial Rations. 8viry rul�, r�gulation, rvsry en�endme�t � , . _ , � or repeal thereof, and er�ery order, rsquirement, dreiaiou at detes�sia�►tioe o! � � � L , , �otrd, shal� lsmed3atslq be �il�d in the o�'fice ot the 8�ard �rid '�ha23 �►�t R public; t , `r��. !1►� a!'��er flP•t� Board eh.�21 be �it by th� �is�lan u� s1�a12 D�� sat�bli�hed in arig ql�o• ot �i� ohoiw *p� dur�ng th� regulu hcur� of baai.ne�� a�d wah dNr,l;�f�ed �'iae rha12 ba oaotapied. � siLh�r t tasitbsr oP � Z�iag Beu'� �'8t�.t2d�,Com�dllss�qasi', � or tl� Qity 01�'!i , . . � . �: r• '�.•r , ' . . • ' • .' .�' w * . . ��1.\ � �� �t� ' ;4:'�aR�,•... p .. . . . � � . ��I'.: ?'; . . . . . . ' .. .. � t;- ' • C +. ... . , . . � Dutiea : Svah SOert Ot 4pp+�e�2� �l7a11 h�+st �d dOciaA a��:�s..y,. �s�,p�w��:a. .av�..� .,.,, , �>.. ` ,� . ord+sr; r�quiY�ame�, d�oiei.oa or d,�ir"soiastion i+ade� by .1�i_A��S���!���';p�` � w.y • _ f r. • s�s.nt ta thi.i srdiAaiaa�. I�f r�1�11 •lila heiir �d daaidr a�l m�trr� rel�i��#�fi���`i� ��'� ,. � '�.� k` . upvn Yhieh�iti is rsqufxed to peus.w4der tihia ordin�tnce. _ 'i'k� o���e�� ��s 4!'�€�" ,• _; • ` , . -. .. . �ber� �f the B'oard shall �e rrseea�ary to rs�or�e eu�y ord�r, r��ra�t, �r��s�prt:vt . . -.. , determinetion of the $uilding Cw�iamioner, or to dsoide in f+�'►o� a� 1�hd �pS�aant tao`Y i � a�tter u on w��iah it 1� re uir�d t,o a�� or to ef2'eet aa ia t,Ae ord��. ., p 4 P �►;!r1�''i'��• � ,� V.:. , ' f " Tt►0 f7na.irman of tha Boasd Q!' App�1� •ball rote oa a.11 q�sitilc�li•szid ?m�r�i 'F.be s�M . vobing righte es euLy other ae�b�r ot the Board of Appseio. 3eioh�an appen►l � be � . #.�lcen by er�r person`aggrirr�d or bq an oPPicer, de�part�ont, �odrd qr�'b�qrssu of td1� muriicigality. St�ch apps�I� shnll b� .taken xi�hin e��t t� as �ha�3 be pre�cribed 1�► �'. ' the Soard of Apgse�ls bp �nertl rtil.e, 't'4�iag with the Buiidia,� Ca■��s�e�on�z arid ��� Hoie.rd oY Appeala e. notic• of appeal, sp�city$l'�►g thq y!'�bt�s, ths��'• . T3�O� Ruild3� ,' . " . . . � , '_ Coimai.aala�Nr i2�1], �t�ihrit►b tranrsit 10 th� Bo�rd � llppee��s-�all ths p�:psra .a'{paaati— tuting j„�,e reaord upon,wl�l.ah t3�e actlon e�ppea2ei frc� +te�e Ldk�ou. Upoa► an ��el 1ioi.� % takon to tho Zoliing $oasd of 1lpp�sala the spp'licstian, mfPicsr, �ap+�r�b, b�►4rd ,or �L - bureau, �hall Pirat iet.�r�il.a� Pso��b�e Chairmnn a�n a�i3�ble d�►�e for t llaaz��.x� e�; . ' ehall aswe to De pub�#ehed a nqLice oF ths deLt, Lim� atd p2ac• at least fil4eqtt �� - ��.: , . . .1 �. . . `�. • .:. . . . . . . � . �, `,': da�ye prior to f.he lis4r-ing dats. 3�id`�publiahs� notic• shall contai,t� a brf.�,t' �u�gp�ry�; ,�� � , , � oY= tha purpoe• of the �ieulxtg er�d wh�ther or not a�r�qu��t i� .�lVi�ng:�►d� fq+r s vari�� . . „� , tion oi' tha exieting r�aulation� or a raclasaiPiCatiaa oP �Y�� �opertp in�rolt�i�.' . Th�'� . . . . k : notiae aha�l alao eaa!!t�ia a auP�i.oisnt legal desaripiQcp to ida�tity t.bic �rvp'�r� oo� � . : , ' �, ;f . �� _ c�tne�. The hsaringl�l2 bi� open to ti�* public t�,r►d all pWrsams xishing �►d=�iei►��►,q_. Por or against the requeet.�d varia#ion or r�c2ns4iftcation inay appe�, bs sttorn �,�i:� � � , - . ^ �`�. .:.�;_ ;,�:.;.;, " �lvs evidsna�. The preo�iag ahs.11 ba oP record and �.h� Bonr.d •ba2T �sr� �h�. po�� ,11q, ,� a . . ' amplo� a 9ecr�tary tor ewch purpoae. ' � _ P4�ers: iilhers ��► �appliontion Por a.w.�ti�tio� e�"�►' ot tha. re�ulRt�c�s :ot Lhi�'' " .• . , r. ordinRaos ia �da to ths Baard ia xhich it ln alle�;ed• that �'�c���'•.�iP!'fcvlt�t�-'-�e�?5_'• partieular bardship, not intend�d, or not aommon !►o othar ownars o! prop�t�r 'iu';.�, '" �icinit�r, v�iil b� in�p�os�d, in asi't'Ying aut th� s1i�i0� le'ft�sr s�! a�pr stitah r��tr"�a��a, � ' • . _ � Ha � . , 1'xY' ;� the Board ma�r veary ths appl3c�#►Soz� ot suah r�gulntio�a i� harmaot�y �ildi t?up�,general . purposes and inteot of this ordisaiice s� in accorlla,�,c• xith t,he Yt�l�owi� Y�tea��� � " ' " ., . . � � ... � `� �� No varidt3�''i�► 'Wts a��.�aatl�zi_4S, #�� �►ro��,�t�,pq�t oP.t� a;`t�iP�o� s�1, �ti . ,. � � , :. • ,. - ,.; .•,.;;• made conadrning th� tise oP 2tmd, a�i t�►e �ute�sitr,T e�t' �'tso� uirs� ,� o�er rtqii�;ireiqllxt� f � .y ;,� . . of this oxdinance, t�atsse aP�wr publia h�r�g ss grcvi;dad Por in thi.+� o�di�aan4s� �e , . ' ' . w .� ' . ��� . Board ehal l fit�d the�� such v�riatiaa�►. ++�11 pot : ' . 4�: • � . ` ' . .. "•'t� . 4 . _�...�_ . . � � Y (a' Tnrpair an adequate eupply oP li�ht� and air to adfaosnb prep�r�►. ' (�} -:.Trtsr�se 1r,;� 2��d.-.;�'re� firs and rt��r �d�sra � • , ta edic� pro�rrLy. ` � • . ?'�.- � ., , . , . • s ` r ' �o.} Di�ini�.tAs vs�ue o! l�d an� bts�14in�r.:t,l�r4u,ghout ,,� . . ,- . ,."` � ' tbs: oi�r. `.•. - ' (dj �ucss�a t.hs �or�,esLion or t,l�ttfta ?*t�'�da itt thr _, , � publia' �'trre� and highways, arid • .. � � . . ' , ` ' �e� Othex�iae iapatr .,the pu�lic heal�b, aat'et�r, somfort, ' , , . �•, � � . • � � � � ' ador�►�s and ge�neral welf'mre of the inhe�bitant� oP said cit�*. , , �- . ����. - �uah public, he�s'i�t$s oa � �ariation •hall be hs1b� b�lor�s tl� 8c��rd.�� '�?iers� v2�11 r�.�. b� a publlcatiol� pcii�if��ied in e► �arw�paper ot gensra�l c#raula�ior� �in t.ie ai�Ey, gi:iag riotics o�t ��b.Iic he,�aingi not`mors t�X��th�rty '(�0) daps �tor l�sa �he�n Pl:�tee�i (15) �. . . � d��s before sai�t he�riAg. 3afd notice sha11 giw tbs 4i4e �nd gl�o� bt auch heari� . . , � . . �it�d. ahal�. boa#�ain ths partfc�la�t 1oea�i„aa for x�ich tY;e �q,r3atiott ie requested, ao . � � _ . � :' +�e11 as ,n�1�tie�" �t.�teraent of x���b�e �,�►:'op,�ssd�variation ooneiefi►s. . . Z�e'�Eoard oP �pp�elv s2�a2T ��e�R hava p��rar: � , , ' - � � (t} , �a �r and d�cid�. appe�l� xh�re i� ia e�l2edted 't,h�`i'e ia error in :, , . _ , _ � , , __ .. _ 'ti„ � . ei�yr order, r�quirern�nt, c�eoi�ion or d�teru�i.pation n�de by the �Cz�!'orc3t�g OPficer. � � ' • (b) ro p�rmit a tsmpq�ary building !or busine�e or industry in the � "R-1" and "R-2".� Rfaidenee Df.st�'icte, •which is inoid�n�t.al to tpd , ne�i�asy Por t2� reridential .developffisat, iuch perrait to be . �. �. . i�su�d Por a period oF n�t aoi►e thaA o�e (1) �ear, and . , , . , _ , . ;{a) To ex�rcis� sudh ath�r powara �• �rb ot� may bs ve�sted i�n ths " . Bos�rd ot �paa2s. . . , . • , - . . . , No, ve►�rdettica 8�11 •�.�$3'�Cl LinidbR a�o.ompanisd h�r'e, f'inding oP fetcl tpecit�rfug �� t3i� rea�3�s`'��or•. aakin� rnch �rlai�Toiv. ` � � ,: � , � / ' .. . I�,_..��� .�.>� , P1,t1'1'a,' . ; . . . ¢ ,•: • , ,, _ � ' 3toki �app�I2.oa�tios� !'�' a a,uia� .�ar�t� aha11 bs �car�p�►ni�$ � t �lat in dqpli- � . - �6�'r� �- .t.... � � ., '`.4 � . . . ' , cafi�, �dsrt�rtt io ss�n,�� tho�+iatg�.ths adt.w� din�n;�io�s -+at ����,ai� $o, � bni��:r�Paa# .tl�e - .. • �. ' �:� � �. ' , . . � �°s�lpt. o� Lhe b�iT,di�z$ to �se �r�cted�ai#d suo� e►t�ut'�.f�r'ailttioi� s�s a�u►q b�s �cs��rg t►o a � ,.. • � . , 1 ° p�o;�ri�G1--!� :t.��-afi�it�c�u�p�bf tha�s iegul�tiaw., ,A: o�r rsoer'd oP enxcb �ppZiaa#�.iotu� . �. , '�, � , s . _ , . e�`p� ��� �.� 1�:�t� t�e ��1r''o��-l� �d#�g�:dfa�ra��,ioa.+r. � ; � . ` . , °�. . '� ' � ' �,::r . �' . . h' �- , • I. . y;� y , . � ; ��.� t- • . . � . ' . r k � .� � � . ' ._ � '�.'�.. .. .''w I ' 1 a...�#0"s,�, � ' . . � ' . � . . . ..a .�r 't�;.-.�. . . . . . , . . .. . . . . - —a�..�w+. � - ,�, . . . . .���� , ' , . �� Iutsi'�at.a�ie�tt, Pwcp�ilt +nzrd Dantl�.cti . ' . . .. . . ., . . , ,.. .� ..;F,�:> �, � ' � ���� � . ' If� in!►�r�►retin� s�d app�mg t�pt�.�rev�eibmr:ef thi s ord•ir%unc�, tri�►�tll Dt.� � ,` :-hold �a th• �ninfnxus re�iramsnts �ar t2��e►%prom�fon ot tl� p�sbl�4 �!a��, hes2�h„ � . con�reniraos. Q�a�ti'at�c;�medre�ls'::1�'oepbriby�'�d ��'etl�wit�►r�. It f� teo� ��d�d ; � � �lyt th3r� d�rdis�na�-�!t ttit�tte�re, wftih or abro�ts� or aru�l, iaQy ordine�nos or rW2es, � � . . . r. . re6aiatlqn� or peradts pi�iNtripualg e�dopbed or isa�ad a�d n�` �,�•:ao�pC(l�a� x3.�l�b-� *" " , . _`oP �b��ptavieions� oP thie ordf�aaa�s or which aball b� �tdqrReX or i��i�q4.p�t'�� , . � . . � .. . .. "�� . , t.k sa � . b0 ie►x rele�ting to t�� u�• oP D�tldings �i premi�tn,� aat. i�� i;t• �aleLspd�ts.;� th�t v " - � ;ordirusno• to�interftre .�+ith or a�ogtt� ar ��� a�•eaeem'rits., ;o�v�zzta or other � � .: e��r�amen�'� bs�x'sert p4rties, proiii�,d,� how�r�r, �P�t w2�re L}►ia ordinatica is�pois• a � . gr�ater restrio�or� upai► the uae of' baild3r�gs or' pr�tas dr upon 2�g�'t of bvgLlt'l�ag , . � . , � ._ � . . .i�� �r . � . • , "or requis�e •Iargsr a�ton gpacee than �►�ri�`fi�go�sd oi� req�tr�efl by suah ,ordi��o, rttlea, . � . . . � , regul:ntion� Qr pi►ri�i�al, or by eaaement�, aa�ano��.a, or. �re�eaenta; � �prcvial,oa oP • . . : � , . thi� ordi�auac� sh�►li contso2.-., . . � _ . .� � � � , . , .� � � .� � :�+`�''., ���j•• �.� • .. � , . . � . '. t' ' . . ' . � . • j. �. . . ' _ �Tio�.t�en, Pe�►11�, Es�4'oro�t • , . . , Al�► pire:�};' f�m or ca�l9►�0� Mhv �3nlat�a�, `d#;�oiAsy�. omiLs, heg2�o�r, �e� � � ` . . � , " : ' _ • rsPuaea �o o�qply with� or �1ao r�si�� the u�P'ot�asi�t mP �ay� oP �tue prp��3,oa� ot � • this ordi�a'i�►o� sAalZ,� ,�caY` ooat�a;t.l�on, be fi�nec� nob leea tl� '!� (�0.0(i) Dollsrs; ; • . , _ . .' aor nore than C�� f3�tadrrY ��100.00 j Doller� fo� sa,ch;o�'l,inM.. . 81toh day t�t a ,4_,vlol�tion is p��,�d to aziat sha21 cait�itute •.a�g�ts o!'�'�tsso. rh� 8aild,in� vo�rn�.ss�,��s 1e bsrmby d�signatsd �nd aut�fo�i�� ta,�s#'orce t,hi�s ordir�anc�. � , . , � . .. ,�C�, XY� . • . ; .8ou4d�sies oP�Dietriata , � - �a<. � ... ' . `��;;,;.�t � . � , i[�►tr� w�o er�,a►�$�,�s�' ri t h rs�p e�� t,o the bc�twc�riss ot ths t►�,r i at�s d i s t�io ts ' , ,,:,: ; • . _ , . �s ■2�a cn� #.� �r.a�ag•�p 'l.he falia��u� �tsttbs-.#�►11 apply: � ; .. � , . � ;. .. (a) ?� dist��a�.biP�ad+►r,i:es� �ur�= ��ir st.re���eur �iil��nia v�l,�,���tia� ; ;� , ,� • ,, , .� . ,. •, _, ,;.�. � � ahprtg.�,�qd �x's �h�'Y1�s1 tio�s oa ,the ", . , g� son#,�-ma� indic�a'h.i�.t.bat tl'w s�irit diatr4o�a�.. � 'sr� 8�pproxtn,er�i'�yy �4��td bY� a�xd�i�� or al�dyr 1�1`�i, aucb �il�+i�i�rt it�r���}Sa�I '�� � � . - � , , . ��� .. �+.�` : coz�etrt�ed to�b� t�le .sa�rf�ds of l�aah'�ddla.�r3.e�s. "' , t , � ' . " � . , 1- ,r _ . �Y ..�' . ' . . ,;M �.�y.�'...' _F . •.� . .�-�r . . .. �b� �f�Y�� ti�,,��.i'ti�'�4'�r. �1D��t� �� �lO�r�, t�fO1R �p �1 �:!'��}O�'<`'�� e?� . .. . q,. .i. " � f ' 'Mh�e ,� progir'�� �i�i.� °i' �43T b��'�'"�b/K"`�ti� �'�`i'.�l� R�f� �.�x� � . � , t �. x� � :� . '� '.. ., . Y;` !lii��t �bo�d��`� ��Il` b� a►ari�t�!�d: �'��r•'t�s let� 1,#�r� �.md"►�h�bd�s ����ut��+o�+r < � v • ' . , �.' .. • N .w, . , y,f � �. • - '` y •: , , . .. . � . . . .�.� . z�. •, . . �.�F� � . � -.. � - - � � , ' .` .. . . "f . . � � � . .� �. - _ ro ' -. �"ij�► � - . �. .+: . : . ���'� •� �� �_ �- .�'�.:i�.:� . .+� , . . r+ .. .� . f i �� .� _ . �� � �A"' } : , �.i. ' . ,..,� �' . � v }�. . , .. - .. � S.-t�. .;� .4�. ��. , . . d�.3 . 'w.�.{...� ` 1��', � _ �t'?.`. r.� .�. r . � � � _- _ _--_ - _ - - �V��r _ , _ - - ,- �. . _ _ _ _ � _ _ . � ou fi,i'te zontng mag ind,toa.ts t�eE.� the rarioue disttiots � sPpro�rimately bou�d+�d by �- � • 1��, ��tie�, auc� lqt �13a�� a�►1�,�'rc�as�d"�'�►o .1t/►.,�is �o�rl�s o! e�tah distieCi��s. � RI. � L . . _ 3,- �y . , ,(a) 1�Fhert tA's dist�tia��i�ouiiird�d���1i� 3wt �o�rei�lj-��i�rt.s qr ♦►11.e�s o� 2eL . .' . <<�s bloa� I�iNs 'ths di+etr�� �ier�rbds�a �s17� �1;d�t�:'�i�d D� ns+� of �t� �Ci►1�',,s�atier� � , ' ~o� �e'iitp�. ; : � � �- �:s �; ,�• .�� , .; �. . . r • ;;*' ,<�.. . , . . . - �.+ ., ' � ' -. ' :� . . . . ��� ��'' - •+ v:` R��iR+ll� T . . :,� � ..i . ' ��/ ' . ' � . � . ' . . . ' 'M ' . .�t -_,�:. . . ' " . : � _. - • , ,Yalicll�pr .. � ;, : � � ; .. . . • . . � .• � . ���•�K Ai ' .�oRrld ar�y �ie�tioa or pro��lp�� �' �'his ordi�� �s r�eollir,w3`bj►��i�tlne'� itt . _ , , .,� �oq�t�t �i�adia�.laet to 1� 'it��kid,. aach �ii3siva���hall ao� a�'t'�c"4.'t►2� ��6� ot. - � � , , � �,;. ��4 . . the ordinanoe aa �a xhole e�.t�y part tissreot-, d4l�arr,3.tan the part ro di��i!'�d� to i�s � � �� .' . : ' . . � � � inv+�iid. . . , . ; . . � . • '�� I�`3II � T � . � . . � ,. � . ' qh�llj�e a.n�d �+nst�dnne3t'�s . • Tlw: re��t�.orN i+�or�d and ths� di�tic�f�ats�orwtt.Rd by t�h� �rdinaaoe trr�► bs� . . � ' aerr�ded lra�'tims � time by ordinanc�, bu�E.no ��h aate�'!o� ahall bo��ma�� 4ritho� . '. . R, h�aring b�fo�e" ths Board oP Agpe�I� �3�ibh S� dseigi�t.ed Qer a s�eaiel �iq��.at�+a !ar thi s p�tr�ose. ' ; «; . . . . �' ' ,T�e Board ot �pp�ale ma.�r of-�t.� awu mstic�, vr "txp�a�pot4t��n si�Red by o� br . f `� mors..p�ops�tt d�{isr�-vP_ a�p di�trict or p�ion �eot, o�r . _ _ _ , upa► ins�rusti.� Pran tt�s - _ .,G,�iqt11, causs to bs prspgred � notioe i�aticatin� t►h�,C}��,gee pr.opos�d to b� mnde iA . the rsg�lntipps Os im tke dtstrict hbpur�dary 1fno�, d��attb,�a� t�,e botm+d�.ie� �'�� . .t�xri � t�r tA. bs affeo$ed. 9nch notioe �Y�a11 etate tke time an� �plais� o�' t�► �gufilia . hearing for coiv�d'st��i�tion oP such propoeed anroa�aean�, 'supplemn�nt or change, ab►� t.�e , . pla� xb�r�re �rtpa ��' blse propos� a�me,nt, supplemsat t�� �c3�tytge shall bo aoo�atl�3� � , . , , r . - . �ar' +m►a�i�Lloa •by interestbd par�lee. � � - , Aa�,ice �ct suah p�b�le hee�ri.ag �11 �t� publirhed �+at aar� t.haa thirty dp►s'�nd not le�s t?�n Pifte�n ds�ys ia 4d��ce of:s�.td hee�riag, �n'at lee��t ans nwap�� of � gen�ai cisculaticn ir�tbs,.C.ttg► o�' Y�#�e�u'yy Aftei''�b blic hee! � , , . Pu �n8, the Boe�rd, o� Appesl• �?#a:l repor'ti '�.o �a, ��ndtl„ azt t,�;�opose�l 'as�pni�ment, �PF�+�, or a?�b�; . � ' � � � � axyd aa�yr ar�tti � or�inaaos .�iutltiot�sl.ng wrth p�lrc�o�rid::�t, fuQplerneA� a!''ch�►ag+s - , � ,���, � .. �._A .<�-{�y, .�' -;:� + ..>>`. ., � '' -%� 1'. : : - �; -.?� ." � .. . :. �,� ' . . �_ �,..._ � �..�, � to btr��i�vduo�� �n,�e Co�c� �o�'�'i� Q�.#�y o# �iaFtba�y. - Suah h�arf.isg �r bs ik� � , r . r; , .��`��- r ; ,,. ,� ; .. . , • : , , " ': � : �4� '�'i� t.+d ?'��7D�`.. �lb�34rO! i ��� �tl0:��: 8,�3�L't..'�1�0� � �'���� 'YYtp�3YM . . . . . . `,,. � . ��y �. ^� 1 , � ' ��t a� aba�gs,� s��g�tsd axrd, �6�k1er8� b�r� axner�*r a� l��y (24) .psjt''sant .o�' t2N _ � • r'�*' '� 4 •: , .. . � .. ', ; . ��..., , •�� , ; , _ _. .. � , . , ,. • . . ft'd�lags. ,p�po�id tA�' 1� a7��i�tr or 1,1� �e�,u.b�ae's o��'p+e�ty (20}�•psi'a�nt e�i"�#;��;-� ' . . . . ._. � . ' . . . . ♦1 I.�. . .. ' . .. �... � ' 1 . . ' . • _ . ..� ..♦ . . � ' ... � . � • .4' . 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