HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 03/15/1965 - Amendment to Subdivision Control Ordinance . ��AcfUJ�+ , ,. AdOJI . AdOJ, v Ar.IU:) �. ...
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WHEREAS, a Petition was filed with the Zoning Board of
- Appeals of the City of McHenry and the Plan Commission of the City
of McHenry, sitting jointly, in regard to certain proposed amex�dments
of the Subdivision Control Ordinance of the City of McHenry as was '
originally passed and approved on the I7th day of April, 1961, and
WHEREAS, a hearirig was held before the combined Boards
on the 5th day of March, 1965, concerning such amendments, at which
hearing testimony and exhibits were presented to the combined Boards
for their consideration, and
WHEREAS, the combined Boards have made report and
recommendation as a result of their findings in regard to the evidence
and exhibits as presented at such combined hearing.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of
the City of McHenry that the Subdivision Control Ordinance of the said
City of McHenry as originally passed and approved on the 17th day of
April, 1961, be, and hereby is, amendecl in the fol.Iowing respects:
� � SECTION VII - Sub-section B � Paragraph 5. Street
la�ssi�ication »� is hereby repealed in its entirety.
The Subdivision Control Ordinance is hereby amended
by addirlg thereto: ,
SECTION VII -� Sub»section B.
5. Street Classifications and Defirutions:
(a) Major streets are thos�e providing fast, heavy
traf�ic of inter�city continuity, or regional
importance; that provide reasonably continuous
routes through the whole or major portion of
the city and, generally, are those streets v��hich
connect with the prixicipal highways radiating
� . from the city anc� circumferential roads.
(b) Secondary streets (resiclential) are those which
, act as main feeders or connector streets between
major streets, serving as major trafficways for
heavy traffic flow between the various residential
districts and areas in anc� surrounding McHenry.
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(c) Secondary s.:. ,.ets (commercial) are those
which act aw . .ain £eeders or connector streets
between ma;+ _� streets, serving as major
trafficways ::_•� heavy traffic flow between the
various comrr;�_cial districts and areas in and
surrounding Mcrienry.
(d) Collector streets (commercial) are streets of
considerable continuity, carrying traffic from
minor streets to secondary streets; such
streets are primarily commercial in character
and are designed to handle traffic from resi» ,
dential collector streets and minor streets in
the residential areas within and without the
I (e) Collector streets (residential) are streets
carrying a considerable continuity of traffic
from minor streets within residential develop-
ment areas, and the principal entrance street
and circulatisig streets within residential areas
or subdivision developments shall be considered
collector - residential streets.
(fl A minor street is one having limited continuity
and which is used primarily for access to
abutting properties only, or to meet the local
traffic flow needs of a neighborhood or
{g) CuI de sac - this is a minor street having only
one open end, the other being permanently
terminated by a vehicular turn-around.
SECTION VII - Sub-section B - Paragraph I7(c) shall
be ame�n ed to read as follows:
The wic�th of alleys sha.Il not be Iess than
twenty (20) feet,
SECTION VIII - Sub�section E � Desi n Standards -
Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 are hereby repea ed in their
enti r ety.
The Subdivision Control Ordinance is hereby amended
by adding thereto:
SECTION VIII - Subwsection E - Design Standards:
1. Streets:
(a) A major street shall have a right-of-way width
of not less than I00 feet. The paved surface
LOOZE & KINNE shall coneist of two 24�foot roadways, improved
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(b) Secondary street - residential: The right»of-
way width shall be not Iess than 76 feet and the
paved surface shall be 42 feet in width, back to
back to curb and gutter. There shall be a I7-
foot tree bank on each side, improved with a
4-foot sidewalk set one foot off of the abutting
property line.
(c) 5econdary street - commercial: ShaII have a
right-of-way of not Iess than 76 feet anc� the
paved surface thereof shall be 56 feet in width,
back to back with curb and gutter. There shall
be a 10-foot sidewalk on either side of said
paved surface.
�d) Collector street � commercial: ShaII have a
right-of�way of not Iess than 66 feet, with a
paved surface 50 feet in width, back to back
to curb and gutter, with 8�foot sidewalks on
either side of the paved surface.
(e) Collector street - residential: Shall have a
right-of»way of not Iess than 60 feet, with a
paved surface 34 feet in width, back to back to
curb and gutter; there shall be a 13�foot tree
bank on either side, improved with a 4-foot
sidewalk set one foot off of the abutting property �
(fl Minor streets shall have a right�of»way of not I
less than 50 feet, with a paved surface 27 feet
in width, back to back to curb and gutter;
there shall be an il�l/2 foot tree bank on {
either side of the pavecl surface improved '
' with a 4»foot sidewalk set one foot from the I
abutting property Iine.
(g) Cul de sacs: The street portion of the cuI de sac
street shall have a right-of»way of not Iess tlzan
44 feet with a paved area 23 feet in width, back
- to back to curb and gutter. There shall be a
10»I/2 foot tree bank on either side of the paved
surface improved by �. 4»foot sidewal.k abutting
the property Iine. The entrance to the circular
portion of the cul de sac shall be tear�drop
shaped on either side and the cuI de sac, itself,
shall have a I00 foot rac�ius, the interior 80
feet of which shall be paved. There shali be
a 10-foot tree bank surrounding the paved area,
improved with a 4�foot sidewalk abutting the
�roperty line. The Iength of the entrance street
shall not exceed 500 feet.
�h) Alleys: Alleys provided to serve business, ,
commercial or industrial. uses shall be 20 feet
in width, with such entire width to be improved
with a surface meeting the specifi.cations
established her�in for minor stree�cs.
- 2. Construction Specifications:
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(a) Major streets and secondary commercial
streets shall have a compacted gravel base
10 inches in thickness, either grade 7 or 9.
The secon�clary residential, collector residential,
collector c'ommercial, minor street and cul de
sacs shall have a compacted gravel base 8 inches '
in thickness, either grade 7 or 9. �
(b) AlI paved surface shall receive a bituminous
prime coat of 1/4 to 1/2 gallon per aquare
yard, the exact ratio to be determined by the
City Engineer. AII paved surfacea shall be
type B-5 (modified plant mix).
(c) Major, secondary residential, secondary com-
mercial, collector commercial and collector �
residential streets: The bituminous surface ;
on these streets shall consist of a 2-I/2 inch �
double Iayer, and the maximum size of the
aggregate used in the top layer shall not exceed ;
1]2 inch, the bottom layer of aggregate shall not !
be leas than 1/2 inch nor more than I inch. i
� (d) Minor streets and cuI de sacs sha.Il be required
to meet the same material specificationa and �
other requirements, except that the surface ',
sha.Il be a 2 inch single Iayer.
(e) All industrial streets shall meet the require- '
ments and specifications as established by the
Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry.
3. Curbs and Gutters: i
(a) AIl curbs and gutters installed on the above '�
streets shall meet the specifications applying '
to M-6. I2, ancl the thickness of the gutter shall
be not Iess tha.n 8 inches.
(b) Concrete curbs and gutters sha.11 be provided
on aIl subdivision Iots under one-half acre in
lot area, and such installation shall be in
accordance with the design and construction
specifications as contained herein. Any resi-
dential site one-half acre or over in total Iot ,
area need not be improved with curb and gutter.
(c) Where abutting lots equal or exceed the one-half �
acre area and are not required to be improved
with curb and gutt�rs, the paved portion of the
right-of-way shalfl be 22 feet in width, and 7 foo�
shoulders on either side, graveled, shaTl be
installed. Such paved surfaces shall be 2 �.nch
single Iayer construction with an 8 inch i�ase.
SECTION X - VARIA.TIONS -- is hereby repealed in its
, The Subdivision Control Ordina,nce is hereby amended
by including the rein the following: '
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A. Any person aggrieved by any order, requirement,
decision or determination made by an administrative
official charged with the enforcement of this
ordinance, or any person who can show evidence
of exceptional topographical or other physical
conditions which would cause extraordina.ry or
peculiar hardship if the provisions of this ordinance
were to be strictly applied in his case, may petition
the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of McHenry
for a hearing to review such order, requirement,
decision ar determination as was made by any
administrative official, or to seek relief from
compliance with specific provisions of this ordinance
�ue to the aforesaid extraordinary or peculiar hard»
ships or conditions. The filing of such petition and
alI proceedings to be followed are to be in conformity �
with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the
City of McHenry in regard thereto. Following such
hearing, and on report and recommendation of the
Zoning Board of Appeals to the Mayor and City
Council, the City Council may vary anc� make
exceptions to the provisions of this ordix�ance to
the extent deemed just and proper, including the
alleviation of hardship by reason of exceptional
topographical or other physical conc�itions, or by
reversal or modification of the order, requiremen.t,
decision, or cletermination of the administrative
officialts order which was appealed.
The Plan Commission, or any member thereof, shall
be a proper witness in aIl such petition proceedings,
alI standards as to variations as established in the
Zoning Orc�inance of the City of. McHenry sha.Zl be
met, and, in addition thereto, the final action of the
City Council shall not be to grant alI or any portion
of the relief requested if such will be a detriment
to the public good, or will impair the intent and
purpose of this ordinance or the desirable general
development of the City in accordance with the
Official Plan of the City of McHenry.
The fina.I action of the City Council iri regard to the
petition shall be ir� ordinance form and shall be made
a part of the permanent records of the City.
SECTION XII - AMENIDMENTS »� is hereby repealed
in its entirety.
The Subdivision Control Ordinance is hereby amended
by including therein the following:
No amendments of the regulations of this ordinance
shall be made except after a hearing, or hearings,
before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of
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McHenry in accordance with the rules and regulations
as provided for such hearings and proceec�ings theretc�,
in the Zouing Ordinance of the City of McHenry.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its
pas sage and approval by Iaw. �
Moved by Smith, seconded by Conway:
Voting Aye: Bolger, Conway, Etten, Huck,
Pitzen and Smithe
Voting Naye: None. �
Absent: None. �
Pas sed this I5th clay of March, A. D. 1965.
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