HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 02/02/2016 - Public Works CommitteeSPECIAL MEETING Public Works Committee Municipal Center 333 S Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 February 1, 2016 — 6000 PM Meeting Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the Committee will be asked to identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three -minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at public meetings. 3. Motion to approve the December 7, 2015 Public Works Committee meeting report 4. Consideration of an Honorary Street Sign application submitted by the family of Rose Ann Guerin Walsh and anticipated motion 5. Motion to approve the 2016 Street Program List and direct staff to forward the list to the full City Council for action 6. Adjournment The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors wit/t the /:ig/iest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient, and ftscally responsible ma�:ner. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT December 7, 2015 McHenry Municipal Center In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Jeffrey Schaefer, Alderman Rich Wimmer, and Alderman Andy Glab. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: City Administrator Morefield, Public Works Director Jon Schmitt, Superintendent Mike Palmer, Superintendent, Rich Stull, Superintendent Scott Schweda, and Deputy City Clerk Geraghty. Public in Attendance: None 1. Call to Order: Chairman Alderman Schaefer called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. 2. Public Input: None 3. Consideration of maintenance and repairs including_paint color options for Water Tower 3. Director Schmitt address the Committee regarding the need to perform maintenance, repairs, and painting of Tower #3 located in the Adams Business Park. This is a 750,000 gallon, spheroid - style tank that was constructed in 2000. Due to adverse weather conditions, final painting was completed on the tower in 2001. In 2010, the tank was pressure cleaned by a contractor for $4,219; in 2012 spot coating repairs were completed in-house by Water Division employees. A comprehensive inspection of the tank was completed by Dixon Engineering in 2013 and in 2015 the City Council approved an PSA with HR Green to complete engineering design, bidding services, and construction observation not to exceed $37,833. The 15/16 CIP includes $300,000 For the project. Staff is seeking input from the committee regarding the paint color options for the tower and presented two options. Option 1 would be to continue with one color — white —from top to bottom. Option 2, is a two color approach whereby the top two thirds of the tank or bowl will be painted white and the underside of the bowl continuing down to the base painted a dark blue. Staff recommends Option 2 to mask the dirt, dust, and mildew that collects on the underside of the bowl, which makes the tower look aged and unsightly. Option 2 will prolong the need to repaint the tower and is a more cost-effective approach. Chairman Schaefer asked for the cost difference between the two options and Director Schmitt answered the dancer color paint would cost approximately $2,000 more however it should be noted that the city paid $4,000 to have the tank pressure washed to help remove the dirt, dust, and mildew from under the bowl, which the darker colored paint will prevent. Chairman Schaefer suggested it might help to use a glossy paint finish and final clear coat. Superintendent Palmer replied a glossy finish was applied to Tower #4 and it is included in the quote for Tower #3. Alderman Wimmer asked which tower is next on the schedule for maintenance. Director Schmitt answered Tower #1 was last maintained in 2002 and Tower #2 in 2007. Should Option 11 #2 be approved by the Council, staff will wait and see if the darker colored paint is effective before scheduling maintenance on the other towers. Director Schmitt informed the Committee that the city logo will be reapplied to the tower on three -sides not two as has been done in the past. This will permit the logo to be visible from Route 120. Alderman Glab asked if the city would be charged extra labor costs for the additional log. Superintendent Palmer responded that the city has approved in the budget the cost to be somewhere between $1,500 - $2,000. Alderman Glab asked if the paint would bleed through and Superintendent Palmer noted a one-year warranty inspection would be performed that would cover any imperfections. Alderman Schaefer noted the tower is visible from the VFW and suggested maybe an agreement could be made with the MBA to add their logo on the tower for a contribution. He said he has seen similar logos on tower in other towns. Wimmer made a motion seconded by Glab to recommend Option # 2 to the full Council. Voting Aye: Glab Wimmer Schaefer Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. At 5:55 PM, Superintendent Mike Palmer left the meeting. 4. Discussion on Road Program Street Ranking and Ashley Drive Preliminary Engineers Opinion of Probable Construction Costs. Director Schmitt directed the Committee's attention to the street ranking spreadsheets included in the supplement. Mr. Schmitt noted every road in the city including newly paved roads, are included on the spreadsheet and are ranked on a 10 point system; #1 the worst and equivalent to a gravel road through #10 equivalent to a newly paved road. Ashley Road is currently ranked #2 in the survey and staff recommends this road be included in the 2016 road program. HR Green provided two options for Ashley Road. Option complete reconstruction with an expected 25-year service life for an estimated cost of $750,000 for construction. Option #2 is a partial reconstruction with an expected 15-year service life for an estimated cost of $500,000 for construction. Staff recommends Option #1. Mr. Schmitt noted the sewer line under Ashley was televised and determined to be in good shape. Alderman Glab inquired about the results in the road survey performed in 1999. Mr. Schmitt stated that unfortunately the survey did not take into consideration the length and traffic on the roadways. Alderman Glab stated portions of Front Royal Drive are also in poor condition. Mr. Schmitt agreed and said between Chesterfield and Cumberland and Sussex there is a lot of curb movement. Mr. Stull stated the ranking initially used in the IMS Study was not completely accurate. Mr. Stull distributed to the Committee a list of criteria used by staff to determine street rankings. 2 Alderman Glab said a lot of concrete work needs to be done on Ashley and Mr. Schmitt said the CIP includes two prices that include curb and sidewalk work where needed. Alderman Glab stated if we do not do a good job with curbs we will wind-up with a lot of seepage and asked if Ashley Road was ever done. Mr. Stull said he did not believe it has ever been improved. Alderman Schaefer asked if the quote for Ashley includes every driveway apron and sidewalk. Mr. Schmitt said if the city removes curbs new aprons are installed. The sidewalk will be spot replaced however all intersections will be updated to comply with ADA requirements. Alderman Schaefer noted the cost to improve Ashley seems very expensive for only one street. Mr. Schmitt said over 8,000 square yards will be improved. Mr. Morefield informed the Committee that $1-M for road improvements is included in the CIP. Alderman Glab said he thinks the city receives better bids for larger projects citing the $3-M road improvements performed in 1999. Mr. Schmitt agreed noting the city funded the project with bonds that we are still paying -off. Alderman Schaefer asked how many streets are ranked #1 on the list and in four or five years, how many 3's will be ranked 2's or 1's. Mr. Stull said there are currently no streets ranked #1 however they move up on the ranking each year mostly due to freezing and thawing, that is why the list is update annually. Alderman Wimmer commented that the ranking system is comprehensive and said the challenge is financing. Alderman Glab stated Front Royal Drive will probably be ranked #2 next year. Alderman Schaefer asked if traffic is considered when developing the rankings and Mr. Stull answered yes, Bull Valley Road is a good example. Alderman Schaefer asked what John Street was ranked when we unproved the road and Mr. Stull said it was ranked #2. Mr. Schmitt added the city put off the improvements because of the timing of the sewer conveyance project. Mr. Schmitt added the city has expanded its crack -sealing program. Mr. Morefield stated the city has to watch that program because typically we pay for it with MFT funds however this year we may have to use the general fund to pay for the project as MFT funding is decreasing. Alderman Glab asked how bad do city roads have to get before we get real aggressive with the street program; we may need to take this to the full Council soon. Some #3's are old like Glenbrook Trail. Lorient was built in 1988 or 1989. Sussex is ranked #3. Maybe we should look at how many streets we have reconstructed in the last 10 years to show the need to expand our road program. Alderman Schaefer asked if MFT funds can be used to pay for all city roads. Mr. Schmitt answered yes with the exception of FAU roads, which are paid through STP funding. Mr. Morefield asked from a volume standpoint, what is a realistic cost to accomplish reconstruction of all streets in despair. Mr. Schmitt said a large program would need to be bid by January 1st as most contractors fill their quotas before seasonal prices increase. Mr. Morefield stated currently the city has $1-M in the CIP for road improvements. If we bid out a $20-M road program using debt service to pay for it with interest it would cost the city approximately $1-M per year for 20 years. This may be a better approach than chipping away at the program; it may be worth looking at other options. Alderman Glab said the state gives money for major roads but that money will dry up soon. Contractors will be looking for work. Maybe we should be ready. Mr. Schmitt noted the Federal Government just approved a 5-year capital improvement program for roads and the city should see some of that funding for projects. Mr. Morefield told the Committee staff will research options to fund road improvements. Alderman Glab suggested we rank for the next three years and bid out three years work at one time to save money. Mr. Schmitt responded that contractors usually will only bid on projects for one year as the cost of petroleum and other necessary products increase annually. Alderman Glab stated if we don't like the bids we can redo and bid for only one year. Mr. Schmitt reported that he has participated in preliminary discussions with townships and local municipalities about forming a partnership to secure better pricing for bids. Mr. Schmitt told the committee the street list is in alphabetical order under the ranking. At this time, staff is looking for a recommendation to improve Ashley using Option #1 as presented. He added staff will look at the worst #3's and see how they fit in the budget. Streets in close proximately to Ashley will be more cost-effective because we would not have to pay mobilization costs to move equipment around; they could just drive the equipment to the next street. Alderman Glab agreed the price would be better if the streets are contiguous. Mr. Schmitt told the committee that upon further review, he believes something is wrong with the formula causing incorrect replacement values to be reflected in the street ranking spreadsheet. He believes they were miscalculated. He apologized to the Committee and stated lie would forward a corrected report as soon as it is available adding the rankings depicted on the report are correct. For example, the spreadsheet shows Front Royal replacement value at $96-K, when he estimated the cost in the CIP to be $395-K. Alderman Schaefer asked what type of work is needed on Front Royal. Mr. Schmitt estimates the cost to improve a road with a gravel shoulder at $21/square yard and with curb at $32/square yard. Alderman Schaefer agreed that there would be acost-savings to reconstruct streets in close proximately to each other and suggested there may be a savings to add Front Royal to the Ashley road improvements project. Mr. Schmitt noted we need to bid the project out as soon as possible to begin work after May Is'. We can't wait because our roads are so bad. The CIP includes $4.385-M to repair streets ranked #2 and #3 without engineering; $4.686-M with engineering and design. Alderman Glab was provided the breakout percent of design vs. construction to be 5% design, 6% construction observation. Alderman Glab suggested we hire a city engineer and perform the design and construction in-house. Mr. Schmitt said a city engineer would not have the capability to put a road program design together however he could perform the construction observation. Alderman Glab suggested overseeing the road program would pay for the in-house engineer's salary and he would also work on other projects adding the committee should lobby the Council. Mr. Schmitt stated he will bring options for road improvement projects to the full Council in May. Alderman Glab suggested the Committee meet again next month to review scenarios. Mr. Morefield informed the Committee the CIP draft will be forwarded to Finance/Personnel Committee on December 30th. Alderman Schaefer suggested the Public Works Committee wait until after the CIP is approved to meet again to review the scenarios provided by staff. 5. New Business. Alderman Glab stated the city needs to look at drainage studies throughout the city specifically along Boone Creek and Boone Lagoon. The studies can be used as a guide when funding becomes available. He also suggested the city check with the Army Corps of Engineers regarding dredging Boone Creek. 6. Adjourmment. There being no further business to discuss, Alderman Wimmer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Glab to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 PM. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Motion carried. Reviewed and Approved: Wimmer, Glab, Schaefer None None Alderman Jeffrey Schaefer, Chairman S Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: February 1, 2016 TO: Special Meeting of the Public Works Committee FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: Honorary Street Sign Application for Rose and Guerin Walsh ATT: Honorary Street Sign Policy Honorary Street Sign Application for Rose and Guerin Walsh BACKGROUND: The City Council has approved several Honorary Street Sign applications since the inception of the program in 2005. Pursuant to the program policy, a maximum of three designations signs per calendar year may be awarded in any one calendar year. In 2016, no designations have been awarded. To be considered, the proposed honoree is required to meet the following criterion: 1. Historical/cultural influence of the applicant on the city. 2. Proof of significant lineage to the city. 3. Clear geographical relationship of street to the area of interest of the applicant. 4. Known to be of good moral character. 5. Clearly defined community or public contribution made by the honoree. ANALYSIS: Attached is an honorary street sign application for Rose Guerin Walsh submitted by her daughter Judy Walsh Smith. An honorary street sign is requested at the intersection of John Street and Center Street. Rose Guerin Walsh moved to Center Street after she married Quentin E. Walsh in the 1940's. Ms. Smith states on the application that her mother was the first home visiting nurse in McHenry and would snowplow her way to the homes of the patients she visited. Upon review of the application, staff is of the opinion criterion # 1 and #2 was not met; or at best insufficient proof was submitted with the application. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the application submitted by the daughter of Mrs. Walsh, it is evident that she was an outstanding member of the community however the entire criterion in the program policy was not met. Therefore, if the Public Works Committee concurs, it is recommended that a motion is made to deny the application submitted on behalf of Rose Guerin Walsh for an Honorary Street Sign designation and not forward this matter to the full City Council. The City of McHenry is dedicated to provit/ing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the ltig/test r/ua/i>3� of ptogrnms mul services /n a customer=oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. City of TVIcHenry Honorary Street Si Hgn Policy and Application POLICY The City of McHenry has established a policy with a review process and criteria for review for the administration of requests for honorary street signs in the City. Listed below are the review process and criteria for review for this program. There is no fee associated with this program and street names will be displayed in perpetuity. No more than three (3) honorary designations shall be awarded in the City per calendar year. PURPOSE OF PROGRAM The Honorary Street Sign Program provides citizens of the City of McHenry with an opportunity to honor people and/or family members who have made significant contributions to the City. The program is administered by the Mayor's office through the Administration and Public Works Departments. All supporting documentation is required at time of application submittal. Upon recommendation by the Public Works Committee, the application will be brought to the City Council for consideration. REVIEW PROCESS 1. Applicant completes attached Honorary Street Designation Application. 2. Application is submitted to the Administration Department and transmitted and reviewed by the Public Works Committee who makes a recommendation to the full City Council. 3. Request is considered by the City Council and if found acceptable, a formal resolution is passed designating a street or a portion thereof an honorary street. CRITERIA FOR REVIEW 1. Historical and/or cultural influence of the applicant on the City. 2. Proof of significant lineage to the City. 3. Clear geographical relationship of street to the area of interest of applicant. 4. Known to be of good moral character. 5. Clearly defined community or public contribution made by the honoree. APPLICANT NAME: K L; v PHONE NO,:[ ��'`l �� ADDRESS:9 F�k %l U=4- NAl1'IE OF %INOREE: (os it ti�or�Id oi�i�eai• ou sig(�u) Rc, A rv>v EXISTING STREET NAME: G �e iywi eX 43T REQUESTED SIGN LOCATION (intersection): L ekVro1= CRITERIA FOR DESIGNATION PLEASE COi4'IPLETE THE FOLLO`�VING CRITERIA, 'WHICH ARE USED IN i HE EVALUATION FOR EACH RZ(.)U:i.ST FOR -AN HONORARY STP;EET SIGN. USE ADDITIONAL PAPER IF REQUIRE, D. IN ADDITION, HONOREE MUST BE OF GOOD MORAL CHARACTER. HISTORICAL AND/OR CULTURAL INFLUENCE OF THE HONOREE ON THE CITY; f'Y1�t fY1ol�ot;Q �N C �t{'R1N (t1lLs/% wo[1:9 lirol RT l YY1�C IYlet9�ir�Z9�a�t PROVIDE PROOF OF SIGNIFICANT LINEAGE OR FAi1'IILY TIES TO THE CITY: �, t- 5 N Y 0 (4 r) lfAM h � asl � a e <n ,' ty Nr✓tl �v� �•�t1 � (vl�� s fl dYNr 6 CAPC:n ESTABLISH CLEAR GEOGRAPHICAL RELATIONSHIP OF STREET TO THE AREA OF INTERESTi I� HE APPLIC ��T: q 6 �� � u � 5 .�• j�c� �� j� � �•�- Qf G •t (J p S rv.Mt , 5f4e- %.F�� At So CN11e � WA I +t t4rr�t , wr h f�j�P C i IV G ;v j n- Q,r w `;> I t />r pL ce 60 A 1 ,4 k1 T6 � /2 t� rQ (! Lt 1 whsr�en a !�R%roen.. r 0r T!u 4 ct= j ea ��Lt CLEARLY DEFINED COMMUNITY OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION 1VIADE BY THE HONORE, E. f�rU` ow �-UFIS tcl� G r'fi �I �-vC i')-1 rn � � !�l � T h e k --ce � a � %`�► .� m � 1 � ' f`�' a „� � � y S 5 t'� coA-s rtr q t P7- To eve /tJw ( ttq) IC y t W ) Ile -e: rn 4c(4 Qiv rry t a`�- toe Tu Vy" �� yn.0.01 Department of Public Works Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: February 1, 2016 TO: Public Worl<s Committee FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Worl<s RE: 2016 Road Program ATT: 2015 Street Ranking Scenarios The city has approximately 125 centerline miles of roadway under their jurisdictional responsibility. To establish the priority list of street improvements, staff visits each street to verify and inspect the current condition of the pavement in order to rank streets for improvement. Street ranking is based on a 10 point system, with the ranking of #1 being equivalent to a gravel road and a ranking of #10 being equivalent to a newly paved road. Attached for committee discussion are the streets with rankings of #2 and #3 broken up into five different scenarios with an estimated construction and engineering costs of around one million dollars each. Staff seeks direction from the Public Worl<s Committee for a recommendation to City Council for streets to be included in the 2016 Road Program. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in acustomer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. I n .Ni ^ � a N � I a+ ( I C L � I m j �mlIc I� `3 !i o O o N N N .-Io! N N �a N a1M n�iQ w o o! m p Qp Q Q N t/1 Q Vf Q 00 N O: I� Q M O 0 VI i C) rl e-I M '�i COI Ql In CO Lr ' C1 KI CZ, rl rl N 1p N WITN b rl M O ,a -I o0 Ol 1� O vt M I� n N W a > 1� r� rl rl ei 'i M Q rl rt N :c-1 rl Q N E 3 +mn W i I I iR 4} ihlN{V4 i? in t4 i? 1 M m m O a N O DU Oml Vmj N 3 n H h Mm m N rl y y � e0i �mi '. m 001 }• H I v>•I4A in yr in v>• ini in J H M M m m M m m m m m M M Mi m enM M m m L o I a 7• �' T 7.! T C C c j. a? > L L T>>? 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