HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 01/05/1953 - Plats, Surveys, Dedications _. _ _. , ; � , � � ! i , , � � � aAt o��z�aa.�cE ' ; , , _ ; �� co�a��xr���ac � l; — ' ; ; � PLhT:, SURVwYS A�� llIDSCAT�c:?�S � r � ' SE IT G��.i� `_�Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITi t;`�' McfiENRY, Ii.LiiVOtSs ! i S�CTIIIN L. That thi� or�iin�,,,c�e shalt :,o, x: h��^PCy isa r��+r�,mour.t ' � i' in effect as to aucr, ur�ir:r�r,ce? of t:•.Q m�i:zicika: cade cf tt.a City :�t , .McHenry a3 �:ay n�rn t,a gcv�rr,i�:g in �-�..;�; ca:;►�^ ;r� ingt,FI1CPS des�rir�d herei=:. ' S::CTI�:?� 2. .all laNa +::F the Ct.at� <:f T].;ir.�:i� srP mnc?f. a Fart `�:ereofj ; 1 1. ,e ._. ^:P �s _ . `_'�:;��r s^t. fcrt,l-; her��r �r�, ::11 offi�^r. e=i�: en►p�oye��s cf tr�e ' i , • A ri � a-y . t , . i:l�� �i .'CF.enr� ST'P ., , �•n� ,E,,:, �.. �Osn[.,:1 C;;!t:t _a... :2 �: `.}: ,�Ut�.. �z.H'. ,f �:i� , �=vE.�.�F� nl L.lLi.:_�.c'� i � 7 S��T�'t; 3. �Q:cre a F;lat o�' a �PW 3liL!�1.�"1SiGn c� b T'e—Sl:�1V:1^i�.•-� ; sLall ;�e accec;Led t,}� t,he City Council af ti�e Ci4.y c�f Me}ier�ry ?rere sr.a1' ��• ' ' first subQnitt�cl t,c� t'r.e (:ity Cl.erk a tentr�?i��e ��lat �,r�ich sr.s1l r�e �r. acccrc� ;� xitr. the following ^rquirecr;ent�. ' I. !' a. The tentstive �lat sha'�1 be d:axn tti a scale onN h.:rxired ;]CO) feet t,o or� (1 j inch. ; , b. All Fection lines, sc`i<:;;i �ig�rict lines, exi.sting � property lines� Wat.er coursee arx3 other exi�ting conditivns rertinPnt to Yra��er sut�diviai.n sha11 b� shvw�n. : c. The nar,�p �f t^P pro�sc,ed subdivisi�n arr:i th� nal.*.e : of thc �rrnf�r or t:rust,e� a4 owner, must re sh:,wn �rd ad,joir.- i.ng subdivisicns or abutting property on 821 3�'�@9 �cust ba sho�m espec�ally ir. �eferencP to roa�s, u�i7ity ea3emprcts� � �,nd exictir.g fac�]itiea fcr street drai-.aF�e, sa:Litary :3rafx.age, and Water su�,�ly. SECTI�I� �t. SiREF'TS, SI�$?a1';ixS, C[!R� AP3U :;UTTERS, k`I�T:?,K SJFELY� STR:ET DRAItiAG�, Air7? Si,I�'iTAR" ��r�;RS. R�quiremr_�ta l�fore accepta.nce o, the tentative plat shal] be approved in referencP Lo �treata, aic�eWa;ks, curb snd gutt�ers, water s��rl;, sanitazq seKer, and street drainage, sha,.i � be as toI?oxs; de KIfVN' ,.�e�� a. S'!'REETS A1v'^ A_.LETS. :he ownPr or �rner� sha;l sut�it JF UN�` � ��N� �l�ns ar.�i E�rc�files tc the council for approv�� ar�d, upon � �� � , ' i i' � j; � I �o��;cva]. of ',.he p�ana� LY�e �.sr�;c��a�ys s�o� shala be graded bs � �I rx � i cL:iir�; ar�/cr Pil?iz� a►Yi �r�,i�;t�t, t.� a ��r�3hec3 suu-gr�dew i i � ! U�on �hr s�ib-gradr, �Ln�r� �t�r�:t.� k,� cor;s��.;�::�,�er� a gravel eurface I oi' nct 1��s t?:an eight (3) �nc:��� in t,h9_ck�-:��e aftei• being � fc�rn�:+a�t,edp The graWel surfa��� ,h��ll h�ve a �i�.nimum M:ic;ti: of I' � �j �.�i���tk--tWa (22) f*e2 �rid coru"'o�n to Artif��n �2 of LY:P "Stande�-ci i� i� i�eG:.cicat•iona fcr R•�au ar� :;z��_d�e :c����-F'},eLicr►" of the �tate �! �� �� lil�no:.e, �Y,pr�.vad Janusr�r ;� ]9r?. i��^r�AnH°ter refarred Lo � Ias '�Sf.a��iard ���ecifica4.i_u�s"', ; Aft,er 1.r� �rav�l asrface has � i � %��n com�act�d a bitur��r.ous �,�rf'ace tz�sCLa���:t �F:aly hA a�.�4�l.ied. . ' The� t,r�aLmenv sh�1� ccnforzr: V;i Artic�e 3C ��f t.hE "Starxjaz�ci ; � i ' S;.eci.ficatio�s"� :a�-cla�ss A�;3, c�xc.ert t':€t �.o�h cover coats R ;i S ? :ag,y b� omi';.Lcd. ,���y variaticr..� i:7 the '°:���rx�a.x� �pecif.icatio•�s" �i ; '•' re�ui;•e:nAnta shai) be at t;�e �:i�crr'.:i�,,� cx� 4:he City �ngir�e�r �' ; '� .+� Git;� C�r��:ricil i�, i�i t.hei� �inion, �;c�r�iLz.cna 97�.3t �h:ich ' +� eamz-�sts�� suc'i� vaz�lAticn� i r., ��L:)�,�i�!:�.f(�, It �?�,��.` , ` ae ma-���.cry �o h:ave side- ' �� ; '� w:a��.k� :�ri any new 3ubdiv;.sior�, .;.�", :�:;c.r- . _.:-, ',h.F o-wn�r :�t:all ! i ' ; den�:ra� �t,o ��anat�~lct s�,de:�r���Cc:, ti;��y gt.�ii '�a f:l�ce�d ��ne foat �' c�u�sf.r�e c�f �a�, 1iz� a1��� tl.� ��.,:�se4. �ic�� e; e�Per. lc�� brx? � i ! �Yaa]1 b�e �fo�a:� (i�) �nches �� i.t�.r_knesa a��� �'^ur (i:j feet in � � � k:�dth and cc�nf:.nr. a�Lr� r�*q.�ir�r�An�.a of A:���c�� 8� �f said , � �RSta�-td�zd a�,�cifi.cati�rns", i �. GURB A:�IL� GL`T'I'�:�;. 1�t. aha�11 �w-r �s a���a"..ory for tr.e ' cn,��pr o:� o�-ne.rs to canstr�ic} �•�:��k�, ar� �-uGrR-s �lot� thN si�'F . � �irxss o4' a;�L�di��isicrx Rtr�e�.s. IP, hoKe'r�r„ �:xr�� a.�x3 g14;ter� ; � �r� ��e�ir� �y the rn�r�r, or ^�re^s, th� cu�b sha'1] be ;i twel��e �Z�) inctiEs in l;ea.gh4, 3� .Si?C (bj �r�ci��a iri �idtr ar,� I tho gut�ra ahaL` t�r �i��tean �°�j ir�chso Ar� xl.dth and �ev�.�. ' �n�he:� t:�ick arr� �t��all ccr���z�a �.o tnf: rec1�...i;-�,rre�sL� of �rLic'_.e ; '.l of �. N` . :,:dnr� ;'>F?r F. .�.+i<;r�s�'. Klh� . � i'Y9 , �, r i � .. ;� � : � , �, � ;; ��. � 1 : � ri, i��TER SIiPPLX. in �': 1�cati�r,�:� w�„ere city water is ; I! i i �Na�.�abZe tr�e o��aPr or awner� flha].1 �.�rra�t�z+;�t �rater maina and � Ieq�:�.pwsnt auch as Are �r� ,�e�+���1 use t�k�.���,��out thc� city anci � i� �; . !I <�eGording tu conditiora�s x�� ��.�ca.ficat��^.� of the City Eng:.neer. , �i ;i e� SFNITARI' :i.IIiJERS, �� s1.1 lor,aL.�.c:�:� :rhe�r� aanitary i� ��r�ra�z facilitiess are avaz��bl.e, it s'��s��.� •�e mandatcry for �� �I �.li� o�mer ^r awnPrs ta cans�.�.c t sanit.aa;� �ewers t� aerve � I ' � tY�e propart�► arw.' :=uch aanitar;* seWer .��vi::.t�es shall be in , ,: ,� !j r.<�n�c�z�aity xi*.,h speci�'i��t.i.or,., ;�f th� �:-�?•;� k.r:��.neer„ � i; 1. �APIITARX S�,w`u.R C:�P7;a�;�"'�:;NS, w��'�`�. SUPPI,Y COHKFCTIGNS. ,I j' STr�EET D�INA�E �::",j':�:CTZ:�t�az E;NU A:,L !"F��w?'xRC�L'1rT UTIL�TY ' �'; GO:�'.vrECTIC"iSg In tl.F �v+►r,t t.@a� owner a� �r.e�ra datetrmine to � l� ' s�aks s�srre�rR xater, g�.� ax �:���tz�i.ce;l cc�z>,<.,ct.i,.ons from the � �! �� stz�eet� al�. such u�ility c�r:n�rtAon� �'��I1 t� extended t,Q : j i.�e f'ront �.ot line ef aa�h ��°L or t,o �.�� f�-ant 2ine of ar�y . { �.xo o. more 1et.s c�rr� by t`.i-� vance pa��•� �zx� utilized for c�ne � �reeidence� or duplez ho��o Su�h in�ta���ati�vz� k� to be made �x�vx� to t�e can��Ietiax� of 4.�;� s�x�eet� �cnrs�a-uction aa tsere ; �ncf �bave s�e� Por�?i. � �� , �� } T2�e a�rr►er or o�mer� ms� rrov�.�� ara easetaent on the ` i ' (� rasa�r par� o.� t,kie subdiv�.Aiora lots far a.�:��"��atzon of �' '! u�.:t�ity a�;�vicea. In the �k���. such r����ces are t�ot ' i � inst�allcd. urxlez� �he ro�d �x�i^r t,o �4,� e�sn��r�..�tirn, Lhe i � e��e�n�ent must be eha�+n ar� m��: �a�th �� ��;c� p].a#,. Zza al� � ,; ;; ca�es, iL ahall be the cho�c� ���' tt►e as��;�a� c�r rn+ntra to ; '� ' �, �; :.nat�Yl� or provide �o,r, the ��stalla�:�•^� 01' util��y sArvices i; ' !{ a� "K.he TMear oP lo� lir�s, ,� N. �i �o �TR�T nRAINAGE. 7C�� �r a� �r►�r« sr.a11 provide �� and z�in,�ai�n x.f th�n tt� a�r�et �ftzees � �v�t.e�m of aciequat� ! �tl �ralnage bq�l.lt in accord �t,o �.ines,, gradas �r,� crc>sr aectf.one ; Q;� ah� ofz the p�.ans to �e �::�e��red b� �i�� �wnei^ a� aubNrtitted ' KIN+ � lt�YB �',^} Lll+" "7}i��i.� 1Q1' a�Frc?va�. ' r. o a� LIN( . . I 3Y+C'4'I01f . Th4t tt�is �tdiaanc� sl�all bs �►tf�c�,in lraa and att�►r tbe dat� u pt�arid�d b�r �� � r�� ° , +t1'�' I�xte.at«!: �lanaar�► 5, 1953. Paa.sa: laasars 5, �953. I �atss Ysaa, 5. l�a� 0. . � � I �, - �! -L- .; E. I; �I : �� _� ,�►,�,� , _:�:�.�. .,:,�x � <s�:rrr.a�t.�� .. . � _ � . �t ,. .. i ,` . , k� ,�: , ;� + ' ����,,. � ' � � , _ t.z , ! ! r .,'� i "r��►,,�, 'I � � ,.,:w A�"'Mr.y:;:m4�!¢�P<..4*.�`.��. ..