HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 09/18/1950 - Parking Meters ii III I � � 1' II ,I II �"Z - _ . .. ��� � �� �'`�,��'���i� �� ' e , � ,. I _ _. - . -r ,- r-i, n r � ".-�' -., � . ,'T- . . . , .=:: O1tDT ��::C� R��L'.� �.,_.: 1� 1t�AFF'IC A::L :._. ._ � : � �� � .. _ � L�. �'�'Ry��;U I:: T:?E CITY �F i�.�c�iEi•?RY, P.ZcH�:�HY COLidTY, i.�LI:�OIS Y?L:.Ci3���-- IIi:�s R�'�UL_�TIO?'c RELf�TIV� 10 TIiE P.�i�II`:� OF `,TE.iICLt�S Uru.�i SUC�i '�TR:;r,TS � YROVILI�1� FOR F'URC':iASE � 'LEAtii::G , AC'�liI�,I::u � Ti`:�'i iii�`L:�Ti„ . _;i'LRATI�"I, i�R��INTL:.���C� , SJP:�R�TI:I�I�i, RL��L�TI� _�:D C�1:TROL v'r ': �; �r' `rhRKI�<'� :.I��iER� r�i:D YRJViDl::s F�R �'ri� r.��.`�'�?�.?T T�1LitEJ� ; :.��- -n r � ^ ; �r a� T�TA'-LI�'.rn.TTr-m 0: rAHKI:?�s Ti:�TLR �. : _'I"Ii.� Ai:D F:Rv�� IDI�vu r J � 1_.. u.. :: _._...� � � ,�i.' Tr?? PL BLIr H� �i ��:: �::'r'OR�;r ._ _, : . . � _ .. 'i ,, cm �,TS Ai:D FV� � ;;�- . . Y ,.� ., ._ .., _. -- - - - - _ . �... ,. , -, . ' _, � i _. ....- - - - - - .... .. :. . ... . . .'J --, _.�i . ..li. _.�- c ^,^.:;11SC, .i: T,� ;ii ,. 1C .,..-:`._ �_ ;i:lU i.�-- " __ .�V�. ^..�� uF'G .. ' % " . �� ; ^ - ; , : ,, �: ., :��_.ir, sections oi the City oi ..icIieizry , the lree rnovement of ti�affic in those s ,. � ' ' _ . . '_ ': . , , ^, e ^�, r' -r __ 1.��. . a .: r�� �n of time ; ar.�: , , :. ., ��'�R�A� , atte;n .,1. ,,.� : : _ :i ._�:� :,. ,_: '�. l�i ; c ..: �..; ' . . :,�. . ;:;I ,;.�;:;,� ,i� �r•� �s :_: v� :�ot been as successf'ul as is desiraQl:. ; � .:� _. Hi��`r �.- , _.� IT U1�DyI.vED by the C ��.�.�,ci1 of t.�� �;. t ,.;i' :':c'`���;ry , T'kic::enr�uC�u.�ty , State of Illinoic.� . ;�ection l . DEFI��IT'��:;5. 'd"u�.ene-�er in � � - . ., c _ �, ^ � _- � ._�i,M term� are used , they s�a��: �`.. - _: ., . . . .. �'J. U-- - �,.scrioed to the:n in this sectio: , : ;;TR�ET . �very way set apar� _ _ .� : _ . _ . . , � � • . - .�-T� bridie paths and f,�ot ��ath� . �. _ , ROAD�rJAY. That p_� .�t,� ,_ _f -° .� � . ., _ ..�. ... _._._ . � :_ - ��=�., ; s�.ed c�arb line�� . �TU'u'irALK. That _,����_ _., ._ . .. ._ . ., ..:� _. ._ ., _ . _ _ . ._ _._ _ t::e �.�,: jace:^t pr�perty line� . ":.�_iICLE. Ariy devise b;� ��.:1�ciL a::�- er��:l �r _�:• _ .:i�t; ._-. �. : �:•-��:sported upon a public hi�hway. P4RKIi�G iiI���TER. A mecrlanical device located upon a publ � — ���r����t or side�ral� in a place regularly desionaa as a par::�i.:; -: - �.ti 'eieinafter defined , tivhic� device snall rec��rd a certain ntl,r: � �,' r��inutes by thE use of a cl�c'_, mechani�m �:�t =r ����.r.i?^; the p�r= _ , , �. . _ . , :- c,f time f or whi �n N�r'_in; : _ ,. : • ��_: - = ._ : _.., _ _. .. .. ._ ,;�=�:tin; a coin. .�. .�F�,�ya ZOP1E . A certw��� _. ::�y..r .�d �: t : . . - i . :_:«.s .:. �� , . _. .._. .,..0 � . �:�on of the public s t�•��t v�ithin t'r.e marked boundaries ti°���er� J.� . ��izi cie ma� Le temporarily nar..�d and alloti°��ed to r•emain f or suc;.. ;�� �d of time as the par�in; met�:r ;:.L� ��.�hed thereto may indic�:4t:� . ::,��ction '�. Parkin^� meter zones as r�erein aLove c�escribeci , �.. �•,_ i �- a* -�i.l: ^ ��� �r:�;�t�u ��1 t.�e fo11o���inJ �treets oi ;.:^_c _... ��r o� .:.c�. . _�.. J. ::�I�in Street , . _ � _. . . �reen Street '_�ivcr�ide Dr- '��- ����d fro�: ti:ne t� time h�reaft�:� a:. �r .. _ �:: .. �.::� ��'�.. .,,.:� l� _._ 1 _ . such streets anc av�nues and ot:�er strects and av�nues , or suc �- ..��z� & KINNE �� ,;t�er loc�.t� tins as selected by r�s�l�ation of t, - ` ' '-� ,- ATTORNEYS �I i.i v���r '.i:. ._�, „ _'1' y �,i' +,'_r. � ;C,:-.+ . ..�. it �:ICl; � .7r.`�, . ��� MCHENRY&CRYSTh�LAKE, ILLINOIS i I I I ! .,r:.l. _ .... � . ...i... _I1 ..�1:...�Q �'.i�iilt�� .:1':'i.�;.i `,�. , y .V,,., � �:�^ (' .�� . � �•r" ,' �'... �i ..: � - . .,.. J i� J � i��: LJ lJ�:w'1 l..l 'J� I ;���.�' �:.�provement� sca11 cause rar..in�� :�::eters to be ins�a11ed _�; �uc� ir_i:rib�rs anc wt such places as in nis jud5mpnt r�ay i�e neces,: ::� t� t�:e re�ulation, c;;n�,rol , ;.nd insuectior. of tne pari-in�c; of ve'_ ' J cies t}ierein, includino t}1e reservati �n ef loaflin� zones f�r co:.:- �.�rcial vehicles a.�d shall eause rar�:in,-� meter spaces to be des- �:;n�,ted as hereinaft�r prov:.ded . The �oarc( of' Loc�1 Impr�veinen�:_ s�.all fix tne tirne iimitations i or le��.1 parkiri�� in sucn zones : . I t'ze hour� �;ar•i� _; i,�_e c�. �r ��l:.e.� �'_.� r,.�r�->�.z .,.:ter r .^^t � s :,� �1 „ i . .' ,' p ," G T'.� �!ll1 t I ;�ti�eu ar�d v.�i�en the time limitations snail�be effective , in compl_ - I �..�ce v,�ith tre provis� �ns of' this ordin�.nce , and s'r�ail ir.cicate i, time li:�itations b� aesi�n��tint; the sa,1c on tne p�.r'_�in� meter o�� ::���:ters or bJ apz;ro_r.r� :�te si�;r.s ro�tcd ir nro..i�-:i t,- t� ?; � ,,�te;� �_�r :- t . rs in said � . � Section 4. � -- , .,. , . _ , . _: .. �, ' ''r��i:`,r �uthorized t� c �,�r .�;; �ut L:�e- t�:.:.� �� -��;• c�.�t.•�,c�s t1CI'�t.J:' . ,r• hereafter erlt�r�ed into by the C�uncil of saic City for the p�,.r�_ �:_�se , leasinJ , acguirin� , insta! lation, operation, maintena-.�cc , .:��ervision , regul�tion, and use of t'�e pa.r.tin� m�ters provide� i ::• � . t:is ordina.nce , �^rhether for trial period or oti�er�^rise . The - :::rt for sucn p;�r�.in� meters and instailati�n to be provided i'or . .:lely fror� t�e reeeipts , funcis wrici rev�nues oLtained fror� tre _;eration �f said par'r�in; met�rs ��^,it:�ut ir� an�r m :.::;���r ;i�_� ; :. - �..� -%:' :- ; ta r;:-��,� for t::e same irom ar��r �ther source . -� �ection 5. ihe p•�rking meters �.n�,;�a11ed ��: - _ ::,� i�r z�nes as established and proviced for in Sec�ti �rl 2 hereo� , :;:�all be placec, upon the curb imrned� ately aa jace:�t to tne indiv' �.,,�.-� 1 in;� ,�l_�ce: :ie_�einafter ciescribea . Eacn par.:ins- r.�et��r srail c � _ �ced or set in such manner as to show or displ�.y by a signal tn��t t--e par�.in�, space au j:�cent to �uch :��eter is or is not le,;all�t in ��-:� . Eacl�: �ar�cirl� ;;ieter instwll ed shall indi cate by .:. proper � _. ;-: : ���� le�al �ar��inG time estal;lis Y�ed by t:�:e Cit� arld wr�en operate� _ ��:,.ali indicgte �n and by its dial and pointer the duration of i � :r�od of le�al �arkin� and on tne expi rati on of suc:� pe r���i , �- ;_r�� �. c,:�te illegal or �ver pa.rkin� . � �ection 6 . The Board of Loca1 Irnprove;�ents shal ' :��.r' ir:,;� p�inted or placed up�r� the curb anc/"or ution the :��,� :t - �;,Lcent to each nar':in� Meter f or t::e nurpose of desi_�n�.ti�,� tne ": -rkin-T stiaee for which s�.iu meter is to be usea ar�d eac:� �ehic ' � :=-��.:1:in� an jacent �r next t� ar.y l�ar1.in�; metcr shall y,ar�c ,:ithin �. 1_nes or mar��in�;s. s� est�.b�ished . It shall be unlav��f�al and a v - ��,.tion of this orninance to r��r�c any vehicle across �.ny such li :: :ar• msr'��in� or to ;car?c s.�.�d veh�. cle in �,�ch �,o�it�;,n tl �t ��-, c � , <. � not r- . , . _ . . ... , , , _ .. _ _ ., . . �- . .. _.1_ ._..� . ;- ., ; .� .. , .. _ . .... _.„_ ,. ��r'>_ r s . _. ._ _ . . , �G-C l,.�iJ:: `f � ��-;�l .. ..__ L'C•ii�i .".i�:' �+��1�_:i..�'� �� i:l: 1:)��i�_�_ .: ' .:. .� � .. .. -��..�: �e.:.t t� which a �;�,r::in�J,�eter is located in acc„� ,�; ,,._,.��� ..y �,�,� �::e _:r•�visi �r_s �f t'_;i; orcin�:-:ce , tne �_r,erutor of swid vehic_e ' �� ��n enterin� the saici y,-,�rkin ; ti,�ace , i,;,;neuiatei;� ;�e.�o:;it or c�,. �Uc: �� be dep�sited a �ne , five or t�n cent coin oi t�ie united States , '�Ii s�wch p�,;i;in� r,iet�r, a.�ic put suc��? meter in operation, and failur��: t :; de:;osit suci coin and put the meter in operation sn.�.11 constit:;t ^. Ta=olc�tion :�i t�,s �rc�-. ����...c� _�.r:; � ':�•_1 -'' c�c �c:� � _ � . .... . �rJOZE & KINNE n ._. _ . .. .. , . , i. ATTORN EY$ i� ` - AIGHENRY&CRYSTAL LAKE, � ILLINOIS i, i; � � �'I� , f ` I II ;';- .:���. 1,� .�1� J. . _�lJ�. �l .�._1�.._.i ..c�.��....� .. ., u . r ��7 J_ _ 1 ... 1�... .�.._ ..., ... � .. �,i�:.� _;:�.r'..':�; s„ace may be la:��full� occupied by suc`.: ve:zicie for . - -.ri �d oz twelve (12) c�nsecutive minutes for each one cent co�.:�� � � e United States depo�ited ther•ein up to one hundred t���enty �;l`N";� I ,_ I i.inutes , or f�r a period of sixty (60) consecutive rninutes for e,�:: : � `� ve cent coin �f the Un�ted ;;t ��tes aep�sited therein up to ::._ _ ::��ndr•ed twenty (1NJ) r�ir.utes , or for one hundred tti^��ert� (12G) ,�..zutes for each ten cent. coin of tne Unites States deposite�l ��__ :, iri, arici _ w„ .�...:� �� t�e �.�f�re�aid �-;�ur,ts for the abov2 �eri �r:;e :;ilall �;e made for narl�in� in tne areas set forth hereina�,ove . 1� .�,y suc'r. vehicle sh�.11 remain p�.r:�ea in an� such purkin:T si ace Lc- -.,nd t:�e j�ar':in�; tir;�e limit as fixed by tne coi:� or coins depo. ` '.. �!:�� such :�eter for such T;arKin� space , the parl,in, meter shal� ��. , � i.ti� di�.l and pointer incicate such ille�;�.l parl>ir.:�� ar.d in ti�_:: '� event , such vehicle shall �e consicerect pwrr�ed overtime and � _ �... � _e l eriod oi le�;a1 parkin�� ti;ne and snall constitute a viol ��� ����_s orainance anc ti.e or;ner or operator thereof srall 'oe _ __: . _ . '� .. -��. .-�_..:iter set �ut . Section 9. It s,1a11 b� ur�lati^�ful and a violation oi L:_-:. ���vi�i�r�s of t:_is or6lnance for aizy x�erson to ceface , injure , te:;;- �:r' �"V 1 t,11 � O T'8'.� �Z' 1'�1'f'.._1 �r'^�1.:" � C E'S t,T'0 V � �r' i 1�7'^...1 7' t,:i E.' U:r f�... !,:�':;:� of an�; p;, .. . _ . , . _ . .. 1 �' ��_ v . .- _ . :. lii'C:.=.i`_.�.I1.^.� . �a(7 t,l .)�_ Z v. _i, .,,__i:1,1 1. L:..' ---:.l..��`1 �_i .,,�.i.i ,.. �J_ .'l�_,l,. 'J.: .�i l,:_r' r• �vi��•`�o:::; of tl��is ordinance t� deposit or c�.use to be deposite�i ; . u�iy par�:in�; meter, any slu�- , dev� ce or m�t�.ilic substit��te , or .. ,- otner substitute f�r w �.�c _ ���t �� i�.v.. ce:;t �i� t�,:��: c��r�:t ,. � , n � � �,_ . - ._ � _. � �t,ate_: . Section 11 . It �':..._� �ce t'�_� c;,,�t- _�t t<<e r.o'_.ce officer:: ��� �'�e �_ �.�� , ac�in� in acc�rdanc� �;�i_. . � _ -. � . ti __ .. ,. ,_ ... �i� ����al Improvements t� rep�rt : (,�_) The number of each narr:i.:� :a::t;,� ,. c:- ��ai �. _:t. . �_ _ �i,.�c -a�_�� c� c �ccur�rin� the ��r�:in� sr�ace ad jacent to such p�.rl:inr�; ;-��ter is or h�,s �::._ , . • � .: . _ .� �_. .,_ _ . - ': : . _ �-�__. : . — ,�� t.l i: �:,�r�d�.n anc e . (L) T.�e �tate li�:;_.�e ..�,;;i:,.;r �i a�:c:� ����:,ic__ . ;;: ; The tir�e such vehic, ,. . ._� __ .... �. _ . � _ _ .- -,. - �f t:�� _ov '_sions �f this ordinanc�. . (u ) Anf other facts , or• .: ���.._e�.,_ .;l , .... �:; �, . . . ., t� �: th��•�,_: �r unuer�t�ndin,� of tn.e circumstances attendirl,; _ � _ "��4�� ��r�. _'��,��: v_,_c�: . :;��ce �i'�' �cer snall also attach to sucr vehicle a r;;:, � � _: �� t�ie ol,:mer or o,o�r,wtor thereof t.1wt �:..cl: vehicle has beer. ��zrl:�d -in violation of a provision o!' this ordinancc -�.-��:u instructin� suc:� � ::n�r or operat�r �� :,� ..�rt to the �'fice of�t� C�erk �f t:.eCity �f 'cHenry, �n reoard to sueh violation. �uc�: _.,,:_ ��rner or operat::• , :�ay within 24 hourU cf t'-ie t��e �^��.er. such notice v��as atia.checi t:: .��_zch vehicle pay to Office of City Cler1�� , P:Ic�Ienry, I�lin�is ��.s a ?�En�.lt� f�: and ir full satisf acti�n of suc'.� vi olati on, t}ie �um of terl cents �'0. 10) . T:ie failure of such owner or operator :.� —toozE & KINNE I �:'zi:e sach p�y:nent vaithin said 24 nours , shail render such ov�r.� • . . ATTORNEYS ` ���er��.tor aub��L' l. t0 �h� pEilc.�.,.ltle.."�. hereir.�.lt:�.1 _ ,. ., ��J� i.;�'.'" i ' . MGHENRY&CRYSTRL LF.hE� ' �i. .; � "..+ _.. i +��. , . ..'T . , . ... .. ..,_ =_. .. .. ._ ..._ i"_.��. .. . ILUNOIS i i I � � a ; ! � I � I� _ �cti �n 1�;. r.:�i;J y�;rti�n ti�,���.� s:�all v� �l;:.te ar�y �f -_- _ ..- � '_ ::io..a �f th�s ordinance , �.nc� any n�rson �.°�Ylo aics , abet:_ , �,� I� _;v=sists therein, snail , upon conviction thereof (b;� the Yolic�+ �., �ur•t) be supject to a fine of not to exceed ��ore than One ; 1�, .. ,�.��; :��llars (�100.�0) for each offense �r violation, or be impri�or�c� I:�r a term not e;ceedin,� ten da�Ts in the �ity �ail or in any pl�u,ce � r:,�vided b;� the municipality ior t%�e aetention of prisoners or bo� :cction 13. '='��e coi��� required �„ �n ae�osit�d i�: ���.rl>; ,� • � _ :-� �crs as r�rovided her�in ar•e herebylevied and assesseci as fees tio • _ 1�;,�vice for the proper reoulation �.nd control of traFiic upon tile � -:��lic streets , and als� the cost oF s�apervision arid �•e�ulatio:� ;; . �`:c puri.in,�; of venicles in the par��in�; :neter zones cre�ted here�;• , :..�c:i t� cover the cost of tre purchasin� , l�asin� , ac��irin�; , in- .:'�:�llat�on, op�rati�n , maintenarice , superv,� c'. ,:�:�, r���.<l .ti. � . _. _ _ - i.���I �f the par:�in:`; r�eters described 'nereii:. � :�ection 1�� . The Eoard of L�cal Im�rov:_;ler.ts si�_�'_1 �:esi.�- _,=:�� ti��:_�:1 c�llect�rs and m�til�d•s as are nece:sary to properlST c�=- �-,�t all coins dex.:osited in the meter bo„es . :;ach collect�rs s. ,. �� only such e�mployees as are nor�,� or :zereaft�r duly bonded in � .;::;n not less than Gne Th�usand D�liars (�1 ,�'��. C�J) for the fai�'..�:_': ;formar.ce of their daties . .'�ll money so collected si7w�_1 be c;e- ,�it�d ;��rith the c��ll �,ctor �i tLe '�`�_t�.�, �rov� :��c� ; h��,�;c��er , :� a�Y;_ r�,.te tund (or ac .:. . ; � : : , _ U : . ... .� � � � . _ , � .� _. ,., _ _, de.;osi tec, . �i�', . . , ,,.,� ,U. ; ,v, :;`;� :1 " � .;.:3Ct^Ci '<; c ion � _ .�_ :��.__LJ i.,.. c_ �E�. c . t c�� ., �=�� .�`..�t.y ,ri�.�T'i� �� Jf t172 .�`ilt,y' Jf :�iCliE,'21r'yi � Sr13.1.1. b$ C1�1�OS1tGa•, ` �i � =e Tre�,surer� of saiU Cit,,• �,nu cr�dited t� the �,er.eral . .;�:d . �ection 16. This ordinance shall be deer�ed to be in ad�i - tion ar.d �u;_�ple�7ertsr;,T to anc; r:�t in c�r:flict �,aith nor w repeal ci _�1•ior or existi��� ordina�=ce_ �f �:�is ;itT- , but ����, � ,�;e �:: �.c%i:i �,i _._ ::l nrovision ior the r�;.� - . , � ', ;� '' _. . � .1�_^�• ��.�ovided ior hnrei:. . . _ . _ � �ection 17. If ,:� v..,. c:� ,;.��, _ wrt �l' �,.,ct:.�n, �e�i�te�.c� ��._... � ��: ?�1:� :��e of ti:is orci�r_ance �'�n.1� t;� ?�eld to be .�.n^ �r.st�t �t:. ��:�1 i;v�.lid , the remainin� prov' � .. :_ : _ . :_ ~r _ _ . J,. , y - .;�? � �_ _ _. �;�11 force and et'fec� . �ection 1S. This oruiri=wr.ce s.�laly :;� ii, f,;._ _ : .��.,. .. . ,� . - ��,•��;i •uiia after its passa,;e , ap�,roval and �.�ublic^t�. o��, as i;roviuec; _. la��-��. �l� �rd� .:..rc�ti �r �-�.rt� �f ordinances �n ,, ;nf, i ct ,-r: ���: ;, _ . . .. � ,. .. , ,_ - .. .. ., hereb;� repeal�u . _ .. . ��) . � �... _ �. , - t , sov�rr.' ^� ::ocz- ;� . . a .. . ---i._�,___.__ ;' o_ ��ter er _ _ ._ . . - � ., , � ;�./ ,� y ,� - f/���dt1�� -- - ,�u o r _ _ . . ��� , = .I - -✓�--�;r C 1 e r�i --------- , � / j ��i�� ' - r .7 j (�;�a�7,�j,� �, _ . , - — _-- �,' . - . �...0'JZE & KINN'e �I ATTORNEYS I' _.x-- — _...__.----.__.__.y_.., ......_ _._ .. .._--._ ..,_ ._- , __..._._._... _ _ .._.�..._ _._ ' ..__.. ---._._ .�_------..._.._ MGHENRY&CRYSTAL LAKE, I � ' 1 ' : , � �'��� , ILLINOIS I