HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 02/05/1951 - Ward Boundaries ,i • �i �I i� I _ � Ii i I �i � i, ( .;I�:' �: .:C'__.�,�.:�yr� �J..:�i _ vi� fv'!C:i.v:<�i i:;?) � 1_.a.� ti,�'' i.�_.�' ,;: _ ORDI::AI�CE D;�tiI�i�:.�_�I,;G i?ElN �NARU _ � :;"_ �' ''-�T� I: "'�- �I� Jr j,.�„- 'Rt' � � .:.. __i _.� , ....e ';i ��r �i' .,..,__� :i'., -..�., e1,N��.�.ue�i ��i ,�:,� --�. � �,�. ��_ ����:a ��, -..•-�� �. _. �f . �z�t�� _ . the ��ast years to an appreciable extent ; _:nd, I :���iEREA� , the present ��rard limits have i�esulted in ine,ualit of p�pulation as between the various vrards ; anci , :r?iERE?w , the City Council is empov�ered and �:irectea b.�r � ection 9 - 29 of Chapter 24 of the Cities and Villa�es :.ct :;i t::� .�llinois Stat�ates to make such c:�anGes in Jaard boundwrir: a� +..- ;nay be necessary t� maintain eqtlality of populatio� and compact- ness �f territor--. i��`.'�, TI3�REF�i�:� , �e it ordai:�ea b;r the �ity Council of t��e �:ityT �i A�cHenry, P�7cHenrjj County, Illinois , that the thr�� �:��- rcis �f t:�� '"it�� �1 .'c:renr % s::�ll ?Zer•e�.fter Le ;ounc'ed �.s fo1�.�'.�� : i FIR�i W�Rv .�11 t'.Zat territ�ry and area 1i'itY112"? tiie cor� :���� � �.: :.___... .�: _� ��aiu �'�t�; of McHenry, described as follo��s ,tovrit : �e�inning at the point of in�ersection of tile �ast �i.:c �f 't;orthwestern R�.ilroad ' s r���ht-of-way with the ':�orth ::i ���� limit line ; thence S�utherly alon� trie East line cf said �i:orthwestern Railroad 's ri�ht-of-�vay to the S�uth b;�nk of — �oone Creek; thence Lasterly alon,, the meanaer line of s:�.��a ��one Cree'.� to a point in tne center of i�illstream Drive ; thence ��utherly alonJ the center of said P�iillstrearn Drive to a �oint in the center of the intersection of i:?illstre .r:� Drive and r r�nt Street ; thence �outherly alon�; the center� line of Front ctreet to tne center line of '�"Jaukegan Roa� ; t:lence Southeasterly alon; tre cEnter line of said 'y'Gauke ;.��.� :i�ad t� trie center of ti�e interseciion of ihird �tr�et t:; tne center line of I:.ain �treet ; tnence E�sterl� alon, the center line of �::,�zin Street to the cent�r line of tr�e inter- section of F�urth �treet and i:Tuin �treet ; ther.ce S�utnwest- ci�l�- alon-- the center line of T�urth '�tr�et to t.�e center :�� the intersection of Jonn �treet and i{�urth titreet ; t:,.�: ce :'�utheasterly alon� the center line of John �treet to th� center �f the intersection of El�in �oad and John =,treet ; t',ence South alon,4 the center line of sa.id El�in Road to � �:�� - �utn city limit line ; thence yast alon� the said �:�uth city limit line to tYie r�ast City lii�it line ; thence i�orth alon;; LOOZE & KINNE I';iSt Cit� li�Mzt line to the intersection of the sa,id �ast �T'TORNEY3 I .,�� _ ..;;�i, .,� �..i•:. ._i�i � . , : . ��t,1:. �_�.lif; O� .�..J:,., :1'�c:.> .. ' J:� j McH &CRYSTAL I.AKE, � "— ILLINOIS ii _ ' - il I II 1 I� � I �'y� `' I � i thence '����sterl;� alon� t:��e ;neander lir.e of t:�e :�ortii Unore �f L�one CreeY i�a�?�on to the point of intersecti �n with t'.:�� center line of C�urt �treet extended ; thence T�ortheasterl �- alon� the center line oi said Court Street extended to the T>oint of intersection ���ith the center line of Elm Street ::�r:u C�urt Street; thence ';orthr°resterly al�n� the center line of' I T^lrn Street t� a point of' intersect,ion to the center line of �sreen Street and E1;n �treet ; t'.�ence i'ortizeasterly alon�; tre , ..�r.ter line of ��:een "truet t� a p�int of intersection wit� the center line of '��ashin�t�n �tr•eet and �reei� ;�tr•eet ; thencc� �:orthv�esterly alonb the center line of ��1'ashin�t�n �treet to t':e .;ort�1 corporate limit line of the City af 1�Tc�-:enry; thence ':r`e�t alon.r t.�e said i�orth corporate li�it line of the Cit;,r of :'c::enr�T to t�e .�lace of begir�:-.in,;� . SEC�i�U Wl',RU .yll t;:��t tcrritory �nd area Yl�. l,�_i�i �:�e c �r;��r�te 1�::,_ t� �f ''" �::.�u :%it� of :�c�?enry l��rir1,�-� ':�'nst ar�d �uuth �i the foll�v��in,� b�und- ari es : r; L:e;;i:i::i�:�, �.� �'_e ���i<.t �i �.� �ertiectio:� „i t:+c _�a:� li:le �f :':orthr�estern i�ailr�ad ' s ri�ht-of-�raJ �,�ith the i�orth Cit;;r l�mit line ; tnence ��utherly alon,T the East l:�ne of said icrthvJesterr. Railroad ' � ri�ht-cf-rva;� to the South b3r�1: of :�oone Creek; thence �asterly alons; the meander line of s=�;u �oone -::reek to a point in the center of P:Iillstream Drive ; t'_.ence �:�utherl�,� alon�� the center �f said i:7illstream Driv: �o a�point in tiie c�i:ter �t trle intersecti�r of :°i1J_�trea:: Drive and Front Stree ; thence "�utherl;� al�n� the center li::e of r r�izt �treet t� the center line of VVauke�an i�oad ; tlzen�e �' �utheasterly alon`; the center line of said Wauke�;an Road t.; t�e center of tne intersection of Third Street to tne center line of 1liain �treet ; thence �ast�rl;� alon� the cer.ter l�ne oi' '::�.in �treet to the center line of the intersection of Fourth �'treet and I�q�.in Street ; t;ience ��uthwesterly alon� the ceni,:�:z- line of F�urtn Street to the center of the intersecti�n of John �treet and F�urth Utreet ; thence �outheasterly alono t::e � center line �f John Street to the center of the intersectioxz of �1.�7in Road and J�hn Street ; trence ''�uth alor��, thc ^ c�:�nr ii.:�7 Ji '"t��, a_ �.ii i��:._..., i.'. t,''? " ,.. .:�Ui,i� (.'.l. i.�. �1;..� l. 1����.� ' • • r',....T . 1..i 1�D ,i r:i�J ".11 t:�at territor� anc� area v�ithir� ttle cor�,orate limits oi _ �.la Cit� �f p".c' er�rJ lyi.��; �ast anc: �?orth of the follo�^�ir_� _��__:u- �r•:.c�- t�-;:�it : ,. , �eyinnin~ �at t�:e 1 oir�t ot i.it�rsection �f the _;orth c�r- ~��rate limits �vith the center line of VJashir��ton �treet , t^ence ��utr�easterly alon_; said cerater line of WashinUtor� "treet to the ir.tersection �vith the ce:�ter line of Greer �treet ext�r�cied ; thence C�uthwesterly alon� said center lit;e �oozE & KINNE � �f Green "treet and said center line extended to its inter•- ATTORNEYS ��ction �,��ith the center lir.e of Elm �treet ; �,.: �:c� ": :,:_t'r.- McH' 'a CRYSTAL LAKE, -- ILLINOIS i � �� � � -�- � �� � t-�.u-��:r1� �.��:�_, t:_ � ce�lter 1��;� �I �l�;z �=treet to �ts ir,t,er•- Uecti�n ti-�itiz the center line of C�urt �treet ; �ther�ce ��utl1- � •,�esterly alonb the center line of Court Street and the said eenter line extended to the P��orth banic of �oone Cree?c tnetzce ::asterly alon� the North banli of Boone ;'reek t� t�-�:e �u;t cor- ;:or�.te l�mits �f sa.ic, C�t;,� �f :'c'i�nr;,-. I � All ord�nances or Part t';ereof in conflict here�:ith are here- bJ repe�.lec: :Lr��f�i� :.� to c��zi l . ct �:i+': t' ,: -, �,s y :,. � :. .�r o v��.�.�. ��i t'�: s oi•ciina.�ce . �_'1:A^ JI'G.�'_"ir?:iC� ;;:?..,1 1 �.;c 1;1 i,� _i 1 Oi'CE' �.1C: Ui:i c;C i, c�,��v'1' 1.i,a passa.;e und a-�prov��.1 as provided Ny la�-;. ^-1 r,,?a�-�r -- �-._ �' r-,�.,..�m 4� _�� l.J� Ci, �� C1erk I � , f . r:�w��D: " . � f d . • " y :e� , f� . - . - * . � - , ;.. + ___ .., , � /. — �, . . . .,�.z , ,.�� � . . �.,�- - ' . !' , , � � ��; • •��, , , r /�o✓C' i. �'�SS'�I� �iyD f��l' LOOZE & KINNE i �,.r— �E��/g �e /�EE r�~'� �v �ATTORN@YS �, � �i�R�! �a� � �� ° MGH' &CRYSTAi.IAKE, �.. ILLINOIS