HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 11/01/1943 - Police Signaling Alarm `��
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BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of �cHenry, McHenry County, I1linois,
th3t the Mayor and City Clerk of said City be, and they �.re hereb�, authorized and em-
oowered on beh�lf of the said City of B�cHen , to exec e an agreement with the Illinois
Bell Telephone Company in form and substa.nce follows, wit:
'�THIS AGREII�T made this � day of , 19/��,
by and bet�Jeen the City of McHenry, a municipal corporation in the County of
�dcHenry, State of Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the City, and Illinois
Bell Telephone Company, hereinafter referred to as the Company, l�'�ZTNESSE"I'H:
��bt'HF.aREAS, the City has no police signaling system of its own in said
City and has rer�uested permission of the Company to install in its exchange
building at McHenry, Illinois, certain ;olice signaling apparatus, and to have
the Company, through its operators operating the telephone lines of said Company
in its exchange at that point, perform the service hereinafter snecified for the
reporting of police alarms, notice of which is received by teleohone, and
T "V�'HEREI�S, the Company is �illing ta grant this ;vermission and to have
`- its ot�erators in sa.id eachan�e building operate said apparatus and perform such
service in the manner and upan the terms and conditions herei.nafter specified.
"NOW, THEREFQRE, in consideration of the covenants �.nd agreements here-
in�.fter contained P..nd of the sum of One Dollar (�1.00) in hand paid by each of
the parties hereto to the other, and for other good and valuable considerations
moving from each of said p�:rties to the other, the receipt of a11 of v�hich is
hereby acknowledged, it is mutually agreed as follows:
��FIRST: The Company hereby grants nermission to the City to install
at the exoense of the City in the Company� s exchange building in said City at
such place as may be designated by the Company, said police signaling apparatus
consisting of a switch in connection with circuits furnished by the City for the
oper�tion of three signal lights, the illumi.nation of which is to i.ndicate to
the City t�olicemen that their assistance is desired.
"S��COND: The City sha.11 install and maintain such anparatus in a good,
safe and wor�nanlike manner in accordance with the specifications of the Company
hereto attached and made a part hereof, and so �.s not to endanger the live� or
_ safet� of the patrons or emplopees of the Company or of its or their property.
��TuIi�.D: The City sh�11 not use current in connection tivith said circuits
of such voltage as will cause dan�ge to, or interfere r�ith tne operation of, the
svires or equi�ment of the Company. The Compan� reserves the right to require the
City to reduce the average maxi�arn voltage or a�nperage at any time to such an
amount as, in the Company�s juc�ment, sh�ll be safe �.nd free from danger to the
Companyts wires, app�ratus, business or employees, or to its ;�atrons, the same to
be done by the City v�•ithin twenty-four (2!�) hours after recei;�t of i�•ritten notice
from the Company so to do. .
r'FOUftTH: The Company shall instruct i�s operators in sai.d exchange
knzilding receiving a telephone ca11 for police help from anyone using �y of its
telephones tivithin said City, connected wi.th said exchange, to operate said switch
designed to light said lights and furnish to said policemen, upon incuiry from
them by telephone, such inform�,tion as is recei�red pertaining to the place at
which their assistance is desired. After a policeman has made incuiry to
secure such informA.tion, sa.id sti�ritch tiiill again be operated so �.s to extinguish
said li�,hts.
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�" "FI�TH: The City does hereby release said Company from and wi.Il
idemnify said Company agsa.nst and save it harmless from any and all lega.l
and other expenses, claims, costs, losses, suits, judgments or damages for
or on account of injuries to or death of �ersons or injury to or loss or
destruction of property by reason of or cl2imed to be caused by the oerform-
ance of or the failure to perform any act or acts by�the Company, its agents,
serv�nts or employees, in any manner or at any time in connection with such
police calls vy}lether required by t�e terms hereof or not. �
"SIXTH: This a�reem.ent shall continue in force until terminated by
either party hereto, giving to the other thirt� (30) days� written notice of
its intention to termi.nate the same whereupon said police signaling apparatus
shall without delay be re,moved from said Company�s excha.nge builcling.
"SEVENTH: It is further understood a.nd agreed that tnis agreement
is ma�e subject to the right of the Illinois Cormnerce Co.mmission to require
the same to be abrogated a.nd terminated whenever in its opinion the public
interests or convenienee requ.ire it.
"IP1titi'ITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused these �resents
to be executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized the
day and year first above written."
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to for-
rrard a certified copy of this ordi.nance to said Company.
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PASSED this day of � � ---- �
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/ ' City Clerk
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APPROVED this � day of � ��`� ��� ,,�
, A.D. 194
Mayor �•
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This specif'ication �rescribes the switching and protection apparatus to
be used for furnishing fire or police alarm ser.vice for municipalities
v�herein sv�itch operation is cared for by an Employee or contractor of the Illa.nois
Bell Tele�hone Compan,y. It also �rescribes the location of such apparatus t,o be
installed on and in the central office building of the Illinois Bell Telephone
Company. The information in this speci_fication is covered under the foll�wing
1. General
2. Circuit �holly Owned by Municipality
3. Circuit Wholly Or In Part Oxmed by Illinois Bell
Telephone Company.
Unless otherwise specified herein the installation of the apparatus
� prescribed in this specification shall be made by and at the expense
of the municipality under the supervision of the Telaphone Company and the muni-
cipality shall be responsible for the maintenance of all circuits and equipment
with the exception of any conductors and associated protective apparatus owned
by the Telephone Company. �
All construction and apparatus installed by the municipality in tk�e
central office build�.ng of' the Telephone Company shall meet the re-
quirements of the National Board of' Fire Undervmiters and shal.l be subject to
inspection by engineers of the Telephone Company who may order sucY� changes as
they may consider necessary for the protection of lives and property.
The switch used for operating the alarm apparatus ahell be automatic
in action, not stopping between points when staxted, and shall indicate
whether on or off. The location of this switch shall be sub�eet to ap�roval of
the Telephone Com�any. The power to operate the alarm apparatus shall be fur-
nished by the municipality.
�. This section is applicable only if the circuit is furnished entirely
by the municipality. The apparatus to be installed on and in the
central office building of the Teleph�ne Com�any shall consist of the following:
(a) A switch and its enclosing box.
(b) Fuse protector and its enclosing box.
The switch shall be located on the inside of an outside wall of the
central office building and mounted in a grounded metal box or condulet.
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The switch shall be protected by means of two or more �Pestern Electric
� Com�an;� No. 11-C, 7 ampere fuses or approned equivalent. The �estern
Electric Com;�any 11-C, 7 amp. fuse will c�.rry 7 amps. continuously and vrill o�erate
in less tha.n 5 minutes at 10.5 amps. It will successfully operate at 400 amps. on
2500 V. A.C. circuits or at DC pots. of 700 V. The connection of this protection
apparatus shall be such that the current aha11 pass through the fuses before it
reaches the switch. This protection apparatus shall be located on the outside of
the central office building, mounted in a grounded metal weatherproof box� near
the point v�here the wires are attached to the building and near the location of'
the switch. The containing box for the protective apparatus shall� wherever possi-
ble, be placed one foot above the switch box.
All containing boxes used for enclosing the switch and protective ap-
paratus, together with fittings, shall be of inetal, either galvanized
or painted. with two coata of Graphite �aint and shall be effectively grounded by
means of a No. 10 B. and S. gauge braided rubber covered copper conductor.
The entering wires shall not have voltages above 120 volts between v�ires
or between any wire and ground. The entering vPires to the protective
apparatus and switch shall be provided with drip loops installed in such a manner
that water cannot follow the wires into the containing boxes.
This section is applicable only if the conductors for the circuit are
furnished wholly or in part by Illinois Bell Telephone Company. The
apparatus to be installed in the central office building of the Telephone Company
shall consist of the followingt
(a) A switch and its enclosing box.
(b) Condui� and wiring from switch to ma.in distributing frame.
The containing box or condulet used for enclosing the switch, together
with the conduit and fittings, shall be of inetal, either galvanized or
�ainted with two coats of Graphite paint and shall be effectively grounded by means
of a No. 10 B and S gauge braided rubber covered copper conductor.
The potential applied to the Telephone Com�any conductors shall not exceed
120 volts A-C. between conductors or between any conductor and ground or
135 volts D-C. positive or negative between conductors and ground. The maximnm
operating current .shall not exceed 0.35 ampere for non-loaded circuits or 0.10
ampere for loaded circuits.
Protection at the central office building of the Telephone Company
shall consist of heat coils and carbons, also fuses if the central
office protective equipment is so arranged. This protective apparatua shall be
provided by the Telephone Company. Cable protection equipment shall be provided
by the Telephone Company as required for conductors owned by the Telephone Com�any.
Station protection equipment shall be provided by the Tel�phone Company where con-
ductors owned by the Telephone Company enter a building other than a central office
YPhere conductors owned by the Telephone Company connect to facilities
owned by the municipality or leased by the muni�uipality from another
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� company� special high potential protection is required at the junction if the con-
necting facilities are e�osed to high potentials.
Protection shall be provided between conductors of the circui.t and th�
power supply in conformity �rith the National Electrical Code and shall
meat o�her requirements as indicated belo�v:
(a) Direct Current Supply - In cases where the source of potentie.l for the
operation of the alarm app�ratus is obtai.ned by connection directly from
a D-C. commercial supply to the conductors of the circuit, or from auch aources
as motor generator sets, ba.tteries and rectifiers, fuses and protective resistance
shall be empl�yed. The value of the protective resistance must not be less than
one ohm per volt, divided equally between the two sides of the circuit, and the
ft.ises must be rated at values not to exceed the values indicated under (b)
Alternating Current Supply. If rectifiers are uaed� some means shall be employed
to limit the open-circuit voltage to the potentials s�ecified in the foregoing.
(b) Alternating Current Supply - The power supply shall be suitably insulated
fron the conductors of the circuit by either an insulating transformer or
by tera.inal equipment wit�i adequate insulation. A.I.E.E. standards shall be used
for insulation requirements. The secondary of the power trar�sformer, or the aup-
ply leads to the terminal equipment shall be fused as follo�cs:
Fhsed at
Operatin� Volta�e Not More Than Comments
0-15 Volts 5 Amps. See Note 1
15-30 " S " " " 1
30-60 " 1-1�3 „ n n 2
Over 60 " 1 " " " 3
Note 1: P�here the current supply is from transformers or other devi.ees
having inherent current-limiting characteristics anc3 approved for the
purpose or from primaxy batteries, the f�ses ma.y be omitted.
Note 2: Y�here current-limiting meana other than fuses are installed. be-
tween the wiring and source of aupply which will limit. the current at a
fault to not more than one ampere, a three-Smpere fuse may be used in
place of the 1-1/3 ampere.
Note 3: @9here the secondary voltage of the transformer or the voltage
of the supply to the terrrinal equipment is greater than 60 volts� cur-
� rent limiting means other thsn fuses shall be provided which will limit
the power as the result of a fault to not more than 150 watts. This
limitation may be provided by the device supplying poruer, by the ter-
minal equipment, or by series resistance or reactance.
�lhere conductors owned by the Telephone Com�any are terminated at power
generating, switching or transformer stations, means to limit the voltage
on the conductors due to a rise in ground potential shall be emploped. Neutralizing
transformers are recommended for this use but other approved means may be emplo�ed.
1Phere noise influence eaceeding the Telephone Company's limits is impressed
on any conductors owned by the Telephone Company, the engineers of the
Telephone Company may order such changes as are necessary to bring the influence
within the proper limits.