HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 10/05/1942 - Vacating East Street � �
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B� IT �AIN�D, by the City Counail oP the City oP �aHenrys
That the public interesta oP the City will be aerved h9 vacating
Saat Street of the City of �cHenry, and it is the decision and determination
of the City Co�ail oP the Cit9 of MoHenry that tbe public use sad iaterest
to be served ia anoh as to warrant the vacation oP said atreet.
That Sast Street oP the City of �doHenry ie hereby vacated ae a
- � puhlia street and the same shall no longer oonstitute or he con�idered aa
a atreet of the Cit9 oP MaHenr�.
All Ordinanoes and parts oP Ordinance� in conflict with thie
Ordinance are hereby repea2ed.
This Ordinance shall take eff ect and sball be in forae from and
aYter ita passage and approval s000rding to law.
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� �ugust 6, 1942
h�ay�r R. I. Overton
1�cHenry, Illinois
Dear A:ayor Overton:
I have investi�;ated the matter of' tho disposal of .;ast Street, cihich �ve talked about
at the Council i�ieeting :,:onda� night, and i fir.d that this atraet shows on tne �lat
of '��est �icHonry, vrhich was a common law plat and r�ich ���as recordod in :;;ook 24 of
Deeds, on pa�;e 23.
In my opinion, the City is not in a position to sell this pronerty. The only thing
the City can do is vacate the street and if this is done t;7� titlo to the straet
passes to th� adjoinin� o�mers. The leadin� casa on tnis suoject is tlze case of
Prall vs. 3urc�hartt et al, r,�ich c��s� is reported in 299 I11., Pa�,e 19, and I cite
the following language from this csse, which I believe conclusivel� det�rmines t7ie
interest of the City of i.cHeury in the piece of prop�rty shown on thQ ;rlat of ',7est
� �cHenry as �ast Street;
"At cammon lativ a dedication uf a strest to the public gave the people an ease-
ment only in the land and the title to the fee r�nained in tha dedication and
passed 'oy the conve��ance of tho abutting land.
"Undor the Plat �ct, providing that the fee to a dedicated stroet shall vest
in the municipality, and the vacation act, providin; that, when a dedicated
street is vacatQd, the title to the feo shall vost in the o�mers of abutting
land, the mur:�icipality acquires a base or d3terminahle fee only, and the
riY;ht to the fee after vacation passes by way of conditional limitation to
the grant�es oi lots abutting there on.'t
6ccordin� to the Plat of ��est it�'cHenry, the lucHenry Lumher Company owns thirty-nine
feet fronting on .ast Street on the :;orth and the Socony Vacuum uil Company ovma
fifty-f'our a,na threa-tenths feet fronting on the �sorth side of �ast Street.
.�pparently the property on the South side oi sast Streat is ov�nlQd 'a, the i.:cHenry
r�,rtit'icial Stone :,'ompany and has a ironta,ga of ons hundred eight an�t two-tenths
feet. Thus you tivill seo that if the stre�t is vacated by the City, the title to
this street would pass to the aforeruentioned adjoining ov�mers.
� Should you wlsh an�r further inJ'ormation 3bout this matter, I would be glad tc give
it to you if at all possihle.
Yours very truly,
VJ lrh �