HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 10/05/1942 - Vacating East Street � � .=� r^ . � c�i�aaxca vAcg�ixc � s�x�r � - B� IT �AIN�D, by the City Counail oP the City oP �aHenrys S$CTIOIQ I: That the public interesta oP the City will be aerved h9 vacating Saat Street of the City of �cHenry, and it is the decision and determination of the City Co�ail oP the Cit9 of MoHenry that tbe public use sad iaterest to be served ia anoh as to warrant the vacation oP said atreet. SECTION II: That Sast Street oP the City of �doHenry ie hereby vacated ae a - � puhlia street and the same shall no longer oonstitute or he con�idered aa a atreet of the Cit9 oP MaHenr�. $SCTION IIIs All Ordinanoes and parts oP Ordinance� in conflict with thie Ordinance are hereby repea2ed. SECTION I?s This Ordinance shall take eff ect and sball be in forae from and aYter ita passage and approval s000rding to law. ` �" TS� CITY 0 �sH � ' BY �� - ��� �yor , ' :�� gtte�t� �� � GY ty Clerf� � � Passeds �� � �G r _ � �� �r��j ��_��y. � � �pproved; �� � �� - �' -,� r� � / r,. ----,-- e � � ;�...�, ,.,_ ='� _ - ,.__ _. ..—___ __ _-- __._ ______ _ �. _. -- -. .� __._ _-------- --- - -- ----- - --_ '�;#` � , � . OFFICE PHONE 700 RESIGii'.;'.6�HONE SB•J VERNON J. KNOX LAWYER CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. � �ugust 6, 1942 h�ay�r R. I. Overton 1�cHenry, Illinois Dear A:ayor Overton: I have investi�;ated the matter of' tho disposal of .;ast Street, cihich �ve talked about at the Council i�ieeting :,:onda� night, and i fir.d that this atraet shows on tne �lat of '��est �icHonry, vrhich was a common law plat and r�ich ���as recordod in :;;ook 24 of Deeds, on pa�;e 23. In my opinion, the City is not in a position to sell this pronerty. The only thing the City can do is vacate the street and if this is done t;7� titlo to the straet passes to th� adjoinin� o�mers. The leadin� casa on tnis suoject is tlze case of Prall vs. 3urc�hartt et al, r,�ich c��s� is reported in 299 I11., Pa�,e 19, and I cite the following language from this csse, which I believe conclusivel� det�rmines t7ie interest of the City of i.cHeury in the piece of prop�rty shown on thQ ;rlat of ',7est � �cHenry as �ast Street; "At cammon lativ a dedication uf a strest to the public gave the people an ease- ment only in the land and the title to the fee r�nained in tha dedication and passed 'oy the conve��ance of tho abutting land. "Undor the Plat �ct, providing that the fee to a dedicated stroet shall vest in the municipality, and the vacation act, providin; that, when a dedicated street is vacatQd, the title to the feo shall vost in the o�mers of abutting land, the mur:�icipality acquires a base or d3terminahle fee only, and the riY;ht to the fee after vacation passes by way of conditional limitation to the grant�es oi lots abutting there on.'t 6ccordin� to the Plat of ��est it�'cHenry, the lucHenry Lumher Company owns thirty-nine feet fronting on .ast Street on the :;orth and the Socony Vacuum uil Company ovma fifty-f'our a,na threa-tenths feet fronting on the �sorth side of �ast Street. .�pparently the property on the South side oi sast Streat is ov�nlQd 'a, the i.:cHenry r�,rtit'icial Stone :,'ompany and has a ironta,ga of ons hundred eight an�t two-tenths feet. Thus you tivill seo that if the stre�t is vacated by the City, the title to this street would pass to the aforeruentioned adjoining ov�mers. � Should you wlsh an�r further inJ'ormation 3bout this matter, I would be glad tc give it to you if at all possihle. Yours very truly, _� VJ lrh � �