HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 01/05/1953 - Plats Surveys _. = i _ � _ . _ �> T � � � • 1 � � � AN O�.DINANCE �; CUNCERNING � PLATS, SURVEYS AND DEDICATICNS � fiE IT OR.DkII� BY m�iE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS; i ^LGiION 1. Tha+ thi� ordinance shall be, �rxi hereby is� paramount I; � ii�, �ff�ut as t� such ordinances of the municipal coci.e of the City of McHenry as may no�r be governing in such cases and instances described herein. SECTION 2. Al1 laws of the State of Illinois are made a part hereof� the same as if fully set forth herein and all officers and employees of the City of McHenry are directed to compel campliance with such laws of the �- St&te c�f Illir.ois. :,�;CTION 3. �3efore a plat of a new subd.ivision or a re-subdivision � i ��.<a�' �� accepted by the City Council of the City of McHenry there shall be first submitted to the City Clerk a tentative plat wha.ch sha12 be in accord with the following rec}uirements. a. The tentative plat shall be drawn to a scale one ihuncir�d (1C0) feet to c�ne (1) inch. Ib. All section lines, school district lines, existing � property lines, water course� and other existing conditions pertinent tc� grc,per su�divisicn shall be shown. � c, The name of the proposed subdivision and the name �� I of the rnmer or trustee as owner, must be shown and adjoin- ing subdivisions or abutting property on all sides must be � shown especially in reference to roads� utility easements� ' and existing facilities for street drairage, sanit�ry drair.age, and water supply. SECTION �. STR�TS, SIDE!�TALKS, CURB AND GIITTERS, WATFR SUPPLY, STREET DRAINAGE, A��TD SANITARY SEG�TERS. Requirements before acceptance of the tentative plat shall be approved in reference to streets, sidewalks, I curb and gutters, water supply, sanitary sewer, and street drainage, shall be as follows: � rE fic h:IItiNE a. STREETS AND ALLEYS. The owner or owners shall submit A"iTORNEYS 115 RIVE:F<ti:DE DRIVE MCHEIvRY, IL.LINOIS plans and profiles to the council for approval and, upon I ' - . - , � , ' . 1 f . _ ' • � . ' � r• _ a . � approval of the plans, the roadways shown sha11 Ce graded by cutting and.�or filling and brought to a finished sub-grade. Upon the sub-grade there shall be constructed a gravel surface / of not less than eight (8) inches;'in thickness after being eompacted. The gravel surface shall have a m�nimum width of twenty-two (22) feet and conform to Article 32 of the „St�ndard Specifications for Raad arbd Bridge Construction'� of the State of Illinois,, approved January 2, 1952 (hereina�'ter referred to as "Standard Specifications'�.; After the gravel surface has been compacted a bituminous surface treatment shall be applied. �- The treatment shall conform to Article 35 of the "Standard Specifications'�� sub-class A-3, except that both cover coats may be omitted. Any variations in the ��Standard. Speci.fications" requirements shall be at the discretion of the City Engineer and City Council if, in their opinion, conditions exist which warrant such variation. b. SIDE�rlALKS. It shall nat be mandatory to have side- walks in any new subdivision. If, however, the owner shall desire to construct sidewalks, they sr,all be placed one foot outside of lot line along the street line of each lot and shall be four (1t) inches in thiclrness and four (1�) feet in `� width and conform with requirements of Article 87 of said i ��Standard Specifications". � � � c. CURB AND GUTTE�. It sha11 not be mandatory for the owner or owners to construct curb and gutters along the side Ilines of subdivision streets. If, however, carb and gutters � I are desired by the owner, or owners, the cure shall be ` � � twelve (12) inches in height and six (6) ir.ches in widtr. and ' the gutters shall be eighteen (18} inches in width and seven inches thick and shall conform to the requirements of Article 81 of said %Standard Speci.fications". ! , � I LOOZE 8c KINNE AT"f(�RNEYS li."i R:JERSIDE ORiVE MCHENRY. ILLINOIS n ��� I I . . ' _ � _ _ � • , - . • ' , ' . _ _r � �d. WATER SUPPLY. In all locations where city water is available the owner or owners shall construct water mains and equipment such as are in general use throughout the city and according to conditions and specifications of the City Engineer. � e. SANITAI�Y SE4dERS. In a1_1 locations where sanitary . �f sewerage facilities are available� it shall be mandatory for k the oxner or owners to construct sanitary sewers to serve the property and such sanitary sewer facilities shall be in conformity with specifications af the City Engineer. `, f. SANITARY S�1nTER CONNECTICNS, WATER SUPPLY CON:�tECTIONS. STREET DRAINAGE CQPINECTIJPJS, AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITY CON:�TECTIONS� In the event the owner or owners determine to make sewer� water, gas or e2ectrical connections from the EE street, all such utility connections shall be extend.ed to �'� F; the front lot line of each lot or to the front line of any two or more lots owned by the same party and utilized for one residence or duplex home. Such installations are to be made prior to the completion of the street construction as here and above set forth. The awner or owners may provide an easement on the �� rear part of the subdivision lots for installation of utility services. In the evettt such services are not installed ur�er the road prior to ita construction, the easement must be shown and set forth on the plat. In all cases, it �hall be the choice of the owner or owners to install� or provide for, the installation of utility services ;� at the rear of lot lines. g. STREET DRAINAGE. �he owner or owners shall provide arxl maintain xithi.n the street lines a system of adequate draina.ge built in accord to lines, grades and cross sectiona as shown on the plans to be prepared by the owner and submitted �L.`- .,E & KINNE �,�, ATTORNEYS . �j(� },,rP, cc�uncil f�r A��`3'U1l�Z.e +i5 RIVERSIDE DRIVE � MCHENRV, ILLINOIS (� _3^ I . , � �.. SECTION 5. That this ordina.nce shall be effective from ar�d after the date as provided by la�r. ��. °� ,� �1 � .a I IGeorge P. Freun , ayor Presented; January 5, 1953. Passed: January 5� 1953. Vote: Yeas, 5. Nays, G. � u I � _�� i I � LOOZE 8c KIhfFVE"� ATTO RN EYS 115 RIVERSIDE DRIVE MCHENRY, ILLIIVOIS. II