HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 11/05/1956 - Plats and Surveys . � • , � . • i r �.. li1,T Q'_r'�ili:.A�'�: � �1,�"''T;����C'r tt�l1 ��j':i�'T'yT�_'vCii� Ci�,TvJ�z� �TT�7 �L1rL�.�i �' '�S rC �`,'-rt ' ' r � � ... �.�� _,.. ';��r.�r��r_��,����f "��`�'=",�.�, it is c��:��„ec? io� the best ini;erest o� the �?��'�l�c �Li�C, _�_o� the sa�et� and t•:elf.are o� �'�� ��uu��c , tlzat the oi�cinance ent3.��le� "���� ` .:"- �',,,Tr;., �n � ;;; ,T�,�. i I rm� �4u �.����� �����'�':��Ta �i:�;: ,_ :._�;�Cn�i''IOi�IS'� be a�nended to ;� ' ;- �- - provi�._� �:�t ���u�- stann.arc�s o�' co�struct�.�n, 1'".��.. rtr*7'�C.,F,-;OS»il �;�� �y (�r�����T'�'T'T1 "7z�r rlT�r-�. �'1-r r �v (Y T- !`�'n . 1 �..'.J..�JL 9 .J __ 1�iia l..�;JL� J_ _�_ '__.� �l_i� '�J� ..'."l\l �..LJ V!" �Tr-; �_T�'��' OT a:ici�T'��Zr, �=�L';"t'T,� ; th��t th.e ,����indnce en��,itl�d � r� (��i -q ,?n--� "(`_;C „�T._,-r T rr a� � �J •:��_�� ��. -' i`�.... i Ztnl � CJ c` Tr�.iTa:��yrC, `c�T�.� T1��7`,-'v P�nT�-`�Tt 7 - � .. : aS i�^,SSBQ ��r vr8 v:L.t� �OU1iC?_1 Of' t�1P vl�",�]" O:L' i'e;Clienr;y-, .;�..��_f107.S o?Z the 5th ;�ay of Jantzar�%, A.D. 1�53, ;e a,zd her•eby is �.�ended by celet�i.nf: there�'ro:�, para^�raphs "a't, "ctr, "d", ar_d �'�°t� of �ection a thereof, and by the ac'�dition there�o c� the follo�tiin�;: c��i,�(�m?.,��� G „ , � _ �. �• "�'�''��',�TS 1y�Tr �LL�,z-S. ihe owner or owners sh.all submit plans or �ro�'ile.� to the Council for• a.r��rotiT•a.l t��er�eoi, and all roudz^�a�-s or alle�:�s pro- ��osed to '�e platted Uhall rnee� �he mini_mum ro- quirenlents as hereinai ter set forth for such tgpe C011Qtrl'..Ction anc� shall be suhject �o re��ulation �►° as he�.��inaf�er set forth. b . The r!inimut� rcadt�:a37 ravement sr.a_11 be �h�rt;�-tvro (32) feet :i_n lric�th as measured fror.l curb to curU a?Zd i�he s�.iu paver:ent shall bc c���- s�ructed of one of the fcilo�vin�; t;�;es ; l. Port_l�nc cement concrete pave- ment, not l�s� �han seven (7 ) inches in un_.�'orm t�-ickness v;ith lo�r�itudinal cer�tar joints and �ru�i�verse bitura; nous exr�an- syon jo__�ts . 2. A �ravel or crushed stone base ccar�e ci �ht (�) Mr.cheu :izz thic'�ness us compacted, consistin�_ of �;rade 7, 8, or � crushec. stone an� cons�ructed in un:�- fo��m lay�ers on the previously prepared sub-�;rade . Thi.s base course shall bc surfaced writl� one c�' th.e i'ollo�^rin�;; .',�00ZE & KINNE , ATTORNEYB 112 B. ELM BTREET ' McHSNRY, ILLINOIB McHENRYfS80 �► A. ��vo (2) inche s of °tBi tu::sinous Surf��.ce �_�nse - ;;7>aaed A�;-�re�;ate �i�TT„e ;luss � �ub-class -!t' ,,;, �. � � `" � � � 3 , rl_ c... .�ha11 c oni cr.ra to the standarc. specifications for road and ��rids~e construction a� prepurea by '�he �tate of Illino�s, Lepa��trr�ent of public `;iorks anc� i3u�ldin�s, Div1 sion oi ��i_�hti����rs, as publ:_shed ar.� �:copted o�1 t�ie :?nd Ga;� oi Juzzu��r�,, 195�, anc as revisec� �ul;� 1, 1�f�5. � B. One and one-halfi (1'-) ynchc:s �� "�3�.turninous Cor�crete �ur:'ace Course, 'r'i�e rense-Graded, Ar���reTate �'ype, Class Z, Sub- class T-11" vahich shall con�'orm to the above tiet �orth sp�cific��i cns of the :�tate of Tllinois . c. Ci���B .A�'�:; CTt7�l'.�_�i�.S. All stra�ts shall be �' eo:npletecz Uy the adc�_�_tion th.ereto of eurb and !�;utters, said cor.struct�or. o.f curb and_ ��utte�s to �ee� the minimum requirements as establishec� in the t'Standard �;pecir�.cations for Road anc� Bri;.��;e Construction't prepared. i�y the �tate of T]_linows, repart;nent of ��,�.k�lic ,;orks an�. �uild�.ri�;s, Div�- �ion of :�i�t�t�Tays, as puUlish.e� and ;�doptec: on i,he 2nd da�- of January, 1`-J52, and a: revised July l, 1955� cancernin� "Type �?o. 5 Curb and �sutters . r' d ���}L14. ���.�r—.�-.� '1T.� -rT.-n nn �, . �_, , � •.A. .���;_ L. �n ao.e quat e syster: of storm t�rater�c'xraina�;e shall '�e p��ovided throu�;l�.out all pi�oposed. Uubdiv;_sion� and such S�r3�Gi71 1 Oi" 1°ET.':O�'t;.l Ci :itOi':!1 �'',�tG-'T' C;.7'ctJ.I1u^',G �r�al� be separate anc?. independ_ent of the san��ary seti^�er �,q J7 S t"i @ ii1• e• ;:AT��"� S�T^='t:�Y. �t sha 11 be manda�ory f or the subdivider, owner, or promoter, to coi�struct and i.nstall �11 neces _ary equipment for city zvater service th��cti�hout the proposec. subdiv�sion, �-' �vherever such �rater supply shall be ava�_lable from c�.ty riains . All vaat�r main facj_lities are '�o oe installed in valve vaults . '�'ire hydrants and other reqaired accessories, as tivell as the installation of r�ains and accessories throa:;�,ou; , shall be :�nUtalled �.t the o�:��ner, suk�divider, or prolnoter' s �vpense. f r TT r_,. ,�Tr,T� �-;, ,� � . �r�n,:,A_��l�t�, :;_ r":r�T'ORT�.'�11:�?CE. �n �he event a su'r�div:;�der, oti��ner or' t�I'Ori10t�r, shall desire the approv�1 0�' pro ti�o�e d roads �;�� the C�.t;� oy i,=ci7enr� pr°�or to the actu�.l cor�struct�oz� thereof, anc� nl��or �o the recorc�.in� of the plat the-reof, he maSr present a detai.le� estimate of cost, pre- �ared_ b�- a L�e:-;i�t�x�e r' r'-r��i es�:�_c�.al �;:Z;;ineer, settin�; �'or•th. ull itme� o� z-�orl� to be perforr�ed anc. th.e estimatec co�t thereof, and_ �ha11 c.enosit �^rith the CitVr Clerk a c�rtifiec� checl�, or per�- formance �;onc'. issuec� by a surety com�an�-, in the amount of s«id detailed estima�e to insure com- plet�_on of the yrorl�. I:� shall be a �rovlsion of �SOZE & KINNE ATTORNEYS ifY E. ELM STREET MCHENRY, ILLINOIS MCHENRYf880 -2- � the acceptance �a�; the City of �;�c_�enr•;- tha� all. c�nstruct�on i_ter�.� :hall l�e coznpleted t°.ri.t?�.in one year d_r^tEr accentance of the rla�t, urilesv an exte����on of t�„�e -_s :,rant�d by the Cit;; cf :,:c��en.r-�. Tn the sven� the tivork n� campleted ��:ith}.n, the t�me speci�'ied., tne hec1� or surety bo�.d shall be returned. �;• T�. the event the tivoz°IT i_: i�ot com- plet,c, ��:��_t1,_i1-, ��A ye:�1. u1�er the acce��tance o�' th.e r,lat, it s1�!�;11 �e t�e o�l; �;��;_.on oi th.e -bo.,c�_z�;; corupany to e.fiect such construc- tion as shall be required to r�,eet the s?�ecif�_- cati_ors as �iled. t�rith t�ie Ci�-tT " Ta �, ol ?:.c__e_�ry. Ii' �he �;uaran�ee is r:lac�e in the io-rr,: o_P s certi- i"iec: checx� as �r(1TT'1�v�. �ie-reina'�ove it �hall b� �he obli�;�.ticn of the �'.t�� of ?`.,cI��nry �o afl'ect compliaiZc� of t1�_e Y��quirements as se�; �`"' �'oi'ch in the ori�-i:�al o'^li^�ati on. h. Tn �io event shall an alle;�, easernent, ri�;h� o�' z-�a;�, or any other part of an� plat subm�tted to the saic'. C3_ty oi :,ic�e?�ry, be cor.��_ciered a� be; �� dedzcatec'. �o �b.e :,Y�_ty of ;;:c��enr,r lr?ltriout its specif�c ane separate accep���.n.c� thereof. i . On all �lats subr:�itte�a �Lo the City o.i �,icI�er,r� fer ar,nro,�,;_1 i;,h.e fo�lotvin^• certi- ��.cation sha11 be afi ixec thereto and nc l�lat sl���_i bc accerte� by the �' unt�r �� . -� r o , ol i;_c�:enr� �'or recor�c;._n> , r�hout ��,� �,Y� _ � _eNer attesta.n� si�nature ; - "State of �:11_�:�ois } )��. C out��;y o�' i::c'=e r_��T�) J `, � � , City- Clerk of the C�.ty c�' �<c�-Ienry T1.1�.,��is 'I,� - r�--—�T� r rT� T- r .�� � 7 _"� _�-�r��l C';�{1?:�'� �h�.t all matt?rs nerta�ninT tc the r°equirer:leiits as pr�escr:���ed in the tri��=:�;T:�;.;T,'C-�: CO'T- ry r /� �, �{T..;-�':,T,� �1.,nnr� �.�T��T.n�•.i J tl.'':1�1 r�l� ct,_ �TO_d i 1t ri L , � op�ed b�:r the C�.t�r Council of' the Cit�,- oi i,.c�le�-r�;;�� 71�__nois , insofar as they pertain to the a�ne�.ec� pl�.t, i�.�v� bse�� corn;.liec;. with. T nereb� uMree to acce;�� and main,ta�n the z�o�.Us and s�r�ets of th�_s subd_;_ Jis:i.on. '7! J...� /Y�7 v.l. l� J V1C�ir'lr' 'v:..��� �_P .._L';iv�r.r ' J Cou�it�� of i�-icr�enr�-, :.�llinois :�a�- � ' th�.^ , - �„�: � �_u�� of ,A.D. 19 �� `,,,��OZE & KINNE ATTORNEYS 112 E. ELM STR6ET MCHENRY, ILLINOIS MaHENRY f 580 _�_ � . . � •. � �LC�'T0;�1 6. This Ordinance shall b� in full �"orce anc� e�':�'ect froi:� anr;_ kfter its ::ate of pas��.,.,e, � . _ �..:.• � r � .� ;` i�_ay-�or Prose�ted �rP �tli cay o�' _'ov�:�:b�r�, :�.y. 1�56 . T'u��S�C� ��1@ �trl CL`dJ Ui' ':;OVEi?178YY'� :i�Ti• �.nJO • II%.�'%Oq1Sd.11� ��i�ut�/I✓ �/Ctft,�,T . � 'y e s s .�1?I,E'u it/, �Au S.T��n/ , . �. _ �� ; , _ , •��re S , �.� • �/I�C ��C c i t y ,, -r�� ____� I � �...�OZE & KINNE ATTORNEYS 112 E. ELM STRH6T ��.� McHENRY, ILLINOIS MeHENRY tSgO