HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 07/11/2016 - Community Development CommitteeCommunity Development Committee
McHenry Municipal Center
333 S Green Street
McHenry, IL 60050
July 11, 2016, 7:00 PM
Call to Order
2. Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the Committee will be asked to
identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to
provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three -minutes for
each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at public
3. Motion to approve the May 9, 2016 Community Development Meeting Report
4. Discussion on Administrative Adjudication Process
5. Discussion on proposed revisions to the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance
relating to Accessory Uses and Structures
6. Department Updates
7. Motion to adjourn the meeting
The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs
and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner.
May 9, 2016
McHenry Municipal Center
In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Peterson
and Alderman Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Community Development
Polerecky and City Clerk Jones.
1. Call to Order:
Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
2. Public Input:
3. Motion to approve the February 8, 2016 Community Development Committee
Meeting Report
Alderman Peterson indicated on page 3 in the third paragraph, second from the last sentence he
would suggest for clarification that the sentence be revised to indicated the "Pearl Street Project"
intends to target units to local veterans, etc.
Chairman Alderman Condon requested a motion approving the February 8, 2016 Community
Development Committee Meeting Report, with the revision requested by Alderman Peterson.
Motion by Santi, second by Peterson, approving the February 8, 2016 Community Development
Committee Meeting Report, with revision.
Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
4. Discussion on Proposed Revisions to the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance
Relating to Accessory Uses
Director of Community Development Polerecky indicated that Staff has identified some areas in
the City's Accessory Structure Ordinance that are either outdated, unclear or in need of revision
in order to stay upAo-date with current building codes and regulations. Director Polerecky stated
that the amendments would only apply to Residential Single Family (RS) and Estate (E) Zoned
Director Polerecky reiterated to the Committee that an accessory structure is any structure
located on a lot that has a principal structure, the principal structure in these cases would be a
single family home. Most of the changes include are basic text amendments to reflect similar
language that is found in the International Residential Code. Changes other than text
Community Development Committee Meeting Report
May 9, 2016
Page 2
amendments included requiring a driveway to an accessory structure if its intended use is to store
a car of vehicle trailer. This requirement would ensure paved surfaces lead to any garage being
built; currently this requirement is not found in the City's Ordinances,
Director Polerecky provided the Committee with a complete list of the Ordinances Staff
is requesting to change along with a copy of the current Ordinance. Director Polerecky informed
the Committee that if they concur with the changes recommended by Staff to the Accessory
Structure Ordinance, the changes would be then be brought before the Planning and Zoning
Commission and then to full Council.
Staff recommended the following for the Committee's consideration:
1. Delete all references to specific types of accessory buildings in Table 19 (garages,
sheds, green house, etc.) and replace them with the term Accessory Buildings
2. Table 20, No. 5, No changes to the maximum permitted quantity. Two (2) total
3. Modify Table 20, No. 5, Maximum size, changes to reflect a maximum permitted
cumulative total of 1,000 sq. ft. only (no limitations on size as long as the total
does not exceed 1,000 sq. ft.)
4. Change title on Table 20 to reference "Buildings" not "Structures"
5. Change Table 20 footnote(a) to reflect "buildings" not "structures"
6. Add E (Estate) to Table 20, Footnote (d)
7. Change zoning definition of "Story" on the Zoning Ordinance to match IRC
Story. That portion of a building included between the upper surface
of a floor and the upper surface of the floor or roof next above.
8. Add the following requirements for any accessory structure larger than 240 sq. ft.
That has a vehicle access door: paved driveway required; concrete floor required
and to be pitched to drain towards the overhead door.
Responding to Chairman Alderman Condon's inquiry regarding
enforcement for existing structures, Director Polerecky informed the
Committee that currently there is no pursued enforcement and that the
revision is primarily focused on new buildings.
9. Structures to be exempt from permits: pool mechanical equipment only, play
houses, tree houses, dog houses
Chairman Alderman Condon noted there are some "play houses" that are
inordinantly large and once the children are grown and no longer using the
"play house" there is a tendency for the "play house" to be turned into a
storage structure.
Community Development Committee Meeting Report
May 9, 2016
Page 3
Director Polerecky informed the Committee that the current Building
Codes exempt play houses. He noted that potentially play houses could
require a permit, but the Building Code is currently specific about
structures and may need to be revised. Director Polerecky inquiry whether
the Committee is supportive of revisions to the Building Code if it is not
overly complicated.
10. Change footnote (e) in Table 20 to:
Reduce the square footage from 500 to 240 sq. ft.; add verbiage to have
architectural design of accessory buildings to match main structure on
property as well.
11. Canvas and sheet metal parking structures [Staff is seeking director from
the Community Development Committee as to whether they want to
pursue the creation of regulations]
Chairman Alderman Condon opined that if something, a vehicle, a boat,
whatever, is parked there must be a paved surface.
It is the consensus of the Committee that Staff continue to enforce the
Ordinance to ensure that the applicant meets setback requirements and that
the structure/building is on a hard surface.
Motion by Peterson, second by Santi, directing Staff to take the proposed revisions to the City of
McHenry Zoning Ordinance relating to Accessory Uses to the Planning and Zoning Commission
for consideration.
Voting Aye:
Motion carried.
5. New Business
Condon, Peterson, Santi
Chairman Alderman Condon requested that the Community Development Committee meeting
currently scheduled on June 13, 2016, be rescheduled. Chairman Alderman Condon informed the
Committee that she will be out of town. Following a brief discussion the meeting of the
Community Development Committee scheduled on Monday, June 13, 2016, was rescheduled to
Monday, July 2016, at 7:00 pm.
Chairman Alderman Condon reiterated to the Committee that a discussion took place at the
meeting of the Community Development Committee on February 8, 2016, regarding the proper
procedure/protocol for a project to proceed from Committee. Chairman Alderman Condon
Community Development Committee Meeting Report
May 9, 2016
Page 4
informed the Committee that she has requested clarification from City Attorney McArdle to
eliminate any future discussion. Alderman Santi stated his inquiry and the discussion that ensued
on February 8, 2016, related to that specific project. He opined it was unnecessary to seek a legal
opinion regarding the matter.
Alderman Santi inquired about the status of the Transitional Living Services (TLS) project.
Director Polerecky informed the Committee that it is his understanding TLS was unable to obtain
funding for the project, but that they intend to attempt to obtain funding again. Alderman Santi
requested that the Committee be kept informed about the progress of the project. Director
Polerecky informed the Committee he would keep them informed.
6. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss. Motion by Peterson, second by Santi to
adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm.
Voting Aye: Condon, Peterson, Santi.
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Reviewed and Approved:
Alderman Geri Condon, Chairman
Department of Community &
Economic Development
Ross Polerecky, Director
McHenry Municipal Center
333 Green Street
McHenry, Illinois 60050
Phone: (815) 363-2182
Fax: (815) 363-2173
Community Development Committee
Agenda Supplement
DATE: May 9, 2016
TO: Community Development Committee
FROM: Ross Polerecky, Director of Community Development
RE: Discussion on Adjudication Process
This is provided as an informational update to the Committee on the research that Staff has
been conducting on the existing Administrative Adjudication process.
Staff has performed a formal review of the adjudication process in order to ensure the most
efficient methods and processes are being used. During the review process staff continually
net with all employees, separately and as a group, that are part of the adjudication process.
Overall the process is working as intended however one change was identified. Currently the
structure for parking tickets allows for 30 days to pay the initial ticket, then an additional 30
Jays at an increased amount. If the ticket remains unpaid through sixty days an adjudication
appearance is mandatory. There are a large number of offenders that are not appearing for
their adjudication date. Staff would like to shorten the time allowed to pay tickets in hopes to
get more compliance. Currently staff is reaching out to other communities that hold
adjudication court to identify the best methods used. Once a new process is identified it will be
brought before the Committee for a recommendation and, ultimately, a request for an
ordinance amendment at the Council level. Staff will review the changes proposed with all
parties involved to include the city attorney and adjudication law judge. Attached are the
current offenses that are being reviewed in order to make the process more efficient.
Department of Community &
Economic Development
Ross Polerecky, Director
McHenry Municipal Center
333 Green Street
McHenry, Illinois 60050
Phone: (815) 363-2182
Fax: (815) 363-2173
13=108 Vehicle Sticker $25.00 $50.00
13-608; 13-608(a) No Parking Anytime $25.00 $50.00
13-609; 13=609(a) Overtime Parking $25.00 $50.00
13-610; 13-610(a); Overtime Parking $25.00 $50.00
13=611 Overtime Parking $25.00 $50.00
13-613; 13-614; 13-615; Overtime Parking $25.00 $50.00
13-616; 13=517; 13-618
13=619 Loading Zone $25.00 $50.00
13-620 School Bus Loading $25.00 $50.00
13-621 15 Minute Parking Zone $25.00 $50900
5/11-209(H) Parking, Fire Lane $100.00 $200.00
5/114301.3 Parking, Disabilities $250.00 $500.00
5/114303(A) and (B) Parking, Fire Hydrant $100.00 $200.00
Any other parking violation not $25.00 $50.00
listed above
Department of Community &
Economic Development
Ross Polerecky, Director
McHenry Municipal Center
333 Green Street
McHenry, Illinois 60050
Phone: (815) 363-2182
Fax: (815) 363-2173
Community Development Committee
Agenda Supplement
DATE: July 11, 2016
TO: Community Development Committee
FROM: Ross Polerecky, Director of Community Development
RE: Discussion on Accessory Structures
During the May 9t" CDC meeting staff presented changes to the accessory structure ordinance
(see next page) and the Committee recommended those changes with one item to follow up
on. The Committee asked staff to review how playhouses are regulated and investigate if a
change needs to be made in how we regulate them. Currently the building code exempts
playhouses from permits. Staff contacted some surrounding communities and found that most
regulate them in the same fashion the City of McHenry currently does.
Staff recommends the enforcement of playhouses continue to follow the adopted building
codes and to make no changes in how they are regulated. If the Committee agrees with staff
the changes to the accessory structure ordinance discussed in the May 9th committee meeting
will be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a recommendation to the City
11K-fL� OF TICE rum RIVE"
Department of Community &
Economic Development
Ross Polerecky, Director
McHenry Municipal Center
333 Green Street
McHenry, Illinois 60050
Phone: (815) 363-2182
Fax: (815) 363-2173
Committee Recommendations From May .7 2016 Meeting
• Delete all references to specific types of accessory buildings in Table 19 (garages, sheds,
green housesetc.) and replace with the term Accessory Buildi
, ngs.
• Table 20 #5 No change, to the maximum permitted quantity. Two total permitted
• Modify Table 20 #5 Maximum size, change to reflect a maximum permitted
accumulative total of 1000 sq. ft. only (no limitations on size as long as the total does
not exceed 1000 sq. ft.)
• Change title on Table 20 to reference "Buildings" not "Structures".
• Change Table 20 Footnote[a] to reflect "buildings" not "structures".
• Add E (Estate) to Table 20 Footnote [d].
• Change zoning definition of "Story" on the zoning ordinance to match IRC definition.
Story. That portion of a building included between the upper surface of a floor and the
upper surface of the floor or roof next above.
• Add the following requirements for any accessory structure larger than 240 sq. ft. that
has a vehicle access door: paved driveway required; concrete floor required and to be
pitched to drain towards the overhead door.
• Structures to be exempt from permits: pool mechanical equipment only, play houses,
tree houses, dog houses.
• Change footnote [e] in Table 20 to: reduce the square footage from 500 to 240 sq. ft.;
add verbiage to have architectural design of accessory buildings to match main structure
on property as well.