HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 07/01/1935 - Traffic, Parking, Vehicles, . --�-.---��-�-- -- ..-.r _ , �� . E � � , � � t � . AN ORDI N�'�8C E R EGAP DI:V G TR AFF IC , IMFOSI?jG � �Ir�G RrSTRI CTIONS AND ?'';G�,F ilIi`�G '�"' ':QLIPMF,TdT OF YEHICLES, IN THE C 1TY OF P:�aR�I'?AY. BE IT ORDAINED by the �ity Co�:noil of the City o f �'cHera' Y: �EDTTON 1. Definitions; �enerQl I�rvvigions . �':henever in this ordin � nc e tne i'ollowing terms �re used, they sha 11 hr�ve , for thc � ur po se �i' th is or d inr�noe onlq, th e meanings respeotively asoribed to them in t`:is seoti��n: Businesa �treet: ihe len�th of any �treet ?}etween street intereeotions when 50 � er aent or '�rnore of the entire fr�ntage of ssid etreet i$ oaou ied by �7uildin�;s in �_.ae S':�r retail or whole- sale busir�esa , by ���otels� bank:, or :�ffice buildinf;s , by railway stations or by pubLia buildin�s exce�,t sor;ools and ohurc!�ee. ' Cr.oaswalks: Thr�t portion of t�e r��dway inolud�d with in th e . prolon�:;a.tion of the sidewel': lines at street interaeotione. Loodir� Lone : r"h� spnae a d�eaent to the aurb reserved fca� t!:e �acalu�ive use o2' vehiales durin�- the loadin�; or unloading � f ' p�sfi8ngers �r me�erials. operator: Any peraon a�ho is in eotunl ahya3cal aontrol of a vehicle. �� r; r�; '"h atand a vehiole, �vhether oocsu^ied or not, for a period of time �reater than is reas��n���:ly necessary Pc�r the eotuel loeding or unloedin� �f � ersons c�r mat erials . Yedestrians : �ny pers:�n e?oot. 'roperty line : Tne line ma� lting the boundary between any e�treet anc� the lots abuttin� thereon . Right of way : The privilege of the immediat� uee of a str�et. Roadway: ihstt F�ortion oP any alley or �treet 'ae�veen t1:e re�ularl;; established aurb lines �r tria t p� L dmvoted to ♦ehioular traffio . �idewal'�cs : That ��ortion of a street betwmc�n the ourb line and the ��d�eoent �:raperty 11ne. :�treet ; �'ver�� �aY ��et asi de for 2 ubl ia treve t a�ce -t bridle peths and footpaths . T►�rou�h StTeet : ..ny s;'ec ia lly .desiE-n�t ed atreet at w.�`.ic`� all alaseeB oT orosa traffio are required to stop bePore enterin� or oro�sin�; �uah thro :�;h street. Treffia : Vehioles while uain� any auoh �treet for Turposea of trave 1. ,; z�� r�¢ ' _ y' - �a 'e.'.,. -�. "'� y ,,a���'� �," � 4 j . �e�� �V��.,'7�� _'w , 'F'V ������ .'' •'`r �' k., [" .. �_ , t•` � .s: '4� `�,.�yT�.� RY ' �.fr. . +i. ' . .�,�';.�.�p��. Y� �' Y ~ y ..!!].. . - F �AS t � , . , . , i , �. . �..- W ;. �. -:. I � '� ` . . . �� . ._� .. .�. l� � t . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ... . , . ... . . .. .... . . . . . �. �f�. �� - 2 - "ehicle: Every deviae or animal by whiah any� ;; erson or p�-opert;� is or may be transPanteoa�er ara�ed� exalusively�upon oeptin�; devioes rnoved by hum a bicyale shall be r�i 1 s• `�'or the p�lr,,03 e of thi s ord inc�noe, deemed a vehiale. ation of InterBeation : `r�ie area embraoed wi thin the prolon�; l.in ee t�ie lateral curb lines or, if none� then the latera ' �oundary or twa or � �ore streats or highways Whia"� �k►in one a ro �sesathe sn an�le �Y�e t r�e r o r n >t �n e scz,�h stre�.t or r.i�hwey oth er. � :;efet;;- 'L�ne : 'I't�e aret3 nT' � - �Ce nfPiai� 1.1,y set apert v�ithin a madway for the exalusive uae o f pedestri ans and wh ioh ie proteated �r is ao marked or indioated by adequate signs as to be ;lelr�ly vlsible et nll timeg while set ep8rt Ss e aef�t� zon�. �.11 si�ns, m�'kir'�s anc� devi aea Off i�ia 1 '^ra�P�a 'igns : laced or o ther t ��an sigual$ , not ir�conslaten� with thie Ordine nae � �uri$dia- ereated by e�uthority oP a pubLio bodY ��r offioiel nao��regulating tion, for th� ��ur�ose o� �uidin8, direoting, a'erning tra�fio . ogfiaiel ^'reffia >i�nal�: -'�11 si�n�ls� �pt inoanaistent wi th the Ordinance, p l� aea or ereoted by e�uthority o f a ;�ublio Tbo�arning ofPioi�l h�..vi €; �uriadiation, Por the z�urFose of aireot E„ or regulatin€; �raffic . F�►liae Offi�er : '�very of i iaf:r o � the oliae lle�ertment or anY offiaer autr�orized to direat °T�ions8te trai'fia nr to meke Brrests ior violations of traffie re���at t Seotion 2. Parkin€> ai�ns: v IupdeTltheedire4tion of the '''ity �9arahe�ll of sE� i� .ity .�� f Ma?�e�'�' � � o�mmittee af streets �n� alleY$ of said �it1� ��o��nail, to oat+:�.s guit- leoed inst� L�_ed r painted, e�d to n�aintan the eble si�.ns to be A � f'rocn time to tine e aame at al�. pl�aee �hioh have beeny�nol nail���f��nid ^it�� ae � laoeg designated by the ' rder o r t1�e �f t „ . n s he� 11 e�n- Rr.ere no ��arkin� o' vehiclee a�a 11 be a 11o�.ed, �uo h si�; s tain tt�e worda, "No Parkin�;", and sua`� at':er words e� m�Y be ��Q88$gry to dppri $e the publia �P the traffio regule t ions at th e partiQul�r placeg ; and the lett. rin�; thereon ahiell be plai� afiTm v1aibLe for at least fiPty t 50) feet ; �nd no Pesson, re�dilq driving or operat�€' anY �1ehiole or ao�poration owninE, oontrollin��, ropelled either by �nimal or other �. a�aer ahall oause or � �mit se�id vehia le ta stand o r i�ark •�i tbi n e ny s�ao e i n th e atreets or c�venues � ,.,�icr. n�ye been d eai gn ate d as laoea wh ere no parkingtsY�a ll�bee�llowed by the �it� ��oun� il of said Cit;;� , anQ any pe�rson viol� ting this provi� ion ahall be sub�eat to a fine of not leee than �'ive ( •�5.00? llollers nor more then "en ( :��0.00) Doll�rs tor eeo:�. ,ffense. ;;eation 3. Officers t�� Jireot TrefPia . OYfioera of tha police department are here�y euthorized to direat all trafi'ia in aoc ,ardanae with the provisioesmal' Te�U1Fe�p�nd it shsll�beeunlewful p ublie �efety or aonvenieno Y ,�i�h any iawfu�_ ora.er, for any erson t � fai 1 or refu4,e to o amF�ly signal Qr direation of a t�oli�e officer. '"xce�t in ��eejit e����ahall� it sh�i 11 ��e unl�:�ful ibr a�y ;�erspA uneuthvrized hy Y or his deputies, peaoe �r police �ffioers or orossin� watehn'►ec�, to direat or attempt to direot tr�1 t'io . } :` �;: ,::ra�._ = r� - ,� ..:4- - .,. ,.. :��: '�.:.: `< k �(4 :r - :y ,,� ,��•.�Q � -:,6 � �. y.'L'e % : , t �, '.�' 4��� g' .�^'�' AF- �,�.)s '.,, C_ . . .. '_ 4 _ ' ._. - 3 - aeotiol� 4. Standin�; ?�arallel to �urb. No �er�c�n , firm or Qor- goration �e�ning, oontrollin,;, dri,yin�: or operetin� eny vehi�le drewa or propal led ay �ot ,r ;�o�er, sha 11 rmlt su�h vehiol e to stand ir. the residenee portion o; s�id City in eny ;;ublic ��reet� in en3= otlie� m:anner t��n in one lin� �erallel ta the aurb on th e ri�yht '��nd s ide� �nd plr.3aed sa that neither ri��t�t wheel shall be furth�r th;: n seven ( 7}inches 2�o�z thc� aurb, providin� that a aommerait� L 4@h131� while loediri�:, or unloF�di n� meroh�ndise mey etend baoked t� the curb for siz ty ( 6p)miaute� wr,ile load in�; or unloa8 in�� aue h mer vhs nd ise and eny pers:�, firm or c� porrtio violatint, the � rovieions of this seation sh��11 be finad not i ess tt-�an Three ( �3�.00) �oll�r$ nor more t_h�n 'j'en ( ,,10.00! llol i.r�rs Por Qaoi_ o ffen::e. ,eotion 5. �ehioles '�'�empt. ��he �rovisions c�f this ohepter regu- ietin� the movement , parkin€� ana �trindin�; of vehiele$ 8ha11 nvt �pply to �mbulenoes, to 2'ixe � atrol vehiolea, n�r to emergenoy vehivlee of the lar► enforaement offiaers ;r of public utilli. ies �bile the operator af such vehiole i� en..,a�;ed in the neoessar�� � erformaaoe cQ' emergenay d�ati ea. �eot ion 6. �edestrian� P1� t of "'ay at Interseotion8. It sh all be unlc�wfui •for tho operr tor of anq vehicle to 8rive itito eny aros�- walk, Ahl�h is marked aa provided �n :eatloa 15 o f this ",hr�pter, with- out the exeroise or �ue and pro-�er c�re in �i eR of the speQial. use made t:�ereof b;� ,�edeatri�n� . s �$ation 7. It s`�e Il be un1=-w�ul fb �- �t;F- operator of any vehicle to drive into �ny unmarked orosawalks w;�i1e t�tere i s on such aross�alk u��on the hr�1P :�P the ro�dwa�� upon �°hich s�.� ve':ic� F� ts travelin� eay � edastri�n en�aged in orossing the ro�dway until suoh pede$trian ehsll hr:ve z r�s�se.< beyond the :�ath o fi said v ehiale, i*rhe n t:ze pedestrian s'�n 11 indio�t� !�is in tent ion to arosB by a timel;y� anu con tinuous vr; rr,- in�; by tlold ing up his h�nd palm outwerd epproeahin�- tr�f fi� . 3eotion 8. he operetor of a vehi.le s��a 11. s top before enterinE; r�ny oroBBwalk Ahen any otl, er vehicle � roceedin� in the seme direoti;�n_ is atopped at auoh oross walk fbr the purpose of ��rm! ttin� a �.� edea�ri�n to oro�s. �eotion 9. 'The operatox ol` :: vt�rti�l: s�,�11 not �;e�a:: �ny oth� vehiale �t�ic:� hPa l�een stol:�ed at e orasswal'; by a �top $i�;nal or . traPfic oPfioer unt31 the s�i: stopped ve';fale sr�all have oros�ed sa id aroaswalk, e ,Qe��t: ;��! ere a vehiele has eto, f:ed ��t s�id or ��sAa lk for t_iE= pur o4�e oP r�akin a t,;�n ; r� ,a.:� � :,rd t••i ';. tr��ffi. :; r•eJ ��� ; t,ions t�; 1s � ovi:�ion r�oes not �,-;ply� 'eation 10. . edeetri�n;. ',imited i � t�,� ; ;e �: : x.aed�ey� ��G na pinoe s he;ll e p adestrlan oro�a any ro edvray oth� than by the �no st di reot route t-� the op�osi te aurt�in;;, r,n:� ra 1�en vro asin�; �3� �y ; 1�;Q� othc.r th�n a oraaswalk shall yield the right of way t�� �1;_ ve°�icl�s upon the ra; d�vay :xovided th�t this ��rovision s`��11 not relieve t;�.e driver ar � vet,lole fr��m the �,uty to ezeroi:�e due �ears for t��e safety oi' pedestrir�ns. No t�rson, ezae� t orossin� �vato'unen er�d o2YicerB h�•vin� �olioe rowera s��ell stand or loiter in any roadway �21her then in r� safety 2oAe IP s��oh aot interl'eres wit�: tbe lr�v�1'u1 move!rer.t a1' traffto, It s?aell be uni�wful for any person ta stand in a roedpay for the purpose oP or v►'iil� solioitint- a ride fr�m the operetor oP a ny vdl i o le . _-'_�� . R� .. . ._..., _. . . . ..... . r - 4 - _ t i nt��aeotione w�►ere eotion 11. Pedestri�na to c�bey i` 'n�ls•the t e oP si�..nal oor►2- �Craffio is direated by a poliae offiQer or by Y: �only known c�s e gtop ar.�� ; �� $i�;nal , it a ha 11 be unlawful �'or aay pedestrian to aross the resdWlY�°therl�wf ul�movar*��n��° �' tra fr°�.� if auah arc�sgin� interfer `�ection 12. �tandin�- on ��idewalks. It ehall be unlawful Por a pedeatrien to st��n�i ti:.on �in88��thekcerbeline$ 18 ueh st�ndin�ninl� aossib1a to the buildin� 1 terYeres with the uae o� said sidewal.k. ,eati�n L3 . �roasAelks Required. The h�a;ror �f t'��c �itZ'rofriate - �,r,�-;��y ig nereb;; euthoi• ized to eatabiiar. and maintein by �pp P dovice� ar. marks, arosa�al'�:e a� �gestrianaaaros�in��the r�dnay ��rinion there is �rtioulfir de��er to � �eotion 14. �iethoda of �pproaahing for a LePt 1"urn. "''he operator of any vehi�le intendin� to turn to the left at �n intergeation or into eny c�l.le5' or driveway s'�:all epproav� the nolr�', of t;�rnin� in the . L7�a2'�io lene rie�re�t the center ,> �" the rof=dway. �• roeeh in� far � T,i�r:t ='urn. `"tle aparator �,ectiar, t5. Metho�s �P PP �t st e�n interaection ehell oi' a v��•'�iel e intendinL; t o t ur n to the r ig_ app�o�ah the point of turnoag��nRthe trafPic lane neerest the right hand ed�e or ourb a2' the r Y , i �;eation 16. Operator' c 51�;nals. No operetor of a vehiole ahall '�: suddenlY start, slo�r doRn, n��°oh a �annertae�to� appri se�oth��$'�ho � �;iv in� a suit:�ble e�i�nal �. �i�ht be �ifeoted by hia action . 58otion 17. Driv in� 1'r'xr= tilleys , Driveways or Gar�ge$. '"h e oper�tor o" c� vehiole emer�in� from an alley, driQe�ay or �;arage shall stop suah vehiole immE:diately prior to drivin� onto a didewalk, or aardsa +� sidewalk line pra�eoted eoross sucsh all� , scund the horn, of sc�id vehiele enc; shall ezercise unusual aere in dri�ir� upon sgid side�valk ar aorose suah line . Seotion 18. Vehioles Not ��� Drive in ��aPet;;• Zone , eto . �o operatc,r of a vehiole ahall vewe� �n riataanyside�eintpreT'uponee�,Ygt a permanent or temporary ari Y► portion of a roadway marked �� a saPety zone. �ection 19. Rig�t of `"ay, eta• Sub�eat to Seotion 7 a�' thi� Ordinance, the oper�.tor o f a vehiole she 11 ���n�erseo tin� treet� the operetor of a ♦e`�iQle approsc:�.ing elong from the ri�;ht, err�. s hall h�ve.o�ever,�hhatf unl eea�ervehlol e on aaoh- �� �r�r� ��he 1 ef t , p.rov ided, aro�s str�et sl�all firet make a com�lete stop b�i'ore oroa$ in� or entering a nthrou��,h tr�ffia $treet" it s��all not have t":�+ ri�ht of way over enY vehicle on �uoh "thr�T ffioa8treettristcomin�nl`rom the any suoh vehicle on the throu�;�, , �ro��, ��n� af thia 9�ation left )and that any person violetir_ . any � " s�lsl]. be f ined no� less than 'ihree ( ,„:3 .00) l� �llara, nor r�ore then Twenty-�'ive ( �25.00} llollars for eaa`� �rr�nse. - 5 - ��eotion 20. Vehiolea 1'nrnin�� ��round. It shall be uniA�rul tbr any person operatin� eay motor driven ve�iole to s ause s�id aehiole to be tumed around in any street in the business portion of aaid �ity of �`�Henry i�etween tne interseotions oS' atreets, and any pereon violatin� the proviaions oP this seotion shell be fined not lea� than Une (�1.00) Doll�}r nor more than :'hree (� 3.00) 1��l��rs , f'or eaah orrense. � Seotion 21. Followin�; Fire ���,pe.ratue� eto. Ur�on the sounding of gonga or wernin� deviaea use8 upon Pire appea�at«s or Pire patrol ve}�icle operators s�all draw their. vehi�les as near to t`ze ri�;�t ourb as is reesonab ly possible e,nd $hall r emain st andin� un�il suah Pire apparatus t�as pessed. It sha 11 be unlawft�l for the operator of any ve:licle, ot��er than one on offioia� business , to Yollo� any Pire apparat�as� in response to a fire alarm, a loser than one b loak, ar to perk any vehiale within the bl�ak where fire appc�ratus has stopped to enswer to a fire alarm. It s�all flurther be unlawt�il Por the - op eratc�r o f any vehicl e to drive ov er �ny unprot eate d hose o P tha fire de�artment �►itho�it the a onsent oi the fire ma� s:le,ll or the asi�istant in aommand . =�sotion 2u. Drivin�:: on ki�ht Sida of RoAdway. An operator of e ve�iiole upon maetin�; �,nother vehiole shall turn toward the right si de of t}�e roadwa��� ��� f£�r ae may be neaessary in order to av�id aollision with �uoh vehiale. It is further �:�rovided that it shall be unl�jw���l ta operete �ny vehiale ur:�on the �_ePt aide o f an,y roadway. veotion 23. Overtekin� Vehiales . nny op�atar o�' u vehi�le ,upon overtakin�; another vehiale, sh811 p�ss on the lePt ::ide �f' the overtaken vehiole. "hen reqj.eated so tc� do , en oper�:.tor oP �: vehicle tr�vE-ling upon any st� eet ahall a� soon aa • raativable turn to the right, so ee to al1oR any �verta?-1n�~ vehicle free rassage to the 1F 2't of' t►ic� overtaken vehiale. . Seotion 24. S��eed. It �ha 11 �e unlawful to operate any vehicle at a rete of sp�ed v�rhiah ie, inaon�istent with the �-rov is iong o f the Motor Vehiole •��at of the ^>tc.te �f Illinois. �aation 25. Frightened `'orses. �iny operator of n vehicle s�Y�al1 at signal Prod a peraon in ohar�re o1' e �'ri�?:tene< Y�orse, bring his vehiale to a stop and remain stationary until s�€��id horse hae pAsss�:� . �eotion 26. Obstriiotin� �'raffic . Na v�ehiole sr:all be operated or ��llowed to remain upon any street in auoh a mannm� as to torm an unresa:�nat3le nbstruotion Lo the t�raPfia thereon. '�eotioa 27 . Fidin� ` ioycles ar�d 1�.�`otorayal ea. It s'tia 11 be un- l�wful for !nore than j�ne � �son to ride ttpon � qy biayole �ropelled by hum�n poz��er uiYon any street, or Por more �h�n one pearsori to ride upon any ntotoroyc le other th�n upon � seat attaohed to eaid vehial e. veation 28. Unattended 'Tehiales. No vehioles a'�all be le1't un- attended �hile t!;e motor of snid vehicle is runnin�;. �eotion 29. IInattended �"�nim�le. It shell be unlawful to lesve any '�orse/a��ule unettended in any street with�ut havin� aeoiirely t'c�stened said anim� 1. � _ ,. - 6 - aee tio n 30. �lin�;i n�; to Veh iai es. I t a hel l t�e unl ewfu:� 2'or anq person travelin� upon en�y bioyale , rrmtoroyole or any toy vehiole to oling, to or attaoh :�imeelf to any r�ovin vehicle u�on any roadw�y . 3eotion 31. Coaster , �,le��s �nfl �ketes. I '., a?�e 1]. be unl�wf.:.i for any person, upon skatea, or ridir.� in or by r�eans of a coaster, �led or toy veh�ale, to go upon any roadway, ot�e�r than at e arosewalk. 9eetion 32. �-'idin� Upon Runnin�, BoF�rds, eta. It s`�ell be unlaw- �'al for any person to ri de upon the fender o r runnin� boar d �r ot�tside eteps of any vehiole. �aeotion 33. Clear �ision . It shall be unlawfu2. to operate �ny vehicle which is so loF�ded or in �uch e aondition that the operator doas not h�ve � clee�r vision of all perts oi the roadrvay eesential to the s�2'e aperation ot said vehioles. ��n;l vehiole tt�r�t is so constructed ar in suoh dondition as to obstruat the operator�s view of the roedway to t:�e rear vP said :- ehiole aha11 ��e equi��ped with s mirror so attaa� ed ttiat it w1,11 aP2'ard the operstor a vlew of the roadway behind h3�,�. �eotion 34. L'nneceasary f�:oise . It sha 11 t�e u::l�wful to operate a vehiele wlaioh malees uaueuslly loud or unneoe8�ery noi$e. aeQtiori 35. �'orn. ^very motc�r vehiole sr�ell be equipped with a good �nd suffioient audible a1;�nallin�; devioe in effi oient working oondition, >uc ' si�;nallin� devioe sha 11 %:e so�.�nded ahen r�eoessary to t,ive timely �c�rnin�; of the approac�� o:' a ve�icle, but :�ue�� harn an<a other si�nalliru devioe shall not be eoundsd for �.ny purpose other than ea � warnlr�; of' impenciin�; danger t,� pereons drivin�- �ther vehiolea or to ��eraons u�on the street . �eation 36. �as and amoke. It shall be unln�fi:l to operate any vehiolo ahioh emita dense smoke or such .jn amount of emoge as to be dan�;erous to the healtr, of persons in the vi�inity of suen vehicla or �� tQ endanger thE operation of cther vehiol.es on the street. �eation 37. ^ro�eotin�; L•o::ds . No vehiale shall .18qE any p�rt of ita lo�d projeotinE° beyond t!�a front end o2' said vehicle nor pro�eatw i ng mor e then t hi rteen ( 13) faet bey ond th e ae nter 1 ine o f the rear axle oP said vehiale and no load shall �o �eot beyond the rear end ad' the bed or bc�dy oi' any vehiole, exclusive of the t�i1 ��ate when Iowered, a �reater dietanoe than three-fifthe �2' t�e total length of auah 'bed or bady. Seatl.on 38. "'idth oP 2ehicl� and Loads. �Phe maaimum widt!� Af et�q vehlcle �nd its lor�d ahall not eacee . ei�-ht ('3) feet. 3eo�.ion 39 . Drakes. It ,sr�a 11 be uniar�f�i1 �to opeorste an�q motor vehi��le u^on any atreet i.inle8s : aic v�hicl e i.-; equipped •�•i th �oad and sui'ficient brakes in effioieat workin� cor�dition, or �, ��perate aqy vehiele �`.ioh is so loeded �hat the operator does r�ot h8v� reedy acaeBs to thr: mech�nism operating the brr>kes of .�aid vehiole. aeotion40. rd'uffler . 110 motor vehiale s�� 11 be opera�ed upon any street .:�nle,�a the seme i s prw ided wit�i a muPfler in etfioient end 4otual workin�; oondit ion and t�, e use o P a outout is ibrbi c�den. :��eotion ��1. Li�hts. It ;>i�ell be unlawful to aperate a veliiale, t21e li,,;hts .of' �';i�h do not c�� :form to the r��v is ions of the 21'inoi$ Motor Vei�iele ..ot. SeQtion 42. �nti-:�kir �evic�es. No frei�,', t-aarryin�- gehiele s�:;a11 be opeoreted upon the streets ar all�s of the t;ity whieh sheil bm �: :,. .. ..41fD',: ry'..`.+*...`..�} .'1..�'.. . Y.. 7.� ��il .� � � 7 � aquipped. wi �h any ant i-skid or non-skid devi��; so oonstruoted that any ri�;id or non-Ylezible portion �f s��^ae cames ; n contaot v�i,th the pever�enta. �eation 43. Tires. �,11 frei�;>>t-aerr:,�in� motor vehicles operAtin� upon thc public :� tTeets and �lley� of the ��ity ahell r�ave tire� c�t' rub�er r ot;�er materia 1 oP eq«el re�ilenoy; providad, ?;h_3t tirea si;�ll be ;;ansiclered dePeative :=n� the use t ;c�reof s}��L1 not be �e�mitted if th� rubr�er or ot'��:x �::terial hF�� :,ean worn c�r otherwise red��oed to a t�,:i�kneea of le$s then three-Pourths of aa inah or if suah tireae heve bee n sa Rorn or ot herwise dame�ed ��a to aau se roundin� on the pavements . ' Sectic�n ��4. Vehiales in Zmitatian of :�ublie ?ehicles. No vehiole peinted e brl;_°h� or fire red � exaeptin�; fire epp�atus �nd any fire patrol ♦ehiole m�.inteined by gn insur�?r.ce oompany or bos3rd of under- writers, snd no vehial� eq�iipped with a �on.� or siren, exeeptin� fire app,.rat��:-., t'ire Z,atrol vehicles , ambu ' r,rlcea, and emergenoy vehialea or o?' publia utilftie�� s�all be ope��teQ u�on the atreets of the �itq o r l�oHe rir y. � `�eotion 45. :7tandin�; Prohibited in Specifiefl Plaaes . ".t �ny time it shell be �.�nlc�wft�'_ ror the operetor ,�P e� vehicle to st�nd auoh vehiclm in any o �' the follo��ing plaees ezoept when neaesaary to avoid oonfliot with other traffio rr 1� complianoe �ci tti the direotion of a polioe of fi oer or tr�Pfi a e!�,n or s i�nal : ... _ 1. In any in ter$eation ; 2. Tn a orc�$swalk; 3. Between a eafety zone and the ad�aaent ourb or within twenty ( 20)feet oi' a point on the ourb iznme�iatelq opposite ' th e end o f e aePety zone; 4. '��1 thin fi ft;�(SO ) Peet af a traPfiv aignal or a through atreeL eign on the eoproac�_in�; side; 5. '�'itahin tarenty ( �0) Peet of an interseati�n; 6. ��y pl�Qe where the �tanding of a vehiale � ill reduce the ueabLe width of the ro�d�vay Por m�ving tra 2'Pia to le ss than twenty faet ; 7. At any ourb within ten ( 10) Peet of a fire hydraat ; 8. �t aqy nleoe where ttte standing o P any vehiole will blaak the use o f any d riveway ; 9. In fl!'on t ot a private driveway. The City Counoil oP t}:e City of '�cHenry r� � : c,si�;nate the lo- oetion of p��.rkin€; pl�a�e ana thzou�;h streets b�- t:�e erection oP suitabie si�;ns c� by plaoin� and mainteinin�; red paint or crar�ge �:aterial a�ith ap;�roxior�te lettering ,apon uhe aurb or by '. �th, �.:n ,� �he Mayor is em- powered to establish aePety z�nea of au�:a kind ancl eharacter anc� at suah ple�oes �s he may deem neaeaaery for the �:roteation oP pedestriana, arid he i s �1so eri�o�^ered to determine those in t:;rse^tioY�s at --�'1.. ��h oper.at�rs of velii ;i. es U :� _1 r ,t �-:�:;� a �eft t�.,r . �. nd s'=u 11 l�� , � ~�o .�er si�°ns �t ���c _7 intersections. - ��� - �eation �6. Star�di�; or Terkin�, �lose to Cur� ��� ete. �To vehicle$ sgall be p�rked �°i th the 1 eft side � �' said v ehio 1 e n ezt to tht curb, and it shell be unl�wful t� stand or i.ark eay vehiole in a roe,dway other than with the front oP the right wheel o f the vehicle mithin six ( 6j inches o f the regula� estat�lished aurb line, leav in�; a el eaa lane for traPfio a2' twertt y (20 � Peet on U�:rou� atreets end twelve (1�;) Yeet an other streets. �"here parkin� spaoes have been morlaed on eny of the streets �f ssid ^,ity of MoHerr y, for th� rea°king of motor vehioles, i t she 11 b e th e auty oP any p erson operati n�; eny mo tiar drawa or propelled vahiaie, when par�a� the sar�e aa any such atreety to -�a.rk it within the line$ provided for suoh purpose ; and. �ny ��son violatin� the rovi�iona af this seotion shall be fined not 1F se than one (�1.00) Lo11� or more than �'ive (�5. 00) Dollr�a for e�o:� �ff�nae. All �t�din�* r�tor vehioles n the 5treets of A,�oftenry shali be �rovided �S.th li�;hts � both fr�nt end rear� fr�m on� ( 1) hour aft er ,eunstt until sun- rise, ezoert in busineas streets n�here parkin� nlaoea are de�it�nat ed and any person, firm or oorporatior, ��nin�, aontro111ng, or o�erating eny suah motor vehicle nioletin�- this ��rovisicro shall be `'ined not Le$s then ;;ne (.�1.00) �ollar or more the�n i�'ive (;�5. 00 ) Dalla�s for eeoh oP2'ense; �nd 1 t sha 11 be unlawful ibr the operator of �ny vehiole t o park sQid vehicle on any atreet Par a period of tirne lon�er than thirty (30) minutee betwaen the hours of one f 1) A. .M. anct si� . M. of any day, and ai�,y r�erson,firm or corporation violetin� t�:is �rw ision 8t�11 be fined not less trian Cne (�1.00) Doll� nor more t �,�zn five (�.00) Dolicr: for eac', oi`Pense. Se a t i�n 4�. .1'�8r.king...Y.eh.ial ea f or- �Y� _--I-���?���1 b� u n l ax P u�. to r the �perator �f Any vehiale t� park the s�me ���on any street 1'or the purpose ,� : �: ispleying it for sale or to park any vehicle u� on any bu.;inesa �treet t'ram rrhioh eaid vehiale r.erohandise is ��einr� sold exaer,t in d�. : y este t.li�hed m� rke t pl�.oea. Seation 48. �tandin� for Lo�din� � nly in �erteln rleoes. During the ti .e speoiPied herein it she 11 be unlawfu�i_ f�r an operat�r to " stand � passenger vehiole fbr a ;,eriod of time ion�Qr than ls neoessary for the loedin€; or unl��e ding of �.�ssen�;sra, pivvidin�� auoh loadin� or unlo ading s he 11 not oon�ume ��or e �.han �rae minu�ee� nor for an operator to stand eqy a�runeroial vehiele �or a � eriod of time lon��r than is neoeasary to lor d �nd .�nload r:nd delive r mat erials, provid�d that the loading, unloadin�; and delivery af a£�id materiele shall n�t ooneume :nca e t3�an sixty ( 60 ) minutes in any of the follo�ring plaQes : . l. In any �-�ublio a lley, dur InF; any hour of any day; 2. �,t eny pl�ae elon� the aurb vrithin ibrty (40j feet of the entr�r�e to any h-,spitel durins; eny h��zr af t��e day; 3. .it any - laoe along the curb �i than �'orty (40 ) feet of aay poliae or rire station durin�; any nour vf any dey; � 4. ht any plt� ae alon�; the ourb �rithin forty (40) feet of the en tram e to any theeter �� urin�- t• hc� � ou rs said theatre is open Por b�aeinesa; 5 . _'�t any �:laoe alon; t'�e ourb p�it�in forty (40) feet of the entrUnae to aAy hotel during any hour of � ny c:iay; 6. y;t er�y t,lr�oe alon� the curb v�ithin forty (4�) feet of tk�e f�n tra na e o P any ehurah . � � i. �, w � �� , I'L�I ,�'. -,., ; �;. { a „ � ��' ` .�.! .D:.. ti �'�' �' � ��.-i,� , , -� � s� �� ' �ti, F �: �t... �.,� � _� , , , . - . � ... ...�"�`'�' . . _ ��� ,, .. _ ,. . _ ... �,� " �.t. - .. - 9 - It shal l be unla�rful fbr any aperator of e e�hicl � to $ tand sf�id vehiare in � duly eatablished teYi-oab atand :r mo�,or bus � top, provi ded, however , tr;et thi s ��rw is ion sha 11 not t�pply to the operators .�r duly �iaensed taxi-oebe authorized t� �oa��py a�id standa. The City Cou�ioil oP t�:e ;ity ot h�c�e�y is her� by euthorized to e�reat or ar�use to be erected si�n� in nny of the above mentioned pleoes marking out the speoe not to exoeed forty(40� �eet, not �o be oocupisd for any lon��er a time than is neoeaeary to load or unload pasaen�er� o r mat eria ls . �eotion 49. Drivea� =�e Limlt . It a�he 11 be unlewful 1'c�r any �� r- :>on �:nder fiftean yef�rs of a�e to oDerate any vehi.ele, bicyolea exoe;ted, upon a r�y street in the 'ity of a�oHern^ y; and it shall ��e un- 1�wPu� i'or any per�on who is under ei�;hteen (18) �,�eara ��f a�e, IlIIl 88S aaoompanied by an adult person to �perato any vehicle . �eotion S0. Intoziceted �)peratoT�s. It shall be unlawtuL for eny person �hile in an intoaloated oondition Lo ope�ate , ar �sttempt to operate F�ny ve�iale on �ny straet o�• alle;� in the City of �#ope�y , �y°o�Aenr; %ounty ; Illinai.-�. ny cerson �rh� ahall violate eny ,rovisior: oP ttiis seation. . ah�ll, u��on oonvietion, 1br eeah � d every offense, be �,uniahed by a fine of not leas ti�an T�enty-?+ive (; 4�; .00 D �llara nor more then T�►o "?undred `'ifty (;; 250.00) Doll�+rs Por eao ; ��fenge. :�ea'�3o� 51.. �ut�---s�' �.�atca� i�i �.ccidsnt. It �hnll be �r�?8w�'��l --- for t�l� ��per�.Lnr o S' � ve: ic le �h ich has collide - �vi th �,ny_ v ehic le .�r ,.�, - _._ _ ._ _. ._._�,__.,�,e�,aYm_ �-�r_8 nc3� -�r-me�Yil13�n9" t�=:...-ff . ; - or mu���,,�� an�r persan �>~ ;��opgrty, to �':�.il or reP�:�e �:� s �op im~�ediately to £+saertah the eztent ;�i .;u�.h injury or dama��e, or to Pail or� refuse t� ,-ive his true name c�na resic�nce t�� the in3ured ;�ers��n or �: ny o','.,er ersc�n re- �ueatin� the �.^�a �:nd to � r�:�liae oificer or if no ;:olive oPficer 1s preaent , then to the ne�xrea�. polioe stzztion or police heedcuarters. :�eotio❑ :�2. Rail�ay ��ot to " loc'r �treets. It s:'� 11 be unle�wful to operate one or m.o e railway trains� �:rs or l000moti4es s� ��., to preeent t'ze use of :�ns. s treet for pur. pose of Lravel fl� r a period oP ti�e longer than five (5) lninutea. 3eotion 53. No "U" Turns. T ;; sr� 11 be the duty oP the ^ity Mars�.t�li of the .:ity of MaHenry, under the direotlAn of the ''ity Counoil to F�lc�ae r'0 "II" Turn sir;ns and maintain the same at all rlecee in the street:i or aven:�es oP s� ic.� �.ity, w'iic.; '�,�s been or a�ry be from time to time desi�;nated by the order af the , ity �oun�il of the sai d -%i ty, ��nd 1 t s' s 11 be �an1f wPu1 for the opert�tor aP any vehic le ta ��ri ve a ��ntrary t,�} the instrt�ationa r�rked on auc :� :�i�s, undar e penelty of not leas than One ( �,1.00) Doller nor more then ?'ive (� 5.00; -'�allars Por eeo': �:ffense. `�ecti�n 54. Penelty. t�ny peTscn , firm or eflrporetion violating ar� nr�vi:� ions of t��is �zdin�ncs ��here no other enelty is preaoribed hall �:e f ined not 1 ess then one (�1.00) .�oll�� nor more than oae hundred (�100.00) �)oll��rs for eao2� ��ffense. 'eatinn 55. ,^,11 ordinanaes ccrloernin�; traffi� , ��rkin� restriat- ions �:n�9 t`_.e equipmeat of vehicles here� tofore ;�ssed by the ;ity �ouncil oi' the �it�� �� i' Rr;Heni�y, MoFienry .:ounty, Illinoig , and all ordinances �and �arts of ordinan:ea oonflioting Mith this t�rdinf<noe are heraby re��>cled ezoent t'�at t��i :� reNeal sY�ell not affeot or prevent the proaeautian ar punishnent of eny parsor. Por any� aat dane or oommitted in violation o! eny ordin�noe herebq re��eeled �rior to the takin�; effeot of this C;rdinanoe . i : � � ; � i : � � . : � � � � � • • :• • f • • ♦ , � � � ' • � / � �• / /� � .L'.[: • � �� � � _�,..a. � • • • E • � : • �. z �., ..� _ '- . , .., . � i�, t -`t.r`L. t�� a... . . .- � - -..,�. 7,. . ..T� . ,_ .i I.Fi.., .. F '�' �N' �Y C _:t. ' Y,��... 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