HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - 102 - 04/05/1935 - Licensing of Motor Vehciles 1 -� �
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C.C�, T:�rl,� �rTi!.'-'TrvL� -*+T�'1L:TT.T T,Tr �T�T'�,' �lT+' � ',
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�i� I� OR�nIT1ED RY ���F "ITY COLrT�IL OF TzTE �I"'�' OF T"c''?�'r'Py; -
Se�tion 1 . "'hat it sh�ll be �in1a���f�aL for the c�.�mer o:' any
motor vehicle or vehi^ les '�ereinGfter �~!entioned residinr- ^�ithin
the ::or�or�te limits of the _%it�� of rY�''err�r, to use or to ca�zse
or »ermit any cf tneir a�ents or er��lo�.�ees to use any su�h• motor
ve?licle alon�, lz�on �3nd over the streets, aventzes or alle:�s and
pu?�lic �;1�jces of said "Jit�� , unless t'�e sar^.e be �icensed as ?�erein-
after rrovided.
�ection 2. '"hat a11 vehicles r�entioned and for ?^'�i^-`� �
license is required b�� this Ordin$nce no� owned byT rersons residin�:
in the ;it�- of Nl^�ienry , b,.;t kept in said �it�� or �zsed there.in for
a 1on�-er per. iod of time than thirt,- (�0) d�,- s are �erer �,• de^lared
to be �^ithin and s��biect to the rrovisions of this OrCinan^e if
driven �nd orer� ted over the streets, aven�.zes and a11e��s of s�id
';it�� , �rovided, ho�Rlever, that it shall be unla�rtful for an;� rerson,
firr� or coY•noration to en�•�;�t. in the ?���siness of carr; in�; r.� ssen-
�;ers for hire, in mot�r driven ve:nicles , •^ithin tYie � ornor�te =imits
�� of' the �it;� �1' r,"^1?enr;�, ��Jitho�zt firs+, obtaininr a license so to
' do as hereinafter nrovided b�- this Ordint�nce .
�ection �. �'he.never the term m�tox vehi^le ia either
the sin�ular or �- lur� 1 is used in this Ordinance, it siiall � e
construed to incl�,de to r�ean ver�i^les nrorelled b�,- auto�notive
poT.:�er either atzto�obiles or -�:�tor^;-^les, ���ith the exce� tion of
traction en�rines, farm trantors , road rollers and steam r� il_��a��s .
Thi s Grdin�.�nce sha11 not �ar�-�1�� to ��i �;,��les or other ��e�� i ��1es rro-
pe 11 ed by muscular ;�oli�er .
�eetion 4 . ?'ha t an;� ? erson, firm or ^�rporat.i.or uesi rir, �.
to oper�.te any suc n motor v en icle or otner ve:zi�^Ie uzon, along
and over the �,treets, aven�zes �nd a 11e;�s of sa id �itv, sh�ll. r�a};e
aprlic�.= tion in ���ritin,:�, to the �ler'L of s�id � ity of Iti:�cuenr�r, fi�hich
ap�lication shall �-ive the nar�e �nd address of the ovaIIeT', des^ri�tion
of ve'r�inle f'or �^hi ,n the �i�ense is desi red , the - 1�ce ���'�ere such
ve`:icle is '<ept �•�hen not in use, and unon p��Yment b�� t!�e a?,rli�ant
of the license _'ee nereinafter �r�ovided to th� � it�� tre�s�arer for
the lase o�' said �ity , the I�aror s��lall issue or c�t, se to � e iss��ed ,
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a lic ense �l�ie�l shall be attested t�y t:ie �1 erk �f sai d
�ity, authorizin� the use �P such vehi^.le ��r ve�� i^les,
upon, alon�• and over the streets, avenues arid elle. s of
sr:id �it;- dzzrin�, the period �overin�, by such license.
Seation 5. That the license fee to �e Faid
annually to the treasl<rer of said uity shall be as
follows: -
Class 1. �assen�er vehicl es for ;:rivat e use
and trucks of a capacity of lses tk�.an one
( 1) ton. ';: 1.50
�lasa 2. R�'otor truc:: s for �rivate �r ^u��1.ic
'^o include alI rnotor vvhi�les equi; ��ed 1'or
the carryin�� of loads other r,han ,a��en�ers,
or whioh have been remodeled for suc� use.
One ( 1) to t�vo (2) ton aepacity ] 2.00
� � Over two (�: ) ton Qap�city 5.00
C1ass 3. ?'otorn� cles 1.0�
�las� �. A'otor eehicles for put�lic use .
?�ot to exceed seve:: ( 7) passer.�ers
ca��aoity 2.50
Over seven (7) passenger espaaity 4.00
The liaense fees fiaed above sha lI '. e due a�l
paya:�le on �ay lst, 1935 an� �fter the 3�ear 1�35, on the
first day �f 3anuary of ea�h and ev�r : ear . In t'�e event
tzat t:ny oP t ` e above li�enses �re not paid wit.hin sixt;� ( 60)
days Prom the date the�� �eco�e due,. there sh�ll �>e an adc�itional
Pift�, evnts (50�) ��er r�ont.�; chaTge for e��h mont!� sc�id li�ense
��:all be ��elirl�uent , F� �ter s��id six�y (6�) �iati•s rerio�? '�r.s
;;eation �. The license Pee derived f�ora t" e i�su��nce �
oP said liasnses shall be ���i`? into the �ity ''re�surer and
kept in a sei.arate i�znd enc ��sed only Por the -�syr�ent oP
costs r;nd expenses of re�airiri�, and improven�ent of' streets
and alleys in saic� ^it- of McHenry.
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� :.',FCTIt7A' 7. `�'het u;�on t�e issuanoe of �uoh Iioanse, the �.�ity
Olerk of sa�d �ttyf shull deliver to the ep�l2oent e .r.eLal � lete or
�indgt,leld e�tiaker be�ri:i thc� r.umber o!" Lhe 1loena8 �':iah� hes been
i: suod for eu�h vehio le end LLe yeer for �hioh sua:^ I !aonse ia
It s:�r.11 i,e tbo dut;� of' suoh 11oeAeee to �ffiz euoh
metal �}iate or windehield etiaker in a aons�iauou� pl�.oe
an the �'ront oP ��ny riotor • ropelled vehiole where t'ae ��me
m�y be eeally seen end it shall �e unlewh.� 1 to u$s or
operate any suoh liaenead vehiele �zpon r,he streeta� aven��ee
. �nd alleys oP seic'.. %lty �.Anleea anoh metel plate �r �rind-
shi�ld sLiaker 1� a tteohed theareto es herein r�rovided.
a�ll �uoh llQensea ahall eac,�ire on t�ie Pir:�t �ey of
Je�nu�ry , lollowin�, the date vf ieeuenoe.
,F.C`t'tU��y 8. That dealer4 in or egenta Por the s�I.e �f �uLo:^o-
bilea and other �aotor v�iiialaa reei� ir:� wi t3�in sr�ici :ii�y� t�eeirin� e
lioer.se for the use of e�me wlthin seiQ �ity, $h�ll mekg a-� liaetion
to th� ;ity �lerk of Baid :ity� �ivin�; in au�oh e�pli �ation the nem•
er.c� ;.:leos o1' �:r��sines$ of thQ at ;liaar;t and suah 1 nforme Lior; r�s n�y
be ��resoribed by the �ity t�erk usePu' for the vr� �se oP thi4 or-
dinanoe, Fnd u�on pnyr.�ent of a i,ense fee of ""Q.50 tn s�id �Wit�+
.:l�:r:�t, Lhe ��iy�r oi` ssid !'it;,� �ell isaue to eaid dealer e di�tinctiv�
li�en�e a��� under it aeid dealer ��:�;, op�c�te, u��on t21� streets , ave-
n��es �nd c�1Ley$ oS $Qi.d ';iLs� dui•in the ��e�r , motor ver, icle�s ke; t
by hio 2br aale� providod the ;lifferent oare so used by e��ic' deeler
ar• of the 8ame or l�as norse ; owar, end r rovided furt!i er he shell a-�ply
for and � e 61ven ��n eddtti�n�:l ,�1►+te or r�lndahield stia}�er tor eaoh
f�ddition�l oe�r (over �rae) th€�t t:e st�all so o�er�te �nd ahall �:ey for
e�av plf,te or �indahield sCioker, thc- a�.� of '°ifty (54w#) oent�.
_ _::.___. __ _._�.
:��C`�20M�9. °"ha�t eny ��er�o n, f-�rm or o�r por at i an �eairi :�p; to
� en�ege in t��ie busines� oP •�ot�ryin� �;asa�ngers for :zire� or whut ia
oamAonl;,� known �a th e taxi :�us�nee� wi thi n th e s�i d ;i t; of �eFenry,
s��all� ia addiLion to o��; lyin�; with Lhe requirementa e�P 'eotion
°�'hre� � 3) oP t:ri.� Ur�� traan���, e�^�eF�r i n ;�er�on befoire th� �'i.=aeLlez�eous
C�mmitte• �t the Cii:y ��ounoil o`:' ar�iC City and submi t L� ari exemina-
tion touvhir�; ,��on Lheir Pitnesa to ��� enga�,e in ��id h�,ainese� of
�;:eratin�� mator vehia�es for t'.e �aArryin�;� oi' �a�sen�;ere °br �iire with-
in seid �ity, end no agent, aerv�nt or smployec of any j dr9on, f`irm
or aor�.�oraLion a� lioen.��d as elYar�sei � to mn�?age in the `uc:in�� �f
oerryir�.� ��aesen�ere Pa.r btre ahe�ll �pernte t��y motor vehi�le �r
vetziol�a to.r aqy af t�afd �elr�+one witbout fir�t cor���lyinr- •r ith the
provisiona :af t!�, is seotion.
�:ECTIUN 10. `"�:��t �ny ��ers�n� 2'irm :�r oor �:or�tian vinl�Ling
�ny a�' ti�a � rovi�ion� of t'�f� �•r inanoe �ha11, u�on avnviotion
thereo:, be Pined ��ot le��s then '�'ive (�5.00) Uoll�re nor mnre Lhan
T�o F�Iunc�rec� (�E00.00) �all �arn for eaah �1'fen::e, �n�. aeo�� c.e v or
part thoreo� r�ny :•ehi�lc herein required to be 11oen�ed, shr�ll be
o�,erateQ �pon 4"�: street�, �,v�;�nues and elley� ai' a��,id ^ity ��itho�}t
suoh liaer,;�e o� � i !.hout h�vin�, tiae -�etc�1 nl te or �indeh2eld etioker
herein �rovided dia�l�y�d, �ha;�l �Je ��nriderec: e s��r�rate mn�~ �i.� -
tinot ot'fenae.
i$�"'Z�'t 11. '�'het e1Z Gr�:in�n�ee an� ��rts ot' �irdin��o�s in aon-
f'liat hers•:itrt Fire �6re'�y re�^eaied. �
�•roved; �; ;� ��= , � � _
:,t t�s't:�_aP� �-�-Q-d,: 11�;,•�r
ity ..lerk
'r'ass6d t!'1': .�7�da}- oP �-�--� °, . I; . 193 ��
aPP�rov�od th1�; �,�c:ey o f �-�-� . U. L93�. '
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