HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 06/04/1934 - Appropriations Ordinance ...rr ,.-t . :
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�►n Ordinance mnking appropriations for corporate purposes Por the
t'i+saal year Prom the first d.ay of May g. D. 1934 to the first day of I�ay g
D. 1935.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Citq Council of the City of MaHenry, Illi-
Seation 1. That it is deemed necessary in order to defray the '
necessnry eapenses and liabilities of said City Pc� the current fiscal
year, that there be and thera hereby is appropriated to provide fbr by
the general tax levy and other revenues for the eurrent fiseal year , the
aggre�ate sum of Twenty-Nine Thousand Hundred (�29,000.00)Dollars;
that the ob jec t and pur pose Por whieh sai d appro pri at i on is made, and
the amounts appropri�t ed f or the same are as follows , to-wi t:
Payment of Interest on Bonded Indebtedne8s � 50.00
Public Property 750 .00
VGater Worka 5,000.00
SalQries 2,500.0�
Streets, 411eys & Eleotric Lights 6,000.00
Pub11c Benefi� �,A�0.00
Fire Protection 700.00
Legal Fees � Qourt Cost$ 3Q0.04
Loss d� Cest oP Colleoting Tnses �,Op0.00
Judgments vs City oP McAenry B4OOQ .00
Maintenance of Sevrage Disposal Plant 1,500.00 �
Contingent 1,000.00
TQrAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�29,800.00
Ssotion 2 . 61.1 unezpended balances of any item or items of any
general appropriation made by this Ordinanae may be ezpended in making up
any insuff'icienoy in any item ar items in the same geneoral appmpriation
and for the same general purposes or in a like ap�opriation made by this
Ordinance. •
Seotion 3. This Ordinanee shall take effeat trom aad after its
passage, npproval and publication, aQcording to law.
_. _ -
_ Fessed thi s �ida� oP June A. D. 1934 .
_=�_ � _Published this �day of June A. D. �9�,
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