HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 04/01/1929 - Streets and Subdivisions Requirements A
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�� ORDINANCE regulating the Taying out of streets and o�her
pablic epaces, and the subdivision of land , establishing the reqair- -,
ments for the a�proval of subdivision plans ; and providing the ,�
, penalties for the violation of the provisions. �
SECTION I. Apr.roval oi P2ate Required.
I. I�o Iand shall hereafter be subdivided and no street or other
public space shall hereaft�r be Iaid out wfthin the City of �tcHenry
until the Plan or Flans of such subdivision or street or other publi�c 'f
sgace shall have been submitterd to and approved by the City Council �
of the City of �lcFienry. Such ar�proval must be in writing or stamped �
on such vlan or plans. � �
2. No lot, tract, or parcel of Iand e�ithin any such subdivisfon
shall be off ered for sale, nor shall anp sale, contract f or sale, or ,
option be made of given, _ until such subdivision has been formally
a�proved by the �ity Council. -
3. l�o improvements, such as water supply, drainage, seveerage,
seveage disposal , gas service, electrical service or lighting or gradiag
paving or surfacing of streets shall hereafter be made within an9
such subdivision by any owner or owners or his or their agent or by
anq public s�rvice corporation at the request of such oeener or owners
or his or their agent , until the plans for the subdivision and also
the plans for such imArovements have been formally anproved by the
City Council. �
4. �uch aAnroval shall not be given in any instance hereabove
named unless all the olans and specifioations and all the proposed .
veork conforms to the requirements of this ordinance.
SECTION II. Requirements ; In genersl the minimum requirements �
for the subc�ivfsion of land and the Iaying out of streets and other
nublic s�aces shall be as follows;
A. Prevaration of Plans.
I, AII plans submitted for approval shall be in duplicate, drawa
to a scale of not more than one hundred (I00} feet to the inch, and
shall be clearly and neatly drawn. Freliminary or tentative plans may
be first submitted before the final plans are prepared,
2. AlI final plans shall show the proposed street Iines , side�al�
lines, Iot lines, building lines and all property or subdivision bo�md-
aries. They shall show , in accordance with an accurate Iand survey,
the controlling points and lines around and within the subdivisioa it-
self and also b•y distance, bearin�s and angles , the relation of aueh
controlling points and Iines to the other controlling survey points .
within or nPar the City of D�cAenry. AlI survey monuments shall be fn-
dieat�d and therA shall be at least one permanent monument placed at
- �� ` eaCh oroperty corner of the sabdivided area, and at least one at eac�
�Z'y,�� strept intersection. Such monum�nts shall be placed at least two '
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feet into the ground and preferably imbedded in concrete.
3. �ufficient topography shall be shown to indicate the natural
drainage and the probably finished grades of streets . A7�1 existing and
groposed streets and alleys and other public spaces sha1T be shown,
a�ith the width and tyve of pavemPnt or surf acing, and all othPr im—
�" portant features. Sufficient information shall be drawn to seale on
the plans� to ir��?icate the re�,ation af the proposed streets and other
nublic spacPs to the present strAet system of the City, and also the
the Official City Plan.
4. The dimensions of all lots, and subdivision and re—subdivision
of lots shall be shown. No lot shall have an area of less than 60Q0
square feet .
5. The north roint and scale shall be shown and the name and
addresses of the petitionQr and of the enginePr or surveyor shall be
given on each plan.
6. One copy of a? 1 such plans, profiles and specifications shall
be filed with the City Clerk, and the second shall be returned to tl�e
petitioner, ali with the ar.Proval or disapproval of the City Council
clParly indicated .
7. All the prop^r certificates, seals and signatures as required
by law shall be shown.
8. �lI adjuGtm�nts for taxes shall be made before the plat will.I
be anproved .
B. Subdivision Requirements .
l. No Iand subdivision u�i1T be arproved unless it is feasible,
without unreasonable delay, to su�nly proper water, drainage and
sewPrage facilities eith�r by connection to the city water aupply and
sew�rage systems, or by sor.►e other individi�al or �oint arrangement.
2. The minimum width for any street shall be sixty six (66)
f eet exce�t where any street shall be a continuation of a street now
in existance, then such continuati�n shall be the same width as the
street now in existance, but in no ev�nt shall any such continuation
of a street bP less than fifty (50) feet in width. streets in all ,
gubdivisions shall be to a grade to be established by some competent
engine�r or by the Committee on streets . The center of all such streets
shall be excavated to a depth of at least 10 inches below said grade
and to a width of eighteen (18) feet and fflled with a good �rade ef
gravel and levelPd off with a sZoz�e of not morP than 3 inches from the
center to edge of this said �ighteen foot width, nrovided that the
specifications for gravel shall not apply where said streets are or
shall be ,paved with concrete, macadam or othpr material acc��table
to the City Council.
3. The minimum width of any alley wherever provided shall be
sixteen (16} feet, Where alZeys are not nrovided easements of not
less than ten (10) feet in width shall be provided on each si�' � of alI
� rear lot lines , and on side 7ines where necessary, for noles , wires,
� cond�zit:- storm and sanitary sewers, gas , water, and heat mains,
Ea,sements of greatPr width may be requirPd along the Tines of or across
� �
Iot �h�re nPcessary for the extension of main sewers and similar
pur�oses. Owners af adjoind�ng property to keep alleys and easements
in renair at their own expense.
4. No block shall be longer than twelve hundred (I200� feet
�' bPtween street lines . Blocks over ei�ht hundr^d (800) feet in
. length shall have on cross walk not less than six (61 feet in width�
situated near the center of the block.
5. The arrangements of streets in ne� subdivisions shall make
provision for the {�irect continuation of the nrincipal existing str�et�
in ad�oining subdivision. The street arrangemPnts must also be such
as to �rovide opr-ortunity for access and use of adjoining property
ownPrs .
6. At important intereections and at aIl acute corners the
nro�prty corn�r shall b� rol_inded or cut off.
7. Al1 curb corners shall have radii of not lesa than twelve (I21
f eet and at important corners not less than twenty four (24) f eet.
8. Grades of streets shall be the lowest feasible and no grade
shall be in excess of three (3) ner cent on through traffic streets
nor in excess of sevPn (7) oercent on any other street .
9. AlI electric and telephone wires and all othPr wires for
nublic s�rvice shall be nlaced undergro�lnd, excet�t that uJires strung
on roles are nermissable if niaced in the alleys or in the easements
along the r�ar of bror.erty lines .
�, 10. All imArovPments shall conform to the best en�ineering
� standards. ,Due consideration shall be given throughout to the
a�pearance of the subdivision and the various features thereof within
its own boundariPs anr. also in its environment in the �ity of MeHenry,
lI. Parks, Playgrounds, School Sites ; In subdividing nroperty,
due consideration shall b� given to the provision of suitable sites
for parks , nlaygrounds and schools.
12. Dedication; The subdivid�r shall furnish to �the Citq
Council a competent dedication of all streets and othnr x�ublic spaces
to be dedicated and of all easements provided by the subdivision plan
or plans.
S�CTION III. General Provisions , penalty.
T . If any section, class, para�raph, regulation, or provision
of this ordinance is found invalid by a court of competent juris—
diction, such �udgment shall not affect , impair, invalidate or nullify
the remainder of the ordinanc�, but only that provision found invaZid
by such court. �
2. Any �erson, r.artnPrship or cor�oration who vfolates this
ordinancP shall be subject to a fine of Twenty—five (�`=5.00) Dollars
and each day that such violation continues shall be held to be a
� sep�ratP offenee.
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SECTION IV. Al2 ordinances o.� parts of ordinances conflicting
herewith are hereby expressly repea.led.
S�'CTION V. Thi:s ordinance shall be in full force and effect
� from and after its passage and pub�ication as requirPd by law.
Fassed this lst day of April A.D, I929
Approved thislst day of April A,D, I929
R. F. Conway Peter �m. Frett
City CZerk. Mayor.