HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - n/a - 03/14/1927 - Gas Stations AN ORDIN,4TtiCE `� Regulating and Governing Gasoline and Oil Stations in the City of Mc�enry, Bdc�enry, Illinois. BE IT ORDAIt��',D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TF�E CITY OF MCHENRY, COITI�'TY OF 11�CH^P1RY P.I�1D �TATE OF ILLINOIS. S.ection l. That it shall be anlaveful for any person or cornoration to build use or carry on the business of a gasoline or oil station in the city of MeHenry, except as hereinafter provided. Section 2. That no building or structure to be used for the storing or selling of gasoline, or lubricating oils shall be con— structed or built in the city of McHenry without first obtaining from the city clerk a permit signed by the said clerk for such con— struction or building and :urther com�lying with all the ordinances and laws rAgulating the building and construction of such building to be used for the storing or sel� ing of gasoline, or lubricating oils. Section 3. That no building or st ruct�zre shall be b uilt or � erected within the city of McH�enry if such building or structure is to be used as a gasoline or oil station or for the stora�e or selling of ,�asoline, or lubricating oils and no permit therefor shall be ' issued by the City Clerk of the city of McHenry, when such structure � or b uilding is locatGd in any of the residence portions of the said city of McI�enry, unless, prior to the obtaining of the said permit, the person, pPrsor.s , or corporation so desiring to bu�ld or construct �, such oil station shall ha�►e obtained the veritten consent of a majority ! of the owners of frontage of the nroperty on both sides of the street and for a distance of six hundred feet on each side of the proposed bizilding or struct�zre to be used as a gasoline station. Section 4. That if any person, pArsons , or cornoration desires � to build or erect any building or structure to be used as a gasoline ; station or for the nur�ose of storing or selling gasoTine, or lub— ricatin� oils in the business district of the said city of McHenry, ; then anr.lication for a permit to so construct said building shall � be f iled w ith the City Council of the said City of �cHenry f or their ' consi'eration, and unon their giving a pPrmit to so erect or construct � said building, then the City Clerk shall issue a permit f'or the same. � Section 5. If any nerson, persons or corporation desirPs to ; erect any building or struct��zre to be used as a gasoline station, or ! a building for the atoragP of sale of gasoline or lubricatin� oils � in the residence part of the city of Mc�enry, then the evritten con— ' sents of a majority of the pronerty owners as above described, to— gether with the annlication shall be ffled veith the council and if , j after consideration o� said ap�lication, by the Cit:y Council and , consent being gfven then the Glerk shall issue a permit for such structure or buflding to be ereeted. �ection 6. That with every apnlication for the construction or erection of a building or structure to be used as a gasoline station m�r � for the construction of a building to be used for the sale or storage of gasoline, or lubricating oils , shall be deposited with the said , �� arnlfcation the sum of twenty—ffve dollars, as a permit fee, v�hich fee shall be returned to the applicant in the event the application � be denied. , ; -2— Section 7. That every �asoline station in the City of Mc�enry � or every structure or building used for the purnose of storing or selling �asoline, or lubricatin� oils shall on or before the first day of Nay of evAry year file anplication aith the Citq Gouncil for a license to so operate, and naintain sueh �asoline station, building or structure , and shall with such application, deposit t he sum of f�fve dollars for each nump, and five dollars for lubricating oil, as a Iicense fee for the same, which license fee shall be returned to the annlicant in case the anplication be denied by the City Council, but in the event the anrlication be allowed, and the pPrmit �ranted, then the City Clerk shall issue a written �ermit or license authorizing said aprlicant to so maintain and operate such gasoline station or structurP or building for the storing or selling of gasoline or lubricating oil. Section 8. In the event any p�rson, persons or cornoratfon shall onPrate any uaeoline station or buy, maintain or use any building or structur� for the storing or sale of gasoline and lubricating oilsin the city of McHenry without "complying with the provisions as above set forth then the gasoline station, building or structure so operatin� and bein�; maintained nvithout first com-�I.ying with the provi,sions con— tained in this ordinance are hereby declared nuisances, �ection 9. That if an9 person, persons or cornoration shall or�Prate or maintiin a gasoline station or any structure or buil�?ing used for the storing or selling of gaaoline or lubricating oils with— out firat comrlying with the �rovisions �of this ordinance, such per— son, p�rsons or cor�oration sha11 bP fined a sum not less than twenty— five dollars , ar not to exceed two hun�r?d dollars. �-- Section I0. That this ordinance shall be in full force and Pffect from and aft�r its passa�e, anproval and nublication according to law, ApprovPd F. H. Wattles May o r Attest R. F. Conway, City ClPrk __ Passed; March 14, 1927 Anproved;__ March 14, 1927 Published; March 17, 1927 ti